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posted an update Mar 4
Today, we're launching an effort to empower the community to build impactful datasets collectively.

Good data is essential for the open-source AI community. Recently, Argilla and Hugging Face launched Data is Better Together. In less than two weeks, over 350 people ranked over 10k prompts.

Today, we're shifting our focus to help support other community efforts to create datasets using Argilla and Hugging Face Spaces. This workflow means anyone with a Hugging Face account can contribute to a dataset in less than a minute. We want to hear from anyone with ideas for creating important datasets as a community. This could include things like:

- Creating preference data for a language that lacks high-quality preference datasets.
- Building evaluation datasets for a new domain.
- Developing a dataset for a new task.

If you would like to get involved, join us in the #data-is-better-together Discord channel:

You can read more in this blog post from @dvilasuero and I:
In this post