1 value
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Let's analyze the valence intensity of the snippet "Post 9/11 the philosophical message of ''Personal Freedom First'' might not be as palatable as intended.". Assign a real number between 0 and 1, where 0 indicates extremely negative and 1 indicates extremely positive.
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Assess the valence intensity of the snippet "I'm sure if you're a Hartley fan, you might enjoy yourself... Me, I didn't care for it." based on the mood of the author. Offer a numerical rating between 0 and 1, with 1 representing highly positive and 0 representing highly negative.
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Determine the valence intensity of the writer's mental state conveyed in the snippet "I'm convinced I could keep a family of five blind, crippled, Amish people alive in this situation better than these British soldiers do at keeping themselves kicking.". Provide a score from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies very positive and 0 signifies very negative.
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Task: Assess the valence intensity of the snippet, providing a rating between 0 (most negative) and 1 (most positive), reflecting the emotional depth conveyed in the message. Snippet: So refreshingly incisive is Grant that for the first time he'll probably appeal more to guys than to their girlfriends who drag them to this movie for the Hugh factor. Intensity score:
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Task: Analyze the valence intensity exhibited in the snippet, assigning a score on a continuum from 0 (extremely negative) to 1 (extremely positive), capturing the emotional context conveyed. Snippet: An incredibly irritating comedy about thoroughly vacuous people...manages to embody the worst excesses of nouvelle vague without any of its sense of fun or energy. Intensity score:
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Evaluate the valence intensity of the following snippet, considering the mental state of the author. Present a score between 0 and 1, where 0 denotes extremely negative and 1 denotes extremely positive. Snippet: An enjoyable above average summer diversion.
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Assess the valence intensity of the snippet "Combining quick cut editing and a blaring heavy metal much of the time, Beck seems to be under the illusion that he's shooting the latest System of a Down video." based on the mood of the author. Offer a numerical rating between 0 and 1, with 1 representing highly positive and 0 representing highly negative.
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Assess the valence intensity of the snippet "Though its atmosphere is intriguing ... the drama is finally too predictable to leave much of an impression." based on the mood of the author. Offer a numerical rating between 0 and 1, with 1 representing highly positive and 0 representing highly negative.
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Task: Determine the valence intensity of the snippet, indicating a degree of positivity or negativity on a scale from 0 (strongly negative) to 1 (strongly positive), reflecting the emotional content expressed. Snippet: Not even Steven Spielberg has dreamed up such blatant and sickening product placement in a movie. Intensity score:
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Task: Assess the valence intensity of the snippet, providing a rating between 0 (most negative) and 1 (most positive), reflecting the emotional depth conveyed in the message. Snippet: It's hard to say who might enjoy this, are there Tolstoy groupies out there? It's dark and tragic, and lets the business of the greedy talent agents get in the way of saying something meaningful about facing death Intensity score:
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Task: Analyze the valence intensity exhibited in the snippet, assigning a score on a continuum from 0 (extremely negative) to 1 (extremely positive), capturing the emotional context conveyed. Snippet: With Zoe Clarke Williams's lackluster thriller ''New Best Friend'', who needs enemies? Just another generic drama that has nothing going for it other than its exploitive array of obligatory cheap thrills. Intensity score:
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Evaluate the valence intensity of the following snippet, considering the mental state of the author. Present a score between 0 and 1, where 0 denotes extremely negative and 1 denotes extremely positive. Snippet: The chocolate factory without Charlie.
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Assess the valence intensity of the snippet "The spaniel eyed Jean Reno infuses Hubert with a mixture of deadpan cool, wry humor and just the measure of tenderness required to give this comic slugfest some heart." based on the mood of the author. Offer a numerical rating between 0 and 1, with 1 representing highly positive and 0 representing highly negative.
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Task: Evaluate the valence intensity of the snippet, providing a numerical assessment from 0 (very negative) to 1 (very positive), indicating the emotional orientation expressed. Snippet: This film is full of rabbits. Brimful. But like most rabbits, it seems to lack substance. Intensity score:
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Task: Analyze the valence intensity exhibited in the snippet, assigning a score on a continuum from 0 (extremely negative) to 1 (extremely positive), capturing the emotional context conveyed. Snippet: Does little more than play an innocuous game of fill in the blanks with a tragic past. Intensity score:
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Evaluate the valence intensity of the following snippet, considering the mood of the author. Give a score between 0 and 1 inclusive, where 0 is the most negative and 1 is the most positive. Snippet: Mildly amusing.
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Task: Assess the valence intensity of the snippet, providing a rating between 0 (most negative) and 1 (most positive), reflecting the emotional depth conveyed in the message. Snippet: While it would be easy to give Crush the new title of Two Weddings and a Funeral, it's a far more thoughtful film than any slice of Hugh Grant whimsy. Intensity score:
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Task: Assess the valence intensity of the snippet, providing a rating between 0 (most negative) and 1 (most positive), reflecting the emotional depth conveyed in the message. Snippet: It's mildly entertaining, especially if you find comfort in familiarity. But it's hardly a necessary enterprise. Intensity score:
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Task: Determine the valence intensity of the snippet, indicating a degree of positivity or negativity on a scale from 0 (strongly negative) to 1 (strongly positive), reflecting the emotional content expressed. Snippet: A zombie movie in every sense of the word mindless, lifeless, meandering, loud, painful, obnoxious. Intensity score:
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Let's analyze the valence intensity of the snippet "Most of the information has already appeared in one forum or another and, no matter how Broomfield dresses it up, it tends to speculation, conspiracy theories or, at best, circumstantial evidence.". Assign a real number between 0 and 1, where 0 indicates extremely negative and 1 indicates extremely positive.
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Assess the valence intensity of the snippet "What the film lacks in general focus it makes up for in compassion, as Corcuera manages to find the seeds of hope in the form of collective action." based on the mood of the author. Offer a numerical rating between 0 and 1, with 1 representing highly positive and 0 representing highly negative.
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Evaluate the valence intensity of the following snippet, considering the mental state of the author. Present a score between 0 and 1, where 0 denotes extremely negative and 1 denotes extremely positive. Snippet: Demme gets a lot of flavor and spice into his Charade remake, but he can't disguise that he's spiffing up leftovers that aren't so substantial or fresh.
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Task: Assess the valence intensity of the snippet, providing a rating between 0 (most negative) and 1 (most positive), reflecting the emotional depth conveyed in the message. Snippet: A sharp and quick documentary that is funny and pithy, while illuminating an era of theatrical comedy that, while past, really isn't. Intensity score:
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Assess the valence intensity of the snippet "It's the perfect star vehicle for Grant, allowing him to finally move away from his usual bumbling, tongue tied screen persona." based on the mood of the author. Offer a numerical rating between 0 and 1, with 1 representing highly positive and 0 representing highly negative.
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Let's analyze the valence intensity of the snippet "Go, girls, right down the reality drain.". Assign a real number between 0 and 1, where 0 indicates extremely negative and 1 indicates extremely positive.
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Task: Evaluate the valence intensity of the snippet, providing a numerical assessment from 0 (very negative) to 1 (very positive), indicating the emotional orientation expressed. Snippet: It's a terrible movie in every regard, and utterly painful to watch. Intensity score:
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Determine the valence intensity of the writer's mental state conveyed in the snippet "Shot perhaps 'artistically' with handheld cameras and apparently no movie lights by Joaquin Baca Asay, the low budget production swings annoyingly between vertigo and opacity.". Provide a score from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies very positive and 0 signifies very negative.
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Task: Determine the valence intensity of the snippet, indicating a degree of positivity or negativity on a scale from 0 (strongly negative) to 1 (strongly positive), reflecting the emotional content expressed. Snippet: You'll get the enjoyable basic minimum. But not a whit more. Intensity score:
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Let's analyze the valence intensity of the snippet "While we want MacDowell's character to retrieve her husband, we have to ask whether her personal odyssey trumps the carnage that claims so many lives around her.". Assign a real number between 0 and 1, where 0 indicates extremely negative and 1 indicates extremely positive.
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Determine the valence intensity of the writer's mental state conveyed in the snippet "''The Time Machine'' is a movie that has no interest in itself. It doesn't believe in itself, it has no sense of's just plain bored.". Provide a score from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies very positive and 0 signifies very negative.
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Evaluate the valence intensity of the following snippet, considering the mental state of the author. Present a score between 0 and 1, where 0 denotes extremely negative and 1 denotes extremely positive. Snippet: Jolting into Charleston rhythms, the story has the sizzle of old news that has finally found the right vent (accurate? Who cares?).
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Evaluate the valence intensity of the following snippet, considering the mental state of the author. Present a score between 0 and 1, where 0 denotes extremely negative and 1 denotes extremely positive. Snippet: It shows that some studios firmly believe that people have lost the ability to think and will forgive any shoddy product as long as there's a little girl on girl action.
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Assess the valence intensity of the snippet "For the most part, the film does hold up pretty well." based on the mood of the author. Offer a numerical rating between 0 and 1, with 1 representing highly positive and 0 representing highly negative.
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Evaluate the valence intensity of the following snippet, considering the mood of the author. Give a score between 0 and 1 inclusive, where 0 is the most negative and 1 is the most positive. Snippet: Surprisingly, considering that Baird is a former film editor, the movie is rather choppy.
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Task: Assess the valence intensity of the snippet, providing a rating between 0 (most negative) and 1 (most positive), reflecting the emotional depth conveyed in the message. Snippet: It's all about Anakin ... and the lustrous polished visuals rich in color and creativity and, of course, special effect. Intensity score:
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Task: Assess the valence intensity of the snippet, providing a rating between 0 (most negative) and 1 (most positive), reflecting the emotional depth conveyed in the message. Snippet: An entertaining British hybrid of comedy, caper thrills and quirky romance. Intensity score:
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Evaluate the valence intensity of the following snippet, considering the mental state of the author. Present a score between 0 and 1, where 0 denotes extremely negative and 1 denotes extremely positive. Snippet: Too simple for its own good.
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Task: Analyze the valence intensity exhibited in the snippet, assigning a score on a continuum from 0 (extremely negative) to 1 (extremely positive), capturing the emotional context conveyed. Snippet: Like many such biographical melodramas, it suffers from the awkwardness that results from adhering to the messiness of true stories. Intensity score:
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Evaluate the valence intensity of the following snippet, considering the mood of the author. Give a score between 0 and 1 inclusive, where 0 is the most negative and 1 is the most positive. Snippet: It's fun, wispy, wise and surprisingly inoffensive for a film about a teen in love with his stepmom.
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Let's analyze the valence intensity of the snippet "The best way to hope for any chance of enjoying this film is by lowering your expectations. Then lower them a bit more.". Assign a real number between 0 and 1, where 0 indicates extremely negative and 1 indicates extremely positive.
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Task: Quantify the valence intensity of the snippet, assigning it a value between 0 (highly negative) and 1 (highly positive), reflecting the emotional tone conveyed. Snippet: This is not one of the movies you'd want to watch if you only had a week to live. Intensity score:
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Let's analyze the valence intensity of the snippet "It's Tommy's job to clean the peep booths surrounding her, and after viewing this one, you'll feel like mopping up, too.". Assign a real number between 0 and 1, where 0 indicates extremely negative and 1 indicates extremely positive.
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Task: Analyze the valence intensity exhibited in the snippet, assigning a score on a continuum from 0 (extremely negative) to 1 (extremely positive), capturing the emotional context conveyed. Snippet: The code talkers deserved better than a hollow tribute. Intensity score:
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Task: Analyze the valence intensity exhibited in the snippet, assigning a score on a continuum from 0 (extremely negative) to 1 (extremely positive), capturing the emotional context conveyed. Snippet: After seeing SWEPT AWAY, I feel sorry for Madonna. Intensity score:
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Let's analyze the valence intensity of the snippet "Who are 'they'? Well, they're 'they'. They're the unnamed, easily substitutable forces that serve as whatever terror the heroes of horror movies try to avoid. They exist for hushed lines like ''They're back!'', ''They're out there!'' and ''They're coming!''". Assign a real number between 0 and 1, where 0 indicates extremely negative and 1 indicates extremely positive.
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Task: Quantify the valence intensity of the snippet, assigning it a value between 0 (highly negative) and 1 (highly positive), reflecting the emotional tone conveyed. Snippet: 'Tobey Maguire is a poster boy for the geek generation.' Intensity score:
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Task: Evaluate the valence intensity of the snippet, providing a numerical assessment from 0 (very negative) to 1 (very positive), indicating the emotional orientation expressed. Snippet: The big ending surprise almost saves the movie. It's too bad that the rest isn't more compelling. Intensity score:
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Task: Assess the valence intensity of the snippet, providing a rating between 0 (most negative) and 1 (most positive), reflecting the emotional depth conveyed in the message. Snippet: Photographed with melancholy richness and eloquently performed yet also decidedly uncinematic. Intensity score:
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Evaluate the valence intensity of the following snippet, considering the mood of the author. Give a score between 0 and 1 inclusive, where 0 is the most negative and 1 is the most positive. Snippet: (L)ame and unnecessary.
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Task: Evaluate the valence intensity of the snippet, providing a numerical assessment from 0 (very negative) to 1 (very positive), indicating the emotional orientation expressed. Snippet: Insomnia is one of the year's best films and Pacino gives one of his most daring, and complicated, performances. Intensity score:
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Task: Determine the valence intensity of the snippet, indicating a degree of positivity or negativity on a scale from 0 (strongly negative) to 1 (strongly positive), reflecting the emotional content expressed. Snippet: Serviceable at best, slightly less than serviceable at worst. Intensity score:
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Task: Determine the valence intensity of the snippet, indicating a degree of positivity or negativity on a scale from 0 (strongly negative) to 1 (strongly positive), reflecting the emotional content expressed. Snippet: An elegant work, Food of Love is as consistently engaging as it is revealing. Intensity score:
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Evaluate the valence intensity of the following snippet, considering the mood of the author. Give a score between 0 and 1 inclusive, where 0 is the most negative and 1 is the most positive. Snippet: Once he starts learning to compromise with reality enough to become comparatively sane and healthy, the film becomes predictably conventional.
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Task: Determine the valence intensity of the snippet, indicating a degree of positivity or negativity on a scale from 0 (strongly negative) to 1 (strongly positive), reflecting the emotional content expressed. Snippet: More honest about Alzheimer's disease, I think, than Iris. Intensity score:
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Task: Quantify the valence intensity of the snippet, assigning it a value between 0 (highly negative) and 1 (highly positive), reflecting the emotional tone conveyed. Snippet: A hamfisted romantic comedy that makes our girl the hapless facilitator of an extended cheap shot across the Mason Dixon line. Intensity score:
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Evaluate the valence intensity of the following snippet, considering the mood of the author. Give a score between 0 and 1 inclusive, where 0 is the most negative and 1 is the most positive. Snippet: I'll bet the video game is a lot more fun than the film.
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Assess the valence intensity of the snippet "Though it draws several decent laughs, it's low cal Woody at best." based on the mood of the author. Offer a numerical rating between 0 and 1, with 1 representing highly positive and 0 representing highly negative.
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Evaluate the valence intensity of the following snippet, considering the mood of the author. Give a score between 0 and 1 inclusive, where 0 is the most negative and 1 is the most positive. Snippet: I'd watch these two together again in a New York minute.
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Task: Determine the valence intensity of the snippet, indicating a degree of positivity or negativity on a scale from 0 (strongly negative) to 1 (strongly positive), reflecting the emotional content expressed. Snippet: It's just plain lurid when it isn't downright silly. Intensity score:
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Task: Assess the valence intensity of the snippet, providing a rating between 0 (most negative) and 1 (most positive), reflecting the emotional depth conveyed in the message. Snippet: Just another combination of bad animation and mindless violence...lacking the slightest bit of wit or charm. Intensity score:
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Task: Evaluate the valence intensity of the snippet, providing a numerical assessment from 0 (very negative) to 1 (very positive), indicating the emotional orientation expressed. Snippet: Brisk hack job. Intensity score:
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Task: Analyze the valence intensity exhibited in the snippet, assigning a score on a continuum from 0 (extremely negative) to 1 (extremely positive), capturing the emotional context conveyed. Snippet: It throws quirky characters, odd situations, and off kilter dialogue at us, all as if to say, ''Look at this! This is an interesting movie!'' But the film itself is ultimately quite unengaging. Intensity score:
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Task: Assess the valence intensity of the snippet, providing a rating between 0 (most negative) and 1 (most positive), reflecting the emotional depth conveyed in the message. Snippet: It may not be history – but then again, what if it is? – but it makes for one of the most purely enjoyable and satisfying evenings at the movies I've had in a while. Intensity score:
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Evaluate the valence intensity of the following snippet, considering the mood of the author. Give a score between 0 and 1 inclusive, where 0 is the most negative and 1 is the most positive. Snippet: Like a south of the border Melrose Place.
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Task: Assess the valence intensity of the snippet, providing a rating between 0 (most negative) and 1 (most positive), reflecting the emotional depth conveyed in the message. Snippet: The ethos of the Chelsea Hotel may shape Hawke's artistic aspirations, but he hasn't yet coordinated his own DV poetry with the Beat he hears in his soul. Intensity score:
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Evaluate the valence intensity of the following snippet, considering the mental state of the author. Present a score between 0 and 1, where 0 denotes extremely negative and 1 denotes extremely positive. Snippet: Simone is not a bad film. It just doesn't have anything really interesting to say.
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Let's analyze the valence intensity of the snippet "...bright, intelligent, and humanly funny film.". Assign a real number between 0 and 1, where 0 indicates extremely negative and 1 indicates extremely positive.
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Task: Quantify the valence intensity of the snippet, assigning it a value between 0 (highly negative) and 1 (highly positive), reflecting the emotional tone conveyed. Snippet: Probes in a light hearted way the romantic problems of individuals for whom the yearning for passion spells discontent. Intensity score:
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Evaluate the valence intensity of the following snippet, considering the mood of the author. Give a score between 0 and 1 inclusive, where 0 is the most negative and 1 is the most positive. Snippet: Lathan and Diggs have considerable personal charm, and their screen rapport makes the old story seem new.
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Evaluate the valence intensity of the following snippet, considering the mood of the author. Give a score between 0 and 1 inclusive, where 0 is the most negative and 1 is the most positive. Snippet: This one is not nearly as dreadful as expected. In fact, it's quite fun in places.
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Task: Quantify the valence intensity of the snippet, assigning it a value between 0 (highly negative) and 1 (highly positive), reflecting the emotional tone conveyed. Snippet: Although it doesn't always hang together violence and whimsy don't combine easily ''Cherish'' certainly isn't dull. Intensity score:
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Task: Determine the valence intensity of the snippet, indicating a degree of positivity or negativity on a scale from 0 (strongly negative) to 1 (strongly positive), reflecting the emotional content expressed. Snippet: Sunshine State surveys the landscape and assesses the issues with a clear passion for sociology. But the cinematography is cloudy, the picture making becalmed. Intensity score:
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Assess the valence intensity of the snippet "Less funny than it should be and less funny than it thinks it is." based on the mood of the author. Offer a numerical rating between 0 and 1, with 1 representing highly positive and 0 representing highly negative.
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Task: Determine the valence intensity of the snippet, indicating a degree of positivity or negativity on a scale from 0 (strongly negative) to 1 (strongly positive), reflecting the emotional content expressed. Snippet: These three films form a remarkably cohesive whole, both visually and thematically, through their consistently sensitive and often exciting treatment of an ignored people. Intensity score:
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Task: Assess the valence intensity of the snippet, providing a rating between 0 (most negative) and 1 (most positive), reflecting the emotional depth conveyed in the message. Snippet: ...Brian De Palma is utterly mad: cinema mad, set piece mad, style mad. It's a beautiful madness. Intensity score:
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Task: Analyze the valence intensity exhibited in the snippet, assigning a score on a continuum from 0 (extremely negative) to 1 (extremely positive), capturing the emotional context conveyed. Snippet: Yet another entry in the sentimental oh those wacky Brits genre that was ushered in by The Full Monty and is still straining to produce another smash hit. Intensity score:
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Task: Quantify the valence intensity of the snippet, assigning it a value between 0 (highly negative) and 1 (highly positive), reflecting the emotional tone conveyed. Snippet: If it's possible for a sequel to outshine the original, then SL2 does just that. Intensity score:
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Task: Determine the valence intensity of the snippet, indicating a degree of positivity or negativity on a scale from 0 (strongly negative) to 1 (strongly positive), reflecting the emotional content expressed. Snippet: None of this is meaningful or memorable, but frosting isn't, either, and you wouldn't turn down a big bowl of that, would you? Intensity score:
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Determine the valence intensity of the writer's mental state conveyed in the snippet "(An) absorbing documentary.". Provide a score from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies very positive and 0 signifies very negative.
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Evaluate the valence intensity of the following snippet, considering the mental state of the author. Present a score between 0 and 1, where 0 denotes extremely negative and 1 denotes extremely positive. Snippet: The members manage to pronounce KOK exactly as you think they might, thus giving the cast ample opportunity to use that term as often as possible. It's very Beavis and Butthead, yet always seems to elicit a chuckle.
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Let's analyze the valence intensity of the snippet "(Grant) goes beyond his usual fluttering and stammering and captures the soul of a man in pain who gradually comes to recognize it and deal with it.". Assign a real number between 0 and 1, where 0 indicates extremely negative and 1 indicates extremely positive.
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Assess the valence intensity of the snippet "What starts off as a potentially incredibly twisting mystery becomes simply a monster chase film." based on the mood of the author. Offer a numerical rating between 0 and 1, with 1 representing highly positive and 0 representing highly negative.
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Let's analyze the valence intensity of the snippet "Fubar is very funny, but not always in a laugh out loud way.". Assign a real number between 0 and 1, where 0 indicates extremely negative and 1 indicates extremely positive.
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Let's analyze the valence intensity of the snippet "Most of the film feels conceived and shot on the fly like between lunch breaks for Shearer's radio show and his Simpson voice overs.". Assign a real number between 0 and 1, where 0 indicates extremely negative and 1 indicates extremely positive.
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Task: Assess the valence intensity of the snippet, providing a rating between 0 (most negative) and 1 (most positive), reflecting the emotional depth conveyed in the message. Snippet: Generates an enormous feeling of empathy for its characters. Intensity score:
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Task: Quantify the valence intensity of the snippet, assigning it a value between 0 (highly negative) and 1 (highly positive), reflecting the emotional tone conveyed. Snippet: Another rent installment for the Ian Fleming estate. Intensity score:
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Task: Assess the valence intensity of the snippet, providing a rating between 0 (most negative) and 1 (most positive), reflecting the emotional depth conveyed in the message. Snippet: Nothing happens, and it happens to flat characters. Intensity score:
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Assess the valence intensity of the snippet "So few movies explore religion that it's disappointing to see one reduce it to an idea that fits in a sampler." based on the mood of the author. Offer a numerical rating between 0 and 1, with 1 representing highly positive and 0 representing highly negative.
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Evaluate the valence intensity of the following snippet, considering the mood of the author. Give a score between 0 and 1 inclusive, where 0 is the most negative and 1 is the most positive. Snippet: Speaks eloquently about the symbiotic relationship between art and life.
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Determine the valence intensity of the writer's mental state conveyed in the snippet "The film is directed by Wally Wolodarsky from a script by Joe Jarvis and Greg Coolidge. These are names to remember, in order to avoid them in the future.". Provide a score from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies very positive and 0 signifies very negative.
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Task: Quantify the valence intensity of the snippet, assigning it a value between 0 (highly negative) and 1 (highly positive), reflecting the emotional tone conveyed. Snippet: Bow's best moments are when he's getting busy on the basketball court because that's when he really scores. Intensity score:
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Task: Analyze the valence intensity exhibited in the snippet, assigning a score on a continuum from 0 (extremely negative) to 1 (extremely positive), capturing the emotional context conveyed. Snippet: The pain, loneliness and insecurity of the screenwriting process are vividly and painfully brought to slovenly life in this self deprecating, biting and witty feature written by Charlie Kaufman and his twin brother, Donald, and directed by Spike Jonze. Intensity score:
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Task: Analyze the valence intensity exhibited in the snippet, assigning a score on a continuum from 0 (extremely negative) to 1 (extremely positive), capturing the emotional context conveyed. Snippet: This is a particularly toxic little bonbon, palatable to only a chosen and very jaundiced few. Intensity score:
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Task: Determine the valence intensity of the snippet, indicating a degree of positivity or negativity on a scale from 0 (strongly negative) to 1 (strongly positive), reflecting the emotional content expressed. Snippet: Though Catch Me If You Can isn't badly made, the fun slowly leaks out of the movie. Intensity score:
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Evaluate the valence intensity of the following snippet, considering the mental state of the author. Present a score between 0 and 1, where 0 denotes extremely negative and 1 denotes extremely positive. Snippet: This is wild surreal stuff, but brilliant and the camera just kind of sits there and lets you look at this and its like you're going from one room to the next and none of them have any relation to the other.
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Task: Assess the valence intensity of the snippet, providing a rating between 0 (most negative) and 1 (most positive), reflecting the emotional depth conveyed in the message. Snippet: The Weight of Water uses water as a metaphor for subconscious desire, but this leaky script barely stays afloat. Intensity score:
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Let's analyze the valence intensity of the snippet "Almost gags on its own gore.". Assign a real number between 0 and 1, where 0 indicates extremely negative and 1 indicates extremely positive.
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Let's analyze the valence intensity of the snippet "Boasts enough funny dialogue and sharp characterizations to be mildly amusing.". Assign a real number between 0 and 1, where 0 indicates extremely negative and 1 indicates extremely positive.
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Task: Assess the valence intensity of the snippet, providing a rating between 0 (most negative) and 1 (most positive), reflecting the emotional depth conveyed in the message. Snippet: All in all, The Count of Monte Cristo is okay, but it is surely no classic, like the novel upon which it is based. Intensity score:
In the following section, there is an instruction you must follow. Your answer should only contain your prediction for the given instruction, and nothing else. Here is your instruction: Evaluate the valence intensity of the following snippet, considering the mental state of the author. Present a score between 0 and 1, where 0 denotes extremely negative and 1 denotes extremely positive. Snippet: Bang! Zoom! It's actually pretty funny, but in all the wrong places.