Daniel van Strien PRO


AI & ML interests

Machine Learning Librarian



Posts 31

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Yesterday, I shared a blog post on generating data for fine-tuning ColPali using the Qwen/Qwen2-VL-7B-Instruct model.

To simplify testing this approach, I created a Space that lets you generate queries from an input document page image: davanstrien/ColPali-Query-Generator

I think there is much room for improvement, but I'm excited about the potential for relatively small VLMs to create synthetic data.

You can read the original blog post that goes into more detail here: https://danielvanstrien.xyz/posts/post-with-code/colpali/2024-09-23-generate_colpali_dataset.html
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ColPali is revolutionizing multimodal retrieval, but could it be even more effective with domain-specific fine-tuning?

Check out my latest blog post, where I guide you through creating a ColPali fine-tuning dataset using Qwen/Qwen2-VL-7B-Instruct to generate queries for a collection of UFO documents sourced from the Internet Archive.

The post covers:
- Introduction to data for ColPali models
- Using Qwen2-VL for retrieval query generation
- Tips for better query generation

Check out the post here:

The resulting Hugging Face dataset: davanstrien/ufo-ColPali