96 values
2 classes
95 values
Kys nig
I honestly think this is going too far; harassing MMK like that
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But muh clue scrolls
Bought 100 bracelets as soon as I logged on. Slayer Masters seem to love giving me Hellhounds, and the bracelet is perfect for that task. I should probably block it, but oh well.
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It's not racist to say bad things towards Jews because they're not a race as Judaism is a religion. Even though it's still a dick thing to say if it's not a joke. It's racist to call Welsh people sheep shaggers but it isn't racist to call Muslims goat fuckers. Some people just call everything racist nowadays -_-
how to be a racist 101, pick any race + insinuate / directly state killing/hate towards them. #Sucess #GzOnBeingARacist.
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You honestly don't care about its balance in PvM, where most of the OSRS population plays? What an ignorant piece of shit you are.
Necklace, cant 1 tick all the damage. That's all I've got and think its enough - from a pvp perspective, I don't honestly care about pvm. Better to go big and reel yourself in later than never get anything at all.
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what a retard lol
"lel stop lyin m8 u botted" - /u/sara_solo
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downvoted till u can do jad
You're the loser
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Ok then
The white race will not be destroyed by bullets or swords like so many tried before .. no ... We'll be destroyed by the long, hard, black shaft of superior African dick impregnating our women. The lowest race will annhilate the master race through interacial BREEDING. We're literally being fucked out of existence and there's not a fucking thing we can do about it.
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You smell like fisheggs you ugly twat
He will.
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I didn't do anything other than tell him that he wasn't going to get a drop lol. And, speaking of homophobia: >queerbait Isn't that inherently homophobic using it as an insult? > And secondly he is entitled to his opinion, so if he is homophobic(scared of or doesn't approve of homosexuality), it's really none of ur business. lol nice, now you're defending homophobes. >You calling him a homophobe is no different than me calling you gay So calling someone a nazi is the same as being called a nazi? 10/10 reasoning
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Aka emily brings in fellow grills lets not cuck her
Although in this situation it would be a nice way to clear the air and show the community that these bans are justified, posting such racist and offensive things is something we are not comfortable doing. In addition to this, we don't want to set the precedent of having to publicly release offence evidence for a variety of reasons.
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gz on 150k, could have made that in a single zulrah kill
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With chemotherapy we can try to
Ahhhh not yet, but.. can you buy a better community for 07? i dont think so
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I hope you die monkey hat faggot
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[**@JagexWeath**]( > [2016-08-05 09:06 UTC]( > @TheGodOfFifa we can't guarantee their security but you won't get banned for using it ---- ^This ^message ^was ^created ^by ^a ^bot [^[Contact ^creator]]([^[Source ^code]](
The clients that are indistinguishable from bot clients are the ones that process the graphics differently (i.e. 'HD clients'). OSBuddy is not one of those, so: >[we can't guarantee their security but you won't get banned for using it](
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I'm pretty sure that everybody here just wishes you weren't such a nigger lover.
>If you demonstrate your hatred in any way then yes, that would generally be illegal. If it's completely internalised then there's nothing really wrong with that. So you are saying racism is morally wrong then? At least when it is acted on like these people are. >Was slavery ever morally right? Hard to say. Its not really hard to say at all.
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This subreddit really does need a shitpot tag...
*rumbling* Whats that? MEME-ALANCHE
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They have cought people that has done this before. So there is a chance still
Hope they get who did this, but probably wont happen.
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Any idea on the time the fight is scheduled to happen?
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I don't know how to respond, i'll just call you a fag.
Lol u wish fag
['Body of submission must be related to OSRS', 'Do not break Jagex/OSRS rules', 'No flaming/trolling - keep things civil!', 'No "Advice Animals" or other image macros', 'No posts asking for items/money', 'No accusing players of wrongdoing', "Don't post your streams", 'No mute/ban appeals']'re a reddit moron. Gotcha, so I will make this reply as simple as possible so you understand. Don't worry, I wont go too fast for ya, bud. First off, yes, D3 is a F2P game, in case you don't understand what that means, FREEEEEEEE TOOOOOO PLAAYYYY. Was that slow enough for ya, bud? So, let me go ahead and explain it. You buy the game, and you PLAY IT FOR FREEEEE. Does that make sense? Cool. Now, for the second part of your abortion of a reply, care to give some detail as to why I'm "so fucking stupid its retarded" ? Because, to be honest, I can clearly see the ignorance in your reply. I apologize if this reply is just a little too complicated for your teeny tiny little brain to comprehend, but don't worry, I will work with you. I'm used to working with slow children =).
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You should follow him into the noose.
Why are you so mad lmao, telling some guy on the internet he's pathetic and to kill himself to feel better? Just stop posting and you'll stop getting downvoted
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> Yes, they are "encouraging it" because it's not a big deal. [Ok](
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Are you retarded? Why would osbuddy hack an account with a 3m bank?
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Nawh, he he's either right or a cunt, no wrong
You know it's okay to be wrong right?
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They don't always willingly choose but its still THEIR fault and no one elses. Maybe if you weren't such a pussy and dealt with your problems instead of getting depressed and doing nothing about it then you wouldn't have suicidal thoughts.
Ah yes, I just choose to have fairly common suicidal thoughts and desires to throw myself off windows and off of bridges. Yes, I clearly chose to have these thoughts /s Please, actually think about it. Who would willingly chose to have those kinds of thoughts?
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LOL idiots mad because he gets no upvotes Cx
9 upvotes out of how many people who visit this sub? Moron.
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No need to be so abrasive. It's actually a relatively common and damaging misconception that vaginas can be so huge or stretched as a sign of not being a virgin, something OP's directly alluding to. It's just not a cool joke
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To be fair, you cannot blame em for whats happening. Its kind of in chaos and everyone is running around with post-world weapons
Not in the Middle East
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suck my dick faggot
Ofc no one misses playing lms since its dead lmfao, shitty minigame
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> Why am I not allowed to teleport > Getting constantly hit by attcks Is she retarded?
Just for you :) If this link is not allowed im sorry
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I hate cancer faking donation shills more than anyone, but come on, this was an obvious joke
I get that's there's some hate for her but honestly it looks like she's joking
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jeez, fuck.
Odds of this is 1.831% Rip your luck 2017..!
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Your not funny being a pedophile stop being sexist u pig
perfect ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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Are you fucking dense? That's a fake statistic, no spamming my inbox with bullshit.
blame the eoc fanbase, k, lets just abandon all our 5.2B accounts because an update released PRE-EOC causing MTX will devalue all our accounts. We have ironmen now without mtx for proper highscores with proper combat system.
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It's really not though
That's hilarious.
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Can you fucking kill yourself please?
If you're going to give him something back you'd better be quick before Osbuddy notices it.
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Fuck you. Got forbid they have some fun.
Must be nice getting paid to act like children. I mean it's not like you are a representative of a multi-million dollar company or anything, right?
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I don't want a right click option, fuck off
You realise the proposal is a right click option? I.e. it would have absolutely no effect on you if you weren't interested in it
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Since when is account sharing allowed anywhere in game. I am aware of the multilogging rule being changed, but NEVER account sharing. Could you please link me to a Jagex Moderator confirming this?
sharing accounts isn't against the rules unless you're sharing to Boost Hiscores, or get unfair advantages ingame, via DMM ( more training ) normal account sharing isn't against the rules. so normal gamemode she didn't break any. edit: i hate emily just as much as everyone, but i'm being fair.
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go play rs3 you retard
God damn it I dont want to wait this long, I actually have time in the summer to play! Summer should be filled with massive updates like Ancient Curses, Dragon claws, Stealing Creation, Soul Wars, and Korasi!!!!!!
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I thin you've gone full retard mate.
Because racism is caused by stereotyping. And if you like it or not, stereotyping is something that every human does. Discrimination by race is just one of the many facets of how people discriminate between people. Illegal acts carried out by 'racists', people who negatively discriminate between races, are obviously wrong in the eye of the law hence the illegality. Racism on its own is just a word to discriminate between race. And discrimination on its own is not inherently wrong. It enables us to see objects as different entities like this table is different from that table over there. I do think one should try to fight his or her own ignorance and negative views on groups and individuals but I do not think discrimination in itself, like I explained, is wrong. One should try to widen his or her view on the world and recognize his or her ignorance.
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Yeah fuck them god loving NIGGERS
Have these god bothering faggots considered we don't care if we go to hell?
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oh hey its the dude that botted then tried to get unbanned
Support, Fuck /u/Shortdood
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Your're an idiot.
I love how the two people that said they voted no just to be dicks don't know the difference between your and you're.
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You missed the [autism/]. I hate seeing closing tags without a declaration.
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yeah because you guys are too retarded to leave the wilderness LOL how would you know
We get way more hate than Hexis do, trust me
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it's not the past she still owns it you can go to the live chat and still speak with "jessica" lmao what do you not understand she got caught once and got banned but it's not the everyday "oh I have 1b and I sold it and got banned" it's literally her supplying it and still doing so. why do you think she plays an ironman.. It makes it the least suspicious. It's sad skill specs and the AOAA team helps her hide this and involve themself. they all take Ingame donations and what's to say they don't sell it to her? all these streamers are 2 faced you gotta stop sucking them.
This is pretty well known, but I'm pretty sure she quit selling gold. The conversation with George just shows she used to sell gold, which is in the past. Of course you get banned from his chat, it'd just get annoying if trolls kept asking about it. Don't try to dig people's past up.
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60 slayer req on nosepeg yet you can wear it before, go hang urself fucking retarded autist
Straight from the 07 Wiki: A Mirror shield is a piece of slayer equipment used for fighting the cockatrice and basilisk slayer monsters, requiring 25 Slayer and 20 Defence to wield. And Slayer Helm is 10 Defense. You should probably be right before you call someone retarded.
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Hahaha found the "cx SMORC LOL!!" faggot I make fucking bank with bitcoins more then every streamer combined and more then you will ever earn BTC TO THE MOON EASY MONEY
and while they're making a living doing what they enjoy, you're spending your weekend on Reddit throwing around petty insults of people you're jealous of. All to make you feel better about your own life. I wonder who the winners are...
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Making some gp on rs3 is better than no gp on osrs and wasting membership
Swap rates vs gp/hr rates in Rs3 arent worth it
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>best afk money making alt? Answer is wyverns, but obviously if you're not afking it's better. It's not hard to afk nmz to get a mid levelled account and 72 slayer doesn't take long. He said he doesn't want to do a lot of training but it's not hard to afk click overloads because of how much better wyverns are than other methods
He asks for semi afk, not a lot of quests or training. Can you point out the flaws in your suggestion?
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Well there's no two invisible boosts in game
It should. Invisible bonuses stack with visible bonuses, however invisible doesn't stack with invisible and visible does not stack with visible.
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/u/penguin327 My mum had to do this for ages to get me to clean my room- Runescape got the better of me so my room became messier by the day. Only way to get me to clean it was to take the router away.. Then I learnt you could hotspot data from your phone.
I mean it got to a point where my dad would take the router with him to work during the summer holidays.
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Per say it is
Wintertodts out...
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Check where the issue is by finding the row that has a star where a ms time value usually is. For example 10 ms * This would mean that packets are being lost when trying to contact the osrs servers. Issues with any other routers are probably going to be out of your hands. The "names" of the routers are shown on the last column of each entry when you tracert. I'm not sure about the locations of the worlds that you tested, but servers for each region are hosted in the same area, so if you test servers from the same region, you should get similar results. Responses from different regions should have different results unless there is an issue locally with your ISP.
Thanks for the response - I haven't been able to find anything myself. I tried this with a few different worlds, and on 8/9/10/11 I am getting "Request timed out." but on 1-7 and 12 it seems to respond as usual. Does this mean that this is my problem? And if it is, how do I go about fixing it?
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He just clicked "logout", Sick Nerd.
How did he log out. Damn
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you do have an idea what about what they risk, since you'll be able to roughly evaluate their gear by looking at their character and stats for 5 seconds. chances are if they're using mith gloves tort blowpipe with ags and they're an agser with only a few bh kills they probably risk nothing, so you can just spec them out in 5 seconds and tab. if you can kill them they're a free tier upgrade - they should usually be pretty easy. but if they're a zerk with tons of shit on them and 15 pray for example, they're always worth fighting because the risk is either equal or greater than your average pker. and for that very very very rare case of unskulling voider with blowpipe dbow and ballista - go clan wars yourself.
Except that it's annoying. You have no idea if the person risks 200k or 5k. So wasting your time and risking a death to fight someone with potentially zero risk is retarded. Beyond the fact that skulling on them, then going and losing your skull takes even more time. What if the person just specs and teles? It's generally just not worth the extra effort and time, considering there is literally no benefit.
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Lets you permanently destroy items without having to remove them from the bank first. Mostly for annoying un-notable items that people may have a lot of.
Haven't played in a bit, what is this update?
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ive never claimed credit. it was just a strategic repost.
Now if only we could get op to give proper credit for your post. That would be *nice.*
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KKona /
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Bone crusher is a diary reward.
> Bone crusher is a diary reward.
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Yes... :( They're all purple/red/green shirt bots.
Are the purple shirt clan members still roaming those oaks?
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Do you have experience using it?
use murgees random autoclicker, you can set the click to be a different variable of timing every click
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Just thought I'd share cuz I'm usually wearing what you described on my zerker haha, also have almost no skills trained
That isn't what I described at all my friend
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And I can tell you from my *years* of studying it that the Runescape economy acts the exact same way as 'an irl economy' lol. Especially knee-jerk reactions. I'll even give you legitimate examples that you can google right now. A few days ago, the Fed announced that the American economy is doing well enough for them to raise baseline interest rates (they have been all year, but this time they sound legit, but I digress). A higher baseline interest rate heavily effects the economy. After the Fed ended their meeting, the Dow-Jones indicator dropped almost 400 points (-2.2%, roughly). That is a significant loss in the Dow-Jones, but it's unsustainable, as it's just reactionary panic. We'll see the indicator recover most, if not all, of those 400 lost basis points in the next week, mark my words. You seem to know reddit pretty well, can you set one of those remindme things for Friday at 5pm EST? We saw the exact same market response when Jagex announced that the BGS may get a 50% special attack, and within hours the BGS was trading at prices almost 3x what they were worth before the Q&A (3m to 9m). Within a day, the BGS was trading back at around 3.5m, as it had settled down following initial panic.
This isn't real life. Time and profit is different. You can't compare this to real life because it's not an irl economy. You don't know what you're talking about so I'm not explaining something to someone like you with their head so far up their own ass it's coming out already the other way
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you can pay 500k to buy an insurance for your pet so when you die, you can pay 1m to get it back
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All you need are dank memes and crippling anxiety.
With enough up votes, anything is possible
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That hat isn't exclusive to the Japanese
Japanese hat using a katana = chinese... Never go stupid mode
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eclectic implings worth 6,8k each.
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Start slayer at like 80s
Is slayer slower xp? I want to do slayer because its good money and stuff, but I've heard it was slower xp
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The problem is that a professional game development team puts things to a vote by the players. The intelligent should make decisions, not the unwashed masses. Popular vote = unwashed masses make the decisions because they are far more numerous than the intelligent 2% But hey, this dev team bairly qualifies as professional anyway.
Jagex hasn't been slow with it... The problem is half of the community are idiots and argue an idea just to argue. Most can't comprehend the idea of a bank pin once a day from the same ip. I made a post about it a while back, and got a lot of stupid ass comments from people that don't play the game/logically think. Edit:
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i think runecrafting exp would be the best holiday reward for f2p imo
Go complete the event, enjoy the holidays and have party hat on us. The bank chest has been removed and along with it that temptation to not complete.
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Fishing is like 10x slower than herblore though. Slayer isn't profitable if you cannon. Gargs, Kurask and Wyvers are good profit.
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I know but the effect is basically the same
Except this is market demand driving up the price because supply was cut, climbing boots was an actual colossal fuck up that gave a commonly botted 12gp store price item a 45k alch price overnight.
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those were both memes. are you mad? kid
edit: Nevermind you're a troll and deserve an proper response.
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I switch back and forth between both versions of the game and this is the best logo I've seen proposed here so far. Not really a big fan of the RS3 logo regardless though.
rs3 players would cry and say it's more Oldschool orientated
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your drawing is actually pretty close
[Here you go](
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The hat's pretty big already...
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Todt everything so I can watch people on Twitch instead of playing the game please :D
How about the HouseTodt? A minimal effort profit making way to train construction! I know what you're thinking. Profit from a skill such as construction where you're supposed to take materials and use them? preposterous!   The HouseTodt has been a broken magical house on Fossil Island for centuries, and no matter what the archaeologist do, they just can't get by it. It's up to the brave adventurers of Gielinor to chop the nearby tree's, mine the nearby iron, and fix that magical house!   HouseTodt will be a fun interactive way to train multiple skills. Counting as a miniga-...I mean SKILLING BOSS! There will be KC and incredible rewards. No more spending money to train the skill, now MAKE money from training the skill! /s I promise I'm not still upset about wintertodt....I....I promise.
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Loot seems to be approximately 15x your number of points. My 3-man raids average around 45 minutes and end with ~25-30k points. That's around 500k-600k loot per hour, which as you've said, is enough to cover the cost of your supplies. That's how all top-level PVM was until Zulrah.
600k loot per hour? I don't know what private server you are doing raids in but in a 4 man team I receive roughly 250k-300k loot per 1 hour raid. This barely covers the cost of my SUPPLIES.
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Update: My OSB is working now !!
Same problem here, using Optus as well. RIP Osbuddy for now I guess :(
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You're looking at it the wrong way. Action was not taken due to the player being 'unkillable'. Action was taken due to the player abusing this mechanic to purposefully harass another player and restricting their right to play the game fairly.
Pretty thin line you've set taking action on someone for being unkillable. A perm mute and banning any account he uses to extort would suffice but now whats the case for one iteming, welfare gear, etc in deep wild or warring? Where is the line set for what were allowed to do to take our opponents out?
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its actually good advice
If you need some fast start up cash, go to the pvp world and loot everything around you and sell it. Could make 1m in 30min to an hour easy.
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I didn't think about that. Thanks :D
I doubt it'd affect the blackjacking step itself, but it's likely to help the pickpocketing step However the guy is out cold and has a 100% success rate to be pickpocketed, so it doesn't matter
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Never tried :)
Can't you kill jad?
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Fuck up, idiot. Keep your opinions to yourself. Quit putting yourself up on a pedestal compared to everyone else.
you botted
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holy ballsack
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A streamer cried about teaming in lms while he was teaming or something
What happened?
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Making it an elite req would only make it worse, because there would be less competition, letting people get 10m+/h easily.
Making it an elite req would still make it generate around 2b every day. Why should we have 2b inflation per day coming from a unbalanced shitshop? I agree that Wyverns and Zulrah is shitty but at least that's content. Selling items to a shop for money is hardly that.
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I have a funny feeling you will be, it's already passed and i'll see you there.
I sure as hell won't be I'm already 84. And yes on release it will be packed but it'll get spread out eventually and eventually only be a couple people doing it later
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Full spec bar takes 5 mins to regen anyway.
this could be OP if it were used in conjunction with the new POH rejuvination pools. A once per 5 minute drink similar to the imbued heart might be more balanced.
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thats like saying the point of zulrah is the pet. the point of bandos is the pet. the point of doing anything in the game is the pet.
Damn you are mad. The xp rewards are pretty small and not worth it for mains to go for anyway. And point of high gambles is the pet
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Thank you! I'll follow everyone's advice! The real question is range or Mage first?
Seems like you're trying to build a pure so probably selling the SGS to get 99 range and barrage would be your best bet. You can always make the money back from hoarding Slayer drops for another SGS, might take a while but gp can always be made back. EDIT: You could also always make great money with 99 range and 94 mage at Zulrah for money.
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What even..
[I can relate to this.](
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The poll does make all the decisions unless its a bug. Hell, look at anti-dragon shields. It was to hinder bots, but still polled.
You keep mentioning it was not polled as if the poll makes the decisions. The JMods allow us to vote on our content and they simply abide by it because they care about our opinion. But of they need to make a change they see fit, they can without a poll as the poll isn't a divine god ruling over the game. They will do what they will as they see best fit for the game. If Jagex thinks UIM shouldn't be allowed to use hidey holes, then that's how it will be.
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Are you retarded? You didn't answer my question. You're not addicted UNTIL you try the substance. You choosing to try the substance is what makes you an idiot because it was 100% your fault.
Yeah if you knew anything about the disease of addiction you would know what you're saying is completely idiotic, I wouldn't expect any less from someone like you.
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>It's not new graphics that look sloppy as hell and have no aesthetic quality to them in any way at all. You're just on a nostalgia trip... You complain that the new models and textures look bad but you want a cube with horrible low-res photo textures slapped on? I get the fact that's what OSRS looked like back in the day, but it's their first ever quest as a team, and a grandmaster one at that, of course they want to make new art as long as it fits the OSRS style.
That 58x58 picture of wood grain slapped onto a 6 sided box is what old school is. It's not new graphics that look sloppy as hell and have no aesthetic quality to them in any way at all. Again, I have no issue with adding new content, but the new content should resemble current OSRS.
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They'll most likely poll it in game again based on the strawpoll results from the stream. Last time it was polled DWH wasn't released so it's likely to pass this time around.
Its quintupled in price since they literally hinted that they **CAN** do it. Not that they will.
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