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posted an update 2 days ago
Detailed Comparison of JoyCaption Alpha One vs JoyCaption Pre-Alpha — 10 Different Style Amazing Images — I think JoyCaption Alpha One is the very best image captioning model at the moment for model training — Works very fast and requires as low as 8.5 GB VRAM

Where To Download And Install

You can download our APP from here :

1-Click to install on Windows, RunPod and Massed Compute
Official APP is here where you can try : fancyfeast/joy-caption-alpha-one

Have The Following Features

Auto downloads meta-llama/Meta-Llama-3.1–8B into your Hugging Face cache folder and other necessary models into the installation folder

Use 4-bit quantization — Uses 8.5 GB VRAM Total

Overwrite existing caption file

Append new caption to existing caption

Remove newlines from generated captions

Cut off at last complete sentence

Discard repeating sentences

Don’t save processed image

Caption Prefix

Caption Suffix

Custom System Prompt (Optional)

Input Folder for Batch Processing

Output Folder for Batch Processing (Optional)

Fully supported Multi GPU captioning — GPU IDs (comma-separated, e.g., 0,1,2)

Batch Size — Batch captioning