Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) Bezrukavnikov, R, On two geometric realizations of an affine Hecke algebra, Publ. Math. Inst. Hautes Études Sci., 123, 1-67, (2016) Geometric Langlands program (algebro-geometric aspects), Hecke algebras and their representations, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) Group schemes, Grassmannians, Schubert varieties, flag manifolds, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Groups with a \(BN\)-pair; buildings
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) F. \textsc{Bruhat} and J. \textsc{Tits}, Schémas en groupes et immeubles des groupes classiques sur un corps local, \textit{Bull. Soc. Math. Fr.}, \textbf{112} (1984), 259-301. Group schemes, Classical groups (algebro-geometric aspects), Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Division rings and semisimple Artin rings
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) Algebraic cycles, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Linear algebraic groups over arbitrary fields
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) Wolfgang Pfautsch, \?\?\?\textonesuperior for the Frobenius kernels of \?\?\(_{2}\), Comm. Algebra 13 (1985), no. 1, 169 -- 179. Representation theory for linear algebraic groups, Group schemes, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) Nazih Nahlus, Basic groups of Lie algebras and Hopf algebras, Pacific J. Math. 180 (1997), no. 1, 135 -- 151. Lie algebras of linear algebraic groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Linear algebraic groups over arbitrary fields
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Differentials and other special sheaves; D-modules; Bernstein-Sato ideals and polynomials, Positive characteristic ground fields in algebraic geometry, Lie algebras of linear algebraic groups, Linear algebraic groups over finite fields
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) T. Tanisaki: Defining ideals of the closures of the conjugacy classes and representations of the Weyl groups , Tôhoku Math. J. (2) 34 (1982), 575-585. Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Lie algebras of linear algebraic groups, Linear algebraic groups over the reals, the complexes, the quaternions
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) Local ground fields in algebraic geometry, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Varieties over finite and local fields, Group schemes
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) J.-Y. Charbonnel, A. Moreau, \textit{The index of centralizers of elements of reductive Lie algebras}, Documenta Math. \textbf{15} (2010), 387-421. Simple, semisimple, reductive (super)algebras, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights), Geometric invariant theory
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) Separable extensions, Galois theory, Group schemes, Group actions on varieties or schemes (quotients), Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) Kamnitzer, J.: Hives and the fibres of the convolution morphism. Selecta Math. (N.S.) \textbf{13}(3), 483-496 (2007). arXiv:0705.1698 Representation theory for linear algebraic groups, Grassmannians, Schubert varieties, flag manifolds, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights), Classical groups (algebro-geometric aspects), Combinatorial aspects of representation theory
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) S. Kato, S. Naito, D. Sagaki, Polytopal estimate of Mirković--Vilonen polytopes lying in a Demazure crystal, Adv. Math. 226 (2011), 2587--2617. Quantum groups (quantized enveloping algebras) and related deformations, Grassmannians, Schubert varieties, flag manifolds, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights), Classical groups (algebro-geometric aspects)
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) Bøgvad, R.: Splitting of the direct image of sheaves under the Frobenius. Proc. amer. Math. soc. 126, 3447-3454 (1998) Toric varieties, Newton polyhedra, Okounkov bodies, Finite ground fields in algebraic geometry, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) Edward Cline, Brian Parshall, and Leonard Scott, Simulating perverse sheaves in modular representation theory, Algebraic groups and their generalizations: classical methods (University Park, PA, 1991) Proc. Sympos. Pure Math., vol. 56, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 1994, pp. 63 -- 104. Representation theory for linear algebraic groups, Cohomology theory for linear algebraic groups, Group actions on varieties or schemes (quotients), Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights)
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Hypergroups, Other algebras related to logic
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) Algebraic monoids, Automorphisms, derivations, other operators (nonassociative rings and algebras), Automorphisms and endomorphisms, Semigroups of transformations, relations, partitions, etc., Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) Geometric Langlands program: representation-theoretic aspects, Grassmannians, Schubert varieties, flag manifolds, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights), Linear algebraic groups over the reals, the complexes, the quaternions
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) Lex E. Renner, Orbits and invariants of visible group actions, Transform. Groups 17 (2012), no. 4, 1191 -- 1208. Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Linear algebraic groups over arbitrary fields, Groups as automorphisms of other structures
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) G. D. Mostow. Generalized Picard lattices arising from half-integral conditions. \textit{Inst. Hautes Études Sci. Publ. Math}., (63) (1986), 91-106 Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Hermitian symmetric spaces, bounded symmetric domains, Jordan algebras (complex-analytic aspects), Hypergeometric integrals and functions defined by them (\(E\), \(G\), \(H\) and \(I\) functions), Connections of hypergeometric functions with groups and algebras, and related topics, Structure of families (Picard-Lefschetz, monodromy, etc.), Structure of modular groups and generalizations; arithmetic groups
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) D. Panyushev, Weight multiplicity free representations, \[ \mathfrak{g} \] -endomorphism algebras, and Dynkin polynomials. J. Lond. Math. Soc. 69, Part 2, 273--290 (2004) Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights), Group actions on varieties or schemes (quotients), Other algebro-geometric (co)homologies (e.g., intersection, equivariant, Lawson, Deligne (co)homologies), Homological conditions on associative rings (generalizations of regular, Gorenstein, Cohen-Macaulay rings, etc.)
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) S. Kumar, ''Demazure character formula in arbitrary Kac-Moody setting,'' Invent. Math., vol. 89, iss. 2, pp. 395-423, 1987. Grassmannians, Schubert varieties, flag manifolds, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Infinite-dimensional Lie groups and their Lie algebras: general properties
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Grassmannians, Schubert varieties, flag manifolds
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) A. Bartels, C. L. Douglas and A. Henriques, Conformal nets I: Coordinate-free nets, arXiv:1302.2604. Two-dimensional field theories, conformal field theories, etc. in quantum mechanics, Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Pencils, nets, webs in algebraic geometry, General theory of \(C^*\)-algebras, General theory of von Neumann algebras, Applications of selfadjoint operator algebras to physics
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) String and superstring theories; other extended objects (e.g., branes) in quantum field theory, Supersymmetric field theories in quantum mechanics, Infinite-dimensional groups and algebras motivated by physics, including Virasoro, Kac-Moody, \(W\)-algebras and other current algebras and their representations, Virasoro and related algebras, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights), Applications of Lie (super)algebras to physics, etc., Applications of vector bundles and moduli spaces in mathematical physics (twistor theory, instantons, quantum field theory), Simple and semisimple modules, primitive rings and ideals in associative algebras
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) Kato, S., Demazure character formula for semi-infinite flag manifolds Grassmannians, Schubert varieties, flag manifolds, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights), Basic orthogonal polynomials and functions associated with root systems (Macdonald polynomials, etc.), Applications of methods of algebraic \(K\)-theory in algebraic geometry, Frobenius induction, Burnside and representation rings, Representation theory of associative rings and algebras, Character groups and dual objects
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) Joseph Sampson, Stephen S.-T. Yau, and Yung Yu, Classification of gradient space as \?\?(2,\?) module. I, Amer. J. Math. 114 (1992), no. 5, 1147 -- 1161. Complex spaces with a group of automorphisms, Group actions on varieties or schemes (quotients), Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights), Complex spaces with a group of automorphisms
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) M. Hazewinkel, \textit{Formal Groups and Applications}, Acad. Press, New York (1978). Formal groups, \(p\)-divisible groups, Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to algebraic geometry, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Witt vectors and related rings, Formal power series rings
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) George Lusztig, Singularities, character formulas, and a \(q\)-analog of weight multiplicities, Astérisque101-102 (1983), p. 208-229 Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights), Simple, semisimple, reductive (super)algebras, Representations of Lie and real algebraic groups: algebraic methods (Verma modules, etc.), Hecke algebras and their representations, Grassmannians, Schubert varieties, flag manifolds, Intersection theory, characteristic classes, intersection multiplicities in algebraic geometry
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) Arkhipov, S., Bezrukavnikov, R.: Perverse sheaves on affine flags and Langlands dual group. Isr. J. Math. \textbf{170}, 135-183 (2009) Geometric Langlands program (algebro-geometric aspects), Group actions on varieties or schemes (quotients), Grassmannians, Schubert varieties, flag manifolds, Hecke algebras and their representations, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) du Sautoy, Marcus; Loeser, François, Motivic zeta functions of infinite-dimensional Lie algebras, Selecta Math. (N.S.), 10, 2, 253-303, (2004) Zeta functions and related questions in algebraic geometry (e.g., Birch-Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture), Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Kac-Moody (super)algebras; extended affine Lie algebras; toroidal Lie algebras, Virasoro and related algebras
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) Rings of differential operators (associative algebraic aspects), Semisimple Lie groups and their representations, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights), Universal enveloping algebras of Lie algebras, Universal enveloping (super)algebras, Representations of Lie and real algebraic groups: algebraic methods (Verma modules, etc.), Compactifications; symmetric and spherical varieties
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) Other analytic theory (analogues of beta and gamma functions, \(p\)-adic integration, etc.), \(p\)-adic cohomology, crystalline cohomology, Representation theory for linear algebraic groups, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Representations of Lie and linear algebraic groups over real fields: analytic methods, Representations of Lie and linear algebraic groups over local fields
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) Thǎńg, N.Q.: Corestriction principle for non-abelian cohomology of reductive group schemes over Dedekind rings of integers of local and global fields. Preprint MPI, 07-6 (2007) Galois cohomology of linear algebraic groups, Étale and other Grothendieck topologies and (co)homologies, Local ground fields in algebraic geometry, Global ground fields in algebraic geometry, Group schemes, Nonabelian homological algebra (category-theoretic aspects), Cohomology theory for linear algebraic groups, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Linear algebraic groups over global fields and their integers
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) Jorgenson, J., Lang, S.: The ubiquitous heat kernel. In mathematics unlimited-2001 and beyond, pp. 655-683. Springer, Berlin (2001) Heat and other parabolic equation methods for PDEs on manifolds, Index theory and related fixed-point theorems on manifolds, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights), Arithmetic varieties and schemes; Arakelov theory; heights
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) Finite-dimensional groups and algebras motivated by physics and their representations, Relationship to Lie algebras and finite simple groups, Simple, semisimple, reductive (super)algebras, Grothendieck groups, \(K\)-theory, etc., Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Quantum groups and related algebraic methods applied to problems in quantum theory, Quantum groups (quantized enveloping algebras) and related deformations, Ring-theoretic aspects of quantum groups
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Geometric Langlands program (algebro-geometric aspects)
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) Bilinear and Hermitian forms, Class numbers of quadratic and Hermitian forms, Orders in separable algebras, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) Homogeneous spaces and generalizations, Seminormal rings, Power series rings, Henselian rings, Stacks and moduli problems, Geometric Langlands program (algebro-geometric aspects), Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) K. Kuyumzhiyan, ''Simple SL(n)-modules with normal closures of maximal torus orbits,'' J. Algebraic Combin. 30(4), 515--538 (2009). Representation theory for linear algebraic groups, Group actions on varieties or schemes (quotients), Homogeneous spaces and generalizations, Toric varieties, Newton polyhedra, Okounkov bodies, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights)
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) Bossinger, L.; Lamboglia, S.; Mincheva, K.; Mohammadi, F.; Smith, G.; Sturmfels, B., Combinatorial Algebraic Geometry, 80, Computing toric degenerations of flag varieties, 247-281, (2017), Springer Gröbner bases; other bases for ideals and modules (e.g., Janet and border bases), Toric varieties, Newton polyhedra, Okounkov bodies, Grassmannians, Schubert varieties, flag manifolds, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights)
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) Character varieties, Grassmannians, Schubert varieties, flag manifolds, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Fuchsian groups and automorphic functions (aspects of compact Riemann surfaces and uniformization)
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) Kapranov, M.; Vasserot, E., Supersymmetry and the formal loop space, Adv. math., 227, 1078-1128, (2011) de Rham cohomology and algebraic geometry, Foundations of algebraic geometry, Supervarieties, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights), Representations of Lie and real algebraic groups: algebraic methods (Verma modules, etc.)
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights), Homological methods in Lie (super)algebras, Group actions on varieties or schemes (quotients), Representations of quivers and partially ordered sets
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) G. Pappas and M. Rapoport, ''Some questions about \(\mathcalG\)-bundles on curves,'' in Algebraic and Arithmetic Structures of Moduli Spaces, Tokyo: Math. Soc. Japan, 2010, vol. 58, pp. 159-171. Stacks and moduli problems, Group schemes, Vector bundles on curves and their moduli, Linear algebraic groups over adèles and other rings and schemes, Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) DOI: 10.1016/0021-8693(85)90185-1 Classical groups (algebro-geometric aspects), Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Linear algebraic groups over adèles and other rings and schemes, Vector and tensor algebra, theory of invariants, Homogeneous spaces and generalizations
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) Arithmetic ground fields for abelian varieties, Abelian varieties of dimension \(> 1\), Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Algebraic cycles
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) L. Ji, \textit{Arithmetic groups, mapping class groups, related groups, and their associated} \textit{spaces}. Fourth International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians, AMS/IP Stud. Adv. Math., vol. 48, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2010, pp. 127--175. Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Cohomology of arithmetic groups, Teichmüller theory for Riemann surfaces, General low-dimensional topology, Surgery obstructions, Wall groups, Families, moduli of curves (analytic), Homology and cohomology of homogeneous spaces of Lie groups, Linear algebraic groups over arbitrary fields
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) Linear algebraic groups over arbitrary fields, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Category of groups
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) [Nor-Rag] Nori, M.V., Raghunathan, M.S.: On conjugation of locally symmetric arithmetic varieties. (Preprint) Arithmetic varieties and schemes; Arakelov theory; heights, Low codimension problems in algebraic geometry, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) Gordienko, A. S., Structure of \textit{H}-(co)module Lie algebras, J. Lie Theory, 23, 3, 669-689, (2013) Structure theory for Lie algebras and superalgebras, Automorphisms, derivations, other operators for Lie algebras and super algebras, Graded Lie (super)algebras, Hopf algebras and their applications, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Coalgebras and comodules; corings, Universal enveloping algebras of Lie algebras, Groupoids (i.e. small categories in which all morphisms are isomorphisms), Topological groupoids (including differentiable and Lie groupoids), Associated Lie structures for groups, Derivations and commutative rings, General properties and structure of other Lie groups
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) [75] Lurie J., ''On simply laced Lie algebras and their minuscule representations'', Comment. Math. Helv., 166 (2001), 515--575 Exceptional (super)algebras, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights), Rational and ruled surfaces
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) Tanisaki, T.: Twisted differential operators and affine Weyl groups. J. fac. Sci. univ. Tokyo sect. IA math. 34, No. 2, 203-221 (1987) Semisimple Lie groups and their representations, Differentials and other special sheaves; D-modules; Bernstein-Sato ideals and polynomials, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Cohomology theory for linear algebraic groups
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) Humphreys J.: Introduction to Lie Algebras and Representation Theory. Springer, New York (1994) Representation theory for linear algebraic groups, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights), Classical groups (algebro-geometric aspects), Cohomology theory for linear algebraic groups, Representations of finite groups of Lie type
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) M. Vybornov, Perverse sheaves, Koszul IC-modules, and the quiver for the category O, preprint arXiv:math.AG/0309247. Other algebro-geometric (co)homologies (e.g., intersection, equivariant, Lawson, Deligne (co)homologies), Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights), Stratifications; constructible sheaves; intersection cohomology (complex-analytic aspects), Grassmannians, Schubert varieties, flag manifolds, Representations of quivers and partially ordered sets
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) Supervarieties, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights), Hopf algebras and their applications, Representation theory for linear algebraic groups
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) Cline, E, On injective modules for infinitesimal algebraic groups, II, J. Algebra, 134, 271-297, (1990) Representation theory for linear algebraic groups, Linear algebraic groups over finite fields, Group schemes, Classical groups (algebro-geometric aspects), Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) P. Bouwknegt and N. Halmagyi, q-Identities and affinized projective varieties, 11. Flag varieties, [math-ph/9903033]. Affine spaces (automorphisms, embeddings, exotic structures, cancellation problem), Gromov-Witten invariants, quantum cohomology, Gopakumar-Vafa invariants, Donaldson-Thomas invariants (algebro-geometric aspects), Two-dimensional field theories, conformal field theories, etc. in quantum mechanics, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights)
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) Gilman, Jane; Keen, Linda, The geometry of two generator groups: hyperelliptic handlebodies, Geom. Dedicata, 110, 159-190, (2005) Kleinian groups (aspects of compact Riemann surfaces and uniformization), Compact Riemann surfaces and uniformization, Fuchsian groups and automorphic functions (aspects of compact Riemann surfaces and uniformization), Coverings of curves, fundamental group, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) Varieties over finite and local fields, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Étale and other Grothendieck topologies and (co)homologies
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Linear algebraic groups over arbitrary fields, Representation theory for linear algebraic groups
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) Virasoro and related algebras, Elliptic curves, Relationship to Lie algebras and finite simple groups, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights)
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) General properties and structure of complex Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Complex Lie groups, group actions on complex spaces, Other representations of locally compact groups
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) Group schemes, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Collected or selected works; reprintings or translations of classics
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) G. Ellingsrud and L. Göttsche, Hilbert schemes of points and Heisenberg algebras, Moduli spaces in Algebraic Geometry, 1999. Parametrization (Chow and Hilbert schemes), Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Algebraic cycles, Relationships between surfaces, higher-dimensional varieties, and physics
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) Group schemes, Cohomology theory for linear algebraic groups, Étale and other Grothendieck topologies and (co)homologies, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) Cohomology theory for linear algebraic groups, Representation theory for linear algebraic groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) Paupert, J.: Elliptic triangle groups in \(PU(2,1)\), Lagrangian triples and momentum maps, Topology 46, No. 2, 155-183 (2007) Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Classical groups (algebro-geometric aspects), Unimodular groups, congruence subgroups (group-theoretic aspects)
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Cluster algebras, Derived categories of sheaves, dg categories, and related constructions in algebraic geometry
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) Adamovich, AM; Rybnikov, GL, \textit{tilting modules for classical groups and Howe duality in positive characteristic}, Transform. Groups, 1, 1-34, (1996) Representation theory for linear algebraic groups, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights), Group actions on varieties or schemes (quotients), Module categories in associative algebras
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) Yun, Zhiwei, Weights of mixed tilting sheaves and geometric Ringel duality, Selecta Math. (N.S.), 14, 2, 299-320, (2009) Étale and other Grothendieck topologies and (co)homologies, Group actions on varieties or schemes (quotients), Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) Theta functions and abelian varieties, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, \(S\)-matrix theory, etc. in quantum theory, Supersymmetric field theories in quantum mechanics, Classical field theories, Applications of Lie groups to the sciences; explicit representations
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) Yu, Y., On Jacobian ideals invariant by reducible \textit{sl} (2; \textit{C}) action, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 348, 2759-2791, (1996) Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights), Singularities in algebraic geometry, Simple, semisimple, reductive (super)algebras
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) Geiss, Christof; Leclerc, Bernard; Schröer, Jan, Partial flag varieties and preprojective algebras, Ann. Inst. Fourier (Grenoble), 58, 3, 825-876, (2008) Representations of quivers and partially ordered sets, Grassmannians, Schubert varieties, flag manifolds, Module categories in associative algebras, Auslander-Reiten sequences (almost split sequences) and Auslander-Reiten quivers, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights), Representation theory for linear algebraic groups
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) Zucker, S., \textit{on the reductive Borel-Serre compactification. III. mixed Hodge structures}, Asian J. Math., 8, 881-911, (2004) Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Variation of Hodge structures (algebro-geometric aspects), Period matrices, variation of Hodge structure; degenerations
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) Rational and ruled surfaces, Configurations and arrangements of linear subspaces, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights), Simple, semisimple, reductive (super)algebras
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) Linear algebraic groups over arbitrary fields, Classical groups (algebro-geometric aspects), Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) Xu, M; Zhang, J J, Diophantine equations and applications to rational surfaces, Sci China Math, 55, 1189-1196, (2012) Rational and ruled surfaces, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights)
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) Group schemes, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Collected or selected works; reprintings or translations of classics
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) Gross, B. H.: On simply connected groups over Z, with \(G(R)\) compact. Contemp. math. 249, 113-118 (1999) Linear algebraic groups over global fields and their integers, Group schemes, Classical groups, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Representation theory for linear algebraic groups
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) Linear algebraic groups over arbitrary fields, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Simple groups, Classical groups (algebro-geometric aspects)
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) Birational automorphisms, Cremona group and generalizations, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) Jiang, Y.; Sheng, J., \textit{an insight into the description of the crystal structure for mirković-vilonen polytopes}, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 369, 6407-6427, (2017) Combinatorial aspects of representation theory, Representations of quivers and partially ordered sets, Simple, semisimple, reductive (super)algebras, Grassmannians, Schubert varieties, flag manifolds, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights), Quantum groups (quantized enveloping algebras) and related deformations
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) Arithmetic aspects of modular and Shimura varieties, Modular and Shimura varieties, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) Swarnava Mukhopadhyay, Rank-Level Duality of Conformal Blocks, ProQuest LLC, Ann Arbor, MI, 2013. Thesis (Ph.D.) -- The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Kac-Moody (super)algebras; extended affine Lie algebras; toroidal Lie algebras, Two-dimensional field theories, conformal field theories, etc. in quantum mechanics, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights), Simple, semisimple, reductive (super)algebras, Vector bundles on curves and their moduli, Moduli and deformations for ordinary differential equations (e.g., Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equation)
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) Rémy, Bertrand, Covolume des groupes \(S\)-arithmétiques et faux plans projectifs [d'après Mumford, Prasad, Klingler, Yeung, Prasad-Yeung], Séminaire Bourbaki. Vol. 2007/2008, Astérisque, 978-285629-269-3, 0303-1179, 326, Exp. No. 984, vii, 83-129 (2010), (2009) Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Surfaces of general type, Linear algebraic groups over global fields and their integers, Hermitian symmetric spaces, bounded symmetric domains, Jordan algebras (complex-analytic aspects), Differential geometry of symmetric spaces
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) Motivic cohomology; motivic homotopy theory, Monoidal categories, symmetric monoidal categories, Derived categories, triangulated categories, Algebraic cycles and motivic cohomology (\(K\)-theoretic aspects), Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) Naito, S.; Sagaki, D.: Mirković-vilonen polytopes lying in a Demazure crystal and an opposite Demazure crystal, Adv. math. 221, 1804-1842 (2009) Quantum groups (quantized enveloping algebras) and related deformations, Grassmannians, Schubert varieties, flag manifolds, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights), Classical groups (algebro-geometric aspects), Cohomology theory for linear algebraic groups, Special polytopes (linear programming, centrally symmetric, etc.)
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights), Applications of graph theory, Grassmannians, Schubert varieties, flag manifolds, Ordinary representations and characters, Intersection homology and cohomology in algebraic topology
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) Formal groups, \(p\)-divisible groups, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) Melnikov, A., Pagnon, N.G.J.: On the intersections of orbital varieties and components of Springer fiber. J. Algebra 298, 1--14 (2006) Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights), Grassmannians, Schubert varieties, flag manifolds, Linear algebraic groups over arbitrary fields
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Poisson manifolds; Poisson groupoids and algebroids, Completely integrable infinite-dimensional Hamiltonian and Lagrangian systems, integration methods, integrability tests, integrable hierarchies (KdV, KP, Toda, etc.), Relations of infinite-dimensional Hamiltonian and Lagrangian dynamical systems with algebraic geometry, complex analysis, and special functions, Families, moduli of curves (analytic)
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) DOI: 10.1155/2016/4843075 Two-dimensional field theories, conformal field theories, etc. in quantum mechanics, Quantum groups and related algebraic methods applied to problems in quantum theory, Quantum groups (quantized enveloping algebras) and related deformations, Kac-Moody (super)algebras; extended affine Lie algebras; toroidal Lie algebras, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Braid groups; Artin groups
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) Applications of Lie algebras and superalgebras to integrable systems, Relationships between algebraic curves and integrable systems, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Kac-Moody (super)algebras; extended affine Lie algebras; toroidal Lie algebras, Infinite-dimensional groups and algebras motivated by physics, including Virasoro, Kac-Moody, \(W\)-algebras and other current algebras and their representations
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) Combinatorial aspects of representation theory, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights), Kac-Moody (super)algebras; extended affine Lie algebras; toroidal Lie algebras, Grassmannians, Schubert varieties, flag manifolds
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) Chernousov, V. I.; Platonov, V. P.: The rationality problem for semisimple group varieties. J. reine angew. Math. 504, 1-28 (1998) Linear algebraic groups over arbitrary fields, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Linear algebraic groups over global fields and their integers, Group actions on varieties or schemes (quotients), Rational and birational maps
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) Venkatramani Lakshmibai and Peter Magyar, Standard monomial theory for Bott-Samelson varieties, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Sér. I Math. 324 (1997), no. 11, 1211 -- 1215 (English, with English and French summaries). Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Grassmannians, Schubert varieties, flag manifolds
Howard Garland, The arithmetic theory of loop groups. II. The Hilbert-modular case, J. Algebra 209 (1998), no. 2, 446 -- 532. Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment, Linear algebraic groups over local fields and their integers, Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions, Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights) Differential geometry of symmetric spaces, Analysis on real and complex Lie groups, Jacobians, Prym varieties, Algebraic moduli of abelian varieties, classification, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Theta functions and curves; Schottky problem, Algebraic moduli problems, moduli of vector bundles