[ "Background\n==========\n\n*Chlamydia trachomatis*is the most common bacterial pathogen associated with sexually transmitted genital tract infections both in the United States \\[[@B1]\\] and worldwide \\[[@B2]\\]. ", "It is generally accepted that most female genital tract infections with *C. trachomatis*are both asymptomatic and without severe sequelae \\[[@B3]\\]; and, that despite improved screening programs and the availability of highly effective antibiotics \\[[@B4]-[@B6]\\], there has been a significant increase in the incidence of *C. trachomatis*genital tract infection within the last half decade \\[[@B2],[@B7]\\]. ", "Although epidemiologic studies suggest that prior infection with *C. trachomatis*confers some short term protection against reinfection \\[[@B8],[@B9]\\], the exact nature of this acquired immunity remains undetermined as do issues relating to the serovar specificity and possible involvement of this immunity in the more severe sequelae associated with multiple and/or chronic infection \\[[@B10]-[@B12]\\].", "\n\nIt has been advanced that serovar specific immune responses, particularly those made to the major outer membrane protein (MOMP), contribute to protection, whereas responses to broadly shared antigens, particularly those induced by chlamydial heat shock protein 60 (Hsp60), are associated with the immunopathologic injury that contributes to ectopic pregnancy and tubal infertility \\[[@B13]-[@B19]\\]. ", "There is also increasing evidence from both human epidemiologic studies and animal model experiments to support the hypothesis that a protective immune response to reinfection is a complex, site of infection variable interaction between *C. trachomatis*and specific Th1 dominant cellular responses and interferon-gamma mediated Th1 augmenting humoral responses \\[[@B20],[@B21]\\].", "\n\nIn attempts to understand the salient features and specific components of this interplay, a great deal of work has been performed using slightly modified versions of a murine model of female genital tract infection first described by Tuffrey and Taylor-Robinson \\[[@B22]\\]. ", "In our laboratory, we routinely use strains belonging to the human oculogenital biovar of *C. trachomatis*and have previously reported significant differences in the course of infection among strains belonging to 7 oculogenital serovars, which loosely correlated with the prevalence of the serovars among human clinical isolates, especially for the most and least prevalent serovars, i.e. D and E versus H and I \\[[@B23]\\].", "\n\nThe purpose of the present study was to expand on these observations by assessing the degree of homotypic and heterotypic protection against reinfection that follows resolution of infection with human isolates of *C. trachomatis*. ", "Two strains were selected from the previously studied collection of strains: the strain of serovar D which was shown to establish the longest duration of infection (median duration of 38 days) and greatest humoral response; and the serovar H strain which had the shortest duration (median duration of 7 days) and lowest humoral response. ", "In addition, lower genital tract infection with serovar D was shown to both ascend into the uterine horns with a greater frequency than serovar H, as well as shed more infectious units during the acute phase of infection \\[[@B23]\\]. ", "In a separate study we demonstrated a link between certain in vitro growth characteristics and differences in the level of cytotoxic activity associated with elementary bodies between these strains \\[[@B24]\\]. ", "Thus, strain selection was made with the intention of reflecting the greatest diversity observed among the strains studied in the murine model, as well as to represent serovars that have significantly different prevalence rates among human isolates in the hope that the results of the study would provide some insight into the possible causes of these differences. ", "Duration of genital tract infection was used to determine the extent of protection, and humoral and cellular immune response data were evaluated to identify factors that associated with any observed protection.", "\n\nMethods\n=======\n\nAnimals\n-------\n\nOutbred CF-1 female mice (Charles River Labs) were purchased at 7 weeks of age and were allowed to acclimate for one week prior to use. ", "All experiments were conducted in a BL-2 containment facility in compliance with animal care regulations and under protocols approved by the institutional research animal care committee.", "\n\nBacteria and culture technique\n------------------------------\n\nMycoplasma-free and pure PCR-typed strains of serovar D and H \\[[@B23],[@B24]\\] were propagated, purified, titrated, and isolated in cycloheximide treated McCoy cell monolayers using standard techniques. ", "Separate vials of the same -70°C stored stocks were used for both infections.", "\n\nMurine model\n------------\n\nProgesterone, in the form of medroxyprogesterone acetate (Depo-Provera, Upjohn), was given subcutaneously (sc) in 2.5 mg doses, 10 and 3 days prior to infection \\[[@B22],[@B23]\\]. ", "Prior to infection, vaginal specimens were obtained for culture and cytology, and 2 hours later mice were inoculated intravaginally by direct instillation of 25 μl of sucrose phosphate buffered transport medium (SP) containing 1--3 × 10^7^inclusion forming units (ifu).", "\n\nSample collection\n-----------------\n\nThe presence of *Chlamydia*in the lower genital tract was determined by swabbing the vaginal vault and ectocervix with a calcium alginate swab, which was cultured for the organism. ", "Plasma and vaginal secretions were obtained prior to infection. ", "Blood was taken from a small tail vein incision, diluted 1:10 in PBS, and the plasma (P) was separated by centrifugation. ", "Vaginal secretions (VS) were collected over a two-hour period by absorption into a piece of surgical sponge, and eluted into 400 μl of PBS. ", "All samples were frozen at -20°C until tested.", "\n\nSerological analyses\n--------------------\n\nAnti-chlamydial IgG and IgA titers in blood and vaginal secretions were determined by indirect solid phase enzyme immunoassay (EIA) using SDS solubilized Ct elementary bodies as antigen. ", "Western immunoblot analysis were performed on a similar antigen preparation which had been SDS-PAGE separated and transferred to nitrocellulose paper. ", "After incubation with sample (P at a final dilution1:200; VS at a final dilution of 1:20), reactive bands were visualized with standard EIA reagents.", "\n\nSpleen cell analysis\n--------------------\n\nCellular immune responses were determined using a standard assay for ^3^H-thymidine (^3^H-Td) incorporation. ", "Specific responses were measured using formalin preserved elementary bodies (EB) at a ratio of 100 EB:1 spleen cell, and non-specific responses measured using concavalin A (Con A) at 2 μg/ml, phytohemagglutinin (PHA) at 5 μg/ml, and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) at 100 μg/ml. ", "Single-cell suspensions were prepared by gently pressing the spleen through a nylon sieve. ", "Debris was allowed to settle for 2 min, and the supernatant containing single cells was spun down at 500 × g for 10 minutes. ", "Erythrocytes were lysed with NH~4~Cl solution and cells were washed three times with RPMI 1640 medium containing 10% fetal bovine serum and plated in triplicate, in 96-well plates at a concentration of 5 × 10^5^cells per well. ", "Proliferative responses were measured by uptake of 1 μCi of ^3^H-thymidine (^3^HTd) per well for the last 24 hours of a 72 hour incubation period. ", "As a measure of response, a stimulation index (SI) was calculated (SI = ^3^H-Td incorporation with stimulation/^3^HTd incorporation without stimulation).", "\n\nStatistical evaluation\n----------------------\n\nDuration of infection data were analyzed by the Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test; meaned data by F-Test; and frequency data by Chi Square.", "\n\nResults\n=======\n\nHomotypic and heterotypic protection against reinfection\n--------------------------------------------------------\n\nConsistent with our previous report \\[[@B23]\\], intravaginal inoculation with the serovar D strain resulted in a longer duration of infection in previously uninfected mice compared with the serovar H strain (22.5 days versus 15.5 days, p = 0.05) (Table [1](#T1){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "Analysis of the effect of prior *C. trachomatis*genital tract infection on the duration of infection following homotypic and heterotypic reinfection showed that infection with serovar H resulted in only slight homotypic protection (15.5 days versus 10 days duration of infection: p = 0.1), while serovar D infection resulted in significant homotypic (22.5 days versus 12 days duration of infection: p \\< 0.01) and heterotypic protection (15.5 days versus 5 days duration of infection: p \\< 0.01) against reinfection (Table [1](#T1){ref-type=\"table\"}).", "\n\n###### \n\nAcquired Homotypic and Heterotypic Immunity Against Oculogenital *Chlamydia trachomatis*Serovars Following Female Genital Tract Infection in Mice\n\n Infection Serovar Number of Animals Number of Animals Culture Positive on Reinfection Day Median Duration of Infection Wilcoxon Rank Sum p Value \n ------------------- ------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ --------------------------- ---- ---- ---- --- ---- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ------ --------\n D H 12 12 5 3 2 5 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 \\<0.01\n H H 12 12 11 8 8 10 3 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 \\~0.10\n None H 12 12 12 12 12 11 6 5 2 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 15.5 \\--\n \n D D 12 12 9 7 9 7 5 4 2 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 \\<0.01\n H D 12 12 12 12 12 11 6 10 7 7 4 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 24 NS\n None D 12 12 12 12 12 11 7 5 6 4 4 2 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 22.5 \\--\n\n^1^Median duration of infections during the primary infection phase of this study were 10 days with serovar H and 33 days with serovar D.\n\nHumoral immune responses\n------------------------\n\n### Quantitative\n\nAs in our previous study \\[[@B23]\\], genital tact infection with serovar D resulted in a significantly greater quantitative anti-chlamydial humoral response compared to the response to serovar H infection (Table [2](#T2){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "Serovar D induced significantly higher plasma (p \\< 0.05) and vaginal (p \\< 0.05) IgG levels as compared to serovar H. Although no quantitative differences between the IgA responses following infection with either serovar D and H were observed in the vaginal secretions of animals with detectable levels of antibody, a significant difference was observed in the frequency of IgA positive vaginal secretions from serovar H and D infected animals prior to reinfection (11/24 for H vs 21/24 for D, p \\< 0.01, data not shown). ", "In all cases, similar homologous and heterologous antibody titers were detected against both antigen preparations used in the assay.", "\n\n###### \n\nSerologic Analysis of Plasma and Vaginal Secretions Following Infection and Immediately Prior to Reinfection with *Chlamydia trachomatis*Serovars D and H\n\n Plasma and Vaginal Secretion Titers (Log ~2~) (p Value) \n ------ --- ---- --------------------------------------------------------- ---------- ------ ----- ----- -----\n D H 12 13.0 13.6 8.3 8.7 7.2 8.3\n (\\<0.05) (\\<0.05) (NS) \n H H 12 11.0 11.2 5.3 6.1 6.7 6.8\n None H 12 \\<6 \\<6 \\<2 \\<2 \\<2 \\<2\n \n D D 12 12.5 13.1 7.8 8.3 7.3 7.6\n (\\<0.05) (\\<0.05) (NS) \n H D 12 11.4 11.4 5.3 5.5 6.0 6.4\n None D 12 \\<6 \\<6 \\<2 \\<2 \\<2 \\<2\n\n^1^Values listed are the mean titers of IgA positive animals only.", "\n\n### Qualitative\n\nTables [3](#T3){ref-type=\"table\"} and [4](#T4){ref-type=\"table\"} contain the Western immunoblot analysis of plasma and vaginal secretions from representative animals following resolution of initial infection and immediately prior to reinfection with serovar H (Table [3](#T3){ref-type=\"table\"}) or with serovar D (Table [4](#T4){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "Consistent with the quantitative findings, plasma and vaginal secretions from serovar D infected mice contained antibodies to a greater array of antigens than specimens from serovar H infected mice; and although often more intense when homologous, plasma from mice infected with either serovar gave similar immunoblot patterns against both antigen preparations, thus demonstrating the induction of a high level of cross-reacting IgG during infection.", "\n\n###### \n\nSerological Analysis of Plasma and Vaginal Secretions from Representative Animals Following Primary Infection with Either *Chlamydia trachomatis*Serovar H or D and Immediately Prior to Infection with Serovar H\n\n H Primary Infection D Primary Infection \n ----------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- ---- ---- ----- ----- ---- ---- ----- ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- --- ---- ---- ---- --- ---- --- --- --- ---- ---- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---- --- ---\n Animal J1 H3 J3 L1 H4 J2 R1 X1 X2 R4 T2 Y4 \n \n Infection Duration (Days) \n \n Primary 24 24 8 24 6 24 38 42 24 42 28 42 \n Secondary 2 4 10 10 21 21 2 2 4 6 14 17 \n \n Plasma and Vaginal Secretion Titers (Log 2) and IgG Immunoblot Reactions Against serovar H and D \n \n H D H D H D H D H D H D H D H D H D H D H D H D \n P IgG 14 13 13 13 7 8 13 13 7 8 13 13 12 13 13 14 13 13 14 14 13 13 12 13 \n V IgG 8 8 8 8 2 3 9 9 \\<2 \\<2 8 9 7 8 8 7 8 9 8 8 8 8 8 8 \n V IgA 9 8 8 8 \\<2 \\<2 8 8 \\<2 \\<2 4 4 5 7 8 9 7 8 7 8 8 9 8 9 \n \n MW (kD) P V P V P V P V P V P V P V P V P V P V P V P V P V P V P V P V P V P V P V P V P V P V P V P V\n \n 190 \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \n 140 \n 120 · \\- · \\- \n 115 \n 110 · · \n 108 \n 106 • • • • \n 102 \n 100 \\- · \n 96 \n 92 · \\- • · \n 90 \n 78 · \\- \n 72 \n 66 · \\- · \\- • · \n 64 \n 62 · \\- · · • · · • • \\- • · · · • · • · • · · \\- · · • · • · \n 61.5 \n 60 ● · • • • · • • · \\- · \\- • • ● • • • • • • • • • • ● • • ● • • • ● • • •\n 58 · \\- \n 56 · \\- \n 50 · \\- · \\- · \\- \n 46.5 • · ● • · \\- • · · \\- ● · · \\- ● • • • • • • · • • • • • · · \\- ● ●\n 40 \n 38 \n 36 · \\- · \\- · \\- \n 33 \n 29 · \\- · \\- · \\- • • • • · · • •\n 26 \n 22.5 • \\- \n 19.5 \n 15.5 · · · · \n\n\\- = No reaction\n\nPlasma = P\n\n· = Barely visible\n\nVaginal secretions = V\n\n• = Weak\n\n● = Strong\n\n###### \n\nSerological Analysis of Plasma and Vaginal Secretions from Representative Animals Following Primary Infection with Either *Chlamydia trachomatis*Serovar H or D and Immediately Prior to Infection with Serovar D\n\n H Primary Infection D Primary Infection \n ----------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ---- ----- ----- ----- ---- ---- ---- ----- ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----- ----- --- --- --- --- --- ---- --- --- ---- ---- ---- ---- --- ---- --- ---- --- ---- --- ---- --- ---- --- ---\n Animal I1 G3 K2 G2 K3 I4 Z1 S4 Q4 Z2 Q2 S1 \n \n Infection Duration (Days) \n \n Primary 6 10 6 31 14 6 45 21 14 45 52 10 \n Secondary 10 17 24 28 35 38 2 4 10 14 24 28 \n \n Plasma and Vaginal Secretion Titers (Log ~2~) and IgG Immunoblot Reactions Against serovar H and D \n \n H D H D H D H D H D H D H D H D H D H D H D H D \n P IgG 11 11 13 13 11 11 12 12 9 9 13 11 14 14 12 13 11 11 13 14 14 14 11 11 \n V IgG 5 5 7 6 2 4 6 7 4 4 5 5 11 11 7 7 7 8 9 10 9 9 4 5 \n V IgA \\<2 \\<2 \\<2 \\<2 \\<2 \\<2 7 8 \\<2 \\<2 \\<2 2 3 5 \\<2 \\<2 4 6 8 9 10 9 \\<2 \\<2 \n \n MW (kD) P V P V P V P V P V P V P V P V P V P V P V P V P V P V P V P V P V P V P V P V P V P V P V P V\n \n 190 \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \\- \n 140 \n 120 · \\- \n 115 \n 110 \n 108 \n 106 · \\- · \\- \n 102 \n 100 \n 96 \n 92 \\- · \n 90 \n 78 · \\- \n 72 \n 66 · \\- \n 64 \n 62 ● · • \\- • · • • · · • · · · · · · \\- ● · ● · ● ● ● ● \n 61.5 \n 60 ● • ● • · \\- · \\- • · • · ● • • • • · • • · \\- · · • · • \\- • • • • · · • ·\n 58 \n 56 \n 50 \n 46.5 · \\- · \\- ● • • · • · • · • · · \\- ● · • · · \\- ● • · \\- • • • · • · · \\- ● • · \\- • ·\n 40 \n 38 \\- · \n 36 • · • • · \\- · \\- \n 33 \n 29 · \\- · \\- \\- · • · • • · \\- · \\- · · • ·\n 26 \n 22.5 · \\- · \\- \n 19.5 · \\- · · · \\- \n 15.5 · · · · \n\n\\- = No reaction\n\nPlasma = P\n\n· = Barely visible\n\nVaginal secretions = V\n\n• = Weak\n\n● = Strong\n\nWith the exception of the link between quantitative humoral response and protection, statistical analysis of the serologic and duration of infection data did not detect a humoral factor(s) that correlated with the shorter duration of infection observed following reinfection.", "\n\nSplenic lymphocyte responses\n----------------------------\n\nTable [5](#T5){ref-type=\"table\"} summarizes the chlamydia-specific and mitogen non-specific splenic lymphocyte responses obtained from groups of four animals 55 days following genital tract inoculation with either serovar H or D. Mean responses to PHA and both elementary body preparations were greater following infection with either serovar when compared to non-infected controls (p 0.05); while responses to both Con-A and LPS were not different from controls. ", "No association could be found between a particular pattern or magnitude of cellular responses and an individual animals duration of infection.", "\n\n###### \n\nSplenic Lymphocyte Responses 55 Days After Primary Infection with Serovars H and D\n\n Mean Stimulation Index ± 1 SEM \n --------- -------------------------------- -------------- ------------- -------------- -------------\n Control 13.0 ± 1.7 15.9 ± 1.8 79.5 ± 12.0 6.2 ± 1.8 58.4 ± 5.3\n H 19.2 ± 3.1\\* 23.4 ± 4.1\\* 96.2 ± 15.6 11.3 ± 6.4\\* 58.7 ± 15.8\n D 19 ± 1.5\\* 21.7 ± 1.7\\* 78.8 ± 6.8 11.9 ± 6.4\\* 51.1 ± 6.3\n\n\\*Significantly different from Control mean at p 0.05\n\nDiscussion\n==========\n\nUsing a murine model of *C. trachomatis*female genital tract infection, we have demonstrated that homotypic immunity against reinfection was induced following initial infection with either serovar D or H, but that a more significant level of protection was observed following infection with serovar D. However, heterotypic protection against reinfection was strain dependant and was seen only when the initial infection was with the more virulent and immunogenic strain of serovar D. These results are the first demonstration of heterotypic immunity between two oculogenital serovars following female genital tract infection in the mouse model, as well as being the first comparative study that suggests a possible strain dependent restriction on the process. ", "The findings are consistent with other studies that have observed heterotypic immunity in the context of MoPn and serovar E. Also consistent with prior reports is the correlation between the level of protection observed and the virulence of the strains used to infect the mouse genital tract, with the more virulent MoPn inducing a more solid level of heterotypic immunity against serovar E than was observed in the reverse situation \\[[@B25],[@B26]\\]. ", "Finally, the observed differences in heterotypic and homotypic responses between serovars D and H could explain in part the relatively stable differences in the frequency of these two serovars among human isolates from different geographic locations \\[[@B27]-[@B33]\\], i.e. a prior infection with a more virulent/immunogenic serovar would confer a greater degree of protection against infection with a less virulent/immunogenic serovar, thus reducing the incidence of the latter by reducing the efficiency of serial transmission.", "\n\nConsistent with human epidemiologic data \\[[@B8],[@B9]\\], the protection observed in this model against reinfection with oculogenital serovars of *C. trachomatis*was not complete, but rather acted in a way that reduced the duration of infection and level of bacterial shedding (data not shown) during infection. ", "With the notable exception that serovar H infection resulted in a lesser quantitative and qualitative humoral response, a thorough analysis of the individual and collective data was unable to identify any specific element(s) that correlated with protection. ", "This finding is consistent with a report in which a similarly extensive analysis of cellular and humoral responses was performed in a comparison of the acquired immunity induced by infection with MoPn and serovar E \\[[@B25]\\]. ", "Although not proof, this does support the current working hypothesis that acquired immunity to *C. trachomatis*female genital tract infection is a complex and integrated phenomena that relies on both Th1 and Th2 type responses made during the course of infection, which in turn enhance innate immune responses upon reinfection \\[[@B20]\\]. ", "This complexity, which likely arises out of the ever changing physiologic and immunologic milieu within and between anatomically distinct but connected regions of the female genital tract, may account for the difficulty identifying specific components of what may be a flexible pattern of responses that lead to a given individual\\'s level of protection against or risk of severe upper genital tract pathology \\[[@B21]\\].", "\n\nWomen with recurrent *C. trachomatis*infection are at increased risk of reproductive sequelae, including pelvic inflammatory disease, ectopic pregnancy and tubal infertility \\[[@B10]-[@B12]\\], which have been linked to both cellular and humoral immune responses induced during infection \\[[@B13]-[@B19]\\]. ", "How the nature and level of homotypic and/or extent of heterotypic immunity in the murine model extrapolate to the risk of upper genital tract pathology and infertility was not assessed in this study, and is an area of investigation that has yet to be systematically addressed. ", "Most of the experimental data relating to the severe sequelae associated with *C. trachomatis*female genital tract infection has been obtained in studies using *C. muridarum*, MoPn \\[[@B34],[@B35]\\]. ", "As a result, it has not been possible to clearly assess the immunologic features that are thought to contribute to severe sequelae within the human female genital tract, because the damage that occurs within the murine genital tract following infection with MoPn is a consequence of acute and not chronic infectious processes and/or recurrent infection \\[[@B36],[@B37]\\]. ", "Typically in the mouse and in most women, human oculogenital serovars are limited in their ability to ascend with any major pathologic consequence from the initial site of infection within the lower genital tract. ", "However, infection of female C3H/HeN with a strain of serovar E has been shown to ascend and cause infertility without gross pathology at a low incidence following a single infection and with increased incidence upon reinfection \\[[@B26]\\]. ", "Of particular interest is that none of these mice developed hydrosalpinx, which is the hallmark of upper tract infection with MoPn, indicating a possible alternative mechanism for the induction of infertility, one different from the tubal dilation, scarring and associated hydosalpinx that occurs as a sequelae to MoPn infection. ", "Although no specific immunologic mechanism was identified as contributing to the development of infertility, it was noted that the C3H/HeN mouse is an Hsp60 responding strain and that Hsp60 responding strains of mice are more susceptible to MoPn induced infertility while non-responders can be infected but do not experience severe upper tract pathology. ", "It will be worthwhile to determine if the two *C. trachomatis*strains used in the present study show a similar relationship to each other in C3H/HeN mice and whether homotypic and/or heterotypic elements of immunity play a role in the progression of events that lead to severe upper tract pathology, which is essentially the reason why *C. trachomatis*genital tract infections are significant and why intervention and prevention strategies are needed.", "\n\nConclusion\n==========\n\nIn conclusion, we demonstrate in the first study comparing phenotypically different strains representing two human oculogenital serovars that both the level of homotypic protection against reinfection and the ability to confer heterotypic protection correlated with the virulence/immunogenicity of the strain. ", "Extrapolating the results to human epidemiologic data could explain in part the relatively stable differences in the frequency between the most and least prevalent serovars based on a serovars ability to induce or not induce heterotypic immunity. ", "Although no specific cellular or humoral factor(s) could be identified that associated with the observed protection, it is clear that heterotypic immunity can be induced and that the systematic study of human oculogenital serovars in the mouse model of female genital tract infection could provide information that leads to an understanding of what distinguishes a protective from an immunopathic response to infection.", "\n\nCompeting interests\n===================\n\nThe author(s) declare that they have no competing interests.", "\n\nAuthors\\' contributions\n=======================\n\nJoseph M. Lyons participated in the design, planning, execution and supervision of the study, and drafted original and final manuscripts. ", "Servaas A. Morré analyzed the data and constructed the tables that appear in the manuscript. ", "Lucy P. Airo-Brown performed the animal experiments and developed the serologic assays used in the study. ", "A. Salvador Peña provided direction during the development of the integrated approach to the study of the *Chlamydia trachomatis*infections of the female genital tract of which this report is a part. ", "James I. Ito planned and approved the study design, and participated in the preparation of the manuscript. ", "All authors read and approved the manuscript.", "\n\nPre-publication history\n=======================\n\nThe pre-publication history for this paper can be accessed here:\n\n<http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2334/5/105/prepub>\n\nAcknowledgements\n================\n\nThis work was supported in part by Public Health Service grant AI-23792 from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.", "\n" ]
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[ "Ten-wheel drive\n\nTen-wheel drive, 10WD or 10×10 is a drivetrain configuration of ten wheels, all of which are driven simultaneously by the engine.", "\nUnlike four-wheel drive drivetrains, this configuration is only used in extreme off-road and military uses, in particular heavy duty uses, such a heavy haulage and missile carriers. ", "It is also used in lorries.", "\n\nThe Oshkosh M1074 and M1075 prime mover units in the U.S. Army's Palletized Load System (PLS), the U.S. Marine's 10x10 Oshkosh Logistic Vehicle System Replacement (LVSR), and the Tatra T816 10×10 cargo carrier are all examples of vehicles using this particular driveline system. ", "Some severe/extreme duty semi tractors may also have this drive configuration.", "\n\n10x10's are not as common as 4×4's, 6×6's and 8×8's.", "\n\nCategory:Car layouts\nCategory:Drivetrain" ]
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[ "/*\n * Copyright (C) 2018 Jared Rummler\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.", "\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.", "\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.", "\n */\n\npackage com.jaredrummler.cyanea.inflator\n\nimport android.content.", "Context\nimport android.content.", "ContextWrapper\nimport android.util.", "AttributeSet\nimport android.view.", "LayoutInflater\nimport android.view.", "View\nimport android.view.", "ViewGroup\nimport com.jaredrummler.cyanea.inflator.decor.", "CyaneaDecorator\nimport com.jaredrummler.cyanea.utils.", "Reflection\n\n/**\n * A [LayoutInflater] that intercepts views on creation.", "\n *\n * Based on the LayoutInflater by Christopher Jenkins.", "\n * See: https://github.com/chrisjenx/Calligraphy\n */\nclass CyaneaLayoutInflater : LayoutInflater {\n constructor(context: ContextWrapper) : this(from(context.baseContext), context)\n constructor(inflater: LayoutInflater, context: Context) : this(inflater, context, false)\n constructor(inflater: LayoutInflater, context: Context, cloned: Boolean) : super(inflater, context) {\n if (!", "cloned) {\n if (factory2 !", "= null && factory2 !", "is WrapperFactory2) {\n factory2 = factory2\n }\n if (factory !", "= null && factory !", "is WrapperFactory) {\n factory = factory\n }\n }\n }\n\n private var setPrivateFactory: Boolean = false\n var viewFactory: CyaneaViewFactory? ", "= null\n var decorators: Array<CyaneaDecorator>? ", "= null\n\n override fun cloneInContext(newContext: Context): LayoutInflater {\n val inflater = CyaneaLayoutInflater(this, newContext, true)\n inflater.viewFactory = viewFactory\n inflater.decorators = decorators\n return inflater\n }\n\n override fun inflate(resource: Int, root: ViewGroup?, ", "attachToRoot: Boolean): View {\n setPrivateFactoryInternal()\n return super.inflate(resource, root, attachToRoot)\n }\n\n override fun setFactory(factory: LayoutInflater.", "Factory) {\n if (factory !", "is WrapperFactory) {\n super.setFactory(WrapperFactory(this, factory))\n } else {\n super.setFactory(factory)\n }\n }\n\n override fun setFactory2(factory2: LayoutInflater.", "Factory2) {\n if (factory2 !", "is WrapperFactory2) {\n super.setFactory2(WrapperFactory2(this, factory2))\n } else {\n super.setFactory2(factory2)\n }\n }\n\n @Throws(ClassNotFoundException::class)\n override fun onCreateView(name: String, attrs: AttributeSet): View? {", "\n for (prefix in CLASS_PREFIX_LIST) {\n try {\n createView(name, prefix, attrs)?.let { return processView(it, attrs) }\n } catch (ignored: ClassNotFoundException) {\n }\n }\n super.onCreateView(name, attrs)?.let { return processView(it, attrs) } ?: ", "return null\n }\n\n /**\n * Method to dispatch our view and attributes to the [CyaneaViewFactory].", "\n * Called immediately after [onCreateView][CyaneaLayoutInflater.onCreateView]\n *\n * @param view\n * The view being inflated\n * @param attrs\n * The attributes for the view\n * @return Newly created view\n */\n private fun processView(view: View?, ", "attrs: AttributeSet): View? {", "\n if (view == null) return null\n decorators?.forEach { it.apply(view, attrs) }\n viewFactory?.let { return it.onViewCreated(view, attrs) } ?: ", "return view\n }\n\n /**\n * Method to inflate custom layouts that haven't been handled else where. ", "If this fails it will fall back\n * through to the PhoneLayoutInflater method of inflating custom views where we will NOT have a hook into.", "\n *\n * @param view\n * view if it has been inflated by this point, if this is not null this method just returns this value.", "\n * @param name\n * name of the thing to inflate.", "\n * @param context\n * Context to inflate by if parent is null\n * @param attrs\n * Attr for this view which we can steal fontPath from too.", "\n * @return view or the View we inflate in here.", "\n */\n private fun createCustomView(view: View?, ", "name: String, context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet): View? {", "\n // I by no means advise anyone to do this normally, but Google has locked down access to the createView() method,\n // so we never get a callback with attributes at the end of the createViewFromTag chain (which would solve all\n // this unnecessary rubbish). ", "We at the very least try to optimise this as much as possible. ", "We only call for\n // customViews (As they are the ones that never go through onCreateView(...)). ", "We also maintain the Field\n // reference and make it accessible which will make a pretty significant difference to performance on Android 4.0+.", "\n if (view == null && name.indexOf('.') ", "> -1) {\n Reflection.getField(LayoutInflater::class.java, \"mConstructorArgs\")?.let { field ->\n if (!", "field.isAccessible) field.isAccessible = true\n @Suppress(\"UNCHECKED_CAST\")\n val constructionArgs = field.get(this) as? ", "Array<Any> ?: ", "return null\n // The LayoutInflater actually finds out the correct context to use.", "\n // We just need to set it on the mConstructor for the internal method.", "\n val lastContext = constructionArgs[0]\n constructionArgs[0] = context\n field.set(this, constructionArgs)\n try {\n createView(name, null, attrs)?.let { v -> return v }\n } catch (e: ClassNotFoundException) {\n } finally {\n constructionArgs[0] = lastContext\n field.set(this, constructionArgs)\n }\n }\n }\n return view\n }\n\n private fun setPrivateFactoryInternal() {\n if (setPrivateFactory) {\n return\n }\n\n if (context !", "is LayoutInflater.", "Factory2) {\n setPrivateFactory = true\n return\n }\n\n val method = Reflection.getMethod(LayoutInflater::class.java, \"setPrivateFactory\", Factory2::class.java)\n method?.let {\n val factory2 = context as? ", "LayoutInflater.", "Factory2 ?: ", "return\n val factory = PrivateWrapperFactory2(this, factory2)\n try {\n it.invoke(this, factory)\n } catch (ignored: Exception) {\n }\n }\n\n setPrivateFactory = true\n }\n\n private fun createViewFromDelegate(parent: View?, ", "name: String, context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet): View? ", "=\n inflationDelegate?.createView(parent, name, context, attrs)\n\n private class WrapperFactory internal constructor(\n private val inflater: CyaneaLayoutInflater,\n private val factory: LayoutInflater.", "Factory\n ) : LayoutInflater.", "Factory {\n\n override fun onCreateView(name: String, context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet): View? ", "=\n processView(inflater.createViewFromDelegate(null, name, context, attrs)\n ?: ", "factory.onCreateView(name, context, attrs), attrs)\n\n protected fun processView(view: View?, ", "attrs: AttributeSet): View? ", "= inflater.processView(view, attrs)\n }\n\n private open class WrapperFactory2 internal constructor(\n internal val inflater: CyaneaLayoutInflater,\n internal val factory: LayoutInflater.", "Factory2\n ) : LayoutInflater.", "Factory2 {\n\n override fun onCreateView(parent: View?, ", "name: String, context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet): View? ", "=\n processView(inflater.createViewFromDelegate(parent, name, context, attrs)\n ?: ", "factory.onCreateView(parent, name, context, attrs), attrs)\n\n override fun onCreateView(name: String, context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet): View? ", "=\n processView(inflater.createViewFromDelegate(null, name, context, attrs)\n ?: ", "factory.onCreateView(name, context, attrs), attrs)\n\n protected fun processView(view: View?, ", "attrs: AttributeSet): View? ", "= inflater.processView(view, attrs)\n }\n\n private class PrivateWrapperFactory2 internal constructor(\n inflater: CyaneaLayoutInflater,\n factory: LayoutInflater.", "Factory2\n ) : WrapperFactory2(inflater, factory) {\n\n override fun onCreateView(parent: View?, ", "name: String, context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet): View? ", "=\n factory.onCreateView(parent, name, context, attrs).let { view ->\n processView(\n inflater.createViewFromDelegate(view, name, context, attrs)\n ?: ", "inflater.createCustomView(view, name, context, attrs), attrs\n )\n }\n }\n\n companion object {\n private val CLASS_PREFIX_LIST = arrayOf(\"android.widget.\", \"", "android.webkit.\", \"", "android.app.\")", "\n internal var inflationDelegate: CyaneaInflationDelegate? ", "= null\n }\n}\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow to iterate making a graph?", "\n\nI am working with Seattle crime data. ", "Below is a sample dataset. ", " I have two questions.", "\nlibrary(ggplot2)\nlibrary(ggmap)\n\n SPD_2015 <- structure(list(summarized.offense.description = c(\"OTHER PROPERTY\", \n \"CAR PROWL\", \"ASSAULT\", \"SHOPLIFTING\", \"VEHICLE THEFT\", \"OTHER PROPERTY\", \n \"OTHER PROPERTY\", \"PROSTITUTION\", \"CAR PROWL\", \"PROPERTY DAMAGE\", \n \"CAR PROWL\", \"ASSAULT\", \"FRAUD\", \"SHOPLIFTING\", \"ROBBERY\", \"WARRANT ARREST\", \n \"VEHICLE THEFT\", \"CAR PROWL\", \"PROPERTY DAMAGE\", \"ASSAULT\", \"VEHICLE THEFT\", \n \"OTHER PROPERTY\", \"CAR PROWL\", \"FRAUD\", \"CAR PROWL\", \"CAR PROWL\", \n \"CAR PROWL\", \"THREATS\", \"CAR PROWL\", \"DISTURBANCE\", \"CAR PROWL\", \n \"CAR PROWL\", \"EMBEZZLE\", \"THREATS\", \"CAR PROWL\", \"PROPERTY DAMAGE\", \n \"STOLEN PROPERTY\", \"ASSAULT\", \"LOST PROPERTY\", \"BURGLARY-SECURE PARKING-RES\", \n \"THREATS\", \"PROPERTY DAMAGE\", \"FRAUD\", \"CAR PROWL\", \"BURGLARY\", \n \"ASSAULT\", \"THEFT OF SERVICES\", \"OTHER PROPERTY\", \"DISTURBANCE\", \n \"BIKE THEFT\", \"BURGLARY\", \"CAR PROWL\", \"FRAUD\", \"CAR PROWL\", \n \"VEHICLE THEFT\", \"DISTURBANCE\", \"BURGLARY\", \"BURGLARY\", \"BURGLARY\", \n \"OTHER PROPERTY\", \"CAR PROWL\", \"CAR PROWL\", \"BURGLARY\", \"BURGLARY\", \n \"OTHER PROPERTY\", \"FRAUD\", \"CAR PROWL\", \"BURGLARY\", \"NARCOTICS\", \n \"THREATS\", \"PROPERTY DAMAGE\", \"TRESPASS\", \"ASSAULT\", \"FRAUD\", \n \"CAR PROWL\", \"BURGLARY\", \"CAR PROWL\", \"BURGLARY-SECURE PARKING-RES\", \n \"FRAUD\", \"CAR PROWL\", \"FRAUD\", \"THREATS\", \"CAR PROWL\", \"BURGLARY\", \n \"TRESPASS\", \"TRESPASS\", \"OTHER PROPERTY\", \"STOLEN PROPERTY\", \n \"STOLEN PROPERTY\", \"WARRANT ARREST\", \"WARRANT ARREST\", \"FRAUD\", \n \"CAR PROWL\", \"OTHER PROPERTY\", \"PROPERTY DAMAGE\", \"BURGLARY\", \n \"FRAUD\", \"OTHER PROPERTY\", \"FRAUD\", \"CAR PROWL\"), longitude = c(-122.300109863, \n -122.385444641, -122.269958496, -122.341133118, -122.311935425, \n -122.256233215, -122.344665527, -122.302001953, -122.344993591, \n -122.311782837, -122.325790405, -122.337394714, -122.317298889, \n -122.365219116, -122.33140564, -122.343269348, -122.300140381, \n -122.280647278, -122.349700928, -122.340240479, -122.354415894, \n -122.345626831, -122.317359924, -122.378921509, -122.390213013, \n -122.354415894, -122.337089539, -122.280601501, -122.359313965, \n -122.337791443, -122.330421448, -122.343261719, -122.396110535, \n -122.311546326, -122.316917419, -122.262084961, -122.340454102, \n -122.320770264, -122.315254211, -122.344444275, -122.304519653, \n -122.319442749, -122.36756134, -122.330039978, -122.337348938, \n -122.330810547, -122.303710938, -122.327880859, -122.382667542, \n -122.322769165, -122.313537598, -122.301094055, -122.4034729, \n -122.333267212, -122.32888031, -122.382377625, -122.310951233, \n -122.318778992, -122.326576233, -122.354827881, -122.382377625, \n -122.378768921, -122.315391541, -122.311248779, -122.311393738, \n -122.32408905, -122.367424011, -122.338768005, -122.297531128, \n -122.374198914, -122.348678589, -122.326385498, -122.33303833, \n -122.381492615, -122.338088989, -122.282745361, -122.316902161, \n -122.355461121, -122.389198303, -122.32635498, -122.404212952, \n -122.313087463, -122.343833923, -122.304168701, -122.3854599, \n -122.296226501, -122.318733215, -122.332801819, -122.316726685, \n -122.323440552, -122.332260132, -122.290527344, -122.337585449, \n -122.344940186, -122.31678009, -122.376319885, -122.31816864, \n -122.335906982, -122.355148315, -122.355621338), latitude = c(47.595077515, \n 47.556591034, 47.670768738, 47.610042572, 47.664890289, 47.497062683, \n 47.702514648, 47.583400726, 47.725036621, 47.526573181, 47.700252533, \n 47.612663269, 47.564403534, 47.521022797, 47.602767944, 47.608207703, \n 47.610794067, 47.535404205, 47.57101059, 47.612014771, 47.634437561, \n 47.660072327, 47.669715881, 47.680427551, 47.521442413, 47.66809082, \n 47.607299805, 47.724998474, 47.687664032, 47.60974884, 47.620243073, \n 47.61145401, 47.549030304, 47.60710907, 47.619354248, 47.509685516, \n 47.686210632, 47.613517761, 47.664012909, 47.608901978, 47.589576721, \n 47.717647552, 47.642562866, 47.606300354, 47.52047348, 47.600463867, \n 47.609523773, 47.623706818, 47.665958405, 47.649650574, 47.593112946, \n 47.602165222, 47.573997498, 47.58398056, 47.630302429, 47.591312408, \n 47.595115662, 47.660381317, 47.626041412, 47.549259186, 47.591312408, \n 47.567428589, 47.662197113, 47.629676819, 47.62008667, 47.602870941, \n 47.673809052, 47.606601715, 47.610782623, 47.56407547, 47.613479614, \n 47.607337952, 47.604553223, 47.666133881, 47.712303162, 47.727027893, \n 47.618183136, 47.705989838, 47.652839661, 47.600868225, 47.665912628, \n 47.66399765, 47.688751221, 47.691646576, 47.561988831, 47.707542419, \n 47.670059204, 47.611839294, 47.624809265, 47.604129791, 47.605373383, \n 47.632568359, 47.726856232, 47.71957016, 47.605884552, 47.551052094, \n 47.615837097, 47.600463867, 47.632316589, 47.635715485)), .Names = c(\"summarized.offense.description\", \n \"longitude\", \"latitude\"), row.names = c(NA, -100L), class = c(\"tbl_df\", \n \"tbl\", \"data.frame\"))\n\nI summarize my data to see what I am working with:\ngroup_by(SPD_2015, summarized.offense.description) %>%\n summarize(count = n()) %>%\n arrange(desc(count))\n\n# A tibble: 21 × 2\n summarized.offense.description count\n <chr> <int>\n1 CAR PROWL 24\n2 BURGLARY 11\n3 FRAUD 11\n4 OTHER PROPERTY 10\n5 ASSAULT 6\n6 PROPERTY DAMAGE 6\n7 THREATS 5\n8 VEHICLE THEFT 4\n9 DISTURBANCE 3\n10 STOLEN PROPERTY 3\n# ... with 11 more rows\n\nI have currently been creating a new filtered dataset of the \"summarized.offense.description\" that I am interested in, such as CAR PROWL:\ncar.prowl <- SPD_2015 %>%\n filter(summarized.offense.description == \"CAR PROWL\")\n\nand then mapping said data:\nggmap(seattle.map) +\n geom_point(data = car.prowl, aes(car.prowl$longitude, car.prowl$latitude),\n alpha = 0.2, color = \"tomato4\", size = 0.7) +\n theme(axis.text = element_blank()) +\n theme(axis.title = element_blank())\n\nQuestion 1: Rather than creating a new filtered dataset for every single summarized.offense.description that I am interested in. ", " How do I create and save a new map for the top four summarized.offense.description in my summarized dataset (in this case it would be CAR PROWL, BURGLARY, FRAUD, OTHER PROPERTY)? ", " \nQuestion 2: How do I make a facet graph of the top four summarized.offense.description?", "\nAny insight into my questions would be greatly appreciated.", "\nThank you!", "\n\nA:\n\nFor the first request I would do the following:\n# Get Seattle Map\nseattle.map <- qmap(\"seattle\", zoom = 11, source=\"stamen\", maptype=\"toner\",darken = c(.3,\"#BBBBBB\"))\n\n# Get ordered summarized data\nordered <- group_by(SPD_2015, summarized.offense.description) %>%\n summarize(count = n()) %>%\n arrange(desc(count))\n\n# Make the ordered summarized data a dataframe and then use only the first column\n# to be a character vector with the top 4\nordered <- as.data.frame(ordered[1:4,1])\nordered <- ordered$summarized.offense.description\n\n# Make a list to comprehend the 4 ggmap plots\nggmap_list <- list()\n\n# Plot the 4 ggmaps\nfor(i in 1:4){\n\n subst <- SPD_2015[SPD_2015$summarized.offense.description == ordered[i],]\n\n ggmap_list[[i]] <- seattle.map +\n geom_point(data = subst, aes(longitude, latitude),\n alpha = 0.2, color = \"red\", size = 0.7) +\n theme(axis.text = element_blank()) +\n theme(axis.title = element_blank())\n}\n\nRegarding the second request, I would try:\n# Make a subset of the data with the top 4\nsubst <- SPD_2015[SPD_2015$summarized.offense.description %in% ordered,]\n\n# Plot all 4 ggmaps on the same plotting region\nseattle.map +\n geom_point(data = subst, aes(longitude, latitude),\n alpha = 0.2, color = \"red\", size = 0.7) +\n facet_wrap(~summarized.offense.description) +\n theme(axis.text = element_blank()) +\n theme(axis.title = element_blank())\n\nNotice that I changed the color for better visualization and that I tried to reproduce your Seattle map.", "\nIs this what you wanted?", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Enhanced myeloid specificity of CD117 compared with CD13 and CD33.", "\nThe c-kit proto-oncogene encodes a 145 kd tyrosine kinase transmembrane receptor, which plays a key role in haemopoiesis. ", "The c-kit has been classified as CD117 and is especially useful in the differential diagnosis of acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) and acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). ", "We analysed 104 consecutive cases (55 AML, 23 B-cell lineage ALL, three T-cell ALL, 11 blast crisis of chronic myeloproliferative disorders and 12 cases of myelodysplastic syndromes with more than 10% of blasts) referred to our Hospital for immunophenotypic diagnosis and compared the expression pattern of CD13, CD33 and CD117 using the same fluorochrome (phycoerythrin-PE). ", "The recommendations of the EGIL group were followed in order to establish lineage involvement of the blastic population. ", "The threshold used to assign positivity for CD117 was 10%. ", "Bcr/abl, TEL/AML-1 and MLL rearrangements were assessed by molecular methods. ", "CD117 expression was detected in 91% of AML and MDS. ", "All the negative cases corresponded to acute monocytic leukemias. ", "The calculated specificity for myeloid involvement was 0.86 for CD117, 0.36 for CD13 and 0.44 for CD33 (P < 0.005). ", "CD117 was also positive in four cases of ALL. ", "None of these cases showed bcr/abl or MLL rearrangements. ", "In the light of these findings, CD117 expression should yield a higher score, at least one point, in the system currently applied for the diagnosis of biphenotypic acute leukemias (BAL) as its myeloid specificity is greater than that of CD13 and CD33. ", "Moreover, its absence in AML could identify two subgroups of M5b cases. ", "The coexpression of CD117 with cytoplasmic CD79a is often associated with CD7 reactivity, suggesting a stem cell disorder. ", "CD117 should be included on a routine basis for the immunophenotypic diagnosis of acute leukemias." ]
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[ "Balutak Khurshid\n\nBalutak Khurshid (, also Romanized as Balūṭak Khūrshīd) is a village in Sepidar Rural District, in the Central District of Boyer-Ahmad County, Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad Province, Iran. ", "At the 2006 census, its population was 36, in 7 families.", "\n\nReferences \n\nCategory:Populated places in Boyer-Ahmad County" ]
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[ "Kuchlug\n\nKuchlug (also spelled Küchlüg, Küçlüg, Güčülüg, Quqluq) () was a member of the Naiman tribe who became the last ruler of the Qara Khitai (also called \"Western Liao dynasty\"). ", "The Naimans were defeated by Genghis Khan and he fled westward to the Qara Khitai, where he became an advisor to his future father-in-law Yelü Zhilugu. ", "He later rebelled, usurped the throne and took control of the empire, putting an end to the rule of the House of Yelü. ", "He was killed in 1218 by the Mongols and the domain of the Qara Khitai was absorbed into the Mongol Empire.", "\n\nWhile his predecessor Yelü Zhilugu was the last Qara Khitai emperor from the Yelü clan, Kuchlug is sometimes regarded as the final ruler of the Western Liao realm as he retained the dynastic title of \"Great Liao\" upon his ascension to the throne.", "\n\nNaiman origins and westward flight\n\nKuchlug was the son of Taibuqa, the Tayang khan (leader) of the Naimans, a Mongol-speaking tribe. ", "In 1204, Jamuqa, the chief Mongol rival of Temüjin (later known as Genghis Khan), fled to the Naimans. ", "Temüjin followed and launched an assault upon the tribe. ", "Taibuqa at first hesitated, considering it better to fall back to the Altai Mountains and attack the Mongols from there. ", "Kuchlug, however, favored a direct assault on the Mongols on open ground. ", "He went so far as to dismiss his father's plan as cowardly. ", "Taibuqa relented and allowed Kuchlug to carry out his attack.", "\n\nThe battle was a disaster for the Naiman. ", "Jamuqa abandoned them and fled. ", "Taibuqa was mortally injured, and his main commander was killed. ", "The rest of the tribe surrendered to Temüjin and were absorbed into his ranks. ", "Kuchlug managed to escape and with a few Naiman soldiers fled westward towards the Kara Irtysh.", "\n\nAfterwards Genghis Khan was wary of the threat Kuchlug still posed. ", "In 1208, they again met in battle, and Kuchlug was pushed further west into Zhetysu. ", "Reeling from a second defeat at the hands of the Mongols, Kuchlug turned to the Qara Khitai based in Balasagun for protection.", "\n\nQara Khitai Empire\n\nKuchlug was welcomed by Yelü Zhilugu, the Gur-khan (meaning Universal Khan), ruler of the Kara. ", "Once he was accepted into the empire, Kuchlug quickly gained a strong foothold. ", "He found service as an advisor for Yelü Zhilugu, and eventually married one of Yelü Zhilugu's daughters, Princess Hunhu (渾忽公主). ", "He was later given the title of Khan, and was allowed to reorganize his fellow Naimans into a military unit under his command.", "\n\nUsurpation of the throne\n\nAround that time, the Qara Khitai dynasty was dealing with rebellions in the east, as well as engaging in a struggle against Muhammad II of the Khwarezmian Empire in the west. ", " The Khwarezm-Shah took Bukhara in 1207, but was defeated by the Qara Khitai at Samarkand. ", " Kuchlug, however, apparently had formed an alliance with the Khwarezm-Shah. ", " In 1210, while Yelü Zhilugu was dealing with a revolt by the Karakhanids at Samarkand, Kuchlug took the chance to rebel against his father-in-law, seizing the empire's treasury at Uzgen. ", "Yelü Zhilugu left Samarkand to deal with Kuchlug, but the Khwarezm-Shah Muhammad used the opportunity to seize Samarkand, then defeated the Qara Khitai forces near Talas and gained control of Transoxiana.", "\n\nYelü Zhilugu pulled back to his capital at Balasagun and defeated Kuchlug who retreated eastward to his Naiman realm. ", " However, in 1211, while Yelü Zhilugu was out hunting, he was ambushed and captured by Kuchlug. ", "The Khwarezm-Shah then joined Kuchlug in capturing the Qara Khitai. ", "Yelü Zhilugu was made taishang huang and Kuchlug became ruler of the realm. ", "Many historians consider Kuchlug's usurpation of the throne in 1211 to be the end of the Qara Khitai, although the realm (which retained the official name of \"Great Liao\") would not fall until 1218.", "\n\nKuchlug's rule\n\nConflicts with Muhammad II\n\nOnce Kuchlug had established himself as ruler, Muhammad demanded the Qara Khitai Gur-khan to be handed over and a princess as a reward for his previous support. ", "Kuchlug tried to stall, but eventually Muhammad became more aggressive. ", " However, when Kuchlug threatened to resolve the rivalry by direct combat, Muhammad chose to evacuate the region of upper Jaxartes (Syr-Darya), demolished the settlements there in an attempt to form a buffer zone between his empire and Kuchlug's, and the Syr-Darya eventually came to be the de facto border between the two rulers.", "\n\nReligious policy\n\nKuchlug was from the Naiman tribe, which were Nestorians. ", "His wife, daughter of the Gur-khan, was a Buddhist, and convinced him to adopt Buddhism. ", "However, in contrast to the policy of religious tolerance of the previous Qara Khitai rulers, once Kuchlug assumed power, he was reported to have instituted anti-Muslim policies. ", "According to Persian historian Ata-Malik Juvayni, he would demand that a town’s Muslim population make a choice between either converting to Nestorianism or Buddhism, or donning Khitan garment, of which the population would choose to wear Khitan clothing. ", "He was also reported to have crucified the imam of Hotan onto the door of his madrassa. ", "His anti-Muslim policies and struggle against Muhammad may have served to inspire the legend of another incarnation of the Christian king of the Far East Prester John.", "\n\nDownfall and death\nKuchlug attacked the city of Almaliq, and the Karlugs there appealed to Genghis Khan for help. ", " In 1216, Genghis Khan dispatched his general Jebe to pursue Kuchlug. ", " The Mongol first went to Almaliq, then proceeded on to the capital city of Balasaghun near which they defeated a Qara Khitai force of 30,000 men. ", " Kuchlug fled southwards to Kashgar, however, his previous acts of pillaging and burning harvests in Kashgar when he first captured the town, his anti-Muslim policies, as well as the billeting of his troops on local households, had antagonized the people of Kashgar. ", " When the Mongols approached Kashgar, Kuchlug, unable to find support in Kashgar, fled again. ", "According to Ata-Malik Juvayni, the people of Kashgar, then killed his soldiers. ", " He continued south across the Pamirs, eventually reaching the border between Badakhshan and Wakhan in 1218. ", "There, a group of hunters caught him and handed him over to the Mongols. ", " Kuchlug was beheaded, and according to the Chinese historical work Yuan Shi, his head was displayed across his former realm.", "\nHis daughter Linqgun Khatun was made a wife of Tolui, who bore him his son Qutuqtu.", "\n\nSee also\n Mongol invasion of Central Asia\n\nReferences\n\nFurther reading\n \n Christian, David. ", "A History of Russia, Central Asia, and Mongolia. (", "1998)\n de Hartog, Leo. ", "Genghis Khan: Conqueror of the World. (", "1989)\n Biran, Michal. ", "The Empire of the Qara Khitai in Eurasian History: Between China and the Islamic World (2005) Cambridge University Press, \n\nCategory:Emperors of Qara Khitai\nCategory:13th-century monarchs in Asia\nCategory:Former Church of the East Christians\nCategory:Converts to Buddhism from Christianity\nCategory:Mongolian Buddhists\nCategory:Buddhist monarchs\nCategory:13th-century Buddhists\nCategory:12th-century Christians" ]
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[ "Katharine Smyth’s All the Lives We Ever Lived is published today. ", "Smyth shares five books about fathers with Jane Ciabattari.", "\n\nIndependent People by Halldór Laxness\n\nArticle continues after advertisement\n\nOne of my all-time favorite books, Independent People is utterly immersive; all the while I was reading it, I felt as though I’d been transported, as though half of me were out at dinner in Brooklyn and the other half fighting for survival on a bleak, isolated croft in turn-of-the-century Iceland. ", "There’s so much that I could say about this novel and its searing images—the bloody murder of a sheep against a raging storm; a dog curled up around a newborn after the mother’s death in childbirth—but most indelible of all is the fraught, moving relationship between Bjartur, a proud, stubborn farmer who has finally won his independence, and Asta Sollilja, the illegitimate daughter he raises as his own.", "\n\nJane Ciabattari: This novel by the Nobel Prize-winning Icelandic author was first published in 1946, and it’s fascinating how the landscape, the personalities, endure. ", "Bjartur is a tough fellow; his ongoing relationship with Asta Sollilja has its rough moments. ", "How do you feel about Laxness’s portrayal of Bjartur’s harsher judgments?", "\n\nKatharine Smyth: I think it’s brilliant. ", "Bjartur is cantankerous and cold-hearted, a repellent character in so many ways, and the cruelty and intolerance he shows his daughter—banishing her when he learns she is pregnant, for instance—should rightly turn any reader against him. ", "But Laxness manages to weave Bjartur’s essential humanity into every page, to always conjure up his dignity and determination, so that, maddening as he is, we ultimately remain deeply sympathetic to him and his struggle—which is, of course, what it’s like to actually know someone who is cantankerous, cold-hearted, dignified, and determined. (", "Indeed, Independent People is a terrific model for anyone seeking to write about difficult fathers—even wicked fathers—without permanently alienating the reader.) ", "And the roughness that characterizes Bjartur and Asta Sollilja’s relationship only makes its tender moments more poignant; the novel’s final pages, in which Bjartur reunites with his dying daughter and carries her back home, are some of the most heartbreaking I have ever read.", "\n\nLight Years by James Salter\n\nThere’s a scene at the beginning of Light Years in which Viri, sitting in the bathtub after work, tells his two young daughters the story of their missing pony, Ursula: “I think she was swimming,” he says through the bathroom door. “", "She was trying to get the onions on the bottom.” ", "The girls are captivated; they sit on the floor pondering river-onions and begging him to tell them more. ", "I love this scene so much; even when Viri’s wife leaves him and his essential weakness is revealed, we remember his strength as a father and storyteller, the sense of wonder he instilled in his daughters, and that they will one day instill in him.", "\n\nJC: This is one of my favorite novels ever. ", "I reread it from time to time. ", "I’ve seen the Hudson frozen, and the opening lines are exquisite! ", "And yes, Viri is a storytelling dad. ", "Are there other stories he tells his daughters that stay with you?", "\n\nKS: It’s not so much the stories that stay with me, but rather the small, effortless details that suggest the sense of ease and solace and mystery that his daughters feel with him as children—their rapture as they sit together making puppets, or the way they lie along his back at the beach “like possums,” or how he is able to access their world, listening attentively as Danny explains that rabbits enjoy breakfast and can’t brush their teeth for want of a sink. ", "There’s something so familiar about the devotion he inspires in them before they grow up and begin to see him as both a father and a (fallible) man; and something familiar, too, about the ways in which the tables will eventually turn. ", "I often think of that scene in which Viri, abandoned and alone, calls out for his ex-wife and Danny soothes him by making tea; over the course of three hundred pages, we actually see the passing of time, actually witness the full lifespan of the father-daughter relationship.", "\n\nArticle continues after advertisement\n\nThe Return by Hisham Matar\n\nIn 1990, Hisham Matar’s father, a prominent Libyan dissident who was living in exile in Egypt, was kidnapped and taken to a prison in Tripoli; six years later, he was either relocated to a secret cell, transferred to a different prison, or executed. ", "A deeply moving portrait of exile, uncertainty, and loss, The Return explores the pain of watching one’s father embark upon a heroic yet dangerous course—“Don’t put yourselves in competition with Libya,” he tells his wife and sons when they beg him not to publicly oppose Qaddafi—and the torment of what Matar, alluding to The Odyssey, calls his father’s “unknown death and silence.”", "\n\nJC: The Return was a finalist for the National Book Critics Circle autobiography award in 2017. ", "Matar manages to encompass the complex political dimensions of his father’s life with a deeply personal story. ", "And they had long distances between them, as you did with your own father. ", "Which passages in The Return best describe how that distance feels to the child?", "\n\nKS: I think it’s the uncertainty, and the nightmarish fantasies to which such uncertainty gives rise, that I find so devastating about Matar’s story. ", "When my own father was dying, I found it painful to imagine the topography of his mind, to try and visualize the terror and remorse he may have felt. ", "But Matar is faced with something exponentially more difficult than my commonplace distress: not only doesn’t he know when his father died—“Was it in the sixth year of his incarceration,” he asks, “when his letters stopped? ", "Was it in the massacre that took place that year in the same prison?”—but he doesn’t know the nature of the fear, pain, and torture that his father almost certainly endured. ", "The result is a book full of questions and suppositions, of pipedreams and dreadful visions, all of which serve to distance Matar from his father far more than the physical space that separated them. ", "It’s telling that Matar’s mother calls her vanished husband “the Absent-Present.”", "\n\nZeno’s Conscience by Italo Svevo\n\nI first read Zeno’s Conscience almost exactly a year after my father’s death, which is likely why Zeno’s portrait of his own father and that man’s punishing, protracted end—the truest, most vulnerable deathbed scene I know—stays with me so strongly. ", "Svevo’s protagonist may be solipsistic and neurotic, but he’s also fiercely unsentimental and witty, and he offers such a relatable view of that pendulum of human emotions, from indifference to shame to guilt to frustration to remorse, that our parents alone can elicit.", "\n\nJC: And that final moment, as the father raises his hand to strike his son, is indelible. ", "How did Svevo’s approach influence you as you worked on your book?", "\n\nKS: Part Two of my book takes places almost entirely in the hospital, as I’m sitting by my father’s bedside, and I actually wrote a draft of those scenes many months before I first read Zeno’s Conscience. ", "So I think of Svevo’s approach less as an influence and more as a homecoming—I can still remember my astonishment at the almost uncanny congruence between Zeno’s experience and my own, from his evocation of the timeless limbo into which death thrusts us, to his feelings of resentment toward the increasingly demanding patient, to his desire to catalogue each new stage of decay. ", "Even our language and syntax are similar in places—a testament to the universality of the experience, perhaps. ", "But where Svevo especially excels is in his humor; despite the pathos of the situation, and the grimness of the subject matter, there are countless lines that make me laugh out loud. ", "And I would suggest that this, too, is universal—that death is so hard to fathom that our regular, everyday selves, the ones that like to revel in life’s absurdities, can’t help stepping in sometimes.", "\n\nMy Father and Myself by J. R. Ackerley\n\nWhen Roger Ackerley died, he left behind a letter that exploded his son’s understanding of his father’s life and character. ", "In this “examining and self-examining book,” J. R. Ackerley—a gay writer and editor who seemed to have little in common with his upright, business-minded father—seeks to understand his father’s double life and why he might have kept it from his son. ", "My Father and Myself, which I can’t help seeing through the lens of my own father’s secrets, is a vivid reminder of the limits of knowledge, of how much we don’t know even about the people we know best.", "\n\nJC: Family secrets may lead to the most powerful revelations, and when the information is posthumous, it leaves lingering questions. ", "Which parts of his father’s life were most surprising to his son? ", "And of your father’s life most surprising to you?", "\n\nKS: After his father’s death, Ackerley learned not only that his father had for decades maintained a second family, but also that he may have had homosexual encounters; he describes the former revelation (which came first) as a “jolt” that gradually began to grow in impact, and compares it to having dinner with an old friend who later goes home and puts his head in the oven. ", "Most compelling about the discoveries—which Ackerley approaches almost clinically—are the surprising similarities they suggest between the writer and his father, whom in life he had regarded “more as a useful piece of furniture than as a human being.” ", "My own posthumous revelations, about a father I once believed I knew to his core, had a different effect—rather than bringing us closer, they forced me to confront the boundaries of intimacy, the possibility that he might have had so many more secrets of which I was unaware. ", "As Ackerley writes, “My relationship with my father was in ruins; I had known nothing about him at all.”", "\n\n*\n\n· Previous entries in this series ·\n\nLike this: Like Loading..." ]
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[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nIn one of its aspects, the present invention relates to a foam pad, preferably a foam pad for use in a vehicular seat. ", "In another of its aspects, the present invention provides a process for producing such a foam pad.", "\n2. ", "Description of the Prior Art\nAttachment of a trim cover to a resilient device is generally known.", "\nIn most cases, the resilient device is a foam device, although, in some cases, a fibrous matrix such as rubberized horsehair and the like is still being employed. ", "Typically, it is desired to secure a trim cover to a resilient device to produce a vehicular seat or a component of a vehicular seat.", "\nThere are three general categories of approaches in attachment of a trim cover to a resilient device: adhesive, foam-in-place and mechanical. ", "The present invention relates to an improvement falling in the latter category and thus, prior art in this category will be discussed.", "\nIn the mechanical approach for attachment of a trim cover to a resilient device, there are (at least) four sub-categories. ", "For ease of description, reference will be made to a foam device.", "\nFirst, it is known in art to employ so-called “hog-rings” to secure a trim cover to a resilient device. ", "In this approach, a metal wire is molded into the so-called A-surface of the foam device. ", "The metal wire is exposed at selected spots, typically in a trench, on the surface of the foam device. ", "A trim cover is provided and has a finished outer surface made of leather, cloth, vinyl or the like. ", "Commonly attached to the underside of the trim cover is a non-woven material, a felt material and the like. ", "A hard plastic (or other) bead is attached to the non-woven material. ", "Of course other methods of attaching the hard plastic bead to the trim cover are used in the art. ", "The trim cover is attached to the foam device by aligning the metal wire in the foam device with the hard plastic bead in the trim cover and thereafter engaging the two with a metal ring. ", "Typically, the metal ring is deployed from a so-called hog-ring gun. ", "This approach has been used for many years to secure a trim cover to a foam device. ", "This approach suffers from a number of drawbacks. ", "For example, a significant capital cost is required to acquire the hog-ring gun and a significant associated labor cost is required to ensure that trim covers can be attached to foam devices at a rate commensurate with the rate at which the foam device is being produced. ", "Further, since deployment of the first hog-ring immovably secures the trim cover to foam device, there is no play or give. ", "The result of this is that perfect placement of trim cover over the foam device must be achieved prior to deployment of the first hog ring to avoid significant loss of efficiency. ", "Still further, this approach is difficult to use reliably when producing a vehicular seat product which incorporates one or more of a seat heater and an occupant detection system. ", "Still further, the use of metal in the foam device creates additional cost in recycling the finished product after complete of its life cycle. ", "A modification of this approach is to replace the metal wire typically molded into the A-surface of the foam device with a mounting device made of foam—see, for example, Canada patent application 2,165,930 [Grund et al.], ", "published on Jun. 24, 1996 and DE 44 46 450 C1[Johnson Controls GmbH & Co.], granted Apr. 4, 1996. ", "Another modification of this approach is to utilize a mechanical clip to connect the trim cover to the metal wire molded into the A-surface of the foam device—see, for example DE 195 30 379 C2 [Johnson Controls GmbH & Co.], published Dec. 19, 1996.", "\nSecond it is known to utilize a plurality of independent or single mechanical clips to secure the trim cover to the foam device. ", "In this approach, a series of mechanical clips is molded in the A-surface of the foam device. ", "Each mechanical clip typically comprises a base which is molded into the foam and a receptacle or clip portion which emerges from the foam at selected locations on the A-surface of the foam device. ", "See, for example, one or more of the following prior art references: DE 299 17 372 U1 [Johnson Controls GmBH & Co.], published Feb. 24, 2000; and DE 298 21 697 U1 [Bertrand Faure Sitztechnik GmbH & Co.], published Mar. 25, 1999.For a typical vehicular seat component (e.g., a seat bottom or a seat back), it is common to require 12-30 of these clips to be molded into the foam device. ", "The current approach of using these clips is to cast a receptacle in the mold. ", "The receptacle receives a clip portion while the base portion remains exposed so that it may be molded into the foam. ", "The reason for using such a receptacle in the mold is that, in the prior art, it was thought to be critical to use such a receptacle to avoid foam fouling of the clip portion. ", "The use of such a receptacle has led to casting a wide platform in the mold into which the receptacle is built. ", "Unfortunately, the resulting foam pad or device contains a trench typically having a width of 20 mm or more. ", "There is an ongoing need to avoid the presence of such wide trenches in foam pad which are utilized in vehicular seat applications. ", " \nThird, it is known to use so-called Velcro™-type fasteners to attach a trim cover to a foam device. ", "These fasteners are also known in the art as touch fasteners or “hook and loop” fasteners. ", "While this approach is reliable, it does suffer from a number of drawbacks. ", "For example, this type of fastener is generally regarded one of the most expensive approaches to utilize to secure a trim cover to a foam device. ", "Further, this approach is not well suited to fastening around a curve portion of the foam device without incurring significant wastage. ", "Third, in many applications, the use of this approach necessitates the use of a wide fastener (20 mm or more) to achieve sufficient pullout strength. ", "There is an ongoing need to avoid the presence of such wide trenches in foam pad which are utilized in vehicular seat applications.", "\nFourth, from U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "5,641,552 [Tillner], it is known to utilize an anchoring strip which is molded in A-surface of the foam device. ", "The anchoring strip is in the form of a wide, flat connecting bar made of a molded plastic body (polypropylene is provided as an example) and having a series of C-clips disposed at various spots along its length. ", "The wide, flat connecting bar is described as being flexible perpendicular to its main plane. ", "It is clear that this is the only moment of flexibility of the wide, flat connecting bar. ", "No information is provided in Tillner on how the anchoring strip is actually mold into the foam part.", "\nThus, despite the advances made to date, there is still room for improvement. ", "Specifically, it would be advantageous to have a trim cover attachment technique that could be utilized with a foam pad in a manner which obviates or mitigates and least one of the above-mentioned drawbacks of the prior art." ]
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[ "Zalesie, Szczytno County\n\nZalesie () is a village in the administrative district of Gmina Dźwierzuty, within Szczytno County, Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship, in northern Poland. ", "It lies approximately east of Dźwierzuty, north of Szczytno, and east of the regional capital Olsztyn.", "\n\nBefore 1945 the area was part of Germany (East Prussia).", "\n\nReferences\n\nZalesie" ]
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[ "WELCOME TO LIFA\n\nLIFA SUPPORTS THE RAISE ACT/MERIT BASED IMMIGRATION REFORM\n\nClick on photo\n\nThomas Sowell – The Ugly Truth About Immigration\n\nClick on photo\n\nCan You Pass The Civics Test?", "\n\nClick on photo\n\nTWO CENTURIES OF U.S. IMMIGRATION\n\nClick on photo\n\nLEGAL IMMIGRANTS FOR AMERICA\n\nLegal Immigrants For America (LIFA) gives a voice to all Americans, including both native-born citizens and legal immigrants, who want to save the United States of America before it becomes a borderless, lawless, toothless remnant of the great nation that it once was. ", "Support LIFA today and help LIFA save the USA!", "\n\nCBO: ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS GRANTED EXECUTIVE AMNESTY WOULD BE ELIGIBLE FOR CERTAIN FEDERAL BENEFITS AP Photo by CAROLINE MAY16 Jan 2015 The Congressional Budget Office estimates that by 2017, some 2 million currently undocumented immigrants will be eligible for certain federal benefits under the Obama administration’s executive amnesty. ", "In a report released Thursday, CBO…\n\nYour tax dollars at work allowing tens of thousands to immigrate and “resettle” in the United States without having to go through legal channels to qualify. ", "Here are the details… Syrian Muslims headed to North Dakota, Nebraska and Kentucky Posted on December 28, 2014 And Florida and North Carolina and…\n\nMaybe the mid-term elections really did mean something after all. ", "Angry votes express themselves in no uncertain terms about Obamacare and executive amnesty. ", "575,000 LETTERS AS BOEHNER ADMITS AMNESTY GOOFS House speaker: ‘Stumbles’ happened as GOP tried to listen to Americans A campaign to send letters to House GOP…\n\n“[O]ne of the great about America is it doesn’t matter if you’ve been here five minutes or a hundred years, we have folks that come here, want to be Americans,” Jindal said. “", "They join our military, they start companies, they work to create a better community. ", "And that’s wonderful. ", "What’s…\n\nLynch to defend Obama on immigration Attorney General nominee will walk fine line on ‘amnesty’ By JOHN BRESNAHAN and MANU RAJU 1/27/15 6:43 PM EST Updated 1/27/15 7:31 PM EST Attorney general nominee Loretta Lynch plans to tell senators that she doesn’t believe President Barack Obama has blanket power to…\n\nREPORT: BOEHNER TO SUE OBAMA OVER EXECUTIVE AMNESTY by CAROLINE MAY 27 Jan 2015 House Speaker John Boehner announced plans to take legal action over President Barack Obama’s executive actions on immigration during Tuesday morning’s Republican conference meeting, according to reports. “", "Our team has been working on litigation. ", "We are…\n\n“FREEDOM CAUCUS” BLOCKS BORDER BILL SECRETIVE ‘FREEDOM CAUCUS’ CLAIMS SCALP ON BORDER BILL DELAY by JONATHAN STRONG 27 Jan 2015 Members of the newly-formed, staunchly conservative House “Freedom Caucus,” which just announced its nine founding members, are already claiming credit for blocking an immigration bill that had been scheduled for…\n\nSenator Jeff Sessions and other conservatives have “issues” with the president’s executive amnesty. ", "Why don’t they just move to impeach him? ", "Conservatives have pointed to lack of tough interior enforcement in the bill and concerns that the Senate has not dealt with the House legislation defunding President Obama’s executive amnesty.…", "\n\nADMINISTRATION RELEASES MULTILINGUAL FLIERS TO RAISE AWARENESS OF EXEC. ", "AMNESTY by CAROLINE MAY 8 Jan 2015 The Obama administration released two fliers Thursday in a variety of different languages aimed at raising awareness of President Obama’s executive amnesty. ", "The fliers, issued by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, are intended to…" ]
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[ "Q:\n\niPhone - Memory leaks in NSSortDescriptor\n\nI am receiving memory leaks using the following code:\nInterface:\n@property (nonatomic, retain) NSArray *sortedItems;\n\nImplementation:\nNSSortDescriptor *sortDescriptor = [[[NSSortDescriptor alloc] initWithKey:@\"ScannedDate\" ascending:NO] autorelease];\nNSArray *sortDescriptors = [NSArray arrayWithObject:sortDescriptor];\nNSArray *sortedArray = [self.items sortedArrayUsingDescriptors:sortDescriptors];\nself.sortedItems = [NSArray arrayWithArray:sortedArray]; // memory leak 100% here\n\n- (void)viewDidUnload {\n self.sortedItems = nil;\n [super viewDidUnload];\n}\n\n- (void)dealloc {\n [sortedItems release];\n [super dealloc];\n}\n\nA:\n\nWell, you are creating two unnecessary arrays. ", "\nReplace this:\nNSArray *sortedArray = [self.items sortedArrayUsingDescriptors:sortDescriptors];\nself.sortedItems = [NSArray arrayWithArray:sortedArray]; // memory leak 100% here\n\n... with this:\nself.sortedItems = [self.items sortedArrayUsingDescriptors:sortDescriptors];\n\nEvery time you create an array, you send a retain to the objects held by the array. ", "If the array is autoreleased (which the convenience methods above do create) then the point at which their release messages is sent is uncontrolled by the programmer. ", "This can produce apparent leaks depending on circumstances at runtime.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Massive Government Interest in Sony PlayStation Network Hack\n\nGovernments and government agencies across the country and the world are now seeking answers from Sony about the PlayStation Network outage and the potential loss of personal information.", "\n\n0shares\n\nGovernments and government agencies across the country and the world are now seeking answers from Sony about the PlayStation Network outage and the potential loss of personal information.", "\n\nInterested parties include the Connecticut state attorney general, the FBI, government privacy officials from Australia, Canada and the U.K., and even the city of Taipei.", "\n\nSony's online network has been down since April 20, when the company took down the PlayStation Network and the related Qriocity cloud music service due to a external intrusion, or hack into the network. ", "Sony has since been sued over the hack, accusing the company of failing to adequately protect, encrypt, and secure its customer data. ", "The suit seeks damages for the data loss and PlayStation Network downtime.", "\n\nCustomers, meanwhile, have complained that their credit-card information that was given to Sony has been compromised, perhaps by a hacker group. \"", "There have been charges at retail stores, restaurants, parking garages, and hotels in TN [Tennessee] and MD [Maryland],\" Thomas O'Brien wrote in an email to PCmag.com. \"", "There have also been charges in AZ [Arizona], but those may be online, and not a physical retail location.\"", "\n\nSony has contacted the Federal Bureau of Investigation in San Diego, and its cybercrimes unit is investigating.", "\n\n\"The FBI is aware of the reports concerning the alleged intrusion into the Sony on line game server and we have been in contact with Sony concerning this matter,\" an FBI spokeswoman said via email. \"", "We are presently reviewing the available information in an effort to determine the facts and circumstances concerning this alleged criminal activity. ", "Anyone with information concerning this matter is asked to contact the FBI at (858) 565-1255 or (877) EZ-2-TELL. ", "Cyber tips may be e mailed to IC3.gov\".", "\n\nKotaku also reported that Connecticut Attorney General George Jepsen had sent a letter to Sony, asking for more information about the hack and whether consumers would be compensated for the outage.", "\n\n\"The situation also raises questions about the effectiveness of Sony's measures to protect the confidentiality and security of private information it receives from consumers,\" Jepsen wrote. \"", "I am particularly concerned that breaches of this sort do not reoccur and that affected individuals, many of which may be children, are provided sufficient protections to safeguard their information from further disclosures.\"", "\n\n\"Nor has there been any public reporting about refunds or other compensation that may be offered by Sony to compensate users for periods in which the network or services were unavailable to them,\" Jepsen added. \"", "It also remains unclear whether information concerning users' rentals of movies and other programming through Netflix has been lost in this breach.\"", "\n\nABC.net.au also reported that the Australian privacy commissioner has launched an investigation into the hack, and whether \" Sony has done everything it can to keep its customers safe\". ", "The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner was unable to be reached before business hours on Friday for comment.", "\n\nThe Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) is investigating the recent Sony network breach with a view to taking action on behalf of the company's three million registered UK users, eWEEK Europe reported. ", "And the office of Canada's privacy commissioner is also getting involved, \"seeking information from Sony,\" Canada.com reported.", "\n\nFinally, the city of Taipei, Taiwan and its Law and Regulation Commission also was said to be launching an investigation into the hack, together with possible fines. \"", "The letter was sent on Wednesday and gives Sony 10 days to respond,\" IDG reported. \"", "If it fails to reply in time, it would be fined between NT$30,000 (US$1,044) and NT$300,000 for alleged breaches of local consumer protection laws, the commission said in a statement.\"", "\n\nMark Hachman Mark joined ExtremeTech in 2001 as the news editor, after rival CMP/United Media decided at the time that online news did not make sense in the new millennium.", "\nMark stumbled into his career after discovering that writing the great American novel did not pay a monthly salary, and that his other possible career choice, physics, required a degree of mathematical prowess that he sorely lacked.", "\nMark talked his way into a freelance assignment at CMP’s Electronic Buyers’ News, in 1995, where he wrote the...\nMore »\n\nAutomatic Renewal Program: Your subscription will continue without interruption for as long as you wish, unless\nyou instruct us otherwise. ", "Your subscription will automatically renew at the end of the term unless you authorize\ncancellation. ", "Each year, you'll receive a notice and you authorize that your credit/debit card will be charged the\nannual subscription rate(s). ", "You may cancel at any time during your subscription and receive a full refund on all\nunsent issues. ", "If your credit/debit card or other billing method can not be charged, we will bill you directly instead. ", "Contact Customer Service" ]
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[ "Article content\n\nTORONTO — Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says men must do more to put an end to gender-based violence against women and girls.", "\n\nCalling such violence a human rights violation, he said men need to hold themselves and their peers accountable for behaviour that threatens women’s respect, protection and freedom.", "\n\nWe apologize, but this video has failed to load.", "\n\ntap here to see other videos from our team. ", "Try refreshing your browser, or Justin Trudeau calls on men to help end violence against women Back to video\n\nHe called on men to speak up on women’s rights, stand against violence and promote female leadership in all aspects of society.", "\n\nHe also says gender-based violence disproportionately affects women of colour as well as women who identify as indigenous, trans or low-income.", "\n\nTrudeau’s comments came in a statement made to acknowledge the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women.", "\n\nTo change this reality, we must actively seek out and listen to the voices and needs of women, especially those cast furthest to the margins\n\nHis comments also come at a time when industries ranging from politics to entertainment have been grappling with widespread allegations of sexual misconduct, commonly featuring unwanted overtures toward women." ]
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[ "List of films based on English-language comics\n\nThis is a list of films based on English-language comics, including comic books, graphic novels, and features in anthology comics magazines. ", "It includes films that are adaptations of English-language comics, and those films whose characters originated in comic books (e.g. Batman is not an adaptation of one particular comic book, but the character first appeared in comic books, not in another medium). ", "It also includes film serials. ", "It does not include material where the original source is newspaper comic strips, which is featured on a separate list.", "\n\nAll films categorized by character listed chronologically.", "\n\n0–9\n2 Guns (2013)\n30 Days of Night:\n30 Days of Night (2007)\n30 Days of Night: Dark Days (2010, direct-to-video movie)\n300: \n300 (2007)\n300: Rise of an Empire (2014)\n\nA\nAbattoir (2016)\nAccident Man (2018, direct-to-video)\n\nAgent Carter (2013, direct-to-video short film)\nAlien vs. Predator (based on previous Alien and Predator films and the Dark Horse comics of the same name):\nAlien vs. Predator (2004)\nAliens vs. Predator: Requiem (2007)\n\nThe Amazing Screw-On Head (2006, animated pilot)\nAmerican Splendor (2003)\nAmerican Terror (2013, animated short film)\nAnt-Man:\nAnt-Man (2015)\nAnt-Man and the Wasp (2018)\nAquaman:\nAquaman (2006, failed TV pilot)\nLego DC Comics Super Heroes: Aquaman: Rage of Atlantis (2018, direct-to-video LEGO film)\nAquaman (2018)\nArchie Comics:\nArchie: To Riverdale and Back Again (1990, TV movie)\nThe Archies in Jugman (2002, animated TV movie)\nArt School Confidential (2006)\n\nAvengers:\nUltimate Avengers (2006, animated direct-to-video)\nUltimate Avengers 2: Rise of the Panther (2006, animated direct-to-video)\nNext Avengers: Heroes of Tomorrow (2008, animated direct-to-video)\nThe Avengers (2012)\nItem 47 (2012, direct-to-video short film)\nLego Marvel Super Heroes: Maximum Overload (2013, animated web movie)\nAvengers Confidential: Black Widow & Punisher (2014, animated direct-to-video)\nAvengers: Age of Ultron (2015)\nLego Marvel Super Heroes: Avengers Reassembled (2015, animated TV movie)\nMarvel Super Hero Adventures: Frost Fight! (", "2015, animated TV special)\nAvengers: Infinity War (2018)\nAvengers: Endgame (2019)\n\nB\nThe B.P.R.D. Declassified (2004, TV special)\nBad Kids:\nBad Kids Go to Hell (2012)\nBad Kids of Crestview Academy (2017)\nBarb Wire (1996)\nBatman:\nBatman (1943, serial)\nBatman and Robin (1949, serial)\nBatman (1966)\nBatman (1989)\nBatman Returns (1992)\nBatman: Mask of the Phantasm (1993, animated)\nBatman Forever (1995)\nBatman & Robin (1997)\nBatman & Mr. Freeze: SubZero (1998, animated direct-to-video)\nBatman Beyond: Return of the Joker (2000, animated direct-to-video)\nChase Me (2003, animated short film)\nBatman: Mystery of the Batwoman (2003, animated direct-to-video)\nBatman Begins (2005)\nThe Batman vs. Dracula (2005, animated direct-to-video)\nThe Dark Knight (2008)\nBatman: Gotham Knight (2008, animated direct-to-video)\nSuperman/Batman: Public Enemies (2009, animated direct-to-video)\nBatman: Under the Red Hood (2010, animated direct-to-video)\nSuperman/Batman: Apocalypse (2010, animated direct-to-video)\nBatman: Year One (2011, animated direct-to-video)\nThe Dark Knight Returns - Part 1 (2012, animated direct-to-video)\nThe Dark Knight Rises (2012)\nThe Dark Knight Returns - Part 2 (2013, animated direct-to-video)\nLego Batman: The Movie – DC Super Heroes Unite (2013, animated direct-to-video)\nSon of Batman (2014, animated direct-to-video)\nBatman: Assault on Arkham (2014, animated direct-to-video)\nLego DC Comics: Batman Be-Leaguered (2014, animated TV special)\nBatman vs. Robin (2015, animated direct-to-video)\nBatman Unlimited: Animal Instincts, (2015, animated direct-to-video)\nBatman Unlimited: Monster Mayhem (2015, animated direct-to-video)\nBatman: Bad Blood (2016, animated direct-to-video)\nBatman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)\nBatman: The Killing Joke (2016, animated direct-to-video)\nBatman Unlimited: Mechs vs. Mutants (2016, animated direct-to-video)\nBatman: Return of the Caped Crusaders (2016, animated direct-to-video)\nThe Lego Batman Movie (2017, animated spin-off of The Lego Movie)\nBatman and Harley Quinn (2017, animated direct-to-video)\nBatman vs. Two-Face (2017, animated direct-to-video)\nScooby-Doo! & ", "Batman: The Brave and the Bold (2018, animated direct-to-video)\nBatman: Gotham by Gaslight (2018, animated direct-to-video)\nBatman Ninja (2018, animated direct-to-video)\nBatman vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2019, animated direct-to-video)\nBatman: Hush (2019, animated direct-to-video)\n\nBig Hero 6 (2014, animated)\nRise of the Black Bat (2012, direct-to-video)\nBlack Panther:\nBlack Panther (2018)\nLego Marvel Super Heroes - Black Panther: Trouble in Wakanda (2018, direct-to-video Lego film)\n\nBlackhawk (1952, serial)\nBlade:\nBlade (1998)\nBlade II (2002)\nBlade: Trinity (2004)\nThe Bogie Man (1992, TV movie)\nBounty Killer (2013)\n\nBulletproof Monk (2003)\n\nC\nCaptain America:\nCaptain America (1944, serial)\nCaptain America (1979, TV movie)\nCaptain America II: Death Too Soon (1979, TV movie)\nCaptain America (1990)\nCaptain America: The First Avenger (2011)\nCaptain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)\nIron Man & Captain America: Heroes United (2014, animated direct-to-video)\nCaptain America: Civil War (2016)\nCaptain Battle: Legacy War (2013)\nCaptain Marvel (DC Comics):\nAdventures of Captain Marvel (1941, film serial)\nSuperman/Shazam!: ", "The Return of Black Adam (2010, animated short film)\nShazam! (", "2019)\nCaptain Marvel (2019)\n\nCatwoman:\nCatwoman (2004)\nCatwoman (2011, animated short film)\n\nCity Cat (1992, short TV movie)\nThe Chair (2016) \nThe Clockwork Girl (2014, animated)\n\nThe Coldest City:\nAtomic Blonde (2017)\nThe Condor (2007, animated TV movie)\nCongo Bill (1948, serial)\nConstantine (2005)\nThe Consultant (2011, direct-to-video short film)\nCowboys & Aliens (2011)\n\nCrisis on Earth-X (2017, Arrowverse crossover event)\nThe Crow:\nThe Crow (1994)\nThe Crow: City of Angels (1996)\nThe Crow: Salvation (2000)\nThe Crow: Wicked Prayer (2005)\n\nD\n\nDaredevil (2003)\n\nDays of the Bagnold Summer (2019)\nDC Super Hero Girls:\nDC Super Hero Girls: Super Hero High (2016, animated TV movie)\nDC Super Hero Girls: Hero of the Year (2016, animated direct-to-video)\nDC Super Hero Girls: Intergalactic Games (2017, animated direct-to-video)\nLego DC Super Hero Girls: Brain Drain (2017, animated direct-to-video)\nLego DC Super Hero Girls: Super-Villain High (2018, animated direct-to-video)\nDC Super Hero Girls: Legends of Atlantis (2018, animated direct-to-video)\nDeadpool:\nDeadpool (2016)\nDeadpool: No Good Deed (2017, short film)\nDeadpool 2 (2018)\nOnce Upon a Deadpool (2018, PG-13 cut of Deadpool 2)\n\nThe Diary of a Teenage Girl (2015)\n\nDoctor Strange:\nDr. Strange (1978, TV movie)\nDoctor Strange: The Sorcerer Supreme (2007, animated direct-to-video)\nDoctor Strange (2016)\nDracula: Sovereign of The Damned (1980, anime TV movie)\n\nE\nElektra (2005)\n\nEthel & Ernest (2016, animated film)\n\nF\nFantastic Four:\nThe Fantastic Four (1994, unreleased)\nFantastic Four (2005)\nFantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer (2007)\nFantastic Four (2015, reboot)\nFaust:\nFaust: Love Of The Damned (2000-2001)\nFirearm (1993, direct-to-video short)\nFirebreather (2010, animated TV movie)\nThe Flash:\nThe Flash (1990, TV Movie)\nThe Flash II: Revenge of the Trickster (1991, TV movie)\nThe Flash III: Deadly Nightshade (1992, TV movie)\nLego DC Comics Super Heroes: The Flash (2018, animated direct-to-video film)\n\nFritz the Cat (1972)From Hell (2001)\n\nGG-Men from Hell (2000)\nGarganta:Gargantarama (2006)\tThe Ghost of Garganta: The Giantess Rises! (", "2014)Gen¹³ (2000, animated)Generation X (1996, TV movie)\nGhost Rider:Ghost Rider (2007)Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance (2012)Ghost World (2001)Global Frequency (2005, unaired pilot)\nGreen Arrow:Green Arrow (2010, animated short film)\n\nGreen Lantern:Green Lantern: First Flight (2009, animated direct-to-video)Green Lantern: Emerald Knights (2011, animated direct-to-video)Green Lantern (2011)\nGuardians of the Galaxy:Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. ", "2 (2017)Lego Marvel Super Heroes - Guardians of the Galaxy: The Thanos Threat (2017, animated Lego TV film)The Gwaii (2009)\n\nHHardcase (1993, direct-to-video short)Hardware (1990, unauthorized by creators)The Haunted World of El Superbeasto (2009, animated)\nHeavy Metal:Heavy Metal (1981, animated)Heavy Metal 2000 (2000, animated)\nHellboy:Hellboy (2004)Hellboy: Sword of Storms (2006, animated TV movie)Hellboy: Blood and Iron (2007, animated TV movie)Hellboy II: The Golden Army (2008)Hellboy (2019)Hercules (2014)A History of Violence (2005)Hop Harrigan (1946, serial)Howard the Duck (1986)\nHoward Lovecraft:Howard Lovecraft and the Frozen Kingdom (2016, animated direct-to-video)Howard Lovecraft and the Undersea Kingdom (2017, animated direct-to-video)Howard Lovecraft and the Kingdom of Madness (2018, animated direct-to-video)\nHulk:The Incredible Hulk Returns (1988)The Trial of the Incredible Hulk (1989)The Death of the Incredible Hulk (1990)Hulk (2003)The Incredible Hulk (2008)Hulk Versus (2008, animated direct-to-video)Planet Hulk (2010, animated direct-to-video)Iron Man & Hulk: Heroes United (2013, animated direct-to-video)Hulk: Where Monsters Dwell (2016, animated direct-to-video)\n\nII Kill Giants (2018)I, Frankenstein (2014)Invasion (2016, Arrowverse crossover event)\nIron Man:The Invincible Iron Man (2007, animated direct-to-video)Iron Man (2008)Iron Man 2 (2010)Iron Man 3 (2013)Iron Man: Rise of Technovore (2013, anime direct-to-video)Iron Man & Hulk: Heroes United (2013, animated direct-to-video)All Hail the King (2014, direct-to-video short film)Iron Man & Captain America: Heroes United (2014, animated direct-to-video)\n\nJJoker (2019)\nJonah Hex:Jonah Hex (2010)Jonah Hex (2010, animated short film)Josie and the Pussycats (2001)\nJudge Dredd:Judge Dredd (1995)Dredd (2012)\nJustice League:Legends of the Superheroes (1979, TV specials)Justice League of America (1997, unsuccessful pilot)Justice League: The New Frontier (2008, animated direct-to-video)Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths (2010, animated direct-to-video)Justice League: Doom (2012, animated direct-to-video)Robot Chicken DC Comics Special (2012, animated TV special)Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox (2013, animated direct-to-video)JLA Adventures: Trapped in Time (2014, animated direct-to-video)Justice League: War (2014, animated direct-to-video)Robot Chicken DC Comics Special 2: Villains in Paradise (2014, animated TV special)Justice League: Throne of Atlantis (2015, animated direct-to-video)Lego DC Comics Super Heroes: Justice League vs. Bizarro League (2015, animated direct-to-video)Justice League: Gods and Monsters (2015, animated direct-to-video)Lego DC Comics Super Heroes: Justice League – Attack of the Legion of Doom (2015, animated direct-to-video)Robot Chicken DC Comics Special III: Magical Friendship (2015, animated TV special)Lego DC Comics Super Heroes: Justice League – Cosmic Clash (2016, animated direct-to-video)Justice League vs. Teen Titans (2016, animated direct-to-video)Lego DC Comics Super Heroes: Justice League – Gotham City Breakout (2016, animated direct-to-video)Justice League (2017)Justice League vs. the Fatal Five (2019, animated direct-to-video)Justice League Dark (2017, animated direct-to-video)\n\nKKick-AssKick-Ass (2010)Kick-Ass 2 (2013)\nKingsman:Kingsman: The Secret Service (2015)#TBT to That Time Archer Met Kingsman (2017, animated short, crossover with the non-comic book TV series Archer)Kingsman: The Golden Circle (2017)The Kitchen (2019)Knights of Justice (2000, TV movie)Kyoufu Densetsu Kaiki! ", "Frankenstein (1981, anime TV movie)\n\nLLady Death: The Movie (2004, animated)The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (2003)The Lobo Paramilitary Christmas Special (2002, fan film)Locke & Key (2011, TV pilot)The Losers (2010)\n\nM\nM. Rex:Ben 10/Generator Rex: Heroes United (2011, animated TV movie, crossover with the non-comic book franchise Ben 10)Man-Thing (2005, TV movie)Marvel Super Heroes 4D (2010, animated short film)The Mask:The Mask (1994)Son of the Mask (2005)The Men in Black:Men in Black (1997)Men in Black II (2002)Men in Black 3 (2012)Men in Black: International (2019)Monkeybone (2001)Mosaic (2007, animated direct-to-video)El Muerto (2005)My Friend Dahmer (2017)Mystery Men (1999)\n\nNNick Fury: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. (1998, TV movie)Nightveil: Witch War (2005, direct-to-video)Nightwing and Robin (2015, animated short film)Niko: The Journey To Magika (2014, TV movie)\n\nOOblivion (2013)Officer Downe (2016)Omphalos (2014)\n\nPPainkiller Jane (2005, TV movie)Paradox (2010, TV movie)Pixies (2015, animated)Plastic Man (2006, unaired animated pilot)Polar (2019)Power Pack (1991, TV pilot)\n\nPunisher:The Punisher (1989)The Punisher (2004)Punisher: War Zone (2008)The Punisher: Dirty Laundry (2012, fan film)Punisher: Do Not Fall in New York City (2012, fan film)Avengers Confidential: Black Widow & Punisher (2014, animated direct-to-video)\n\nQ\n\nRRandom Acts of Violence (2019)R.I.P.D. (2013)\n\nRED:Red (2010)Red 2 (2013)\nRed Sonja:Red Sonja (1985)Red Sonja: Queen of Plagues (2016, animated direct-to-video)Remains (2011, TV movie)\n\nRichie Rich:Ri¢hie Ri¢h (1994)Richie Rich's Christmas Wish (1998, direct-to-video movie)Road to Perdition (2002)Nightwing and Robin (2015, animated short film)The Rocketeer (1991)Rottentail (2019)\n\nS\nSabrina the Teenage Witch:Sabrina the Teenage Witch (1996, TV movie)Sabrina Goes to Rome (1998, TV movie)Sabrina Down Under (1999, TV movie)Sabrina: Friends Forever (2002, animated TV movie)\n\nThe Scarab:Avenging Force: The Scarab (2012, direct-to-video)Scalped (2017, unaired pilot)\nScott Pilgrim:Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (2010)Scott Pilgrim vs. The Animation (2010, animated tv special)The Scribbler (2014)Sheena (1984)Shockwave, Darkside (2014)\n\nSin City:Sin City (2005)Sin City: A Dame to Kill For (2014)The Sixth Gun (2013, TV pilot)Solarman (1992, animated pilot)Sparks (2013)Spawn (1997)The Spectre (2010, animated short film)\nSpider-Man:Spider-Man (1977, TV movie)Spider-Man Strikes Back (1978, TV movie) Spider-Man: The Dragon's Challenge (1981, TV movie)Spider-Man (2002)Spider-Man 2 (2004)Spider-Man 3 (2007)The Amazing Spider-Man (2012, reboot)The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014)Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017, MCU series)Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018, animated)Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019, MCU series)\nThe Spirit:The Spirit (1987, TV movie)The Spirit (2008)Spy Smasher (1942, serial)Stan Lee's Mighty 7: Beginnings (2014, animated TV movie)Steam Engine of Oz (2018, animated direct-to-video)Steel (1997)Stitched (2011, short film)\n\nSuicide Squad:Suicide Squad (2016)Suicide Squad: Hell to Pay (2018, animated direct-to-video)The Adventures of Superboy (1961, unaired pilot)Supergirl (1984)\nSuperman:Superman (1948, serial)Atom Man vs. Superman (1950, serial)Superman and the Mole Men (1951)The Adventures of Superpup (1958, unaired pilot)It's a Bird...It's a Plane...It's Superman (1975, TV special)Superman (1978)Superman II (1980)Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut (2006, direct-to-video)Superman III (1983)Superman IV: The Quest for Peace (1987)Superman Returns (2006)Superman: Brainiac Attacks (2006, animated direct-to-video)Superman: Doomsday (2007, animated direct-to-video)Superman/Batman: Public Enemies (2009, animated direct-to-video)Superman/Batman: Apocalypse (2010, animated direct-to-video)Superman/Shazam!: ", "The Return of Black Adam (2010, animated short film)All-Star Superman (2011, animated direct-to-video)Superman vs. The Elite (2012, animated direct-to-video)Superman: Unbound (2013, animated direct-to-video)Man of Steel (2013)Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)The Death of Superman (2018, animated direct-to-video)Reign of the Supermen (2019, animated direct-to-video)Surrogates (2009)\nSwamp Thing:Swamp Thing (1982)The Return of Swamp Thing (1989)\n\nTTales from the Crypt:Tales from the Crypt (1972)Tales from the Crypt: Demon Knight (1995)Tales from the Crypt: Bordello of Blood (1996)Tales from the Crypt Presents: Ritual (2002)Tank Girl (1995)\nTeen Titans:Teen Titans: Trouble in Tokyo (2006, animated TV movie)Justice League vs. Teen Titans (2016, animated direct-to-video)Teen Titans: The Judas Contract (2017, animated direct-to-video)Teen Titans Go! ", "To the Movies (2018, animated)Teen Titans Go! ", "vs. Teen Titans (2019, animated direct-to-video crossover)\nTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles:Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990)Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze (1991)Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III (1993)TMNT (2007, animated)Turtles Forever (2009, animated TV film)Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014, new franchise)Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows (2016)Term Life (2016)\nThor:Thor (2011)Thor: Tales of Asgard (2011, animated direct-to-video)A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Thor's Hammer (2011, direct-to-video short film)Thor: The Dark World (2013)Thor: Ragnarok (2017)\n\nTimecop:Timecop (1994)Timecop 2: The Berlin Decision (2003, direct-to-video movie)Trailer Park of Terror (2008, direct-to-video, based on Imperium Comic)Turok: Son of Stone (2008, animated; direct-to-video)Two-Fisted Tales (1992, TV movie)\n\nUUltra (2011, TV pilot)Up in Flames (1973, unauthorized by creators)\n\nVV for Vendetta (2006)Vampirella (1996, direct-to-video)The Vault of Horror (1973)\nVenom:Venom: Truth in Journalism (2013, short film)Venom (2018)The Vigilante (1947, serial)Virus (1999)\n\nW\nThe Walking Dead:The Robot Chicken Walking Dead Special: Look Who's Walking (2017, stop-motion TV special)Wanted (2008)\nWatchmen:Watchmen (2009)Watchmen: The Director's Cut (2009)Watchmen: The Ultimate Cut (2009)Tales of the Black Freighter (2009, animated direct-to-video)Weird Science (1985)When the Wind Blows (1986, animated)Whiteout (2009)Wilson (2017)Witchblade (2000, TV movie)\n\nWolverine:X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009)The Wolverine (2013)Logan (2017)\nWonder Woman:Wonder Woman (1974, TV movie)The New Original Wonder Woman (1975, TV movie)Wonder Woman (2009, animated direct-to-video)Wonder Woman (2011, unaired pilot)Wonder Woman (2017)Wonder Woman: Bloodlines (2019, animated direct-to-video)\n\nX\n\nX-Men:X-Men: Pryde of the X-Men (1989, animated pilot)X-Men (2000)X2 (2003)X-Men: The Last Stand (2006)X-Men: First Class (2011)X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014)X-Men: Apocalypse (2016)Dark Phoenix (2019)\n\nY\n\nZ\n\nUpcoming films\n2020Birds of PreyBlack WidowBloodshotThe Empty ManThe EternalsJustice League Dark: Apokolips WarThe King's ManMorbiusThe New MutantsRumbleSuperman: Man of TomorrowSuperman: Red SonVenom 2Wonder Woman 19842021The BatmanBlack AdamDoctor Strange in the Multiverse of MadnessShang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten RingsUntitled Spider-Man: Far From Home sequelThe Suicide SquadSuperman: Man of TomorrowThor: Love and Thunder2022Black Panther IIShazam! ", "2The FlashAquaman 2''\n\nSee also\nSuperhero film\nList of American superhero films\nList of films based on French-language comics\nList of films based on manga\nList of comic-based films directed by women\nList of films based on Marvel Comics publications\nList of films based on DC Comics publications\nList of television series and films based on Dark Horse Comics publications\nList of television series and films based on Image Comics publications\nList of television series and films based on Harvey Comics publications\nList of television series and films based on Archie Comics publications\n\nAlso related:\n\nList of films based on comic strips\nList of films based on radio series\nList of television programs based on comics\n\nNotes\n\nReferences\nSuperheroes Lives, List of films based on comics\n\nExternal links\nSuperhero Hype!", "\n\nEnglish-language comics" ]
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[ "It’s hard to believe that an animal could dwarf the basking shark, but try to imagine an animal whose heart is the size of a car, whose tongue weighs as much as an elephant, and who has blood vessels wide enough that a grown man could swim through. ", "Can you picture it? ", "If so, you’re imagining the mighty blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus), the largest animal that has ever lived on Planet Ocean. (", "Planet ‘Earth’ for all you land-lubbers; I am a marine biologist after all.)", "\n\nLike the basking shark, however, we know shockingly little about how many are left, about its migrations, and even about where it goes to breed and birth its calves.", "\n\nMost populations of the “great whales,” including blue whales, suffered massive declines due to commercial whaling during the first half of the 20th Century. ", "Historically, blue whales in the North Pacific Ocean were frequent visitors to British Colombia, Canada, and the Gulf of Alaska, but by the 1960s, had virtually disappeared. ", "Meanwhile, large concentrations of blue whales off California and Baja California, Mexico, have been documented since the 1970s, but the relationships between these observations – and the whale populations themselves – had been unknown.", "\n\nIn a recent study, researchers from British Colombia, Washington and California reported numerous sightings in the last decade of blue whales in their former northeastern Pacific stomping grounds, suggesting that the elimination of whaling has allowed blue whales to reclaim old territory. ", "Most interestingly, the scientists used photo identification to confirm that the whales venturing north belonged to the California feeding population.", "\n\nWhale biologists had feared that ‘memory’ of historical feeding areas like B.C. and the Gulf of Alaska might have been lost by area-specific intensive whaling activities, but these new findings show that tragedy might have been averted in this case. ", "However, the true causes of this re-expansion in blue whale ranges are unclear; the study’s co-authors suggest that fluctuations in favorable environmental conditions could be driving the perceived changes in blue whale movements.", "\n\nNonetheless, although there is still cause for concern about the future of blue whales in the North Pacific, we can be happy to see that they are finding their way back to places they once called home.", "\n\nAs impressed and intrigued as I am with the things that we scientists have learned, it’s what we don’t know that continues to capture my interest and imagination.", "\n\nThe fact that colossal creatures like the basking shark and the blue whale could be in any way mysterious to curious scientists and awestruck observers speaks to nature’s complexity and to our meager understanding of it. ", "These cases show that if we stay in pursuit of the answers we need to know and to protect nature’s wonders, they will reveal themselves to us in time. ", "What we do with this newfound knowledge is up to us.", "\n\nCalambokidis et al., ", "Insights into the population structure of blue whales in the Eastern North Pacific from recent sightings and photographic identification. ", "Marine Mammals Science (2009), DOI: 10.1111/j.1748-7692.2009.00298.x" ]
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[ "Goal0 Guide 10 4AA Battery Recharger\n\nBackground\n\nI saw this on the shelf at Target one day and thought it might be a good contender for a travel battery charger. ", "I’d been using some crappy ones, and couldn’t find an all in one device. ", "Basically, I wanted something that would store two or four AA batteries, provide 5 VCD out, optionally have a flashlight, and preferably charge them from a 5 VCD standard USB port.", "\n\nThis one does all of the above. ", "And does it well.", "\n\nConstruction\n\nThe construction is rock solid. ", "The door doesn’t come open without some effort, and the body is sturdy. ", "After a month of heavy travel,mine has some scratches, but no cracks or damage.", "\n\nIt stores four AA batteries, and has a removable tray that lets it hold AAA batteries instead. ", "One gripe is that the tray comes out – I’d prefer they have some sort of flip-down spacer that changes the fit. ", "If it can be removed, it will get lost. ", "I’ve standardized on AA batteries, so that’s not a huge deal for me, but it’s still annoying.", "\n\nSpecifications\n\nThe front face has a switch, a status indicator, a bright white LED light, a USB A Female port, what appears to be an EIAJ-01 coaxial power plug, and a USB Mini-B Female port.", "\n\nThe switch changes the function from off to power out to light. ", "It will recharge itself in any position, but will not power the output port and the light at the same time.", "\n\nThe indicator uses an intuitive red/orange/green system, and a key is on the back.", "\n\nThe bright white LED appears to be a standard 1 W white LED. ", "It functions great as a convenient flashlight, and should last for about fifteen hours on a full charge (assuming you have 2500 mAh batteries).", "\n\nThe USB A Female port (the kind most computers have for inserting devices, for people who haven’t bothered to learn what the types are in the past fifteen years) functions as an output port. ", "It spits out 2.5 W (5 V at 0.5 A, exactly to USB spec) when the switch is in the middle position.", "\n\nThe coaxial port is for charging. ", "It didn’t come with an external charger, but other goal zero products use 6.5 v with these connectors for the low power interconnections. ", "They make several solar charging mats like the Nomad 7M Solar Panel that use that connector and voltage.", "\n\nThe USB Mini-B Female port (like you have on your camera or phone, unless it uses the new thin Micro-B standard) is for charging from a USB power source. ", "They lose some points because it’s not standards-compliant – the device is supposed to negotiate before it draws more than 50 mA or so. ", "So if it doesn’t charge from your device, it’s not necessarily your device’s fault. ", "But it’s not like anyone else follows the standards.", "\n\nObservations\n\nIt’s a trickle charger, made to work on 2.5 watts input. ", "It will take several hours to charge batteries. ", "That’s inherent to working with low power levels like this. ", "If you want something faster, get a high current quick charger. ", "The auto-off works fine, so you can leave it connected to a charging source.", "\n\nOh and it has a neat hook on the back… I have no idea what that’s for.", "\n\nConclusion\n\nThis meets my criteria for a travel device: compact, uses standard batteries, accepts standard power in, provides standard power out. ", "It’s not fancy, not expensive, and does its thing reliably. ", "If you need power or recharging in a portable platform, this might just be the best option out there." ]
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[ "[Characteristics of the spontaneously transformed human endothelial cell line ECV304. ", "II. ", "Functional responses of the ECV304 cells].", "\nFunctional responses of the spontaneously transformed human endothelial cell line ECV304 were studied in order to asses its applicability as an endothelial cell model for studying angiogenesis and signal transduction. ", "The dependence of proliferation activity of this line on the presence of growth factor was shown. ", "The absent serum in culture medium resulted in blocking of cells in G1-phase of a cell cycle which is not typical for tumor cell lines. ", "Low doses of beta particles emitted during [3H]thymidine decay resulted in blocking the proliferation of these cells in G2M-phase in a dose-dependent manner. ", "Incubation of the cells with another source of beta particles, 3H2O, under condition of equal specific activities of tritium resulted in preferable accumulation of the cells in S-phase. ", "The different efficiency of beta particles of tritium as a part of 3H2O molecule or thymidine demonstrates that various mechanisms are responsible for various check points. ", "The check point of G1/S is absent and that complies with the presence of deletion of chromosome 9 in locus p21. ", "The level of NO produced by constitutive form of NO-synthase in ECV304 cells was relatively low and not modified by inducible NO-synthase inhibitors. ", "The data obtained suggest that ECV304 line cells retained the properties of the initial spontaneously transformed cell line obtained from human umbilical vein (HUVEC) as well as they can be used as a model system for further studies of the properties of vascular endothelial." ]
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[ "[Convulsive status secondary to star anise poisoning in a neonate].", "\nDespite its potential toxicity, the use of star anise infusions for the treatment of infant colic is firmly rooted in our culture. ", "In the last year, several cases of infants with acute neurological and gastrointestinal symptoms related to the ingestion of large quantities of star-shaped anise have been reported in Spain. ", "We report a 1-month old girl who was admitted to our emergency room with convulsive status after ingesting a considerable amount of star anis administered to relieve possible infant colic. ", "The patient required three repeat doses of diazepam to control the seizures. ", "Because no abnormalities were found and outcome was favorable without anticonvulsant therapy, the clinical symptoms can be attributed to star anise ingestion, which contains potent neurotoxins such as veranisatins. ", "The etiopathogenesis of this process and star anise toxicity are discussed and the need for the regulation of natural products with pharmacological effects which are freely dispensed from drug stores is stressed. ", "Finally, the regulations of the Ministry of Health and Consumption for 2001 concerning the withdrawal of all anise-containing products are presented." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow to style half of my s differently from the other half?", "\n\nI'm trying to style half of an <hr> to be different from the other half, like this:\n\nAs you can see, the left half of the <hr> is red and a bit thicker than the thin, grey side on the right. ", "Possible to accomplish this with CSS? ", "Thanks!", "\n\nA:\n\nFor the <hr> line you can use the css :before pseudo-element to make the differently-colored area (please change colors and sizes to match your design):\n\nhr {\r\n background-color: #555;\r\n border: none;\r\n display: block;\r\n height: 4px;\r\n overflow: visible;\r\n position: relative;\r\n width: 100%;\r\n}\r\n\r\nhr:before {\r\n background-color: #f90;\r\n content: '';\r\n display: block;\r\n height: 8px;\r\n left: 0;\r\n position: absolute;\r\n top: -2px;\r\n width: 20%;\r\n z-index: 1;\r\n}\n<hr>\n\nA:\n\nYou can use :before pseudo-element for half of hr and use absolute position.", "\n\nhr {\r\n position: relative;\r\n border: none;\r\n border-bottom: 1px solid #aaa;\r\n overflow: visible;\r\n}\r\nhr:before {\r\n position: absolute;\r\n left: 0;\r\n width: 50%;\r\n content: '';\r\n height: 3px;\r\n background: red;\r\n top: -1px;\r\n}\n<hr>\n\nA:\n\nwith flex i would do very simple and use box-shadow on the pseudo to make this answer different from others ;)\n\nhr {display:flex;}\r\nhr:before {\r\n content:'';\r\n width:50%;\r\n box-shadow:0 0 0 3px rgb(146, 24, 53);\r\n}\r\n\r\nbody {background:#333;color:rgba(124,153,246)}\r\ncode{font-size:1.5em;color:gold}\n<h1><code>FLEX</code> TEST ON <code>HR</code> PSEUDO</h1>\r\n<hr>\n\n" ]
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[ "Optical coherence tomography findings in commotio retina.", "\nA 16-year-old boy presented with diminished visual acuity of 6/60 following blunt trauma to his right eye with a cricket ball. ", "Fundus examination showed commotio retinae. ", "Optical coherence tomography (OCT) demonstrated increased reflectivity with small optically clear spaces in the area corresponding to the photoreceptor outer segment. ", "At 2-month follow up the visual acuity improved to 6/6. ", "A small area of retinal opacification persisted nasally, and OCT of the corresponding area continued to show increased reflectivity in the area of photoreceptor outer segment. ", "Increased reflectivity on OCT in eyes with commotio retinae probably denotes photoreceptor outer segment disruption and seems to be reversible to a variable extent." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
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[ "A fluorescent study of ligands for guanidinobenzoatase, a protease associated with tumour cells.", "\nWe have employed ethanol-fixed wax embedded sections of human breast tumours and smears of rat leukaemia cells to provide test systems with recognisable tumour cells amongst normal cells. ", "We have used 9-aminoacridine to locate cells possesing guanidinobenzoatase, an enzyme which degrades fibronectin and which binds 9-aminoacridine to its active centre. ", "The binding of 9-aminoacridine to tumour cells allows these cells to be located by fluorescent microscopy. ", "Pre-treatment of these sections with BZAR, a known inhibitor of guanidinobenzoatase inhibited the binding of 9-aminoacridine to the tumour cells. ", "These techniques defined the tumour cells in the sections; we then demonstrated by fluorescent microscopy that both Texas red-agmatine and BZAR also bound to the guanidinobenzoatase of these tumour cells. ", "These fluorescent probes have been used as model compounds to illustrate the ability of both N-substituted agmatines and N-substituted arginines to deliver desired molecules to an enzyme on the surface of tumour cells. ", "Replacement of these fluorescent moieties by cytotoxic moieties attached to the same ligands could lead to selective drug delivery to tumour cells." ]
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[ "Emily Huntington\n\nEmily Huntington (January 3, 1841 – December 5, 1909) was an American author and home economics educator. ", "She is credited as the originator of the phrase 'kitchen-garden' which was used by early home economics groups.", "\n\nEarly life\nHuntington was born in Lebanon, Connecticut on January 3, 1841 the second of four children of Dan and Emily (Wilson) Huntington. ", "Her father was also from Lebanon and was a dry goods merchant. ", "Her mother was born in Jewett City, Connecticut. ", "Emily attended Wheaton Seminary in Norton, Massachusetts from 1856 to 1858 but did not graduate. ", "In 1872 she moved to New York City.", "\n\nCareer\nIn New York she became matron of the Wilson Industrial School for Girls where she worked with poor, largely immigrant families living in the east side tenement district of the city. ", "Concerned with her charges inability to perform even domestic tasks, she sought to make her lessons instructive and enjoyable.", "\n\nHuntington took Friedrich Fröbel's concept of the kindergarten and applied it to the teaching of domestic skills in what she coined the \"kitchen-garden system.\" ", "Using this approach, Huntington wrote several books aimed at adults who hoped to educate their children, specifically daughters, in cooking and housekeeping skills. ", "Books such as The Kitchen Garden; or, Object Lessons in Household Work included lesson plans and lists of materials needed to teach on a variety of household chores, as well as songs for pupils to sing while performing these chores. ", "This method of teaching domestic skills was imitated in other books and in classes at industrial schools. ", "\n\nIn 1880, the Kitchen-Garden Association was formed in New York, with the goal of educating the children of the \"laboring classes\" through Huntington's methods; classes were provided by the Association throughout New England until 1885, when it was dissolved and reformed as the Industrial Education Association, with a larger scope and mission. ", "The organization was partially funded by philanthropist Grace Hoadley Dodge who had been a volunteer teacher with Huntington. ", "Among the major effects of the organization were the introduction of classes in manual arts in the New York City public schools and the founding of Teachers College at Columbia University.", "\n\nHuntington herself taught home economics at Wilson Industrial School for Girls, leaving in 1892 to become the superintendent of the New York Cooking School. ", "She demonstrated her techniques at the World's Columbian Exposition in 1893. ", "Along with Ellen Swallow Richards, she was one of the attendees invited to attend the first Lake Placid Conference on home economics in 1899. ", "She led a session at the conference with the title \"The Kitchen-Garden and the Kindergarten.\"", "\n\nDeath\nShe died of arteriosclerosis in 1909 in Windham, Connecticut after a lingering illness and was buried in Yantic Cemetery in Norwich, Connecticut.", "\n\nWritings\nChildren's Kitchen-Garden Book (1881)\nThe Cooking Garden (1885)\nHow to Teach Kitchen Garden (1901)\nIntroductory Cooking Lessons (1901)\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Home economics education\nCategory:Educators from New York (state)\nCategory:1841 births\nCategory:1909 deaths" ]
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[ "Monteris AXiiiS Stereotactic Miniframe for Intracranial Biopsy: Precision, Feasibility, and Ease of Use.", "\nStereotactic biopsy is an important and minimally invasive technique used for a variety of indications in neurosurgery. ", "Initially, this technique required a frame, but recently there have been a number of newer, less cumbersome approaches to biopsy including robotic arms, fixed arms, and, more recently, skull-mounted miniframes. ", "Miniframes are attractive because they are disposable and low profile. ", "However, the relatively limited degree of freedom offered by currently available devices necessitates a preplanned burr hole, which in turn limits flexibility and multiple trajectories. ", "The AXiiiS device is a skull-mounted, magnetic resonance imaging-compatible miniframe that provides a similar degree of freedom with a frame while maintaining a low-profile, disposable platform. ", "To assess the image-guided trajectory alignment accuracy using AXiiiS stereotactic miniframe biopsy of intracranial lesions. ", "The accuracy of the AXiiiS device is compared with the Navigus Trajectory Guide as platforms. ", "After approval by our institutional review board, medical records of 10 neurosurgical patients with intracranial pathologies were chosen for AXiiiS stereotactic miniframe biopsy, and histological correlation was obtained. ", "Ten reported cases demonstrate the precision and ease of using the AXiiiS stereotactic miniframe for biopsy of intracranial lesions in conjunction with preoperative magnetic resonance imaging. ", "Multiple trajectories and angles have been used with precision and safety. ", "The AXiiiS stereotactic miniframe is a feasible, safe, and disposable platform for multitrajectory intracranial biopsies. ", "Compared with existing platforms, this novel device provides a more stable base and wider limits of trajectory angles with comparable accuracy and precision." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
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[ "Variation in food selection among lambs: effects of basal diet and foods offered in a meal.", "\nIn studies of behavior and nutrition, we typically determine nutritional needs and formulate diets for the average member of the herd, not for specific individuals within a herd. ", "Nevertheless, variation among individuals could affect productivity of the group if the diet diverges too much from what individuals at the extremes prefer to eat. ", "Thus, it is important to determine the degree to which individuals within a group vary in their food preferences when offered alternatives. ", "Our first objective was to determine the degree to which lambs differed in preference for foods high in energy (barley) or protein (alfalfa) (Exp. ", "1). ", "When we offered lambs barley and alfalfa for ad libitum consumption for 25 d, individuals varied in the amounts of barley (range: 221 to 991 g/d) and alfalfa (range: 51 to 558 g/d) they consumed (P < .0001). ", "At one extreme, individuals preferred a diet of 6% alfalfa and 94% barley; at the other extreme, individuals preferred a diet of 70% alfalfa and 30% barley. ", "Our second objective was to determine whether lambs from Exp. ", "1 compensated, when fed a basal diet that was lower in alfalfa than they preferred, by ingesting foods higher in alfalfa when offered a meal (Exp. ", "2). ", "Lambs were ranked according to the percentage of alfalfa (range from 6 to 70%) and barley (range from 94 to 30%) they ate during Exp. ", "1 and then assigned alternately to two treatments: 1) basal diet with similar proportions of alfalfa and barley consumed ad libitum (preferred diet) or 2) basal diet with 10% less alfalfa than consumed ad libitum (low-alfalfa diet). ", "We then conducted three trials in which lambs fed the different basal diets were offered a meal for 15 min/d for 2 d of two foods that differed in barley and alfalfa. ", "During Trial 1, when we offered barley and alfalfa, lambs in both groups preferred barley (138 g) to alfalfa (46 g) (P < .05). ", "During Trial 2, when the test foods (barley and alfalfa) were diluted with grape pomace (20%), lambs fed the preferred basal diet ate more barley (116 vs 64 g) and less alfalfa (48 vs 87 g) than lambs fed the low-alfalfa basal diet (P < .05). ", "During Trial 3, when we offered a food high in barley (80% barley and 20% pomace) and a food high in alfalfa (70% alfalfa, 14% cornstarch, and 16% pomace), lambs fed the preferred basal diet ate more of the high-barley food (124 vs 73 g) and less of the high-alfalfa food (45 vs 98 g) than lambs fed the low-alfalfa basal diet (P < .05). ", "Collectively, these results illustrate that lambs varied greatly in their preferences for foods that differ in energy (barley) and protein (alfalfa), and that when their preferred basal diet was altered, lambs compensated by ingesting food that complemented their basal diet during a daily meal. ", "The addition of grape pomace in Trials 2 and 3 reduced the protein content of the high-barley and high-alfalfa foods such that the high-barley food was only marginally adequate to meet needs compared with the high-alfalfa food. ", "Lambs fed the low-alfalfa basal diet compensated by eating more of the high-alfalfa food than lambs fed the preferred basal diet." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
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[ "\n#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H\n#include \"../ext_config.h\"\n#endif\n\n#include <php.h>\n#include \"../php_ext.h\"\n#include \"../ext.h\"\n\n#include <Zend/zend_operators.h>\n#include <Zend/zend_exceptions.h>\n#include <Zend/zend_interfaces.h>\n\n#include \"kernel/main.h\"\n#include \"kernel/object.h\"\n#include \"kernel/operators.h\"\n#include \"kernel/memory.h\"\n#include \"kernel/fcall.h\"\n#include \"ext/spl/spl_exceptions.h\"\n#include \"kernel/exception.h\"\n#include \"kernel/array.h\"\n#include \"kernel/concat.h\"\n#include \"kernel/string.h\"\n\n\n/**\n * This file is part of the Phalcon Framework.", "\n *\n * (c) Phalcon Team <[email protected]>\n *\n * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE.txt\n * file that was distributed with this source code.", "\n */\n/**\n * Phalcon\\Tag is designed to simplify building of HTML tags.", "\n * It provides a set of helpers to generate HTML in a dynamic way.", "\n * This component is a class that you can extend to add more helpers.", "\n */\nZEPHIR_INIT_CLASS(Phalcon_Tag) {\n\n\tZEPHIR_REGISTER_CLASS(Phalcon, Tag, phalcon, tag, phalcon_tag_method_entry, 0);\n\n\tzend_declare_property_bool(phalcon_tag_ce, SL(\"autoEscape\"), 1, ZEND_ACC_PROTECTED|ZEND_ACC_STATIC);\n\n\t/**\n\t * DI Container\n\t */\n\tzend_declare_property_null(phalcon_tag_ce, SL(\"container\"), ZEND_ACC_PROTECTED|ZEND_ACC_STATIC);\n\n\t/**\n\t * Pre-assigned values for components\n\t */\n\tzend_declare_property_null(phalcon_tag_ce, SL(\"displayValues\"), ZEND_ACC_PROTECTED|ZEND_ACC_STATIC);\n\n\tzend_declare_property_null(phalcon_tag_ce, SL(\"documentAppendTitle\"), ZEND_ACC_PROTECTED|ZEND_ACC_STATIC);\n\n\tzend_declare_property_null(phalcon_tag_ce, SL(\"documentPrependTitle\"), ZEND_ACC_PROTECTED|ZEND_ACC_STATIC);\n\n\t/**\n\t * HTML document title\n\t */\n\tzend_declare_property_null(phalcon_tag_ce, SL(\"documentTitle\"), ZEND_ACC_PROTECTED|ZEND_ACC_STATIC);\n\n\tzend_declare_property_null(phalcon_tag_ce, SL(\"documentTitleSeparator\"), ZEND_ACC_PROTECTED|ZEND_ACC_STATIC);\n\n\tzend_declare_property_long(phalcon_tag_ce, SL(\"documentType\"), 11, ZEND_ACC_PROTECTED|ZEND_ACC_STATIC);\n\n\tzend_declare_property_null(phalcon_tag_ce, SL(\"escaperService\"), ZEND_ACC_PROTECTED|ZEND_ACC_STATIC);\n\n\tzend_declare_property_null(phalcon_tag_ce, SL(\"urlService\"), ZEND_ACC_PROTECTED|ZEND_ACC_STATIC);\n\n\tzephir_declare_class_constant_long(phalcon_tag_ce, SL(\"HTML32\"), 1);\n\n\tzephir_declare_class_constant_long(phalcon_tag_ce, SL(\"HTML401_STRICT\"), 2);\n\n\tzephir_declare_class_constant_long(phalcon_tag_ce, SL(\"HTML401_TRANSITIONAL\"), 3);\n\n\tzephir_declare_class_constant_long(phalcon_tag_ce, SL(\"HTML401_FRAMESET\"), 4);\n\n\tzephir_declare_class_constant_long(phalcon_tag_ce, SL(\"HTML5\"), 5);\n\n\tzephir_declare_class_constant_long(phalcon_tag_ce, SL(\"XHTML10_STRICT\"), 6);\n\n\tzephir_declare_class_constant_long(phalcon_tag_ce, SL(\"XHTML10_TRANSITIONAL\"), 7);\n\n\tzephir_declare_class_constant_long(phalcon_tag_ce, SL(\"XHTML10_FRAMESET\"), 8);\n\n\tzephir_declare_class_constant_long(phalcon_tag_ce, SL(\"XHTML11\"), 9);\n\n\tzephir_declare_class_constant_long(phalcon_tag_ce, SL(\"XHTML20\"), 10);\n\n\tzephir_declare_class_constant_long(phalcon_tag_ce, SL(\"XHTML5\"), 11);\n\n\treturn SUCCESS;\n\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends a text to current document title\n */\nPHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Tag, appendTitle) {\n\n\tzephir_method_globals *ZEPHIR_METHOD_GLOBALS_PTR = NULL;\n\tzval *title, title_sub, _0, _1$$3;\n\tzval *this_ptr = getThis();\n\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&title_sub);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_0);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_1$$3);\n\n\tZEPHIR_MM_GROW();\n\tzephir_fetch_params(1, 1, 0, &title);\n\n\n\n\tzephir_read_static_property_ce(&_0, phalcon_tag_ce, SL(\"documentAppendTitle\"), PH_NOISY_CC | PH_READONLY);\n\tif (Z_TYPE_P(&_0) == IS_NULL) {\n\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_1$$3);\n\t\tarray_init(&_1$$3);\n\t\tzephir_update_static_property_ce(phalcon_tag_ce, ZEND_STRL(\"documentAppendTitle\"), &_1$$3);\n\t}\n\tif (Z_TYPE_P(title) == IS_ARRAY) {\n\t\tzephir_update_static_property_ce(phalcon_tag_ce, ZEND_STRL(\"documentAppendTitle\"), title);\n\t} else {\n\t\tzephir_update_static_property_array_multi_ce(phalcon_tag_ce, SL(\"documentAppendTitle\"), title, SL(\"a\"), 1);\n\t}\n\tZEPHIR_MM_RESTORE();\n\n}\n\n/**\n * Builds a HTML input[type=\"check\"] tag\n *\n * @param array parameters = [\n * 'class' => '',\n * 'id' => '',\n * 'name' => ''\n * 'value' => ''\n * ]\n */\nPHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Tag, checkField) {\n\n\tzephir_method_globals *ZEPHIR_METHOD_GLOBALS_PTR = NULL;\n\tzend_long ZEPHIR_LAST_CALL_STATUS;\n\tzephir_fcall_cache_entry *_0 = NULL;\n\tzval *parameters, parameters_sub, _1;\n\tzval *this_ptr = getThis();\n\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&parameters_sub);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_1);\n\n\tZEPHIR_MM_GROW();\n\tzephir_fetch_params(1, 1, 0, &parameters);\n\n\n\n\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_1);\n\tZVAL_STRING(&_1, \"checkbox\");\n\tZEPHIR_RETURN_CALL_SELF(\"inputfieldchecked\", &_0, 0, &_1, parameters);\n\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\tRETURN_MM();\n\n}\n\n/**\n * Builds a HTML input[type=\"color\"] tag\n *\n * @param array parameters = [\n * 'class' => '',\n * 'id' => '',\n * 'name' => ''\n * 'value' => ''\n * ]\n */\nPHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Tag, colorField) {\n\n\tzephir_method_globals *ZEPHIR_METHOD_GLOBALS_PTR = NULL;\n\tzend_long ZEPHIR_LAST_CALL_STATUS;\n\tzephir_fcall_cache_entry *_0 = NULL;\n\tzval *parameters, parameters_sub, _1;\n\tzval *this_ptr = getThis();\n\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&parameters_sub);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_1);\n\n\tZEPHIR_MM_GROW();\n\tzephir_fetch_params(1, 1, 0, &parameters);\n\n\n\n\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_1);\n\tZVAL_STRING(&_1, \"color\");\n\tZEPHIR_RETURN_CALL_SELF(\"inputfield\", &_0, 0, &_1, parameters);\n\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\tRETURN_MM();\n\n}\n\n/**\n * Builds a HTML input[type=\"date\"] tag\n *\n * @param array parameters = [\n * 'class' => '',\n * 'id' => '',\n * 'name' => ''\n * 'value' => ''\n * ]\n */\nPHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Tag, dateField) {\n\n\tzephir_method_globals *ZEPHIR_METHOD_GLOBALS_PTR = NULL;\n\tzend_long ZEPHIR_LAST_CALL_STATUS;\n\tzephir_fcall_cache_entry *_0 = NULL;\n\tzval *parameters, parameters_sub, _1;\n\tzval *this_ptr = getThis();\n\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&parameters_sub);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_1);\n\n\tZEPHIR_MM_GROW();\n\tzephir_fetch_params(1, 1, 0, &parameters);\n\n\n\n\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_1);\n\tZVAL_STRING(&_1, \"date\");\n\tZEPHIR_RETURN_CALL_SELF(\"inputfield\", &_0, 0, &_1, parameters);\n\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\tRETURN_MM();\n\n}\n\n/**\n * Builds a HTML input[type=\"datetime\"] tag\n *\n * @param array parameters = [\n * 'class' => '',\n * 'id' => '',\n * 'name' => ''\n * 'value' => ''\n * ]\n */\nPHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Tag, dateTimeField) {\n\n\tzephir_method_globals *ZEPHIR_METHOD_GLOBALS_PTR = NULL;\n\tzend_long ZEPHIR_LAST_CALL_STATUS;\n\tzephir_fcall_cache_entry *_0 = NULL;\n\tzval *parameters, parameters_sub, _1;\n\tzval *this_ptr = getThis();\n\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&parameters_sub);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_1);\n\n\tZEPHIR_MM_GROW();\n\tzephir_fetch_params(1, 1, 0, &parameters);\n\n\n\n\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_1);\n\tZVAL_STRING(&_1, \"datetime\");\n\tZEPHIR_RETURN_CALL_SELF(\"inputfield\", &_0, 0, &_1, parameters);\n\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\tRETURN_MM();\n\n}\n\n/**\n * Builds a HTML input[type=\"datetime-local\"] tag\n *\n * @param array parameters = [\n * 'class' => '',\n * 'id' => '',\n * 'name' => ''\n * 'value' => ''\n * ]\n */\nPHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Tag, dateTimeLocalField) {\n\n\tzephir_method_globals *ZEPHIR_METHOD_GLOBALS_PTR = NULL;\n\tzend_long ZEPHIR_LAST_CALL_STATUS;\n\tzephir_fcall_cache_entry *_0 = NULL;\n\tzval *parameters, parameters_sub, _1;\n\tzval *this_ptr = getThis();\n\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&parameters_sub);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_1);\n\n\tZEPHIR_MM_GROW();\n\tzephir_fetch_params(1, 1, 0, &parameters);\n\n\n\n\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_1);\n\tZVAL_STRING(&_1, \"datetime-local\");\n\tZEPHIR_RETURN_CALL_SELF(\"inputfield\", &_0, 0, &_1, parameters);\n\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\tRETURN_MM();\n\n}\n\n/**\n * Alias of Phalcon\\Tag::setDefault()\n */\nPHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Tag, displayTo) {\n\n\tzephir_method_globals *ZEPHIR_METHOD_GLOBALS_PTR = NULL;\n\tzend_long ZEPHIR_LAST_CALL_STATUS;\n\tzval *id_param = NULL, *value, value_sub;\n\tzval id;\n\tzval *this_ptr = getThis();\n\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&id);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&value_sub);\n\n\tZEPHIR_MM_GROW();\n\tzephir_fetch_params(1, 2, 0, &id_param, &value);\n\n\tif (UNEXPECTED(Z_TYPE_P(id_param) !", "= IS_STRING && Z_TYPE_P(id_param) !", "= IS_NULL)) {\n\t\tzephir_throw_exception_string(spl_ce_InvalidArgumentException, SL(\"Parameter 'id' must be of the type string\"));\n\t\tRETURN_MM_NULL();\n\t}\n\tif (EXPECTED(Z_TYPE_P(id_param) == IS_STRING)) {\n\t\tzephir_get_strval(&id, id_param);\n\t} else {\n\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&id);\n\t\tZVAL_EMPTY_STRING(&id);\n\t}\n\n\n\tZEPHIR_CALL_SELF(NULL, \"setdefault\", NULL, 0, &id, value);\n\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\tZEPHIR_MM_RESTORE();\n\n}\n\n/**\n * Builds a HTML input[type=\"email\"] tag\n *\n * @param array parameters = [\n * 'class' => '',\n * 'id' => '',\n * 'name' => ''\n * 'value' => ''\n * ]\n */\nPHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Tag, emailField) {\n\n\tzephir_method_globals *ZEPHIR_METHOD_GLOBALS_PTR = NULL;\n\tzend_long ZEPHIR_LAST_CALL_STATUS;\n\tzephir_fcall_cache_entry *_0 = NULL;\n\tzval *parameters, parameters_sub, _1;\n\tzval *this_ptr = getThis();\n\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&parameters_sub);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_1);\n\n\tZEPHIR_MM_GROW();\n\tzephir_fetch_params(1, 1, 0, &parameters);\n\n\n\n\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_1);\n\tZVAL_STRING(&_1, \"email\");\n\tZEPHIR_RETURN_CALL_SELF(\"inputfield\", &_0, 0, &_1, parameters);\n\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\tRETURN_MM();\n\n}\n\n/**\n * Builds a HTML close FORM tag\n */\nPHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Tag, endForm) {\n\n\tzval *this_ptr = getThis();\n\n\n\tRETURN_STRING(\"</form>\");\n\n}\n\n/**\n * Builds a HTML input[type=\"file\"] tag\n *\n * @param array parameters = [\n * 'class' => '',\n * 'id' => '',\n * 'name' => ''\n * 'value' => ''\n * ]\n */\nPHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Tag, fileField) {\n\n\tzephir_method_globals *ZEPHIR_METHOD_GLOBALS_PTR = NULL;\n\tzend_long ZEPHIR_LAST_CALL_STATUS;\n\tzephir_fcall_cache_entry *_0 = NULL;\n\tzval *parameters, parameters_sub, _1;\n\tzval *this_ptr = getThis();\n\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&parameters_sub);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_1);\n\n\tZEPHIR_MM_GROW();\n\tzephir_fetch_params(1, 1, 0, &parameters);\n\n\n\n\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_1);\n\tZVAL_STRING(&_1, \"file\");\n\tZEPHIR_RETURN_CALL_SELF(\"inputfield\", &_0, 0, &_1, parameters);\n\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\tRETURN_MM();\n\n}\n\n/**\n * Builds a HTML FORM tag\n *\n * @param array parameters = [\n * 'method' => 'post',\n * 'action' => '',\n * 'parameters' => '',\n * 'name' => '',\n * 'class' => '',\n * 'id' => ''\n * ]\n */\nPHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Tag, form) {\n\n\tzephir_method_globals *ZEPHIR_METHOD_GLOBALS_PTR = NULL;\n\tzend_long ZEPHIR_LAST_CALL_STATUS;\n\tzval *parameters = NULL, parameters_sub, params, paramsAction, action, code, _3, _0$$6, _1$$7, _2$$8;\n\tzval *this_ptr = getThis();\n\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&parameters_sub);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&params);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&paramsAction);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&action);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&code);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_3);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_0$$6);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_1$$7);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_2$$8);\n\n\tZEPHIR_MM_GROW();\n\tzephir_fetch_params(1, 1, 0, &parameters);\n\n\tZEPHIR_SEPARATE_PARAM(parameters);\n\n\n\tif (Z_TYPE_P(parameters) !", "= IS_ARRAY) {\n\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&params);\n\t\tzephir_create_array(&params, 1, 0);\n\t\tzephir_array_fast_append(&params, parameters);\n\t} else {\n\t\tZEPHIR_CPY_WRT(&params, parameters);\n\t}\n\tZEPHIR_OBS_VAR(&paramsAction);\n\tif (!(", "zephir_array_isset_long_fetch(&paramsAction, &params, 0, 0))) {\n\t\tZEPHIR_OBS_NVAR(&paramsAction);\n\t\tzephir_array_isset_string_fetch(&paramsAction, &params, SL(\"action\"), 0);\n\t}\n\tif (!(", "zephir_array_isset_string(&params, SL(\"method\")))) {\n\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_0$$6);\n\t\tZVAL_STRING(&_0$$6, \"post\");\n\t\tzephir_array_update_string(&params, SL(\"method\"), &_0$$6, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE);\n\t}\n\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&action);\n\tZVAL_NULL(&action);\n\tif (!(", "ZEPHIR_IS_EMPTY(&paramsAction))) {\n\t\tZEPHIR_CALL_SELF(&_1$$7, \"geturlservice\", NULL, 0);\n\t\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\t\tZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(&action, &_1$$7, \"get\", NULL, 0, &paramsAction);\n\t\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\t}\n\tZEPHIR_OBS_NVAR(parameters);\n\tif (zephir_array_isset_string_fetch(parameters, &params, SL(\"parameters\"), 0)) {\n\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_2$$8);\n\t\tZEPHIR_CONCAT_SV(&_2$$8, \"?\", ", "parameters);\n\t\tzephir_concat_self(&action, &_2$$8);\n\t}\n\tif (!(", "ZEPHIR_IS_EMPTY(&action))) {\n\t\tzephir_array_update_string(&params, SL(\"action\"), &action, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE);\n\t}\n\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_3);\n\tZVAL_STRING(&_3, \"<form\");\n\tZEPHIR_CALL_SELF(&code, \"renderattributes\", NULL, 0, &_3, &params);\n\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\tzephir_concat_self_str(&code, SL(\">\"));\n\tRETURN_CCTOR(&code);\n\n}\n\n/**\n * Converts texts into URL-friendly titles\n */\nPHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Tag, friendlyTitle) {\n\n\tzephir_method_globals *ZEPHIR_METHOD_GLOBALS_PTR = NULL;\n\tzend_long ZEPHIR_LAST_CALL_STATUS;\n\tzend_bool lowercase, _0$$3;\n\tzval *text_param = NULL, *separator_param = NULL, *lowercase_param = NULL, *replace = NULL, replace_sub, __$null, friendly, matrix, search, _6, _7, _8, _9, _10, _12, *_2$$3, _3$$3, _1$$5, _4$$6, _5$$7, _11$$8;\n\tzval text, separator;\n\tzval *this_ptr = getThis();\n\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&text);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&separator);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&replace_sub);\n\tZVAL_NULL(&__$null);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&friendly);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&matrix);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&search);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_6);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_7);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_8);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_9);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_10);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_12);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_3$$3);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_1$$5);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_4$$6);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_5$$7);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_11$$8);\n\n\tZEPHIR_MM_GROW();\n\tzephir_fetch_params(1, 1, 3, &text_param, &separator_param, &lowercase_param, &replace);\n\n\tzephir_get_strval(&text, text_param);\n\tif (!", "separator_param) {\n\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&separator);\n\t\tZVAL_STRING(&separator, \"-\");\n\t} else {\n\t\tzephir_get_strval(&separator, separator_param);\n\t}\n\tif (!", "lowercase_param) {\n\t\tlowercase = 1;\n\t} else {\n\t\tlowercase = zephir_get_boolval(lowercase_param);\n\t}\n\tif (!", "replace) {\n\t\treplace = &replace_sub;\n\t\tZEPHIR_CPY_WRT(replace, &__$null);\n\t} else {\n\t\tZEPHIR_SEPARATE_PARAM(replace);\n\t}\n\n\n\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&matrix);\n\tzephir_create_array(&matrix, 79, 0);\n\tadd_assoc_stringl_ex(&matrix, SL(\"Š\"), SL(\"S\"));\n\tadd_assoc_stringl_ex(&matrix, SL(\"š\"), SL(\"s\"));\n\tadd_assoc_stringl_ex(&matrix, SL(\"Đ\"), SL(\"Dj\"));\n\tadd_assoc_stringl_ex(&matrix, SL(\"Ð\"), SL(\"Dj\"));\n\tadd_assoc_stringl_ex(&matrix, SL(\"đ\"), SL(\"dj\"));\n\tadd_assoc_stringl_ex(&matrix, SL(\"Ž\"), SL(\"Z\"));\n\tadd_assoc_stringl_ex(&matrix, SL(\"ž\"), SL(\"z\"));\n\tadd_assoc_stringl_ex(&matrix, SL(\"Č\"), SL(\"C\"));\n\tadd_assoc_stringl_ex(&matrix, SL(\"č\"), SL(\"c\"));\n\tadd_assoc_stringl_ex(&matrix, SL(\"Ć\"), SL(\"C\"));\n\tadd_assoc_stringl_ex(&matrix, SL(\"ć\"), SL(\"c\"));\n\tadd_assoc_stringl_ex(&matrix, SL(\"À\"), SL(\"A\"));\n\tadd_assoc_stringl_ex(&matrix, SL(\"Á\"), SL(\"A\"));\n\tadd_assoc_stringl_ex(&matrix, SL(\"Â\"), SL(\"A\"));\n\tadd_assoc_stringl_ex(&matrix, SL(\"Ã\"), SL(\"A\"));\n\tadd_assoc_stringl_ex(&matrix, SL(\"Ä\"), SL(\"A\"));\n\tadd_assoc_stringl_ex(&matrix, SL(\"Å\"), SL(\"A\"));\n\tadd_assoc_stringl_ex(&matrix, SL(\"Æ\"), SL(\"A\"));\n\tadd_assoc_stringl_ex(&matrix, SL(\"Ç\"), SL(\"C\"));\n\tadd_assoc_stringl_ex(&matrix, SL(\"È\"), SL(\"E\"));\n\tadd_assoc_stringl_ex(&matrix, SL(\"É\"), SL(\"E\"));\n\tadd_assoc_stringl_ex(&matrix, SL(\"Ê\"), SL(\"E\"));\n\tadd_assoc_stringl_ex(&matrix, SL(\"Ë\"), SL(\"E\"));\n\tadd_assoc_stringl_ex(&matrix, SL(\"Ì\"), SL(\"I\"));\n\tadd_assoc_stringl_ex(&matrix, SL(\"Í\"), SL(\"I\"));\n\tadd_assoc_stringl_ex(&matrix, SL(\"Î\"), SL(\"I\"));\n\tadd_assoc_stringl_ex(&matrix, SL(\"Ï\"), SL(\"I\"));\n\tadd_assoc_stringl_ex(&matrix, SL(\"Ñ\"), SL(\"N\"));\n\tadd_assoc_stringl_ex(&matrix, SL(\"Ò\"), SL(\"O\"));\n\tadd_assoc_stringl_ex(&matrix, SL(\"Ó\"), SL(\"O\"));\n\tadd_assoc_stringl_ex(&matrix, SL(\"Ô\"), SL(\"O\"));\n\tadd_assoc_stringl_ex(&matrix, SL(\"Õ\"), SL(\"O\"));\n\tadd_assoc_stringl_ex(&matrix, SL(\"Ö\"), SL(\"O\"));\n\tadd_assoc_stringl_ex(&matrix, SL(\"Ø\"), SL(\"O\"));\n\tadd_assoc_stringl_ex(&matrix, SL(\"Ù\"), SL(\"U\"));\n\tadd_assoc_stringl_ex(&matrix, SL(\"Ú\"), SL(\"U\"));\n\tadd_assoc_stringl_ex(&matrix, SL(\"Û\"), SL(\"U\"));\n\tadd_assoc_stringl_ex(&matrix, SL(\"Ü\"), SL(\"U\"));\n\tadd_assoc_stringl_ex(&matrix, SL(\"Ý\"), SL(\"Y\"));\n\tadd_assoc_stringl_ex(&matrix, SL(\"Þ\"), SL(\"B\"));\n\tadd_assoc_stringl_ex(&matrix, SL(\"ß\"), SL(\"Ss\"));\n\tadd_assoc_stringl_ex(&matrix, SL(\"à\"), SL(\"a\"));\n\tadd_assoc_stringl_ex(&matrix, SL(\"á\"), SL(\"a\"));\n\tadd_assoc_stringl_ex(&matrix, SL(\"â\"), SL(\"a\"));\n\tadd_assoc_stringl_ex(&matrix, SL(\"ã\"), SL(\"a\"));\n\tadd_assoc_stringl_ex(&matrix, SL(\"ä\"), SL(\"a\"));\n\tadd_assoc_stringl_ex(&matrix, SL(\"å\"), SL(\"a\"));\n\tadd_assoc_stringl_ex(&matrix, SL(\"æ\"), SL(\"a\"));\n\tadd_assoc_stringl_ex(&matrix, SL(\"ç\"), SL(\"c\"));\n\tadd_assoc_stringl_ex(&matrix, SL(\"è\"), SL(\"e\"));\n\tadd_assoc_stringl_ex(&matrix, SL(\"é\"), SL(\"e\"));\n\tadd_assoc_stringl_ex(&matrix, SL(\"ê\"), SL(\"e\"));\n\tadd_assoc_stringl_ex(&matrix, SL(\"ë\"), SL(\"e\"));\n\tadd_assoc_stringl_ex(&matrix, SL(\"ì\"), SL(\"i\"));\n\tadd_assoc_stringl_ex(&matrix, SL(\"í\"), SL(\"i\"));\n\tadd_assoc_stringl_ex(&matrix, SL(\"î\"), SL(\"i\"));\n\tadd_assoc_stringl_ex(&matrix, SL(\"ï\"), SL(\"i\"));\n\tadd_assoc_stringl_ex(&matrix, SL(\"ð\"), SL(\"o\"));\n\tadd_assoc_stringl_ex(&matrix, SL(\"ñ\"), SL(\"n\"));\n\tadd_assoc_stringl_ex(&matrix, SL(\"ò\"), SL(\"o\"));\n\tadd_assoc_stringl_ex(&matrix, SL(\"ó\"), SL(\"o\"));\n\tadd_assoc_stringl_ex(&matrix, SL(\"ô\"), SL(\"o\"));\n\tadd_assoc_stringl_ex(&matrix, SL(\"õ\"), SL(\"o\"));\n\tadd_assoc_stringl_ex(&matrix, SL(\"ö\"), SL(\"o\"));\n\tadd_assoc_stringl_ex(&matrix, SL(\"ø\"), SL(\"o\"));\n\tadd_assoc_stringl_ex(&matrix, SL(\"ù\"), SL(\"u\"));\n\tadd_assoc_stringl_ex(&matrix, SL(\"ú\"), SL(\"u\"));\n\tadd_assoc_stringl_ex(&matrix, SL(\"û\"), SL(\"u\"));\n\tadd_assoc_stringl_ex(&matrix, SL(\"ý\"), SL(\"y\"));\n\tadd_assoc_stringl_ex(&matrix, SL(\"ý\"), SL(\"y\"));\n\tadd_assoc_stringl_ex(&matrix, SL(\"þ\"), SL(\"b\"));\n\tadd_assoc_stringl_ex(&matrix, SL(\"ÿ\"), SL(\"y\"));\n\tadd_assoc_stringl_ex(&matrix, SL(\"Ŕ\"), SL(\"R\"));\n\tadd_assoc_stringl_ex(&matrix, SL(\"ŕ\"), SL(\"r\"));\n\tadd_assoc_stringl_ex(&matrix, SL(\"ē\"), SL(\"e\"));\n\tadd_assoc_stringl_ex(&matrix, SL(\"'\"), SL(\"\"));\n\tadd_assoc_stringl_ex(&matrix, SL(\"&\"), SL(\" and \"));\n\tadd_assoc_stringl_ex(&matrix, SL(\"\\r\\n\"), SL(\" \"));\n\tadd_assoc_stringl_ex(&matrix, SL(\"\\n\"), SL(\" \"));\n\tif (zephir_is_true(replace)) {\n\t\t_0$$3 = Z_TYPE_P(replace) !", "= IS_ARRAY;\n\t\tif (_0$$3) {\n\t\t\t_0$$3 = Z_TYPE_P(replace) !", "= IS_STRING;\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (UNEXPECTED(_0$$3)) {\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_THROW_EXCEPTION_DEBUG_STR(phalcon_tag_exception_ce, \"Parameter replace must be an array or a string\", \"phalcon/Tag.zep\", 299);\n\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (Z_TYPE_P(replace) !", "= IS_ARRAY) {\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_1$$5);\n\t\t\tzephir_create_array(&_1$$5, 1, 0);\n\t\t\tzephir_array_fast_append(&_1$$5, replace);\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_CPY_WRT(replace, &_1$$5);\n\t\t}\n\t\tzephir_is_iterable(replace, 0, \"phalcon/Tag.zep\", 309);\n\t\tif (Z_TYPE_P(replace) == IS_ARRAY) {\n\t\t\tZEND_HASH_FOREACH_VAL(Z_ARRVAL_P(replace), _2$$3)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(&search);\n\t\t\t\tZVAL_COPY(&search, _2$$3);\n\t\t\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(&_4$$6);\n\t\t\t\tZVAL_STRING(&_4$$6, \" \");\n\t\t\t\tzephir_array_update_zval(&matrix, &search, &_4$$6, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE);\n\t\t\t} ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END();\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(NULL, replace, \"rewind\", NULL, 0);\n\t\t\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\t\t\twhile (1) {\n\t\t\t\tZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(&_3$$3, replace, \"valid\", NULL, 0);\n\t\t\t\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\t\t\t\tif (!", "zend_is_true(&_3$$3)) {\n\t\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(&search, replace, \"current\", NULL, 0);\n\t\t\t\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\t\t\t\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(&_5$$7);\n\t\t\t\t\tZVAL_STRING(&_5$$7, \" \");\n\t\t\t\t\tzephir_array_update_zval(&matrix, &search, &_5$$7, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE);\n\t\t\t\tZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(NULL, replace, \"next\", NULL, 0);\n\t\t\t\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(&search);\n\t}\n\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_6);\n\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_7);\n\tzephir_array_keys(&_7, &matrix);\n\tZEPHIR_CALL_FUNCTION(&_8, \"array_values\", NULL, 11, &matrix);\n\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\tzephir_fast_str_replace(&_6, &_7, &_8, &text);\n\tzephir_get_strval(&text, &_6);\n\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_9);\n\tZVAL_STRING(&_9, \"/[^a-zA-Z0-9\\\\/_|+ -]/\");\n\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_10);\n\tZVAL_STRING(&_10, \"\");\n\tZEPHIR_CALL_FUNCTION(&friendly, \"preg_replace\", NULL, 48, &_9, &_10, &text);\n\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\tif (lowercase) {\n\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_11$$8);\n\t\tzephir_fast_strtolower(&_11$$8, &friendly);\n\t\tZEPHIR_CPY_WRT(&friendly, &_11$$8);\n\t}\n\tZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(&_9);\n\tZVAL_STRING(&_9, \"/[\\\\/_|+ -]+/\");\n\tZEPHIR_CALL_FUNCTION(&_12, \"preg_replace\", NULL, 48, &_9, &separator, &friendly);\n\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\tZEPHIR_CPY_WRT(&friendly, &_12);\n\tZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(&_9);\n\tzephir_fast_trim(&_9, &friendly, &separator, ZEPHIR_TRIM_BOTH);\n\tZEPHIR_CPY_WRT(&friendly, &_9);\n\tRETURN_CCTOR(&friendly);\n\n}\n\n/**\n * Get the document type declaration of content\n */\nPHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Tag, getDocType) {\n\n\tzval _0, _1$$3, _2$$4, _3$$4, _4$$5, _5$$5, _6$$6, _7$$6, _8$$7, _9$$7, _10$$8, _11$$8, _12$$9, _13$$9, _14$$10, _15$$10, _16$$11, _17$$11, _18$$12;\n\tzephir_method_globals *ZEPHIR_METHOD_GLOBALS_PTR = NULL;\n\tzval *this_ptr = getThis();\n\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_0);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_1$$3);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_2$$4);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_3$$4);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_4$$5);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_5$$5);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_6$$6);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_7$$6);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_8$$7);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_9$$7);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_10$$8);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_11$$8);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_12$$9);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_13$$9);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_14$$10);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_15$$10);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_16$$11);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_17$$11);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_18$$12);\n\n\tZEPHIR_MM_GROW();\n\n\tzephir_read_static_property_ce(&_0, phalcon_tag_ce, SL(\"documentType\"), PH_NOISY_CC | PH_READONLY);\n\tdo {\n\t\tif (ZEPHIR_IS_LONG(&_0, 1)) {\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_1$$3);\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_GET_CONSTANT(&_1$$3, \"PHP_EOL\");\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_CONCAT_SV(return_value, \"<!", "DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \\\"-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN\\\">\", &_1$$3);\n\t\t\tRETURN_MM();\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (ZEPHIR_IS_LONG(&_0, 2)) {\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_2$$4);\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_GET_CONSTANT(&_2$$4, \"PHP_EOL\");\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_3$$4);\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_GET_CONSTANT(&_3$$4, \"PHP_EOL\");\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_CONCAT_SVSV(return_value, \"<!", "DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \\\"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN\\\"\", &_2$$4, \"\\t\\\"http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd\\\">\", &_3$$4);\n\t\t\tRETURN_MM();\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (ZEPHIR_IS_LONG(&_0, 3)) {\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_4$$5);\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_GET_CONSTANT(&_4$$5, \"PHP_EOL\");\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_5$$5);\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_GET_CONSTANT(&_5$$5, \"PHP_EOL\");\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_CONCAT_SVSV(return_value, \"<!", "DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \\\"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\\\"\", &_4$$5, \"\\t\\\"http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd\\\">\", &_5$$5);\n\t\t\tRETURN_MM();\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (ZEPHIR_IS_LONG(&_0, 4)) {\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_6$$6);\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_GET_CONSTANT(&_6$$6, \"PHP_EOL\");\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_7$$6);\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_GET_CONSTANT(&_7$$6, \"PHP_EOL\");\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_CONCAT_SVSV(return_value, \"<!", "DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \\\"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN\\\"\", &_6$$6, \"\\t\\\"http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/frameset.dtd\\\">\", &_7$$6);\n\t\t\tRETURN_MM();\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (ZEPHIR_IS_LONG(&_0, 6)) {\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_8$$7);\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_GET_CONSTANT(&_8$$7, \"PHP_EOL\");\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_9$$7);\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_GET_CONSTANT(&_9$$7, \"PHP_EOL\");\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_CONCAT_SVSV(return_value, \"<!", "DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \\\"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN\\\"\", &_8$$7, \"\\t\\\"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd\\\">\", &_9$$7);\n\t\t\tRETURN_MM();\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (ZEPHIR_IS_LONG(&_0, 7)) {\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_10$$8);\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_GET_CONSTANT(&_10$$8, \"PHP_EOL\");\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_11$$8);\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_GET_CONSTANT(&_11$$8, \"PHP_EOL\");\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_CONCAT_SVSV(return_value, \"<!", "DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \\\"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\\\"\", &_10$$8, \"\\t\\\"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd\\\">\", &_11$$8);\n\t\t\tRETURN_MM();\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (ZEPHIR_IS_LONG(&_0, 8)) {\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_12$$9);\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_GET_CONSTANT(&_12$$9, \"PHP_EOL\");\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_13$$9);\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_GET_CONSTANT(&_13$$9, \"PHP_EOL\");\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_CONCAT_SVSV(return_value, \"<!", "DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \\\"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Frameset//EN\\\"\", &_12$$9, \"\\t\\\"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-frameset.dtd\\\">\", &_13$$9);\n\t\t\tRETURN_MM();\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (ZEPHIR_IS_LONG(&_0, 9)) {\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_14$$10);\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_GET_CONSTANT(&_14$$10, \"PHP_EOL\");\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_15$$10);\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_GET_CONSTANT(&_15$$10, \"PHP_EOL\");\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_CONCAT_SVSV(return_value, \"<!", "DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \\\"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN\\\"\", &_14$$10, \"\\t\\\"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd\\\">\", &_15$$10);\n\t\t\tRETURN_MM();\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (ZEPHIR_IS_LONG(&_0, 10)) {\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_16$$11);\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_GET_CONSTANT(&_16$$11, \"PHP_EOL\");\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_17$$11);\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_GET_CONSTANT(&_17$$11, \"PHP_EOL\");\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_CONCAT_SVSV(return_value, \"<!", "DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \\\"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 2.0//EN\\\"\", &_16$$11, \"\\t\\\"http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/DTD/xhtml2.dtd\\\">\", &_17$$11);\n\t\t\tRETURN_MM();\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (ZEPHIR_IS_LONG(&_0, 5) || ZEPHIR_IS_LONG(&_0, 11)) {\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_18$$12);\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_GET_CONSTANT(&_18$$12, \"PHP_EOL\");\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_CONCAT_SV(return_value, \"<!", "DOCTYPE html>\", &_18$$12);\n\t\t\tRETURN_MM();\n\t\t}\n\t} while(0);\n\n\tRETURN_MM_STRING(\"\");\n\n}\n\n/**\n * Obtains the 'escaper' service if required\n */\nPHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Tag, getEscaper) {\n\n\tzephir_method_globals *ZEPHIR_METHOD_GLOBALS_PTR = NULL;\n\tzend_long ZEPHIR_LAST_CALL_STATUS;\n\tzval *params_param = NULL, autoescape;\n\tzval params;\n\tzval *this_ptr = getThis();\n\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&params);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&autoescape);\n\n\tZEPHIR_MM_GROW();\n\tzephir_fetch_params(1, 1, 0, &params_param);\n\n\tZEPHIR_OBS_COPY_OR_DUP(&params, params_param);\n\n\n\tZEPHIR_OBS_VAR(&autoescape);\n\tif (!(", "zephir_array_isset_string_fetch(&autoescape, &params, SL(\"escape\"), 0))) {\n\t\tZEPHIR_OBS_NVAR(&autoescape);\n\t\tzephir_read_static_property_ce(&autoescape, phalcon_tag_ce, SL(\"autoEscape\"), PH_NOISY_CC);\n\t}\n\tif (!(", "zephir_is_true(&autoescape))) {\n\t\tRETURN_MM_NULL();\n\t}\n\tZEPHIR_RETURN_CALL_SELF(\"getescaperservice\", NULL, 0);\n\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\tRETURN_MM();\n\n}\n\n/**\n * Internally gets the request dispatcher\n */\nPHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Tag, getDI) {\n\n\tzval di;\n\tzephir_method_globals *ZEPHIR_METHOD_GLOBALS_PTR = NULL;\n\tzend_long ZEPHIR_LAST_CALL_STATUS;\n\tzephir_fcall_cache_entry *_0 = NULL;\n\tzval *this_ptr = getThis();\n\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&di);\n\n\tZEPHIR_MM_GROW();\n\n\tZEPHIR_OBS_VAR(&di);\n\tzephir_read_static_property_ce(&di, phalcon_tag_ce, SL(\"container\"), PH_NOISY_CC);\n\tif (Z_TYPE_P(&di) !", "= IS_OBJECT) {\n\t\tZEPHIR_CALL_CE_STATIC(&di, phalcon_di_ce, \"getdefault\", &_0, 0);\n\t\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\t}\n\tRETURN_CCTOR(&di);\n\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an Escaper service from the default DI\n */\nPHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Tag, getEscaperService) {\n\n\tzval escaper, container, _0$$4, _1$$4, _3$$4, _4$$3, _5$$3;\n\tzephir_method_globals *ZEPHIR_METHOD_GLOBALS_PTR = NULL;\n\tzephir_fcall_cache_entry *_2 = NULL;\n\tzend_long ZEPHIR_LAST_CALL_STATUS;\n\tzval *this_ptr = getThis();\n\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&escaper);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&container);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_0$$4);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_1$$4);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_3$$4);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_4$$3);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_5$$3);\n\n\tZEPHIR_MM_GROW();\n\n\tZEPHIR_OBS_VAR(&escaper);\n\tzephir_read_static_property_ce(&escaper, phalcon_tag_ce, SL(\"escaperService\"), PH_NOISY_CC);\n\tif (Z_TYPE_P(&escaper) !", "= IS_OBJECT) {\n\t\tZEPHIR_CALL_SELF(&container, \"getdi\", NULL, 0);\n\t\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\t\tif (UNEXPECTED(Z_TYPE_P(&container) !", "= IS_OBJECT)) {\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_0$$4);\n\t\t\tobject_init_ex(&_0$$4, phalcon_tag_exception_ce);\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_3$$4);\n\t\t\tZVAL_STRING(&_3$$4, \"the 'escaper' service\");\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_CALL_CE_STATIC(&_1$$4, phalcon_tag_exception_ce, \"containerservicenotfound\", &_2, 0, &_3$$4);\n\t\t\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(NULL, &_0$$4, \"__construct\", NULL, 6, &_1$$4);\n\t\t\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\t\t\tzephir_throw_exception_debug(&_0$$4, \"phalcon/Tag.zep\", 419);\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_MM_RESTORE();\n\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t}\n\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_5$$3);\n\t\tZVAL_STRING(&_5$$3, \"escaper\");\n\t\tZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(&_4$$3, &container, \"getshared\", NULL, 0, &_5$$3);\n\t\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\t\tZEPHIR_CPY_WRT(&escaper, &_4$$3);\n\t\tzephir_update_static_property_ce(phalcon_tag_ce, ZEND_STRL(\"escaperService\"), &escaper);\n\t}\n\tRETURN_CCTOR(&escaper);\n\n}\n\n/**\n * Gets the current document title. ", "The title will be automatically escaped.", "\n */\nPHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Tag, getTitle) {\n\n\tzval _1;\n\tzephir_method_globals *ZEPHIR_METHOD_GLOBALS_PTR = NULL;\n\tzephir_fcall_cache_entry *_10 = NULL, *_12 = NULL, *_19 = NULL, *_21 = NULL;\n\tzend_long ZEPHIR_LAST_CALL_STATUS;\n\tzval *prepend_param = NULL, *append_param = NULL, __$true, items, output, title, documentTitle, documentAppendTitle, documentPrependTitle, documentTitleSeparator, escaper, _0, _2, _3, _4$$3, _6$$3, _5$$4, tmp$$5, *_7$$5, _8$$5, _9$$6, _11$$7, _13$$9, _15$$9, _14$$10, *_16$$11, _17$$11, _18$$12, _20$$13;\n\tzend_bool prepend, append;\n\tzval *this_ptr = getThis();\n\n\tZVAL_BOOL(&__$true, 1);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&items);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&output);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&title);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&documentTitle);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&documentAppendTitle);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&documentPrependTitle);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&documentTitleSeparator);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&escaper);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_0);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_2);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_3);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_4$$3);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_6$$3);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_5$$4);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&tmp$$5);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_8$$5);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_9$$6);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_11$$7);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_13$$9);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_15$$9);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_14$$10);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_17$$11);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_18$$12);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_20$$13);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_1);\n\n\tZEPHIR_MM_GROW();\n\tzephir_fetch_params(1, 0, 2, &prepend_param, &append_param);\n\n\tif (!", "prepend_param) {\n\t\tprepend = 1;\n\t} else {\n\t\tprepend = zephir_get_boolval(prepend_param);\n\t}\n\tif (!", "append_param) {\n\t\tappend = 1;\n\t} else {\n\t\tappend = zephir_get_boolval(append_param);\n\t}\n\n\n\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_1);\n\tzephir_create_array(&_1, 1, 0);\n\tzephir_array_update_string(&_1, SL(\"escape\"), &__$true, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE);\n\tZEPHIR_CALL_SELF(&_0, \"getescaper\", NULL, 0, &_1);\n\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\tZEPHIR_CPY_WRT(&escaper, &_0);\n\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&items);\n\tarray_init(&items);\n\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&output);\n\tZVAL_STRING(&output, \"\");\n\tzephir_read_static_property_ce(&_2, phalcon_tag_ce, SL(\"documentTitle\"), PH_NOISY_CC | PH_READONLY);\n\tZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(&documentTitle, &escaper, \"escapehtml\", NULL, 0, &_2);\n\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\tzephir_read_static_property_ce(&_3, phalcon_tag_ce, SL(\"documentTitleSeparator\"), PH_NOISY_CC | PH_READONLY);\n\tZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(&documentTitleSeparator, &escaper, \"escapehtml\", NULL, 0, &_3);\n\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\tif (prepend) {\n\t\tzephir_read_static_property_ce(&_4$$3, phalcon_tag_ce, SL(\"documentPrependTitle\"), PH_NOISY_CC | PH_READONLY);\n\t\tif (Z_TYPE_P(&_4$$3) == IS_NULL) {\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_5$$4);\n\t\t\tarray_init(&_5$$4);\n\t\t\tzephir_update_static_property_ce(phalcon_tag_ce, ZEND_STRL(\"documentPrependTitle\"), &_5$$4);\n\t\t}\n\t\tZEPHIR_OBS_VAR(&_6$$3);\n\t\tzephir_read_static_property_ce(&_6$$3, phalcon_tag_ce, SL(\"documentPrependTitle\"), PH_NOISY_CC);\n\t\tZEPHIR_CPY_WRT(&documentPrependTitle, &_6$$3);\n\t\tif (!(", "ZEPHIR_IS_EMPTY(&documentPrependTitle))) {\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_CALL_FUNCTION(&tmp$$5, \"array_reverse\", NULL, 0, &documentPrependTitle);\n\t\t\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\t\t\tzephir_is_iterable(&tmp$$5, 0, \"phalcon/Tag.zep\", 459);\n\t\t\tif (Z_TYPE_P(&tmp$$5) == IS_ARRAY) {\n\t\t\t\tZEND_HASH_FOREACH_VAL(Z_ARRVAL_P(&tmp$$5), _7$$5)\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(&title);\n\t\t\t\t\tZVAL_COPY(&title, _7$$5);\n\t\t\t\t\tZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(&_9$$6, &escaper, \"escapehtml\", &_10, 0, &title);\n\t\t\t\t\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\t\t\t\t\tzephir_array_append(&items, &_9$$6, PH_SEPARATE, \"phalcon/Tag.zep\", 457);\n\t\t\t\t} ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END();\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(NULL, &tmp$$5, \"rewind\", NULL, 0);\n\t\t\t\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\t\t\t\twhile (1) {\n\t\t\t\t\tZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(&_8$$5, &tmp$$5, \"valid\", NULL, 0);\n\t\t\t\t\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\t\t\t\t\tif (!", "zend_is_true(&_8$$5)) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\tZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(&title, &tmp$$5, \"current\", NULL, 0);\n\t\t\t\t\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\t\t\t\t\t\tZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(&_11$$7, &escaper, \"escapehtml\", &_12, 0, &title);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\t\t\t\t\t\tzephir_array_append(&items, &_11$$7, PH_SEPARATE, \"phalcon/Tag.zep\", 457);\n\t\t\t\t\tZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(NULL, &tmp$$5, \"next\", NULL, 0);\n\t\t\t\t\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(&title);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tif (!(", "ZEPHIR_IS_EMPTY(&documentTitle))) {\n\t\tzephir_array_append(&items, &documentTitle, PH_SEPARATE, \"phalcon/Tag.zep\", 463);\n\t}\n\tif (append) {\n\t\tzephir_read_static_property_ce(&_13$$9, phalcon_tag_ce, SL(\"documentAppendTitle\"), PH_NOISY_CC | PH_READONLY);\n\t\tif (Z_TYPE_P(&_13$$9) == IS_NULL) {\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_14$$10);\n\t\t\tarray_init(&_14$$10);\n\t\t\tzephir_update_static_property_ce(phalcon_tag_ce, ZEND_STRL(\"documentAppendTitle\"), &_14$$10);\n\t\t}\n\t\tZEPHIR_OBS_VAR(&_15$$9);\n\t\tzephir_read_static_property_ce(&_15$$9, phalcon_tag_ce, SL(\"documentAppendTitle\"), PH_NOISY_CC);\n\t\tZEPHIR_CPY_WRT(&documentAppendTitle, &_15$$9);\n\t\tif (!(", "ZEPHIR_IS_EMPTY(&documentAppendTitle))) {\n\t\t\tzephir_is_iterable(&documentAppendTitle, 0, \"phalcon/Tag.zep\", 477);\n\t\t\tif (Z_TYPE_P(&documentAppendTitle) == IS_ARRAY) {\n\t\t\t\tZEND_HASH_FOREACH_VAL(Z_ARRVAL_P(&documentAppendTitle), _16$$11)\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(&title);\n\t\t\t\t\tZVAL_COPY(&title, _16$$11);\n\t\t\t\t\tZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(&_18$$12, &escaper, \"escapehtml\", &_19, 0, &title);\n\t\t\t\t\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\t\t\t\t\tzephir_array_append(&items, &_18$$12, PH_SEPARATE, \"phalcon/Tag.zep\", 475);\n\t\t\t\t} ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END();\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(NULL, &documentAppendTitle, \"rewind\", NULL, 0);\n\t\t\t\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\t\t\t\twhile (1) {\n\t\t\t\t\tZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(&_17$$11, &documentAppendTitle, \"valid\", NULL, 0);\n\t\t\t\t\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\t\t\t\t\tif (!", "zend_is_true(&_17$$11)) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\tZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(&title, &documentAppendTitle, \"current\", NULL, 0);\n\t\t\t\t\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\t\t\t\t\t\tZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(&_20$$13, &escaper, \"escapehtml\", &_21, 0, &title);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\t\t\t\t\t\tzephir_array_append(&items, &_20$$13, PH_SEPARATE, \"phalcon/Tag.zep\", 475);\n\t\t\t\t\tZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(NULL, &documentAppendTitle, \"next\", NULL, 0);\n\t\t\t\t\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(&title);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tif (ZEPHIR_IS_EMPTY(&documentTitleSeparator)) {\n\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(&documentTitleSeparator);\n\t\tZVAL_STRING(&documentTitleSeparator, \"\");\n\t}\n\tif (!(", "ZEPHIR_IS_EMPTY(&items))) {\n\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(&output);\n\t\tzephir_fast_join(&output, &documentTitleSeparator, &items);\n\t}\n\tRETURN_CCTOR(&output);\n\n}\n\n/**\n * Gets the current document title separator\n */\nPHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Tag, getTitleSeparator) {\n\n\tzval _0;\n\tzval *this_ptr = getThis();\n\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_0);\n\n\n\tzephir_read_static_property_ce(&_0, phalcon_tag_ce, SL(\"documentTitleSeparator\"), PH_NOISY_CC | PH_READONLY);\n\tRETURN_CTORW(&_0);\n\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a URL service from the default DI\n */\nPHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Tag, getUrlService) {\n\n\tzval url, container, _0$$4, _1$$4, _3$$4, _4$$3, _5$$3;\n\tzephir_method_globals *ZEPHIR_METHOD_GLOBALS_PTR = NULL;\n\tzephir_fcall_cache_entry *_2 = NULL;\n\tzend_long ZEPHIR_LAST_CALL_STATUS;\n\tzval *this_ptr = getThis();\n\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&url);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&container);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_0$$4);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_1$$4);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_3$$4);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_4$$3);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_5$$3);\n\n\tZEPHIR_MM_GROW();\n\n\tZEPHIR_OBS_VAR(&url);\n\tzephir_read_static_property_ce(&url, phalcon_tag_ce, SL(\"urlService\"), PH_NOISY_CC);\n\tif (Z_TYPE_P(&url) !", "= IS_OBJECT) {\n\t\tZEPHIR_CALL_SELF(&container, \"getdi\", NULL, 0);\n\t\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\t\tif (UNEXPECTED(Z_TYPE_P(&container) !", "= IS_OBJECT)) {\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_0$$4);\n\t\t\tobject_init_ex(&_0$$4, phalcon_tag_exception_ce);\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_3$$4);\n\t\t\tZVAL_STRING(&_3$$4, \"the 'url' service\");\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_CALL_CE_STATIC(&_1$$4, phalcon_tag_exception_ce, \"containerservicenotfound\", &_2, 0, &_3$$4);\n\t\t\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(NULL, &_0$$4, \"__construct\", NULL, 6, &_1$$4);\n\t\t\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\t\t\tzephir_throw_exception_debug(&_0$$4, \"phalcon/Tag.zep\", 514);\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_MM_RESTORE();\n\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t}\n\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_5$$3);\n\t\tZVAL_STRING(&_5$$3, \"url\");\n\t\tZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(&_4$$3, &container, \"getshared\", NULL, 0, &_5$$3);\n\t\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\t\tZEPHIR_CPY_WRT(&url, &_4$$3);\n\t\tzephir_update_static_property_ce(phalcon_tag_ce, ZEND_STRL(\"urlService\"), &url);\n\t}\n\tRETURN_CCTOR(&url);\n\n}\n\n/**\n * Every helper calls this function to check whether a component has a\n * predefined value using Phalcon\\Tag::setDefault() or value from $_POST\n */\nPHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Tag, getValue) {\n\n\tzephir_method_globals *ZEPHIR_METHOD_GLOBALS_PTR = NULL;\n\tzval params;\n\tzval *name, name_sub, *params_param = NULL, _POST, value, _0$$3;\n\tzval *this_ptr = getThis();\n\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&name_sub);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_POST);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&value);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_0$$3);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&params);\n\n\tZEPHIR_MM_GROW();\n\tzephir_get_global(&_POST, SL(\"_POST\"));\n\tzephir_fetch_params(1, 1, 1, &name, &params_param);\n\n\tif (!", "params_param) {\n\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&params);\n\t\tarray_init(&params);\n\t} else {\n\t\tzephir_get_arrval(&params, params_param);\n\t}\n\n\n\tZEPHIR_OBS_VAR(&value);\n\tif (!(", "zephir_array_isset_string_fetch(&value, &params, SL(\"value\"), 0))) {\n\t\tZEPHIR_OBS_NVAR(&value);\n\t\tzephir_read_static_property_ce(&_0$$3, phalcon_tag_ce, SL(\"displayValues\"), PH_NOISY_CC | PH_READONLY);\n\t\tif (!(", "zephir_array_isset_fetch(&value, &_0$$3, name, 0))) {\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_OBS_NVAR(&value);\n\t\t\tif (!(", "zephir_array_isset_fetch(&value, &_POST, name, 0))) {\n\t\t\t\tRETURN_MM_NULL();\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tRETURN_CCTOR(&value);\n\n}\n\n/**\n * Check if a helper has a default value set using Phalcon\\Tag::setDefault()\n * or value from $_POST\n */\nPHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Tag, hasValue) {\n\n\tzend_bool _1;\n\tzval *name, name_sub, _POST, _0;\n\tzval *this_ptr = getThis();\n\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&name_sub);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_POST);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_0);\n\n\tzephir_get_global(&_POST, SL(\"_POST\"));\n\tzephir_fetch_params_without_memory_grow(1, 0, &name);\n\n\n\n\tzephir_read_static_property_ce(&_0, phalcon_tag_ce, SL(\"displayValues\"), PH_NOISY_CC | PH_READONLY);\n\t_1 = zephir_array_isset(&_0, name);\n\tif (!(_", "1)) {\n\t\t_1 = zephir_array_isset(&_POST, name);\n\t}\n\tRETURN_BOOL(_1);\n\n}\n\n/**\n * Builds a HTML input[type=\"hidden\"] tag\n *\n * @param array parameters = [\n * 'class' => '',\n * 'name' => '',\n * 'src' => '',\n * 'id' => '',\n * 'value' => ''\n * ]\n */\nPHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Tag, hiddenField) {\n\n\tzephir_method_globals *ZEPHIR_METHOD_GLOBALS_PTR = NULL;\n\tzend_long ZEPHIR_LAST_CALL_STATUS;\n\tzephir_fcall_cache_entry *_0 = NULL;\n\tzval *parameters, parameters_sub, _1;\n\tzval *this_ptr = getThis();\n\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&parameters_sub);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_1);\n\n\tZEPHIR_MM_GROW();\n\tzephir_fetch_params(1, 1, 0, &parameters);\n\n\n\n\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_1);\n\tZVAL_STRING(&_1, \"hidden\");\n\tZEPHIR_RETURN_CALL_SELF(\"inputfield\", &_0, 0, &_1, parameters);\n\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\tRETURN_MM();\n\n}\n\n/**\n * Builds HTML IMG tags\n *\n * @param array|string parameters = [\n * 'src' => '',\n * 'class' => '',\n * 'id' => '',\n * 'name' => ''\n * ]\n */\nPHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Tag, image) {\n\n\tzephir_method_globals *ZEPHIR_METHOD_GLOBALS_PTR = NULL;\n\tzend_long ZEPHIR_LAST_CALL_STATUS;\n\tzend_bool local;\n\tzval *parameters = NULL, parameters_sub, *local_param = NULL, __$null, params, code, src, _5, _6, _0$$5, _1$$8, _2$$9, _3$$9, _4$$9;\n\tzval *this_ptr = getThis();\n\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&parameters_sub);\n\tZVAL_NULL(&__$null);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&params);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&code);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&src);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_5);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_6);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_0$$5);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_1$$8);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_2$$9);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_3$$9);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_4$$9);\n\n\tZEPHIR_MM_GROW();\n\tzephir_fetch_params(1, 0, 2, &parameters, &local_param);\n\n\tif (!", "parameters) {\n\t\tparameters = &parameters_sub;\n\t\tparameters = &__$null;\n\t}\n\tif (!", "local_param) {\n\t\tlocal = 1;\n\t} else {\n\t\tlocal = zephir_get_boolval(local_param);\n\t}\n\n\n\tif (Z_TYPE_P(parameters) !", "= IS_ARRAY) {\n\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&params);\n\t\tzephir_create_array(&params, 1, 0);\n\t\tzephir_array_fast_append(&params, parameters);\n\t} else {\n\t\tZEPHIR_CPY_WRT(&params, parameters);\n\t\tif (zephir_array_isset_long(&params, 1)) {\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_OBS_VAR(&_0$$5);\n\t\t\tzephir_array_fetch_long(&_0$$5, &params, 1, PH_NOISY, \"phalcon/Tag.zep\", 597);\n\t\t\tlocal = zephir_get_boolval(&_0$$5);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tif (!(", "zephir_array_isset_string(&params, SL(\"src\")))) {\n\t\tZEPHIR_OBS_VAR(&src);\n\t\tif (zephir_array_isset_long_fetch(&src, &params, 0, 0)) {\n\t\t\tzephir_array_update_string(&params, SL(\"src\"), &src, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE);\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_1$$8);\n\t\t\tZVAL_STRING(&_1$$8, \"\");\n\t\t\tzephir_array_update_string(&params, SL(\"src\"), &_1$$8, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tif (local) {\n\t\tZEPHIR_CALL_SELF(&_2$$9, \"geturlservice\", NULL, 0);\n\t\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\t\tzephir_array_fetch_string(&_4$$9, &params, SL(\"src\"), PH_NOISY | PH_READONLY, \"phalcon/Tag.zep\", 613);\n\t\tZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(&_3$$9, &_2$$9, \"getstatic\", NULL, 0, &_4$$9);\n\t\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\t\tzephir_array_update_string(&params, SL(\"src\"), &_3$$9, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE);\n\t}\n\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_5);\n\tZVAL_STRING(&_5, \"<img\");\n\tZEPHIR_CALL_SELF(&code, \"renderattributes\", NULL, 0, &_5, &params);\n\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\tzephir_read_static_property_ce(&_6, phalcon_tag_ce, SL(\"documentType\"), PH_NOISY_CC | PH_READONLY);\n\tif (ZEPHIR_GT_LONG(&_6, 5)) {\n\t\tzephir_concat_self_str(&code, SL(\" />\"));\n\t} else {\n\t\tzephir_concat_self_str(&code, SL(\">\"));\n\t}\n\tRETURN_CCTOR(&code);\n\n}\n\n/**\n * Builds a HTML input[type=\"image\"] tag\n *\n * @param array parameters = [\n * 'class' => '',\n * 'name' => '',\n * 'src' => '',\n * 'id' => ''\n * ]\n */\nPHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Tag, imageInput) {\n\n\tzephir_method_globals *ZEPHIR_METHOD_GLOBALS_PTR = NULL;\n\tzend_long ZEPHIR_LAST_CALL_STATUS;\n\tzephir_fcall_cache_entry *_0 = NULL;\n\tzval *parameters, parameters_sub, _1, _2;\n\tzval *this_ptr = getThis();\n\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&parameters_sub);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_1);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_2);\n\n\tZEPHIR_MM_GROW();\n\tzephir_fetch_params(1, 1, 0, &parameters);\n\n\n\n\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_1);\n\tZVAL_STRING(&_1, \"image\");\n\tZVAL_BOOL(&_2, 1);\n\tZEPHIR_RETURN_CALL_SELF(\"inputfield\", &_0, 0, &_1, parameters, &_2);\n\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\tRETURN_MM();\n\n}\n\n/**\n * Builds a SCRIPT[type=\"javascript\"] tag\n *\n * @param array|string parameters = [\n * 'local' => false,\n * 'src' => '',\n * 'type' => 'text/javascript'\n * 'rel' => ''\n * ]\n */\nPHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Tag, javascriptInclude) {\n\n\tzephir_method_globals *ZEPHIR_METHOD_GLOBALS_PTR = NULL;\n\tzend_long ZEPHIR_LAST_CALL_STATUS;\n\tzend_bool local, _3;\n\tzval *parameters = NULL, parameters_sub, *local_param = NULL, __$null, params, code, _4, _11, _12, _0$$3, _1$$5, _2$$7, _5$$8, _6$$10, _7$$11, _8$$12, _9$$12, _10$$12;\n\tzval *this_ptr = getThis();\n\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&parameters_sub);\n\tZVAL_NULL(&__$null);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&params);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&code);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_4);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_11);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_12);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_0$$3);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_1$$5);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_2$$7);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_5$$8);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_6$$10);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_7$$11);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_8$$12);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_9$$12);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_10$$12);\n\n\tZEPHIR_MM_GROW();\n\tzephir_fetch_params(1, 0, 2, &parameters, &local_param);\n\n\tif (!", "parameters) {\n\t\tparameters = &parameters_sub;\n\t\tparameters = &__$null;\n\t}\n\tif (!", "local_param) {\n\t\tlocal = 1;\n\t} else {\n\t\tlocal = zephir_get_boolval(local_param);\n\t}\n\n\n\tif (Z_TYPE_P(parameters) !", "= IS_ARRAY) {\n\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&params);\n\t\tzephir_create_array(&params, 2, 0);\n\t\tzephir_array_fast_append(&params, parameters);\n\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_0$$3);\n\t\tZVAL_BOOL(&_0$$3, local);\n\t\tzephir_array_fast_append(&params, &_0$$3);\n\t} else {\n\t\tZEPHIR_CPY_WRT(&params, parameters);\n\t}\n\tif (zephir_array_isset_long(&params, 1)) {\n\t\tZEPHIR_OBS_VAR(&_1$$5);\n\t\tzephir_array_fetch_long(&_1$$5, &params, 1, PH_NOISY, \"phalcon/Tag.zep\", 666);\n\t\tlocal = zephir_get_boolval(&_1$$5);\n\t} else {\n\t\tif (zephir_array_isset_string(&params, SL(\"local\"))) {\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_OBS_VAR(&_2$$7);\n\t\t\tzephir_array_fetch_string(&_2$$7, &params, SL(\"local\"), PH_NOISY, \"phalcon/Tag.zep\", 669);\n\t\t\tlocal = zephir_get_boolval(&_2$$7);\n\t\t\tzephir_array_unset_string(&params, SL(\"local\"), PH_SEPARATE);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\t_3 = !(", "zephir_array_isset_string(&params, SL(\"type\")));\n\tif (_3) {\n\t\tzephir_read_static_property_ce(&_4, phalcon_tag_ce, SL(\"documentType\"), PH_NOISY_CC | PH_READONLY);\n\t\t_3 = ZEPHIR_LT_LONG(&_4, 5);\n\t}\n\tif (_3) {\n\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_5$$8);\n\t\tZVAL_STRING(&_5$$8, \"text/javascript\");\n\t\tzephir_array_update_string(&params, SL(\"type\"), &_5$$8, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE);\n\t}\n\tif (!(", "zephir_array_isset_string(&params, SL(\"src\")))) {\n\t\tif (zephir_array_isset_long(&params, 0)) {\n\t\t\tzephir_array_fetch_long(&_6$$10, &params, 0, PH_NOISY | PH_READONLY, \"phalcon/Tag.zep\", 681);\n\t\t\tzephir_array_update_string(&params, SL(\"src\"), &_6$$10, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE);\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_7$$11);\n\t\t\tZVAL_STRING(&_7$$11, \"\");\n\t\t\tzephir_array_update_string(&params, SL(\"src\"), &_7$$11, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tif (local) {\n\t\tZEPHIR_CALL_SELF(&_8$$12, \"geturlservice\", NULL, 0);\n\t\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\t\tzephir_array_fetch_string(&_10$$12, &params, SL(\"src\"), PH_NOISY | PH_READONLY, \"phalcon/Tag.zep\", 691);\n\t\tZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(&_9$$12, &_8$$12, \"getstatic\", NULL, 0, &_10$$12);\n\t\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\t\tzephir_array_update_string(&params, SL(\"src\"), &_9$$12, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE);\n\t}\n\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_11);\n\tZVAL_STRING(&_11, \"<script\");\n\tZEPHIR_CALL_SELF(&code, \"renderattributes\", NULL, 0, &_11, &params);\n\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\tZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(&_11);\n\tZEPHIR_GET_CONSTANT(&_11, \"PHP_EOL\");\n\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_12);\n\tZEPHIR_CONCAT_SV(&_12, \"></script>\", &_11);\n\tzephir_concat_self(&code, &_12);\n\tRETURN_CCTOR(&code);\n\n}\n\n/**\n * Builds a HTML A tag using framework conventions\n *\n * @param parameters array|string = [\n * 'action' => '',\n * 'text' => '',\n * 'local' => false,\n * 'query' => '',\n * 'class' => '',\n * 'name' => '',\n * 'href' => '',\n * 'id' => ''\n * ]\n */\nPHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Tag, linkTo) {\n\n\tzephir_method_globals *ZEPHIR_METHOD_GLOBALS_PTR = NULL;\n\tzend_long ZEPHIR_LAST_CALL_STATUS;\n\tzval *parameters, parameters_sub, *text = NULL, text_sub, *local = NULL, local_sub, __$null, __$true, params, action, query, url, code, _0, _1, _2;\n\tzval *this_ptr = getThis();\n\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&parameters_sub);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&text_sub);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&local_sub);\n\tZVAL_NULL(&__$null);\n\tZVAL_BOOL(&__$true, 1);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&params);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&action);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&query);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&url);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&code);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_0);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_1);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_2);\n\n\tZEPHIR_MM_GROW();\n\tzephir_fetch_params(1, 1, 2, &parameters, &text, &local);\n\n\tif (!", "text) {\n\t\ttext = &text_sub;\n\t\tZEPHIR_CPY_WRT(text, &__$null);\n\t} else {\n\t\tZEPHIR_SEPARATE_PARAM(text);\n\t}\n\tif (!", "local) {\n\t\tlocal = &local_sub;\n\t\tZEPHIR_CPY_WRT(local, &__$true);\n\t} else {\n\t\tZEPHIR_SEPARATE_PARAM(local);\n\t}\n\n\n\tif (Z_TYPE_P(parameters) !", "= IS_ARRAY) {\n\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&params);\n\t\tzephir_create_array(&params, 3, 0);\n\t\tzephir_array_fast_append(&params, parameters);\n\t\tzephir_array_fast_append(&params, text);\n\t\tzephir_array_fast_append(&params, local);\n\t} else {\n\t\tZEPHIR_CPY_WRT(&params, parameters);\n\t}\n\tZEPHIR_OBS_VAR(&action);\n\tif (!(", "zephir_array_isset_long_fetch(&action, &params, 0, 0))) {\n\t\tZEPHIR_OBS_NVAR(&action);\n\t\tif (!(", "zephir_array_isset_string_fetch(&action, &params, SL(\"action\"), 0))) {\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(&action);\n\t\t\tZVAL_STRING(&action, \"\");\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tzephir_array_unset_string(&params, SL(\"action\"), PH_SEPARATE);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tZEPHIR_OBS_NVAR(text);\n\tif (!(", "zephir_array_isset_long_fetch(text, &params, 1, 0))) {\n\t\tZEPHIR_OBS_NVAR(text);\n\t\tif (!(", "zephir_array_isset_string_fetch(text, &params, SL(\"text\"), 0))) {\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(text);\n\t\t\tZVAL_STRING(text, \"\");\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tzephir_array_unset_string(&params, SL(\"text\"), PH_SEPARATE);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tZEPHIR_OBS_NVAR(local);\n\tif (!(", "zephir_array_isset_long_fetch(local, &params, 2, 0))) {\n\t\tZEPHIR_OBS_NVAR(local);\n\t\tif (!(", "zephir_array_isset_string_fetch(local, &params, SL(\"local\"), 0))) {\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(local);\n\t\t\tZVAL_BOOL(local, 1);\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tzephir_array_unset_string(&params, SL(\"local\"), PH_SEPARATE);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tZEPHIR_OBS_VAR(&query);\n\tif (zephir_array_isset_string_fetch(&query, &params, SL(\"query\"), 0)) {\n\t\tzephir_array_unset_string(&params, SL(\"query\"), PH_SEPARATE);\n\t} else {\n\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(&query);\n\t\tZVAL_NULL(&query);\n\t}\n\tZEPHIR_CALL_SELF(&url, \"geturlservice\", NULL, 0);\n\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\tZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(&_0, &url, \"get\", NULL, 0, &action, &query, local);\n\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\tzephir_array_update_string(&params, SL(\"href\"), &_0, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE);\n\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_1);\n\tZVAL_STRING(&_1, \"<a\");\n\tZEPHIR_CALL_SELF(&code, \"renderattributes\", NULL, 0, &_1, &params);\n\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_2);\n\tZEPHIR_CONCAT_SVS(&_2, \">\", text, \"</a>\");\n\tzephir_concat_self(&code, &_2);\n\tRETURN_CCTOR(&code);\n\n}\n\n/**\n * Builds a HTML input[type=\"month\"] tag\n *\n * @param array parameters = [\n * 'class' => '',\n * 'name' => '',\n * 'src' => '',\n * 'id' => '',\n * 'value' => ''\n * ]\n */\nPHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Tag, monthField) {\n\n\tzephir_method_globals *ZEPHIR_METHOD_GLOBALS_PTR = NULL;\n\tzend_long ZEPHIR_LAST_CALL_STATUS;\n\tzephir_fcall_cache_entry *_0 = NULL;\n\tzval *parameters, parameters_sub, _1;\n\tzval *this_ptr = getThis();\n\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&parameters_sub);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_1);\n\n\tZEPHIR_MM_GROW();\n\tzephir_fetch_params(1, 1, 0, &parameters);\n\n\n\n\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_1);\n\tZVAL_STRING(&_1, \"month\");\n\tZEPHIR_RETURN_CALL_SELF(\"inputfield\", &_0, 0, &_1, parameters);\n\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\tRETURN_MM();\n\n}\n\n/**\n * Builds a HTML input[type=\"number\"] tag\n *\n * @param array parameters = [\n * 'class' => '',\n * 'name' => '',\n * 'src' => '',\n * 'id' => '',\n * 'value' => ''\n * ]\n */\nPHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Tag, numericField) {\n\n\tzephir_method_globals *ZEPHIR_METHOD_GLOBALS_PTR = NULL;\n\tzend_long ZEPHIR_LAST_CALL_STATUS;\n\tzephir_fcall_cache_entry *_0 = NULL;\n\tzval *parameters, parameters_sub, _1;\n\tzval *this_ptr = getThis();\n\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&parameters_sub);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_1);\n\n\tZEPHIR_MM_GROW();\n\tzephir_fetch_params(1, 1, 0, &parameters);\n\n\n\n\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_1);\n\tZVAL_STRING(&_1, \"number\");\n\tZEPHIR_RETURN_CALL_SELF(\"inputfield\", &_0, 0, &_1, parameters);\n\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\tRETURN_MM();\n\n}\n\n/**\n * Builds a HTML input[type=\"password\"] tag\n *\n * @param array parameters = [\n * 'class' => '',\n * 'name' => '',\n * 'src' => '',\n * 'id' => '',\n * 'value' => ''\n * ]\n */\nPHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Tag, passwordField) {\n\n\tzephir_method_globals *ZEPHIR_METHOD_GLOBALS_PTR = NULL;\n\tzend_long ZEPHIR_LAST_CALL_STATUS;\n\tzephir_fcall_cache_entry *_0 = NULL;\n\tzval *parameters, parameters_sub, _1;\n\tzval *this_ptr = getThis();\n\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&parameters_sub);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_1);\n\n\tZEPHIR_MM_GROW();\n\tzephir_fetch_params(1, 1, 0, &parameters);\n\n\n\n\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_1);\n\tZVAL_STRING(&_1, \"password\");\n\tZEPHIR_RETURN_CALL_SELF(\"inputfield\", &_0, 0, &_1, parameters);\n\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\tRETURN_MM();\n\n}\n\n/**\n * Prepends a text to current document title\n */\nPHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Tag, prependTitle) {\n\n\tzephir_method_globals *ZEPHIR_METHOD_GLOBALS_PTR = NULL;\n\tzval *title, title_sub, _0, _1$$3;\n\tzval *this_ptr = getThis();\n\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&title_sub);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_0);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_1$$3);\n\n\tZEPHIR_MM_GROW();\n\tzephir_fetch_params(1, 1, 0, &title);\n\n\n\n\tzephir_read_static_property_ce(&_0, phalcon_tag_ce, SL(\"documentPrependTitle\"), PH_NOISY_CC | PH_READONLY);\n\tif (Z_TYPE_P(&_0) == IS_NULL) {\n\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_1$$3);\n\t\tarray_init(&_1$$3);\n\t\tzephir_update_static_property_ce(phalcon_tag_ce, ZEND_STRL(\"documentPrependTitle\"), &_1$$3);\n\t}\n\tif (Z_TYPE_P(title) == IS_ARRAY) {\n\t\tzephir_update_static_property_ce(phalcon_tag_ce, ZEND_STRL(\"documentPrependTitle\"), title);\n\t} else {\n\t\tzephir_update_static_property_array_multi_ce(phalcon_tag_ce, SL(\"documentPrependTitle\"), title, SL(\"a\"), 1);\n\t}\n\tZEPHIR_MM_RESTORE();\n\n}\n\n/**\n * Builds a HTML input[type=\"radio\"] tag\n *\n * @param array parameters = [\n * 'class' => '',\n * 'name' => '',\n * 'src' => '',\n * 'id' => '',\n * 'value' => ''\n * ]\n */\nPHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Tag, radioField) {\n\n\tzephir_method_globals *ZEPHIR_METHOD_GLOBALS_PTR = NULL;\n\tzend_long ZEPHIR_LAST_CALL_STATUS;\n\tzephir_fcall_cache_entry *_0 = NULL;\n\tzval *parameters, parameters_sub, _1;\n\tzval *this_ptr = getThis();\n\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&parameters_sub);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_1);\n\n\tZEPHIR_MM_GROW();\n\tzephir_fetch_params(1, 1, 0, &parameters);\n\n\n\n\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_1);\n\tZVAL_STRING(&_1, \"radio\");\n\tZEPHIR_RETURN_CALL_SELF(\"inputfieldchecked\", &_0, 0, &_1, parameters);\n\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\tRETURN_MM();\n\n}\n\n/**\n * Builds a HTML input[type=\"range\"] tag\n *\n * @param array parameters = [\n * 'class' => '',\n * 'name' => '',\n * 'src' => '',\n * 'id' => '',\n * 'value' => ''\n * ]\n */\nPHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Tag, rangeField) {\n\n\tzephir_method_globals *ZEPHIR_METHOD_GLOBALS_PTR = NULL;\n\tzend_long ZEPHIR_LAST_CALL_STATUS;\n\tzephir_fcall_cache_entry *_0 = NULL;\n\tzval *parameters, parameters_sub, _1;\n\tzval *this_ptr = getThis();\n\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&parameters_sub);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_1);\n\n\tZEPHIR_MM_GROW();\n\tzephir_fetch_params(1, 1, 0, &parameters);\n\n\n\n\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_1);\n\tZVAL_STRING(&_1, \"range\");\n\tZEPHIR_RETURN_CALL_SELF(\"inputfield\", &_0, 0, &_1, parameters);\n\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\tRETURN_MM();\n\n}\n\n/**\n * Renders parameters keeping order in their HTML attributes\n *\n * @param array attributes = [\n * 'rel' => null,\n * 'type' => null,\n * 'for' => null,\n * 'src' => null,\n * 'href' => null,\n * 'action' => null,\n * 'id' => null,\n * 'name' => null,\n * 'value' => null,\n * 'class' => null\n * ]\n */\nPHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Tag, renderAttributes) {\n\n\tzend_bool _13$$11, _14$$12, _21$$16, _22$$17;\n\tzend_string *_3, *_7, *_12;\n\tzend_ulong _2, _6, _11;\n\tzephir_method_globals *ZEPHIR_METHOD_GLOBALS_PTR = NULL;\n\tzephir_fcall_cache_entry *_18 = NULL, *_19 = NULL, *_26 = NULL;\n\tzend_long ZEPHIR_LAST_CALL_STATUS;\n\tzval attributes;\n\tzval *code_param = NULL, *attributes_param = NULL, __$null, order, escaper, attrs, attribute, value, escaped, key, newCode, *_0, _1, *_4, _5, _8, *_9, _10, _20$$12, _15$$13, _16$$13, _17$$13, _27$$17, _23$$18, _24$$18, _25$$18;\n\tzval code;\n\tzval *this_ptr = getThis();\n\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&code);\n\tZVAL_NULL(&__$null);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&order);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&escaper);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&attrs);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&attribute);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&value);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&escaped);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&key);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&newCode);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_1);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_5);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_8);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_10);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_20$$12);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_15$$13);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_16$$13);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_17$$13);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_27$$17);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_23$$18);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_24$$18);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_25$$18);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&attributes);\n\n\tZEPHIR_MM_GROW();\n\tzephir_fetch_params(1, 2, 0, &code_param, &attributes_param);\n\n\tif (UNEXPECTED(Z_TYPE_P(code_param) !", "= IS_STRING && Z_TYPE_P(code_param) !", "= IS_NULL)) {\n\t\tzephir_throw_exception_string(spl_ce_InvalidArgumentException, SL(\"Parameter 'code' must be of the type string\"));\n\t\tRETURN_MM_NULL();\n\t}\n\tif (EXPECTED(Z_TYPE_P(code_param) == IS_STRING)) {\n\t\tzephir_get_strval(&code, code_param);\n\t} else {\n\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&code);\n\t\tZVAL_EMPTY_STRING(&code);\n\t}\n\tZEPHIR_OBS_COPY_OR_DUP(&attributes, attributes_param);\n\n\n\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&order);\n\tzephir_create_array(&order, 10, 0);\n\tzephir_array_update_string(&order, SL(\"rel\"), &__$null, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE);\n\tzephir_array_update_string(&order, SL(\"type\"), &__$null, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE);\n\tzephir_array_update_string(&order, SL(\"for\"), &__$null, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE);\n\tzephir_array_update_string(&order, SL(\"src\"), &__$null, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE);\n\tzephir_array_update_string(&order, SL(\"href\"), &__$null, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE);\n\tzephir_array_update_string(&order, SL(\"action\"), &__$null, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE);\n\tzephir_array_update_string(&order, SL(\"id\"), &__$null, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE);\n\tzephir_array_update_string(&order, SL(\"name\"), &__$null, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE);\n\tzephir_array_update_string(&order, SL(\"value\"), &__$null, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE);\n\tzephir_array_update_string(&order, SL(\"class\"), &__$null, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE);\n\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&attrs);\n\tarray_init(&attrs);\n\tzephir_is_iterable(&order, 0, \"phalcon/Tag.zep\", 900);\n\tif (Z_TYPE_P(&order) == IS_ARRAY) {\n\t\tZEND_HASH_FOREACH_KEY_VAL(Z_ARRVAL_P(&order), _2, _3, _0)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(&key);\n\t\t\tif (_3 !", "= NULL) { \n\t\t\t\tZVAL_STR_COPY(&key, _3);\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tZVAL_LONG(&key, _2);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(&value);\n\t\t\tZVAL_COPY(&value, _0);\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_OBS_NVAR(&attribute);\n\t\t\tif (zephir_array_isset_fetch(&attribute, &attributes, &key, 0)) {\n\t\t\t\tzephir_array_update_zval(&attrs, &key, &attribute, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t} ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END();\n\t} else {\n\t\tZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(NULL, &order, \"rewind\", NULL, 0);\n\t\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\t\twhile (1) {\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(&_1, &order, \"valid\", NULL, 0);\n\t\t\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\t\t\tif (!", "zend_is_true(&_1)) {\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(&key, &order, \"key\", NULL, 0);\n\t\t\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(&value, &order, \"current\", NULL, 0);\n\t\t\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\t\t\t\tZEPHIR_OBS_NVAR(&attribute);\n\t\t\t\tif (zephir_array_isset_fetch(&attribute, &attributes, &key, 0)) {\n\t\t\t\t\tzephir_array_update_zval(&attrs, &key, &attribute, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(NULL, &order, \"next\", NULL, 0);\n\t\t\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(&value);\n\tZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(&key);\n\tzephir_is_iterable(&attributes, 0, \"phalcon/Tag.zep\", 906);\n\tif (Z_TYPE_P(&attributes) == IS_ARRAY) {\n\t\tZEND_HASH_FOREACH_KEY_VAL(Z_ARRVAL_P(&attributes), _6, _7, _4)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(&key);\n\t\t\tif (_7 !", "= NULL) { \n\t\t\t\tZVAL_STR_COPY(&key, _7);\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tZVAL_LONG(&key, _6);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(&value);\n\t\t\tZVAL_COPY(&value, _4);\n\t\t\tif (!(", "zephir_array_isset(&attrs, &key))) {\n\t\t\t\tzephir_array_update_zval(&attrs, &key, &value, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t} ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END();\n\t} else {\n\t\tZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(NULL, &attributes, \"rewind\", NULL, 0);\n\t\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\t\twhile (1) {\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(&_5, &attributes, \"valid\", NULL, 0);\n\t\t\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\t\t\tif (!", "zend_is_true(&_5)) {\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(&key, &attributes, \"key\", NULL, 0);\n\t\t\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(&value, &attributes, \"current\", NULL, 0);\n\t\t\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\t\t\t\tif (!(", "zephir_array_isset(&attrs, &key))) {\n\t\t\t\t\tzephir_array_update_zval(&attrs, &key, &value, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(NULL, &attributes, \"next\", NULL, 0);\n\t\t\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(&value);\n\tZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(&key);\n\tZEPHIR_CALL_SELF(&_8, \"getescaper\", NULL, 0, &attributes);\n\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\tZEPHIR_CPY_WRT(&escaper, &_8);\n\tzephir_array_unset_string(&attrs, SL(\"escape\"), PH_SEPARATE);\n\tZEPHIR_CPY_WRT(&newCode, &code);\n\tzephir_is_iterable(&attrs, 0, \"phalcon/Tag.zep\", 930);\n\tif (Z_TYPE_P(&attrs) == IS_ARRAY) {\n\t\tZEND_HASH_FOREACH_KEY_VAL(Z_ARRVAL_P(&attrs), _11, _12, _9)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(&key);\n\t\t\tif (_12 !", "= NULL) { \n\t\t\t\tZVAL_STR_COPY(&key, _12);\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tZVAL_LONG(&key, _11);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(&value);\n\t\t\tZVAL_COPY(&value, _9);\n\t\t\t_13$$11 = Z_TYPE_P(&key) == IS_STRING;\n\t\t\tif (_13$$11) {\n\t\t\t\t_13$$11 = Z_TYPE_P(&value) !", "= IS_NULL;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif (_13$$11) {\n\t\t\t\t_14$$12 = Z_TYPE_P(&value) == IS_ARRAY;\n\t\t\t\tif (!(_", "14$$12)) {\n\t\t\t\t\t_14$$12 = Z_TYPE_P(&value) == IS_RESOURCE;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tif (UNEXPECTED(_14$$12)) {\n\t\t\t\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(&_15$$13);\n\t\t\t\t\tobject_init_ex(&_15$$13, phalcon_tag_exception_ce);\n\t\t\t\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(&_16$$13);\n\t\t\t\t\tzephir_gettype(&_16$$13, &value);\n\t\t\t\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(&_17$$13);\n\t\t\t\t\tZEPHIR_CONCAT_SVSVS(&_17$$13, \"Value at index: '\", &key, \"' type: '\", &_16$$13, \"' cannot be rendered\");\n\t\t\t\t\tZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(NULL, &_15$$13, \"__construct\", &_18, 6, &_17$$13);\n\t\t\t\t\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\t\t\t\t\tzephir_throw_exception_debug(&_15$$13, \"phalcon/Tag.zep\", 917);\n\t\t\t\t\tZEPHIR_MM_RESTORE();\n\t\t\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tif (zephir_is_true(&escaper)) {\n\t\t\t\t\tZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(&escaped, &escaper, \"escapehtmlattr\", &_19, 0, &value);\n\t\t\t\t\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\tZEPHIR_CPY_WRT(&escaped, &value);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(&_20$$12);\n\t\t\t\tZEPHIR_CONCAT_SVSVS(&_20$$12, \" \", &key, \"=\\\"\", &escaped, \"\\\"\");\n\t\t\t\tzephir_concat_self(&newCode, &_20$$12);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t} ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END();\n\t} else {\n\t\tZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(NULL, &attrs, \"rewind\", NULL, 0);\n\t\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\t\twhile (1) {\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(&_10, &attrs, \"valid\", NULL, 0);\n\t\t\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\t\t\tif (!", "zend_is_true(&_10)) {\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(&key, &attrs, \"key\", NULL, 0);\n\t\t\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(&value, &attrs, \"current\", NULL, 0);\n\t\t\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\t\t\t\t_21$$16 = Z_TYPE_P(&key) == IS_STRING;\n\t\t\t\tif (_21$$16) {\n\t\t\t\t\t_21$$16 = Z_TYPE_P(&value) !", "= IS_NULL;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tif (_21$$16) {\n\t\t\t\t\t_22$$17 = Z_TYPE_P(&value) == IS_ARRAY;\n\t\t\t\t\tif (!(_", "22$$17)) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t_22$$17 = Z_TYPE_P(&value) == IS_RESOURCE;\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\tif (UNEXPECTED(_22$$17)) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(&_23$$18);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tobject_init_ex(&_23$$18, phalcon_tag_exception_ce);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(&_24$$18);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tzephir_gettype(&_24$$18, &value);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(&_25$$18);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tZEPHIR_CONCAT_SVSVS(&_25$$18, \"Value at index: '\", &key, \"' type: '\", &_24$$18, \"' cannot be rendered\");\n\t\t\t\t\t\tZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(NULL, &_23$$18, \"__construct\", &_18, 6, &_25$$18);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\t\t\t\t\t\tzephir_throw_exception_debug(&_23$$18, \"phalcon/Tag.zep\", 917);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tZEPHIR_MM_RESTORE();\n\t\t\t\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\tif (zephir_is_true(&escaper)) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(&escaped, &escaper, \"escapehtmlattr\", &_26, 0, &value);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\t\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tZEPHIR_CPY_WRT(&escaped, &value);\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(&_27$$17);\n\t\t\t\t\tZEPHIR_CONCAT_SVSVS(&_27$$17, \" \", &key, \"=\\\"\", &escaped, \"\\\"\");\n\t\t\t\t\tzephir_concat_self(&newCode, &_27$$17);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(NULL, &attrs, \"next\", NULL, 0);\n\t\t\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(&value);\n\tZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(&key);\n\tRETURN_CCTOR(&newCode);\n\n}\n\n/**\n * Renders the title with title tags. ", "The title is automatically escaped\n */\nPHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Tag, renderTitle) {\n\n\tzephir_method_globals *ZEPHIR_METHOD_GLOBALS_PTR = NULL;\n\tzend_long ZEPHIR_LAST_CALL_STATUS;\n\tzval *prepend_param = NULL, *append_param = NULL, _0, _1, _2, _3;\n\tzend_bool prepend, append;\n\tzval *this_ptr = getThis();\n\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_0);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_1);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_2);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_3);\n\n\tZEPHIR_MM_GROW();\n\tzephir_fetch_params(1, 0, 2, &prepend_param, &append_param);\n\n\tif (!", "prepend_param) {\n\t\tprepend = 1;\n\t} else {\n\t\tprepend = zephir_get_boolval(prepend_param);\n\t}\n\tif (!", "append_param) {\n\t\tappend = 1;\n\t} else {\n\t\tappend = zephir_get_boolval(append_param);\n\t}\n\n\n\tif (prepend) {\n\t\tZVAL_BOOL(&_1, 1);\n\t} else {\n\t\tZVAL_BOOL(&_1, 0);\n\t}\n\tif (append) {\n\t\tZVAL_BOOL(&_2, 1);\n\t} else {\n\t\tZVAL_BOOL(&_2, 0);\n\t}\n\tZEPHIR_CALL_SELF(&_0, \"gettitle\", NULL, 0, &_1, &_2);\n\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_3);\n\tZEPHIR_GET_CONSTANT(&_3, \"PHP_EOL\");\n\tZEPHIR_CONCAT_SVSV(return_value, \"<title>\", &_0, \"</title>\", &_3);\n\tRETURN_MM();\n\n}\n\n/**\n * Resets the request and internal values to avoid those fields will have\n * any default value.", "\n *\n * @deprecated Will be removed in 4.0.0\n */\nPHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Tag, resetInput) {\n\n\tzephir_method_globals *ZEPHIR_METHOD_GLOBALS_PTR = NULL;\n\tzval __$null, _0, _1, _2;\n\tzval *this_ptr = getThis();\n\n\tZVAL_NULL(&__$null);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_0);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_1);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_2);\n\n\tZEPHIR_MM_GROW();\n\n\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_0);\n\tarray_init(&_0);\n\tzephir_update_static_property_ce(phalcon_tag_ce, ZEND_STRL(\"displayValues\"), &_0);\n\tzephir_update_static_property_ce(phalcon_tag_ce, ZEND_STRL(\"documentTitle\"), &__$null);\n\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_1);\n\tarray_init(&_1);\n\tzephir_update_static_property_ce(phalcon_tag_ce, ZEND_STRL(\"documentAppendTitle\"), &_1);\n\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_2);\n\tarray_init(&_2);\n\tzephir_update_static_property_ce(phalcon_tag_ce, ZEND_STRL(\"documentPrependTitle\"), &_2);\n\tzephir_update_static_property_ce(phalcon_tag_ce, ZEND_STRL(\"documentTitleSeparator\"), &__$null);\n\tZEPHIR_MM_RESTORE();\n\n}\n\n/**\n * Builds a HTML input[type=\"search\"] tag\n *\n * @param array parameters = [\n * 'class' => '',\n * 'name' => '',\n * 'src' => '',\n * 'id' => '',\n * 'value' => ''\n * ]\n */\nPHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Tag, searchField) {\n\n\tzephir_method_globals *ZEPHIR_METHOD_GLOBALS_PTR = NULL;\n\tzend_long ZEPHIR_LAST_CALL_STATUS;\n\tzephir_fcall_cache_entry *_0 = NULL;\n\tzval *parameters, parameters_sub, _1;\n\tzval *this_ptr = getThis();\n\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&parameters_sub);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_1);\n\n\tZEPHIR_MM_GROW();\n\tzephir_fetch_params(1, 1, 0, &parameters);\n\n\n\n\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_1);\n\tZVAL_STRING(&_1, \"search\");\n\tZEPHIR_RETURN_CALL_SELF(\"inputfield\", &_0, 0, &_1, parameters);\n\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\tRETURN_MM();\n\n}\n\n/**\n * Builds a HTML SELECT tag using a Phalcon\\Mvc\\Model resultset as options\n *\n * @param array parameters = [\n * 'id' => '',\n * 'name' => '',\n * 'value' => '',\n * 'useEmpty' => false,\n * 'emptyValue' => '',\n * 'emptyText' => '',\n * ]\n */\nPHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Tag, select) {\n\n\tzephir_method_globals *ZEPHIR_METHOD_GLOBALS_PTR = NULL;\n\tzend_long ZEPHIR_LAST_CALL_STATUS;\n\tzephir_fcall_cache_entry *_0 = NULL;\n\tzval *parameters, parameters_sub, *data = NULL, data_sub, __$null;\n\tzval *this_ptr = getThis();\n\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&parameters_sub);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&data_sub);\n\tZVAL_NULL(&__$null);\n\n\tZEPHIR_MM_GROW();\n\tzephir_fetch_params(1, 1, 1, &parameters, &data);\n\n\tif (!", "data) {\n\t\tdata = &data_sub;\n\t\tdata = &__$null;\n\t}\n\n\n\tZEPHIR_RETURN_CALL_CE_STATIC(phalcon_tag_select_ce, \"selectfield\", &_0, 0, parameters, data);\n\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\tRETURN_MM();\n\n}\n\n/**\n * Builds a HTML SELECT tag using a PHP array for options\n *\n * @param array parameters = [\n * 'id' => '',\n * 'name' => '',\n * 'value' => '',\n * 'useEmpty' => false,\n * 'emptyValue' => '',\n * 'emptyText' => '',\n * ]\n */\nPHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Tag, selectStatic) {\n\n\tzephir_method_globals *ZEPHIR_METHOD_GLOBALS_PTR = NULL;\n\tzend_long ZEPHIR_LAST_CALL_STATUS;\n\tzephir_fcall_cache_entry *_0 = NULL;\n\tzval *parameters, parameters_sub, *data = NULL, data_sub, __$null;\n\tzval *this_ptr = getThis();\n\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&parameters_sub);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&data_sub);\n\tZVAL_NULL(&__$null);\n\n\tZEPHIR_MM_GROW();\n\tzephir_fetch_params(1, 1, 1, &parameters, &data);\n\n\tif (!", "data) {\n\t\tdata = &data_sub;\n\t\tdata = &__$null;\n\t}\n\n\n\tZEPHIR_RETURN_CALL_CE_STATIC(phalcon_tag_select_ce, \"selectfield\", &_0, 0, parameters, data);\n\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\tRETURN_MM();\n\n}\n\n/**\n * Set autoescape mode in generated HTML\n */\nPHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Tag, setAutoescape) {\n\n\tzval *autoescape_param = NULL, _0;\n\tzend_bool autoescape;\n\tzval *this_ptr = getThis();\n\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_0);\n\n\tzephir_fetch_params_without_memory_grow(1, 0, &autoescape_param);\n\n\tautoescape = zephir_get_boolval(autoescape_param);\n\n\n\tZEPHIR_INIT_ZVAL_NREF(_0);\n\tZVAL_BOOL(&_0, autoescape);\n\tzephir_update_static_property_ce(phalcon_tag_ce, ZEND_STRL(\"autoEscape\"), &_0);\n\n}\n\n/**\n * Assigns default values to generated tags by helpers\n */\nPHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Tag, setDefault) {\n\n\tzend_bool _0$$3;\n\tzephir_method_globals *ZEPHIR_METHOD_GLOBALS_PTR = NULL;\n\tzval *id_param = NULL, *value, value_sub;\n\tzval id;\n\tzval *this_ptr = getThis();\n\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&id);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&value_sub);\n\n\tZEPHIR_MM_GROW();\n\tzephir_fetch_params(1, 2, 0, &id_param, &value);\n\n\tif (UNEXPECTED(Z_TYPE_P(id_param) !", "= IS_STRING && Z_TYPE_P(id_param) !", "= IS_NULL)) {\n\t\tzephir_throw_exception_string(spl_ce_InvalidArgumentException, SL(\"Parameter 'id' must be of the type string\"));\n\t\tRETURN_MM_NULL();\n\t}\n\tif (EXPECTED(Z_TYPE_P(id_param) == IS_STRING)) {\n\t\tzephir_get_strval(&id, id_param);\n\t} else {\n\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&id);\n\t\tZVAL_EMPTY_STRING(&id);\n\t}\n\n\n\tif (Z_TYPE_P(value) !", "= IS_NULL) {\n\t\t_0$$3 = Z_TYPE_P(value) == IS_ARRAY;\n\t\tif (!(_", "0$$3)) {\n\t\t\t_0$$3 = Z_TYPE_P(value) == IS_OBJECT;\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (UNEXPECTED(_0$$3)) {\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_THROW_EXCEPTION_DEBUG_STR(phalcon_tag_exception_ce, \"Only scalar values can be assigned to UI components\", \"phalcon/Tag.zep\", 1023);\n\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tzephir_update_static_property_array_multi_ce(phalcon_tag_ce, SL(\"displayValues\"), value, SL(\"z\"), 1, &id);\n\tZEPHIR_MM_RESTORE();\n\n}\n\n/**\n * Assigns default values to generated tags by helpers\n */\nPHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Tag, setDefaults) {\n\n\tzephir_method_globals *ZEPHIR_METHOD_GLOBALS_PTR = NULL;\n\tzend_bool merge, _0;\n\tzval *values_param = NULL, *merge_param = NULL, _1, _2$$3, _3$$3;\n\tzval values;\n\tzval *this_ptr = getThis();\n\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&values);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_1);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_2$$3);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_3$$3);\n\n\tZEPHIR_MM_GROW();\n\tzephir_fetch_params(1, 1, 1, &values_param, &merge_param);\n\n\tZEPHIR_OBS_COPY_OR_DUP(&values, values_param);\n\tif (!", "merge_param) {\n\t\tmerge = 0;\n\t} else {\n\t\tmerge = zephir_get_boolval(merge_param);\n\t}\n\n\n\t_0 = merge;\n\tif (_0) {\n\t\tZEPHIR_OBS_VAR(&_1);\n\t\tzephir_read_static_property_ce(&_1, phalcon_tag_ce, SL(\"displayValues\"), PH_NOISY_CC);\n\t\t_0 = Z_TYPE_P(&_1) == IS_ARRAY;\n\t}\n\tif (_0) {\n\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_2$$3);\n\t\tzephir_read_static_property_ce(&_3$$3, phalcon_tag_ce, SL(\"displayValues\"), PH_NOISY_CC | PH_READONLY);\n\t\tzephir_fast_array_merge(&_2$$3, &_3$$3, &values);\n\t\tzephir_update_static_property_ce(phalcon_tag_ce, ZEND_STRL(\"displayValues\"), &_2$$3);\n\t} else {\n\t\tzephir_update_static_property_ce(phalcon_tag_ce, ZEND_STRL(\"displayValues\"), &values);\n\t}\n\tZEPHIR_MM_RESTORE();\n\n}\n\n/**\n * Sets the dependency injector container.", "\n */\nPHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Tag, setDI) {\n\n\tzval *container, container_sub;\n\tzval *this_ptr = getThis();\n\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&container_sub);\n\n\tzephir_fetch_params_without_memory_grow(1, 0, &container);\n\n\n\n\tzephir_update_static_property_ce(phalcon_tag_ce, ZEND_STRL(\"container\"), container);\n\n}\n\n/**\n * Set the document type of content\n */\nPHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Tag, setDocType) {\n\n\tzend_bool _0;\n\tzval *doctype_param = NULL, _1$$3, _2$$4;\n\tzend_long doctype;\n\tzval *this_ptr = getThis();\n\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_1$$3);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_2$$4);\n\n\tzephir_fetch_params_without_memory_grow(1, 0, &doctype_param);\n\n\tdoctype = zephir_get_intval(doctype_param);\n\n\n\t_0 = doctype < 1;\n\tif (!(_", "0)) {\n\t\t_0 = doctype > 11;\n\t}\n\tif (_0) {\n\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_ZVAL_NREF(_1$$3);\n\t\tZVAL_LONG(&_1$$3, 5);\n\t\tzephir_update_static_property_ce(phalcon_tag_ce, ZEND_STRL(\"documentType\"), &_1$$3);\n\t} else {\n\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_ZVAL_NREF(_2$$4);\n\t\tZVAL_LONG(&_2$$4, doctype);\n\t\tzephir_update_static_property_ce(phalcon_tag_ce, ZEND_STRL(\"documentType\"), &_2$$4);\n\t}\n\n}\n\n/**\n * Set the title of view content\n */\nPHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Tag, setTitle) {\n\n\tzephir_method_globals *ZEPHIR_METHOD_GLOBALS_PTR = NULL;\n\tzval *title_param = NULL;\n\tzval title;\n\tzval *this_ptr = getThis();\n\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&title);\n\n\tZEPHIR_MM_GROW();\n\tzephir_fetch_params(1, 1, 0, &title_param);\n\n\tzephir_get_strval(&title, title_param);\n\n\n\tzephir_update_static_property_ce(phalcon_tag_ce, ZEND_STRL(\"documentTitle\"), &title);\n\tZEPHIR_MM_RESTORE();\n\n}\n\n/**\n * Set the title separator of view content\n */\nPHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Tag, setTitleSeparator) {\n\n\tzephir_method_globals *ZEPHIR_METHOD_GLOBALS_PTR = NULL;\n\tzval *titleSeparator_param = NULL;\n\tzval titleSeparator;\n\tzval *this_ptr = getThis();\n\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&titleSeparator);\n\n\tZEPHIR_MM_GROW();\n\tzephir_fetch_params(1, 1, 0, &titleSeparator_param);\n\n\tzephir_get_strval(&titleSeparator, titleSeparator_param);\n\n\n\tzephir_update_static_property_ce(phalcon_tag_ce, ZEND_STRL(\"documentTitleSeparator\"), &titleSeparator);\n\tZEPHIR_MM_RESTORE();\n\n}\n\n/**\n * Builds a LINK[rel=\"stylesheet\"] tag\n */\nPHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Tag, stylesheetLink) {\n\n\tzephir_method_globals *ZEPHIR_METHOD_GLOBALS_PTR = NULL;\n\tzend_long ZEPHIR_LAST_CALL_STATUS;\n\tzend_bool local;\n\tzval *parameters = NULL, parameters_sub, *local_param = NULL, __$null, params, code, _10, _11, _0$$3, _1$$5, _2$$7, _3$$8, _4$$10, _5$$11, _6$$12, _7$$12, _8$$12, _9$$13, _12$$14, _13$$14, _14$$15, _15$$15;\n\tzval *this_ptr = getThis();\n\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&parameters_sub);\n\tZVAL_NULL(&__$null);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&params);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&code);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_10);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_11);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_0$$3);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_1$$5);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_2$$7);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_3$$8);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_4$$10);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_5$$11);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_6$$12);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_7$$12);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_8$$12);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_9$$13);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_12$$14);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_13$$14);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_14$$15);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_15$$15);\n\n\tZEPHIR_MM_GROW();\n\tzephir_fetch_params(1, 0, 2, &parameters, &local_param);\n\n\tif (!", "parameters) {\n\t\tparameters = &parameters_sub;\n\t\tparameters = &__$null;\n\t}\n\tif (!", "local_param) {\n\t\tlocal = 1;\n\t} else {\n\t\tlocal = zephir_get_boolval(local_param);\n\t}\n\n\n\tif (Z_TYPE_P(parameters) !", "= IS_ARRAY) {\n\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&params);\n\t\tzephir_create_array(&params, 2, 0);\n\t\tzephir_array_fast_append(&params, parameters);\n\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_0$$3);\n\t\tZVAL_BOOL(&_0$$3, local);\n\t\tzephir_array_fast_append(&params, &_0$$3);\n\t} else {\n\t\tZEPHIR_CPY_WRT(&params, parameters);\n\t}\n\tif (zephir_array_isset_long(&params, 1)) {\n\t\tZEPHIR_OBS_VAR(&_1$$5);\n\t\tzephir_array_fetch_long(&_1$$5, &params, 1, PH_NOISY, \"phalcon/Tag.zep\", 1092);\n\t\tlocal = zephir_get_boolval(&_1$$5);\n\t} else {\n\t\tif (zephir_array_isset_string(&params, SL(\"local\"))) {\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_OBS_VAR(&_2$$7);\n\t\t\tzephir_array_fetch_string(&_2$$7, &params, SL(\"local\"), PH_NOISY, \"phalcon/Tag.zep\", 1095);\n\t\t\tlocal = zephir_get_boolval(&_2$$7);\n\t\t\tzephir_array_unset_string(&params, SL(\"local\"), PH_SEPARATE);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tif (!(", "zephir_array_isset_string(&params, SL(\"type\")))) {\n\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_3$$8);\n\t\tZVAL_STRING(&_3$$8, \"text/css\");\n\t\tzephir_array_update_string(&params, SL(\"type\"), &_3$$8, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE);\n\t}\n\tif (!(", "zephir_array_isset_string(&params, SL(\"href\")))) {\n\t\tif (zephir_array_isset_long(&params, 0)) {\n\t\t\tzephir_array_fetch_long(&_4$$10, &params, 0, PH_NOISY | PH_READONLY, \"phalcon/Tag.zep\", 1107);\n\t\t\tzephir_array_update_string(&params, SL(\"href\"), &_4$$10, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE);\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_5$$11);\n\t\t\tZVAL_STRING(&_5$$11, \"\");\n\t\t\tzephir_array_update_string(&params, SL(\"href\"), &_5$$11, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tif (local) {\n\t\tZEPHIR_CALL_SELF(&_6$$12, \"geturlservice\", NULL, 0);\n\t\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\t\tzephir_array_fetch_string(&_8$$12, &params, SL(\"href\"), PH_NOISY | PH_READONLY, \"phalcon/Tag.zep\", 1119);\n\t\tZEPHIR_CALL_METHOD(&_7$$12, &_6$$12, \"getstatic\", NULL, 0, &_8$$12);\n\t\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\t\tzephir_array_update_string(&params, SL(\"href\"), &_7$$12, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE);\n\t}\n\tif (!(", "zephir_array_isset_string(&params, SL(\"rel\")))) {\n\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_9$$13);\n\t\tZVAL_STRING(&_9$$13, \"stylesheet\");\n\t\tzephir_array_update_string(&params, SL(\"rel\"), &_9$$13, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE);\n\t}\n\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_10);\n\tZVAL_STRING(&_10, \"<link\");\n\tZEPHIR_CALL_SELF(&code, \"renderattributes\", NULL, 0, &_10, &params);\n\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\tzephir_read_static_property_ce(&_11, phalcon_tag_ce, SL(\"documentType\"), PH_NOISY_CC | PH_READONLY);\n\tif (ZEPHIR_GT_LONG(&_11, 5)) {\n\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_12$$14);\n\t\tZEPHIR_GET_CONSTANT(&_12$$14, \"PHP_EOL\");\n\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_13$$14);\n\t\tZEPHIR_CONCAT_SV(&_13$$14, \" />\", &_12$$14);\n\t\tzephir_concat_self(&code, &_13$$14);\n\t} else {\n\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_14$$15);\n\t\tZEPHIR_GET_CONSTANT(&_14$$15, \"PHP_EOL\");\n\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_15$$15);\n\t\tZEPHIR_CONCAT_SV(&_15$$15, \">\", &_14$$15);\n\t\tzephir_concat_self(&code, &_15$$15);\n\t}\n\tRETURN_CCTOR(&code);\n\n}\n\n/**\n * Builds a HTML input[type=\"submit\"] tag\n */\nPHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Tag, submitButton) {\n\n\tzephir_method_globals *ZEPHIR_METHOD_GLOBALS_PTR = NULL;\n\tzend_long ZEPHIR_LAST_CALL_STATUS;\n\tzephir_fcall_cache_entry *_0 = NULL;\n\tzval *parameters, parameters_sub, _1, _2;\n\tzval *this_ptr = getThis();\n\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&parameters_sub);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_1);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_2);\n\n\tZEPHIR_MM_GROW();\n\tzephir_fetch_params(1, 1, 0, &parameters);\n\n\n\n\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_1);\n\tZVAL_STRING(&_1, \"submit\");\n\tZVAL_BOOL(&_2, 1);\n\tZEPHIR_RETURN_CALL_SELF(\"inputfield\", &_0, 0, &_1, parameters, &_2);\n\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\tRETURN_MM();\n\n}\n\n/**\n * Builds a HTML tag\n */\nPHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Tag, tagHtml) {\n\n\tzephir_method_globals *ZEPHIR_METHOD_GLOBALS_PTR = NULL;\n\tzend_long ZEPHIR_LAST_CALL_STATUS;\n\tzend_bool selfClose, onlyStart, useEol;\n\tzval *tagName_param = NULL, *parameters = NULL, parameters_sub, *selfClose_param = NULL, *onlyStart_param = NULL, *useEol_param = NULL, __$null, params, localCode, _1, _3$$11;\n\tzval tagName, _0, _2$$10;\n\tzval *this_ptr = getThis();\n\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&tagName);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_0);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_2$$10);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&parameters_sub);\n\tZVAL_NULL(&__$null);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&params);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&localCode);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_1);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_3$$11);\n\n\tZEPHIR_MM_GROW();\n\tzephir_fetch_params(1, 1, 4, &tagName_param, &parameters, &selfClose_param, &onlyStart_param, &useEol_param);\n\n\tzephir_get_strval(&tagName, tagName_param);\n\tif (!", "parameters) {\n\t\tparameters = &parameters_sub;\n\t\tparameters = &__$null;\n\t}\n\tif (!", "selfClose_param) {\n\t\tselfClose = 0;\n\t} else {\n\t\tselfClose = zephir_get_boolval(selfClose_param);\n\t}\n\tif (!", "onlyStart_param) {\n\t\tonlyStart = 0;\n\t} else {\n\t\tonlyStart = zephir_get_boolval(onlyStart_param);\n\t}\n\tif (!", "useEol_param) {\n\t\tuseEol = 0;\n\t} else {\n\t\tuseEol = zephir_get_boolval(useEol_param);\n\t}\n\n\n\tif (Z_TYPE_P(parameters) !", "= IS_ARRAY) {\n\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&params);\n\t\tzephir_create_array(&params, 1, 0);\n\t\tzephir_array_fast_append(&params, parameters);\n\t} else {\n\t\tZEPHIR_CPY_WRT(&params, parameters);\n\t}\n\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_0);\n\tZEPHIR_CONCAT_SV(&_0, \"<\", &tagName);\n\tZEPHIR_CALL_SELF(&localCode, \"renderattributes\", NULL, 0, &_0, &params);\n\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\tzephir_read_static_property_ce(&_1, phalcon_tag_ce, SL(\"documentType\"), PH_NOISY_CC | PH_READONLY);\n\tif (ZEPHIR_GT_LONG(&_1, 5)) {\n\t\tif (selfClose) {\n\t\t\tzephir_concat_self_str(&localCode, SL(\" />\"));\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tzephir_concat_self_str(&localCode, SL(\">\"));\n\t\t}\n\t} else {\n\t\tif (onlyStart) {\n\t\t\tzephir_concat_self_str(&localCode, SL(\">\"));\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_2$$10);\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_CONCAT_SVS(&_2$$10, \"></\", &tagName, \">\");\n\t\t\tzephir_concat_self(&localCode, &_2$$10);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tif (useEol) {\n\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_3$$11);\n\t\tZEPHIR_GET_CONSTANT(&_3$$11, \"PHP_EOL\");\n\t\tzephir_concat_self(&localCode, &_3$$11);\n\t}\n\tRETURN_CCTOR(&localCode);\n\n}\n\n/**\n * Builds a HTML tag closing tag\n */\nPHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Tag, tagHtmlClose) {\n\n\tzephir_method_globals *ZEPHIR_METHOD_GLOBALS_PTR = NULL;\n\tzend_bool useEol;\n\tzval *tagName_param = NULL, *useEol_param = NULL, _0$$3;\n\tzval tagName;\n\tzval *this_ptr = getThis();\n\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&tagName);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_0$$3);\n\n\tZEPHIR_MM_GROW();\n\tzephir_fetch_params(1, 1, 1, &tagName_param, &useEol_param);\n\n\tzephir_get_strval(&tagName, tagName_param);\n\tif (!", "useEol_param) {\n\t\tuseEol = 0;\n\t} else {\n\t\tuseEol = zephir_get_boolval(useEol_param);\n\t}\n\n\n\tif (useEol) {\n\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_0$$3);\n\t\tZEPHIR_GET_CONSTANT(&_0$$3, \"PHP_EOL\");\n\t\tZEPHIR_CONCAT_SVSV(return_value, \"</\", &tagName, \">\", &_0$$3);\n\t\tRETURN_MM();\n\t}\n\tZEPHIR_CONCAT_SVS(return_value, \"</\", &tagName, \">\");\n\tRETURN_MM();\n\n}\n\n/**\n * Builds a HTML input[type=\"tel\"] tag\n *\n * @param array parameters = [\n * 'id' => '',\n * 'name' => '',\n * 'value' => '',\n * 'class' => ''\n * ]\n */\nPHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Tag, telField) {\n\n\tzephir_method_globals *ZEPHIR_METHOD_GLOBALS_PTR = NULL;\n\tzend_long ZEPHIR_LAST_CALL_STATUS;\n\tzephir_fcall_cache_entry *_0 = NULL;\n\tzval *parameters, parameters_sub, _1;\n\tzval *this_ptr = getThis();\n\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&parameters_sub);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_1);\n\n\tZEPHIR_MM_GROW();\n\tzephir_fetch_params(1, 1, 0, &parameters);\n\n\n\n\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_1);\n\tZVAL_STRING(&_1, \"tel\");\n\tZEPHIR_RETURN_CALL_SELF(\"inputfield\", &_0, 0, &_1, parameters);\n\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\tRETURN_MM();\n\n}\n\n/**\n * Builds a HTML TEXTAREA tag\n *\n * @paraym array parameters = [\n * 'id' => '',\n * 'name' => '',\n * 'value' => '',\n * 'class' => ''\n * ]\n */\nPHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Tag, textArea) {\n\n\tzephir_method_globals *ZEPHIR_METHOD_GLOBALS_PTR = NULL;\n\tzend_long ZEPHIR_LAST_CALL_STATUS;\n\tzval *parameters, parameters_sub, params, id, name, content, code, _1, _2, _3, _0$$6;\n\tzval *this_ptr = getThis();\n\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&parameters_sub);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&params);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&id);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&name);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&content);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&code);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_1);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_2);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_3);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_0$$6);\n\n\tZEPHIR_MM_GROW();\n\tzephir_fetch_params(1, 1, 0, &parameters);\n\n\n\n\tif (Z_TYPE_P(parameters) !", "= IS_ARRAY) {\n\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&params);\n\t\tzephir_create_array(&params, 1, 0);\n\t\tzephir_array_fast_append(&params, parameters);\n\t} else {\n\t\tZEPHIR_CPY_WRT(&params, parameters);\n\t}\n\tif (!(", "zephir_array_isset_long(&params, 0))) {\n\t\tif (zephir_array_isset_string(&params, SL(\"id\"))) {\n\t\t\tzephir_array_fetch_string(&_0$$6, &params, SL(\"id\"), PH_NOISY | PH_READONLY, \"phalcon/Tag.zep\", 1242);\n\t\t\tzephir_array_update_long(&params, 0, &_0$$6, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE ZEPHIR_DEBUG_PARAMS_DUMMY);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tZEPHIR_OBS_VAR(&id);\n\tzephir_array_fetch_long(&id, &params, 0, PH_NOISY, \"phalcon/Tag.zep\", 1246);\n\tif (!(", "zephir_array_isset_string(&params, SL(\"name\")))) {\n\t\tzephir_array_update_string(&params, SL(\"name\"), &id, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE);\n\t} else {\n\t\tZEPHIR_OBS_VAR(&name);\n\t\tzephir_array_fetch_string(&name, &params, SL(\"name\"), PH_NOISY, \"phalcon/Tag.zep\", 1251);\n\t\tif (ZEPHIR_IS_EMPTY(&name)) {\n\t\t\tzephir_array_update_string(&params, SL(\"name\"), &id, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tif (!(", "zephir_array_isset_string(&params, SL(\"id\")))) {\n\t\tzephir_array_update_string(&params, SL(\"id\"), &id, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE);\n\t}\n\tif (zephir_array_isset_string(&params, SL(\"value\"))) {\n\t\tZEPHIR_OBS_VAR(&content);\n\t\tzephir_array_fetch_string(&content, &params, SL(\"value\"), PH_NOISY, \"phalcon/Tag.zep\", 1263);\n\t\tzephir_array_unset_string(&params, SL(\"value\"), PH_SEPARATE);\n\t} else {\n\t\tZEPHIR_CALL_SELF(&content, \"getvalue\", NULL, 0, &id, &params);\n\t\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\t}\n\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_1);\n\tZVAL_STRING(&_1, \"<textarea\");\n\tZEPHIR_CALL_SELF(&code, \"renderattributes\", NULL, 0, &_1, &params);\n\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\tZEPHIR_CALL_FUNCTION(&_2, \"htmlspecialchars\", NULL, 229, &content);\n\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_3);\n\tZEPHIR_CONCAT_SVS(&_3, \">\", &_2, \"</textarea>\");\n\tzephir_concat_self(&code, &_3);\n\tRETURN_CCTOR(&code);\n\n}\n\n/**\n * Builds a HTML input[type=\"text\"] tag\n *\n * @param array parameters = [\n * 'id' => '',\n * 'name' => '',\n * 'value' => '',\n * 'class' => ''\n * ]\n */\nPHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Tag, textField) {\n\n\tzephir_method_globals *ZEPHIR_METHOD_GLOBALS_PTR = NULL;\n\tzend_long ZEPHIR_LAST_CALL_STATUS;\n\tzephir_fcall_cache_entry *_0 = NULL;\n\tzval *parameters, parameters_sub, _1;\n\tzval *this_ptr = getThis();\n\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&parameters_sub);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_1);\n\n\tZEPHIR_MM_GROW();\n\tzephir_fetch_params(1, 1, 0, &parameters);\n\n\n\n\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_1);\n\tZVAL_STRING(&_1, \"text\");\n\tZEPHIR_RETURN_CALL_SELF(\"inputfield\", &_0, 0, &_1, parameters);\n\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\tRETURN_MM();\n\n}\n\n/**\n * Builds a HTML input[type=\"time\"] tag\n *\n * @param array paramters = [\n * 'id' => '',\n * 'name' => '',\n * 'value' => '',\n * 'class' => ''\n * ]\n */\nPHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Tag, timeField) {\n\n\tzephir_method_globals *ZEPHIR_METHOD_GLOBALS_PTR = NULL;\n\tzend_long ZEPHIR_LAST_CALL_STATUS;\n\tzephir_fcall_cache_entry *_0 = NULL;\n\tzval *parameters, parameters_sub, _1;\n\tzval *this_ptr = getThis();\n\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&parameters_sub);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_1);\n\n\tZEPHIR_MM_GROW();\n\tzephir_fetch_params(1, 1, 0, &parameters);\n\n\n\n\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_1);\n\tZVAL_STRING(&_1, \"time\");\n\tZEPHIR_RETURN_CALL_SELF(\"inputfield\", &_0, 0, &_1, parameters);\n\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\tRETURN_MM();\n\n}\n\n/**\n * Builds a HTML input[type=\"url\"] tag\n *\n * @param array paramters = [\n * 'id' => '',\n * 'name' => '',\n * 'value' => '',\n * 'class' => ''\n * ]\n */\nPHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Tag, urlField) {\n\n\tzephir_method_globals *ZEPHIR_METHOD_GLOBALS_PTR = NULL;\n\tzend_long ZEPHIR_LAST_CALL_STATUS;\n\tzephir_fcall_cache_entry *_0 = NULL;\n\tzval *parameters, parameters_sub, _1;\n\tzval *this_ptr = getThis();\n\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&parameters_sub);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_1);\n\n\tZEPHIR_MM_GROW();\n\tzephir_fetch_params(1, 1, 0, &parameters);\n\n\n\n\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_1);\n\tZVAL_STRING(&_1, \"url\");\n\tZEPHIR_RETURN_CALL_SELF(\"inputfield\", &_0, 0, &_1, parameters);\n\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\tRETURN_MM();\n\n}\n\n/**\n * Builds a HTML input[type=\"week\"] tag\n *\n * @param array parameters = [\n * 'id' => '',\n * 'name' => '',\n * 'value' => '',\n * 'class' => ''\n * ]\n */\nPHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Tag, weekField) {\n\n\tzephir_method_globals *ZEPHIR_METHOD_GLOBALS_PTR = NULL;\n\tzend_long ZEPHIR_LAST_CALL_STATUS;\n\tzephir_fcall_cache_entry *_0 = NULL;\n\tzval *parameters, parameters_sub, _1;\n\tzval *this_ptr = getThis();\n\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&parameters_sub);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_1);\n\n\tZEPHIR_MM_GROW();\n\tzephir_fetch_params(1, 1, 0, &parameters);\n\n\n\n\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_1);\n\tZVAL_STRING(&_1, \"week\");\n\tZEPHIR_RETURN_CALL_SELF(\"inputfield\", &_0, 0, &_1, parameters);\n\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\tRETURN_MM();\n\n}\n\n/**\n * Builds generic INPUT tags\n *\n * @param array paramters = [\n * 'id' => '',\n * 'name' => '',\n * 'value' => '',\n * 'class' => '',\n * 'type' => ''\n * ]\n */\nPHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Tag, inputField) {\n\n\tzephir_method_globals *ZEPHIR_METHOD_GLOBALS_PTR = NULL;\n\tzend_long ZEPHIR_LAST_CALL_STATUS;\n\tzend_bool asValue, _1$$10;\n\tzval *type_param = NULL, *parameters, parameters_sub, *asValue_param = NULL, params, id, value, code, name, _3, _4, _0$$6, _2$$5;\n\tzval type;\n\tzval *this_ptr = getThis();\n\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&type);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&parameters_sub);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&params);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&id);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&value);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&code);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&name);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_3);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_4);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_0$$6);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_2$$5);\n\n\tZEPHIR_MM_GROW();\n\tzephir_fetch_params(1, 2, 1, &type_param, &parameters, &asValue_param);\n\n\tzephir_get_strval(&type, type_param);\n\tif (!", "asValue_param) {\n\t\tasValue = 0;\n\t} else {\n\t\tasValue = zephir_get_boolval(asValue_param);\n\t}\n\n\n\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&params);\n\tarray_init(&params);\n\tif (Z_TYPE_P(parameters) !", "= IS_ARRAY) {\n\t\tzephir_array_append(&params, parameters, PH_SEPARATE, \"phalcon/Tag.zep\", 1354);\n\t} else {\n\t\tZEPHIR_CPY_WRT(&params, parameters);\n\t}\n\tif (asValue == 0) {\n\t\tZEPHIR_OBS_VAR(&id);\n\t\tif (!(", "zephir_array_isset_long_fetch(&id, &params, 0, 0))) {\n\t\t\tzephir_array_fetch_string(&_0$$6, &params, SL(\"id\"), PH_NOISY | PH_READONLY, \"phalcon/Tag.zep\", 1361);\n\t\t\tzephir_array_update_long(&params, 0, &_0$$6, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE ZEPHIR_DEBUG_PARAMS_DUMMY);\n\t\t}\n\t\tZEPHIR_OBS_VAR(&name);\n\t\tif (zephir_array_isset_string_fetch(&name, &params, SL(\"name\"), 0)) {\n\t\t\tif (ZEPHIR_IS_EMPTY(&name)) {\n\t\t\t\tzephir_array_update_string(&params, SL(\"name\"), &id, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tzephir_array_update_string(&params, SL(\"name\"), &id, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE);\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (Z_TYPE_P(&id) == IS_STRING) {\n\t\t\t_1$$10 = !(", "zephir_memnstr_str(&id, SL(\"[\"), \"phalcon/Tag.zep\", 1376));\n\t\t\tif (_1$$10) {\n\t\t\t\t_1$$10 = !(", "zephir_array_isset_string(&params, SL(\"id\")));\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif (_1$$10) {\n\t\t\t\tzephir_array_update_string(&params, SL(\"id\"), &id, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\tZEPHIR_CALL_SELF(&_2$$5, \"getvalue\", NULL, 0, &id, &params);\n\t\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\t\tzephir_array_update_string(&params, SL(\"value\"), &_2$$5, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE);\n\t} else {\n\t\tif (!(", "zephir_array_isset_string(&params, SL(\"value\")))) {\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_OBS_VAR(&value);\n\t\t\tif (zephir_array_isset_long_fetch(&value, &params, 0, 0)) {\n\t\t\t\tzephir_array_update_string(&params, SL(\"value\"), &value, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tzephir_array_update_string(&params, SL(\"type\"), &type, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE);\n\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_3);\n\tZVAL_STRING(&_3, \"<input\");\n\tZEPHIR_CALL_SELF(&code, \"renderattributes\", NULL, 0, &_3, &params);\n\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\tzephir_read_static_property_ce(&_4, phalcon_tag_ce, SL(\"documentType\"), PH_NOISY_CC | PH_READONLY);\n\tif (ZEPHIR_GT_LONG(&_4, 5)) {\n\t\tzephir_concat_self_str(&code, SL(\" />\"));\n\t} else {\n\t\tzephir_concat_self_str(&code, SL(\">\"));\n\t}\n\tRETURN_CCTOR(&code);\n\n}\n\n/**\n * Builds INPUT tags that implements the checked attribute\n */\nPHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Tag, inputFieldChecked) {\n\n\tzend_bool _3$$11;\n\tzephir_method_globals *ZEPHIR_METHOD_GLOBALS_PTR = NULL;\n\tzend_long ZEPHIR_LAST_CALL_STATUS;\n\tzval *type_param = NULL, *parameters, parameters_sub, params, value, id, code, name, currentValue, _1, _2, _6, _7, _0$$5, _4$$12, _5$$14;\n\tzval type;\n\tzval *this_ptr = getThis();\n\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&type);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&parameters_sub);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&params);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&value);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&id);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&code);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&name);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&currentValue);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_1);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_2);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_6);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_7);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_0$$5);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_4$$12);\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&_5$$14);\n\n\tZEPHIR_MM_GROW();\n\tzephir_fetch_params(1, 2, 0, &type_param, &parameters);\n\n\tzephir_get_strval(&type, type_param);\n\n\n\tif (Z_TYPE_P(parameters) !", "= IS_ARRAY) {\n\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&params);\n\t\tzephir_create_array(&params, 1, 0);\n\t\tzephir_array_fast_append(&params, parameters);\n\t} else {\n\t\tZEPHIR_CPY_WRT(&params, parameters);\n\t}\n\tif (!(", "zephir_array_isset_long(&params, 0))) {\n\t\tzephir_array_fetch_string(&_0$$5, &params, SL(\"id\"), PH_NOISY | PH_READONLY, \"phalcon/Tag.zep\", 1422);\n\t\tzephir_array_update_long(&params, 0, &_0$$5, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE ZEPHIR_DEBUG_PARAMS_DUMMY);\n\t}\n\tZEPHIR_OBS_VAR(&id);\n\tzephir_array_fetch_long(&id, &params, 0, PH_NOISY, \"phalcon/Tag.zep\", 1425);\n\tif (!(", "zephir_array_isset_string(&params, SL(\"name\")))) {\n\t\tzephir_array_update_string(&params, SL(\"name\"), &id, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE);\n\t} else {\n\t\tZEPHIR_OBS_VAR(&name);\n\t\tzephir_array_fetch_string(&name, &params, SL(\"name\"), PH_NOISY, \"phalcon/Tag.zep\", 1430);\n\t\tif (ZEPHIR_IS_EMPTY(&name)) {\n\t\t\tzephir_array_update_string(&params, SL(\"name\"), &id, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_1);\n\tZVAL_STRING(&_1, \"[\");\n\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_2);\n\tzephir_fast_strpos(&_2, &id, &_1, 0 );\n\tif (!(", "zephir_is_true(&_2))) {\n\t\tif (!(", "zephir_array_isset_string(&params, SL(\"id\")))) {\n\t\t\tzephir_array_update_string(&params, SL(\"id\"), &id, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tZEPHIR_OBS_VAR(&currentValue);\n\tif (zephir_array_isset_string_fetch(&currentValue, &params, SL(\"value\"), 0)) {\n\t\tzephir_array_unset_string(&params, SL(\"value\"), PH_SEPARATE);\n\t\tZEPHIR_CALL_SELF(&value, \"getvalue\", NULL, 0, &id, &params);\n\t\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\t\t_3$$11 = Z_TYPE_P(&value) !", "= IS_NULL;\n\t\tif (_3$$11) {\n\t\t\t_3$$11 = ZEPHIR_IS_EQUAL(&currentValue, &value);\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (_3$$11) {\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_4$$12);\n\t\t\tZVAL_STRING(&_4$$12, \"checked\");\n\t\t\tzephir_array_update_string(&params, SL(\"checked\"), &_4$$12, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE);\n\t\t}\n\t\tzephir_array_update_string(&params, SL(\"value\"), &currentValue, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE);\n\t} else {\n\t\tZEPHIR_CALL_SELF(&value, \"getvalue\", NULL, 0, &id, &params);\n\t\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\t\tif (Z_TYPE_P(&value) !", "= IS_NULL) {\n\t\t\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_5$$14);\n\t\t\tZVAL_STRING(&_5$$14, \"checked\");\n\t\t\tzephir_array_update_string(&params, SL(\"checked\"), &_5$$14, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE);\n\t\t}\n\t\tzephir_array_update_string(&params, SL(\"value\"), &value, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE);\n\t}\n\tzephir_array_update_string(&params, SL(\"type\"), &type, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE);\n\tZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&_6);\n\tZVAL_STRING(&_6, \"<input\");\n\tZEPHIR_CALL_SELF(&code, \"renderattributes\", NULL, 0, &_6, &params);\n\tzephir_check_call_status();\n\tzephir_read_static_property_ce(&_7, phalcon_tag_ce, SL(\"documentType\"), PH_NOISY_CC | PH_READONLY);\n\tif (ZEPHIR_GT_LONG(&_7, 5)) {\n\t\tzephir_concat_self_str(&code, SL(\" />\"));\n\t} else {\n\t\tzephir_concat_self_str(&code, SL(\">\"));\n\t}\n\tRETURN_CCTOR(&code);\n\n}\n\n" ]
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[ "Association of intrinsic circadian period with morningness-eveningness, usual wake time, and circadian phase.", "\nThe biological basis of preferences for morning or evening activity patterns (\"early birds\" and \"night owls\") has been hypothesized but has remained elusive. ", "The authors reported that, compared with evening types, the circadian pacemaker of morning types was entrained to an earlier hour with respect to both clock time and wake time. ", "The present study explores a chronobiological mechanism by which the biological clock of morning types may be set to an earlier hour. ", "Intrinsic period, a fundamental property of the circadian system, was measured in a month-long inpatient study. ", "A subset of participants also had their circadian phase assessed. ", "Participants completed a morningness-eveningness questionnaire before study. ", "Circadian period was correlated with morningness-eveningness, circadian phase, and wake time, demonstrating that a fundamental property of the circadian pacemaker is correlated with the behavioral trait of morningness-eveningness." ]
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[ "\n702 F.Supp. ", "695 (1988)\nTomislav SAVIC and Kristina Savic, Plaintiffs,\nv.\nUNITED STATES of America and S.W. Barnett, Defendants.", "\nThe UNITED STATES of America, Third Party Plaintiff,\nv.\nKOVILIC CONSTRUCTION CO., ", "INC., ", "Third Party Defendant.", "\nNo. ", "83 C 5388.", "\nUnited States District Court, N.D. Illinois, E.D.\nDecember 29, 1988.", "\nBogdan Martinovich, Ray & Glick, Libertyville, Ill., for plaintiffs.", "\nMark Flessner, Asst. ", "U.S. Atty., ", "Chicago, Ill., for defendants and third party plaintiff.", "\nKenneth A. Helmin, Katz, Karacic & Helmin, and Francis J. Mara, Marvin Riman, Sweeney & Riman, Ltd., Chicago, Ill., for third party defendant.", "\n\n\n*696 MEMORANDUM OPINION\nBRIAN BARNETT DUFF, District Judge.", "\nPlaintiff Tomislav Savic has sued the United States of America under the Federal Torts Claims Act (\"the FTCA\"), 28 U.S.C. §§ 2671 et seq. ", "for violations of the Illinois Structural Work Act, Ill.Rev.Stat. ", "ch. ", "48, § 69, resulting in his fall from the roof of a building at the Great Lakes Naval Base while working for Kovilic Construction Co., Inc. The case came before the court as a bifurcated bench trial beginning in August, 1988. ", "On August 7, this court ruled, for the reasons stated in open court, that the United States was liable to the plaintiff for his injuries because it was in charge of the construction project for the purposes of the Structural Work Act, 689 F.Supp. ", "854. ", "This court now makes the following findings of fact and conclusions of law with regard to the damages phase of the trial.", "\n\nFINDINGS OF FACT\n1. ", "Plaintiff was born on March 27, 1954 in Yugoslavia, and attained an eighth grade education in that country.", "\n2. ", "Plaintiff worked primarily as a farmer in Yugoslavia but also did work as a roofer on an informal basis there.", "\n3. ", "Plaintiff came to the United States in 1980 and, through mid-1981, worked as a greenskeeper at the Owentsia Country Club in Lake Forest, Illinois.", "\n4. ", "Plaintiff is married and presently has two children, aged 2 and 11.", "\n5. ", "Plaintiff's wife works as a janitor at Lake Forest College in Illinois.", "\n6. ", "In late July, 1981, plaintiff was employed as a laborer by Kovilic Construction Co. (\"Kovilic\").", "\n7. ", "Plaintiff worked as a roofer for Kovilic at a roofing job at the Great Lakes Naval Base in Great Lakes, Illinois for the two weeks prior to August 10, 1981.", "\n8. ", "At the time, plaintiff was earning $11.87 per hour; experienced roofers were earning $16.50.", "\n9. ", "On August 10, plaintiff fell off the roof of a building on which he was doing work for Kovilic, injuring his left elbow, his left kidney, and his left leg.", "\n10. ", "The United States was in charge of the project.", "\n11. ", "The injury to his elbow required three separate hospitalizations for surgery.", "\n12. ", "Plaintiff's medical expenses incurred as a result of the injuries caused by the fall came to $18,523.35.", "\n13. ", "Plaintiff will eventually need surgery on his elbow to relieve the pain caused by further deterioration, costing approximately $10,000.", "\n14. ", "Plaintiff speaks English at a third grade level and, despite his efforts to learn the language, cannot and will never master it sufficiently to gain employment requiring fluency in the language.", "\n15. ", "Plaintiff's mathematical skills are at a sixth grade level and, due to his below-average intelligence, will not improve much beyond this level irrespective of his efforts.", "\n16. ", "The injury to his elbow has prevented and will continue to prevent plaintiff from regularly lifting more than 20 pounds (although under some circumstances he may occasionally do so) and, together with his inability to speak English, has prevented and will prevent him from doing anything but menial labor at a wage of approximately $5.50 per hour at present wage levels.", "\n17. ", "Plaintiff is a responsible individual devoted to supporting his family, and has done whatever he reasonably could to mitigate his damages from the fall, including taking on available work that he was capable of doing in the years following his injury (with the exception of one period during which he remained home with his newborn child when babysitters' fees approximated his wages but not his wife's).", "\n18. ", "As a result of his injuries, plaintiff lost the following amount of wages from the date of his injuries through the date of trial (based on a wage of $11.87 per hour at 40 hours per week for 50 weeks a year and subtracting out the amounts he either *697 earned or would have earned had he taken an available job he could handle):\n\n\n a. 1981 - $ 9,400\n b. 1982 - $ 19,200\n c. 1983 - $ 23,700\n d. 1984 - $ 20,700\n e. 1985 - $ 20,700\n f. 1986 - $ 20,700\n g. 1987 - $ 13,700\n h. 1988 - $ 13,700\n Total: $141,800\n\n19. ", "Had plaintiff not sustained the injuries he did in 1981, he would today be working as a roofer at a rate of approximately $16.50 per hour.", "\n20. ", "Because of his injuries, plaintiff will only be able to earn $5.50 per hour in the future.", "\n21. ", "From now through the time he reaches 65 years of age, at which point he would have stopped working as a roofer, plaintiff will lose $11.00 per hour for 40 hours a week for 50 weeks a year, or $22,000 a year, for 31 years, as a result of his injuries.", "\n22. ", "Based on the seasonal and risky nature of work as a roofer, there is a 60% probability that plaintiff would have remained employed as a roofer full-time through the age of 65 had he not been injured.", "\n23. ", "The fall caused plaintiff to experience pain and suffering from his left arm, kidney and leg, but plaintiff failed to establish that the fall caused the lower back pain he now suffers.", "\n24. ", "Plaintiff's past pain and suffering are quantifiable in an amount of $45,000.", "\n25. ", "Plaintiff will experience pain and suffering in the amount of $5,000 in the future provided that he has the $10,000 operation to relieve the pain caused by further deterioration of his left elbow.", "\n26. ", "In the absence of such an operation, plaintiff would experience an additional $10,000 in future pain and suffering.", "\n27. ", "Plaintiff recovered $100,000 in a settlement with Kovilic for injuries resulting from the fall.", "\n\nCONCLUSIONS OF LAW\n1. ", "This court has jurisdiction pursuant to the FTCA, 28 U.S.C. § 1346(b). ", "Venue is not contested.", "\n2. ", "Illinois substantive law governs this case.", "\n3. ", "Plaintiff's injuries to his left arm, kidney and left leg, were proximately caused by the August 10, 1981 fall.", "\n4. ", "The United States is liable under the Structural Work Act, Ill.Rev.Stat. ", "ch. ", "48, § 69, for these injuries and resultant damages.", "\n5. ", "Plaintiff is entitled to recover for (a) his past medical expenses, (b) future medical expenses, (c) his lost past wages, (d) his lost future wages, (e) his past pain and suffering, and (f) his future pain and suffering.", "\n(a) Plaintiff has sustained $18,500 in past medical expenses.", "\n(b) Plaintiff will sustain an additional $10,000 (present dollars) in future medical expenses.", "\n(c) Plaintiff lost a total of $141,800 in past wages.", "\n(d)(1) Plaintiff's damages for loss of future earnings must be calculated at their present-day cash value. ", "Fenolio v. Smith, 802 F.2d 256, 258 (7th Cir.1986). ", "At $22,000 a year for the next 31 years, plaintiff's lost earnings have a present-day cash value (at a discount rate of 2%, see O'Shea v. Riverway Towing Co., 677 F.2d 1194, 1199 (7th Cir.1982)) of $504,630.", "\n(d)(2) This amount must be reduced by 40%, to $302,778, to account for the seasonal and risky nature of plaintiff's work. ", "See O'Shea v. Riverway Towing Co., 677 F.2d at 1200.", "\n(d)(3) The United States argues that this amount must be further reduced to account for the income taxes plaintiff would have had to pay had he received the money as income over the next 31 years, since the damages award will not be taxed. ", "Although Harden v. United States, 688 F.2d 1025 (5th Cir.1982), involved a wrongful death claim, the United States cites it for the proposition that *698 Norfolk & Western R. Co. v. Liepelt, 444 U.S. 490, 100 S.Ct. ", "755, 62 L.Ed.2d 689 (1980), mandates a deduction for income taxes under the FTCA even where, as here, state law does not allow for a deduction of income taxes from personal injury awards, see McCann v. Lisle-Woodridge Fire Protection District, 115 Ill.App.3d 702, 705-08, 71 Ill.Dec. 432, 450 N.E.2d 1311 (1983); see also Klawonn v. Mitchell, 105 Ill.2d 450, 454-58, 86 Ill.Dec. 478, 475 N.E.2d 857 (1985) (rejecting Liepelt for state law causes of action). ", "Compare Gulf Offshore Co. v. Mobil Oil Corp., 453 U.S. 473, 486-87, 101 S.Ct. ", "2870, 2879-80, 69 L.Ed.2d 784 (1981) (Liepelt established a federal common law rule for all federal causes of action).", "\nAlthough the rule set forth in Harden might require the deduction of federal income taxes here, but see In re Air Crash Disaster Near Chicago, Ill., 701 F.2d 1189, 1195-96 (7th Cir.1985) (distinguishing wrongful death from personal injury claims), this court disagrees with the Fifth Circuit that Liepelt mandates the deduction of income taxes in all actions under the FTCA. \"", "Damages under the Federal Tort Claims Act are assessed according to state law.\" ", "Jastremski v. United States, 737 F.2d 666, 672 (7th Cir.1984). ", "Harden held that an income tax deduction was required by the FTCA's prohibition against punitive damages, 688 F.2d 1029; see 28 U.S.C. § 2674; Felder v. United States, 543 F.2d 657, 665-66 (9th Cir.1976), but that holding is inconsistent with the Illinois nondeductibility rule.", "\nUnder Illinois law, as in many states, federal tax liability is excluded from consideration of compensatory damage awards not to punish the government but instead to ensure full compensation for the victim. ", "McCann v. Lisle-Woodridge Fire Protection District, 115 Ill.App.3d at 706-07, 71 Ill.Dec. 432, 450 N.E.2d 1311. ", "As the Eighth Circuit held in Manko v. United States, 830 F.2d 831 (8th Cir.1987):\nWhether to deduct income taxes is simply one of many issues courts face in deciding what is fair compensation for an injury. ", "Other such issues are whether to apply the collateral-source rule, whether to award pre-judgment interest, how certain a forecast of future earnings must be, how to value pain and suffering, and so forth. ", "Different jurisdictions resolve these issues in different ways, but they have nothing to do with \"punitive damages\" as that term is traditionally used in the law. ", "They do not depend on a finding of wanton or malicious conduct, they are not imposed to punish a defendant, and they have nothing to do with a defendant's net worth — all questions that customarily arise when punitive damages are awarded. ", "We conclude that Congress did not mean to outlaw all variations from some ideal norm of compensation when it forbade \"punitive damages.\" ", "It was referring only to that concept in its traditional sense.", "\n\nId. at 836. ", "Accordingly, this court rules that the United States is not entitled to a deduction in plaintiff's award for income taxes. ", "Moreover, even were this court to rule otherwise, the United States has presented no evidence as to the amount plaintiff's award would have to be reduced and, in the absence of such evidence, this court would not attempt a purely speculative calculation as to the proper amount to deduct.", "\n(e) Plaintiff is entitled to recover $45,000 for past pain and suffering.", "\n(f) Plaintiff is entitled to $5,000 for future pain and suffering. (", "Had this court agreed with the government that plaintiff did not prove that he will need $10,000 in future medical expenses to relieve the pain from the deterioration of his left elbow, the court would have awarded him an additional $10,000 for future pain and suffering).", "\n6. ", "Plaintiff's total damages come to $523,078.", "\n7. ", "The United States is entitled to a credit of $100,000 by reason of plaintiff's settlement with Kovilic, Ill.Rev.Stat. ", "ch. ", "70, § 302(c); O'Connor v. Pinto Trucking Service, Inc., 149 Ill.App.3d 911, 103 Ill. *699 Dec. 242, 501 N.E.2d 263 (1986), bringing the liability of the United States to $423,078.", "\n8. ", "The United States argues that this amount should be further reduced to reflect only its relative culpability in the incident. ", "Although it recognizes that under Illinois law, indeed under well-settled principles of common law throughout this country, apportionment among joint tort-feasors of their liability to the injured does not exist, the United States grounds its argument on the FTCA. ", "According to the United States, because the FTCA only permits recovery against the government for its negligent or wrongful acts, Loque v. United States, 412 U.S. 521, 93 S.Ct. ", "2215, 37 L.Ed.2d 121 (1973), it is entitled to a credit for Kovilic's share of culpability in the incident as a matter of federal law.", "\nThis argument is essentially one for a federal common law rule of apportionment among tortfeasors. ", "Recognizing that such a rule is unsupported by any FTCA case-law, the United States attempts to distinguish this case from the ordinary joint tortfeasor situation based on the Structural Work Act's imposition of liability on persons \"having charge of\" work, a theory of liability distinct from ordinary common law negligence. ", "Yet, for purposes of the FTCA, this is a distinction without a difference.", "\nThe Seventh Circuit has held that under statutes imposing liability against an owner \"in charge of\" work, the United States can be held liable under the FTCA, since such statutes are predicated on the owner's wrongful conduct. ", "Fentress v. United States, 431 F.2d 824 (7th Cir.1970); see also Phillips v. United States, 792 F.2d 639 (7th Cir.1986). ", "And under the Structural Work Act, liability is joint and several. ", "Dinschel v. United States Gypsum Co., 83 Ill.App.2d 466, 476-77, 228 N.E.2d 106 (1976). ", "Thus, a Structural Work Act case against the government is no different than any joint tortfeasor situation, and in the absence of a contrary federal statute, the United States is entitled to apportionment only to the extent that applicable state law allows it. ", "See Estate of Warner by Warner v. United States, 669 F.Supp. ", "234, 236 (N.D.Ill.1987). ", "Illinois law does not. ", "See Ill.Rev.Stat. ", "ch. ", "70, § 302(c).", "\n\nCONCLUSION\nJudgment is entered for the plaintiff and against the United States in the amount of $423,078.", "\n" ]
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[ "Lake Ida\n(Lake)\n\nPalm Beach County, Florida, United States\n\nLoading weather maps\n\nSunrise today:06:27amSunset today:08:12pm\n\nForecast\n\nLoading forecast for next hours\n\nLoading forecast for next 3 days\n\n2-Day Weather\n\nHere you can see a detailed look at the forecast for the next 48 hours.", "\nNote that the base for this is our Meteogram product,\nwhich shows a good average forecast for Lake Ida (Palm Beach County, Florida, United States).", "\n\nCompact Weather Forecast for Lake Ida\n\nLoading Meteograms\n\nHowever, you can also look at our compact prediction based on any other model that forecasts for your chosen location.", "\nThe following models are available for Lake Ida:\n\n14 day weather forecast\n\nThe red numbers show the expected high temperature for a given day, while the blue numbers show the expected low\ntemperature. ", "Because forecast uncertainty increases with time, we also display the range of possible high/low\ntemperature outcomes, shown as the shaded red/blue regions. ", "The actual high/low temp could fall anywhere in\nthat shaded region, and the larger the shaded regions are, the higher the forecast uncertainty is.", "\n\n14 day weather forecast for Lake Ida\n\nLoading 14 days weather forecast\n\nLake Ida weather\n\nCurrent weather - Here we've put together a glance at all the most important information about the current\nweather in Lake Ida (Palm Beach County, Florida, United States).", "\nYou can see with the radar HD if precipitation is falling at the moment, or headed towards Lake Ida soon.", "\nYou can also see where there are thunderstorms currently ongoing, as well as where thunderstorms have\noccurred in recent weeks and months with our lightning analysis tool.", "\nOur HD satellite images of Lake Ida\nwill show you whether there’s sunshine currently in the area, or if clouds are making for a more\ngloomy day.", "\nFinally, current observations will tell you what current temperatures look\nlike around Lake Ida at the moment, as well as if it's humid and/or windy.", "\n\nForecast for the next few days - The weather forecast for Lake Ida is available in several\ndifferent versions, all clearly and simply displayed here on the Weather Lake Ida page.", "\nFor the short term, we have data based on a single weather model that is known to deliver the best\nforecast for Lake Ida. ", "For the longer term, we have forecasts for the next two weeks based on an analysis of\nmany different possible forecast outcomes that will give you a sense of not just what's most likely, but how\nthe forecast could change in future updates as we get closer to any given date. ", "If the range of\npossible outcomes is narrow, you can have high confidence in the forecast. ", "If the range is wide,\nyou know there’s more uncertainty, and to not give too much credence to any one possible forecast\noutcome. ", "We also have other products such as Meteograms\nand Forecast XL elsewhere on our site\nto give you additional options for figuring out the forecast for Lake Ida.", "\n\nAll location information on this website comes from Geonames.org. ", "The data set of Lake Ida was last changed on 12/05/2016. ", "Did you discover an error in the data? ", "Then we would be happy if you change it directly in the source. ", "Please follow this link to edit." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow to synchronize VSTS and Github respositories when commits are made\n\nI have a repository in visual studio team services that I would like to keep synchronized with a github repository. ", "\nThis allows me to do my main development in VSTS and when merging into master it will be synced to github and also allow others to contribute on github and when there Pull Requests are merged into master its synced to VSTS.", "\n\nA:\n\nFirst create a new build on VSTS that is using the repository that should be synced from VSTS:\n\nadd two CMD tasks that will run some git commands.", "\n\nwhere the last of the two needs a personal access token from Github.", "\nIn the images both CMD tasks uses the GIT tool and the following two commands:\npull https://github.com/s-innovations/MessageProcessor.ServiceFabric.git master\n\nand \npush https://$(githubpersonaltoken)@github.com/s-innovations/MessageProcessor.ServiceFabric.git head:master\n\nEnable the CI option to trigger the build to run whenever something is commited to master.", "\nNow the same can be done the other way, where a new build is made the same way but with the urls changed to target visual studio online repository.", "\n\nDo note that when using personal tokens on vsts the authentication part of the url needs to be https://:token@ and on github its just https://token@.\npush https://$(vstspersonaltoken)@sinnovations.visualstudio.com/DefaultCollection/S-Innovations%20MessageProcessor/_git/messageprocessor-service-fabric head:master\n\nUpdate AUG 2017\nThey changed it at VSTS, such if the colon is present it will fail auth. ", "The above description have been updated.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Jim, I am afraid I don't understand. ", " We do have UC/CSU on utility service \nfor all pg&E campuses and some SCE campuses. ", "Therefore, I think they are \npurchasing power from an electrical corp on or after 1/17/2001, so I dont \nthink this helps us. ", " \nIn any event, we are in a dispute with UC/CSU. ", " They very much want to retain \ntheir right to direct access - any legislative fix that would provide them \nwith the ability to return to direct access after AB1x would end our \ndispute. ", " Is there anyway we can build in this flexibility?", "\nOne suggestion would be to say that any customer that was returned to utility \nservice because the utility was not paying negative CTC has the right to \nreturn to direct access service at any time. ", " this is probably too technical, \nthough. ", " Any other ideas?", "\n\n\nFrom: James D Steffes@ENRON on 03/02/2001 06:49 PM\nTo: Susan J Mara/NA/Enron\ncc: Mike D Smith/HOU/EES@EES, Vicki Sharp/HOU/EES@EES, Jeff \nDasovich/NA/Enron@Enron, Sandra McCubbin/NA/Enron@Enron, Harry \nKingerski/NA/Enron@Enron \nSubject: Re: SBX 27 -- Direct Access Language Proposed by Bowen \n\nSue, etal -\n\nIt's important to monitor and support the section -\n\n(b) The right of a retail end use customer who has not purchased power from \nan electrical corporation on or after January 17, 2001 to purchase power from \nan alternate provider may not be limited by this section.", "\n\nI think that this would take care of the UC/CSU issues (does anyone disagree)?", "\n\nJim\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\tSusan J Mara\n\t03/01/2001 06:43 PM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: Alan Comnes/PDX/ECT@ECT, Angela Schwarz/HOU/EES@EES, Beverly \nAden/HOU/EES@EES, Bill Votaw/HOU/EES@EES, Brenda Barreda/HOU/EES@EES, Carol \nMoffett/HOU/EES@EES, Cathy Corbin/HOU/EES@EES, Chris H Foster/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nChristina Liscano/HOU/EES@EES, Christopher F Calger/PDX/ECT@ECT, Craig H \nSutter/HOU/EES@EES, Dan Leff/HOU/EES@EES, Debora Whitehead/HOU/EES@EES, \nDennis Benevides/HOU/EES@EES, Don Black/HOU/EES@EES, Dorothy \nYoungblood/HOU/ECT@ECT, Douglas Huth/HOU/EES@EES, Edward \nSacks/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Eric Melvin/HOU/EES@EES, Erika Dupre/HOU/EES@EES, \nEvan Hughes/HOU/EES@EES, Fran Deltoro/HOU/EES@EES, Gayle W \nMuench/HOU/EES@EES, Ginger Dernehl/NA/Enron@ENRON, Gordon Savage/HOU/EES@EES, \nHarold G Buchanan/HOU/EES@EES, Harry Kingerski/NA/Enron@ENRON, Iris \nWaser/HOU/EES@EES, James D Steffes/NA/Enron@ENRON, James W Lewis/HOU/EES@EES, \nJames Wright/Western Region/The Bentley Company@Exchange, Jeff \nMessina/HOU/EES@EES, Jeremy Blachman/HOU/EES@EES, Jess Hewitt/HOU/EES@EES, \nJoe Hartsoe/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Karen Denne/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Kathy \nBass/HOU/EES@EES, Kathy Dodgen/HOU/EES@EES, Ken Gustafson/HOU/EES@EES, Kevin \nHughes/HOU/EES@EES, Leasa Lopez/HOU/EES@EES, Leticia Botello/HOU/EES@EES, \nMark S Muller/HOU/EES@EES, Marsha Suggs/HOU/EES@EES, Marty Sunde/HOU/EES@EES, \nMeredith M Eggleston/HOU/EES@EES, Michael Etringer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Michael \nMann/HOU/EES@EES, Michelle D Cisneros/HOU/ECT@ECT, [email protected], Neil \nBresnan/HOU/EES@EES, Neil Hong/HOU/EES@EES, Paul Kaufman/PDX/ECT@ECT, Richard \nL Zdunkewicz/HOU/EES@EES, Richard Leibert/HOU/EES@EES, Richard \nShapiro/NA/Enron@ENRON, Rita Hennessy/NA/Enron@ENRON, Robert \nBadeer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Rosalinda Tijerina/HOU/EES@EES, Sandra \nMcCubbin/NA/Enron@ENRON, Sarah Novosel/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Scott \nGahn/HOU/EES@EES, Scott Stoness/HOU/EES@EES, Sharon Dick/HOU/EES@EES, \[email protected], Susan J Mara/NA/Enron@ENRON, Tanya Leslie/HOU/EES@EES, Tasha \nLair/HOU/EES@EES, Ted Murphy/HOU/ECT@ECT, Terri Greenlee/NA/Enron@ENRON, Tim \nBelden/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tony Spruiell/HOU/EES@EES, Vicki Sharp/HOU/EES@EES, \nVladimir Gorny/HOU/ECT@ECT, Wanda Curry/HOU/EES@EES, William S \nBradford/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jubran Whalan/HOU/EES@EES, [email protected], Richard B \nSanders/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert C Williams/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, \[email protected], [email protected], Donna \nFulton/Corp/Enron@ENRON, [email protected], Kathryn \nCorbally/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Bruno Gaillard/EU/Enron@Enron, Linda \nRobertson/NA/Enron@ENRON, Ren, Lazure/Western Region/The Bentley \nCompany@Exchange, Michael Tribolet/Corp/Enron@Enron, Phillip K \nAllen/HOU/ECT@ECT, Christian Yoder/HOU/ECT@ECT, [email protected], Tamara \nJohnson/HOU/EES@EES, Mary Hain/HOU/ECT@ECT, Greg Wolfe/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jeff \nDasovich/NA/Enron@Enron, Dirk vanUlden/Western Region/The Bentley \nCompany@Exchange, Steve Walker/SFO/EES@EES, James Wright/Western Region/The \nBentley Company@Exchange, Mike D Smith/HOU/EES@EES, Richard \nShapiro/NA/Enron@Enron, Leslie Lawner/NA/Enron@Enron, Robert \nNeustaedter/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Steve Walton/HOU/ECT@ECT, \[email protected], [email protected], Janel Guerrero/Corp/Enron@Enron, Mark \nFillinger/SF/ECT@ECT, Jennifer Rudolph/HOU/EES@EES, Martin \nWenzel/SFO/HOU/EES@EES, Douglas Condon/SFO/EES@EES, [email protected], Joseph \nAlamo/NA/Enron@Enron, Tracy Ngo/PDX/ECT@ECT\n\t\t cc: \n\t\t Subject: SBX 27 -- Direct Access Language Proposed by Bowen\n\nThis is an OK bill. ", " Not well drafted. ", "It's also overly complicated and \nproscriptive.", "\n\nDeletes the offensive part of ABX 1.", "\nIt allows anybody to do whatever they want until June 1 (section 2 d)\nOn June 1, \n - res and small commercial customers can get in a cue and get DA up to the \n# of MWs that are added through load growth. (", "Section 2 e)\n -- Larger customers would pay an exit fee. (", "section 2 f)\n -- DA customers would be a entrance fee to return to IOU service (Section 2 \ng)\n\nThere is also a confusing section (2 c) that says a retail customer is only \nstuck with CDWR for the proportion of power that CDWR provides. ", " The way it \nreads, if CDWR is providing 40% of the IOUs' power, the retail customer can \nget DA for 60% of its load. ", " I doubt that will fly -- too difficult to keep \ntrack of and ISO will oppose (only one scheduling coordinator/meter)\n\nA conference call and meeting is scheduled with parties tomorrow on this \nlanguage.", "\n\nWill keep you apprised.", "\n\nSue Mara\nEnron Corp.\nTel: (415) 782-7802\nFax:(415) 782-7854\n----- Forwarded by Susan J Mara/NA/Enron on 03/01/2001 04:28 PM -----\n\n\tScott Govenar <[email protected]>\n\t03/01/2001 04:02 PM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: Jim Steffes <[email protected]>, \"[email protected]\" \n<[email protected]>, Alan Comnes <[email protected]>, Leslie Lawner \n<[email protected]>, John Neslage <[email protected]>, Susan J \nMara <[email protected]>\n\t\t cc: Jeff Dasovich <[email protected]>, Mike Day <[email protected]>, Sandra \nMcCubbin <[email protected]>\n\t\t Subject: SBX 27\n\n\nAttached, please find the proposed amendments to SBX 27 (Bowen) relating\nto direct access. ", " There will be a direct access coalition conference\ncall tomorrow to discuss current events as well as the new language.", "\n\n - SB27Xlanguage.doc" ]
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[ "Franklin Resources Inc. on Thursday said it agreed to buy Benefit Street Partners L.L.C., the credit investment arm of private-equity firm Providence Equity Partners, for initial cash consideration of $683 million.", "\n\nFranklin said Benefit Street, an alternative credit manager with about $26 billion in assets under management, invests in corporate performing and distressed private credit, structured credit and commercial real estate credit.", "\n\nThe..." ]
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[ "1932 USC Trojans football team\n\nThe 1932 USC Trojans football team is an American football team that represented the University of Southern California (USC) in the Pacific Coast Conference (PCC) during the 1932 college football season. ", " In its eighth season under head coach Howard Jones, the team compiled a perfect 10–0 record (6–0 against conference opponents), won the PCC championship, shut out eight of ten opponents, defeated Pittsburgh in the 1933 Rose Bowl, and outscored all opponents by a total of 201 to 13.", "\n\nAlthough there was no AP Poll to determine a national champion in 1932, the Knute K. Rockne Trophy was presented at the end of the season to the team deemed to be the national champion using the Dickinson System, a rating system developed by Frank G. Dickinson, a professor of economics of the University of Illinois. ", " Michigan won the Rockne Trophy, edging USC by a margin of 28.47 to 26.81. ", "However, USC was later recognized as the 1932 national champion in several retrospective rankings, including Berryman, Billingsley, Boand, Dunkel, College Football Researchers Association, Helms, Houlgate, National Championship Foundation, Poling, and Williamson.", "\n\nTackle Ernie Smith was a consensus first-team pick for the 1932 All-America team. ", "Guard Aaron Rosenberg was also selected as a first-team All-American by the Football Writers Association of America and Liberty magazine. ", "Six USC players were selected as first-team players on the 1932 All-Pacific Coast football team: Ernie Smith (AP-1; NEA-1; UP-1); Rosenberg (AP-1; NEA-1); Tay Brown at tackle (AP-1; NEA-1; UP-1); Orville Mohler at quarterback (NEA-1; UP-1); Homer Griffith at quarterback (AP-1); and Ray Sparling at end (NEA-1).", "\n\nSchedule\n\nReferences\n\nUsc Trojans\nCategory:USC Trojans football seasons\nCategory:College football national champions\nCategory:Pac-12 Conference football champion seasons\nCategory:Rose Bowl champion seasons\nCategory:College football undefeated seasons\nTrojans" ]
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[ "INTERACTIONS AMONG PHOSPHATE UPTAKE, PHOTOSYNTHESIS, AND CHLOROPHYLL FLUORESCENCE IN NUTRIENT-LIMITED CULTURES OF THE CHLOROPHYTE MICROALGA DUNALIELLA TERTIOLECTA(1).", "\nPhosphate-limited and phosphate-sufficient continuous cultures of the marine chlorophyte microalga Dunaliella tertiolecta Butcher were examined for their responses to the addition of phosphate. ", "Phosphate-limited cultures showed a marked quenching of chl fluorescence following a pulse of phosphate. ", "This response was absent from cells growing under phosphate-sufficient conditions. ", "Both the extent of fluorescence quenching (where present) and the initial rate of change in quenching were dependent on the concentration of phosphate added to cell suspensions and on the degree of limitation (growth rate in continuous culture). ", "The addition of phosphate also brought about a transient decrease in photosynthetic oxygen evolution and a stimulation in respiration, which were relaxed as the added phosphate was depleted from the external medium. ", "The applicability of using nutrient-induced fluorescence transients as a tool to identify the nutrient status of phytoplankton populations is discussed." ]
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[ "Fragestunde (Anfragen an die Kommission) \nDer Präsident\nAls nächster Punkt folgt die Fragestunde (B6-0010/2008).", "\nWir behandeln die folgenden Anfragen an die Kommission.", "\nErster Teil\nDer Präsident\n\nBetrifft: Lufttüchtigkeit - Beurteilung durch die EASA\nIm Herbst 2007 gab es Pannenunfälle mit drei Flugzeugen vom Typ Dash8 Q400 bei Aalborg, Vilnius und Kopenhagen. ", "Vorläufige Gutachten der Havariebehörden schreiben die Pannen vom 9. ", "und 12. ", "September Konstruktionsfehlern zu, und die skandinavischen Luftfahrtbehörden (SLV) und die Europäische Agentur für Flugsicherheit (EASA) pflichten dem bei. ", "Die Panne am 27. ", "Oktober sei bedingt durch einen Konstruktionsfehler in Verbindung mit der nachfolgenden Fehlersuche. ", "Die skandinavischen Luftfahrtbehörden verhängten ein Flugverbot für die skandinavischen Flugzeuge dieses Typs und haben eine Reihe von Bedingungen für den weiteren Einsatz dieser Flugzeuge festgesetzt, während die EASA die Auffassung vertritt, dass dieser Konstruktionsfehler nur von geringer Bedeutung sei.", "\nIst es nicht Pflicht der EASA, ein hohes Sicherheitsniveau zu gewährleisten?", "\nWie kommt es, dass die EASA und die SLV diese Sache so unterschiedlich beurteilen, wo doch eine Untersuchung, die die Fluggesellschaft bei 16 von insgesamt 18 ihrer Flugzeuge des Typs Dash8 Q400 ergab, dass sie denselben Konstruktionsfehler oder Mangel aufweisen wie das Flugzeug, das in Kopenhagen notlandete?", "\nJacques Barrot\nVizepräsident der Kommission. - (", "FR) Ich antworte Frau Jensen mit Vergnügen.", "\nBis die Schlussberichte der Untersuchungen der drei Unfälle bei Flugzeugen vom Typ DASH8 Q400 vorliegen, hält es die Kommission für verfrüht, über die Faktoren, die diese speziellen Ereignisse verursacht haben, sowie über mögliche Konstruktions- oder Baufehler zu spekulieren.", "\nDie Aufgabe der Europäischen Agentur für Flugsicherheit besteht natürlich in der Gewährleistung des höchstmöglichen Sicherheitsniveaus. ", "Die Agentur hat diese Angelegenheit aufmerksam verfolgt und tut dies auch weiterhin, insbesondere unter Beachtung der Tatsache, dass 170 Flugzeuge dieses Typs in die ganze Welt geliefert wurden und sich heute in Betrieb befinden.", "\nNach den detaillierten Informationen der EASA hat es mehrfach Kontakte zwischen der Agentur, den Zivilluftfahrtbehörden von Norwegen und Dänemark, den kanadischen Zivilluftfahrtbehörden sowie dem Hersteller der Flugzeuge gegeben. ", "In deren Folge sind verschiedene Maßnahmen ergriffen worden, insbesondere die Herausgabe von Lufttüchtigkeitsanweisungen durch die EASA, die Korrekturmaßnahmen vorschreiben.", "\nAus einer eingehenden Bewertung des Einfahrmechanismus für die Fahrwerke dieses Flugzeugtyps hat die Agentur den Schluss gezogen, dass die Sicherheit des Flugzeugs nicht gefährdet ist. ", "Daher wurde den skandinavischen Behörden empfohlen, die Lufttüchtigkeitsbescheinigung für das Flugzeug wieder zu erteilen, nachdem die notwendigen Korrekturmaßnahmen durchgeführt worden sind.", "\nDie skandinavischen Behörden haben die Fluggesellschaft über die notwendigen Voraussetzungen für die Wiedererteilung der Lufttüchtigkeitsbescheinigung für den betroffenen Flugzeugbestand informiert. ", "Doch diese hat noch nicht die entsprechenden Nachweise vorgelegt, dass bei ihren Flugzeugen die geforderten Kontrollen und Änderungen vorgenommen wurden.", "\nBisher sind bei der Europäischen Agentur für Flugsicherheit noch keine Informationen eingegangen, dass die dänischen Behörden die Lufttüchtigkeitsbescheinigungen für die Q400-Flotte der SAS wiedererteilt hätte. ", "Natürlich steht die Agentur in Kontakt mit den dänischen Behörden, um diese Frage zu klären.", "\nSoviel, Herr Präsident, zu meiner Antwort auf die Frage von Frau Jensen.", "\nAnne E. Jensen\n(DA) Herr Präsident! ", "Ich möchte Vizepräsident Barrot für diese Erläuterung danken. ", "Es stimmt, dass die Meinungsverschiedenheit, auf die sich meine Frage bezieht, teilweise beseitigt wurde. ", "Dennoch erteilt die dänische Luftfahrtbehörde erst dann eine Startgenehmigung für SAS-Flugzeuge, wenn die technischen Probleme behoben sind, während andere Fluggesellschaften sogar Flugzeuge einsetzen, die diese technischen Probleme aufweisen. ", "Abgesehen von der Diskriminierung zwischen SAS Scandinavian Airlines auf der einen Seite und anderen Fluggesellschaften wie Flybe, Augsburg, Tyrolean und Luxair auf der anderen, besteht meiner Meinung nach das grundlegende Problem hierbei darin, dass wir Bürger uns nicht mehr auf die Flugsicherheit verlassen können. ", "Was würden Sie, Herr Barrot, tun, damit ich der gemeinschaftlichen Luftfahrtbehörde ebenso vertrauen kann wie den nationalen Luftfahrtbehörden, denn um diese Behörden geht es ja schließlich?", "\nJacques Barrot\nVizepräsident der Kommission. - (", "FR) Die EASA hat förmliche Anweisungen gegeben, durch deren Einhaltung die Lufttüchtigkeit dieser Flugzeuge wieder hergestellt werden kann. ", "Es gibt also kein Sicherheitsproblem; die dänischen Behörden haben der EASA einfach noch nicht die Antworten der fraglichen Gesellschaft mitgeteilt.", "\nFrau Jensen, Tatsache ist, dass von der Agentur alle Instruktionen gegeben worden sind, um die Probleme abzustellen, die beim Einsatz dieser Flugzeuge auftreten können.", "\nIm Moment muss die EASA die Ergebnisse der Untersuchungen abwarten, um eine endgültige Stellungnahme abzugeben, doch ich betone nochmals, dass die Agentur selbstverständlich alle Hinweise für den ordnungsgemäßen Einsatz dieser Flugzeuge gegeben hat, die ja keine Unfälle mit Personenschäden verursacht haben, sondern bei denen, wie Sie unterstrichen haben, Pannen aufgetreten sind, die abgestellt werden müssen.", "\nJörg Leichtfried\nHerr Kommissar, die paradoxe Situation scheint jetzt zu sein, dass eine Luftsicherheitsbehörde in Europa das Fliegen verbietet, während eine andere wie beispielsweise die österreichische meint, es wäre doch möglich. ", "Meine Frage an Sie ist: Wird sich die EASA durch die Erweiterung der Kompetenzen, die wir in diesem Bereich beschlossen haben, nun leichter tun, zumal es scheint, dass - wie Sie gesagt haben - die Firma, die diese Flugzeuge herstellt, derzeit gewisse Schwierigkeiten macht? ", "Wenn die EASA jetzt das tun kann, was wir beschlossen haben, nämlich auch Strafen verhängen und nicht sofort die Lizenz entziehen, wird sie sich dann leichter tun? ", "Ich meine, die EASA hätte es in Zukunft durch diese von uns beschlossene Erweiterung leichter.", "\nJacques Barrot\nVizepräsident der Kommission. - (", "FR) Ich möchte nochmals betonen, dass von der EASA Instruktionen herausgegeben wurden und dass alle Fluggesellschaften gehalten sind, diese von der Agentur vorgegebenen Regeln einzuhalten.", "\nDoch Ihre Frage ist umfassender. ", "Ja, die EASA trägt Verantwortung für die Zertifizierung der Flugzeuge, sie ist befugt, Zulassungen an Entwurfsträger in der ganzen Welt zu erteilen, doch sie überwacht lediglich die einheitliche Anwendung dieser gemeinsamen Regeln durch Inspektionen in den EU-Mitgliedstaaten.", "\nAnders gesagt, wir haben - wie Sie richtig sagten - die Zuständigkeiten der Agentur erweitert, doch nicht so weit, dass die für die Zivilluftfahrt zuständigen Behörden der Mitgliedstaaten vollkommen aus der Verantwortung entlassen sind. ", "Die Mitgliedstaaten müssen ihre Verantwortung immer noch über ihre zuständigen Behörden ausüben.", "\nWir werden vielleicht eines Tages noch weiter gehen, doch gegenwärtig hat die EASA bereits umfangreiche Aufgaben zu erfüllen, und es ist erforderlich, dass sie die Anwendung der gemeinsamen Regeln weiterhin durch Inspektionen in den Mitgliedstaaten sorgfältig überwacht.", "\nMeiner Meinung nach hat die Agentur im vorliegenden Fall in voller Übereinstimmung mit den Sicherheitsanforderungen gehandelt.", "\nDer Präsident\n\nBetrifft: Transparenz bei Managementgehältern\nIn ganz Europa steigen die Managementgehälter stetig an. ", "In Österreich beispielsweise sind die Grundgehälter von Managern von 2006 auf 2007 um rund 3,7 % gestiegen. ", "Wesentlich stärker jedoch wuchsen die variablen Anteile der Managementgehälter. ", "Durch die Erhöhung der Managementgehälter wächst auch das öffentliche Interesse an der tatsächlichen Vergütung von Managementtätigkeiten. ", "Nicht zuletzt, weil die variablen Gehälter nicht in den Bilanzen aufscheinen müssen, wollen vor allem Aktionäre wissen, wie ihre Gelder verwendet werden. ", "Es gibt somit einen klaren Aufschrei in der europäischen Bevölkerung für mehr Transparenz bezüglich der Managementgehälter.", "\nIst sich die Kommission dieser Entwicklungen bewusst? ", "Sind europäische Gesetze in Planung, die zu mehr Transparenz bei den Managementgehältern führen sollen, bzw. ", "gibt es hier schon Gesetzgebung?", "\nCharlie McCreevy\nMitglied der Kommission. - (", "EN) Managementgehälter sind ein aktuelles Thema und das schon seit einiger Zeit. ", "Deshalb hat die Kommission Schritte eingeleitet, mit denen die Transparenz bei Managementgehältern verbessert werden soll.", "\nDie 2004 von der Kommission angenommene Empfehlung sieht vor, dass die Unternehmen jährlich ihre Politik zur Entlohnung ihrer Vorstandsmitglieder sowie die Entlohnung einzelner Vorstandsmitglieder offen legen. ", "Die Kommission überprüft auch, ob die Mitgliedstaaten diese Empfehlungen überhaupt umsetzen. ", "Wir haben unlängst eine entsprechende Übersicht zusammengestellt.", "\nDie große Mehrzahl der Mitgliedstaaten hat im nationalen Corporate-Governance-Kodex oder in verbindlichen Rechtsvorschriften strenge Normen für die Offenlegung der Bezüge einzelner Führungskräfte vorgesehen. ", "Doch lediglich 60 % der Mitgliedstaaten sind der Empfehlung in Bezug auf die Transparenz ihrer Entlohnungspolitik gefolgt. ", "Nur sehr wenige empfehlen, dies auf der Hauptversammlung des Unternehmens zur Abstimmung zu bringen. ", "Hier besteht Nachholbedarf.", "\nDie Kommission wird auswerten, wie stark sich die Unternehmen in der Praxis an die empfohlenen Transparenznormen halten. ", "Die Bezahlung ist ein Bereich, in dem einige Unternehmen trotz der Empfehlungen des nationalen Corporate-Governance-Kodexes nur sehr widerwillig Informationen preisgeben. ", "Wir werden diese Frage prüfen.", "\nJörg Leichtfried\nHerr Kommissar! ", "Sie haben selbst gesagt, 60 Prozent der Unternehmen gedenken nichts zu tun. ", "Jetzt frage ich Sie: Was gedenkt die Kommission zu tun?", "\nUnd meine zweite Frage: Wir haben jetzt aus einem aktuellen Fall in Deutschland auch mitbekommen, dass diese Herren - es sind ja hauptsächlich Herren - nicht nur sehr gut verdienen, sondern das, was sie verdienen, auch nicht versteuern möchten und deshalb nach Liechtenstein und sonst wohin gehen. ", "Was gedenkt die Kommission in Zukunft gegen derartige Praktiken zu unternehmen?", "\nCharlie McCreevy\nMitglied der Kommission. - (", "EN) In Erwiderung auf beide Fragen des Herrn Abgeordneten ist festzustellen, dass sich damit die jeweiligen Mitgliedstaaten befassen sollten. ", "In Bezug auf die Frage, was die Kommission zu tun gedenkt, kann ich sagen, dass die Kommission bereits reagiert hat.", "\nMein Vorgänger beschloss, eine Empfehlung in diesem speziellen Bereich zu geben. ", "Weshalb hat er sich gerade für eine Empfehlung entschieden? ", "Dafür hatte er zweifellos verschiedene Gründe, aber einer der Hauptgründe dürfte gewesen sein, dass man sich in Europa nicht auf die Verabschiedung eines universellen Corporate-Governance-Kodexes oder Gesellschaftsrechts einigen kann. ", "Es würde uns nie gelingen, eine solche Einigung zu erzielen.", "\nEs gibt in diesem ganzen Bereich eine große Vielzahl kultureller Unterschiede, und das war sicher einer der Gründe, weshalb sich mein Vorgänger in dieser speziellen Frage für eine Empfehlung entschieden hat.", "\nHinsichtlich der Empfehlung hat unsere Studie ergeben, dass die Mehrzahl der Mitgliedstaaten strenge Normen für die Offenlegung der Bezüge einzelner Führungskräfte in ihrem nationalen Corporate-Governance-Kodex vorsieht, und einige Länder haben die Offenlegung gesetzlich verankert. ", "Die meisten Mitgliedstaaten sind auch der Empfehlung in Bezug auf Transparenz bei der Entlohnungspolitik nachgekommen.", "\nWas Ihre zweite Frage zur Besteuerung angeht, so ist das Sache der einzelnen Mitgliedstaaten. ", "Sie müssen in Übereinstimmung mit ihren nationalen Rechtsvorschriften die nach ihrem Dafürhalten geeigneten Maßnahmen ergreifen.", "\nDer Präsident\n\nBetrifft: Untertunnelung der Sagrada Familia für den Bau der Hochgeschwindigkeitsstrecke AVE\nBekanntlich hat der Bau der unterirdischen Trasse des spanischen Hochgeschwindigkeitszugs AVE in Barcelona zu zahlreichen Einstürzen und Absenkungen und damit zur Gefährdung von Wohnungen und Gebäuden geführt, darunter auch die Kirche Sagrada Familia und zahlreiche andere historische Bauten.", "\nDa dieses Bauvorhaben von der EU unterstützt wird, wird die Kommission gebeten mitzuteilen, welche Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfungen (Richtlinie 85/337/EWG) vorrangig herangezogen wurden, und ob bei diesen Prüfungen auch die Risiken für die Sagrada Familia und andere historische Bauten bewertet wurden?", "\nKann die Kommission ferner mitteilen, ob die der EU vorgelegten Unterlagen auch die Studie der Universität Pompeu Fabra enthalten, die angesichts der Gefährdung der umliegenden Bauten vom Bau der unterirdischen Trasse abrät?", "\nStavros Dimas\nMitglied der Kommission. - (", "EL) Herr Präsident! ", "Zunächst möchte ich Sie daran erinnern, dass für die Kommission folgende Überlegung Vorrang hat: Ganz gleich wie nützlich oder notwendig ein Vorhaben auch sein mag, es sollte nie zum Nachteil der Umwelt, der öffentlichen Gesundheit oder des kulturellen Erbes eines Mitgliedstaates realisiert werden.", "\nVon den Mitgliedstaaten sind alle erforderlichen Schritte zu ergreifen, um kulturelles Erbe zu bewahren und zu schützen. ", "Das gilt insbesondere für ihre historischen Stadtzentren, die bisweilen zusätzlich unter den Auswirkungen der fortschreitenden Urbanisierung zu leiden haben.", "\nBezüglich der Frage der Frau Abgeordneten möchte ich Folgendes feststellen: Der Bau der Hochgeschwindigkeitsbahnverbindung Madrid-Saragossa-Barcelona wurde nur teilweise aus dem Kohäsionsfonds kofinanziert.", "\nAus den für die transeuropäischen Verkehrsnetze bereitstehenden Mitteln wird die Erarbeitung von Studien für Vorhaben entlang der gesamten Strecke, einschließlich der Verlängerung von Barcelona nach Gerona und Figueres, kofinanziert.", "\nTrotzdem wurden möglicherweise keine Mittel für Vorhaben in Verbindung mit der Untertunnelung von Barcelona vorgesehen oder verwendet. ", "Dabei ist ferner festzustellen, dass für die Planung und Fertigstellung von Projekten einzig und allein der betreffende Mitgliedstaat verantwortlich ist, der verpflichtet ist, die jeweiligen Vorschriften des Gemeinschaftsrechts streng einzuhalten und umzusetzen.", "\nIn diesem konkreten Fall wurden keine Gemeinschaftsmittel für die Vorarbeiten zum Abschnitt, der die Stationen Sants und Sagrera verbindet, oder den nahe der Sagrada Família geplanten Tunnel bereitgestellt. ", "Folglich hat die Kommission weder entsprechende Informationen noch ein Exemplar der von den spanischen Behörden durchgeführten Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfung erhalten.", "\nDer Kommission ist bekannt, dass die zuständige spanische Behörde, das Amt für die Vermeidung von Umweltverschmutzung und Klimawandel, laut Beschluss vom 30. ", "Mai 2007 die Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfung gebilligt hat. ", "Der Wortlaut des Beschlusses wurde im Juni 2007 im Amtsblatt der spanischen Regierung veröffentlicht und enthält Hinweise auf die Auswirkungen, die das Projekt auf das kulturelle Erbe wie die Sagrada Família haben wird.", "\nÜber die von der Universität Pompeu Fabra erarbeitete Studie wurde die Kommission nicht informiert. ", "Die spanischen Behörden sind verpflichtet, sowohl den Inhalt von Studien - wie im vorliegenden Fall - als auch die öffentliche Meinung zu berücksichtigen.", "\nDie Kommission wird die Situation weiter beobachten. ", "Wir hoffen, dass dieses historische Baudenkmal, das zum kulturellen Erbe der Stadt Barcelona gehört, keinen Schaden nehmen wird.", "\nCristina Gutiérrez-Cortines\n(ES) Herr Präsident! ", "Ich bezweifle nicht, dass die rechtlichen Verfahren korrekt eingehalten wurden; mit einem Mindestmaß an Zwang, müssen wir sagen. ", "Ich wende mich hier an die Kommission, weil ich sie als Hüterin der Verträge um Hilfe bitten will, und ich appelliere an ihr Gewissen, die Maßnahmen abzulehnen und die Umweltverträglichkeitsrichtlinie penibel einzuhalten.", "\nDie Tatsache, dass dieser Teil des Tunnels nicht von der Europäischen Union finanziert wird, gehört nicht zur Sache, denn wir alle wissen, dass eine Teilung von Projekten keine bewährte Praxis ist und von der Europäischen Union einige Male kritisiert wurde.", "\nWarum hat man den AVE nicht zu einem Großprojekt erklärt, für das detaillierte Umweltverträglichkeitsstudien erforderlich sind, denn wir wissen, dass die Strecke unter sehr sensiblen Bereichen verlaufen wird, wie dem Gebäude Pedrera, und vor allem entlang der Sagrada Familia?", "\nDer Geist von Artikel 3 der EIA-Richtlinie erfordert eine Bewertung der potenziellen Auswirkungen auf das kulturelle Erbe. ", "Die 40 m tiefe Schutzmauer, die gebaut werden soll, befindet sich nur eineinhalb Meter von der Fassade der Sagrada Familia, die 40 000 Tonnen wiegt, entfernt.", "\nAufgrund der Eigenschaften des Terrains und der Tatsache, dass die Kathedrale ein äußerst komplexer Bau eines Genies ist, bitte ich nur, alle Seiten anzuhören und zu berücksichtigen. ", "Ich freue mich sehr, dass der AVE kommt, doch das ist kein parteipolitisches Problem, es war die PP, die die Strecke geändert hat, und jetzt bin ich der Auffassung, dass sie erneut verlegt und entlang der Valencia-Straße verlaufen sollte.", "\nStavros Dimas\nMitglied der Kommission. - (", "EL) Ich möchte nochmals betonen, dass die Kommission nicht befugt ist, zu intervenieren. ", "Natürlich hat die Frau Abgeordnete Recht mit ihrer Feststellung, dass wir uns besonders um die Erhaltung unseres Kulturerbes und vor allem unserer architektonischen Meisterwerke bemühen müssen. ", "Bisher wurden wir jedoch noch nicht auf eine Gefährdung aufmerksam gemacht: Der Entwurf der Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfung wurde uns nicht als fehlerhaft gemeldet.", "\nDie Kommission ist lediglich darüber informiert, dass die Vereinigung Llave para Litoral, deren Mitglieder die Untertunnelung ablehnen und stattdessen eine Streckenführung entlang der Küste bevorzugen, Petitionen beim zuständigen Ausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments eingereicht hat.", "\nFür die Lösung dieser Probleme sind jedoch die lokalen und regionalen Behörden sowie die Zentralregierung unter Hinzuziehung der Richtlinie über die Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfung zuständig. ", "Dazu sind sie verpflichtet, damit unser Kulturerbe erhalten werden kann.", "\nMaria Badia i Cutchet\n(ES) Herr Präsident! ", "Ich möchte nur einige Details ergänzen und, vielleicht um die Bürger zu beruhigen, dazu bemerken, dass die vollständige geologische Information für diese Baustellen vorliegt, die Bautechnik für die Bedingungen vor Ort geeignet ist, vor Beginn der Arbeiten vorbeugende Arbeiten entlang den vorhandenen Bauten durchgeführt werden, ständige Sondierungen erfolgen, um sofort die kleinste Möglichkeit von Bewegungen oder Setzungen des Untergrunds festzustellen, und dass es keine negativen Auswirkungen auf die benachbarten Bauten geben und die Transparenz bei der Information der Öffentlichkeit garantiert wird.", "\nIch will damit sagen, dass meiner Ansicht nach niemand ein größeres Interesse hat als die spanischen, die katalanischen und lokalen Regierungsstellen, dafür zu sorgen, dass weder dieses historische Denkmal noch Anwohner dieses Gebiets irgendeinen Schaden erleiden.", "\nStavros Dimas\nΜitglied der Kommission. - (", "EL) Ich glaube, ich habe den Informationen der Frau Abgeordneten nichts hinzuzufügen.", "\nZweiter Teil\nDer Präsident\n\nBetrifft: Aufnahme von Altgriechisch und Latein in den Europäischen Indikator für Sprachenkompetenz\nDie Kommission hat ihre Absicht bekundet, einen Europäischen Indikator für Sprachenkompetenz für die fünf am meisten gesprochenen Sprachen zu entwickeln. ", "Kann die Kommission in diesem Zusammenhang mitteilen, ob sie Latein und Altgriechisch in das Programm für die Erlernung europäischer Sprachen aufnehmen wird, angesichts der Tatsache, dass diese beiden Sprachen die Grundlagen der europäischen Sprachen bilden und dass zahlreiche lateinische und griechische Wörter in allen europäischen Sprachen - unabhängig von ihrem Ursprung - verwendet werden?", "\nEuroclassica (Europäischer Philologen-Dachverband) hat - in Anbetracht der Bedeutung dieser Sprachen - bereits Kompetenzniveaus festgelegt und ein Zertifizierungssystem für die Sprachkompetenz in Latein entwickelt und arbeitet nun an einem entsprechenden Programm für Altgriechisch. ", "Die Erlernung der beiden klassischen Sprachen würde Möglichkeiten zur Vertiefung der gemeinsamen Grundlagen der europäischen Zivilisation eröffnen und zu einer Stärkung der Beziehungen zwischen den europäischen Bürgern führen, während die Zertifizierung ihres entsprechenden Sprachkompetenzniveaus zusätzliche Qualifikationen für ihr Berufsleben bringen würde.", "\nLeonard Orban\nMitglied der Kommission. - (", "RO) In ihrer 2005 veröffentlichten Mitteilung \"Europäischer Indikator für Sprachenkompetenz\" schlägt die Kommission einen detaillierten strategischen Ansatz für die Durchführung einer europäischen Erhebung zur Sprachenkompetenz vor. ", "Dabei handelt es sich um ein Instrument, das die Erfassung der für die Erstellung eines europäischen Indikators auf diesem Gebiet erforderlichen Daten ermöglichen und das Wissen in Bezug auf die Unterrichtung von Fremdsprachen bereichern wird.", "\nAusgehend davon hat der Rat im Mai 2006 seine Schlussfolgerungen zu einer Reihe grundlegender Probleme im Hinblick auf den Europäischen Indikator für Sprachenkompetenz vorgelegt. ", "Was die zu prüfenden Fremdsprachen angeht, so hat der Rat entschieden, dass der Europäische Indikator für Sprachenkompetenz für die Amtssprachen der Europäischen Union entwickelt werden soll. ", "Das bedeutet, dass das Projekt nur auf lebende Sprachen abzielt. ", "Folglich wurde die Möglichkeit einer Prüfung in Latein oder Altgriechisch nicht in Betracht gezogen.", "\nDer Rat beschloss aus praktischen Gründen, in der ersten Runde der europäischen Erhebung zur Sprachenkompetenz die Kompetenz der Schüler in der ersten und der zweiten Fremdsprache der am häufigsten in der EU gelehrten Fremdsprachen zu beurteilen, d. h. Englisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Spanisch und Italienisch, wobei Daten für die drei folgenden Kompetenzen zu erfassen sind: Leseverständnis, Hörverständnis und Schreiben.", "\nTrotzdem wird das Prüfungsinstrument für alle Länder zur Verfügung gestellt, die die Prüfungen für andere als diese fünf Fremdsprachen als nationale Option aufnehmen möchten. ", "Die Kommission wird die Initiative ergreifen und dafür sorgen, dass der nächste Abschnitt der Erhebung alle in der Europäischen Union gelehrten Amtssprachen umfassen wird.", "\nΜaria Panyaotopoulos-Cassiotou\n(EL) Herr Präsident! ", "Mir ist klar, dass die Lehre nicht in Ihre Zuständigkeit fällt, ebenso wenig wie die Verbreitung oder, wie ich schriftlich feststellte, die Bewahrung des gemeinsamen Erbes, das sich auf die klassischen Sprachen gründet.", "\nFällt das nun in Ihre Zuständigkeit oder nicht? ", "Das ist meine erste Frage. ", "Meine zweite Frage lautet: Bezieht sich das europäische Forschungsprogramm auf die Forschung in diesen Sprachen oder nicht? ", "Wissen Sie etwas darüber?", "\nLeonard Orban\nMitglied der Kommission. - (", "RO) Die Frage bezog sich auf den Europäischen Indikator für Sprachenkompetenz. ", "Wie ich in meiner Antwort bereits sagte, sind nur die Amtssprachen der Europäischen Union vorgesehen. ", "Andererseits liegen der Europäischen Kommission keine Informationen über Untersuchungen oder Studien vor, die in den Mitgliedstaaten oder in Regionen der Mitgliedstaaten zu den erwähnten Sprachen durchgeführt werden.", "\nΜanolis Μavrommatis\n(EL) Als Berichterstatter zum Europäischen Indikator für Sprachenkompetenz möchte ich feststellen, dass es Aufgabe des besagten Indikators ist, regelmäßig die Gesamtkompetenz aller Mitgliedstaaten im Bereich moderne Sprachen zu bewerten.", "\nWir sind übereingekommen, dass dieser Indikator zunächst die sprachliche Kompetenz in den fünf in den europäischen Bildungssystemen am häufigsten vorkommenden Sprachen erfassen soll, nämlich in Englisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Italienisch und Spanisch.", "\nDennoch forderte das Parlament die Kommission und den Rat auf, die erforderlichen Schritte einzuleiten, um den Test baldmöglichst auf ein breiteres Spektrum der Amtssprachen der Union auszuweiten, vorausgesetzt, dass sich dies nicht nachteilig auf die Lehre oder Entwicklung moderner Sprachen auswirkt.", "\nKann uns der Kommissar mitteilen, welches Stadium wir inzwischen erreicht haben, und nach Möglichkeit auch, welche Sprachen für den nächsten Abschnitt vorgesehen sind?", "\nBernd Posselt\nHerr Kommissar! ", "Im ehemaligen Kloster Haindorf in Nordböhmen befindet sich ein polnisch-deutsch-tschechisches Begegnungszentrum, wo alle Aufschriften und Wegweiser lateinisch sind. ", "Könnte man das nicht auch in den Gebäuden der Europäischen Institutionen machen?", "\nZweiter Vorschlag: Könnte man nicht für die Europahymne einen lateinischen Text machen, den alle gemeinsam singen können und den dann die einzelnen Mitgliedstaaten in ihre jeweiligen Sprachen übersetzen, deren gemeinsamer Text aber lateinisch wäre?", "\nLeonard Orban\nMitglied der Kommission. - (", "RO) Wie ich bereits zum Europäischen Indikator für Sprachenkompetenz sagte und Sie ganz richtig anmerkten, werden während der ersten Runde nur fünf Sprachen bewertet.", "\nIm Moment ist Folgendes geplant: Dieses Jahr bereiten wir ein Pilotprojekt vor, und 2009 werden wir die Vorbereitungen für diese Bewertung treffen, so dass uns 2010 klare Ergebnisse zur Lage bezüglich dieser fünf Sprachen vorliegen werden. ", "Danach möchte die Kommission, wie ich in meinem Beitrag bereits sagte, diesen Indikator auf alle Amtssprachen ausdehnen. ", "Für eine Aussage zum genauen Zeitpunkt dieser Ausweitung ist es noch zu früh. ", "Natürlich müssen wir die Ergebnisse der Bewertung hinsichtlich des Indikators für die ersten fünf Sprachen abwarten und eingehend prüfen.", "\nWas andererseits Ihre zweite Frage betrifft, so ist es das Ziel der Europäischen Kommission, die sprachliche Vielfalt zu verteidigen. ", "Ausgehend davon zielt die Europäische Kommission bei all ihren Maßnahmen darauf ab, sowohl die Amtssprachen als auch alle anderen Sprachen, die in der Europäischen Union gesprochen werden, zu bewahren. ", "Wir haben 23 Amtssprachen und über 60 regionale Sprachen, Minderheitensprachen und weniger verbreitete Sprachen. ", "Unter diesem Gesichtspunkt sind die von uns ergriffenen Maßnahmen speziell auf diese Sprachen ausgerichtet, die wir als lebende Sprachen bezeichnen.", "\nWas die europäische Hymne betrifft, so gehen die Meinungen in diesem Punkt natürlich auseinander. ", "Es ist nicht Aufgabe der Europäischen Kommission, diesbezüglich eine Entscheidung zu treffen.", "\nDer Präsident\n\nBetrifft: Förderung von sprachlichen Minderheiten\nWelche sprachlichen Minderheiten wurden im Jahr 2007 von der Kommission gefördert, und welche Möglichkeiten sieht die Kommission, in den Jahren 2008 und 2009 auch deutschsprachige Minderheiten verstärkt zu fördern?", "\nLeonard Orban\nMitglied der Kommission. - (", "RO) Im Rahmen der Aufforderung zur Einreichung von Vorschlägen des Jahres 2007 wurden ein Netzwerk und drei Projekte zur Finanzierung aus dem Programm für lebenslanges Lernen ausgewählt, die Minderheitensprachen betreffen.", "\nSchwerpunktaktivität 2: Fremdsprachen. ", "Das Netzwerk zur Förderung der sprachlichen Vielfalt, das vom \"Welsh Language Board\" koordiniert wird, ist auf folgende Sprachen ausgerichtet: Baskisch, Bretonisch, Katalanisch, Cornisch, Ostfriesisch, Schottisch-Gälisch, Nordfriesisch, Walisisch, Westfriesisch, Slowakisch, Ladinisch, Galizisch, Friaulisch, Sardisch, Estnisch, Irisch, Lettisch, Litauisch, Maltesisch, Finnisch und Schwedisch.", "\nDas Büro für Sprachminderheiten ist einer der Partner für dieses sich über drei Jahre erstreckende Projekt, das den Austausch aktueller bewährter Praktiken sowie in den Bereichen Bildung und Sprachplanung die Entwicklung neuer und innovativer Ideen für Regional- und Minderheitensprachen, indigene und grenzübergreifende Sprachen, kleinere Landessprachen und weniger verbreitete Sprachen unterstützen soll. ", "Die drei 2007 finanzierten mehrjährigen Vorhaben umfassen Minderheiten- und Weltsprachen wie Katalanisch, Baskisch, Sardisch, Sizilianisch, Irisch, Russisch, Arabisch und Hindi.", "\nIm Zeitraum 2008-2010 wird der Schwerpunkt auf Projekten zur Förderung weniger verbreiteter europäischer Sprachen liegen. ", "Im Rahmen des Programms für lebenslanges Lernen für den Zeitraum 2007-2013 haben sämtliche Sprachen Anspruch auf finanzielle Unterstützung, also auch Deutsch sprechende Minderheiten.", "\nBernd Posselt\nHerr Kommissar, habe ich das also richtig verstanden, dass deutschsprachige Minderheiten erst ab 2013 gefördert werden können? ", "Aber es ist doch z. B. so, dass es real existierende Minderheiten gibt, wie etwa die Deutschen in der Tschechischen Republik oder die Polen in Litauen oder die Polen in der Tschechischen Republik usw. ", "Wenn diese z. B. Medien oder kulturelle Projekte haben, können sie also derzeit überhaupt nicht gefördert werden. ", "Oder ist das ein Missverständnis?", "\nLeonard Orban\nMitglied der Kommission. - (", "RO) Vielleicht habe ich mich nicht klar genug ausgedrückt. ", "Ich habe definitiv nicht gesagt, dass bestimmte Sprachen, einschließlich der deutschen Sprache, erst nach 2013 gefördert werden könnten. ", "Das ist eine kategorische Antwort. ", "Im Rahmen des Programms für lebenslanges Lernen haben alle in der Europäischen Union gesprochenen Sprachen und folglich auch Deutsch Anspruch auf finanzielle Unterstützung. ", "Wichtig ist dabei nur die Qualität des vorgelegten Projekts bzw. ", "der vorgelegten Projekte. ", "Deshalb kann ich ausdrücklich feststellen, dass solche Sprachen aus dem Programm für lebenslanges Lernen finanziert werden können, und zwar einschließlich des Zeitraums 2008-2013. ", "Ich wiederhole: einschließlich dieses Zeitraums.", "\nDer Präsident\n\nBetrifft: Weniger verbreitete Sprachen\nKann die Kommission erklären, ob sie beabsichtigt, in naher Zukunft neue Programme zur Förderung der weniger verbreiteten Sprachen in Europa vorzulegen und sich zu der Beschaffenheit dieser Programme und den ggf. ", "hierfür bereitgestellten Mitteln zu äußern?", "\nAnfrage Nr. ", "45 wird schriftlich beantwortet.", "\nLeonard Orban\nMitglied der Kommission. - (", "RO) Die Kommission beabsichtigt nicht, in naher Zukunft neue Programme zur Förderung der weniger verbreiteten Sprachen in Europa aufzulegen, zumal die neue Programmgeneration der Kommission für den Zeitraum 2007-1013, nämlich des Programm für lebenslanges Lernen, eine breite Palette von Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten für diese Sprachen bietet. ", "Alle Sprachen haben Anspruch auf Unterstützung aus diesem Programm.", "\nEine Finanzierung ist in allen der vier folgenden Teilprogramme des Programms für lebenslanges Lernen möglich: COMENIUS, ERASMUS, Grundtvig und Leonardo da Vinci. ", "Diese Finanzierung ist auch im neu geschaffenen Querschnittsbereich des Programms für lebenslanges Lernen möglich, und zwar insbesondere im Rahmen der Schwerpunktaktivität Sprachen, bei der die Finanzierung von Projekten und Netzwerken vorgeschlagen wird, deren ausdrückliches Ziel darin besteht, das Erlernen von Fremdsprachen sowie die sprachliche Vielfalt zu fördern.", "\nIm Anschluss an die Aufforderung zur Einreichung von Vorschlägen im Jahr 2007 wurden ein Netzwerk und drei Projekte zur Finanzierung im Rahmen der Schwerpunktaktivität 2 ausgewählt. ", "Für den Zeitraum 2008-2010 wird der Schwerpunkt auf Vorhaben zur Förderung der weniger verbreiteten Sprachen in Europa liegen. ", "2008 beträgt das Budget für die Schwerpunktaktivität 2 9,9 Millionen Euro. ", "Doch ausgehend davon, dass die Finanzierung sprachbezogener Aktivitäten und Projekte Teil einer vorherrschenden Tendenz ist, stehen für das Programm für lebenslanges Lernen zusätzliche Mittel zur Verfügung.", "\nSeán Ó Neachtain\n(GA) Herr Präsident! ", "Ich möchte dem Kommissar für seine Antwort danken. ", "Akzeptiert er dennoch, dass es wichtig ist, weniger verbreitete Sprachen in ihrem eigenen Kontext zu unterstützen und sie nicht zu stark in das lebenslange Lernen einzubinden? ", "Diese Sprachen sind gefährdet, und wenn sie nicht nachhaltig gefördert werden, nimmt diese Gefährdung weiter zu. ", "Natürlich ist finanzielle Unterstützung wichtig, aber noch wichtiger ist die symbolische Unterstützung. ", "Ist der Kommissar ebenfalls der Ansicht, dass diese ausgebaut werden sollte?", "\nLeonard Orban\nMitglied der Kommission. - (", "RO) Ich kann nur wiederholen, was ich eben gesagt habe, dass nämlich durch die von der Kommission zur Förderung der sprachlichen Vielfalt ergriffenen Maßnahmen nicht nur die 23 Amtssprachen unterstützt werden, sondern auch andere Sprachen, die in der Europäischen Union gesprochen werden, einschließlich der regionalen und der weniger verbreiteten Sprachen. ", "Außerdem können Sie anhand der von mir genannten Zahlen erkennen, dass es sich hier um eine konkrete, eine wichtige finanzielle Unterstützung handelt, die für die Entwicklung dieser Sprachen bereitgestellt wird.", "\nMairead McGuinness\n(EN) Mein Kollege Herr Seán Ó Neachtain spricht fließend Irisch. ", "Dazu bin ich leider nicht in der Lage, wofür ich mich entschuldige.", "\n(EN) Darf ich Sie etwas fragen? ", "Ich stimme der Prämisse Ihrer Antwort zu. ", "Geld ist wichtig, aber ist es nicht noch wichtiger, dass wir wissen, wie wir den Sprachunterricht verbessern können? ", "Wir müssen in Ländern wie Irland, wo Menschen wie ich liebend gern die Sprache sprechen würden, aber ein System durchlaufen haben, dass uns nicht die Möglichkeit dazu gegeben hat, Wege finden, uns zu lehren, unsere Muttersprache zu sprechen, weil wir das wirklich wollen.", "\nLeonard Orban\nMitglied der Kommission. - (", "RO) Die Europäische Kommission beabsichtigt, in der zweiten Hälfte des Jahres 2008 eine neue Strategie zur Mehrsprachigkeit vorzulegen. ", "In dieser Strategie wird die Bildungskomponente einen sehr wichtigen Platz einnehmen. ", "Dabei werden die verschiedenen Möglichkeiten des Fremdsprachenerwerbs eine sehr wichtige Rolle spielen.", "\nHinsichtlich der irischen Sprache möchte ich Ihnen mitteilen, dass ich unlängst in Dublin war und dort Gelegenheit hatte, mit den irischen Behörden zu sprechen. ", "Sowohl zu diesem Zeitpunkt als auch später habe ich nachdrücklich auf die Notwendigkeit hingewiesen, dass diejenigen, die befähigt werden sollen, auf Gemeinschaftsebene zu arbeiten, und zwar nicht nur als Übersetzer oder Dolmetscher, so breit gefächert wie möglich ausgebildet sein sollten. ", "Das ist ein wesentliches Element, um die Gleichberechtigung der irischen Sprache gegenüber den anderen Amtssprachen der Union zu gewährleisten.", "\nEvgeni Kirilov\n(EN) Herr Präsident! ", "Ich hatte wirklich erwartet, heute Abend vom Kommissar eine Antwort zu erhalten. ", "Das Wort wird erteilt, damit Erklärungen abgegeben oder Fragen gestellt werden können. ", "Ich habe eine Frage, und ich möchte darauf eine Antwort haben. ", "So einfach ist das. ", "Heute Abend wird Zeit mit Erklärungen verschwendet. ", "Könnten Sie dem Kommissar in diesem Fall bitte gestatten, eine sehr kurze Antwort zu geben? ", "Danach werde ich keine spezielle Frage stellen.", "\nDer Präsident\nMeine Damen und Herren Abgeordneten, wenn sich jemand zu Wort meldet, kann ich nicht ahnen, ob derjenige eine Erklärung abgeben oder eine Frage stellen wird. ", "Das kann ich nicht, ich bin kein Hellseher. ", "Ich muss die Redezeit gemäß der Geschäftsordnung und der Praxis des Parlaments zuteilen und kann Ihnen leider keine Zeit schenken. ", "Das würde die übrigen Kollegen, die Fragen gestellt haben, benachteiligen. ", "Ich möchte darauf hinweisen, dass allein für diese Sitzung 70 Anfragen an die Kommission gestellt wurden. ", "Es liegt auf der Hand, dass nicht alle 70 Anfragen beantwortet werden können. ", "Wir haben Regeln und müssen diese einhalten. ", "Ich bitte aufrichtig um Entschuldigung und verstehe ihren Frust. ", "Wenn ich an Ihrer Stelle wäre und wenn ich an Ihrer Stelle bin, bin auch ich frustriert. ", "Ich kann Ihnen jedoch keine Antwort geben. ", "Im Übrigen wird Ihnen der Herr Kommissar schriftlich antworten, und demzufolge werden Sie selbstverständlich Ihre Antwort bekommen. ", "Ich hoffe, Sie verstehen das.", "\nDer Präsident\n\nBetrifft: Minderheiten und Mittel für die regionale Entwicklung\nEin Großteil der beantragten Strukturfondsmittel für die regionale Entwicklung für den Zeitraum 2007-2013 ist bewilligt worden. ", "Wie beabsichtigt die Kommission sicherzustellen, dass diese Mittel nicht in diskriminierender Art und Weise verwendet werden und auch ethnische Minderheiten, wie zum Beispiel die Roma, Nutzen daraus ziehen können?", "\nWird die Kommission Informationen über die Nutzung der Mittel durch verschiedene ethnische Minderheiten veröffentlichen?", "\nDanuta Hübner\nMitglied der Kommission. - (", "EN) Herr Präsident! ", "Ich möchte feststellen, dass die Kommission bei der Vorbereitung der neuen Generation von Programmen im Rahmen der Kohäsionspolitik für den Zeitraum 2007-2013 streng darauf geachtet hat, dass während der Verhandlungen die Frage der Roma, die für den Herrn Abgeordneten von besonderer Bedeutung ist, bei der Planung und Programmierung Berücksichtigung findet. ", "Ich muss zugeben, dass die Mitgliedstaaten sehr positiv reagiert haben, indem sie die Roma betreffenden Fragen als Querschnittsthema vielfach ihren jeweiligen nationalen strategischen Referenzrahmen aufgenommen haben. ", "In den operationellen Programmen finden sich ebenfalls direkte Verweise auf diesen Bereich. ", "Besonders deutlich wird das bei Ländern wie Ungarn, der Tschechischen Republik, der Slowakei, Rumänien, Bulgarien, Estland und Spanien, aber auch im Falle von Polen, Slowenien, Litauen und Finnland.", "\nAufgrund der dezentralisierten Verwaltung der Strukturfonds ist es der Kommission nicht möglich, eindeutig zu ermitteln, welche Vorhaben für die Roma geplant sind oder geplant sein werden und wie viel Geld dafür vorgesehen ist. ", "Aus unserer Tätigkeit im Begleitausschuss für den Zeitraum 2000-2006 wissen wir jedoch, dass es eine Vielzahl sehr interessanter und ergänzender Programme und Projekte gibt, die auf die Integration der Roma abzielen. ", "Viele ESF- und EFRE-Programme stellen entweder ganz gezielt Mittel für entsprechende Maßnahmen bereit oder fördern die Integration der Roma indirekt durch Verweise auf benachteiligte Gruppen. ", "Das ist beispielsweise in Estland, Finnland und Polen der Fall.", "\nHinsichtlich der Veröffentlichung von Daten muss ich feststellen, dass die Mitgliedstaaten, wie Sie vielleicht wissen, für den Zeitraum 2007-2013 verpflichtet sind, Angaben zu den Begünstigten der einzelnen Programme zu machen. ", "Angaben zum ethnischen Hintergrund der Begünstigten sind allerdings nicht vorgeschrieben. ", "Dennoch werden wir anhand dieser Liste in der Lage sein, die Bereiche zu ermitteln, in denen die europäische Politik wirkt.", "\nIch möchte ferner feststellen, dass die Generaldirektion REGIO für den Zeitraum 2007-2013 eine Anleitung für die interne Arbeit der Kommission zu Fragen, die die Roma betreffen, herausgegeben hat, an die sich die einzelnen Dienststellen während des Programmplanungszeitraums halten. ", "Es gibt im Bereich Strukturfonds eine ressortübergreifende Arbeitsgruppe für Roma, die in die Zuständigkeit der Generaldirektion REGIO fällt.", "\nAußerdem existieren in vielen Mitgliedstaaten - und Ungarn ist hier ein gutes Beispiel - Steuermechanismen, die speziell für die Umsetzung der neuen Regionalpolitik eingerichtet wurden. ", "So gibt es beispielsweise in Ungarn ein Netz von Beratern, die selbst Roma sind und die Antragsteller dieser Bevölkerungsgruppe auf den unterschiedlichen Stufen der Vorbereitung von Projekten beraten. ", "Ferner arbeitet die Kommission derzeit an einer Übersicht über sämtliche Gemeinschaftsinstrumente und -politiken einschließlich der Strukturfonds und ihrer Wirkung im Hinblick auf die Integration der Roma, die sie im Juni 2008 vorlegen wird.", "\nClaude Moraes\n(EN) Vielen Dank, Frau Kommissarin, für diese sehr ausführliche Antwort. ", "Ich möchte Ihnen auch dafür danken, dass Sie uns unlängst in meinem Londoner Wahlkreis bei der Lösung unserer Strukturfondsprobleme geholfen haben.", "\nDarf ich in Bezug darauf, ob und wie festgestellt wird, dass ethnische Minderheiten tatsächlich ordnungsgemäß und gezielt einbezogen werden, noch einmal nachhaken? ", "Der Europäische Rat hat Sie und die Kommission im Dezember ausdrücklich aufgefordert, diese Angelegenheit eingehender zu prüfen. ", "Glauben Sie - unabhängig von Ihrer ausführlichen Antwort -, dass es weitere Möglichkeiten gibt, um festzustellen, ob Roma und andere Gruppen tatsächlich gezielt berücksichtigt werden oder ob Mittel an anderer Stelle abgezweigt werden? ", "Sehen Sie Möglichkeiten, dies genauer zu prüfen?", "\nDanuta Hübner\nMitglied der Kommission. - (", "EN) Eigentlich ist Kommissar Špidla für die Erarbeitung des vom Rat angeforderten Dokuments verantwortlich. ", "Aber wir sind über die ressortübergreifenden Arbeitsgruppen alle an diesem Prozess beteiligt.", "\nWie ich bereits sagte, werden uns die Informationen aus dem Bericht über die Endbegünstigten vorliegen, wir werden also wissen, was für die Roma oder für andere Minderheiten getan wird. ", "Uns werden aber keine nach ethnischen Minderheiten aufgeschlüsselten Angaben über die Begünstigten vorliegen. ", "Trotzdem ist absolut klar, in welchem Bereich das Projekt durchgeführt wird, so dass uns ausgehend davon für den Zeitraum 2007-2013 wesentlich mehr Informationen zur Verfügung stehen werden als bisher.", "\nDazu möchte ich ferner feststellen, dass die Kommission als Beobachterin im Rahmen des Managementsystems in den Ausschüssen der Mitgliedstaaten auch die Zuweisung von Mitteln für Bereiche prüft, die für ethnische Minderheiten von Belang sind, und sich aktiv an der Bewertung der Mittelzuweisung beteiligt, so dass uns also unterschiedliche Arten von Informationen vorliegen. ", "Ich muss allerdings einräumen, dass uns kein ausgereiftes Instrument zur Verfügung steht, mit dem wir den Gesamtumfang der im Rahmen dieser Politik ergriffenen Maßnahmen ermitteln können, aber wir sind sehr gut informiert und nutzen alle uns zur Verfügung stehenden Möglichkeiten.", "\nWir werden sehen. ", "Wir bereiten jetzt das Kommissionsdokument für den Rat vor. ", "Dabei werden wir auch feststellen, für welche Bereiche uns keine Informationen vorliegen und was noch getan werden muss.", "\nMaria Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou\n(EL) Herr Präsident! ", "Ich möchte die Kommissarin fragen, ob alleinerziehende und kinderreiche arme Familien in die Definition der gefährdeten Gruppen aufgenommen wurden, ob sie Minderheitengruppen sind oder nicht. ", "Außerdem wüsste ich gern, ob Kriterien kombiniert und die Leistungen für Gruppen dieser Art angehobenen werden können.", "\nDanuta Hübner\nMitglied der Kommission. - (", "EN) Ich möchte nur feststellen, dass nichts ausgelassen wurde. ", "Mit Ihrer Hilfe haben wir die Vorbereitung der Verordnungen abgeschlossen. ", "Wir haben benachteiligte Gruppen berücksichtigt, und in der allgemeinen EFRE-Verordnung finden sich klare diesbezügliche Verweise, beispielsweise was die Politik der Chancengleichheit betrifft. ", "Das ist also ein Schwerpunkt.", "\nDie neue Generation von Programmen der Kohäsionspolitik sieht außerdem ein System der Berichterstattung über die Umsetzung von Politiken im Bereich der Chancengleichheit vor. ", "Wie stark das von den Mitgliedstaaten und den Regionen genutzt wird, das hängt davon ab, wie stark die Partner sind, die an allen Strukturen der Verwaltung des Fonds beteiligt sind. ", "Das ist eine gemeinsame Anstrengung.", "\nDie Kommission hat einen allgemeinen Rahmen geschaffen, um allen benachteiligten Gruppen gerecht zu werden. ", "Seine Nutzung hängt nicht nur von der Kommission ab, sondern auch von den Mitgliedstaaten. ", "Ich würde alle Beteiligten vor Ort auffordern, dafür zu sorgen, dass diese Problematik berücksichtigt wird.", "\nIn den Mitgliedstaaten werden derzeit zudem die Auswahlkriterien festgelegt, und die Kommission ist an diesem Prozess beteiligt. ", "Trotzdem hängt alles von den Mitgliedstaaten und den Partnern ab, denn in den Begleitausschüssen sind alle Sozialpartner vertreten. ", "Ich hoffe, dass alle Partner gemeinsam mit der Kommission die Mitgliedstaaten auf diese Fragen aufmerksam machen werden und dass die Auswahlkriterien so gewählt werden, dass sämtliche benachteiligten Gruppen in unseren Programmen umfassend vertreten sind.", "\nDer Präsident\n\nBetrifft: Regionale Mittel der EU für Irland 2007-2013\nKann die Kommission mitteilen, ob sie mit dem Grad der regionalen Ausgewogenheit in Bezug auf die vor kurzem genehmigten regionalen Mittel der EU für Irland für den Zeitraum 2007-2013 zufrieden ist, oder ob sie nicht auch besorgt darüber ist, dass die Zahlen darauf hindeuten, dass die beiden Regionen Irlands nicht konvergieren und dass vielmehr die Region \"Border, Midland and Western\" weiterhin hinter der Region Süden und Osten (\"S&E\") herhinkt, die immer noch Hauptschwerpunkt der Ausgaben der Regierung ist?", "\nDanuta Hübner\nMitglied der Kommission. - (", "EN) Was Irland und die für den Zeitraum 2007-2013 zugewiesenen Mittel sowie die Aufteilung zwischen den beiden wichtigsten Regionen betrifft, so möchte ich feststellen, dass die für die Region \"Border, Midlands and Western\", die eine Phasing-in-Region gemäß Ziel 2 ist, vorgesehenen Mittel pro Kopf der Bevölkerung das Vierfache dessen betragen, was ihre Nachbarregion, die wohlhabendere Region Süden und Osten der Republik, erhält.", "\nVon den Irland insgesamt zugewiesenen 901 Millionen Euro wird die Region \"Border, Midlands and Western\" 457 Millionen Euro erhalten und die Region Süden und Osten 293 Millionen.", "\nFerner stehen 150 Millionen Euro für Kooperationsprogramme zur Verfügung, was annähernd 400 Euro pro Kopf in der Region \"Border, Midlands and Western\" und annähernd 95 Euro in der Region Süden und Osten entspricht.", "\nAußerdem möchte ich feststellen, dass die Region \"Border, Midlands and Western\" im letzten Programmplanungszeitraum mit Unterstützung der Strukturfonds der EU sehr gute Ergebnisse vorweisen konnte. ", "Die Region hatte 2004 bereits 102,9 % des durchschnittlichen BIP der EU-27 erreicht. ", "Doch ich gebe zu, dass die Lücke, die zwischen dem von der Region \"Border, Midlands and Western\" erzielten BIP und dem der Nachbarregionen klafft, nach wie vor ein Problem darstellt, und wir hoffen, dass das Gefälle mithilfe der sowohl im Rahmen des ESF und des ERFE vorgesehenen Programme für den Zeitraum 2007-2013 weiter verringert werden kann.", "\nJim Higgins\n(GA) Herr Präsident! ", "Ich möchte der Kommissarin danken. ", "Ich möchte mich in diesem Zusammenhang zum großen Straßenbauprogramm, das für entlegene Gebiete sehr wichtig ist, äußern. ", "2006 wurden 14 Vorhaben für wichtige Verbindungsstraßen abgeschlossen - keines davon in der Region \"Border, Midlands and Western\". ", "Im gleichen Jahr wurde an neuen Straßenbauvorhaben gearbeitet, von denen aber nur eines im Westen in der BMW-Region angesiedelt ist.", "\nAußerdem wurden im gleichen Jahr elf Straßenbauvorhaben in Angriff genommen, die sich über 222 km erstrecken, aber nur zwei im Westen des Landes mit einer Lände von 25 km. ", "Sie haben ganz Recht, dass beispielsweise ein Blick auf das BIP oder den BPW verdeutlicht, dass die Kluft immer größer wird und etwas getan werden muss.", "\nDanuta Hübner\nMitglied der Kommission. - (", "EN) Ich danke Ihnen für diese Hinweise. ", "Hinzufügen möchte ich, dass die Region \"Border, Midlands and Western\" auch in den nächsten Jahren auf uns zählen kann. ", "Bekanntlich werden im Zeitraum 2007-2013 weit weniger Mittel für Irland bereitgestellt, und das wirkt sich natürlich auf die Vorhaben aus, die wir in den nächsten Jahren gemeinsam in die Wege leiten können.", "\nPositiv dürfte sich in diesem Zusammenhang für Irland auch die Nationale Raumplanungsstrategie auswirken. ", "Dabei handelt es sich um ein nationales Programm, das das Wachstumsgefälle zwischen den Regionen, aber auch innerhalb der Region \"Border, Midlands and Western\" in Betracht zieht. ", "Bleibt zu hoffen, dass wir gemeinsam durch unsere Bemühungen auf der Ebene der EU und auf irischer Ebene das Wachstum in der Region ankurbeln können.", "\nIch möchte eine persönliche Anmerkung machen. ", "Wir alle wissen, dass Irland im Verlaufe der Jahre die europäischen Mittel exzellent genutzt und eine sehr kluge Strategie entwickelt hat, die zu enormen Verbesserungen hinsichtlich des allgemeinen Entwicklungsstands gemessen in BIP pro Kopf der Bevölkerung geführt hat. ", "Richtig ist allerdings auch, dass die Betonung dabei nicht auf der Infrastruktur lag, und das ist jetzt ein Problem und da können wir auch nicht helfen, weil Irland nicht mehr zum Ziel-1-Programm gehört, bei dem auch in die Infrastruktur investiert werden kann. ", "Hier wurden also ganze andere Prioritäten als in Spanien und Portugal gesetzt, aber ich will mir diesbezüglich kein Urteil anmaßen.", "\nDer Präsident\n\nBetrifft: Unterstützung der EU für den Friedensprozess in Irland\nKann die Kommission mitteilen, wie hoch die finanzielle Unterstützung ist, die sie Nordirland in den Jahren 2007-2013 aus Strukturfondsmitteln zuteil werden lässt, und welche Beträge sie im Rahmen der Strukturfondsprogramme der EU, des Programms für grenzübergreifende Zusammenarbeit im Rahmen von Interreg und des Europäischen Friedensfonds Peace sowie durch den Internationalen Fonds für Irland seit 1994 für den Friedensprozess in Nordirland bereitgestellt hat?", "\nDanuta Hübner\nMitglied der Kommission. - (", "EN) Jeder in diesem Saal weiß, dass die Kommission seit Jahren ein sehr starker und stets präsenter Partner im nordirischen Friedens- und Versöhnungsprozesses ist.", "\nFür den Zeitraum 2007-2013 stehen reichlich 1,2 Milliarden Euro für Investitionen in Nordirland zur Verfügung. ", "Diese Mittel werden aus dem Europäischen Sozialfonds und dem Europäischen Fonds für regionale Entwicklung bereitgestellt. ", "Hinzu kommen weitere 477 Millionen Euro für das Programm Peace III. ", "Zu nennen wären ferner der Internationale Fonds für Irland IFI und Interreg-IV-Programme, die nicht nur in Nordirland, sondern auch in die Grenzregionen von Irland investieren werden.", "\nEin Blick in die Vergangenheit, um die es in der Frage ja auch ging, zeigt, dass die EU im Zeitraum 1994-1999 über zwei Milliarden Euro und im Zeitraum 2000-06 fast 1,8 Milliarden Euro investiert hat, das heißt, dass sich die für Nordirland bereitgestellte Investitionssumme für den Gesamtzeitraum von 1994 bis 2013 auf fast fünf Milliarden Euro beläuft.", "\nWichtig ist auch, dass die neue Taskforce sowie das neue Konzept und Engagement der Europäischen Kommission dank der stärkeren Einbeziehung Nordirlands in die europäische Politik neue Möglichkeiten erschließen, die über die Zuweisung von Mitteln hinausgehen. ", "Daran arbeiten wir gemeinsamen mit der Exekutive in Nordirland und anderen Partnern.", "\nSeán Ó Neachtain \nin Vertretung des Verfassers. - (", "GA) Frau Kommissarin! ", "Die Unterstützung für den Friedensprozess in Nordirland und die Grenzregion war sehr erfolgreich. ", "Frau Hübner, können Sie uns mitteilen, ob diese Initiative nach Ablauf des Ausgabenzeitraums im Jahre 2013 fortgesetzt werden wird?", "\nJim Higgins\n(GA) Herr Präsident! ", "Ich stimme meinem Kollegen Seán Ó Neachtain vollkommen zu, und wir sind der Europäischen Union sehr dankbar für ihre finanzielle Unterstützung für Nordirland und insbesondere die Grenzregion. ", "Dass dort endlich Frieden herrscht, das ist wunderbar, und wir möchten der Europäischen Union für ihren Beitrag danken. ", "Ein Blick auf die Zahlen zeigt, dass dank des Internationalen Fonds für Irland - über den ich kürzlich einen Bericht geschrieben habe - über 5 000 Arbeitsplätze entstanden sind. ", "Trotzdem stimme ich der von meinem Kollegen Seán Ó Neachtain gestellten Frage voll und ganz zu.", "\nDanuta Hübner\nMitglied der Kommission. - (", "EN) In Beantwortung der Frage, ob wir unsere Präsenz in Nordirland nach 2013 fortsetzen werden, möchte ich feststellen, dass es den IFI, der ja bekanntlich kein Programm der Kommission ist, zu dem die Kommission und der Rat einen Beitrag leisten, nur noch bis 2010 geben wird. ", "Folglich wissen wir nicht, ob die internationale Gemeinschaft an einer zweiten Phase oder einer zweiten Auflage dieses Programms interessiert ist.", "\nWas die europäischen Programme betrifft, so fällt Nordirland unter das Ziel-2-Programm. ", "Ich hoffe aufrichtig, dass wir das Ziel-2-Programm fortsetzen können, denn ich glaube nicht an eine Regionalpolitik, die nur auf Teile von Europa ausgerichtet ist und andere Teile vernachlässigt. ", "Wenn es kein Ziel 2 mehr gibt, erlischt auch der nordirische Anspruch.", "\nAllerdings spielt meines Erachtens auch die grenzüberschreitende und transnationale Zusammenarbeit, an der sich Nordirland beteiligt - vor allem das neue grenzübergreifende Programm im Rahmen von Interreg C - eine wichtige Rolle. ", "Es führt Nordirland näher an Europa heran und fördert die Zusammenarbeit mit anderen Regionen und anderen Mitgliedstaaten. ", "Das ist also noch offen. ", "Die Kommission wird sich auf jeden Fall für die Fortsetzung dieser Präsenz einsetzen.", "\nDer Präsident\n\nBetrifft: Europäische Strukturförderung\nIst der Kommission bekannt, dass nach den neuen operativen Leitlinien in Schottland Projekte ein Mindestbudget von 200 000 £ (279 000 Euro) aufweisen müssen, um Anspruch auf eine Förderung aus den Europäischen Strukturfonds zu haben? ", "Teilt die Kommission die Auffassung, dass dadurch kleine, aber lohnende Projekte benachteiligt werden?", "\nDie Anfragen Nr. ", "50 bis Nr. ", "54 werden schriftlich beantwortet.", "\nDanuta Hübner\nMitglied der Kommission. - (", "EN) Die Kommission ist über die von den schottischen Behörden eingeführte Schwelle informiert. ", "Dazu möchte ich feststellen, dass die schottischen Behörden während der gesamten Verhandlungen nie ein Hehl aus der Einführung dieser Schwelle gemacht haben. ", "Die Transparenz seitens der schottischen Behörden erstreckte sich nicht nur auf ihre Kontakte zur Kommission, sondern auch auf alle Betroffenen und Partner in Schottland, die am Konsultationsprozess beteiligt waren.", "\nIch möchte betonen, dass eindeutig Einvernehmen darüber herrscht, dass die Schwelle kleine Projekte nicht ausschließt. ", "Vielmehr sollen derartige Projekte thematisch oder regional zusammengefasst werden, damit sie die Schwelle erreichen. ", "Die schottischen Behörden haben sich verpflichtet, für die Unterstützung kleinerer Projektträger zu sorgen, damit kleinere Projekte, die unter dem Mindestbudget bleiben, jederzeit einer zwischengeschalteten Verwaltungsstelle vorgelegt werden können, die diese dann nach Möglichkeit zusammenfassen wird, um einen strategischeren Vorschlag daraus zu entwickeln.", "\nDamit soll das mit der Finanzierung kleiner Projekte verbundene Finanz- und Prüfrisiko minimiert werden. ", "Ferner geht es darum, Verbindungen zwischen kleineren Projekten zu fördern, sie in eine umfassende Strategie einzugliedern und den Verwaltungsaufwand zu reduzieren, an dem kleine Projekte häufig zu scheitern drohen. ", "Die Absicht ist also gut, und es existiert ein Mechanismus, mit dessen Hilfe kleine Projekte zu größeren Paketen zusammengefasst werden können, für die dann Mittel beantragt werden können.", "\nDavid Martin\n(EN) In aller Kürze, Frau Kommissarin, denn ich weiß, dass die Zeit knapp wird. ", "Wenn sich die schottischen Behörden an Sie wenden und eine niedrigere Schwelle vorschlagen würden, wäre das möglich und würden Sie dies wohlwollend prüfen?", "\nDanuta Hübner\nMitglied der Kommission. - (", "EN) Diese Frage kann ich klipp und klar mit Ja beantworten.", "\nDer Präsident\n\nBetrifft: Einrichtung einer Behörde für den europäischen Telekommunikationsmarkt\nZu den Vorschlägen, die von der Kommission im Hinblick auf die bevorstehende Revision des Regulierungsrahmens für die Telekommunikation auf den Weg gebracht werden, gehört auch die Einrichtung der Behörde für den europäischen Telekommunikationsmarkt. ", "Diese Behörde soll unter anderem die Aufgabe übernehmen, die bislang von der European Regulators Group (ERD) wahrgenommen wird, und die Tätigkeit der nationalen Regulierungsbehörden koordinieren.", "\nHat die Kommission die Einwände zur Kenntnis genommen, die von der Gesamtheit der nationalen Regulierungsbehörden der Europäischen Union bezüglich der Befugnisse und Zuständigkeiten der vorgeschlagenen Gemeinschaftsbehörde formuliert werden? ", "Wie werden die Zuständigkeiten der nationalen Regulierungsbehörden und die der neuen europäischen Behörde gegeneinander abgegrenzt werden?", "\nViviane Reding\nMitglied der Kommission. - (", "EN) Der Herr Abgeordnete bezieht sich auf den Vorschlag der Kommission zur Einsetzung einer Behörde für den europäischen Telekommunikationsmarkt. ", "Unserer Ansicht nach sollte es ein von der Kommission unabhängiges und dem Europäischen Parlament gegenüber rechenschaftspflichtiges gesondertes Gremium geben, das die Kommission bei der Lösung der verbleibenden Probleme im Hinblick auf Widersprüche in der Ordnungspolitik unterstützt, die für die Zersplitterung der europäischen Märkte verantwortlich sind.", "\nIch stehe in ständigem Kontakt mit den nationalen Regulierungsbehörden und kenne ihre Ansichten bezüglich der Befugnisse und Zuständigkeiten der vorgeschlagenen Behörde.", "\nWas die Gruppe Europäischer Regulierungsstellen (ERG) angeht, die ihr eigenes Modell stärken und so die Qualität, Einheitlichkeit und Koordinierung der Regulierung in ganz Europa verbessern möchte, so hat diese selbst festgestellt, dass Europa nur dann eine führende Rolle in der globalen Wirtschaft spielen kann, wenn die 27 Mitgliedstaaten eng zusammenarbeiten, damit die Wirtschaft den europäischen Markt umfassend nutzen kann. ", "Das bedeutet, dass das heute nicht der Fall ist und dass wir Lösungen finden müssen, die dies künftig ermöglichen.", "\nAus der Folgenabschätzung der Vorschläge für die Revision geht hervor, dass die europäische Behörde zur Verbesserung der Effizienz in der Entscheidungsfindung und insbesondere der Entscheidungsfindung bei grenzüberschreitenden Maßnahmen beitragen würde. ", "Das ist für die Errichtung des Binnenmarktes notwendig.", "\nDeshalb sind wir als Kommission zu dem Schluss gekommen, dass innerhalb der institutionellen Struktur der Gemeinschaft ein eigenständiges Gremium geschaffen werden muss, denn die ERG ist nicht Teil dieser Struktur. ", "Sie ist lediglich eine private Organisation. ", "Ein Gremium, das Bestandteil der institutionellen Struktur ist, würde die Befugnisse der nationalen Regulierungsbehörden stärken, weil es die Aufgaben der ERG übernehmen und im Gemeinschaftsrecht verankern würde.", "\nWas die Frage der Kompetenzverteilung angeht, so würde die Behörde die Kommission bei Problemen unterstützen, die sich auf den Binnenmarkt auswirken. ", "Sie wäre ihrem Wesen nach von Natur aus grenzüberschreitend und würde sich natürlich auf die Erfahrungen und die tägliche ordnungspolitische Arbeit der nationalen Regulierungsbehörden stützen. ", "Ziel dieses System, das sich auf die Erfahrungen der 27 nationalen Regulierungsbehörden und die von der Europäischen Agentur für Netz- und Informationssicherheit (ENISA) gesammelten Erfahrungen stützt, ist es, die EU-Vorschriften besser aufeinander abzustimmen, den Entscheidungsprozess zu verbessern und zu einem hohen und effektiven Niveau der Netz- und Informationssicherheit beizutragen.", "\nGeorgios Papastamkos\n(EL) Frau Kommissarin! ", "An wen im folgenden Behördendreieck wendet sich ein von einem Verwaltungsakt betroffener europäischer Bürger zur Verteidigung seiner Interessen: die nationale Regulierungsbehörde, die im Entstehen begriffene Behörde für den europäischen Telekommunikationsmarkt oder die Kommission?", "\nKönnen die Entscheidungen der derzeit entstehenden Behörde durchgesetzt werden? ", "Gedenkt die Kommission in Anbetracht der derzeit asymmetrischen Entwicklung der Telekommunikationsstrukturen in den neueren und älteren Mitgliedstaaten die zusätzlichen Kosten, die aus der vorgeschlagenen Revision des Rechtsrahmens resultieren werden, selbst zu tragen?", "\nViviane Reding\nMitglied der Kommission. - (", "EN) Jeder Bürger hat das Recht, sich zu beschweren, wenn etwas nicht so läuft, wie es soll. ", "Wenn ich ein normaler Bürger wäre, dann würde ich mich als Erstes an den Petitionsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments wenden, denn dann würde das Europäische Parlament eingreifen. ", "Eine zweite Möglichkeit ist die Transparenz, die ein sehr wichtiges Element aller unserer Vorschriften bildet.", "\nDie Kommission ist um die Durchsetzung dieser Transparenz bemüht. ", "Sie erinnern sich vielleicht an das Roaming bei der Mobiltelefonie. ", "Die Bürger wussten nicht, wo sie Informationen über entsprechende Preisstrukturen erhalten konnten, bis die Kommission eine Webseite mit Informationen zum Roaming einrichtete. ", "Das war das erste Mal, dass die Transparenz funktioniert hat.", "\nBei der neuen Reform machen wir die Transparenz ebenfalls zur Regel und nicht zur Ausnahme, und zwar nicht nur in Bezug auf Preisstrukturen, sondern beispielsweise auch im Hinblick auf die Verletzung der Sicherheit oder der Privatsphäre. ", "In solchen Fällen sind die Betreiber verpflichtet, die Verbraucher zu informieren. ", "Trotzdem können sich die Bürger auch weiterhin auf die übliche Weise wie im Rahmen der alten Telekommunikationsregelungen beschweren.", "\nDer Präsident\n\nBetrifft: Zugang aller Bürger zur Breitbandtechnologie in den Mitgliedstaaten\nDie Kommission hat am 13. ", "November 2007 Vorschläge zur Reform des Rechtsrahmens für elektronische Kommunikationsnetze und -dienste angenommen. ", "Kann die Kommission mitteilen, in welchem Ausmaß sie bei den Mitgliedstaaten wirksam und rasch vorstellig zu werden gedenkt, damit die Breitbandmärkte allen Bürgern zugänglich sind, während die derzeit üblichen enormen Preisunterschiede zeigen, dass dies bei weitem nicht der Fall ist.", "\nWie kann die Kommission andererseits gewährleisten, dass der Wettbewerb greift und dass die wettbewerbsfeindlichen Praktiken, die die Öffnung dieser Märkte verhindern, geahndet werden?", "\nViviane Reding\nMitglied der Kommission. - (", "EN) Dem Hochgeschwindigkeitsinternet gehört die Zukunft, und wir wollen nicht, dass dieses Internet nur einigen zugänglich ist. ", "Deshalb gehört das Ziel, eine Informationsgesellschaft für alle zu errichten, zu den Postulaten der Lissabon-Strategie für offene und wettbewerbsfähige Märkte. ", "Da unsere ordnungspolitischen Instrumente bereits heute, also noch vor der Reform, diesen offenen Ansatz für den Rahmen der e-Kommunikation ermöglichen - der von den allgemeinen Wettbewerbsregeln noch untersetzt wird -, haben sich auch die Märkte dem Wettbewerb geöffnet, was wiederum den Ausbau des Breitbandnetzes in Europa beschleunigt hat.", "\nSorgen bereitet mir die Tatsache, dass dies in einigen Ländern gut funktioniert - das sind die Länder, in denen der Wettbewerb gut funktioniert und die Durchdringungsrate bis zu 37 % und sogar 40 % beträgt -, während die Durchdringungsrate in anderen Ländern sehr niedrig ist. ", "Ich möchte dieses Gefälle beseitigen. ", "Ich möchte, dass diejenigen am unteren Ende der Skala aufholen können. ", "Deshalb schlägt die Kommission im Rahmen der Reform vor, der Kommission die Möglichkeit zu geben, die von den nationalen Regulierungsbehörden vorgesehenen Regulierungsmaßnahmen zu überwachen. ", "Außerdem sollen die nationalen Regulierungsbehörden die Möglichkeit haben, eine funktionale Trennung vorzunehmen, wenn sie die für die Öffnung der Märkte für erforderlich halten.", "\nParallel dazu sieht die Kommission in der Bekämpfung von wettbewerbsfeindlichem Verhalten einen Schwerpunkt. ", "So haben wir beispielsweise 2003 gegen France Télécom und Deutsche Telekom Geldstrafen wegen Missbrauch der Breitbandmärkte verhängt, und erst am 4. ", "Juli 2007 hat die Kommission Telefónica wegen Missbrauchs ihrer marktbeherrschenden Stellung in Form einer Kosten-Preis-Schere am spanischen Breitbandmarkt mit einer Geldstrafe belegt.", "\nFerner möchte ich feststellen, dass im März 2006 eine Mitteilung zur Überwindung der Breitbandkluft erschienen ist. ", "Ich bin der festen Überzeugung, dass das Breitband allen Bürgern zugänglich sein muss, und deshalb glaube ich, dass wir nationale Breitbandstrategien brauchen, die die regionalen und lokalen Erfordernisse reflektieren.", "\nIch komme jetzt zur Frage, die die Transparenz betrifft. ", "Die Kommission arbeitet an einem Internetportal zur Frage des Breitbandzugangs für die Bürger, das im Mai oder Juni 2008 online gehen wird.", "\nAbschließend sei festgestellt, dass die Kommission die Verwendung öffentlicher Mittel einschließlich von EU-Geldern wie den Strukturfonds für den Ausbau des Breitbandangebots in Regionen, die diesbezüglich kommerziell unterversorgt sind, befürwortet. ", "Es wurden bereits mehrere derartige Projekte in Angriff genommen.", "\nWir unterstützen ferner die Entwicklung der Informationsgesellschaft durch die Regionalpolitik. ", "Vorläufigen Schätzungen zufolge belaufen sich die Investitionen auf etwa 15 Milliarden Euro. ", "Das sind 4,4 % der Gesamtausgaben für den Zeitraum 2007-2013, und davon entfallen voraussichtlich 2,2 Milliarden Euro auf den Ausbau der Breitbandinfrastrukturen. ", "Wir hoffen, dass es uns mit diesen gemeinsamen Anstrengungen gelingen wird, die derzeitigen Durchdringungsraten - wobei wir diesbezüglich übrigens vier internationale Spitzenreiter unter uns haben - anzuheben und dafür zu sorgen, dass noch mehr Länder an die Weltspitze und vor allem an die europäische Spitze vorstoßen.", "\nGiovanna Corda\n(FR) Frau Kommissarin! ", "Sie sahen sich verpflichtet, Höchstgebühren für das Roaming vorzuschreiben. ", "Sie haben letzte Woche erklärt, dass Sie vielleicht auch veranlasst sein könnten, dies für die Übermittlung von SMS zu tun.", "\nKönnten Sie in naher Zukunft nicht auch gezwungen sein, die Internetzugangsgebühren auf europäischer Ebene ebenfalls zu kontrollieren?", "\nMir ist bekannt, dass es in einigen Ländern Harmonisierungspläne gibt, was eine Verringerung der Anzahl der Akteure nach sich ziehen würde. ", "Werden in diesem Fall die Gebühren sinken? ", "Mit Verlaub gesagt, Frau Kommissarin, habe ich so meine Zweifel.", "\nViviane Reding\nMitglied der Kommission. - (", "FR) Herr Präsident! ", "In Beantwortung der Frage von Frau Corda möchte ich sagen, dass man nicht leichten Herzens in die Marktpreise eingreift, sondern es normalerweise dem Markt überlässt, diese Probleme zu lösen. ", "Doch wenn der Markt die Probleme nicht lösen kann, müssen die Politiker ihrer Verantwortung gerecht werden. ", "Dies haben wir im Fall des Roaming bei Sprachtelefonie getan. ", "Doch im Fall der SMS und des Data-Roaming möchte ich dies nicht tun.", "\nAus diesem Grund habe ich - übrigens auf der Grundlage der Verpflichtung zur Vorlage einer Analyse der Situation im Jahr 2008, die mir das Parlament im Rahmen der Verordnung über das Roaming in der Sprachtelefonie auferlegt hat -, kürzlich die Branche gewarnt, indem ich sie unmissverständlich darauf hingewiesen habe, dass, wenn sie nicht von selbst die Gebühren senkt, die Regulatoren, zu denen auch das Europäische Parlament gehört, gezwungen wären, aktiv zu werden. ", "Auf jeden Fall muss zuerst dem Markt die Chance gegeben werden, und erst wenn dieser das Problem nicht lösen kann, müssen die Politiker eingreifen.", "\nWas wird mit dem Breitbandmarkt geschehen? ", "Das kann ich nicht sagen. ", "Gegenwärtig kann ich nur feststellen, dass es unter unseren europäischen Ländern vier gibt, die in Bezug auf die Marktdurchdringung weit vor Japan und Südkorea und noch viel weiter vor den USA an der Weltspitze stehen. ", "Und wir können feststellen, dass es sich um Märkte handelt, auf denen Wettbewerb herrscht, auf denen mehrere Angebote bereitstehen, so dass der Verbraucher letztlich den Dienst wählen kann, der ihm am geeignetsten erscheint.", "\nGenau so muss ein Markt funktionieren. ", "Und nur wenn der Markt nicht funktioniert, muss reguliert werden. ", "Das tun die einzelstaatlichen Regulierungsbehörden. ", "Damit sie dies effizienter und funktioneller tun können und gleichzeitig den Binnenmarkt voranbringen, der die große Chance Europas angesichts der Globalisierung ist, schlage ich eine Reform des Rechts der Telekom-Märkte vor. ", "Der Vorschlag liegt bereits vor, und das Parlament berät gegenwärtig darüber, damit dem Verbraucher wirkliche Wahlmöglichkeiten geboten werden.", "\nGegenwärtig haben noch zu viele Bürger - und nicht nur Bürger, sondern auch kleine und mittlere Unternehmen - keinen Zugang zum Breitbandnetz. ", "Sie werden künftig keinen Zugang über das Breitbandnetz zur Entwicklung der Gesellschaft haben. ", "Meiner Meinung nach ist dies eine Situation, die wir nicht hinnehmen dürfen. ", "Daher muss das \"Breitband für alle\" zu einem politischen Ziel werden. ", "Dieses Ziel kann erreicht werden, wenn es uns gelingt, eine Reform des Telekom-Marktes durchzuführen, die zu einem wirklichen Wettbewerb zwischen den Betreibern führt und damit zu einer größeren Auswahl zwischen den Diensten, die sie den Bürgern anbieten wollen.", "\nDer Präsident\n\nBetrifft: Sicheres Internet\nWährend die Fortschritte der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie nach wie vor von großem Nutzen sind, nehmen die Risiken, dass Kinder mit schädlichen oder illegalen Inhalten in Kontakt kommen können, dramatisch zu, worauf die EU 2005 das Programm \"Safer Internet plus\" verabschiedet hat, mit dem vor allem Kinder vor illegalen und schädlichen Inhalten geschützt werden sollen.", "\nKann die Kommission mitteilen, welche Ergebnisse in diesem wichtigen Politikbereich erzielt worden sind und insbesondere, welche konkreten Verbesserungen bei der Förderung der Internet-Sicherheit in den Mitgliedstaaten festzustellen sind?", "\nViviane Reding\nMitglied der Kommission. - (", "EN) Herr Präsident! ", "Diese Thematik liegt mir ganz besonders am Herzen, denn sie betrifft Kinder und deren Sicherheit. ", "Meines Erachtens ist die neue Technologie etwas Wunderbares für Kinder, aber sie birgt auch Gefahren, und die müssen wir bekämpfen.", "\nDeshalb haben wir zwei weit reichende europäische Netzwerke eingerichtet: das Hotline-Netzwerk INHOPE, bei dem die Bürger illegale Inhalte melden können, und das Sensibilisierungsnetzwerk INSAFE, das der Information von Kindern, Eltern, Schulen, Entscheidungsträgern und Medien über die sichere Nutzung von Online-Technologien dient. ", "Sie sind Bestandteil des Programms zur sicheren Nutzung des Internet und stellen einzigartige europaweite Initiativen dar.", "\nINHOPE-Hotlines gibt es in 24 europäischen Ländern, und es besteht eine Zusammenarbeit mit Partnern in Asien und den USA. ", "Die Zahl der beim Netzwerk gemeldeten Fälle von Material mit pädophilem Inhalt, die an die Strafverfolgungsbehörden weitergeleitet wurden, ist in den letzten Jahren um 15 % angestiegen. ", "Diese Hotlines sind also wirklich wichtig.", "\nBeim zweiten Netzwerk handelt es sich um INSAFE, das Sensibilisierungszentren in 23 Ländern koordiniert und jedes Jahr den \"Tag des sicheren Internets\" organisiert, der in diesem Jahr am 12. ", "Februar stattfand. ", "Dazu haben wir ein gesamteuropäisches Jugendforum organisiert, auf dem eine Reihe von Parlamentsabgeordneten und Vertretern der Industrie anwesend waren und über ihre Erfahrungen in Bezug auf die soziale Vernetzung und die Nutzung von Mobiltelefonen gesprochen haben.", "\nDas Netz \"EU Kids Online\" koordiniert Wissenschaftler aus 21 Ländern, die sich vornehmlich mit der Sicherheit von Kindern im Internet befassen. ", "Jedes Jahr kommen im Rahmen des \"Safer Internet Forum\" Nichtregierungsorganisationen, Wissenschaftler der Branche und Entscheidungsträger zusammen, um über die wirkungsvolle Bekämpfung illegaler Inhalte, das Web 2.0 und weitere diesbezügliche Themen zu diskutieren. ", "Das Programm setzt sich auch für die Einbeziehung des privaten Sektors ein. ", "Das Programm \"Safer Internet plus\" läuft im Dezember 2008 aus. ", "Deshalb wird das Parlament schon sehr bald Gelegenheit haben, sich mit der Verlängerung des Programms für den Zeitraum 2009-2013 zu befassen. ", "Ich bin sicher, dass sich das Parlament aktiv an diesem Entscheidungsprozess beteiligen wird.", "\nWir können bisher gute Ergebnisse verbuchen, auf denen wir aufbauen können. ", "Das Problem nimmt nicht ab, sondern weiter zu, deshalb bin ich der Ansicht, dass diese Programme fortgesetzt werden sollten.", "\nGay Mitchell\n(EN) Frau Kommissarin! ", "Vielen Dank für diese Antwort. ", "Können Sie in Anbetracht dessen, dass das Problem weiter zunimmt und auch künftig weiter zunehmen wird, bestätigen, dass Sie eine entsprechende Aufstockung des Budgets empfehlen werden? ", "In den letzten fünf Jahren belief sich das Budget auf 45 Millionen Euro.", "\nSind Sie darüber informiert, dass einer Umfrage aus dem Jahr 2003 zufolge 40 % der befragten Kinder angaben, dass sich Personen, die sie im Internet kennen gelernt haben, mit ihnen treffen wollten und dass sich einer Umfrage von 2006 zufolge 22 % von ihnen tatsächlich mit derartigen Personen trafen. ", "51 % dieser Kinder haben ihren Eltern oder Lehrern nichts davon erzählt. ", "Welche Ziele haben Sie sich in diesem Zusammenhang gesetzt, woran werden sie die Umsetzung der Ziele messen, und welche Fortschritte werden Sie dem Parlament vermelden können, wenn wir über die Verlängerung des Programms für den Zeitraum bis 2013 beraten werden? ", "Ich bin ein entschlossener Befürworter dieses Programms und würde Sie, Frau Kommissarin, auffordern, sich nach Kräften um die Mittel zu bemühen, die Sie für dessen Weiterführung brauchen.", "\nMairead McGuinness\n(EN) Vielen Dank für Ihre Antwort, Frau Kommissarin. ", "Darf ich Sie fragen, welche Maßnahmen die Kommission ergreifen wird, um ihre Zusammenarbeit mit den Eltern zu intensivieren? ", "Das ist ein echtes Problem. ", "Die Kinder sind uns auf diesem Gebiet bedauerlicherweise weit voraus. ", "Ich bin zutiefst beunruhigt darüber, dass dieses Programm 2008 auslaufen wird, und ich bin mir auch bewusst, dass nicht jeder von diesem Programm weiß, auch wenn es durchaus bekannt ist. ", "Ich hoffe, dass Sie diesen Punkt berücksichtigen werden, und glaube, dass Sie viel aktiver werden müssen, um diese Problematik stärker in das Bewusstsein der Bürger zu rücken.", "\nViviane Reding\nMitglied der Kommission. - (", "EN) Ich stimme den Abgeordneten vollkommen zu. ", "Das ist wirklich ein großes Problem. ", "Das ist ein Bereich, in dem die Kinder ausnahmsweise mehr wissen als ihre Eltern, was ja keine schlechte Sache ist, aber dadurch ist es schwieriger für die Eltern, ihren Kindern bei der Überwindung des Problems zu helfen. ", "Das betrifft übrigens nicht nur Eltern, sondern auch Großeltern - sehr oft kaufen Großeltern für ihre Enkel das erste Handy, damit sie mit ihnen kommunizieren können. ", "Und das betrifft natürlich auch Pädagogen.", "\nDas ist der Grund, weshalb wir nicht nur vorschlagen, das Programm bei einem auf 55 Millionen Euro aufgestockten Budget zu erweitern - und ich hoffe, das Parlament wird das Budget aufstocken -, sondern weshalb wir auch mit privaten Organisationen wie SchoolNet zusammenarbeiten. ", "Das Programm SchoolNet gibt es in vielen unserer europäischen Schulen. ", "Es setzt sich aktiv mit dieser Problematik auseinander, um die Kinder darauf aufmerksam zu machen und ihnen zu verdeutlichen, dass sie nicht mit jedem, mit dem sie gegebenenfalls in Kontakt kommen, auch in Kontakt kommen sollten. ", "Das Programm bietet auch Informationen über Hotlines und im Rahmen von Aktivitäten des Programms für ein sicheres Internet an und unterhält Sensibilisierungszentren, die den Eltern helfen, diese Problematik besser zu verstehen. ", "Sehr häufig haben Eltern keinerlei Vorstellung von den Vorzügen und Nachteilen der neuen Technologien.", "\nIch bin für neue Technologien zuständig, und ich bin der festen Überzeugung, dass die Mehrzahl der Aktivitäten in Verbindung mit neuen Technologien positiver Natur ist. ", "Ich möchte nicht, dass die junge Generation wegen einiger weniger negativer Aspekte am Zugang zu neuen Technologien gehindert wird. ", "Deshalb glaube ich auch fest an die Fähigkeit der Industrie zur Selbstregulierung.", "\nVor einem Jahr bat ich die Mobiltelefonbetreiber, dafür zu sorgen, dass Probleme, wie wir sie vom Internet kennen, nicht direkt auf die Mobiltelefone der dritten Generation übergreifen. ", "Ich freue mich sehr, feststellen zu können, dass die Mobiltelefonindustrie dieses Jahr sehr konkrete Maßnahmen vorgeschlagen hat, um Eltern und Kinder über entsprechende Probleme zu informieren und Programme, die im Falle von Mobiltelefonen der dritten Generation für Kinder gefährlich sind, zu blockieren.", "\nEs sind also Fortschritte zu verzeichnen. ", "Die Europawahlen sind vielleicht ein sehr guter Zeitpunkt für das Europäische Parlament, um den Bürgen vor Augen zu führen, was schon alles getan wurde. ", "Das sind konkrete Maßnahmen. ", "Sie haben Recht, nicht jeder ist darüber informiert. ", "Lassen Sie uns deshalb die umfangreiche Öffentlichkeitsarbeit im Vorfeld der Parlamentswahlen nutzen, um den Bürgern zu erläutern, welche konkreten Maßnahmen die Europäische Gemeinschaft zum Wohle der Gesellschaft ergreift.", "\nDer Präsident\nDie Anfragen, die aus Zeitgründen nicht behandelt wurden, werden schriftlich beantwortet (siehe Anlage).", "\nDie Fragestunde ist geschlossen.", "\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nCan a native visualiser modify the display of an item, based on the parameter name of its collection?", "\n\nIn my company, the developers are regularly using CMapStringToStr objects, and always the pointers have the same type, for a particular parameter, e.g.\nm_mapUsers : every pointer is a CL_USER object\nm_mapOthers : every pointer is a CL_OTHER object\n\nI already have made a native visualiser for expanding the CMapStringToPtr in a reasonable readable way, as you can see in this excerpt:\nm_mapUsers\n 0: [\"User1\"] 0x12345 void*\n 1: [\"User2\"] 0x23456 void*\n ...\nm_mapOthers\n 0: [\"Other1\"] 0x98765 void*\n 1: [\"Other2\"] 0x98764 void*\n ...\n\nI'd like to have the m_mapUsers and the m_mapOthers entries to be recognised, in order to get a result like the following:\nm_mapUsers\n 0: [\"User1\"] {user=..., group=..., ...} CL_USER\n 1: [\"User2\"] {user=..., group=..., ...} CL_USER\n ...\nm_mapOthers\n 0: [\"Other1\"] {reason=..., code=...} CL_OTHER\n 1: [\"Other2\"] {reason=..., code=...} CL_OTHER\n ...\n\nIs this possible?", "\n\nA:\n\nThe way I did this in my project is first to have a generic visualization for my linked list. ", "This is what you already have.", "\n<Type Name=\"MyLinkedList\">\n <Expand>\n <LinkedListItems>\n <HeadPointer>this</HeadPointer>\n <NextPointer>next</NextPointer>\n <ValueNode>pData</ValueNode>\n </LinkedListItems>\n </Expand>\n</Type>\n\nThen I went to the classes where I knew how to interpret the void pointers, to which type I should cast them. ", "So I created a Synthetic value with the same name as the member variable, changed the HeadPointer from this to the name of the member variable and at last did a type cast for the ValueNode.", "\n<Type Name=\"MyClass\">\n <Expand>\n <Synthetic Name=\"m_list\">\n <Expand>\n <LinkedListItems>\n <HeadPointer>m_list</HeadPointer>\n <NextPointer>next</NextPointer>\n <ValueNode>(TheKnownType*)pData</ValueNode>\n </LinkedListItems>\n </Expand>\n </Synthetic>\n </Expand>\n</Type>\n\nThe disadvantage is that I need to copy the code to multiple places, but it works.", "\nDepending on the types that your pointers point (for example always CObject?) ", "to it might also be possible to detect the type in the MyLinkedList and depending on the right Condition select what to display.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nТеперь за не принятую правку снимают репу?", "\n\nСегодня смотрю помимо всего прочего -2. ", "Думаю кто-то проголосовал против. ", "Да нет никто не голосовал. ", "А ссылка на -2 на вопрос, который я недавно редактировал. ", "\nТеперь за не принятую правку снимают репу?", "\n\nA:\n\nЧто-то поменялось, видимо. ", "Или баг.", "\nНашёл вот такой вопрос с ответом от сотрудника: Репутация при откате не должна теряться.", "\nЗадал на MSE вопрос по этому кейсу.", "\nЕсть вот такое обсуждение:\n\n...if the edit was previously approved, it will be marked Rejected and the previously-applied edit will be rolled back (complete with a comment in the revision history that describes what happened). ", "If the editor earned +2 reputation for the edit, that will be retracted.", "\n\nЕсли откатывает автор или модератор, то снимают 2 репутации.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Obama official: ‘F—k the EU’ — President Obama's top diplomat to Europe has been caught on tape saying “F—k the EU.” — ", "The conversation between Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and U.S. Ambassador to the Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt was anonymously leaked on YouTube.", "\n\nAre People Already Tired of Hillary? — ", "Kevin Drum highlights a potential problem for Hillary Clinton: … Is there any evidence that voters “get tired” of politicians? ", "I don't want to get into the whole literature on what governs presidential elections, but the simple answer …\n\nTaliban Fighters Claim To Have Captured U.S. Military Dog — The Taliban this week released a video that may well be the first of its kind — one that shows a dog they claim to be a U.S. military service dog, still wearing its gear, and that they say was captured after a lengthy firefight with American troops.", "\n\nSenate fails to advance unemployment bill — Washington (CNN) - A Democratic proposal to continue long term unemployment benefits failed Thursday to get the 60 votes needed to clear a procedural hurdle in the Senate despite support from some Republicans. — ", "It was defeated 58 to 40.", "\n\nCNN Poll: Is Bush still to blame for economy? — ", "Washington (CNN) - Although nearly two-thirds of Americans still give the nation's economy a thumbs down, the percentage who rate the current economic conditions as good now stands at its highest level in six years, according to a new national poll.", "\n\nControversy Surrounds Lunch Menu at Concord High School — Administrators at a Northern California private school are facing tough questions and offering a big apology after a menu controversy. — ", "Students at Carondelet High School for Girls in Concord wanted to come up with ways …\n\nBiden: LaGuardia like a ‘third world country’ — (CNN) - LaGuardia airport is notorious for older crowded terminals and other constraints that contribute to horrid flight delays. ", "And Vice President Joe Biden doesn't appear to be a big fan. — “", "If I blindfolded someone and took …\n\nO'Reilly reporter confronts Pelosi — A reporter from Bill O'Reilly's television program attended House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi's weekly press conference to confront her about why she won't sit for an interview with the Fox News anchor. — “", "Bill O'Reilly has a quick question for you …\n\nTexas candidate keeping distance from Christie — ASBURY, N.J. — Not even a trip to the Lone Star State is allowing New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie to get away from the George Washington Bridge scandal. — ", "Christie, as chairman of the Republican Governors Association …\n\nThe day's must-read political news and opinion pieces\nare scattered across hundreds of news outlets and blogs,\ntoo many for any one person to read.", "\n\nFortunately, memeorandum arranges all of these links in a single, easy-to-scan page. ", "It auto-generates a news summary every 5 minutes, drawing on experts and pundits, insiders and outsiders, media professionals and amateur bloggers." ]
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[ "1. ", "Technical Field\nThe present disclosure relates to a printing apparatus, for example, an ink jet type printer.", "\n2. ", "Related Art\nAn ink jet type printer, a widely known printing apparatus, ejects ink from the nozzles of a recording head to perform printing on a sheet. ", "This type of printer is equipped with an ink cartridge housing apparatus that houses an ink cartridge filled with an ink that is to be supplied to the recording head (see, e.g., JP-A-2007-268981).", "\nThe ink cartridge housing apparatus includes a housing case body capable of housing a rectangular box-shaped ink cartridge and a lid that opens and closes a front surface opening of the housing case body. ", "The housing case body has a housing chamber into which the ink cartridge is removably inserted through the front surface opening.", "\nUsually in the above-described printer, the front surface opening of the housing case body of the ink cartridge housing apparatus has a pre-set size that just allows insertion of an ink cartridge. ", "Therefore, when inserting an ink cartridge into the housing chamber of the housing case body through the front surface opening, a user or the like may sometimes catch the ink cartridge on the open lid or knock the ink cartridge on a wall that partially forms the front surface opening. ", "Thus, there is room for improvement regarding smooth insertion of the ink cartridge into the housing chamber through the front surface opening." ]
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[ "Monique Morris talks about triumphs and struggles at NAACP banquet\n\nView full sizeMike Greenlar / The Post StandardNAACP awards banquet keynote speaker Monique Morris of Wash D.C embraces fellow Delta Sigma Theta sorority member Jennifer Grant of Syracuse during the reception at the Double Tree Hotel in East Syracuse.", "\nWhile African Americans have overcome many racial pitfalls, the fight for social justice continues, said a civil rights advocate on Wednesday night.", "\nMonique Morris, vice president for research and advocacy at the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, spoke to a crowd of more than 100 people at the NAACP Syracuse/Onondaga 31st annual Freedom Awards Banquet.", "\nThe event, dedicated to honoring people who have made a difference in the community, was held at the DoubleTree Hotel, off Carrier Circle, in DeWitt.", "\nMorris explained love is what stands at the core of the NAACP’s fight for social justice.", "\nWe must recognize love as more than an emotion but as a tool to change our communities, she said.", "\nShe also reminded the audience of NAACP figures who have changed African-American history.", "\nWhen African Americans were forced to live under “separate but equal” conditions, NAACP attorney Thurgood Marshall took legal action to end segregation, she said. ", "When sharecropping systems exploited African-American labor, W.E.B Dubois, founder of the NAACP, demanded a change, Morris said.", "\n“I bring all this up because I believe in ‘sankofa’ — in order to know where you are going, you have to know where you’ve been,” she said.", "\nDespite the NAACP’s historical triumphs, she said the fight against social injustice is hardly over.", "\nMorris urged people to continue fighting injustices that plague communities of color: inadequate health care, unemployment, prison incarceration and inadequate educational systems.", "\nShe encouraged young advocates to carry on the NAACP’s legacy of challenging discrimination to improve the lives of others. “", "We will grow stronger, we will grow smarter” she said. “", "And we’ll remain committed to use our power to implement the demands of justice because that’s just what we do at the NAACP.”" ]
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[ "The Phantasy Star Nova demo will be releasing on August 12th, 2014. ", "In this demo you'll fight against the Gigantes 'Agrios.' ", "Please note that character creation functions, story progression, and base functions, among other things, are not available in the demo. ", "Please choose from one of the sample characters available for selection.", "\n\nSince the game is currently in development, some aspects of the demo will be different from the final version. ", "The demo features a single player mode and it can support up to four players in multi-player mode via Ad-Hoc connections. ", "The demo requires around 1.2 GBs of space, and will be available for download at the Japanese Playstation Store. ", "Guides will be available once the download goes live! ", "Stay tuned..\n\nIn Phantasy Star Nova, players will go up against these biomechanical beasts known as the Gigantes. ", "There are several different kinds of Gigantes, and the most recognizable one so far is the Gigantes 'Agrios' available in the demo. ", "Today we're going to take another brief look at two other Gigantes which were mentioned in previous articles.", "\n\nGigantes: Gration\n\nThe Gigantes 'Gration' is around 41 meters long and 45 meters high. ", "Its main attraction are its infinite blades cutting through everything. ", "It's a unicorn-type Gigantes with chainsaws sprouting from its body. ", "It can also become enraged performing charge attacks. ", "Use the various weapon types at your disposal to see if you can destroy the blades.", "\n\nGigantes: Alkyone\n\nThe Gigantes 'Alkyone' is a jellyfish-type equipped with flamethrowers. ", "It can attack in various ways such as releasing a huge fireball. ", "Getting exposed to its ink can also darken the screen. ", "Like the Gration, it seems it too can become enraged." ]
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[ "Educational policy implications.", "\nThe areas mentioned in this article are only a few of the challenges that will be tackled in Phase II of CIC. ", "In future Colleges in Caring articles in the Journal of Nursing Education, selected topics will be discussed, including use of technology, educational mobility, and conversion of data into educational policy. ", "In addition, selected CIC grantee projects wil be featured, describing their educational initiatives and best practices. ", "No one individual or organization has the expertise or solutions to mold health care and education for the future. ", "The CIC Program has formed vital regional networks where mutual responsibility, interrelationships, information sharing, and collaboration are the norm. ", "They are openly discussing their product--nursing care--in an economic, political, and social context. ", "Their focus is on developing evidence-based policy that will benefit the quality of nursing care in the future." ]
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[ "Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags are becoming increasingly common. ", "RFID tags that include sensing capabilities have emerged as a generally inexpensive and effective means of addressing many wireless sensor applications in both indoor and outdoor sensing applications. ", "Purely passive sensors, such as RFID tags, when actively interrogated by an RF transceiver/reader, receive energy to power themselves up so that they can acquire readings from their attached sensing elements. ", "Generally, RFID tags equipped with one or more sensors require a source of energy to measure and store their acquired information at times other than during active interrogation by a reader. ", "Standard passive (battery-less) RFID tags provide no means of acquiring sensor information unless they are being actively interrogated by a reader.", "\nNext generation sensor networks may be powered by energy harvesting techniques to avoid requiring battery maintenance. ", "Energy harvesting is a process by which energy is derived from external sources (e.g., radio frequency energy, solar power, thermal energy, wind energy, salinity gradients, or kinetic energy), captured and stored.", "\nEnergy may be harvested from radio frequency signals propagating wirelessly. ", "With RF harvesting, wireless energy comes from a radio frequency transmitting device that is some distance away from a device that harvests energy from the radio frequency transmission.", "\nOne of the more popular forms of RF used today is Wi-Fi (also referred to as IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n etc.) ", "communications. ", "Today, most Wi-Fi communications are in the 2.4 GHz and 5.8 GHz frequency bands and there are many local area networks that are based on Wi-Fi in which access points enable Wi-Fi clients to gain access to networks such as the Internet. ", "Furthermore, the 2.4 GHz and 5.8 GHz bands also support other networking standards, such as Zigbee and Bluetooth, and other proprietary networks, each transmitting energy by communicating in this same frequency band. ", "Additionally there are other frequency bands that support different communication protocols, each of which transmit energy when they are communicating." ]
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[ "Four Multi-role Frigates and two air defense destroyers from Canada will meet up with an undisclosed contingent of Royal Navy and Royal Australian Navy vessels for what is assumed to be preparations for action on the Korean Peninsula. ", "The UK, Canada and Australia have some 90 Fast-Attack aircraft that can be deployed with 24 hours to the Korean Theater. ", "The Canadian and Australian Airforces operate the F18s while the UK deploys the Tornado. ", "Allied forces could double the available Naval power in the theater by the end of the year with over 1000 Front-line Allied Aircraft deployed by South Korea, the U.S. and other allies. ", "The sheer volume of Western Forces in the Region signals an inevitable war. ", "Not in the last 55 years has their been such a large Western Military Build-up in the Korean peninsula.", "\nCURRENT GFP RANK\n12" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nFirst method of Linq giving error\n\nIn my webmethod of my WCF rest service i am trying to find record using Linq's First method like below\n [WebInvoke(UriTemplate = \"UpdateProductObject\", Method = \"PUT\")]\n public Result UpdateProductObject(ProductObjectToSave prodSave)\n {\n\n IUnitOfWork unitOfWork = new UnitOfWork((IObjectContext)_objectSetFactory);\n var versions = prodSave.", "VersionDetails;\n\n foreach (var versionDetail in versions)\n {\n var detail = versionDetail;\n\n var dbVersionentity = _productVersionEntityRepository.", "First(x => x.Id == detail.", "Id);\n\n if (detail.", "Id < 0)\n {\n\n dbVersionentity.", "Id = GetNextTableId(\"vProductVersion\");\n\n }\n\n dbVersionentity.", "Name = detail.", "Name;\n dbVersionentity.", "Code = detail.", "Name;\n\n if (detail.", "Id > 0){\n\n _productVersionEntityRepository.", "Update(dbVersionentity);\n }\n else\n {\n _productVersionEntityRepository.", "Insert(dbVersionentity);\n }\n\n }\n\n try\n {\n unitOfWork.", "Commit();\n }\n catch (Exception e)\n {\n\n return new Result() { Error = e.Message };\n }\n\n return new Result() { Error = \"Record updated successfully\" };\n\n }\n\nThe \"_productVersionEntityRepository\" is defined as below in my service.", "\n private readonly Repository<ProductVersionEntity> _productVersionEntityRepository;\n\nWhen there are no records it throws exception \"Sequence contains no elements\" . ", "I have done some finding that we can use FirstOrDefault method. ", "But somehow i am not getting that option to use FirstOrDefault. ", "I am really new to this so may be i have missed some links where solution could have been described. ", "Please help me or suggest me other way to do some error handling if First method fails\n\nA:\n\nThat's the way that First() works, it will throw an exception if the element can't be found. ", "You can use FirstorDefault() instead and check if the element is null.", "\nEdit: I realised that you're using a custom repository. ", "If you have access to the source code, I advise you to add a new method called .FirstOrDefault() that will take as parameter a predicate and returns null if no entities are found.", "\nEdit 2: Add this method to your repository:\nT FirstOrDefault(Expression<Func<T, bool>> where, params Expression<Func<T, object>>[] includeProperties) \n{ \n IQueryable<T> query = AsQueryable(); \n query = PerformInclusions(includeProperties, query); \n\n return query.", "FirstOrDefault(where); \n}\n\nThen you can do something like this in your code:\nforeach (var versionDetail in versions)\n{\n bool isNew = false;\n var detail = versionDetail;\n\n var dbVersionentity = _productVersionEntityRepository.", "FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == detail.", "Id);\n\n // not found in database\n if(dbVersionentity == null)\n {\n isNew = true;\n\n // create entity here\n dbVersionentity = new .....; \n\n // you don't need to do this if id is auto-generated, \n // i.e. Identity column in SQL Server\n dbVersionentity.", "Id = GetNextTableId(\"vProductVersion\");\n }\n\n dbVersionentity.", "Name = detail.", "Name;\n dbVersionentity.", "Code = detail.", "Name;\n\n if (isNew)\n {\n _productVersionEntityRepository.", "Insert(dbVersionentity);\n }\n else\n {\n _productVersionEntityRepository.", "Update(dbVersionentity);\n }\n}\n\n" ]
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[ "So many things\n\nSarah Brightman\n\nAnd so many things i'd forgotten\nin a world that we share\nwith so many things for the asking\nnever asked for the madness there\nStrange how i find myself\nso often on a distant shore.", "\nThere's only one thing that's confusing\nwas it you? ", "was it me?", "\nwith so many questions unanswered\nor was that part of you mystery?", "\nStrange how i find myself\nso often on a distant shore.", "\nSo many things i'd forgotten\nSo many things for the asking\nStrange how i find myself\nso often on a distant shore\nHow i find myself\nso often on a distant shore." ]
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[ "---\nabstract: |\n The space of metric measure spaces (complete separable metric spaces with a probability measure) is becoming more and more important as state space for stochastic processes. ", "Of particular interest is the subspace of (continuum) metric measure trees. ", "Greven, Pfaffelhuber and Winter introduced the Gromov-Prohorov metric $\\dgp$ on the space of metric measure spaces and showed that it induces the Gromov-weak topology. ", "They also conjectured that this topology coincides with the topology induced by Gromov’s $\\dg$ metric. ", "Here, we show that this is indeed true, and the metrics are even bi-Lipschitz equivalent. ", "More precisely, $\\dgp=\\half\\dgh$, and hence $\\dgp \\les \\dg \\les 2\\dgp$. The fact that different approaches lead to equivalent metrics underlines their importance and also that of the induced Gromov-weak topology.", "\n\n As an application, we give an easy proof of the known fact that the map associating to a lower semi-continuous excursion the coded $\\R$tree is Lipschitz continuous when the excursions are endowed with the (non-separable) uniform metric. ", "We also introduce a new, weaker, metric topology on excursions, which has the advantage of being separable and making the space of bounded excursions a Lusin space. ", "We obtain continuity also for this new topology.", "\nauthor:\n- 'Wolfgang Löhr[^1]'\nbibliography:\n- 'bib-math.bib'\n- 'mm-space.bib'\ntitle: 'Equivalence of Gromov-Prohorov- and Gromov’s $\\dg$-Metric on the Space of Metric Measure Spaces'\n---\n\nIntroduction\n============\n\nTree-valued stochastic processes frequently appear in probability theory and its application areas, such as theoretical biology. ", "For instance, in an evolutionary model, the development of the genealogical tree is of interest. ", "In the continuum limit of infinite population size, the finite tree becomes a continuum tree ($\\R$tree) and the normalised counting measure of individuals becomes a probability measure on it. ", "This measure is needed to describe the population density on the tree and to sample individuals from it. ", "See Aldous’ seminal paper [@Aldous:CRT3] for the convergence of finite variance Galton-Watson trees to a (Brownian) continuum measure tree, and results of Duquesne and Le Gal ([@DuquesneLeGall:GWtoLevy; @Duquesne:limitForContour]) for the convergence of infinite variance Galton-Watson trees to Lévy trees.", "\n\nMore generally than $\\R$trees, we can considers random metric (probability) measure spaces, an approach introduced by Greven, Pfaffelhuber and Winter in [@Anita:convRandmmspace] and applied by the authors and Depperschmidt to obtain tree-valued Fleming-Viot dynamics in [@Anita:resampling; @DGP:flemingViot]. ", "Here, $\\X\\=(X, d, \\mu)$ is a () if $(X, d)$ is a complete, separable metric space and $\\mu$ a probability measure on the Borel  of $X$. To work with mm-space valued processes, it is crucial to have an appropriate topology on the set of mm-spaces, or rather the set ${\\Xmm}$ of isometry classes of mm-spaces. ", "A fruitful topology is given by the Gromov-weak topology introduced in [@Anita:convRandmmspace]. ", "In the same paper, the authors conjectured that it coincides with the topology induced by Gromov’s metric $\\dg$, which is defined in [@Gromov Chapter $3\\half$]. ", "They also introduced a complete metric, the Gromov-Prohorov metric $\\dgp$, that metrises the Gromov-weak topology.", "\n\nHere, we show that $\\dg$ and $\\dgp$ are bi-Lipschitz equivalent, which in particular implies that the conjecture is true and $\\dg$ indeed metrises Gromov-weak topology. ", "Furthermore, we use this result to prove that the measure $\\R$tree coded by an excursion depends continuously on the excursion. ", "To this end, we consider two topologies on the space of lower semi-continuous excursions. ", "For the uniform topology, Lipschitz continuity is already shown by Abraham, Delmas and Hoscheit in [@AbrahamDelmasHoscheit:exittimes Prop.", " 2.9] (with their metric on trees, which implies the result for ours), but we obtain a much shorter proof using the equivalence of $\\dgp$ and $\\dg$. The uniform topology has the disadvantage of being non-separable, therefore we introduce a new, weaker, separable, metrisable topology, which is Lusin on the subset of bounded excursions. ", "We also show continuous dependence of the tree on the excursion in this weaker topology.", "\n\nIn the next section, we recall the definition of the metrics $\\dgp$ and $\\dg$, as well as of Gromov-weak topology, and emphasize that the algebra of polynomials used to define Gromov-weak topology is convergence determining albeit not dense in the bounded continuous functions. ", "We also give a short comparison to related, but slightly different topologies used on spaces of mm-spaces. ", "The third section contains the proof of the equivalence of $\\dgp$ and $\\dg$. In the last section, we apply the equivalence to measure trees coded by excursions and define the new topology on the space of excursions.", "\n\nMetrics and topologies on the space of mm-spaces\n================================================\n\nWe do not distinguish between isomorphic mm-spaces. ", "Here, two mm-spaces $\\X=(X, d, \\mu)$ and $\\X'=(X', d', \\mu')$ are called if there is a measure preserving map $f\\colon X\\to X'$ such that the restriction to the support of $\\mu$ is an isometry, i.e. $$\\mu' \\= \\mu\\circ f^{-1} \\und d(x, y) \\= d'\\(f(x), f(y)\\) \\;\\; \\forall x, y\\in\\supp(\\mu).$$ We denote the space of (isometry classes of) mm-spaces by ${\\Xmm}$.\n\nBecause $(X,d)$ is complete, an isomorphism $f$ from $\\X$ to $\\X'$ is an isometric bijection between $\\supp(\\mu)$ and $\\supp(\\mu')$. In particular, there is also an inverse isomorphism $g$ from $\\X'$ to $\\X$ with $g\\circ f \\= \\id$ on $\\supp(\\mu)$.\n\n### Gromov-Prohorov metric {#gromov-prohorov-metric .unnumbered}\n\nThe Gromov-Prohorov metric is obtained by embedding the metric spaces underlying the mm-spaces optimally into a common metric space and taking the Prohorov distance between the pushforward measures.", "\n\nLet $\\mu, \\nu$ be probability measures on a metric space $(X, d)$. Then the is $$\\dpr(\\mu, \\nu) \\defeq \\inf\\bset{\\eps>0}{\\mu(A) \\le \\nu(A^\\eps) + \\eps \\;\\;\\forall A\\in \\B(X)},$$ where $A^\\eps\\defeq\\bset{x\\in X}{d(A, x) < \\eps}$.\n\nBelow, we use the following equivalent expression for the Prohorov metric. ", "A between $\\mu$ and $\\nu$ is a measure $\\xi$ on $X^2=X\\times X$ with marginals $\\mu$ and $\\nu$ on $X$. Then $$\\dpr(\\mu, \\nu) \\= \\inf\\Bset{\\eps>0}{\\exists \\text{ coupling $\\xi$ of $\\mu$, $\\nu$}:\n \\xi\\(\\set{(x,y)\\in X^2}{d(x,y)\\ge \\eps}\\) \\les \\eps}.$$\n\nLet $\\X_i=(X_i, d_i, \\mu_i) \\in {\\Xmm}$, $i=1,2$, be mm-spaces. ", "The is defined by $$\\dgp(\\X_1, \\X_2) \\defeq \\inf_{f, g}\\, \\dpr\\(\\mu_1\\circ f^{-1}, \\mu_2\\circ g^{-1}\\),$$ where the infimum is taken over all isometries $f\\colon X_1\\to X$ and $g\\colon X_2\\to X$ into a common separable metric space $(X, d)$.\n\n### Gromov-weak topology {#gromov-weak-topology .unnumbered}\n\nThe idea of Gromov-weak topology is to use convergence in distribution of finite metric subspaces, which are sampled from $X$ with the measure $\\mu$. A very nice property of the Gromov-Prohorov metric is that it induces precisely the Gromov-weak topology, as shown in [@Anita:convRandmmspace]. ", "This alternative characterisation of convergence provides us with a sub-algebra of $\\Cb({\\Xmm})$, called algebra of polynomials. ", "The usefulness of this algebra of stems from the fact that it is rich enough to determine convergence of measures on ${\\Xmm}$. To emphasize that polynomials are an essential tool for working with convergence in distribution of ${\\Xmm}$valued random variables, we remark that one cannot use the space $\\Cc({\\Xmm})$ of continuous functions with compact support, because no point in ${\\Xmm}$ has a compact neighbourhood, and hence $\\Cc=\\{0\\}$ is trivial.", "\n\nA **polynomial** (on ${\\Xmm}$) is a function $\\Phi\\colon {\\Xmm}\\to \\R$ of the form $$\\Phi(\\X) \\= \\Phi^\\phi(\\X) \\defeq\n \\probinta{X^n}{\\phi\\(\\(d(x_i,x_j)\\)_{i,j\\le n}\\)}{\\mu^{\\otimes n}}{x},$$ where $n\\iN$ and $\\phi\\in\\Cbdist$. Let $\\Pi$ be the set of such functions. **", "Gromov-weak topology** is the topology induced by $\\Pi$ on ${\\Xmm}$.\n\n$\\Pi$ is obviously an algebra, but it is not dense in $\\Cb({\\Xmm})$. To see this, assume it is dense and consider the subspace ${\\Xmm}_r$ of mm-spaces with essential diameter bounded by a fixed $r>0$. Because ${\\Xmm}_r$ is closed, the set $\\Pi_r\\defeq\\set{\\Phi\\restricted{{\\Xmm}_r}}{\\Phi\\in \\Pi}$ of restrictions of polynomials to ${\\Xmm}_r$ is dense in $\\Cb({\\Xmm}_r)$. Because $\\Pi_r$ is clearly separable, this means that $\\Cb({\\Xmm}_r)$ is separable, and hence ${\\Xmm}_r$ is compact. ", "This is a contradiction (e.g. the set of finite spaces with discrete metric and uniform distribution has no limit point).", "\n\nWe say that a set $\\F\\subseteq \\Cb({\\Xmm})$ is if for probability measures $\\xi_n,\n\\xi$ on ${\\Xmm}$, the weak convergence $\\xi_n \\tow \\xi$ is equivalent to $$\\plainint{f}{\\xi_n}\\ton\\plainint{f}{\\xi} \\for f\\in\\F.$$ Since $\\Cb({\\Xmm})$ is difficult to describe, it is important to have such a set with a more tractable description. ", "That $\\Pi$ is indeed convergence determining is shown with some effort by Depperschmidt, Greven and Pfaffelhuber in [@DGP:mmmspace]. ", "We can also deduce it from an apparently not so well-known general theorem due to Le Cam.", "\n\nLet $X$ be a completely regular Hausdorff space, and $\\F\\subseteq \\Cb(X)$ multiplicatively closed. ", "Then $\\F$ is convergence determining for Radon probability measures if and only if $\\F$ generates the topology of $X$.\n\nThe set $\\Pi$ of polynomials is convergence determining.", "\n\n${\\Xmm}$ is a Polish space, hence completely regular and all probability measures on it are Radon. ", "$\\Pi$ is an algebra, thus multiplicatively closed and we can apply the Le Cam theorem.", "\n\n### Gromov’s metric $\\dgl$ {#gromovs-metric-dgl .unnumbered}\n\nTo obtain the Gromov-Prohorov metric, we embed the metric spaces and measure the distance of the resulting pushforward measures with the Prohorov metric. ", "For Gromov’s $\\dgl$ metric, it works the opposite way. ", "Namely, the measure spaces are parametrised by a measure preserving map from $[0,1]$ (with Lebesgue measure), and then the distance of the resulting pullbacks of the metrics is evaluated with the following metric.", "\n\nLet $(X, \\B, \\mu)$ be a probability space. ", "For functions $r, s\\colon X\\times X \\to \\R$, we define $$\\dboxl(r, s) \\defeq \\inf\\Bset{\\eps>0}{\\exists X_\\eps\\in\\B:\n \\norm{r\\restricted{X_\\eps\\times X_\\eps} - s\\restricted{X_\\eps\\times X_\\eps})}\\le\\eps,\n \\;\\; \\mu(X\\setminus X_\\eps)\\le \\lambda\\eps}.$$\n\nObviously, we have $$\\dboxl \\les \\Box_{\\lambda'} \\les \\bruch\\lambda{\\lambda'} \\dboxl \\for \\lambda > \\lambda'.$$\n\nLet $\\X, \\X'$ be mm-spaces, and $I\\defeq [0, 1]$, equipped with Lebesgue measure. ", "Let $\\F(\\X)\\defeq\\bset{\\vphi\\colon I \\to X}{\\vphi \\text{ is measure preserving}}$ be the set of of $(X, \\mu)$, and for $\\vphi\\in\\F(\\X)$ let $d_\\vphi(s, t) \\defeq\n d\\(\\vphi(s), \\vphi(t)\\)$ be the pullback of $d$ with $\\vphi$. Then we define $$\\dgl(\\X, \\X') \\defeq\n \\inf_{\\substack{\\vphi\\in\\F(\\X)\\\\ \\vphi'\\in\\F(\\X')}} \\dboxl(d_\\vphi, d'_{\\vphi'}).$$\n\nBecause $(X, d)$ is a Polish space, it is a Lebesgue space and the set $\\F(\\X)$ of (measure preserving) parametrisations is non-empty.", "\n\n### Related topologies {#related-topologies .unnumbered}\n\n1. ", " In [@measuredGH], Fukaya introduced the (often cited as measured Gromov-Hausdorff topology) for compact mm-spaces. ", "The same topology is called , and a complete metric inducing it is constructed by Evans and Winter in [@Anita:subtreeprune]. ", "The idea is that spaces are close if there is an $\\eps$ isometry mapping one measure Prohorov-close to the other. ", "Convergence in measured Hausdorff topology implies Gromov-weak convergence, but not vice versa, because the former implies Gromov-Hausdorff convergence of the underlying metric spaces, which is not the case for Gromov-weak topology. ", "Note that the underlying equivalence classes are also different: For two mm-spaces to be equivalent in the measured Hausdorff topology, the whole spaces have to be isometric, while in a Gromov-weak sense, this is required only for the supports of the measures.", "\n\n2. ", " Recently, Abraham, Delmas and Hoscheit ([@AbrahamDelmasHoscheit:dGHP]) extended the measured Hausdorff topology to complete, locally compact, rooted length spaces with locally finite measures. ", "Note that these measures are finite on all balls, because closed balls are compact in such spaces. ", "The authors introduced the , first on compact spaces using an embedding and measuring the sum of Hausdorff and Prohorov distance. ", "This metrises measured Hausdorff topology. ", "In the general setting, they integrate the weighted distances of the measures restricted to balls. ", "Note that this extended topology is vague in the sense that the total mass is not preserved. ", "Thus, on spaces with finite (not necessarily probability) measures, it is not stronger than the natural extension of $\\dgp$.\n\n3. ", " In [@Sturm:geometryMMspace], Sturm defines the analogously to $\\dgp$, but with the (2-)Wasserstein metric instead of the Prohorov metric. ", "It induces a topology on ${\\Xmm}$ that is strictly stronger than Gromov-weak topology, but coincides with it on subspaces of ${\\Xmm}$ consisting of spaces with uniformly bounded (essential) diameter. ", "Its restriction to the space of compact mm-spaces is strictly weaker than measured Hausdorff topology.", "\n\nEquivalence of $\\dgp$ and $\\dg$\n===============================\n\n$\\texteq \\dgp \\= \\half\\dgh$.\n\nLet $\\X_i=(X_i, d_i, \\mu_i)$, $i=1,2$, be mm-spaces. ", "Assume $\\dgp(\\X_1, \\X_2) \\ls \\eps$ for some $\\eps>0$. Then we can embed $(X_i, d_i)$, $i=1,2$, into a (common) complete, separable metric space $(X, d)$, such that the pushforward measures $\\nu_i$ satisfy $\\dpr(\\nu_1, \\nu_2) \\ls \\eps$. Thus there is a coupling $\\nu$ of $\\nu_1$ and $\\nu_2$ on $X^2$ with $$\\nu(Y_\\eps) \\les \\eps \\spacedtxt{for} Y_\\eps\n \\defeq \\bset{(x, y) \\in X^2}{d(x, y) \\ges \\eps}.$$ Now choose a parametrisation $\\vphi$ of $(X^2, \\nu)$, i.e. $\\vphi\\colon[0,1]\\to X^2$ is measurable and $\\nu=\\lambda\\circ\\vphi^{-1}$ for Lebesgue measure $\\lambda$. Let $\\pi_i$, $i=1,2$, be the canonical projections from $X^2$ to $X$. Then $\\vphi_i\\defeq\n \\pi_i\\circ\\vphi$ is a parametrisation of $\\X_i$ (or its isomorphic image in $X$). ", "Let $r_i$ be the pullback of $d$ under $\\vphi_i$. We show $\\dboxh(r_1, r_2) \\les 2\\eps$. Indeed, $\\lambda\\(\\vphi^{-1}(Y_\\eps)\\) \\= \\nu(Y_\\eps)\\les \\eps \\= \\half 2\\eps$, and for $s, t\\in[0,1]\\setminus \\vphi^{-1}(Y_\\eps)$ we have by definition of $Y_\\eps$ that $d\\(\\vphi_1(s), \\vphi_2(s)\\) \\les \\eps$. Thus $$r_1(s, t) \\= d\\(\\vphi_1(s), \\vphi_1(t)\\) \\les d\\(\\vphi_2(s), \\vphi_2(t)\\) + 2\\eps\n \\= r_2(s, t)+2\\eps,$$ and by symmetry, $\\betrag{r_1(s, t) - r_2(s, t)}\\les 2\\eps$. In total, $\\dgh(\\X_1, \\X_2) \\les \\dboxh(r_1, r_2) \\les 2\\eps$. Let $\\dgh(\\X_1, \\X_2)\\ls 2\\eps$ and $\\vphi_i \\colon [0,1] \\to X_i$ parametrisations of $\\X_i$, $i=1,2$, with $\\dboxh(r_1, r_2) \\ls 2\\eps$, where $r_i$ is the pullback of $d_i$ with $\\vphi_i$. There is a set $S\\subseteq [0,1]$ with $\\lambda(S)\\ges 1-\\eps$ and $|r_1-r_2|\\les 2\\eps$ on $S^2$. On the disjoint union $X\\defeq X_1\\uplus X_2$, we define a metric $d$ by $$\\eqlabel{ddef}\n d\\restricted{X_i^2}\\defeq d_i \\und d(x, y) \\defeq\n \\inf_{s\\in S} d_1\\(x,\\vphi_1(s)\\) + d_2\\(\\vphi_2(s), y\\) + \\eps\n \\;\\;\\forall x\\in X_1,\\,y\\in X_2.$$ We check that $d$ satisfies the  in below. ", "Extend the $\\mu_i$ to measures on $X$ with support in $X_i$. To estimate their Prohorov distance in $(X, d)$, let $F\\subseteq X$ be measurable. ", "Note that by definition, $d\\(\\vphi_1(s), \\vphi_2(s)\\) \\= \\eps$ for every $s\\in S$. Consequently, for every $\\eps_0 \\gs \\eps$, $$\\vphi_2\\(\\vphi_1^{-1}(F) \\cap S\\) \\subseteq F^{\\eps_0} \\spacedtxt{where}\n F^{\\eps_0} \\= \\bset{x\\in X}{d(x, F) \\ls \\eps_0}.$$ Therefore, $$\\mu_1(F) \\= \\lambda\\(\\vphi_1^{-1}(F)\\) \\les \\lambda\\(\\vphi_1^{-1}(F)\\cap S\\) + \\eps\n \\les \\mu_2 \\( \\vphi_2\\(\\vphi_1^{-1}(F) \\cap S\\)\\) + \\eps\n \\les \\mu_2(F^{\\eps_0}) + \\eps.$$ Since $\\eps_0\\gs \\eps$ is arbitrary, $\\dpr(\\mu_1, \\mu_2)\\les \\eps$ and thus $\\dgp(\\X_1, \\X_2)\\les \\eps$.\n\n$\\,\\displaystyle \\dgp \\les \\dg \\les 2\\dgp$. In particular, $\\dg$ induces the Gromov-weak topology.", "\n\nThe equation $\\dgh\\les 2\\dg \\les 2\\dgh$ is obvious from the definition of $\\dg[\\lambda]$.\n\nWe still have to check that in the proof of defines a metric.", "\n\nThe $d$ defined in satisfies the . ", "Thus it is a metric.", "\n\nFor $x, m\\in X_1, \\, y \\in X_2$, we have $$d(x, y) \\les \\inf_{s\\in S} d_1(x, m) + d_1\\(m, \\vphi_1(s)\\) + d_2\\(\\vphi_2(s), y\\) + \\eps\n \\= d(x, m) + d(m, y).$$ For $x, y\\in X_1,\\, m\\in X_2$, we have $$\\begin{aligned}\n d(x, y) &\\le& \\inf_{s,t\\in S} d_1\\(x, \\vphi_1(s)\\) + d_1\\(\\vphi_1(s), \\vphi_1(t)\\)\n + d_1\\(\\vphi_1(t), y\\)\\\\\n &\\le& \\inf_{s,t\\in S} d_1\\(x, \\vphi_1(s)\\) + d_2\\(\\vphi_2(s), \\vphi_2(t)\\)\n + d_1\\(\\vphi_1(t), y\\) + 2\\eps \\\\\n &\\le& \\inf_s d_1\\(x, \\vphi_1(s)\\) + d_2\\(\\vphi_2(s), m\\) + \\eps\n + \\inf_t d_2\\(m, \\vphi_2(t)\\) + d_1\\(\\vphi_1(t), y\\) + \\eps \\\\\n &=& d(x, m)+d(m, y).", "\n \\end{aligned}$$ All other cases follow by symmetry or by the  in $X_1$ and $X_2$.\n\nContinuity of the coding of $\\R$-trees by excursions\n====================================================\n\nAn $\\R$-tree (see [@Dress:T-theory]) is a connected 0-hyperbolic metric space $(T, d)$. One of the possible definitions of $0$hyperbolicity is that it satisfies the four point condition, i.e. $$d(v_1, v_2) + d(v_3, v_4) \\les \\max\\bsset{d(v_1, v_3) + d(v_2, v_4),\\, d(v_1, v_4) + d(v_2, v_3)}\n \\for v_1,\\ldots,v_4\\in T.$$ Note that every $0$hyperbolic space can be embedded isometrically into an $\\R$tree, which may be chosen separable whenever the original space was separable. ", "Because $\\dgp$ (unlike the measured Hausdorff topology) identifies a metric measure space with every subspace containing the support of the measure, the equivalence class of every $0$hyperbolic space contains an $\\R$tree.", "\n\nOne possibility to construct $0$hyperbolic spaces is to code them by excursions, see [@Aldous:CRT3; @LeGall:treeInBex; @DuquesneLeGall:GWtoLevy]. ", "To this end, let $h\\colon [0,1] \\to \\R_+$ be a positive function with $h(0)=0$, and consider the semi-metric $$d_h(s,t) \\defeq h(s) + h(t) - 2I_h(s,t),\n \\wspace I_h(s,t) \\defeq \\inf_{u\\in [s\\land t,\\, s\\lor t]} h(u)$$ on $[0,1]$. Then the quotient space $T_h \\defeq [0,1]\\quotient{d_h}$ is a $0$hyperbolic metric space. ", "We additionally assume that $h$ is lower semi-continuous. ", "Then $T_h$ is separable and the natural projection $$\\pi_h \\colon [0,1] \\to T_h$$ is measurable. ", "To see this, note that the canonical projection from the graph $\\gr(h)=\\bset{(t, h(t))}{t\\in[0,1]}\\subseteq \\R^2$ of $h$ onto the tree $T_h$ is continuous due to lower semi-continuity of $h$. $T_h$ needs to be neither complete nor connected, but we identify it with its completion and, once we have put a measure on it, the equivalence class contains a connected representative.", "\n\nIf the graph of $h$ is connected, then $T_h$ is complete and connected to begin with. ", "We do not, however, make this restriction.", "\n\nIf $h$ is continuous, $\\pi_h$ is continuous and $T_h$ is compact. ", "Conversely, every compact $\\R$tree can be coded by a (non-unique) continuous excursion ([@Anita:subtreeprune Rem.", " 3.2]). ", "To code compact *measured* trees, continuous excursions are not sufficient. ", "See [@Duquesne:codingCompact] for a detailed account on coding compact, rooted, ordered, measured $\\R$trees in a unique way by upper semi-continuous càglàd excursions.", "\n\nWe define the set of (generalised) on $[0,1]$ as $$\\ex\\defeq \\bset{h\\colon [0,1]\\to\\R_+}{h(0)=0,\\;\\text{$h$ lower semi-continuous}}.$$ Let $\\exb$ be the subset of bounded functions in $\\ex$. For $h\\in \\ex$, let the mass measure $\\mu_h$ on $T_h$ be the image of Lebesgue measure $\\lambda$ under $\\pi_h$ and define the **coding function** $$\\code\\colon \\ex \\to {\\Xmm}, \\qquad h \\mapstos \\T_h \\defeq (T_h, d_h, \\mu_h).$$\n\nIt is shown in [@AbrahamDelmasHoscheit:exittimes Prop.", " 2.9] that the coding function $\\code$ is continuous when the space of excursions is equipped with the uniform metric. ", "The proof, however, becomes completely trivial if we use , because the trees are already given in a parameterised form.", "\n\nLet $h, g \\in \\ex$. Then $$\\dgp(\\T_h, \\T_g) \\les 2 \\norm{h-g} \\= 2\\sup_{t\\in[0,1]} \\betrag{h(t)-g(t)}.$$\n\n$\\ds \\dgp(\\T_h, \\T_g) \\= \\half \\dgh(\\T_h, \\T_g) \\les \\half \\Box_\\half(d_h, d_g) \\les 2\\norm{f-g}.$\n\nThe uniform metric on $\\ex$ is a rather strong one, in particular $\\ex$ and $\\exb$ are not separable in this metric. ", "The coding function turns out to be still continuous if we equip $\\ex$ with a weaker, separable, metrisable topology, namely the weakest topology which is stronger than convergence in measure and epigraph convergence. ", "For $h,h'\\in\\ex$, let $$\\dm(h, h') \\defeq \\inf\\Bset{\\eps>0}{\\lambda\\(\\bset{t}{|h(t)-h'(t)|>\\eps}\\) < \\eps},$$ which metrises convergence in Lebesgue measure, $d_H$ the Hausdorff metric in $\\R^2$, and $$\\dhepi(h, h') \\defeq d_H\\(\\epi(h), \\epi(h')\\), \\qquad \\epi(h) \\defeq \\bset{(t,y)\\in [0,1]\\times \\R_+}{y\\ge h(t)}.$$ Note that the epigraph of a function is closed if and only if the function is lower semi-continuous. ", "Epigraph convergence is usually defined as convergence in Fell topology (or equivalently Kuratowski convergence) of the epigraphs, see e.g. [@Beer:topOnSets]. ", "It is a compact, metrisable topology on the set of $(\\R_+\\cup\\{\\infty\\})$valued, lower semi-continuous functions. ", "In general, $\\dhepi$ induces a stronger topology. ", "Restricted to $\\ex$, however, the topologies coincide, which follows from [@Beer:epiconv Thm.", " 1] using compactness of $[0,1]$ and $\\R$-valuedness of excursions. ", "Epigraph convergence also coincides with $\\Gamma$convergence (see e.g. [@DalMaso:gammaconv]), whence the name $\\dhepi$.\n\nWe endow $\\ex$ with the **excursion metric** $ \\dex \\defeq \\dhepi + \\dm $.", "\n\n$\\ex$ is a separable metric space, and the set of continuous excursions is dense. ", "Furthermore, $\\exb$ is a Lusin space.", "\n\n$\\dex$ is obviously a metric, and the continuous excursions are both $\\dhepi$dense (increasing pointwise convergence implies $\\dhepi$convergence) and $\\dm$dense in $\\ex$. Hence $\\ex$ is separable, and it remains to show that $\\exb$ is a Borel subset of a Polish space. ", "First note that this is the case for $(\\exb, \\dhepi)$, because the set of excursions bounded by a fixed $M\\in\n \\N$ is closed in the compact metric space of extended real-valued excursions with epigraph topology. ", "Now we can identify $(\\exb, \\dex)$ with the graph of the function $\\pi\\colon (\\exb, \\dhepi) \\to\n L^0\\defeq \\(L^0(\\lambda), \\dm\\)$, which maps an excursion to its $\\lambda$-a.e.", " equivalence class. ", "It is enough to show that $\\pi$ is measurable, because then $(\\exb, \\dex) \\simeqq \\gr(\\pi)$ is an injective measurable image of a Lusin space, hence Lusin itself.", "\n\nTo show measurability, choose a fixed dense sequence $\\folge{f}$ of continuous excursions, and define $\\pi_n\\colon \\ex \\to L^0,\\; h \\mapsto \\sup_{f_k\\le h,\\,k\\le n} f_k$. Then $\\pi_n$ is a simple function and measurable, because $\\set{h\\in \\ex}{h\\ge f_k}$ is closed in $(\\ex,\n \\dhepi)$. Because $h=\\sup_{f_n \\le h} f_n$, $\\pi$ is the pointwise limit of the $\\pi_n$, thus also measurable.", "\n\nWe do not know if $\\ex$ is Lusin or even Polish. ", "$\\exb$ is not Polish, because it is an  in $\\ex$ with dense complement. ", "Hence, by the Baire category theorem, it cannot be a .", "\n\nLet $h_n(t) = 1-\\unit_{\\N_0}(nt)$. Then $h_n$ codes the discrete space of $n$ points with uniform distribution or, equivalently, the star-shaped tree with $n$ leaves and uniform distribution on the leaves. ", "$h_n$ converges in epigraph topology to the zero function, while $\\dm(h_n, \\unit)=0$ for each $n$. Thus $\\folge{h}$ is Cauchy w.r.t.", " $\\dex$, but does not converge. ", "$\\(\\code(h_n)\\)_{n\\iN}$ is not a Cauchy sequence in ${\\Xmm}$, hence $\\code$ is not uniformly continuous.", "\n\nThe coding function $\\code\\colon \\ex\\to {\\Xmm}$ is continuous (w.r.t.", " $\\dex$ and $\\dgp$).", "\n\nFix $h\\in\\ex$, $\\eps>0$. We construct a $\\delta>0$ such that $\\Box_{\\mspace{-1mu}1}(h, g) \\les 6\\eps$ for every $g\\in\\ex$ with $\\dex(h, g)\\les \\delta$.\n\n1. ", " Let $A_\\eta \\defeq \\bset{t\\in [0,1]}{I_h(t-\\eta, t+\\eta) < h(t) - \\eps}$. Because $h$ is lower semi-continuous, $A_\\eta \\searrow \\emptyset$ and thus there is a $0<\\delta<\\eps$ with $\\lambda(A_\\delta) < \\eps$. Fix $g\\in\\ex$ with $\\dex(h, g)\\les\\delta$ and let $X_\\eps \\defeq\n [0,1] \\setminus \\(A_\\delta \\cup \\sset{|h-g|>\\delta}\\)$. Then $\\lambda\\([0,1]\\setminus X_\\eps\\)\n \\les 2\\eps$ and we have to show $\\betrag{d_h(s, t) - d_g(s,t)} \\les 6\\eps$ for $s,t\\in X_\\eps$. Because $h$ and $g$ are $\\eps$-close at $s$ and $t$, this is satisfied once we have shown $\\betrag{I_h(s,t) - I_g(s, t)} \\les 2\\eps$.\n\n2. ", " “$I_g\\le I_h+2\\eps$”: Choose $u\\in [s,t]$ with $h(u) = I_h(s,t)$. From $\\dhepi(h,g)\\les \\delta$, we obtain $u'\\in\n [u-\\delta, u+\\delta]$ with $g(u') \\les h(u) + \\delta$. Thus we are done if $u' \\in [s,t]$. Assume this is not the case, w.l.o.g.", " $u\\in [s, s+\\delta]$. Because $s$ is not in $A_\\delta$, we then have $I_h(s,t) \\= h(u) \\ge {h(s) - \\eps} \\ge {g(s) - 2\\eps} \\ge I_g(s,t) - 2\\eps$.\n\n3. ", " “$I_h\\le I_g+2\\eps$”: Choose $u\\in [s,t]$ with $g(u) = I_g(s,t)$ and $u'\\in [u-\\delta,u+\\delta]$ with $h(u') \\le {g(u) + \\delta}$. As above we can assume $u \\in [s, s+\\delta]$, $u' \\in [s-\\delta, s]$ and obtain $I_h(s,t) \\le h(s) \\le {h(u') + \\eps} \\le g(u) + 2\\eps = I_g(s, t) + 2\\eps$.\n\nI am thankful to Anita Winter for discussions, encouragement and helpful comments on the previous version of the manuscript. ", "I also thank Guillaume Voisin for many discussions about trees, and Patrick Hoscheit for a discussion about topologies on the space of excursions.", "\n\n[^1]: University of Duisburg-Essen, Mathematics department, Universitätsstr.", " 2, 45141 Essen, GermanyEmail: [email protected]\n" ]
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[ "BERLIN - Korean tech giant Samsung is trying to get ahead of the curve in the smartphone war with its first mainstream dual-screen smartphone.", "\n\nThe secret weapon of the new Samsung Galaxy Note Edge is a curved 5.6-inch display that extends and wraps around the right side of the smartphone. ", "This curved screen gives the Note Edge the ability to offer two sources of display.", "\n\nUsers can read incoming SMS messages off the smaller notification window while checking their e-mail messages off the main screen. ", "They can also use the built-in Edge panel window notifications to display items such as weather information and news headlines on the smaller, slimmer window, while viewing something else on the main screen.", "\n\nThe Galaxy Note Edge is a variant of the company’s highly successful Samsung Galaxy Note series of phablet devices that come with the S Pen stylus. ", "The new Samsung Galaxy Note 4 comes with a 5.7-inch Super Amoled screen, powered by a 2.7 GHz processor.", "\n\nA visitor holds a new Samsung Galaxy Note Edge smartphone after its presentation at the Unpacked 2014 Episode 2 event ahead of the IFA Electronics show in Berlin on Sept 3, 2014. -- ", "PHOTO: REUTERS\n\nA visitor holds a new Samsung Galaxy Note 4 smartphone after its presentation at the Unpacked 2014 Episode 2 event ahead of the IFA Electronics show in Berlin, on Sept 3, 2014. -- ", "PHOTO: REUTERS\n\nA new Samsung Galaxy Note Edge smartphone is pictured after its presentation at the Unpacked 2014 Episode 2 event ahead of the IFA Electronics show in Berlin, on Sept 3, 2014. -- ", "PHOTO: REUTERS\n\nKorean tech giant Samsung is trying to get ahead of the curve in the smartphone war with its first mainstream dual-screen smartphone. -- ", "ST PHOTO: SHERWIN LOH" ]
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[ "Post navigation\n\nRadio Interview with Ryan Breymaier – KRYS Ocean Race – NYC\n\nSwati Shah host of ‘Set Sail with Swati’ sailing-themed internet radio show interviewed Ryan Breymaier on July 5th about Oman Sail and race preparations for the KRYS Ocean Race in New York City.", "\n\nThe interview covers the challenges of the race along with the MOD 70 and it provides insight into the world of Ocean Racing. ", "It provides inspiration for the off-shore racing values of strength, honesty and perseverance.", "\n\nAdvertisements\n\nRelated\n\nAbout setsailwithswati\n\n'Set Sail with Swati' is about discovering sailor stories and exploring what it is to be a sailor. ", "This blog describes my weekly Internet radio show and published articles.", "\nPhoto Credit - Michael Hines" ]
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[ "ipsec-tools-users\n\nHi,\nSave over 50% on your medication\nhttp://www.ledrx .com\nRemove space in the above link\nkept him alive, under the Imperius Curse. ", "I wanted to be able to\nquestion him. ", "To find out about his past, learn his habits, so that I\ncould fool even Dumbledore. ", "I also needed his hair to make the Polyjuice" ]
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[ { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 270, "entity_type": "PERSON", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 260 } ]
[ "Combine Fashion and Tech with the Leoht Handbag\n\nNovember 14, 2016\n, Sristy , Comments Off on Combine Fashion and Tech with the Leoht Handbag\n\nWhen was the last time your handbag got a tech upgrade?", "\n\nThese days our technology is an everyday personal experience. ", "There’s the ever present smartphone in our pocket and the tablet in our bag. ", "Now, smart watches and even glasses are becoming more common.", "\n\nLeoht is one company that thinks it’s time your handbag got on board the wearable technology train.", "\n\nLeoht is no humble handbag. ", "At the start it’s a leather luxury item with custom hardware touches. ", "It’s created with fashion in mind and the tech in the bag is integrated to be nearly invisible so as not to interrupt its sleek design. ", "The company boasts that this is stylish technology that says no more to ugly wearables.", "\n\nEssentially Leoht’s tech is purposed to keep your devices charged. ", "The bag contains a built-in lithium ion battery hidden in the bottom. ", "The battery can be wirelessly charged by a charging plate included in the sale. ", "Leoht boasts that by simply placing the bag on the plate it can charge while not in use. ", "The company also claims the battery can last up to 30 days on standby.", "\n\nFor more information on Leoht check out the Kickstarter video below.", "\n\nAn external power panel is included in the bag’s design. ", "This panel has a two-fold use. ", "It indicates how much charge the bag has left with a minimalist light-up display. ", "It also contains a microUSB charger allowing for a power up when you can’t get to the charge plate.", "\n\nTwo built-in USB ports can be found tucked away at either end of the bag. ", "This allows you to plug in and charge your devices while you’re on the go anywhere. ", "Leoht claims that with a full charge the company’s bag can charge a smartphone up to four times and a tablet up to two.", "\n\nIn addition to charging your devices wherever you may be, Leoht also wants to solve the problem of your handbag becoming like a black hole. ", "Interior lighting is made possible with the inclusion of four LED lights. ", "There is even one exterior LED to make rummaging around in the dark easier. ", "This could definitely be a potential time and frustration saver.", "\n\nLeoht has started a Kickstarter campaign to get its product off the ground. ", "The early bird price for one of the bags is $149, though it’s rumored that once the Leoht Handbag hits stores it will retail between $300 and $350. ", "The company hopes to start shipping in the fall." ]
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[ "(ns leiningen.uberimage\n (:require\n [clojure.java.io :refer [copy file]]\n [clojure.stacktrace :refer [root-cause]]\n [clojure.string :as string]\n [clojure.tools.cli :refer [parse-opts]]\n [com.palletops.docker :refer [build image-create]]\n [com.palletops.docker.identity-auth :refer [server-cert]]\n [com.palletops.docker.keystore :refer [add-cert key-store key-store-jwk]]\n [com.palletops.docker.utils\n :refer [tar-output-stream tar-entry-from-file tar-entry-from-string]]\n [leiningen.core.main :as main]\n [leiningen.jar :refer [get-jar-filename]]\n [leiningen.uberjar :refer [uberjar]]\n [taoensso.timbre :as timbre :refer [merge-config! ", "str-println]])\n (:import\n [java.net URL]))\n\n(defn dockerfile\n \"Return a dockerfile string\"\n [{:keys [cmd files base-image instructions]}]\n (let [cmd (or cmd [\"/usr/bin/java\" \"-jar\" \"/uberjar.jar\"])\n cmd (if (sequential? ", "cmd) cmd [cmd])\n cmd-str (->> (for [s cmd] (str \"\\\"\" s \"\\\"\"))\n (string/join \",\"))]\n (->> (concat [(str \"FROM \" base-image)]\n instructions\n [\"ADD uberjar.jar uberjar.jar\"\n (str \"CMD [\" cmd-str \"]\")]\n (for [[tar-path local-path] files]\n (str \"ADD \" tar-path \" \" tar-path)))\n (filter identity)\n (string/join \"\\n\"))))\n\n(defn buildtar\n \"Return an InputStream that will deliver a tar archive with a Dockerfile\n and the uberjar.\"", "\n [^java.io.", "OutputStream tar-output-stream\n ^java.io.", "OutputStream piped-output-stream\n standalone-filename\n {:keys [files] :as options}]\n (with-open [piped-output-stream piped-output-stream\n tar-output-stream tar-output-stream]\n (tar-entry-from-string\n tar-output-stream \"Dockerfile\" (dockerfile options))\n (tar-entry-from-file\n tar-output-stream \"uberjar.jar\" (file standalone-filename))\n (doseq [[tar-path local-path] files]\n (tar-entry-from-file tar-output-stream tar-path (file local-path)))))\n\n(def info-timbre-config\n \"A basic timbre configuration for use with info level logging.\"", "\n {:appenders\n {:standard-out\n {:doc \"Prints to *out*/*err*. ", "Enabled by default.\"", "\n :min-level :info :enabled? ", "true :async? ", "false :rate-limit nil\n :fn (fn [{:keys [error? ", "output]}] ; Can use any appender args\n (binding [*out* (if error? *", "err* *out*)]\n (str-println output)))}}})\n\n(defn configure-logging\n \"Configure logging\"\n []\n (if-not (System/getenv \"DEBUG\")\n (merge-config! ", "info-timbre-config)))\n\n\n(defn endpoint-from-env\n \"Return an endpoint from boot2docker env vars\"\n []\n (if-let [v (System/getenv \"DOCKER_HOST\")]\n (let [tls-verify (System/getenv \"DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY\")\n tls (System/getenv \"DOCKER_TLS\")\n auth (System/getenv \"DOCKER_AUTH\")]\n (if (.startsWith v \"tcp:\")\n (let [ssl (or tls-verify\n (and (not= auth \"none\")\n (or auth\n (not= tls \"no\"))))]\n {:endpoint (str (if ssl \"https\" \"http\") (subs v 3))\n :ssl ssl\n :verify (not= tls-verify \"0\")})\n (main/warn \"Ignoring DOCKER_HOST: unsupported protocol\")))))\n\n\n\n(def cli-options\n (let [env-endpoint (endpoint-from-env)]\n ;; An option with a required argument\n [[\"-H\" \"--endpoint ENDPOINT\" \"Endpoint for docker TCP port\"\n :default (or (System/getenv \"DOCKER_ENDPOINT\")\n (if env-endpoint (:endpoint env-endpoint))\n \"http://localhost:2375\")\n :validate [#(java.net.", "URL. %) \"", "Must be a URL\"]]\n [\"-b\" \"--base-image BASE-IMAGE\" \"Base image to use for the image\"\n :validate [string? \"", "Must be a string\"]]\n [\"-t\" \"--tag TAG\"\n (str \"Repository name (and optionally a tag) to be applied to the \"\n \"resulting image in case of success\")\n :validate [string? \"", "Must be a string\"]]\n [\"-T\" \"--tlsverify TLSVERIFY\"\n \"Use TLS and verify the remote\"\n :default (:verify env-endpoint)]\n [\"-C\" \"--cert-path CERT-PATH\" \"Patch to client certs\"]\n [\"-J\" \"--jwk JWK-PATH\" \"Patch to json key file\"]]))\n\n(defn help\n []\n (str\n \"Generate a docker image to run an uberjar.\"", "\n \\newline \\newline\n (:summary (parse-opts [] cli-options))\n \\newline \\newline\n \"The docker endpoint defaults to the DOCKER_HOST environment variable.\"", "\n \\newline\n \"If you use DOCKER_HOST for something else and wish to override its\"\n \\newline\n \"value, use the DOCKER_ENDPOINT environment variable.\"))", "\n\n(defn filter-api-params\n \"filter API parameters, retaining only those with non-nil values\"\n [params]\n (->> params\n (filter (fn [[k v]] v))\n (into {})))\n\n(defmacro thread [body]\n `(-> (Thread. (", "fn [] ~body))\n .start))\n\n:cert-path (System/getenv \"DOCKER_CERT_PATH\")\n:jwk-path (file (System/getProperty \"user.home\") \".docker\" \"key.json\")\n\n(defn ^{:doc (help)} uberimage\n [project & args]\n (let [{:keys [options arguments summary errors]} (parse-opts args cli-options)\n {:keys [base-image endpoint]} options\n use-cert (cond\n (:jwk-path options) :jwk-path\n (:cert-path options) :cert-path\n (= (System/getenv \"DOCKER_AUTH\") \"identity\") :jwk-path\n (System/getenv \"DOCKER_CERT_PATH\") :cert-path)\n options (merge {:base-image \"pallet/java\"}\n (:uberimage project)\n options)]\n (when errors\n (throw (ex-info\n (str \"Invalid arguments: \" (string/join \" \" errors))\n {:cli-options cli-options\n :args args\n :exit-code 1})))\n (main/debug \"options\" options)\n (configure-logging)\n (let [{:keys [piped-input-stream piped-output-stream tar-output-stream]}\n (tar-output-stream)\n jarfile (try\n (uberjar project)\n (catch Exception e\n (when main/*debug*\n (.printStackTrace e))\n (throw\n (ex-info \"Uberimage aborting because uberjar failed:\"\n {} e))))\n [ks-path keystore] (condp = use-cert\n :cert-path (key-store\n (:cert-path\n options\n (System/getenv \"DOCKER_CERT_PATH\")))\n :jwk-path (key-store-jwk\n (:jwk-path\n options\n (str (file\n (System/getProperty \"user.home\")\n \".docker\" \"key.json\"))))\n nil)\n ts-path ks-path\n ks-pw \"\"]\n (when (= use-cert :jwk-path)\n (let [url (URL. (:", "endpoint options))\n cert (server-cert (.getHost url) (.getPort url)\n keystore (.toCharArray ks-pw))]\n (add-cert ks-path keystore cert)))\n (main/info \"Using jar file\" jarfile)\n (when (or (nil? ", "jarfile) (not (.exists (file jarfile))))\n (throw (ex-info \"Jar file does not exist\" {:exit-code 1})))\n (thread\n (buildtar\n tar-output-stream\n piped-output-stream\n jarfile\n options))\n (let [ep {:url (:endpoint options)\n :insecure? (", "or (= \"0\" (:tlsverify options))\n (= :jwk-path use-cert))\n ;; We use paths, as leiningen depends on clj-http 0.9.2, before\n ;; the feature allowing passing of keystore objects.", "\n :keystore ks-path\n :keystore-pass ks-pw\n :trust-store ts-path\n :trust-store-pass ks-pw}\n req (filter-api-params {:body piped-input-stream\n :t (:tag options)})\n resp (try\n (build ep req)\n (catch java.net.", "ConnectException e\n (throw\n (ex-info\n (str \"Error in docker build using \"\n (:endpoint options) \". ", " \"\n (.getMessage ^Throwable (root-cause e)))\n {:exit-code 1}\n e))))\n s (-> resp :body last :stream)\n id (if s\n (second (re-find #\"Successfully built ([0-9a-f]+)\" s)))\n tag (if-let [tag (:tag options)]\n (str \"[\" tag \"]\")\n \"\")]\n (println \"Built image\" id tag)))))\n" ]
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[ "Regulation of the T cell receptor-alpha mRNA expression in the human lymphoblastic T cell line CEM.", "\nWe analyzed the transcriptional events involved in the T cell receptor (TcR)-alpha mRNA expression in a human lymphoblastic T-cell line CEM. ", "CD3-negative and CD3-positive CEM subclones that either lack mature TcR-alpha mRNA or express TcR-alpha mRNA were used. ", "Exposure of the TcR-alpha mRNA negative subclones to phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) was followed by 2- to 3-fold increase of transcription, indicating that PMA acts on a transcriptional level. ", "No increase of transcription was observed after blocking protein synthesis with cycloheximide (CHX) or after sequential stimulation with CHX followed by PMA. ", "On the posttranscriptional level, CHX as well as PMA induced a progressive stabilization of TcR-alpha mRNA in the nuclear compartment, which was independent of ongoing transcription. ", "The half-life of the TcR-alpha mRNA upon stimulation was about 6 hours. ", "The accumulation of mature TcR-alpha mRNA seemed to be controlled by nuclear events on a transcriptional as well as posttranscriptional level. ", "The data imply that alterations of TcR-alpha gene transcription are dependent on protein synthesis. ", "DNA-binding proteins enhance transcription and labile nuclear proteins target TcR-alpha mRNA for rapid turnover." ]
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[ "Boneless (song)\n\n\"Boneless\" is a track by American DJ and producer Steve Aoki in collaboration with European dance music producers Chris Lake and Tujamo and courtesy of and in association with the original producer and composer Aid Vllasaliu. ", "The song was named after the skateboarding trick of the same name. ", "It was released on August 23, 2013 through Dim Mak Records and Ultra Records. ", "The single received success through various dance charts in Europe; it peaked on the overall singles charts at #49 in Germany, #42 in Austria, and #44 in Belgium (Wallonia). ", "A vocal version of the song featuring the vocals of hip-hop recording artist Kid Ink was released the following year.", "\n\nArtistic gymnasts Angi Cipra and Ellie Downie have used the song for their floor music, with Downie winning the all-around at the 2017 European Artistic Gymnastics Championships while performing to the track.", "\n\nThe song also appeared on Alexander Wang fashion show in September 2014.", "\n\nMusic video\nThe music video for \"Boneless\" was recorded at and takes place in Venice Beach, Los Angeles. ", "In the video, Chris Lake (\"The Scribbler\") and Steve \"Benihana\" Aoki star as the heads of two different skate gangs known as \"The Rampants\" and \"The Dimmaks\". ", "The two groups have a skate-off. ", "The video was directed by Peter Falloon a.k.a. ", "The Bear, who worked with Monument Media to deliver the 1980s skater-inspired video.", "\n\nTrack listing\n\nCharts\n\nWeekly charts\n\nYear-end charts\n\nCertifications\n\nRelease history\n\nDelirious (Boneless)\n\nA vocal version of the song, entitled \"Delirious (Boneless)\", was released on June 3, 2014 as the second single from Steve Aoki's second studio album Neon Future.", "I. This version features rapper Kid Ink and was co-written by Erin Beck, Whitney Phillips, Jenson Vaughan, and Aid \"Valsal\" Vllasaliu. ", "The song was featured in the soundtrack of the 2014 film Step Up: All In (as well as Aoki's previous single \"Rage the Night Away\"), the song was also featured on the 2015 film Furious 7 (although it is not included in the film's soundtrack album. ", "However, it is featured on the deluxe edition of the soundtrack). ", "The song was featured in the 2017 film Smurfs: The Lost Village. ", "The song was also featured in the trailer and TV spots of the 2017 film Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie.", "\n\nMusic video\nA year later, the official lyric video for \"Delirious (Boneless)\" was published to YouTube on August 27, 2014. ", "The \"Delirious\" version was also given its own music video, which was directed by Golden Wolf and published to YouTube on October 9.", "\n\nTrack listing\n\nCharts\n\nWeekly charts\n\nYear-end charts\n\nRelease history\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:2013 singles\nCategory:2013 songs\nCategory:2014 singles\nCategory:Steve Aoki songs\nCategory:Kid Ink songs\nCategory:Ultra Music singles\nCategory:Songs written by Steve Aoki\nCategory:Songs written by Kid Ink\nCategory:Songs written by Jenson Vaughan\nCategory:Songs written by Whitney Phillips\nCategory:Songs written by Erin Beck" ]
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[ "EGA signs agreement with AUS for research on using waste to improve soils\n\nSharjah24: Emirates Global Aluminium,EGA, the largest industrial company in the United Arab Emirates outside oil and gas, has signed an agreement with the American University of Sharjah to research the use of organic wastes in improving soil properties for plant growth.", "\n\nScientists from the AUS College of Engineering will study the conversion of commonly-available organic wastes, such as food and agricultural wastes, into biochar, which is a highly-stable form of carbon that is used worldwide to improve the potential of soils to support plant life.", "\n\nThe research project will be the first to comprehensively investigate the potential of organic waste materials found in the UAE for use in biochar, and to analyse these biochars’ water and nutrient holding capabilities. ", "EGA is fully-funding the two-year, AED 630,000 research project.", "\n\nEGA is interested in the potential of combining biochar with bauxite residue to create soil for greening and other uses in the UAE. ", "EGA is separately working with The University of Queensland’s School of Agriculture and Food Sciences to research the viability of using bauxite residue for this purpose.", "\n\nBauxite residue will be a by-product of EGA’s under-construction Al Taweelah alumina refinery, once it begins production during the first half of 2019.", "\n\nAbdalla Alzarooni, EGA’s Vice President of Technology Development & Transfer, said: “Finding economic uses for bauxite residue is a challenge for our industry globally. ", "This research with AUS is an important part of our investigations into one potential solution, and we are pleased that we can work with UAE-based scientists on this project. ", "We also hope this project will help the UAE more broadly in reducing waste to landfill in line with ‘UAE Vision 2021’.”", "\n\nIndustry experts estimate that at least 150 million tonnes of bauxite residue are produced worldwide each year. ", "It is thought that less than two percent of this is currently put to productive use.", "\n\nEGA is also currently researching the potential of using bauxite residue in large volume construction materials.", "\n\nWhile new productive uses for bauxite residue are being developed, EGA will operate a dedicated storage site in line with current world-class best practice, about 30 kilometres inland from the coast in Khalifa Industrial Zone Abu Dhabi.", "\n\nEGA works with local and international universities to combine the latest scientific thinking with EGA’s decades of experience in the aluminium industry in order to find solutions to technical challenges.", "\n\nIn addition to AUS, EGA’s academic partners include Masdar Institute, Higher Colleges of Technology, Curtin University of Technology, the University of Auckland and Massachusetts Institute of Technology." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nhow to show time on x axis using core plot ios sdk\n\nI need help I want to create z axis in CorePlot using scaler plot.", "\n- (void)viewDidLoad\n{\n [super viewDidLoad];\n\n // We need a hostview, you can create one in IB (and create an outlet) or just do this:\n CPTGraphHostingView* hostView = [[CPTGraphHostingView alloc] initWithFrame:self.view.frame];\n [self.view addSubview: hostView];\n\n // Create a CPTGraph object and add to hostView\n CPTGraph* graph = [[CPTXYGraph alloc] initWithFrame:hostView.bounds];\n hostView.hostedGraph = graph;\n\n // Get the (default) plotspace from the graph so we can set its x/y ranges\n CPTXYPlotSpace *plotSpace = (CPTXYPlotSpace *) graph.defaultPlotSpace;\n\n // Note that these CPTPlotRange are defined by START and LENGTH (not START and END) !!", "\n [plotSpace setYRange: [CPTPlotRange plotRangeWithLocation:CPTDecimalFromFloat( 0 ) length:CPTDecimalFromFloat( 16 )]];\n [plotSpace setXRange: [CPTPlotRange plotRangeWithLocation:CPTDecimalFromFloat( -4 ) length:CPTDecimalFromFloat( 8 )]];\n\n // Create the plot (we do not define actual x/y values yet, these will be supplied by the datasource...)\n CPTScatterPlot* plot = [[CPTScatterPlot alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectZero];\n\n // Let's keep it simple and let this class act as datasource (therefore we implemtn <CPTPlotDataSource>)\n plot.dataSource = self;\n\n // Finally, add the created plot to the default plot space of the CPTGraph object we created before\n [graph addPlot:plot toPlotSpace:graph.defaultPlotSpace];\n}\n\nhow to set x axis time like , 1:30 , 1:32, 1:35 as per as plot points.", "\n\nA:\n\nSeveral of the Core Plot example apps show how to create multiple x- or y-axes. ", "See, for example, the \"Axis Demo\" and the \"Labeling Policy Demo\" in the Plot Gallery app for multiple axes that share the same plot space. ", "The \"Plot Space Demo\" shows how to create multiple plot spaces in a graph and assign different axes to each one.", "\nIf you want to keep the default x- and y-axes and add new ones, make a mutable copy of the graph.axisSet.axes array, add your new axes the array, and assign the new axis array back to the graph.axisSet.axes property.", "\nCore Plot does not support 3D graphs right now, so you cannot add a true z-axis. ", "You might be able to fake it with a scatter plot, but you'd have to do all of the 3D transform math yourself.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "GRAND ENTRETIEN - L'écrivain et avocat, défenseur ardent des libertés publiques, nous livre son regard érudit et original sur la crise des «gilets jaunes». ", "Selon lui, cette révolte est plus qu'une jacquerie fiscale et touche à la question de la transmission. ", "Elle manifeste aussi un fort désir de sociabilité et une révolte contre «l'État éducateur».", "\n\n«Il manque quelque chose ici pour faire une révolution, du moins sur le modèle de 1789: la confiance en l'avenir, en l'idée de progrès et d'émancipation», déclare François Sureau.", "\n\nDans un pays marqué par une histoire révolutionnaire, les Français sont partagés entre l'émeute censée être créatrice et la tentation du despotisme éclairé, comme si violence populaire et violence de l'État se répondaient. ", "Il s'agit de trouver des débouchés à une crise profonde de la représentation politique qui met face à face le peuple et le souverain dans un duel mortifère. ", "L'écrivain propose l'abolition du quinquennat et la fin de la coïncidence des mandats du président et des députés afin de permettre la reconstruction d'un paysage politique dévasté.", "\n\nMathieu Bock-Côté: « Il y a en France une poétisation de l'insurrection » - Regarder sur Figaro Live\n\nLE FIGARO. - ", "A-t-on assisté à un moment révolutionnaire?", "\n\nFrançois SUREAU.-Il me semble que nous avons connu quelque chose qui était plus qu'une émeute, mais moins qu'une révolution, si du moins l'on se réfère à notre Révolution fondatrice, celle de 1789. ", "C'est plus qu'une jacquerie, que la Révolte des va-nu-pieds, parce que ce qui est" ]
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[ "If you currently use Microsoft's Hadoop offering, you'll be pleased here about several new features and enhancements that are being added. ", "Earlier this month, Microsoft announced that it's cloud-based Hadoop service, Azure HDInsight, would receive a security upgrade and performance boost. ", "Microsoft claims these changes will provide greater security for users, while also speeding up Big Data queries by as much as 25x.", "\n\nA Little Bit About Hadoop\n\nHadoop is an open-source software framework that's used for distributed storage and processing of Big Data on computer clusters. ", "It's a relatively new technology with roots dating back to 2003, a time during which Google published a paper – the Google File System – describing the technology. ", "It wasn't until several years later in 2006, however, when Apache began to turn these beliefs into a working, functional project. ", "Hadoop 0.1.0 was released on April 2006.", "\n\nHadoop is comprised primarily of Java programming language, although it also has some C and command line utilities built into the framework.", "\n\nAccording to Wikipedia, the Hadoop framework is composed of the four following modules:\n\nHadoop Common – contains libraries and utilities for use by other Hadoop modules. ", "Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) – a distributed file system for storing data on machines; it offers high aggregate bandwidth throughout the respective Hadoop cluster. ", "Hadoop Yarn – resource management system that works to manage resources in a cluster while also scheduling processes and applications. ", "Hadoop MapReduce – a variant of MapReduce that's used for large-scale data processing (e.g. Big Data).", "\n\nBut one of the problems faced by Hadoop is security (or lack thereof). ", "According to a recent survey of 158 executives, nearly half expressed concerns regarding the security of Hadoop.", "\n\nThis doesn't necessarily mean that you should stop using Hadoop, however. ", "The publicly available version may lack the necessary security features for enterprise-use, but there are other, more secure Hadoop offerings out there. ", "Microsoft, for instance, offers Azure HDInsight as its Hadoop offering, which boasts several security upgrades over its default counterpart. ", "And thanks to the introduction of even more security features, HDInsights will likely become an even more popular choice among enterprise users.", "\n\nMicrosoft's Hadoop Upgrade: What You Should Know\n\nWhile presenting at the Strata Hadoop+World conference, Microsoft announced several security and performance enhancements to its Azure HDInsight Hadoop service. ", "As explained on its blog, Microsoft has taken these steps to provide enterprise-level users with the “highest levels of security.” ", "So, what new security and performance features can you expect to see in Azure HDInsight?", "\n\nOne of several security features being added to Azure HDInsight is server-side data encryption. ", "All data processed by Microsoft's Hadoop service can be encrypted. ", "This feature is said to work transparently with Azure HDInsight, meaning users are not required to take any additional steps. ", "And users of Azure Data Lake Store can either use service-managed encryption keys, or they can manage their own keys in the Key Vault – a digital vault that protects users' security keys using enhanced models.", "\n\nMicrosoft is also adding a central policy and management portal where system administrators can manage user access over their Hadoop systems and components. ", "Known as “Apache Ranger,” this is another means of enhancing the security for its Azure HDInsight users. ", "Microsoft has also stated that users can analyze their audit records in the Apache Ranger interface.", "\n\nA third security feature coming to Azure HDInsight is streamlined authentication and identify management. ", "Authentication is somewhat of a double-edged sword. ", "It's necessary to prevent cyber intrusions, but it can also slow down enterprises and their workers. ", "But Microsoft is looking to make the process a little easier by integrating Azure Active Directory and Active Directory Domain Services for authentication and identity management, all of which is accomplished in just a few clicks. ", "This means users can secure their Hadoop clusters more quickly, allowing them to focus their time and attention on other tasks. ", "According to Microsoft, this feature will also improve the ease of use for existing Active Directory deployment.", "\n\n“...we are pleased to announce new capabilities in Azure HDInsight, Microsoft’s managed Hadoop and Spark cloud services, that build on our leadership to make Hadoop enterprise-ready in the cloud and easy for your users with the most security capabilities of any cloud Hadoop solution, big data query speeds that approach data warehousing performance, and new notebook experiences for data scientists all on the latest Hortonworks Data Platform 2.5 and Spark 2.0 platform,” wrote Tiffany Wissner, Microsoft's Senior Director for Product Marketing, in a blog post announcing the new features.", "\n\nThese new Azure HDInsight security features are expected to launch in October.", "\n\nIn addition to the security enhancements mentioned above, Microsoft is also implementing several new performance upgrades to its Azure HDInsight service. ", "The company claims it's the first Cloud Hadoop solution to use Long Lives and Process (LLP) from Singer.", "Next. ", "As such, Microsoft says Azure HDInsight users can expect speeds up to 25x faster than before, which is pretty impressive to say the least.", "\n\nHow exactly does LLP work? ", "LLP essentially compresses memory while still retaining its scalability within a Hadoop cluster. ", "LLP also enhances the Hive execution engine for services like Smart Map Joins and Better MapJoin.", "\n\nSecurity is a top concern among enterprise users of Hadoop services, and for good reason: there's been a disturbing trend of increased cyber attacks and cyber intrusion in recent years. ", "Hadoop has its own built-in safeguards, but Microsoft is planning to enhance the security for its users with the features mentioned above.", "\n\nThese are just a few of the many ways that Microsoft is planning to improve its Azure HDInsight Hadoop service. ", "Be sure to check back with our blog here for more news surrounding HDInsight and other Hadoop offerings.", "\n\nThanks for reading and feel free to let us know your thoughts in the comments below regarding Hadoop." ]
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[ "\"Finalist\" banner serves as angry reminder of second place\n\nCLEMSON – Hanging in Clemson’s indoor practice facility is a banner celebrating Clemson’s spot in the 2016 College Football Playoff National Championship, and while Dabo Swinney meant the banner to commemorate his team’s accomplishment, he singlehandedly gave the 2017 team its biggest motivation to finish the task they started the year before.", "\n\nThe large banner says ‘2016 National Finalist’ and serves as a daily reminder that last year’s team didn’t finish the job they set out to accomplish.", "\n\nThe 2016 squad went 14-1 and played for its first national championship since 1981, a feat Swinney told the media he felt like should be honored.", "\n\n“I hung it up as a means of celebration. ", "There are 120-something teams, that's a big deal to get to the national championship,” Swinney said Tuesday in the WestZone. “", "We won 14 games and I think that should be honored. ", "We won the playoff game to get in that position. ", "We won the ACC Championship. ", "We've got division trophies, ACC Championship trophies. ", "We're going to have semifinal honors as well. ", "I think all of that is important but we want to finish. ", "That's the bottom line. ", "There's one goal and that's the one trophy they're going to hand out after the game. ", "There is no next game. ", "This is it. ", "We all understand that and look forward to it. ", "This is what you dream about to coach in games like this and play in games like this.”", "\n\nMany of the leaders on this year’s team disagree, however, including senior linebacker Ben Boulware who told TigerNet that every time he walks into the indoor practice facility and sees the banner it makes him that much angrier about the 45-40 lost to Alabama to end last season.", "\n\n“It just pisses me off every day seeing it, but at the end of the day we earned that role. ", "We earned second place last year,” Boulware said. “", "We're going to do everything in our power to make sure there's a different banner come Tuesday. ", "It's a daily reminder to us that we finished second last year. ", "I think Coach Swinney has done a good job of putting that in our face every day whether it be in the practice fields or in our meeting rooms. ", "It's something we want to change.", "\n\n“It leaves a chip on your shoulder and adds a little fuel to the fire. ", "We went out there and did it to ourselves. ", "We went out there and lost that game, so we want to do everything in our power to change that. ", "It's left a chip on our shoulder for about a year now.”", "\n\nDefensive back Ryan Carter feels the same as Boulware, but knows the experience from last year will pay dividends when the Tigers and Tide meet Monday night in Tampa, Florida.", "\n\n“Definitely. ", "I feel like last year, we got to the national title game but now that we've had that experience we have to build on it and go into the game with a chip on our shoulder and be able to prove that we can beat Alabama and be the team that we want to be,” Carter said.", "\n\nFor junior wide receiver Artavis Scott, the banner serves as a reminder of the pain and hurt he felt when he walked off the field at University of Phoenix Stadium.", "\n\n“It’s really aggravating knowing that we were a few plays away from winning it, but we know what we have to do to win the game,” Scott said. “", "Just having that still in our head and what I felt after that game, we’re using that as motivation.”", "\n\nWhile all of the players see the banner as a symbol of unfinished business, Christian Wilkins may have put it best when he said it gives him and the rest of the team that extra chip on their shoulder – that little bit of extra motivation – to do everything in their power to make sure there are no regrets when they walk off the field late Monday night at Raymond James Stadium.", "\n\n“No one is ever satisfied with second place. ", "Just looking up every day, we have our ACC banners and division champion banners and stuff and you see that one, and there's a feeling of incompletion,” Wilkins said. “", "You work so hard and you grind all last year and get to the national championship game and you lose it. ", "It's obviously a tough pill to swallow. ", "I use it as motivation. ", "It's right there on our practice field, so you look up at it and we know what we're capable of and what we can do. ", "We have the guys and the coaching and the team to do it, so why not go out there and do it.”" ]
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[ "# Ethereum Core Devs Meeting 29 Notes\n### Meeting Date/Time: Friday 12/01/17 at 14:00 UTC\n### Meeting Duration: 1 hour\n### [GitHub Agenda Page](https://github.com/ethereum/pm/issues/27)\n### [Audio/Video of the meeting](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1GulA7iA-O0)\n\n# Agenda\n\n1. ", "Testing Updates\n a. Fuzzer updates.", "\n b. [New transaction tests folder structure.](https://github.com/ethereum/tests/tree/gentransact/TransactionTests)\n2. [", "Shall we require CC0 notices in EIPs?](https://github.com/ethereum/pm/issues/27#issuecomment-348181284)\n3. ", "New Project: JSON RPC Proxy / eth-agent\n a. Discussion: https://github.com/ethereum/cpp-ethereum/issues/4563\n b. Proof of Concept: https://github.com/chfast/json-rpc-proxy/releases/tag/v0.1.0a1\n4. [", "Does it remain the case that the Yellow Paper is intended to be Ethereum's formal specification?](https://github.com/ethereum/pm/issues/27#issuecomment-347997598)\n5. ", "POA Testnet unification [Update]\n6. ", "Core team updates.", "\n\n# Notes\nVideo starts at [4:03](https://youtu.be/1GulA7iA-O0?t=243)\n\n## [[6:05](https://youtu.be/1GulA7iA-O0?t=365)] 1. ", "Testing Updates\n\n### a. Fuzzer updates\nGo and Rust clients can work with it and Guido is working on integrating cpp-ethereum. ", "Guido is also working on a bignum fuzzer to make sure bignum libraries are aligned across the clients. ", "Smart contract fuzzing has been discussed, as has fuzzing the network stack, but it has not started yet.", "\n\n### [[8:56](https://youtu.be/1GulA7iA-O0?t=536)] b. [New transaction tests folder structure.](https://github.com/ethereum/tests/tree/gentransact/TransactionTests)\nThere have been changes to the transaction tests to help organize it better and be more representative of the different categories. ", "More technical detail in the call.", "\n\n## [[11:00](https://youtu.be/1GulA7iA-O0?t=660)] 2. [", "Shall we require CC0 notices in EIPs?](https://github.com/ethereum/pm/issues/27#issuecomment-348181284)\nWe agreed that the requirement for CC0 notice should be made going forward. ", "Yoichi made a pull request on EIP 1 to change that. ", "Existing EIPs that do not have the copyright will need to change and we can create PRs for them that they just have to give written permission to change.", "\n\n## [[35:10](https://youtu.be/1GulA7iA-O0?t=2110)] 3. ", "New Project: JSON RPC Proxy / eth-agent\n a. Discussion: https://github.com/ethereum/cpp-ethereum/issues/4563\n b. Proof of Concept: https://github.com/chfast/json-rpc-proxy/releases/tag/v0.1.0a1\ncpp-ethereum components are being separated into separate projects. ", "Components that are not required to run an Ethereum node may be split from the core cpp-ethereum code. ", "The first component to be split off are the HTTP server that is in the client. ", "The JSON RPC proxy can sign transactions for you which acts like an account management component in a way. ", "An update to EthStats which moves it to the shared tooling projects may also be in the works soon.", "\n\nSeparating the account management from the client will help lessen the security overhead of the Ethereum node operators. ", "geth is planning on slowly moving away from account management and Martin is working on an account management tool with a public API that doesn't take passwords. ", "It instead requires interaction with a custom UI and sending remote transactions to the tool.", "\n\n## [[14:56](https://youtu.be/1GulA7iA-O0?t=896)] 4. [", "Does it remain the case that the Yellow Paper is intended to be Ethereum's formal specification?](https://github.com/ethereum/pm/issues/27#issuecomment-347997598)\nBen brought up some questions (linked in the title) about the future of the Yellow Paper and it's place as the official specification for clients.", "\n\nBen's questions:\n> Question: does it remain the case that the YP is intended to be Ethereum's formal specification?", "\n> \n> If yes, then it should be noted that the YP is currently significantly out of date.", "\n> \n> a. What is the plan for bringing the YP up to date post-Byzantium?", "\n> \n> b. What is the process and ownership for maintaining the YP going forward?", "\n> \n> c. Should updating the YP be made part of the EIP finalization process?", "\n> \n> d. To facilitate c., Should EIPs be required to include a pull request to the Yellow Paper (if relevant) before they are accepted?", "\n> \n> e. When consensus failures are discovered (e.g. during the recent fuzz testing), how can we make sure that the YP is updated where necessary?", "\n> \n> If no,\n> \n> a. What replaces the YP as the authoritative specification of Ethereum?", "\n> \n> b. Is the YP worth maintaining as a resource that is descriptive rather than prescriptive? ", "If so, the questions above still stand.", "\n\nHaving changes to the Yellow Paper or other formal spec. ", "be merged before certain EIPs are accepted is a good idea.", "\n\nGavin Wood maintains the [Yellow Paper](https://github.com/ethereum/yellowpaper) and there are a list of contributors to the Yellow Paper on GitHub. ", "The Yellow Paper doesn't have a copyright which opens up some confusing legal issues for those wanting to fork the Yellow Paper or make unofficial changes that are not merged by Gav. ", "Biggest concern is it is unclear who can legally merge pull requests without legal concerns being attached. ", "There are currently pull requests for the Yellow Paper to bring it up to date.", "\nThe Yellow Paper isn't a complete specification of everything needed to build a client and some expressed opinions that the Yellow Paper is difficult to read. [", "KEVM](https://github.com/kframework/evm-semantics) is a formal specification written in K that can be execute test cases that may be a candidate to replace the Yellow Paper. ", "KEVM is licensed under UIUC/NCSA License. ", "Afri is going to reach out to Gavin to ask about updating and licensing the Yellow Paper include him in this conversation.", "\n\nPiper suggested having a developer grant for a group that keeps the Yellow Paper or other formal spec. ", "up to date. ", "Currently Dev Grants (Ethereum Foundation grants program) is not active, but may be active in the future.", "\n\n## [[43:24](https://youtu.be/1GulA7iA-O0?t=2604)] 5. ", "POA Testnet unification [Update]\nNo updates.", "\n\n## [[43:51](https://youtu.be/1GulA7iA-O0?t=2631)] 6. ", "Core team updates.", "\n- Parity - Working on release 1.5. ", "No major new features. ", "Mostly working on stabilizing stuff. ", "Improvements on database layer are also happening, specifically replacing the database layer with a new type of database. ", "They are working on Parity multi-sig issue and preparing a list of different approaches on how we can address the problem. ", "They will present a list of proposals at the next core dev meeting. \"", "We will discuss them with the community and see where it goes from there.\"", "\n- geth - New release with no major changes. ", "Working on improving the block tracing.", "\n- cpp-ethereum - Still is post-Mexico mode from Devcon3. ", "Mostly cleaning up some stuff from the Byzantium hard fork. ", "Yoichi has been going through and updating EIPs. ", "Discussion is ongoing with Pawel and Andrei about a roadmap for features. ", "Dimitry has been updating the testing framework. ", "Shout out to Martin H.S, cdetrio, Guido, and other who are contributing to the fuzzer framework\n- Harmony - Migrated client to RocksDB. ", "Work is basically complete on making Harmony compatible.", "\n- ethereum-js - No updates.", "\n- pyEVM - Big GitHub migration from Piper's GitHub to Ethereum Foundation's GitHub. ", "Repos have been re-named to make it more clear what each one does. ", "Pretty far along with implementing the light client protocol. ", "Early alpha release of the client (currently called Trinity) expected in the next month. ", "Integration with Hive and JSON-RPC specs are still left to do. ", "The research team is working on moving their Casper implementation to pyEVM.", "\n- pyethapp - There is Casper research testnet utilizing pyethereum.", "\n- EWASM - Roadmap has been created. ", "Aim to launch a preliminary testnet by the end of January.", "\n- Solidity - Release made the day before that had some improvements including fully implemented ABI encoding/decoding (will require specifying experimental release in the header). ", "Really focusing on the SMT solver in Solidity for the next release.", "\n\nMartin H.S mentioned that there is someone working on a C# Ethereum client that is passing almost all state tests and VM tests. ", "Estimates are that it will be complete in a couple of months. ", "At this point it is still in a private repository, but if people want to help out reach out to Martin and he will connect you.", "\n\n## Attendance\n\nAfri Schoedon (Parity), Alex Beregszaszi (EWASM/Solidity), Anton Nashatyrev (ethereumJ), Christian Reitwiessner (cpp-ethereum/Solidity), Dimitry Khokhlov (cpp-ethereum), Hudson Jameson (Ethereum Foundation), Lefteris Karapetsas (Raiden), Marek Kotewicz (Parity), Martin Holst Swende (geth/security), Nick Johnson (geth), Paweł Bylica (cpp-ethereum), Piper Merriam (pyEVM), Yoichi Hirai (EVM)\n" ]
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[ "WASHINGTON — Federal regulators appear to share one view about so-called net neutrality: It is a good thing.", "\n\nBut defining net neutrality? ", "That is where things get messy.", "\n\nOn Thursday, the Federal Communications Commission voted 3-2 to open for public debate new rules meant to guarantee an open Internet. ", "Before the plan becomes final, though, the chairman of the commission, Tom Wheeler, will need to convince his colleagues and an array of powerful lobbying groups that the plan follows the principle of net neutrality, the idea that all content running through the Internet’s pipes is treated equally.", "\n\nWhile the rules are meant to prevent Internet providers from knowingly slowing data, they would allow content providers to pay for a guaranteed fast lane of service. ", "Some opponents of the plan, those considered net neutrality purists, argue that allowing some content to be sent along a fast lane would essentially discriminate against other content.", "\n\n“We are dedicated to protecting and preserving an open Internet,” Mr. Wheeler said immediately before the commission vote. “", "What we’re dealing with today is a proposal, not a final rule. ", "We are asking for specific comment on different approaches to accomplish the same goal, an open Internet.”" ]
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[ "---\nabstract: |\n In this paper, we propose deep learning algorithms for ranking response surfaces, with applications to optimal stopping problems in financial mathematics. ", "The problem of ranking response surfaces is motivated by estimating optimal feedback policy maps in stochastic control problems, aiming to efficiently find the index associated to the minimal response across the entire continuous input space ${\\mathcal{X}}\\subseteq {\\mathbb{R}}^d$. By considering points in ${\\mathcal{X}}$ as pixels and indices of the minimal surfaces as labels, we recast the problem as an image segmentation problem, which assigns a label to every pixel in an image such that pixels with the same label share certain characteristics. ", "This provides an alternative method for efficiently solving the problem instead of using sequential design in our previous work \\[R. Hu and M. Ludkovski, SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification, 5 (2017), 212–239\\].", "\n\n Deep learning algorithms are scalable, parallel and model-free, [*i.e.*]{}, no parametric assumptions needed on the response surfaces. ", "Considering ranking response surfaces as image segmentation allows one to use a broad class of deep neural networks, [*e.g.*]{}, UNet, SegNet, DeconvNet, which have been widely applied and numerically proved to possess high accuracy in the field. ", "We also systematically study the dependence of deep learning algorithms on the input data generated on uniform grids or by sequential design sampling, and observe that the performance of deep learning is [*not*]{} sensitive to the noise and locations (close to/away from boundaries) of training data. ", "We present a few examples including synthetic ones and the Bermudan option pricing problem to show the efficiency and accuracy of this method.", "\nauthor:\n- 'Ruimeng Hu[^1]'\nbibliography:\n- 'Reference.bib'\ntitle: Deep Learning for Ranking Response Surfaces with Applications to Optimal Stopping Problems\n---\n\n**Keywords:** Response surfaces ranking, deep learning, UNet, optimal stopping, Bermudan option\n\nIntroduction {#sec_intro}\n============\n\nWe start by introducing the general setup of ranking surface response problems, and then describe the connection to stochastic control problems and related literature. ", "For the purpose of consistency, we shall use the same notions as in our previous work [@HuLudkovski17] and refer the interested readers to it for more details of the problem background.", "\n\nDenote $\\mu_\\ell : {\\mathbb{R}}^d \\supseteq {\\mathcal{X}}\\to {\\mathbb{R}}$, $\\ell \\in {\\mathfrak{L}} \\equiv \\{1,2, \\ldots, L\\}$ as smooth functions over a subset ${\\mathcal{X}}$ of ${\\mathbb{R}}^d$. The surface ranking problem consists in assigning the index of the minimal surface to every input $x$ in the entire (usually continuous) space ${\\mathcal{X}}$, namely, in finding the classifier $$\\label{def_cal}\n\\mathcal{C}(x) := \\arg\\min_\\ell \\left\\{\\mu_\\ell(x)\\right\\} \\in {\\mathfrak{L}}, \\quad \\forall x \\in {\\mathcal{X}}\\subseteq {\\mathbb{R}}^d.$$ The functions $\\mu_\\ell$ are [*a priori*]{} unknown but can be noisily sampled, [*i.e.*]{}, for any $x \\in {\\mathcal{X}}, \\ell \\in {\\mathfrak{L}}$, one can access $\\mu_\\ell(x)$ through its stochastic sampler $Y_\\ell(x)$: $$\\label{def_Y}\nY_\\ell(x) = \\mu_\\ell(x) + {\\epsilon}_\\ell(x), \\ \\ell \\in {\\mathfrak{L}},$$ where ${\\epsilon}_\\ell$’s are independent random variables with mean zero and variance $\\sigma_\\ell^2(x)$. In other words, one can sample by Monte Carlo the $L$ smooth hyper-surfaces on ${\\mathcal{X}}$.\n\nWe are interested in accurately estimating ${\\mathcal{C}}(x)$ using deep learning algorithms. ", "Let ${\\mathcal{C}}_{dl}(x)$ be the classifier produced by deep learning algorithms, and to study the performance of different network architectures and experiments designs, we evaluate the difference by the following loss metric: $$\\label{def_loss}\n{\\mathcal{L}}({\\mathcal{C}}, {\\mathcal{C}}_{dl}) = \\int_{{\\mathcal{X}}} \\mathds{1}_{\\{{\\mathcal{C}}(x) \\neq {\\mathcal{C}}_{dl}(x)\\}}\\lambda(\\mathrm{d}x),$$ where $\\lambda(\\mathrm{d}x) \\in \\mathcal{P}({\\mathcal{X}})$ is a probability measure on ${\\mathcal{X}}$ specifying the relative importance of ranking different regions. ", "Note that when $\\lambda(\\mathrm{d}x) = \\mathcal{U}({\\mathcal{X}})$ is the uniform measure, ${\\mathcal{L}}$ gives the mis-labeled percentage. ", "This is essentially the *accuracy* metric in deep learning, often appearing as the first metric one uses to judge the performance of a neural network model/architecture.", "\n\nTo interpret in the context of dynamic programming, one can think $x$ as system states, $\\ell$ as indices of various actions available to the controller, $\\mu_\\ell(\\cdot)$ as the expected costs-to-go and ${\\epsilon}_\\ell(\\cdot)$ as simulation noises arising from pathwise evaluation of the underlying stochastic system and corresponding costs. ", "In what follows, we will clarify this relation.", "\n\n**Motivation.** ", "We consider the following stochastic control problems, and let $X_{(\\cdot)} \\equiv X_{(\\cdot)}^u$ be a discrete-time stochastic state process controlled by a Markovian strategy $u \\in {\\mathfrak{L}}$, following $$X_{t+1}^u = F(X_t, u_t, \\varepsilon_{t+1}), \\quad t \\in {\\mathfrak{T}} \\equiv [0,1, \\cdots, T],$$ for some map $F: {\\mathcal{X}}\\times {\\mathfrak{L}} \\times R \\to {\\mathcal{X}}$, and some centered independent noise source $\\varepsilon_{t+1}$. In general, the cost to be minimized is of the form $$\\label{def_cost}\n c(0,u_{0:T}) = \\sum_{t = 0}^T g(t, X_t, u_t),$$ where $g(t,\\cdot, u_t)$ represents the running cost at stage $t$ using the strategy $u_t$. For notations, we use a single subscript $t$ to represent the value of the process at time $t$ , and use $t:T$ to emphasis the whole process from $t$ to T. By defining the value function $$\\label{def_V}\nV(t,x) := \\inf_{u_{t:T} \\in {\\mathfrak{L}}^{\\bigotimes (T-t)}} {\\mathbb{E}}_{t,x}[c(t, u_{t:T})],$$ with $E_{t,x}[\\cdot] = E[\\cdot \\vert X_t = x]$ denoting the expectation given condition $x$, the minimized cost is represented by $V(0,x)$ and the corresponding optimal strategy is given by the minimizer $u^\\ast_{0:T}$. Using dynamic programming, $V(t,x)$ satisfies: $$\\label{eq_V}\nV(t,x) = \\inf_{u \\in {\\mathfrak{L}}} \\{g(t,x,u) + {\\mathbb{E}}_{t,x}[V(t+1,X_{t+1}^u)]\\}.$$\n\nBy introducing the term $\\mu_u(t,x)$: $$\\label{def_muu}\n\\mu_u(t,x) = g(t,x,u) + {\\mathbb{E}}_{t,x}[V(t+1, X_{t+1}^u)], \\quad \\forall u \\in {\\mathfrak{L}},$$ the connection to problem – now becomes clear. ", "For each $u \\in {\\mathfrak{L}}$, the Q-value $\\mu_u(t,x)$, representing the expected cost-to-go corresponding to action $u$, is a response surface in . ", "For fixed $t$, finding the optimal strategy map $x \\mapsto u^\\ast(t,x)$ is equivalent to identify the classifier in , as $V(t,x) = \\inf_{u \\in {\\mathfrak{L}}}\\left\\{\\mu_u(t,x)\\right\\}$. Then, this stochastic control problem $V(0,x)$ can be solved by backwardly identifying $u^\\ast(s,\\cdot)$, namely, by solving $T$ ranking problems of the form from stage $T$ to 1. ", "More precisely, assuming strategy maps after time $t$, denoted by $\\left\\{\\hat u(s,\\cdot)\\right\\}_{s=t+1}^T$, are already generated, then $\\hat u(t, \\cdot)$ is determined by ranking across different $u$, where ${\\mathbb{E}}_{t,x}[V(t+1, X_{t+1}^u)]$ is estimated by averaging the cost along trajectories $X_{(t+1):T}$ that follow the strategy $\\left\\{\\hat u(s,\\cdot)\\right\\}_{s=t+1}^T$.\n\nIn principle, this approach is applicable to any stochastic control problem, even under continuous-time framework with a continuum of strategies, since both time and strategy space can be approximated by discretization. ", "However, it is especially attractive when the number of actions is finite and small. ", "For instance, in optimal stopping problems [@GL13], the action space has only two elements ${\\mathfrak{L}} = ${stop, continue} and the immediate reward $\\mu_{stop}$ is usually obtained at no cost, leading to only the continuation value $\\mu_{cont.}(t,x)$ to be simulated. ", "A canonical example in this case is pricing Bermudan-type options [@ludkovski2015kriging]. ", "Applications that need to evaluate multiple surfaces $\\mu_\\ell$ arise from pricing swing options [@MeinshausenHambly04], decision makings in energy markets [@AidLangrene12; @Secomandi11] ([*i.e.*]{}, deciding whether to expand the productivity, to explore new energy resources or do nothing), epidemic management [@LudkovskiLin14; @LN10; @LN11wsc; @MerlGramacy09], to name a few.", "\n\n**Main approach and contribution.** ", "Our main contribution is to propose an alternative strategy to solve by deep learning algorithms. ", "The key idea is to build up a neural network (NN) and let it learn to solve the problem of interest by itself via simulated data. ", "This learning process, which is called the training of an NN, can be time-consuming. ", "However, once this is accurately done, it will be computationally efficient to solve a problem of the same type. ", "In our case, this is to say, once we use certain simulated data $Y_\\ell(x)$ and its labels to train the neural network and obtain the desired accuracy, the predicted classifier ${\\mathcal{C}}_{dl}$ of a new location $x$ will be instantaneous and accurate by mainly operations of matrix-vector multiplication. ", "For this reason, NN is a desired approach to solve .", "\n\nThe problem of ranking response surfaces is equivalent to partition the entire input space ${\\mathcal{X}}$ into parts distinguished by labels (indices of the minimal surface). ", "We observe that, if one treats ${\\mathcal{X}}$ as an image, then the labeling function $\\mathcal{C}$ essentially divides the image into disjoint parts. ", "This means that one can phrase the problem as image segmentation, where deep learning has been successful and become a primary and powerful tool in modern machine learning community [@LeCunBengioHinton15; @ShelhamerLongDarrell15; @RonnebergerFischerBrox15]. ", "In the meantime, mathematical theory on deep neural networks (NN), *e.g.*, whether results produced by NN converges to the ground truth as the number of neural/layers tends to infinity, has also been developed by analyzing the corresponding mean-field optimal control problem [@EHanLi19]. ", "Compared to our previous work [@HuLudkovski17] where response surfaces are modeled by Gaussian process, the advantage of deep learning algorithms is that it is model-free, that is, they make the predicted labels $\\hat {\\mathcal{C}}$ no more depend on specific parameterizations of $\\mu_\\ell$. Moreover, through numerical studies, we find that NN also has the following advantages:\n\n- It is insensitive to sampling locations. ", "The loss ${\\mathcal{L}}$ are comparable when $C_{dl}$ are produced using uniform samples versus sequentially designed samples [@HuLudkovski17] over ${\\mathcal{X}}\\times {\\mathfrak{L}}$. Then regarding implementation complexity and the ability of parallelism, uniform samples are more preferable.", "\n\n- It can auto-detect wrong inputs. ", "Since $\\mu_\\ell$ is only accessible by its stochastic sampler $Y_\\ell$, the training input labels are $\\arg\\min_{\\ell \\in {\\mathfrak{L}}} Y_\\ell$, which certainly contain wrong labels especially around the boundaries. ", "The NN will try not to learn those labels correctly, and can automatically ignore those inputs.", "\n\n**Related Literature.** ", "Mathematically, one can view as a partition over the input ${\\mathcal{X}}= \\cup_{i=1}^L {\\mathcal{C}}_i$: $${\\mathcal{C}}_i := \\{x \\in {\\mathcal{X}}, {\\mathcal{C}}(x) = i\\}, i \\in {\\mathfrak{L}}.$$ The problem is related to contour-finding of $\\partial {\\mathcal{C}}_i$, which has been extensively studied by numerous sequential methods [@GL13; @Picheny10; @RanjanBingham08]. ", "For each $x$, the goal of identifying the minimal response $\\arg\\min_\\ell\\mu_\\ell(x)$ corresponds to multi-armed bandits (MAB) problems. ", "Consider the surfaces $\\mu_\\ell(x)$ as $L$ arms’ rewards of the bandit, then is equivalent to explore the extreme bandit [@BubeckMunos11; @BubeckMunos11X; @GabillonBubeck11; @GrunewalderAudibert10]. ", "Statistically, for a tractable approximation of $\\mu_\\ell$, various models have been proposed, including Gaussian process (GP) [@HuLudkovski17], BART [@chip:geor:mccu:2010], Dynamic trees [@GTP-trees11], treed GPs [@tgpPackage], local GPs [@gramacy:apley:2013], particle based Gaussian process [@GramacyPolson11], GPs with Student-$t$ noise and $t$-processes [@lyu2018evaluating].", "\n\nLet us mention two recent work that are related to our paper. ", "In our previous work [@HuLudkovski17], the problem was tackled under the GP modeling for $\\mu_\\ell$ with a different loss metric: $$\\label{eq:loss}\n{\\mathcal{L}}(\\hat{{\\mathcal{C}}}, {\\mathcal{C}}) := \\int_{\\mathcal{X}}\\left\\{ \\mu_{\\hat{{\\mathcal{C}}}(x)}(x) -\\mu_{{\\mathcal{C}}(x)}(x) \\right\\} \\; \\lambda(\\mathrm{d} x).$$ This is a blended criterion between marginally estimation of $\\mu_\\ell$ and classification. ", "The loss is proportional to the difference between the true minimal surface and the estimated minimal one, which tolerates estimation errors of $\\mu_\\ell$ as long as the minimal response does not change. ", "While in this paper, we make no model assumption on $\\mu_\\ell$ and treat as a pure classification/segmentation problem. ", "In [@BeChJe:18], Becker, Cheridito, and Jentzen directly address the optimal stopping problem using deep learning by learning the optimal stopping rule from Monte Carlo samples via a feedforward NN with three fully connected layers. ", "Compared to the results in [@BeChJe:18], our work distinguishes for two reasons. ", "On the one hand, our problem setup is more general, and optimal stopping problems is just an application of ranking response surfaces; on the other hand, the emphasis of our work is on the architecture of neural networks, [*i.e.*]{}, by recasting optimal stopping as the image segmentation problem, one is allowed to use more delicate architecture of networks (e.g. convolutional neural networks [@ShelhamerLongDarrell15], UNet [@RonnebergerFischerBrox15; @HaRoMyYa:18], SegNet [@BadrinarayananKendallCipolla17]), which can yield better learning performance; see Section \\[sec:numerics\\] for more details.", "\n\n**Organization of the paper.** ", "The rest of the paper is organized as follows: In Section \\[sec:nn\\], we introduce the design of network models and deep learning algorithms. ", "In Section \\[sec:numerics\\], we test the performance of deep learning by one- and two-dimensional examples of ranking response surfaces, and systematically study the dependence of deep learning algorithms on the quality of input data generated on uniform grids or by sequential design sampling. ", "We apply the deep learning algorithms to Bermudan option pricing in Section \\[sec:Bermudan\\], and make conclusive remarks in Section \\[sec:conclusion\\].", "\n\nNeural networks and deep learning algorithms {#sec:nn}\n============================================\n\nInspired by neurons in human brains, neural networks (NNs) are designed for computers to learn from observational data. ", "Deep learning algorithms are techniques for accurate and efficient learning in neural networks. ", "For interesting problems including image recognition, natural language processing, boundary detection, image classification and segmentation, neural networks and deep learning currently provide the best solutions. ", "In what follows, we give a brief introduction to basic concepts in neural networks and how it works. ", "Section \\[sec:algorithm\\] is dedicated to the algorithms for our ranking problem .", "\n\nPreliminaries on deep learning\n------------------------------\n\nWe start with some terminology. ", "Basically, NNs are built up by [layers]{}. ", "Each layer contains a number of [neurons]{}. ", "Layers with different functions or neuron structure are called differently, including fully-connected layer, constitutional layer, pooling layer, recurrent layers, etc. ", "Figure \\[fig:ffnn\\] below is a simple feed-forward NN with three fully-connected layers, where nodes represent neurons and arrows represent the information flow. ", "As shown in the figure, information is constantly “fed forward” from one layer to the next. ", "The first layer (leftmost column) is called the input layer, and the last layer (rightmost column) is called the output layer. ", "Layers in between are called hidden layers, as they have no connection with the external world. ", "In this case, there is only one hidden layer with four neurons.", "\n\n![", "An illustration of a simple feedforward neural network. []{", "data-label=\"fig:ffnn\"}](feedforward.png){width=\"60.00000%\"}\n\nWe now explain how NN learns from data. ", "For fully-connected layers, every neuron has two kinds of parameters, the weights $w$ and the bias $b$. An input $x$ goes through a neuron outputs $f(w \\cdot x + b)$, where $f$ is an activation function. ", "In the above illustrated NN, $x_1$, $x_2$ and $x_3$ are the input of neural network. ", "Nodes in the hidden layer take ${\\boldsymbol{x}}=(x_1,x_2,x_3)$ as inputs and output $y_j = f({\\boldsymbol{w}}_j \\cdot {\\boldsymbol{x}} + {b}_j)$, $j=1,\\cdots,4$, ${\\boldsymbol{w}}_j=(w_{j,1},w_{j,2},w_{j,3})$. Then they are considered as inputs for the output layer, and $z_1=f({\\boldsymbol{w}}_z \\cdot {\\boldsymbol{y}} + {b_z})$. Based on the training data set, [*i.e.*]{}, known pairs of input and desired output $z(x)$, the [learning]{} of an NN is to find the optimal weights and biases, so that the output from the network well approximates $z$ for all training inputs $x$. Mathematically, this is done by minimizing some loss function, for instance, the mean square loss: $$\\label{def_costfunctional}\nc(w,b) = \\frac{1}{2n}\\sum_x \\left\\lVert z(x) - z\\right\\rVert^2,$$ where $(w,b)$ denotes the collection of all weights and biases in the network and $n$ is the total number of training inputs. ", "Depending on the depth and size of the NN, training can take hours. ", "However, when this is done, that is, the optimal or near-optimal parameters are obtained, prediction from new input $x_0$ is efficient as it will be only matrix-vector multiplication.", "\n\n**Activation function.** ", "Popular types are sigmoid, Tanh, ReLU, Leaky ReLu, softmax, etc. ", "The activation functions are not necessarily the same from layer to layer, while for the output layer, some types generally work better than others. ", "For instance, in binary classification problems, a common choice is the [sigmoid]{} function $f(x) = \\frac{1}{1 + e^{-x}}$, as it maps real-valued inputs to $[0,1]$. For multiple-class classification, the [softmax]{} function, mapping ${\\mathbb{R}}^d$ to a probability simplex, is usually preferred. ", "In both cases, outputs are interpreted as the probability of being in one of the categories.", "\n\n**Loss function.** ", "Depending on the different goals, the form of loss function can be different, varying from mean squared error (MSE), mean absolute error, Kullback Leibler (KL) Divergence, $\\ell_2$ norm, $\\ell_1$ norm, cross entropy, hinge to squared hinge. ", "The MSE loss is generally better suited to regression problems, while cross entropy and hinge are commonly used in classification problems. ", "Besides, $L_1$ or $L_2$ regularization are sometimes added to the loss function, to help to reduce overfitting.", "\n\n**Optimizer.** ", "Finding the optimal weights and biases in is in general a high-dimensional optimization problem. ", "This is so-called the training of NN, which is commonly done based on stochastic gradient descent method ([*e.g*]{}., ", "Adam [@Adam; @Adamcvg], NADAM [@Dozat16]).", "\n\nDeep learning algorithms {#sec:algorithm}\n------------------------\n\nIn computer vision, images segmentation is the process of partitioning a digital image into multiple segments. ", "Each pixel in an image will be labeled for a class it belongs to. ", "The training data consist of the RGB values of each pixel and its desired label. ", "Considering ranking response surfaces as the segmentation of images, the “image” is then the entire input space ${\\mathcal{X}}$ while the class label is the index of the minimal surface. ", "Each point in ${\\mathcal{X}}$ is treated as our “pixels”, and the “color” of each “pixel” is then the coordinates of the location. ", "With the concepts introduced above, we describe the deep learning algorithm with details in this subsection, which includes the input, output, and architecture of neural networks.", "\n\n[**Input and output**]{}. ", "The design of the input and output layers in a network is often straightforward. ", "Recall our problem , we aim at training an NN using noisily sampled data $Y_\\ell(x)$ at some locations $x$, so that after training it can efficiently and accurately label each location $x$ in ${\\mathcal{X}}$ by the index of the minimal surface. ", "The input to the network is $x^{1:J}\\in{\\mathbb{R}}^{J\\times d}$ where $J$ corresponds to the number of points and $d$ is the dimensionality of the problem. ", "The desired output should take the form: $$\\mathcal{C}_{{\\text{dl}}}=(p_{j\\ell}),\\quad j=1,\\cdots,J,\\; \\ell=1,\\cdots,L,$$ where $L$ is the number of response surfaces, and $p_{j\\ell}$ is the probability that the $\\ell^{\\text{th}}$ surface is the minimal at the $j^{\\text{th}}$ point. ", "This is usually achieved by implementing the softmax activation function for the output layer. ", "For example, if one gets the following output $$\\left(\n\\begin{matrix}\n 0.1 & 0.2 & 0.7 \\\\\n 0.8 & 0.1 & 0.1\n\\end{matrix}\\right),$$ then it means that the network believes the $3^{\\text{rd}}$ surface is minimal with probability $70\\%$ at the $1^{\\text{st}}$ point, and that the $1^{\\text{st}}$ surface is minimal with probability $80\\%$ at the $2^{\\text{nd}}$ point. ", "The predicted labels for the corresponding points will be given by taking the row-wise argmax of the matrix, which produces a column vector in ${\\mathbb{R}}^J$. In the above example, the input contains two points $x^1$ and $x^2$, and the corresponding labels are $[3,1]^\\dagger$.\n\nDuring the training stage, the network is told what the true labels should be for the inputs $x^{1:J}$, and it adjusts its belief according to this information via minimizing some loss function (cf. ). ", "In the generalization stage, only locations in ${\\mathcal{X}}$ are given, and one uses the network output as the final result. ", "In both stages, the accuracy will be evaluated by the percentage of correctly predicted labels against the ground truth, and results are called the *training accuracy* and the *generalization accuracy*. ", "This is also the loss metric with uniform measure $\\lambda(\\mathrm{d}x) = \\mathrm{d}x/{\\left|{\\mathcal{X}}\\right|}$.\n\nWhen training with noisy data, the ground truth is unknown and the true labels are up to our best knowledge. ", "That is, the “ true” label is produced by simulating $Y_\\ell(x)$ for each $\\ell \\in {\\mathfrak{L}}$ and take $\\arg\\min_\\ell Y_\\ell(x)$. Of course, this leads to mis-labeling and affects both training and generalization accuracies. ", "In Section \\[sec:numerics\\], we present numerical studies on synthetic examples with known ground truth and study the accuracies of deep learning algorithms.", "\n\n -- --\n \n -- --\n\n[**Architecture**]{}. ", "Although the design of the input/output layers of an NN is usually straightforward, it can be quite sophisticated to find a good architecture for the hidden layers. ", "In particular, it is unlikely to summarize the design strategies for the middle layers with a few simple rules, for instance, how to trade off the number of hidden layers against the time required to train the network. ", "The global topology of the network consists of blocks and the interactions between them, which are in general described by the meta-architecture. ", "Designing proper meta-architecture can improve the performance of networks, and in the context of ranking response surfaces, recasting the problem as image segmentation will allow us to use the meta-architecture of Unet [@RonnebergerFischerBrox15], which has been considered and widely used as an efficient network structure for image segmentation.", "\n\nWe now visualize two architectures in Figure \\[fig:arch\\], which will be used for the two-dimensional numerical examples in Sections \\[sec:numerics\\] and \\[sec:Bermudan\\]. ", "They are built using Keras [@Keras], a high-level neural networks API. ", "Main blocks are fully-connected (shown as dense in Figure \\[fig:arch\\]) layers and convolutional layers. ", "The first (left) one is built up by dense blocks. ", "We add an $\\ell_1/\\ell_2$ activity regularizer (shown as Activation) to help reduce the generalization error, which may not always be needed. ", "ReLu is chosen as the activation function for hidden layers, while sigmoid or softmax is used for the output layer depending on the number of classifiers. ", "In the second (right) architecture, we use a 2D convolutional layer (shown as Conv2D) with $3 \\times 3$ kernel as the first hidden layer, which outputs 4D tensor. ", "It expands the number of feature channels, which help to reduce the number of necessary feature maps leading to an improvement of computational efficiency [@HeZhReSu:15; @SpDoBrRi:14]. “", "MaxPooling2D” is for downsampling, and “Concatenate” merges outputs from different dense blocks, with one before downsampling and one after upsampling so that their dimension is matched. ", "The “concatenate” action makes the architecture have a “U”-shape. ", "Activation functions are chosen the same as in the first architecture. ", "We remark that, such a UNet structure can be applied for problems with any dimensionality, by merely adjusting the dimensionality of convolutional and down/up sampling layers.", "\n\nLet us also mention that the neural networks used in [@BeChJe:18] are a feed-forward NN with two fully-connected hidden layer, whose convergence is easier to be analyzed. ", "While by recasting the optimal stopping problems as image segmentation, one is allowed to use a broader class of neural networks with more delicate architecture ([*e.g.*]{} UNet), which produces better learning efficiency, although the corresponding theory for convergence is still unclear based on the best of my knowledge.", "\n\nNumerical experiments {#sec:numerics}\n=====================\n\nIn this section, we analyze the performance of deep learning algorithms (both feed-forward NNs and UNet) by studying the one- and two-dimensional examples used in [@HuLudkovski17]. ", "We also systematically analyze the dependence of deep learning algorithms on the input data generated on uniform grids or by sequential design sampling. ", "As a consistency, we shall use the same notations as in [@HuLudkovski17 Section 4].", "\n\nOne-dimensional example\n-----------------------\n\nWe consider the one-dimensional toy model used in [@HuLudkovski17], originally from [@kmPackage-R Section 4.4]. ", "Let $L = 2, {\\mathcal{X}}= [0, 1]$ in , and define the noisy responses $Y_1(x)$ and $Y_2(x)$ as $$\\begin{aligned}\nY_1(x) &= \\mu_1(x) + {\\epsilon}_1(x) \\equiv \\frac{5}{8}\\left(\\frac{\\sin(10x)}{1+x} + 2x^3\\cos(5x)+0.841\\right) + \\sigma_1(x)Z_1, \\\\\nY_2(x) &= \\mu_2(x) + {\\epsilon}_2(x) \\equiv 0.5 + \\sigma_2(x)Z_2,\\end{aligned}$$ where $Z_\\ell$ are independent standard Gaussians, with the noise strengths fixed at $\\sigma_1(x) \\equiv 0.2$ and $\\sigma_2(x) \\equiv 0.1$, homoscedastic in $x$ but heterogenous in $\\ell=1,2$. We take the uniform weights $\\lambda(\\mathrm{d} x)={\\,\\mathrm{d}}x$ in the loss function on ${\\mathcal{X}}$, which is interpreted as the percentage of mis-labeled locations.", "\n\n![", "The true response surfaces $\\mu_1$ and $\\mu_2$ and the corresponding ranking classifier ${\\mathcal{C}}$ for the one-dimensional example. ", "The entire input space $[0, 1]$ is divided into three parts, with ranking classifier equal to $1$ in the middle, and equal to $2$ otherwise.[]{data-label=\"fig:1d_fun\"}](funcvalue_1d_2.png){width=\"50.00000%\"}\n\nThen the true ranking classifier ${\\mathcal{C}}(x)$ is computed as $$\\label{def_label1d}\n{\\mathcal{C}}(x) = \\left\\{ {\\begin{array}{*{20}{l}}\n {2}& \\quad \\text{for } x \\in [0,r_1] \\cup [r_2,1], \\\\\n {1}& \\quad \\text{for } {r_1 < x < r_2, } \\\\\n \\end{array}} \\right.$$ where $r_1 \\approx 0.3193, r_2 \\approx 0.9279.$ We visualize the true responses $\\mu_1$ and $\\mu_2$ and the corresponding ranking classifier ${\\mathcal{C}}$ in Figure \\[fig:1d\\_fun\\].", "\n\nWe first investigate the performance of feed-forward NNs, and test them for the following four cases of training data generated on uniform grids or the points produced by sequential design.", "\n\n[|l|c|c|]{} Name of Method & Method to generate $x \\in {\\mathcal{X}}$ & Method to generate labels\\\nUNIF & uniform grids & True label $\\arg\\min_\\ell \\mu_\\ell(x)$\\\nUNIF + NL & uniform grids & Noisy label $\\arg\\min_\\ell y_\\ell(x)$\\\nSD & sequential design & True label $\\arg\\min_\\ell \\mu_\\ell(x)$\\\nSD + NL & sequential design & Noisy label $\\arg\\min_\\ell y_\\ell(x)$\\\n\nLet $M$ be the size of training data. ", "For a comprehensive study, we conduct our experiments under different $M = 128, 256, 512$. Points generated by sequential design use “Gap-SUR” method developed in [@HuLudkovski17], and are mainly concentrated near the boundaries $\\partial {\\mathcal{C}}_i$, namely, around $r_1$ and $r_2$, as well as the “fake” boundary $x=0$, where the two lines are quite close but do not touch each other. ", "Then labels are generated by taking the argmin of true surfaces $\\mu_\\ell$ or realizations $y_\\ell$ of the noisy sampler $Y_\\ell$ at those points $x^{1:M}$.\n\nTo focus on the performance of data designs in Table \\[tbl:datadesign\\], we fix the network architecture to be a feed-forward NN with two fully-connected hidden layers. ", "Number of neurons in each hidden layer is set at $M/8$. For this binary classification problem, the output layer contains one neuron and produces the probability of Surface $1$ being the minimum it believes, by using the sigmoid activation function. ", "The network is trained for 1500 epochs with updating each gradient using $M/2$ data. ", "One epoch is an iteration over the entire data. ", "We remark that all above settings can be altered for a suitable trade-off between accuracy and efficiency. ", "However, for a purpose of comparison, we fix them in the way we explained above. ", "Meanwhile, we do adjust the learning rate and other parameters in the optimizer, in order to better train the network within 1500 epochs.", "\n\nIn deep learning, two numbers are of most importance, the training accuracy and the generalization accuracy. ", "The first one indicates how well the network learns from the training data set, calculated based on $M$ points, while the latter one measures the accuracy of the prediction for new locations $x \\notin x^{1:M}$, calculated on a finer grid on ${\\mathcal{X}}$. Also, note that the latter one is a discretized version of $1 - {\\mathcal{L}}({\\mathcal{C}}, {\\mathcal{C}}_{dl})$ where ${\\mathcal{L}}$ is the loss defined in with uniform measure. ", "For these two reasons, we report accuracies instead of loss in Table \\[tbl:1d\\] for different computational budget $M = 128, 256, 512$ and different designs listed in Table \\[tbl:datadesign\\].", "\n\n[|l|cc|cc|cc|]{} & & &\\\n& Train. ", "Acc. & ", "Gen. Acc. & ", "Train. ", "Acc. & ", "Gen. Acc. & ", "Train. ", "Acc. & ", "Gen. Acc.\\\nUNIF & 99.9%& 99.7%& 99.9%&99.9%&99.9%& 99.9%\\\nUNIF + NL &81.25%&98.5%&79.3%&98.8%&81.0%&99.5%\\\nSD&99.5%&98.3%&96.1%&98.9%&98.1%& 99.5%\\\nSD + NL &64.1%&97.3%&57.2%&92.3%&58.2%&94.2%\\\n\nThe first observation is, the usage of noisy labels decreases the training accuracy, evidenced by comparing UNIF to UNIF+NL; however, it influences much less on the generalization accuracy. ", "Ideally, when there are errors in the training data set, we want the NN to auto-detect these errors and avoid learning from them. ", "This is exactly the case in this example. ", "By a careful examination, the misclassified locations in the training data set are mainly mis-labeled points due to the low signal-to-noise ratio, with a small number of points around the boundary, which are originally hard to learn. ", "This can be understood in the sense that, although the training data with noisy labels do not contain $100\\%$ accurate information, networks “learn” to minimize the effect of the wrong labels by not training them correctly. ", "Secondly, by comparing UNIF+NL to SD+NL, we observe that the usage of SD further decreases the training accuracy. ", "This is due to the fact that the input data of SD contain more errors, as points $x^{1:M}$ generated by SD are mostly concentrated around the boundaries $r_1 = 0.3193$, $r_2 = 0.9279$ and the fake boundary $x = 0$, where the signal-to-noise ratio is low, leading to a large number of mis-labeling points. ", "Thirdly, we observe that there exists a threshold on the proportion of error in training data so that they can be auto-detect and will not influence the network’s predicting accuracy. ", "For instance, comparing SD with SD+NL at $M = 256$, the generalization accuracy significantly decreases. ", "We interpret this phenomenon as the fact that there have been enough wrong labels which make the network believe they (the wrong labels) are the truth.", "\n\nFinally, we comment that, as increasing the budget for the simulation of training data set, the results are better in the UNIF case, which is consistent with common sense: the more data, the better the learning. ", "While in the SD case, there is a turning point in both training and generalization accuracy, *i.e.*, $64.1\\% \\to 57.2\\% \\to 58.2\\%$, and $97.3\\% \\to 92.3\\% \\to 94.2\\%$. This is because of the Gap-SUR criterion we use, where $x^{1:M}$ are sequentially selected by reducing stepwise uncertainty. ", "When adaptively grow $x^{1:M}$, the algorithm will mostly pick points around the boundaries first. ", "The additional budget from $M = 128$ to $M = 256$ mostly goes to the boundary points, which increases the percentage of wrong labels, leading to a decrease in accuracy. ", "Once the points there become saturated (the uncertainty reduction becomes very small), Gap-SUR favors locations that have large posterior variance, usually interior points of $\\partial{\\mathcal{C}}_i$. Therefore, the additional 256 points in $M = 512$ case go to interior points more than the boundary ones, which increases the accuracy.", "\n\nBelow, we also plot the training and generalization accuracy versus epoch in Figure \\[fig:1dacc\\]. ", "The predicted ranking classifiers and corresponding difference from true values are given in Figures \\[fig:1d\\] for UNIF, UNIF+NL, SD, and SD+NL using a size of $M=128$ training data.", "\n\n ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n ![", "The training and generalization accuracy versus epoch for UNIF, UNIF+NL, SD, SD+NL in the one-dimensional example, respectively. []{", "data-label=\"fig:1dacc\"}](trainacc_1d.png \"fig:\"){width=\"45.00000%\"} ![", "The training and generalization accuracy versus epoch for UNIF, UNIF+NL, SD, SD+NL in the one-dimensional example, respectively. []{", "data-label=\"fig:1dacc\"}](genacc_1d.png \"fig:\"){width=\"45.00000%\"}\n ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nOne can also notice that, in Figure \\[fig:1d\\], the network predicts wrong classifiers not only near the boundaries but also at the faked boundary $x=0$ where the two response surfaces are close to each other. ", "This is because, the training data points generated by SD are often near the boundaries or faked boundaries, and using noisy labels will lead to the points near boundaries or faked boundaries having wrong classifiers, which makes the networks predict wrong classifiers at these places.", "\n\nTwo-dimensional example\n-----------------------\n\nIn this subsection, we further study the sensitivity of deep learning algorithms on noisy labels, sampling locations and budget by a two-dimensional (2D) example used in [@HuLudkovski17]. ", "It treats a more complex setting with $L=5$ surfaces and a 2D input space ${\\mathcal{X}}=[-2,2]^2$, with a constant homoscedastic observation noise ${\\epsilon}_\\ell(x_1,x_2) \\sim \\mathcal{N}(0, \\sigma_\\ell^2)$, $\\sigma_\\ell=0.5, \\; \\forall \\ell=1,\\cdots,5$. The specific response functions for each surface and true classifier ${\\mathcal{C}}$ of problem is shown in Figure \\[fig:2d\\_fun\\].", "\n\n$$\\begin{array}{lr}\n \\hline\n \\\\[-0.8em]\n \\text{Surface}& \\text{Response} \\\\ \\hline\\hline\n \\\\ [-0.8em]\n \\mu_1(x_1,x_2) & 2-x_1^2 - 0.5 x_2^2 \\\\\n \\\\[-0.8em]\n \\mu_2(x_1,x_2) & 2(x_1-1)^2 + 2x_2^2 -2 \\\\\n \\\\[-0.8em]\n \\mu_3(x_1,x_2) & 2 \\sin(2x_1)+2 \\\\\n \\\\[-0.8em]\n \\mu_4(x_1,x_2) & 8(x_1-1)^2 + 8x_2^2 -3 \\\\\n \\\\[-0.8em]\n \\mu_5(x_1,x_2) & 0.5(x_1+3)^2 +16x_2^2 -6 \\\\ \\hline\n \\end{array}$$\n\n![", "image](class_true_2d.png){width=\"90.00000%\"}\n\n\\[fig:2d\\_fun\\]\n\n[|l|cc|cc|cc|]{} & & &\\\n& Train. ", "Acc. & ", "Gen. Acc. & ", "Train. ", "Acc. & ", "Gen. Acc. & ", "Train. ", "Acc. & ", "Gen. Acc.\\\nUNIF &99.9% & 94.7%&99.7%&96.6%&99.5%& 97.7%\\\nUNIF + NL &98.4%&92.8%&93.2%&95.1%&90.8%&96%\\\nSD&96.9%&94.4%&96.1%&96.4%&96.1%& 97.4%\\\nSD + NL &82.0%&94.1%&71.8%&94.6%&66.8%&96.8%\\\n\nWe perform the same four types of training data (cf. ", "Table \\[tbl:datadesign\\]) as in the 1D example, and show the results of accuracy in Table \\[tbl:2d\\]. ", "We also plot the training and generalization accuracy versus epoch in Figure \\[fig:2dacc\\]. ", "The predicted ranking classifiers and corresponding difference from true values are given in Figures \\[fig:2d\\] for UNIF, UNIF+NL, SD, and SD+NL using a size of $M=576$ training data. ", "These testing results show a consistent conclusion with the 1D example, [*i.e.*]{}, the generalization accuracy is not very sensitive to the noise in the training data set; using SD for generating sampling locations $x^{1:M}$ potentially decrease the training accuracy due to more errors in the learning data set, and increasing the budget $M$ will make it even lower before points around the boundaries get saturated.", "\n\nMoreover, we also implement the UNet architecture (right panel in Figure \\[fig:arch\\]) using $M=576$ uniform grid points with noisy labels, and show the predicted classifier in Figure \\[fig:UNet\\]. ", "The UNet has a generalization accuracy of $96.44\\%$, presenting a better performance than feed-forward NNs (corresponding to the $95.1\\%$ in Table \\[tbl:2d\\]). ", "It is also visualized by comparing Figure \\[fig:UNet\\] to Figure \\[fig:2d\\] (b) (d).", "\n\n ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n ![", "The training and generalization accuracy versus epoch for UNIF, UNIF+NL, SD, SD+NL in the two-dimensional example, respectively. []{", "data-label=\"fig:2dacc\"}](trainacc_2d.png \"fig:\"){width=\"45.00000%\"} ![", "The training and generalization accuracy versus epoch for UNIF, UNIF+NL, SD, SD+NL in the two-dimensional example, respectively. []{", "data-label=\"fig:2dacc\"}](genacc_2d.png \"fig:\"){width=\"45.00000%\"}\n ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n![", "Predicted 2-D ranking classifiers on ${\\mathcal{X}}= [-2, 2]^2$ using UNet. ", "The solid black lines are the true classifier ${\\mathcal{C}}(x_1, x_2)$, the colored regions indicates the estimated minimal index using $M = 576$ training data.[]{data-label=\"fig:UNet\"}](class_unif_noise_2d_unet.png){width=\"60.00000%\"}\n\nBermudan option pricing {#sec:Bermudan}\n=======================\n\nAn important problem in computational finance is pricing Bermudan/American-type options. ", "It has been studied extensively in the literature, for instance, via regression methods [@Carriere96; @Longstaff; @tsitsiklis2001regression; @kohler2010review; @Belomestny11; @letourneau2014refining] and variance reduction [@juneja2009variance; @hepperger2013pricing; @jain2015stochastic], primal-dual formulation [@andersen2004primal; @broadie2008improved; @Bender11], adaptive experiment designs for optimal stopping [@GL13; @ludkovski2015kriging] and counter-finding [@lyu2018evaluating], to list a few.", "\n\nFor Bermudan-type options, the buyer has the right to exercise at a set number of times. ", "Assume they are discretely spaced, denoted by $\\{t_0 = 0, t_1, t_2, \\ldots, t_{N-1}, t_N = T\\}$ bounded by the maturity date $T$, the price is determined by the maximum expected payoff over all possible $t_i$. To maximize (or optimize) buyer’s profit, one wants to execute/stop the option in a way that the largest payoff will be received, based on the information known up to today. ", "Therefore, this can be formulated as an optimal stopping problem, and is typically solved by backward induction. ", "In other words, one first computes a value function at the expiration date, and then recursively works backward, computing value functions and making a decision on whether to execute for preceding periods. ", "At each possible executing time $t_i$, the decision space is small, containing only two elements ${\\mathfrak{L}} = ${stop, continue}, which makes it a natural application of ranking problems. ", "Therefore, in this section, we apply the deep learning algorithms to price Bermudan-type options.", "\n\nLet $X_t \\in {\\mathcal{X}}\\subset {\\mathbb{R}}^d$ be the price of underlying assets, ${\\mathcal{F}}_n = \\sigma(X_{t_{0:n}})$ be the $\\sigma-$algebra generated by $(X_{t_i})_{i=1}^n$ and ${\\mathcal{S}}$ be the collection of all $({\\mathcal{F}}_n)$ stopping times. ", "Then pricing Bermudan option is essentially to maximize the expected reward $h(\\tau, X_\\tau)$ over all stopping times $\\tau \\in {\\mathcal{S}}$. Mathematically, denoting by $V(t,x)$ the value of such an option at time $t$ with current price $X_t = x$: $$V(t,x) := \\sup_{\\tau \\geq t, \\tau \\in {\\mathcal{S}}} {\\mathbb{E}}_{t,x}[h(\\tau, X_\\tau)],$$ the price is given by $V(0,X_0)$. By dynamic programming, $$V(t_i,x) = \\max\\{h(t_i, x), C(t_i, x)\\},$$ where $C(t_i, x)$ is the continuation value, corresponding to the action “[continue]{}” in ${\\mathfrak{L}}$: $$\\label{def_cont}\nC(t_i, x) := {\\mathbb{E}}_{t_i, x}[V(t_{i+1}, X_{t_{i+1}})]\\},$$ and $h(t_i,x)$ is the immediate payoff if one chooses to exercise the option at $t_i$, related to the action “[stop]{}” in ${\\mathfrak{L}}$. Denote by $\\tau^\\ast(t,x)$ the stopping time when the supremum is attained, it is identified by $$\\{\\tau^\\ast(t_i,x) = t_i\\} = \\{x \\in {\\mathcal{X}}: h(t_i, x) \\geq C(t_i,x)\\}.$$ Using the above formulation, one can estimate $\\tau^\\ast$ recursively from $t_N$ to $t_0$.\n\nRephrasing it in terms of our ranking problem setup, fixing time $t_i$, the choice between “stop” or “continue” is equivalent to find ${\\mathcal{C}}(t_i, x) := \\arg\\max \\{\\mu_{stop}(t_i, x), \\mu_{cont}(t_i, x)\\}$ over ${\\mathcal{X}}$, a segmentation of the input space between continuation and stopping regions. ", "Here $\\mu_{stop} = h$ can be evaluated deterministically, while closed-form formula for $ \\mu_{cont} = C$ is typically not available, but accessible through simulations. ", "Moreover, its evaluation also depends on all further classifiers ${\\mathcal{C}}(t_j, x)$, $i+1 \\leq j \\leq N$. To be more precise, for a given collection of estimated classifier $\\hat{{\\mathcal{C}}}(t_{i+1:N}, \\cdot)$, define the pathwise stopping strategy: $$\\label{def_tau}\n \\hat{\\tau}(t_i,x)(\\omega) := \\inf\\{t_j > t_i: \\hat{\\mathcal{C}}(t_j, X_{t_j}(\\omega)) = stop\\} \\wedge T,$$ for every path $X_{(\\cdot)}(\\omega)$ with initial position $X_{t_i} = x$. Now, by simulating $R$ independent paths $x^r_{t_{i:N}}$ starting from $x^r_{t_i} = x$, $r = 1, \\ldots, R$, the continuation value is estimated by $$\\label{def_approxcont}\n\\hat C(t_i, x) := \\frac{1}{R} \\sum_{r=1}^R h(\\hat\\tau(t_i, x_{(\\cdot)}^r), x^r_{\\hat{\\tau}(t_i, x_{(\\cdot)}^r)}),$$ producing the estimated classifier $\\hat {\\mathcal{C}}(t_i, \\cdot)$ at location $x$ $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{def_cal_fm}\n \\hat{\\mathcal{C}}(t_i, x) &:= \\arg\\max\\{\\mu_{stop}(t_i, x), Y_{cont}(t_i, x)\\} , \\\\\n Y_{cont}(t_i, x) &:= C(t_i, x) + {\\epsilon}_{cont}(t_i, x), \\quad {\\epsilon}_{cont} := \\hat C - C. \n \\end{aligned}$$ The term ${\\epsilon}_{cont} = \\hat C - C$ summarizes the simulation noise from two approximations: the usage of estimated classifiers $\\hat {\\mathcal{C}}(t_{i+1:N}, \\cdot)$ that determines the exercise strategy and the action of replacing the expectation in by the average over sample paths . ", "Once the decision maps $\\hat {\\mathcal{C}}(t_{1:N}, \\cdot)$ are obtained, $V(0,X_0)$ is estimated on a out-of-sample set of $M'$ realizations of $X_{(\\cdot)}$.\n\nWe use deep learning algorithms for the purpose of efficient and accurate learning of $\\hat {\\mathcal{C}}$ over the entire input ${\\mathcal{X}}$ through finite samples. ", "Starting from the maturity time $t_N = T$, the learning is done recursively back to $t_0=0$, with each $\\hat{{\\mathcal{C}}}(t_i, \\cdot)$ produced by a neural network. ", "In practice, one can improve the label quality in the training set by increasing the number of simulations $R$ which can reduce the magnitude of ${\\epsilon}_{cont}$. However, we remark that errors are tolerated and $R$ does not need to be too large, as long as they do not affect the ordering of $Y_{cont}$ and $h$. We describe the pricing procedure in Algorithm \\[def\\_algorithm\\].", "\n\n$M$ = \\# of sampling locations, $R$ = \\# of sample paths at each grid, $M'$ = \\# of out-of-sample paths for pricing, $X_0$ = initial price Define the classifier at maturity $t_N = T$: $\\hat {\\mathcal{C}}(t_N, x) = stop$ Generate sampling locations $x \\in {\\mathcal{X}}$ of size $M$ Sample $R$ paths $x^r_{t_{i:N}}$ with $x^r_{t_i} = x$, $r = 1, \n \\ldots, R$ Construct the pathwise stopping strategy $\\hat{\\tau}^r(t_i, x) := \\inf\\{t_j > t_i: \\hat{\\mathcal{C}}(t_j, x^r_{t_j}) = stop\\}$ \\[algo\\_strategy\\] Compute the continuation value by $\\hat C(t_i, x) := \\frac{1}{R} \\sum_{r=1}^R h(\\hat\\tau^r(t_i, x), x^r_{\\hat{\\tau}^r(t_i,x)})$ \\[algo\\_cont\\] $z(x) \\leftarrow continue$ $z(x) \\leftarrow stop$\n\nConstruct the classifier $\\hat {\\mathcal{C}}(t_i, \\cdot)$ by training a neural network using $(x, z(x))$ of size $M$\n\nGenerate $M'$ out-of-sample paths $x^r_{t_{0:N}}$ with $x_{t_0}^r = X_0$, $r = 1, \\ldots, M'$ Compute $\\hat C(t_0, X_0)$ by repeating Step \\[algo\\_strategy\\] and \\[algo\\_cont\\] for $(t_0, X_0)$ Estimated price $\\hat V(t_0, X_0) = \\max\\{h(t_0, X_0), \\hat C(t_0, X_0)\\}$.\n\nLet us also remark that, this specific application of ranking response surfaces by deep learning actually has the same setup as the problem studied in [@BeChJe:18], where the backward recursive stopping decisions are approximated by a feed-forward NN. ", "In some sense, [@BeChJe:18] uses the feed-forward NN as interpolation to approximate the function with values $0$ and $1$ representing “continuation” and “stopping”. ", "In our work, by recasting the problem as image segmentation, one is allowed to use the more delicate architecture of neural networks ([*e.g.*]{} UNet), which increases computational efficiency.", "\n\nWith all above efforts on reformulating Bermudan option pricing as ranking response surfaces, we perform a numerical study of 2-D max-Call $h(t,x) = e^{-rt}(\\max(x_1, x_2) - K)_+$. The underlying assets $X = (X_1, X_2)$ are modeled by geometric Brownian motions, $${\\,\\mathrm{d}}X_i(t) = (r-\\delta) X_i(t) {\\,\\mathrm{d}}t + \\sigma X_i(t) {\\,\\mathrm{d}}W_i(t), \\quad i = 1, 2,$$ where $(W_1, W_2)$ is a 2-D standard BM, with the parameters from [@andersen2004primal]: $$r = 5\\%, \\quad \\delta = 10\\%, \\quad \\sigma = 20\\%, \\quad X_0 = (90, 90), \\quad K = 100, \\quad T = 3, \\quad N = 9, \\quad t_i = i\\frac{T}{N} .$$\n\nFrom the numerical tests in Section \\[sec:numerics\\], one can notice that the generalization accuracy of UNIF (or UNIF+NL) is higher than that of SD (or SD+NL). ", "Moreover, implementation of the UNet on uniform grids is easier than using the points generated by sequential design. ", "Therefore, we will only use neural networks trained by data generated on uniform grids for computing the Bermudan option price. ", "Figure \\[fig:fm\\] shows the decision maps estimated recursively by deep learning algorithms for different time slices. ", "They are plotted backward in time, in the order of being generated. ", "The trivial decision map at $t_N = 3$ is not included. ", "A map at time $0$ is not needed, as we know the $X(0)$. $\\hat{{\\mathcal{C}}}$ are generated by a uniform $32\\times 32$ grids on $[50, 150]^2$ with $R = 100$ replication at each location. ", "In the red area, the continuation value is higher, and thus it is optimal to keep holding the option; while in yellow regions, immediate rewards are higher, making it optimal to exercise right away. ", "The estimated price $\\hat V(0, X(0))$ is 8.05 with a standard deviation 0.029, based on $M' = 160,000$ out-of-sample paths repeating 100 times. ", "This estimation is quite close to the true value of the option $8.08$, computed using a 2-D binomial lattice for this case [@Belomestny11].", "\n\n ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n ![", "Deep learning of the decision maps $\\hat {\\mathcal{C}}(t_i, \\cdot)$ with the training data generated by UNIF+NL (cf. ", "Table \\[tbl:datadesign\\]). ", "Black solid lines show the estimate boundaries of $\\{\\text{continue}, \\text{stop}\\}$. The colorbar indicates the probability that the neural network outputs for the decision of “continuation”. ", "Darker color means more confidence of the neural network feels about the classification.[]{data-label=\"fig:fm\"}](class_unif_noise_fm_0_3.png \"fig:\"){width=\"23.00000%\"} ![", "Deep learning of the decision maps $\\hat {\\mathcal{C}}(t_i, \\cdot)$ with the training data generated by UNIF+NL (cf. ", "Table \\[tbl:datadesign\\]). ", "Black solid lines show the estimate boundaries of $\\{\\text{continue}, \\text{stop}\\}$. The colorbar indicates the probability that the neural network outputs for the decision of “continuation”. ", "Darker color means more confidence of the neural network feels about the classification.[]{data-label=\"fig:fm\"}](class_unif_noise_fm_1_3.png \"fig:\"){width=\"23.00000%\"} ![", "Deep learning of the decision maps $\\hat {\\mathcal{C}}(t_i, \\cdot)$ with the training data generated by UNIF+NL (cf. ", "Table \\[tbl:datadesign\\]). ", "Black solid lines show the estimate boundaries of $\\{\\text{continue}, \\text{stop}\\}$. The colorbar indicates the probability that the neural network outputs for the decision of “continuation”. ", "Darker color means more confidence of the neural network feels about the classification.[]{data-label=\"fig:fm\"}](class_unif_noise_fm_2_3.png \"fig:\"){width=\"23.00000%\"} ![", "Deep learning of the decision maps $\\hat {\\mathcal{C}}(t_i, \\cdot)$ with the training data generated by UNIF+NL (cf. ", "Table \\[tbl:datadesign\\]). ", "Black solid lines show the estimate boundaries of $\\{\\text{continue}, \\text{stop}\\}$. The colorbar indicates the probability that the neural network outputs for the decision of “continuation”. ", "Darker color means more confidence of the neural network feels about the classification.[]{data-label=\"fig:fm\"}](class_unif_noise_fm_3_3.png \"fig:\"){width=\"23.00000%\"}\n ![", "Deep learning of the decision maps $\\hat {\\mathcal{C}}(t_i, \\cdot)$ with the training data generated by UNIF+NL (cf. ", "Table \\[tbl:datadesign\\]). ", "Black solid lines show the estimate boundaries of $\\{\\text{continue}, \\text{stop}\\}$. The colorbar indicates the probability that the neural network outputs for the decision of “continuation”. ", "Darker color means more confidence of the neural network feels about the classification.[]{data-label=\"fig:fm\"}](class_unif_noise_fm_4_3.png \"fig:\"){width=\"23.00000%\"} ![", "Deep learning of the decision maps $\\hat {\\mathcal{C}}(t_i, \\cdot)$ with the training data generated by UNIF+NL (cf. ", "Table \\[tbl:datadesign\\]). ", "Black solid lines show the estimate boundaries of $\\{\\text{continue}, \\text{stop}\\}$. The colorbar indicates the probability that the neural network outputs for the decision of “continuation”. ", "Darker color means more confidence of the neural network feels about the classification.[]{data-label=\"fig:fm\"}](class_unif_noise_fm_5_3.png \"fig:\"){width=\"23.00000%\"} ![", "Deep learning of the decision maps $\\hat {\\mathcal{C}}(t_i, \\cdot)$ with the training data generated by UNIF+NL (cf. ", "Table \\[tbl:datadesign\\]). ", "Black solid lines show the estimate boundaries of $\\{\\text{continue}, \\text{stop}\\}$. The colorbar indicates the probability that the neural network outputs for the decision of “continuation”. ", "Darker color means more confidence of the neural network feels about the classification.[]{data-label=\"fig:fm\"}](class_unif_noise_fm_6_3.png \"fig:\"){width=\"23.00000%\"} ![", "Deep learning of the decision maps $\\hat {\\mathcal{C}}(t_i, \\cdot)$ with the training data generated by UNIF+NL (cf. ", "Table \\[tbl:datadesign\\]). ", "Black solid lines show the estimate boundaries of $\\{\\text{continue}, \\text{stop}\\}$. The colorbar indicates the probability that the neural network outputs for the decision of “continuation”. ", "Darker color means more confidence of the neural network feels about the classification.[]{data-label=\"fig:fm\"}](class_unif_noise_fm_7_3.png \"fig:\"){width=\"23.00000%\"}\n ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nConclusion and future works {#sec:conclusion}\n===========================\n\nBy recasting ranking response surfaces as image segmentation, we propose to use deep neural networks (NNs) with various architectures ([*e.g.*]{}, feed-forward NNs, UNet) as computational tools. ", "Specifically, we consider labeling the entire input space using the index of the minimal surface, which segments the input space into distinct parts and allows one to use deep neural networks for efficient computation. ", "This gives an alternative way of efficiently solving the problem instead of using sequential design in our previous work [@HuLudkovski17]. ", "In particular, deep learning algorithms provide a scalable model and makes the predicted results no more depend on the assumptions used in Gaussian process (GP) metamodels, for example, the assumptions on local/non-local kernels. ", "Moreover, considering ranking response surfaces as image segmentation allows one to use a broad class of neural networks([*e.g.*]{}, ", "CNNs, UNet, and SegNet). ", "Compared to the work of computing Bermudan option price using feed-forward NNs [@BeChJe:18], the usage of networks with more delicate architectures ([*e.g.*]{} UNet) will improve the computational efficiency, although it is more difficult to analyze the convergence of networks rigorously. ", "A few examples including synthetic tests and the Bermudan option pricing are presented to show the success of deep neural networks in ranking response surfaces, which makes it possible to tackle more complicated problems, [*e.g.*]{}, optimal stopping game. ", "Noticing that samples around the partition boundaries usually has low signal-to-noise level and potentially increase the chance of mislabeling, a natural extension is to consider replication/batching at those locations. ", "Recent work [@binois2018replication] by Binois [*et al.*]{} ", "addresses this issue using GP metamodels, and we plan to study this problem by deep learning in the future. ", "Meanwhile, the theoretical convergence of networks with delicate structures is also interesting and needs to be analyzed in the future.", "\n\nAcknowledgment {#acknowledgment .unnumbered}\n==============\n\nWe are grateful to Prof. Marcel Nutz for brining the reference [@BeChJe:18] into our attention, and Jay Roberts and Kyle Mylonakis for useful discussions.", "\n\n[^1]: Department of Statistics, Columbia University, New York, NY 10027-4690, [*[email protected]*]{}.", "\n" ]
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[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nThe present invention relates to a bearing unit which incorporates a countermeasure for preventing leakage of lubricating oil and a rotating apparatus which incorporates a bearing unit of the type described.", "\n2. ", "Description of the Related Art\nFirst, a bearing unit of a related art is described with reference to FIGS. ", "6 to 9.", "\nIn particular, FIG. ", "6 is a side elevational sectional view showing the bearing unit of the related art mentioned. ", "FIGS. ", "7A to 7C show a path forming member which is a component of the bearing unit shown in FIG. ", "6, and wherein FIG. ", "7A is a perspective view of the entire path forming member; FIG. ", "7B is a top plan view of the path forming member; and FIG. ", "7C is a sectional view taken along line 7C-7C of FIG. ", "7B. Further, FIG. ", "8 is a perspective view of a path forming member lid which is a component of the bearing unit shown in FIG. ", "6 and cooperates with the path forming member shown in FIG. ", "6. ", "FIG. ", "9 is a perspective view of a radial bearing which is another component of the bearing unit shown in FIG. ", "6.", "\nReferring first to FIG. ", "6, the bearing unit of the related art is denoted by a numeral 30. ", "The bearing unit 30 is the same as a bearing unit disclosed in Japanese Patent Laid-Open No. ", "2005-69382 (pages 9 to 18, FIG. ", "3). ", "The bearing unit 30 includes a radial bearing 33, a path forming member 34, a path forming member lid 40, and a housing 60. ", "The radial bearing 33 supports a shaft 31 in a circumferential direction at a portion 31a thereof which is supported for rotation by dynamic pressure and has dynamic pressure generating grooves 32 formed on an outer periphery thereof. ", "The radial bearing 33 has a shaft opening side end face 33a and a thrust bearing side end face 33b formed thereon. ", "The path forming member 34 covers a circumferential face of part of the radial bearing 33 and has a thrust bearing 46 formed at a bottom portion thereof. ", "The path forming member lid 40 has a shaft fitting hole 40h formed at a central portion thereof, as particularly seen in FIG. ", "8, and has a diameter sufficient to allow the shaft 31 to pass through the shaft fitting hole 40h. ", "The path forming member lid 40 covers the shaft opening side end face 33a of the radial bearing 33.", "\nReferring to FIG. ", "9, the radial bearing 33 has a cylindrical structure and a through-hole 33h formed axially at a central portion thereof. ", "The upper end face of the radial bearing 33 is formed as a shaft opening side end face 33a while the lower end face of the radial bearing 33 is formed as a thrust bearing side end face 33b. ", "The radial bearing 33 further has a plurality of grooves, three in the arrangement shown, with first grooves 51 formed on an outer circumferential face thereof. ", "The radial bearing 33 further has an equal number of second grooves 52 and an equal number of third grooves 53 formed on the thrust bearing side end face 33b and the shaft opening side end face 33a thereof, respectively, and both communicating with the first grooves 51 to form communicating paths 50.", "\nReferring now to FIGS. ", "7A to 7C, the path forming member 34 has a cup-shaped configuration and a thrust bearing 46 formed on a bottom face thereof. ", "An upper cylindrical portion of the path forming member 34 has three arcuate plates 36 separated by three cutaway portions 35 for covering the communicating paths 50 to assure voids for the grooves of the communicating paths 50. ", "The path forming member 34 has a space 37 and another space 38 formed at a central portion of the bottom portion thereof. ", "The space 37 can be expanded outwardly to accommodate a flexible coming off preventing washer 49 when the shaft 31 is pushed into the same, while the space 38 can accommodate a lower end portion 31b of the shaft 31 therein. ", "The spaces 37 and 38 form a thrust space which is communicated also with the communicating paths 50 such that lubricating oil 42 can be circulated. ", "Further, engaging pawls 39 are formed to extend inwardly from a circumferential edge of the path forming member 34 at the upper opening.", "\nReferring now to FIG. ", "8, the path forming member lid 40 has a donut-shaped flat disk shape and a shaft fitting hole 40h formed at a central portion thereof. ", "The path forming member lid 40 has a size a little greater than the diameter of the engaging pawls 39 formed at the opening of the path forming member 34 and is fitted in through the engaging pawls 39 while pushing away the engaging pawls 39. ", "The path forming member lid 40 is locked by the engaging pawls 39 so that it does not move upwardly.", "\nUpon assembly of the bearing unit 30, the coming off preventing washer 49 is disposed in the space 37 of the path forming member 34 in advance, and the radial bearing 33 is fitted into the coming off preventing washer 49 with the thrust bearing side end face 33b directed downwardly. ", "Then, the path forming member lid 40 is fitted in from above the path forming member 34 and secured by the engaging pawls 39 such that it closely contacts with the shaft opening side end face 33a of the radial bearing 33.", "\nWhere the bearing unit 30 is assembled in this manner, the three third grooves 53 of the radial bearing 33 are closed up with the path forming member lid 40 to form pipe-shaped space paths, and the three first grooves 51 of the radial bearing 33 are closed up with the arcuate plates 36 of the path forming member 34 to form pipe-shaped space paths. ", "Further, the three second grooves 52 of the radial bearing 33 are open to the space 37 to form space paths. ", "The space paths formed in this manner form communicating paths 50 through which lubricating oil 42 can be supplied and circulated to the dynamic pressure generating grooves 32 of the shaft 31, and which have a function of short-circuiting pressure, which is generated when the shaft 31 and the radial bearing 33 rotate relative to each other.", "\nIf an outer surface of the path forming member 34 and an upper face of the path forming member lid 40 are sealed with a resin material using a metal mold while the bearing unit 30 is in the assembled state described above, then the bearing unit 30 can be covered with the housing 60 of the resin material. ", "In particular, the housing 60 made of a resin material can cover the bearing unit 30 over part of the outer circumferential face of the radial bearing 33 which is exposed by the cutaway portions 35 of the path forming member 34 and the outer surface of the arcuate plates 36 and over the upper surface of the path forming member lid 40.", "\nThereafter, if the shaft 31 is inserted and pushed through the shaft fitting hole 40h of the path forming member lid 40 and the through-hole 33h of the radial bearing 33 into a central portion of the coming off preventing washer 49, then the bearing unit 30 having the structure shown in FIG. ", "6 is obtained. ", "After the bearing unit 30 is completed, the lubricating oil 42 is poured in from the shaft opening end 30a side of the bearing unit 30 so as to fill between the shaft fitting hole 40h of the radial bearing 33 and the shaft 31 and the communicating paths 50.", "\nThe bearing unit 30 is assembled in such a manner as described above." ]
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[ "July 21, 2014\n\nPolice have arrested a skating\ninstructor for the alleged rape of a\nsix-year-old at an elite school in\nBangalore and seized a laptop with\nvideos and images of school children\nbeing raped. ", "Watch-the-Video-to-know-More ...\n(Bangalore, Inhuman, Children, Rape, Crime, Karnataka, DesiNews, Education, School, Shocking, Unseen, Teacher, India)" ]
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[ "Broadcom's proposed takeover of Brocade has been thrown into doubt after the companies said they were putting their plans on hold so that regulatory authorities have more time to review the deal.", "\n\nIn a filing with the US Securities and Exchange Commission, Brocade Communications Systems Inc. (Nasdaq: BRCD) said a joint voluntary notice about the deal would be withdrawn and then re-filed with the Committee on Foreign Investment in the US (CFIUS) following previous discussions with the government entity.", "\n\nThis will \"allow more time for review and discussion with CFIUS in connection with the proposed acquisition,\" said Brocade. \"", "Once CFIUS accepts the joint voluntary notice, it will commence a new 30-day review period, which may be followed by a 45-day investigation period.\"", "\n\n\"Brocade and Broadcom have been and will continue to be actively engaged with CFIUS during its review of the proposed acquisition,\" added Brocade. \"", "There can be no assurances, however, that CFIUS will ultimately agree that the parties may proceed with the proposed acquisition.\"", "\n\nBrocade did not indicate why authorities need more time to review the deal, but the nature of the hold-up suggests there is some concern about the proposed tie-up.", "\n\nChipmaker Broadcom Corp. (Nasdaq: BRCM) announced it would pay $5.9 billion for Brocade, a networking storage business, in November last year. (", "See Broadcom Buys Brocade for $5.9B, Will Ditch Ruckus & IP Biz.)", "\n\nEarlier this month, however, the Federal Trade Commission was said to have expressed concern the takeover would give Broadcom a dominant position in the market for fiber channel switches.", "\n\nBroadcom already supplies chips used in the fiber channel switches made by Cisco Systems Inc. (Nasdaq: CSCO), Brocade's chief rival, and its chips would be used in switches from Brocade following a takeover, giving competitors little room for maneuver.", "\n\nFor more data center-related coverage and insights, check out this dedicated content channel here on Light Reading.", "\n\nBut the delay affects other companies involved in transactions with Brocade, too.", "\n\nAfter announcing the deal last November, Brocade said it would seek buyers for its data networking assets to avoid competing against some of Broadcom's own customers.", "\n\nIn February, Arris Group Inc. (Nasdaq: ARRS) emerged as the buyer of Brocade's Ruckus Wireless Inc. WiFi networks business, and in March Extreme Networks Inc. (Nasdaq: EXTR) said it would pay $55 million for Brocade's data center business. (", "See Is Ruckus Right for Arris? ", "and Brocade's Other IP Assets Find a Home.)", "\n\nBut the latest regulatory developments also represent a setback for Extreme, which has said it expects to close its transaction about two or three days after Broadcom has acquired Brocade.", "\n\n— Iain Morris, , News Editor, Light Reading" ]
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[ "Alicia García-Salcedo González\n\nAlicia García-Salcedo González (1903, Uviéu - 2003, Llanes), was an Asturian Catholic lawyer known for becoming in 1935 the first lawyer of Asturies.", "\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:1903 births\nCategory:2003 deaths\nCategory:Women lawyers" ]
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[ "Caracas | AFP\n\nO ditador venezuelano, Nicolás Maduro, confirmou contatos entre seu governo e altos funcionários de Washington para avaliar as propostas feitas pelo americano Donald Trump.", "\n\n\"Confirmo que há meses ocorrem contatos de altos funcionários do governo dos Estados Unidos, de Donald Trump, com o governo bolivariano que presido, sob minha expressa autorização, direta\", disse Maduro em rede nacional de rádio e TV, na terça-feira (20).", "\n\n\"Vários contatos, vários caminhos, para buscar solucionar este conflito.\"", "\n\nO presidente da Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, em Caracas - Manaure Quintero-28.jul.19/Reuters\n\n\"Não é novidade, há meses mantemos contatos. ", "Assim como tenho buscado o diálogo na Venezuela, tenho procurado uma forma de o presidente Donald Trump escutar a Venezuela de verdade\", declarou Maduro, denunciando que colaboradores do americano \"escondem a verdade e lhe vendem uma Venezuela de mentira\".", "\n\nAs palavras de Maduro confirmam o que havia dito Trump na terça, revelando que seu governo mantém diálogos \"de muito alto nível\" com autoridades da Venezuela, embora Washington não reconheça a legitimidade de Maduro.", "\n\n\"Estamos em contato, estamos falando com vários representantes na Venezuela\", disse Trump à imprensa, ao ser consultado sobre relatos de uma aproximação entre Casa Branca e Diosdado Cabello, considerado o líder mais poderoso da Venezuela depois de Maduro.", "\n\n\"Estamos ajudando a Venezuela tanto quanto podemos. ", "Mantemo-nos à margem, mas estamos ajudando. ", "Precisa de muita ajuda. ", "Há 15 anos, era um dos países mais ricos, agora é um dos países mais pobres.\"", "\n\n\"Não quero dizer quem, mas estamos falando de alguém de muito alto nível\", acrescentou o presidente.", "\n\nA agência de notícias Associated Press afirmou na segunda-feira, citando uma autoridade sênior não identificada dos EUA, que Cabello se reuniu no mês passado em Caracas com uma pessoa em contato próximo com a administração Trump e que uma segunda reunião está sendo organizada.", "\n\nDe acordo com a reportagem, as comunicações secretas com Cabello, chefe da Assembleia Constituinte da Venezuela, e outras autoridades venezuelanas buscam aumentar a pressão sobre o governo de Maduro.", "\n\nEm uma entrevista coletiva na segunda-feira, Cabello negou as informações, consideradas \"uma mentira\" e \"uma enorme manipulação\".", "\n\nSanções\n\nAs informações sobre os contatos bilaterais ocorrem um dia após o responsável pelo Comando Sul dos EUA, almirante Craig Faller, afirmar que a Marinha americana está pronta para \"fazer o que for necessário\" na Venezuela.", "\n\n\"Não vou detalhar o que estamos planejando e o que estamos fazendo, mas continuamos prontos para implementar decisões políticas e estamos prontos para agir\", disse Faller no Rio de Janeiro durante o início do exercício militar marítimo da UNITAS, que é realizado anualmente por vários países.", "\n\nTrump já disse que analisa um \"bloqueio ou quarentena\" ao país caribenho, impedindo assim a entrada e saída de mercadorias.", "\n\nWashington tem implementado uma série de sanções para derrubar Maduro, a quem considera \"ilegítimo\" e \"ditador\", para que o líder opositor Juan Guaidó assuma de fato o governo e convoque eleições presidenciais.", "\n\nTrump intensificou a pressão em 5 de agosto, bloqueando os ativos do governo venezuelano nos Estados Unidos e ameaçando com sanções as empresas que negociam com Caracas.", "\n\nDelegados de Maduro e Guaidó iniciaram em maio passado uma série de reuniões mediadas pela Noruega, mas Maduro retirou seus representantes da iniciativa em 7 de agosto, devido à nova leva de sanções impostas pelos Estados Unidos.", "\n\nGuaidó informou nesta terça que seus negociadores têm encontros agendados com representantes do governo americano em Washington.", "\n\nO opositor já afirmou que só assinará um acordo com o governo venezuelano caso seja estabelecida a realização de nova eleição presidencial, enquanto Maduro exige o fim das sanções." ]
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[ "// Copyright 2017, The Go Authors. ", "All rights reserved.", "\n// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style\n// license that can be found in the LICENSE.md file.", "\n\n// +build !", "cmp_debug\n\npackage diff\n\nvar debug debugger\n\ntype debugger struct{}\n\nfunc (debugger) Begin(_, _ int, f EqualFunc, _, _ *EditScript) EqualFunc {\n\treturn f\n}\nfunc (debugger) Update() {}\nfunc (debugger) Finish() {}\n" ]
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[ "Balloon rocket\n\nA balloon rocket is a rubber balloon filled with air or other gases. ", "Besides being simple toys, balloon rockets are a widely used as a teaching device to demonstrate basic physics.", "\n\nHow it works\nTo launch a simple rocket, the untied opening of an inflated balloon is released. ", "The elasticity of the balloon contracts the air out through the opening with sufficient force and the resulting pressure creates a thrust which propels the balloon forward as it deflates. ", "It is usual for the balloon to be propelled somewhat uncontrollably (or fly in and unstable centre of mass), as well as turbulence that occur in the opening as the air escapes, causing it to flap rapidly and disperses air outwards in random direction.", "\n\nNear the end of its deflation, the balloon may suddenly shoot quickly in the air shortly before it drops down, due to the rubber rapidly squeezes out the remaining air inside as it reaches the inclination to return to its uninflated size.", "\n\nThe flight altitude only amounts to some metres, with larger or lighter balloons often achieving longer flights. ", "In addition, a cylindrical-shaped (or \"airship\") balloon may have a more stable flight when released.", "\n\nIf the balloon is inflated with helium or other lighter than air gases, it tends to fly in an inclined trajectory (usually going upwards), due to the light nature of the gas.", "\n\nIn physics\nThe balloon rocket can be used easily to demonstrate simple physics, namely Newton’s third law of motion.", "\n\nA common experiment with a balloon rocket consists in adding other objects such as a string or fishing line, a drinking straw and adhesive tape to the balloon itself. ", "The string is threaded through the straw and is attached at both ends to fixed objects. ", "The straw is then taped to the side of the inflated balloon, with the mouth of the balloon touching the object it is pointed. ", "When the balloon is released, it propels itself along the length of the string. ", "Alternatively, a balloon rocket car can be built.", "\n\nRocket balloon\n\nThere is also dedicated toy known as a rocket balloon, usually tubular-shaped and inflated with a special pump (pictured). ", "These balloons, when released, propel in a more stable direction because of a steadier thrust of air and elongated shape, unlike ordinary round balloons which often launch uncontrollably. ", "\n\nAside from the shape, rocket balloons are also characterized by their distinctive loud buzzing or screaming noises due to the tight, reed-like opening designed to make noise as the air rushes through.", "\n\nThey are also known as noisemaker balloons, due to the aforementioned noise\n\nAs cartoon gags\n\nThe fact that an untied toy balloon flies away when released sometimes has become a staple recurring gag and comedic effect in most cartoons.", "\n\nFor instance, when an object or a character is comically being \"inflated\" and then deflates, it flies away uncontrollably, in a similar fashion to a balloon itself.", "\n\nIn addition, the noises that a balloon creates when deflating is sometimes used in conjunction with this comedic effect.", "\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n NasaQuest: Teacher Information on balloon rockets\n YesMag: Balloon rockets\n Science Museum of Minnesota: Rocket\n Balloon Rocket Video\n\nCategory:Balloons (entertainment)\nCategory:Inflatable manufactured goods" ]
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[ "Sacred Economics traces the history of money from ancient gift economies to modern capitalism, revealing how the money system has contributed to alienation, competition, and scarcity, destroyed community, and necessitated endless growth. ", "Today, these trends have reached their extreme - but in the wake of their collapse, we may find great opportunity to transition to a more connected, ecological, and sustainable way of being.", "\n\nDirector's Statement: \"After reading Charles Eisenstein's book Sacred Economics, which speaks eloquently about the return of the \"gift economy\", I felt compelled to gift back. ", "The best way I knew how was to use my filmmaking skills to share Charles' work, and spread it to communities around the globe.", "\n\nHis vision of \"the more beautiful world our hearts tell us is possible\" is the salve that so many of us need at this time, in the age of great transition. ", "My hope is this film catalyzes those who work with passion and dedication to live this world right now.\" - ", "Ian MacKenzie, Director" ]
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[ "Synonyms\n\nIntroduction\n\nCD40L or CD154 is a membrane glycoprotein and differentiation antigen expressed on the surface of T-cells. ", "The CD40 ligand stimulates B-cell proliferation and secretion of all immunoglobulin isotypes in the presence of cytokines. ", "CD40 ligand has been shown to induce cytokine production and tumoricidal activity in peripheral blood monocytes. ", "It also costimulates proliferation of activated T-cells and this is accompanied by the production of IFN-gamma , TNF-alpha , and IL2.", "\n\nDescription\n\nCD40LG Human Recombinant fused with a 20 amino acid His tag at N-terminus produced in E.Coli is a single, non-glycosylated, polypeptide chain containing 169 amino acids (113-261 a.a.) ", "and having a molecular mass of 18.3kDa. ", "The CD40LG is purified by proprietary chromatographic techniques.", "\n\nSource\n\nEscherichia Coli.", "\n\nPhysical Appearance\n\nSterile Filtered clear solution.", "\n\nFormulation\n\nStability\n\nStore at 4°C if entire vial will be used within 2-4 weeks. ", "Store, frozen at -20°C for longer periods of time. ", "For long term storage it is recommended to add a carrier protein (0.1% HSA or BSA).Avoid multiple freeze-thaw cycles." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHover field has minuscule size\n\nI am working on a menu bar for a web site and the dropdown menu's work fine, the only problem is they will only display when my mouse is right at the edge of where they come out. ", "Can anyone help, would be much appreciated. ", "The part that you have to hover over is the very bottom of the red areas, and on dropdown 1 another submenu at the bottom to the right.", "\nHere is my code:\nHTML\n <!", "DOCTYPE html>\n <html>\n <head>\n <link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"style.css\"/>\n <link rel=\"shortcut icon\" href=\"#\"/>\n </head>\n <body>\n <div id=\"banner\">\n <p id=\"title\">Code Works</p>\n </div>\n <center>\n <div style=\"background-color: #FFFF00\" id=\"display\"><a href=\"#\">=</a></div>\n </center>\n <nav>\n <ul>\n <li><a href=\"#\">Home</a></li>\n <li><a href=\"#\">Tutorials</a>\n <ul>\n <li><a href=\"#\">HTML</a></li>\n <li><a href=\"#\">CSS</a></li>\n <li><a href=\"#\">Setting Up +</a>\n <ul>\n <li><a href=\"#\">Programs</a></li>\n <li><a href=\"#\">Files</a></li>\n </ul>\n </li>\n </ul>\n </li>\n <li><a href=\"#\">Templates +</a>\n <ul>\n <li><a href=\"#\">Web Page</a></li>\n <li><a href=\"#\">Clocks</a></li>\n <li><a href=\"#\">Calendars</a></li>\n <li><a href=\"#\">Maps</a></li>\n <li><a href=\"#\">Transitions</a></li>\n <li><a href=\"#\">Video</a></li>\n <li><a href=\"#\">Audio</a></li>\n <li><a href=\"#\">Search</a></li>\n </ul>\n </li>\n <li><a href=\"#\">Contact Us</a></li>\n </ul>\n </nav>\n\n **CSS**\n\n html {\n height: 100%;\n }\n body {\n background: linear-gradient(#C0C0C0, #E0E0E0);\n height: 100%;\n margin: 0;\n background-repeat: no-repeat;\n background-attachment: fixed;\n }\n\n #banner\n {\n width: 1376px;\n margin-left: -10px;\n margin-right: -10px;\n margin-top: -32px;\n padding-top: 0px;\n background-color: #3366CC;\n background-size: 100%;\n height: 80px;\n border-bottom: 4px inset #254A93;\n background: linear-gradient(#3366CC, #2952A3);\n }\n\n #title\n {\n padding-top: 0.7em;\n color: #FFFF00;\n text-align: center;\n font-size: 32px;\n }\n\n nav ul ul\n {\n display: none;\n }\n\n nav ul li:hover > ul \n {\n display: block;\n }\n\n nav ul \n {\n opacity: 0;\n margin-top: -1px;\n margin-left: -10px;\n background: linear-gradient(#FFFF66, #FFFF00);\n box-shadow: 0px 0px 9px rgba(0,0,0,0.15);\n padding: 0 20px;\n border-radius: 0px; \n list-style: none;\n position: relative;\n display: inline-table;\n }\n\n nav ul:after \n {\n content: \"\"; clear: both; display: block;\n }\n\n nav ul li \n {\n float: left;\n }\n\n nav ul li:hover\n {\n border-bottom: 4px solid #FF0000;\n background: linear-gradient (#FFFF66, #FFFF00);\n border-top: 2px solid #FFFF66;\n }\n\n nav ul li:hover a \n {\n color: #3366CC;\n }\n\n nav ul li a \n {\n display: block; padding: 25px 40px;\n color: #757575; text-decoration: none;\n }\n\n nav ul ul \n {\n width: 200px;\n background: #FFFF00; border-radius: 0px; padding: 0;\n position: absolute; top: 100%;\n }\n\n nav ul ul li \n {\n border: 2px outset #FFFF00;\n background: linear-gradient(#FFFF66, #FFFF00);\n float: none; \n position: relative;\n }\n\n nav ul ul li a \n {\n padding: 15px 40px;\n color: #757575;\n }\n\n nav ul ul li a:hover \n {\n border-top: #E0E0E0;\n border-bottom: #E0E0E0;\n background: linear-gradient(#FFFF00, #FFFF66);\n }\n\n nav ul ul ul \n {\n position: absolute; left: 100%; top:0;\n }\n\n p:hover ul\n {\n display: none;\n }\n\n nav ul:hover\n {\n opacity: 0.7;\n }\n\n nav ul:hover nav ul li\n {\n opacity: 0.7;\n }\n\n #display\n {\n opacity: 0.7;\n height: 30px;\n background: linear-gradient(#FFFF00, #FFFF66);\n }\n\n #display a\n {\n size: 32px;\n text-decoration: none;\n }\n\n nav ul ul li:hover\n {\n border-top: 1px solid #E0E0E0;\n border-bottom: 1px solid #E0E0E0;\n }\n\nA:\n\nI think there are some redundant CSS in your code, but to make it work, you just need to add the line opacity:0.7 to this CSS:\nnav ul li:hover > ul {\n display:block;\n opacity:0.7;\n}\n\nHere is the working fiddle\n\n" ]
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[ "The AC Milan logo is pictured on a pennant in a soccer store in downtown Milan, Italy April 29, 2015. ", "REUTERS/Stefano Rellandini/File Photo Picture Supplied by Action Images\n\nMILAN (Reuters) - U.S. hedge fund Elliott Management will inject 120 million euros ($141 million) into the coffers of Italian soccer club AC Milan to reimburse two bonds, a source said on Tuesday.", "\n\nThe payment will essentially cancel the club’s financial debt and further stabilize its balance sheet, the source added.", "\n\nElliott, which took over the Serie A team in July, had previously lent the club 128 million euros, underwriting two bonds with average interest rates of around 10 percent.", "\n\n($1 = 0.8490 euros)" ]
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[ "Traditionally, electronic device peripheral components (e.g., keyboards) have been connected to the electronic device via a cable. ", "The specific details of the cables (e.g., type of connector, number of wires) has been dependent upon the components to be connected and often industry standards. ", "A relatively recent development for connection of peripheral devices is the use of wireless protocols. ", "Several protocols have been developed (e.g., Bluetooth) for relatively short-range applications such as communication between a computer system and one or more peripheral devices. ", "Bluetooth protocols are described in “Specification of the Bluetooth System: Core, Version 1.2,” published October 2003 by the Bluetooth Special Interest Group, Inc.\nIntegration of Bluetooth and other wireless modules can present multiple challenges for desktop system designers and integrators. ", "Challenges range from worldwide regulatory requirements, to problematic issues with mounting the module including cost effective integration of the antenna while ensuring sufficient performance. ", "Current Bluetooth solutions typically include attaching a Bluetooth dongle to an external Universal Serial Bus (USB) port. ", "However, this solution falls short in several ways including cost, lack of integration and ability to coexist with wireless network communications such as IEEE 802.11b/g.\nIEEE 802.11b corresponds to IEEE Std. ", "802.11b-1999 entitled “Local and Metropolitan Area Networks, Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications: Higher-Speed Physical Layer Extension in the 2.4 GHz Band,” approved Sep. 16, 1999 as well as related documents. ", "IEEE 802.11g corresponds to IEEE Std. ", "802.11g-2003 entitled “Local and Metropolitan Area Networks, Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications, Amendment 4: Further Higher Rate Extension in the 2.4 GHz Band,” approved Jun. 27, 2003 as well as related documents." ]
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[ "Abstract.", "\n\nCalculation of dosimetry parameters by TG-60 approach for beta sources and TG-43 approach for gamma sources can help to design brachytherapy sources. ", "In this work, TG-60 dosimetry parameters are calculated for the Sm-153 brachytherapy seed using the Monte Carlo simulation approach. ", "The continuous beta spectrum of Sm-153 and probability density are applied to simulate the Sm-153 source. ", "Sm-153 is produced by neutron capture during the 152Sm(n,\\( \\gamma\\))153Sm reaction in reactors. ", "The Sm-153 radionuclide decays by beta rays followed by gamma-ray emissions with half-life of 1.928 days. ", "Sm-153 source is simulated in a spherical water phantom to calculate the deposited energy and geometry function in the intended points. ", "The Sm-153 seed consists of 20% samarium, 30% calcium and 50% silicon, in cylindrical shape with density 1.76gr/cm^3. ", "The anisotropy function and radial dose function were calculated at 0-4mm radial distances relative to the seed center and polar angles of 0-90 degrees. ", "The results of this research are compared with the results of Taghdiri et al. (", "Iran. ", "J. Radiat. ", "Res. ", "9, 103 (2011)). ", "The final beta spectrum of Sm-153 is not considered in their work. ", "Results show significant relative differences even up to 5 times for anisotropy functions at 0.6, 1 and 2mm distances and some angles. ", "MCNP4C Monte Carlo code is applied in both in the present paper and in the above-mentioned one." ]
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[ "It’s a beautiful day to be running a lemonade stand, and made only sweeter by what’s going on behind the scenes. ", "Jynx Maze will spend the day serving tasty beverages to a thirsty public, and there’s no doubt she’s going to draw quite a crowd. ", "What her customers don’t know is that her pussy will be getting played with underneath the counter. ", "It’s hard to run a business when you’re getting fucked." ]
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[ "Effects of 58S sol-gel glasses on the temporal expression of bone markers during mouse osteoblastic differentiation.", "\nPrevious studies have shown that bioactive glasses can support osteoblastic growth and differentiation in vitro as well as in vivo. ", "More recently, a new category of sol-gel glasses has been developed with enhanced bioactivity and open pores enclosed in a mesoporous matrix. ", "In our study, we investigated the effect of 58S sol-gel glasses on the growth and differentiation of mouse calvaria osteoblasts. ", "Two types of granules were used: 58S sol-gel granules and 60S inert glasses used as control. ", "Phase contrast microscopy showed that cells proliferated and formed mineralized bone nodules in both cultures. ", "However, this phenomenon occurred earlier and to a higher degree in cultures with 58S sol-gel glasses. ", "Northern blot analysis of the expression of osteoblastic markers revealed that osteoblasts retained their phenotype in both types of cultures. ", "Interestingly, stimulation of alkaline phosphatase, bone sialoprotein, and osteocalcin was noticed at day 18 in sol-gel cultures when compared with that in control. ", "These data confirm that 58S bioactive glasses are capable of supporting the growth and maturation of primary mouse osteoblasts. ", "In addition, it was shown that 58S glasses affected the gene-expression profile, causing an up-regulation of the major bone markers. ", "These results indicated that 58S sol-gel glasses appeared as suitable candidates for osteoblast scaffolds in the field of bone tissue engineering." ]
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[ "Surface modification of sepiolite with quaternary amines.", "\nThis study was aimed at elucidating the mechanism of adsorption of quaternary amines, stearyldimethylbenzylammoniumchloride (SDBAC), as monomers and as micelles, distearyldimethylammoniumchloride (DDAC) and hexadecyltrimethylammoniumchloride (HTAC), on the surface of sepiolite. ", "The adsorption capacity for these surfactants onto sepiolite, calculated by fitting the experimental data to the Langmuir-Freundlich equation, were 324% (SDBAC), 278% (DDAC), and 258% (HTAC) of the cation exchange capacity of sepiolite. ", "The Mg(2+) ions released during the exchange process were higher than the CEC value of sepiolite because of the simultaneous dissolution of the present minerals. ", "The water adsorption decreased with the increasing surfactant loading up to 250 mmol/kg of sepiolite, which can be ascribed to an intensification of the hydrophobic properties. ", "With loadings above 250 mmol/kg, the water adsorption increases. ", "Simple kinetic analysis of SDBAC adsorption was performed. ", "The properties and the type of bonding between the surfactants and sepiolite were investigated by DT, TG, and DTG analysis. ", "During the gradual heating in oxidizing atmosphere, the adsorbed organic material is oxidized giving rise to significant exothermic peaks. ", "The exothermic peak temperatures in the range 200-500 degrees C depended on the surfactant loadings and provided evidence of the formation of multilayers on the sepiolite surface." ]
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[ "The range of electron correlation between localized molecular orbitals. ", "A full configuration interaction analysis for the NCCN molecule.", "\nA many-body expansion of the correlation energy has been formulated in terms of localized molecular orbitals, and the CEEIS (correlation energy extrapolation by intrinsic scaling) method has been used for the evaluation of local full configuration interaction energies in this context. ", "No truncations were applied in the correlating virtual space. ", "With this combination of methods, the full valence CI energy of the molecule NCCN has been calculated within 0.1 mhartree for cc-pVDZ basis sets (configuration space dimension = 10(19)). ", "With appropriate choice of localized orbitals, the many-body expansion was converged to this accuracy with the four-body terms. ", "The individual many-body terms exhibited a rapid decrease with the distance between the localized orbitals. ", "For the orbitals chosen, the conjugated triple bonds presented no problems. ", "The analysis of the various contributions furnishes rigorous quantitative ab initio benchmarks for the range of intramolecular electron correlations." ]
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[ "In order to simplify chemical carcinogenesis so that mechanisms of carcinogenesis can be studied in a defined environment at the cellular level in the absence of nerve supply, unknown hormonal influences, and undefined nutritional influences, recent investigations have focused increasingly on in vitro carcinogenesis. ", "Most successful in vitro carcinogenesis has been performed using complex mixtures of embryo cells or other cell mixtures and has resulted in the production of a preponderance of sarcomas. ", "In our laboratory, we have developed methods for obtaining single kinds of highly purified, viable mammalian cells which have been cultured following purification. ", "We propose to use chemical carcinogens to transform highly purified mammalian cells which have been purified previously in our laboratory. ", "Use of purified cells should result in the ability to produce specific kinds of tumors from specific kinds of cells in the absence of the confusing multitude of unknowns associated with the use of complex mixtures of cells. ", "For the first time, it should be possible to produce carcinomas from specific kinds of epithelial cells without first exposing the target cells to prolonged tissue culture. ", "The use of known cell types will also facilitate our designation of specific chemical carcinogens as proximate carcinogens or ultimate carcinogens for specific cells since the microsomal oxidases of undesired cell types can be excluded from the system. ", "Transformed epithelial cells will not be overgrown by transformed fibroblasts since fibroblasts will not be present in the target cell population." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nWriting a Template Tag in Django\n\nI'm trying to customise a CMS written in Django. ", "The content editors aren't flexible enough so I'm trying to come up with a better solution.", "\nWithout over-explaining it, I'd like it to be a bit like django-better-chunks or django-flatblocks. ", "You set up an editable region entirely from within the template. ", "I want to bind these editable regions to a mix of strings and object instances. ", "One example would be having multiple editable regions based on one product:\n{% block product_instance \"title\" %}\n{% block product_instance \"product description\" %}\n\nSo if you have a view with another product as product_instance those two blocks would show different data. ", "I would also see there being use for site-wide blocks that only pass through the string part. ", "Essentially, I would like to be able to pass 1-infinity identifiers.", "\nBut I'm really struggling on two fronts here:\n\nHow do I define the relationship between the mixed identifier and the actual content \"block\" instance? ", "I have a feeling contenttypes might feature here but I've really no idea where to start looking!", "\nAnd how do I write a template tag to read the above syntax and convert that into an object for rendering?", "\n\nA:\n\nfor this you can create an inclusion tag and use it like:\n{% load my_tags %}\n{% product bicycle <extra vars ...> %}\n\nTo define the tag, add to your app/templatetags/mytags.py:\[email protected]_tag('results.html')\ndef product(item, *extra):\n #maybe repackage extra variables\n #and add them to the returned dictionary\n item_form = ItemForm(item) #form.", "ModelForm instance\n return {'item': item, 'item_form':item_form, ...}\n\nThen you'll need a template that returns html for the item:\n<h1>{{item.title}}</h1>\n{{item_form}}\n... add some conditional statements depending on extra vars\n\n" ]
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[ "Desalination systems are systems that remove salt or other dissolved solids from water, most often to produce potable water. ", "Currently, several methods of desalination are employed by commercial desalination systems. ", "The most popular methods of commercial desalination are reverse osmosis and flash vaporization. ", "Both of these methods have large energy requirements and certain components that wear out frequently. ", "For example, reverse osmosis systems force water through membranes and these membranes become clogged and torn, thus necessitating frequent replacement. ", "Similarly, flash vaporization systems have corrosion and erosion problems due to the spraying of hot brine within these systems. ", "The energy requirements for a reverse osmosis system may be approximately 6 kWh of electricity per cubic meter of water, while a flash vaporization system may require as much as 200 kWh per cubic meter of water. ", "Due to the high energy inputs and frequent maintenance, desalination of water on a large scale basis has been relatively expensive, often more expensive than finding alternate sources of groundwater.", "\nSubmerged gas evaporator systems in which gas is dispersed into a continuous liquid phase, referred to generally herein as submerged gas evaporators, are well known types of devices used to perform evaporation processes with respect to various constituents. ", "U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "5,342,482, the entire specification of which is hereby incorporated by reference, discloses a common type of submerged combustion gas evaporator, in which combustion gas is generated and delivered though an inlet pipe to a dispersal unit submerged within the liquid to be evaporated. ", "The dispersal unit includes a number of spaced-apart gas delivery pipes extending radially outward from the inlet pipe, each of the gas delivery pipes having small holes spaced apart at various locations on the surface of the gas delivery pipe to disperse the combustion gas as small bubbles as uniformly as practical across the cross-sectional area of the liquid held within the processing vessel. ", "According to current understanding within the prior art, this design provides desirable intimate contact between the liquid and the combustion gas over a large interfacial surface area while also promoting thorough agitation of the liquid within the processing vessel.", "\nBecause submerged gas evaporators disperse gas into a continuous liquid phase, these devices provide a significant advantage when compared to conventional evaporators when contact between a liquid stream and a gas stream is desirable. ", "In fact, submerged gas evaporators are especially advantageous when the desired result is to highly concentrate a liquid stream by means of evaporation.", "\nHowever, during the evaporation process, dissolved solids within the continuous liquid phase become more concentrated often leading to the formation of precipitates that are difficult to handle. ", "These precipitates may include substances that form deposits on the solid surfaces of heat exchangers within flash vaporization systems or on the membranes of reverse osmosis systems, and substances that tend to form large crystals or agglomerates that can block passages within processing equipment, such as the gas exit holes in the system described in U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "5,342,482. ", "Generally speaking, feed streams that cause deposits to form on surfaces and create blockages within process equipment are called fouling fluids.", "\nDeposits of precipitated solids create chemical fouling or buildup on fill or packing within conventional desalination systems that increases available surface area and also create stagnant flow areas that leads to biological fouling of these surfaces by promoting growth of bacteria and algae. ", "Biological growth leads to the formation of slime within a desalination system that further reduces desalination efficiency and can also foul heat exchangers within equipment which employs the circulating liquid from the desalination system as an evaporative medium\nThese common problems adversely affect the efficiency and costs of conventional desalination systems in that they necessitate frequent cleaning cycles and/or the addition of chemical control agents to the evaporative fluid to avoid loss of efficiency and to avoid sudden failures within the evaporation equipment.", "\nAdditionally, most evaporation systems that rely on intimate contact between gases and liquids are prone to problems related to carryover of entrained liquid droplets that form as the vapor phase disengages from the liquid phase. ", "For this reason, most evaporator systems that require intimate contact of gas with liquid include one or more devices to minimize entrainment of liquid droplets and/or to capture entrained liquid droplets while allowing for separation of the entrained liquid droplets from the exhaust gas flowing out of the evaporation zone. ", "Droplets within the vapor are particularly troublesome if the process is applied to produce potable water in that the entrained droplets contain the salts, minerals and other contaminants that were in the feed liquid.", "\nUnlike conventional evaporators where heat and mass are transferred from the liquid phase as it flows over the extended surface of the heat exchangers, heat and mass transfer within submerged gas processors take place at the interface of a discontinuous gas phase dispersed within a continuous liquid phase and there are no solid surfaces upon which deposits can accumulate.", "\nSubmerged gas evaporators also tend to mitigate the formation of large crystals because dispersing the gas beneath the liquid surface promotes vigorous agitation within the evaporation vessel, which is a less desirable environment for crystal growth than a more quiescent zone. ", "Further, active mixing within an evaporation vessel tends to maintain precipitated solids in suspension and thereby mitigates blockages that are related to settling and/or agglomeration of suspended solids.", "\nHowever, mitigation of crystal growth and settlement is dependent on the degree of mixing achieved within a particular submerged gas evaporator, and not all submerged gas evaporator designs provide adequate mixing to prevent large crystal growth and related blockages. ", "Therefore, while the dynamic renewable heat transfer surface area feature of submerged gas evaporators eliminates the potential for fouling liquids to coat extended surfaces, conventional submerged gas evaporators are still subject to potential blockages and carryover of entrained liquid within the exhaust gas flowing away from the evaporation zone." ]
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[ "[Therapeutic strategy for diffuse toxic goiter].", "\nThe methods for the treatment of diffuse toxic goiter (Graves'disease) are considered including analysis of 71 domestic and foreign publications with special reference to debatable and unresolved problems. ", "The goals of and main indications for the treatment, the relevant surgical techniques, and possible complications are discussed. ", "Comparative characteristics of the methods for the management of diffuse toxic goiter are reviewed." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nDrop every even or odd frames using FFmpeg?", "\n\nIs there an accurate way to take raw video and extract from it a new video that contains only odd frames or even frames (by choice)?", "\nFor example:\nI have \"blah.yuv\" with 400 frames (0-399).", "\nI want to create \"blahOdd.yuv\" that contains frames 1-399 (1,3,5,7...399)\nand \"blahEven\" that contains frames 0-398 (0,2,4,6...398).", "\nAny ideas how to do it using only FFmpeg?", "\n\nA:\n\nTo work accurately, first convert the video to RAW YUV bitstream (if it is not already) by:\nffmpeg -i input.mp4 -an -vcodec rawvideo -pix_fmt yuv420p rawbitstream.yuv\n\nNext step: The select filter takes an expression, where n is the frame number.", "\nffmpeg -r 2 -s WxH -i rawbitstream.yuv -filter:v select=\"mod(n-1\\,2)\" \\\n-c:v rawvideo -r 1 -format rawvideo -pix_fmt yuv420p -an odd.yuv\n\nffmpeg -r 2 -s WxH -i rawbitstream.yuv -filter:v select=\"not(mod(n-1\\,2))\" \\\n-c:v rawvideo -r 1 -format rawvideo -pix_fmt yuv420p -an even.yuv\n\nTo have ffmpeg not duplicate frames, you have to force half of the framerate of your input - so you set \"2\" as the input and \"1\" to the output. ", "Don't forget to replace the WxH with the actual dimensions of your clip because the raw bitstream doesn't have a header that carries this information.", "\nInstead of the above, another possibility would be to add the setpts filter to set new timestamps for the output. ", "But be careful since it drops frames not accurately. ", "Here, 25 is the actual output frame rate you want:\nffmpeg -i input.mp4 -filter:v select=\"mod(n-1\\,2)\",setpts=\"N/(25*TB)\" \\\n-c:v rawvideo -r 12.5 -format rawvideo -pix_fmt yuv420p -an odd.yuv\n\nffmpeg -i input.mp4 -filter:v select=\"not(mod(n-1\\,2))\",setpts=\"N/(25*TB)\" \\\n-c:v rawvideo -r 12.5 -format rawvideo -pix_fmt yuv420p -an even.yuv\n\nYou can of course choose another pixel format (any of ffmpeg -pix_fmts). ", "Make sure that when reading the file you know the pixel size and pixel format: \nffmpeg -f rawvideo -s:v 1280x720 -pix_fmt yuv420p input.yuv …\n\nA:\n\nIf your ffmpeg was built with the AviSynth flag, then I believe you can pass an .avs file.", "\nYou can check by running ffmpeg and looking for --enable-avisynth in the configuration data.", "\n\nIf it's there you can use it like so: ffmpeg -i blahEven.avs blahEven.yuv.", "\nWhere blahEven.avs is simply:\n\nffvideosource(\"blah.yuv\").SelectEven()\n\nFor odd frames, use SelectOdd().", "\nFor more advanded usage, see the SelectEvery documentation.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nPDF images included in a PDF document with XeLaTeX\n\nI am writing a presentation in Beamer, and I am compiling using XeLaTeX. Some PDF images I include in my presentation have a weird behaviour: they show up correctly in Mac OS's Preview application, however they don't display on Adobe Reader.", "\nIs there a way of solving this problem? ", "Researching for a solution I saw that people solved this by forcing a specific PDF version. ", "However I am not able to do that in XeLaTeX.\nActually I don't need the images to be included as vectorial graphics, a method to tell LaTeX to include them as raster would also be perfect.", "\nThanks in advance! ", "\n\nA:\n\nI found a solution. ", "The problem was quite obscure, but maybe some will find it useful, so I am writing it here.", "\nThe .pdf images I was including were generated by an application which is using the default Mac OS PDF engine. ", "Apparently it is generating non-compliant PDF 1.7 files. ", "At least that's Ghostscript output when I try to process those PDFs:\n**** This file had errors that were repaired or ignored.", "\n**** The file was produced by:\n**** >>>> Mac OS X 10.11.6 Quartz PDFContext <<<<\n**** Please notify the author of the software that produced this\n**** file that it does not conform to Adobe's published PDF\n**** specification.", "\n\nThe solution is: converting the PDF images to PDF 1.4 using the following command line\ngs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -o output.pdf input.pdf\n\nThen ignore Ghostscript error message, and finally use the new \"normalized\" PDF 1.4 files in your LaTeX document.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Houston (CNN) The mother of a missing Houston girl has denied allegations that the child had been abused at home, and says the head injury that led to those allegations was discovered only after a series of hospital visits.", "\n\nMaleah Davis, 4, and her two brothers were removed from their home and placed with a relative last year after allegations of abuse, the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services told CNN.", "\n\nA judge ordered their return home in February and called for child protective services to visit the home at least once a month to check on the family.", "\n\nMaleah has been missing since late last week. ", "According to her stepfather, Darion Vence, he, his 1-year-old son and Maleah were abducted on the side of a road Friday night in the Houston area by Hispanic males who knocked him unconscious.", "\n\nWhen he finally awoke Saturday evening, Vence told detectives, he was on the side of a road with his son and Maleah was gone. ", "In an interview Tuesday with CNN, Maleah's mother, Brittany Bowens said Vence's story doesn't \"make sense.\"", "\n\nBowens also addressed Maleah's head injury. ", "Houston police Sgt. ", "Mark Holbrook has said Maleah had had multiple brain surgeries, including one in recent months.", "\n\nThe surgeries were intended to help an injury heal, he said.", "\n\nBowens on Tuesday disputed allegations that her daughter was physically abused at their home, and gave this account of the injury:\n\nBowens said she took her daughter to West Houston Medical Center last July because she was lethargic, but nurses didn't examine her head.", "\n\nWeeks later, on July 28, Maleah fell while she was sitting at the table eating by herself, Bowens said.", "\n\n\"When she falls, she came around that couch, she had a deep gash in her head and it freaked me out,\" said Bowens, who again rushed her daughter to West Houston. ", "Doctors discharged Maleah without performing a CT scan, Bowens said.", "\n\nFive days later, in early August, Maleah suffered a seizure, Bowens said, sobbing. ", "Maleah was taken to a children's hospital.", "\n\n\"They did a CT scan and that's when they told me there was bleeding on the left-hand side of her brain,\" she said. \"", "At that point it was a life or death situation.\"", "\n\nDoctors operated on Maleah, she said. ", "A few days later, officials with Child Protective Services arrived at her home, Bowens said.", "\n\n\"They didn't find anything because we're not those kinds of people,\" she said.", "\n\nBut that month, child protective services placed Maleah and her two brothers with relatives -- an arrangement that continued until the judge ordered them returned home in February.", "\n\nNow, police are on the hunt for the trio of suspects Vence described, their reported blue pickup truck and the young child.", "\n\nMaleah is about 3 feet tall and weighs 30 to 40 pounds. ", "She was last seen wearing a light blue Under Armour jacket, blue jeans, gray Under Armour tennis shoes with pink and white details and had a pink bow in her hair.", "\n\nHere's everything we know about the young girl and how she went missing:\n\nStepfather says he kept passing out\n\nVence told detectives that he, Maleah and his son were on their way to the airport Friday night to pick up Maleah's mother, who was flying in from Massachusetts, Sgt. ", "Holbrook said.", "\n\nWhile on the road, the stepdad says he heard a \"popping noise,\" like a popped tire, and pulled over to check on it, he told police. ", "That's when a blue pickup truck pulled up behind the car and two Hispanic males got out, according to Vence's narrative to police.", "\n\nOne of the men commented, \"Maleah looks very nice, looks very sweet,\" according to Vence's account.", "\n\nThe other man hit Vence in the head and he lost consciousness, he told police.", "\n\nStepfather Darion Vence says one of the abductors hit him in the head\n\nAt some point when he woke up, Vence said he was in the back of the truck with Maleah and her brother and three Hispanic males were also in the vehicle.", "\n\nHe told police he was in and out of consciousness until about 6 p.m. Saturday, when he woke up on Highway 6 with the 1-year-old boy. ", "Maleah was not there.", "\n\nVence said he walked to a nearby hospital where he received treatment and reported her missing.", "\n\nThe stepfather's story has \"a lot of blanks,\" Holbrook said, but he said he's hoping the public can help them \"fill in the blanks\" in the narrative provided to them by Vence.", "\n\nMother asks for help\n\nMaleah's mother told CNN affiliate KTRK she feels \"so lost.\"", "\n\nThrough sobs, Bowens pleaded for help, saying losing the young girl is \"too much to bear.\"", "\n\n\"I can't concentrate, I can't focus,\" she told the affiliate . \"", "It's so overwhelming for me. ", "It doesn't seem real.\"", "\n\nThe mother was returning from a trip and got another family member to pick her up from the airport when Vence didn't show up with the children, Holbrook said.", "\n\n\"(There's) so many thoughts going on in my mind on what could have happened,\" she told KTRK.", "\n\nMaleah, she said, is a kind, loving, creative and smart young girl.", "\n\nVolunteers join search\n\nTexas EquuSearch, a search and rescue organization, has joined the effort to look for Maleah. ", "The organization said on its website an active search began Monday morning.", "\n\nEquuSearch founder and director Tim Miller told KTRK he's \"hoping for the best, expecting the worst.\"", "\n\n\"No matter what the case is, I hope this baby is found,\" he told the affiliate.", "\n\nThese are the cars police are looking for\n\nPolice posted a representative photo of the blue pickup truck that Vence said the abductors were driving.", "\n\nPolice say a blue truck similar to this one may have been used in the abduction of Maleah Davis.", "\n\nAn Amber Alert describes the car as a blue, crew-cab Chevy pickup truck, possibly a 2010 year model.", "\n\nThe car Vence was driving -- a silver Nissan Altima belonging to Maleah's mother -- is also missing, police said.", "\n\nA traffic camera captured an image of the Altima driving through an intersection in the Houston suburb of Sugar Land just before 3 p.m. on Saturday afternoon.", "\n\nThis image captures the Nissan Altima on Saturday, during the time Vence said he was in and out of consciousness.", "\n\nHouston police ask anyone with information about the case to call 713-308-3600.", "\n\nCorrection: A previous version of this story incorrectly spelled the name of Brittany Bowens." ]
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[ "List of North Carolina hurricanes\n\nThe list of North Carolina hurricanes includes 413 known tropical or subtropical cyclones that have affected the U.S. state of North Carolina. ", "Due to its location, many hurricanes have hit the state directly, and numerous hurricanes have passed near or through North Carolina in its history; the state is ranked fourth, after Florida, Texas, and Louisiana, in the number of cyclones that produced hurricane-force winds in a U.S. state. ", "Hurricanes in North Carolina history are responsible for over $11 billion in damage (2008 USD) and almost 1,000 total fatalities.", "\n\nClimatology\nAs to statistical hurricane research between 1883 and 1996 by the North Carolina State Climatology Office, a tropical cyclone makes landfall along the coastline about once every four years. ", "An estimated 17.5 percent of all North Atlantic tropical cyclones have affected the state. ", "Additionally, the remnants of a few Pacific tropical cyclones struck the state. ", "Cape Hatteras is most affected by storms within the state, though Cape Lookout and Cape Fear are also regularly affected; the increased activity in three areas is because it protrudes from elsewhere along the Atlantic coastline. ", "After Southern Florida, Cape Hatteras has the lowest return period, or the frequency at which a certain intensity or category of hurricane can be expected within 86 mi (139 km) of a given location, in the country. ", "As the Outer Banks are a narrow strip of low-lying land, hurricanes occasionally leave portions of the land partially or fully submerged. ", "Additionally, the remnants of inland tropical cyclones have produced flooding and landslides in the state's western region.", "\n\nTropical cyclones have affected North Carolina in every month between May and December; about 35 percent of the storms struck the state in September, and 80 percent affected the state between August and October, which coincides with the peak of the hurricane season. ", "The earliest storm to affect the state was Hurricane Florence in North Carolina took a direct hit. ", "A total of 40 N.C. Residents lost their lives. ", " The strongest storm to strike the state was Hurricane Hazel on October 15, 1954, which made landfall as a Category 4 hurricane on the Saffir–Simpson Hurricane Scale.", "\n\nPre-1900\n\nThe list of North Carolina hurricanes before 1900 encompasses 139 tropical cyclones that affected the U.S. state of North Carolina. ", "Collectively, cyclones in North Carolina during the time period resulted in over 775 direct fatalities during the period. ", "Seven cyclones affected the state in the 1893 season, which was the year with the most tropical cyclones devastating the state during the time period. ", "From the beginning of the official Atlantic hurricane record in 1851 to 1899, there were 12 years without a known tropical cyclone affecting the state.", "\n\nHistorical data prior to 1700 is sparse due to lack of significant European settlements along the coastline; the few storms listed are largely records from Roanoke Colony and later the Province of Carolina. ", "Modern meteorologists believe early storms were tropical cyclones, though due to the time period confirmation is impossible. ", "One theory explaining the disappearance of Roanoke Colony suggests a hurricane destroyed the village, though there is no evidence to prove the theory. ", "It is considered unlikely due to lack of damage to a fence around the village, on which the villagers left an inscription.", "\n\n1900–1949\n\nBetween 1900 and 1949, 75 tropical cyclones or their remnants affected the state. ", "Collectively, cyclones in North Carolina during that time period resulted in 53 total fatalities during the period, as well as about $328 million in damage (2008 USD). ", "Tropical cyclone affected the state in all but nine seasons. ", "In the 1916 season, five storms affected the state, which was the season with the most storms devastating the state. ", "The strongest hurricanes to affect the state during the time period were the 1933 Outer Banks hurricane and the 1944 Great Atlantic Hurricane, which produced winds of Category 3 status on the Saffir–Simpson Hurricane Scale within the state. ", "The 1933 Outer Banks hurricane was the deadliest hurricane in the state during the time period, which killed 21 people. ", "The remnants of a hurricane in 1940 dropped heavy rainfall in the state, which caused over $150 million in damage (2008 USD) from flooding and landslides.", "\n\n1950–1979\n\nA total of 79 tropical or subtropical cyclones affected North Carolina between 1950 and 1979. ", "Collectively, cyclones during the time period resulted in 37 total fatalities during the period, as well as about $3 billion in damage (2008 USD). ", "A cyclone affected the state in every year during the time period, and in three seasons a total of five cyclones assailed the state. ", "The strongest hurricane to hit the state during the time period was Hurricane Hazel, which struck the state as a Category 4 hurricane on the Saffir–Simpson Hurricane Scale. ", "Hazel was both the costliest and deadliest cyclone during the period, causing over $1 billion in damage (2008 USD) and 19 deaths. ", "Most storms affected the state in September, though cyclones lashed the state between May and October.", "\n\n1980–Present\n\nThe period from 1980 to the present encompasses 120 tropical or subtropical cyclones that affected the state. ", "Collectively, cyclones in North Carolina during the time period resulted in over $10 billion in damage (2010 USD), primarily from hurricanes Fran and Floyd. ", "Additionally, tropical cyclones in North Carolina were responsible for 77 direct fatalities and at least 44 indirect casualties during the period. ", "Eight cyclones affected the state in the 1985 season, which was the year with the most tropical cyclones striking the state. ", "Every year included at least one tropical cyclone affecting the state.", "\n\nThe strongest hurricane to hit the state during the time period was Hurricane Fran in 1996, which struck near Wilmington as a Category 3 hurricane on the Saffir–Simpson Hurricane Scale; Hurricane Emily in 1993 brushed the Outer Banks also as a Category 3 hurricane. ", "The deadliest hurricane during the period was Hurricane Floyd in 1999, which caused 35 fatalities and record–breaking flooding in the eastern portion of the state. ", "Hurricane Irene hit the Outer Banks on August 27, 2011 as a Category 1, making it the first of its kind to make landfall since Hurricane Ike in 2008.", "\n\nNorth Carolina major hurricanes\nThe following major hurricanes either made landfall on the state or brought winds of Category 3 status to the state. ", "Storms are listed since 1851, which is the official start of the Atlantic hurricane database.", "\n\nDeadly storms\nThe table lists hurricanes by death tolls of over 20 fatalities. ", "Direct deaths are those that are directly caused by the storm passage, such as drownings or deaths from being struck by windblown objects. ", "Indirect deaths, which are not included in the toll of Hurricane Floyd, are those that are related to the storm, but not directly from its storm effects. ", "Due to lack of data, many early hurricanes have overall death tolls that do not specify indirect or direct.", "\n\nSee also\n\nClimate of North Carolina\n Geography of North Carolina\n Hazard mitigation in the Outer Banks\n List of United States hurricanes\n List of wettest known tropical cyclones in North Carolina\n List of Atlantic hurricanes\n\nReferences\n\nNorth Carolina\nNorth Carolina\nHurricanes" ]
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[ "/*\nOriginal code by Lee Thomason (www.grinninglizard.com)\n\nThis software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied\nwarranty. ", "In no event will the authors be held liable for any\ndamages arising from the use of this software.", "\n\nPermission is granted to anyone to use this software for any\npurpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and\nredistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:\n\n1. ", "The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must\nnot claim that you wrote the original software. ", "If you use this\nsoftware in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation\nwould be appreciated but is not required.", "\n\n2. ", "Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and\nmust not be misrepresented as being the original software.", "\n\n3. ", "This notice may not be removed or altered from any source\ndistribution.", "\n*/\n\n#ifndef TINYXML2_INCLUDED\n#define TINYXML2_INCLUDED\n\n#if defined(ANDROID_NDK) || defined(__BORLANDC__)\n# include <ctype.h>\n# include <limits.h>\n# include <stdio.h>\n# include <stdlib.h>\n# include <string.h>\n# include <stdarg.h>\n#else\n# include <cctype>\n# include <climits>\n# include <cstdio>\n# include <cstdlib>\n# include <cstring>\n# include <cstdarg>\n#endif\n\n/*\n TODO: intern strings instead of allocation.", "\n*/\n/*\n\tgcc:\n g++ -Wall -DDEBUG tinyxml2.cpp xmltest.cpp -o gccxmltest.exe\n\n Formatting, Artistic Style:\n AStyle.exe --style=1tbs --indent-switches --break-closing-brackets --indent-preprocessor tinyxml2.cpp tinyxml2.h\n*/\n\n#if defined( _DEBUG ) || defined( DEBUG ) || defined (__DEBUG__)\n# ifndef DEBUG\n# define DEBUG\n# endif\n#endif\n\n\n#if defined(DEBUG)\n# if defined(_MSC_VER)\n# define TIXMLASSERT( x ) if ( !(", "x)) { __debugbreak(); } //if ( !(", "x)) WinDebugBreak()\n# elif defined (ANDROID_NDK)\n# include <android/log.h>\n# define TIXMLASSERT( x ) if ( !(", "x)) { __android_log_assert( \"assert\", \"grinliz\", \"ASSERT in '%s' at %d.\", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); }\n# else\n# include <assert.h>\n# define TIXMLASSERT assert\n# endif\n# else\n# define TIXMLASSERT( x ) {}\n#endif\n\n\n#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1400 )\n// Microsoft visual studio, version 2005 and higher.", "\n/*int _snprintf_s(\n char *buffer,\n size_t sizeOfBuffer,\n size_t count,\n const char *format [,\n\t argument] ...\n);*/\ninline int TIXML_SNPRINTF( char* buffer, size_t size, const char* format, ... )\n{\n va_list va;\n va_start( va, format );\n int result = vsnprintf_s( buffer, size, _TRUNCATE, format, va );\n va_end( va );\n return result;\n}\n#define TIXML_SSCANF sscanf_s\n#else\n// GCC version 3 and higher\n//#warning( \"Using sn* functions.\" )", "\n#define TIXML_SNPRINTF snprintf\n#define TIXML_SSCANF sscanf\n#endif\n\nstatic const int TIXML2_MAJOR_VERSION = 1;\nstatic const int TIXML2_MINOR_VERSION = 0;\nstatic const int TIXML2_PATCH_VERSION = 11;\n\nnamespace tinyxml2\n{\nclass XMLDocument;\nclass XMLElement;\nclass XMLAttribute;\nclass XMLComment;\nclass XMLNode;\nclass XMLText;\nclass XMLDeclaration;\nclass XMLUnknown;\n\nclass XMLPrinter;\n\n/*\n\tA class that wraps strings. ", "Normally stores the start and end\n\tpointers into the XML file itself, and will apply normalization\n\tand entity translation if actually read. ", "Can also store (and memory\n\tmanage) a traditional char[]\n*/\nclass StrPair\n{\npublic:\n enum {\n NEEDS_ENTITY_PROCESSING\t\t\t= 0x01,\n NEEDS_NEWLINE_NORMALIZATION\t\t= 0x02,\n COLLAPSE_WHITESPACE\t\t\t\t= 0x04,\n\n TEXT_ELEMENT\t\t = NEEDS_ENTITY_PROCESSING | NEEDS_NEWLINE_NORMALIZATION,\n TEXT_ELEMENT_LEAVE_ENTITIES\t\t= NEEDS_NEWLINE_NORMALIZATION,\n ATTRIBUTE_NAME\t\t = 0,\n ATTRIBUTE_VALUE\t\t = NEEDS_ENTITY_PROCESSING | NEEDS_NEWLINE_NORMALIZATION,\n ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_LEAVE_ENTITIES = NEEDS_NEWLINE_NORMALIZATION,\n COMMENT\t\t\t\t = NEEDS_NEWLINE_NORMALIZATION\n };\n\n StrPair() : _flags( 0 ), _start( 0 ), _end( 0 ) {}\n ~StrPair();\n\n void Set( char* start, char* end, int flags ) {\n Reset();\n _start = start;\n _end = end;\n _flags = flags | NEEDS_FLUSH;\n }\n\n const char* GetStr();\n\n bool Empty() const {\n return _start == _end;\n }\n\n void SetInternedStr( const char* str ) {\n Reset();\n _start = const_cast<char*>(str);\n }\n\n void SetStr( const char* str, int flags=0 );\n\n char* ParseText( char* in, const char* endTag, int strFlags );\n char* ParseName( char* in );\n\nprivate:\n void Reset();\n void CollapseWhitespace();\n\n enum {\n NEEDS_FLUSH = 0x100,\n NEEDS_DELETE = 0x200\n };\n\n // After parsing, if *end !", "= 0, it can be set to zero.", "\n int _flags;\n char* _start;\n char* _end;\n};\n\n\n/*\n\tA dynamic array of Plain Old Data. ", "Doesn't support constructors, etc.", "\n\tHas a small initial memory pool, so that low or no usage will not\n\tcause a call to new/delete\n*/\ntemplate <class T, int INIT>\nclass DynArray\n{\npublic:\n DynArray< T, INIT >() {\n _mem = _pool;\n _allocated = INIT;\n _size = 0;\n }\n\n ~DynArray() {\n if ( _mem !", "= _pool ) {\n delete [] _mem;\n }\n }\n\n void Push( T t ) {\n EnsureCapacity( _size+1 );\n _mem[_size++] = t;\n }\n\n T* PushArr( int count ) {\n EnsureCapacity( _size+count );\n T* ret = &_mem[_size];\n _size += count;\n return ret;\n }\n\n T Pop() {\n return _mem[--_size];\n }\n\n void PopArr( int count ) {\n TIXMLASSERT( _size >= count );\n _size -= count;\n }\n\n bool Empty() const\t\t\t\t\t{\n return _size == 0;\n }\n\n T& operator[](int i)\t\t\t\t{\n TIXMLASSERT( i>= 0 && i < _size );\n return _mem[i];\n }\n\n const T& operator[](int i) const\t{\n TIXMLASSERT( i>= 0 && i < _size );\n return _mem[i];\n }\n\n int Size() const\t\t\t\t\t{\n return _size;\n }\n\n int Capacity() const\t\t\t\t{\n return _allocated;\n }\n\n const T* Mem() const\t\t\t\t{\n return _mem;\n }\n\n T* Mem()\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{\n return _mem;\n }\n\nprivate:\n void EnsureCapacity( int cap ) {\n if ( cap > _allocated ) {\n int newAllocated = cap * 2;\n T* newMem = new T[newAllocated];\n memcpy( newMem, _mem, sizeof(T)*_size );\t// warning: not using constructors, only works for PODs\n if ( _mem !", "= _pool ) {\n delete [] _mem;\n }\n _mem = newMem;\n _allocated = newAllocated;\n }\n }\n\n T* _mem;\n T _pool[INIT];\n int _allocated;\t\t// objects allocated\n int _size;\t\t\t// number objects in use\n};\n\n\n/*\n\tParent virtual class of a pool for fast allocation\n\tand deallocation of objects.", "\n*/\nclass MemPool\n{\npublic:\n MemPool() {}\n virtual ~MemPool() {}\n\n virtual int ItemSize() const = 0;\n virtual void* Alloc() = 0;\n virtual void Free( void* ) = 0;\n virtual void SetTracked() = 0;\n};\n\n\n/*\n\tTemplate child class to create pools of the correct type.", "\n*/\ntemplate< int SIZE >\nclass MemPoolT : public MemPool\n{\npublic:\n MemPoolT() : _root(0), _currentAllocs(0), _nAllocs(0), _maxAllocs(0), _nUntracked(0)\t{}\n ~MemPoolT() {\n // Delete the blocks.", "\n for( int i=0; i<_blockPtrs.", "Size(); ++i ) {\n delete _blockPtrs[i];\n }\n }\n\n virtual int ItemSize() const\t{\n return SIZE;\n }\n int CurrentAllocs() const\t\t{\n return _currentAllocs;\n }\n\n virtual void* Alloc() {\n if ( !_", "root ) {\n // Need a new block.", "\n Block* block = new Block();\n _blockPtrs.", "Push( block );\n\n for( int i=0; i<COUNT-1; ++i ) {\n block->chunk[i].next = &block->chunk[i+1];\n }\n block->chunk[COUNT-1].next = 0;\n _root = block->chunk;\n }\n void* result = _root;\n _root = _root->next;\n\n ++_currentAllocs;\n if ( _currentAllocs > _maxAllocs ) {\n _maxAllocs = _currentAllocs;\n }\n _nAllocs++;\n _nUntracked++;\n return result;\n }\n virtual void Free( void* mem ) {\n if ( !", "mem ) {\n return;\n }\n --_currentAllocs;\n Chunk* chunk = (Chunk*)mem;\n#ifdef DEBUG\n memset( chunk, 0xfe, sizeof(Chunk) );\n#endif\n chunk->next = _root;\n _root = chunk;\n }\n void Trace( const char* name ) {\n printf( \"Mempool %s watermark=%d [%dk] current=%d size=%d nAlloc=%d blocks=%d\\n\",\n name, _maxAllocs, _maxAllocs*SIZE/1024, _currentAllocs, SIZE, _nAllocs, _blockPtrs.", "Size() );\n }\n\n void SetTracked() {\n _nUntracked--;\n }\n\n int Untracked() const {\n return _nUntracked;\n }\n\n\t// This number is perf sensitive. ", "4k seems like a good tradeoff on my machine.", "\n\t// The test file is large, 170k.", "\n\t// Release:\t\tVS2010 gcc(no opt)\n\t//\t\t1k:\t\t4000\n\t//\t\t2k:\t\t4000\n\t//\t\t4k:\t\t3900\t21000\n\t//\t\t16k:\t5200\n\t//\t\t32k:\t4300\n\t//\t\t64k:\t4000\t21000\n enum { COUNT = (4*1024)/SIZE }; // Some compilers do not accept to use COUNT in private part if COUNT is private\n\nprivate:\n union Chunk {\n Chunk* next;\n char mem[SIZE];\n };\n struct Block {\n Chunk chunk[COUNT];\n };\n DynArray< Block*, 10 > _blockPtrs;\n Chunk* _root;\n\n int _currentAllocs;\n int _nAllocs;\n int _maxAllocs;\n int _nUntracked;\n};\n\n\n\n/**\n\tImplements the interface to the \"Visitor pattern\" (see the Accept() method.)", "\n\tIf you call the Accept() method, it requires being passed a XMLVisitor\n\tclass to handle callbacks. ", "For nodes that contain other nodes (Document, Element)\n\tyou will get called with a VisitEnter/VisitExit pair. ", "Nodes that are always leafs\n\tare simply called with Visit().", "\n\n\tIf you return 'true' from a Visit method, recursive parsing will continue. ", "If you return\n\tfalse, <b>no children of this node or its sibilings</b> will be visited.", "\n\n\tAll flavors of Visit methods have a default implementation that returns 'true' (continue\n\tvisiting). ", "You need to only override methods that are interesting to you.", "\n\n\tGenerally Accept() is called on the TiXmlDocument, although all nodes support visiting.", "\n\n\tYou should never change the document from a callback.", "\n\n\t@sa XMLNode::Accept()\n*/\nclass XMLVisitor\n{\npublic:\n virtual ~XMLVisitor() {}\n\n /// Visit a document.", "\n virtual bool VisitEnter( const XMLDocument& /*doc*/ )\t\t\t{\n return true;\n }\n /// Visit a document.", "\n virtual bool VisitExit( const XMLDocument& /*doc*/ )\t\t\t{\n return true;\n }\n\n /// Visit an element.", "\n virtual bool VisitEnter( const XMLElement& /*element*/, const XMLAttribute* /*firstAttribute*/ )\t{\n return true;\n }\n /// Visit an element.", "\n virtual bool VisitExit( const XMLElement& /*element*/ )\t\t\t{\n return true;\n }\n\n /// Visit a declaration.", "\n virtual bool Visit( const XMLDeclaration& /*declaration*/ )\t\t{\n return true;\n }\n /// Visit a text node.", "\n virtual bool Visit( const XMLText& /*text*/ )\t\t\t\t\t{\n return true;\n }\n /// Visit a comment node.", "\n virtual bool Visit( const XMLComment& /*comment*/ )\t\t\t\t{\n return true;\n }\n /// Visit an unknown node.", "\n virtual bool Visit( const XMLUnknown& /*unknown*/ )\t\t\t\t{\n return true;\n }\n};\n\n\n/*\n\tUtility functionality.", "\n*/\nclass XMLUtil\n{\npublic:\n // Anything in the high order range of UTF-8 is assumed to not be whitespace. ", "This isn't\n // correct, but simple, and usually works.", "\n static const char* SkipWhiteSpace( const char* p )\t{\n while( !", "IsUTF8Continuation(*p) && isspace( *reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(p) ) ) {\n ++p;\n }\n return p;\n }\n static char* SkipWhiteSpace( char* p )\t\t\t\t{\n while( !", "IsUTF8Continuation(*p) && isspace( *reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(p) ) )\t\t{\n ++p;\n }\n return p;\n }\n static bool IsWhiteSpace( char p )\t\t\t\t\t{\n return !", "IsUTF8Continuation(p) && isspace( static_cast<unsigned char>(p) );\n }\n \n inline static bool IsNameStartChar( unsigned char ch ) {\n return ( ( ch < 128 ) ? ", "isalpha( ch ) : 1 )\n || ch == ':'\n || ch == '_';\n }\n \n inline static bool IsNameChar( unsigned char ch ) {\n return IsNameStartChar( ch )\n || isdigit( ch )\n || ch == '.'", "\n || ch == '-';\n }\n\n inline static bool StringEqual( const char* p, const char* q, int nChar=INT_MAX ) {\n int n = 0;\n if ( p == q ) {\n return true;\n }\n while( *p && *q && *p == *q && n<nChar ) {\n ++p;\n ++q;\n ++n;\n }\n if ( (n == nChar) || ( *p == 0 && *q == 0 ) ) {\n return true;\n }\n return false;\n }\n \n inline static int IsUTF8Continuation( const char p ) {\n return p & 0x80;\n }\n\n static const char* ReadBOM( const char* p, bool* hasBOM );\n // p is the starting location,\n // the UTF-8 value of the entity will be placed in value, and length filled in.", "\n static const char* GetCharacterRef( const char* p, char* value, int* length );\n static void ConvertUTF32ToUTF8( unsigned long input, char* output, int* length );\n\n // converts primitive types to strings\n static void ToStr( int v, char* buffer, int bufferSize );\n static void ToStr( unsigned v, char* buffer, int bufferSize );\n static void ToStr( bool v, char* buffer, int bufferSize );\n static void ToStr( float v, char* buffer, int bufferSize );\n static void ToStr( double v, char* buffer, int bufferSize );\n\n // converts strings to primitive types\n static bool\tToInt( const char* str, int* value );\n static bool ToUnsigned( const char* str, unsigned* value );\n static bool\tToBool( const char* str, bool* value );\n static bool\tToFloat( const char* str, float* value );\n static bool ToDouble( const char* str, double* value );\n};\n\n\n/** XMLNode is a base class for every object that is in the\n\tXML Document Object Model (DOM), except XMLAttributes.", "\n\tNodes have siblings, a parent, and children which can\n\tbe navigated. ", "A node is always in a XMLDocument.", "\n\tThe type of a XMLNode can be queried, and it can\n\tbe cast to its more defined type.", "\n\n\tA XMLDocument allocates memory for all its Nodes.", "\n\tWhen the XMLDocument gets deleted, all its Nodes\n\twill also be deleted.", "\n\n\t@verbatim\n\tA Document can contain:\tElement\t(container or leaf)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tComment (leaf)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tUnknown (leaf)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tDeclaration( leaf )\n\n\tAn Element can contain:\tElement (container or leaf)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tText\t(leaf)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAttributes (not on tree)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tComment (leaf)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tUnknown (leaf)\n\n\t@endverbatim\n*/\nclass XMLNode\n{\n friend class XMLDocument;\n friend class XMLElement;\npublic:\n\n /// Get the XMLDocument that owns this XMLNode.", "\n const XMLDocument* GetDocument() const\t{\n return _document;\n }\n /// Get the XMLDocument that owns this XMLNode.", "\n XMLDocument* GetDocument()\t\t\t\t{\n return _document;\n }\n\n /// Safely cast to an Element, or null.", "\n virtual XMLElement*\t\tToElement()\t\t{\n return 0;\n }\n /// Safely cast to Text, or null.", "\n virtual XMLText*\t\tToText()\t\t{\n return 0;\n }\n /// Safely cast to a Comment, or null.", "\n virtual XMLComment*\t\tToComment()\t\t{\n return 0;\n }\n /// Safely cast to a Document, or null.", "\n virtual XMLDocument*\tToDocument()\t{\n return 0;\n }\n /// Safely cast to a Declaration, or null.", "\n virtual XMLDeclaration*\tToDeclaration()\t{\n return 0;\n }\n /// Safely cast to an Unknown, or null.", "\n virtual XMLUnknown*\t\tToUnknown()\t\t{\n return 0;\n }\n\n virtual const XMLElement*\t\tToElement() const\t\t{\n return 0;\n }\n virtual const XMLText*\t\t\tToText() const\t\t\t{\n return 0;\n }\n virtual const XMLComment*\t\tToComment() const\t\t{\n return 0;\n }\n virtual const XMLDocument*\t\tToDocument() const\t\t{\n return 0;\n }\n virtual const XMLDeclaration*\tToDeclaration() const\t{\n return 0;\n }\n virtual const XMLUnknown*\t\tToUnknown() const\t\t{\n return 0;\n }\n\n /** The meaning of 'value' changes for the specific type.", "\n \t@verbatim\n \tDocument:\tempty\n \tElement:\tname of the element\n \tComment:\tthe comment text\n \tUnknown:\tthe tag contents\n \tText:\t\tthe text string\n \t@endverbatim\n */\n const char* Value() const\t\t\t{\n return _value.", "GetStr();\n }\n\n /** Set the Value of an XML node.", "\n \t@sa Value()\n */\n void SetValue( const char* val, bool staticMem=false );\n\n /// Get the parent of this node on the DOM.", "\n const XMLNode*\tParent() const\t\t\t{\n return _parent;\n }\n\n XMLNode* Parent()\t\t\t\t\t\t{\n return _parent;\n }\n\n /// Returns true if this node has no children.", "\n bool NoChildren() const\t\t\t\t\t{\n return !_", "firstChild;\n }\n\n /// Get the first child node, or null if none exists.", "\n const XMLNode* FirstChild() const\t\t{\n return _firstChild;\n }\n\n XMLNode*\t\tFirstChild()\t\t\t{\n return _firstChild;\n }\n\n /** Get the first child element, or optionally the first child\n element with the specified name.", "\n */\n const XMLElement* FirstChildElement( const char* value=0 ) const;\n\n XMLElement* FirstChildElement( const char* value=0 )\t{\n return const_cast<XMLElement*>(const_cast<const XMLNode*>(this)->FirstChildElement( value ));\n }\n\n /// Get the last child node, or null if none exists.", "\n const XMLNode*\tLastChild() const\t\t\t\t\t\t{\n return _lastChild;\n }\n\n XMLNode*\t\tLastChild()\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{\n return const_cast<XMLNode*>(const_cast<const XMLNode*>(this)->LastChild() );\n }\n\n /** Get the last child element or optionally the last child\n element with the specified name.", "\n */\n const XMLElement* LastChildElement( const char* value=0 ) const;\n\n XMLElement* LastChildElement( const char* value=0 )\t{\n return const_cast<XMLElement*>(const_cast<const XMLNode*>(this)->LastChildElement(value) );\n }\n\n /// Get the previous (left) sibling node of this node.", "\n const XMLNode*\tPreviousSibling() const\t\t\t\t\t{\n return _prev;\n }\n\n XMLNode*\tPreviousSibling()\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{\n return _prev;\n }\n\n /// Get the previous (left) sibling element of this node, with an opitionally supplied name.", "\n const XMLElement*\tPreviousSiblingElement( const char* value=0 ) const ;\n\n XMLElement*\tPreviousSiblingElement( const char* value=0 ) {\n return const_cast<XMLElement*>(const_cast<const XMLNode*>(this)->PreviousSiblingElement( value ) );\n }\n\n /// Get the next (right) sibling node of this node.", "\n const XMLNode*\tNextSibling() const\t\t\t\t\t\t{\n return _next;\n }\n\n XMLNode*\tNextSibling()\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{\n return _next;\n }\n\n /// Get the next (right) sibling element of this node, with an opitionally supplied name.", "\n const XMLElement*\tNextSiblingElement( const char* value=0 ) const;\n\n XMLElement*\tNextSiblingElement( const char* value=0 )\t{\n return const_cast<XMLElement*>(const_cast<const XMLNode*>(this)->NextSiblingElement( value ) );\n }\n\n /**\n \tAdd a child node as the last (right) child.", "\n */\n XMLNode* InsertEndChild( XMLNode* addThis );\n\n XMLNode* LinkEndChild( XMLNode* addThis )\t{\n return InsertEndChild( addThis );\n }\n /**\n \tAdd a child node as the first (left) child.", "\n */\n XMLNode* InsertFirstChild( XMLNode* addThis );\n /**\n \tAdd a node after the specified child node.", "\n */\n XMLNode* InsertAfterChild( XMLNode* afterThis, XMLNode* addThis );\n\n /**\n \tDelete all the children of this node.", "\n */\n void DeleteChildren();\n\n /**\n \tDelete a child of this node.", "\n */\n void DeleteChild( XMLNode* node );\n\n /**\n \tMake a copy of this node, but not its children.", "\n \tYou may pass in a Document pointer that will be\n \tthe owner of the new Node. ", "If the 'document' is\n \tnull, then the node returned will be allocated\n \tfrom the current Document. (", "this->GetDocument())\n\n \tNote: if called on a XMLDocument, this will return null.", "\n */\n virtual XMLNode* ShallowClone( XMLDocument* document ) const = 0;\n\n /**\n \tTest if 2 nodes are the same, but don't test children.", "\n \tThe 2 nodes do not need to be in the same Document.", "\n\n \tNote: if called on a XMLDocument, this will return false.", "\n */\n virtual bool ShallowEqual( const XMLNode* compare ) const = 0;\n\n /** Accept a hierarchical visit of the nodes in the TinyXML DOM. ", "Every node in the\n \tXML tree will be conditionally visited and the host will be called back\n \tvia the TiXmlVisitor interface.", "\n\n \tThis is essentially a SAX interface for TinyXML. (", "Note however it doesn't re-parse\n \tthe XML for the callbacks, so the performance of TinyXML is unchanged by using this\n \tinterface versus any other.)", "\n\n \tThe interface has been based on ideas from:\n\n \t- http://www.saxproject.org/\n \t- http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?HierarchicalVisitorPattern\n\n \tWhich are both good references for \"visiting\".", "\n\n \tAn example of using Accept():\n \t@verbatim\n \tTiXmlPrinter printer;\n \ttinyxmlDoc.", "Accept( &printer );\n \tconst char* xmlcstr = printer.", "CStr();\n \t@endverbatim\n */\n virtual bool Accept( XMLVisitor* visitor ) const = 0;\n\n // internal\n virtual char* ParseDeep( char*, StrPair* );\n\nprotected:\n XMLNode( XMLDocument* );\n virtual ~XMLNode();\n XMLNode( const XMLNode& );\t// not supported\n XMLNode& operator=( const XMLNode& );\t// not supported\n\n XMLDocument*\t_document;\n XMLNode*\t\t_parent;\n mutable StrPair\t_value;\n\n XMLNode*\t\t_firstChild;\n XMLNode*\t\t_lastChild;\n\n XMLNode*\t\t_prev;\n XMLNode*\t\t_next;\n\nprivate:\n MemPool*\t\t_memPool;\n void Unlink( XMLNode* child );\n};\n\n\n/** XML text.", "\n\n\tNote that a text node can have child element nodes, for example:\n\t@verbatim\n\t<root>This is <b>bold</b></root>\n\t@endverbatim\n\n\tA text node can have 2 ways to output the next. \"", "normal\" output\n\tand CDATA. ", "It will default to the mode it was parsed from the XML file and\n\tyou generally want to leave it alone, but you can change the output mode with\n\tSetCDATA() and query it with CDATA().", "\n*/\nclass XMLText : public XMLNode\n{\n friend class XMLBase;\n friend class XMLDocument;\npublic:\n virtual bool Accept( XMLVisitor* visitor ) const;\n\n virtual XMLText* ToText()\t\t\t{\n return this;\n }\n virtual const XMLText* ToText() const\t{\n return this;\n }\n\n /// Declare whether this should be CDATA or standard text.", "\n void SetCData( bool isCData )\t\t\t{\n _isCData = isCData;\n }\n /// Returns true if this is a CDATA text element.", "\n bool CData() const\t\t\t\t\t\t{\n return _isCData;\n }\n\n char* ParseDeep( char*, StrPair* endTag );\n virtual XMLNode* ShallowClone( XMLDocument* document ) const;\n virtual bool ShallowEqual( const XMLNode* compare ) const;\n\nprotected:\n XMLText( XMLDocument* doc )\t: XMLNode( doc ), _isCData( false )\t{}\n virtual ~XMLText()\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{}\n XMLText( const XMLText& );\t// not supported\n XMLText& operator=( const XMLText& );\t// not supported\n\nprivate:\n bool _isCData;\n};\n\n\n/** An XML Comment. */", "\nclass XMLComment : public XMLNode\n{\n friend class XMLDocument;\npublic:\n virtual XMLComment*\tToComment()\t\t\t\t\t{\n return this;\n }\n virtual const XMLComment* ToComment() const\t\t{\n return this;\n }\n\n virtual bool Accept( XMLVisitor* visitor ) const;\n\n char* ParseDeep( char*, StrPair* endTag );\n virtual XMLNode* ShallowClone( XMLDocument* document ) const;\n virtual bool ShallowEqual( const XMLNode* compare ) const;\n\nprotected:\n XMLComment( XMLDocument* doc );\n virtual ~XMLComment();\n XMLComment( const XMLComment& );\t// not supported\n XMLComment& operator=( const XMLComment& );\t// not supported\n\nprivate:\n};\n\n\n/** In correct XML the declaration is the first entry in the file.", "\n\t@verbatim\n\t\t<?", "xml version=\"1.0\" standalone=\"yes\"?", ">\n\t@endverbatim\n\n\tTinyXML2 will happily read or write files without a declaration,\n\thowever.", "\n\n\tThe text of the declaration isn't interpreted. ", "It is parsed\n\tand written as a string.", "\n*/\nclass XMLDeclaration : public XMLNode\n{\n friend class XMLDocument;\npublic:\n virtual XMLDeclaration*\tToDeclaration()\t\t\t\t\t{\n return this;\n }\n virtual const XMLDeclaration* ToDeclaration() const\t\t{\n return this;\n }\n\n virtual bool Accept( XMLVisitor* visitor ) const;\n\n char* ParseDeep( char*, StrPair* endTag );\n virtual XMLNode* ShallowClone( XMLDocument* document ) const;\n virtual bool ShallowEqual( const XMLNode* compare ) const;\n\nprotected:\n XMLDeclaration( XMLDocument* doc );\n virtual ~XMLDeclaration();\n XMLDeclaration( const XMLDeclaration& );\t// not supported\n XMLDeclaration& operator=( const XMLDeclaration& );\t// not supported\n};\n\n\n/** Any tag that tinyXml doesn't recognize is saved as an\n\tunknown. ", "It is a tag of text, but should not be modified.", "\n\tIt will be written back to the XML, unchanged, when the file\n\tis saved.", "\n\n\tDTD tags get thrown into TiXmlUnknowns.", "\n*/\nclass XMLUnknown : public XMLNode\n{\n friend class XMLDocument;\npublic:\n virtual XMLUnknown*\tToUnknown()\t\t\t\t\t{\n return this;\n }\n virtual const XMLUnknown* ToUnknown() const\t\t{\n return this;\n }\n\n virtual bool Accept( XMLVisitor* visitor ) const;\n\n char* ParseDeep( char*, StrPair* endTag );\n virtual XMLNode* ShallowClone( XMLDocument* document ) const;\n virtual bool ShallowEqual( const XMLNode* compare ) const;\n\nprotected:\n XMLUnknown( XMLDocument* doc );\n virtual ~XMLUnknown();\n XMLUnknown( const XMLUnknown& );\t// not supported\n XMLUnknown& operator=( const XMLUnknown& );\t// not supported\n};\n\n\nenum XMLError {\n XML_NO_ERROR = 0,\n XML_SUCCESS = 0,\n\n XML_NO_ATTRIBUTE,\n XML_WRONG_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE,\n\n XML_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND,\n XML_ERROR_FILE_COULD_NOT_BE_OPENED,\n XML_ERROR_FILE_READ_ERROR,\n XML_ERROR_ELEMENT_MISMATCH,\n XML_ERROR_PARSING_ELEMENT,\n XML_ERROR_PARSING_ATTRIBUTE,\n XML_ERROR_IDENTIFYING_TAG,\n XML_ERROR_PARSING_TEXT,\n XML_ERROR_PARSING_CDATA,\n XML_ERROR_PARSING_COMMENT,\n XML_ERROR_PARSING_DECLARATION,\n XML_ERROR_PARSING_UNKNOWN,\n XML_ERROR_EMPTY_DOCUMENT,\n XML_ERROR_MISMATCHED_ELEMENT,\n XML_ERROR_PARSING,\n\n XML_CAN_NOT_CONVERT_TEXT,\n XML_NO_TEXT_NODE\n};\n\n\n/** An attribute is a name-value pair. ", "Elements have an arbitrary\n\tnumber of attributes, each with a unique name.", "\n\n\t@note The attributes are not XMLNodes. ", "You may only query the\n\tNext() attribute in a list.", "\n*/\nclass XMLAttribute\n{\n friend class XMLElement;\npublic:\n /// The name of the attribute.", "\n const char* Name() const {\n return _name.", "GetStr();\n }\n /// The value of the attribute.", "\n const char* Value() const {\n return _value.", "GetStr();\n }\n /// The next attribute in the list.", "\n const XMLAttribute* Next() const {\n return _next;\n }\n\n /** IntAttribute interprets the attribute as an integer, and returns the value.", "\n If the value isn't an integer, 0 will be returned. ", "There is no error checking;\n \tuse QueryIntAttribute() if you need error checking.", "\n */\n int\t\t IntValue() const\t\t\t\t{\n int i=0;\n QueryIntValue( &i );\n return i;\n }\n /// Query as an unsigned integer. ", "See IntAttribute()\n unsigned UnsignedValue() const\t\t\t{\n unsigned i=0;\n QueryUnsignedValue( &i );\n return i;\n }\n /// Query as a boolean. ", "See IntAttribute()\n bool\t BoolValue() const\t\t\t\t{\n bool b=false;\n QueryBoolValue( &b );\n return b;\n }\n /// Query as a double. ", "See IntAttribute()\n double \t DoubleValue() const\t\t\t{\n double d=0;\n QueryDoubleValue( &d );\n return d;\n }\n /// Query as a float. ", "See IntAttribute()\n float\t FloatValue() const\t\t\t\t{\n float f=0;\n QueryFloatValue( &f );\n return f;\n }\n\n /** QueryIntAttribute interprets the attribute as an integer, and returns the value\n \tin the provided paremeter. ", "The function will return XML_NO_ERROR on success,\n \tand XML_WRONG_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE if the conversion is not successful.", "\n */\n XMLError QueryIntValue( int* value ) const;\n /// See QueryIntAttribute\n XMLError QueryUnsignedValue( unsigned int* value ) const;\n /// See QueryIntAttribute\n XMLError QueryBoolValue( bool* value ) const;\n /// See QueryIntAttribute\n XMLError QueryDoubleValue( double* value ) const;\n /// See QueryIntAttribute\n XMLError QueryFloatValue( float* value ) const;\n\n /// Set the attribute to a string value.", "\n void SetAttribute( const char* value );\n /// Set the attribute to value.", "\n void SetAttribute( int value );\n /// Set the attribute to value.", "\n void SetAttribute( unsigned value );\n /// Set the attribute to value.", "\n void SetAttribute( bool value );\n /// Set the attribute to value.", "\n void SetAttribute( double value );\n /// Set the attribute to value.", "\n void SetAttribute( float value );\n\nprivate:\n enum { BUF_SIZE = 200 };\n\n XMLAttribute() : _next( 0 ) {}\n virtual ~XMLAttribute()\t{}\n\n XMLAttribute( const XMLAttribute& );\t// not supported\n void operator=( const XMLAttribute& );\t// not supported\n void SetName( const char* name );\n\n char* ParseDeep( char* p, bool processEntities );\n\n mutable StrPair _name;\n mutable StrPair _value;\n XMLAttribute* _next;\n MemPool* _memPool;\n};\n\n\n/** The element is a container class. ", "It has a value, the element name,\n\tand can contain other elements, text, comments, and unknowns.", "\n\tElements also contain an arbitrary number of attributes.", "\n*/\nclass XMLElement : public XMLNode\n{\n friend class XMLBase;\n friend class XMLDocument;\npublic:\n /// Get the name of an element (which is the Value() of the node.)", "\n const char* Name() const\t\t{\n return Value();\n }\n /// Set the name of the element.", "\n void SetName( const char* str, bool staticMem=false )\t{\n SetValue( str, staticMem );\n }\n\n virtual XMLElement* ToElement()\t\t\t\t{\n return this;\n }\n virtual const XMLElement* ToElement() const {\n return this;\n }\n virtual bool Accept( XMLVisitor* visitor ) const;\n\n /** Given an attribute name, Attribute() returns the value\n \tfor the attribute of that name, or null if none\n \texists. ", "For example:\n\n \t@verbatim\n \tconst char* value = ele->Attribute( \"foo\" );\n \t@endverbatim\n\n \tThe 'value' parameter is normally null. ", "However, if specified,\n \tthe attribute will only be returned if the 'name' and 'value'\n \tmatch. ", "This allow you to write code:\n\n \t@verbatim\n \tif ( ele->Attribute( \"foo\", \"bar\" ) ) callFooIsBar();\n \t@endverbatim\n\n \trather than:\n \t@verbatim\n \tif ( ele->Attribute( \"foo\" ) ) {\n \t\tif ( strcmp( ele->Attribute( \"foo\" ), \"bar\" ) == 0 ) callFooIsBar();\n \t}\n \t@endverbatim\n */\n const char* Attribute( const char* name, const char* value=0 ) const;\n\n /** Given an attribute name, IntAttribute() returns the value\n \tof the attribute interpreted as an integer. ", "0 will be\n \treturned if there is an error. ", "For a method with error\n \tchecking, see QueryIntAttribute()\n */\n int\t\t IntAttribute( const char* name ) const\t\t{\n int i=0;\n QueryIntAttribute( name, &i );\n return i;\n }\n /// See IntAttribute()\n unsigned UnsignedAttribute( const char* name ) const {\n unsigned i=0;\n QueryUnsignedAttribute( name, &i );\n return i;\n }\n /// See IntAttribute()\n bool\t BoolAttribute( const char* name ) const\t{\n bool b=false;\n QueryBoolAttribute( name, &b );\n return b;\n }\n /// See IntAttribute()\n double \t DoubleAttribute( const char* name ) const\t{\n double d=0;\n QueryDoubleAttribute( name, &d );\n return d;\n }\n /// See IntAttribute()\n float\t FloatAttribute( const char* name ) const\t{\n float f=0;\n QueryFloatAttribute( name, &f );\n return f;\n }\n\n /** Given an attribute name, QueryIntAttribute() returns\n \tXML_NO_ERROR, XML_WRONG_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE if the conversion\n \tcan't be performed, or XML_NO_ATTRIBUTE if the attribute\n \tdoesn't exist. ", "If successful, the result of the conversion\n \twill be written to 'value'. ", "If not successful, nothing will\n \tbe written to 'value'. ", "This allows you to provide default\n \tvalue:\n\n \t@verbatim\n \tint value = 10;\n \tQueryIntAttribute( \"foo\", &value );\t\t// if \"foo\" isn't found, value will still be 10\n \t@endverbatim\n */\n XMLError QueryIntAttribute( const char* name, int* value ) const\t\t\t\t{\n const XMLAttribute* a = FindAttribute( name );\n if ( !", "a ) {\n return XML_NO_ATTRIBUTE;\n }\n return a->QueryIntValue( value );\n }\n /// See QueryIntAttribute()\n XMLError QueryUnsignedAttribute( const char* name, unsigned int* value ) const\t{\n const XMLAttribute* a = FindAttribute( name );\n if ( !", "a ) {\n return XML_NO_ATTRIBUTE;\n }\n return a->QueryUnsignedValue( value );\n }\n /// See QueryIntAttribute()\n XMLError QueryBoolAttribute( const char* name, bool* value ) const\t\t\t\t{\n const XMLAttribute* a = FindAttribute( name );\n if ( !", "a ) {\n return XML_NO_ATTRIBUTE;\n }\n return a->QueryBoolValue( value );\n }\n /// See QueryIntAttribute()\n XMLError QueryDoubleAttribute( const char* name, double* value ) const\t\t\t{\n const XMLAttribute* a = FindAttribute( name );\n if ( !", "a ) {\n return XML_NO_ATTRIBUTE;\n }\n return a->QueryDoubleValue( value );\n }\n /// See QueryIntAttribute()\n XMLError QueryFloatAttribute( const char* name, float* value ) const\t\t\t{\n const XMLAttribute* a = FindAttribute( name );\n if ( !", "a ) {\n return XML_NO_ATTRIBUTE;\n }\n return a->QueryFloatValue( value );\n }\n\n\t\n /** Given an attribute name, QueryAttribute() returns\n \tXML_NO_ERROR, XML_WRONG_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE if the conversion\n \tcan't be performed, or XML_NO_ATTRIBUTE if the attribute\n \tdoesn't exist. ", "It is overloaded for the primitive types,\n\t\tand is a generally more convenient replacement of\n\t\tQueryIntAttribute() and related functions.", "\n\t\t\n\t\tIf successful, the result of the conversion\n \twill be written to 'value'. ", "If not successful, nothing will\n \tbe written to 'value'. ", "This allows you to provide default\n \tvalue:\n\n \t@verbatim\n \tint value = 10;\n \tQueryAttribute( \"foo\", &value );\t\t// if \"foo\" isn't found, value will still be 10\n \t@endverbatim\n */\n\tint QueryAttribute( const char* name, int* value ) const {\n\t\treturn QueryIntAttribute( name, value );\n\t}\n\n\tint QueryAttribute( const char* name, unsigned int* value ) const {\n\t\treturn QueryUnsignedAttribute( name, value );\n\t}\n\n\tint QueryAttribute( const char* name, bool* value ) const {\n\t\treturn QueryBoolAttribute( name, value );\n\t}\n\n\tint QueryAttribute( const char* name, double* value ) const {\n\t\treturn QueryDoubleAttribute( name, value );\n\t}\n\n\tint QueryAttribute( const char* name, float* value ) const {\n\t\treturn QueryFloatAttribute( name, value );\n\t}\n\n\t/// Sets the named attribute to value.", "\n void SetAttribute( const char* name, const char* value )\t{\n XMLAttribute* a = FindOrCreateAttribute( name );\n a->SetAttribute( value );\n }\n /// Sets the named attribute to value.", "\n void SetAttribute( const char* name, int value )\t\t\t{\n XMLAttribute* a = FindOrCreateAttribute( name );\n a->SetAttribute( value );\n }\n /// Sets the named attribute to value.", "\n void SetAttribute( const char* name, unsigned value )\t\t{\n XMLAttribute* a = FindOrCreateAttribute( name );\n a->SetAttribute( value );\n }\n /// Sets the named attribute to value.", "\n void SetAttribute( const char* name, bool value )\t\t\t{\n XMLAttribute* a = FindOrCreateAttribute( name );\n a->SetAttribute( value );\n }\n /// Sets the named attribute to value.", "\n void SetAttribute( const char* name, double value )\t\t{\n XMLAttribute* a = FindOrCreateAttribute( name );\n a->SetAttribute( value );\n }\n\n /**\n \tDelete an attribute.", "\n */\n void DeleteAttribute( const char* name );\n\n /// Return the first attribute in the list.", "\n const XMLAttribute* FirstAttribute() const {\n return _rootAttribute;\n }\n /// Query a specific attribute in the list.", "\n const XMLAttribute* FindAttribute( const char* name ) const;\n\n /** Convenience function for easy access to the text inside an element. ", "Although easy\n \tand concise, GetText() is limited compared to getting the TiXmlText child\n \tand accessing it directly.", "\n\n \tIf the first child of 'this' is a TiXmlText, the GetText()\n \treturns the character string of the Text node, else null is returned.", "\n\n \tThis is a convenient method for getting the text of simple contained text:\n \t@verbatim\n \t<foo>This is text</foo>\n \t\tconst char* str = fooElement->GetText();\n \t@endverbatim\n\n \t'str' will be a pointer to \"This is text\".", "\n\n \tNote that this function can be misleading. ", "If the element foo was created from\n \tthis XML:\n \t@verbatim\n \t\t<foo><b>This is text</b></foo>\n \t@endverbatim\n\n \tthen the value of str would be null. ", "The first child node isn't a text node, it is\n \tanother element. ", "From this XML:\n \t@verbatim\n \t\t<foo>This is <b>text</b></foo>\n \t@endverbatim\n \tGetText() will return \"This is \".", "\n */\n const char* GetText() const;\n\n /**\n \tConvenience method to query the value of a child text node. ", "This is probably best\n \tshown by example. ", "Given you have a document is this form:\n \t@verbatim\n \t\t<point>\n \t\t\t<x>1</x>\n \t\t\t<y>1.4</y>\n \t\t</point>\n \t@endverbatim\n\n \tThe QueryIntText() and similar functions provide a safe and easier way to get to the\n \t\"value\" of x and y.\n\n \t@verbatim\n \t\tint x = 0;\n \t\tfloat y = 0;\t// types of x and y are contrived for example\n \t\tconst XMLElement* xElement = pointElement->FirstChildElement( \"x\" );\n \t\tconst XMLElement* yElement = pointElement->FirstChildElement( \"y\" );\n \t\txElement->QueryIntText( &x );\n \t\tyElement->QueryFloatText( &y );\n \t@endverbatim\n\n \t@returns XML_SUCCESS (0) on success, XML_CAN_NOT_CONVERT_TEXT if the text cannot be converted\n \t\t\t to the requested type, and XML_NO_TEXT_NODE if there is no child text to query.", "\n\n */\n XMLError QueryIntText( int* ival ) const;\n /// See QueryIntText()\n XMLError QueryUnsignedText( unsigned* uval ) const;\n /// See QueryIntText()\n XMLError QueryBoolText( bool* bval ) const;\n /// See QueryIntText()\n XMLError QueryDoubleText( double* dval ) const;\n /// See QueryIntText()\n XMLError QueryFloatText( float* fval ) const;\n\n // internal:\n enum {\n OPEN,\t\t// <foo>\n CLOSED,\t\t// <foo/>\n CLOSING\t\t// </foo>\n };\n int ClosingType() const {\n return _closingType;\n }\n char* ParseDeep( char* p, StrPair* endTag );\n virtual XMLNode* ShallowClone( XMLDocument* document ) const;\n virtual bool ShallowEqual( const XMLNode* compare ) const;\n\nprivate:\n XMLElement( XMLDocument* doc );\n virtual ~XMLElement();\n XMLElement( const XMLElement& );\t// not supported\n void operator=( const XMLElement& );\t// not supported\n\n XMLAttribute* FindAttribute( const char* name );\n XMLAttribute* FindOrCreateAttribute( const char* name );\n //void LinkAttribute( XMLAttribute* attrib );\n char* ParseAttributes( char* p );\n\n int _closingType;\n // The attribute list is ordered; there is no 'lastAttribute'\n // because the list needs to be scanned for dupes before adding\n // a new attribute.", "\n XMLAttribute* _rootAttribute;\n};\n\n\nenum Whitespace {\n PRESERVE_WHITESPACE,\n COLLAPSE_WHITESPACE\n};\n\n\n/** A Document binds together all the functionality.", "\n\tIt can be saved, loaded, and printed to the screen.", "\n\tAll Nodes are connected and allocated to a Document.", "\n\tIf the Document is deleted, all its Nodes are also deleted.", "\n*/\nclass XMLDocument : public XMLNode\n{\n friend class XMLElement;\npublic:\n /// constructor\n XMLDocument( bool processEntities = true, Whitespace = PRESERVE_WHITESPACE );\n ~XMLDocument();\n\n virtual XMLDocument* ToDocument()\t\t\t\t{\n return this;\n }\n virtual const XMLDocument* ToDocument() const\t{\n return this;\n }\n\n /**\n \tParse an XML file from a character string.", "\n \tReturns XML_NO_ERROR (0) on success, or\n \tan errorID.", "\n\n \tYou may optionally pass in the 'nBytes', which is\n \tthe number of bytes which will be parsed. ", "If not\n \tspecified, TinyXML will assume 'xml' points to a\n \tnull terminated string.", "\n */\n XMLError Parse( const char* xml, size_t nBytes=(size_t)(-1) );\n\n /**\n \tLoad an XML file from disk.", "\n \tReturns XML_NO_ERROR (0) on success, or\n \tan errorID.", "\n */\n XMLError LoadFile( const char* filename );\n\n /**\n \tLoad an XML file from disk. ", "You are responsible\n \tfor providing and closing the FILE*.", "\n\n \tReturns XML_NO_ERROR (0) on success, or\n \tan errorID.", "\n */\n XMLError LoadFile( FILE* );\n\n /**\n \tSave the XML file to disk.", "\n \tReturns XML_NO_ERROR (0) on success, or\n \tan errorID.", "\n */\n XMLError SaveFile( const char* filename, bool compact = false );\n\n /**\n \tSave the XML file to disk. ", "You are responsible\n \tfor providing and closing the FILE*.", "\n\n \tReturns XML_NO_ERROR (0) on success, or\n \tan errorID.", "\n */\n XMLError SaveFile( FILE* fp, bool compact = false );\n\n bool ProcessEntities() const\t\t{\n return _processEntities;\n }\n Whitespace WhitespaceMode() const\t{\n return _whitespace;\n }\n\n /**\n \tReturns true if this document has a leading Byte Order Mark of UTF8.", "\n */\n bool HasBOM() const {\n return _writeBOM;\n }\n /** Sets whether to write the BOM when writing the file.", "\n */\n void SetBOM( bool useBOM ) {\n _writeBOM = useBOM;\n }\n\n /** Return the root element of DOM. ", "Equivalent to FirstChildElement().", "\n To get the first node, use FirstChild().", "\n */\n XMLElement* RootElement()\t\t\t\t{\n return FirstChildElement();\n }\n const XMLElement* RootElement() const\t{\n return FirstChildElement();\n }\n\n /** Print the Document. ", "If the Printer is not provided, it will\n print to stdout. ", "If you provide Printer, this can print to a file:\n \t@verbatim\n \tXMLPrinter printer( fp );\n \tdoc.", "Print( &printer );\n \t@endverbatim\n\n \tOr you can use a printer to print to memory:\n \t@verbatim\n \tXMLPrinter printer;\n \tdoc->Print( &printer );\n \t// printer.", "CStr() has a const char* to the XML\n \t@endverbatim\n */\n void Print( XMLPrinter* streamer=0 );\n virtual bool Accept( XMLVisitor* visitor ) const;\n\n /**\n \tCreate a new Element associated with\n \tthis Document. ", "The memory for the Element\n \tis managed by the Document.", "\n */\n XMLElement* NewElement( const char* name );\n /**\n \tCreate a new Comment associated with\n \tthis Document. ", "The memory for the Comment\n \tis managed by the Document.", "\n */\n XMLComment* NewComment( const char* comment );\n /**\n \tCreate a new Text associated with\n \tthis Document. ", "The memory for the Text\n \tis managed by the Document.", "\n */\n XMLText* NewText( const char* text );\n /**\n \tCreate a new Declaration associated with\n \tthis Document. ", "The memory for the object\n \tis managed by the Document.", "\n\n \tIf the 'text' param is null, the standard\n \tdeclaration is used.:", "\n \t@verbatim\n \t\t<?", "xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?", ">\n \t@endverbatim\n */\n XMLDeclaration* NewDeclaration( const char* text=0 );\n /**\n \tCreate a new Unknown associated with\n \tthis Document. ", "The memory forthe object\n \tis managed by the Document.", "\n */\n XMLUnknown* NewUnknown( const char* text );\n\n /**\n \tDelete a node associated with this document.", "\n \tIt will be unlinked from the DOM.", "\n */\n void DeleteNode( XMLNode* node )\t{\n node->_parent->DeleteChild( node );\n }\n\n void SetError( XMLError error, const char* str1, const char* str2 );\n\n /// Return true if there was an error parsing the document.", "\n bool Error() const {\n return _errorID !", "= XML_NO_ERROR;\n }\n /// Return the errorID.", "\n XMLError ErrorID() const {\n return _errorID;\n }\n /// Return a possibly helpful diagnostic location or string.", "\n const char* GetErrorStr1() const {\n return _errorStr1;\n }\n /// Return a possibly helpful secondary diagnostic location or string.", "\n const char* GetErrorStr2() const {\n return _errorStr2;\n }\n /// If there is an error, print it to stdout.", "\n void PrintError() const;\n \n /// Clear the document, resetting it to the initial state.", "\n void Clear();\n\n // internal\n char* Identify( char* p, XMLNode** node );\n\n virtual XMLNode* ShallowClone( XMLDocument* /*document*/ ) const\t{\n return 0;\n }\n virtual bool ShallowEqual( const XMLNode* /*compare*/ ) const\t{\n return false;\n }\n\nprivate:\n XMLDocument( const XMLDocument& );\t// not supported\n void operator=( const XMLDocument& );\t// not supported\n\n bool _writeBOM;\n bool _processEntities;\n XMLError _errorID;\n Whitespace _whitespace;\n const char* _errorStr1;\n const char* _errorStr2;\n char* _charBuffer;\n\n MemPoolT< sizeof(XMLElement) >\t _elementPool;\n MemPoolT< sizeof(XMLAttribute) > _attributePool;\n MemPoolT< sizeof(XMLText) >\t\t _textPool;\n MemPoolT< sizeof(XMLComment) >\t _commentPool;\n};\n\n\n/**\n\tA XMLHandle is a class that wraps a node pointer with null checks; this is\n\tan incredibly useful thing. ", "Note that XMLHandle is not part of the TinyXML\n\tDOM structure. ", "It is a separate utility class.", "\n\n\tTake an example:\n\t@verbatim\n\t<Document>\n\t\t<Element attributeA = \"valueA\">\n\t\t\t<Child attributeB = \"value1\" />\n\t\t\t<Child attributeB = \"value2\" />\n\t\t</Element>\n\t</Document>\n\t@endverbatim\n\n\tAssuming you want the value of \"attributeB\" in the 2nd \"Child\" element, it's very\n\teasy to write a *lot* of code that looks like:\n\n\t@verbatim\n\tXMLElement* root = document.", "FirstChildElement( \"Document\" );\n\tif ( root )\n\t{\n\t\tXMLElement* element = root->FirstChildElement( \"Element\" );\n\t\tif ( element )\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tXMLElement* child = element->FirstChildElement( \"Child\" );\n\t\t\tif ( child )\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tXMLElement* child2 = child->NextSiblingElement( \"Child\" );\n\t\t\t\tif ( child2 )\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\t// Finally do something useful.", "\n\t@endverbatim\n\n\tAnd that doesn't even cover \"else\" cases. ", "XMLHandle addresses the verbosity\n\tof such code. ", "A XMLHandle checks for null pointers so it is perfectly safe\n\tand correct to use:\n\n\t@verbatim\n\tXMLHandle docHandle( &document );\n\tXMLElement* child2 = docHandle.", "FirstChild( \"Document\" ).FirstChild( \"Element\" ).FirstChild().NextSibling().ToElement();\n\tif ( child2 )\n\t{\n\t\t// do something useful\n\t@endverbatim\n\n\tWhich is MUCH more concise and useful.", "\n\n\tIt is also safe to copy handles - internally they are nothing more than node pointers.", "\n\t@verbatim\n\tXMLHandle handleCopy = handle;\n\t@endverbatim\n\n\tSee also XMLConstHandle, which is the same as XMLHandle, but operates on const objects.", "\n*/\nclass XMLHandle\n{\npublic:\n /// Create a handle from any node (at any depth of the tree.) ", "This can be a null pointer.", "\n XMLHandle( XMLNode* node )\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{\n _node = node;\n }\n /// Create a handle from a node.", "\n XMLHandle( XMLNode& node )\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{\n _node = &node;\n }\n /// Copy constructor\n XMLHandle( const XMLHandle& ref )\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{\n _node = ref._node;\n }\n /// Assignment\n XMLHandle& operator=( const XMLHandle& ref )\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{\n _node = ref._node;\n return *this;\n }\n\n /// Get the first child of this handle.", "\n XMLHandle FirstChild() \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{\n return XMLHandle( _node ? _", "node->FirstChild() : 0 );\n }\n /// Get the first child element of this handle.", "\n XMLHandle FirstChildElement( const char* value=0 )\t\t\t\t\t\t{\n return XMLHandle( _node ? _", "node->FirstChildElement( value ) : 0 );\n }\n /// Get the last child of this handle.", "\n XMLHandle LastChild()\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{\n return XMLHandle( _node ? _", "node->LastChild() : 0 );\n }\n /// Get the last child element of this handle.", "\n XMLHandle LastChildElement( const char* _value=0 )\t\t\t\t\t\t{\n return XMLHandle( _node ? _", "node->LastChildElement( _value ) : 0 );\n }\n /// Get the previous sibling of this handle.", "\n XMLHandle PreviousSibling()\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{\n return XMLHandle( _node ? _", "node->PreviousSibling() : 0 );\n }\n /// Get the previous sibling element of this handle.", "\n XMLHandle PreviousSiblingElement( const char* _value=0 )\t\t\t\t{\n return XMLHandle( _node ? _", "node->PreviousSiblingElement( _value ) : 0 );\n }\n /// Get the next sibling of this handle.", "\n XMLHandle NextSibling()\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{\n return XMLHandle( _node ? _", "node->NextSibling() : 0 );\n }\n /// Get the next sibling element of this handle.", "\n XMLHandle NextSiblingElement( const char* _value=0 )\t\t\t\t\t{\n return XMLHandle( _node ? _", "node->NextSiblingElement( _value ) : 0 );\n }\n\n /// Safe cast to XMLNode. ", "This can return null.", "\n XMLNode* ToNode()\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{\n return _node;\n }\n /// Safe cast to XMLElement. ", "This can return null.", "\n XMLElement* ToElement() \t\t\t\t\t{\n return ( ( _node && _node->ToElement() ) ? _", "node->ToElement() : 0 );\n }\n /// Safe cast to XMLText. ", "This can return null.", "\n XMLText* ToText() \t\t\t\t\t\t\t{\n return ( ( _node && _node->ToText() ) ? _", "node->ToText() : 0 );\n }\n /// Safe cast to XMLUnknown. ", "This can return null.", "\n XMLUnknown* ToUnknown() \t\t\t\t\t{\n return ( ( _node && _node->ToUnknown() ) ? _", "node->ToUnknown() : 0 );\n }\n /// Safe cast to XMLDeclaration. ", "This can return null.", "\n XMLDeclaration* ToDeclaration() \t\t\t{\n return ( ( _node && _node->ToDeclaration() ) ? _", "node->ToDeclaration() : 0 );\n }\n\nprivate:\n XMLNode* _node;\n};\n\n\n/**\n\tA variant of the XMLHandle class for working with const XMLNodes and Documents. ", "It is the\n\tsame in all regards, except for the 'const' qualifiers. ", "See XMLHandle for API.", "\n*/\nclass XMLConstHandle\n{\npublic:\n XMLConstHandle( const XMLNode* node )\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{\n _node = node;\n }\n XMLConstHandle( const XMLNode& node )\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{\n _node = &node;\n }\n XMLConstHandle( const XMLConstHandle& ref )\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{\n _node = ref._node;\n }\n\n XMLConstHandle& operator=( const XMLConstHandle& ref )\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{\n _node = ref._node;\n return *this;\n }\n\n const XMLConstHandle FirstChild() const\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{\n return XMLConstHandle( _node ? _", "node->FirstChild() : 0 );\n }\n const XMLConstHandle FirstChildElement( const char* value=0 ) const\t\t\t\t{\n return XMLConstHandle( _node ? _", "node->FirstChildElement( value ) : 0 );\n }\n const XMLConstHandle LastChild()\tconst\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{\n return XMLConstHandle( _node ? _", "node->LastChild() : 0 );\n }\n const XMLConstHandle LastChildElement( const char* _value=0 ) const\t\t\t\t{\n return XMLConstHandle( _node ? _", "node->LastChildElement( _value ) : 0 );\n }\n const XMLConstHandle PreviousSibling() const\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{\n return XMLConstHandle( _node ? _", "node->PreviousSibling() : 0 );\n }\n const XMLConstHandle PreviousSiblingElement( const char* _value=0 ) const\t\t{\n return XMLConstHandle( _node ? _", "node->PreviousSiblingElement( _value ) : 0 );\n }\n const XMLConstHandle NextSibling() const\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{\n return XMLConstHandle( _node ? _", "node->NextSibling() : 0 );\n }\n const XMLConstHandle NextSiblingElement( const char* _value=0 ) const\t\t\t{\n return XMLConstHandle( _node ? _", "node->NextSiblingElement( _value ) : 0 );\n }\n\n\n const XMLNode* ToNode() const\t\t\t\t{\n return _node;\n }\n const XMLElement* ToElement() const\t\t\t{\n return ( ( _node && _node->ToElement() ) ? _", "node->ToElement() : 0 );\n }\n const XMLText* ToText() const\t\t\t\t{\n return ( ( _node && _node->ToText() ) ? _", "node->ToText() : 0 );\n }\n const XMLUnknown* ToUnknown() const\t\t\t{\n return ( ( _node && _node->ToUnknown() ) ? _", "node->ToUnknown() : 0 );\n }\n const XMLDeclaration* ToDeclaration() const\t{\n return ( ( _node && _node->ToDeclaration() ) ? _", "node->ToDeclaration() : 0 );\n }\n\nprivate:\n const XMLNode* _node;\n};\n\n\n/**\n\tPrinting functionality. ", "The XMLPrinter gives you more\n\toptions than the XMLDocument::Print() method.", "\n\n\tIt can:\n\t-# Print to memory.", "\n\t-# Print to a file you provide.", "\n\t-# Print XML without a XMLDocument.", "\n\n\tPrint to Memory\n\n\t@verbatim\n\tXMLPrinter printer;\n\tdoc->Print( &printer );\n\tSomeFunction( printer.", "CStr() );\n\t@endverbatim\n\n\tPrint to a File\n\n\tYou provide the file pointer.", "\n\t@verbatim\n\tXMLPrinter printer( fp );\n\tdoc.", "Print( &printer );\n\t@endverbatim\n\n\tPrint without a XMLDocument\n\n\tWhen loading, an XML parser is very useful. ", "However, sometimes\n\twhen saving, it just gets in the way. ", "The code is often set up\n\tfor streaming, and constructing the DOM is just overhead.", "\n\n\tThe Printer supports the streaming case. ", "The following code\n\tprints out a trivially simple XML file without ever creating\n\tan XML document.", "\n\n\t@verbatim\n\tXMLPrinter printer( fp );\n\tprinter.", "OpenElement( \"foo\" );\n\tprinter.", "PushAttribute( \"foo\", \"bar\" );\n\tprinter.", "CloseElement();\n\t@endverbatim\n*/\nclass XMLPrinter : public XMLVisitor\n{\npublic:\n /** Construct the printer. ", "If the FILE* is specified,\n \tthis will print to the FILE. ", "Else it will print\n \tto memory, and the result is available in CStr().", "\n \tIf 'compact' is set to true, then output is created\n \twith only required whitespace and newlines.", "\n */\n XMLPrinter( FILE* file=0, bool compact = false );\n ~XMLPrinter()\t{}\n\n /** If streaming, write the BOM and declaration. */", "\n void PushHeader( bool writeBOM, bool writeDeclaration );\n /** If streaming, start writing an element.", "\n The element must be closed with CloseElement()\n */\n void OpenElement( const char* name );\n /// If streaming, add an attribute to an open element.", "\n void PushAttribute( const char* name, const char* value );\n void PushAttribute( const char* name, int value );\n void PushAttribute( const char* name, unsigned value );\n void PushAttribute( const char* name, bool value );\n void PushAttribute( const char* name, double value );\n /// If streaming, close the Element.", "\n void CloseElement();\n\n /// Add a text node.", "\n void PushText( const char* text, bool cdata=false );\n /// Add a text node from an integer.", "\n void PushText( int value );\n /// Add a text node from an unsigned.", "\n void PushText( unsigned value );\n /// Add a text node from a bool.", "\n void PushText( bool value );\n /// Add a text node from a float.", "\n void PushText( float value );\n /// Add a text node from a double.", "\n void PushText( double value );\n\n /// Add a comment\n void PushComment( const char* comment );\n\n void PushDeclaration( const char* value );\n void PushUnknown( const char* value );\n\n virtual bool VisitEnter( const XMLDocument& /*doc*/ );\n virtual bool VisitExit( const XMLDocument& /*doc*/ )\t\t\t{\n return true;\n }\n\n virtual bool VisitEnter( const XMLElement& element, const XMLAttribute* attribute );\n virtual bool VisitExit( const XMLElement& element );\n\n virtual bool Visit( const XMLText& text );\n virtual bool Visit( const XMLComment& comment );\n virtual bool Visit( const XMLDeclaration& declaration );\n virtual bool Visit( const XMLUnknown& unknown );\n\n /**\n \tIf in print to memory mode, return a pointer to\n \tthe XML file in memory.", "\n */\n const char* CStr() const {\n return _buffer.", "Mem();\n }\n /**\n \tIf in print to memory mode, return the size\n \tof the XML file in memory. (", "Note the size returned\n \tincludes the terminating null.)", "\n */\n int CStrSize() const {\n return _buffer.", "Size();\n }\n\nprivate:\n void SealElement();\n void PrintSpace( int depth );\n void PrintString( const char*, bool restrictedEntitySet );\t// prints out, after detecting entities.", "\n void Print( const char* format, ... );\n\n bool _elementJustOpened;\n bool _firstElement;\n FILE* _fp;\n int _depth;\n int _textDepth;\n bool _processEntities;\n bool _compactMode;\n\n enum {\n ENTITY_RANGE = 64,\n BUF_SIZE = 200\n };\n bool _entityFlag[ENTITY_RANGE];\n bool _restrictedEntityFlag[ENTITY_RANGE];\n\n DynArray< const char*, 10 > _stack;\n DynArray< char, 20 > _buffer;\n#ifdef _MSC_VER\n DynArray< char, 20 > _accumulator;\n#endif\n};\n\n\n}\t// tinyxml2\n\n\n#endif // TINYXML2_INCLUDED\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nВключенный checkbox\n\nЗдравствуйте! ", "У меня есть код:\n<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"css/style1.css\" />\n <script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"js/modernizr.custom.39460.js\"></script> \n <body>\n <br><br>\n <div class=\"container\"> \n <input type=\"checkbox\" class=\"fire-check\" />\n <br><br><br>\n <section> \n <div class=\"tn-box tn-box-color-1\">\n <p>Подождите, оно исчезает позже</p>\n <div class=\"tn-progress\"></div>\n </div>\n <div class=\"tn-box tn-box-color-2\">\n <p>Оно исчезнет позже позднего</p>\n <div class=\"tn-progress\"></div>\n </div>\n <div class=\"tn-box tn-box-color-3\">\n <p>Исчезает последним!<p>\n <div class=\"tn-progress\"></div>\n </div>\n\n </section>\n </div>\n </body>\n\nНо что бы открывались модальные окна, нужно активировать checkbox, как сделать что бы при открытии страницы, эти модальные окна автоматически открывались. ", "Без checkbox.", "\n\nA:\n\n$(function(){\n var modals = $('.container').find('.tn-box');\n modals.hide(); // если через css не спрятаны\n modals.each(function(idx, modal){\n $(modal).delay(1000*idx).fadeIn();\n })\n});\n\n.fadeIn()\n.delay()\n\n" ]
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[ "Competency-based management\n\nCompetency-based management (CBM) supports the integration of human resources planning with business planning by allowing organizations to assess the current human resource capacity based on their competencies against the capacity needed to achieve the vision, mission and business goals of the organization. ", "Targeted human resource strategies, plans and programs to address gaps (e.g. recruitment, learning, career development, and succession planning) are then designed, developed and implemented to close the gaps.", "\n\nCompetency-based human resources planning serves as a link between human resources management and the overall strategic plan of an organization. ", "Competencies are defined as observable abilities, skills, knowledge, motivations or traits defined in terms of the behaviors needed for successful job performance.", "\n\nPurpose \nWhile competencies are not new to most organizations, what is new is their increased application across varied human resource functions (i.e., recruitment/selection; learning and development, performance management, career development and succession planning, human resource planning). ", " Organizations are looking for new ways to acquire, manage and retain the precious talent needed to achieve their business goals.", "\n\nProperly designed, competencies translate the strategic vision and goals for the organization into behavior or actions employees must display for the organization to be successful. ", "Competency-based management standardizes and integrates all HR activities based on competencies that support organizational goals.", "\n\nConnecting to organizational execution\n\nCBM solutions typically provide input into and drive all aspects of employee career development. ", " This allows organizations to improve productivity in most areas of human capital management human resources. ", "CBM is typically referred to as \"strategic\" in that it attempts to link organizational planning to job execution.", "\n\n Strategic human resource planning\n Competency architecture\n Competency dictionary\n Competency-based recruitment\n Competency-based learning\n Competency-based performance management\n Competency-based career development\n\nThe role of CBM is to shape and guide employee behavior from \"hire to retire\". ", " CBM helps talent acquisition, performance management and learning management systems to be more effective by assessing employees' skills and competencies. ", " CBM also facilitates gap discovery and suggests learning methods (on the job, literature or formal courses) to help improve employee effectiveness.", "\n\nCompetitive market \nThe war for talent has driven a marked increase of attention and investment in the talent management space as new vendors continue to enter to support an ever-growing demand for strategic human resources applications. ", " Many of these competitors have entered via the software as a service (SaaS) delivery model, affording small and medium business (SMB) new less-costly options. ", " Competency-based management systems define the job to be done and the consequent required skills to perform said job. ", " The outputs of CBM systems are parameters input into production talent management systems.", "\n\nSee also\n\nReferences\n\nBooks\n Dubois, D., & Rothwell, W. (2004). ", "Competency-Based Human Resource Management. ", "Davies-Black Publishing\n Spencer, L M. in Cherniss, C. and D. Goleman, eds. ", " (2001) \"The economic value of emotional intelligence competencies and EIC-based HR programs\", in The Emotionally Intelligent Workplace: How to Select for, Measure, and Improve Emotional Intelligence in Individuals, Groups and Organizations. ", "San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass/Wiley\n Ulrich, D. and Brockbank, W. (2005) The HR Value Proposition. ", "Boston: Harvard Business School Press\n\nArticles\n\n Bartram, D. (2005) The Great Eight competencies: A criterion-centric approach to validation. ", "Journal of Applied Psychology, 90, 1185–1203\n Draganidis, F., & Mentzas, G. (2006). ", "Competency-based management: A review of systems and approaches. ", "Information Management & Computer Security, 14, 51–64\n Homer, M. (2001). ", " Skills and competency management. ", "Industrial and Commercial training, 33/2, 59–62\n Horton, S. (2000). ", "Introduction- the competency-based movement: Its origins and impact on the public sector. ", "The International Journal of Public Sector Management, 13, 306–318\n McEvoy, G., Hayton, J., Wrnick, A., Mumford, T., Hanks, S., & Blahna, M. (2005). ", "A competency-based model for developing human resource professionals. ", "Journal of Management Education, 29, 383–402\n Rausch, E., Sherman, H., & Washbush, J. B. (2002). ", "Defining and assessing competencies for competency-based, outcome-focused management development. ", "The Journal of Management Development, 21, 184–200\n Schmidt, F.L., & Hunter, J.E. (1998). ", "The validity and utility of selection methods in personnel psychology: Practice and theoretical implications of research findings. ", "Psychological Bulletin, 124, 262–274\nCategory:Human resource management" ]
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[ "A Cold and Wet Day\n\nSuzy arrived safe and sound last night and we had a happy family reunion. ", "We talked long into the night about jobs, baseball (if I say “Go Sox!” ", "here, it might just make my husband’s week, so: GO SOX!), ", "falcons, travel, grief, food, Chicago and poker. ", "Suzy discovered the PSP and a little game called “World Championship Poker 2: Featuring Howard Lederer.” ", "She surprised both Sean and I by showing exceptional natural aptitude for No-limit Hold ’em. ", "Currently, I’m considering taking her to Vegas as a ringer.", "\n\nI got up early and tip-toed out of the house, leaving a “Falconing. ", "Be back soon. ", "I mean it. ", "Soon. ", "I promise this time. ", "Love you.” ", "note on the kitchen island. ", "First things first, I checked the perimeter of MCC for any fallen chicks. ", "Happily, I found nothing.", "\n\nRain drizzled out of the sky, so I went to the garage’s covered 11th floor instead of the roof. ", "Herc and Max were nowhere to be seen, but two wet and rather miserable looking chicks toughed it out on the ledge. ", "Instantly, I recognized the male, huddled against the westernmost wall. ", "He looked far wetter than his sister, who was holding court in the center of the ledge.", "\n\n“I wonder,” I said to no one, “did your sisters kick you out of the nest Mr. Hyper McSpaz? ", "Or are you just that eager to be on your own?”", "\n\nThe female opened her mouth as if to respond and let out a gusty ‘screee!’ ", "She looked around expectantly, turned, and hopped back into the nest. ", "For the next hour, the male sat, feathers puffed out, down on his feet.", "\n\nIt stopped raining, so I thought I’d go up on the roof to scope for Herc and Max before I headed on home. ", "I couldn’t see either of them as I walked down to my stairwell post. ", "I set up my tripod and attached my spotting scope just in time for Max to come in from the east and swoop up to the stairwell roof!", "\n\nThe post next to the stairwell provides the closest, straightest view of the nesting site, so I’ve always favored it. ", "On these special occasions with Max lands on the roof of the stairwell while I’m at this post, I am in the closest proximity to him as either adult falcon ever allows, with him barely four feet directly over my head, but out of sight. ", "If I’m not jonesing for a look at his leg bands, so backing up slowly to an incline at the halfway mark of the roof so that I can see him, I savor that shared space. ", "Every time I’ve stayed, Max has come to the edge to peer over at me. ", "I’ll hear the tap-tap-tapping of his talons on the metal edge of the rooftop. ", "When the tapping stops, I can slowly look up and there he will be, leaning out over the edge to look straight down on me, eye to eye.", "\n\nIf I were a stupid person, I would reach up and skritch the underside of his big falcony chin. ", "While I will admit to spacey, absent-minded and at times even absurd, I’m not stupid. ", "I’ve never even moved during these moments. ", "Still and all, it’s breathtaking to be that close and to know that he is taking me in just as I am taking him in.", "\n\nThe first couple of times this happened, I was wary because I had no idea what he might do. ", "My mind’s eye imagined him dropping, lightening quick, onto my face and snipping my eyes out of their sockets. ", "However, my mind’s eye often favors gory special effects like that and 98% of the time, things turn out just fine. ", "100% of these times with Max, he’s not only allowed me to keep my eyes, but hasn’t really reacted to me much at all. ", "It’s a quick, curious look I get from him before he’ll tap back out of site to do whatever he came there to do.", "\n\nBack to present, Max swooped up and tap-tap-tapped over, craning his neck to look down at me. ", "I looked up. ", "He took off. ", "As he rose into the air, heading for the skyperch it looked like, I heard another falcon call down. ", "Herc was on the skyperch. ", "Max answered. ", "Herc responded. ", "Max landed and Herc took off. ", "She dove, heading straight for me.", "\n\nThis, too, has happened with regularity as I am in the dive-swoop path from the skyperch to the nest. ", "On one or two occasions, she or he has gone about 3 feet over my head on their way to the nest. ", "It’s happened often enough, in fact, that I started to count the dive awhile ago. ", "Usually on the “thous” of the “6-1000,” she/he hits the base of the swoop and levels off, buzzing over me on the way to the nest ledge.", "\n\nSo, out of habit, I started the count. ", "Something seemed different. ", "I think it was probably the fact that Hercules had never screamed in rage while descending before. ", "That, by the by, is what is called a “brilliant animal behavior observation” (for those of you who don’t know me, that last was uttered in my most sarcastic tone).", "\n\nToo late to do anything more, I turned my head, silently thanked myself for wearing a baseball cap today, closed my eyes, tensed and continued the count. ", "At the “6”, I turtled my head into my collar and ducked. ", "It turned out to be a good move on my part because on the “one th..”, Herc hit me with the back of her knuckle, knocking my hat off my head. ", "Thankfully, my evasive maneuver resulted in her sharp back talon scraping across blank space instead of scalp. ", "She veered and swooped up to land on the Monadnock ledge where she immediately turned, looked straight down at me, and screamed again.", "\n\n“Hrrrmmm, yeah,” I coughed. “", "Message received LOUD and clear, Herc. ", "Babies are on the ledge and I am no longer welcome to stand this close. ", "I got it. ", "Moving back. ", "Real slow. ", "Moving back. ", "Calm down,” I said quietly as I very slowly grabbed me things and backed away.", "\n\nAs soon as I got to the halfway point of the roof, she calmed. ", "I stood there a moment just to gauge her temper and then decided to pack it in for the day. ", "I didn’t want to be late home, after all. ", "It had nothing to do with angry falcons. ", "Sheesh.", "\n\nAs I thought, I wasn’t the least bit cut. ", "There was a little bump on the back of my head and, Sean said, a bruise, but that was it. ", "Herc just gave me a little warning tap to let me know that things had changed. ", "I’m cool with that and will fully respect the new borders.", "\n\nRelated\n\nIN CASE OF EMERGENCY\n\nIf you find a peregrine on the ground, Mary Hennen has put up some information along with emergency contact numbers for the Chicago region on the FIELD MUSEUM'S PEREGRINE FALCON PAGE\n\nFor those of you not from the Chicago region, the information on what to do when you find a downed peregrine is still valuable, even if the numbers are not. ", "It is highly probable your own area has monitors. ", "My suggestion would be to try wildlife rescue organizations or rehabbers, Animal Control and/or any zoo or natural history museum type place in the area." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nCreate a destop shortcut to run sudo apt-get update -y\n\nI'm looking for help creating a shortcut to open the terminal and run\nsudo apt-get update -y && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y && sudo apt-get autoremove -y\n\nI'd like to see the terminal and the progress the update is making if possible.", "\nI know I can create a cron job or set up \"Unattended-upgrades\" but i'd like to execute the command myself and a desktop shortcut seems ideal.", "\nSo far I have created a blank file with this code:\n[Desktop Entry]\nVersion=1.0\nName=Update\nComment=Test the terminal running a command inside it\nExec=bash 'sudo apt-get update -y && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y && sudo apt-get autoremove -y'\nIcon=utilities-terminal\nTerminal=True\nType=Application\nCategories=Application;\n\nAll that seems to happen though is the cursor spins for a while and I don't know if it has actually run the command.", "\nThanks\n\nA:\n\nI would create a file called update.sh then right click on the file and go to properties. ", "In there you will see a property called \"Allow executing file as program\" Check that tick box and save. ", "Now upon double clicking on the file it will now ask you to open it in the terminal and I believe your problem will now be solved.", "\nGoodluck\n\n" ]
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[ "---\nabstract: 'We show that the class of 1-exact operator systems is not uniformly definable by a sequence of types. ", "We use this fact to show that there is no finitary version of Arveson’s extension theorem. ", "Next, we show that WEP is equivalent to a certain notion of existential closedness for C$^*$-algebras and use this equivalence to give a simpler proof of Kavruk’s result that WEP is equivalent to the complete tight Riesz interpolation property. ", "We then introduce a variant of the space of n-dimensional operator systems and connect this new space to the Kirchberg Embedding Problem, which asks whether every C$^*$-algebra embeds into an ultrapower of the Cuntz algebra $\\mathcal{O}_2$. We end with some results concerning the question of whether or not the local lifting property (in the sense of Kirchberg) is uniformly definable by a sequence of types in the language of C$^*$-algebras.'", "\naddress:\n- 'Department of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science, University of Illinois at Chicago, Science and Engineering Offices M/C 249, 851 S. Morgan St., Chicago, IL, 60607-7045'\n- 'Department of Mathematics, Indiana University, Rawles Hall, 831 E 3rd St, Bloomington, IN 47405'\nauthor:\n- Isaac Goldbring and Thomas Sinclair\ntitle: Omitting types in operator systems\n---\n\nIntroduction\n============\n\nIt has recently been observed that many properties of C$^*$-algebras, while not axiomatizable (in the sense of first-order logic), are *uniformly definable by a sequence of types*, that is, for each $(m,j)\\in {\\mathbb{N}}^2$, there is a formula $\\phi_{m,j}(\\vec x_m)$ in the language of C$^*$-algebras such that:\n\n1. ", " each $\\phi_{m,j}$ takes only nonnegative values;\n\n2. ", " for a fixed $m$, each $\\phi_{m,j}$ has the same modulus of uniform continuity;\n\n3. ", " a C$^*$-algebra $A$ has the property if and only if, for each $m\\in {\\mathbb{N}}$, we have $$\\left(\\sup_{\\vec x_m}\\inf_j \\phi_{m,j}(\\vec x_m)\\right)^A=0.$$\n\nIn other words, the C$^*$-algebra has the property if and only if it omits each of the types $\\Gamma_{m,n}(\\vec x_m):=\\{\\phi_{m,j}(\\vec x_m)\\geq \\frac{1}{n}\\ : \\ j\\in {\\mathbb{N}}\\}$. Condition (1) is merely a convenient normalization. ", "Condition (2) is used in technical applications: it ensures that the infinitary formula $\\inf_j \\phi_{m,j}$ is uniformly continuous, that its interpretation has the same modulus of uniform continuity when interpreted in any C$^*$-algebra, and it is also crucial in the proof of the Omitting Types Theorem for uniform sequences of types (see [@FM Theorem 4.2]).", "\n\nIn [@FHRTW], it is proved that the following properties of a C$^*$-algebra are uniformly definable by a sequence of types: UHF (for separable algebras), AF (again, for separable algebras), nuclear, nuclear dimension $\\leq n$ (for any given $n$), decomposition rank $\\leq n$ (again, for any given $n$), Popa, TAF, simple (for unital C$^*$-algebras).", "\n\nIn connection with the results from [@FHRTW], Ilijas Farah asked whether or not exactness is uniformly definable by a sequence of types. ", "In this paper, we answer a related question by proving that 1-exactness for operator systems is *not* uniformly definable by a sequence of types (in the language of operator systems). (", "We should remark that the types defining nuclearity are types in the language of operator systems.) ", "The proof proceeds by showing that, if the $1$-exact operator systems were uniformly definable by a sequence of types, then, for any $n$, the $n$-dimensional $1$-exact operator systems form a dense $G_{\\delta}$ subset of the space $\\operatorname{\\mathcal{OS}}_n$ of all $n$-dimensional operator systems in the weak topology defined by Junge and Pisier in [@jungepisier]. ", "We then observe that the arguments in [@jungepisier] show that the $1$-exact operator systems are not $G_\\delta$. We use the fact that the 1-exact operator systems are not uniformly definable by a sequence of types to prove that there cannot exist a quantitative, finitary version of Arveson’s extension theorem. ", "We should mention that before we proved that exactness is not uniformly definable by a sequence of types, Taka Ozawa outlined a proof that the quantitative version of Arveson’s extension theorem cannot hold. ", "We include his proof here, although our proof is technologically more elementary.", "\n\nAfter connecting finitary Arveson extension with the Weak Expectation Property (WEP), we take the opportunity here to answer a question from our earlier paper [@GS] by proving that WEP is equivalent to semi-positive existential closedness as an operator system. ", "We use this equivalence to give a simpler proof of a result of Kavruk [@kav-riesz], namely that WEP is equivalent to the complete tight Riesz interpolation property.", "\n\nWe then describe a variant of the spaces $\\operatorname{\\mathcal{OS}}_n$ that we then use to give a new equivalent formulation of the *Kirchberg embedding problem*, which asks whether every C$^*$-algebra embeds into an ultrapower of the Cuntz algebra $\\mathcal{O}_2$.\n\nIn the final section, we show how our results imply that the class of operator systems that have the local lifting property (in the sense of Kirchberg) is not uniformly definable by a sequence of types. ", "In a positive direction, we show that the class of C$^*$-algebras with the local lifting property is infinitarily axiomatizable. ", "We end with some results motivating the need to settle the question of whether or not the local lifting property is uniformly definable by a sequence of types.", "\n\nWe will assume that the reader is familiar with the operator space and system notions being described in this paper, although we will occasionally remind the reader of the definitions of these notions. ", "We will also assume that the reader is familiar with the model-theoretic treatment of operator algebras, spaces, and systems; our earlier paper [@GS] describes this in great detail. ", "That being said, we include appendices containing two model-theoretic discussions that are not as widely known.", "\n\nWe would like to thank Bradd Hart and Taka Ozawa for useful conversations regarding this work.", "\n\nExact operator spaces and systems\n=================================\n\nLet $\\operatorname{\\mathcal{OS}}_n$ be the space of all isomorphism classes of $n$-dimensional operator spaces. ", "There are two natural (metric) topologies on this space which we will refer to as the *strong* and *weak* topologies. ", "For $E,F\\in \\operatorname{\\mathcal{OS}}_n$ and $k\\geq 1$, we define $$d_k(E,F):=\\inf\\{\\|u\\|_k\\cdot \\|u^{-1}\\|_k \\ : \\ u:E{\\rightarrow}F \\text{ linear bijection}\\}.$$ We define $d_{\\cb}(E,F):=\\sup_{k\\geq 1}d_k(E,F)$.\n\nOne can show that $\\log d_{\\cb}$ is a (complete) metric on $\\operatorname{\\mathcal{OS}}_n$ and the resulting topology is called the *strong topology* on $\\operatorname{\\mathcal{OS}}_n$. It is straightforward to verify that a net $E_i$ converges to $E$ strongly if and only if there are linear bijections $\\phi_i:E_i{\\rightarrow}E$ so that $\\|\\phi_i\\|_{\\cb}\\cdot \\|\\phi_i^{-1}\\|_{\\cb}{\\rightarrow}1$.\n\nSimilarly, $\\log d_k$ is a metric on $\\operatorname{\\mathcal{OS}}_n$ as is the metric $\\delta_w:=\\sum_{k\\geq 1} 2^{-k}\\log d_k$. The topology induced by $\\delta_w$ is called the *weak topology* on $\\operatorname{\\mathcal{OS}}_n$. Here, a net $E_i$ converges to $E$ weakly if and only if there is a net of linear bijections $\\phi_i: E_i{\\rightarrow}E$ so that, for all $k$, we have $\\|\\phi_i\\|_k,\\|\\phi_i^{-1}\\|_k{\\rightarrow}1$; equivalently, $E$ is completely isomorphic to the ultraproduct $\\prod_\\u E_i$ for any nonprincipal ultrafilter $\\u$ on the index set. ", "It follows that $(\\operatorname{\\mathcal{OS}}_n,\\wk)$ is a *compact* Polish space.", "\n\nRecall that a finite-dimensional operator space $E$ is said to be *1-exact* if there are linear injections $\\phi_i:E{\\rightarrow}M_{n_i}$ such that $\\|\\phi_i\\|_{\\cb}\\cdot \\|\\phi_i^{-1}\\|_{\\cb}{\\rightarrow}1$. We let $\\operatorname{\\mathcal E}_n$ denote the set of $n$-dimensional 1-exact operator spaces. ", "It follows that $\\operatorname{\\mathcal E}_n$ is the strong closure of the $n$-dimensional matricial operator spaces. ", "As we will see in the next section, it will be important to understand the complexity (in the sense of descriptive set theory) of $\\operatorname{\\mathcal E}_n$ in the weak topology. ", "Our first observation is that, for $n\\geq 3$, $\\operatorname{\\mathcal E}_n$ is not weakly comeager. ", "In fact, this is precisely what Junge and Pisier [@jungepisier Theorem 2.3] establish in order to conclude, via Baire Category arguments, that $\\operatorname{\\mathcal{OS}}_n$ is not strongly separable for $n\\geq 3$.\n\nThe proof of the following theorem is essentially established in [@jungepisier] although it is not explicitly stated there as such.", "\n\n\\[notGde\\] For any $n\\geq 3$, $\\operatorname{\\mathcal E}_n$ is not weakly comeager.", "\n\nSuppose, towards a contradiction, that $\\operatorname{\\mathcal E}_n$ is weakly comeager. ", "By [@jungepisier Proposition 2.1] and [@ER Theorem 2.2], the map $E\\mapsto E^*$ (the operator space dual) on $\\operatorname{\\mathcal{OS}}_n$ is an isometric bijection (in either the weak or strong topology). ", "It follows that $\\{E \\in \\operatorname{\\mathcal{OS}}_n \\ : \\ E^* \\in \\operatorname{\\mathcal E}_n\\}$ is also comeager, so by the Baire Category Theorem, $\\{E\\in \\operatorname{\\mathcal{OS}}_n \\ : E,E^*\\in \\operatorname{\\mathcal E}_n\\}$ is dense, which is precisely the fact that leads to a contradiction in [@jungepisier Theorem 2.3].", "\n\nAs $\\operatorname{\\mathcal E}_n$ is weakly dense (see, for example, the proof of [@jungepisier Proposition 2.2]), this shows:\n\nFor any $n\\geq 3$, $\\operatorname{\\mathcal E}_n$ is not weakly $G_{\\delta}$.\n\nWe achieved a contradiction in the previous corollary by showing that, for $n\\geq 3$, if $\\operatorname{\\mathcal E}_n$ is weakly $G_\\delta$, then $\\operatorname{\\mathcal{OS}}_n$ is strongly separable. ", "In [@jungepisier], Junge and Pisier prove that if $\\operatorname{\\mathcal{OS}}_n$ is strongly separable, then in turn any strongly closed set (e.g. $\\operatorname{\\mathcal E}_n$) is weakly $G_\\delta$. Thus, any proof that $\\operatorname{\\mathcal E}_n$ is not weakly $G_\\delta$ would yield a new proof that $\\operatorname{\\mathcal{OS}}_n$ is not strongly separable.", "\n\nFor any $n\\geq 3$, $(\\operatorname{\\mathcal E}_n,\\wk)$ is not a Baire space. ", "Indeed, suppose that $(\\operatorname{\\mathcal E}_n,\\wk)$ is a Baire space, and consider the identity map $\\operatorname{id}:(\\operatorname{\\mathcal E}_n,\\wk){\\rightarrow}(\\operatorname{\\mathcal E}_n,\\operatorname{strong})$. By the same argument as in [@jungepisier Theorem 2.3]), $\\id$ is Baire class one. ", "By [@Kec Theorem 8.38], the points of continuity of $\\id$ are dense in $(\\operatorname{\\mathcal E}_n,\\wk)$; by [@jungepisier Proposition 2.2], the points of continuity of $\\id$ are those $E\\in \\operatorname{\\mathcal E}_n$ for which $E^*\\in \\operatorname{\\mathcal E}_n$. It follows that the set of all $E\\in \\operatorname{\\mathcal{OS}}_n$ so that both $E$ and $E^*$ are in $\\operatorname{\\mathcal E}_n$ is weakly dense in $\\operatorname{\\mathcal{OS}}_n$, leading to the same contradiction.", "\n\nAlthough it plays no pivotal role in the sequel, we observe the following:\n\nFor every $n$, $\\operatorname{\\mathcal E}_n$ is a weakly $\\Pi_3^0$ subset of $\\operatorname{\\mathcal{OS}}_n$.\n\nBy the small perturbation argument, for any unital separable C$^*$-algebra $A$, the space of all $n$-dimensional operator subsystems of $A$ is separable in the strong topology for all $n$. As the relative weak and strong topologies coincide on the matricial operator systems (Smith’s lemma), the set of matricial operator systems is separable in the weak topology; let $(F_k)$ enumerate a countable dense set of them. ", "Then $E\\in \\neg \\operatorname{\\mathcal E}_n$ if and only if $$E\\in \\bigcup_m \\bigcap_k \\bigcup_l \\{E' \\in \\operatorname{\\mathcal{OS}}_n \\ : \\ d_l(E',F_k)>1 + \\tfrac{1}{m}\\}.$$ It remains to note that $\\{E'\\in \\operatorname{\\mathcal{OS}}_n \\ : \\ d_l(E',F_k)> 1 +\\frac{1}{m}\\}$ is weakly open.", "\n\n\\[hierarchy\\] Where exactly in the (weak) Borel hierarchy does $\\operatorname{\\mathcal E}_n$ lie? ", "In particular, is $\\operatorname{\\mathcal E}_n$ weakly $\\Pi_3^0$-complete?", "\n\nLet $\\operatorname{\\mathcal{OS}y}_n$ be the subset of $\\operatorname{\\mathcal{OS}}_n$ consisting of all $n$-dimensional operator systems, where the morphisms are now *unital* linear bijections. ", "We conclude this section by mentioning that all of the discussion in this section holds for the category of $n$-dimensional operator systems rather than the category of $n$-dimensional operator spaces, the only exception being that the corresponding version of Theorem \\[notGde\\] holds for $n\\geq 5$ instead of $n\\geq 3$.\n\nThe main result\n===============\n\nIn this section, we use the fact that $\\operatorname{\\mathcal E}_n$ is not $G_{\\delta}$ in the weak topology to prove that the 1-exact operator spaces (resp. ", "1-exact operator systems) are not uniformly definable by a sequence of types in the language of operator spaces (resp. ", "the language of operator systems). ", "For simplicity, we work entirely in the operator space category, although all proofs carry over to the operator system category without any change to the proofs.", "\n\nIn what follows, we use the notation and terminology from Appendix \\[codes\\]. ", "We let ${{\\mathcal{L}}}$ denote the language of operator spaces (see, e.g. [@GS]) and we let $\\frak{M}_n\\subseteq \\frak{M}$ denote the set of codes for $n$-dimensional operator spaces. ", "We claim that $\\frak{M}_n$ is a $G_{\\delta}$ subset of $\\frak{M}$, whence $(\\frak{M}_n,\\logic)$ is also a Polish space. ", "Indeed, the set of operator systems of dimension at most $n$ is a universally axiomatizable class, whence the set of codes for such operator systems forms a closed subset of $\\frak{M}$ by Lemma \\[closed\\]. ", "It follows that $\\frak{M}_n$ is the intersection of a closed subset of $\\frak{M}$ with an open subset of $\\frak{M}$, so it is $G_{\\delta}$. We have a “forgetful” map $F:\\frak{M}_n{\\rightarrow}\\operatorname{\\mathcal{OS}}_n$ given by sending an element of $\\frak{M}_n$ to the operator space it codes.", "\n\n\\[open\\] The map $F:(\\frak{M}_n, \\logic){\\rightarrow}(\\operatorname{\\mathcal{OS}}_n,\\wk)$ is a continuous, open, surjective map.", "\n\nContinuity is trivial to check as is surjectivity. ", "Fix $E\\in \\operatorname{\\mathcal{OS}}_n$ and choose $X\\in F^{-1}(E)$. Let $\\{x_i\\}$ be the coding of $E$ given by $X$. A basic open neighborhood $\\mathcal U$ of $X$ checks a finite number of conditions over a finite number of sorts involving only $\\{x_1,\\dotsc, x_q\\}$ for some $q$. It follows that we may choose $k, \\eta>0$ so that for each $E'$ such that $d_k(E',E)<\\eta$ witnessed by $\\phi: E'{\\rightarrow}E$, we have that the coding $X'$ of $E'$ defined by $\\{x_i' := \\phi^{-1}(x_i)\\}$ belongs to $\\mathcal U$. Hence the basic weak open neighborhood $\\{E'\\in \\operatorname{\\mathcal{OS}}_n : d_k(E',E)<\\eta\\}$ of $E$ is contained in $F(\\mathcal U)$, and openess follows.", "\n\n\\[notomittingtypes\\] The class of $1$-exact operator spaces is not uniformly definable by a sequence of types in the language of operator spaces.", "\n\nSuppose, towards a contradiction, that the class of $1$-exact operator spaces is uniformly definable by a sequence of types in the language of operator spaces. ", "Then there are formulae $\\phi_{m,j}(x_1,\\ldots,x_{l_m})$ in the language of operator spaces taking only nonnegative values so that, for an operator space $E$, we have that $E$ is 1-exact if and only if $$\\sup_m (\\sup_{\\vec x}\\inf_j \\phi_{m,j}(\\vec x))^E=0.$$ Fix $n\\geq 3$. We obtain a contradiction by showing that $\\operatorname{\\mathcal E}_n$ is $G_{\\delta}$ in the weak topology on $\\operatorname{\\mathcal{OS}}_n$. Let $(x_{m,k})_k$ enumerate all elements of $\\mathbb{N}^{l_m}$. For $k,q\\geq 1$, set $$U_{m,k,q}:=\\{E\\in \\frak{M}_n \\ : \\ \\inf_j \\phi_{m,j}^E(x_{m,k})<\\frac{1}{q}\\}.$$ It is straightforward to see that $U_{m,k,q}$ is open in the logic topology on $\\frak{M}_n$ and that $F^{-1}(\\operatorname{\\mathcal E}_n)=\\bigcap_{m,k,q}U_{m,k,q}$, so $F^{-1}(\\operatorname{\\mathcal E}_n)$ is a $G_{\\delta}$ subset of $\\frak{M}_n$, whence Polish. ", "We then have that $F|F^{-1}(\\operatorname{\\mathcal E}_n):F^{-1}(\\operatorname{\\mathcal E}_n){\\rightarrow}\\operatorname{\\mathcal E}_n$ is a surjective, continuous, open map, whence $(\\operatorname{\\mathcal E}_n,\\wk)$ is Polish as well by a classical result of Sierpiński (see [@Kec Theorem 8.19]). ", "It follows that $\\operatorname{\\mathcal E}_n$ is a $G_{\\delta}$ subset of $\\operatorname{\\mathcal{OS}}_n$ in the weak topology.", "\n\nBy considering $n\\geq 5$ and applying the operator system version of Theorem \\[notGde\\], we obtain the operator system version of Theorem \\[notomittingtypes\\].", "\n\nRecall from the introduction that Theorem \\[notomittingtypes\\] was inspired by a question of Iljias Farah, namely whether or not the class of exact C$^*$-algebras is uniformly definable by a sequence of types. (", "For a C$^*$-algebra, exact is the same as 1-exact.) ", "We point out that Theorem \\[notomittingtypes\\] does not seem to lead to a resolution of Farah’s question. ", "Since the forgetful map from the category of C$^*$-algebras to the category of operator systems is an equivalence of categories, it follows from the Beth definability theorem that there are formulae in the language of operator systems that approximate, uniformly over all C$^*$-algebras, the algebra multiplication, whence any types that could be used to define the exact C$^*$-algebras could be taken in the language of operator systems. ", "Still, this seems to be of little use due to the loose connection between 1-exact operator systems and exact C$^*$-algebras. ", "For example, there are 1-exact operator systems that do not embed into any exact C$^*$-algebras; see [@KW] and [@lupini2].", "\n\nFailure of finitary Arveson extension\n=====================================\n\nIn this section, we show how the results of the previous section can be used to show that an approximate, quantitative version of Arveson’s extension theorem fails.", "\n\nFirst, it will be convenient to introduce a new definition:\n\nAn operator system $X$ is said to be *CP-rigid* if, for each $n\\in {\\mathbb{N}}$ and $\\delta>0$, there are $k\\in {\\mathbb{N}}$ and ${\\epsilon}>0$ such that, for any unital, self-adjoint map $\\phi:E{\\rightarrow}X$ with $E$ an $n$-dimensional operator system and $\\|\\phi\\|_k<1+{\\epsilon}$, there is a u.c.p.", " map $\\phi':E{\\rightarrow}X$ with $\\|\\phi-\\phi'\\|<\\delta$.\n\n\\[CP-rigid\\] For any $k$, $M_k$ is CP-rigid.", "\n\nLet $\\phi: E{\\rightarrow}M_k$ be as above. ", "By Smith’s lemma (see, for example, [@BO Lemma B.4]), we have that $\\|\\phi\\|_{\\cb} = \\|\\phi\\|_k$. Next it follows from the Haagerup–Paulsen–Wittstock extension theorem that for any unital, self-adjoint linear map $\\phi: E{\\rightarrow}M_k$, there is a u.c.p.", " map $\\phi': E{\\rightarrow}M_k$ with $\\|\\phi' - \\phi\\|_{\\cb}\\leq 2(\\|\\phi\\|_{\\cb} - 1)$. (See [@BO Corollary B.9].) ", "It follows that, for the parameters $n,\\delta$ as above, we may choose $k, \\delta/2$.\n\nWe will need an operator space version of the CP-rigidity of matrix algebras:\n\n\\[CP-rigid-opspace\\] For any finite-dimensional operator space $E$ and any $\\delta>0$, if $\\phi:E{\\rightarrow}M_k$ is a linear map with $\\|\\phi\\|_{2k}<1+\\delta$, then there is a completely contractive (c.c.) ", "map $\\phi':E{\\rightarrow}M_k$ with $\\|\\phi-\\phi'\\|<2\\delta$.\n\nLet $F\\subseteq M_2(E)$ be the Paulsen operator system associated to $E$ (see, e.g., [@BO Appendix B]), so $E=(F)_{12}$. For $\\phi$ as above, we obtain a unital, self-adjoint map $\\tilde{\\phi}:F{\\rightarrow}M_{2k}$ with $(\\tilde{\\phi})_{12}=\\phi$ that also satisfies $\\|\\tilde{\\phi}\\|_{2k}<1+\\delta$. By (the proof of) Lemma \\[CP-rigid\\], there is a u.c.p.", " map $\\tilde{\\psi}:F{\\rightarrow}M_{2k}$ such that $\\|\\tilde{\\phi}-\\tilde{\\psi}\\|<2\\delta$. The map $\\psi:=(\\tilde{\\psi})_{12}$ is as desired.", "\n\nIn [@GS Proposition 2.40], it was shown that each $M_k$ has the dual property of *CP-stability*. ", "As a consequence of this, for every $k$ and ${\\epsilon}>0$, there is $\\delta>0$ such that whenever $\\phi:M_k{\\rightarrow}A$ is a unital map into a C$^*$-algebra for which $\\|\\phi\\|_k\\leq 1+\\delta$, then there is a u.c.p.", " map $\\psi:M_k{\\rightarrow}A$ with $\\|\\phi-\\psi\\|<\\epsilon$.\n\nThe following definition contains the central notion of this section.", "\n\nWe say that a sequence of operator systems $(X_n)$ satisfies *finitary Arveson extension* (FAE) if $\\prod_\\u X_n$ is finitely approximately injective for all nonprincipal ultrafilters $\\u$ on ${\\mathbb{N}}$. If $X$ is an operator system, then we say that $X$ satisfies FAE if the sequence that is constantly $X$ satisfies FAE.", "\n\nWe recall that an operator system $X$ is *approximately injective* (a.i.) ", "if, for every inclusion of finite-dimensional operator systems $E\\subset F$, any u.c.p.", " map $\\phi: E{\\rightarrow}X$ and ${\\epsilon}>0$, there exists a u.c.p.", " map $\\phi': F{\\rightarrow}X$ so that $\\|\\phi'|_E - \\phi\\|<{\\epsilon}$. $X$ is *finitely approximately injective* (f.a.i.) ", "if the conclusion of approximate injectivity holds with the restriction that $E\\subset F\\subset M_n$ for some $n$.\n\n$X$ is FAE if and only if $X^\\u$ is f.a.i.", " for *some* nonprincipal ultrafilter $\\u$ on ${\\mathbb{N}}$. Indeed, suppose that $X^\\u$ is f.a.i.", " and consider another nonprincipal ultrafilter $\\mathcal{V}$ on ${\\mathbb{N}}$. Consider finite-dimensional operator systems $E\\subseteq F\\subseteq M_n$, a u.c.p.", " map $\\phi:E{\\rightarrow}X^{\\mathcal{V}}$, and ${\\epsilon}>0$. Let $Y$ be a separable elementary substructure of $X^{\\mathcal{V}}$ containing $\\phi(E)$ and let $\\psi:Y{\\rightarrow}X^\\u$ be an elementary embedding. ", "Since $X^\\u$ is f.a.i.", " , there is a u.c.p.", " map $\\chi:F{\\rightarrow}X^\\u$ such that $\\|\\chi|E-(\\psi\\circ \\phi)\\|<{\\epsilon}$. Let $Z$ be a separable elementary substructure of $X^\\u$ containing $\\psi(Y)$ and $\\chi(F)$. Finally, let $\\theta:Z{\\rightarrow}X^{\\mathcal{V}}$ be an elementary embedding such that $\\theta|\\psi(Y)=\\psi^{-1}$. It follows that $\\theta\\circ \\chi:F{\\rightarrow}X^{\\mathcal{V}}$ is a u.c.p.", " map for which $\\|(\\theta\\circ \\chi)|E-\\phi\\|<{\\epsilon}$.\n\n$(M_n)$ is FAE if and only if $\\prod_\\u M_n$ is f.a.i.", " for *some* nonprincipal ultrafilter $\\u$ on ${\\mathbb{N}}$. Indeed, this follows from the fact any nonprincipal ultraproduct of matrix algebras can be embedded into any other nonprincipal ultraproduct of matrix algebras with conditional expectation. ", "That being said, we will soon see that $(M_n)$ is not FAE.", "\n\nSuppose that $(X_i \\ : \\ i\\in I)$ is a family of operator spaces (or operator systems or C$^*$-algebras), $\\u$ is a nonprincipal ultrafilter on $I$, and $\\prod_\\u X_i$ the corresponding ultraproduct. ", "Given an element $(a_i)\\in \\ell^\\infty(X_i)$, we denote its image in $\\prod_\\u X_i$ by $(a_i)^\\bullet$. Similarly, if $E$ is an operator space (or operator system or C$^*$-algebra) and $(\\phi_i:E{\\rightarrow}X_i)$ is a family of uniformly bounded linear maps, we let $(\\phi_i)^\\bullet:E{\\rightarrow}\\prod_\\u X_i$ be the function defined by $(\\phi_i)^\\bullet((a_i)^\\bullet):=(\\phi_i(a_i))^\\bullet$.\n\nThe next lemma explains the choice of terminology.", "\n\n\\[finite-fae\\] $(X_n)$ is FAE if and only if the following condition holds: given an inclusion of operator systems $E\\subset M_m$ and $k\\in {\\mathbb{N}}$, there exists $l\\in {\\mathbb{N}}$ so that for any $q\\geq l$ and unital map $\\phi: E{\\rightarrow}X_q$ with $\\|\\phi\\|_l<1+1/l$ there exists a unital map $\\phi': M_m{\\rightarrow}X_q$ so that $\\|\\phi'\\|_k<1+1/k$ and $\\|\\phi'|_E -\\phi\\|<1/k$.\n\nFirst suppose that $(X_n)$ is FAE and fix $E\\subseteq M_m$ and $k\\in {\\mathbb{N}}$. Suppose, for a contradiction, that no $l$ exists as desired. ", "Then for each $l$, we can find $q_l\\geq l$ and a unital map $\\phi_l:E{\\rightarrow}X_{q_l}$ such that $\\|\\phi_l\\|<1+1/l$ and such that $\\phi_l$ is at least $1/k$ away from all unital linear maps $\\phi':M_m{\\rightarrow}X_{q_l}$ with $\\|\\phi'\\|_k<1+1/k$. Let $I:=\\{q_l \\ : \\ l\\in {\\mathbb{N}}\\}$ and note that $I$ is infinite. ", "Let $\\u$ be a nonprincipal ultrafilter on ${\\mathbb{N}}$ such that $I\\in \\u$. Then $\\phi:=(\\phi_l)^\\bullet:E{\\rightarrow}\\prod_\\u X_n$ is a unital, completely contractive map, whence it is u.c.p. ", "Since $\\prod_\\u X_n$ is f.a.i., ", "there is a u.c.p. ", "map $\\phi':M_m{\\rightarrow}\\prod_\\u M_n$ such that $\\|\\phi'|_E-\\phi\\|<1/k$. Without loss of generality, we may write $\\phi':=(\\phi'_n)^\\bullet$, where each $\\phi'_n:M_m{\\rightarrow}X_n$ is unital and linear. ", "We obtain the desired contradiction since $\\|\\phi'_n\\|_k<1+1/k$ and $\\|\\phi'_n|_E-\\phi_n\\|<1/k$ for almost all $n\\in I$.\n\nFor the converse, consider a u.c.p. ", "map $\\phi:E{\\rightarrow}\\prod_\\u X_n$, where $E\\subseteq M_m$ is an operator subsystem, and $\\epsilon>0$. By assumption, for any $k>0$, there is a unital linear map $\\phi_k:M_m{\\rightarrow}\\prod_\\u X_n$ such that $\\|\\phi_k\\|_k<1+1/k$ and such that $\\|\\phi_k|E-\\phi\\|<\\epsilon$. The result follows from the fact that $\\prod_\\u X_n$ is $\\aleph_1$-saturated.", "\n\nFor the rest of this subsection, we fix a nonprincipal ultrafilter $\\u$ on ${\\mathbb{N}}$.\n\n\\[cb-fae\\] Assume that $(M_n)$ is FAE. ", "Fix an inclusion of operator spaces $E\\subset M_m$. Then for every $\\eta>0$ there exists $l\\in {\\mathbb{N}}$ so that for any map $\\phi: E{\\rightarrow}\\prod_\\u M_n$ with $\\|\\phi\\|_l< 1+1/l$, there exists c.c.", " $\\phi': M_m{\\rightarrow}\\prod_\\u M_n$ with $\\|\\phi'|_E - \\phi\\|<\\eta$.\n\nLet $F\\subseteq M_2(M_m)$ be the Paulsen operator system associated to $E$. Let $\\delta<\\frac{\\eta}{2}$ witness the CP-stability of $M_{2m}$ corresponding to the parameter $\\frac{\\eta}{2}$. Take $k> \\max(2m,\\frac{1}{\\delta})$. Let $l\\in {\\mathbb{N}}$ be as in the conclusion of Lemma \\[finite-fae\\] for $F\\subseteq M_{2m}$ and $k$.\n\nWe claim that this $l$ is as desired. ", "Towards this end, suppose that $\\phi:E{\\rightarrow}\\prod_\\u M_n$ is a linear map with $\\|\\phi\\|_l<1+\\frac{1}{l}$. Write $\\phi=(\\phi_i)^\\bullet$ with each $\\phi_i:E{\\rightarrow}M_i$ linear and $\\|\\phi_i\\|_l<1+\\frac{1}{l}$. We get associated unital, self-adjoint maps $\\tilde{\\phi_i}:F{\\rightarrow}M_2(M_i)$ with $\\|\\tilde{\\phi_i}\\|_l< 1+\\frac{1}{l}$. Thus, for $i\\geq l$, we get unital maps $\\phi_i':M_{2m}{\\rightarrow}M_{2i}$ with $\\|\\phi_i'\\|_k\\leq 1+\\frac{1}{k}$ and $\\|\\phi_i'|_F-\\tilde{\\phi_i}\\|\\leq \\frac{1}{k}$. By choice of $k$, there is a u.c.p.", " map $\\psi_i:M_{2m}{\\rightarrow}M_{2i}$ with $\\|\\phi_i'-\\psi_i\\|\\leq \\frac{\\eta}{2}$. It follows that $\\phi':=((\\psi_i)_{12})^\\bullet$ is the desired map.", "\n\nUsing the previous lemma together with the fact that there are only finitely many subspaces of a given matrix algebra, under the assumption that $(M_n)$ is FAE, there is a function $\\sigma:{\\mathbb{N}}{\\rightarrow}{\\mathbb{N}}$ so that, given any operator space $E\\subseteq M_m$ and any linear map $\\phi:E{\\rightarrow}\\prod_\\u M_n$ with $\\|\\phi\\|_{\\sigma(m)}\\leq 1+\\frac{1}{\\sigma(m)}$, there is a c.c.", " $\\phi':M_m{\\rightarrow}\\prod_\\u M_n$ with $\\|\\phi'|_E-\\phi\\|<\\frac{1}{m}$.\n\nWe are now ready to prove the main result in this section.", "\n\n\\[fae-ot\\]$(M_n)$ is not FAE.", "\n\nWe prove that if $(M_n)$ is FAE, then the class of $1$-exact operator spaces is uniformly definable by a sequence of types in the language of operator spaces, contradicting Theorem \\[notomittingtypes\\]. ", "Towards that end, for every $l,m\\in {\\mathbb{N}}$ and every operator space $E$, we define a function $P_{l,m}^E:E^l{\\rightarrow}{\\mathbb{R}}$ by setting $$P_{l,m}^E(\\vec a):=\\inf_{\\phi,\\psi}\\left( \\|(\\psi\\circ \\phi)(\\vec a)-\\vec a\\|+\\frac{1}{m}\\right),$$ where $\\phi:E(\\vec a){\\rightarrow}M_m$ is a linear map with $\\|\\phi\\|_{2m}\\leq 1+\\frac{1}{m}$ and $\\psi:\\phi(E(\\vec a)){\\rightarrow}E$ is a linear map with $\\|\\psi\\|_{\\sigma(m)}\\leq 1+\\frac{1}{\\sigma(m)}$. (Here, by $E(\\vec a)$ we mean the operator subspace of $E$ generated by $\\vec a$.)\n\nWe first observe that each $P_{l,m}$ is a definable predicate (relative to the theory of operator spaces). ", "Indeed, by the discussion in Appendix \\[defpred\\], it suffices to show that: if $(E_i)$ are operator spaces and $E:=\\prod_\\u E_i$, then, for every $\\vec a=(\\vec a_i)^\\bullet\\in E$, $P_{l,m}^E(\\vec a)=\\lim_\\u P_{l,m}^{E_i}(\\vec a_i)$. We leave it to the reader to verify this equality.", "\n\nThus, in order to contradict Theorem \\[notomittingtypes\\], it remains to show that an operator space $E$ is 1-exact if and only if $\\inf_mP_{l,m}^E$ is identically $0$ for all $l\\in {\\mathbb{N}}$. First assume that $E$ is $1$-exact and fix $l\\in {\\mathbb{N}}$, $\\vec a\\in E^l$, and ${\\epsilon}>0$. Since $E$ is $1$-exact, there is $m\\in {\\mathbb{N}}$ and c.c.", " maps $\\phi:E(\\vec a){\\rightarrow}M_m$ and $\\psi:\\phi(E(\\vec a)){\\rightarrow}E$ such that $\\|(\\psi\\circ \\phi)(\\vec a)-\\vec a\\|<\\frac{{\\epsilon}}{2}$. If $\\frac{1}{m}<\\frac{{\\epsilon}}{2}$, we would be done. ", "Nevertheless, one can always remedy the situation to ensure that this is the case. ", "Indeed, consider the map $\\phi_2:E(\\vec a){\\rightarrow}M_m\\oplus M_m\\subseteq M_{2m}$ given by $\\phi_2(x)=\\phi(x)\\oplus \\phi(x)$ and the map $\\psi_2:\\phi(E(\\vec a))\\oplus \\phi(E(\\vec a)){\\rightarrow}E$ given by $\\psi_2(x\\oplus y)=(\\psi(x)+\\psi(y))/2$. Then $\\phi_2$ and $\\psi_2$ are still c.c.", " and $\\psi_2\\circ \\phi_2=\\psi\\circ \\phi$. Thus, one can interate this process until the factorization is through a matrix algebra $M_q$ with $\\frac{1}{q}<\\frac{{\\epsilon}}{2}$.\n\nWe now prove the converse implication. ", "Suppose that $E$ is an operator space for which $\\inf_m P_{l,m}^E$ is identically $0$ for all $l$. Without loss of generality, $E$ is separable, whence we may further assume that $E$ is concretely represented as an operator subspace of $\\prod_\\u M_n$. It suffices to show that the inclusion map $E\\hookrightarrow \\prod_\\u M_n$ is a nuclear embedding. ", "Towards this end, fix $\\vec a\\in E^l$ and ${\\epsilon}>0$. By assumption, there is $m\\in {\\mathbb{N}}$, a linear map $\\phi:E(\\vec a){\\rightarrow}M_m$ with $\\|\\phi\\|_{2m}\\leq \\frac{1}{m}$ and a linear map $\\psi:\\phi(E(\\vec a)){\\rightarrow}E$ with $\\|\\psi\\|_{\\sigma(m)}\\leq 1+\\frac{1}{\\sigma(m)}$ for which $\\|(\\psi\\circ \\phi)(\\vec a)-\\vec a\\|+\\frac{1}{m}<{\\epsilon}$. By Corollary \\[CP-rigid-opspace\\], there is a c.c.", " map $\\phi':E(\\vec a){\\rightarrow}M_m$ with $\\|\\phi-\\phi'\\|<\\frac{2}{m}$. By the definition of $\\sigma$, there is a c.c.", " map $\\psi':M_m{\\rightarrow}\\prod_\\u M_n$ with $\\|\\psi'|_{\\phi(E(\\vec a))}-\\psi\\|\\leq \\frac{1}{m}$. It remains to observe that $$\\|(\\psi'\\circ \\phi')(\\vec a)-\\vec a\\| \\leq \\frac{2}{m}+\\frac{1}{m}(1+\\frac{1}{m})+{\\epsilon}\\leq 2{\\epsilon}+2{\\epsilon}+{\\epsilon}=5{\\epsilon}.\\qedhere$$\n\n\\[prod-not-fi\\] ${{\\mathcal{B}}}(H)$ is not FAE.", "\n\nThere is an embedding $\\prod_\\u M_n\\hookrightarrow {{\\mathcal{B}}}(H)^\\u$ admitting a conditional expectation; hence, if ${{\\mathcal{B}}}(H)^\\u$ were f.a.i., ", "then this would also be true for $\\prod_\\u M_n$, a contradiction.", "\n\nWe end this subsection with some revisionist history. ", "The argument in the proof of Theorem \\[fae-ot\\] was inspired by a very similar argument of the second author showing that nuclearity for operator systems is uniformly definable by a sequence of types. ", "The main change that needs to be made is that the analogy of the function $\\sigma$ above is guaranteed to exist by the CP-stability of matrix algebras. (", "Technically speaking the predicates analogous to the $P_{l,m}$’s above are not actually definable in the language of operator systems-due to usual technicalities concerning unitality-so one needs to work in an expanded language.) ", "This proof then showed that the nuclear $n$-dimensional operator systems form a weakly $G_\\delta$ set (a fact that appears not to have been observed before) and led us to consider whether or not the 1-exact $n$-dimensional operator systems were also weakly $G_\\delta$. The first author later pointed out that the authors of [@FHRTW] changed their original proof of the fact that nuclear C$^*$-algebras are uniformly definable by a sequence of types in the language of C$^*$-algebras in such a way that the proof carried over to the category of operator systems.", "\n\nClarifying remarks about FAE\n----------------------------\n\nA unital C$^*$-algebra is f.a.i.", " if and only if it has the WEP.", "\n\nThe proof of this proposition is almost entirely contained in the literature; here we just connect the dots. ", "Let $A$ denote a unital C$^*$-algebra. ", "Following [@CE], we say that $A$ is *almost injective* if, for any finite-dimensional operator systems $E\\subseteq F$ and any u.c.p.", " map $\\phi:E{\\rightarrow}A$, there is a u.c.p.", " $\\psi:F{\\rightarrow}A^{**}$ extending $\\phi$. If we only require this extension property to hold for finite-dimensional matricial operator systems, then $A$ is said to be *finitely almost injective*. ", "By [@CE Theorem 6.1 and Corollary 6.3], we have that $A$ has WEP if and only if $A$ is finitely almost injective.", "\n\nIt thus remains to show that $A$ is f.a.i.", " if and only if it is finitely almost injective. ", "For the converse, by the duality between c.p.", " maps from $M_n$ to $A^{**}$ and positive operators in $M_n(A^{**})$, given u.c.p.", " $\\phi:E{\\rightarrow}A$ and a u.c.p. ", "extension $\\psi:M_n {\\rightarrow}A^{**}$, we can norm approximate $\\psi$ by u.c.p.", " maps $\\psi': M_n{\\rightarrow}A$; see the proof of [@BO Proposition 2.3.8] for the full details.", "\n\nIf $A$ is a C$^*$-algebra, then $A$ satisfies FAE if and only if $A^\\u$ has WEP for some (equiv. ", "for all) nonprincipal ultrafilter(s) $\\u$ on ${\\mathbb{N}}$.\n\n\\[nowep\\] ${{\\mathcal{B}}}(H)^\\u$ and $\\prod_\\u M_n$ do not have the WEP.", "\n\nWe thank the anonymous referee for pointing out the following corollary.", "\n\n\\[subhom\\] A C$^*$-algebra is FAE if and only if it is subhomogenous.", "\n\nWe will need the following fact communicated by the referee without proof, which we will now undertake to provide.", "\n\nIf $A$ is a unital C$^*$-algebra which is not subhomogenous, then there is a u.c.p.", " embedding $\\prod_\\u M_n\\hookrightarrow A^\\u$ with conditional expectation.", "\n\nLet $n$ be arbitrary. ", "Since $A$ is not subhomogenous, it admits an irreducible representation $\\pi: A{\\rightarrow}\\mathcal B(H)$ with $\\dim(H)\\geq n$. Let $H_n$ be an $n$-dimensional subspace of $H$ and let $\\rho_n: \\mathcal B(H){\\rightarrow}\\mathcal B(H_n)$ be the canonical conditional expectation given by restriction. ", "By Kadison’s transitivity theorem, for any ${\\epsilon}>0$ and any operator $x\\in \\mathcal B(H_n)\\cong M_n$, there is $a\\in A$ with $\\|\\pi(a)\\|< \\|x\\|+{\\epsilon}$ so that $\\pi(a)|_{H_n} = x$. It thus follows by the CP-stability of $M_n$ that there is a u.c.p.", " map $\\psi_n: M_n{\\rightarrow}\\pi(A)$ so that $\\|\\rho_n\\circ\\psi_n - \\id_{M_n}\\|< 1/n$. By the Choi-Effros lifting theorem, there is a u.c.p. ", "map $\\tilde{\\psi}_n:M_n{\\rightarrow}A$ such that $\\pi\\circ \\tilde{\\psi}_n=\\psi_n$. Let $\\psi:=(\\tilde{\\psi}_n)^\\bullet:\\prod_\\u M_n{\\rightarrow}A^\\u$. It follows immediately that $\\psi$ is a u.c.p.", " embedding and that the u.c.p.", " map $\\rho:=(\\rho_n\\circ \\pi)^\\bullet:A^\\u{\\rightarrow}\\prod_\\u M_n$ satisfies $\\rho\\circ \\psi=\\id_{\\prod_\\om M_n}$.\n\nLet $A$ be a C$^*$-algebra. ", "First suppose that $A$ is subhomogenous. ", "Then $A^\\u$ is also subhomogeneous, whence nuclear and thus has the WEP. ", "On the other hand, if $A$ is not subhomogenous, then by the previous lemma there is an operator system embedding $\\prod_\\u M_n\\hookrightarrow A^\\u$ whose image is the image of a conditional expectation on $A^\\u$. Thus if $A^\\u$ did have the WEP, it would follow that so would $\\prod_\\u M_n$, contradicting Corollary \\[nowep\\].", "\n\nThe previous corollary has some interesting consequences. ", "First, it demonstrates that a subalgebra of an FAE C$^*$-algebra is also FAE, a statement which is not immediate from the definition. ", "Second, we see that for ultrapowers of C$^*$-algebras, nuclearity and WEP are equivalent (and are equivalent to subhomogeneity). ", "Finally, if $A$ is a QWEP C$^*$-algebra (quotient of a C$^*$-algebra with WEP), then $A^\\u$ has Kirchberg’s local lifting property, or LLP (see Section \\[LLP\\]), if and only if has WEP (if and only if it is nuclear), for QWEP and LLP together imply WEP.", "\n\nOzawa’s argument\n----------------\n\nBefore we had proven that the class of 1-exact operator systems was not uniformly definable by a sequence of types, we had asked Taka Ozawa whether or not ${{\\mathcal{B}}}(H)$ satisfied FAE. ", "He outlined a proof for us that ${{\\mathcal{B}}}(H)$ does not satisfy FAE. ", "Although our proof above is technologically simpler, Ozawa’s proof is quite interesting, so we include it here. ", "We thank him for his permission to include his argument.", "\n\nThere are a few technical preliminaries to dispense with first. ", "Let $R_n$ and $C_n$ be the $n$-dimensional row and column spaces, respectively. ", "Let $RC_n$ be the space $\\span\\{\\delta_i := e_{1i} \\oplus e_{i1}\\}\\subset R_n\\oplus C_n \\subset M_n\\oplus M_n$.\\\nThe following lemma is essentially contained in Remark 1.2 in [@HP]. ", "See also section 2 of [@Oz].", "\n\n\\[otherhp\\] Let $\\phi: RC_n{\\rightarrow}X$ be a (completely bounded) map. ", "Suppose $\\phi$ extends to a map $\\phi': R_n\\oplus C_n{\\rightarrow}X$ with $\\|\\phi'\\|_{\\cb}\\leq C$. ", "Setting $x_i := \\phi(\\delta_i)$, we then have that there exist $a_1,\\dotsc,a_n, b_1\\dotsc, b_n\\in X$ so that $\\|\\sum a_ia_i^*\\|^{1/2},\\ \\|\\sum b_i^* b_i\\|^{1/2}\\leq C$ and $x_i = a_i + b_i$.\n\nSetting $a_i := \\phi'(e_{1i}\\oplus 0)$ and $b_i := \\phi'(0\\oplus e_{i1})$, we see that the the required conditions are satisfied.", "\n\n\\[hp\\] Let $u_1,\\dotsc, u_n\\in C_r^*(\\bF_n)$ be the unitaries corresponding to the standard free generators of $\\bF_n$, and let $E_n$ be the operator space spanned by $u_1,\\ldots,u_n$. Let $\\theta: RC_n{\\rightarrow}E_n$ be defined by $\\theta(\\delta_i) := u_i$. Then $\\|\\theta\\|_{\\cb}\\leq 2$.\n\nSee Proposition 1.3 in [@HP].", "\n\nAssume ${{\\mathcal{B}}}(H)$ satisfies FAE. ", "Let $E\\subset F\\subset M_n$ be an inclusion of operator spaces. ", "Then for any map $\\phi: E{\\rightarrow}{{\\mathcal{B}}}(H)^\\u$ with $\\|\\phi\\|_{\\cb}\\leq C$, there is an extension $\\phi':F{\\rightarrow}{{\\mathcal{B}}}(H)^\\u$ with $\\|\\phi'\\|_{\\cb}\\leq C$.", "\n\nNote that $M_2({{\\mathcal{B}}}(H)^\\om)\\cong {{\\mathcal{B}}}(H)^\\u$. Now, use Paulsen’s trick to convert to matricial operator systems and u.c.p.", " maps.", "\n\nWe now are ready to give Ozawa’s proof that ${{\\mathcal{B}}}(H)$ does not satisfy FAE. ", "Suppose, towards a contradiction, that ${{\\mathcal{B}}}(H)^\\u$ was f.a.i. ", "Since ${{\\mathcal{B}}}(H)$ is injective, it follows that there exists a conditional expectation $\\Phi$ from ${{\\mathcal{B}}}(H)^\\u$ onto $M :=\\prod_{\\u} M_n(\\mathbb{C})$ (C$^*$-algebra ultraproduct). ", "Let $q: M{\\rightarrow}M_{\\rm vN}$ be the quotient onto the von Neumann ultraproduct. ", "By the remarkable result of Haagerup and Thorbjornsen [@HT], there is a realization $C_r^*(\\mathbb F_2)\\subset M_{\\rm vN}$ which lifts to an embedding $\\iota: C_r^*(\\mathbb F_2){\\rightarrow}M$. Recall that $C_r^*(\\mathbb F_\\infty)\\subset C_r^*(\\mathbb F_2)$. In particular, we have that $(q\\circ\\iota)(x)=x$ for all $x\\in C_r^*(\\mathbb F_\\infty)$. Fix arbitrary $n\\geq 1$. Let $u_1,\\ldots,u_n$ denote the first free $n$ generators of $C^*_r(\\mathbb{F}_\\infty)$ and let $\\theta_n:RC_n{\\rightarrow}{{\\mathcal{B}}}(H)^\\u$ be defined by $\\Theta(\\delta_i):=\\iota(u_i)$. By Fact \\[hp\\], we have that $\\theta_n$ is completely $2$-bounded. ", "Since ${{\\mathcal{B}}}(H)^\\u$ is f.a.i., ", "we have seen that we can extended $\\theta_n$ to a completely $2$-bounded map from $R_n\\oplus C_n$ into ${{\\mathcal{B}}}(H)^\\u$. By Fact \\[otherhp\\], we have that $\\iota(u_i) = a_i + b_i$ with $a_i, b_i\\in {{\\mathcal{B}}}(H)^\\u$ and $\\|\\sum a_ia_i^*\\|^{1/2},\\ \\|\\sum b_i^* b_i\\|^{1/2}\\leq 2$. Setting $c_i := (q\\circ\\Phi)(a_i)$ and $d_i := (q\\circ\\Phi)(b_i)$, we have that $$n = \\sum \\|u_i\\|_2^2\\leq \\sum 2(\\|c_i\\|_2^2 + \\|d_i\\|_2^2)\\leq 2(\\|\\sum a_ia_i^*\\| + \\|\\sum b_i^*b_i\\|)\\leq 16,$$ yielding a contradiction to the fact that $n$ was arbitrary.", "\n\nYet another proof that ${{\\mathcal{B}}}(H)^\\u$ is not WEP\n---------------------------------------------------------\n\nBradd Hart pointed out to us the following deep theorem of Kirchberg [@car] (see also [@P]) in light of which the shortest proof that ${{\\mathcal{B}}}(H)^\\u$ does not have WEP became apparent.", "\n\n\\[braddkirchberg\\] Let $M:=\\prod_\\u M_n$ (the C$^*$ ultraproduct). ", "Then a C$^*$-algebra $A$ is exact if and only if the norm induced on $A\\odot M$ from the tensor product map $A\\odot M\\hookrightarrow \\prod_\\u M_n(A)$ is the min-norm\n\nIndeed, as mentioned above, if ${{\\mathcal{B}}}(H)^\\u$ had WEP, then $M$ would also have WEP. ", "If $M$ had WEP, then by Kirchberg’s tensorial characterization of WEP, we would have that there is a unique C$^*$ norm on C$^*(\\mathbb{F}_\\infty)\\odot M$. Combining this fact with Fact \\[braddkirchberg\\], we get that C$^*(\\mathbb{F}_\\infty)$ is exact, a contradiction.", "\n\nA Digression on WEP\n===================\n\nRecall from [@GS] that a C$^*$-algebra $A$ is said to be *semi-p.e.c.", " as an operator space (resp. ", "system)* if, whenever $B$ is a C$^*$-algebra containing $A$, $\\varphi(\\vec x)$ is a positive existential formula in the language of operator spaces (resp. ", "systems), and $\\vec a$ is a tuple from $A$, then $\\varphi(\\vec a)^A=\\varphi(\\vec a)^B$. (A positive existential formula is an existential formula whose quantifier-free part is constructed from atomic formulae using only nondecreasing functions as connectives.) ", "It was proven in [@GS] that if a C$^*$-algebra has WEP, then it is semi-p.e.c. ", "as an operator space. ", "Further, it was shown (Corollary 2.29, op. ", "cit.) ", "that if $A$ is semi-p.e.c.", " as an operator system, then $A$ has the WEP. ", "It was left as an open question whether or not either of these implications are reversible. ", "We take the opportunity here to notice that the techniques from [@GS] actually show that the latter implication is in fact reversible.", "\n\n\\[wep-pec\\] A unital C$^*$-algebra has the WEP if and only if it is semi-p.e.c.", " as an operator system.", "\n\nWe first suppose $A$ is a *separable*, unital C$^*$-algebra with the WEP. ", "Let $A\\subset B$ be a unital embedding with $B$ separable. ", "Let $E_1\\subset E_2\\subset \\dotsc$ be a filtration of $B$ by finite-dimensional operator spaces so that $A\\cap (\\bigcup_i E_i)$ is dense in $A$. ", "We now use the proof of [@GS Proposition 2.34], specifically the fact the “WEP implies condition $(\\gamma')$” as defined therein. ", "Thus there are maps $\\phi_i: E_i{\\rightarrow}E_i\\cap A$ with $\\|\\phi_i\\|_i\\leq 1$ and $\\|\\phi_i|_{E_i\\cap A} - \\id_{E_i\\cap A}\\|\\leq 1/i$. Given a nonprincipal ultrafilter $\\u$ on ${\\mathbb{N}}$, we may define a “limiting” map $\\phi_\\u: \\bigcup_i E_i{\\rightarrow}A^\\u$ which extends completely contractively to a map $\\phi: B{\\rightarrow}A^\\u$ such that $\\phi|_A = \\id_A$, whence, by unitality, $\\phi$ is a u.c.p.", " map. ", "It is now easy to see that $A$ is p.e.c. ", "in $B$.\n\nNow suppose that $A$ is a non-separable unital C$^*$-algebra with the WEP and consider a C$^*$-algebra $B$ containing $A$; we wish to show that $A$ is p.e.c.", " in $B$. Fix a positive existential formula $\\varphi(\\vec x)$ in the language of operator systems and a tuple $\\vec a$ from $A$. ", "Let $C$ be a separable elementary substructure of $A$ containing $\\vec a$. By [@GS Corollary 2.2], $C$ also has WEP, whence is semi-p.e.c.", " as an operator system by the previous paragraph. ", "We now have that $\\varphi(\\vec a)^A=\\varphi(\\vec a)^C=\\varphi(\\vec a)^B$.\n\nA priori, it seems that $A$ has the WEP if and only if it is p.e.c.", " in ${{\\mathcal{B}}}(H)$ for every representation $A\\hookrightarrow {{\\mathcal{B}}}(H)$. In actuality, it suffices to check that $A$ is p.e.c.", " in *some* representation. ", "Indeed, suppose that the inclusion $A\\hookrightarrow {{\\mathcal{B}}}(H)$ is p.e.c.", " and $A\\hookrightarrow {{\\mathcal{B}}}(K)$ is another representation of $A$. ", "By Arveson extension, we get a u.c.p.", " map ${{\\mathcal{B}}}(K){\\rightarrow}{{\\mathcal{B}}}(H)$ that restricts to the original inclusion $A\\hookrightarrow {{\\mathcal{B}}}(H)$. It follows immediately that $A$ is p.e.c. ", "in ${{\\mathcal{B}}}(K)$.\n\nIt had been suggested to us that some variant of the “linearization trick” found in [@HT] might show that if $A$ is semi-p.e.c.", " as an operator system, then $A$ is p.e.c.", " as a C$^*$-algebra. ", "The previous proposition can be used to dismiss this possibility. ", "Indeed, using the fact that simplicity is uniformly definable by a sequence of types of a particularly nice form (see [@FHRTW]), one can show that a C$^*$-algebra that is p.e.c.", " must be simple. ", "As a result, if the aforementioned implication were true, then this would imply that all WEP C$^*$-algebras are simple, which is definitely not the case.", "\n\nWith the equivalence of WEP and semi-p.e.c.", " in the language of operator systems in hand, we now give an elementary proof of one of the main results of [@kav-riesz], namely the equivalence of the WEP and the so-called “complete tight Riesz interpolation property.” ", "For the convenience of the reader we recall this notion.", "\n\nFor a unital embedding of C$^*$-subalgebras $A\\subset B$, we say that the inclusion has the *complete tight Riesz interpolation property* if for any $n$ and any finite collection $(x_1,\\dotsc, x_\\ell, y_1, \\dotsc, y_m)$ of self-adjoint elements of $M_n(A)$, if there is $z\\in M_n(B)$ so that $x_1,\\dotsc,x_\\ell < z < y_1,\\dotsc, y_m$, then there is an element $z'\\in M_n(A)$ satisfying the same condition. (", "Here, $x<y$ means $y-x\\geq \\delta\\cdot I$ for some $\\delta\\in {\\mathbb{R}}^{>0}$.)\n\nThe following is Theorem 7.4 from [@kav-riesz].", "\n\nA unital, separable C$^*$-algebra has the WEP if and only if $A$ has the complete tight Riesz interpolation property for some unital inclusion $A\\subset {{\\mathcal{B}}}(H)$.\n\nThe forward implication follows immediately from Proposition \\[wep-pec\\]. ", "For the converse, suppose that $A$ has the complete tight Riesz interpolation property. ", "Consider the positive quantifier-free formula $\\varphi(\\vec x,\\vec y)$, which is necessarily of the form $u(p_1(\\vec x_1,\\vec y_1),\\ldots,p_k(\\vec x_k,\\vec y_k))$, where $u:{\\mathbb{R}}^k{\\rightarrow}{\\mathbb{R}}$ is a non-decreasing continuous function and each $p_i$ is an atomic formula in the language of operator systems. ", "We recall that an atomic formula $p(\\vec x, \\vec y) = p(x_1,\\dotsc, x_\\ell, y_1,\\dotsc, y_m)$ in the language of operator systems is interpreted in a C$^*$-algebra (or operator system) $A$ as the norm of a $\\ast$-linear combination of the unit $1_n\\in M_n(A)$ and $x_1,\\dotsc,x_\\ell, y_1,\\dotsc, y_m\\in M_n(A)$ for some $n$. Therefore without loss of generality we may assume the variables are self-adjoint. ", "By passing to matrix amplifications, we may also assume that each variable in $\\varphi(\\vec x, \\vec y)$ has the same matrix rank.", "\n\nWe treat here a special case of the above, the general case being readily deducible from this case using standard operator system and C$^*$-algebraic techniques (for example writing a self-adjoint element $x$ as the difference of two positive elements $x=x_1-x_2$ and using the fact that $\\|x\\|=\\max(\\|x_1\\|,\\|x_2\\|)$.) Suppose that $B$ is a C$^*$-algebra containing $A$ and $\\vec a$ is a tuple from $M_n(A)_+$ such that $(\\inf_{\\vec y\\in M_n(B)_+}\\varphi(\\vec a,\\vec y))^B=r$. Fix $\\epsilon>0$ and choose $\\vec b\\in M_n(B)_+$ such that $\\varphi(\\vec a,\\vec b)^B\\leq r+\\epsilon$. For $i=1,\\ldots,k$, set $r_i:=p_i(\\vec a,\\vec b)$. Since $u$ is non-decreasing and continuous, it suffices to find a sufficiently small $\\delta>0$ and a tuple $\\vec c$ from $M_n(A)_+$ such that $p_i(\\vec a,\\vec c)\\leq r_i+\\delta$ for each $i$. We further suppose that $\\vec y$ is a single variable $y$ and that $p_i(\\vec x,y)=\\|\\sum_j \\alpha_{i,j}x_j+\\beta_i y\\|$, where each $\\alpha_{i,j}$ and $\\beta_i$ are positive real numbers. ", "Of course, we may also assume that $b\\not=0$. Since $\\sum_j \\alpha_{i,j}a_j+\\beta_i b\\leq \\|\\sum_j \\alpha_{i,j}a_j+\\beta_i b\\|\\cdot 1_n=r_i\\cdot 1_n$, we have, for each $i$, that $0<b\\leq \\frac{1}{\\beta_i}(r_i-\\sum_j \\alpha_{i,j}a_j)\\cdot 1_n$. Thus, by the complete tight Riesz property, for any $\\delta>0$ sufficiently small, there is $c\\in M_n(A)$ such that $0<c<(\\frac{1}{\\beta_i}(r_i-\\sum_j \\alpha_{i,j}a_j)+\\delta)\\cdot 1_n$, whence $\\|\\sum_j \\alpha_{i,j}a_j+\\beta_i c\\|<r_i+\\beta \\delta$.\n\nThe spaces $\\operatorname{\\mathcal{X}}_n$ and Kirchberg’s Embedding Problem\n===========================================================================\n\nIn this section, we introduce a variant of the spaces $\\operatorname{\\mathcal{OS}}_n$ and connect them to Kirchberg’s Embedding Problem, which asks whether every C$^*$-algebra is embeddable in an ultrapower of the Cuntz algebra $\\O_2$. We let KEP denote the statement that the Kirchberg Embedding Problem has a positive solution. ", "We refer the reader to our earlier paper [@GS] for a comprehensive treatment of this problem.", "\n\nFor any $n$, we let $\\operatorname{\\mathcal{X}}_n$ denote the space of all $n$-dimensional operator subspaces $E\\subset {{\\mathcal{B}}}(H)$ under the identification between $E, F\\subset {{\\mathcal{B}}}(H)$ if there is a linear bijection $\\phi: E{\\rightarrow}F$ which extends to a $\\ast$-isomorphism from $C^*(E)$ onto $C^*(F)$.\n\nWe now introduce “weak” and “strong” topologies on $\\operatorname{\\mathcal{X}}_n$ which are analogous to the weak and strong topologies on $\\operatorname{\\mathcal{OS}}_n$. Let $\\mathbb P_{n,k}$ be the set of all degree at most $k$, noncommutative $\\ast$-polynomials in $n$ variables $p(\\vec x) = \\sum c_i \\vec x^{\\alpha(i)}$ with $\\sum |c_i|\\leq 1$. Given $E, F\\in \\operatorname{\\mathcal{X}}_n$ we say that a map $\\phi: E{\\rightarrow}F$ is *$(m,{\\delta})$-almost multiplicative* if $$\\gamma_m(\\phi) := \\sup_{p\\in \\mathbb P_{n,m}}\\sup_{\\vec x\\in (E)_1^n} \\left|\\|p(\\vec x)\\| - \\|p(\\phi(\\vec x))\\|\\right|<{\\delta}.$$ We set $$\\gamma_s(E,F) := \\inf_{\\phi: E{\\rightarrow}F} \\sup_m\\max\\{\\gamma_m(\\phi), \\gamma_m(\\phi^{-1})\\},$$ where $\\phi: E{\\rightarrow}F$ ranges over all unital, linear bijections. ", "Finally, we set $$\\gamma_w(E,F) = \\inf_{\\phi:E{\\rightarrow}F}\\sum_m \\frac{1}{2^m} \\max\\{\\gamma_m(\\phi), \\gamma_m(\\phi^{-1})\\},$$ where once again $\\phi:E{\\rightarrow}F$ ranges over all unital, linear bijections.", "\n\nThe following result is proven in the same way as its $\\operatorname{\\mathcal{OS}}_n$ counterpart (see [@P Proposition 16]).", "\n\n\\[mci\\] A sequence $E_i{\\rightarrow}E$ in the weak topology if and only if, for any nonprincipal ultrafilter $\\u$ on ${\\mathbb{N}}$, there is a map $\n\\phi: E{\\rightarrow}\\prod_\\u E_i$ which induces a $\\ast$-isomorphism on the corresponding C$^*$-algebras.", "\n\n$(\\operatorname{\\mathcal{X}}_n,\\wk)$ is a compact Polish space.", "\n\nThe proof of the following proposition is straightforward and left to the reader.", "\n\nThe forgetful map $G: \\operatorname{\\mathcal{X}}_n{\\rightarrow}\\operatorname{\\mathcal{OS}}_n$ is weak-weak and strong-strong continuous.", "\n\nWe need to recall the main result of [@GS]. ", "By a *condition* we mean a finite set $p(\\vec x)$ of inequalities of the form $\\varphi(\\vec x)<{\\epsilon}$, where $\\varphi(\\vec x)$ is a quantifier-free formula in the language of C$^*$-algebras. ", "We say that a condition $p(\\vec x)$ is *satisfiable* if there is a C$^*$-algebra $A$ and a tuple $\\vec a$ from $A$ of the appropriate length for which $\\varphi(\\vec a)^A<\\epsilon$ holds for all inequalities $\\varphi(\\vec x)<\\epsilon$ belonging to $p(\\vec x)$; in this case, we say that $\\vec a$ *satisfies* $p(\\vec x)$. We say that the (satisfiable) condition $p(\\vec x)$ has *good nuclear witnesses* if, for any ${\\epsilon}>0$, there is $k\\in {\\mathbb{N}}$ and a tuple $\\vec a\\in {{\\mathcal{B}}}(H)^{|\\vec x|}$ that satisfies $p(\\vec x)$ for which there are u.c.p.", " maps $\\phi:S{\\rightarrow}M_k$ and $\\psi:M_k{\\rightarrow}{{\\mathcal{B}}}(H)$ such that $\\|(\\psi\\circ \\phi)(\\vec a)-\\vec a\\|<\\epsilon$, where $S$ is the operator system generated by $\\vec a$. (This is not literally the definition of good nuclear witnesses given in [@GS]; however, it is remarked to be equivalent to the original definition after the proof of [@GS Theorem 3.7].)", "\n\n\\[gnw\\] KEP holds if and only if every satisfiable condition has good nuclear witnesses.", "\n\nOne last bit of notation: set $\\operatorname{\\mathcal{EX}}_n := G^{-1}(\\operatorname{\\mathcal E}_n)$. We are now ready to state our new equivalent reformulation of KEP.", "\n\n\\[KEPnew\\] KEP holds if and only if $\\operatorname{\\mathcal{EX}}_n$ is weakly dense in $\\operatorname{\\mathcal{X}}_n$ for all $n$.\n\nFirst suppose that KEP holds and let $E$ be an $n$-dimensional operator space contained in the unital C$^*$-algebra $A$. ", "Fix a basis $x=x_1,\\ldots,x_n$ of $E$ and let $p_i \\subset p_{i+1} \\subset \\dotsb$ be an increasing set of conditions satisfied by $x$ so that $\\bigcup_i \\phi_i$ is dense in the quantifier-free type of $x$. By [@GS Proposition 3.5], for each $i$, there are exact C$^*$-algebras $A_i$ and tuples $a_i$ from $A$ satisfying each $p_i$. Without loss of generality, we may assume that each $a_i$ is linearly independent. ", "Let $E_i$ denote the (exact) operator subspace of $A_i$ generated by $a_i$. Fix a nonprincipal ultrafilter $\\u$ on ${\\mathbb{N}}$. It is then straightforward to see that there is a linear bijection between $E$ and $\\prod_\\u E_i$ which induces a $\\ast$-isomorphism between $C^*(E)$ and $C^*(\\prod_\\u E_i)$. It follows that $E_i$ converges weakly to $E$ in $\\operatorname{\\mathcal{X}}_n$.\n\nIn order to prove the converse, by Fact \\[gnw\\] it suffices to show that every satisfiable condition has good nuclear witnesses. ", "Towards that end, let $p(\\vec x)$ be a satisfiable condition. ", "Let $\\vec a$ be a tuple from a C$^*$-algebra $A$ that satisfies $p(\\vec x)$ and suppose that $E$ is the span of $\\vec a$. If $E$ is $n$-dimensional, then by assumption there exists a sequence $E_i\\in \\operatorname{\\mathcal{EX}}_n$ so that $E_i{\\rightarrow}E$ weakly. ", "By Proposition \\[mci\\], there is an $i$ for which $p(\\vec x)$ is satisfied by some tuple $\\vec a_i$ from $E_i$. Since $E_i$ is a 1-exact operator system, it follows that $p(\\vec x)$ has good nuclear witnesses.", "\n\nIn light of Theorem \\[KEPnew\\] and the fact that $\\operatorname{\\mathcal E}_n$ is weakly dense in $\\operatorname{\\mathcal{OS}}_n$ for each $n$, a positive answer to the following question would imply that KEP holds:\n\nIs the forgetful map $G:\\operatorname{\\mathcal{X}}_n{\\rightarrow}\\operatorname{\\mathcal{OS}}_n$ open for each $n$?", "\n\nThe Local Lifting Property {#LLP}\n==========================\n\nRecall that a unital C$^*$-algebra $A$ has the *local lifting property* (in the sense of Kirchberg) if, for every unital C$^*$-algebra $C$, every closed ideal $J$ of $C$, every u.c.p.", "  map $\\phi:A{\\rightarrow}C/J$, and every finite-dimensional operator subsystem $X$ of $A$, there is a u.c.p.", "  lift $\\tilde{\\phi}$ of $\\phi|X$, that is $\\tilde{\\phi}:X{\\rightarrow}C$ is u.c.p.", " and $q\\circ \\tilde{\\phi}=\\phi|X$, where $q:C{\\rightarrow}C/J$ is the canonical quotient map. ", "Replacing $A$ by an operator system, we obtain the notion of the local lifting property for operator systems, denoted osLLP in [@kavruk].", "\n\n\\[kavrukfact\\] If $X$ is a finite-dimensional operator system, then $X$ is 1-exact if and only if $X^*$ has osLLP.", "\n\nThe operator systems with osLLP are not uniformly definable by a sequence of types.", "\n\nAs in the proof of Theorem \\[notomittingtypes\\] and the remark following it, if the operator systems with osLLP are uniformly definable by a sequence of types, we would have that $\\{E\\in \\operatorname{\\mathcal{OS}y}_n \\ : \\ E \\text{ has osLLP}\\}$ is weakly $G_\\delta$. By taking operator system duals and using Fact \\[kavrukfact\\], we would have that the $1$-exact operator systems would be weakly $G_\\delta$, obtaining a contradiction.", "\n\nAs in the case of exactness, the question of whether or not LLP for C$^*$-algebras is uniformly definable by a sequence of types is open. ", "In the remainder of this section, we show that LLP is ${{\\mathcal{L}}}_{\\omega_1,\\omega}$-axiomatizable in the language of C$^*$-algebras.", "\n\nFor the results stated in this section, it is necessary to make an innocuous addition to the language of C$^*$-algebras, namely we add a sort for $U(A)^{\\mathbb{N}}$, the set of countably infinite sequences of unitaries from $A$. ", "Since the set of unitaries in a C$^*$-algebra is (0-)definable and taking countably infinite products is part of the construction of the expansion of $A$ by adding imaginaries, this change really is harmless.", "\n\nWe say that a unital C$^*$-algebra $A$ has the *approximate local lifting property* (ALLP) if, for every u.c.p.", " map $\\phi: A{\\rightarrow}C/J$, every finite-dimensional subspace $E\\subset A$, and every ${\\epsilon}>0$ there is a map $\\tilde\\phi: E{\\rightarrow}C$ with $\\|\\tilde\\phi\\|_{\\cb}<1 + {\\epsilon}$ and satisfying $\\|\\phi|_E - \\pi_J\\circ\\tilde\\phi |_E\\|<{\\epsilon}$.\n\nThe ALLP seems a priori weaker than LLP; however, thanks to Kirchberg’s tensorial characterization of the LLP [@kirchberg] they may be seen to coincide.", "\n\n\\[LLPreformulations\\] Let $A$ be a unital, separable C$^*$-algebra. ", "The following statements are equivalent:\n\n1. ", " $A$ has the LLP;\n\n2. ", " $A$ has the ALLP;\n\n3. ", " for each finite-dimensional subspace $E\\subset A$ and ${\\epsilon}>0$, there exists a $\\ast$-homomorphism $\\pi: C^*(\\f_\\infty){\\rightarrow}A$ and a map $\\phi: E{\\rightarrow}C^*(\\f_\\infty)$ with $\\|\\phi\\|_{\\cb}<1+{\\epsilon}$ and $\\|\\pi\\circ\\phi - \\id_E\\|<{\\epsilon}$;\n\n4. ", " $A\\otimes {{\\mathcal{B}}}(H) = A\\otimes_{max} {{\\mathcal{B}}}(H)$.\n\nThe implications $(1)\\Rightarrow (2)\\Rightarrow (3)$ are obvious. ", "The implication $(4)\\Leftrightarrow (1)$ is a deep theorem of Kirchberg ([@kirchberg Proposition 1.1(ii)]). ", "We will demonstrate that $(3)\\Rightarrow (4)$. For brevity of notation, let $C = C^*(\\f_\\infty)$.\n\nChoose $z = \\sum_{i=1}^K z_i\\otimes b_i\\in A\\odot {{\\mathcal{B}}}(H)$. We will show that $\\|z\\|_{min} = \\|z\\|_{max}$. Let $E := \\operatorname{span} \\{z_1,\\dotsc, z_n\\}$. By (3), for each $m$, we may fix a $\\ast$-homomorphism $\\pi_m: C{\\rightarrow}A$ and linear map $\\phi_m: E{\\rightarrow}C$ with $\\|\\tilde\\phi_m\\|_{\\cb}< 1+ \\tfrac{1}{m}$ and so that $\\|(\\pi_m\\circ\\phi_m) - \\id_E\\|< \\tfrac{1}{m}$. Since $\\cb$-norms are well-behaved with respect to the minimal tensor product (see, for example, [@BO Theorem 3.5.3]), we have, for $\\phi_m\\otimes\\id : E\\otimes {{\\mathcal{B}}}(H){\\rightarrow}C\\otimes {{\\mathcal{B}}}(H)$, that $\\|\\phi_m\\otimes\\id\\|_{\\cb}\\leq 1 + \\tfrac{1}{m}$. Since $C$ has LLP (see [@kirchberg Lemma 2.1]), we have that $C\\otimes {{\\mathcal{B}}}(H) \\cong C\\otimes_{max} {{\\mathcal{B}}}(H)$. By universality of the maximal tensor product, $\\pi_m\\otimes \\id: C\\otimes_{max} {{\\mathcal{B}}}(H){\\rightarrow}A\\otimes_{max} {{\\mathcal{B}}}(H)$ is a $\\ast$-homomorphism, whence contractive. ", "Let $z_m := ((\\pi_m\\circ\\phi_m)\\otimes \\id)(z)$. It follows that $\\|z_m\\|_{max}\\leq (1 + \\tfrac{1}{m})\\|z\\|_{min}$. On the other hand, since $\\otimes_{max}$ is a cross-norm we have by the triangle inequality that $$\\|z - z_m\\|_{max}\\leq K\\max_i \\|b_i\\| \\max_j \\|(\\pi_m\\circ\\phi_m)(z_j) -z_j\\|\\leq \\tfrac{K}{m} \\max_i \\|b_i\\|,$$ and we are done.", "\n\nThe proof of the following corollary is analogous to the proof of [@qwep Corollary 3.9] using Proposition \\[LLPreformulations\\]; it is not needed in the sequel.", "\n\nLet $A$ be a separable C$^*$-algebra, and let $\\theta: C^*(\\bF_\\infty){\\rightarrow}A$ be a $\\ast$-homomorphism which sends the canonical unitary generators onto a dense set of unitaries. ", "Then $A$ has the LLP if and only if the identity map on $A$ has an approximate local c.b.", " lift through $\\theta$.\n\nLet $\\cS_n\\subset C^*(\\f_n)$ be the operator system spanned by the canonical unitaries and their inverses. ", "Let $\\cS_{n,k} \\subset C^*(\\f_n)$ be the operator system which is the $k$-fold product of $\\cS_{n,1} := \\cS_n$ with itself, i.e., $\\cS_{n,k}$ is the linear span of $\\{x_1\\dotsb x_k : x_i\\in \\cS_n, i=1,\\dotsc,k\\}$. We refer the reader to [@BI] for a treatment of infinitary continuous logic.", "\n\nThe LLP is ${{\\mathcal{L}}}_{\\omega_1,\\omega}$-axiomatizable in the language of C$^*$-algebras.", "\n\nLet $A$ be a unital C$^*$-algebra. ", "For an $n$-tuple $\\vec a\\in A^n$, let $E(\\vec a) := \\operatorname{span} \\{a_1,\\dotsc,a_n\\}$ and let $\\Phi_{n,m,k}(\\vec a)$ denote the set of linear maps $\\phi: E(\\vec a){\\rightarrow}\\cS_{m,k}$. For $\\vec v\\in U(A)^{\\mathbb{N}}$, let $\\pi_{\\vec v}:C^*(\\f_\\infty){\\rightarrow}A$ denote the $\\ast$-homomorphism determined by mapping the canonical unitary $u_i$ of C$^*(\\f_\\infty)$ to $v_i$ and let $$\\chi_{n,m,k,\\ell}(\\vec v,\\vec a):=\\inf_{\\phi \\in \\Phi_{n,m,k}(\\vec a)}\\max\\{\\|\\phi\\|_\\ell -1, \\|(\\pi_{\\vec v}\\circ\\phi)(\\vec a) - \\vec a\\|\\}.$$\n\nBy Beth definability (and the fact that $\\cS_{m,k}$ is finite-dimensional), $\\chi_{n,m,k,l}$ is a definable predicate in the language of C$^*$-algebras. ", "Further note that, for a fixed $n\\in {\\mathbb{N}}$, all of the formulas $\\chi_{n,m,k,\\ell}$ have the same modulus of uniform continuity. ", "Now consider the ${{\\mathcal{L}}}_{\\omega_1,\\omega}$-sentence $$\\psi_n:=\\sup_{\\vec x}\\inf_{\\vec v\\in U(A)^{{\\mathbb{N}}}}\\inf_{m,k}\\sup_\\ell\\chi_{n,m,k,\\ell}(\\vec v,\\vec x).$$ We claim that $A$ has the LLP if and only if $\\psi_n^A=0$ for all $n$. If $A$ has the LLP, it is obvious that $\\psi_n^A=0$ for all $n$ by the small perturbation argument as $\\bigcup_{m,k} \\cS_{m,k}$ is dense in $C^*(\\f_\\infty)$.\n\nOn the other hand, suppose that $\\psi_n^A=0$ for each $n$. We show that $A$ satisfies condition (3) of Proposition \\[LLPreformulations\\]. ", "By assumption, for any tuple $\\vec a$ and ${\\epsilon}>0$ there exists $v\\in U(A)^{\\mathbb{N}}$, $m,k$ and a sequence of maps $\\phi_\\ell: E(\\vec a){\\rightarrow}\\cS_{m,k}$ with $\\|\\phi_\\ell\\|_\\ell<1+{\\epsilon}$ and $\\|(\\pi_{\\vec v}\\circ\\phi_\\ell)(\\vec a) - \\vec a\\|<1+{\\epsilon}$. Now define $$\\phi := (\\phi_\\ell)^\\bullet: E(\\vec a){\\rightarrow}\\cS_{m,k}^\\omega \\cong \\cS_{m,k}.$$ It follows that $\\|\\phi\\|_{\\cb}\\leq 1+{\\epsilon}$ and $\\|(\\pi_{\\vec v}\\circ\\phi)(\\vec a) - \\vec a\\|\\leq {\\epsilon}$.\n\nExamining the proof of ${{\\mathcal{L}}}_{\\omega_1,\\omega}$-axiomatizability for the LLP, it seems natural to formulate a weakening of the LLP: we say that $A$ had the *weak local lifiting property* (WLLP) if, for each finite-dimensional subspace $E\\subset A$ and $k,{\\epsilon}>0$, there exists a $\\ast$-homomorphism $\\pi: C^*(\\f_\\infty){\\rightarrow}A$ and a map $\\phi: E{\\rightarrow}C^*(\\f_\\infty)$ with $\\|\\phi\\|_{k}<1+{\\epsilon}$ and $\\|\\pi\\circ\\phi - \\id_E\\|<{\\epsilon}$. However, it is a result of Robertson and Smith [@RS Proposition 2.4], that *every* C$^*$-quotient map $q: B{\\rightarrow}B/J$ admits $n$-positive local liftings for all $n$, whence every C$^*$-algebra has the WLLP. (", "We thank the anonymous referee for pointing this fact out.)", "\n\nWe point out a potentially interesting consequence:\n\nLet $A$ be a unital, separable C$^*$-algebra. ", "Then $A$ has LLP if and only if $A$ is CP-stable.", "\n\nAs just pointed out above, every C$^*$-algebra has the WLLP. ", "It is clear that CP-stability and the WLLP together imply the ALLP, hence the LLP. ", "Conversely, it is proven in [@GS] that CP-stability is equivalent to yet another weakening of LLP, namely the *local ultrapower lifting property* (LULP), where one only requires local lifts for maps into ultrapowers (which are, in fact, particular instances of quotients).", "\n\nThe preceding proposition lends itself to a much simpler proof of [@GS Corollary 2.43], which states that there is a separable C$^*$-algebra that is not contained in a CP-stable C$^*$-algebra. ", "Indeed, if $A$ is a WEP C$^*$-algebra that does not have LLP (which exists by the main result of [@jungepisier]), then $A$ cannot be contained in an LLP C$^*$-algebra.", "\n\nAs mentioned above, in [@GS] it is shown that CP-stability is equivalent to the local ultrapower lifting property, whence, by the previous proposition, we say that the LLP is equivalent to the local ultrapoower lifting property. ", "We now want to point out that the LLP is equivalent to an a priori weaker property.", "\n\nLet $A$ be a unital C$^*$-algebra. ", "We say that $A$ has the *local matrix ultraproduct lifting property* if, for any u.c.p.", " map $\\phi:A{\\rightarrow}\\prod_\\u M_n$ and any finite-dimensional operator system $E\\subseteq A$, we have a u.c.p.", " lift of $\\phi|_E$.\n\nLet $A$ be a unital, separable C$^*$-algebra. ", "Then $A$ has LLP if and only if $A$ has the local matrix ultraproduct lifting property.", "\n\nSuppose that $A$ has the local matrix ultraproduct lifting property. ", "It suffices to show that $A$ is CP-stable. ", "Towards that end, fix a finite-dimensional operator system $E\\subseteq A$ and $\\epsilon>0$; we need to find $k\\in {\\mathbb{N}}$ and a finite-dimensional operator system $E\\subset E'\\subset A$ so that if $\\phi:E'{\\rightarrow}B$ is a unital map into a unital C$^*$-algebra with $\\|\\phi\\|_k<1+1/k$, then there is a u.c.p.", " map $\\phi':E{\\rightarrow}B$ such that $\\|\\phi |_E-\\phi'\\|<\\epsilon$. Fix $\\delta>0$ sufficiently small. ", "For a finite-dimensional operator system $A\\subset E\\subset E'$, let $I_k(E')$ denote the set of $n$ for which, whenever $\\tau:E'{\\rightarrow}M_n$ is a unital map with $\\|\\tau\\|_k<1+1/k$, then there is a u.c.p.", " map $\\tau':E{\\rightarrow}M_n$ with $\\|\\tau|_E-\\tau'\\|<\\delta$. We leave it to the reader to check (along the same lines as [@GS Proposition 2.42]) that the fact that $A$ has the local matrix ultraproduct lifting property implies that there are $k$ and $E'$ for which $I_k(E')\\in \\u$. We claim that these $k$ and $E'$ are as desired.", "\n\nLet $\\phi:E'{\\rightarrow}B$ be a unital map into a unital C$^*$-algebra with $\\|\\phi\\|_k<1+1/k$. Let $F\\subseteq B$ be the operator system generated by $\\phi(E')$. Since $F$ admits a complete order embedding into $\\prod_\\u M_n$, we obtain unital maps $\\psi_q:F{\\rightarrow}M_{n_q}$ such that $\\|\\psi_q\\|_q,\\|\\psi_q^{-1}\\|_q<1+1/q$. For $q\\in I_k(E')$, we can find u.c.p.", " maps $\\tau_q:E{\\rightarrow}M_{n_q}$ which are $\\delta$ close to $\\psi_q\\circ \\phi |_E$. By the small perturbation argument, for these $q$, we can find unital, self-adjoint maps $\\tau_q':E{\\rightarrow}\\psi_q(F)$ with $\\|\\tau_q'\\|_{\\cb}\\leq 1+N\\delta$ for some $N\\in {\\mathbb{N}}$ depending only on $E$. Taking a cluster point of the maps $\\psi_q^{-1}\\circ \\tau_q':E{\\rightarrow}F$, we obtain a unital, self-adjoint map $\\theta:E{\\rightarrow}F$ which is $N^2\\delta$ close to $\\phi$ with $\\|\\theta'\\|_{\\cb}\\leq 1+N\\delta$. Finally, by [@BO Corollary B.11], we can find u.c.p.", " $\\phi':E{\\rightarrow}B$ which is $10N^2\\delta$ close to $\\theta$. It follows that by choosing $\\delta$ small enough (depending only on $E$ and $\\epsilon$), $\\phi'$ is within $\\epsilon$ of $\\phi$.\n\nThe Robertson and Smith result alluded to above shows that every C$^*$-algebra admits a complete order embedding into an ultrapower of C$^*(\\mathbb{F}_\\infty)$. As a result, this shows that C$^*(\\mathbb{F}_\\infty)$ is not CP-rigid. ", "Indeed, if C$^*(\\mathbb{F}_\\infty)$ were CP-rigid, then every C$^*$-algebra $A$ would be operator space finitely representable in C$^*(\\mathbb{F}_\\infty)$ (that is, for any finite-dimensional operator subspace $E$ of $A$ and any $\\epsilon>0$, there is a finite-dimensional operator subspace $\\hat{E}$ of C$^*(\\mathbb{F}_\\infty)$ with $d_{\\cb}(E,\\hat{E})<\\epsilon$), which for C$^*$-algebras with WEP is shown in [@jungepisier] to be equivalent to LLP. ", "Thus, if C$^*(\\mathbb{F}_\\infty)$ were CP-rigid, then WEP would imply LLP, contradicting the main result of [@jungepisier].", "\n\nReturning to the logical status of LLP, we have yet to determine whether or not LLP is uniformly definable by a sequence of types. ", "We end this paper with motivation for settling this question.", "\n\nLet the statement “LLP is omitting types” be an abbreviation for the statement that the collection of C$^*$-algebras with LLP be uniformly definable by a sequence of *universal* types in the language of C$^*$-algebras; here, the requirement of the types being universal signifies that the formulae $\\phi_{m,j}$ are existential. (", "This reversal makes sense, for asking that a collection of existential formulae be bounded below is a universal statement.) ", "Since LLP is preserved under existentially closed substructures, it is reasonable to expect that the types defining LLP (should they exist) are universal.", "\n\nRecall that KEP stands for the statement that every C$^*$-algebra embeds into an ultrapower of $\\O_2$. Say that a C$^*$-algebra $A$ is *locally universal* if every C$^*$-algebra embeds into an ultrapower of $A$. ", "By abstract nonsense (see [@FHS]), locally universal C$^*$-algebras exist. ", "Using this terminology (and the fact that every separable nuclear C$^*$-algebra embeds into $\\O_2$) we see that KEP is equivalent to the existence of a locally universal nuclear C$^*$-algebra. ", "It thus makes sense to consider the LLPEP, which is the statement that there exists a locally universal C$^*$-algebra with LLP. (", "The corresponding statement for WEP is automatically true for one can just embed a locally universal C$^*$-algebra into a C$^*$-algebra with WEP.) ", "Clearly KEP implies LLPEP, but it is unclear whether or not the two statements are equivalent.", "\n\nOne final acronym: by the *weak QWEP conjecture* we mean the statement that there is a non-nuclear C$^*$-algebra that has both WEP and LLP. (", "This conjecture appears as a question at the end of Ozawa’s article [@qwep].) ", "The reason for the name is that Kirchberg’s QWEP conjecture states that every C$^*$-algebra is QWEP, which by the results in [@kirchberg], is equivalent to the statement that the LLP implies the WEP (which is itself equivalent to Connes’ Embedding Problem having a positive solution).", "\n\nSuppose that LLP is omitting types. ", "Then either KEP is equivalent to LLPEP or else the weak QWEP conjecture is true.", "\n\nUsing the machinery of model-theoretic forcing as in [@GS], the LLPEP implies that there exists an existentially closed C$^*$-algebra $A$ with LLP. ", "Either $A$ is nuclear and KEP holds (see [@GS]) or else $A$ is non-nuclear. ", "Since existentially closed C$^*$-algebras have WEP, the latter alternative witnesses the truth of the weak QWEP conjecture.", "\n\nThe Polish space of codes for structures {#codes}\n========================================\n\nIn this appendix, we review the notion of codes for structures. ", "This topic is discussed [@BNT Section 1] for relational languages. ", "We present the topic here for the sake of completeness and also for arbitrary languages.", "\n\nFix a continuous, separable language ${{\\mathcal{L}}}$ (not necessarily relational!). ", "For the sake of exposition, we assume that ${{\\mathcal{L}}}$ is 1-sorted, although we will eventually apply this discussion to the language of operator spaces or the language of operator systems, both of which are many sorted.", "\n\nFix a countable set $(\\varphi_i)_{i\\in {\\mathbb{N}}}$ of atomic ${{\\mathcal{L}}}$-formulae that is dense in the set of all atomic formulae in any finite number of variables. ", "Set $n_i$ to be the arity of $\\varphi_i$. We will think of $P\\in \\prod_i \\mathbb{R}^{{\\mathbb{N}}^{n_i}}$ as potentially coding an ${{\\mathcal{L}}}$-pre-structure $\\mathcal{M}$ with ${\\mathbb{N}}$ as a distinguished countable dense set according to the rule $\\varphi_i(\\vec n)^{\\mathcal M}:=P(i)(\\vec n)$. Of course, not all elements of $\\prod_i {\\mathbb{R}}^{{\\mathbb{N}}_{n_i}}$ represents such codes. ", "First, we note that we can read off $d(m,n)$ for any $m,n\\in {\\mathbb{N}}$ by setting $d(m,n):=\\lim_{j{\\rightarrow}\\infty} \\varphi_{i_j}(m,n)$, where $\\varphi_{i_j}(x,y)$ converges uniformly to $d(x,y)$. We will say that $P$ *codes a pseudometric space* if the induced function $d:{\\mathbb{N}}^2{\\rightarrow}{\\mathbb{R}}$ is a pseudometric. ", "We will say that $P$ *codes an ${{\\mathcal{L}}}$-prestructure* if $P$ codes a pseudometric space and $P$ respects the modulus of uniform continuity for each $\\varphi_i$, that is, for any tuples $\\vec m,\\vec n$ of the appropriate length such that $d(\\vec m,\\vec n)<\\Delta_{\\varphi_i}(\\epsilon)$, we have $|P(i)(\\vec m)-P(i)(\\vec n)|\\leq {\\epsilon}$. We let $\\frak{M}$ denote the set of codes of ${{\\mathcal{L}}}$-prestructures. ", "It is quite easy to see that $\\frak{M}$ is a $G_{\\delta}$ subset of $\\prod_i {\\mathbb{R}}^{{\\mathbb{N}}^{n_i}}$, whence is Polish. ", "We refer to this Polish topology on $\\frak{M}$ as the *logic topology* on the space of codes.", "\n\nGiven $P\\in \\frak{M}$, we can construct an ${{\\mathcal{L}}}$-structure $\\mathcal{M}_P$ as follows. ", "First, one lets $Y_P$ denote the so-called *term algebra* on ${\\mathbb{N}}$, that is, all expressions one obtains from ${\\mathbb{N}}$ by successive applications of the function symbols. ", "Note that the pseudometric $d_P$ extends naturally to $Y_P$ as $d(t_1,t_2)$ can be read off from the dense sequence of formulae. ", "Moreover, $Y_P$ is still an ${{\\mathcal{L}}}$-prestructure. ", "One can then separate and complete $Y_P$ to obtain an ${{\\mathcal{L}}}$-structure $\\mathcal{M}_P$; see [@bbhu Section 3]\n\nWe will need the following well-known fact (which is also straightforward to verify from the definitions).", "\n\n\\[closed\\] Suppose that $T$ is a universal theory. ", "Let $\\frak{M}_T$ denote the elements of $\\frak{M}$ that code models of $T$. Then $\\frak{M}_T$ is closed in the logic topology.", "\n\nDefinable predicates {#defpred}\n====================\n\nIn this appendix, we review the necessary background on definable predicates. ", "For more explanation and proofs, see [@bbhu Section 9] and [@FHRTW].", "\n\nLet $T$ be an ${{\\mathcal{L}}}$-theory. ", "Let $\\mathcal{F}_n$ denote the set of ${{\\mathcal{L}}}$-formulae in $n$ free variables. ", "There is a natural seminorm $\\|\\cdot\\|_T$ on $\\mathcal{F}_n$ given by $\\|\\varphi\\|_T:=\\sup\\{\\varphi^{\\mathcal M}(\\vec a) \\ : \\ \\mathcal{M}\\models T, \\vec a\\in M^n\\}$. One can separate and complete $(\\mathcal{F}_n,\\|\\cdot\\|_T)$; the elements of this completion are called *$n$-ary definable predicates* for $T$ and the set of $n$-ary definable predicates for $T$ forms a Banach algebra. ", "Given any $n$-ary definable predicate $P$, there are ${{\\mathcal{L}}}$-formulae $(\\varphi_m)$ from $\\mathcal{F}_n$ such that $\\|P-\\varphi_m\\|_T\\leq \\frac{1}{m}$. This allows us to define, for any $\\mathcal{M}\\models T$, a uniformly continuous function $P^{\\mathcal M}:M^n{\\rightarrow}{\\mathbb{R}}$ by $P^{\\mathcal M}(\\vec a):=\\lim_{m{\\rightarrow}\\infty} \\varphi^{\\mathcal M}_m(\\vec a)$.\n\nConversely, suppose that there is an association $\\mathcal{M}\\mapsto P^{\\mathcal{M}}$ from models $\\mathcal{M}$ of $T$ to uniformly continuous functions $P^{\\mathcal{M}}:M^n{\\rightarrow}{\\mathbb{R}}$ where the modulus of uniform continuity is the same for all $P^{\\mathcal M}$’s. ", "Then Beth’s definability theorem implies that $P$ is a definable predicate for $T$ if and only if the class of structures $(\\mathcal{M},P^{\\mathcal{M}})$ is an axiomatizable class. ", "Moreover, in order to check that this latter property holds, one needs to check that, for any models $\\mathcal{M}_i$ of $T$ with ultraproduct $\\mathcal{M}:=\\prod_\\u M_i$, we have $P^{\\mathcal M}=\\lim_\\u P^{\\mathcal{M}_i}$.\n\nThe following lemma shows us that we can use definable predicates when showing that a property is uniformly definable by a sequence of types; the distinction between formulae and definable predicates is safely ignored in [@FHRTW], but we include a proof here for the sake of completeness.", "\n\nIf we use definable predicates rather than formulae in the definition of uniformly definable by a sequence of types, we do not get a different notion.", "\n\nSuppose that, for each $m,j$, $P_{m,j}(\\vec x_m)$ is a nonnegative definable predicate and $(\\varphi_{m,j}^n)_n$ are nonnegative formulae such that $\\|P_{m,j}-\\varphi_{m,j}^n\\|_\\infty<\\frac{1}{n}$. 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[ "Answers\n\nQ:\n\nWhy do Christians keep claiming that they alone have the truth about God? ", "What is true for you isn't necessarily true for someone else. ", "It just depends on the way we each look at things. ", "The whole idea of \"truth\" is out of date, in my view.", "\n\nA:\n\nDo you really believe there is no such thing as truth? ", "To be honest, I doubt it. ", "We all believe some things are truth and some things are false. ", "Our experience proves it, and our lives depend on it.", "\n\nFor example, have you ever realized how many times you act in a certain way because you believe something is true? ", "You’d never drink from a bottle that was marked “poison”; you know it might kill you. ", "Poison is always dangerous, and you avoid it because you know this is true. ", "In other words, you act in a certain way because you believe in truth–the truth that poison kills.", "\n\nWhat does this have to do with God? ", "Simply this: God is the source of all truth–and He has revealed the truth about Himself to us. ", "Christians believe God did this in a way that staggers our imagination: He became a human being. ", "Do you want to know what God is like? ", "Look at Jesus Christ, for He was God in human flesh! ", "As the Bible says, “The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. ", "We have seen his glory” (John 1:14).", "\n\nThis is why I invite you to look at Jesus Christ as He is revealed in the pages of the Gospels. ", "When you do, you will realize how much God loves you and why Jesus alone could say, “I am the way and the truth and the life. ", "No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6)." ]
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[ "The value of nutritional supplements of elemental zinc is well established. ", "Although zinc has been known to be essential for plant growth for more than a century, its essentially for the normal growth of animals was reported in 1934 and for man in 1963. ", "Hypogonadism in males, skin changes, poor appetite, and mental lethargy are but some of the observable effects related to zinc deficiency in man. ", "Carbonic anhydrase was the first metalloenzyme discovered in the 1930's. ", "Today, approximately 100 enzymes, many of them essential to human well-being, have been found to contain zinc, and the evidence is strong that zinc is required for many (if not all) of these enzymes to express their activity. ", "Several enzymes required for nucleic acid metabolism have been shown to require zinc. ", "In this group are ribonucleic acid (RNA) and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) polymerases, deoxythymidine kinase, and reverse transcriptase. ", "It has been shown experimentally that the activity of deoxythymidine kinase in rapidly regenerating connective tissue decreases as early as six days after animals are placed on a zinc-deficient diet. ", "This metabolic defect resulting from nutritional zinc deficiency is an indication of the fundamental importance of zinc for cell division and protein synthesis.", "\nUntil recently, zinc deficiency in man was considered unlikely because of the widespread availability of zinc in nature. ", "However, recent evidence suggests that nutritional zinc deficiency may be common among the people of many developing countries where they subsist on high cereal protein diets. ", "Only recently has it been recognized that the phytate content of such diets severely restricts zinc availability, which translates nutritionally to markedly depressed zinc absorption in man under many practical circumstances. ", "Marginal zinc deficiency may be widespread even in the United States because of self-imposed dietary restrictions, use of alcohol and cereal proteins, and the increasing use of refined foods which decrease the intake of trace elements. ", "As meat is a major dietary source of zinc, vegetarians who consume cereals as a major source of protein may be in double jeopardy of zinc deficiency.", "\nTherapeutically, zinc has a vital role in certain diseased or debilitated states. ", "Zinc therapy is life saving in acrodermatitis enteropathica, a genetic disease caused by an autosomal recessive trait, which, although rare, had an extremely high mortality rate until it was discovered in 1973 that chronic administration of oral zinc salts was not only life saving but capable of lifetime control of the disease. ", "Zinc supplementation markedly improves wound healing in zinc-deficient individuals. ", "Zinc deficiency is an important feature in many cases of sickle cell anemia characterized by growth retardation and hypogonadism, and zinc appears to have a pharmacological anti-sickling effect. ", "Zinc has also been shown to be beneficial in the relief of acute inflammatory conditions associated with rheumatoid arthritis.", "\nThe safety of zinc supplements in excess of the amounts found in a normal diet is well documented. ", "Although excessive zinc produces toxic symptoms, such symptoms are rare. ", "An acute dose of 2 g of zinc sulfate has been recommended as an emetic. ", "Except for extremely large doses, zinc is non-toxic. ", "Nevertheless, it has been established that the chronic ingestion of zinc in daily amounts in excess of about 100 mg, i.e. about seven times the recommended daily allowance (RDA) of zinc as a nutritional supplement, can in some individuals, result in the depression of blood levels of the beneficial form of circulating lipoprotein known as high-density lipoprotein (HDL). ", "It is further known that the biochemical mechanism that is responsible for this effect is the competitive inhibition of the absorption of cupric ion, Cu.sup.2+, from the gut by the presence therein of greater-than-normal amounts of zinc ion, Zn.sup.2+. ", "Both ions rely upon the intermediacy of the metallothionine protein for transport across the gut wall into the bloodstream. ", "Although cupric ions interact more strongly with metallothionine than do zinc ions, the presence of a relatively large amount of zinc ions can suppress the absorption of cupric ions by direct competition for the available metallothionine. ", "The ultimate effect of this competitive inhibition of the absorption of copper is the undesirable depression of circulating HDL because the cupric ion is an essential component of one of the enzymes in the series that synthesizes HDL in the body. ", "It is further known that the inhibition of Cu.sup.2 + absorption from the gut by Zn.sup.2+ can be overcome if the individual who is ingesting the relatively large amounts of Zn.sup.2+ co-ingests about one to two RDAs of Cu.sup.2+. ", "The RDA for copper is 2 milligrams. ", "A modest increase in copper intake is effective because of the aforementioned greater affinity of cupric ion for metallothionine, relative to the affinity of zinc ion for metallothionine.", "\nUntil the present time, the more or less water-soluble zinc compounds such as the sulfate, chloride, acetate, gluconate, and the like, have been formulated as solid tablets or enclosed in gelatin capsules which are swallowed whole. ", "Accordingly, the taste buds and other taste apparatus in the mouth and throat are not affected. ", "These formulations generally dissolve in the gastric juice of the stomach and release zinc ions to be absorbed into the system via the stomach and intestines. ", "It was found by a serendipitous observation of G. A. Eby, D. R. Davis, and W. W. Halcomb as reported in \"Reduction in Duration of Common Colds by Zinc Gluconate Lozenges in a Double-Blind Study,\" Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 25(1), pp. ", "20-24 (1984) that when modest quantities of zinc are slowly ingested by mouth so that the interior surfaces of the mouth and throat are intermittently bathed in a solution of ionic zinc, both the time course and the severity of the symptoms of the common cold are remarkably altered in a favorable way. ", "Their double blind clinical study in 65 humans showed that allowing a tablet containing about 23 mg of elemental zinc, such as zinc gluconate, to slowly dissolve in the mouth once every two hours during 12 to 16 hours a day (the waking hours) reduced the duration of colds from 10.8 days in the untreated group to 3.9 days in the zinc-treated group; and at every time after about one day, the zinc-treated patients had a great reduction in cold symptoms compared to the patients who did not receive zinc. ", "While the reported observations are highly significant both from the point of view of statistical validity and of the importance of these observations to public health, the authors stated repeatedly in their paper that the disagreeable taste of the zinc gluconate tablets was a serious problem. ", "Many patients receiving zinc gluconate discontinued the treatment on the first day \"due to objection to the treatment.\" ", "The authors stated that \"the zinc gluconate lozenges tablets! ", "we used caused an unexpected unpalatability and distortion of taste in many subjects . . . \" ", "and mentioned \"the somewhat bitter aftertaste which some people report for zinc gluconate.\" ", "Furthermore, \"unpalatable taste,\" \"distortion of taste,\" and \"mouth irritation\" were common objections.", "\nThe original observation of the efficacy of unflavored zinc gluconate tablets has received strong confirmation. ", "Two large, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical studies have been carried out and reported in the medical literature. ", "The first was carried out at the Dartmouth College Cold Clinic in New Hampshire and reported by J. C. Godfrey, B. Conant Sloane, D. S. Smith, J. H. Turco, N. Mercer, and N. J. Godfrey in \"Zinc gluconate and the common cold: A controlled clinical study,\" Journal of International Medical Research, 20(2), pp. ", "234-246 (1992). ", "This study used sugar-based lozenges containing zinc gluconate equivalent to 23 mg of zinc, and glycine, prepared by serial dilution technology to produce a formulation according to U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,684,528 and U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,758,439. ", "Participants in this study who met protocol requirements and who received active lozenges within two calendar days of the onset of cold symptoms and dissolved them in their mouths every 2 hours while awake, as specified in the protocol carried out under a U.S. Investigational New Drug Application, experienced colds that lasted only 58% (mean duration) as long as patients who received a placebo. ", "Patients in this study who received the active medication also experienced significant reductions of symptom severity and duration as compared to those who received the placebo.", "\nThe second double-blind study was done at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation by S. B. Moussad, M. L. Macknin, S. V. Medendork, and P. Mason and reported in \"Zinc gluconate lozenges for treating the common cold,\" Annals of Internal Medicine, 125(2), pp. ", "81-88 (1996). ", "Patients who qualified for this study had cold symptoms for no more than 24 hours prior to entry. ", "The study used zinc gluconate lozenges containing glycine, prepared in the same manner as for the Dartmouth study but containing just 13.3 mg of zinc. ", "When the data from this study were analyzed on the same statistical basis as the Dartmouth study, i.e., using only the 83 out of 100 patients who met all criteria specified in the protocol, it was found that patients who took active medication had colds for only 52% as long as those who got a placebo. ", "As in the Dartmouth study, patients in this study also experienced a rapid reduction in symptom severity, compared to those on a placebo.", "\nAs noted, zinc gluconate by itself has a very bad taste which may be overcome by formulations containing an excess of glycine or certain other selected amino acids such as described in U.S. Pat. ", "Nos. ", "4,684,528 and 4,758,439. ", "It has been found that nutritionally useful copper salts such as cupric gluconate, cupric sulfate, cupric acetate, and cupric chloride also have undesirable organoleptic properties by themselves or in admixture with zinc gluconate in proportions (e.g., 1/33 mole of cupric salt per mole of zinc salt) that are useful to prevent the aforementioned adverse effect on HDLs. ", "Accordingly, in order to take advantage of the important effect of zinc upon the common cold while negating any potential adverse effect of zinc ingestion upon the high density lipoproteins of human beings it is necessary to develop a formulation or formulations of pharmaceutically acceptable zinc salts combined with a minor proportion of cupric salts which are palatable enough to be taken with the frequency necessary to suppress symptoms of the common cold.", "\nAnother reason for developing zinc formulations having acceptable taste is to permit an increased or prolonged oral dosage. ", "As described above, it has been found that the ingestion of zinc as tablets or capsules which pass directly to the stomach before disintegrating is ineffective for providing a zinc supplement for certain applications, including the control of cold symptoms. ", "When zinc-containing lozenges are dissolved orally for treating an average common cold, no affect has been shown to occur on HDLs. ", "However, if a user decides to take the zinc-containing lozenges on a daily basis as a dietary supplement or to control respiratory allergies, or has numerous colds occurring close in time, such prolonged intake of zinc can affect HDLs." ]
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[ "// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. ", "All rights reserved.", "\n// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style\n// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.", "\n\n// +build amd64,solaris\n\npackage unix\n\nfunc setTimespec(sec, nsec int64) Timespec {\n\treturn Timespec{Sec: sec, Nsec: nsec}\n}\n\nfunc setTimeval(sec, usec int64) Timeval {\n\treturn Timeval{Sec: sec, Usec: usec}\n}\n\nfunc (iov *Iovec) SetLen(length int) {\n\tiov.", "Len = uint64(length)\n}\n\nfunc (cmsg *Cmsghdr) SetLen(length int) {\n\tcmsg.", "Len = uint32(length)\n}\n" ]
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[ "Description\n\nThe most entertaining sports game ever made returns on PlayStation®Vita with brand-new features!", "\n\n\n\nWindjammers is a fast-paced head-to-head arcade game where two players face off on a court, and throw discs at the opponent's goal zone to score points. ", "The player with the most points wins. ", "Incredibly fun and intensely addictive, Windjammers is the adrenaline rush you’re looking for!", "\n\n\n\n● 4 game modes: ARCADE, INFINITE, ONLINE QUICK MATCH, & RANKED MATCH\n\n● Online Versus: face other players worldwide in ranked matches and compete in the top leagues!", "\n\n● 6 unique characters\n\n● 6 playable environments\n\n● 2 unlockable mini-games: Dog Distance & Bowling\n\n● New HD menus\n\n\n\nOriginally released on NEOGEO, Windjammers perfectly blends sports and fighting games. ", "Sharpen your throwing and sliding skills, use the best techniques to defeat your opponents, and become the world’s best player!", "\n\n\n\nPurchasing this content entitles you to both the PS4™ system and PlayStation®Vita system versions!", "\n\n\n\n1 player(s)\n\nNetwork Players - 2\n\nNetwork Features\n\n3000KB Minimum\n\n\n\nSoftware subject to license (us.playstation.com/softwarelicense). ", "Online features require an account and are subject to terms of service and applicable privacy policy (playstationnetwork.com/terms-of-service & playstationnetwork.com/privacy-policy). ", "One time license fee entitles play on up to 3 PlayStation® Vita systems activated by this account.", "\n\n\n\n©PAON DP Inc. ©2017 DotEmu SAS, All rights reserved" ]
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