15 values
Beacon Academy-Dust Apps-Beryl Harken The class was really, genuinely, truly interesting. Blowing the student's minds at the start had been some inspired teaching. Both the impressive dust display and the breakdown of how it had been accomplished. Everyone in the room was now focused on the diminutive teacher at the front, many with raised hands and doing their best to show how into the material they were. Beryl was not one of those people. Oh she was as interested as any other student there. Dust was a significant part of her hunting style. It complimented her semblance and reduced the strain on her aura. An essential bit of synergy that her current state only reinforced. But no matter how much she wanted to share at the professor with laser like intensity her body just wasn't cooperating. Her physical form screamed for sleep while her mind desperately tried to stay conscious. Luke's little test kick had sent a spike of adrenalin through her and earned him the best mumbled grunt of thanks she could manage. Even with that she found her eyelids drooping all too soon. Her tail twitched sluggishly in irritation as she mentally berated herself. Come ooooooooooon Beryl! You can't afford to fall asleep now. Especially not in the new teachers first class...wait, what if she calls on me? Please don't call on me! The mild terror and subtle attempts at becoming just another one of the faceless silhouettes proved to be quite helpful in keeping the clutches of sleep at bay. Now if only she could avoid having to speak up for the rest of the class. There was no way she could speak right now without slurring half her words.
2018-05-13 03:14:00
@Lucius Cypher@SevenStormStyle@MULTI_MEDIA_MAN@FlitterFaux@Forsythe@Kaithas@Abillioncats@Silvan Haven Dust Applications - Lecture Hall I707 Note to self: fancy Dustplay is way more exciting to all these brats than me bumping my gums about for an hour. But that's not really some grand epiphany, you know? If you're not a cool enough teacher, nobody will want to listen to all your blethering about, even if that's where all the nitty-gritty's stuck. It's a real shame, but that's just the reality of how things are. When you're some snot-nosed brat and all you want to do is faff about, listening to lectures is the very last thing on your mind. Doesn't help that a lot of the trainee Huntsmen and Huntresses who come into halls are already partially journeymen in their fields, so some of this is stuff they might already know. But some of them don't know. They might be cannie lads and lasses, but their noggins might not be filled with anything. Or they just might not be able to discard what they already know to understand the greater depths of what Dust can do for them. So that's why I'm here. "Afraid I can't get all of you down here," I say apologetically as I look around at all those raised hands. Everybody wants to be up playing with the Dust, you know? It's where the fun is, but just like in real life, there's unfortunately not enough to go around. Sometimes it's just first come first serve, or if you're an Atlesian, first one with the bags of dosh. "I'll pick the two who raised their hands first - Diamond Frost (@Forsythe) ... Lucas Schwarz (@HereComesTheSnow)? Can you two step up?" I don't know either of them too well, but no shame in getting some eager beavers to help. "We'll be digging deeper into Dust Theory a little bit further into the semester," I continue, clapping my hands together. "It's going to be very intensive, so I recommend doing some reading by yourselves too so you can get your nuts around everything." No need for them to buy the textbooks though, because those were bloody costly. The library had everything they needed, eBook versions included. I wish Shade had that amount of money back when I was a wee quine. "Anyway, we'll be visiting the basic concept of Dust reacting to your will today." That was what these demonstrations were going to show, after all. "Your aura and semblances - expressions of your inner energies - can catalyse a Dust reaction, but that's because it's your will that the Dust activates. Think of it as like flicking a switch. The electrons are all in the circuit, but it's only when it's complete can current start flowing." I pull out two more vials of Dust, larger ones this time, from my sleeves. It's just 'Water' specimens now ... mostly; no need to make too big of a mess. "Diamond, Luke, take these vials and try focusing your aura without wanting to catalyse them, could you?"
2018-05-29 12:20:00
![]( @Silvan Haven@Crimmy Dust Apps Well. Fate favors the bold, so they say. I may not have been quite first, but luckily our professor was feeling generous enough for two— and luckily, her eyes were sharp enough to tell that I'd just eked out second place from the cavalcade of would-be demonstrators that had also leapt at the chance. "Yeah, sure." Unfortunately, that might have been the easy part. Shimmying out of the row, I took a second to give Beryl a quick nudge before fully extracting myself from the seats and descending the steps towards the lectern. I did promise to try and keep her awake, after all. It wouldn't do to get distracted and just let her nod off during the important stuff. Important stuff that I was about to be part of, to boot. By my deeds, I'm riding to Valhalla. Witness me. If I'm gonna die, Bianca, I'm gonna die historic on Fury Road! ...I don't think I gave her the best sell on that movie. I'd be surprised if she even remembered its name. Hey, considering my semblance, am I a War Boy or the Organic Mechanic? I can heal others, but I'm also familiar with the interpretation that regenerative abilities are akin to cancer... If the expression of my inner energies manifested as two lumps on my clavicle named Barry and Larry, the only Dust I'm applying is that of fire, directly to them. Er, I had better get back on track. I accepted the vial presented to me, carefully eyeing its contents. Those familiar powered crystals, colored a deep, deep blue that made you think of the ocean. Hmm. Working with water? That made sense. Hard for us to hurt ourselves with unless we were dumb enough to breathe it. "Diamond, Luke, take these vials and try focusing your aura without wanting to catalyse them, could you?" "Focus, but don't catalyze, got it." I nodded, murmuring that a few more times under my breath. In theory, that ought to be perfectly simple given how she explained it. Just make sure not to ask the dust to do its thing and it should be a cinch. Like we established earlier, the system's more like a computer than a chemical reaction— Dust needs both the power source and the information of a command to start working. In theory, I should have no more trouble with this than I would turning my laptop on and then just not touching it. I felt my brow furrow as the outside world faded and I looked inward. Aura is the self— an expression of the soul and will. Introspection in its most literal form is necessary to harness it once it's been unlocked to you. After all, this is who we are. We are projecting ourselves onto the world to alter it physically whenever we utilize this stuff, so it's no accident that specifically handling it has more steps than "use aura and do thing". Settling into my nerves, I took stock of the conduit of energy that courses through them. I am the vessel, and the vessel decides the flow. If I wish to focus the flow upon something outside of me, I must provide that impetus. You cannot touch something without first extending a hand to reach it. My mother was a wonderful teacher to have brought me up from not knowing my left from my right to being able to do this so easily in such as short timespan, really. Being able to turn the senses inwards to find a well of energy that you were previously blind to is easier said than done. We focus so much on the world around us in our normal lives that the stuff lying within goes untapped, then unnoticed, the unrecognized. Alright. Ready to work with it now. I focused on the vial, and the Dust within, and began reach out to it with that energy of will and soul. I wanted to leave my mark upon it, and I wanted it to do something for me. You cannot move that something, impart power onto it, without pushing. It's not as if you don't notice the changes an unlocked aura brings— every sense clears, every movement feels weightless and free, and you understand intrinsically that you are more you than you were before. You feel new and improved, and the energy that's supercharging you is at the cusp of your perception, a tingling in the back of your mind. Basically put, you know it's there, but without either training or pure dumb luck, you don't know how to grab a hold of it and make it do what you want. You don't get to tell your Aura to do things with just an inclination without either a semblance or lots of practice. As for little ol' me, what I wanted to do was pass that energy through the the Dust. To get the electrons in all ready to go in the circuit, but not flip the switch that would set them flowing until I wanted to. Filling up the car with gas but don't start the engine might be another way to look at this. This was the tricky part, for the reasons that only could be brought up as the doubled edge to my truncated training. That is, the task of simply charging it with power and not immediately folding that into, "okay, activate". Dust is a natural Aura conduit, and as such, has a now-familiar sensation that I'd liken to a sort of pull when encountering projected aura. When training to enter Beacon Academy, I'd quickly associated that pull with "activation"— after all, utilizing Dust is an overwhelmingly important skill for a Huntsman, so priority one was making sure I could catalyze it in the blink of an eye. Now, I was having to rein in that instinct I'd so dutifully beaten into my own head. If I had been trained the normal way, without such a rush, this would just be as simple as removing the final step of "Project, Energize, Catalyze.", but for me it was unfortunately closer to "wind up and swing, but don't follow through when you hit the ball". I carefully let my Aura flow into the powdered ultramarine. I was so used to the expected outcome of "elemental power unleashes" that at first, my only indication that I was even doing anything was the sensation of my Aura reaching outward and being pulled into the vial. Energize. Focus upon transferring power. Not transferring command. Focus. Do not catalyze. ... I released a small breath, one I hadn't realized I was holding, when I heard and saw the telltale shimmer of charged Dust within the vial. Whew. "That's harder than it sounds." What was that about doing a lot of reading and intensive coursework? Oh yeah, that study group was going to be the minimum.
2018-05-30 09:45:00
Diamond - Show time As luck would have it, speedy determination won Diamond another round. Getting up with a tiny smug half-smile, she walked to the stage, wondering what was in store for them. As she walked, she looked down to her right arm. This class has better be worth shuffling the schedule. We'll just have to see if I have all threeandahalf limbs intact at the end of the semester. That, I suppose, would be the harshest scale I can put you on, Teach. the girl thought, listening to what was her task. To be frank, Diamond felt her throat dry a little as their exercise was presented. Now, the dust she wielded already conformed to her thought very well. The fact that it was in her nerves probably helped a lot, but ultimately, it was her aura that powered it, not her thoughts, those just gave it shape, purpose. And it has served her rather well - as she found out during her impromptu fight for her life with Vanhomrigh, she could command it well enough to create moving constructs, or act on a whim of a thought - less even, an instinct! She would desire to shield herself, and her mind would somehow make the dust work towards that purpose without a conscious thought. When she thought about it, she learned on few occasion that such unconscious actions opened new alleyways of the dust's use to her - such as when she broke a component in Vanhomrigh's rifle without being able to see it, something she couldn't do before or repeat since. In short, with enough determination, perhaps training, or simply if the conditions were good, she could make dust do anything. Only now, she was told to do the opposite. It was beginner stuff really, when she thought about it. There were steps to using dust, and just because she did them instinctively didn't change a thing on that. And yet, in her admittedly few days of usage of the Nature's Wrath, she never paused and thought about how it was able to be so. And now, when facing the prospect of having to will the dust to do nothing at all, she felt awkward like a toddler trying to stand up on it's two feet for the first time. Do what now?! Mind kicking into overdrive as she took the vial of water dust, a bot of sweat ran down the back of her head. This was going to be so embarrassing when it won't work, all that eagerness and nothing to show for it! Okay, calm down, Dee. Baby steps. You just need to wish for it, like always. She took the vial and held it by the tips between her open palms, looking at it and... Nothing's happening!!! she yelled in her head. It didn't help when Lucas succeeded and made it look so easy. She tried to remember and go step by step through what she was doing when she used dust normally. She didn't usually pay much attention to what she did, because she just did it. Perhaps analyzing a sample then? Something simple, a small spell to look at in detail. She set her ice dust to create a simple snowflake, so no one would even notice her doing it. Instead of focusing solely on where the snowflake should be, how big and what shape, she also felt for what was happening to herself. A thought - the decision was made. The flexing of her finger that acted as a trigger. The tiny tendril of her dark aura that ran up her arm. There, it sank into her skin, and brought the dust out form where it resided in her arm and spine. Then came the slight buzz in her back. All followed by the satisfied, ecstatic feeling when the snowflake appeared on the tip of her finger and melted instantly form the heat conducted form her skin. She tried to recall that buzz, how it felt, when it happened, what lead to it. Then, she looked at the vial again, and attempted to replicate it. Imagine a dewdrop on my finger. Go for it. Let it free, and then stop. Abort. Cancel. All her effort resulted in an actual dewdrop appearing on her finger as well. There went that theory. The stress and anger were mounting. Why is it not working?! Dust acts because you will it to act. The teacher's words rang around her head. But how could she will the dust to act, and yet not to act? It was a contradiction! Or at best an unstable state, infinitesimally small moment between nothing happening, and something happening! And yet, looking at the other student before her, it apparently existed. And pardon her, she didn't quite know how to perform a limit calculation with her aura! Okay, this isn't working. It's not math, no matter how much you'd like it would make as much sense as math does. If the problem is that I am thinking about doing something... Maybe it's not about thinking about it doing nothing. Dust acts because you will it to act. Maybe... it's about not thinking. At all. Emphasis on wrong word there, Teach. Dust acts because I will it to act. she realized. Looking down at the vial again, she closed her eyes and slowly exhaled, reaching out wit her aura, wrapping the tendrils around it, weaving them into it. She just let it sink in, like the small fraction that reached to the dust infused in her. Slowly popping her eye open, she looked in bewilderment at the object in her hands, now shimmering and active. Something you don't remember form your childhood - baby steps are fucking hard!
2018-05-30 17:44:00
@Lucius Cypher@SevenStormStyle@MULTI_MEDIA_MAN@FlitterFaux@Forsythe@Kaithas@Abillioncats@Silvan Haven Dust Applications - Lecture Hall I707 I'm not sure if I got my point too clearly to these two. Some people think otherwise, but teaching's a bloody hard job, you know? It hinges all on your ability to communicate, and if people hear what you're yapping on about and assume one thing when it's actually supposed to be another, then it's your fault. If you screw up the explanations, then all ye be doing is teaching your brats to cut about the actual key information you want them to get into their noggins. If you're a terrible teacher, then you'd just blunder on without caring about that. Humans hate thinking that they're wrong. Supposedly it feels like being punched in the face to acknowledge that you've done a dobber. But if you've gone and grabbed yourself an education degree in the first place, then you should know that making sure your students get things right is more important than your face, you know? Society might judge you as lesser if you've been turned into a proper munter, but that's nothing new. Your brats thinking that the pish you've accidentally taught them is correct is far worse. That's why I step in to help elaborate on the point I'm trying to make with this demonstration. Actually, this is one of those places where the brats getting things wrong is good. It's important to sometimes know what falling over's like before you can run, you know? "If you've only funnelled Aura into Dust for the express purpose of activating it before, it is," I say, taking a look at their two vials. There's definitely a lot of energy being pumped in there - a bit of a wasteful amount actually - but that's what you'd expect when you haven't really tried doing things like that, you know? "Both of you were definitely racking your noggins for what the Dust was supposed to do." Which is just a step too far. "But it looks like you've gotten a bit of a hang of the exercise." I smile at them. A teacher's supposed to give their students positive reinforcement if you want them to succeed. And I do. "Your aura is both power and intent. It's what you can do and what you want to do. That's what the Dust reacts to. You put the energy in ... but it won't go off until you will it to." It's something everyone does unconsciously. After all, why are they going to do something with their aura if they don't want to do it? That's the thought process, but knowing to differentiate there's pretty important and key to using Dust in more advanced ways. "Think about your aura fields. If you've always got a layer ready to protect you, why doesn't Dust activate when you're holding it?" I pick up another vial - this time one full of 'Crystal' - and pour a little bit into my left hand. Nothing happens. That's what everybody expects. Even if they think Dust is volatile, it shouldn't explode just because you're touching it. I wiggle my fingers a bit. There's no explosion, but the Dust converts immediately into glowing orange crystals. Maybe it's my ego talking, but I still think it's bloody cool. "Because I didn't will it to. I didn't want the 'Crystal' to explode or form." Hopefully that's a good enough explanation for every one of the brats, because I'm going to take this a little further. "Mister Schwarz, Miss Frost, please activate just the 'Water' now." I take my own (prepared earlier, like in those cooking shows) vial and lift it up to the light. There's a lot less energy flowing through it than the ones the brats' have got, but most people should be able to unconsciously recognise that yeah, my Aura's parked inside. "You should be getting something like this." Water spins to life, filling up the vial as expected. And in the centre of the miniature maelstrom, uncatalysed particles of all sorts of Dust, as if a rainbow had been caught inside. A rainbow that hadn't been activated. I did say it was only mostly 'Water', after all.
2018-06-02 13:22:00
![]( @Crimmy Dust Apps She read me like an open book. Professor Cirsium had a good eye indeed— Or my poker face wasn't quite as good as I liked to think. Better get that squared away before the next time Dawn challenged me to a round of Old Maid. Then again, I've never really been a good liar, but all that aside: she was right on the money with her diagnosis. I've never charged Dust without meaning to activate it. A reaction was always the end goal, and never the steps that would naturally lead up to it. As I said, I came into this rushing to the finish line every single time. It was a mentality thing, which I'd understood already. All it required was switching the mentality from "charge and activate" to "just charge". I'd always understood that. However— Only the Water Dust in this vial. Nothing else. Get flowing for me. My thought process to get there was wrong. I was pulling myself back, restraining, treating my aura like a dog on a leash. If I didn't specifically focus on just charging, something would go awry; that was the source of all my overzealous concentration. Technically, for the purpose of what we were trying to achieve in the exercise, making sure to not get ahead of myself and activate it was the right call... Quickly yet gently, the vial began to grow heavier as the radiant blue powder disappeared, replaced by crystal clear water. I watched as the hidden contents, interspersed within the dust as a million hidden tests, began their prismatic dance within the vial as the currents of the activation formed a tiny whirlpool within the glass, casting an entire spectrum of energized, yet mercifully inactive particles in a twirling dance. "That's awesome." I had the wrong order. It was as she said, after all. Why does it not activate purely via contact with Aura? Because we aren't telling it to. I was too busy worrying about making sure that I didn't tell it to— or you could say I was fretting over telling it not to. I had the concept, but until that point, it wasn't clicking in the way that meant I really had it. The difference between knowing about something, understanding it, and being able to do it. But what was more work? Telling one thing "yes", or telling a bunch of things "no"? To activate the water dust, and only the water dust, I just needed to only tell the water dust to activate. Not to sound like a certain sword enthusiast, but that was really it. I didn't need to put my energy into trying so hard to hold everything back when all I wanted was to push one thing forward. ...Man, I'm dumb. I'd worried about things turning on just because I plugged them in. It really was just a matter of flipping a switch.
2018-06-15 08:58:00
@Write@Plank Sinatra ![]( Practice - Obstacle Course - “One...two...three...” I counted as I warmed myself up with some stretches, I threw a few jumping jacks in to boot, can’t be too careful right? I was one of the last students up for the obstacle course, which was fine by me, this would let me show them all up. What? You think just because I can fly that I shouldn’t be so concerned about how fast I am? I’ll give you two reasons why that’s wrong. Reason number one, I can’t always be in the air. Like it or not, I have to be on the ground sometimes. Reason number two… …I’m fast as fuck boi! They would all eat my dust! I was at the starting line, waiting for the sound off. As soon as I heard it I was off, moving like a speed demon on a beeline towards her target! Nothing would slow me down. Obstacles? HA! If you could really call them that! I dodged, I flipped, I jumped, I hopped, I skipped, EASY. No semblance required! I flew around the course; the finish line was in my sights! I wasn’t sure what time I was at, but I knew how I could shave off at least a few seconds, at the last meter I leaped with all my strength and tackled the ground just beyond the finish line! I crashed stomach first but hey, that’s what my aura is for! “4:00!” That’s the time I heard. I’m not sure if anything else was said, but I didn’t really care, I slowly rolled onto my back and started to laugh loudly. “HAHA! YES! I WIN! YOU ALL SUCK! WOOO!” I shouted this and similar things for a while, this was what they got for making fun of my height! SO WHAT IF I’M THE SHORTEST STUDENT? Well anyway, the important thing was that I showed my superiority. Faunus power! Yeah! They’d all have to take me seriously now! … Huh? What was everyone else doing? They seemed to be doing other things. It was like they didn’t care! Well, whatever, I was the fastest and they couldn’t say otherwise. It was then I happened to notice that our hot teacher seemed to be giving Bianca some one on one teaching time. “Hmmmmmmmmm...picture time.” I took out my scroll and snapped a few. I’d give them to Bianca later, she’d appreciate them, I was sure.
2018-06-25 20:41:00
Diamond - That all? Alright, baby steps are over I guess. Diamond thoguht with a pout. And just when this was getting interesting. She just had to imagine the vial filling with water and... ta daah. The vial exploded into life, the residues of the other bases whirpooling inside of the glass like a pretty kaleidoscope of colors. I'm a magical girl! Yey! Transformation on! she rolled her eyes under closed lids. Still, something bugged her. I distinctly recall that other bitch teacher saying you don't have your aura up all the time. Call up a godsdamn council and find out what is orthodox. Sheesh. She looked at Lucas, and wondered about another thing. The woman put a lot of emphasis on the YOU every time she spoke the word. Ever curious and always the asshole, Diamond raised her eyes form her vial, and focused on the one Lucas was holding, attempting to activate the fire in it, wondering whether his aura somehow prevented hers to operate it.
2018-06-29 16:12:00
@Lucius Cypher@SevenStormStyle@MULTI_MEDIA_MAN@FlitterFaux@Forsythe@Kaithas@Abillioncats@Silvan Haven Dust Applications - Lecture Hall I707 "Don't do that." I step into the girl's line of sight, blocking the Schwarz brat from view. When you've taught for a while, you can tell when somebody's coming up with some bampot idea that's going to result in nothing but trouble. And what Miss Frost just then was a perfect example of one of those ideas. Some bloody idiotic brainwave that was just utterly unacceptable. I'm disappointed. I really am. The brat seemed so eager to take in all the theory and participate, but it looks like she missed the lessons on not putting her fellow Hunters at risk. "I could sense your attempt at activating Mr Schwarz's vial," I continue, my eyes bearing down on her. This frustrates me, you know? I don't like dealing with troublemakers. Beacon is supposed to the premier hunting academy, a place where the trainees we're supposed to instill our wisdom into should already have a firm noggin on their shoulders. At minimum, these brats should be aware that they're going to be responsible for the lives of their fellows. I'm not expecting absolute units in the realm of good behaviour, but there's a bar that they should at least be able to cross: don't try and hurt other students on a lark. Maybe that's too optimistic of me. Maybe that's not even possible. Youth are rowdy like that. But it's frustrating. Could Diamond Frost at least have made the effort to even pretend when in the middle of class? I've been standing right here. I can tell exactly what you're doing, you know? "Catalysing a Dust reaction in another student's hands, without their knowledge, is absolutely unacceptable. Not only did it put Mr Schwarz at risk of injury, it's also an utter breach of trust." A spark flicks out from my left pointer finger as I hold it up, an electromagnetic pulse pulling the two vials that the two brats were given back to my possession. I'm not letting them hold onto the Dust any longer. Not now. "I'm disappointed, Miss Frost." I really am. Diamond's success might've been limited. Maybe. But her intent would still have involved a vial being set ablaze right underneath Luke Schwarz's nose. That wasn't right. A student here shouldn't have to worry about their classmates trying to kill them. Not when the Grimm were out there. It was frustrating. It was behaviour I couldn't, at all, condone. "Stay behind after class," I say. I breathe out, disappointment and disgruntlement sagging out. "We'll need to talk about this. Now go back to your seat and wait there."
2018-06-29 17:05:00
![]( @HereComesTheSnow @Crimmy @Krayzikk @Kaithas Lauren watched the events unfold with wide-eyed, unblinking innocence. From her flesh-and-blood throne atop Ben's lap, the trap queen's feelings about the ballooning spectacle were hidden behind a pair of huge emerald eyes; they trailed the Dust that zipped back into Professor Cirsium's hands, abandoning Luke and Diamond. "Wha..." Diamond had tried to catalyze the Dust in his hand? Deep fry her little Royal Wok? Send her little Short Round to see Kali Ma? Napalm her beloved little Agent Orange? Right in front of the class? It was hard for Lauren to believe that the Atlesian had the brass; any of the dozen-or-so physical fighters in the class could have snapped her down the middle, weirdo arm or no weirdo arm. She didn't look put together enough to dress herself in the mornings. Her entire demeanor and outfit looked like it was cobbled together from other thugs who had spent their month's rent on Amy Desire. Her head tilted over to her teammate, looking for a reaction. To Lauren, who rapidly felt like the only person left alive in this school with people skills, it was obvious that there was still sexual tension simmering between Desire and the girl who had just tried to leave her little protege...well, simmering. She was looking for a hint of condemnation, but she was also taking the chance to casually slip her hand down past Ben's thigh, to the backpack she'd left tilting between his chair and the one she'd vacated. Her fingers closed around her jacket, but after that, her arm didn't budge. "That's so fucked up," she grumbled, making a hmmph into Ben's ear from her mouth's place beneath it. She took a deep breath, head lolling back onto Ben's collarbone as she stared up at his saddle brown hair until she could make out individual strands. She forced herself to calm down - to rationalize, instead of standing up and atomizing Diamond Frost with a beam that not even her crabs could escape. Nobody ever got away with a crime of passion. On the street, it was random acts of violence - like the one Diamond had nearly just perpetuated onto her charming little hoodie boy - that you were most likely to get away with while squeezing out your victim in the process. Lauren just had to live by her own game plan, her own coda, and let the others react with the low murmurs of anger she heard brewing around the room. She would play it cool.
2018-06-29 18:10:00
Beacon Academy-Dust Apps-Beryl Harken THUMP The sound of Beryl's tail hitting the floor was easily audible to anyone even remotely nearby. She was sitting straight up in her seat now, any hint of drowsiness gone. Her hands flat on the table before her and staring at Diamond with eyes like flakes of glacial ice. A nearby student looked at his coffee in confusion as it abruptly began churning. That little Grimm had just tried to detonate Dust in a fellow classmate's hand. In luke's hand, one of her best friends at Beacon. It didn't matter that there probably wasn't enough Dust left in that vial to cause serious damage. It didn't matter that Professor Cirsium had stepped in before anything could happen. It didn't matter that Luke could have simply healed any damage done while his aura was down. Diamond had just tried to harm one of Beryl's friends. It activated instincts built up over long nights in the less savory parts of Mistral. The kind she had cultivated to watch over an entire church full of children in a city full of predators. Those predators were still keeping their distance even now, the otter faunus had made it quite clear that certain things were off limits. Jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
2018-06-29 20:50:00
Sepia Russet - Dust Apps Though Sepia was disappointed about not being able to participate in the demonstration, her thoughts were not able to linger on it. There had definitely been a bad feeling coming off of the blonde girl now standing at the front. As the professor's words confirmed her suspicions, however, precisely what was said only served to confuse her. Stay behind after class? Beacon sure was a strange place if they were always this harsh on students playing around with a tiny pinch of dust. Back in Laire, a few burns and nicks just meant one lived a full life and was learning to be appropriately aware. People even showed scars off on certain holidays by painting them bright colors. Then again, maybe the cause for concern was merely that the audience may become distracted from the actual lesson. Curious as to how the two demonstrating students would react to the professor, she scrutinized them closely. As she took in the girl's expression, a thought occurred: "Is she trying to flirt with him? I don't feel anything like that between them, but it is a classic approach. A mild attack indicates both interest and power, after all."
2018-06-30 00:26:00
Oswald Connoly- Dust Apps Did that seriously just happen? Diamond just tried to activate Dust in somebody else's hand? Oswald didn't even know you could do that! He'd never been taught that such a thing was possible- though it was likely to avoid incidents like this. Yes, they all had Aura. Yes, they were all trained well in its use. Yes, the odds that Luke would have ended up with anything worse than a minor burn and a few small cuts were minuscule. But you didn't aim an 'unloaded' gun (there was no such thing, really) at somebody, either. Because while the odds were probably at least 99% that nothing seriously bad would happen, that meant that if you did it enough.... You blew somebody's face off. What the hell was Diamond thinking? Oswald simply stared at the front of the room with disappointment and frustration evident on his face. Fucking really, Diamond? Come ON!
2018-06-30 00:53:00
![]( @Plank Sinatra @Kaithas @HereComesTheSnow @Crimmy "I know." The two words murmured back to Lauren rippled with an undercurrent of energy. The smile that had adorned Ben's face, to one extent or another, since the class began had faded immediately and his eyes fixed themselves on the other student at the head of the class. He would keep still. The Professor had intervened, and from the look on her face... She would see to it that the lesson was learned. That didn't mean Diamond herself wasn't going to be reevaluated. Ben hadn't paid her much mind, before. He was dimly aware that she was involved in Amy's past, but not all that much had been shared with him and he hadn't pried. He'd seen the two square off in combat class, briefly, but he couldn't remember any other time he'd seen the girl. But she was on his radar, now. Not positively. Luke was on another team, yeah, but they were from the same neck of the woods. And if there was one person in the school that counted as as an honorary teammate, it was Lucas Schwarz. Damn right it was unacceptable. If she ever tried that shit again, Lauren wouldn't get the chance to kick her ass. The killing intent emanating from their little corner of the classroom truly was impressive. He'd have to tell Luke about it, later. They could probably spin a whole bit off of it. In the meantime, he squeezed Lauren's shoulder lightly and did his best to push the frown back off of his face. Wouldn't do to set a bad example, now would it?
2018-06-30 03:17:00
![]( Dust Apps While Yun’s mind hadn’t been exactly blown out of proportions from the lesson, she still managed to pay attention to most of the lesson and found it to be very interesting. When the two up front charged up the Dust, Yun blinked before she wondered if she’d be able to pull it off herself. Perhaps. But knowing herself, she’d probably try to skip all the necessary steps to try completing the process as fast as possible- that was, if she hadn’t seen the demonstration show how simple but articulate the process could be. She could see it being useful for her. Since she didn’t have much going on from her aside from her weaponry and speed, Dust could cover some of the openings she’d normally have. And hey, maybe she could start a campfire with Fire Dust if she felt lazy. The question was how she’d apply Dust in critical moments. Eh. I’ll think about that later, she thought. Best not to think too hard unless I try it out myself. Yun ended up not opening her notebook a single time and instead watched the demonstrations and the students up front getting the grasp of things. Though her patience did dwindle just a bit, it was particularly because she wanted to try it out. Her gaze went over to the professor, then at the students, then at the professor again. Keeping her arms under her table, she stretched them, squinting as she yawned silently. “Don’t do that.” “?!?!!” ABGUAF- CRAP, I DIDN’T MEAN TO- When she opened her eyes and abruptly stopped her stretching, she noticed that it had not been directed towards her, but rather, the girl next to the boy. …O-Oh. Whew. Glancing around nervously, everyone seemed to be looking up front in initial confusion, so she quickly rubbed her eyes, brushing the tears formed from her squinting. Apparently, the girl named “Frost” tried to activate “Schwarz’s” vial. It took her a moment to think about what would happen if the vial was activated, though as soon as she figured it out, Yun made a nervous frown, and almost jumped when she heard a tail slamming against the floor. The expressions of many students darkened or outright expressed anger towards Frost, so she instead resorted to staring at the Schwarz guy instead. He seemed easier on the eyes than the cloudy expressions. Sheesh, she thought. I guess this is why a professor is needed. Keeping everyone in line while not getting fed up… professors must have it pretty hard. She hadn’t even noticed anything what had happened, but the thought of blowing up someone else's Dust sounded pretty darn dangerous. The likelihood of it being lethal on someone with Aura? Much less likely, but it was still dangerous. She didn’t have anything against anybody in this class- let alone this entire academy- because she was pretty new and knew nobody. Still, she mentally noted that she shouldn’t lower her guard too much just because it was an academy for Huntsmen and Huntresses. While he didn't seem physically hurt, she hoped the Schwarz guy would be alright. He seemed a lot more into the lecture than herself.
2018-06-30 04:11:00
![]( Practice Primary Objectives: Escape from Current Social Situation, Locate Charms Secondary Objectives: Obstacle Course, Pants(?) @Norschtalen@Driving Park@Nevix --- --- Blaine stood very, very still. Humans and faunus had both evolved as predator animals, which meant that they all had excellent eyes for movement. The well-timed arrival of the party’s tank meant that if he kept his steps ever so subtle, he could slink away if only there was a good distraction… Think, curse your eyes! If you stay still, they most likely will not register your panic. Maybe they will forget the charms and move on, giving you the time you need to change the subject, or go back to gym... A single vein pulsed in his unmoving forehead, the face below slowly growing red. The others are interacting, Orrin has arrived, so if I just sneak aw-I HAVEN'T INTRODUCED MYSELF TO ORRIN! NOT FORMALLY!!! Meanwhile, unrelated to his own predicament, a gun was being held to a smiling young teacher’s assistant’s head. Blaine did not notice this. ...Gods above and below, this isn’t working. This will leave a horrible impression on Orrin, the others will think you a lackless cad who goes back on his word, you’ve no gifts to give... Alright, focus There has to be a solution to- The gun went off. While Blaine had heard guns before when he was transported to Beacon, this was a gunshot going off in the face of a peaceful spring-time afternoon. It roared across the field, making most everyone jump and turn to face the source... Just what the faunus needed. Blaine was off to the races. Blaine sprinted with the speed of a man escaping his ex-wife turned tax collector, pupils dilated, breaths fast, and an expression of stark terror upon his face, eyes open approximately one sixteenth of an inch wider than typical with no other differences. He pumped his arms as he sped away, knees high, and onto the obstacle course. Running the course is the assignment, we had passed the sixty seconds, and the gun startled me… yes, THESE are acceptable excuses. Surely the others will pardon me, and THEN the fire from the gun will provide adequate entertainment to keep their minds off the charms. Then I'll just go find them, present them later, figure out how best to contact them(of course I don't want to bother them while busy), and everything will be fine, right? Right! Maybe the Priest of Swoly Arms found them when my pockets tore... The faunus breathed an even staccato as he raced across the course at breakneck speed with a grace unfitting of his form. He missed simplicity. Life had been hard back home, but there was none of this... No. It was better than back home. Beacon, where he was safe to train in peace, safe from arbitrary attacks out of left field. After all, it wasn’t like another student here was going to assault him. That would be ridiculous. Here at Beacon, life was simple. Here, all he had to worry about was making friends, test scores, homework assignments, class schedules, a lack of familiarity with technology, the constant pressure of being a student, cafeteria food, a lack of funds, all the concerns that come from meeting a new team... I...I think I miss the Grimm.
2018-06-30 05:36:00
Amy Desire-Dust Apps Lauren's emerald green eyes found her condemnation, alright--her Faunus teammate's mouth was pulled to the side, her brow furrowed slightly. She looked disappointed, almost, her baby blue gaze on the woman she'd once hoped would be someone she could rely on--the only relic from her previous life, some familiarity in a place that was utterly foreign. Even if she hadn't wanted to, time was making abundantly clear that it was time to let go. Amy had clung to Diamond because she was the only one she knew on any personal level to start with--but falling through on the date, immediately moving on to Emerald--it hurt. Now this. There had always been suspicions that Diamond wasn't a good person, but before they'd been pushed back. Business, and nothing more--it was an easy way of accepting someone's money without feeling guilty about however it had been earned. Besides, it wasn't like her past was any less checkered than Diamond's, or her way of earning money any less legally dubious. Sure, most of her crimes would be considered "victimless", but they both had stuff they'd rather bury. She'd hoped Diamond was doing what she was. Burying who she used to be. Learning from what she'd been. Not repeating her past mistakes. Moving on. Amy had hoped they could maybe do that together. Not in the romantic sense of "together", necessarily, just... Comfortable that they knew the other was in the same boat. One of her fingers slipped into her collar. One stutter wouldn't have been enough to change that hope. But it hadn't been just one, and Amy wasn't stupid or naive enough to keep giving someone chances, not when they threatened a friend. Her face was one of disappointment, but her eyes and whisper to her teammates conveyed all she needed to regarding anger. "Fuck her." And that was that.
2018-06-30 09:22:00
Class End Post Both Dust Apps and Practice continued as the professors and TAs began wrapping up their classes for the end of the period. Some students would be glad the period came to the end, while some would think about what to do after class. New students who have not already will eventually learn of their assigned teams through messages sent to available contact information. Eventually, the bell rang, signaling the end of classes for the day. (Classes are done! There will be a bit of after class free time before missions begin.) @Krayzikk@Plank Sinatra@Kaithas@HereComesTheSnow@FlitterFaux@Eklispe@Ryonara@SevenStormStyle@MULTI_MEDIA_MAN@Ookawa@Forsythe@Abillioncats@Lazo@Awesomoman64@Guess Who@Lucius Cypher@Ayazi@Crimmy@Silvan Haven@Crimson Raven@Caasicam@Suku@Write@Nevix@Driving Park@Tominas@Norschtalen@Slime (Note: The IC time is taking place right after classes atm) --- ![]( ... Practice ended. In silence, Sangue made sure she had all of her belongings. The girl silently left the classroom after staying for a bit. A rare yawn escaped the red-haired Huntress-in-training as she brushed her eyes. It wasn't like of her to get tired. Had it been the Practice course that tired her out? She didn't think so, considering that though the course itself was a solid exercise she could see herself trying out again, it wasn't exactly something that would make her gasp for breath. Perhaps she was just... tired. Without thinking too much on the matter, she instinctively headed towards the BASL dormitory. She intended on dropping off her belongings first. Afterwards, she had different options on what to do, such as staying with BASL, meditating for a moment like she always had, or sending letters to either Apep or some others she knew of outside the Academy. Sangue hoped she'd see her friends on the way back to the dorm, though she wasn't sure if that would happen. @Plank Sinatra@Krayzikk@Kaithas --- ![]( Outta Here! Saved by the bell! Yun thought as she more-than-happily packed up her bag. If training her speed wasn't meant to be used in class, now was the perfect time to put it to use. The troubling atmosphere of the class got her packing, and considering she was in no place to butt in, she figured she shouldn't get into anyone's business just yet. Right before she left, however, her Scroll vibrated. Blinking, she slid the Scroll out of her pocket and stared at the message sent to her. Her eyes fell upon what seemed like a message sent from the Academy. She squinted as she the middle of the message quietly to herself, "You have been placed in Team Fantasms (FASS)...?" Huh. Ferris Gray Solidor, Andromeda Kailani, and Kuhaku Shiro seemed to be her teammates. Team Fantasms? That sounds pretty fantastic and all, but she actually had no idea where to meet them. She presumed her best bet was the dorm she'd be assigned to. Looking around, Yun wondered if there was anybody in the room who happened to be her teammates. ...Nope. Darn. Guess it was just her alone for now till she got to her dorm. Well, we'll see how it goes! She thought optimistically as she gave herself a little fist pump. I'm in a new team- I should be ready for it! With her stuff packed, she headed out of her dorm, activating her Semblance as she kept herself at a running speed while hopping lightly. It let her move through the halls a bit quicker without risking crashing into anybody. @Crimson Raven@Caasicam@harinezumikouken --- ![]( "Stupid, pretty masks..." Hana decided to stand near the exit of the classroom with her arms crossed, staring at her team members with a questioning stare. The entire purpose of her stare could be interpreted in different ways, but she didn't seem optimistic with it, that much was sure. She stood there... as if she were waiting for something. Like an angry cat that wants to stop playing with laser pointers. Because cats had a tendency of expecting something from others despite showing almost no hint as to what they're expecting. In other words, she was just still a little angry at her team members for embarrassing her from earlier, despite being grateful to them for helping her. @Crimmy@HereComesTheSnow@Ayazi
2018-06-30 15:29:00
@Lucius Cypher@SevenStormStyle@MULTI_MEDIA_MAN@FlitterFaux@Forsythe@Kaithas@Abillioncats@Silvan Haven Dust Applications - Lecture Hall I707 The ringing of the bell killed any more plans I had. Although maybe that was for the best. It's not really good for the brats if their teacher's frustrated when standing out in front of the room. It means that I wouldn't be giving my 100% to the lesson, and I don't want to waste their time with blether that wouldn't pan out, you know? With my luck, I'd end up feeding daft ideas into their brains. That's just not right, Teàrlag! You're supposed to be an educator, not some dunderhead who writes articles on an Atlesian propaganda website. For today, the students are probably better off hitting the books for their knowledge. Right now, I need to get straight around to the bizzo of making sense of what buggery's floating around inside Diamond Frost's head. "All of you can depart now," I say to the class, pointing over at the door. "Think about how you all interact with Dust, and check your class portal for assigned readings! And you, Miss Kang, don't fall asleep next lesson!" With all of them piling out, except for one, it means I can get around to what I need to do. Just thinking about it makes me sigh. Oi brat, when students make trouble in a classroom, that's usually because they're mincing about with each other, not trying to make mince out of one another. This isn't supposed to be how you act, you know? That's a future colleague you're trying to mess with. Somebody who you might entrust your life to one day. It's unacceptable. There's no bloody good reason to damage the trust between individuals like that. My gaze lands on Diamond. My eyes don't waver from her, even as I cross my arms. "Why did you do it?" I ask simply. Even if she had failed. Even if Luke Schwarz could've suffered little. What she tried to do was still unambiguously, unacceptably, a breach of trust. --- @NaraK@HereComesTheSnow@Ayazi Shuai Taidan "'Sup?"
2018-06-30 16:03:00
![]( ![]( As the class finally came to an end and winded students began to leave the training field, a blonde head glided through the crowd. It moved without aim at first, exploring the throng of bobbing heads until it came close to a red one, then promptly made a beeline towards it. There were many thoughts and budding worries Sand had been stewing on for the better part of that day, and near half of those were related to the red-headed boy. “Hmm… What to do, what to do, what to do?” Robert asked himself aloud as he thought about his after school plans. Those plans including: Nothing and jack squat. He’d been in such a grumpy mood all morning that, now that he had gotten over all that boiled up angst, the redhead had realized that at no point had he considered how he would spend his free time. “Definitely don’t feel like being alone right now. Kinda want to hang out with someone. But who’d want to to do that on such short notice?” “Robert.” Sand’s hand fell on the his shoulder, drawing him to the side so that they could talk. “Are you done for the day?” Almost as if she had been reading his thoughts, one of his teammates suddenly appeared to grab his attention. Robert almost jumped as he felt a hand suddenly rest on his shoulder, bringing him out of his head and back to the real world. “Oh, hey Sand.” “Are you done for the day?” “Yeah, I don’t have anything planned. What’s up?” “Good. I’m glad I caught you before you ran off,” she said, then hesitated. The girl took a glance at her surroundings, her eyes resting on the other students with a hint of displeasure, before seeming to come to a decision. Tugging on the duffel bag strapped over her shoulder, she said, “I wanted to talk about something, but I’d rather do it somewhere else. Follow me?” “Uh, sure I guess. But can I get a hint as to what it is you want to tell me?” Robert agreed, though he would follow after Sand whether he received an answer or not. He trusted his team leader and whatever she had planned for him. If she thought it was important that it was discussed in a private setting, she’d hear no argument from him. “A hint?” she echoed as she led him away from the practice grounds. “I guess. Do you consider yourself a good fighter?” Robert gave the question a few seconds of consideration as the two casually walked through the halls. He couldn’t recall if he had ever even considered the topic since he was accepted into Beacon. At the time, he thought that if they thought he was good enough to join, he must have met their requirements. Now that Sand had asked though? “Hmm. I guess I do think I have room for improvement. I mean I could probably hold my own against a normal person. Compared to our classmates though? Not so much.” She hummed an affirmative. That was in essence her own assessment of the redhead, and it saved the both of them time if he saw it as well. “That needs to change,” she said simply. “How are you going to do that?” the boy asked, most naively. “How indeed,” she mused, refusing to elaborate. The girl lead the boy through academy’s halls until she reached the room where her school day had essentially started. Opening the door, she peeked inside the gymnasium, gaze hovering over the few people still inside. Most of those who used the facilities outside of class during week days likely did so during the morning, leaving plenty of room to play with. Sand nodded and pushed her way inside, leading the pair to a relatively open space. She left her bag near a bench and turned to consider Robert. She had thought about what she would say if they got that far, rehearsed the conversation in her head, but getting down to it was a somewhat different matter. “Before settling on anything,” she started, “I’d like to know what we’re working with. What’s your Semblance? We could probably work our way out from there.” Robert looked a bit embarrassed by this question, scratching the back of his neck as his cheeks turned to a redder tone. “Well you see… I don’t actually know myself. In fact, part of me has wondered if maybe I don’t even have one,” he admitted. Nobody usually asked him outright and it wasn’t something that you’d just go about your day bragging about, so the boy wasn’t completely comfortable admitting his lack of knowledge about his own abilities. “No Semblance?” she repeated, eyes widening imperceptibly. Why, that was only half her plans out the window. “Are you serious? Not even a clue about it?” “Yeah, I’m serious. I really, really haven’t got a clue. For all I know, it’s something stupid like ‘the ability to have bad vision so I must wear glasses’ or ‘the ability to be born a ginger and not have a soul.’ That would be just my luck.” Her first instinct was to ask how he had even been accepted to the academy in such conditions, but she forced herself to swallow that impulse. Even she realized that would only serve to demoralize her teammate. “You know that’s not how it works.” Still, she needed to know more. “But now I have to ask. Did you have any formal combat training before Beacon?” “... Define the word ‘formal,’” he replied. “I see.” And that was all the answer she needed, was it not? Things were worse than she had suspected, and she had not prepared for him being so far behind the rest of the competition. What did that leave her in this pitch? After a few moments, Sand sighed exasperatedly, her lips twisting into a grimace. The truth, she supposed. “This is a problem.” She brought a hand up to her hair, brushing it back in an effort to put her thoughts in order. “I’m going to be honest with you, Robert. You’re sloppy. I thought so when you threw yourself at an exploding Creeper at the fort, when I saw you fight, and even today in practice. When Ozpin had us switch places, the first thing I realized was that I would have to take you aside to talk about it.” Robert decided to not say anything about the incident with the Creeper. In all honesty, he had done it less because he was sloppy and more so because he believed that he was holding the others back. At the time, he believed that their lives were worth more than his own. There was nothing good that could come out of telling the truth about that though, especially when he was actually feeling better since then and now would most likely run away than use his body as a shield. The rest of Sand’s evaluation was accurate though. “Yeah, you’re right. I want to be able to carry my own weight on this team too, so it really is probably for the best.” “What bothers me...” she continued after his interjection, only to trail off. This was the point she needed to drive home, she realized, but the silliness of what she was doing caught up to her then. What was she doing, acting like a lecturing mother? She found it hard to finish her thought, but at the same time, she was already too committed to the act to back off. “W-what bothers me is that you are not looking to keep up with the rest of the students. If I understand what you’re telling me, you’re looking to catch up! Which means that if I come to you after the first class session of the week asking you if you have time after it, the last thing I want to hear is that you’re free! If you want to start pulling your weight, you’re going to have to start working harder than everyone else, do you understand that?” “Yeah, I see what you’re saying… But where would I even begin? It sort of feels overwhelming to look at the gap between me and, say, you,” Robert admitted. This wasn’t the first time he had compared himself to his fellow classmates and realized he fell short, but every time in the past his motivation was even closer to the ground than his ability. With Sand now confronting him though, he had no more excuses. He had to try harder or he would never progress. “Look. You kept up with me at a dead run through dense jungle, while injured, with a pack of howling Grimm on our tail. You can do this, but, like then—” She held up her index finger. “—you need someone to light a fire under your ass.” At that, she pointed at herself with her thumb, struggling to keep the awkwardness out of her voice. “Seeing as I’m riding you about this, I guess that’s my job now. So come on and hit me.” After hearing that metaphor, Robert looked down behind himself as if searching for something he thought he had dropped earlier. Then the realization hit. “Oh you mean figuratively.” Then as if his mind had only just caught up to what she’d said, he did a double-take. “Wait, you want me to do what?” “You heard me. From now on you’re my official sparring partner, so act like it.” She tilted her head even as she lowered herself into a relaxed stance. “Don’t look at me like that, I’m team leader now. I get to make unreasonable calls like that.” “You’re starting to sound more like me,” Robert replied before begrudgingly entering into a defensive stance to protect himself from Sand. “Then you should know the drill,” she answered dryly to her teammate’s lip. He seemed to prefer letting his opponents have the first strike for some odd reason, but that would not do for what she had in mind. She made a beckoning gesture. “And turtling up is not what I asked you to do either, Robert. I want to see you move.” “Uh… Alright, I guess,” the boy said, lowering his defenses and walking up to his team leader. Curling back his fist, Robert sent a weak punch to his opponent’s shoulder. The impact, if it could even be called that, most likely wouldn’t even phase Sand. It did not have a chance to connect either way. Sand stepped into the half-hearted punch, throwing it off with one arm in the same motion as she pushed hard against Robert’s chest with an open palm. The blow sent him stumbling back. “What was that?” she asked quickly. “Er… a punch?” Robert questioned as he quickly recovered from Sand’s palm strike. “Is that what you’d call it if I was a mugger trying to rob you? No. That’s an embarrassment.” She shook her head and a step back, resuming positions. “Again.” Robert pulled back his fist again, aiming for the same spot as he had before. By comparison with the last punch, it was an improvement. However, at best it would make her flinch and that would only be if she let herself take the hit. It had the speed, but not the strength behind it. It showed, as Sand deflected it as simply as the first one. She gave the boy another shove. “Again.” His frustration showed as Robert ground his teeth. Making another fist, he threw his punch right toward Sand’s stomach, now with all of his strength and speed behind it. Sand pushed it aside with a shove of her left hand, stepping in closer with the motion. Her right hand flashed upwards, catching Robert’s chin in her grip, and slid her leg behind his leading step. This time, her push tripped the redhead and made him crash forcefully onto his back. The woman kept walking with the momentum of the motion, bringing her now free hands together in a slow clap. When she looked down at Robert, rather than disappointment, a pleased smile played on her lips. “Better. Now, can you do that with a cool head?” As she spoke, she offered his hand to him. “I can definitely give it a try,” Robert returned with his usual friendly smile, reaching out and taking his team leader’s hand to get back up on his feet. “That’s the spirit.” Simpler than she had expected, too. She had thought she would need to be harsher to get him in the right mindset. Honestly, it made her wonder if he was simply acting for her benefit. --- A long, painful hour later, the two students were a sweaty, bruised mess. Well, only one of the two, for the most part. After Robert had gotten over his false start, the pair had settled into sparring in earnest, with short breaks in the action whenever Sand felt she had to explain something or correct her partner, or Robert took a particularly nasty fall. “I don’t think I’ve felt this sore since… Okay well, our last mission, but before that… I think the Practice class the day before that.” Sand pulled her lips away from her water bottle, offering it to the boy lying on the floor. “You’ll have to get used to it. We’ll be doing this every day after practice from now on.” The boy happily accepted the water bottle, hovering it above his mouth so it fell into his mouth like a waterfall. Once he’d had his fill, Robert replied, “Yeah, that seems reasonable. It’s not like I go the gym ever either, so this and Survival will hopefully keep me in shape as well.” She hummed a half-hearted affirmative. She would have hoped the school curriculum in itself would deal with that concern, but pointing that out made little difference. “So, got any other plans for today?” the boy decided to ask, still lying there on the floor and not bothering to even try and sit up. “Yeah. Something like that. I’ll head out for that soon.” Sand glanced at her Scroll. She did not seem particularly excited by the prospect, though that was not in and of itself strange for her. Noticing Sand’s expression, Robert asked, “Something you don’t want to do?” She shrugged. “Meeting with a professor. It’s fine. Just inconvenient.” “Ah okay. Well if you need anything, I’m still free for the rest of the afternoon. Just gimme a call.” “Sure.” Silence settled for a moment after that agreement, interrupted only by the slight shuffle of clothes as Sand leaned forward to take her bottle back. “Robert, where did you learn to fight? You said you had no formal training, but I can tell you’re not really new to it. Did you learn all of it here at Beacon?” Robert was silent for several moments, long enough that Sand might have mistaken the lack of response to mean he didn’t hear her. Before she could repeat her inquiry though, he finally spoke up. “Well, let’s say that mugger comment from earlier was a bit personal. People can sometimes be really mean, even when you don’t have anything. I had to learn to fight for what little I had or end up losing that too.” Sand studied him from the corner of her eyes, then nodded slowly, simply taking the information in. “A rough childhood. I’m sorry to hear that,” she told him, and that acknowledgement was as much as she could give on the matter. She had been meaning to broach the subject, but brining undue attention to the matter was the last thing in her mind. “I assume you’ve never had a chance to train with a partner, then. Would explain all your bad habits.” “Yeah, that’s pretty accurate. What about you? You kicked my butt pretty good. Better than most people at this school probably.” “There’s not much to say there. Standard combat school fare.” No sooner had she said that did her eyelids droop and the corner of her mouth take a wry turn. “Except I got thrashed often and I’m a sore loser. You could say that’s what lit a fire under me.” “Who was the one doing the thrashing to you though?” Robert decided to ask, wanting to make sure there wasn’t more to that comment before it was dismissed. “Most other students during sparring practice, of course. And some I asked for help after-hours. You’d be surprised how many people are willing to teach you if you learn to ask… even if they might still thrash you while they’re at it.” She took a swig from the bottle, the motion almost sheepish. “You need to put blood and sweat into things like these if you want to improve, though.” She blinked slowly as a thought crossed her mind. “It can be difficult, but if you don’t know how to catch up, you could always ask others. I don’t need to be the only one. If you need help with your marksmanship, or aura control, or geography lessons or what have you, find someone who knows about it. Even if you don’t think they would put the time, you could always ask them about their Semblance. People love to talk about themselves, and maybe that could give you an idea about yours.” “Hmm. Maybe. It just feels… strange to ask others for help. I’m so used to having to do everything on my own, even trying to push away people who offered me their support because I didn’t want them to get involved with some of the things I was doing. It wasn’t anything too terrible, just pickpocketing and thieving”—Sand’s eyebrows rose at that, but she kept quiet, and Robert was not looking at her in any case, staring off into space instead—“but I still didn’t want to get other people in trouble at the time. Now here I am, back on the straight and narrow, I still have trouble actually gathering the courage to ask others for assistance,” Robert began to ramble, finally sitting up despite still being on the floor of the gym. “That’s a shame,” she said after a moment, then sighed at her own non-committal response. “I don’t think that’s a bad habit I can fix with a bruising, but I could give it a go. You don’t need a troubled past to be shy about bothering others,” Sand drawled as she rose, pulling her bag from under the bench. “Not today, though. I should be heading out.” “Alright. Be seeing you then.” “Right.” Sand rose a hand in a lazy farewell before striding out of the gym, leaving the boy to his own devices. Robert gave his own wave goodbye, though there was much more energy behind the goodbye than Sand’s, despite how exhausted he felt. With no other plans, the redhead gathered his belongings and began making his way to the cafeteria, looking for a snack to replenish himeself.
2018-06-30 17:44:00
My Hider [+]![]( Silver Applegate New Arrival Silver looked through the window of the ship as Beacon Academy came into view. The central tower stood out quite magnificently from the surrounding structures. "We will be arriving at Beacon shortly. Please check your belongings before leaving the ship." The pilot announced over the comms. Silver hadn't brought much with him, in fact his Huntsman equipment took up more space in his bags than casual clothes. That's even including the white shirt and black parka and leather pants he was wearing. That and his blue aviators hanging just above his forehead. "I should really get some new clothes..." He said as he looked over the contents of his bags. He had a spare of his usual clothing in his backpack and his weaponry and ammunition on a shoulder bag. "Well, this'll do for a day or two." The ship began its descent and in no time it had landed. Silver stood up, took his bags and took a deep breath before heading for the door. He stared out through the open door for a moment before leaving, the sight was almost like a picture taken straight from a fantasy book. With another deep breath, Silver stepped out of the ship.
2018-06-30 18:30:00
@Slime@Silvan Haven@Ayazi Gratia Mindaro - Airship Docks Standing on the platform and awaiting Silver's arrival was a tall, neatly-presented young woman wearing the jet-black garb expected of students from Haven Academy. The rush of wind that heralded the descent of the grand ornithopter - dull black and grey - onto the landing strip ruffled at her hair, sending the long, black-brown locks flowing into the air behind her. But it did not bother her. Gratia Mindaro was all business, her impassive, steely gaze never wavering as she watched the airship deposit its occupants. Beacon's chill could not compare to that of her hometown's, and in any case, she would not have allowed it to stop her retrieval of Vignoble's newest member. He was an innocuous-looking individual, anxiously stepping off the exit ramp with luggage in hand. Gratia's onyx eyes clinically studied him from head to toe. A pretty boy who wore a combination of leather pants, tight white t-shirt and a black parka from last season's catalogue ... when including the blue shades sitting in his silver bangs ... he was apparently some manner of twink. Not that it was supported by his fashion sense. She hoped he would rectify that at some point. "Silver Applegate," she called out, her voice powerful and measured as she strode towards him. "I assume you know you've been assigned to Team Vignoble?"
2018-06-30 18:53:00
![]( Where's He Dropping, Boys? Atlas, Atlas. Bilskirnir Housing Complex. Team HJNS dormitory. Fifteen hours ago. No one on the team had taken Jericho's loss well. Nicole, as the team's operator and wellness professional, had been in charge of every last tactic in the HJNS playbook for years; of course, things like individual skill sets and the input of her boys would always need to be taken into account, but for the most part many of the most successful strategies had been Nicole's brainchildren. Many of them had also utilized Jericho in a central role. His Semblance made him the perfect infiltrator; he was skilled with a knife, his pistols, or even his bare hands; he could drive anything on at least one wheel, even if he couldn't do so particularly safely. Jer had become her crutch, an ace in the hole that she could rely on to partner with any of the others. Now he was gone - and the team was refusing to replace him. It was out of loyalty to their teammate, for a certainty, but more than anything Nicole believed that the issues at the root of their insistence were denial and desperation. All three of them - four, if you counted Nicole, who had indeed been quietly hoping that this whole Vale thing was just a fad - were suffering from them. The normally gregarious Speer was withdrawn, constantly texting memes back and forth with chatbots in the hopes that the blank, stoic responses of artificial intelligence would capture the vibe of having a conversation with Jer. Bright was worse. He had always been sullen and withdrawn from his team, but Jericho had been the Stripe he'd liked best. Losing his lone tether to sane conversation in the dorm had caused Bright to lapse back into the primal state that his friends had originally found him in. He now controlled the space behind the kitchen counter, the barony that Rich had deemed Wench's Walk, searching for where Jericho had stored the pans, knives, measuring materials, or secret Rich-killing weapons. Speaking of Rich, he had taken his knight's departure the worst. But you would never know it by looking at him. "Ah, Nicole!" he exclaimed magnanimously when she walked inside the dorm her boys lived in. The team leader was sprawled out along every one of the bar stools in front of the kitchen counter, radiant and unruffled by the tribulations that had sprung up within his keep. "Come, take a seat." His feet lifted up, inches above the stool on the far right of the counter. Nicole, gauging it, might have had enough space to wiggle in before she was repurposed into Heinrich's footrest. Her eyebrow raised. "What, are you serious?" "But of course!" he exclaimed again. "You always have my permission." Nicole rolled her eyes again and sat up on the counter. Rich's eyes widened; imperceptibly, his head shook. "Nicole, I would take heed. Bright has regressed further today, and still gets touchy when people touch the coun--" An empty box of rice made a brilliant arc over the counter, rising from Nicole's east and setting into her west - west right onto the crown of the king's head, where it bounced again and clattered onto the floor. "Shut up, fag." Speer looked up in a hurry. He must have been surprised Bright had spoken. When his eyes caught Nicole on the counter, he stood and waved at her, walking over from the team's dual-monitor setup in the foyer. He was carrying his Scroll in his hands; he must have been chatbotting or something. Nicole waved back at him with a smile and then scanned the faces of all three of them. "So how were your days?" she asked playfully. "I guess you guys must be hungry, huh? Anyone else remember how to cook? Want me to make some pasta?" "Nonsense. You are a credit to your position, Nicole, but we have a cook," Rich said proudly, puffing out his chest. "Jericho knew his place better than to leave us unprepared for his vacation. He cooked family portions of our favorite meals, and prepared grocery lists as well. He must have been preparing to shop for us upon his return. Truly, I wish either of you were even one tenth of Jericho. Maybe this place wouldn't be such a sty. Think of all the vacuuming he'll have to do to get this rice out of the carpets. I mean, my God." "Hey fuckwit," came the yell from under the counter. "Has that mono started to ravage your brain lining? Jer's not coming back. He left us." "I've had mono," Speer offered cheerfully. "I don't think it's a gay thing. Jer never had it. I think it's just from kissing anybody, and I don't remember it affecting my brain lining." "It doesn't," Nicole said firmly. "Let's all get some pasta in us, okay? And then we'll clean this place up and talk about the teammate sel--" "I don't know, Bright, how long before it ravaged your mother's?" A garbled scream erupted from Wench's Walk. "As I was saying, Nicole, thank you but no. The meals Jericho made us were meant to last the week, and now by my decree we shall await his return with patience and prudence." ... "You finished 'em this morning, huh?" Nicole asked sympathetically. "Why isn't he back yet, Nicole?" There were several notes of pleading in Heinrich Gault's voice. It was apparent that the bonds of loyalty - close to matrimony - that he and Jericho had sworn one another had caused many things to atrophy, chiefly among them his cooking skills and his sense of order between the two. With no Jericho to serve as grounded enforcer and royal headsman, Speer and Bright would never respect her authority. She didn't even know if they would respect hers. She had to think like Jericho would in order to rein in the remainder of her team. "I'm cooking." "N-No!" From underneath her vest, her ceremonial pocket pistol left its holster and fired a single round into the apartment's ceiling. It joined several of the larger holes left by one of Jericho's Manticores over the past year. "my SNEAKER" "Alright, boys, listen up. Jericho is coming back." "I know that, foolish operator," Rich said smugly, though he had still winced at the sound of the gunshot in close proximity. "He seems like he's doing alright to me," Speer said, looking down at his Scroll. "Yyyyyyes!" Bright roared in approval, punctuated by the bonk of his head against the counter as he tried to rise. "Keep listening." "NOOOOOOOOO! IT WENT RIGHT THROUGH THE TOE!" "it weNT riGHt thROUGH thE TOOooooOOoooOOE" "But if we want him to come back and stay back," Nicole continued, "we're going to have to prove to him that we're responsible enough to do things without him. Otherwise he's just going to push us all out of the nest for good. We have to cook our own meals, do our own grocery shopping, work on our own homework, and above all, keep ourselves together. We're still a team, right?" She had segued into a more encouraging tone as her speech went on, but she was met with only silence at the end. She fired into the ceiling again. "G-Gotcha, babe!" "I concur!" "Yeah, yeah..." "STOP IT! YOU ANIMALS!" "Besides, if you all missed him so much, you could talk to him. He does have a Scroll." "Yeah, he says hi, guys. And he says that he bought Rich some more toothpaste because he was almost out," Speer said casually, looking back down as though Nicole had reminded him again that it was in his hands. With his head buried in a screen, he didn't notice that the others had turned to him - even Bright, who must have been reawakened by Nicole's speech enough that he could relearn a bipedal stance. "Vanilla mint..." Rich murmured. "My soul of chivalry..." "I know I say this a lot, but fuck you guys are gross." "You've been texting him?" Nicole asked, snapping her fingers to get the rest of the team's attention - although yeah, that toothpaste stuff was really weird. She tried not to think about that.Maybe he did need a vacation from Rich after all... Then again, Jer probably knew her favorite toothpaste too. He'd crashed on her couch enough. He was so perfect in the hours before he woke up hungover. Vulnerable, curled up, hair matting his face. He was like a Jagerbombed unicorn. ... "You've, uh, been texting him," she repeated, in a calmer voice. Speer nodded. "Uh, yeah." He held up his Scroll. "Right now, actually. He sent me the admin codes for Beacon's network so we could work on a training regimen for the drones there. Lookie. Lookie lookie." He laid out the Scroll on the countertop, so that they could all lean over it. Nicole caught a faint whiff and realized that one of them hadn't showered after coming back from the gym. Either that, or Bright had been in the kitchen much longer than anyone wanted to tell her since Friday night. "Jericho Piper...Team Flapjack." Heinrich's eyes had narrowed into slits. "Those corn-fed, inbred whores. To think, they would lure a young man like that with the promise of food. Nothing else could have coaxed him from us, but for the idea of cooking for new and unexciting people. We stopped our advance there too soon. And look at him. He's not even team leader. It was bad enough when he refused such a commission here, but in Vale? He is a god." Everyone was looking at the blonde-haired king. Nicole's eyes had gone wide, head cocking slightly in his direction. "Uh, yes, sir, Your Grace." " them. An agent of his caliber would be a god to them." "I can't believe you always have to ask where your sister gets this from." "Better than never asking where your mother got it from!" "COCKSUCKE--" Nicole raised the gun again. "...okay." Bright looked reluctantly at the holes in the ceiling. In the brief silence that followed, Nicole swore she heard someone's faint, mournful wailing. It could've just been the sky-vans outside the open window. It was the late-night rush; even on a Monday, there were always people headed out for a taste of the Atlesian nightlife. Usually Jer and Rich were among them. Without him, Rich would probably be home more often. It would at least help him take his responsibilities as captain more seriously. ... Fuck...fuuuuuuck! "I said he's got admin access, Sully?" "Huh? Oh, yeah. He's got a TA position at their firing range or some shit. We've just been tinkering with stuff in the school's protocols." "I mean..." Nicole looked around at the others, normally guileless blue eyes turning conspiratorial. "...we could make him take responsibility, right? After all. He did leave us hanging." The boys all looked at her, then at the Scroll. Heinrich began to chuckle. "Ah, Nicole," he sighed wistfully. "Truly, you are one of us." ... "Uh...thanks, buddy." --- ![]( @FlitterFaux @Write @HereComesTheSnow The movers had been shuttling in their new team captain's things during the last forty minutes of the final class period. A few of the movers had taken note of the things they'd brought in. There were several guitars, one electric and two acoustic, arranged on displays; the movers had to take care not to scuff any of them. There was also a Dance Til Sunrise dance pad peripheral that was meant to go to a TV, as well as a plasma TV and console to join the dance pad. Boxes of clothes and bedding were left inside, for the new arrival to make his bed. Stacked on top of the mattress were a series of posters from around the world, detailing Vytal Festivals past - ATLAS WILL INDOCTRINATE YOUR YOUTH! - concert tours, and other stadium events from around Atlas. Only a few pictures had made the trip along with the new arrival. There was one of a handsome man, tanned by long periods outdoors, who had strung a bow out over an apartment balcony, as though he could land a shot past the horizon. A young Vacuan woman in a tank top and a leather jacket sat atop him, long, bare legs wrapped around his neck and hands playfully forcing his head and chin down into his chest, as if to mess with his shot. Another picture was at the Vytal Festival depicted in the poster, with an Atlesian team and a Mistralian team detailed on the scoreboards behind them. The two children in the photo were identical, but for their hair and attire; one was dressed up in a white-and-blue outfit with a V-finned headband. The other kid was in a child-sized INDOCTRINATE t-shirt and a tan, unzipped hoodie, but where the V-finned girl's hair was long and dark, tipped in red, the other child had dyed his hair a fierce shock of bubblegum pink. The last photograph was clearly the most recent. It had clearly been taken from the sidelines of some event. A single boy, muddied and soaked by cold water, was on his knees past a finish line, gripping a stopwatch in his hands. The girl from the Vytal photo, aged almost a decade, was hurtling over the other sidelines to join him, the beaming smile on her face expressing her pure joy and pride at the kneeling student. Someone else had already beaten her onto the pitch, though. Blonde and handsome, he had wrapped one arm around the neck of the boy on the ground, apparently paying no heed to the fact that a large gash had sliced one of the boy's cheeks. He also didn't seem to care how much of that blood trickled down onto his jacket, cinched tight against the Atlesian winter cold. The boy didn't care either. He had wrapped an arm tightly around the other boy in turn, and had one outstretched for the girl. Even in the photograph, his eyes were bright and excited; there was a wide grin on his lips, mouth open wider than it would have been had he merely been panting in exhaustion. He was laughing. Jericho Piper was laughing. Whoever, and whatever, the photos all depicted, they must have meant a lot to him.
2018-06-30 19:03:00
![]( @Crimmy@FlitterFaux@Plank Sinatra@Write@Silvan Haven@Krayzikk Post Dust Apps After spending the brief remainder of the period in something of a confused daze, I found myself replaying the events of everything that had happened up until now in my head, trying to wrap my mind around the end of what was, for all intents and purposes, going to be a successful demonstration and newfound understanding of key concepts. The vials were ripped from my grasp by a magnetic pull before I knew it. Professor Cirsium had been there, interposing herself between Diamond and I— And informed all of us that she was trying to catalyze the Dust in my vial. It was as though the air had frozen. I suddenly became conscious again that we were in front of a crowd— A murmuring, stormy crowd, pockmarked with glares, scowls, and killing intent. "Now go back to your seat and wait there." "R-Right..." I'd walked back from the front and returned to me seat in something of a flummoxed daze, shaking off my friends' concerns with a half-absent "Yeah, I'm fine." and a waved, undamaged hand. I urged everyone not to worry about the incident, partially because I felt pretty responsible for the disquieted atmosphere, but to be honest... Try as I might have to focus, I couldn't. Even as a majority of the people surrounding me pinned the back of Diamond's head with the types of glares that went through the eyebrows and promised retribution, all I could muster was a glance every now and again, each time the thoughts popped up, destroying each attempt at notetaking in their wake. I bid the three Bastilles, one Vignoble, and my fellow Jumpercable farewell as the bell rang. "I'll stay behind for a bit, I've got something I wanna ask Professor Cirsium. Skye, if you lose your way getting back to the dorm, let us know." I said in a clipped, but not quite curt manner, holding my scroll and wiggling it for explanation. I wasn't mad at them. I wasn't even sure if I was mad at Diamond, or even mad in the first place. >Bianca— I'll be a bit late getting back in, need to ask Dust Apps Professor about something. Happy Hunting on groceries >see you at the dorm Even now, as I occupied the wall space directly adjacent to the door, all I knew was that beneath my folded arms and furrowed brow, I could feel my stomach churning as if in synchronicity with my thoughts. Why would she go and sabotage me? What had I done to her in the past? Had I even met this person, Diamond Frost, before in my life? ... Did it even mean anything to her? Was it just another Tuesday? No, that couldn't be right. People didn't just do things like that without reason. There's always an underlying mentality of why this other deserved to be antagonized, especially in a setting where there's no competition. That required some deeper justification than the usual case of "trying to get ahead". These classes were collaborative efforts to learn and grow, so to poison that well had to mean that this person, who I had only vaguely recognized, believed me deserving of some retribution. ...Right? That was how people worked. Nobody was unreasonably antagonistic. I didn't want to complain and wasn't going to— I came out unscathed and Diamond was likely getting the book thrown at her inside I707 as I sat there. Taking off a chunk of meat for my own wasn't going to help anything, discipline and justice were already being served. There'd be no point in it beyond needlessly hounding someone who I could only assume didn't care for me. However, what she'd attempted to do to me had been weighing on my mind all the same. So I stayed and waited, occupying myself with trying to understand why it had been done while I waited to ask about what had been done from the foremost expert available. --- --- @NaraK Sterling Johnson "'Sup?"
2018-06-30 19:17:00
Silver Applegate - Airship Docks Not even ten steps away from the ship, Silver was greeted by a woman. She sounded like she would rather be anywhere other than here and looked non too pleased. Strangely enough she wasn't wearing the local uniform. "Ah, you must be Gratia Mindaro." He replied, putting on a soft smile. "Yes, I received the message not too long ago. I wasn't expecting it to be so quick though. People here are pretty organized." "Say, did you just transfer in as well? That uniform's from Haven, isn't it?"
2018-06-30 19:34:00
![]( @Plank Sinatra @Kaithas @HereComesTheSnow @Crimmy "C'mon, babe, time to go." The arm that had helped support Lauren seated transitioned smoothly to holding her up, as Ben pushed his chair out and rose to his feet. If she felt like getting down her she'd have no trouble, but if not he wasn't gonna have any trouble carrying her either. She had her bag, though, so he didn't want to wander off before she grabbed it. So the next order of business was picking his shield up off the wall behind him, one handed, and slinging it onto his back. He could grab his bag with the free hand in a second. "Hey, man." He clapped Luke on the shoulder lightly, partly to get his attention but mostly for the camaraderie of the gesture. The other Hunter was always in his own head, but it wasn't hard to tell when he was really in his own head. And not in a great way. Wasn't really anything Ben could say to help, more likely he'd just make it worse. Sometimes the best thing was the gesture itself. Reminder that people've got your back. He flashed his friend a faint grin, and inclined his head towards the door. "We're gonna hit the road. Tell me about how things're going with the team later, alright? Grab a bite before missions, if we've got the time." He grabbed his bag and started towards the door, nodding at Amy over the shoulder that wasn't helping to support his teammate, and slipping out into the hall. Given the wrapped package in Lauren's bag, that hadn't been there when they left in the morning, he was pretty sure there was something interesting he'd have to ask about. After they nabbed Sangue. Maybe in the halls, but they'd catch her in the dorm for sure. And for once he was reasonably homework free. Not a bad start to the afternoon.
2018-06-30 19:36:00
@Crimmy@Slime@Ayazi Airship Docks-Beryl Harken "Vignoble is something of a transfer team. Most of us are from Haven Academy, learning here at Beacon as part of a trade program the two schools run." The voice belonged to an otter faunus approaching the duo at a brisk walk. The nod she shared with Gratia showed a familiarity between the two. Although the newcomer was dressed in much more casual clothes. With a friendly smile she walked up to Silver and extended a hand. "Beryl Harken. I'm the B in VGGB."
2018-06-30 19:53:00
@Silvan Haven@Slime@Ayazi Gratia Mindaro - Airship Docks Gratia acknowledged the arrival of her Faunus teammate with a nod of her own, before her gaze and attentions returned to Silver. "That's correct." The impassive girl's response lacked any other flair, merely confirming both of the boy's observations. "The rest of this team transferred from Haven Academy."
2018-06-30 21:15:00
@Silvan Haven@Crimmy@Ayazi Silver Applegate - Airship Docks "Silver Applegate, pleased to meet you." He said shaking Beryl's hand. She seemed almost like an opposite of Gratia, flashing a welcoming smile. Silver also noticed that she was a Faunus, taking a quick look at her tail before bring his eyes up. "So the uniforms got delayed or you two kept your old ones because of this program? I didn't bring mine from Atlas, so I could be in a bit of trouble. I should consider messaging my dad on this." Hopefully his father could mail it to him in time for his classes in a worst case scenario. "So, should we be going? Can I expect a tour of the academy on our way to the dorms?" He asked jokingly.
2018-06-30 21:41:00
@Crimmy@Slime@Ayazi Airship Docks-Beryl Harken "We'll help you get to know the place, don't worry." Beryl said as she turned and gestured for them to follow her. "Your assignment was actually a bit unexpected. We were planning on going shopping this evening so your arrival has put a bit of a cramp in our schedule. Judging from your baggage I'm guessing you didn't bring much in the way of extra clothing. So in lieu of a tour why don't you join us? I'm sure Gratia would be glad to help you pick out something decent." Dear lord I hope he doesn't dress like that all the time. I don't think I could deal with another Vega. Beryl was fond of the other girl but her attire was...garish? Painful to look at? An insult to the very idea of fashion? OK, maybe not that last one but even to Beryl, whose knowledge of fashion was limited to what she learned from staring longingly at clothes on the internet, Vega's fashion sense sucked. Hmmmmm. Maybe Jericho could give some pointers. He probably learned about it in one of his How-To-James-Bond courses.
2018-06-30 22:39:00
@Silvan Haven@Slime@Ayazi Gratia Mindaro - Airship Docks "It was my choice to wear this," she said, "as it was for you to make a horrible fashion choice." Gratia pulled out her phone, flipping it open to quickly send off a message, before closing it and pocketing it in one fell swoop. "You're changing out of that fucking disaster," the Mistralese girl continued bluntly, tone commanding. "Fortunately, Venetia will be joining us and paying. Even if that girl's idea of fashion is akin to the shit of vultures filling up the insides of a rotting carcass, at least her wealth can save you from the same horrid fate."
2018-06-30 23:30:00
@Crimmy@Silvan Haven@Ayazi Silver Applegate - Airship Docks "Yes, I don't really take much space. I was just thinking about getting new clothes to be honest. That and I also need new books to read." He talked as he followed the two girls. On the way out of the docks Silver looked around the place, taking in the scenery. Then Gratia kindly shared her thoughts. Silver almost felt a jab to his side. "I don't really mind paying for my own things, but..." He looked down to what he was wearing "A-are these really THAT bad?" Maybe he didn't care all that much about what clothes he wore, but did Gratia have to be so blunt? And did this Venetia dress even worse than him?
2018-07-01 00:00:00
@Slime@Ayazi@Silvan Haven Gratia Mindaro - Airship Docks "Yes."
2018-07-01 00:01:00
@Crimmy@Silvan Haven@Ayazi Silver Applegate - Airship Docks "I see..." Despite the dread and dead eyes, Silver maintained his soft smile.
2018-07-01 00:06:00
@Crimmy@Slime@Ayazi Airship Docks-Beryl Harken "You uhhh, you look like a wanabe rapper." It was an awkward admission but..."A parka? Really?"
2018-07-01 00:07:00
@Silvan Haven@Crimmy@Ayazi Silver Applegate - Airship Docks "I see you two work for the fashion police. Take me away, officers..." He said jokingly lifting his hands as if to get cuffed.
2018-07-01 00:13:00
@Crimmy@Slime@Ayazi Airship Docks-Beryl Harken There was a jangle of metal and a sudden explosion of fog. When it faded a pair of shiny new, Altesian handcuffs sat upon the proffered wrists. Beryl twirling away with a grin on her face and all but strutted towards the campus. "Come vile criminal! We're going shopping!"
2018-07-01 00:26:00
@Slime@Silvan Haven@Ayazi Gratia Mindaro - Airship Docks If Gratia was in any way surprised by her teammate's possession of handcuffs, none of it showed on her unchanging, flat expression. In any case, it had been a shitty joke. As much of a stain on her eyesight and good taste his clothing choices were, she would more preferably find him an outfit that didn't look like a tapeworm after it had been ripped straight out of somebody's clogged bowels. "We'll take my car," she said, following after her teammate. "Leave your luggage at the dorm and we'll head straight for the stores." It would reduce the time she would have to spend looking at his clothes.
2018-07-01 00:35:00
@Silvan Haven@Crimmy@Ayazi Silver Applegate - Airship Docks The sudden appearance of handcuffs around Silver's hands was shocking enough for him to scream, but so fitting he couldn't muster the strength to do it. "At least let me drop off my things..." He resigned himself to his fate. "And I guess I'll take off my parka while I'm at it."
2018-07-01 00:43:00
@Crimmy@Slime@Ayazi Vale-Shopping Mall-Beryl Harken Half an hour later they were spilling out of Gratia's armed and armored SUV (the Gatling gun was safely hidden inside the vehicle) and making their way inside one of Vale's many shopping malls. The travesty that was the parka had been left behind and Beryl's handcuffs had vanished back to wherever it was she kept them. The moneybag Vega had been hauled out of bed and was now accompanying the group, leading the way in singing several songs on the way down from Beacon. "All right!" Beryl called out with a clap of her hands as they entered the building. "I have no idea how to shop. Gratia, lead the way!"
2018-07-01 01:07:00
![]( "'Sup," they said in unison. Hana watched the two boys greet her, with Sarina similarly greeting her. She stared at them, waiting for something more. But. But... Is that seriously it?! "'Sup?" Argh, the nerve of these...!! For a moment, she pouted, frustrated with how happily carefree they were. Her first impression of her team hadn't been a particularly positive one, but they were still her team members. They probably became seniors because they were capable as Huntsmen, not because they lived solely to goof off. Had she been a freshman, she'd have instantly judged them for not being good Huntsmen, but there were probably things she did not know that they knew. Also, she needed to calm herself as much as possible before she could reach her breaking point. She was going to be the leader of this... this straightforward bunch of fellow senior classmates. It was either getting used to it all within a year, or leaving just because she couldn't get along with a few people. And, well... ...admittedly, they seemed more approachable than her previous team. Her pout remained still for about a second before she glanced away, a small blush filling her cheeks. The nerve of these guys... Hana thought. Pulling her head up, she turned back to her team. "I-It's nothing," she mumbled in response to their simple words. "Er, actually!- What are you all up to now? I've been thinking about heading to the dorm, unless there's something else in your minds. I may be new, but I figure that as your leader, I should understand what you guys do on a daily basis. And don't think about tricking me!" She kept her gaze on her team members, slightly lowering her caution. She still kept her arms crossed though, and her pout had only slightly softened. @Crimmy@HereComesTheSnow@Ayazi
2018-07-01 05:48:00
Sterling Johnson @NaraK@Crimmy@Ayazi The steel-haired and steel-armed bruiser smirked wryly, folding the latter and glancing aside with the former. "See, that's like me telling you 'don't think about elephants'." His reply was bone-dry in a cordial, teasing way. "You're gonna start thinking about elephants, Boss."
2018-07-01 07:45:00
Diamond - This is actually a thing?! The reaction was not exactly what Diamond expected, but it was informative in its own stead. Apparently, at least one person in the world thought or knew this could be done, which sent a whole lot more of fright down her back than whatever wrath of the teacher or the other students may try to bring upon her for this, because apparently this fell into the 'bad things' bag. No, what scared the soul out of her was having half a shovel of dust fused to her nerves and somebody using it against her with as much as a thought. Quickly composing herself, she just nodded to the teacher and went to her seat, being none too worried about the glares sent her way. She waited out the rest of the class taking notes on what was being discussed, before the rest of the students were dismissed. This at least ought to be interesting. she thought as she waited where this would go. "Why did you do it?" As far as detention went, she imagined it could have been a lot worse. "To see if it could be done?" she answered. Duh? "And just form the fact that you think or know it can, I'm not going to sleep well for a few weeks, because well, in that case I'm right f *d, aren't I?" she said, making her eyes glow for a second for the emphasis. "Because in all the books and articles I read, and I did my research before having this stuff dumped into my system, nowhere is this mentioned. Unlike the most basic safety regs which say not to give unlabeled mixtures to people not educated in handling the stuff who have not been made aware of the risks, mind you. Which leaves me with two ways to think about this - Judging by the lack of hunters and military men exploding around everywhere when chasing bad guys, either there is some inherent mechanism in all of this that prevents foreign activation and Schwarz was never in any real danger in the first place, or you know something the rest of the world doesn't, and I'd very much like to know how to defend myself against this." she said, her voice a fit of a frightened shiver. It didn't take much thought to see which one was more likely, but then again, up until recently, Diamond didn't think People could be turned into Grimm, and that happened.
2018-07-01 19:11:00
Amy Desire, Between Places, With Permission of @Tominas @Krayzikk @Plank Sinatra @HereComesTheSnow It was a strange feeling, for her to be nervous. She nodded a farewell to Lauren and Ben as they left the classroom, her note in Lauren's pack. She inhaled deeply, letting her surroundings slow, her semblance dial up to let her calm down. Diamond aside for the moment... The note was out of her hands. She shouldn't be letting herself get stressed out over something she could no longer affect. The exhale came, and the world moved. She headed for the door, taking the same route as Ben--though she didn't clap Luke on the back, instead just letting her hand brush against his shoulder for a moment and smiling slightly. "I'll catch ya later too, okay?" she said, waving as she went out of the classroom. She'd like to branch out, meet people outside of BASL, and Luke seemed like a great place to start--but she had some business to attend to right now. ** * She still had the knack, as it turned out. Amy'd spotted the charms on her way out of PE--enhanced eyesight did wonders for noticing things in the grass, go figure--though she hadn't had time to catch up to Blaine before he'd left for his next class. Figuring out whose they were wasn't exactly hard, only Trad and the Lion faunus could have produced the tatters of clothing she'd found them in. Only one of those two had been in her huddle. A part of her had hoped the big guy would be in Dust Apps, but evidently not. That being said, given how he'd acted during the football game, he took this kinda stuff really seriously, and... The level of care he'd put into making these things was insane. How do you even convey reflections in woodwork? Regardless of whether or not he was having a full scale freak out, she figured he'd be at least back on the field looking for them--and that bet had payed off. "Hey!", she shouted, the necklaces dangling from an outstretched hand as she advanced toward the figure on the field. "I think these are yours!"
2018-07-02 06:01:00
![]( Sand sat at one of the terminals at the CCT center, off at a slightly more isolated corner among the rows and rows of communication stations. When the screen fizzled to life, a secretary greeted her, thanking her for being there in such short notice. “Sand Vespa, is that right?” she said, reading out her name from a screen just out of view. “Yes,” she answered simply. “Give me a moment to forward you.” Sand nodded, and the CCT standby screen appeared. Hiding a small grimace, she looked down at herself. After the repeated workouts from that day, she had taken the chance to return to the team’s room for a shower. She had replaced her usual clothes with a more casual attire consisting of blue jeans still fastened by her thick belt, a short-sleeved yellow blouse, and sneakers. Short in time as she had been, she had foregone drying her hair and had simply pulled it up into a messy tail. Maybe too casual. Her fingers tapped restlessly against her leg, trying to work some of the nerves out of her system. “There you are, Vespa.” She straightened her posture. The moment the face appeared on her screen, the words came out from the speakers. The man behind the screen must have been in his mid-forties, sporting a trimmed beard and short, dark hair that framed his sharp features. A pair of squarish spectacles sat on the bridge of his nose, reflecting the light of the monitor in such a way that it was difficult to make out his eyes. It did not particularly matter, in any case. She had seen enough of Doctor Richard Gamboge while she had been doing work as his research assistant in Atlas to know that the scientist was not pleased. “Is there anything I can help you with, Professor?” Sand asked, affecting cordiality even if she herself was not particularly thrilled to be holding this meeting. “I already sent all the data from my last outing to you. I assumed a debriefing wouldn’t be necessary.” “I did receive your data,” he scoffed. “What little there is of it. I expected a lot more from you, Vespa. Do you not understand that we had a chance to examine technology that could affect Grimm movements throughout Remnant? The findings could have completely changed the way we interact with these creatures. Now that it’s in the hands of Vale, the results of the research conducted in Fort Jaeger may well be buried forever.” Sand recalled the Grimm that still prowled the grounds of the fort, long after the experiments performed there had called horde upon horde of monsters until the whole structure had been overrun, the vast majority of its inhabitants and defenders slaughtered. “That might be for the best,” she commented. The man shook his head grimly. “I truly hope that is not what the people in charge of studying what remained in the fort come to think. Such is the kind of short-sighted thinking that prevents us from learning from our past mistakes.” Sand leaned back, sighing. Even if she had her doubts that the doctor’s intentions were as pure as he purported, he was not wrong. From what she had gleaned from his explanations and from what she had seen at the fort, the main goal of the research had been to draw Grimm away from settled areas. Had it worked as intended, the world might have been a very different place. Nonetheless, she could not give him the last word. “I thought I would just let this lie, but seeing as we’re having this conversation, I might as well. Professor, there were a lot more Grimm in that fort than your briefing suggested.” “That is not a question. If you simply want to give me excuses, I believe there are enough of those in your report.” Sand ignored him. “It’s rather suspicious when you consider I also happened to run into a team of Huntsmen while I was there. You told me you were sending me to the fort because the Grimm population had dwindled to a manageable level, but that was a half-truth at best, wasn’t it? The real reason you sent me there with the place still swarming was because you caught wind that plans to retake Fort Jaeger were being put in place and you realized you wouldn’t get a better shot at the tech inside.” The man grunted. “Watch your tone, Vespa. I have better things to do than gambling with a student’s life. I certainly was not the one who insisted you go alone.” Sand bit her tongue. Turning it into a solo mission had indeed been her idea, something she had justified to the Professor after the fact by claiming she could move undetected more easily that way. Now, she was not certain she would have been able to do much within the fortress had she not ran into Robert and his team. “In any case, that is not why I am contacting you,” the man continued. Sand blinked, surprised and a little wary. What else is there to talk about? “There is another Atlas transfer that should have arrived at Beacon the same day you did. He goes by the name of Jericho Dylan Piper.” Ah, right. That was that oddball’s name. Sand nodded along, already well-aware of this. She had thought his appearance at Beacon a funny coincidence, but having the Professor bring it up quickly roused her suspicion. “What does that have to do with me?” she asked. “Heart-warming as it would be, I don’t imagine you’re pointing it out because you’re worried I’d feel lonely without familiar faces around.” The man’s brows knitted over his spectacles. “Where do you even get these ideas? No, of course not. The student in question is in possession of experimental Atlas assets—” “—and you want me to keep tabs on him?” Sand finished his sentence. “Precisely.” She leaned forward, massaging her forehead with a hand. This all sounded extremely shady. More than that, things like these are precisely the reason why I transferred out of Atlas. That made another thought occur to her, one she did not much want to consider. Nonetheless, she had to ask. “Professor… is this the reason why my transfer was approved?” The man waved a hand. “Nonsense. That paranoia of yours is really quite something, Vespa, but as much as I would like to claim otherwise, I assure you the timing of your transfer was nothing but a fortunate coincidence.” Sand allowed herself a breath of relief. Of course, just a coincidence. When you look too deep into anything you start seeing conspiracies everywhere. “And the fact that I was suddenly named team leader had nothing to do with this, then.” “Ozpin took that suggestion? Interesting.” Sand felt like an ice cube had been dropped down her neckline. “What?” “Either way, your transfer was well underway by the time I put your name forth for this role.” “Wait.” Sand held a hand up, trying to keep the man from moving away from the subject entirely. “How much does Beacon’s Headmaster know about this?” “Yes, well.” He cleared his throat, clearly irritated by the interruption. “As far as I have been given to understand, Ozpin is fully cognizant of this Piper’s… peculiarities. As for the true purpose of your transfer, there should not be anything linking you directly to the other student, but I imagine he has come to his own conclusions after seeing you.” Sand had to keep herself from gaping at the screen, so amazed was she by what she had just heard. She felt her teeth begin to grind despite herself. “’The true purpose of my transfer?’ I had no hidden motives for coming here, and I’d prefer you didn’t imply as much. What did you just get me into? That last mission was supposed to be my last task as your assistant. There’s no reason for me to go along with this.” “That much is true,” the man nodded with some reluctance. “This is not coming from me, but from people higher in the chain of command. You should therefore believe me when I say you would be insane to pass this up. You would be remunerated for your service, not to mention it would be the perfect chance to get your name out to some influential people here at Atlas. If you refuse, someone else will simply be sent in your place.” “I don’t even remember seeing Jericho in your lab. If you are not involved, why are you trying so hard to force me into this?” “You were my recommendation, so naturally, if you accept—” “How much money is involved?” “I could get my research subsidized for years.” Sand sighed, falling silent. The man was frustratingly predictable, sometimes. She rested her elbows over the desk and brought her hands together, covering her mouth in an obvious thinking gesture. This was suspicious. Extremely suspicious, in fact, thanks in no small part to how absurdly shady her former boss was. However, she could not deny that the proposal was interesting. In a way, it would be no more than a part time job she took while she studied, with the potential to net her some important connections later down the line. That was before one considered how curious the whole situation made her. What was so special about Jericho that they needed someone to oversee him? Her voice was slightly muffled when she spoke again. “I beg your pardon?” She lowered her hands. “What would be expected of me if I agreed?” A smile pulled at the researcher’s lips. “It could not be a simpler job. Largely, your duties would involve keeping watch over the subject. The people in charge seem to want another student’s observations on the Piper’s progress, so yours should prove to be an adequate point of view. Naturally, you are not expected to shadow him every moment of your waking life, as it would likely impair both his, your, and dare I say your new team’s training. It would have been simpler if you could have been assigned to the same team, but that would have been too much of a coincidence, would it not?” Sand nodded. It was already suspicious enough that the both of them had arrived and began their instruction the same day. “Do my duties end at watching him?” “No. The subject’s safety is paramount. Atlas has invested a lot on Piper, and it would be one of your duties to defend that investment’s wellbeing.” “Jericho is a Huntsman-in-training,” Sand drawled. “It’s his job to be in danger.” The doctor shrugged. “How you perform that duty is up to you. With luck, he will take care of himself on his own and you will never need to step in.” Sand sighed. “Is there anything else?” “Yes. Make sure he does not overuse his glove and keeps it in good condition.” Glove? Are those the assets he mentioned? “Does he know someone will be watching him?” “I would not be surprised. That said, I would not tell him it is you were I in your shoes, unless you want to trade a relationship between classmates with the relationship of a felon and their parole officer.” “Is it that kind of relationship?” The man grew silent at that, clearly understanding what she was truly asking. Just as Sand opened her mouth to repeat the question, the doctor spoke. “A lot of his files are confidential. I can get you what the people in charge deem you need to know if you accept their proposal, but not through these channels.” Just who the hell is this guy? Sand wondered. “Fine. Tell them I’ll do it.” “Perfect. I’ll be sure to share the good news.” “But I have some conditions.” “Conditions?” he repeated, suddenly wary. “Right. First, I want a paper trail. A proper contract I can sign. Also, I want to speak with someone actually in charge for this. If I find out this is another legally gray plan to try and steal someone else’s research I swear I will fly back to Atlas to personally punt you off the highest cliff I can find.” “Another!?” he sputtered. “How dare you suggest I have ever been involved in such schemes?” “Also, quit stalling and deposit the payment for my last month as your assistant. I know you’re hoping I’ll forget.” The man’s face was so red for a moment it occurred to her he might pop a blood vessel. “I am not—“ “You hired me to get out of an argument about out-of-place budget expenditures in your laboratory, Professor. People in Atlas still think I was the highest-paid teacher assistant in the school. I’ll continue checking my balance in the meantime. Good night.” With that, the image of the red-faced scientist froze and fizzled away, replaced by the CCT’s standby display. Sand let out a long breath. She closed her eyes, resting her head in her hands. Perhaps… I spoke too loosely there. She may have been irritated, but the professor would not forget the way she had acted. Maybe if she called again, she could smooth it over. No… no. He won’t forgive me, and I’ll simply look like an idiot. She detested speaking with Dr. Gamboge. To that day she had trouble deciding whether meeting him had been a stroke of luck, or the worst thing that had happened to her since beginning her training as a Huntress. On the one hand, her ties to the man had allowed her to meet some of the key players in the Atlas research labs and had given her experience in the field to put in her resume, but on the other, this was not the first time one of the Professor’s ‘assignments’ had clashed against her sensibilities. It didn’t help that she utterly detested the man’s character. She still had to decide what she would do about Jericho. If this job required her to keep an eye on him, the first logical thing to do would be to figure out his schedule. Things would be simpler if she befriended him. She could ask directly about things she should know about if that was the case. If she so wished, she could even approach him directly with her given task and deal with it openly. She had been cautioned not to reveal what she was doing to him, but ultimately that decision rested with her. Sand grimaced. She hated how manipulative the whole thing felt. For her, picking someone with the intent of befriending them was not something that happened often, or easily for that matter. She preferred when those bonds formed naturally, with little extra effort on her part. Thinking of the alternative often filled her with either trepidation, or a pervasive feeling of lethargy, but never before had the prospect of socializing made her feel disgusted with herself. It seemed circumstance insisted on pushing her out of her comfort zone. Perhaps I should just put a bug in his room or clothes. Because that is not highly illegal. Not that she knew where she would get that kind of equipment in Beacon in the first place. In any case, she would need to make some room in her schedule for this. With a grimace, she recalled what she had told Robert before the two had parted ways. Sparring everyday after practice may not be the greatest idea after all. She produced her Scroll, thumbing through her newest contacts. She had managed to get ahold of her teammates’ numbers the day before, and soon enough she had brought up Robert’s to the front. She paused, thinking over what she needed to say, before she started typing. ”Hi Robert. Was thinking of a proper schedule for our sparring session. I said everyday after practice, but that is excessive. Fridays are for missions and weekends are for resting. I may not be available other Mondays like today, so we’ll play it by ear. Tuesday, Wednesdays and Thursdays I expect to see you at the Gym after class.” She eyed what she had written for a few seconds, hesitated, then continued typing. ”You got an assignment this week. You have to find someone and ask them to help you better some aspect of yourself. You need to find yourself some mentors. Next week I’ll ask you if you did it, and if you have no stories for me, we’re training without our auras.” Send. Sand closed her eyes and leaned back on her chair. Part of her wondered what had possessed her to make that last demand. She certainly would have found it extremely irritating if someone else randomly decided to dump homework on her. Case in point, in fact. Then again, this and that were hardly the same. Maybe the idea of being in a leadership role was getting to her, but now that she had been named team leader, wanting to do it right was a given. Pushing Robert to better himself was for his and the team’s benefit, she was confident in that. Her eyes opened a sliver. I just hope the others don’t think I’m playing favorites. The thought struck a sour chord within her, and she looked down at the Scroll still in her hand. She pulled up the addresses of all her teammates and wrote an additional message. “Heading out to Vale for dinner a bit later. Maybe the team can go together. Join me?” Satisfied, she sent the text and finally stood to leave. @Guess Who@Awesomoman64@Plank Sinatra
2018-07-02 21:50:00
![]( ⚙️ Ferris Grey Solidor Beacon, After Class ⚙️ Tuesday, 16:00 Well that was a blast. Ferris thought, indulging in some light irony. Practice consisted of little more than an obstacle course and random bits of exercises. Their 'teacher', the chameleon, spent the class in a one on one session with a student Ferris didn't recognize. As a result, the class deteriorated as they tend to do when nobody was keeping an eye on a bunch of bored teenagers. Not that Ferris really minded too much. He was too deep in through to do more than go through the motions. Early on, he idly pulled out a coin, and repeatedly flipped then caught it, using a smidgen of his semblance to pull it back to him if he missed it or it flew out of easy reach. He kept this up through the entire obstacle course. When he needed both hands, or as an extra challenge he'd flip it extra high and try to cross the obstacle before it hit the ground, Pulling it back to him regardless of the outcome. He clearly wasn't taking things seriously, and as a result his time was lackluster. (Although decently fast, considering.) Remarkably, he kept up his coin flipping for almost the entire class. From long practice, he was good at catching it, and the aura used to retrieve a missed coin was miniscule amount. Class let out after a grindingly slow hour, and not long after it did, Ferris felt his Scroll vibrate. Upon checking it, he found he had an old message from his half brother (which he immediately deleted) and a new one with the information on his team. Ferris frowned at it. The team thing had been strange ever since he started here, people coming and going, delays and mistakes. But one thing had remained the same. He had been assigned as Captain. That alone made Ferris wonder if Ozpin had gone senile. Jokingly wonder, mind. The few times Ferris had come across their headmaster, he had been impressed--no, awed by his mind. Ferris couldn't really explain it. If he had to guess, he would say that Ozpin's eyes were old. Which didn't make sense. Of course they were, he was probably late in his sixties. Plenty of time to gain wisdom, especially since being a Hunter was an inherently dangerous job. Old Hunters were wise hunters. So why did Ferris get such a strange feeling from him? Ferris shrugged off that line of thought. The man was a legend, after all. He could just be a little star-struck. With one dexterous hand, he rapped out a quick message and sent it to all three members of his team: `Rendezvous at main courtyard by NE fountain in ten minutes. We need to meet up before missions.` And that was it. Short and to the point. That was him. Anything else generally was an act. --- He cut through a few shortcuts, hopped a building with a few coins and his semblance, and made it to the designated spot in five minutes, easily the first one there. Good. Had to set an example. That boring-ass class had only made him more restless and read for some real action. He was hoping that mission work would scratch that itch. But first, he needed to know who he would be working with. He had already met one of them. The loudly dressed girl, who's name escaped him. But the other two were unknown. He hoped to familiarities himself with their weapons, semblances, and skills, before he had to work together with them. Teamwork was critical. Seeing as no one else was there yet, Ferris pulled out a small book, hopped up on the fountain's rim, and began to read. @NaraK@Caasicam@harinezumikouken
2018-07-03 00:57:00
@Forsythe Post-Dust Apps It's pretty clear that the lass in front of me really doesn't get why she's being punished. Worrying about dangers she could run into as a Hunter is all bloody well and good, but that's not the important thing here, you know? There's an unspoken agreement between humans that allows our society to function, and that's not to try and randomly chib each other out of nowhere. Indulging in some bampot desire to try and blow up something in another brat's hands, all outta curiosity, isn't conducive to that. At all. But, that's not even on her mind. She's just clarting on about another way people could hurt her. "Dust reacts to human will," I say. It's a repeat of what I went over in class, but seeing that the brat can't connect the dots by herself, I'll entertain her for a tad. It doesn't seem like her noggin'd be open to the actual problem if she's still scared of this bairn of a thing. "It doesn't matter whose. Any dobber with aura can catalyse a Dust reaction if they wanted to. Or not catalyse one, if they didn't want to." Dust is just a crystallisation of nature's infinite power. It's nice to think we have absolute control over it, especially if we've papped it into our bodies, but that's a reassuring little illusion we like to give ourselves. Even with all the power we've scraped together, humanity's not so all-powerful that we have absolute mastery over the elements. That's not how the world works. Maybe you might think it's unfair, but that's just arrogance speaking. When we make use of Dust, we accept the risks. It doesn't care who's responsible for the activation, just whether or not it will be activated. "If Schwarz didn't want the Dust to activate, it wouldn't have," I continue. "If you wanted to nudge the Dust in my pocket to blow right now, that's possible. But my will for it not to would be there too. You'd need a shocker amount of aura to overcome me not wanting a huge hole in my dress." Luke Schwarz was unlikely to have gotten that hurt. But that doesn't mean everything's hunky-dory, does it? "At the start of the semester, the Schnee heiress - she's in your year - had a good chunk of her Dust poof into air thanks to another student. Completely on accident. That's the 'foreign activation' you're scared of, isn't it? Miss Schnee got careless, and somebody was able to catalyse a reaction before she could respond in time." Nobody had gotten too hurt. It was just a tickie of a thing, the result of the Atlesian lass not being quick enough on the draw. Not thinking that somebody would accidentally set off her collection. "You avoid that by being more careful. There's a reason Dust is called 'Nature's Wrath', you know? It's volatile. And when you use it as a Hunter, you have to be ready to accept the risks." But, that doesn't excuse her actions. By participating in the demonstration, both of the brats accepted the risks involved with Dust usage. That's a given. They're coming here to Beacon to become Hunters, after all. Except that also means that they shouldn't try and hurt each other for no good reason. Curiosity is no good reason. This is a career where, ideally, you should be able to trust your colleague with your back. "But in any case, 'seeing if it could be done' isn't, at all, a good reason for trying to blow your classmate up," I continue bluntly. My eyes laser in on hers. "Being willing to hurt a classmate for something that you could've asked me for is wrong. It's unacceptable behaviour. Do you understand why?"
2018-07-03 09:14:00
@Slime@Silvan Haven@Ayazi Gratia Mindaro - Mall "Avoid department stores for your first choice," said Gratia, her tone still unchanging even as she slid into an impromptu lesson. "The chains will fucking gouge you out of house and home for shit that's barely worth the price." The Mistralese girl was scanning the area as they walked, taking note of the storefronts. As was her habit, she was looking for an op shop, the first place that she would buy from. While budget was far from an issue, given that Venetia's purse sagged harder than an arthritic's balls from the weight of her money, she was in the unfortunate position of teaching illiterates how to shop, with one also being two steps removed from a fashion disaster. "Always begin with an idea of what you want," she continued. "If you go in like some drooling retard, you're more than likely to be savaged by shop assistants seeking to drain your purse of everything it contains."
2018-07-03 09:37:00
@Crimmy@Slime@Ayazi Vale-Shopping Mall-Beryl Harken "Huh." They were those simple bits of wisdom that made perfect sense when you heard them but that a newcomer might not have immediately realized. Beryl's personal experience with shopping was limited to supermarkets and bargain stores so having somebody else to show her the ropes of more mainstream establishments was extremely nice. She glanced over at the newest member of the team, wondering what his thoughts on being in a place like this was. He was probably familiar with such locations if his clothes were any indication. "So where are you from, Silver?"
2018-07-03 21:20:00
@Silvan Haven@Crimmy@Ayazi Silver Applegate - Vale-Shopping Mall Silver was surprised to find out that his last teammate was also a girl. He didn't deny such a possibility, of course, but now he'd have to take some precautions on his daily life. "I'll have to knock on the door every time I enter our room. The bathroom especially." He took mental notes. He was also surprised by the SUV's equipment, but he'd leave his curiosity on it for later. Right now it was time to go shopping! Silver looked around the place in search for anything that would catch his eye. Gratia's advice on how to shop for clothes hit him in a rather sensitive spot. He couldn't just come out and say that he followed a shop assistant's advice on what to wear when he bought the clothes he had with him. Instead he nodded and acted naturally. Beryl turned her attention to Silver, asking where he was from. "I was born and raised in Atlas. This is actually my first time visiting another kingdom, in fact."
2018-07-04 01:11:00
![]( As she went down the halls, she took a look at her Scroll as she checked a message sent to her. Skidding to a halt, Yun stared at the message as she squinted. It was from the "Ferris" guy. The fountain? Putting up a thoughtful look, Yun tried to remember if she had ever paid attention enough to see a fountain passing by her. She quickly did, so she perked up and started heading over to the fountain's direction. As she hurried her pace up, she made sure not to bump into anyone. She decided she'd make it by six minutes! It'd be a decent impression, not being late and all. That was, until she bumped into a boy accompanied by a girl. They seemed pretty normal. "Excuse me, do you know where the Grimm Studies lecture room would be from here? A friend of mine said he left his notebook there." Yun froze up as she put up a thoughtful look. She knew where the Grimm Studies classroom was... technically. Rather, she only knew the general direction of it because some of the students she talked to earlier headed there. "I, uh," she began, trying to remember which classroom it exactly was. "You know what, I can show you really quickly!" As the two students thanked her, she bit the bottom of her lip as she led them along. Things suddenly got a bit slower than she expected. I hope I can still make it on time, she thought worriedly. She led the two students down the hall. Time ticked, minute by minute. The minutes passed like fresh watermelons in a farm sale. Five minutes passed. A blue blur rushed down the halls at breakneck speed as Yun pumped her arms rapidly, clenching her teeth. Six minutes her butt! At this rate, she'd have to start worrying about making the ten minute mark. Activating her Semblance, she leapt over a corner full of students- some of who turned to watch her run down the halls- as she hoped she could at least make it around the six to seven minute mark. Eventually, within the seven minute mark, Yun skidded into the fountain, almost tripping as she slowed herself down. Her running transitioning to an awkward walk, her gaze looked around for a face that could belong to a scary person and a leader. Her image of leaders wasn't exactly... the norm, but hey, her assumptions aren't meant to be harmful. Her eyes fell upon a young man reading a book by the fountain. Not a tacky comic book. Not a fashion mag. Not anything that looked like it'd contain lots of pictures, whether it be interesting or lively. A simple book. Cripes, she thought in horror. He's reading a book. This man was already nothing like her cousins. He still looked nice, though. By nice, she didn't mean by personality- she hadn't even talked to him yet. But his looks weren't as ferocious as she thought her leader could've been. A good start! So far, at least, she thought, walking up to him. Plopping onto the fountain's rim, Yun turned to the boy, "Heya! You're 'Ferris', right?" @Crimson Raven
2018-07-04 16:25:00
@Crimmy@Slime@Ayazi Vale-Shopping Mall-Beryl Harken Another kid from Atlas. Beryl briefly wondered if he and Jer-kun knew each other before deciding that they probably didn't. Not unless their newest teammate was also a super secret spy guy. She cast a sidelong glance at him as they moved through the store. He certainly didn't look like one, but that was kind of the point wasn't it? Can't be a secret agent if you look like one. "Hey Gratia, what about that one?" The young huntress called out as a shop caught her eye. It was a smaller clothing shop that, while not exclusively, seemed to primarily cater to a female clientele.
2018-07-04 16:45:00
![]( ⚙️ Ferris Grey Solidor Beacon, Courtyard ⚙️ Tuesday, 16:07 Ferris sensed someone's approach, but only looked up when he heard his name called out. Before him was a girl he recognized from the information he received on his team, including a picture. Although the picture didn't do her justice. She was of medium height, built like a runner, and shapely in a way that the beacon-issued uniform completely failed to hide. She had long, dark windblown hair that might have been orderly once, before it's owner had been running around, framing a fairly pretty face with cheerful, bright blue eyes that matched the various shades of blue and white that seemed to make up her color scheme. Her name was...uh...Su-Yeon. Su-Yeon Kang. What an interesting name. His assessment of her made a brief but notable pause before he spoke. "Most of the time." He replied with a faint smile. He smoothly swung his legs down and stood up, simultaneously dog-earing the page he was on and tucking the slim paperback into a pocket on the inside of his white coat, which he wore over his uniform. (Frowned upon by the dress code, but no one had said anything yet.) Upon standing he found he was about a head taller than her. "I believe yours is Su-Yeon Kang?" He asked, stumbling a bit over the pronunciation. His mouth didn't quit like the shapes of the syllables he was forcing them to make. @NaraK
2018-07-05 00:28:00
![]( Cafeteria --- @Lazo@Awesomoman64 Robert looked at the text with confusion. Scratching his head, he gave his reply a couple seconds of thought before replying with the following messages. "Uh..." Truly, the boy had a breathtaking skill with the written word. "Like what kind of betterment? Because I'm sure I could go find Trad, Gren, or Shiro and they could help me get better at those fighting games. I still suck at trying to do quarter circles." "It'd be nice to knock this out early in the week so I don't need to think about it," he said aloud, where anyone nearby could hear him and judge the redhead for talking to himself. Just as he was about to hit the 'send' key though, another message was delivered to his scroll. Again it was from Sand, but now in the team group chat rather than a direct text. Robert tabbed back to the message he had already typed and confirmed it's conclusion, then wrote out another reply for his team leader. "I'd love too. Where should we go though?" Pocketing the scroll, the boy decided to enter the cafeteria line only to grab something small to eat, that way he would ruin his appetite for later. Though as he waited in the back of the line, a hand in his pocket so he can feel his mobile device vibrate whenever he got a reply from either Sand or Trad, the bespectacled boy wondered. "Where is everyone? Feels like everyone here are strangers. Is my circle of friends and acquaintances really that small?" Perhaps it was best to look elsewhere to find some company to spend his free time with.
2018-07-06 04:53:00
![]( In Town Faffing About And then, class was over. It was all to a blur to Gren; he knew he had a recording so he could always just look at the class again later when he was paying attention, but he definately knew he didn’t participate as much as he should. A shame really; Dust was an important part of every Hunter’s arsenal. But he was too caught up in his own little world to even recognize that’s happening around him. Gren was still thinking about what his future hold now that he was running solo. No doubt that the school facilities are trying to find a team to pair him into, or failing that, other students to form a team with him. He wasn’t sure how he felt about any of that. Frankly, Gren isn't really thinking much at all right now. He was just… Autopilot. He does that a lot when he thinks so much that he can’t think any more. And usually because he was thinking about a lot of pointless things that now just leave him feeling empty and existential inside. At some point Gren had left Beacon and was prowling the streets of Vale. He wasn’t sure what he was doing here and frankly he was just expecting something to find him. Seemed simpler that way. Less thinking on his part, and he can go back to doing simple things like gunning bad guys down and blowing stuff up. For a man made mostly of machines, he had plain and straightforward intentions. Eventually Gren stopped wandering around and headed back to the airships, but he wasn’t going back to Beacon. It was time to visit Pops, and get an update on his research. Or if he finally decided to off himself or escape the Black Feathers. Frankly at this point Pops wasn’t even necessary anymore; they’ve gained enough of his research to continue the study independently from him. It’s only out of goodwill that he’s kept alive. It’d be more convenient if he was gone anyways. Less loose ends. ”Well, I guess I’ll figure out what to do with him when I see him.” Frankly Gren had a whole list of people he’s been needing to speak to that he’s been putting off. He’s just really busy with school, he supposed. No matter. He has some free time right now so he could clear up that list in a jiffy. First he'll need to go see Pops, then he'll head downtown to the clubbing scene, then he'll find that butcher over in the restaurant area, and finally talk to his old doctor about the stiffness in his joints. That wasn't normal.
2018-07-06 18:00:00
@Silvan Haven@Slime Gratia Mindaro - Shopping Gratia clinically appraised the storefront for a number of seconds, before her onyx gaze slid over to Silver. "If that's the type of shit he swings for."
2018-07-06 18:14:00
@Silvan Haven@Crimmy Silver Applegate - Vale-Shopping Mall Silver looked at the store Beryl pointed. "She did ask for advice. Maybe she needs new clothes too?" The joke went completely over his head. If Gratia wasn't there to throw it back at him, that is. "What?! N-no, I don't wear anything like that. I don't have a sense for fashion, but I can tell men from women's clothes." He couldn't help but get flustered at the idea of him wearing such a thing.
2018-07-06 19:36:00
@Silvan Haven@Slime Gratia Mindaro - Shopping "I see." However, the ability of their newest teammate to successfully dress in woman's clothing aside, Gratia could see little wrong with Harken's suggestion. While she was unfamiliar with the store, she had no issue with going to to inspect the wares. Their excursion had to start somewhere, after all. "What are you looking for, Harken?"
2018-07-06 19:46:00
@Crimmy@Slime Vale-Shopping Mall-Beryl Harken "Some casual clothes aaaaaaand maybe another bathing suit. Bianca got one that doesn't squeeze the life out of me on the cruise but I go swimming so often that it's almost always in the wash."
2018-07-06 23:17:00
![]( @Krayzikk @NaraK Lauren was only spatially aware of her colonizer mule boy shuttling her back to the Bastille dorm, likely so she could enjoy the benefits of white dick and someone to do her homework for her. She was still wrapped up in ideas on how to stop Diamond Frost's clock discreetly, hopefully - but not necessarily - through an intermediary. She was hung up on the image of a good nail bomb, personally. The little bitch had the pencil neck for it; it would soak up a lot of shrapnel, leave the bitch with more nails through it than a voodoo doll. Make her a san-terrrrrrri-a piece. There was a girl who loved her who would have happily done it. That was dependent on her finding out about Lauren's survival and not going out of her way to kill her too, though, so maybe a late-night "u up" wouldn't fly so hot... Or maybe it would. Like she'd told Luke, it was always best to just shoot your shot. Especially if the target had an untraceable baseball bat that could pulverize Diamond with Dust crystals, too. That was what the poets of the streets called an ironic touch. Ali was like that - like if everything had gone wrong for Estelle Nuit. Heeee. Lauren was quiet, contemplating, as they left the Dust Apps classroom. Cap was getting bold as fuck shuttling her around the halls like this, wasn't he? People would get ideas. And then she'd have to implement those ideas on him, like a camp counselor in the night. "Where we going? Do you know where Sangue is, Cap? Are we all meeting up?" Lauren began to fidget in Ben's grasp, legs wrapped around him as she gyrated to the sides, the motions somewhat unfamiliar now that she had trapped herself in a uniform. "Are we?" ![]( To deter Bianca, Jericho had set off a couple flashbang traps at critical points in the faculty locker room connected to the Practice classroom. Then he decided to shower before meeting his new team. Flapjacks. God damn it. He'd been a heavenly knight a week ago. He'd gone from kitchen wench to goddamn Miss Buttersworth. Rich would be laughing at him from his perch in Atlas, until he learned where groceries came from and how much time it took to get them. The hot water beat onto his forehead, rhythmic, helping him brood.
2018-07-07 14:34:00
@Silvan Haven@Slime Gratia Mindaro - Shopping It was an answer that was more general than she would have preferred, but it was something she could still work with. "Anything specific to your tastes?" she asked, as they strolled into the store.
2018-07-10 14:36:00
@Plank Sinatra@Write@FlitterFaux Luke Schwarz - Turning in It was starting to get late. My mind still abuzz with questions, concerns and otherwise intrusive thoughts, I realized that Tearlag Cirsium was a very thorough woman indeed. The walls were thick enough that even if I’d been making a concerted effort to pry into whatever was happening behind me, whatever lectures or punishments were being doled out, I wasn’t going to without stepping in the room and making myself known. That... That I didn’t need to be doing. Whatever happened to Diamond Frost as punishment wasn’t my business beyond knowing that it wouldn’t be done again, and I trusted our youthful professor’s stern character in that matter well enough that I had no reason to sit in and make the scene awkward or extra-heated. Always isolate the key components— that was the rule. If a combination has proven volatile, make sure you don’t mess around with one without the other safely contained. Basic chemistry. Basic interrogation, basic witness report, basic whatever you name. Though, I still don’t know the true nature of our clash. No matter how I twisted it, it seemed to just appear from a vacuum. And that simply couldn't be right. ...At any rate, I’m rambling about nothing. I wasn’t staying behind for just desserts, I was staying behind to ask my teacher something, and she was obviously all tied up. With the day getting long in the tooth, and Bianca having a grand “welcome to being a team, team!” Feast in the making, I knew I’d have another day. Tomorrow would work. It would give me time to remove myself from the situation and approach it— and my questions— from a place of more clarity. This haze was probably going to make me trip all over myself if I just walked in now. I’d sleep on all this, first. For now, let’s see what our local winged wonder was cooking up and try to rest easy, yeah? >Heading home >if I get poisoned again I’m never forgiving you bianca I smirked as I kicked off the wall and started my trek towards the dorms, a short jaunt of about seven minutes on a leisurely day. Fugu. Cruise ship Fugu. Classic blunder.
2018-07-10 16:55:00
@Crimmy@Slime Vale-Shopping Mall-Beryl Harken Her tastes? Beryl's tastes were well...they were whatever she could get her hands on. More than half her wardrobe consisted of hand-me-downs and old clothing various parents had donated to the orphanage. She supposed that there were a few she had bought or that had been bought specifically for her. Not enough to build much on the way of personal style but she supposed she had a few things in particular that she liked. "Stuff that's easy to move around in. Pants, shorts, T-shirts. As for swimsuits, the only stuff I've found that lets me go as fast as I want to are the single piece sportswear stuff. Everything else tends to pulled on by the water."
2018-07-10 21:55:00
![]( @Plank Sinatra @NaraK "Sangue usually meets us back at the dorm, she'll probably beat us there. Amy's headed off to do something, but I figure we can pick Sangue up, all have a chance to change, and maybe head into Vale." Lauren's fidgeting, once upon a time, probably would've been enough to throw off Ben's balance. Especially since he was pretty sure that whatever she had in her backpack, it was pretty heavy. He hadn't expected it when she picked it up. He could still carry her around just fine, just took a little more adjustment. Which was kinda the point; this far into the year, it didn't even take conscious thought to maintain his balance. Just was what it was. "And I wanna see what you're hiding in your jacket, you didn't have it before Armory." Both hands were occupied, so instead of ruffling her hair, he elected to bump her head lightly with his own and grin. "After that I guess we can go get burgers or something. We can text Amy and see if she wants to meet back up, but I bet Sangue'd love to head into town."
2018-07-11 21:38:00
![]( Formerly Australian Football Field Primary Objectives: Locate Charms, Save Face --- --- Blaine combed through the grass like a man possessed, eyes peeled for the slightest sign of the small, carved tokens that he had made days prior. It was unlike him to be so panicked, but to tell someone they had gifts on the way and then leave them standing there…unthinkable. And so he searched, sprawled on all fours, sweating profusely as his shredded clothes hung loosely off his massive form. > "Hey!", she shouted, the necklaces dangling from an outstretched hand as she advanced toward the figure on the field. "I think these are yours!"@Kaithas The enormous faunus’s head whipped around at the sound of the smaller student’s approach. He leapt to his feet and turned to face her in one smooth motion, striving to maintain the appearance of someone not dripping desperation as the red-feathered faunus came closer. Blaine’s mouth opened to address her, when he noticed what the woman had to offer. His heart beat loudly in his chest, pupils dilated, lungs ceased movement. She had the charms. His mouth opened slightly, pointed fangs on display with the parting of his lips. Without his consent, Blaine heard his voice emerge from his throat as the world turned grey at the edges. Dimly, he was aware that he still wore no real pants. “Y-you… I… Charms yes mine.”
2018-07-12 09:38:00
![]( @Krayzikk @NaraK "Oh yeah? I was planning on keeping it a secret, but since you asked so nicely..." There was almost no distance between their eyelashes, their noses, their lips. Lauren sighed softly, grinning, the cool mint of the gum she had been chewing in class dancing on her breath-- "EEEEEEEEENGH" -and breaking into her best interpretation of the dreaded game show buzzer, arching her back away from Ben to get some distance from the blacksmith boy's face. "You can see it Friday with everyone else, you bum ass redneck. Thinking I'm gonna show you shit after you friend-proofed your fucking shield. Fuck outta here, you milk-colored goof. Let's pick up the girls and get those fucking burgers."
2018-07-12 15:28:00
![]( @Plank Sinatra @NaraK Ben laughed. "It's not friend-proofed, it's enemy-proofed. You'll be on the approved list as soon as I can code it in." He adjusted his hold to accommodate for the way Lauren leaned, and continued up the stairs towards their dorm. "Fine, then. Be stubborn. Need to pop in the shower before we head out?" Getting the dorm door open was a little tricky, with both hands occupied. But he slipped the backpack's handle over his wrist instead, turned the knob, and used Lauren's shoulder to push the door open. "Hey, Sangue, you back yet?"
2018-07-12 22:32:00
@Silvan Haven@Slime Gratia Mindaro - Shopping "Simple enough." It would take active effort to actually fuck up Harken's shopping experience. "Go take a look around then."
2018-07-13 07:01:00
![]( Smile @Plank Sinatra@FlitterFaux@HereComesTheSnow “So yeah, basically I fought this gigantic plant Grimm with someone who could pretty much be in Vale’s version of the bachelor, if you guys have that here. After that, I kind of messed up my opportunity to shine on the water for my sister, but honestly – Lauren did such a great job and I’m just really proud of her. And then me and, well he’s technically not my boo, but my boo and I we practiced to cap off the day and I was wearing this outfit actually. So I looked cute, right? But capable.” “So, sorry is that debit or credit ma’am?” “Oh that’ll be cash, sorry!” I said, quickly thumbing through about ten or so bills from my perfectly theft-proof purse. “Right… So that’s $422.95,” the teller said, reasonably surprised. It wasn’t like he was in Mistral, people from Vale didn’t generally walk around with this much money. “O-kay!” I said, gripping all of them tightly and handing them over, they were pristine and unbent. He took them and neatly deposited them into the till. He handed me my change, and at once I began stuffing the bags of food under my arms. I had gone a little out of town to get the best food, as according to some twenty or so reviews the store had been left. They were an all you can eat buffet of various cuisines, but I had something for everyone. Some wonton soup, pepperoni pizza, pad Thai, smoked salmon, veal marsala, kielbasa and sauerkraut, grilled swordfish. There was more, but I had lost track through the order. I basically just ordered three of everything just to be sure everyone could get whatever they wanted. With that done, assisted by my semblance I managed to cart all of the bags of food back to the town car, garnering many looks on the way there. The backseat nearly full to the brim with food, so much so that it was all the driver could do to see out of the rear-view mirror. I guess not many people nearly bought out buffets here. Ah well. My phone chirped to life under my thigh as I gazed out the window. I snagged it and saw Luke’s text and immediately cringed. Riiiiiiiiiiight. >My bad Luke! As long as you only eat what you can this should be good!! A few minutes passed and, finally, I arrived back at Beacon. Once again with some added effort and a few notable whistles from some passerbys who admired good workout attire, I managed to finally cart all the food back into our dorm. It seemed as though I had just barely beaten Luke back as he wasn’t quite in the room yet. "Time to get to work!" Okay Bianca, get your head in the game you've got to show these people that you're worth having around! I placed everything out on a rather large table that spanned almost all the way from each of the beds with just enough room to walk around it. Considering the room size it was a wonder I'd been able to fit it at all. I laid out each food by region of origin, making sure to keep the covers on until people could dig in so it wouldn’t be cold. Finally I threw myself abck onto the bed, sweat beading at my forehead but the wind in my hair and through my feathers. I think they're really going to like this, but all the same I had to catch myself, either I was way more tired than I had thought or maybe a bit dehydrated. I had been running ever since class to make sure I made it in time for dinner, and I did do a lot today but my recovery had been going well so far! “Finall-“ Huh? There were a couple guitars, several in fact that I hadn’t seen before. Was Luke taking up music? No. Wait, there was also a Dance Til Sunrise dance pad, along with a new tv leaned up against the wall. I was rushing around, I must not have- Am I in the wrong room? My hand flew to hit the button by my bed stand, which immediately confirmed I was not. A small projector lowered itself out of the ceiling, as I turned to see where the screen would also lower from I noticed the empty bed... Wasn't empty at all? Immediately, I jumped off the bed, quickly hit the switch once more so the projector and screen retreated. Running over to the bed there was a great big poster with a few figures on it. With big bright blue words. ATLAS WILL INDOCTRINATE YOUR YOUTH! But that was from Noel’s year in the Vytal Festival? I wouldn’t think Luke would… That was when I was sure, this was from Noel’s year. Another picture of the Vytal Festival – the scoreboard proudly declared in the background. And a young boy who garnered my attention, his hair a bright bubblegum pink. That was Noel du Acier’s look – no doubt about it. This last one, it has Jericho smiling… I picked it up, gingerly as if an artifact from an ancient civilization. He was smiling… So deeply. “You look so...” I immediately put it back down looking around the room more. “I don’t” but before I said another word I flew over to my bed, rustling a few papers, knocking them on the ground, and I sat on the bed, hugging my legs and resting my chin on my knees. My wings neatly tucking behind me, I scanned the room for any mess I made or left, but I had been pretty clean save for the massive amount of food prepared. I felt a warmth spread from my neck to my cheeks, into the tips of my ears. I felt the sunlight catching my shoulder and warming it just to the point of being noticeable. The mixed smells of food filled the air but I couldn’t notice it. I didn’t really. Why was Jericho’s stuff here? Would he come over? Would he like any of the food? There was only twelve vegetarian and eight vegan options. Was he either of those??? With that body it was more than likely. He looked so wonderful when he was happy - I hope he still gets that happy, I don't think I've seen him like that.
2018-07-14 00:44:00
@Silvan Haven@Crimmy Silver Applegate - Vale-Shopping Mall The topic quickly changed to what Beryl wanted to buy. Silver followed the girls into the store and glanced around. "You sound like you'd be fine spending all day on the water, Beryl. You like swimming that much?"
2018-07-14 00:50:00
![]( Hey, I'm Jericho. I hope we work well together. @Write @HereComesTheSnow @FlitterFaux "Skitter once if you're there." So spake Jer, teeth gritted around a piece of boxing tape, ripping it away from the roll as he finished wrapping a fresh set of gauze around his tricep. Without the sound of the hot water running into the drain, or beating against his body, the locker room was quiet. Jericho didn't make noise very often. He liked keeping an ear out for the people around him. Right now, there was nobody. He was freshly dressed, staring at his tight black t-shirt in the mirror, the white monogrammed '#1 CLONE' letters staring up at him from his sternum. It was his most effective catalyst. If he wasn't getting an answer, he wasn't going to. "Worth a shot." He had hoped that Bekah would be here, stalking him, waiting to help him practice his introduction to the rest of the team. He had effectively bungled his introduction to his classmates-turned-students by throwing them into a hellish obstacle course when he meant to say hi, and it wouldn't do to repeat the mistake with his new unit. Unfortunately, it was far too late for him to disguise himself as someone else - or even as the other sex - in order to facilitate a later, seamless escape back to Atlas. He had shown his face during classes all day. By now his absence would already be missed. He would have to be a flapjack. "Hey, I'm Jericho. I can't wait to work with you guys." Sure he could. He was already homesick. There were no real lights in Vale. Where was the neon? "Hey, I'm Jericho. Good to meet you guys." Maybe. Maybe not. He could have called his dad and asked for help, but everyone else in his family would have roasted him over an open fire for overthinking saying hello to someone so much. Jer was better at infiltrating things he was supposed to put a stop to. The real him was boring and staid, unimportant to whatever task ever ended up being at hand. The Jer with the big guns and the knives and the Semblance were what was important. The Jer with the spooky arm was all that mattered anymore. Everything else was prologue. Jer sighed and tossed his hair back, running ridges through it with his fingers. He made sure to leave his guns, chest holster, and knives - or at least the ones he'd had on his person all day - in his gym bag on his way back. His Scroll remained in his hand, to make sure he had the right room assignment for his team. He gritted his teeth and let out a long breath when he reached it; he smelled food. He knew it was probably a welcoming gesture for him, maybe a way to make him feel at home. Honestly he just wished he'd gotten here before everyone else so he could do the cooking himself. Dad was able to pretend he liked normal people. He envied that. The door swung open, and Jer kicked his gym bag full of weaponry over to the bed where, at a glance, he could see the rest of his belongings had been left. He gripped the top of the door frame with both hands, leaning forward casually. They had definitely bought food. Lots of it. Crap. "Hey, I'm Jericho. I hope we work well together." For a second, he was absurdly proud of himself. That was a fantastic hi. Then he looked past the food. ... ![]( Jericho Piper turned around and walked back out, through the open door.
2018-07-14 01:41:00
@Crimmy@Slime Vale-Shopping Mall-Beryl Harken "Eheh, ummmm yeaaaaaah." She couldn't help the embarrassed twitch that ran through her tail. Trying to ignore it she looked around the store as they entered. The theme advertised outside was continued within. Various female garments covered the built in wall shelves and took up the vast majority of the racks that filled the small store. A couple pictures of well dressed male models sat above a corner in the far back, hinting at the existence of something besides women's clothing. "I'd probably live in the water if all my friends and family weren't on land. It's always been my way to get away from the world. A place where I can just relax and not have to worry that someone's going starve, or get hit by a car, or get kidnapped...Ooooo." The young huntress skipped over to something that had caught her attention on a nearby shelf, grabbing a pair of slim jean shorts and holding them up. "These shouldn't get in the way of moving around, even in the water. Look pretty sturdy too. No hole for my tail but I can add that later." She held them against her and turned to Silver. "What do you think?"
2018-07-14 01:45:00
![]( Hi my names Nice, it's really Bianca to meet you! @Plank Sinatra@FlitterFaux@HereComesTheSnow I waited, and waited, I had already been behind given the fact that I had driven for dinner but even then it took a few minutes before anyone had come into the room. I wanted to just relax, to hangout like I usually did, but then… I just kept staring at his stuff. I… Get to just- The door handle moved and by second nature Bianca grinned, it was as if she was being prepped for another gala by her father. “Hey Lu-“ Chalk it up to muscle memory, hoping that I wouldn’t have to improvise conversation with Jer alone until the rest of her team showed up, or just nerves. “Oh hey!” But before I even managed to stand, Jericho turned around calmly and walked back out of the room. Shit. Shit. Shit.Shit.Shit.Shit.Shit.Shit.Shit.Shit. Shit. “H-hey?” I called out twirling a loose strand of ivory near my chin. “I have swordfish.” You have swordfish. You dense bitch. That’ll get him. Hey I know you think I stalked you on that cruise but there’s slightly less common than salmon seafood in here, come on in. I wish you weren’t so fucking awkward, girl. God why is this so weird???? You literally just- “Sorry, I have more than swordfish - obviously…” A moment of silence. “Like there’s lamb and twelve vegetarian options.” Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. “And eight vegan options.” My voice was quieter by the millisecond. “Okay, well I’m just gonna keep sitting now.” I waited for an answer, but I saw another student walk by the door, they were clearly headed somewhere else but they couldn’t help but stare in confused at me. Shut up you NPC. I took a second to look around the room at the Atlesian culture that was just tossed in, along with the trunk of weaponry Jer had just thrown in the room. There was more than just some hunky knight in Atlesian gold-plated armor standing out there. There was a guy I really just… Wanted to get to know. He seems so fun! Look at that smile and he's just genuinely hugging people! He plays instruments and dances! I sing, maybe we could talk about our favourite artists Who knew he ran marathons? I’ve run a few maybe we could talk about that, compare times! Maybe we could just talk for a minute and hangout and enjoy each other’s company like teammates. Maybe. “Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer.” I called out in that way that I knew he had developed an entirely physical reaction to. “Are you… Moving in?”
2018-07-14 02:16:00
![]( @Write @HereComesTheSnow @FlitterFaux "Nope." ... ... ... ... ... Where in Vale could you get good lamb? Sear that with some thyme... ... ... ... "Yes." He came sidling back in a few seconds later, crossing his arms sitting on the dresser beside his TV and video game paraphernalia. He refused to sit on the bed yet. "Your TV in here is crappy and probably not 4K. I'm using it as target practice next lesson. This is an Atlesian TV dorm now."
2018-07-14 02:25:00
@Silvan Haven@Crimmy Silver Applegate - Vale-Shopping Mall "I don't really think jeans are good for swimming, but they look good for everyday use. Even an inept like me knows you can't go wrong with jeans." He said as he looked over his faunus companion. "Wait, that wasn't really a nice thing to say. I mean, I think it looks good. Tight pants are good for showing off your thighs." He blurted it out without thinking.
2018-07-14 02:27:00
@Crimmy@Slime Vale-Shopping Mall-Beryl Harken Huh? Beryl tilted her head in confusion. Why would she want to show off her thighs? Sure she was proud of how fit she was but it wasn't like she wanted to brag about it. Unable to comment on the second part of Silver's comment she decided to respond to the first half instead. "Well yes it's hardly a swimsuit, but you'd be surprised how often I have to jump into a large body of water without the opportunity to change first. Plus drying off is really easy with my Semblance."
2018-07-14 02:59:00
@Silvan Haven@Crimmy Silver Applegate - Vale-Shopping Mall Upon realizing what he had said, Silver cleared his throat and covered his face with a hand to hide a mild blush for a moment before looking back at Beryl. "Really? What does your Semblance do?" He tried to change the topic.
2018-07-14 03:16:00
![]( The door opened, revealing Sangue with relatively casual clothing. She had just finished wearing a hazy pink-red blouse to go with her jeans. Turning to Ben, who seemed to be carrying Lauren, the red-haired girl nodded as she took several steps towards them. She noticed Amy’s absence among the two. “Yes,” she said simply. If Amy wasn’t around, she’d ask later, though Ben holding Lauren initially made Sangue wonder if Lauren had been hurt. Lauren’s expression screamed otherwise, though, so she seemed fine. @Plank Sinatra@Krayzikk --- ![]( “Yup, yup! That’s me!” Yun grinned. “You can just call me Yun, though. It rolls off the tongue better.” Well, so far, she didn’t say anything that got people riled up. That was a good start! Then again, she did kind of just get here, so it’d suck if her first impressions fell over her head before they even began. “Well, it’s nice to meet ya, captain!” She said before asking, “Say, where’re you from? I’m kinda surprised that there’s quite a handful of guys and gals from Mistral, but I’m one of them.” Ferris' jacket happened to catch her eye as she talked. His jacket looked pretty comfy, but she did everything in her power to not call it fluffy. It just seemed... odd to just say that right off the bat, so holding her words back about it was probably a better option. @Crimson Raven@Caasicam --- ![]( “…Elephant?” Hana mumbled, looking away for a moment in a futile attempt to mask her confusion. Elephant? Hana thought to herself. Elephant. Unfortunately, confusion often led her to getting flustered- or just angry. “W-Whatever! You get the point,” she said, slightly raising her voice. "Elephant or not, I'm gonna have to know at some point, so I'd rather know now." @Crimmy@HereComesTheSnow@Ayazi
2018-07-14 03:38:00
@Crimmy@Slime Vale-Shopping Mall-Beryl Harken Lucky for Silver the faunus before him had turned her attention to folding the shorts in her hands. She still heard his question though. "I can sense and control water. Comes in really handy with the whole swimming thing."
2018-07-14 04:12:00
@Silvan Haven@Slime Gratia Mindaro - Shopping "Try them on," said Gratia, but her eyes were busy searching the store for any clothing that would go well with the pants instead of looking at Harken. Her priorities were placed firmly with the goal of the shopping trip, rather than dealing with the quirks of her newest teammate. "Make sure the material's of a good quality. And that it doesn't fuck up your skin." Shuai Taidan "I don't really like elephants. They have four legs."
2018-07-14 08:28:00
![]( @FlitterFaux@Plank Sinatra@Write Hey guys what's going on in he— To preface, I should have seen it coming. After the harrowing trials of Friday's mission, I hadn't seen hide nor hair of him once. The weekend was understandable on that front, of course, given that I'd been tossed out of the S-Ranked frying pan and into the high seas fire with about two or three hours of downtime between them— But Family Day should have tipped me off. And if not that, through some strange coincidence of scheduling and itineraries not matching up between my supercharged family and whomever might have came from his orphanage, then his total absence from the room and classes all through today should have easily clued even an imperceptive sod like yours truly into the simplest of facts: Jack Orpheus was no longer here. "Ah," I grunted in mild surprise. Our lackadaisical, capricious, and lightning-quick leader had quietly packed his things and left. His space had always been rather spartan compared to mine, to say nothing of even a first-day Bianca Nuit's, but it had never been quite so barren as it was when we'd woke and broke for our lessons. He didn't have much, but what he did have made it very clearly his. Even it being orderly, when owned by someone with a nature so lax as his, was a break from normalcy— So, if I was any good at paying any sort of attention, I might have been able to see something like this coming. "Jericho..?" The Atlesian operative, all 185 brooding and mysterious centimeters of him, was standing outside my open doorway with his patent guarded and carefully neutral expression, surrounded by the smell of food that wafted from within. Hm. I knew he'd transferred since I saw him in Gym, but what was he doing loitering around my room for? Maybe whatever Bianca'd put together lured him here? Well, no. His back was turned. Not even Jer Piper would just turn his back on food that was, let's face it, more than likely freely offered. Especially not quality seafood like what my nose was telling me. Hmm. Maybe lost? It was a new venue and all, and as such it could be disorienting for anyone who had just moved in, even if I was sure he knew how to quickly get the lay of the land. He could be making that face to mask nerves because he didn't want to ask for help— However unlikely that seemed. He didn't care for posture that much. How strange. “Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer.” Bianca called in that syllable-stretching way of hers. How peculiar. “Are you… Moving in?” How intriguing. "Nope." ... ... ... After a second's deliberation, he did an about-face and walked inside, not having noticed my presence in the slightest. "Yes." "Eh?" Hold on! Hold on, hold on, hold on! Stop! Pause! I blinked twice before starting off after him, bursting into the doorframe just as he was sitting down. "Oi, leave that TV alone! It went through hell with me!" What on Earth were the odds at play here?! First we meet an Atlesian Double-O pastiche on a cruise trip who just happened to be our age, got roped into foiling an assassination plot with him, and now he was replacing our latest vacancy on this revolving door of a team?! And moreover, weren't you going to be a Flapjack? He was grumpy about the name and everything! Is the Headmaster just shuffling a deck of students every two hours? How were we even supposed to stay cohesive like this?!
2018-07-14 09:21:00
![]( @Write @HereComesTheSnow @FlitterFaux "Trust me, you can't possibly be adjusting more than I am at this second." Now that the dorm was filling up, and Jer was being faced with the breakdown of all his move's predictability, he walked over protectively to his things. His eyes fell on the three photographs, but he didn't move them. Instead he reached for the lone open box of clothes, where the imprints of the three photographs were still faintly visible in a stack of folded shirts. He reached for the top fabric and pulled it out of the box; it was no shirt at all, but a matte black face scarf, faded slightly brown from age and wind. He let out a long, deep breath. The fabric rolled through his fingers and slipped back into the box. "Look." He turned around to face the two Beaconites, face inscrutably neutral. "I would rather take a jack-knife off that balcony right now than sleep in the same room with either of you. Especially for a sustained amount of time." His teeth chewed, very slightly, on the corner of his bottom lip. "But I would rather be here than return home a pancake. So I'm not going to question this until someone questions me. Are either of you team captain?"
2018-07-14 13:37:00
![]( Measuring flat screens @Plank Sinatra@FlitterFaux@HereComesTheSnow “Huh? No that’s Jack.” I remarked taking the cap off of the wonton soup and pouring myself a small bowl. The warm broth released a gentle fog that rose to my senses, I repositioned myself to give Jer and Luke more room to get around the already fairly crowded room. I had seen that on an animal planet once before - it helps caged animals relaxed... or something. I took a big happy mouthful of soup and immediately regretted it as the overly hot broth cooked my tastebuds, I felt my entire face turn red as I resisted he urge to spit the soup up. Be a lady damn it you are practically a duchess. I swallowed hard and forced a half smile. ”Yum!” It’d probably taste better with non-scorched tastebuds. I put the soup down carefully, examining both of the TVs in question in the debate. ”although now that Jack’s stuff is all gone I guess you’re taking the captain’s quarters!” The remark was innocent enough but I realized that once again for what was probably the third time this week, Luke’s team shifted. I hope he likes being my teammate now. Yeah... Teammates. It’s so cool!! I tried to keep my jubilation at bay so no one could tell just how excited I was, but... Ahh!! ”You guys shouldn’t fight though, I had a projector installed while classes were on today - and it can serve as a disco ball for dance parties!” I tried and failed to not stare at the dance pad that had been moved with some of Jer’s other things. ”Anywaaaaaaay - why don’t you guys at least dig in! Once everyone’s done I’m probably gonna have to run all this food out anyway!”
2018-07-14 14:21:00
![]( @FlitterFaux@Plank Sinatra@Write Black Scene — Dorm Management This guy... I felt the corners of my mouth tighten and my gaze narrow beneath a furrowed and pensive brow as he met Bianca's eyes, and then mine in turn. Had we not built up any goodwill in the past three days? If it were anyone else, it'd be hard to believe, but whether I bought it or not... "Yeah, well, don't push yourself." I couldn't say I was surprised either way. This was always the side he'd showed us on the cruise, albeit a bit more professionally— But I knew there were hints of something more underneath. He could have fun. He could loosen up. Even around us, the unfamiliar replacements, he could do it if we twisted his arm the right way. Hopefully, it would just take less than always splashing his face, mercilessly, to pull it out. I walked through and slung my backpack onto my bed, before turning back and folding my arms. I was being a little unreasonable to expect sunshine and roses and friendship immediately out of him, especially after it'd been a long day for all of us, but I still had to lay out ground rules. Chiefly amongst them, not touching my stuff. I stood in front of my quadrant, a stalwart guardian. I held a steady gaze, regarding the Atlesian with the steely eyes of my homeland. I had drawn a line in the sand, ready to defend my belongings with valor and conviction— I sighed. It came out through the nose, like a slow release of pressure that reflected in the tension through my shoulders and entire body, and I slid an eye over to... Wow, my most senior teammate now. "And I'll say the same to you, too. Don't go and hurt yourself, Bianca." The wonton broth smells extremely appetizing, don't get me wrong, but you need to blow on it first when it's still this fresh! Believe me, I get it! The stock used for the broth is amazing, the shrimp shells, pork bones, and dried flounder flakes all came together into a great, savory and unctuous base of umami that beautifully played against the neutral taste and chewy texture of the wrapper, and accentuated the meats within, almost as well as a bowl of proper ramen or udon from home, but in the same manner, you needed to exercise caution when it's still piping hot! Blow, blow, then savor! "And don't hurt your bottomless wallet either. Seriously, a projector?" I asked in muted amazement, glancing around the ceiling for the thing before my eyes settled back upon the group. ...Speaking of piping hot, I ignored the burns healing from my first bite—when did I grab this bowl?—and gave my own answer to Jericho. "Leadership's in a bit of flux with him gone. I haven't been told anything about a promotion, and Bianca and Skye are both nearly as new around here as you are, so..." The "J" in "Jericho" did slot perfectly into "Jumpercable". This had to be Ozpin's strategy, since I doubted I'd done anything to suggest leadership capability. After all, I barely scraped by getting in and could hardly keep myself in line— let alone three other qualified peers. "It looks like you're it, buddy." --- --- Sterling Johnson "I like 'em. They're smart dudes. They remember things forever, man."
2018-07-14 18:15:00
@Crimmy@Slime Vale-Shopping Mall-Beryl Harken Gratia as always with the slightly grating voice of reason. Beryl made a noise of agreement and grabbed a white T-shirt off another rack before heading off to the changing stalls.
2018-07-14 18:19:00
@Silvan Haven@Crimmy Silver Applegate - Vale-Shopping Mall Controlling water, huh? That was rather vague, but depending on how good Beryl was at using her Semblance it could be very powerful. But before Silver could ask about that, Beryl made off to the changing stalls. Now he was left alone with Gratia. He could already tell she had quite the sour mood, but he decided to speak anyways. "So, don't you need to get yourself anything?"
2018-07-14 19:33:00
@Slime@Silvan Haven Gratia Mindaro - Shopping "Maybe a pair of jeans for myself and a work dress," she replied, running a pale hand through the rack of pants and checking the texture of each. "If Venetia's willing to be so fucking magnanimous, I'm not going to say no to her money." The usual, flat tone of the Mistralese girl was present, but it was evident that she held no ill-will for her team leader. There was no heat in her words, nor did she seem particularly focused on them as much as she was on the clothing she sought to inspect. Gratia Mindaro only had one goal here, and that was to find something good for herself. Jumper dress? Something for the winter collection won't freeze me to death.
2018-07-15 09:19:00
![]( "Haaah... I guess I should really figure out what I want to do right now." Selena had been chilling in her dorm after class was over. She's mostly just been playing video games and sort of doing homework. She knew she needed to keep up her studies but she wondered if anyone in Beacon actually cared about academic levels or if it was just an excuse to make everyone used to the routine. She wondered where the rest of her team was at and decided to try and call them up on her Scroll, maybe they could go hang out at an arcade or something. "Doot doot doot... Hello? Anyone there?"
2018-07-18 22:17:00
![]( @Write @HereComesTheSnow @FlitterFaux Jericho realized what was happening to him all at once - he was being punished. All that shit. All those years of lies. You would be wasted spending your life at my back. Live for yourself. Make your own fate. Only you are worthy of being at my side. I go and do it, and what does he do? He starts screwing with me as soon as I'm out of the country! That two-faced, passive-aggressive, needy, emotionally insecure, This would have never happened if Jer hadn't stopped the rest of his friends from killing him in that nightclub putsch like he deserved. Make no mistake, Rich. I stopped that. Bekah had an elephant gun in the sound booth waiting for you. Jer couldn't go back now, not without being told he was a flake, unworthy of his kingship, unworthy of his higher status as a knight. Was this Rich's way of telling him that he was a fool for ever having left? He couldn't remember mentioning Bianca--wait, had he mentioned Bianca in the AAR? Was this a jealousy thing!? Jealous of what!? Looks like I picked the wrong week to swing both ways... Speaking of both ways, the other boy and the girl in the dorm were both staring at their new captain expectantly. ... Fine. He would be the best captain - not king, captain - ever. Like Troy Piper was. Rich would be begging for his knight back by the end of the Vytal Festival. Begging for someone who could pillage doughnut parlours half as well as he could, someone who could get them into clubs, someone who could prepare breakfast without consulting a twenty minute CCT video... I am irreplaceable, you helpless goddamn queen. --- "Ah-choo. Sister, bring forth the royal Puffs with Facial Lotion." "What? No!" "Very well. Bright, bring forth one of my wretched sister's t-shirts. One of those rags will suffice." "Ewwwwwwww! Eww eww eww--!" --- Jericho Piper had never been more serious. He looked at Luke and Bianca with new eyes, ready to address this cobbled-together unit of hated foreigners as their captain for the first time. He needed to make an address - one that would seal their status as his second team for life. "I guess."
2018-07-21 18:13:00
![]( @Krayzikk @NaraK @Kaithas Lauren turned to face Sangue with keen emerald eyes, aiming her clasped hands together at Sangue like a pistol. She fired it off as a greeting, grinning at Sangue as she leaned backwards towards the girl, clasped legs keeping her supported without the use of her hands. "Sangue!" she said through her beam. "More life, my queen. Cap was just telling me about all the food he was copping us as soon as we found Amy! Two-for-one deals at Whamburger for students, some milkshakes, maybe swing somewhere else for some ice cream. All on his dime!" She fired off her finger gun again, winking as the "barrel" cooled. "Between you and me, I'm starting to think we could really take advantage of this pretty motherfucker."
2018-07-24 04:44:00
![]( It appeared that they intended on going out, and Sangue herself was far from opposed to that. She did dress up in hopes of perhaps following them, though she didn't think of what exactly they'd go out for. The enticing names of certain foods, however, caught her ear. Hamburger deals. Ice cream... Personally, she always felt that she should respect her team members. It was a core aspect of her beliefs as a Huntress-in-training, and one of the few things she preemptively invested her efforts into without anybody's input. They were close to her, and also happened to be the closest to her, and she would do anything for them. Food, however, was a different story. As soon as Lauren fired her finger gun a second time at her... Her eyes almost glittered for a moment. [+]![]( Taking a few steps closer to them, Sangue made it clear she was going to follow them. @Krayzikk@Plank Sinatra@Kaithas
2018-07-24 19:45:00
![]( @Plank Sinatra @NaraK "Yeah, Lauren was talking about how she wanted to pay but I wouldn't let her. She made me promise to let her get next time, though." The girl got a single, casual wink directed at her. Two could play the say-shit-in-front-of-Sangue game. Not that it was really needed, he'd have been willing to pick up the tab anyway. Lauren just wanted to be Lauren about it. Ben had no idea where they were gonna find Amy, but he grinned a little at Sangue's expression. It was great to see her excited about something. "Just let me drop my school stuff off, and we can get going." He ruffled the redhead's hair on his way by her, pausing to lean Joyous Guard against the wall by his bed. His backpack was dropped, without much ceremony, on his bed. He thought about taking the time to change all the way out of his uniform, but decided against it. Ditching the jacket and tie'd do just fine. "Lauren, Amy say anything to you about where she was going?"
2018-07-26 19:36:00
![]( @Krayzikk @Kaithas @NaraK Wow, typical Vale boy, can't pay reparations for once in his life. Lauren's eyes widened in confusion at Ben's query, shrugging innocently and leaning against one of the team captain's bedposts. It occurred to her that she could have probably dug out that note or whatever that Amy had slipped her after Armory, but honestly it would have been so much trouble to go digging for it, it would have opened up weird floodgates to do it right there, and she didn't want to go whipping out Hautdesert for it. Unless Amy was waiting for Lauren somewhere. Oops. "Beats the fuck outta me," she answered instead, scooting backwards and wrapping her legs around the bedpost. Her lip drooped in mock consternation, chin drooping down onto the spherical top of her support. "Nobody tells me shit. Everyone wants to fuck a nigga, no one wants to make plans with her...Sangue's my only real friend..."
2018-07-31 20:49:00
![]( @FlitterFaux@Plank Sinatra@Write Black Scene — Dorm Management ... None of us really knew what to do with that conclusion, unfortunately. It was like we all expected eachother to have the next word. It was all Jericho could do to muster an "I guess", all Bianca could do to nod and shrug before returning to a more muted smile as she nursed her soup, and all Skye could do to... Wait, where was Skye? Was she lost, maybe? I've been navigating halls and school campuses all my life, so I understand how to pinpoint landmarks and distinctive factors between nearly-uniform buildings in style and structure— However, we couldn't say the same for our new faunus teammate, a veteran of the backwoods and neophyte in civilization. Urbanization, that is to say. What we in developed areas consider "civilization". Good civilization, unlike gacha. Not that rurality is necessarily bad civilization. At any rate, if she didn't show up soon, we were gonna have to get ahold of her. Despite the pause seeming like ages, it really hadn't been, so a little more benefit of doubt wasn't out of the question. I surged forward thusly, offering the Atlesian a hand and a smile. As the most senior member, it pretty much fell to me to make this one official. "Well, welcome aboard. Here's hoping we stick together long enough to get to know eachother this time, yeah?"
2018-07-31 21:24:00
@Silvan Haven@Crimmy Silver Applegate - Vale-Shopping Mall Gratia turned her attention to any clothes that would catch her attention. Since Silver couldn't really do the same thing himself he tried to think of something to say. "Hey, if you don't mind me asking, where did you get that SUV? You said it's yours, but it looks like something that could be used in a war."
2018-08-01 03:21:00
@Slime Gratia Mindaro - Shopping "Asset forfeiture."
2018-08-01 03:45:00
@Crimmy Silver Applegate - Vale-Shopping Mall Silver thought about her reply for a moment. "... So you stole it?"
2018-08-01 03:48:00
@Slime Gratia Mindaro - Shopping "Hunters are granted the power to confiscate any assets that could assist in criminal activity," she replied, pulling a pair of navy blue jeans off the rack. The Mistralese girl glanced at it with a critical eye, making sure that the material was to her taste and that it actually had pockets. It was fucking ridiculous how rampant fake pockets were in women's fashion. "It's legally not theft, but -" In the end, there was no fucking difference as to who took your shit. "You can call it state-sponsored stealing."
2018-08-01 04:15:00
@Crimmy@Slime Vale-Shopping Mall-Beryl Harken "It was either drive away in the car or hunt down the few that escaped the mysterious building fire. I'd say they got the better end of the deal." Beryl said as she came back to them. "The shirt is good but, uh." A bit of embarrassment crept into her voice. "It's a bit hard to check how well pants fit when you can't fit your tail through them."
2018-08-01 22:31:00
@Slime@Silvan Haven Gratia Mindaro - Shopping "You have Venetia's card, they're not going to mind if a hole fucking turns up in the back." The Mistralese girl had found a selection of clothes, and was heading towards the dressing room.
2018-08-02 17:00:00