Adam Brusselback


AI & ML interests

Former founder, now semi-retired and on to the next thing.


None yet

Tostino's activity

New activity in m42-health/Llama3-Med42-70B 2 months ago
New activity in SkunkworksAI/reasoning-0.01 2 months ago

Trailing words

#3 opened 2 months ago by Tostino
New activity in Tostino/Inkbot-13B-8k-0.2 6 months ago
New activity in Tostino/Inkbot-13B-8k-0.2 10 months ago
New activity in EmbeddedLLM/chat-template-generation 10 months ago
New activity in normalcomputing/extended-mind-mpt-7b-chat 11 months ago

Prompt template?

#2 opened 11 months ago by Tostino