15 values
The new crepe station in the dining hall… what a boring topic. Sure the crepes tasted good and everything… but this really didn’t seem worth writing about for the school paper. This was the sort of jobs she got, though, since she was only a Sophomore. And she had to get it done tonight. Stupid of her, leaving it to the last minute. Even though it was a Friday night, this was due at 6 Am tomorrow. Amber ( Temple was a second year honors student. Honors because in high school she had hit that perfect 4.0 GPA and in college she was at a 3.8. She often chose a book over social events, and in a year and a half she had stepped into a party only once. Her desk, the nightstand, and even the floor was stacked with books. It really was a lucky thing that she didn’t have a roommate any more. She would likely drive them crazy. She listened to music, but only quietly. It was often instrumental stuff, so she could focus on her studies. She hated loud talking, loud music, and especially drunken yelling. She had had a roommate freshman year- it had been a nightmare. The roommate had tried to be nice at first, and Amber had interacted with her as much as was socially needed… but before long they were bickering over everything. She was usually painfully shy when she was around strangers, and she liked her private space. Her ex-roommate had liked bringing boys back to the room and having all her girlfriends over to get ready for parties. Thankfully, honors students could get into a lottery to have single rooms, and she’d gotten one this year. It was a pretty nice set up. She had a bathroom to herself, a modest sized bedroom. She had her desk, her full size bed, a closet, a bookshelf. Amber lifted her gaze from her computer screen, letting out a sigh as she gazed at the beach picture hanging on her wall next to a poster showing New York. Her gaze slid from the posters to her window, gazing out at the – ** ”What the?” ** She sat up, blinking with surprise. One of the stars in the sky was falling. No, it wasn’t a star. It was bigger, closer- fiery. ** ”Holy shit.” ** She gasped, jumping to her feet and ran to the window, watching this meteor plummet from the sky and crash into the woods right behind her dorm. For a moment she just stared at the spot where she had seen it disappear, unable to believe her eyes. That had looked like a… no that was impossible. She shook her head. Curiosity, though, had always been her weakness. After a moment she turned from the window and grabbed her jacket, along with her keys and ran for the door. The dorm was quiet, deserted. It was a little after two am, students were either out partying or asleep by now. Chances were she was the only one awake who had even seen that. So she ran down the hall, down the stairs, and out of the building. The night was lit by a full moon, and in moments she was in the park, walking through the woods. Up ahead she could see a flickering light, as well as snapped branches. Something really had crashed out here… something big.
18-03-2012, 06:20:15
Jessica smiled as she saw Paul enter the café, his hair a mess and she giggled when she saw him straighten out his top. He was good looking but she had never really seen him as anything else, so she was just happy to see her old friend, awkward as he was. She was a bit surprised when he sat down with a greeting and with such a serious face. "Hey Paul. I'm alright, how are-" She started but was interrupted as he proceeded to apologise and tell her how he broke up with Kaylee. Jessica felt her jaw drop before she gathered herself and gently put her hand over his as he finished. "Paul, honey, I'm so sorry. I didn't know that." She said sincerely but soon put on a mischievous grin. "She was a bitch and I don't deny that you acted like a fool before, but it's okay. I don't think any less of you and there is really no need to apologise." She smiled brightly at him, almost knowing how he felt. She leaned back a bit, taking another sip from her tea before locking eyes with him. "So, what happened?"
12-02-2012, 23:07:05
Paul laughed and shook his head as Jessica's mood changed from first sincere sympathy, to her usual laughing self as she told him that he had acted a fol, and just what she thought of Kaylee. He might have given her a witty response, but she was right, and he just wanted to move on from that part of his life. "Thank you." he said though, grateful for how nice Jessica was being and how she told him he didn't have to apologise, for she could easily have held his attitude against him. "Well, we started arguing again, apparently not only is having female friends a problem, but talking to a work colleague on Facebook is also a problem!" he said laughing. Basically she had no trust for me, and I couldn't be dealing with it anymore, I just wanted my life back." he said shrugging a little. There wasn't much more to it than that in all honesty. "Not quite the super juicy story you were hoping for I'm sure..." he said winking at her with a smirk. "But that's how it went down."
12-02-2012, 23:57:52
Jessica smiled at him, loving how everything was back to normal. "Well, I did warn you about her. But anywho," She said, looking at the watch, wondering how she could best use this opportunity to hang out with her friend. "How about you and me, go over to my place and drown your sorrows in some booze?" She winked at him, hoping he wouldn't be heartbroken or depressed and that he would rather spend the night with her, as friends of course. "Maybe we can watch a movie or something. I think you could use some cheering up right now and I could make you *feel real good* ." She said with an innocent smile, not having any ulterior motives with what she said.
13-02-2012, 06:55:00
Paul smiled back at his friend at what she said. He took her warning on the chin, for whilst she was joking, she was telling the truth too, and to argue about it would be quite silly. As Jessica suggested they go to her place and have some booze he laughed and nodded. "That sounds like a great idea." he said nodding. "I think drowning my sorrows would be perfect, and once they're drowned we can have fun." he said. He smirked at her comment about making him feel real good. He might have read into it in a sexual way, but he knew Jessica better than that and knew she meant it quite innocently. He of course thought she was gorgeous, and any man would be lucky to get their hands upon her, but they were past that stage, they were too good as friends for that to happen now. "Shall we finish these drinks and head off?" he asked.
13-02-2012, 13:29:33
Jessica's smile grew as he agreed to the plan. She nodded as he mentioned they should finish their drinks and soon they left the café. It was a spring day, the snow had just about disappeared as they walked the short distance to Jessica's apartment. Jessica was wearing knee high boots and a pair of slim fit jeans along with a rather thick jacket. They talked about this and that and as they arrived at her apartment, they were both laughing at some silly joke she had pulled. "Come on in, make yourself at home. I go get us something to drink." She said with a wink as she left him in the hallway and proceeded to the kitchen. She grabbed a bottle of vodka from the refrigerator and put it on the kitchen table before shouting to Paul. "So, did you tell her about your little dark desire?" Jessica smiled at the memory of her and Paul talking about it. They had both been drunk out of their skulls and the topic, no surprise, had gone towards sex. She hadn't thought about it much since then but she knew something very personal about Paul and she was glad to have a friend like him.
13-02-2012, 18:03:12
It had been a long time since Paul had felt as happy as he did now. Just walking along the street chatting with Jessica and he felt a huge weight removed from his shoulders. He was now back in his comfort zone so to speak, away from the stress and hassle that had been Kaylee, and now able to fully relax and be himself in the company of his best friend. The walk didn't take too long, and certainly no where near as long as it would have taken should the snow still been around. He was wearing some thick souled boots and jeans as he walked, a t-shirt and jacket on top, casual clothes really, he didn't need to dress to impress with Jessica. Once inside Jessica's flat he kicked off his shoes in the hall and then flopped down on the very comfy couch that she had in the lounge area. It'd been a while since he'd been here, but the place was exactly as he had remembered. He waited for her to come back, and he could hear the clunk of a bottle, and then her voice. He froze at what she said, before he then laughed, him too recalling the night he had told Jessica about it. "I didn't actually. I mean, we were having sex, but the right time to confess that to her just never arose." he answered truthfully, shaking his head as he laughed.
13-02-2012, 18:35:48
Jessica smiled by herself as he heard him laugh. So, he hadn't indulged in his desire yet, she thought as she walked into the lounge area with two glasses, a bottle of vodka and a bottle of sprite. She put it down on the table and then let her hand gently ruffle his hair. "I've missed this actually. Drinking haven't been the same without you, Paul. Especially when I want someone to nag on." She added with a wink before pouring two rather strong "drinks". She sat down next to him, close so that their thighs were touching. She wasn't really thinking about it, seeing as they were best friends. She picked up her glass and looked at the transparent fluid in it. She let it swirl around a bit as she turned to Paul. "What should we drink to first? We got several bottles and all the night, I'll let you decide what the first one goes to." She smiled devilishly, remembering their old drinking games. Several of them had gone way out of hand, with him trying to lift certain things, including other people, and her clinging onto him and crying, saying how great of a person he was in her drunken stupor.
13-02-2012, 21:15:43
Paul laughed as Jessica told him that drinking hadn't been the same without him. It made him feel good, the fact that she had missed him and what they got up too, and the truth was he felt the same way about her. He glanced at her thigh as he touched against his. It wasn't a sexual look, well, okay it kinda was, for he always took glances at the lovely Jessica, but it wasn't like he wasgoing to be trying anything now was it? "Me too Jessica, I've hardly drank since we last did this." he said, smirking as she poured two of the strongest looking drinks he'd ever seen in his life. He cocked a brow at her as she told him that he would pick the first thing which they drink too. "How about, to us? To our friendship, and may no one else ever come in the way of it." he said as he raised his glass to hers, waiting for Jessica to clink glasses with his, before he took an almighty gulp of the drink. He could taste straight away just how strong it was, and he coughed for a second as he sat back laughing. "Man, I forgot how strong you make your drinks..." he said laughing.
13-02-2012, 21:26:28
Jessica took a deep sip of her own drink and smiled while she did as she saw Paul cough on his. The liquid instantly warmed her up and she sighed satisfied as she leaned back in the couch, her leg rubbing against his. "Oh, I so needed that. And I can tell you've been slacking with the drinking, Paulie. You used to down them like this faster than me." She giggled and took another sip, still eyeing Paul. He already seemed different from when he had arrived at the café. She put down her glass for a bit and stretched her hands over her head, her chest pushing forward and giving him a pleasant view. She had quite the innocent mindset so she wouldn't see anything wrong with it. Why would she? She was enjoying a drink with her best friend and there was nothing wrong with that, was it? "So, Paulie, how are things are work?" She said lazily, wanting to know what had happened under the weeks he had been gone.
13-02-2012, 22:12:12
"That is true, you'll have to help me regain my touch with a glass of vodka."he said to her, knowing full well that usually he'd have drunk a lot more than he did. He put it down to just not having drunk properly in a while, even if Jessica might try and pull his leg by bringing up some comment about how he was getting old. Jessica was younger by a year or so, and she made sure to let him know about it. Paul took a glance down Jessica's top as she laid back and stretched out on the sofa. She might well be his bestfriend, but nice boobs were nice boobs, and he was going to look if they were on show. "The same old really..." he said as she asked about his work. "Though you remember Johnny, the guy who you said was a cert to get fired the moment you first met him?" he said to her. Jessica had predicted he'd get fired by his conduct in a bar, loud and shouting, in the face of everyone he had been. "He got fired." he said laughing, playfully patting her thigh as he said it as if to congratulate her for the correct prediction. "How about you? Any news?"
13-02-2012, 22:31:05
Jessica laughed as Paul told her about Johnny. So she had been right after all. She grinned at the pat and sat up straight again, idly swirling her glass. "Yeah, it is pretty much the same. My boss is complaining as usual even though everything is good. It is just the way he is." She said with a sigh, smiling at him. "So Johnny actually got fired, huh? He should've listened to me." She giggled and patted his thigh back, but she didn't move it. She let it rest there as she downed her glass and put the glass down and grabbed the remote and switched on the TV. "Let's watch something and you better get started on that drinking, boy. Otherwise I will have to use force." She said, feeling a little tipsy already. She hadn't been drinking for some while as well, the absence of her best friend had killed the fun of it.
13-02-2012, 23:51:23
"There were a lot of people that Johnny should of listened too!" Paul replied, knowing full well that the guy had received plenty of quiet words on the side from people who wanted to help him, but he'd paid the price and lost his job because of it. "Man, they need to hurry up and put you in charge. Just think, Vodka for everyone! Best work place ever!" he said laughing, glancing for a moment at Jessica's hand touching his thigh. It felt good to have her hand on his leg, though he wasn't quite shifting around like a horny teenager, well, not yet anyway. "Okay... Okay!" he said grinning as she told him to drink more. "I know better than to make you angry..." he replied with a grin and then took another gulp of his drink, feeling it hit him as soon as he swallowed it. "Let's start with some music channels, I'm not going to have a clue what's going on in a film if we keep drinking this..." he said laughing.
14-02-2012, 00:06:43
Jessica laughed a little then switched to MTV. It was some rap video going on so she decided that she could pay attention to Paul instead of the TV. She leaned on him a little, her hand still on his thigh as she lazily poured another drink for herself. As the booze had started to work, she was thinking about what they had talked about before and Paul's newly updated status to single. "Soo, tell me. What are you going to look for now? A new girlfriend? Or just some one night stands until you find the right one?" She teased a little, enjoying being so close to him. He felt warm and he always made her feel safe whenever he was around. She had missed that feeling.
14-02-2012, 01:00:54
As he saw the rap video on TV Paul was delighted that Jessica was already talking, for like her, he wasn't a fan of the genre. As she asked him her question he looked at his drink and just downed what was remaining before he answered. "I don't know really." he said as he looked to his friend. "If I can get a one night stand, I doubt I'd pass it up... Though I dunno, I can't see me looking for a girlfriend for a few weeks either, after that last relationship I think a few weeks single and having fun will be the best thing." he said as he reached to fill his own glass. With a new glass of drink he turned to Jessica. "How about you? How come a pretty girl like you is still single?" he asked her, turning to face her a little more as they spoke, feeling her hand getting a tad higher on his leg from how he moved.
14-02-2012, 01:21:48
Good boy, she thought when he poured another drink for himself. When he asked her about why she was single, she blushed a little and the hand on his thigh started to idly move around a little in soft, slow caresses. She didn't really pay attention to it, it was more like one of those traits that when there is something that is embarrassing to discuss and you don't want your hands to stay still. "Well, I kinda only find jerks, so I have taken a break for a while and Mr. Rabbit is the "man" in my life right now." She said with a giggle, looking up at him with eyes that had taken on a kind of different glow. "Do you mind if I ask you a question, Paulie?" She waited until he nodded a yes and then spilled it out. "Have you ever had anyone indulge you in your... desires?" She said with a smile, knowing that he was one of the most sweetest guys she knew and how he could sometimes think more about others than himself. Not to mention that he still had to feel a bit worn out after breaking up with his girlfriend.
14-02-2012, 01:31:04
Paul laughed as Jessica told him how Mr. Rabbit was now the 'man' in her life right now, and he patted her thigh again as they both laughed at it. "I guess he's a lucky rabbit!" he said with a smile as he looked back at her. As she asked him if she could ask him a question he shook his said to tell her that he didn't mind. "No, of course not!" he said, looking to her eyes with eager anticipation as to what she might ask. He had expected something silly, or maybe even if he might like to meet Mr. Rabbit, after all, they'd had a few to drink, silly things like that were more than possible. He paused for a moment at what Jessica did ask him though, it was something which he hadn't expected her to ask, though she had mentioned it earlier too, so was it on her mind? He'd drunk enough to not worry about that though and instead just answered. "I haven't, no. It's all just been a desire, a fantasy if you like." he said shrugging a little as he told her.
14-02-2012, 01:46:36
"Hmm." She hummed as he told her that he hadn't lived out his fantasies. She would have to return to that, grinning as she thought about it. But as of now, the drinking was most important. She felt restless and an idea popped up in her head as she took another deep sip of her draught. She turned to him, with a smile he knew all to well. "Paulie, let's play a game of "truth or dare" and you go first as usual." She said with a smile, knowing that it was one of their favorite games and it always started when they got drunk. They practically played it every time they were drinking and every time the dares and truths became more and more revealing.
14-02-2012, 14:37:03
Paul laughed as Jessica brought up the subject of truth or dare. It seemed to get played most times that they drank together, so he wasn't really surprised that she had suggested it. "Okay, fine, I'll start with truth." he said to her. "Don't wanna give you too much too soon." he said, winking at her playfully as he said it. He knew the more they went on, and the more they played the stuff would get deeper and wilder, but it started out the same every time, with a few truths until one of them braved a dare.
14-02-2012, 14:47:41
Ooh, ballsy of you." She teased, wondering what she would ask him. She wanted to ignore his ex-girlfriend yet still focus on him. "Alright, I got one for you. How long has it been since you jerked off?" She was on the tipsy side now, yet just playing the game as it should be played. She finished what was left in her glass, feeling her movements getting bolder as her hand squeezed his leg before she poured another drink for herself, pouring some more vodka into his glass as well. God, how she had missed just letting go, not caring about anything.
14-02-2012, 17:43:37
He could of guessed that after the strong drinks they had the topic would straight away be sex, and he laughed at what Jessica asked him. "Hmm..." he said as he thought about it. "Like, 3 days? I think." he said to her. "Since I finished with Kaylee, I dunno, I've just not really been in the mood for it." he said. "I know, I said it, not in the mood to jerk off!" he said laughing. Paul's eyes glance at Jessica's hand as it touched his leg, it a nice feeling it has to be said. "Your turn then, truth or dare?" he asked her as he filled his own glass.
14-02-2012, 17:56:28
Jessica smiled, this was interesting information. She hadn't really been doing much along the sexual lines ever since Paul had gone away, her mood had dropped significantly, losing a friend of hers. But now he was back and life was back to normal. "Wow, I thought you guys had to do it at least once every day. But then again, I can understand how you feel." She pouted her lips at him and seemed to think a little before she smiled broadly. "I'll take a dare than, just to be a little more fun than you." She teased as she straightened up a little, eager to see what he would say.
14-02-2012, 18:14:25
"That's the thing, usually I do do it once a day, if not more..." he said as he took another mouthful of his drink. "I guess my need hasn't been at the front of my mind like it usually is..." he replied as he laughed. He glanced at Jessica as she pouted as she pondered whether to go for a truth or a dare. He smirked as she picked a dare though, glancing at her as she shifted in anticipation. He smirked though as he started to tell her what her dare was going to be. "I dare you, to go and get Mr Rabbit, then when he's here give him a good blowjob, to thank him for taking such good care of you..." he said, grinning as he said it.
14-02-2012, 18:33:45
Jessica felt her jaw drop a little as he told her the dare. It wasn't what she had expected and she blushed furiously, her somewhat innocent nature coming forth. Although, the dare made her feel a little hot and she wondered what ulterior motive he had with it. "Okay, wait here." She said as she got up, slightly unsteady and walked out to her bedroom. It didn't take long until she returned with Mr. Rabbit. It had a slight green color and Jessica held it a bit tentatively in her hands as she sat down next to Paulie. She giggled a bit nervously but couldn't deny the fact that this was arousing. She looked at Paul. "You're so dirty." She whispered before she turned to the dildo in her hand. She began with kissing the tip softly, her tongue just sweeping slightly over the head before she leaned back a bit. She closed her eyes and started to kiss down the shaft, making small sucking noises as she did. Damn, this was making her hot, she thought as she kissed up the shaft and sucked the head into her mouth. A small moan escaped her lips before she could stop it and she blushed even further. Then she slowly inserted more and more of the dildo into her mouth, all the while sucking softly on it. She continued like this for several minutes, seemingly lost in her own world until she finally pulled off, having taken the dildo to the back of her throat. It was glistening with her saliva and she kissed the head again and whispered a soft *thank you, Mr. Rabbit,* before she turned to Paul again. "Ta-daa." She said with a smile, her eyes burning with lust as she eyed his crotch. "Someone enjoyed what they saw. Now, truth or dare?" She said, putting the rabbit down on the table and taking a quick sip of her drink.
14-02-2012, 19:02:30
Had Jessica declined the dare Paul wouldn't of minded in the slightest, after all, they were just having fun, rather than wanting to embarrass eachother. Despite the initial pause she gave him when he told her the dare, it was clear she didn't mind, and soon after she had returned with the dildo. As she called him dirty he just laughed, knowing that to deny it would be a flat out lie, and instead the young man just sat and watched his best friend orally pleasure the dildo. Throughout he wished that it were his cock in her mouth rather than the plastic toy, for she seemed pretty talented, and it was no surprise that his erection soon grew to full size in his pants as he watched her. It was about now that he became aware of how bloated his sac felt, 3 days of not cumming does that to a young guy though. "Can you blame me?" he replied with a grin as she eyes his crotch. "That looked fun, Mr Rabbit sure is a lucky man..." he said winking, taking a sip of his own drink before he turned back to his friend. "Dare." he said, looking her in the eye as he said it.
14-02-2012, 19:20:40
"Mhm." She eyed him, still tasting that plastic flavour of her dildo on her tongue. She wouldn't have minded if it had actually been the real deal, but hey. The night was still young and who knew what was lying in store for them. She placed her hand on his thigh and slide it up, close to his crotch as she leaned in and whispered in his ear. "Maybe Mr. Rabbit won't be the only lucky man tonight." She leaned back again, blushing and only then realising what she had said as she tried to figure out a dare that could match his. It was hard as she was getting proper drunk and it wouldn't be as hot to see a grown man play around with a fruit to show how he would eat a woman out. After some consideration, she leaned back into the couch and smiled. This could be interesting to watch. "I dare you, to show me exactly how much you enjoyed my show, by touching yourself. Without those pants and everything of course." She said as she locked his eyes with hers.
14-02-2012, 20:29:14
Paul felt his erection respond to Jessica's hand sliding up his thigh, it grew ever harder and he felt it twitch. The way she then whispered what she did into his ear only made him grin wider as he felt his arousal grow even further. "Here's hoping." he said winking at her as she hinted at some other guy getting lucky tonight. It wasn't uncommon for them to flirt shamelessly like this, though things were going to shortly go to the next level. "And to think you called me dirty!" he said laughing as Jessica asked him to take off his pants and stroke his cock. Had he not had as much to drink as he had, and had he jerked off in the last few days the chances are Paul might have declined, but in his current state, jerking off with the lovely Jessica watching was something he was game for. "Okay, fine." he said grinning, reaching down he undid the buckle on his jeans and then lifted his ass to slid them and his boxers down his legs. As he sat back down his hand reached down to take his hard length, and without another word he started to jack off. He glanced at his friend, smirking as he did so as she watched him, his hand moving at a nice steady pace as he worked it up and down his cock, the odd gasp and moan escaping him as he did. "This good enough?" he said.
14-02-2012, 20:54:00
Jessica's smile grew and her eyes opened wide as she saw his hard member. It looked so big! She let her tongue wet her lips, suddenly feeling how dry her mouth had become. She cleared her throat, her eyes never leaving his hand around his member. She actually felt the urge to reach forward and take over, but restrained herself. "It works. I didn't know you were hiding something so.. big though." Her voice was breathless and she could feel her heart beating faster. Things were going to change and the whole atmosphere had changed now. Leaning back slightly, she managed to avert her eyes from his member and look into his eyes. "Dare me." Her voice was low and husky and she felt hot and bothered, having to force herself not to look down at his moving hand.
14-02-2012, 21:14:03
Paul was no idiot, he knew that he had quite a nice cock. It was aesthetically pleasing, and was a nice size too. He was by no means huge though, but he certainly wasn't small either. Jessica's reaction was wonderful though, to hear her say such things about him only made his cock grow harder, and it caused his arousal to get stronger too. The look in her eyes made it clear she was as horny as he was, and that she was enjoying it just as much too. He'd expected her to say dare, and the way she said it made it clear she was eager for it. He paused his stroking for a second as he looked at his friend, a glint in his eye as he gave her the dare. "I dare you to take over and stroke me." he said to her.
14-02-2012, 21:27:38
Jessica smiled as he told her the dare, almost expecting it. She straightened up and moved closer to him, her head close to his and her breath washing over his cheek and ear, tinted with the smell of vodka. One of her hands came up and started to play around with his hair and the other slowly trailed down his stomach until it reached the hand wrapped around his member. She gently removed his hand and slid her hand around him, giving it a soft squeeze. She let out a soft sigh in his ear as she, almost tormentingly slow, started to stroke him. "It feels even harder than it looks." She whispered in his ear as her hand almost featherlight went up and down his member. She could feel her crotch heating up with need as she felt him throb in her hand. "How have you been able to leave this alone for 3 days? And by the way." She leaned in closer and nibbled on his earlobe. "Truth or dare?"
14-02-2012, 22:26:55
Bar the odd playful squeeze of Jessica's ass and breasts, or his crotch, Paul wasn't sure they'd ever even touched eachother properly, and they most certainly hadn't with the intention of giving the other pleasure. He watched as her hand snaked down his stomach, his cock throbbing in anticipation as she removed his hand, and her own soft hand wrapped around his length. A soft gasp escaped his lips as she squeezed it, the feel of just that was wonderful. Jessica's full whispers only turned Paul on even more, her light touch almost teasing him as his cock throbbed. He of course needed the full firmer strokes he'd been giving himself if he wanted to orgasm soon, but he was happy to let her touch him like this as she nibbled on his ear and spoke. "Well, it's not been hard like this for a few days, let alone has it been touched quite so skillfully." he said, glancing at her as he spoke, his mouth hanging open in between sentences as her touch drove him wild. "Dare." he replied, his voice sounding a little breathless as her soft fingers teased the words out of him. Jessica could of guessed the answer though, no way was he going to ask for a truth when she had her hand around his cock!
14-02-2012, 22:35:39
She giggled softly in his ear, her voice still low and husky. She had anticipated a dare and was just about to say something when a memory made it trough that haze of liquor and lust that was veiling her mind. Her smile grew as she sat up and straddled his thighs, still holding on to his throbbing member. She let her other hand trail down her body in a very sensual way before it wrapped around his balls, gently rolling them in her hand. "Alright, Paulie, I dare you to not cum until I say so." She said teasingly, remembering how his secret desire hadn't been fullfilled. The hand that stroked his shaft sped up and clutched a little firmer around him as she started to ground her body over his thighs, feeling almost dizzy from the situation.
14-02-2012, 23:01:59
To be perfectly honest the young man had been expecting that Jessica would dare him to return the favour and have him touch her in a similar way to which she was touching him, however as she shifted to straddle his thighs he was met by a very different dare. His balls tingled as her hand rolled them about, the extra sensations most welcome, for they were most delightful. He raised an eyebrow at her as she dared him to not cum until she said so. "Fine, you've a deal." he said nodding, groaning as he nodded as her hand stroking him sped up and rubbed him a little harder. That combined with the way she ground her body turned him on immensely, and he sighed in delight as he felt the pleasure building inside of him. The look on his face made it clear just how good it felt, and as he looked at her in spoke, moaning mid sentence. "Should I... ahhh.. should I bother to ask you truth or dare?" he asked her, looking up into her eyes as he spoke.
14-02-2012, 23:09:36
Jessica smiled at him, loving how he made those little sounds of pleasure. When he asked her if he should bother with a dare or truth, she made a whining sound, her strokes slowing although she squeezed his shaft and balls rhythmically. "Aaw, I don't want this dare to stop." She said huskily as she leaned in to let her breath wash over his ear. "But I don't want the game to stop, so I say dare, Paulie." She leaned back again, her hands continuing the pleasuring of his manhood. Every time the hand rubbing the shaft when up, she left her thumb press down harder on the edge of his glans, teasing that sensitive string.
14-02-2012, 23:26:29
Paul groaned out as Jessica's stroking slowed, it no surprise that after 3 days he was starting to crave an orgasm because of the wonderful handjob that she was giving him. He looked into her eyes with a lustfilled look as she spoke, the Young man trying to find the right words and tell her what her next dare should be, but with her hand stroking him so well he was having a hard time trying to think. Everytime her thumb pressed down on the edge of his glans he made a moan or a gasp, his cock throbbing in response to that particular touch too. Despite knowing he wasn't cumming until she said, Paul was underestimating Jessica, not putting two and two together quite yet and working out she was planning on giving him his dark desire, rather than just having some fun. "I dare you... to take your top off as you keep doing this." he said, grinning as he said it. "THAT feels amazing!" he moaned out, the word that coming out louder as she tumbed his gland again, making him quiver with delight.
14-02-2012, 23:37:59
She giggled as he moaned under her attention and how his eyes was on fire with lust. She didn't even know why she was doing it, considering they had never gone this far before. But her drunk mind didn't complain and when she heard his dare, she gave his member one last squeeze before she crossed her arms and pulled her top over her head, leaving her in jeans and her bra. "I'm glad you like it, Paulie, but how about a break?" She said teasingly as she kissed him on the cheek before she got up, grabbing her drink and moving towards the kitchen. "Come join me and, put on your pants again, will you?" A soft giggle could be heard as she went out into the kitchen and when she was out of his view, she let one hand snake itself into her pants and touch her panties. God, she was soaked and she couldn't hold back a moan before she pulled it back out, waiting for Paul to join her.
14-02-2012, 23:56:44
Paul watched with wide eyes as Jessica pulled her top off, his eyes falling straight to the bra which held her sizeable breasts, and in just the bra they looked lovely. It certainly wasn't beer goggles, or the fact he hadn't cum for 3 days, she just had nice breasts, and his cock throbbed at the sight of her bra. "Huh?" he said, his cock aching as it stood tall before her, Paul obviously thinking he was going to be getting some more stroking from her. She was making her way to the kitchen with her usual sweet giggles which only made his cock twitch further, but he really couldn't argue it, and so instead he stood and pulled his pants back up, his cock creating a quite obvious bulge within them as he did them up. He grabbed his own drink and followed her to the kitchen, adjusting his erection as he came into the kitchen, it not the most comfortable to walk around hard and horny.
15-02-2012, 00:05:26
She giggled again as she saw him enter the kitchen, that bulge of him sticking right out. She was blushing a bit, both from their earlier activities and the fact that she had touched herself just moments before he entered the kitchen. The jumped up on the kitchen table and spread her legs invitingly and smiled at him, her tongue darting out to wet her lips. "So, I suppose you liked that?" She said teasingly, placing her drink behind her and leaning on her hands, pushing her chest out towards him. She didn't really say anything to invite him, but inside she hoped he would do something to her. Her breathing was still rather heavy and her chest rose and fell, her eyes never leaving his as she always had that teasing smile on her lips.
15-02-2012, 00:30:53
As he came into the kitchen Paul stood and stared at the sight before him, Jessica looked so sexy, and he wanted her so bad right now. He took his glass and downed the rest of his drink, placing the empty glass down on the side before he walked over to her, his cock aching for attention, and his eyes locked with hers. Now standing before her Paul just smiled at her, Jessica's teasing smile just making him smile too. "Does the erection not give that away?" he said smirking at her. Without another word though he leaned forward and kissed her, his hands reaching out to hold her hips as they kissed, his hands pulled her closer, so that his bulge pressed against her, his hands moving around her boy, touching over her smooth skin of her bare back, before reaching to give her breasts a squeeze.
15-02-2012, 00:40:47
Jessica trembled a little as he walked over to her. She smiled at his remark about his erection and as she looked up on him, she could feel her body yearn for his touch and when he kissed her it felt like heaven. She moaned slightly as she kissed him back and wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed harder against him, feeling his erection pushing against her. God, he tasted to good. They had kissed on other occasions but this was different. She let her tongue out, gently probing his lips to gain entrance. Her hands snaked down his back and when she felt his hand give her breast a squeeze, her back arched, pressing her breast harder into his hand. Her hands soon came down to his pants and she unbuttoned it, pulling them down over his erection together with his boxers and grabbed his hard shaft, gently rubbing the head with her thumb as she continued to kiss him. She knew she had a truth for him if this would continue, but for now, she was pleased with touching him.
15-02-2012, 00:48:04
Paul's eyes closed as they pair began to kiss. It was true they had kissed before, but this wasn't just playful kissing, teaching one another how to kiss, this was a proper kiss, and as he felt Jessica's tongue touch his lips, his own tongue was already on its way to meet it. Unsurprisingly he didn't resist when she pulled at his pants, allowing her to free his erection. Like before her hands felt divine, and the way her thumb rubbed the head just made his cock quiver in her hand, and him moan into her mouth as they kissed. When he felt her press her chest against his hands he fondled her breasts with more meaning and desire, but he wanted to touch her in ways she was touching him, and his hands left her breasts and moved down her body, this time Paul removing her pants, and her panties. He moaned into the kiss as he felt how wet she was for the first time, there was no hiding she was excited as he was, and as he started to rub her clit he just kissed her even more passionately.
15-02-2012, 00:56:26
As she felt Paul tug at her pants, she squirmed and lifted herself so that he could pull it all off of her. And when she felt his hand on her clit, she pulled back, gasping for air as her unoccupied hand instantly went to his hair and grabbed it. "Oh, god." She moaned out, her eyes closed and her body trembling at the feeling of her best friend pleasuring her. Her other hand had stopped it's movement temporarily as she rode wave after wave of pleasure. It had never felt like this before, the sensation so intense. Her breath was shaky, sensual moans leaving her lips with every touch of his hand. She opened her eyes and looked at him, a silent begging in her eyes as her hand tugged his head downwards. "Please?" She said, almost losing control of her body as her hips started to move against his hand, wanting him to pleasure her with more just his hand.
15-02-2012, 01:19:06
The way Jessica responded to his touch drove Paul wild, it was so sexy to watch her moan and too see her body shift at just the sensation of him touching her clit. He felt his own desires burn inside of him at the way she reacted, but he was more than willing to help her put out the fire that was quite obviously raging inside of her. As she looked into his eyes, the pleading look that she gave him, the way her face was covered with such lust, it just made any resistance he might have had crumble, and as her hand guided him downwards his hands pushed her back on the table, looking into her eyes as he lowered his tongue to her sex. He let his hands hold her hips as he started to lick her, tasting her sweet juices on his tongue. In all his life he'd never tasted anyone who tasted as good as Jessica did, he could happily do this to her for hours. He moaned in delight as his tongue went to work on her clit, alternating between full licks and more focused ones with the end of his tongue, his eyes looking up into hers as he lapped at her.
15-02-2012, 01:31:10
The instant she felt his tongue touch her she gasped loudly, then letting out one long, sensual moan. Her eyes remained wide open, as if she didn't understand how good it felt. Both her hands was in his hair, gently tugging and grasping it as he pleasured her like no one had done before. "Oh, Paul, that feels sooo good." She managed to moan out, a silly smile on her face as his assault of pleasure. She knew that she wouldn't last long and just as that thought passed through her head, she felt the familiar spasm starting to travel through her body. "Paul, I'm... I'm.." She almost started to hyperventilate as he hit a spot that sent her over the edge. With an almost animal sounding scream, she came on his tongue and she saw stars. Her legs wrapped over his shoulders and her hands painfully tugged his hair. When she came down from her orgasm, she was still panting with a satisfied smile on her face. She pulled Paul up to her face, kissing him softly, loving the taste of herself on him. "Thank you." She whispered as she continued to kiss him, the kisses turning more and more passionate.
15-02-2012, 02:00:40
Jessica's wild moans were like a fuel to Paul's tongue, giving him the energy and the desire to just make this impending orgasm as good as possible for her. He tongued her as best he could, focusing on the area that made her squirm and cry out the loudest, and before long he was greeted with the treat of watching her orgasm. He'd never seen her orgasm before, and it really was quite a sight. His eyes watched her body as she gripped him tightly, it clear she was cumming hard, and he tongued her throughout her orgasm, licking up every bit of juice that hit his tongue as she came. Paul had made girls cum before, he'd done so with his tongue many a time before, but never had he witnessed an orgasm so raw and intense, and he loved it. "You're welcome." he replied as she pulled him up as quickly as she had pushed him down to her pussy, a wide smile on his face as he returned the kiss. His hands held her close as he lay over her on the kitchen surface, kissing her like they'd been lovers for years, their tongues swirling in perfect unison. As the kissing broke for a second he smiled, looking into Jessica's eyes. "I hope that was as good as it looked." he said grinning happily.
15-02-2012, 02:14:08
Jessica moaned against his lips as he kissed her back, loving his body against hers. As he broke the kiss, she opened her eyes, looking at him from under heavily lidded eyes. Her hands was slowly stroking up and down his shirt, not really knowing what to do now. She figured she should return the favor, although she wanted to continue to tease him. It didn't seem that he minded or that he even noticed that she was doing just that to him. "It was amazing, Paulie. And more is yet to come." She whispered to him, leaning up and kissing him sotfly. Then she pushed him away so that she could stand and blushed a little, suddenly aware of her nudity. "Uhm, why don't you go out to the lounge and pour us new drinks, while I go slip into something more comfortable?" She said with a smile and a light kiss on his cheek, before walking past him into her bedroom. When in there, she closed the door and leaned against the wall, trying to gather her thoughts. It had felt so amazing and she knew she wanted to return the favour several times over. But he still had his desire and she wanted to fulfill it, just for him. She started to look around for some clothes and shortly found a pair of loose shorts and a tank top, which she put on after she had removed her bra. Walking back into the lounge, hoping to find Paul already sitting there, she knew what she would do.
15-02-2012, 09:04:03
Paul smiled happily as Jessica told him that there was more yet to come. It wasn't just because he was sure she would make him cum either, it was because he truly loved her as a friend, and if he could make her feel that good, then he wanted to do that. There were of course side thoughts about them possibly getting serious together because of this, but based on how well they knew eachother, surely it would work if they both wanted it? Maybe it was just the alcohol, but whatever it was, he knew it went deeper than just that, and he truly enjoyed this. He felt like he could kiss her forever, but know did seem like the right time to move elsewhere. His hands held Jessica's as he helped her up from her position on the counter, pulling her to her feet as she blushed so very sweetly. "Sure, that sounds perfect." he said nodding, smiling at her as he poured them both another drink and sat down on the sofa, eagerly awaiting her return. More thoughts continued to run through his head as he sat alone, but the same conclusion kept coming up, if they both wanted it, then it was fine, right? When she returned he smiled happily, his eyes glancing over her shorts and tank top. He'd seen her wear such things hundreds of times before, buttoday he felt his cock twitch at the sight, and he shifted on the couch to make room for her beside him.
15-02-2012, 13:20:43
Jessica was glad that Paul had already taken a seat and she moved slowly towards him, her hips swaying seductively. She could see that he was still hard and she thought about what she should do. Tease him more or give him the release he wanted? Smiling as she made a motion to sit down besides him, she shifted in air and sat down in his lap, moaning quietly as she felt how hard he still was, his member rubbing against her ass through the fabric of his pants and her shorts. She hadn't put on any new panties and she could feel herself getting wet again as she rubbed slightly against him. "So, Paulie, should we continue with our game?" She said as she leaned back, his chest feeling hot against her back, even through the fabric of their clothes. Her legs was in between his legs and her hands was going up and down his thighs, squeezing from time to time.
15-02-2012, 17:20:17
As Jessica swayed those curvy hips of hers Paul looked at her like he'd never seen a woman before, his cock was aching for relief, and his eyes were roaming over her figure, before his eyes finally met with hers as she sat down on his lap. A soft gasp escaped his lips as she sat down, feeling her lovely behind pressing down against his manhood as she did so. Jessica's hands touching over his thighs only served to make him hornier, and his own hands touched over and around her hips, feeling her soft feminine form in his hands. "Oh yes!" he replied rather eagerly. "I'd love to keep on playing Jessica." he replied, it clear by his tone of voice how horny and lustful he felt.
16-02-2012, 00:53:32
Jessica moaned as she felt his hands on her hips, pushing down harder against him as she did. She couldn't believe how just his slightest touch could send her spiraling into another hole of lust and desire. Her hands traveled from his thighs before letting them pass over his crotch, spreading her legs over his for easier access. "Good" She whispered as her hands stroked over his package, slowly unbuttoning his pants as she continued to talk to him in a low, husky voice. "I can't believe you've stayed hard though. Does it ache, Paulie?" She giggled as she managed to pull down his pants with a little help from him and as she managed to sit back down on him, she was sitting so that his hard cock was standing out from just under her crotch. "And you want truth or dare?" She said as she leaned back further and turned her head, kissing him softly as her hands now started to stroke his manhood, loving how hot it felt in her hands.
16-02-2012, 06:57:06
Paul could barely sit still as Jessica shifted about in his lap, her ass, and her hands touching and pressing over the bulge in his pants, each touch just making his hormones rise and his need for orgasm even greater. It was fair to say that he was eager to have his pants taken off, and he lifted his hips and shifted to make it as easy, and quick as possible for Jessica to free his cock once again. He nodded as she spoke. "It does Jessica, it aches so bad, I really need to cum." he said. e was of course stating the obvious, but after a few drinks and feeling as horny as hell rational thoughts weren't that high on his list of priorities. Paul closed his eyes and kisses Jessica back as she turned to find his lips, moaning into the kiss as she started to stroke his throbbing cock. "Dare." he gasped out between kisses.
16-02-2012, 14:04:09
Jessica giggled at his desperate voice, he was so cute! She continued to stroke him with a firm grip, breaking the kiss and looking into his eyes. "Aw, you want to cum, Paulie? But we can't have that yet, can we?" She leaned in, her lips kissing his ear as she stroke her thumb over his member's head, hard. "We both know you want this." She whispered in his ear as she resumed her firm, slow strokes of his dick. She loved every gasp and moan she could drag out of him with only her hands and she could feel how his body tensed and relaxed under her. "I dare you to not touch me until you've orgasmed. I can touch you and kisses are okay, but no touching otherwise." She said teasingly, gazing into his eyes as her strokes continued to provoke him. She knew that his lust and desire would only be more irritating if he couldn't do anything to get his frustration off, for example, touching her. "And I'll take a truth."
16-02-2012, 14:19:40
"Oh but Jess..." he gasped out as she told him he'd not be cumming yet, his words cut off by the kisses he was giving her, unable to resist her sweet lips, for each and every time that she kissed him, he was eagerly kissing her back. Groans of sexual frustration were heard as she used her thumb on his head again, his body going rigid as she touched him, then relaxing as her stroke ended, Paul unable to control it, for now his cock was starting to really ache. As she told him his dare he looked at like a child might when he had his favorite toy confiscated, a look of pleading and frustration painted across his face as she made her body out of bounds. "Please, let me touch you a little...?" he said, however before he could plead anymore her stroking carried on, and he was squirming and moaning again. Her request for a truth also caught him off guard, he'd been expecting a dare, after all, the game was now way past truths, or at least it had been. He looked into her eyes though as he asked her his question. "Would you like a night like this again, in the future?" he asked her, knowing it would put her on the spot.
16-02-2012, 14:36:32
Jessica almost moaned at hearing his desperate voice, it was driving her wild. She could tell that he was close, so her strokes grew slower, although she held a tighter grip on him. "No buts, you want this." She whispered to him, licking playfully along his lips. When he asked to touch just a little, she actually laughed but it was a heartily laugh and she was full of warmth as she kissed him. "Not yet." When she heard his question, her strokes slowed to a stop. She looked into his eyes, trying to determine if he was serious or not. She knew she was under a heavy influence of alcohol, but something inside her wanted her to scream out yes. But she only blushed slightly and kissed him again. "I'm not sure, Paul, but promise me that you ask me tomorrow and I'll give you an answer." She said honestly, her strokes resuming again. She could almost feel him being so close, his member throbbing and twitching in her hands. "Truth or dare, Paul?"
16-02-2012, 15:01:31
Paul moaned out as Jessica's strokes slowed, for he knew the exact reason they slowed was because he was getting closer, and her slower strokes would mean his impending orgasm would be put back a little further. Despite the obvious frustration he was feeling he couldn't stop kissing her though, it was like the kissed they shared were an outlet for this frustration she was building up inside of him. As she answered his question he smiled, looking into her eyes knowingly for a second before he nodded. "Truth, Jessica." he said to her, his eyes still on hers as he said. "Please let me cum though, it aches so bad..." he pleaded with her. It was aching too, and he could feel the ache slowly spreading toward his balls too. Soon he'd have the awful ache that was blue balls, but as of the minute it was just a faint ache.
16-02-2012, 15:11:45
Jessica smiled as his voice got more and more desperate. When he asked for a truth, she knew it was time to relieve him of his.. pressure. She slid down from his lap, sitting between his legs as she continued to stroke him, his member slick with his pre-cum. "Alright, Paul, this is your question: Where do you want to cum?" She sad as she leaned in and gently kissed the head of his member, a slight moan escaping her lips as she could taste his saltiness. "On my face?" She continued to kiss down, her tongue gently teasing that sensitive string under the glans before she spoke again. "In my mouth?" Her breathing increased with each word she said as did her blush. She couldn't believe this naughtiness of hers. She gave the head of his dick another kiss before stretching up, letting her breasts gently push against him. "Maybe you want to cum on my breasts? Or maybe in my pussy?" She whispered as she leaned down again, one hand resuming the stroking of his cock as the other gently caressed his balls. "Now, tell me." Her whisper soft and filled with lust and desire.
16-02-2012, 15:36:00
Paul felt his cock throbbing hard as he watched Jessica move down between his legs. He knew this was things going to the next level, and as her stroking continued he could feel his cock throbbing hard, drips of precum escaping his cock as it throbbed under her touched of his special spot under the glands. His face lit up as she asked him where he wanted to cum. He felt like a kid in a candy shop, he didn't know where he wanted most to cum. He gasped and moaned with each choice that she gave him, feeling his cock aching terribly at the idea of shooting his load in and on the places she mentioned. His hips squirmed and a bigger drop of precum leaked out as her tongue hit that spot which she'd been working so well with her thumb. His mouth hung open as she did that, his eyes rolling for a second as he loudly gasped out. "In your mouth... Oh god Jessica make me cum in your mouth, please!" he gasped out in response. Never in his life had he wanted to cum so badly as he did right now, and he looked to Jessica, silently praying she would do it.
16-02-2012, 15:45:47
She smiled wickedly, the speed of her stroking increasing greatly. She look him in the eyes as she planted another kiss on the head of his dick. "Alright, Paulie." She said, her voice low and husky as she leaned forward and enveloped the head in her mouth, moaning as she got a further taste of him. *God, he tastes so good!* , she thought as she started to bob her head in time with her strokes, her tongue slithering around his member. She didn't want to deepthroat him, she would save that for later and right now, she wanted nothing else but to taste him on her tongue. As she bobbed her head, she felt him jerk and swiftly pulled off with a slurping sound, her hand still stroking his now saliva coated dick. "You want to cum, huh? Well, you can do it now, Paulie, cum all in my mouth." She whispered to him huskily before letting her lips swallow the engorged head of his dick, her tongue lashing at that sensitive string as her hands stroked the shaft and squeezed his balls.
16-02-2012, 15:51:51
Paul watched with delight as Jessica sped up her stroking, loud gasps and moans filling the room as she took the sensitive head of his cock into her mouth. He tongue swirling around his cock felt sublime, and in combination with the sucking and stroking his cock was throbbing and twitching like made, precum now dripping out at a much faster rate too. As she pulled off he groaned out loudly in frustration, however they soon stopped when Jessica told him that he could now cum, and instead just smiled down at her as she really went for it. Jessica asking him to cum in her mouth was just about enough for him to orgasm anyway, but her tongue focusing on that special spot as she sucked and jerked him pushed him over the edge. Paul groaned out loudly, his cock spasming powerfully as he came, thick ropes of his cum shooting out into Jessica's mouth. It was no surprise that the orgasm was mighty intense, probably the most intense of his entire life, and he grunted out with each spasm and squirt of his cock. After what felt a life time his body relaxed and he started to regain his senses, looking down at Jessica he just smiled at her dreamily. "Thank you... Thank you so much, that was... Wow." he said smiling happily.
16-02-2012, 15:58:06
Jessica's eyes grew wide as he came in her mouth. It was so much and it was so thick! She moaned at the taste and continued to suck out his seed, jerking him off until there was nothing left. As she pulled away from his now softening cock, some of the cum in her mouth escaped and started to trickle down her chin. With a loud gulp, her throat visibly working, she swallowed what she had in her mouth and then caught what had escaped on her finger and sucked it clean, all the while she held his eyes with hers. "Mmmhmm, yummy. But don't think you're done yet, Paulie. We've just begun." She said teasingly, her hand grasping around his now limp cock as she started to jerk it again, wanting it inside of her so bad now. "I want you, Paul, I want you so bad." Her crotch was aching with need and she leaned down again to gently suck on his cock until it was hard again.
16-02-2012, 16:14:05
It felt utterly amazing to pump out his load into Jessica's sucking mouth, and it was so sexy to watch her swallow down his big load too. He knew he'd cum a lot, after 3 days and a few hours teasing that was almost guaranteed, but even so, Jessica took it all and seemed to enjoy it. He smirked as she told him they weren't done yet, not that that was going to be a problem with him, being young and horny a second time was really not going to trouble. Jessica continued her fine blowjob from before, having him hard and ready to go before he had even gone fully soft. "I love your mouth." he moaned out as she sucked on his cock, her slow, gentle sucking sublime. "Anyway, it's about time I did some work." he said as he sat up and pulled Jessica up onto the couch with him. He kissed her passionately as he pulled her onto his lap, however he soon broke the kiss as he pushed her back onto the sofa, grinning at her as he moved on top and lined his cock up with her pussy, it clear he wanted her as much as she wanted him. "I want you so bad." he said softly, and without another word he sunk his cock into her wet pussy, letting it slide in all the way, letting out a moan of delight as he did. Once right in he paused and looked into her eyes, a glint in them before he started to fuck her.
16-02-2012, 16:23:48
Jessica did smile around her mouthfull when he said he loved her mouth, she would've easily brought him off a second time with it but she was a bit startled when he pulled her off and dragged her up into his lap, kissing her. Jessica moaned slightly and answered the kiss the best she could before she was pushed back onto the sofa. She watched him move to line his cock up with her pussy and quickly discarded of her shorts. She was going to answer him when he sunk his cock in deep, her answer turning into a growling moan as her legs instantly clamped down around his back, savoring the feel of him buried inside of her. She had needed this so much and she was almost content with him just staying still in her, but then she saw the glint in his eyes and before she could tell him to wait for her to gather herself, he started to push in and out of her. Any protests that was supposed to come out of her mouth, turned into moans or small screams of pleasure as her body shook and met his every thrust. She held her hands on his chest, not to push him away, just so that she could steady herself as she leaned back into the sofa, arching her body against him to meet his thrusts. "God, Paul, you're so... ngh.. good!" She managed to pant out before she let off another scream as he touched a sensitive spot. She had never been like this before, so fiery and totally without control. She had gone a couple of days without a "real" man pleasuring her and now she was getting the fuck of her life. She was truly in heaven.
16-02-2012, 16:33:28
Paul doubted there was any man alive that wouldn't get turned on by fucking Jessica. She was just so sexy, and her pussy felt amazing, but not only that, she was a great fuck! Her hands were touching over his chest, her body was moving and arching beneath him, all in search of getting more of his cock, making him touch those areas she needed to be touched the most. Paul was just happy that he was making her feel so good, for what she was doing felt amazing to him! Her legs gripping around his body allowed him to thrust harder and deeper, the head of his cock sliding in so deep into her tight pussy with every thrust of his powerful hips. "I.. .oh fuck Jessica... you're amazing..." he growled out, his hands holding her tighter, wanting to just feel her as close as possible as he fucked her. "I wanna make you cum Jess." he whispered between thrusts. "I wanna make you cum on my cock." he said, looking into her eyes as he took his thrusts to the next level.
16-02-2012, 16:41:26
Jessica moaned as Paul's thrusts became deeper and harder, her legs pushing him closer to her. She loved every second of it and as he whispered those words to her, she opened her eyes wide, once again almost hyperventilating as he told her he wanted her to cum on his dick. As his thrusts became a whole different story, she kept looking into his eyes as she felt her orgasm approach like a hurricane. "Paul, I think.. I'm.."She managed to pant out between his thrusts. Her pussy started to clench around him and her legs tensed so much so that they held him still right after a thrust and kept him all the way inside of her as she felt herself fall over the edge. "I'M CUMING!" She shouted, refusing to close her eyes as her entire body spasmed with wave after wave of pleasure. She kept his eyes locked with hers, the feeling of the orgasm intensified tenfold as she could see that same burning lust in his eyes, that she knew burned in hers. As she came down from her high torrent, she just laid there, panting as her red hair was sticking to her forehead. She was all sweaty and her tanktop was almost drenched as she looked up at him. "That.. was.. amazing." She panted out, her hand finding his and slowly caressing it. He was still hard inside of her, and she moaned as she switched her position, refusing to let him slip out of her. "You're staying here tonight, right Paul?"
16-02-2012, 16:59:34
Paul fucked Jessica with all his might and energy as she cried out beneath him. Her moans and movements made him determined to hear her cry out in ecstasy again. the orgasm he had given her earlier had been spectacular to watch, and he wanted this one to be even better. He grunted as he felt her tightening around him, her words like music to his ears as she told him she was going to cum, and then he felt it. She gripped so hard around his cock, her pussy clenching him hard as she came. It felt amazing to have her cumming around him, and his arms held her close as she gripped to him as she came. As she came his eyes remained on hers, he'd never seen anything as sexy as he way seeing right now, Jessica cumming hard on his cock and he knew already that he wanted to see her do this again some time. When she came down he leaned down to place soft kisses on her cheeks, her words and pants filling his ears as he did so. He smiled at her happily as she asked him if he were staying here tonight, and he answered at first with a kiss, a deep passionate kiss at that as she shifted a little beneath him. "Of course I am Jessica." he said, for Paul didn't want to be anywhere else other than here with her.
16-02-2012, 17:10:52
His kisses and the way he caressed her was enough for Jessica to regain her strength and kiss him back forcefully, her tongue wrestling with his. When they broke the kiss and he said he would stay, she became all warm inside and she kissed him again, softer this time. "Good." She whispered before she pushed him back gently, making a whining sound as she felt him slide out of her. She got up to her knees and straddled him, one hand going down and giving his still hard dick a couple of strokes before she guided him inside her again. She moaned loudly, her eyes closed as she felt him fill her up so good. When he was all the way inside of her, she pulled off her top and threw it over her shoulder and smiled down on him. "Round two." She said, her voice hoarse from the brutal fucking she had received. Her hands came down on either side of his head, gripping the sofa tight as she started to grind her hips in a circular pattern, not moving up and down yet. She wanted to drive him insane over and over again with her body and she knew he would do the same to her. It didn't take long before she was panting again, her eyes fluttering closed and open as she continued to grind herself against him. "You fill me up... sooo good, Paulie." She whispered between moans and covered his lips with hers, her tongue ever so demanding as she pushed it into his mouth, wanting to taste him.
16-02-2012, 17:53:25
Paul loved kissing Jessica already, the way she kissed slow and gentle or hard and lustfully was amazing, and he was already starting to find just what would follow each kind. He didn't resist as she pushed him back onto the sofa, for he had a fair idea why she wanted him laying back, and he wasn't disappointed as Jessica then shifted so she was straddling him, her hand on his cock feeling delightful before he slid back into her pussy, the young man let out a long moan of delight as he felt his cock slid all the way in. A groan followed, and many more soon came out as Jessica started to grind her hips, his hard cock being stimulated and bathed by her wetness as she did this, however he knew he'd not orgasm whilst she did this, at least not for a long time anyway. His hands touched around her hips, caressing her curves, letting them move down to touch her thighs and up to fondle her breasts as she did this. "You feel amazing Jessica, you make me so hard." he gasped out, his eyes on hers as she kept this up, his erection already start to ache again, even after cumming not that long ago. He didn't protest though, and instead just eagerly kissed her back.
16-02-2012, 18:03:57
Jessica moaned as she felt his hands travel over her body, and she broke the kiss, a string of saliva connecting their tongues as she slowly pulled away. As she pulled far enough, it fell onto her chest, making her giggle at the sight. He was so.. giving. She felt she could do this her entire life, She reached behind her, her hand a little unsteady as she continued to grind against him, letting out small sighs and moans as she did. As she got what she was looking for, she brought the vodka bottle in her hand to her mouth taking a deep sip and putting it back again. Then, without any warning, she lifted herself up and slammed herself down hard on him, some vodka spilling from her mouth as she gasped at the feeling. Smiling, she brought her lips to his, pushing her tongue into his mouth in a flood of vodka. Some of it escaped their lips and dripped down their chins, down on his shirt and her heaving breasts. After finishing her "shot", she continued to pull herself up and down on his shaft, no coherent thoughts going through her mind as she was lost to pleasure. "Yes, yes.. Paulie, fuck me.." She whispered as she broke from the kiss, looking down on him as she held the couchback so hard, so that her knuckles went white.
16-02-2012, 18:31:03
Paul watched for a moment as Jessica reached around her after they'd broken their long, wet kiss. It had felt awesome to feel her tongue so wet and slippery with his, and he didn't care about the saliva, all he wanted was to kiss her again. He smiled as she turned back holding the vodka. He had expected her to take a big gulp of it and then offer him some whilst she ground against him, but instead she took a mouthful and then leaned down to kiss him. He could taste Jessica's sweet lips and the strong vodka as they kissed, both of them getting a mouthful of it as they kissed, and when the kiss broke he smile up at her. "That was so hot." he whispered, looking into Jessica's eyes as she then started to move on his cock. "Oh fuck..." he gasped out as Jessica started to rock and move up and down on him, Paul's hands holding her hips as she kept on going, it clear she was putting in plenty of effort, and Paul wanted even more. Whilst beneath her and holding her moving hips it was his turn this time to move hips hips in time with her movements, it only adding to it all, and he knew he'd not last much longer with this. "Jess... I'm gonna cum!" he gasped out as he bucked his hips up at her.
16-02-2012, 18:46:44
As soon as she heard that he was about to cum, she stopped dead in her tracks, holding him deep inside her and staring at him as she bit her lip as to not scream out in pleasure. She was divided about letting him cum in her or pull him out and finish him off with her mouth. But he felt so good inside of her, so she started to grind against him again in slow, slow circles. "You gonna cum? You want to cum? Tell me how bad you want it, and I might let you." She whispered to him, her eyes never leaving his. She knew that she wasn't far away either but the teasing game was too much fun to not do. Jessica had always been a sucker for dirty talk and she loved to tease him with words. She could feel him throb inside of her, her need to get off and get filled up by him almost too much.
16-02-2012, 19:00:34
Paul groaned out as he felt his impending orgasm slow to a crawl as Jessica stopped her moving up and down, and instead she staying still with his cock buried deep inside of her. Just being inside of her was enough to turn him on and have this cock throbbing, and he could feel it doing just that as he looked up into her eyes. "Jess... please." he groaned, her gaze holding his as he told her how badly he needed to cum. "I need it so bad, I'm so horny for you... because of you. I just wanna cum inside you so bad... please babe." he said to her, his hands tracing light caresses over her thighs as he spoke.
16-02-2012, 19:08:33
"Aaw, you're...nhn.. so cute, Paulie. You may." She said hoarsely as she started to slide up and down his hard dick again, moaning with each stroke. She was so close it was almost painful and as soon as she had started to move, she could feel the sensation that proceeded her orgasm. "C'mon, Paulie! I want you to cum! Cum as I fuck you!" She whispered to him, having leaned in and then she took on a move that she had learned a long time ago. As she kept moving, she kissed him and tempted his tongue to come out and into her mouth. When she felt him throb inside her, she felt herself cumming like an avalanche and sucked hard on his tongue, moving her lips over it as she sucked it like it was a miniature dick. She had closed her eyes and the only thing that went through her mind was: *"I'm cumming, I'm cumming, I'm cumming I'm..* CUMMING!" The last thought came out in words as she released his tongue and screamed up at the ceiling, her hips moving furiously over his hard manhood as her juices ran down him and onto the sofa.
16-02-2012, 19:15:52
"Oh yes!" he cried out as Jessica told him that he may cum, and as she started to move he too could feel his orgasm imminent. Had she said he can't cum and started to move on his cock like this he wasn't sure he would of been able to resist anyway, but as he didn't have to worry about that his hands just held her tightly and he let himself just enjoy this climax fully. "Oh Jess! Jess! Jess!" he cried out, the pair crying out and moaning in unison as they both hit their orgasms, his eyes closing as she sucked on his tongue, it only adding to the incredible sensations he was feeling as he started to cum. His cock shot its second thick load of the day, this time deep inside of Jessica as she too came, her pussy clenching around him as she came, and in a way it felt like her pussy was milking his cock of all of his cum. He thought the orgasm would never end, but finally it did as his cock finished shooting its load, and he looked up at her with a look of utter happiness, Jessica too coming down from her orgasm. He had nothing to say though, all he wanted to do was kiss her, and he pulled her down, his tongue straightaway searching for hers as he moaned in delight, trying to catch his breath as they kissed.
16-02-2012, 19:22:51
Jessica almost passed out from the pleasure he was bringing her, moaning loudly as she felt him release inside of her. God, she was lucky that she was on pills, otherwise she would've been pregnant by now. She heard him calling her name through a haze and she moaned in response, the feeling of them both reaching climax overwhelming. When they both came down from their high and she was pulled into his heated kiss, she couldn't do anything but to kiss back with the same vigor. She could feel their mixed fluids run down her leg as she continued to grind against him, moaning into his kisses. She didn't know what else to do, it felt like he existed only to provoke her to try and achieve more pleasure. In the afterglow of their orgasm, when they had been wildly kissing for minutes, she pulled free and panted as she looked at him. "Paul, that was incredible." She almost whimpered out, still taken aback from the intensity of her orgasm. She never wanted to leave him nor let him go, but she felt a chill as their body temperature went down to normal. It was late, but in her drunken and aroused state she couldn't have cared less. It was Friday and neither of them had to go to work in the morning. She continued to grind against him, wanting to keep him hard as she kissed him softly. "How about we take a shower then go to bed?" She whispered against his lips, feeling the need awaken once more which she didn't think was possible. But as she looked at him, she knew she could never be fully satisfied and neither could he, she hoped.
16-02-2012, 21:24:50
"Tell me about it Jess, you're amazing." he said to her with a smile, his voice sounding so relaxed following that intense orgasm. It was fair to say it had been mindblowing, infact both times she'd made him cum had been incredible, and he really couldn't wait to see what else may lay in store for them in the future. As they sat together, in eachothers arms, his cock still inside of her the last thing he cared about was moving or getting warm, he had enough vodka in him to not feel the cold, but what Jessica suggested sounded very good it had to be said. His eyes glanced downward as he felt Jessica grinding against him, a cheeky smile spreading across his face as he spoke. "Glad I'm not the only one still horny." he said smiling at her, kissing again before she whispered once more. "Sounds perfect, shall we?" he asked, knowing he'd be more than happy to fuck Jessica for the rest of his life and still never be able to get enough of her. "How about this?" he said, his arms wrapping around her, his cock still inside of her as he stood, holding her in his arms. "To the Bathroom." he said as he carried her.
16-02-2012, 21:34:29
Jessica gasped as he lifted her up, her legs wrapping around him automatically as she was still impaled on his cock. She whimpered the whole way to the bathroom, every step he took sent a jolt of pleasure through her body. To occupy herself as he carried her, she nibbled on his neck, sucking to leave her mark on him. When they reached the bathroom, he let her down. She already missed him inside of her but then she realised something. "Uhm, Paulie, bath or shower?" She said with a smile, remembering that she had installed a bathtub during the weeks he was gone. It would certainly make things easier for them, because she knew she wouldn't be able to leave him be once they got into either.
16-02-2012, 22:17:14
Jessica's gentle kisses and sucking on his neck felt most pleasurable, and a part of him wished the bathroom was a lot further away, for he could most certainly get used to holding her, feeling his cock being touched with every step he took, and having Jessica nuzzle him like so. Once in the bathroom he paused and stood and stared at the bath for a moment. That wasn't here when he had last been here. "Wow! You've a bath!" he said as he reluctantly put her down, taking a closer look at it for a second. "How about you run us a nice bath, and I'll try and keep my hands off of you whilst you do so?" he said, his hands reaching around her to give her ass a squeeze as he spoke, kissing her again after he'd said it.
16-02-2012, 22:27:05
Jessica smiled as she bent over the tub to reach the handle. She arched her back on purpose and after turning the tap on, she turned to Paul, still bent over. They would have some time before the bath was finished and she knew exactly how they should spend that time. "How 'bout you don't keep your hands off me and give me what I want? I got a special treat for you when the bath is ready." She said seductively, spreading her legs and grabbing her ass in a motion that said : Come get some! His seed was still leaking out along with hers, but it didn't matter to her. Soon they would be in the bath and right now, Jessica knew she could make him do as she wished.
16-02-2012, 22:36:14
The way Jessica bent and arched her body just made her look all the more desirable to Paul. There was no doubting that after tonight he'd never look at her in the same way, and as she stood like this is was quite clear why. He smirked at what she said, his cock now back at full hardness as he came closer, taking a hold of her hips as he got ready to fuck her. He couldn't help but wonder what this special treat might be, but until then all he was worried about was getting back inside of her, and he didn't have to wait much longer. With a grunt he guided his cock into her, sliding deep inside her once again, loving how sexy her curvy hips and ass looked from this angle. "I can't get enough of you." he moaned out as he started to slide himself in and out, slowly building up a nice rhythm with his fucking.
16-02-2012, 22:42:16
Jessica moaned loudly as he pushed into her, loving the feeling of his hard shaft sinking deep into her wet folds. Her entire body shuddered as it felt like her pussy just clamped down on him, wanting him to stay there. "Yeess.. Fuck me harder, Paulie." She moaned out, her eyes half closed as she arched back into every thrust he made. This was quickly becoming an obsession but she didn't mind the least. At this point, she practically used Paul for her own satisfaction. Of course, she gave him a lot in return and that also mattered to her. There was something about making him feel good that made her feel good and she loved it. "I want you.. nhn.. to pound me like there is no tomorrow." She managed to pant out as she thrust herself harder against him, the heat in her body building up.
16-02-2012, 23:02:04
Before today Paul would never in a million years have said he could imagine Jessica being so horny, and just eager for him, and his cock. Well, he knew she liked sex, much like she knew he did, but they'd never really discussed how they have sex, or what they're like in bed. Maybe it was the vodka, maybe Jessica was just a horny girl? Whatever it was, he didn't care, because he loved it, and as she moaned out for him to fuck her harder, and then pound her like there was no tomorrow, well, who was he to argue with that. "Fuck.. I'm gonna fuck you so fucking hard." he growled out as he held her hips tighter, and then he really went for it, slamming his cock in and out of her as hard and fast as he could. He couldn't speak words, he was putting all his effort into just fucking Jessica, and instead he just let out moans and grunts of exertion and pleasure.
16-02-2012, 23:08:52
Jessica screamed in happiness and lust as she felt him fuck her the way she wanted. She held on to the bathtub under his brutal assault and moaned and screamed every breath she took, the feeling of him pistoning inside of her so great she could cry. "Yes, yes! That's it!" She screamed, moving one hand back and under his shirts, scratching his skin with her nails and leaving red marks as she couldn't control herself. They would definitely be doing this again, even if she had to use force to get him to do it. The bathtub was now filling up and it wouldn't take long until it was overflowing, but Jessica paid no attention to it, only wanting more of Paul's cock in her. She could already feel her orgasm approaching, so she started to thrust even harder against Paul, wanting only more.
16-02-2012, 23:27:42
Paul leaned his head back in pure pleasure as he pumped Jessica full of his cock again and again, his length slamming into her balls deep over and over again. His hands squeezed her ass as he fucked her, grunting out as he felt her wet pussy around his cock, it gripping him, squeezing him, god it drove him wild! "Jess I'm gonna cum." he groaned out, his voice sounding weak and it was clear he was nearly out of breath as he gave her his all. He could take no more though, and he groaned out loudly as he came, slamming his cock in hard he buried himself deep inside as he came, his cock pumping out its thick sticky seed.
16-02-2012, 23:34:22
Jessica moaned louder and louder until he heard him say that he was about to cum. That was the cue for her own orgasm and she shook like a tree in a storm as she felt him shoot his seed inside of her, her moans turning into one long. At the end of her moan her voice broke sexily and she sobbed because of the intense feelings that were washing over her. When she felt him stop cumming and they both just stood there panting, she staggered forward and felt him slide out of her. Moaning in response, she turned off the tap and grabbed some paper and wiped up the cum that was now starting to run down her legs. She didn't mind it at all, but seeing as they should both be in the bath, it wouldn't be so sexy with his seed floating around. When she was done and Paul had undressed, she took some sweet smelling bathpowder and poured it in the water. It gave of a nice aroma, that she had bought at a sexshop. The smell was a sort of weak, natural aphrodisiac and she knew they weren't done by far yet. The tub was quite big and she let Paul get in first and as he leaned against the wall, she joined him and sat in his lap, taking his arms and wrapping them around her. She looked over her shoulder and smiled. "Tell me when you're ready again and you'll get your treat." She leaned up and kissed him softly, continuing to kiss him as they soaked in the hot water.
16-02-2012, 23:44:23
Again they had orgasmed together, and again it hand been utterly mindblowing. Jessica was the best fuck he'd ever had, and he didn't want things with her to ever end. Drunk or not, he knew the future between them was going to be bright, very bright. Now having cum though it was time for the bath, and he helped Jessica wipe up the mess before he pulled off his clothes that he too was now completely naked. Getting into the warm water of the large tub he let out a happy sigh, the warm water soothing him as he sat back, and the sweet smell of the bath powder filled his head. "It smells nice." he said to her as she climbed in, the young man grinning in delight as Jessica came and sat right down with him, and he was already moving his arms around her as she guided them to where she wanted them. He smirked as Jessica told him about a treat. In his eyes there was nothing else she could do to make this more perfect, and she certainly didn't need to do anything to thank him or treat him, for it had been as amazing for him as it had her, but still he thanked her and kissed her back. As they kissed he could feel his cock stirring already, just having Jessica close turned him on, and between kisses he whispered. "I'm pretty much ready." and let his erection brush against her skin as he smiled, eager to find out what his treat might be.
16-02-2012, 23:54:32
Jessica smiled as she felt his erection brush against her, amazed that he was ready already. "Alright, you horny boy, sit down on the ledge there." She said with a smile, moving away from him so that he could sit on a throne like spot in the bathtub.The steam of the water would make sure that it didn't get cold and she would make sure that he got hot and bothered. As he sat down, she float through the water until she was in between his legs. She was smiling seductively up at him and leaned in and gave him a soft kiss. "You just lean back and enjoy, alright?" Her smile became mischievous as she sunk back in the water, her mouth just at the same height as his member. She leaned forward and enveloped his dick in her mouth, sucking hard on it as she started to slowly bob up and down. When she saw him close his eyes in pleasure, she gave him a surprise. She pushed forward in one long push, taking all of him down her throat and then quickly back again. She let him fall from her mouth with a slurping pop and started jerking him off as she looked up on him, her eyes twinkling with tease. "Did you like that?" She said as her hand rubbed his dick fast, knowing he wouldn't cum soon.
17-02-2012, 00:09:32
"Hey, it's not my fault you turn me on like crazy." he said grinning as she called him a horny boy. He couldn't deny he was a horny boy though, he'd cum 3 times and already he was hard again. Now sitting on the seat part of the huge tub Paul kissed her back, before biting his lip in anticipation at the sight of Jessica moving back between his legs, his cock at the perfect height for her to take him into her mouth, and it was exactly that what she did next. A blowjob like he'd received earlier would of been reward enough for him, and he was already moaning in delight as she bobbed and sucked on his hard cock. His eyes closed as he relaxed, feeling his cock being sucked in the hot warmth of the bathroom, he could imagine nothing better, well, that was until Jessica deep throated his cock. His eyes hot open as he felt the intense pleasure, groaning out a groan of sheer and utter pleasure before she pulled him back out. It was a good job he was sitting as it made his legs feel weak, and he looked down at her as she looked back at him, her eyes twinkling with something. "Dear god, that was... that was incredible." he said as he smiled, her hand jerking him keeping him nice and hard. "Is there no end to your talents?" he asked winking.
17-02-2012, 00:17:03
Jessica smiled widely at the reaction her skills brought out as she continued to jerk him off quick and hard. "I'm glad you like it, because I'm going to do that to you until you are ready to blow." She said teasingly, leaning up and kissing him. "And when you are ready to blow, you'll tell me." She went back down between his legs before he could answer and swallowed his dick in one go, quickly bobbing her head up and down, moaning slightly at the feeling of him entering her throat. She had worked on removing her gag reflex with her ex-boyfriend and after he had left, she had never performed deepthroat on anyone else. Now, this had changed and she loved it. One of her hands went down into the water and pushed three fingers into herself instantly, moaning even more around her mouthfull, sending vibrations through his dick. Her mouth was watering and she was slobbering all over his dick, not caring if she looked unsightly or slutty. She did this only to pleasure him and she could care less about her appearance right now.
17-02-2012, 00:30:36
Paul looked at Jessica like he'd just won the lottery as she told him what she planned to do. Not only was he going to get more of that immense pleasure, she was going to to it until the time came for him to cum! He knew having cum 3 times already that it would take him longer to cum too, which meant one thing, even longer to savour this pleasure. His cock was then back down Jessica's throat, and all he could do was sit and moan as he watched. He felt like a zombie as he just groaned and sat motionless, the pleasure was so incredible he could barely move, and his mouth hung open as he watched her devour his cock. "Oh fuck.." is all he could manage to moan out as he watched. To him it looked so sexy to watch her mouth watering so much over his cock, and it felt even better. Paul didn't have a clue how long it went on for, he was lost in the moment, in the pleasure, in Jessica, and when he felt that familiar stirring in his balls he groaned out. "I'm gonna cum..." he said weakly, looking down at Jessica like the happiest man alive.
17-02-2012, 00:40:01
Jessica was as oblivious to time as Paul was, but when she started to notice the tensing in his body and how his cock twitched more than before and he said that we was going to come, she slid down one last time and pulled up with a slurping noise, smiling at him as she leaned forward and pushed her sizeable breasts around his saliva coated cock. "Here's your second part, I want you to cum all over my breasts, Paul." She whispered with a hoarse voice, saliva running down her chin and her make up running from her earlier actions. She started to slide up and down his shaft, pressing her breasts tightly around him as she sped up, the aphrodisiac she had poured into the water before getting the better of her. She knew he was ready to blow, but she continued to talk dirty to him, urging him to blow it all over her, asking him in a teasing, sweet voice if he was about to cum, if he wanted to cum all over her as she continued to tittyfuck the brains out of him. Everytime the head of his dick came up between her breasts, she let her tongue out and flicked it against the underside of it, teasing him further. "I want you to cum, Paul, cum as you fuck my tits." She moaned out and opened her mouth in hope of catching some of his seed in her mouth, all the while she continued to fuck him with her breasts.
17-02-2012, 01:01:16
Paul was sure he had died and gone to heaven, he sat feeling like the luckiest man to walk the earth as after that, he was then being treated to a tittyfuck between Jessica's wonderful breasts. The aphrodisiac too had him rock hard and feeling so desperate to orgasm, so much so that he was surprised he lasted as long as he did between Jessica's breasts. The combination of her big soft breasts, her licking tongue and her naughty words were more than a match of his efforts to try and delay his orgasm any longer. It wasn't that he didn't want to cum though, he just wanted this to never end. His eyes rolled back into his head as she took him over the brink and into orgasm however, he let out a pure groan of sexual fulfillment as he came, his cock spasming hard between her breasts as his load shot upwards and outwards, globs landing on her breasts, on her face and in her mouth. The load might not have been as big as his earlier ones, but thanks to the intense pleasure she'd given him, and the aphrodisiac it meant his orgasm was more intense and his cum shot out harder and further. When he finally came down he leaned back, breathing heavily as he looked down at Jessica like he loved her more than anything in the entire world. He said nothing for a moment as he regained his senses, before weakly speaking. "Thank you... I... oh god... I've never cum like that before." he said, a smile turning at his lips as he just sat and smiled happily at her.
17-02-2012, 01:12:00
Jessica was a bit taken aback by the sheer force in in Paul's ejaculation, but it didn't faze her. She continued to rub her breasts up and down his dick until he stopped cumming and then released him, her breasts and face spattered with his seed. "Mhm, it's so tasty." She smiled at him as she cleaned most of what she got in her face by catching it with her finger and licking it up. She knew this would entice him further and she almost hoped he would be good for one more round. "I'm glad you liked it." She giggled as she took a dip under the water, rubbing over her body to get most of the seed away and when she got up again, she latched her arms around his neck and kissed him again. She was almost content now, having a slight ache between her legs but that wasn't important. "How 'bout we wash up and go to bed? Or do you have something else in mind?" She said with a teasing smile before she nuzzled his neck, breathing in his smell.
17-02-2012, 01:51:16
Paul smiled as she told him it was tasty, he was glad she thought so, and if she ever wanted more he'd always be more than happy to give her some, though the look in his eyes told her that without him having too. "It was incredible, I think I know what I want for my Birthday this year." he said winking at her cheekily, before he slid down as she latched onto him, and the pair relaxed in the bath as they kissed. Just laying with her in the bath felt wonderful, their bodies pressed together as they shared kiss after kiss, however when Jessica suggested the options for what they might do next Paul smiled at her. Had she not used the aphrodisiac he would probably have been done, but as it was Paul knew he could come once more. "For the time I did manage to keep my eyes open during that, I seemed to notice you fingering yourself pretty damn hard..." he said grinning. "I think it's only fair I finish you off." he said smiling. "How do you want it? Fingers? Tongue? Cock?" he asked her, wanting to do something for her now.
17-02-2012, 02:01:25
Jessica giggled at the birthday comment, then she spent no other thought then on how to kiss him the best and how good he tasted on her lips. They were both dozing off now but when he mentioned that he should do something for her and finish her off and she blushed at the thought. She hadn't really thought about that but when he offered it, she moved closer to him, still sitting on top of him - chest to chest - and seemed almost shy. "Well, you could.. finger me while you kiss me?" She whispered against him, feeling so naughty just requesting something like that, even though she had said way worse things just minutes earlier. She was very impulsive, Jessica, but she knew what he wanted to do for her and she wanted him to do it. She spread her knees to stand on either side of him in the tub, him leaning against the edge and she leaning in to kiss him passionately.
17-02-2012, 02:12:58
"Of course, it'd be my pleasure." he replied, more than happy to do this for Jessica, for in his mind it was the very least he could do after the immense pleasures she had given him not minutes before. As she moved he let his hand trail down her smooth and slick stomach to her pussy. They were already kissing, long passionate kisses as his fingers seeked out her pussy, and when he found it he let his fingers slide inside of her. He was in no great rush to make her orgasm, for to spend a while kissing as he got her off would be a fine end to the evening, however should Jessica start moving her hips in search of more, then he'd gladly increase the pace. He started by just giving her slow fingers, sliding them in and out, curling them a little as he searched for her magic spot, hoping it will feel as good as when she touched his special spot on his cock.
17-02-2012, 14:58:52
Jessica whimpered against his lips as she felt his hand travel down her body. She closed her eyes and continued to kiss her as her body arched when he reached the goal. "Please, don't stop. Please, don't stop." She whispered over and over between kisses, her sex so sensitive from the pounding he gave her before. She let her hands ruffle his hair, keeping up the kisses as her hips slowly rode his fingers. She was perfectly content with his fingers and the slow pace he was keeping, for now. But she could feel her will waver as one of her hands travelled down his stomach and grasped him, jerking him with the same slow pace that he used. One could tell that her attitude had changed since he gave her a pounding. She was more affectionate now, more inclined to take it slow and truly enjoy the pleasures they could give to eachother. It was a long time since she had felt so wanted and yearned for as she did with Paul. The feelings he stirred in her were feelings she had locked away ever since her ex-boyfriend ditched her.
17-02-2012, 21:45:56
Jessica's whispers as he stimulated her were gorgeous, he loved the fact that she was moaning in delight from what he was doing to her, and he wanted to just keep on doing it over and over until she could cum no more. She was a fine kisser too, and Paul just wanted to keep on kissing her for as long as she would let him, her lips were so soft and tasted so sweet, and her tongue just felt divine when it touched and danced with his own. She caught him off guard though when she took a hold of his cock, his length responding by stiffening in her grasp as she slowly jerked him, and now they were both letting out little gasps as they kissed, his own hips shifting slightly as they stimulated eachother in perfect unison, their hands moving so in time it was like they were being controlled by the same person. "I can't get enough of you..." he whispered back. "I want your hands on me, and my hands on you all the time..." he gasped out, as he leaned forward slightly and put more oomph in his kisses.
17-02-2012, 22:06:50
She moaned at his words, knowing full well that she felt the same way. She continued to ride his fingers slowly until she couldn't take it anymore. With a loud gasp, she broke from the kiss and looked at him, still riding his finger. Her hand was still jerking his dick and she was arching her back towards him with the pleasure she was receiving. "Paul.. I want you to make love to me." She whispered, her eyes open and innocent instead of the horny beast she had been before. She needed some tenderness right now and she knew Paul could give it to her. "I need you to." She said as she leaned back in and kissed him softly, moving off his fingers and positioning herself over his stiffening cock, ((Sorry for short post =/))
17-02-2012, 23:25:53
Paul looked up into Jessica's eyes as she pulled away from the kiss, their hands still slowly moving as they pleasured eachother. Her words were different to earlier though, she was still being fuelled by her lust and desires, just different ones it seemed, for this time it was the longing desire to make love, rather than the furious sex and orgasms they had been seeking before. His hands pulled her back in closer, kissing her again and again with long passionate kisses as he felt her moving to his cock. "I want nothing more than to make love to you." he whispered, as his hands took her hips and guided her down onto his cock, moaning into her mouth as he filled her again. Unlike before though he didn't start to thrust wildly, instead just slowly rocking her hips and his own as she sat over him, slow and sensuous movements of their bodies.
18-02-2012, 16:02:50
Jessica moaned back as she felt him slide inside of her, surprised he could still get so hard and at the fact that she still wanted more of him. She let him take charge, her hips moving with his in a slow and sensual rhythm. She could tell he understood what she wanted and smiled as she continued to kiss him, her tongue wrestling with his. She continued to move her hips on top of him, her back arching with every thrust he made inside of her. She felt like she could go on forever, just riding the waves of pleasure that he created inside of her. "Paulie... it feels so good.. I think I will be addicted to you." She managed to whisper against his lips, startin to feel a little bit sober and clearheaded, although she was still drunk.
18-02-2012, 21:56:50


Mira is a large-scale, high-quality dataset of 6 million real-world roleplay messages. This is the raw version of Mira. See also Mira-NER for a newer version of Mira with Named Entity Recognition annotations.

This dataset is pending removal. You should use Mira-NER.


Data was collected from various RP forums and sites. A best effort has been made to scrub the dataset of PII and out-of-context messages, but some may still exist.


This dataset is licensed under ODbL. Legally, that means:

  • If you train a model with it, you MUST cite it. You're already being transparent about your data, right?
  • Derivative databases must be ODbL.
  • I don't guarantee this dataset is merchandisable & if it burns down your house, it's your fault.

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Some preliminary experiments have led to models that punch significantly above their weight, especially considering how little data they were trained on. I want to improve & scale my pipelines and training runs up significatly. I believe I can achieve SOTA for open-source & small-model RP.

If you value open-source AI, then reach out to me.

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