Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: The Peloponnesian War was won by Sparta.
Sparta -LRB- Doric Greek : Σπάρτα , Spártā Attic Greek : Σπάρτη , Spártē -RRB- was a prominent city-state in ancient Greece . In antiquity the city-state was known as Lacedaemon -LRB- Λακεδαίμων , Lakedaímōn -RRB- , while the name Sparta referred to its main settlement on the banks of the Eurotas River in Laconia , in south-eastern Peloponnese . Around 650 BC , it rose to become the dominant military land-power in ancient Greece . Given its military pre-eminence , Sparta was recognized as the overall leader of the combined Greek forces during the Greco-Persian Wars . Between 431 and 404 BC , Sparta was the principal enemy of Athens during the Peloponnesian War , from which it emerged victorious , though at a great cost of lives lost . Sparta 's defeat by Thebes in the Battle of Leuctra in 371 BC ended Sparta 's prominent role in Greece . However , it maintained its political independence until the Roman conquest of Greece in 146 BC . It then underwent a long period of decline , especially in the Middle Ages , when many Spartans moved to live in Mystras . Modern Sparta is the capital of the Greek regional unit of Laconia and a center for the processing of goods such as citrus and olives . Sparta was unique in ancient Greece for its social system and constitution , which completely focused on military training and excellence . Its inhabitants were classified as Spartiates -LRB- Spartan citizens , who enjoyed full rights -RRB- , mothakes -LRB- non-Spartan free men raised as Spartans -RRB- , perioikoi -LRB- freedmen -RRB- , and helots -LRB- state-owned serfs , enslaved non-Spartan local population -RRB- . Spartiates underwent the rigorous agoge training and education regimen , and Spartan phalanges were widely considered to be among the best in battle . Spartan women enjoyed considerably more rights and equality to men than elsewhere in the classical world . Sparta was the subject of fascination in its own day , as well as in the West following the revival of classical learning . This love or admiration of Sparta is known as Laconism or Laconophilia . At its peak around 500 BC the size of the city would have been some 20,000 -- 35,000 free residents , plus numerous helots and perioikoi -LRB- `` dwellers around '' -RRB- . At 40,000 -- 50,000 it was one of the largest Greek cities ; however , according to Thucydides , the population of Athens in 431 BC was 360,000 -- 610,000 , making it unlikely that Athens was smaller than Sparta in 5th century BC . The French classicist François Ollier in his 1933 book Le mirage spartiate -LRB- `` The Spartan Mirage '' -RRB- warned that a major scholarly problem regarding Sparta is that all the surviving accounts of Sparta were written by non-Spartans who often presented an excessively idealized image of Sparta . Ollier 's theory of the `` Spartan mirage '' has been widely accepted by scholars .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: The Peloponnesian War was won by Sparta.
Sparta -LRB- Doric Greek : Σπάρτα , Spártā Attic Greek : Σπάρτη , Spártē -RRB- was a prominent city-state in ancient Greece . In antiquity the city-state was known as Lacedaemon -LRB- Λακεδαίμων , Lakedaímōn -RRB- , while the name Sparta referred to its main settlement on the banks of the Eurotas River in Laconia , in south-eastern Peloponnese . Around 650 BC , it rose to become the dominant military land-power in ancient Greece . Given its military pre-eminence , Sparta was recognized as the overall leader of the combined Greek forces during the Greco-Persian Wars . Between 431 and 404 BC , Sparta was the principal enemy of Athens during the Peloponnesian War , from which it emerged victorious , though at a great cost of lives lost . Sparta 's defeat by Thebes in the Battle of Leuctra in 371 BC ended Sparta 's prominent role in Greece . However , it maintained its political independence until the Roman conquest of Greece in 146 BC . It then underwent a long period of decline , especially in the Middle Ages , when many Spartans moved to live in Mystras . Modern Sparta is the capital of the Greek regional unit of Laconia and a center for the processing of goods such as citrus and olives . Sparta was unique in ancient Greece for its social system and constitution , which completely focused on military training and excellence . Its inhabitants were classified as Spartiates -LRB- Spartan citizens , who enjoyed full rights -RRB- , mothakes -LRB- non-Spartan free men raised as Spartans -RRB- , perioikoi -LRB- freedmen -RRB- , and helots -LRB- state-owned serfs , enslaved non-Spartan local population -RRB- . Spartiates underwent the rigorous agoge training and education regimen , and Spartan phalanges were widely considered to be among the best in battle . Spartan women enjoyed considerably more rights and equality to men than elsewhere in the classical world . Sparta was the subject of fascination in its own day , as well as in the West following the revival of classical learning . This love or admiration of Sparta is known as Laconism or Laconophilia . At its peak around 500 BC the size of the city would have been some 20,000 -- 35,000 free residents , plus numerous helots and perioikoi -LRB- `` dwellers around '' -RRB- . At 40,000 -- 50,000 it was one of the largest Greek cities ; however , according to Thucydides , the population of Athens in 431 BC was 360,000 -- 610,000 , making it unlikely that Athens was smaller than Sparta in 5th century BC . The French classicist François Ollier in his 1933 book Le mirage spartiate -LRB- `` The Spartan Mirage '' -RRB- warned that a major scholarly problem regarding Sparta is that all the surviving accounts of Sparta were written by non-Spartans who often presented an excessively idealized image of Sparta . Ollier 's theory of the `` Spartan mirage '' has been widely accepted by scholars .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: The Peloponnesian War was won by Sparta.
Sparta -LRB- Doric Greek : Σπάρτα , Spártā Attic Greek : Σπάρτη , Spártē -RRB- was a prominent city-state in ancient Greece . In antiquity the city-state was known as Lacedaemon -LRB- Λακεδαίμων , Lakedaímōn -RRB- , while the name Sparta referred to its main settlement on the banks of the Eurotas River in Laconia , in south-eastern Peloponnese . Around 650 BC , it rose to become the dominant military land-power in ancient Greece . Given its military pre-eminence , Sparta was recognized as the overall leader of the combined Greek forces during the Greco-Persian Wars . Between 431 and 404 BC , Sparta was the principal enemy of Athens during the Peloponnesian War , from which it emerged victorious , though at a great cost of lives lost . Sparta 's defeat by Thebes in the Battle of Leuctra in 371 BC ended Sparta 's prominent role in Greece . However , it maintained its political independence until the Roman conquest of Greece in 146 BC . It then underwent a long period of decline , especially in the Middle Ages , when many Spartans moved to live in Mystras . Modern Sparta is the capital of the Greek regional unit of Laconia and a center for the processing of goods such as citrus and olives . Sparta was unique in ancient Greece for its social system and constitution , which completely focused on military training and excellence . Its inhabitants were classified as Spartiates -LRB- Spartan citizens , who enjoyed full rights -RRB- , mothakes -LRB- non-Spartan free men raised as Spartans -RRB- , perioikoi -LRB- freedmen -RRB- , and helots -LRB- state-owned serfs , enslaved non-Spartan local population -RRB- . Spartiates underwent the rigorous agoge training and education regimen , and Spartan phalanges were widely considered to be among the best in battle . Spartan women enjoyed considerably more rights and equality to men than elsewhere in the classical world . Sparta was the subject of fascination in its own day , as well as in the West following the revival of classical learning . This love or admiration of Sparta is known as Laconism or Laconophilia . At its peak around 500 BC the size of the city would have been some 20,000 -- 35,000 free residents , plus numerous helots and perioikoi -LRB- `` dwellers around '' -RRB- . At 40,000 -- 50,000 it was one of the largest Greek cities ; however , according to Thucydides , the population of Athens in 431 BC was 360,000 -- 610,000 , making it unlikely that Athens was smaller than Sparta in 5th century BC . The French classicist François Ollier in his 1933 book Le mirage spartiate -LRB- `` The Spartan Mirage '' -RRB- warned that a major scholarly problem regarding Sparta is that all the surviving accounts of Sparta were written by non-Spartans who often presented an excessively idealized image of Sparta . Ollier 's theory of the `` Spartan mirage '' has been widely accepted by scholars .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: The Peloponnesian War was won by Sparta.
Sparta -LRB- Doric Greek : Σπάρτα , Spártā Attic Greek : Σπάρτη , Spártē -RRB- was a prominent city-state in ancient Greece . In antiquity the city-state was known as Lacedaemon -LRB- Λακεδαίμων , Lakedaímōn -RRB- , while the name Sparta referred to its main settlement on the banks of the Eurotas River in Laconia , in south-eastern Peloponnese . Around 650 BC , it rose to become the dominant military land-power in ancient Greece . Given its military pre-eminence , Sparta was recognized as the overall leader of the combined Greek forces during the Greco-Persian Wars . Between 431 and 404 BC , Sparta was the principal enemy of Athens during the Peloponnesian War , from which it emerged victorious , though at a great cost of lives lost . Sparta 's defeat by Thebes in the Battle of Leuctra in 371 BC ended Sparta 's prominent role in Greece . However , it maintained its political independence until the Roman conquest of Greece in 146 BC . It then underwent a long period of decline , especially in the Middle Ages , when many Spartans moved to live in Mystras . Modern Sparta is the capital of the Greek regional unit of Laconia and a center for the processing of goods such as citrus and olives . Sparta was unique in ancient Greece for its social system and constitution , which completely focused on military training and excellence . Its inhabitants were classified as Spartiates -LRB- Spartan citizens , who enjoyed full rights -RRB- , mothakes -LRB- non-Spartan free men raised as Spartans -RRB- , perioikoi -LRB- freedmen -RRB- , and helots -LRB- state-owned serfs , enslaved non-Spartan local population -RRB- . Spartiates underwent the rigorous agoge training and education regimen , and Spartan phalanges were widely considered to be among the best in battle . Spartan women enjoyed considerably more rights and equality to men than elsewhere in the classical world . Sparta was the subject of fascination in its own day , as well as in the West following the revival of classical learning . This love or admiration of Sparta is known as Laconism or Laconophilia . At its peak around 500 BC the size of the city would have been some 20,000 -- 35,000 free residents , plus numerous helots and perioikoi -LRB- `` dwellers around '' -RRB- . At 40,000 -- 50,000 it was one of the largest Greek cities ; however , according to Thucydides , the population of Athens in 431 BC was 360,000 -- 610,000 , making it unlikely that Athens was smaller than Sparta in 5th century BC . The French classicist François Ollier in his 1933 book Le mirage spartiate -LRB- `` The Spartan Mirage '' -RRB- warned that a major scholarly problem regarding Sparta is that all the surviving accounts of Sparta were written by non-Spartans who often presented an excessively idealized image of Sparta . Ollier 's theory of the `` Spartan mirage '' has been widely accepted by scholars .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: Isis had a temple at Behbeit El Hagar.
Isis -LRB- -LSB- ˈaɪsɪs -RSB- Ἶσις -LSB- îː.sis -RSB- ; original Egyptian pronunciation more likely `` Aset '' or `` Iset '' -RRB- is a goddess from the polytheistic pantheon of Egypt . She was first worshiped in ancient Egyptian religion , and later her worship spread throughout the Roman Empire and the greater Greco-Roman world . Isis is still widely worshiped by many pagans today in diverse religious contexts ; including a number of distinct pagan religions , the modern Goddess movement , and interfaith organizations such as the Fellowship of Isis . Isis was worshipped as the ideal mother and wife as well as the patroness of nature and magic . She was the friend of slaves , sinners , artisans and the downtrodden , but she also listened to the prayers of the wealthy , maidens , aristocrats and rulers . Isis is often depicted as the mother of Horus , the falcon-headed deity associated with king and kingship -LRB- although in some traditions Horus 's mother was Hathor -RRB- . Isis is also known as protector of the dead and goddess of children . The name Isis means `` Throne '' . Her headdress is a throne . As the personification of the throne , she was an important representation of the pharaoh 's power . The pharaoh was depicted as her child , who sat on the throne she provided . Her cult was popular throughout Egypt , but her most important temples were at Behbeit El Hagar in the Nile delta , and , beginning in the reign with Nectanebo I -LRB- 380 -- 362 BCE -RRB- , on the island of Philae in Upper Egypt . In the typical form of her myth , Isis was the first daughter of Geb , god of the Earth , and Nut , goddess of the Sky , and she was born on the fourth intercalary day . She married her brother , Osiris , and she conceived Horus with him . Isis was instrumental in the resurrection of Osiris when he was murdered by Set . Using her magical skills , she restored his body to life after having gathered the body parts that had been strewn about the earth by Set . This myth became very important during the Greco-Roman period . For example , it was believed that the Nile River flooded every year because of the tears of sorrow which Isis wept for Osiris . Osiris 's death and rebirth was relived each year through rituals . The worship of Isis eventually spread throughout the Greco-Roman world , continuing until the suppression of paganism in the Christian era . The popular motif of Isis suckling her son Horus , however , lived on in a Christianized context as the popular image of Mary suckling her infant son Jesus from the fifth century onward .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: John McCain works in politics.
John Sidney McCain III -LRB- born August 29 , 1936 -RRB- is an American politician who currently serves as the senior United States Senator from Arizona . He was the Republican nominee for the 2008 U.S. presidential election . McCain followed his father and grandfather , both four-star admirals , into the United States Navy , graduating from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1958 . He became a naval aviator , flying ground-attack aircraft from aircraft carriers . During the Vietnam War , he was almost killed in the 1967 USS Forrestal fire . In October 1967 , while on a bombing mission over Hanoi , he was shot down , seriously injured , and captured by the North Vietnamese . He was a prisoner of war until 1973 . McCain experienced episodes of torture , and refused an out-of-sequence early repatriation offer . His war wounds have left him with lifelong physical limitations . He retired from the Navy as a captain in 1981 and moved to Arizona , where he entered politics . Elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1982 , McCain served two terms . He was first elected to the U.S. Senate in 1986 , winning re-election easily five times , most recently in 2016 . While generally adhering to conservative principles , McCain at times has had a media reputation as a `` maverick '' for his willingness to disagree with his party on certain issues . After being investigated and largely exonerated in a political influence scandal of the 1980s as a member of the Keating Five , he made campaign finance reform one of his signature concerns , eventually gaining passage of the McCain -- Feingold Act in 2002 . He is also known for his work in the 1990s to restore diplomatic relations with Vietnam , and for his belief that the Iraq War should have been fought to a successful conclusion . McCain has chaired the Senate Commerce Committee , opposed spending that he considered to be pork barrel , and played a key role in alleviating a crisis over judicial nominations with the bi-partisan group known as the Gang of 14 . McCain ran for the Republican nomination in 2000 but lost a heated primary season contest to George W. Bush of Texas . He secured the nomination in 2008 after coming back from early reversals , but was defeated by Democratic candidate Barack Obama in the general election , losing by a 365 -- 173 electoral college margin and by 53 -- 46 % in the popular vote . He subsequently adopted more orthodox conservative stances and attitudes and largely opposed actions of the Obama administration , especially in regard to foreign policy matters . By 2013 , however , he had become a key figure in the Senate for negotiating deals on certain issues in an otherwise partisan environment . In 2015 , McCain became chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: John McCain works in politics.
John Sidney McCain III -LRB- born August 29 , 1936 -RRB- is an American politician who currently serves as the senior United States Senator from Arizona . He was the Republican nominee for the 2008 U.S. presidential election . McCain followed his father and grandfather , both four-star admirals , into the United States Navy , graduating from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1958 . He became a naval aviator , flying ground-attack aircraft from aircraft carriers . During the Vietnam War , he was almost killed in the 1967 USS Forrestal fire . In October 1967 , while on a bombing mission over Hanoi , he was shot down , seriously injured , and captured by the North Vietnamese . He was a prisoner of war until 1973 . McCain experienced episodes of torture , and refused an out-of-sequence early repatriation offer . His war wounds have left him with lifelong physical limitations . He retired from the Navy as a captain in 1981 and moved to Arizona , where he entered politics . Elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1982 , McCain served two terms . He was first elected to the U.S. Senate in 1986 , winning re-election easily five times , most recently in 2016 . While generally adhering to conservative principles , McCain at times has had a media reputation as a `` maverick '' for his willingness to disagree with his party on certain issues . After being investigated and largely exonerated in a political influence scandal of the 1980s as a member of the Keating Five , he made campaign finance reform one of his signature concerns , eventually gaining passage of the McCain -- Feingold Act in 2002 . He is also known for his work in the 1990s to restore diplomatic relations with Vietnam , and for his belief that the Iraq War should have been fought to a successful conclusion . McCain has chaired the Senate Commerce Committee , opposed spending that he considered to be pork barrel , and played a key role in alleviating a crisis over judicial nominations with the bi-partisan group known as the Gang of 14 . McCain ran for the Republican nomination in 2000 but lost a heated primary season contest to George W. Bush of Texas . He secured the nomination in 2008 after coming back from early reversals , but was defeated by Democratic candidate Barack Obama in the general election , losing by a 365 -- 173 electoral college margin and by 53 -- 46 % in the popular vote . He subsequently adopted more orthodox conservative stances and attitudes and largely opposed actions of the Obama administration , especially in regard to foreign policy matters . By 2013 , however , he had become a key figure in the Senate for negotiating deals on certain issues in an otherwise partisan environment . In 2015 , McCain became chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: John McCain works in politics.
John Sidney McCain III -LRB- born August 29 , 1936 -RRB- is an American politician who currently serves as the senior United States Senator from Arizona . He was the Republican nominee for the 2008 U.S. presidential election . McCain followed his father and grandfather , both four-star admirals , into the United States Navy , graduating from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1958 . He became a naval aviator , flying ground-attack aircraft from aircraft carriers . During the Vietnam War , he was almost killed in the 1967 USS Forrestal fire . In October 1967 , while on a bombing mission over Hanoi , he was shot down , seriously injured , and captured by the North Vietnamese . He was a prisoner of war until 1973 . McCain experienced episodes of torture , and refused an out-of-sequence early repatriation offer . His war wounds have left him with lifelong physical limitations . He retired from the Navy as a captain in 1981 and moved to Arizona , where he entered politics . Elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1982 , McCain served two terms . He was first elected to the U.S. Senate in 1986 , winning re-election easily five times , most recently in 2016 . While generally adhering to conservative principles , McCain at times has had a media reputation as a `` maverick '' for his willingness to disagree with his party on certain issues . After being investigated and largely exonerated in a political influence scandal of the 1980s as a member of the Keating Five , he made campaign finance reform one of his signature concerns , eventually gaining passage of the McCain -- Feingold Act in 2002 . He is also known for his work in the 1990s to restore diplomatic relations with Vietnam , and for his belief that the Iraq War should have been fought to a successful conclusion . McCain has chaired the Senate Commerce Committee , opposed spending that he considered to be pork barrel , and played a key role in alleviating a crisis over judicial nominations with the bi-partisan group known as the Gang of 14 . McCain ran for the Republican nomination in 2000 but lost a heated primary season contest to George W. Bush of Texas . He secured the nomination in 2008 after coming back from early reversals , but was defeated by Democratic candidate Barack Obama in the general election , losing by a 365 -- 173 electoral college margin and by 53 -- 46 % in the popular vote . He subsequently adopted more orthodox conservative stances and attitudes and largely opposed actions of the Obama administration , especially in regard to foreign policy matters . By 2013 , however , he had become a key figure in the Senate for negotiating deals on certain issues in an otherwise partisan environment . In 2015 , McCain became chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: John McCain works in politics.
John Sidney McCain III -LRB- born August 29 , 1936 -RRB- is an American politician who currently serves as the senior United States Senator from Arizona . He was the Republican nominee for the 2008 U.S. presidential election . McCain followed his father and grandfather , both four-star admirals , into the United States Navy , graduating from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1958 . He became a naval aviator , flying ground-attack aircraft from aircraft carriers . During the Vietnam War , he was almost killed in the 1967 USS Forrestal fire . In October 1967 , while on a bombing mission over Hanoi , he was shot down , seriously injured , and captured by the North Vietnamese . He was a prisoner of war until 1973 . McCain experienced episodes of torture , and refused an out-of-sequence early repatriation offer . His war wounds have left him with lifelong physical limitations . He retired from the Navy as a captain in 1981 and moved to Arizona , where he entered politics . Elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1982 , McCain served two terms . He was first elected to the U.S. Senate in 1986 , winning re-election easily five times , most recently in 2016 . While generally adhering to conservative principles , McCain at times has had a media reputation as a `` maverick '' for his willingness to disagree with his party on certain issues . After being investigated and largely exonerated in a political influence scandal of the 1980s as a member of the Keating Five , he made campaign finance reform one of his signature concerns , eventually gaining passage of the McCain -- Feingold Act in 2002 . He is also known for his work in the 1990s to restore diplomatic relations with Vietnam , and for his belief that the Iraq War should have been fought to a successful conclusion . McCain has chaired the Senate Commerce Committee , opposed spending that he considered to be pork barrel , and played a key role in alleviating a crisis over judicial nominations with the bi-partisan group known as the Gang of 14 . McCain ran for the Republican nomination in 2000 but lost a heated primary season contest to George W. Bush of Texas . He secured the nomination in 2008 after coming back from early reversals , but was defeated by Democratic candidate Barack Obama in the general election , losing by a 365 -- 173 electoral college margin and by 53 -- 46 % in the popular vote . He subsequently adopted more orthodox conservative stances and attitudes and largely opposed actions of the Obama administration , especially in regard to foreign policy matters . By 2013 , however , he had become a key figure in the Senate for negotiating deals on certain issues in an otherwise partisan environment . In 2015 , McCain became chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: John McCain works in politics.
John Sidney McCain III -LRB- born August 29 , 1936 -RRB- is an American politician who currently serves as the senior United States Senator from Arizona . He was the Republican nominee for the 2008 U.S. presidential election . McCain followed his father and grandfather , both four-star admirals , into the United States Navy , graduating from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1958 . He became a naval aviator , flying ground-attack aircraft from aircraft carriers . During the Vietnam War , he was almost killed in the 1967 USS Forrestal fire . In October 1967 , while on a bombing mission over Hanoi , he was shot down , seriously injured , and captured by the North Vietnamese . He was a prisoner of war until 1973 . McCain experienced episodes of torture , and refused an out-of-sequence early repatriation offer . His war wounds have left him with lifelong physical limitations . He retired from the Navy as a captain in 1981 and moved to Arizona , where he entered politics . Elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1982 , McCain served two terms . He was first elected to the U.S. Senate in 1986 , winning re-election easily five times , most recently in 2016 . While generally adhering to conservative principles , McCain at times has had a media reputation as a `` maverick '' for his willingness to disagree with his party on certain issues . After being investigated and largely exonerated in a political influence scandal of the 1980s as a member of the Keating Five , he made campaign finance reform one of his signature concerns , eventually gaining passage of the McCain -- Feingold Act in 2002 . He is also known for his work in the 1990s to restore diplomatic relations with Vietnam , and for his belief that the Iraq War should have been fought to a successful conclusion . McCain has chaired the Senate Commerce Committee , opposed spending that he considered to be pork barrel , and played a key role in alleviating a crisis over judicial nominations with the bi-partisan group known as the Gang of 14 . McCain ran for the Republican nomination in 2000 but lost a heated primary season contest to George W. Bush of Texas . He secured the nomination in 2008 after coming back from early reversals , but was defeated by Democratic candidate Barack Obama in the general election , losing by a 365 -- 173 electoral college margin and by 53 -- 46 % in the popular vote . He subsequently adopted more orthodox conservative stances and attitudes and largely opposed actions of the Obama administration , especially in regard to foreign policy matters . By 2013 , however , he had become a key figure in the Senate for negotiating deals on certain issues in an otherwise partisan environment . In 2015 , McCain became chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: John McCain works in politics.
John Sidney McCain III -LRB- born August 29 , 1936 -RRB- is an American politician who currently serves as the senior United States Senator from Arizona . He was the Republican nominee for the 2008 U.S. presidential election . McCain followed his father and grandfather , both four-star admirals , into the United States Navy , graduating from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1958 . He became a naval aviator , flying ground-attack aircraft from aircraft carriers . During the Vietnam War , he was almost killed in the 1967 USS Forrestal fire . In October 1967 , while on a bombing mission over Hanoi , he was shot down , seriously injured , and captured by the North Vietnamese . He was a prisoner of war until 1973 . McCain experienced episodes of torture , and refused an out-of-sequence early repatriation offer . His war wounds have left him with lifelong physical limitations . He retired from the Navy as a captain in 1981 and moved to Arizona , where he entered politics . Elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1982 , McCain served two terms . He was first elected to the U.S. Senate in 1986 , winning re-election easily five times , most recently in 2016 . While generally adhering to conservative principles , McCain at times has had a media reputation as a `` maverick '' for his willingness to disagree with his party on certain issues . After being investigated and largely exonerated in a political influence scandal of the 1980s as a member of the Keating Five , he made campaign finance reform one of his signature concerns , eventually gaining passage of the McCain -- Feingold Act in 2002 . He is also known for his work in the 1990s to restore diplomatic relations with Vietnam , and for his belief that the Iraq War should have been fought to a successful conclusion . McCain has chaired the Senate Commerce Committee , opposed spending that he considered to be pork barrel , and played a key role in alleviating a crisis over judicial nominations with the bi-partisan group known as the Gang of 14 . McCain ran for the Republican nomination in 2000 but lost a heated primary season contest to George W. Bush of Texas . He secured the nomination in 2008 after coming back from early reversals , but was defeated by Democratic candidate Barack Obama in the general election , losing by a 365 -- 173 electoral college margin and by 53 -- 46 % in the popular vote . He subsequently adopted more orthodox conservative stances and attitudes and largely opposed actions of the Obama administration , especially in regard to foreign policy matters . By 2013 , however , he had become a key figure in the Senate for negotiating deals on certain issues in an otherwise partisan environment . In 2015 , McCain became chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: John McCain works in politics.
John Sidney McCain III -LRB- born August 29 , 1936 -RRB- is an American politician who currently serves as the senior United States Senator from Arizona . He was the Republican nominee for the 2008 U.S. presidential election . McCain followed his father and grandfather , both four-star admirals , into the United States Navy , graduating from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1958 . He became a naval aviator , flying ground-attack aircraft from aircraft carriers . During the Vietnam War , he was almost killed in the 1967 USS Forrestal fire . In October 1967 , while on a bombing mission over Hanoi , he was shot down , seriously injured , and captured by the North Vietnamese . He was a prisoner of war until 1973 . McCain experienced episodes of torture , and refused an out-of-sequence early repatriation offer . His war wounds have left him with lifelong physical limitations . He retired from the Navy as a captain in 1981 and moved to Arizona , where he entered politics . Elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1982 , McCain served two terms . He was first elected to the U.S. Senate in 1986 , winning re-election easily five times , most recently in 2016 . While generally adhering to conservative principles , McCain at times has had a media reputation as a `` maverick '' for his willingness to disagree with his party on certain issues . After being investigated and largely exonerated in a political influence scandal of the 1980s as a member of the Keating Five , he made campaign finance reform one of his signature concerns , eventually gaining passage of the McCain -- Feingold Act in 2002 . He is also known for his work in the 1990s to restore diplomatic relations with Vietnam , and for his belief that the Iraq War should have been fought to a successful conclusion . McCain has chaired the Senate Commerce Committee , opposed spending that he considered to be pork barrel , and played a key role in alleviating a crisis over judicial nominations with the bi-partisan group known as the Gang of 14 . McCain ran for the Republican nomination in 2000 but lost a heated primary season contest to George W. Bush of Texas . He secured the nomination in 2008 after coming back from early reversals , but was defeated by Democratic candidate Barack Obama in the general election , losing by a 365 -- 173 electoral college margin and by 53 -- 46 % in the popular vote . He subsequently adopted more orthodox conservative stances and attitudes and largely opposed actions of the Obama administration , especially in regard to foreign policy matters . By 2013 , however , he had become a key figure in the Senate for negotiating deals on certain issues in an otherwise partisan environment . In 2015 , McCain became chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: John McCain works in politics.
John Sidney McCain III -LRB- born August 29 , 1936 -RRB- is an American politician who currently serves as the senior United States Senator from Arizona . He was the Republican nominee for the 2008 U.S. presidential election . McCain followed his father and grandfather , both four-star admirals , into the United States Navy , graduating from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1958 . He became a naval aviator , flying ground-attack aircraft from aircraft carriers . During the Vietnam War , he was almost killed in the 1967 USS Forrestal fire . In October 1967 , while on a bombing mission over Hanoi , he was shot down , seriously injured , and captured by the North Vietnamese . He was a prisoner of war until 1973 . McCain experienced episodes of torture , and refused an out-of-sequence early repatriation offer . His war wounds have left him with lifelong physical limitations . He retired from the Navy as a captain in 1981 and moved to Arizona , where he entered politics . Elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1982 , McCain served two terms . He was first elected to the U.S. Senate in 1986 , winning re-election easily five times , most recently in 2016 . While generally adhering to conservative principles , McCain at times has had a media reputation as a `` maverick '' for his willingness to disagree with his party on certain issues . After being investigated and largely exonerated in a political influence scandal of the 1980s as a member of the Keating Five , he made campaign finance reform one of his signature concerns , eventually gaining passage of the McCain -- Feingold Act in 2002 . He is also known for his work in the 1990s to restore diplomatic relations with Vietnam , and for his belief that the Iraq War should have been fought to a successful conclusion . McCain has chaired the Senate Commerce Committee , opposed spending that he considered to be pork barrel , and played a key role in alleviating a crisis over judicial nominations with the bi-partisan group known as the Gang of 14 . McCain ran for the Republican nomination in 2000 but lost a heated primary season contest to George W. Bush of Texas . He secured the nomination in 2008 after coming back from early reversals , but was defeated by Democratic candidate Barack Obama in the general election , losing by a 365 -- 173 electoral college margin and by 53 -- 46 % in the popular vote . He subsequently adopted more orthodox conservative stances and attitudes and largely opposed actions of the Obama administration , especially in regard to foreign policy matters . By 2013 , however , he had become a key figure in the Senate for negotiating deals on certain issues in an otherwise partisan environment . In 2015 , McCain became chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: John McCain works in politics.
The Committee on Armed Services -LRB- sometimes abbreviated SASC for Senate Armed Services Committee on its Web site -RRB- is a committee of the United States Senate empowered with legislative oversight of the nation 's military , including the Department of Defense , military research and development , nuclear energy -LRB- as pertaining to national security -RRB- , benefits for members of the military , the Selective Service System and other matters related to defense policy . The Armed Services Committee was created as a result of the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946 following U.S. victory in the Second World War . It merged the responsibilities of the Committee on Naval Affairs -LRB- established in 1816 -RRB- and the Committee on Military Affairs -LRB- also established in 1816 -RRB- . Considered one of the most powerful Senate committees , its broad mandate allowed it to report some of the most extensive and revolutionary legislation during the Cold War years , including the National Security Act of 1947 . The committee tends to take a more bipartisan approach than other committees , as many of its members formerly served in the military or have major defense interests located in the states they come from .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: John McCain works in politics.
John Sidney McCain III -LRB- born August 29 , 1936 -RRB- is an American politician who currently serves as the senior United States Senator from Arizona . He was the Republican nominee for the 2008 U.S. presidential election . McCain followed his father and grandfather , both four-star admirals , into the United States Navy , graduating from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1958 . He became a naval aviator , flying ground-attack aircraft from aircraft carriers . During the Vietnam War , he was almost killed in the 1967 USS Forrestal fire . In October 1967 , while on a bombing mission over Hanoi , he was shot down , seriously injured , and captured by the North Vietnamese . He was a prisoner of war until 1973 . McCain experienced episodes of torture , and refused an out-of-sequence early repatriation offer . His war wounds have left him with lifelong physical limitations . He retired from the Navy as a captain in 1981 and moved to Arizona , where he entered politics . Elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1982 , McCain served two terms . He was first elected to the U.S. Senate in 1986 , winning re-election easily five times , most recently in 2016 . While generally adhering to conservative principles , McCain at times has had a media reputation as a `` maverick '' for his willingness to disagree with his party on certain issues . After being investigated and largely exonerated in a political influence scandal of the 1980s as a member of the Keating Five , he made campaign finance reform one of his signature concerns , eventually gaining passage of the McCain -- Feingold Act in 2002 . He is also known for his work in the 1990s to restore diplomatic relations with Vietnam , and for his belief that the Iraq War should have been fought to a successful conclusion . McCain has chaired the Senate Commerce Committee , opposed spending that he considered to be pork barrel , and played a key role in alleviating a crisis over judicial nominations with the bi-partisan group known as the Gang of 14 . McCain ran for the Republican nomination in 2000 but lost a heated primary season contest to George W. Bush of Texas . He secured the nomination in 2008 after coming back from early reversals , but was defeated by Democratic candidate Barack Obama in the general election , losing by a 365 -- 173 electoral college margin and by 53 -- 46 % in the popular vote . He subsequently adopted more orthodox conservative stances and attitudes and largely opposed actions of the Obama administration , especially in regard to foreign policy matters . By 2013 , however , he had become a key figure in the Senate for negotiating deals on certain issues in an otherwise partisan environment . In 2015 , McCain became chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: John McCain works in politics.
John Sidney McCain III -LRB- born August 29 , 1936 -RRB- is an American politician who currently serves as the senior United States Senator from Arizona . He was the Republican nominee for the 2008 U.S. presidential election . McCain followed his father and grandfather , both four-star admirals , into the United States Navy , graduating from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1958 . He became a naval aviator , flying ground-attack aircraft from aircraft carriers . During the Vietnam War , he was almost killed in the 1967 USS Forrestal fire . In October 1967 , while on a bombing mission over Hanoi , he was shot down , seriously injured , and captured by the North Vietnamese . He was a prisoner of war until 1973 . McCain experienced episodes of torture , and refused an out-of-sequence early repatriation offer . His war wounds have left him with lifelong physical limitations . He retired from the Navy as a captain in 1981 and moved to Arizona , where he entered politics . Elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1982 , McCain served two terms . He was first elected to the U.S. Senate in 1986 , winning re-election easily five times , most recently in 2016 . While generally adhering to conservative principles , McCain at times has had a media reputation as a `` maverick '' for his willingness to disagree with his party on certain issues . After being investigated and largely exonerated in a political influence scandal of the 1980s as a member of the Keating Five , he made campaign finance reform one of his signature concerns , eventually gaining passage of the McCain -- Feingold Act in 2002 . He is also known for his work in the 1990s to restore diplomatic relations with Vietnam , and for his belief that the Iraq War should have been fought to a successful conclusion . McCain has chaired the Senate Commerce Committee , opposed spending that he considered to be pork barrel , and played a key role in alleviating a crisis over judicial nominations with the bi-partisan group known as the Gang of 14 . McCain ran for the Republican nomination in 2000 but lost a heated primary season contest to George W. Bush of Texas . He secured the nomination in 2008 after coming back from early reversals , but was defeated by Democratic candidate Barack Obama in the general election , losing by a 365 -- 173 electoral college margin and by 53 -- 46 % in the popular vote . He subsequently adopted more orthodox conservative stances and attitudes and largely opposed actions of the Obama administration , especially in regard to foreign policy matters . By 2013 , however , he had become a key figure in the Senate for negotiating deals on certain issues in an otherwise partisan environment . In 2015 , McCain became chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: John McCain works in politics.
John Sidney McCain III -LRB- born August 29 , 1936 -RRB- is an American politician who currently serves as the senior United States Senator from Arizona . He was the Republican nominee for the 2008 U.S. presidential election . McCain followed his father and grandfather , both four-star admirals , into the United States Navy , graduating from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1958 . He became a naval aviator , flying ground-attack aircraft from aircraft carriers . During the Vietnam War , he was almost killed in the 1967 USS Forrestal fire . In October 1967 , while on a bombing mission over Hanoi , he was shot down , seriously injured , and captured by the North Vietnamese . He was a prisoner of war until 1973 . McCain experienced episodes of torture , and refused an out-of-sequence early repatriation offer . His war wounds have left him with lifelong physical limitations . He retired from the Navy as a captain in 1981 and moved to Arizona , where he entered politics . Elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1982 , McCain served two terms . He was first elected to the U.S. Senate in 1986 , winning re-election easily five times , most recently in 2016 . While generally adhering to conservative principles , McCain at times has had a media reputation as a `` maverick '' for his willingness to disagree with his party on certain issues . After being investigated and largely exonerated in a political influence scandal of the 1980s as a member of the Keating Five , he made campaign finance reform one of his signature concerns , eventually gaining passage of the McCain -- Feingold Act in 2002 . He is also known for his work in the 1990s to restore diplomatic relations with Vietnam , and for his belief that the Iraq War should have been fought to a successful conclusion . McCain has chaired the Senate Commerce Committee , opposed spending that he considered to be pork barrel , and played a key role in alleviating a crisis over judicial nominations with the bi-partisan group known as the Gang of 14 . McCain ran for the Republican nomination in 2000 but lost a heated primary season contest to George W. Bush of Texas . He secured the nomination in 2008 after coming back from early reversals , but was defeated by Democratic candidate Barack Obama in the general election , losing by a 365 -- 173 electoral college margin and by 53 -- 46 % in the popular vote . He subsequently adopted more orthodox conservative stances and attitudes and largely opposed actions of the Obama administration , especially in regard to foreign policy matters . By 2013 , however , he had become a key figure in the Senate for negotiating deals on certain issues in an otherwise partisan environment . In 2015 , McCain became chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: John McCain works in politics.
John Sidney McCain III -LRB- born August 29 , 1936 -RRB- is an American politician who currently serves as the senior United States Senator from Arizona . He was the Republican nominee for the 2008 U.S. presidential election . McCain followed his father and grandfather , both four-star admirals , into the United States Navy , graduating from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1958 . He became a naval aviator , flying ground-attack aircraft from aircraft carriers . During the Vietnam War , he was almost killed in the 1967 USS Forrestal fire . In October 1967 , while on a bombing mission over Hanoi , he was shot down , seriously injured , and captured by the North Vietnamese . He was a prisoner of war until 1973 . McCain experienced episodes of torture , and refused an out-of-sequence early repatriation offer . His war wounds have left him with lifelong physical limitations . He retired from the Navy as a captain in 1981 and moved to Arizona , where he entered politics . Elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1982 , McCain served two terms . He was first elected to the U.S. Senate in 1986 , winning re-election easily five times , most recently in 2016 . While generally adhering to conservative principles , McCain at times has had a media reputation as a `` maverick '' for his willingness to disagree with his party on certain issues . After being investigated and largely exonerated in a political influence scandal of the 1980s as a member of the Keating Five , he made campaign finance reform one of his signature concerns , eventually gaining passage of the McCain -- Feingold Act in 2002 . He is also known for his work in the 1990s to restore diplomatic relations with Vietnam , and for his belief that the Iraq War should have been fought to a successful conclusion . McCain has chaired the Senate Commerce Committee , opposed spending that he considered to be pork barrel , and played a key role in alleviating a crisis over judicial nominations with the bi-partisan group known as the Gang of 14 . McCain ran for the Republican nomination in 2000 but lost a heated primary season contest to George W. Bush of Texas . He secured the nomination in 2008 after coming back from early reversals , but was defeated by Democratic candidate Barack Obama in the general election , losing by a 365 -- 173 electoral college margin and by 53 -- 46 % in the popular vote . He subsequently adopted more orthodox conservative stances and attitudes and largely opposed actions of the Obama administration , especially in regard to foreign policy matters . By 2013 , however , he had become a key figure in the Senate for negotiating deals on certain issues in an otherwise partisan environment . In 2015 , McCain became chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: John McCain works in politics.
John Sidney McCain III -LRB- born August 29 , 1936 -RRB- is an American politician who currently serves as the senior United States Senator from Arizona . He was the Republican nominee for the 2008 U.S. presidential election . McCain followed his father and grandfather , both four-star admirals , into the United States Navy , graduating from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1958 . He became a naval aviator , flying ground-attack aircraft from aircraft carriers . During the Vietnam War , he was almost killed in the 1967 USS Forrestal fire . In October 1967 , while on a bombing mission over Hanoi , he was shot down , seriously injured , and captured by the North Vietnamese . He was a prisoner of war until 1973 . McCain experienced episodes of torture , and refused an out-of-sequence early repatriation offer . His war wounds have left him with lifelong physical limitations . He retired from the Navy as a captain in 1981 and moved to Arizona , where he entered politics . Elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1982 , McCain served two terms . He was first elected to the U.S. Senate in 1986 , winning re-election easily five times , most recently in 2016 . While generally adhering to conservative principles , McCain at times has had a media reputation as a `` maverick '' for his willingness to disagree with his party on certain issues . After being investigated and largely exonerated in a political influence scandal of the 1980s as a member of the Keating Five , he made campaign finance reform one of his signature concerns , eventually gaining passage of the McCain -- Feingold Act in 2002 . He is also known for his work in the 1990s to restore diplomatic relations with Vietnam , and for his belief that the Iraq War should have been fought to a successful conclusion . McCain has chaired the Senate Commerce Committee , opposed spending that he considered to be pork barrel , and played a key role in alleviating a crisis over judicial nominations with the bi-partisan group known as the Gang of 14 . McCain ran for the Republican nomination in 2000 but lost a heated primary season contest to George W. Bush of Texas . He secured the nomination in 2008 after coming back from early reversals , but was defeated by Democratic candidate Barack Obama in the general election , losing by a 365 -- 173 electoral college margin and by 53 -- 46 % in the popular vote . He subsequently adopted more orthodox conservative stances and attitudes and largely opposed actions of the Obama administration , especially in regard to foreign policy matters . By 2013 , however , he had become a key figure in the Senate for negotiating deals on certain issues in an otherwise partisan environment . In 2015 , McCain became chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: John McCain works in politics.
John Sidney McCain III -LRB- born August 29 , 1936 -RRB- is an American politician who currently serves as the senior United States Senator from Arizona . He was the Republican nominee for the 2008 U.S. presidential election . McCain followed his father and grandfather , both four-star admirals , into the United States Navy , graduating from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1958 . He became a naval aviator , flying ground-attack aircraft from aircraft carriers . During the Vietnam War , he was almost killed in the 1967 USS Forrestal fire . In October 1967 , while on a bombing mission over Hanoi , he was shot down , seriously injured , and captured by the North Vietnamese . He was a prisoner of war until 1973 . McCain experienced episodes of torture , and refused an out-of-sequence early repatriation offer . His war wounds have left him with lifelong physical limitations . He retired from the Navy as a captain in 1981 and moved to Arizona , where he entered politics . Elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1982 , McCain served two terms . He was first elected to the U.S. Senate in 1986 , winning re-election easily five times , most recently in 2016 . While generally adhering to conservative principles , McCain at times has had a media reputation as a `` maverick '' for his willingness to disagree with his party on certain issues . After being investigated and largely exonerated in a political influence scandal of the 1980s as a member of the Keating Five , he made campaign finance reform one of his signature concerns , eventually gaining passage of the McCain -- Feingold Act in 2002 . He is also known for his work in the 1990s to restore diplomatic relations with Vietnam , and for his belief that the Iraq War should have been fought to a successful conclusion . McCain has chaired the Senate Commerce Committee , opposed spending that he considered to be pork barrel , and played a key role in alleviating a crisis over judicial nominations with the bi-partisan group known as the Gang of 14 . McCain ran for the Republican nomination in 2000 but lost a heated primary season contest to George W. Bush of Texas . He secured the nomination in 2008 after coming back from early reversals , but was defeated by Democratic candidate Barack Obama in the general election , losing by a 365 -- 173 electoral college margin and by 53 -- 46 % in the popular vote . He subsequently adopted more orthodox conservative stances and attitudes and largely opposed actions of the Obama administration , especially in regard to foreign policy matters . By 2013 , however , he had become a key figure in the Senate for negotiating deals on certain issues in an otherwise partisan environment . In 2015 , McCain became chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: John McCain works in politics.
John Sidney McCain III -LRB- born August 29 , 1936 -RRB- is an American politician who currently serves as the senior United States Senator from Arizona . He was the Republican nominee for the 2008 U.S. presidential election . McCain followed his father and grandfather , both four-star admirals , into the United States Navy , graduating from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1958 . He became a naval aviator , flying ground-attack aircraft from aircraft carriers . During the Vietnam War , he was almost killed in the 1967 USS Forrestal fire . In October 1967 , while on a bombing mission over Hanoi , he was shot down , seriously injured , and captured by the North Vietnamese . He was a prisoner of war until 1973 . McCain experienced episodes of torture , and refused an out-of-sequence early repatriation offer . His war wounds have left him with lifelong physical limitations . He retired from the Navy as a captain in 1981 and moved to Arizona , where he entered politics . Elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1982 , McCain served two terms . He was first elected to the U.S. Senate in 1986 , winning re-election easily five times , most recently in 2016 . While generally adhering to conservative principles , McCain at times has had a media reputation as a `` maverick '' for his willingness to disagree with his party on certain issues . After being investigated and largely exonerated in a political influence scandal of the 1980s as a member of the Keating Five , he made campaign finance reform one of his signature concerns , eventually gaining passage of the McCain -- Feingold Act in 2002 . He is also known for his work in the 1990s to restore diplomatic relations with Vietnam , and for his belief that the Iraq War should have been fought to a successful conclusion . McCain has chaired the Senate Commerce Committee , opposed spending that he considered to be pork barrel , and played a key role in alleviating a crisis over judicial nominations with the bi-partisan group known as the Gang of 14 . McCain ran for the Republican nomination in 2000 but lost a heated primary season contest to George W. Bush of Texas . He secured the nomination in 2008 after coming back from early reversals , but was defeated by Democratic candidate Barack Obama in the general election , losing by a 365 -- 173 electoral college margin and by 53 -- 46 % in the popular vote . He subsequently adopted more orthodox conservative stances and attitudes and largely opposed actions of the Obama administration , especially in regard to foreign policy matters . By 2013 , however , he had become a key figure in the Senate for negotiating deals on certain issues in an otherwise partisan environment . In 2015 , McCain became chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: John McCain works in politics.
John Sidney McCain III -LRB- born August 29 , 1936 -RRB- is an American politician who currently serves as the senior United States Senator from Arizona . He was the Republican nominee for the 2008 U.S. presidential election . McCain followed his father and grandfather , both four-star admirals , into the United States Navy , graduating from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1958 . He became a naval aviator , flying ground-attack aircraft from aircraft carriers . During the Vietnam War , he was almost killed in the 1967 USS Forrestal fire . In October 1967 , while on a bombing mission over Hanoi , he was shot down , seriously injured , and captured by the North Vietnamese . He was a prisoner of war until 1973 . McCain experienced episodes of torture , and refused an out-of-sequence early repatriation offer . His war wounds have left him with lifelong physical limitations . He retired from the Navy as a captain in 1981 and moved to Arizona , where he entered politics . Elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1982 , McCain served two terms . He was first elected to the U.S. Senate in 1986 , winning re-election easily five times , most recently in 2016 . While generally adhering to conservative principles , McCain at times has had a media reputation as a `` maverick '' for his willingness to disagree with his party on certain issues . After being investigated and largely exonerated in a political influence scandal of the 1980s as a member of the Keating Five , he made campaign finance reform one of his signature concerns , eventually gaining passage of the McCain -- Feingold Act in 2002 . He is also known for his work in the 1990s to restore diplomatic relations with Vietnam , and for his belief that the Iraq War should have been fought to a successful conclusion . McCain has chaired the Senate Commerce Committee , opposed spending that he considered to be pork barrel , and played a key role in alleviating a crisis over judicial nominations with the bi-partisan group known as the Gang of 14 . McCain ran for the Republican nomination in 2000 but lost a heated primary season contest to George W. Bush of Texas . He secured the nomination in 2008 after coming back from early reversals , but was defeated by Democratic candidate Barack Obama in the general election , losing by a 365 -- 173 electoral college margin and by 53 -- 46 % in the popular vote . He subsequently adopted more orthodox conservative stances and attitudes and largely opposed actions of the Obama administration , especially in regard to foreign policy matters . By 2013 , however , he had become a key figure in the Senate for negotiating deals on certain issues in an otherwise partisan environment . In 2015 , McCain became chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: John McCain works in politics.
John Sidney McCain III -LRB- born August 29 , 1936 -RRB- is an American politician who currently serves as the senior United States Senator from Arizona . He was the Republican nominee for the 2008 U.S. presidential election . McCain followed his father and grandfather , both four-star admirals , into the United States Navy , graduating from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1958 . He became a naval aviator , flying ground-attack aircraft from aircraft carriers . During the Vietnam War , he was almost killed in the 1967 USS Forrestal fire . In October 1967 , while on a bombing mission over Hanoi , he was shot down , seriously injured , and captured by the North Vietnamese . He was a prisoner of war until 1973 . McCain experienced episodes of torture , and refused an out-of-sequence early repatriation offer . His war wounds have left him with lifelong physical limitations . He retired from the Navy as a captain in 1981 and moved to Arizona , where he entered politics . Elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1982 , McCain served two terms . He was first elected to the U.S. Senate in 1986 , winning re-election easily five times , most recently in 2016 . While generally adhering to conservative principles , McCain at times has had a media reputation as a `` maverick '' for his willingness to disagree with his party on certain issues . After being investigated and largely exonerated in a political influence scandal of the 1980s as a member of the Keating Five , he made campaign finance reform one of his signature concerns , eventually gaining passage of the McCain -- Feingold Act in 2002 . He is also known for his work in the 1990s to restore diplomatic relations with Vietnam , and for his belief that the Iraq War should have been fought to a successful conclusion . McCain has chaired the Senate Commerce Committee , opposed spending that he considered to be pork barrel , and played a key role in alleviating a crisis over judicial nominations with the bi-partisan group known as the Gang of 14 . McCain ran for the Republican nomination in 2000 but lost a heated primary season contest to George W. Bush of Texas . He secured the nomination in 2008 after coming back from early reversals , but was defeated by Democratic candidate Barack Obama in the general election , losing by a 365 -- 173 electoral college margin and by 53 -- 46 % in the popular vote . He subsequently adopted more orthodox conservative stances and attitudes and largely opposed actions of the Obama administration , especially in regard to foreign policy matters . By 2013 , however , he had become a key figure in the Senate for negotiating deals on certain issues in an otherwise partisan environment . In 2015 , McCain became chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: John McCain works in politics.
John Sidney McCain III -LRB- born August 29 , 1936 -RRB- is an American politician who currently serves as the senior United States Senator from Arizona . He was the Republican nominee for the 2008 U.S. presidential election . McCain followed his father and grandfather , both four-star admirals , into the United States Navy , graduating from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1958 . He became a naval aviator , flying ground-attack aircraft from aircraft carriers . During the Vietnam War , he was almost killed in the 1967 USS Forrestal fire . In October 1967 , while on a bombing mission over Hanoi , he was shot down , seriously injured , and captured by the North Vietnamese . He was a prisoner of war until 1973 . McCain experienced episodes of torture , and refused an out-of-sequence early repatriation offer . His war wounds have left him with lifelong physical limitations . He retired from the Navy as a captain in 1981 and moved to Arizona , where he entered politics . Elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1982 , McCain served two terms . He was first elected to the U.S. Senate in 1986 , winning re-election easily five times , most recently in 2016 . While generally adhering to conservative principles , McCain at times has had a media reputation as a `` maverick '' for his willingness to disagree with his party on certain issues . After being investigated and largely exonerated in a political influence scandal of the 1980s as a member of the Keating Five , he made campaign finance reform one of his signature concerns , eventually gaining passage of the McCain -- Feingold Act in 2002 . He is also known for his work in the 1990s to restore diplomatic relations with Vietnam , and for his belief that the Iraq War should have been fought to a successful conclusion . McCain has chaired the Senate Commerce Committee , opposed spending that he considered to be pork barrel , and played a key role in alleviating a crisis over judicial nominations with the bi-partisan group known as the Gang of 14 . McCain ran for the Republican nomination in 2000 but lost a heated primary season contest to George W. Bush of Texas . He secured the nomination in 2008 after coming back from early reversals , but was defeated by Democratic candidate Barack Obama in the general election , losing by a 365 -- 173 electoral college margin and by 53 -- 46 % in the popular vote . He subsequently adopted more orthodox conservative stances and attitudes and largely opposed actions of the Obama administration , especially in regard to foreign policy matters . By 2013 , however , he had become a key figure in the Senate for negotiating deals on certain issues in an otherwise partisan environment . In 2015 , McCain became chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: Farrah Fawcett received an Emmy Award nomination for her role as a battered wife in the 1984 film The Burning Bed.
Farrah Fawcett -LRB- born Ferrah Leni Fawcett ; February 2 , 1947 -- June 25 , 2009 -RRB- was an American actress and artist . A four-time Emmy Award nominee and six-time Golden Globe Award nominee , Fawcett rose to international fame when she posed for her iconic red swimsuit poster -- which became the best selling pin-up poster in history -- and starred as private investigator Jill Munroe in the first season of the television series Charlie 's Angels -LRB- 1976 -- 1977 -RRB- . In 1996 , she was ranked No. 26 on TV Guide `` 50 Greatest TV stars of All-Time '' . Fawcett began her career in 1968 in commercials and guest roles on television . During the 1970s , she appeared in numerous television series , including recurring roles on Harry O -LRB- 1974 -- 1976 -RRB- , and The Six Million Dollar Man -LRB- 1974 -- 1978 -RRB- with then husband , film and television star Lee Majors . Her breakthrough role came in 1976 , when she was cast as Jill Munroe in the ABC series Charlie 's Angels , alongside Kate Jackson and Jaclyn Smith . The show propelled all three to stardom , but especially Fawcett -LRB- then billed as Farrah Fawcett-Majors -RRB- . After appearing in only the first season , Fawcett decided to leave the show which led to legal disputes . Eventually she signed a contract requiring her to make six guest appearances in the show 's third and fourth seasons -LRB- 1978 -- 1980 -RRB- . For her role in Charlie 's Angels she received her first Golden Globe nomination . In 1983 , Fawcett received positive reviews for her performance in the Off-Broadway play Extremities . She was subsequently cast in the 1986 film version and received a Golden Globe nomination . She received two Emmy Award nominations for her roles in TV movies , as a battered wife in the 1984 film The Burning Bed and as real-life murderer Diane Downs in the 1989 film Small Sacrifices . Her 1980s work in TV movies also earned her four additional Golden Globe nominations . In 1997 , she gained some negative press for a rambling appearance on The Late Show with David Letterman , but also garnered strong reviews for her role in the film The Apostle with Robert Duvall . She continued in numerous TV series , including recurring roles in the sitcom Spin City -LRB- 2001 -RRB- and the drama The Guardian -LRB- 2002 -- 2003 -RRB- . For the latter , she received her third Emmy nomination . Her film roles include , Love Is a Funny Thing -LRB- 1969 -RRB- , Myra Breckinridge -LRB- 1970 -RRB- , Logan 's Run -LRB- 1976 -RRB- , Sunburn -LRB- 1979 -RRB- , Saturn 3 -LRB- 1980 -RRB- , The Cannonball Run -LRB- 1981 -RRB- , Extremities -LRB- 1986 -RRB- , The Apostle -LRB- 1997 -RRB- , and Dr. T & the Women -LRB- 2000 -RRB- . Fawcett was diagnosed with anal cancer in 2006 ; the 2009 NBC documentary Farrah 's Story chronicled her battle with the disease . She posthumously earned her fourth Emmy nomination for her work as a producer on the documentary .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: The Who's first single was "My Generation".
The Who are an English rock band that formed in 1964 . Their classic line-up consisted of lead singer Roger Daltrey , guitarist and singer Pete Townshend , bass guitarist John Entwistle , and drummer Keith Moon . They are considered one of the most influential rock bands of the 20th century , selling over 100 million records worldwide and holding a reputation for their live shows and studio work . The Who developed from an earlier group , the Detours , and established themselves as part of the pop art and mod movements , featuring auto-destructive art by destroying guitars and drums on stage . Their first single as the Who , `` I Ca n't Explain '' , reached the UK top ten , followed by a string of singles including `` My Generation '' , `` Substitute '' and `` Happy Jack '' . In 1967 , they performed at the Monterey Pop Festival and released the US top ten single `` I Can See for Miles '' , while touring extensively . The group 's fourth album , 1969 's rock opera Tommy , included the single `` Pinball Wizard '' and was a critical and commercial success . Live appearances at Woodstock and the Isle of Wight Festival , along with the live album Live at Leeds , cemented their reputation as a respected rock act . With their success came increased pressure on lead songwriter and visionary Townshend , and the follow-up to Tommy , Lifehouse , was abandoned . Songs from the project made up 1971 's Who 's Next , which included the hit `` Wo n't Get Fooled Again '' . The group released the album Quadrophenia in 1973 as a celebration of their mod roots , and oversaw the film adaptation of Tommy in 1975 . They continued to tour to large audiences before semi-retiring from live performances at the end of 1976 . The release of Who Are You in 1978 was overshadowed by the death of Moon shortly after . Kenney Jones replaced Moon and the group resumed activity , releasing a film adaptation of Quadrophenia and the retrospective documentary The Kids Are Alright . After Townshend became weary of touring , the group split in 1982 . The Who occasionally re-formed for live appearances such as Live Aid in 1985 , a 25th anniversary tour in 1989 and a tour of Quadrophenia in 1996 -- 1997 . They resumed regular touring in 1999 , with drummer Zak Starkey . After Entwistle 's death in 2002 , plans for a new album were delayed . Townshend and Daltrey continued as the Who , releasing Endless Wire in 2006 , and continued to play live regularly . The Who 's major contributions to rock music include the development of the Marshall stack , large PA systems , use of the synthesizer , Entwistle and Moon 's lead playing styles , Townshend 's feedback and power chord guitar technique , and the development of the rock opera . They are cited as an influence by hard rock , punk rock and mod bands , and their songs still receive regular exposure .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: Planet of the Apes (1968 film) had a script that underwent rewrites.
Planet of the Apes is a 1968 American science fiction film directed by Franklin J. Schaffner . It stars Charlton Heston , Roddy McDowall , Kim Hunter , Maurice Evans , James Whitmore , James Daly and Linda Harrison . The screenplay by Michael Wilson and Rod Serling was loosely based on the 1963 French novel La Planète des Singes by Pierre Boulle . Jerry Goldsmith composed the groundbreaking avant-garde score . It was the first in a series of five films made between 1968 and 1973 , all produced by Arthur P. Jacobs and released by 20th Century Fox . The film tells the story of an astronaut crew who crash-land on a strange planet in the distant future . Although the planet appears desolate at first , the surviving crew members stumble upon a society in which apes have evolved into creatures with human-like intelligence and speech . The apes have assumed the role of the dominant species and humans are mute creatures wearing animal skins . The script was originally written by Rod Serling , but underwent many rewrites before filming eventually began . Directors J. Lee Thompson and Blake Edwards were approached , but the film 's producer Arthur P. Jacobs , upon the recommendation of Charlton Heston , chose Franklin J. Schaffner to direct the film . Schaffner 's changes included an ape society less advanced -- and therefore less expensive to depict -- than that of the original novel . Filming took place between May 21 and August 10 , 1967 , in California , Utah and Arizona , with desert sequences shot in and around Lake Powell , Glen Canyon National Recreation Area . The film 's final `` closed '' cost was $ 5.8 million . The film was released on February 8 , 1968 , in the United States and was a commercial success , earning a lifetime domestic gross of $ 32.6 million . The film was groundbreaking for its prosthetic makeup techniques by artist John Chambers and was well received by critics and audiences , launching a film franchise , including four sequels , as well as a short-lived television show , animated series , comic books , and various merchandising . In particular , Roddy McDowall had a long-running relationship with the Apes series , appearing in four of the original five films -LRB- absent , apart from a brief voiceover , from the second film of the series , Beneath the Planet of the Apes , in which he was replaced by David Watson in the role of Cornelius -RRB- , and also in the television series . The original series was followed by Tim Burton 's remake Planet of the Apes in 2001 and the reboot Rise of the Planet of the Apes in 2011 . Also in 2001 , Planet of the Apes was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry by the Library of Congress as being `` culturally , historically , or aesthetically significant '' .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: Star vs. the Forces of Evil is a series.
Star vs. the Forces of Evil is an American animated television series produced by Disney Television Animation . The first episode was shown on January 18 , 2015 , on Disney Channel as a special preview , and the series officially premiered on March 30 , 2015 , on Disney XD . The show was created by Daron Nefcy , who had worked on storyboards for Wander Over Yonder and Robot and Monster . Nefcy became the second woman to create an animated series for Disney Television Animation -LRB- the first being Sue Rose , who created Pepper Ann -RRB- , and the first woman to create a Disney XD series . On February 12 , 2015 , Disney renewed the series for a second season prior to its premiere on Disney XD . The second season premiered on July 11 , 2016 . On March 4 , 2016 , it was renewed for a third season , and on February 28 , 2017 , it was officially renewed for a fourth season .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: Star vs. the Forces of Evil is a series.
Star vs. the Forces of Evil is an American animated television series produced by Disney Television Animation . The first episode was shown on January 18 , 2015 , on Disney Channel as a special preview , and the series officially premiered on March 30 , 2015 , on Disney XD . The show was created by Daron Nefcy , who had worked on storyboards for Wander Over Yonder and Robot and Monster . Nefcy became the second woman to create an animated series for Disney Television Animation -LRB- the first being Sue Rose , who created Pepper Ann -RRB- , and the first woman to create a Disney XD series . On February 12 , 2015 , Disney renewed the series for a second season prior to its premiere on Disney XD . The second season premiered on July 11 , 2016 . On March 4 , 2016 , it was renewed for a third season , and on February 28 , 2017 , it was officially renewed for a fourth season .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: Star vs. the Forces of Evil is a series.
Star vs. the Forces of Evil is an American animated television series produced by Disney Television Animation . The first episode was shown on January 18 , 2015 , on Disney Channel as a special preview , and the series officially premiered on March 30 , 2015 , on Disney XD . The show was created by Daron Nefcy , who had worked on storyboards for Wander Over Yonder and Robot and Monster . Nefcy became the second woman to create an animated series for Disney Television Animation -LRB- the first being Sue Rose , who created Pepper Ann -RRB- , and the first woman to create a Disney XD series . On February 12 , 2015 , Disney renewed the series for a second season prior to its premiere on Disney XD . The second season premiered on July 11 , 2016 . On March 4 , 2016 , it was renewed for a third season , and on February 28 , 2017 , it was officially renewed for a fourth season .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: Star vs. the Forces of Evil is a series.
Star vs. the Forces of Evil is an American animated television series produced by Disney Television Animation . The first episode was shown on January 18 , 2015 , on Disney Channel as a special preview , and the series officially premiered on March 30 , 2015 , on Disney XD . The show was created by Daron Nefcy , who had worked on storyboards for Wander Over Yonder and Robot and Monster . Nefcy became the second woman to create an animated series for Disney Television Animation -LRB- the first being Sue Rose , who created Pepper Ann -RRB- , and the first woman to create a Disney XD series . On February 12 , 2015 , Disney renewed the series for a second season prior to its premiere on Disney XD . The second season premiered on July 11 , 2016 . On March 4 , 2016 , it was renewed for a third season , and on February 28 , 2017 , it was officially renewed for a fourth season .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: Star vs. the Forces of Evil is a series.
Star vs. the Forces of Evil is an American animated television series produced by Disney Television Animation . The first episode was shown on January 18 , 2015 , on Disney Channel as a special preview , and the series officially premiered on March 30 , 2015 , on Disney XD . The show was created by Daron Nefcy , who had worked on storyboards for Wander Over Yonder and Robot and Monster . Nefcy became the second woman to create an animated series for Disney Television Animation -LRB- the first being Sue Rose , who created Pepper Ann -RRB- , and the first woman to create a Disney XD series . On February 12 , 2015 , Disney renewed the series for a second season prior to its premiere on Disney XD . The second season premiered on July 11 , 2016 . On March 4 , 2016 , it was renewed for a third season , and on February 28 , 2017 , it was officially renewed for a fourth season .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: Star vs. the Forces of Evil is a series.
Star vs. the Forces of Evil is an American animated television series produced by Disney Television Animation . The first episode was shown on January 18 , 2015 , on Disney Channel as a special preview , and the series officially premiered on March 30 , 2015 , on Disney XD . The show was created by Daron Nefcy , who had worked on storyboards for Wander Over Yonder and Robot and Monster . Nefcy became the second woman to create an animated series for Disney Television Animation -LRB- the first being Sue Rose , who created Pepper Ann -RRB- , and the first woman to create a Disney XD series . On February 12 , 2015 , Disney renewed the series for a second season prior to its premiere on Disney XD . The second season premiered on July 11 , 2016 . On March 4 , 2016 , it was renewed for a third season , and on February 28 , 2017 , it was officially renewed for a fourth season .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: Star vs. the Forces of Evil is a series.
Star vs. the Forces of Evil is an American animated television series produced by Disney Television Animation . The first episode was shown on January 18 , 2015 , on Disney Channel as a special preview , and the series officially premiered on March 30 , 2015 , on Disney XD . The show was created by Daron Nefcy , who had worked on storyboards for Wander Over Yonder and Robot and Monster . Nefcy became the second woman to create an animated series for Disney Television Animation -LRB- the first being Sue Rose , who created Pepper Ann -RRB- , and the first woman to create a Disney XD series . On February 12 , 2015 , Disney renewed the series for a second season prior to its premiere on Disney XD . The second season premiered on July 11 , 2016 . On March 4 , 2016 , it was renewed for a third season , and on February 28 , 2017 , it was officially renewed for a fourth season .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: Galaxy Quest is a movie that is American.
Galaxy Quest is a 1999 American comedy science fiction film directed by Dean Parisot and written by David Howard and Robert Gordon . Mark Johnson and Charles Newirth produced the film for DreamWorks Pictures . Parodying television series such as Star Trek and its fandom , the film stars Tim Allen , Sigourney Weaver , Alan Rickman , Tony Shalhoub , Sam Rockwell , and Daryl Mitchell as the cast of a defunct television series called Galaxy Quest , in which the crew of a spaceship embarked on intergalactic adventures . Enrico Colantoni stars as the leader of an alien race who ask the actors for help , believing the show 's adventures were real . The film 's supporting cast features Robin Sachs as an alien warlord and Patrick Breen as another alien . Justin Long makes his feature film debut as an obsessed fan of the television show . The film received critical praise and reached cult status through the years , becoming popular with Star Trek fans , staff , and cast members for its affectionate parody . It won the prestigious Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation , the Nebula Award for Best Script , 26th Hochi Film Award for Best International Picture and was also nominated for ten Saturn Awards including Best Science Fiction Film , Best Director for Parisot , Best Actress for Weaver and Best Supporting Actor for Rickman , winning Best Actor for Allen . The film was included in Reader 's Digests list of The Top 100 + Funniest Movies of All Time .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: Friends with Benefits features actors.
Friends with Benefits is a 2011 American romantic comedy film directed by Will Gluck , and starring Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis in the lead roles . The film features Patricia Clarkson , Jenna Elfman , Bryan Greenberg , Nolan Gould , Richard Jenkins , and Woody Harrelson in supporting roles . The plot revolves around Dylan Harper -LRB- Timberlake -RRB- and Jamie Rellis -LRB- Kunis -RRB- , who meet in New York City , and naively believe adding sex to their friendship will not lead to complications . Over time , they begin to develop deep mutual feelings for each other , only to deny it each time they are together . Principal casting for Friends with Benefits took place over a three-month period from April to July 2010 . Gluck reworked the original script and plot shortly after casting Timberlake and Kunis . Filming began in New York City on July 20 , 2010 , and concluded in Los Angeles in September 2010 . The film was distributed by Screen Gems and was released in North America on July 22 , 2011 . Friends with Benefits was generally well received by film critics , most of whom praised the chemistry between the lead actors . The film became a commercial success at the box office , grossing over $ 150.4 million worldwide , against a budget of $ 35 million . It was nominated for two People 's Choice Awards -- Favorite Comedy Movie , and Favorite Comedic Movie Actress -LRB- Kunis -RRB- -- and two Teen Choice Awards for Timberlake and Kunis .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: Friends with Benefits features actors.
Friends with Benefits is a 2011 American romantic comedy film directed by Will Gluck , and starring Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis in the lead roles . The film features Patricia Clarkson , Jenna Elfman , Bryan Greenberg , Nolan Gould , Richard Jenkins , and Woody Harrelson in supporting roles . The plot revolves around Dylan Harper -LRB- Timberlake -RRB- and Jamie Rellis -LRB- Kunis -RRB- , who meet in New York City , and naively believe adding sex to their friendship will not lead to complications . Over time , they begin to develop deep mutual feelings for each other , only to deny it each time they are together . Principal casting for Friends with Benefits took place over a three-month period from April to July 2010 . Gluck reworked the original script and plot shortly after casting Timberlake and Kunis . Filming began in New York City on July 20 , 2010 , and concluded in Los Angeles in September 2010 . The film was distributed by Screen Gems and was released in North America on July 22 , 2011 . Friends with Benefits was generally well received by film critics , most of whom praised the chemistry between the lead actors . The film became a commercial success at the box office , grossing over $ 150.4 million worldwide , against a budget of $ 35 million . It was nominated for two People 's Choice Awards -- Favorite Comedy Movie , and Favorite Comedic Movie Actress -LRB- Kunis -RRB- -- and two Teen Choice Awards for Timberlake and Kunis .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: Zooey Deschanel performed.
Zooey Claire Deschanel -LRB- -LSB- ˈzoʊi_ˌdeɪʃəˈnɛl -RSB- born January 17 , 1980 -RRB- is an American actress and singer-songwriter . She made her film debut in Mumford -LRB- 1999 -RRB- , followed by her supporting role in Cameron Crowe 's semi-autobiographical picture Almost Famous -LRB- 2000 -RRB- . Deschanel soon became known for her deadpan comedy roles in films such as The Good Girl -LRB- 2002 -RRB- , The New Guy -LRB- 2002 -RRB- , Elf -LRB- 2003 -RRB- , The Hitchhiker 's Guide to the Galaxy -LRB- 2005 -RRB- , Failure to Launch -LRB- 2006 -RRB- , Yes Man -LRB- 2008 -RRB- , and -LRB- 500 -RRB- Days of Summer -LRB- 2009 -RRB- . She also did dramatic turns in the films Manic -LRB- 2001 -RRB- , All the Real Girls -LRB- 2003 -RRB- , Winter Passing -LRB- 2005 -RRB- and Bridge to Terabithia -LRB- 2007 -RRB- . Since 2011 , she has played Jessica Day on the Fox sitcom New Girl , for which she has received an Emmy Award nomination and three Golden Globe Award nominations . For a few years starting in 2001 , Deschanel performed in the jazz cabaret act If All the Stars Were Pretty Babies with fellow actress Samantha Shelton . Besides singing , she plays keyboards , percussion , banjo , and ukulele . In 2006 , Deschanel teamed up with M. Ward to release a debut album , Volume One , under the name She & Him in March 2008 . They released a follow-up album , Volume Two , in March 2010 , with their Christmas album A Very She & Him Christmas being released in 2011 , Volume 3 in 2013 , and Classics in 2014 . She also received Grammy Award for Best Song Written for Visual Media nomination for her song `` So Long '' , which featured in the Winnie the Pooh soundtrack . Deschanel is also a co-founder of the female-focused website HelloGiggles , which was acquired by Time , Inc. in 2015 .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: Zooey Deschanel performed.
Zooey Claire Deschanel -LRB- -LSB- ˈzoʊi_ˌdeɪʃəˈnɛl -RSB- born January 17 , 1980 -RRB- is an American actress and singer-songwriter . She made her film debut in Mumford -LRB- 1999 -RRB- , followed by her supporting role in Cameron Crowe 's semi-autobiographical picture Almost Famous -LRB- 2000 -RRB- . Deschanel soon became known for her deadpan comedy roles in films such as The Good Girl -LRB- 2002 -RRB- , The New Guy -LRB- 2002 -RRB- , Elf -LRB- 2003 -RRB- , The Hitchhiker 's Guide to the Galaxy -LRB- 2005 -RRB- , Failure to Launch -LRB- 2006 -RRB- , Yes Man -LRB- 2008 -RRB- , and -LRB- 500 -RRB- Days of Summer -LRB- 2009 -RRB- . She also did dramatic turns in the films Manic -LRB- 2001 -RRB- , All the Real Girls -LRB- 2003 -RRB- , Winter Passing -LRB- 2005 -RRB- and Bridge to Terabithia -LRB- 2007 -RRB- . Since 2011 , she has played Jessica Day on the Fox sitcom New Girl , for which she has received an Emmy Award nomination and three Golden Globe Award nominations . For a few years starting in 2001 , Deschanel performed in the jazz cabaret act If All the Stars Were Pretty Babies with fellow actress Samantha Shelton . Besides singing , she plays keyboards , percussion , banjo , and ukulele . In 2006 , Deschanel teamed up with M. Ward to release a debut album , Volume One , under the name She & Him in March 2008 . They released a follow-up album , Volume Two , in March 2010 , with their Christmas album A Very She & Him Christmas being released in 2011 , Volume 3 in 2013 , and Classics in 2014 . She also received Grammy Award for Best Song Written for Visual Media nomination for her song `` So Long '' , which featured in the Winnie the Pooh soundtrack . Deschanel is also a co-founder of the female-focused website HelloGiggles , which was acquired by Time , Inc. in 2015 .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: Seven Days in May stars an American.
Seven Days in May is a 1964 American political thriller motion picture about a military-political cabal 's planned take-over of the United States government in reaction to the president 's negotiation of a disarmament treaty with the Soviet Union . Directed by John Frankenheimer , it stars Burt Lancaster , Kirk Douglas , Fredric March , and Ava Gardner . The screenplay was written by Rod Serling based on the novel of the same name by Fletcher Knebel and Charles W. Bailey II , published in September 1962 .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: Seven Days in May stars an American.
Kirk Douglas -LRB- born Issur Danielovitch , December 9 , 1916 -RRB- is an American actor , producer , director , and author . He is one of the last living people of the film industry 's Golden Age . After an impoverished childhood with immigrant parents and six sisters , he had his film debut in The Strange Love of Martha Ivers -LRB- 1946 -RRB- with Barbara Stanwyck . Douglas soon developed into a leading box-office star throughout the 1950s and 1960s , known for serious dramas , including westerns and war movies . During his career he appeared in more than 90 movies . Douglas became an international star through positive reception for his leading role as an unscrupulous boxing hero in Champion -LRB- 1949 -RRB- , which brought him his first nomination for the Academy Award for Best Actor . Other early films include Young Man with a Horn -LRB- 1950 -RRB- , playing opposite Lauren Bacall and Doris Day ; Ace in the Hole opposite Jan Sterling -LRB- 1951 -RRB- ; and Detective Story -LRB- 1951 -RRB- . He received a second Oscar nomination for his dramatic role in The Bad and the Beautiful -LRB- 1952 -RRB- , opposite Lana Turner , and his third nomination for portraying Vincent van Gogh in Lust for Life -LRB- 1956 -RRB- . In 1955 , he established Bryna Productions , which began producing films as varied as Paths of Glory -LRB- 1957 -RRB- and Spartacus -LRB- 1960 -RRB- . In those two films , he starred and collaborated with the then relatively unknown director , Stanley Kubrick . Douglas helped break the Hollywood blacklist by having Dalton Trumbo write Spartacus with an official on-screen credit , although Trumbo 's family claims he overstated his role . He produced and starred in Lonely Are the Brave -LRB- 1962 -RRB- , considered a cult classic , and Seven Days in May -LRB- 1964 -RRB- , opposite Burt Lancaster , with whom he made seven films . In 1963 , he starred in the Broadway play One Flew Over the Cuckoo 's Nest , a story he purchased , which he later gave to his son Michael Douglas , who turned it into an Oscar-winning film . As an actor and philanthropist , Douglas has received three Academy Award nominations , an Oscar for Lifetime Achievement , and the Presidential Medal of Freedom . As an author , he has written ten novels and memoirs . Currently , he is No. 17 on the American Film Institute 's list of the greatest male screen legends of classic Hollywood cinema , and the highest-ranked living person on the list . After barely surviving a helicopter crash in 1991 and then suffering a stroke in 1996 , he has focused on renewing his spiritual and religious life . He lives with his second wife -LRB- of 63 years -RRB- , Anne , a producer . He turned 100 on December 9 , 2016 .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: Seven Days in May stars an American.
Ava Lavinia Gardner -LRB- December 24 , 1922 -- January 25 , 1990 -RRB- was an American actress and singer . She was signed to a contract by MGM Studios in 1941 and appeared mainly in small roles until she drew attention with her performance in The Killers -LRB- 1946 -RRB- . She was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Actress for her work in Mogambo -LRB- 1953 -RRB- , and also received BAFTA Award and Golden Globe Award nominations for other films . Gardner appeared in several high-profile films from the 1940s to 1970s , including The Hucksters -LRB- 1947 -RRB- , Show Boat -LRB- 1951 -RRB- , Pandora and the Flying Dutchman -LRB- 1951 -RRB- , The Snows of Kilimanjaro -LRB- 1952 -RRB- , The Barefoot Contessa -LRB- 1954 -RRB- , Bhowani Junction -LRB- 1956 -RRB- , On the Beach -LRB- 1959 -RRB- , 55 Days at Peking -LRB- 1963 -RRB- , Seven Days in May -LRB- 1964 -RRB- , The Night of the Iguana -LRB- 1964 -RRB- , The Bible : In the Beginning ... -LRB- 1966 -RRB- , The Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean -LRB- 1972 -RRB- , Earthquake -LRB- 1974 -RRB- , and The Cassandra Crossing -LRB- 1976 -RRB- . Gardner continued to act regularly until 1986 , four years before her death in London in 1990 at the age of 67 . She is listed 25th among the American Film Institute 's 25 Greatest Female Stars of Classic Hollywood Cinema .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: Seven Days in May stars an American.
Burton Stephen `` Burt '' Lancaster -LRB- November 2 , 1913 -- October 20 , 1994 -RRB- was an American film actor . Initially known for playing `` tough guys '' , Lancaster went on to achieve success with more complex and challenging roles . He was nominated four times for Academy Awards and won once for his work in Elmer Gantry in 1960 . He also won a Golden Globe for that performance and BAFTA Awards for The Birdman of Alcatraz -LRB- 1962 -RRB- and Atlantic City -LRB- 1980 -RRB- . During the 1950s his production company Hecht-Hill-Lancaster was highly successful , making films such as Marty -LRB- 1955 -RRB- , Trapeze -LRB- 1956 -RRB- , Sweet Smell of Success -LRB- 1957 -RRB- , Run Silent , Run Deep -LRB- 1958 -RRB- , and Separate Tables -LRB- 1958 -RRB- . The American Film Institute ranks Lancaster as # 19 of the greatest male stars of classic Hollywood cinema .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: Winnipeg is home to several sports teams.
Winnipeg -LRB- -LSB- ˈwɪnɪpɛɡ -RSB- -RRB- is the capital and largest city of the province of Manitoba in Canada . It is located near the longitudinal centre of North America and is 110 km from the U.S. border . It is also the place of the confluence of the Red and Assiniboine Rivers . The city is named after the nearby Lake Winnipeg ; the name comes from the Western Cree words for muddy water . The region was a trading centre for aboriginal peoples long before the arrival of Europeans . French traders built the first fort on the site in 1738 . A settlement was later founded by the Selkirk settlers of the Red River Colony in 1812 , the nucleus of which was incorporated as the City of Winnipeg in 1873 . As of 2011 , Winnipeg is the seventh most populated municipality in Canada . Being located very far inland , the local climate is extremely seasonal even by Canadian standards with average January lows of around -21 C and average July highs of 26 C. Known as the `` Gateway to the West '' , Winnipeg is a railway and transportation hub with a diversified economy . This multicultural city hosts numerous annual festivals , including the Festival du Voyageur , the Winnipeg Folk Festival , the Jazz Winnipeg Festival , the Winnipeg Fringe Theatre Festival , and Folklorama . Winnipeg was the first Canadian host of the Pan American Games . It is home to several professional sports franchises , including the Winnipeg Blue Bombers -LRB- Canadian football -RRB- , the Winnipeg Jets -LRB- ice hockey -RRB- , Manitoba Moose -LRB- ice hockey -RRB- and the Winnipeg Goldeyes -LRB- baseball -RRB- .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: Mark Zuckerberg co-founded a website.
Mark Elliot Zuckerberg -LRB- born May 14 , 1984 -RRB- is an American computer programmer and Internet entrepreneur . He is a co-founder of Facebook , and currently operates as its chairman and chief executive officer . His net worth is estimated to be US$ 63.3 billion as of May 2017 , and he is ranked by Forbes as the fifth richest person in the world . Zuckerberg launched Facebook from his Harvard University dormitory room on February 4 , 2004 . He was assisted by his college roommates and fellow Harvard students Eduardo Saverin , Andrew McCollum , Dustin Moskovitz , and Chris Hughes . The group then introduced Facebook to other college campuses . Facebook expanded rapidly , reaching one billion users by 2012 . Meanwhile , Zuckerberg was involved in various legal disputes brought by others in the group , who claimed a share of the company based upon their involvement during the development phase of Facebook . In December 2012 , Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan announced that over the course of their lives they would give the majority of their wealth to `` advancing human potential and promoting equality '' in the spirit of The Giving Pledge . On December 1 , 2015 , they announced they would eventually give 99 percent of their Facebook shares -LRB- worth about US$ 45 billion at the time -RRB- to the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative . Since 2010 , Time magazine has named Zuckerberg among the 100 wealthiest and most influential people in the world as a part of its Person of the Year award . In December 2016 , Zuckerberg was ranked 10th on Forbes list of The World 's Most Powerful People . According to Forbes Magazine , Zuckerberg has a net worth of US$ 63.3 billion as of May 2017 .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: Mark Zuckerberg co-founded a website.
Facebook is an American for-profit corporation and an online social media and social networking service based in Menlo Park , California . The Facebook website was launched on February 4 , 2004 , by Mark Zuckerberg , along with fellow Harvard College students and roommates , Eduardo Saverin , Andrew McCollum , Dustin Moskovitz , and Chris Hughes . The founders had initially limited the website 's membership to Harvard students ; however , later they expanded it to higher education institutions in the Boston area , the Ivy League schools , and Stanford University . Facebook gradually added support for students at various other universities , and eventually to high school students as well . Since 2006 , anyone age 13 and older has been allowed to become a registered user of Facebook , though variations exist in the minimum age requirement , depending on applicable local laws . The Facebook name comes from the face book directories often given to United States university students . Facebook may be accessed by a large range of desktops , laptops , tablet computers , and smartphones over the Internet and mobile networks . After registering to use the site , users can create a user profile indicating their name , occupation , schools attended and so on . Users can add other users as `` friends '' , exchange messages , post status updates and digital photos , share digital videos and links , use various software applications -LRB- `` apps '' -RRB- , and receive notifications when others update their profiles or make posts . Additionally , users may join common-interest user groups organized by workplace , school , hobbies or other topics , and categorize their friends into lists such as `` People From Work '' or `` Close Friends '' . In groups , editors can pin posts to top . Additionally , users can complain about or block unpleasant people . Because of the large volume of data that users submit to the service , Facebook has come under scrutiny for its privacy policies . Facebook makes most of its revenue from advertisements which appear onscreen . Facebook , Inc. held its initial public offering -LRB- IPO -RRB- in February 2012 , and began selling stock to the public three months later , reaching an original peak market capitalization of $ 104 billion . On July 13 , 2015 , Facebook became the fastest company in the Standard & Poor 's 500 Index to reach a market cap of $ 250 billion . Facebook has more than 1.94 billion monthly active users as of March 31 , 2017 . As of April 2016 , Facebook was the most popular social networking site in the world , based on the number of active user accounts . Facebook classifies users from the ages of 13 to 18 as minors and therefore sets their profiles to share content with friends only .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: Mark Zuckerberg co-founded a website.
Facebook is an American for-profit corporation and an online social media and social networking service based in Menlo Park , California . The Facebook website was launched on February 4 , 2004 , by Mark Zuckerberg , along with fellow Harvard College students and roommates , Eduardo Saverin , Andrew McCollum , Dustin Moskovitz , and Chris Hughes . The founders had initially limited the website 's membership to Harvard students ; however , later they expanded it to higher education institutions in the Boston area , the Ivy League schools , and Stanford University . Facebook gradually added support for students at various other universities , and eventually to high school students as well . Since 2006 , anyone age 13 and older has been allowed to become a registered user of Facebook , though variations exist in the minimum age requirement , depending on applicable local laws . The Facebook name comes from the face book directories often given to United States university students . Facebook may be accessed by a large range of desktops , laptops , tablet computers , and smartphones over the Internet and mobile networks . After registering to use the site , users can create a user profile indicating their name , occupation , schools attended and so on . Users can add other users as `` friends '' , exchange messages , post status updates and digital photos , share digital videos and links , use various software applications -LRB- `` apps '' -RRB- , and receive notifications when others update their profiles or make posts . Additionally , users may join common-interest user groups organized by workplace , school , hobbies or other topics , and categorize their friends into lists such as `` People From Work '' or `` Close Friends '' . In groups , editors can pin posts to top . Additionally , users can complain about or block unpleasant people . Because of the large volume of data that users submit to the service , Facebook has come under scrutiny for its privacy policies . Facebook makes most of its revenue from advertisements which appear onscreen . Facebook , Inc. held its initial public offering -LRB- IPO -RRB- in February 2012 , and began selling stock to the public three months later , reaching an original peak market capitalization of $ 104 billion . On July 13 , 2015 , Facebook became the fastest company in the Standard & Poor 's 500 Index to reach a market cap of $ 250 billion . Facebook has more than 1.94 billion monthly active users as of March 31 , 2017 . As of April 2016 , Facebook was the most popular social networking site in the world , based on the number of active user accounts . Facebook classifies users from the ages of 13 to 18 as minors and therefore sets their profiles to share content with friends only .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: Paul Walker acted in movies.
Paul William Walker IV -LRB- September 12 , 1973 -- November 30 , 2013 -RRB- was an American actor . Walker began his career guest-starring in several television shows such as The Young and the Restless and Touched by an Angel . Walker gained prominence with breakout roles in coming of age and teen films such as She 's All That and Varsity Blues -LRB- 1999 -RRB- . In 2001 , Walker gained international fame for his portrayal of Brian O'Conner in the street racing action film The Fast and the Furious -LRB- 2001 -RRB- , and would reprise the role in five of the next six installments but died in the middle of the filming of Furious 7 -LRB- 2015 -RRB- . He also starred in films such as Joy Ride -LRB- 2001 -RRB- , Timeline -LRB- 2003 -RRB- , Into the Blue -LRB- 2005 -RRB- , Eight Below , and Running Scared -LRB- 2006 -RRB- . Besides acting , Walker was the face of The Coty Prestige fragrance brand Davidoff Cool Water for Men , and starred in the National Geographic Channel series , Expedition Great White . He also founded the charity `` Reach Out Worldwide '' -LRB- ROWW -RRB- , an organization providing relief efforts for areas affected by natural disasters . He was often praised for his off-screen charity work , and as a performer . Walker died in a single-vehicle collision on November 30 , 2013 , alongside friend Roger Rodas . Three films that he was involved in at the time were released posthumously : Hours -LRB- 2013 -RRB- , Brick Mansions -LRB- 2014 -RRB- , and Furious 7 -LRB- 2015 , which he had not completed filming -RRB- . The song `` See You Again '' by Wiz Khalifa and Charlie Puth , which appeared on the Furious 7 soundtrack , is a tribute to Walker . The song was nominated for the Golden Globe Award for Best Original Song at the 73rd Golden Globe Awards .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: Paul Walker acted in movies.
Paul William Walker IV -LRB- September 12 , 1973 -- November 30 , 2013 -RRB- was an American actor . Walker began his career guest-starring in several television shows such as The Young and the Restless and Touched by an Angel . Walker gained prominence with breakout roles in coming of age and teen films such as She 's All That and Varsity Blues -LRB- 1999 -RRB- . In 2001 , Walker gained international fame for his portrayal of Brian O'Conner in the street racing action film The Fast and the Furious -LRB- 2001 -RRB- , and would reprise the role in five of the next six installments but died in the middle of the filming of Furious 7 -LRB- 2015 -RRB- . He also starred in films such as Joy Ride -LRB- 2001 -RRB- , Timeline -LRB- 2003 -RRB- , Into the Blue -LRB- 2005 -RRB- , Eight Below , and Running Scared -LRB- 2006 -RRB- . Besides acting , Walker was the face of The Coty Prestige fragrance brand Davidoff Cool Water for Men , and starred in the National Geographic Channel series , Expedition Great White . He also founded the charity `` Reach Out Worldwide '' -LRB- ROWW -RRB- , an organization providing relief efforts for areas affected by natural disasters . He was often praised for his off-screen charity work , and as a performer . Walker died in a single-vehicle collision on November 30 , 2013 , alongside friend Roger Rodas . Three films that he was involved in at the time were released posthumously : Hours -LRB- 2013 -RRB- , Brick Mansions -LRB- 2014 -RRB- , and Furious 7 -LRB- 2015 , which he had not completed filming -RRB- . The song `` See You Again '' by Wiz Khalifa and Charlie Puth , which appeared on the Furious 7 soundtrack , is a tribute to Walker . The song was nominated for the Golden Globe Award for Best Original Song at the 73rd Golden Globe Awards .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: Paul Walker acted in movies.
Paul William Walker IV -LRB- September 12 , 1973 -- November 30 , 2013 -RRB- was an American actor . Walker began his career guest-starring in several television shows such as The Young and the Restless and Touched by an Angel . Walker gained prominence with breakout roles in coming of age and teen films such as She 's All That and Varsity Blues -LRB- 1999 -RRB- . In 2001 , Walker gained international fame for his portrayal of Brian O'Conner in the street racing action film The Fast and the Furious -LRB- 2001 -RRB- , and would reprise the role in five of the next six installments but died in the middle of the filming of Furious 7 -LRB- 2015 -RRB- . He also starred in films such as Joy Ride -LRB- 2001 -RRB- , Timeline -LRB- 2003 -RRB- , Into the Blue -LRB- 2005 -RRB- , Eight Below , and Running Scared -LRB- 2006 -RRB- . Besides acting , Walker was the face of The Coty Prestige fragrance brand Davidoff Cool Water for Men , and starred in the National Geographic Channel series , Expedition Great White . He also founded the charity `` Reach Out Worldwide '' -LRB- ROWW -RRB- , an organization providing relief efforts for areas affected by natural disasters . He was often praised for his off-screen charity work , and as a performer . Walker died in a single-vehicle collision on November 30 , 2013 , alongside friend Roger Rodas . Three films that he was involved in at the time were released posthumously : Hours -LRB- 2013 -RRB- , Brick Mansions -LRB- 2014 -RRB- , and Furious 7 -LRB- 2015 , which he had not completed filming -RRB- . The song `` See You Again '' by Wiz Khalifa and Charlie Puth , which appeared on the Furious 7 soundtrack , is a tribute to Walker . The song was nominated for the Golden Globe Award for Best Original Song at the 73rd Golden Globe Awards .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: Paul Walker acted in movies.
Paul William Walker IV -LRB- September 12 , 1973 -- November 30 , 2013 -RRB- was an American actor . Walker began his career guest-starring in several television shows such as The Young and the Restless and Touched by an Angel . Walker gained prominence with breakout roles in coming of age and teen films such as She 's All That and Varsity Blues -LRB- 1999 -RRB- . In 2001 , Walker gained international fame for his portrayal of Brian O'Conner in the street racing action film The Fast and the Furious -LRB- 2001 -RRB- , and would reprise the role in five of the next six installments but died in the middle of the filming of Furious 7 -LRB- 2015 -RRB- . He also starred in films such as Joy Ride -LRB- 2001 -RRB- , Timeline -LRB- 2003 -RRB- , Into the Blue -LRB- 2005 -RRB- , Eight Below , and Running Scared -LRB- 2006 -RRB- . Besides acting , Walker was the face of The Coty Prestige fragrance brand Davidoff Cool Water for Men , and starred in the National Geographic Channel series , Expedition Great White . He also founded the charity `` Reach Out Worldwide '' -LRB- ROWW -RRB- , an organization providing relief efforts for areas affected by natural disasters . He was often praised for his off-screen charity work , and as a performer . Walker died in a single-vehicle collision on November 30 , 2013 , alongside friend Roger Rodas . Three films that he was involved in at the time were released posthumously : Hours -LRB- 2013 -RRB- , Brick Mansions -LRB- 2014 -RRB- , and Furious 7 -LRB- 2015 , which he had not completed filming -RRB- . The song `` See You Again '' by Wiz Khalifa and Charlie Puth , which appeared on the Furious 7 soundtrack , is a tribute to Walker . The song was nominated for the Golden Globe Award for Best Original Song at the 73rd Golden Globe Awards .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: Paul Walker acted in movies.
Paul William Walker IV -LRB- September 12 , 1973 -- November 30 , 2013 -RRB- was an American actor . Walker began his career guest-starring in several television shows such as The Young and the Restless and Touched by an Angel . Walker gained prominence with breakout roles in coming of age and teen films such as She 's All That and Varsity Blues -LRB- 1999 -RRB- . In 2001 , Walker gained international fame for his portrayal of Brian O'Conner in the street racing action film The Fast and the Furious -LRB- 2001 -RRB- , and would reprise the role in five of the next six installments but died in the middle of the filming of Furious 7 -LRB- 2015 -RRB- . He also starred in films such as Joy Ride -LRB- 2001 -RRB- , Timeline -LRB- 2003 -RRB- , Into the Blue -LRB- 2005 -RRB- , Eight Below , and Running Scared -LRB- 2006 -RRB- . Besides acting , Walker was the face of The Coty Prestige fragrance brand Davidoff Cool Water for Men , and starred in the National Geographic Channel series , Expedition Great White . He also founded the charity `` Reach Out Worldwide '' -LRB- ROWW -RRB- , an organization providing relief efforts for areas affected by natural disasters . He was often praised for his off-screen charity work , and as a performer . Walker died in a single-vehicle collision on November 30 , 2013 , alongside friend Roger Rodas . Three films that he was involved in at the time were released posthumously : Hours -LRB- 2013 -RRB- , Brick Mansions -LRB- 2014 -RRB- , and Furious 7 -LRB- 2015 , which he had not completed filming -RRB- . The song `` See You Again '' by Wiz Khalifa and Charlie Puth , which appeared on the Furious 7 soundtrack , is a tribute to Walker . The song was nominated for the Golden Globe Award for Best Original Song at the 73rd Golden Globe Awards .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: Paul Walker acted in movies.
Paul William Walker IV -LRB- September 12 , 1973 -- November 30 , 2013 -RRB- was an American actor . Walker began his career guest-starring in several television shows such as The Young and the Restless and Touched by an Angel . Walker gained prominence with breakout roles in coming of age and teen films such as She 's All That and Varsity Blues -LRB- 1999 -RRB- . In 2001 , Walker gained international fame for his portrayal of Brian O'Conner in the street racing action film The Fast and the Furious -LRB- 2001 -RRB- , and would reprise the role in five of the next six installments but died in the middle of the filming of Furious 7 -LRB- 2015 -RRB- . He also starred in films such as Joy Ride -LRB- 2001 -RRB- , Timeline -LRB- 2003 -RRB- , Into the Blue -LRB- 2005 -RRB- , Eight Below , and Running Scared -LRB- 2006 -RRB- . Besides acting , Walker was the face of The Coty Prestige fragrance brand Davidoff Cool Water for Men , and starred in the National Geographic Channel series , Expedition Great White . He also founded the charity `` Reach Out Worldwide '' -LRB- ROWW -RRB- , an organization providing relief efforts for areas affected by natural disasters . He was often praised for his off-screen charity work , and as a performer . Walker died in a single-vehicle collision on November 30 , 2013 , alongside friend Roger Rodas . Three films that he was involved in at the time were released posthumously : Hours -LRB- 2013 -RRB- , Brick Mansions -LRB- 2014 -RRB- , and Furious 7 -LRB- 2015 , which he had not completed filming -RRB- . The song `` See You Again '' by Wiz Khalifa and Charlie Puth , which appeared on the Furious 7 soundtrack , is a tribute to Walker . The song was nominated for the Golden Globe Award for Best Original Song at the 73rd Golden Globe Awards .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: Paul Walker acted in movies.
Paul William Walker IV -LRB- September 12 , 1973 -- November 30 , 2013 -RRB- was an American actor . Walker began his career guest-starring in several television shows such as The Young and the Restless and Touched by an Angel . Walker gained prominence with breakout roles in coming of age and teen films such as She 's All That and Varsity Blues -LRB- 1999 -RRB- . In 2001 , Walker gained international fame for his portrayal of Brian O'Conner in the street racing action film The Fast and the Furious -LRB- 2001 -RRB- , and would reprise the role in five of the next six installments but died in the middle of the filming of Furious 7 -LRB- 2015 -RRB- . He also starred in films such as Joy Ride -LRB- 2001 -RRB- , Timeline -LRB- 2003 -RRB- , Into the Blue -LRB- 2005 -RRB- , Eight Below , and Running Scared -LRB- 2006 -RRB- . Besides acting , Walker was the face of The Coty Prestige fragrance brand Davidoff Cool Water for Men , and starred in the National Geographic Channel series , Expedition Great White . He also founded the charity `` Reach Out Worldwide '' -LRB- ROWW -RRB- , an organization providing relief efforts for areas affected by natural disasters . He was often praised for his off-screen charity work , and as a performer . Walker died in a single-vehicle collision on November 30 , 2013 , alongside friend Roger Rodas . Three films that he was involved in at the time were released posthumously : Hours -LRB- 2013 -RRB- , Brick Mansions -LRB- 2014 -RRB- , and Furious 7 -LRB- 2015 , which he had not completed filming -RRB- . The song `` See You Again '' by Wiz Khalifa and Charlie Puth , which appeared on the Furious 7 soundtrack , is a tribute to Walker . The song was nominated for the Golden Globe Award for Best Original Song at the 73rd Golden Globe Awards .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: Paul Walker acted in movies.
Paul William Walker IV -LRB- September 12 , 1973 -- November 30 , 2013 -RRB- was an American actor . Walker began his career guest-starring in several television shows such as The Young and the Restless and Touched by an Angel . Walker gained prominence with breakout roles in coming of age and teen films such as She 's All That and Varsity Blues -LRB- 1999 -RRB- . In 2001 , Walker gained international fame for his portrayal of Brian O'Conner in the street racing action film The Fast and the Furious -LRB- 2001 -RRB- , and would reprise the role in five of the next six installments but died in the middle of the filming of Furious 7 -LRB- 2015 -RRB- . He also starred in films such as Joy Ride -LRB- 2001 -RRB- , Timeline -LRB- 2003 -RRB- , Into the Blue -LRB- 2005 -RRB- , Eight Below , and Running Scared -LRB- 2006 -RRB- . Besides acting , Walker was the face of The Coty Prestige fragrance brand Davidoff Cool Water for Men , and starred in the National Geographic Channel series , Expedition Great White . He also founded the charity `` Reach Out Worldwide '' -LRB- ROWW -RRB- , an organization providing relief efforts for areas affected by natural disasters . He was often praised for his off-screen charity work , and as a performer . Walker died in a single-vehicle collision on November 30 , 2013 , alongside friend Roger Rodas . Three films that he was involved in at the time were released posthumously : Hours -LRB- 2013 -RRB- , Brick Mansions -LRB- 2014 -RRB- , and Furious 7 -LRB- 2015 , which he had not completed filming -RRB- . The song `` See You Again '' by Wiz Khalifa and Charlie Puth , which appeared on the Furious 7 soundtrack , is a tribute to Walker . The song was nominated for the Golden Globe Award for Best Original Song at the 73rd Golden Globe Awards .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: Paul Walker acted in movies.
Paul William Walker IV -LRB- September 12 , 1973 -- November 30 , 2013 -RRB- was an American actor . Walker began his career guest-starring in several television shows such as The Young and the Restless and Touched by an Angel . Walker gained prominence with breakout roles in coming of age and teen films such as She 's All That and Varsity Blues -LRB- 1999 -RRB- . In 2001 , Walker gained international fame for his portrayal of Brian O'Conner in the street racing action film The Fast and the Furious -LRB- 2001 -RRB- , and would reprise the role in five of the next six installments but died in the middle of the filming of Furious 7 -LRB- 2015 -RRB- . He also starred in films such as Joy Ride -LRB- 2001 -RRB- , Timeline -LRB- 2003 -RRB- , Into the Blue -LRB- 2005 -RRB- , Eight Below , and Running Scared -LRB- 2006 -RRB- . Besides acting , Walker was the face of The Coty Prestige fragrance brand Davidoff Cool Water for Men , and starred in the National Geographic Channel series , Expedition Great White . He also founded the charity `` Reach Out Worldwide '' -LRB- ROWW -RRB- , an organization providing relief efforts for areas affected by natural disasters . He was often praised for his off-screen charity work , and as a performer . Walker died in a single-vehicle collision on November 30 , 2013 , alongside friend Roger Rodas . Three films that he was involved in at the time were released posthumously : Hours -LRB- 2013 -RRB- , Brick Mansions -LRB- 2014 -RRB- , and Furious 7 -LRB- 2015 , which he had not completed filming -RRB- . The song `` See You Again '' by Wiz Khalifa and Charlie Puth , which appeared on the Furious 7 soundtrack , is a tribute to Walker . The song was nominated for the Golden Globe Award for Best Original Song at the 73rd Golden Globe Awards .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: Paul Walker acted in movies.
Paul William Walker IV -LRB- September 12 , 1973 -- November 30 , 2013 -RRB- was an American actor . Walker began his career guest-starring in several television shows such as The Young and the Restless and Touched by an Angel . Walker gained prominence with breakout roles in coming of age and teen films such as She 's All That and Varsity Blues -LRB- 1999 -RRB- . In 2001 , Walker gained international fame for his portrayal of Brian O'Conner in the street racing action film The Fast and the Furious -LRB- 2001 -RRB- , and would reprise the role in five of the next six installments but died in the middle of the filming of Furious 7 -LRB- 2015 -RRB- . He also starred in films such as Joy Ride -LRB- 2001 -RRB- , Timeline -LRB- 2003 -RRB- , Into the Blue -LRB- 2005 -RRB- , Eight Below , and Running Scared -LRB- 2006 -RRB- . Besides acting , Walker was the face of The Coty Prestige fragrance brand Davidoff Cool Water for Men , and starred in the National Geographic Channel series , Expedition Great White . He also founded the charity `` Reach Out Worldwide '' -LRB- ROWW -RRB- , an organization providing relief efforts for areas affected by natural disasters . He was often praised for his off-screen charity work , and as a performer . Walker died in a single-vehicle collision on November 30 , 2013 , alongside friend Roger Rodas . Three films that he was involved in at the time were released posthumously : Hours -LRB- 2013 -RRB- , Brick Mansions -LRB- 2014 -RRB- , and Furious 7 -LRB- 2015 , which he had not completed filming -RRB- . The song `` See You Again '' by Wiz Khalifa and Charlie Puth , which appeared on the Furious 7 soundtrack , is a tribute to Walker . The song was nominated for the Golden Globe Award for Best Original Song at the 73rd Golden Globe Awards .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: Paul Walker acted in movies.
Paul William Walker IV -LRB- September 12 , 1973 -- November 30 , 2013 -RRB- was an American actor . Walker began his career guest-starring in several television shows such as The Young and the Restless and Touched by an Angel . Walker gained prominence with breakout roles in coming of age and teen films such as She 's All That and Varsity Blues -LRB- 1999 -RRB- . In 2001 , Walker gained international fame for his portrayal of Brian O'Conner in the street racing action film The Fast and the Furious -LRB- 2001 -RRB- , and would reprise the role in five of the next six installments but died in the middle of the filming of Furious 7 -LRB- 2015 -RRB- . He also starred in films such as Joy Ride -LRB- 2001 -RRB- , Timeline -LRB- 2003 -RRB- , Into the Blue -LRB- 2005 -RRB- , Eight Below , and Running Scared -LRB- 2006 -RRB- . Besides acting , Walker was the face of The Coty Prestige fragrance brand Davidoff Cool Water for Men , and starred in the National Geographic Channel series , Expedition Great White . He also founded the charity `` Reach Out Worldwide '' -LRB- ROWW -RRB- , an organization providing relief efforts for areas affected by natural disasters . He was often praised for his off-screen charity work , and as a performer . Walker died in a single-vehicle collision on November 30 , 2013 , alongside friend Roger Rodas . Three films that he was involved in at the time were released posthumously : Hours -LRB- 2013 -RRB- , Brick Mansions -LRB- 2014 -RRB- , and Furious 7 -LRB- 2015 , which he had not completed filming -RRB- . The song `` See You Again '' by Wiz Khalifa and Charlie Puth , which appeared on the Furious 7 soundtrack , is a tribute to Walker . The song was nominated for the Golden Globe Award for Best Original Song at the 73rd Golden Globe Awards .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: Paul Walker acted in movies.
Paul William Walker IV -LRB- September 12 , 1973 -- November 30 , 2013 -RRB- was an American actor . Walker began his career guest-starring in several television shows such as The Young and the Restless and Touched by an Angel . Walker gained prominence with breakout roles in coming of age and teen films such as She 's All That and Varsity Blues -LRB- 1999 -RRB- . In 2001 , Walker gained international fame for his portrayal of Brian O'Conner in the street racing action film The Fast and the Furious -LRB- 2001 -RRB- , and would reprise the role in five of the next six installments but died in the middle of the filming of Furious 7 -LRB- 2015 -RRB- . He also starred in films such as Joy Ride -LRB- 2001 -RRB- , Timeline -LRB- 2003 -RRB- , Into the Blue -LRB- 2005 -RRB- , Eight Below , and Running Scared -LRB- 2006 -RRB- . Besides acting , Walker was the face of The Coty Prestige fragrance brand Davidoff Cool Water for Men , and starred in the National Geographic Channel series , Expedition Great White . He also founded the charity `` Reach Out Worldwide '' -LRB- ROWW -RRB- , an organization providing relief efforts for areas affected by natural disasters . He was often praised for his off-screen charity work , and as a performer . Walker died in a single-vehicle collision on November 30 , 2013 , alongside friend Roger Rodas . Three films that he was involved in at the time were released posthumously : Hours -LRB- 2013 -RRB- , Brick Mansions -LRB- 2014 -RRB- , and Furious 7 -LRB- 2015 , which he had not completed filming -RRB- . The song `` See You Again '' by Wiz Khalifa and Charlie Puth , which appeared on the Furious 7 soundtrack , is a tribute to Walker . The song was nominated for the Golden Globe Award for Best Original Song at the 73rd Golden Globe Awards .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: Paul Walker acted in movies.
Paul William Walker IV -LRB- September 12 , 1973 -- November 30 , 2013 -RRB- was an American actor . Walker began his career guest-starring in several television shows such as The Young and the Restless and Touched by an Angel . Walker gained prominence with breakout roles in coming of age and teen films such as She 's All That and Varsity Blues -LRB- 1999 -RRB- . In 2001 , Walker gained international fame for his portrayal of Brian O'Conner in the street racing action film The Fast and the Furious -LRB- 2001 -RRB- , and would reprise the role in five of the next six installments but died in the middle of the filming of Furious 7 -LRB- 2015 -RRB- . He also starred in films such as Joy Ride -LRB- 2001 -RRB- , Timeline -LRB- 2003 -RRB- , Into the Blue -LRB- 2005 -RRB- , Eight Below , and Running Scared -LRB- 2006 -RRB- . Besides acting , Walker was the face of The Coty Prestige fragrance brand Davidoff Cool Water for Men , and starred in the National Geographic Channel series , Expedition Great White . He also founded the charity `` Reach Out Worldwide '' -LRB- ROWW -RRB- , an organization providing relief efforts for areas affected by natural disasters . He was often praised for his off-screen charity work , and as a performer . Walker died in a single-vehicle collision on November 30 , 2013 , alongside friend Roger Rodas . Three films that he was involved in at the time were released posthumously : Hours -LRB- 2013 -RRB- , Brick Mansions -LRB- 2014 -RRB- , and Furious 7 -LRB- 2015 , which he had not completed filming -RRB- . The song `` See You Again '' by Wiz Khalifa and Charlie Puth , which appeared on the Furious 7 soundtrack , is a tribute to Walker . The song was nominated for the Golden Globe Award for Best Original Song at the 73rd Golden Globe Awards .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: Paul Walker acted in movies.
Paul William Walker IV -LRB- September 12 , 1973 -- November 30 , 2013 -RRB- was an American actor . Walker began his career guest-starring in several television shows such as The Young and the Restless and Touched by an Angel . Walker gained prominence with breakout roles in coming of age and teen films such as She 's All That and Varsity Blues -LRB- 1999 -RRB- . In 2001 , Walker gained international fame for his portrayal of Brian O'Conner in the street racing action film The Fast and the Furious -LRB- 2001 -RRB- , and would reprise the role in five of the next six installments but died in the middle of the filming of Furious 7 -LRB- 2015 -RRB- . He also starred in films such as Joy Ride -LRB- 2001 -RRB- , Timeline -LRB- 2003 -RRB- , Into the Blue -LRB- 2005 -RRB- , Eight Below , and Running Scared -LRB- 2006 -RRB- . Besides acting , Walker was the face of The Coty Prestige fragrance brand Davidoff Cool Water for Men , and starred in the National Geographic Channel series , Expedition Great White . He also founded the charity `` Reach Out Worldwide '' -LRB- ROWW -RRB- , an organization providing relief efforts for areas affected by natural disasters . He was often praised for his off-screen charity work , and as a performer . Walker died in a single-vehicle collision on November 30 , 2013 , alongside friend Roger Rodas . Three films that he was involved in at the time were released posthumously : Hours -LRB- 2013 -RRB- , Brick Mansions -LRB- 2014 -RRB- , and Furious 7 -LRB- 2015 , which he had not completed filming -RRB- . The song `` See You Again '' by Wiz Khalifa and Charlie Puth , which appeared on the Furious 7 soundtrack , is a tribute to Walker . The song was nominated for the Golden Globe Award for Best Original Song at the 73rd Golden Globe Awards .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: Paul Walker acted in movies.
Paul William Walker IV -LRB- September 12 , 1973 -- November 30 , 2013 -RRB- was an American actor . Walker began his career guest-starring in several television shows such as The Young and the Restless and Touched by an Angel . Walker gained prominence with breakout roles in coming of age and teen films such as She 's All That and Varsity Blues -LRB- 1999 -RRB- . In 2001 , Walker gained international fame for his portrayal of Brian O'Conner in the street racing action film The Fast and the Furious -LRB- 2001 -RRB- , and would reprise the role in five of the next six installments but died in the middle of the filming of Furious 7 -LRB- 2015 -RRB- . He also starred in films such as Joy Ride -LRB- 2001 -RRB- , Timeline -LRB- 2003 -RRB- , Into the Blue -LRB- 2005 -RRB- , Eight Below , and Running Scared -LRB- 2006 -RRB- . Besides acting , Walker was the face of The Coty Prestige fragrance brand Davidoff Cool Water for Men , and starred in the National Geographic Channel series , Expedition Great White . He also founded the charity `` Reach Out Worldwide '' -LRB- ROWW -RRB- , an organization providing relief efforts for areas affected by natural disasters . He was often praised for his off-screen charity work , and as a performer . Walker died in a single-vehicle collision on November 30 , 2013 , alongside friend Roger Rodas . Three films that he was involved in at the time were released posthumously : Hours -LRB- 2013 -RRB- , Brick Mansions -LRB- 2014 -RRB- , and Furious 7 -LRB- 2015 , which he had not completed filming -RRB- . The song `` See You Again '' by Wiz Khalifa and Charlie Puth , which appeared on the Furious 7 soundtrack , is a tribute to Walker . The song was nominated for the Golden Globe Award for Best Original Song at the 73rd Golden Globe Awards .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: Paul Walker acted in movies.
Paul William Walker IV -LRB- September 12 , 1973 -- November 30 , 2013 -RRB- was an American actor . Walker began his career guest-starring in several television shows such as The Young and the Restless and Touched by an Angel . Walker gained prominence with breakout roles in coming of age and teen films such as She 's All That and Varsity Blues -LRB- 1999 -RRB- . In 2001 , Walker gained international fame for his portrayal of Brian O'Conner in the street racing action film The Fast and the Furious -LRB- 2001 -RRB- , and would reprise the role in five of the next six installments but died in the middle of the filming of Furious 7 -LRB- 2015 -RRB- . He also starred in films such as Joy Ride -LRB- 2001 -RRB- , Timeline -LRB- 2003 -RRB- , Into the Blue -LRB- 2005 -RRB- , Eight Below , and Running Scared -LRB- 2006 -RRB- . Besides acting , Walker was the face of The Coty Prestige fragrance brand Davidoff Cool Water for Men , and starred in the National Geographic Channel series , Expedition Great White . He also founded the charity `` Reach Out Worldwide '' -LRB- ROWW -RRB- , an organization providing relief efforts for areas affected by natural disasters . He was often praised for his off-screen charity work , and as a performer . Walker died in a single-vehicle collision on November 30 , 2013 , alongside friend Roger Rodas . Three films that he was involved in at the time were released posthumously : Hours -LRB- 2013 -RRB- , Brick Mansions -LRB- 2014 -RRB- , and Furious 7 -LRB- 2015 , which he had not completed filming -RRB- . The song `` See You Again '' by Wiz Khalifa and Charlie Puth , which appeared on the Furious 7 soundtrack , is a tribute to Walker . The song was nominated for the Golden Globe Award for Best Original Song at the 73rd Golden Globe Awards .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: Paul Walker acted in movies.
Paul William Walker IV -LRB- September 12 , 1973 -- November 30 , 2013 -RRB- was an American actor . Walker began his career guest-starring in several television shows such as The Young and the Restless and Touched by an Angel . Walker gained prominence with breakout roles in coming of age and teen films such as She 's All That and Varsity Blues -LRB- 1999 -RRB- . In 2001 , Walker gained international fame for his portrayal of Brian O'Conner in the street racing action film The Fast and the Furious -LRB- 2001 -RRB- , and would reprise the role in five of the next six installments but died in the middle of the filming of Furious 7 -LRB- 2015 -RRB- . He also starred in films such as Joy Ride -LRB- 2001 -RRB- , Timeline -LRB- 2003 -RRB- , Into the Blue -LRB- 2005 -RRB- , Eight Below , and Running Scared -LRB- 2006 -RRB- . Besides acting , Walker was the face of The Coty Prestige fragrance brand Davidoff Cool Water for Men , and starred in the National Geographic Channel series , Expedition Great White . He also founded the charity `` Reach Out Worldwide '' -LRB- ROWW -RRB- , an organization providing relief efforts for areas affected by natural disasters . He was often praised for his off-screen charity work , and as a performer . Walker died in a single-vehicle collision on November 30 , 2013 , alongside friend Roger Rodas . Three films that he was involved in at the time were released posthumously : Hours -LRB- 2013 -RRB- , Brick Mansions -LRB- 2014 -RRB- , and Furious 7 -LRB- 2015 , which he had not completed filming -RRB- . The song `` See You Again '' by Wiz Khalifa and Charlie Puth , which appeared on the Furious 7 soundtrack , is a tribute to Walker . The song was nominated for the Golden Globe Award for Best Original Song at the 73rd Golden Globe Awards .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: Paul Walker acted in movies.
Paul William Walker IV -LRB- September 12 , 1973 -- November 30 , 2013 -RRB- was an American actor . Walker began his career guest-starring in several television shows such as The Young and the Restless and Touched by an Angel . Walker gained prominence with breakout roles in coming of age and teen films such as She 's All That and Varsity Blues -LRB- 1999 -RRB- . In 2001 , Walker gained international fame for his portrayal of Brian O'Conner in the street racing action film The Fast and the Furious -LRB- 2001 -RRB- , and would reprise the role in five of the next six installments but died in the middle of the filming of Furious 7 -LRB- 2015 -RRB- . He also starred in films such as Joy Ride -LRB- 2001 -RRB- , Timeline -LRB- 2003 -RRB- , Into the Blue -LRB- 2005 -RRB- , Eight Below , and Running Scared -LRB- 2006 -RRB- . Besides acting , Walker was the face of The Coty Prestige fragrance brand Davidoff Cool Water for Men , and starred in the National Geographic Channel series , Expedition Great White . He also founded the charity `` Reach Out Worldwide '' -LRB- ROWW -RRB- , an organization providing relief efforts for areas affected by natural disasters . He was often praised for his off-screen charity work , and as a performer . Walker died in a single-vehicle collision on November 30 , 2013 , alongside friend Roger Rodas . Three films that he was involved in at the time were released posthumously : Hours -LRB- 2013 -RRB- , Brick Mansions -LRB- 2014 -RRB- , and Furious 7 -LRB- 2015 , which he had not completed filming -RRB- . The song `` See You Again '' by Wiz Khalifa and Charlie Puth , which appeared on the Furious 7 soundtrack , is a tribute to Walker . The song was nominated for the Golden Globe Award for Best Original Song at the 73rd Golden Globe Awards .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: Paul Walker acted in movies.
Paul William Walker IV -LRB- September 12 , 1973 -- November 30 , 2013 -RRB- was an American actor . Walker began his career guest-starring in several television shows such as The Young and the Restless and Touched by an Angel . Walker gained prominence with breakout roles in coming of age and teen films such as She 's All That and Varsity Blues -LRB- 1999 -RRB- . In 2001 , Walker gained international fame for his portrayal of Brian O'Conner in the street racing action film The Fast and the Furious -LRB- 2001 -RRB- , and would reprise the role in five of the next six installments but died in the middle of the filming of Furious 7 -LRB- 2015 -RRB- . He also starred in films such as Joy Ride -LRB- 2001 -RRB- , Timeline -LRB- 2003 -RRB- , Into the Blue -LRB- 2005 -RRB- , Eight Below , and Running Scared -LRB- 2006 -RRB- . Besides acting , Walker was the face of The Coty Prestige fragrance brand Davidoff Cool Water for Men , and starred in the National Geographic Channel series , Expedition Great White . He also founded the charity `` Reach Out Worldwide '' -LRB- ROWW -RRB- , an organization providing relief efforts for areas affected by natural disasters . He was often praised for his off-screen charity work , and as a performer . Walker died in a single-vehicle collision on November 30 , 2013 , alongside friend Roger Rodas . Three films that he was involved in at the time were released posthumously : Hours -LRB- 2013 -RRB- , Brick Mansions -LRB- 2014 -RRB- , and Furious 7 -LRB- 2015 , which he had not completed filming -RRB- . The song `` See You Again '' by Wiz Khalifa and Charlie Puth , which appeared on the Furious 7 soundtrack , is a tribute to Walker . The song was nominated for the Golden Globe Award for Best Original Song at the 73rd Golden Globe Awards .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: Paul Walker acted in movies.
Paul William Walker IV -LRB- September 12 , 1973 -- November 30 , 2013 -RRB- was an American actor . Walker began his career guest-starring in several television shows such as The Young and the Restless and Touched by an Angel . Walker gained prominence with breakout roles in coming of age and teen films such as She 's All That and Varsity Blues -LRB- 1999 -RRB- . In 2001 , Walker gained international fame for his portrayal of Brian O'Conner in the street racing action film The Fast and the Furious -LRB- 2001 -RRB- , and would reprise the role in five of the next six installments but died in the middle of the filming of Furious 7 -LRB- 2015 -RRB- . He also starred in films such as Joy Ride -LRB- 2001 -RRB- , Timeline -LRB- 2003 -RRB- , Into the Blue -LRB- 2005 -RRB- , Eight Below , and Running Scared -LRB- 2006 -RRB- . Besides acting , Walker was the face of The Coty Prestige fragrance brand Davidoff Cool Water for Men , and starred in the National Geographic Channel series , Expedition Great White . He also founded the charity `` Reach Out Worldwide '' -LRB- ROWW -RRB- , an organization providing relief efforts for areas affected by natural disasters . He was often praised for his off-screen charity work , and as a performer . Walker died in a single-vehicle collision on November 30 , 2013 , alongside friend Roger Rodas . Three films that he was involved in at the time were released posthumously : Hours -LRB- 2013 -RRB- , Brick Mansions -LRB- 2014 -RRB- , and Furious 7 -LRB- 2015 , which he had not completed filming -RRB- . The song `` See You Again '' by Wiz Khalifa and Charlie Puth , which appeared on the Furious 7 soundtrack , is a tribute to Walker . The song was nominated for the Golden Globe Award for Best Original Song at the 73rd Golden Globe Awards .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: Clint Eastwood was nominated for an award.
Clinton Eastwood Jr. '' ' -LRB- born May 31 , 1930 -RRB- is an American actor , filmmaker , musician , and political figure . After achieving success in the Western TV series Rawhide , he rose to international fame with his role as the Man with No Name in Sergio Leone 's Dollars trilogy of spaghetti Westerns during the 1960s , and as antihero cop Harry Callahan in the five Dirty Harry films throughout the 1970s and 1980s . These roles , among others , have made Eastwood an enduring cultural icon of masculinity . For his work in the Western film Unforgiven -LRB- 1992 -RRB- and the sports drama Million Dollar Baby -LRB- 2004 -RRB- , Eastwood won Academy Awards for Best Director and Best Picture , as well as receiving nominations for Best Actor . Eastwood 's greatest commercial successes have been the adventure comedy Every Which Way But Loose -LRB- 1978 -RRB- and its sequel , the action comedy Any Which Way You Can -LRB- 1980 -RRB- , after adjustment for inflation . Other popular films include the Western Hang 'Em High -LRB- 1968 -RRB- , the psychological thriller Play Misty for Me -LRB- 1971 -RRB- , the crime film Thunderbolt and Lightfoot -LRB- 1974 -RRB- , the Western The Outlaw Josey Wales -LRB- 1976 -RRB- , the prison film Escape from Alcatraz -LRB- 1979 -RRB- , the action film Firefox -LRB- 1982 -RRB- , the suspense thriller Tightrope -LRB- 1984 -RRB- , the Western Pale Rider -LRB- 1985 -RRB- , the war films Where Eagles Dare -LRB- 1968 -RRB- , Heartbreak Ridge -LRB- 1986 -RRB- , the action thriller In the Line of Fire -LRB- 1993 -RRB- , the romantic drama The Bridges of Madison County -LRB- 1995 -RRB- , and the drama Gran Torino -LRB- 2008 -RRB- . In addition to directing many of his own star vehicles , Eastwood has also directed films in which he did not appear , such as the mystery drama Mystic River -LRB- 2003 -RRB- and the war film Letters from Iwo Jima -LRB- 2006 -RRB- , for which he received Academy Award nominations , and the drama Changeling -LRB- 2008 -RRB- . The war drama biopic American Sniper '' -LRB- 2014 -RRB- set box office records for the largest January release ever and was also the largest opening ever for an Eastwood film . Eastwood received considerable critical praise in France for several films , including some that were not well received in the United States . Eastwood has been awarded two of France 's highest honors : in 1994 he became a recipient of the Commander of the Ordre des Arts et des Lettres , and in 2007 he was awarded the Legion of Honour medal . In 2000 , Eastwood was awarded the Italian Venice Film Festival Golden Lion for lifetime achievement . Since 1967 , Eastwood has run his own production company , Malpaso , which has produced all but four of his American films . Starting in 1986 , Eastwood served for two years as Mayor of Carmel-by-the-Sea , California , a non-partisan office .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: Shonen Jump is published in a continent.
Shonen Jump , officially stylized SHONEN JUMP and abbreviated SJ , is a shōnen manga anthology published in North America by Viz Media . It debuted in November 2002 with the first issue having a January 2003 cover date . Based on Shueisha 's popular Japanese magazine Weekly Shōnen Jump , Shonen Jump is retooled for English readers and the American audience , including changing it from a weekly publication to a monthly one . It features serialized chapters from four manga series , and articles on Japanese language and culture , as well as manga , anime , video games , and figurines . Prior to the magazine 's launch , Viz launched an extensive marketing campaign to promote it and help it succeed where previous manga anthologies published in North America had failed . Shueisha purchased an equity interest in Viz to help fund the venture , and Cartoon Network , Suncoast , and Diamond Distributors became promotional partners in the magazine . In conjunction with the magazine , Viz launched new imprints for releasing media related to the series presented in the magazine , and other shōnen works . This includes two new manga imprints , an anime DVD imprint , a fiction line for releasing light novels , a label for fan and data books , and a label for the release of art books . Targeted towards young adult males , the first issue required three printings to meet consumer demand , with over 300,000 copies sold . It was awarded the ICv2 `` Comic Product of the Year '' award in December 2002 , and has continued to enjoy high sales with a monthly circulation of 215,000 in 2008 . Approximately half of its circulation comes from subscriptions rather than store sales . Shonen Jump published its final issue in April 2012 when Viz decided to focus on a weekly digital manga anthology . Weekly Shonen Jump -LRB- initially named Weekly Shonen Jump Alpha -RRB- launched in January 2012 and is still in production .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: Shonen Jump is published in a continent.
North America is a continent entirely within the Northern Hemisphere and almost all within the Western Hemisphere . It can also be considered a northern subcontinent of the Americas . It is bordered to the north by the Arctic Ocean , to the east by the Atlantic Ocean , to the west and south by the Pacific Ocean , and to the southeast by South America and the Caribbean Sea . North America covers an area of about 24,709,000 square kilometers -LRB- 9,540,000 square miles -RRB- , about 16.5 % of the earth 's land area and about 4.8 % of its total surface . North America is the third largest continent by area , following Asia and Africa , and the fourth by population after Asia , Africa , and Europe . In 2013 , its population was estimated at nearly 565 million people in 23 independent states , or about 7.5 % of the world 's population , if nearby islands -LRB- most notably the Caribbean -RRB- are included . North America was reached by its first human populations during the last glacial period , via crossing the Bering land bridge approximately 40,000 to 17,000 years ago . The so-called Paleo-Indian period is taken to have lasted until about 10,000 years ago -LRB- the beginning of the Archaic or Meso-Indian period -RRB- . The Classic stage spans roughly the 6th to 13th centuries . The Pre-Columbian era ended with the transatlantic migrations and the arrival of European settlers during the Age of Discovery and the Early Modern period . Present-day cultural and ethnic patterns reflect different kind of interactions between European colonists , indigenous peoples , African slaves and their descendants . European influences are strongest in the northern parts of the continent while indigenous and African influences are relatively stronger in the south . Because of the history of colonialism , most North Americans speak English , Spanish or French and societies and states commonly reflect Western traditions .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: Honest sold 53,000 units in a week.
Honest is the second studio album by American rapper Future . It was released on April 22 , 2014 , by A1 Recordings , Freebandz and Epic Records . The album features guest appearances from Drake and Wiz Khalifa , among others . The album was supported by five singles : `` Karate Chop '' featuring Lil Wayne , `` Honest '' , `` Shit '' , `` Move That Dope '' featuring Pharrell , Pusha T and Casino , and `` I Won '' featuring Kanye West , along with the promotional single `` Real and True '' featuring Mr Hudson and Miley Cyrus . Honest received generally positive reviews from critics , debuting at number two on the Billboard 200 , selling 53,000 copies in its first week . The album was certified gold by the Recording Industry Association of America -LRB- RIAA -RRB- .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: Honest sold 53,000 units in a week.
Honest is the second studio album by American rapper Future . It was released on April 22 , 2014 , by A1 Recordings , Freebandz and Epic Records . The album features guest appearances from Drake and Wiz Khalifa , among others . The album was supported by five singles : `` Karate Chop '' featuring Lil Wayne , `` Honest '' , `` Shit '' , `` Move That Dope '' featuring Pharrell , Pusha T and Casino , and `` I Won '' featuring Kanye West , along with the promotional single `` Real and True '' featuring Mr Hudson and Miley Cyrus . Honest received generally positive reviews from critics , debuting at number two on the Billboard 200 , selling 53,000 copies in its first week . The album was certified gold by the Recording Industry Association of America -LRB- RIAA -RRB- .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: Honest sold 53,000 units in a week.
Honest is the second studio album by American rapper Future . It was released on April 22 , 2014 , by A1 Recordings , Freebandz and Epic Records . The album features guest appearances from Drake and Wiz Khalifa , among others . The album was supported by five singles : `` Karate Chop '' featuring Lil Wayne , `` Honest '' , `` Shit '' , `` Move That Dope '' featuring Pharrell , Pusha T and Casino , and `` I Won '' featuring Kanye West , along with the promotional single `` Real and True '' featuring Mr Hudson and Miley Cyrus . Honest received generally positive reviews from critics , debuting at number two on the Billboard 200 , selling 53,000 copies in its first week . The album was certified gold by the Recording Industry Association of America -LRB- RIAA -RRB- .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: Since July 2012, Pranab Mukherjee has been in office.
` Pranab Kumar Mukherjee -LRB- born 11 December 1935 -RRB- is the 13th and current President of India , he has been in office since July 2012 . In a political career spanning six decades , Mukherjee was a senior leader of the Indian National Congress and occupied several ministerial portfolios in the Government of India . Prior to his election as President , Mukherjee was Union Finance Minister from 2009 to 2012 , and the Congress party 's top troubleshooter . Mukherjee got his break in politics in 1969 when Prime Minister Indira Gandhi helped him get elected to the Rajya Sabha , the upper house of Parliament , on a Congress ticket . Following a meteoric rise , he became one of Indira Gandhi 's most trusted lieutenants , and a minister in her cabinet by 1973 . During the controversial Internal Emergency of 1975 -- 77 , he was accused -LRB- like several other Congress leaders -RRB- of committing gross excesses . Mukherjee 's service in a number of ministerial capacities culminated in his first stint as finance minister in 1982 -- 84 . Mukherjee was also Leader of the House in the Rajya Sabha from 1980 to 1985 . Mukherjee was sidelined from the Congress during the premiership of Rajiv Gandhi , Indira 's son . Mukherjee had viewed himself , and not the inexperienced Rajiv , as the rightful successor to Indira following her assassination in 1984 . Mukherjee lost out in the ensuing power struggle . He formed his own party , the Rashtriya Samajwadi Congress , which merged with the Congress in 1989 after reaching a consensus with Rajiv Gandhi . Mukherjee 's political career revived when Prime Minister P. V. Narasimha Rao appointed him Planning Commission head in 1991 and foreign minister in 1995 . Following this , as elder statesman of the Congress , Mukherjee was the principal and architect of Sonia Gandhi 's ascension to the party 's presidency in 1998 . When the Congress-led United Progressive Alliance -LRB- UPA -RRB- came into power in 2004 , Mukherjee won a Lok Sabha -LRB- the popularly elected lower house of Parliament -RRB- seat for the first time . From then until his resignation in 2012 , Mukherjee was practically number-two in Prime Minister Manmohan Singh 's government . He held a number of key cabinet portfolios -- Defence -LRB- 2004 -- 06 -RRB- , External Affairs -LRB- 2006 -- 09 -RRB- and Finance -LRB- 2009 -- 12 -RRB- -- apart from heading several Groups of Ministers -LRB- GoMs -RRB- and being Leader of the House in the Lok Sabha . After securing the UPA 's nomination for the country 's presidency in July 2012 , Mukherjee comfortably defeated P. A. Sangma in the race to Rashtrapati Bhavan , winning 70 percent of the electoral-college vote .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: Since July 2012, Pranab Mukherjee has been in office.
` Pranab Kumar Mukherjee -LRB- born 11 December 1935 -RRB- is the 13th and current President of India , he has been in office since July 2012 . In a political career spanning six decades , Mukherjee was a senior leader of the Indian National Congress and occupied several ministerial portfolios in the Government of India . Prior to his election as President , Mukherjee was Union Finance Minister from 2009 to 2012 , and the Congress party 's top troubleshooter . Mukherjee got his break in politics in 1969 when Prime Minister Indira Gandhi helped him get elected to the Rajya Sabha , the upper house of Parliament , on a Congress ticket . Following a meteoric rise , he became one of Indira Gandhi 's most trusted lieutenants , and a minister in her cabinet by 1973 . During the controversial Internal Emergency of 1975 -- 77 , he was accused -LRB- like several other Congress leaders -RRB- of committing gross excesses . Mukherjee 's service in a number of ministerial capacities culminated in his first stint as finance minister in 1982 -- 84 . Mukherjee was also Leader of the House in the Rajya Sabha from 1980 to 1985 . Mukherjee was sidelined from the Congress during the premiership of Rajiv Gandhi , Indira 's son . Mukherjee had viewed himself , and not the inexperienced Rajiv , as the rightful successor to Indira following her assassination in 1984 . Mukherjee lost out in the ensuing power struggle . He formed his own party , the Rashtriya Samajwadi Congress , which merged with the Congress in 1989 after reaching a consensus with Rajiv Gandhi . Mukherjee 's political career revived when Prime Minister P. V. Narasimha Rao appointed him Planning Commission head in 1991 and foreign minister in 1995 . Following this , as elder statesman of the Congress , Mukherjee was the principal and architect of Sonia Gandhi 's ascension to the party 's presidency in 1998 . When the Congress-led United Progressive Alliance -LRB- UPA -RRB- came into power in 2004 , Mukherjee won a Lok Sabha -LRB- the popularly elected lower house of Parliament -RRB- seat for the first time . From then until his resignation in 2012 , Mukherjee was practically number-two in Prime Minister Manmohan Singh 's government . He held a number of key cabinet portfolios -- Defence -LRB- 2004 -- 06 -RRB- , External Affairs -LRB- 2006 -- 09 -RRB- and Finance -LRB- 2009 -- 12 -RRB- -- apart from heading several Groups of Ministers -LRB- GoMs -RRB- and being Leader of the House in the Lok Sabha . After securing the UPA 's nomination for the country 's presidency in July 2012 , Mukherjee comfortably defeated P. A. Sangma in the race to Rashtrapati Bhavan , winning 70 percent of the electoral-college vote .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: Anonymous represents 4chan users simultaneously existing as an anarchic, digitized global brain.
Anonymous is a loosely associated international network of activist and hacktivist entities . A website nominally associated with the group describes it as `` an Internet gathering '' with `` a very loose and decentralized command structure that operates on ideas rather than directives '' . The group became known for a series of well-publicized publicity stunts and distributed denial-of-service -LRB- DDoS -RRB- attacks on government , religious , and corporate websites . Anonymous originated in 2003 on the imageboard 4chan , representing the concept of many online and offline community users simultaneously existing as an anarchic , digitized global brain . Anonymous members -LRB- known as `` Anons '' -RRB- can be distinguished in public by the wearing of Guy Fawkes masks in the style portrayed in the graphic novel and film V for Vendetta . In its early form , the concept was adopted by a decentralized online community acting anonymously in a coordinated manner , usually toward a loosely self-agreed goal , and primarily focused on entertainment , or `` lulz '' . Beginning with 2008 's Project Chanology -- a series of protests , pranks , and hacks targeting the Church of Scientology -- the Anonymous collective became increasingly associated with collaborative hacktivism on a number of issues internationally . Individuals claiming to align themselves with Anonymous undertook protests and other actions -LRB- including direct action -RRB- in retaliation against copyright-focused campaigns by motion picture and recording industry trade associations . Later targets of Anonymous hacktivism included government agencies of the U.S. , Israel , Tunisia , Uganda , and others ; the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant ; child pornography sites ; copyright protection agencies ; the Westboro Baptist Church ; and corporations such as PayPal , MasterCard , Visa , and Sony . Anons have publicly supported WikiLeaks and the Occupy movement . Related groups LulzSec and Operation AntiSec carried out cyberattacks on U.S. government agencies , media , video game companies , military contractors , military personnel , and police officers , resulting in the attention of law enforcement to the groups ' activities . Some actions by members of the group have been described as being anti-Zionist . It has threatened to cyber-attack Israel and engaged in the '' #OpIsrael '' cyber-attacks of Israeli websites on Yom HaShoah -LRB- Holocaust Remembrance Day -RRB- in 2013 . Dozens of people have been arrested for involvement in Anonymous cyberattacks , in countries including the U.S. , UK , Australia , the Netherlands , Spain , India and Turkey . Evaluations of the group 's actions and effectiveness vary widely . Supporters have called the group `` freedom fighters '' and digital Robin Hoods while critics have described them as `` a cyber lynch-mob '' or `` cyber terrorists '' . In 2012 , Time called Anonymous one of the `` 100 most influential people '' in the world .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: Anonymous represents 4chan users simultaneously existing as an anarchic, digitized global brain.
Anonymous is a loosely associated international network of activist and hacktivist entities . A website nominally associated with the group describes it as `` an Internet gathering '' with `` a very loose and decentralized command structure that operates on ideas rather than directives '' . The group became known for a series of well-publicized publicity stunts and distributed denial-of-service -LRB- DDoS -RRB- attacks on government , religious , and corporate websites . Anonymous originated in 2003 on the imageboard 4chan , representing the concept of many online and offline community users simultaneously existing as an anarchic , digitized global brain . Anonymous members -LRB- known as `` Anons '' -RRB- can be distinguished in public by the wearing of Guy Fawkes masks in the style portrayed in the graphic novel and film V for Vendetta . In its early form , the concept was adopted by a decentralized online community acting anonymously in a coordinated manner , usually toward a loosely self-agreed goal , and primarily focused on entertainment , or `` lulz '' . Beginning with 2008 's Project Chanology -- a series of protests , pranks , and hacks targeting the Church of Scientology -- the Anonymous collective became increasingly associated with collaborative hacktivism on a number of issues internationally . Individuals claiming to align themselves with Anonymous undertook protests and other actions -LRB- including direct action -RRB- in retaliation against copyright-focused campaigns by motion picture and recording industry trade associations . Later targets of Anonymous hacktivism included government agencies of the U.S. , Israel , Tunisia , Uganda , and others ; the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant ; child pornography sites ; copyright protection agencies ; the Westboro Baptist Church ; and corporations such as PayPal , MasterCard , Visa , and Sony . Anons have publicly supported WikiLeaks and the Occupy movement . Related groups LulzSec and Operation AntiSec carried out cyberattacks on U.S. government agencies , media , video game companies , military contractors , military personnel , and police officers , resulting in the attention of law enforcement to the groups ' activities . Some actions by members of the group have been described as being anti-Zionist . It has threatened to cyber-attack Israel and engaged in the '' #OpIsrael '' cyber-attacks of Israeli websites on Yom HaShoah -LRB- Holocaust Remembrance Day -RRB- in 2013 . Dozens of people have been arrested for involvement in Anonymous cyberattacks , in countries including the U.S. , UK , Australia , the Netherlands , Spain , India and Turkey . Evaluations of the group 's actions and effectiveness vary widely . Supporters have called the group `` freedom fighters '' and digital Robin Hoods while critics have described them as `` a cyber lynch-mob '' or `` cyber terrorists '' . In 2012 , Time called Anonymous one of the `` 100 most influential people '' in the world .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: Anonymous represents 4chan users simultaneously existing as an anarchic, digitized global brain.
Anonymous is a loosely associated international network of activist and hacktivist entities . A website nominally associated with the group describes it as `` an Internet gathering '' with `` a very loose and decentralized command structure that operates on ideas rather than directives '' . The group became known for a series of well-publicized publicity stunts and distributed denial-of-service -LRB- DDoS -RRB- attacks on government , religious , and corporate websites . Anonymous originated in 2003 on the imageboard 4chan , representing the concept of many online and offline community users simultaneously existing as an anarchic , digitized global brain . Anonymous members -LRB- known as `` Anons '' -RRB- can be distinguished in public by the wearing of Guy Fawkes masks in the style portrayed in the graphic novel and film V for Vendetta . In its early form , the concept was adopted by a decentralized online community acting anonymously in a coordinated manner , usually toward a loosely self-agreed goal , and primarily focused on entertainment , or `` lulz '' . Beginning with 2008 's Project Chanology -- a series of protests , pranks , and hacks targeting the Church of Scientology -- the Anonymous collective became increasingly associated with collaborative hacktivism on a number of issues internationally . Individuals claiming to align themselves with Anonymous undertook protests and other actions -LRB- including direct action -RRB- in retaliation against copyright-focused campaigns by motion picture and recording industry trade associations . Later targets of Anonymous hacktivism included government agencies of the U.S. , Israel , Tunisia , Uganda , and others ; the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant ; child pornography sites ; copyright protection agencies ; the Westboro Baptist Church ; and corporations such as PayPal , MasterCard , Visa , and Sony . Anons have publicly supported WikiLeaks and the Occupy movement . Related groups LulzSec and Operation AntiSec carried out cyberattacks on U.S. government agencies , media , video game companies , military contractors , military personnel , and police officers , resulting in the attention of law enforcement to the groups ' activities . Some actions by members of the group have been described as being anti-Zionist . It has threatened to cyber-attack Israel and engaged in the '' #OpIsrael '' cyber-attacks of Israeli websites on Yom HaShoah -LRB- Holocaust Remembrance Day -RRB- in 2013 . Dozens of people have been arrested for involvement in Anonymous cyberattacks , in countries including the U.S. , UK , Australia , the Netherlands , Spain , India and Turkey . Evaluations of the group 's actions and effectiveness vary widely . Supporters have called the group `` freedom fighters '' and digital Robin Hoods while critics have described them as `` a cyber lynch-mob '' or `` cyber terrorists '' . In 2012 , Time called Anonymous one of the `` 100 most influential people '' in the world .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: Anonymous represents 4chan users simultaneously existing as an anarchic, digitized global brain.
Anonymous is a loosely associated international network of activist and hacktivist entities . A website nominally associated with the group describes it as `` an Internet gathering '' with `` a very loose and decentralized command structure that operates on ideas rather than directives '' . The group became known for a series of well-publicized publicity stunts and distributed denial-of-service -LRB- DDoS -RRB- attacks on government , religious , and corporate websites . Anonymous originated in 2003 on the imageboard 4chan , representing the concept of many online and offline community users simultaneously existing as an anarchic , digitized global brain . Anonymous members -LRB- known as `` Anons '' -RRB- can be distinguished in public by the wearing of Guy Fawkes masks in the style portrayed in the graphic novel and film V for Vendetta . In its early form , the concept was adopted by a decentralized online community acting anonymously in a coordinated manner , usually toward a loosely self-agreed goal , and primarily focused on entertainment , or `` lulz '' . Beginning with 2008 's Project Chanology -- a series of protests , pranks , and hacks targeting the Church of Scientology -- the Anonymous collective became increasingly associated with collaborative hacktivism on a number of issues internationally . Individuals claiming to align themselves with Anonymous undertook protests and other actions -LRB- including direct action -RRB- in retaliation against copyright-focused campaigns by motion picture and recording industry trade associations . Later targets of Anonymous hacktivism included government agencies of the U.S. , Israel , Tunisia , Uganda , and others ; the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant ; child pornography sites ; copyright protection agencies ; the Westboro Baptist Church ; and corporations such as PayPal , MasterCard , Visa , and Sony . Anons have publicly supported WikiLeaks and the Occupy movement . Related groups LulzSec and Operation AntiSec carried out cyberattacks on U.S. government agencies , media , video game companies , military contractors , military personnel , and police officers , resulting in the attention of law enforcement to the groups ' activities . Some actions by members of the group have been described as being anti-Zionist . It has threatened to cyber-attack Israel and engaged in the '' #OpIsrael '' cyber-attacks of Israeli websites on Yom HaShoah -LRB- Holocaust Remembrance Day -RRB- in 2013 . Dozens of people have been arrested for involvement in Anonymous cyberattacks , in countries including the U.S. , UK , Australia , the Netherlands , Spain , India and Turkey . Evaluations of the group 's actions and effectiveness vary widely . Supporters have called the group `` freedom fighters '' and digital Robin Hoods while critics have described them as `` a cyber lynch-mob '' or `` cyber terrorists '' . In 2012 , Time called Anonymous one of the `` 100 most influential people '' in the world .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: San Francisco is in California.
San Francisco -LRB- initials SF -RRB- -LRB- -LSB- sæn_frənˈsɪskoʊ -RSB- , Spanish for Saint Francis ; Spanish : -LSB- san franˈsisko -RSB- -RRB- , officially the City and County of San Francisco , is the cultural , commercial , and financial center of Northern California . Located at the north end of the San Francisco Peninsula , San Francisco is about 47.9 sqmi in area , making it the smallest county -- and the only consolidated city-county -- within the state of California . With a density of about 18,581 people per square mile -LRB- 7,174 people per km2 -RRB- , San Francisco is the most densely settled large city -LRB- population greater than 200,000 -RRB- in California and the second-most densely populated major city in the United States after New York City . San Francisco is the fourth-most populous city in California , after Los Angeles , San Diego , and San Jose , and the 13th-most populous city in the United States -- with a census-estimated 2016 population of 870,887 . The city and its surrounding areas are known as the San Francisco Bay Area , and are a part of the larger OMB-designated San Jose-San Francisco-Oakland combined statistical area , the fifth most populous in the nation with an estimated population of 8.7 million . San Francisco was founded on June 29 , 1776 , when colonists from Spain established Presidio of San Francisco at the Golden Gate and Mission San Francisco de Asís a few miles away , all named for St. Francis of Assisi . The California Gold Rush of 1849 brought rapid growth , making it the largest city on the West Coast at the time . San Francisco became a consolidated city-county in 1856 . After three-quarters of the city was destroyed by the 1906 earthquake and fire , San Francisco was quickly rebuilt , hosting the Panama-Pacific International Exposition nine years later . In World War II , San Francisco was a major port of embarkation for service members shipping out to the Pacific Theater . It then became the birthplace of the United Nations in 1945 . After the war , the confluence of returning servicemen , massive immigration , liberalizing attitudes , along with the rise of the `` hippie '' counterculture , the Sexual Revolution , the Peace Movement growing from opposition to United States involvement in the Vietnam War , and other factors led to the Summer of Love and the gay rights movement , cementing San Francisco as a center of liberal activism in the United States . Politically , the city votes strongly along liberal Democratic Party lines . A popular tourist destination , San Francisco is known for its cool summers , fog , steep rolling hills , eclectic mix of architecture , and landmarks , including the Golden Gate Bridge , cable cars , the former Alcatraz Federal Penitentiary , Fisherman 's Wharf , and its Chinatown district . San Francisco is also the headquarters of five major banking institutions and various other companies such as Levi Strauss & Co. , Gap Inc. , , Dropbox , Reddit , Square , Inc. , Dolby , Airbnb , Weebly , Pacific Gas and Electric Company , Yelp , Pinterest , Twitter , Uber , Lyft , Mozilla , Wikimedia Foundation , Craigslist and Weather Underground . It has several nicknames , including `` The City by the Bay '' , `` Fog City '' , `` San Fran '' , and `` Frisco '' , as well as older ones like `` The City that Knows How '' , `` Baghdad by the Bay '' , `` The Paris of the West '' , or simply `` The City '' . , San Francisco is ranked high on world liveability rankings .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: Lily Collins wrote for a U.S magazine that targets teen girls.
Lily Jane Collins -LRB- born 18 March 1989 -RRB- is a British-American actress and model . The daughter of English musician Phil Collins and an American mother , Jill Tavelman , she was born in Surrey and moved to Los Angeles as a child . Her first screen role was at the age of two in the BBC series Growing Pains . She went on to study broadcast journalism at the University of Southern California and as a teenager , wrote for Seventeen magazine , Teen Vogue , and The Los Angeles Times . She was named International Model of the Year by Spain 's Glamour magazine after being selected by Chanel to wear one of their gowns at the Hotel de Crillon in 2007 . In 2008 , she was named Newest Red Carpet Correspondent and One to Watch in 2008 . Collins appeared as a guest star on the teen drama television series 90210 in 2009 , followed by her feature film debut in the semi-biographical sports film The Blind Side . She had leading roles in the sci-fi action-horror film Priest -LRB- 2011 -RRB- and the psychological action-thriller film Abduction , and was nominated for the Teen Choice Award for Choice Movie Actress -- Sci-Fi/Fantasy for her role as Snow White in the fantasy film Mirror Mirror . She received wider recognition after taking on the role of Clary Fray in the fantasy film adaptation of Cassandra Clare 's The New York Times best-selling novel , The Mortal Instruments : City of Bones , for which she was nominated for the Teen Choice Award for Choice Movie Actress -- Action and an MTV Movie Award . Collins is also known for her roles in independent films , such as the romantic comedy-drama Stuck in Love -LRB- 2012 -RRB- , the romantic comedy The English Teacher -LRB- 2013 -RRB- , and the romantic comedy-drama Love , Rosie -LRB- 2014 -RRB- . She won the New Hollywood Film Award and received a Golden Globe Award nomination for Best Performance by an Actress in a Musical or Comedy her role as Marla Mabrey in Rules Do n't Apply -LRB- 2016 -RRB- . In 2017 , her debut novel , Unfiltered : No Shame , No Regrets , Just Me , was released to critical praise . In May 2017 , Lily Collins and Marti Noxon were honoured at Project Heal for their movie To the Bone .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: Bangladesh has been affected by poverty.
Bangladesh -LRB- -LSB- bæŋɡləˈdɛʃ -RSB- -LSB- ˌbɑːŋɡləˈdɛʃ -RSB- -LSB- : bn : বাংলাদেশ , বাংলাদেশ -RSB- , -LSB- ˈbaŋlad̪eʃ -RSB- , lit . `` The country of Bengal '' -RRB- , officially the People 's Republic of Bangladesh , is a country in South Asia . It shares land borders with India and Myanmar -LRB- Burma -RRB- . Nepal , Bhutan and China are located near Bangladesh but do not share a border with it . The country 's maritime territory in the Bay of Bengal is roughly equal to the size of its land area . Bangladesh is the world 's eighth most populous country . Dhaka is its capital and largest city , followed by Chittagong , which has the country 's largest port . Bangladesh forms the largest and eastern part of the Bengal region . Bangladeshis include people of different ethnic groups and religions . Bengalis , who speak the official Bengali language , make up 98 % of the population . The politically dominant Bengali Muslims make the nation the world 's third largest Muslim-majority country . Most of Bangladesh is covered by the Bengal delta , the largest delta on Earth . The country has 700 rivers and 8,046 km -LRB- 5,000 miles -RRB- of inland waterways . Highlands with evergreen forests are found in the northeastern and southeastern regions of the country . Bangladesh has many islands and a coral reef . It is home to the Sundarbans , the largest mangrove forest in the world . The country 's biodiversity includes a vast array of plant and wildlife , including critically endangered Bengal tigers , the national animal . The Greeks and Romans identified the region as Gangaridai , a powerful kingdom of the historical subcontinent , in the 3rd century BCE . Archaeological research has unearthed several ancient cities in Bangladesh , which had international trade links for millennia . The Bengal Sultanate and Mughal Bengal transformed the region into a cosmopolitan Islamic imperial power between the 14th and 18th centuries . The region was home to many principalities that had inland naval prowess . It was also a notable center of the worldwide muslin and silk trade . As part of British India , the region was influenced by the Bengali renaissance and played an important role in anti-colonial movements . The Partition of British India made East Bengal a part of the Dominion of Pakistan ; and was renamed as East Pakistan . The region witnessed the Bengali Language Movement in 1952 and the Bangladesh Liberation War in 1971 . After independence , a parliamentary republic was established . A presidential government was in place between 1975 and 1990 , followed by a return to parliamentary democracy . The country has also been affected by poverty , natural disasters , hunger , dominant party systems and military coups . Bangladesh is a middle power and a major developing nation . Within South Asia , the country ranks first in gender equality , second in foreign exchange earnings and third in life expectancy and peacefulness . Listed as one of the Next Eleven , its economy ranks 46th in terms of nominal gross domestic product -LRB- GDP -RRB- and 29th in terms of purchasing power parity -LRB- PPP -RRB- . It is one of the largest textile exporters in the world . Its major trading partners are the European Union , the United States , China , India , Japan , Malaysia and Singapore . With its strategically vital location between Southern , Eastern and Southeast Asia , Bangladesh is an important promoter of regional connectivity and cooperation . It is a founding member of SAARC , BIMSTEC , the Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar Forum for Regional Cooperation and the Bangladesh Bhutan India Nepal Initiative . It is also a member of the Commonwealth of Nations , the Developing 8 Countries , the OIC , the Non Aligned Movement , the Group of 77 and the World Trade Organization . Bangladesh is one of the largest contributors to United Nations peacekeeping forces .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: Bangladesh has been affected by poverty.
Bangladesh -LRB- -LSB- bæŋɡləˈdɛʃ -RSB- -LSB- ˌbɑːŋɡləˈdɛʃ -RSB- -LSB- : bn : বাংলাদেশ , বাংলাদেশ -RSB- , -LSB- ˈbaŋlad̪eʃ -RSB- , lit . `` The country of Bengal '' -RRB- , officially the People 's Republic of Bangladesh , is a country in South Asia . It shares land borders with India and Myanmar -LRB- Burma -RRB- . Nepal , Bhutan and China are located near Bangladesh but do not share a border with it . The country 's maritime territory in the Bay of Bengal is roughly equal to the size of its land area . Bangladesh is the world 's eighth most populous country . Dhaka is its capital and largest city , followed by Chittagong , which has the country 's largest port . Bangladesh forms the largest and eastern part of the Bengal region . Bangladeshis include people of different ethnic groups and religions . Bengalis , who speak the official Bengali language , make up 98 % of the population . The politically dominant Bengali Muslims make the nation the world 's third largest Muslim-majority country . Most of Bangladesh is covered by the Bengal delta , the largest delta on Earth . The country has 700 rivers and 8,046 km -LRB- 5,000 miles -RRB- of inland waterways . Highlands with evergreen forests are found in the northeastern and southeastern regions of the country . Bangladesh has many islands and a coral reef . It is home to the Sundarbans , the largest mangrove forest in the world . The country 's biodiversity includes a vast array of plant and wildlife , including critically endangered Bengal tigers , the national animal . The Greeks and Romans identified the region as Gangaridai , a powerful kingdom of the historical subcontinent , in the 3rd century BCE . Archaeological research has unearthed several ancient cities in Bangladesh , which had international trade links for millennia . The Bengal Sultanate and Mughal Bengal transformed the region into a cosmopolitan Islamic imperial power between the 14th and 18th centuries . The region was home to many principalities that had inland naval prowess . It was also a notable center of the worldwide muslin and silk trade . As part of British India , the region was influenced by the Bengali renaissance and played an important role in anti-colonial movements . The Partition of British India made East Bengal a part of the Dominion of Pakistan ; and was renamed as East Pakistan . The region witnessed the Bengali Language Movement in 1952 and the Bangladesh Liberation War in 1971 . After independence , a parliamentary republic was established . A presidential government was in place between 1975 and 1990 , followed by a return to parliamentary democracy . The country has also been affected by poverty , natural disasters , hunger , dominant party systems and military coups . Bangladesh is a middle power and a major developing nation . Within South Asia , the country ranks first in gender equality , second in foreign exchange earnings and third in life expectancy and peacefulness . Listed as one of the Next Eleven , its economy ranks 46th in terms of nominal gross domestic product -LRB- GDP -RRB- and 29th in terms of purchasing power parity -LRB- PPP -RRB- . It is one of the largest textile exporters in the world . Its major trading partners are the European Union , the United States , China , India , Japan , Malaysia and Singapore . With its strategically vital location between Southern , Eastern and Southeast Asia , Bangladesh is an important promoter of regional connectivity and cooperation . It is a founding member of SAARC , BIMSTEC , the Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar Forum for Regional Cooperation and the Bangladesh Bhutan India Nepal Initiative . It is also a member of the Commonwealth of Nations , the Developing 8 Countries , the OIC , the Non Aligned Movement , the Group of 77 and the World Trade Organization . Bangladesh is one of the largest contributors to United Nations peacekeeping forces .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: Bangladesh has been affected by poverty.
Bangladesh -LRB- -LSB- bæŋɡləˈdɛʃ -RSB- -LSB- ˌbɑːŋɡləˈdɛʃ -RSB- -LSB- : bn : বাংলাদেশ , বাংলাদেশ -RSB- , -LSB- ˈbaŋlad̪eʃ -RSB- , lit . `` The country of Bengal '' -RRB- , officially the People 's Republic of Bangladesh , is a country in South Asia . It shares land borders with India and Myanmar -LRB- Burma -RRB- . Nepal , Bhutan and China are located near Bangladesh but do not share a border with it . The country 's maritime territory in the Bay of Bengal is roughly equal to the size of its land area . Bangladesh is the world 's eighth most populous country . Dhaka is its capital and largest city , followed by Chittagong , which has the country 's largest port . Bangladesh forms the largest and eastern part of the Bengal region . Bangladeshis include people of different ethnic groups and religions . Bengalis , who speak the official Bengali language , make up 98 % of the population . The politically dominant Bengali Muslims make the nation the world 's third largest Muslim-majority country . Most of Bangladesh is covered by the Bengal delta , the largest delta on Earth . The country has 700 rivers and 8,046 km -LRB- 5,000 miles -RRB- of inland waterways . Highlands with evergreen forests are found in the northeastern and southeastern regions of the country . Bangladesh has many islands and a coral reef . It is home to the Sundarbans , the largest mangrove forest in the world . The country 's biodiversity includes a vast array of plant and wildlife , including critically endangered Bengal tigers , the national animal . The Greeks and Romans identified the region as Gangaridai , a powerful kingdom of the historical subcontinent , in the 3rd century BCE . Archaeological research has unearthed several ancient cities in Bangladesh , which had international trade links for millennia . The Bengal Sultanate and Mughal Bengal transformed the region into a cosmopolitan Islamic imperial power between the 14th and 18th centuries . The region was home to many principalities that had inland naval prowess . It was also a notable center of the worldwide muslin and silk trade . As part of British India , the region was influenced by the Bengali renaissance and played an important role in anti-colonial movements . The Partition of British India made East Bengal a part of the Dominion of Pakistan ; and was renamed as East Pakistan . The region witnessed the Bengali Language Movement in 1952 and the Bangladesh Liberation War in 1971 . After independence , a parliamentary republic was established . A presidential government was in place between 1975 and 1990 , followed by a return to parliamentary democracy . The country has also been affected by poverty , natural disasters , hunger , dominant party systems and military coups . Bangladesh is a middle power and a major developing nation . Within South Asia , the country ranks first in gender equality , second in foreign exchange earnings and third in life expectancy and peacefulness . Listed as one of the Next Eleven , its economy ranks 46th in terms of nominal gross domestic product -LRB- GDP -RRB- and 29th in terms of purchasing power parity -LRB- PPP -RRB- . It is one of the largest textile exporters in the world . Its major trading partners are the European Union , the United States , China , India , Japan , Malaysia and Singapore . With its strategically vital location between Southern , Eastern and Southeast Asia , Bangladesh is an important promoter of regional connectivity and cooperation . It is a founding member of SAARC , BIMSTEC , the Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar Forum for Regional Cooperation and the Bangladesh Bhutan India Nepal Initiative . It is also a member of the Commonwealth of Nations , the Developing 8 Countries , the OIC , the Non Aligned Movement , the Group of 77 and the World Trade Organization . Bangladesh is one of the largest contributors to United Nations peacekeeping forces .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: Bangladesh has been affected by poverty.
Bangladesh -LRB- -LSB- bæŋɡləˈdɛʃ -RSB- -LSB- ˌbɑːŋɡləˈdɛʃ -RSB- -LSB- : bn : বাংলাদেশ , বাংলাদেশ -RSB- , -LSB- ˈbaŋlad̪eʃ -RSB- , lit . `` The country of Bengal '' -RRB- , officially the People 's Republic of Bangladesh , is a country in South Asia . It shares land borders with India and Myanmar -LRB- Burma -RRB- . Nepal , Bhutan and China are located near Bangladesh but do not share a border with it . The country 's maritime territory in the Bay of Bengal is roughly equal to the size of its land area . Bangladesh is the world 's eighth most populous country . Dhaka is its capital and largest city , followed by Chittagong , which has the country 's largest port . Bangladesh forms the largest and eastern part of the Bengal region . Bangladeshis include people of different ethnic groups and religions . Bengalis , who speak the official Bengali language , make up 98 % of the population . The politically dominant Bengali Muslims make the nation the world 's third largest Muslim-majority country . Most of Bangladesh is covered by the Bengal delta , the largest delta on Earth . The country has 700 rivers and 8,046 km -LRB- 5,000 miles -RRB- of inland waterways . Highlands with evergreen forests are found in the northeastern and southeastern regions of the country . Bangladesh has many islands and a coral reef . It is home to the Sundarbans , the largest mangrove forest in the world . The country 's biodiversity includes a vast array of plant and wildlife , including critically endangered Bengal tigers , the national animal . The Greeks and Romans identified the region as Gangaridai , a powerful kingdom of the historical subcontinent , in the 3rd century BCE . Archaeological research has unearthed several ancient cities in Bangladesh , which had international trade links for millennia . The Bengal Sultanate and Mughal Bengal transformed the region into a cosmopolitan Islamic imperial power between the 14th and 18th centuries . The region was home to many principalities that had inland naval prowess . It was also a notable center of the worldwide muslin and silk trade . As part of British India , the region was influenced by the Bengali renaissance and played an important role in anti-colonial movements . The Partition of British India made East Bengal a part of the Dominion of Pakistan ; and was renamed as East Pakistan . The region witnessed the Bengali Language Movement in 1952 and the Bangladesh Liberation War in 1971 . After independence , a parliamentary republic was established . A presidential government was in place between 1975 and 1990 , followed by a return to parliamentary democracy . The country has also been affected by poverty , natural disasters , hunger , dominant party systems and military coups . Bangladesh is a middle power and a major developing nation . Within South Asia , the country ranks first in gender equality , second in foreign exchange earnings and third in life expectancy and peacefulness . Listed as one of the Next Eleven , its economy ranks 46th in terms of nominal gross domestic product -LRB- GDP -RRB- and 29th in terms of purchasing power parity -LRB- PPP -RRB- . It is one of the largest textile exporters in the world . Its major trading partners are the European Union , the United States , China , India , Japan , Malaysia and Singapore . With its strategically vital location between Southern , Eastern and Southeast Asia , Bangladesh is an important promoter of regional connectivity and cooperation . It is a founding member of SAARC , BIMSTEC , the Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar Forum for Regional Cooperation and the Bangladesh Bhutan India Nepal Initiative . It is also a member of the Commonwealth of Nations , the Developing 8 Countries , the OIC , the Non Aligned Movement , the Group of 77 and the World Trade Organization . Bangladesh is one of the largest contributors to United Nations peacekeeping forces .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: Bangladesh has been affected by poverty.
Bangladesh -LRB- -LSB- bæŋɡləˈdɛʃ -RSB- -LSB- ˌbɑːŋɡləˈdɛʃ -RSB- -LSB- : bn : বাংলাদেশ , বাংলাদেশ -RSB- , -LSB- ˈbaŋlad̪eʃ -RSB- , lit . `` The country of Bengal '' -RRB- , officially the People 's Republic of Bangladesh , is a country in South Asia . It shares land borders with India and Myanmar -LRB- Burma -RRB- . Nepal , Bhutan and China are located near Bangladesh but do not share a border with it . The country 's maritime territory in the Bay of Bengal is roughly equal to the size of its land area . Bangladesh is the world 's eighth most populous country . Dhaka is its capital and largest city , followed by Chittagong , which has the country 's largest port . Bangladesh forms the largest and eastern part of the Bengal region . Bangladeshis include people of different ethnic groups and religions . Bengalis , who speak the official Bengali language , make up 98 % of the population . The politically dominant Bengali Muslims make the nation the world 's third largest Muslim-majority country . Most of Bangladesh is covered by the Bengal delta , the largest delta on Earth . The country has 700 rivers and 8,046 km -LRB- 5,000 miles -RRB- of inland waterways . Highlands with evergreen forests are found in the northeastern and southeastern regions of the country . Bangladesh has many islands and a coral reef . It is home to the Sundarbans , the largest mangrove forest in the world . The country 's biodiversity includes a vast array of plant and wildlife , including critically endangered Bengal tigers , the national animal . The Greeks and Romans identified the region as Gangaridai , a powerful kingdom of the historical subcontinent , in the 3rd century BCE . Archaeological research has unearthed several ancient cities in Bangladesh , which had international trade links for millennia . The Bengal Sultanate and Mughal Bengal transformed the region into a cosmopolitan Islamic imperial power between the 14th and 18th centuries . The region was home to many principalities that had inland naval prowess . It was also a notable center of the worldwide muslin and silk trade . As part of British India , the region was influenced by the Bengali renaissance and played an important role in anti-colonial movements . The Partition of British India made East Bengal a part of the Dominion of Pakistan ; and was renamed as East Pakistan . The region witnessed the Bengali Language Movement in 1952 and the Bangladesh Liberation War in 1971 . After independence , a parliamentary republic was established . A presidential government was in place between 1975 and 1990 , followed by a return to parliamentary democracy . The country has also been affected by poverty , natural disasters , hunger , dominant party systems and military coups . Bangladesh is a middle power and a major developing nation . Within South Asia , the country ranks first in gender equality , second in foreign exchange earnings and third in life expectancy and peacefulness . Listed as one of the Next Eleven , its economy ranks 46th in terms of nominal gross domestic product -LRB- GDP -RRB- and 29th in terms of purchasing power parity -LRB- PPP -RRB- . It is one of the largest textile exporters in the world . Its major trading partners are the European Union , the United States , China , India , Japan , Malaysia and Singapore . With its strategically vital location between Southern , Eastern and Southeast Asia , Bangladesh is an important promoter of regional connectivity and cooperation . It is a founding member of SAARC , BIMSTEC , the Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar Forum for Regional Cooperation and the Bangladesh Bhutan India Nepal Initiative . It is also a member of the Commonwealth of Nations , the Developing 8 Countries , the OIC , the Non Aligned Movement , the Group of 77 and the World Trade Organization . Bangladesh is one of the largest contributors to United Nations peacekeeping forces .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: Lisa Lopes was a founding member of TLC.
Lisa Nicole Lopes -LRB- May 27 , 1971 -- April 25 , 2002 -RRB- , better known by her stage name Left Eye , was an American hip hop singer , rapper , actress , songwriter and producer . She rose to fame in the early 1990s as one-third of the girl group TLC , alongside Tionne `` T-Boz '' Watkins and Rozonda `` Chilli '' Thomas . Besides rapping and singing background vocals on TLC recordings , Lopes was one of the creative forces behind the group . She received more cowriting credits than the other members . She also designed the outfits and stage for the group and brought concepts to the group image , album titles , artworks and music videos . Through her work with TLC , Lopes won four Grammy Awards . During her short solo career , Lopes scored two US top-ten singles with `` Not Tonight '' and `` U Know What 's Up '' , as well as one UK number-one single with `` Never Be the Same Again '' . She also produced the girl group Blaque , who scored a platinum album and two US top-ten hits . Lopes remains the only member of TLC to have released a solo album . On April 25 , 2002 , Lopes was killed in a car accident while on a retreat with her sister and others . She swerved off the road to avoid hitting another vehicle and was thrown from her vehicle and died instantly . The last days of her life were made into a documentary called The Last Days of Left Eye , which aired on VH1 in May 2007 .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: Lisa Lopes was a founding member of TLC.
TLC is an American girl group whose original line-up consisted of Tionne `` T-Boz '' Watkins , Lisa `` Left Eye '' Lopes and Rozonda `` Chilli '' Thomas . Formed in Atlanta , Georgia in 1991 , the group was very successful during the 1990s and early 2000s in spite of numerous spats with the law , each other , and the group 's record label and management . They scored nine top-ten hits on the Billboard Hot 100 , including four number-one singles `` Creep '' , `` Waterfalls '' , `` No Scrubs '' , and `` Unpretty '' . The group also recorded four multi-platinum albums , including CrazySexyCool -LRB- 1994 -RRB- which still remains the only album by a female group to receive a diamond certification from the Recording Industry Association of America -LRB- RIAA -RRB- . TLC also became the first R&B group in history to receive Million certification from the Recording Industry Association of Japan -LRB- RIAJ -RRB- for FanMail -LRB- 1999 -RRB- . Having sold over 65 million records worldwide , TLC is the best-selling American girl group and second worldwide to the English group Spice Girls . VH1 ranked TLC as the greatest female group , placing them at number 12 on the list of 100 Greatest Women in Music . Billboard magazine ranked TLC as one of the greatest musical trios , as well as the seventh most successful act of the 1990s . The group 's accolades include four career Grammy Awards , five MTV Video Music Awards and five Soul Train Music Awards . Twenty years after their debut , TLC was honored with Outstanding Contribution to Music at the 17th MOBO Awards and Legend Award at the 2013 MTV Video Music Awards Japan . All three members of TLC are considered irreplaceable by the other members , and each of them have contributed equally to the group . Following Lopes ' death in 2002 , instead of replacing her , the remaining members chose to carry on as a duo . On June 30 , 2017 , they will release their final album as TLC , but have clarified that they will not split up following the album 's release and will continue to perform together .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: The Formula (1980 film) was directed by an American.
The Formula is a 1980 American mystery film directed by John G. Avildsen and released by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer . It features a preeminent cast including Marlon Brando , George C. Scott , John Gielgud , and Marthe Keller . Craig T. Nelson also makes a brief appearance as a geologist .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: The Formula (1980 film) was directed by an American.
John Guilbert Avildsen -LRB- born December 21 , 1935 -RRB- is an American film director . He won the Academy Award for Best Director in 1977 for Rocky . Other films he directed include Joe , Save the Tiger , Fore Play , The Formula , Neighbors , For Keeps , Lean on Me , The Power of One , 8 Seconds , Inferno , Rocky V and the first three The Karate Kid films .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: Janet Jackson's third album was released in February 1986.
Janet Damita Jo Jackson -LRB- born May 16 , 1966 -RRB- is an American singer , songwriter , dancer and actress . Known for sonically innovative , socially conscious , and sexually provocative records , elaborate stage shows , and high-profile television and film roles , she has been a prominent figure in popular culture for over 30 years . The youngest child of the Jackson family , she began her career with the variety television series The Jacksons in 1976 and went on to appear in other television shows throughout the 1970s and early 1980s , including Good Times and Fame . After signing a recording contract with A&M Records in 1982 , she became a pop icon following the release of her third studio album Control -LRB- 1986 -RRB- . Her collaborations with record producers Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis incorporated elements of rhythm and blues , funk , disco , rap , and industrial beats , which led to crossover success in popular music . In 1991 Jackson signed the first of two record-breaking multimillion-dollar contracts with Virgin Records , establishing her as one of the highest paid artists in the industry . Her debut album under the label , Janet -LRB- 1993 -RRB- , saw her develop a public image as a sex symbol as she began to explore sexuality in her work . That same year , she appeared in her first starring film role in Poetic Justice ; she has continued to act in feature films . By the end of the 1990s , she was the second most successful recording artist of the decade . The release of her seventh studio album All for You -LRB- 2001 -RRB- coincided with a celebration of her impact on popular music as the inaugural MTV Icon . After parting ways with Virgin she released her tenth studio album , Discipline -LRB- 2008 -RRB- , her first and only album with Island Records . In 2015 she partnered with BMG Rights Management to launch her own record label , Rhythm Nation , and released her eleventh studio album Unbreakable the same year . Having sold over 100 million records , Jackson is one of the best-selling artists in the history of contemporary music . She has amassed an extensive catalog , with singles such as `` Nasty '' , `` Rhythm Nation '' , `` That 's the Way Love Goes '' , `` Together Again '' and `` All for You '' ; she holds the record for the most consecutive top 10 hits on the US Billboard Hot 100 singles chart by a female artist with 18 . In 2016 , Billboard placed her number seven on its list of the Hot 100 All-Time Top Artists , and in 2010 ranked her fifth among the `` Top 50 R&B / Hip-Hop Artists of the Past 25 Years '' . In December 2016 , the magazine named her the second most successful dance club artist of all-time . One of the world 's most awarded artists , her longevity , records and achievements reflect her influence in shaping and redefining the scope of popular music . She has been cited as an inspiration among numerous performers .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: Transformers: The Last Knight's cast includes Tyrese Gibson.
Transformers : The Last Knight is an upcoming American science fiction action film based on the toy line of the same name created by Hasbro . It is the fifth installment of the live-action Transformers film series and a direct sequel to 2014 's Transformers : Age of Extinction . The film was directed by Michael Bay , with Mark Wahlberg and Stanley Tucci reprising their roles from Age of Extinction alongside Josh Duhamel , Tyrese Gibson , and John Turturro from the first three movies . Bay has stated this film marks his final picture in the franchise . The film is set to be released on June 21 , 2017 by Paramount Pictures in 2D , 3D , and IMAX 3D .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: There are two television series Morena Baccarin was part of.
Morena Silva de Vaz Setta Baccarin -LRB- -LSB- moˈɾenɐ ˈbakaɾĩ -RSB- ; born June 2 , 1979 -RRB- is a Brazilian American actress . She is known for portraying Inara Serra in the series Firefly and the follow-up film Serenity , Adria in the series Stargate SG-1 and the follow-up film Stargate : The Ark of Truth , Anna in the 2009 version of the series V , Vanessa in the superhero comedy film Deadpool , and Jessica Brody in the Showtime series Homeland -LRB- for which she received an Emmy nomination for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series in 2013 -RRB- . She plays the role of Dr. Leslie Thompkins in the Fox television series Gotham .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: There are two television series Morena Baccarin was part of.
Homeland is an American spy thriller television series developed by Howard Gordon and Alex Gansa based on the Israeli series Prisoners of War -LRB- Original title חטופים Hatufim , literally `` Abductees '' -RRB- , which was created by Gideon Raff . The series stars Claire Danes as Carrie Mathison , a Central Intelligence Agency officer with bipolar disorder , and Damian Lewis as Nicholas Brody , a U.S. Marine Corps Scout Sniper . Mathison had come to believe that Brody , who was held captive by al-Qaeda as a prisoner of war , was `` turned '' by the enemy and poses a threat to the United States . The series is broadcast in the U.S. on the cable channel Showtime , and is produced by Fox 21 Television Studios -LRB- formerly Fox 21 -RRB- . It premiered on October 2 , 2011 . The first episode was made available online , more than two weeks before the television broadcast , with viewers having to complete game tasks to gain access . On October 22 , 2013 , Showtime renewed Homeland for a fourth season , which premiered on October 5 , 2014 . On November 10 , 2014 , Showtime renewed the series for a 12-episode fifth season that premiered on October 4 , 2015 . On December 9 , 2015 , the series was renewed for a sixth season . The sixth season debuted on January 15 , 2017 . The series has also been renewed for a seventh and eighth season ; the eighth is planned to be the series ' final season by the creators . The series has received generally positive reviews , and has won several awards , including the 2012 Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Drama Series , and the 2011 and 2012 Golden Globe Award for Best Television Series -- Drama , as well as the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Series and Lead Actress in a Drama Series for Damian Lewis and Claire Danes , respectively .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: There are two television series Morena Baccarin was part of.
The Ori -LSB- ˈɒraɪ -RSB- are fictional characters in the science fiction television series , Stargate SG-1 . They are a group of `` ascended '' beings who use their advanced technology and knowledge of the universe to attempt to trick non-ascended humans into worshipping them as gods . They first appeared in the ninth season of Stargate SG-1 , replacing the Goa'uld as the show 's primary antagonists . While the Goa'uld relied on stolen technology from other civilizations to pose as gods , the Ori also have paranormal abilities in addition to very advanced technology . As Ascended beings , they live on a higher plane of existence with great power and knowledge and are as close to being `` gods '' as any non-deific being can be . The Ori fabricated a religion called Origin , which they use in an attempt to control non-ascended beings . The Ori also attempt to destroy any planets and civilizations that reject Origin .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: There are two television series Morena Baccarin was part of.
Firefly is an American space western drama television series created by writer and director Joss Whedon , under his Mutant Enemy Productions label . Whedon served as an executive producer , along with Tim Minear . The series is set in the year 2517 , after the arrival of humans in a new star system and follows the adventures of the renegade crew of Serenity , a `` Firefly-class '' spaceship . The ensemble cast portrays the nine characters who live on Serenity . Whedon pitched the show as `` nine people looking into the blackness of space and seeing nine different things '' . The show explores the lives of a group of people who fought on the losing side of a civil war and others who now make a living on the fringe of society , as part of the pioneer culture of their star system . In this future , the only two surviving superpowers , the United States and China , fused to form the central federal government , called the Alliance , resulting in the fusion of the two cultures . According to Whedon 's vision , `` nothing will change in the future : technology will advance , but we will still have the same political , moral , and ethical problems as today '' . Firefly premiered in the U.S. on the Fox network on September 20 , 2002 . By mid-December , Firefly had averaged 4.7 million viewers per episode and was 98th in Nielsen ratings . It was canceled after eleven of the fourteen produced episodes were aired . Despite the relatively short life span of the series , it received strong sales when it was released on DVD and has large fan support campaigns . It won a Primetime Emmy Award in 2003 for Outstanding Special Visual Effects for a Series . TV Guide ranked the series at No. 5 on their 2013 list of 60 shows that were `` Cancelled Too Soon '' . The post-airing success of the show led Whedon and Universal Pictures to produce Serenity , a 2005 film which continues from the story of the series , and the Firefly franchise expanded to other media , including comics and a role-playing game .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: Naturi Naughton was born in the year of 1984.
Naturi Cora Maria Naughton -LRB- born May 20 , 1984 -RRB- is an American actress and singer-songwriter . Naughton was one-third of the R&B trio 3LW and is known for her acting roles in Fame , Notorious , where she played Lil ' Kim , and The Playboy Club . Naughton was a series regular in season one of the Lifetime television drama series The Client List as Kendra . Naughton stars in the Starz drama Power as Tasha St. Patrick .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: Mel Gibson's name is Mel Colmcille Gerard Gibson.
Mel Colmcille Gerard Gibson -LRB- born January 3 , 1956 -RRB- is an American actor and filmmaker . He was born in Peekskill , New York , and moved with his parents to Sydney , Australia , when he was 12 years old . Gibson is best known as an action hero , for roles such as Martin Riggs in the Lethal Weapon buddy cop film series , and Max Rockatansky in the first three films in the Mad Max post-apocalyptic action series . He studied acting at the Australian National Institute of Dramatic Art . During the 1980s , he founded Icon Entertainment , a production company which independent film director Atom Egoyan has called , `` an alternative to the studio system '' . Director Peter Weir cast him as one of the leads in the critically acclaimed World War I drama Gallipoli -LRB- 1981 -RRB- , which earned Gibson a Best Actor Award from the Australian Film Institute . The film also helped to earn Gibson the reputation of a serious , versatile actor . Gibson produced , directed , and starred in the epic historical drama film Braveheart -LRB- 1995 -RRB- , for which he won the Golden Globe Award and Academy Award for Best Director , along with the Academy Award for Best Picture . He later directed and produced the financially successful and controversial , biblical drama film The Passion of the Christ -LRB- 2004 -RRB- . He received further critical notice for his directorial work of the action-adventure film Apocalypto -LRB- 2006 -RRB- , which is set in Mesoamerica during the early 16th century . After a 10-year hiatus from directing , Gibson returned with the critically praised and financially successful Hacksaw Ridge -LRB- 2016 -RRB- , which won the Academy Awards for Best Sound Mixing and Best Film Editing and earned Gibson his second nomination for Best Director .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: WALL-E is a Golden Globe Award winner.
WALL-E -LRB- stylized with an interpunct as WALL · E -RRB- is a 2008 American computer-animated dystopian science fiction comedy film directed and co-written by Andrew Stanton , produced by Jim Morris , and co-written by Jim Reardon . It stars the voices of Ben Burtt , Elissa Knight , Jeff Garlin , Fred Willard , John Ratzenberger , Kathy Najimy , Sigourney Weaver and the MacInTalk system . It was produced by Pixar Animation Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Pictures , and was the overall ninth feature film produced by the company . After directing Finding Nemo , Stanton felt Pixar had created believable simulations of underwater physics and was willing to direct a film set largely in space . WALL-E has minimal dialogue in its early sequences ; many of the characters do not have voices , but instead communicate with body language and robotic sounds designed by Ben Burtt . The film criticizes consumerism , corporatism , nostalgia , waste management , human environmental impact and concerns , obesity , and global catastrophic risk . It is also Pixar 's first animated film with segments featuring live-action characters . Following Pixar tradition , WALL-E was paired with a short film titled Presto for its theatrical release . WALL-E was released in the United States and Canada on June 27 , 2008 , by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures . It was an instant blockbuster , grossing $ 533.3 million worldwide over a $ 180 million budget , receiving overwhelming acclaim from critics and winning the 2008 Golden Globe Award for Best Animated Feature Film , the 2009 Hugo Award for Best Long Form Dramatic Presentation , the final Nebula Award for Best Script , the Saturn Award for Best Animated Film and the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature with five nominations . The film also topped Times `` Best Movies of the Decade '' .
Instruct: Given a claim, retrieve documents that support the claim Query: Generation X has no precise date for its cohort.
Generation X , or Gen X , is the demographic cohort following the baby boomers . There are no precise dates for when this cohort starts or ends ; demographers and researchers typically use starting birth years ranging from the early-to-mid 1960s and ending birth years ranging from the late 1970s to early 1980s . Generation X is a relatively smaller demographic cohort sandwiched between two larger demographic cohorts , the baby boomers and the millennials . Members of Generation X were children during a time of shifting societal values and as children were sometimes called the `` latchkey generation '' , due to reduced adult supervision compared to previous generations , a result of increasing divorce rates and increased maternal participation in the workforce , prior to widespread availability of childcare options outside of the home . As adolescents and young adults , they were dubbed the `` MTV Generation '' -LRB- a reference to the music video channel of the same name -RRB- and characterized as slackers and as cynical and disaffected . Some of the cultural influences on Gen X youth were the musical genres of grunge and hip hop music , and indie films . In midlife , research describes Gen X adults as active , happy , and as achieving a work -- life balance . The cohort has been credited with entrepreneurial tendencies .