95 values
15 values
package com.cognifide.gradle.aem.instance.tasks import com.cognifide.gradle.aem.common.instance.action.AwaitUpAction import com.cognifide.gradle.aem.common.instance.action.ReloadAction import com.cognifide.gradle.aem.common.instance.names import com.cognifide.gradle.aem.common.tasks.Instance import org.gradle.api.tasks.TaskAction open class InstanceReload : Instance() { private var reloadOptions: ReloadAction.() -> Unit = {} fun reload(options: ReloadAction.() -> Unit) { this.reloadOptions = options } private var awaitUpOptions: AwaitUpAction.() -> Unit = {} fun awaitUp(options: AwaitUpAction.() -> Unit) { this.awaitUpOptions = options } @TaskAction fun reload() { instanceManager.awaitReloaded(anyInstances, reloadOptions, awaitUpOptions) common.notifier.lifecycle("Instance(s) reloaded", "Which: ${anyInstances.names}") } init { description = "Reloads all AEM instance(s)." } companion object { const val NAME = "instanceReload" } }
/* * * * Apache License * * * * Copyright [2017] Sinyuk * * * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * * limitations under the License. * */ package com.sinyuk.fanfou.ui.status import android.os.Build import android.os.Bundle import import import android.text.Editable import android.text.TextWatcher import android.view.View import android.view.ViewTreeObserver import cn.dreamtobe.kpswitch.util.KeyboardUtil import import import import import import import import import com.sinyuk.fanfou.R import com.sinyuk.fanfou.base.AbstractActivity import com.sinyuk.fanfou.base.AbstractFragment import com.sinyuk.fanfou.di.Injectable import com.sinyuk.fanfou.domain.DO.Player import com.sinyuk.fanfou.domain.DO.Status import com.sinyuk.fanfou.domain.STATUS_LIMIT import com.sinyuk.fanfou.domain.StatusCreation import com.sinyuk.fanfou.domain.TIMELINE_CONTEXT import com.sinyuk.fanfou.ui.editor.EditorView import com.sinyuk.fanfou.ui.editor.MentionListView import com.sinyuk.fanfou.ui.timeline.TimelineView import com.sinyuk.fanfou.util.obtainViewModelFromActivity import com.sinyuk.fanfou.viewmodel.FanfouViewModelFactory import com.sinyuk.fanfou.viewmodel.PlayerViewModel import* import* import* import javax.inject.Inject /** * Created by sinyuk on 2018/1/12. * */ class StatusView : AbstractFragment(), Injectable, QueryTokenReceiver, SuggestionsResultListener, SuggestionsVisibilityManager { companion object { fun newInstance(status: Status, photoExtra: Bundle? = null) = StatusView().apply { arguments = Bundle().apply { putParcelable("status", status) putBundle("photoExtra", photoExtra) } } } override fun layoutId() = R.layout.status_view @Inject lateinit var factory: FanfouViewModelFactory private val playerViewModel by lazy { obtainViewModelFromActivity(factory, } override fun onEnterAnimationEnd(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onEnterAnimationEnd(savedInstanceState) navBack.setOnClickListener { onBackPressedSupport() } setupEditor() setupKeyboard() onTextChanged(0) setupViewPager() val status = arguments!!.getParcelable<Status>("status") fullscreenButton.setOnClickListener { (activity as AbstractActivity).start(EditorView.newInstance(, replyEt.mentionsText, StatusCreation.REPOST_STATUS)) replyEt.text = null } } private fun setupViewPager() { val status = arguments!!.getParcelable<Status>("status") val bundle = arguments!!.getBundle("photoExtra") val fragments: List<Fragment> = if (findChildFragment( == null) { val mentionView = MentionListView() mentionView.onItemClickListener = onSuggestionSelectListener mutableListOf(TimelineView.contextTimeline(TIMELINE_CONTEXT, status, bundle), mentionView) } else { mutableListOf(findChildFragment(, MentionListView()) } viewPager.setPagingEnabled(false) viewPager.offscreenPageLimit = 1 viewPager.adapter = object : FragmentPagerAdapter(childFragmentManager) { override fun getItem(position: Int) = fragments[position] override fun getCount() = fragments.size } } private var keyboardListener: ViewTreeObserver.OnGlobalLayoutListener? = null private fun setupKeyboard() { keyboardListener = KeyboardUtil.attach(activity, panelRoot, { // TODO: how comes the Exception: panelRootContainer must not be null panelRootContainer?.visibility = if (it) { if (replyEt.requestFocus()) replyEt.setSelection(replyEt.text.length) View.VISIBLE } else { replyEt.clearFocus() View.GONE } }) } private val config = WordTokenizerConfig.Builder() .setExplicitChars("@") .setThreshold(3) .setMaxNumKeywords(5) .setWordBreakChars(" ").build() private fun setupEditor() { replyEt.tokenizer = WordTokenizer(config) replyEt.setAvoidPrefixOnTap(true) replyEt.setQueryTokenReceiver(this) replyEt.setSuggestionsVisibilityManager(this) replyEt.setAvoidPrefixOnTap(true) replyCommitButton.setOnClickListener { } if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.O) textCountProgress.min = 0 textCountProgress.max = STATUS_LIMIT replyEt.addTextChangedListener(object : TextWatcher { override fun afterTextChanged(s: Editable?) { onTextChanged(s?.length ?: 0) } override fun beforeTextChanged(s: CharSequence?, start: Int, count: Int, after: Int) { } override fun onTextChanged(s: CharSequence?, start: Int, before: Int, count: Int) { } }) } /** * @param count 字数 */ private fun onTextChanged(count: Int) { textCountProgress.progress = count replyCommitButton.isEnabled = count in 1..STATUS_LIMIT } private val onSuggestionSelectListener = object : MentionListView.OnItemClickListener { override fun onItemClick(position: Int, item: Suggestible) { (item as Player).let { replyEt.insertMention(it) displaySuggestions(false) playerViewModel.updateMentionedAt(it) // onTextChanged(replyEt.text.length) replyEt.requestFocus() replyEt.setSelection(replyEt.text.length) } } } @Suppress("PrivatePropertyName") private val BUCKET = "player-mentioned" override fun onQueryReceived(queryToken: QueryToken): MutableList<String> { val data = playerViewModel.filter(queryToken.keywords) onReceiveSuggestionsResult(SuggestionsResult(queryToken, data), BUCKET) return arrayOf(BUCKET).toMutableList() } override fun onReceiveSuggestionsResult(result: SuggestionsResult, bucket: String) { val data = result.suggestions if (data?.isEmpty() != false) return displaySuggestions(true) findChildFragment( } override fun displaySuggestions(display: Boolean) { viewPager.setCurrentItem(if (display) 1 else 0, true) } override fun isDisplayingSuggestions() = viewPager.currentItem == 1 override fun onBackPressedSupport(): Boolean { when { panelRootContainer.visibility == View.VISIBLE -> KeyboardUtil.hideKeyboard(panelRootContainer) isDisplayingSuggestions -> displaySuggestions(false) else -> pop() } return true } override fun onDestroy() { keyboardListener?.let { KeyboardUtil.detach(activity, it) } activity?.currentFocus?.let { KeyboardUtil.hideKeyboard(it) } super.onDestroy() } }
package com.timepath.vfs.provider.jdbc import com.timepath.vfs.MockFile import com.timepath.vfs.SimpleVFile import com.timepath.vfs.provider.ProviderStub import org.jetbrains.annotations.NonNls import java.sql.SQLException import java.text.MessageFormat import java.util.LinkedList import java.util.logging.Level /** * @author TimePath */ class JDBCTable(private val jdbcProvider: JDBCProvider, name: String) : ProviderStub(name) { override fun get(NonNls name: String) = list().firstOrNull { name == } SuppressWarnings("NestedTryStatement") override fun list(): Collection<SimpleVFile> { val rows = LinkedList<MockFile>() try { jdbcProvider.conn.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM ${name}").let { st -> st.executeQuery().let { rs -> val len = rs.getMetaData().getColumnCount() while ( { val sb = StringBuilder() for (i in 0..len - 1) { sb.append('\t').append(rs.getString(i + 1)) } rows.add(MockFile(rs.getString(1), sb.substring(1))) } } } } catch (e: SQLException) { JDBCProvider.LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, MessageFormat.format("Reading from table {0}", name), e) } return rows } }
/* * Copyright 2017-2022 Adobe. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.adobe.testing.s3mock.its import com.adobe.testing.s3mock.util.DigestUtil import import import import import import import org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat import org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThatThrownBy import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test import org.junit.jupiter.api.TestInfo import import import import java.util.UUID /** * Test the application using the AmazonS3 SDK V1. */ internal class CopyObjectV1IT : S3TestBase() { /** * Puts an Object; Copies that object to a new bucket; Downloads the object from the new bucket; * compares checksums of original and copied object. */ @Test fun shouldCopyObject(testInfo: TestInfo) { val sourceKey = UPLOAD_FILE_NAME val (bucketName, putObjectResult) = givenBucketAndObjectV1(testInfo, sourceKey) val destinationBucketName = givenRandomBucketV1() val destinationKey = "copyOf/$sourceKey" val copyObjectRequest = CopyObjectRequest(bucketName, sourceKey, destinationBucketName, destinationKey) s3Client.copyObject(copyObjectRequest) val copiedObject = s3Client.getObject(destinationBucketName, destinationKey) val copiedDigest = DigestUtil.hexDigest(copiedObject.objectContent) copiedObject.close() assertThat(copiedDigest) .`as`("Source file and copied File should have same digests") .isEqualTo(putObjectResult.eTag) } @Test fun testCopyObject_successMatch(testInfo: TestInfo) { val sourceKey = UPLOAD_FILE_NAME val (bucketName, putObjectResult) = givenBucketAndObjectV1(testInfo, sourceKey) val matchingEtag = "\"${putObjectResult.eTag}\"" val destinationBucketName = givenRandomBucketV1() val destinationKey = "copyOf/$sourceKey" val copyObjectRequest = CopyObjectRequest(bucketName, sourceKey, destinationBucketName, destinationKey) .withMatchingETagConstraint(matchingEtag) s3Client.copyObject(copyObjectRequest) val copiedObject = s3Client.getObject(destinationBucketName, destinationKey) val copiedDigest = DigestUtil.hexDigest(copiedObject.objectContent) copiedObject.close() assertThat(copiedDigest) .`as`("Source file and copied File should have same digests") .isEqualTo(putObjectResult.eTag) } @Test fun testCopyObject_successNoneMatch(testInfo: TestInfo) { val sourceKey = UPLOAD_FILE_NAME val (bucketName, putObjectResult) = givenBucketAndObjectV1(testInfo, sourceKey) val nonMatchingEtag = "\"${randomName}\"" val destinationBucketName = givenRandomBucketV1() val destinationKey = "copyOf/$sourceKey" val copyObjectRequest = CopyObjectRequest(bucketName, sourceKey, destinationBucketName, destinationKey) .withNonmatchingETagConstraint(nonMatchingEtag) s3Client.copyObject(copyObjectRequest) val copiedObject = s3Client.getObject(destinationBucketName, destinationKey) val copiedDigest = DigestUtil.hexDigest(copiedObject.objectContent) copiedObject.close() assertThat(copiedDigest) .`as`("Source file and copied File should have same digests") .isEqualTo(putObjectResult.eTag) } @Test fun testCopyObject_failureMatch(testInfo: TestInfo) { val sourceKey = UPLOAD_FILE_NAME val (bucketName, _) = givenBucketAndObjectV1(testInfo, sourceKey) val nonMatchingEtag = "\"${randomName}\"" val destinationBucketName = givenRandomBucketV1() val destinationKey = "copyOf/$sourceKey" val copyObjectRequest = CopyObjectRequest(bucketName, sourceKey, destinationBucketName, destinationKey) .withMatchingETagConstraint(nonMatchingEtag) s3Client.copyObject(copyObjectRequest) assertThatThrownBy { s3Client.getObject(destinationBucketName, destinationKey) } .isInstanceOf( .hasMessageContaining("Service: Amazon S3; Status Code: 404; Error Code: NoSuchKey;") .hasMessageContaining("The specified key does not exist.") } @Test fun testCopyObject_failureNoneMatch(testInfo: TestInfo) { val sourceKey = UPLOAD_FILE_NAME val (bucketName, putObjectResult) = givenBucketAndObjectV1(testInfo, sourceKey) val matchingEtag = "\"${putObjectResult.eTag}\"" val destinationBucketName = givenRandomBucketV1() val destinationKey = "copyOf/$sourceKey" val copyObjectRequest = CopyObjectRequest(bucketName, sourceKey, destinationBucketName, destinationKey) .withNonmatchingETagConstraint(matchingEtag) s3Client.copyObject(copyObjectRequest) assertThatThrownBy { s3Client.getObject(destinationBucketName, destinationKey) } .isInstanceOf( .hasMessageContaining("Service: Amazon S3; Status Code: 404; Error Code: NoSuchKey;") .hasMessageContaining("The specified key does not exist.") } /** * Puts an Object; Copies that object to the same bucket and the same key; * Downloads the object; compares checksums of original and copied object. */ @Test fun shouldCopyObjectToSameKey(testInfo: TestInfo) { val bucketName = givenBucketV1(testInfo) val uploadFile = File(UPLOAD_FILE_NAME) val sourceKey = UPLOAD_FILE_NAME val objectMetadata = ObjectMetadata() objectMetadata.userMetadata = mapOf("test-key" to "test-value") val putObjectRequest = PutObjectRequest(bucketName, sourceKey, uploadFile).withMetadata(objectMetadata) val putObjectResult = s3Client.putObject(putObjectRequest) //TODO: this is actually illegal on S3. when copying to the same key like this, S3 will throw: // This copy request is illegal because it is trying to copy an object to itself without // changing the object's metadata, storage class, website redirect location or encryption attributes. val copyObjectRequest = CopyObjectRequest(bucketName, sourceKey, bucketName, sourceKey) s3Client.copyObject(copyObjectRequest) val copiedObject = s3Client.getObject(bucketName, sourceKey) val copiedObjectMetadata = copiedObject.objectMetadata assertThat(copiedObjectMetadata.userMetadata["test-key"]).isEqualTo("test-value") val objectContent = copiedObject.objectContent val copiedDigest = DigestUtil.hexDigest(objectContent) copiedObject.close() assertThat(copiedDigest) .`as`("Source file and copied File should have same digests") .isEqualTo(putObjectResult.eTag) } /** * Puts an Object; Copies that object with REPLACE directive to the same bucket and the same key; * Downloads the object; compares checksums of original and copied object. */ @Test fun shouldCopyObjectWithReplaceToSameKey(testInfo: TestInfo) { val bucketName = givenBucketV1(testInfo) val uploadFile = File(UPLOAD_FILE_NAME) val sourceKey = UPLOAD_FILE_NAME val objectMetadata = ObjectMetadata() objectMetadata.userMetadata = mapOf("test-key" to "test-value") val putObjectRequest = PutObjectRequest(bucketName, sourceKey, uploadFile).withMetadata(objectMetadata) val putObjectResult = s3Client.putObject(putObjectRequest) val replaceObjectMetadata = ObjectMetadata() replaceObjectMetadata.userMetadata = mapOf("test-key2" to "test-value2") val copyObjectRequest = CopyObjectRequest() .withSourceBucketName(bucketName) .withSourceKey(sourceKey) .withDestinationBucketName(bucketName) .withDestinationKey(sourceKey) .withMetadataDirective(MetadataDirective.REPLACE) .withNewObjectMetadata(replaceObjectMetadata) s3Client.copyObject(copyObjectRequest) val copiedObject = s3Client.getObject(bucketName, sourceKey) val copiedObjectMetadata = copiedObject.objectMetadata assertThat(copiedObjectMetadata.userMetadata["test-key"]) .`as`("Original userMetadata must have been replaced.") .isNullOrEmpty() assertThat(copiedObjectMetadata.userMetadata["test-key2"]).isEqualTo("test-value2") val objectContent = copiedObject.objectContent val copiedDigest = DigestUtil.hexDigest(objectContent) copiedObject.close() assertThat(copiedDigest) .`as`("Source file and copied File should have same digests") .isEqualTo(putObjectResult.eTag) } /** * Puts an Object; Copies that object to a new bucket with new user metadata; Downloads the * object from the new bucket; * compares checksums of original and copied object; compares copied object user metadata with * the new user metadata specified during copy request. */ @Test fun shouldCopyObjectWithNewUserMetadata(testInfo: TestInfo) { val sourceKey = UPLOAD_FILE_NAME val (bucketName, putObjectResult) = givenBucketAndObjectV1(testInfo, sourceKey) val destinationBucketName = givenRandomBucketV1() val destinationKey = "copyOf/$sourceKey/withNewUserMetadata" val objectMetadata = ObjectMetadata() objectMetadata.addUserMetadata("key", "value") val copyObjectRequest = CopyObjectRequest(bucketName, sourceKey, destinationBucketName, destinationKey) copyObjectRequest.newObjectMetadata = objectMetadata s3Client.copyObject(copyObjectRequest) val copiedObject = s3Client.getObject(destinationBucketName, destinationKey) val copiedDigest = DigestUtil.hexDigest(copiedObject.objectContent) copiedObject.close() assertThat(copiedDigest) .`as`("Source file and copied File should have same digests") .isEqualTo(putObjectResult.eTag) assertThat(copiedObject.objectMetadata.userMetadata) .`as`("User metadata should be identical!") .isEqualTo(objectMetadata.userMetadata) } /** * Puts an Object with some user metadata; Copies that object to a new bucket. * Downloads the object from the new bucket; * compares checksums of original and copied object; compares copied object user metadata with * the source object user metadata; */ @Test fun shouldCopyObjectWithSourceUserMetadata(testInfo: TestInfo) { val bucketName = givenBucketV1(testInfo) val uploadFile = File(UPLOAD_FILE_NAME) val sourceKey = UPLOAD_FILE_NAME val destinationBucketName = givenRandomBucketV1() val destinationKey = "copyOf/$sourceKey/withSourceObjectUserMetadata" val sourceObjectMetadata = ObjectMetadata() sourceObjectMetadata.addUserMetadata("key", "value") val putObjectRequest = PutObjectRequest(bucketName, sourceKey, uploadFile) putObjectRequest.metadata = sourceObjectMetadata val putObjectResult = s3Client.putObject(putObjectRequest) val copyObjectRequest = CopyObjectRequest(bucketName, sourceKey, destinationBucketName, destinationKey) s3Client.copyObject(copyObjectRequest) val copiedObject = s3Client.getObject(destinationBucketName, destinationKey) val copiedDigest = DigestUtil.hexDigest(copiedObject.objectContent) copiedObject.close() assertThat(copiedDigest) .`as`("Source file and copied File should have same digests") .isEqualTo(putObjectResult.eTag) assertThat(copiedObject.objectMetadata.userMetadata) .`as`("User metadata should be identical!") .isEqualTo(sourceObjectMetadata.userMetadata) } /** * Copy an object to a key needing URL escaping. * * @see .shouldCopyObject */ @Test fun shouldCopyObjectToKeyNeedingEscaping(testInfo: TestInfo) { val bucketName = givenBucketV1(testInfo) val uploadFile = File(UPLOAD_FILE_NAME) val sourceKey = UPLOAD_FILE_NAME val destinationBucketName = givenRandomBucketV1() val destinationKey = "copyOf/some escape-worthy characters %$@ $sourceKey" val putObjectResult = s3Client.putObject(PutObjectRequest(bucketName, sourceKey, uploadFile)) val copyObjectRequest = CopyObjectRequest(bucketName, sourceKey, destinationBucketName, destinationKey) s3Client.copyObject(copyObjectRequest) val copiedObject = s3Client.getObject(destinationBucketName, destinationKey) val copiedDigest = DigestUtil.hexDigest(copiedObject.objectContent) copiedObject.close() assertThat(copiedDigest) .`as`("Source file and copied File should have same digests") .isEqualTo(putObjectResult.eTag) } /** * Copy an object from a key needing URL escaping. * * @see .shouldCopyObject */ @Test fun shouldCopyObjectFromKeyNeedingEscaping(testInfo: TestInfo) { val bucketName = givenBucketV1(testInfo) val uploadFile = File(UPLOAD_FILE_NAME) val sourceKey = "some escape-worthy characters %$@ $UPLOAD_FILE_NAME" val destinationBucketName = givenRandomBucketV1() val destinationKey = "copyOf/$sourceKey" val putObjectResult = s3Client.putObject(PutObjectRequest(bucketName, sourceKey, uploadFile)) val copyObjectRequest = CopyObjectRequest(bucketName, sourceKey, destinationBucketName, destinationKey) s3Client.copyObject(copyObjectRequest) val copiedObject = s3Client.getObject(destinationBucketName, destinationKey) val copiedDigest = DigestUtil.hexDigest(copiedObject.objectContent) copiedObject.close() assertThat(copiedDigest) .`as`("Source file and copied File should have same digests") .isEqualTo(putObjectResult.eTag) } /** * Puts an Object; Copies that object to a new bucket; Downloads the object from the new bucket; * compares checksums of original and copied object. */ @Test @Throws(Exception::class) fun shouldCopyObjectEncrypted(testInfo: TestInfo) { val bucketName = givenBucketV1(testInfo) val uploadFile = File(UPLOAD_FILE_NAME) val sourceKey = UPLOAD_FILE_NAME s3Client.putObject(PutObjectRequest(bucketName, sourceKey, uploadFile)) val destinationBucketName = givenRandomBucketV1() val destinationKey = "copyOf/$sourceKey" val copyObjectRequest = CopyObjectRequest(bucketName, sourceKey, destinationBucketName, destinationKey) copyObjectRequest.sseAwsKeyManagementParams = SSEAwsKeyManagementParams(TEST_ENC_KEY_ID) val copyObjectResult = s3Client.copyObject(copyObjectRequest) val metadata = s3Client.getObjectMetadata(destinationBucketName, destinationKey) val uploadFileIs: InputStream = FileInputStream(uploadFile) val uploadDigest = DigestUtil.hexDigest(TEST_ENC_KEY_ID, uploadFileIs) assertThat(copyObjectResult.eTag) .`as`("ETag should match") .isEqualTo(uploadDigest) assertThat(metadata.contentLength) .`as`("Files should have the same length") .isEqualTo(uploadFile.length()) } /** * Tests that an object won't be copied with wrong encryption Key. */ @Test fun shouldNotObjectCopyWithWrongEncryptionKey(testInfo: TestInfo) { val sourceKey = UPLOAD_FILE_NAME val (bucketName, _) = givenBucketAndObjectV1(testInfo, sourceKey) val destinationBucketName = givenRandomBucketV1() val destinationKey = "copyOf$sourceKey" val copyObjectRequest = CopyObjectRequest(bucketName, sourceKey, destinationBucketName, destinationKey) copyObjectRequest.sseAwsKeyManagementParams = SSEAwsKeyManagementParams(TEST_WRONG_KEY_ID) assertThatThrownBy { s3Client.copyObject(copyObjectRequest) } .isInstanceOf( .hasMessageContaining("Status Code: 400; Error Code: KMS.NotFoundException") } /** * Tests that a copy request for a non-existing object throws the correct error. */ @Test fun shouldThrowNoSuchKeyOnCopyForNonExistingKey(testInfo: TestInfo) { val bucketName = givenBucketV1(testInfo) val sourceKey = randomName val destinationBucketName = givenRandomBucketV1() val destinationKey = "copyOf$sourceKey" val copyObjectRequest = CopyObjectRequest(bucketName, sourceKey, destinationBucketName, destinationKey) assertThatThrownBy { s3Client.copyObject(copyObjectRequest) } .isInstanceOf( .hasMessageContaining("Status Code: 404; Error Code: NoSuchKey") } @Test fun multipartCopy() { //content larger than default part threshold of 5MiB val contentLen = 10 * _1MB val objectMetadata = ObjectMetadata() objectMetadata.contentLength = contentLen.toLong() val assumedSourceKey = UUID.randomUUID().toString() val sourceBucket = givenRandomBucketV1() val targetBucket = givenRandomBucketV1() val transferManager = createTransferManager() val upload = transferManager .upload( sourceBucket, assumedSourceKey, randomInputStream(contentLen), objectMetadata ) val uploadResult = upload.waitForUploadResult() assertThat(uploadResult.key).isEqualTo(assumedSourceKey) val assumedDestinationKey = UUID.randomUUID().toString() val copy = transferManager.copy( sourceBucket, assumedSourceKey, targetBucket, assumedDestinationKey ) val copyResult = copy.waitForCopyResult() assertThat(copyResult.destinationKey).isEqualTo(assumedDestinationKey) assertThat(uploadResult.eTag) .`as`("Hashes for source and target S3Object do not match.") .isEqualTo(copyResult.eTag) } }
// GENERATED package com.fkorotkov.kubernetes import io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.CSIPersistentVolumeSource as model_CSIPersistentVolumeSource import io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.CSIVolumeSource as model_CSIVolumeSource import io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.LocalObjectReference as model_LocalObjectReference import io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.SecretReference as model_SecretReference fun model_CSIPersistentVolumeSource.`nodePublishSecretRef`(block: model_SecretReference.() -> Unit = {}) { if(this.`nodePublishSecretRef` == null) { this.`nodePublishSecretRef` = model_SecretReference() } this.`nodePublishSecretRef`.block() } fun model_CSIVolumeSource.`nodePublishSecretRef`(block: model_LocalObjectReference.() -> Unit = {}) { if(this.`nodePublishSecretRef` == null) { this.`nodePublishSecretRef` = model_LocalObjectReference() } this.`nodePublishSecretRef`.block() }
/* * Copyright 2018 New Vector Ltd * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package im.vector.preference import android.content.Context import android.util.AttributeSet import im.vector.util.VectorUtils import org.matrix.androidsdk.MXSession import /** * Specialized class to target a Room avatar preference. * Based don the avatar preference class it redefines refreshAvatar() and * add the new method setConfiguration(). */ class RoomAvatarPreference : UserAvatarPreference { private var mRoom: Room? = null constructor(context: Context) : super(context) constructor(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet) : super(context, attrs) constructor(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet, defStyle: Int) : super(context, attrs, defStyle) override fun refreshAvatar() { if (null != mAvatarView && null != mRoom) { VectorUtils.loadRoomAvatar(context, mSession, mAvatarView, mRoom) } } fun setConfiguration(aSession: MXSession, aRoom: Room) { mSession = aSession mRoom = aRoom refreshAvatar() } }
package com.mikepenz.materialdrawer.model import android.view.View import android.widget.CompoundButton import android.widget.ToggleButton import androidx.annotation.LayoutRes import com.mikepenz.materialdrawer.R import com.mikepenz.materialdrawer.interfaces.OnCheckedChangeListener import com.mikepenz.materialdrawer.model.interfaces.Checkable import com.mikepenz.materialdrawer.model.interfaces.IDrawerItem /** * An abstract [IDrawerItem] implementation describing a drawerItem with support for a toggle */ open class AbstractToggleableDrawerItem<Item : AbstractToggleableDrawerItem<Item>> : Checkable, BaseDescribeableDrawerItem<Item, AbstractToggleableDrawerItem.ViewHolder>() { var isToggleEnabled = true override var isChecked = false var onCheckedChangeListener: OnCheckedChangeListener? = null override val type: Int get() = override val layoutRes: Int @LayoutRes get() = R.layout.material_drawer_item_toggle private val checkedChangeListener = object : CompoundButton.OnCheckedChangeListener { override fun onCheckedChanged(buttonView: CompoundButton, ic: Boolean) { if (isEnabled) { isChecked = ic onCheckedChangeListener?.onCheckedChanged(this@AbstractToggleableDrawerItem, buttonView, ic) } else { buttonView.setOnCheckedChangeListener(null) buttonView.isChecked = !ic buttonView.setOnCheckedChangeListener(this) } } } @Deprecated("Please consider to replace with the actual property setter") fun withToggleEnabled(toggleEnabled: Boolean): Item { this.isToggleEnabled = toggleEnabled return this as Item } @Deprecated("Please consider to replace with the actual property setter") fun withOnCheckedChangeListener(onCheckedChangeListener: OnCheckedChangeListener): Item { this.onCheckedChangeListener = onCheckedChangeListener return this as Item } override fun bindView(holder: ViewHolder, payloads: List<Any>) { super.bindView(holder, payloads) //bind the basic view parts bindViewHelper(holder) //handle the toggle holder.toggle.setOnCheckedChangeListener(null) holder.toggle.isChecked = isChecked holder.toggle.setOnCheckedChangeListener(checkedChangeListener) holder.toggle.isEnabled = isToggleEnabled //add a onDrawerItemClickListener here to be able to check / uncheck if the drawerItem can't be selected withOnDrawerItemClickListener { v, item, position -> if (!isSelectable) { isChecked = !isChecked holder.toggle.isChecked = isChecked } false } //call the onPostBindView method to trigger post bind view actions (like the listener to modify the item if required) onPostBindView(this, holder.itemView) } override fun getViewHolder(v: View): ViewHolder { return ViewHolder(v) } open class ViewHolder internal constructor(view: View) : BaseViewHolder(view) { internal val toggle: ToggleButton = view.findViewById<ToggleButton>( } }
/* * Copyright 2018 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package import COMMON import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import com.squareup.javapoet.ArrayTypeName import com.squareup.javapoet.ClassName import com.squareup.javapoet.TypeName import org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.`is` import org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat import org.junit.Test class RawQueryMethodProcessorTest { @Test fun supportRawQuery() { singleQueryMethod( """ @RawQuery abstract public int[] foo(SupportSQLiteQuery query); """) { query, _ -> assertThat(, `is`("foo")) assertThat(query.runtimeQueryParam, `is`( RawQueryMethod.RuntimeQueryParameter( paramName = "query", type = SupportDbTypeNames.QUERY ) )) assertThat(query.returnType.typeName(), `is`(ArrayTypeName.of(TypeName.INT) as TypeName)) }.compilesWithoutError() } @Test fun stringRawQuery() { singleQueryMethod( """ @RawQuery abstract public int[] foo(String query); """) { _, _ -> }.failsToCompile().withErrorContaining(RAW_QUERY_STRING_PARAMETER_REMOVED) } @Test fun withObservedEntities() { singleQueryMethod( """ @RawQuery(observedEntities = User.class) abstract public LiveData<User> foo(SupportSQLiteQuery query); """) { query, _ -> assertThat(, `is`("foo")) assertThat(query.runtimeQueryParam, `is`( RawQueryMethod.RuntimeQueryParameter( paramName = "query", type = SupportDbTypeNames.QUERY ) )) assertThat(query.observedTableNames.size, `is`(1)) assertThat(query.observedTableNames, `is`(setOf("User"))) }.compilesWithoutError() } @Test fun observableWithoutEntities() { singleQueryMethod( """ @RawQuery(observedEntities = {}) abstract public LiveData<User> foo(SupportSQLiteQuery query); """) { query, _ -> assertThat(, `is`("foo")) assertThat(query.runtimeQueryParam, `is`( RawQueryMethod.RuntimeQueryParameter( paramName = "query", type = SupportDbTypeNames.QUERY ) )) assertThat(query.observedTableNames, `is`(emptySet())) }.failsToCompile() .withErrorContaining(ProcessorErrors.OBSERVABLE_QUERY_NOTHING_TO_OBSERVE) } @Test fun observableWithoutEntities_dataSourceFactory() { singleQueryMethod( """ @RawQuery abstract public ${PagingTypeNames.DATA_SOURCE_FACTORY}<Integer, User> getOne(); """) { _, _ -> // do nothing }.failsToCompile() .withErrorContaining(ProcessorErrors.OBSERVABLE_QUERY_NOTHING_TO_OBSERVE) } @Test fun observableWithoutEntities_positionalDataSource() { singleQueryMethod( """ @RawQuery abstract public ${PagingTypeNames.POSITIONAL_DATA_SOURCE}<User> getOne(); """) { _, _ -> // do nothing }.failsToCompile() .withErrorContaining(ProcessorErrors.OBSERVABLE_QUERY_NOTHING_TO_OBSERVE) } @Test fun positionalDataSource() { singleQueryMethod( """ @RawQuery(observedEntities = {User.class}) abstract public ${PagingTypeNames.POSITIONAL_DATA_SOURCE}<User> getOne( SupportSQLiteQuery query); """) { _, _ -> // do nothing }.compilesWithoutError() } @Test fun pojo() { val pojo: TypeName = ClassName.get("", "MyPojo") singleQueryMethod( """ public class MyPojo { public String foo; public String bar; } @RawQuery abstract public MyPojo foo(SupportSQLiteQuery query); """) { query, _ -> assertThat(, `is`("foo")) assertThat(query.runtimeQueryParam, `is`( RawQueryMethod.RuntimeQueryParameter( paramName = "query", type = SupportDbTypeNames.QUERY ) )) assertThat(query.returnType.typeName(), `is`(pojo)) assertThat(query.observedTableNames, `is`(emptySet())) }.compilesWithoutError() } @Test fun void() { singleQueryMethod( """ @RawQuery abstract public void foo(SupportSQLiteQuery query); """) { _, _ -> }.failsToCompile().withErrorContaining( ProcessorErrors.RAW_QUERY_BAD_RETURN_TYPE ) } @Test fun noArgs() { singleQueryMethod( """ @RawQuery abstract public int[] foo(); """) { _, _ -> }.failsToCompile().withErrorContaining( ProcessorErrors.RAW_QUERY_BAD_PARAMS ) } @Test fun tooManyArgs() { singleQueryMethod( """ @RawQuery abstract public int[] foo(SupportSQLiteQuery query, SupportSQLiteQuery query2); """) { _, _ -> }.failsToCompile().withErrorContaining( ProcessorErrors.RAW_QUERY_BAD_PARAMS ) } @Test fun varargs() { singleQueryMethod( """ @RawQuery abstract public int[] foo(SupportSQLiteQuery... query); """) { _, _ -> }.failsToCompile().withErrorContaining( ProcessorErrors.RAW_QUERY_BAD_PARAMS ) } @Test fun observed_notAnEntity() { singleQueryMethod( """ @RawQuery(observedEntities = {${COMMON.NOT_AN_ENTITY_TYPE_NAME}.class}) abstract public int[] foo(SupportSQLiteQuery query); """) { _, _ -> }.failsToCompile().withErrorContaining( ProcessorErrors.rawQueryBadEntity(COMMON.NOT_AN_ENTITY_TYPE_NAME) ) } @Test fun observed_relationPojo() { singleQueryMethod( """ public static class MyPojo { public String foo; @Relation( parentColumn = "foo", entityColumn = "name" ) public java.util.List<User> users; } @RawQuery(observedEntities = MyPojo.class) abstract public int[] foo(SupportSQLiteQuery query); """) { method, _ -> assertThat(method.observedTableNames, `is`(setOf("User"))) }.compilesWithoutError() } @Test fun observed_embedded() { singleQueryMethod( """ public static class MyPojo { public String foo; @Embedded public User users; } @RawQuery(observedEntities = MyPojo.class) abstract public int[] foo(SupportSQLiteQuery query); """) { method, _ -> assertThat(method.observedTableNames, `is`(setOf("User"))) }.compilesWithoutError() } private fun singleQueryMethod( vararg input: String, handler: (RawQueryMethod, TestInvocation) -> Unit ): CompileTester { return Truth.assertAbout(JavaSourcesSubjectFactory.javaSources()) .that(listOf(JavaFileObjects.forSourceString("", DAO_PREFIX + input.joinToString("\n") + DAO_SUFFIX ), COMMON.LIVE_DATA, COMMON.COMPUTABLE_LIVE_DATA, COMMON.USER, COMMON.DATA_SOURCE_FACTORY, COMMON.POSITIONAL_DATA_SOURCE, COMMON.NOT_AN_ENTITY)) .processedWith(TestProcessor.builder() .forAnnotations(Query::class, Dao::class, ColumnInfo::class, Entity::class, PrimaryKey::class, RawQuery::class) .nextRunHandler { invocation -> val (owner, methods) = invocation.roundEnv .getElementsAnnotatedWith( .map { Pair(it, invocation.processingEnv.elementUtils .getAllMembers(MoreElements.asType(it)) .filter { it.hasAnnotation(RawQuery::class) } ) }.first { it.second.isNotEmpty() } val parser = RawQueryMethodProcessor( baseContext = invocation.context, containing = MoreTypes.asDeclared(owner.asType()), executableElement = MoreElements.asExecutable(methods.first())) val parsedQuery = parser.process() handler(parsedQuery, invocation) true } .build()) } companion object { private const val DAO_PREFIX = """ package; import androidx.annotation.NonNull; import*; import androidx.sqlite.db.SupportSQLiteQuery; import androidx.lifecycle.LiveData; @Dao abstract class MyClass { """ private const val DAO_SUFFIX = "}" } }
package com.ivanovsky.passnotes.presentation.note_editor.view enum class TextInputLines { SINGLE_LINE, MULTIPLE_LINES }
package com.ivanovsky.passnotes.domain.interactor.filepicker import import import class FilePickerInteractor(private val fileSystemResolver: FileSystemResolver) { fun getFileList(dir: FileDescriptor): OperationResult<List<FileDescriptor>> { return fileSystemResolver.resolveProvider(dir.fsAuthority).listFiles(dir) } fun getParent(file: FileDescriptor): OperationResult<FileDescriptor> { return fileSystemResolver.resolveProvider(file.fsAuthority).getParent(file) } }
package nl.deltadak.plep.ui.taskcell import javafx.geometry.Pos import javafx.scene.control.CheckBox import javafx.scene.control.ComboBox import javafx.scene.control.Label import javafx.scene.control.TreeItem import javafx.scene.layout.HBox import javafx.scene.layout.Priority import javafx.scene.layout.Region import javafx.scene.text.TextAlignment import nl.deltadak.plep.HomeworkTask import nl.deltadak.plep.database.tables.Colors import nl.deltadak.plep.ui.taskcell.components.textlabel.TextLabelStyle import nl.deltadak.plep.ui.taskcell.util.blockerlisteners.ChangeListenerWithBlocker import nl.deltadak.plep.ui.taskcell.util.blockerlisteners.InvalidationListenerWithBlocker import nl.deltadak.plep.ui.util.LABEL_MAGIK /** * Manages the layout of a TreeCell. Always contains a CheckBox and a Label (text). Also contains a ComboBox (dropdown menu) if the Cell is the root of a task. * The given components are updated with the correct layout. * * @property taskCell Cell to set layout on. * @property doneChangeListener Should provide the ability to temporarily block the listener of the checkbox. * @property checkBox Checkbox of the task. * @property label Text of the task. * @property labelChangeListener Should provide the ability to temporarily block the listener of the combobox. * @property root Root item of the TreeView in which the task is. * @property comboBox Combobox of the task. */ class TaskLayout(private val taskCell: TaskCell, private val doneChangeListener: ChangeListenerWithBlocker<Boolean>, private val checkBox: CheckBox, val label: Label, private val labelChangeListener: InvalidationListenerWithBlocker, val root: TreeItem<HomeworkTask>, private val comboBox: ComboBox<String>) { /** * Updates the layout. * The homeworktask could be null, since updating is initiated by JavaFX. * * @param homeworkTask The Homework task to be displayed in the Cell. */ fun update(homeworkTask: HomeworkTask?) { if (taskCell.isEmpty) { taskCell.graphic = null taskCell.text = null } else { if (homeworkTask != null) { setLayout(homeworkTask) } } } private fun setLayout(homeworkTask: HomeworkTask) { // Create the container for components. val cellBox = HBox(10.0) cellBox.alignment = Pos.CENTER_LEFT setCheckBox(homeworkTask) setTextLabel(homeworkTask) // Get style from the database and apply to the item. val color = Colors.get(homeworkTask.colorID) = "-fx-control-inner-background: #$color" TextLabelStyle().setDoneStyle(homeworkTask.done, label, comboBox) // If the item is top level, a parent task, it has to show a course label (ComboBox), and it has to have a context menu. if (taskCell.treeItem.parent == root) { val region = setComboBox(homeworkTask) cellBox.children.addAll(checkBox, label, region, comboBox) taskCell.graphic = cellBox taskCell.text = null } else { // Set up subtask, with context menu disabled. with(taskCell) { contextMenu = null graphic = cellBox.apply { children.addAll(checkBox, label) } text = null } } } /** * Setup checkbox. */ private fun setCheckBox(homeworkTask: HomeworkTask) { // Block the listener on the checkbox when we manually toggle it, so it corresponds to the value in the database. doneChangeListener.block = true val done = homeworkTask.done // Manually toggle, if necessary. checkBox.isSelected = done doneChangeListener.block = false } /** * Setup text label. */ private fun setTextLabel(homeworkTask: HomeworkTask) { with(label) { text = homeworkTask.text prefWidthProperty().bind(taskCell.treeView.widthProperty().subtract(LABEL_MAGIK)) isWrapText = true textAlignment = TextAlignment.JUSTIFY } } /** * Setup combobox. */ private fun setComboBox(homeworkTask: HomeworkTask): Region { // Before setting value, we need to temporarily disable the listener, otherwise it fires and goes unnecessarily updating the database, which takes a lot of time. labelChangeListener.block = true comboBox.value = homeworkTask.label labelChangeListener.block = false // Create a region to make sure that the ComboBox is aligned on the right. val region = Region() HBox.setHgrow(region, Priority.ALWAYS) return region } }
package class QueryTokenizer(val str: String, private val groupOpen: String, private val groupClose: String) { val tokens = tokanize(str) var nextToken = 0 fun hasMoreTokens(): Boolean = nextToken < tokens.size fun nextToken() = tokens[nextToken++] private fun tokanize(str: String): List<String> { return tokenRegex.findAll(str).map { it.value }.toList() } companion object { val TAG: String = private const val char = """[^")(\s]""" private const val doubleQuoted = """"[^"\\]*(?:\\.[^"\\]*)*"""" private const val doubleQuotedWithPrefix = """$char*$doubleQuoted""" private const val groupOpener = """\(""" private const val groupCloser = """\)""" private const val rest = """$char+""" private val tokenRegex = listOf(doubleQuotedWithPrefix, groupOpener, groupCloser, rest) .joinToString("|").toRegex() fun unquote(s: String): String { if (s.length < 2) { return s } val first = s[0] val last = s[s.length - 1] if (first != last || first != '"') { return s } val b = StringBuilder(s.length - 2) var quote = false for (i in 1 until s.length - 1) { val c = s[i] if (c == '\\' && !quote) { quote = true continue } quote = false b.append(c) } return b.toString() } fun quote(s: String, delim: String): String { if (s.isEmpty()) { return "\"\"" } for (element in s) { if (element == '"' || element == '\\' || delim.indexOf(element) >= 0) { return quoteUnconditionally(s) } } return s } fun quoteUnconditionally(s: String): String { val builder = StringBuilder(s.length + 8) builder.append('"') for (element in s) { if (element == '"') { builder.append('\\') } builder.append(element) continue } builder.append('"') return builder.toString() } } }
package import android.content.Intent import android.content.res.Resources import android.view.Menu import androidx.lifecycle.Observer import import com.orgzly.BuildConfig import com.orgzly.R import import import import import import import import import import import import java.util.* internal class DrawerNavigationView( private val activity: MainActivity, viewModel: MainActivityViewModel, navView: NavigationView) { private val menu: Menu = private val menuItemIdMap = hashMapOf<String, Int>() private var activeFragmentTag: String? = null init { // Add mapping for groups menuItemIdMap[BooksFragment.drawerItemId] = menuItemIdMap[SavedSearchesFragment.getDrawerItemId()] = // Setup intents menu.findItem( = Intent(AppIntent.ACTION_OPEN_SAVED_SEARCHES) menu.findItem( = Intent(AppIntent.ACTION_OPEN_BOOKS) menu.findItem( = Intent(AppIntent.ACTION_OPEN_SETTINGS) viewModel.books().observe(activity, Observer { refreshFromBooks(it) }) viewModel.savedSearches().observe(activity, Observer { refreshFromSavedSearches(it) }) } fun updateActiveFragment(fragmentTag: String) { this.activeFragmentTag = fragmentTag setActiveItem(fragmentTag) } private fun setActiveItem(fragmentTag: String) { if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, fragmentTag) this.activeFragmentTag = fragmentTag val fragment = activity.supportFragmentManager.findFragmentByTag(activeFragmentTag) // Uncheck all for (i in 0 until menu.size()) { menu.getItem(i).isChecked = false } if (fragment != null && fragment is DrawerItem) { val fragmentMenuItemId = fragment.getCurrentDrawerItemId() val itemId = menuItemIdMap[fragmentMenuItemId] if (itemId != null) { menu.findItem(itemId)?.isChecked = true } } } private fun refreshFromSavedSearches(savedSearches: List<SavedSearch>) { if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, savedSearches.size) removeItemsWithOrder(1) savedSearches.forEach { savedSearch -> val intent = Intent(AppIntent.ACTION_OPEN_QUERY) intent.putExtra(AppIntent.EXTRA_QUERY_STRING, savedSearch.query) val id = generateRandomUniqueId() val item = menu.add(, id, 1, menuItemIdMap[QueryFragment.getDrawerItemId(savedSearch.query)] = id item.intent = intent item.isCheckable = true } activeFragmentTag?.let { setActiveItem(it) } } private fun refreshFromBooks(books: List<BookView>) { if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, books.size) removeItemsWithOrder(3) books.forEach { book -> val intent = Intent(AppIntent.ACTION_OPEN_BOOK) intent.putExtra(AppIntent.EXTRA_BOOK_ID, val id = generateRandomUniqueId() val name = { title ?: name } val item = menu.add(, id, 3, name) item.isEnabled = ! item.intent = intent item.isCheckable = true if ( == BookAction.Type.ERROR) { item.setActionView(R.layout.drawer_item_sync_failed) } else if (book.isOutOfSync()) { item.setActionView(R.layout.drawer_item_sync_needed) } menuItemIdMap[BookFragment.getDrawerItemId(] = id } activeFragmentTag?.let { setActiveItem(it) } } private fun generateRandomUniqueId(): Int { val rand = Random() while (true) { val id = rand.nextInt(Integer.MAX_VALUE) + 1 try { activity.resources.getResourceName(id) } catch (e: Resources.NotFoundException) { return id } } } private fun removeItemsWithOrder(orderToDelete: Int) { val itemIdsToRemove = HashSet<Int>() var i = 0 while (true) { val item = menu.getItem(i++) ?: break val order = item.order if (order > orderToDelete) { break } else if (order == orderToDelete) { itemIdsToRemove.add(item.itemId) } } for (id in itemIdsToRemove) { menu.removeItem(id) } } companion object { private val TAG = } }
package import import com.piticlistudio.playednext.test.factory.DataFactory import com.piticlistudio.playednext.test.factory.GameImageFactory.Factory.makeGiantbombGameImage import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.* import org.junit.jupiter.api.DisplayName import org.junit.jupiter.api.Nested import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test /** * Test cases for [GiantbombImageMapper] * Created by e-jegi on 3/26/2018. */ internal class GiantbombImageMapperTest { private val mapper = GiantbombImageMapper() @Nested @DisplayName("When we call mapFromDataLayer") inner class MapFromModel { @Test fun `then should map into GameImage with medium url values`() { val response = makeGiantbombGameImage() val result = mapper.mapFromDataLayer(response) assertNotNull(result) with(result) { assertEquals(response.medium_url, result?.url) } } @Test fun `then should map into GameImage with screen_url value when medium_url is null`() { val response = GiantbombGameImage(icon_url = DataFactory.randomString(), medium_url = null, original_url = DataFactory.randomString(), screen_large_url = DataFactory.randomString(), screen_url = DataFactory.randomString(), small_url = DataFactory.randomString(), super_url = DataFactory.randomString(), thumb_url = DataFactory.randomString(), tiny_url = DataFactory.randomString()) val result = mapper.mapFromDataLayer(response) assertNotNull(result) with(result) { assertEquals(response.screen_url, result?.url) } } @Test fun `then should map into GameImage with screen_large_url value when medium_url and screen_url are null`() { val response = GiantbombGameImage(icon_url = DataFactory.randomString(), medium_url = null, original_url = DataFactory.randomString(), screen_large_url = DataFactory.randomString(), screen_url = null, small_url = DataFactory.randomString(), super_url = DataFactory.randomString(), thumb_url = DataFactory.randomString(), tiny_url = DataFactory.randomString()) val result = mapper.mapFromDataLayer(response) assertNotNull(result) with(result) { assertEquals(response.screen_large_url, result?.url) } } @Test fun `then should map into GameImage with small_url value when medium_url, screen_url and screen_large_url are null`() { val response = GiantbombGameImage(icon_url = DataFactory.randomString(), medium_url = null, original_url = DataFactory.randomString(), screen_large_url = null, screen_url = null, small_url = DataFactory.randomString(), super_url = DataFactory.randomString(), thumb_url = DataFactory.randomString(), tiny_url = DataFactory.randomString()) val result = mapper.mapFromDataLayer(response) assertNotNull(result) with(result) { assertEquals(response.small_url, result?.url) } } @Test fun `then should map into GameImage with original_url value when medium_url, screen_url, screen_large_url and small_url are null`() { val response = GiantbombGameImage(icon_url = DataFactory.randomString(), medium_url = null, original_url = DataFactory.randomString(), screen_large_url = null, screen_url = null, small_url = null, super_url = DataFactory.randomString(), thumb_url = DataFactory.randomString(), tiny_url = DataFactory.randomString()) val result = mapper.mapFromDataLayer(response) assertNotNull(result) with(result) { assertEquals(response.original_url, result?.url) } } @Test fun `then should return null if no available url to map from`() { val response = GiantbombGameImage(icon_url = DataFactory.randomString(), medium_url = null, original_url = null, screen_large_url = null, screen_url = null, small_url = null, super_url = DataFactory.randomString(), thumb_url = DataFactory.randomString(), tiny_url = DataFactory.randomString()) val result = mapper.mapFromDataLayer(response) assertNull(result) } } }
package import android.content.ContentProviderClient import android.content.Context import android.content.SharedPreferences import import com.nhaarman.mockito_kotlin.mock import com.squareup.leakcanary.RefWatcher import import import import import import import import import import class TestCommonsApplication : CommonsApplication() { private var mockApplicationComponent: CommonsApplicationComponent? = null override fun onCreate() { if (mockApplicationComponent == null) { mockApplicationComponent = DaggerCommonsApplicationComponent.builder() .appModule(MockCommonsApplicationModule(this)).build() } super.onCreate() } // No leakcanary in unit tests. override fun setupLeakCanary(): RefWatcher = RefWatcher.DISABLED } @Suppress("MemberVisibilityCanBePrivate") class MockCommonsApplicationModule(appContext: Context) : CommonsApplicationModule(appContext) { val accountUtil: AccountUtil = mock() val appSharedPreferences: SharedPreferences = mock() val defaultSharedPreferences: SharedPreferences = mock() val otherSharedPreferences: SharedPreferences = mock() val uploadController: UploadController = mock() val mockSessionManager: SessionManager = mock() val locationServiceManager: LocationServiceManager = mock() val mockDbOpenHelper: DBOpenHelper = mock() val nearbyPlaces: NearbyPlaces = mock() val lruCache: LruCache<String, String> = mock() val categoryClient: ContentProviderClient = mock() val contributionClient: ContentProviderClient = mock() val modificationClient: ContentProviderClient = mock() val uploadPrefs: SharedPreferences = mock() override fun provideCategoryContentProviderClient(context: Context?): ContentProviderClient = categoryClient override fun provideContributionContentProviderClient(context: Context?): ContentProviderClient = contributionClient override fun provideModificationContentProviderClient(context: Context?): ContentProviderClient = modificationClient override fun providesDirectNearbyUploadPreferences(context: Context?): SharedPreferences = uploadPrefs override fun providesAccountUtil(context: Context): AccountUtil = accountUtil override fun providesApplicationSharedPreferences(context: Context): SharedPreferences = appSharedPreferences override fun providesDefaultSharedPreferences(context: Context): SharedPreferences = defaultSharedPreferences override fun providesOtherSharedPreferences(context: Context): SharedPreferences = otherSharedPreferences override fun providesUploadController(sessionManager: SessionManager, sharedPreferences: SharedPreferences, context: Context): UploadController = uploadController override fun providesSessionManager(context: Context, mediaWikiApi: MediaWikiApi, sharedPreferences: SharedPreferences): SessionManager = mockSessionManager override fun provideLocationServiceManager(context: Context): LocationServiceManager = locationServiceManager override fun provideDBOpenHelper(context: Context): DBOpenHelper = mockDbOpenHelper override fun provideNearbyPlaces(): NearbyPlaces = nearbyPlaces override fun provideLruCache(): LruCache<String, String> = lruCache }
package io.sonatalang.snc.frontend.domain.token object NewLineToken : BasicToken(false), TokenFactory<NewLineToken> { override fun with(character: Char) = this override fun toString() = "\n" override fun isSuitable(character: Char) = character == '\n' override fun create(character: Char) = NewLineToken }
package com.openconference.sessiondetails.presentationmodel import com.openconference.model.Session import org.threeten.bp.LocalDateTime import org.threeten.bp.ZoneId import org.threeten.bp.format.DateTimeFormatter import org.threeten.bp.format.FormatStyle import java.util.* /** * Responsible to transform a Session to [SessionDetailItem] * * @author Hannes Dorfmann */ interface SessionDetailsPresentationModelTransformer { fun transform(session: Session): SessionDetail } /** * Phone Session Details Presentation Model Transformer * @author Hannes Dorfmann */ // TODO Tablet class PhoneSessionDetailsPresentationModelTransformer : SessionDetailsPresentationModelTransformer { private val dateFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofLocalizedDateTime(FormatStyle.SHORT) override fun transform(session: Session): SessionDetail { val items = ArrayList<SessionDetailItem>() // TODO use settings for time zone (users preferences) val zoneId = ZoneId.systemDefault() val start = session.startTime() val localStart = if (start == null) null else LocalDateTime.ofInstant(start, zoneId) val end = session.endTime() val localEnd = if (end == null) null else LocalDateTime.ofInstant(end, zoneId) if (start != null) { val dateStr = if (end != null) { "${dateFormatter.format(localStart)} - ${dateFormatter.format(localEnd)}" } else { dateFormatter.format(localStart) } items.add(SessionDateTimeItem(dateStr)) } // Location val locationName = session.locationName() if (locationName != null) items.add(SessionLocationItem(locationName)) // Description val description = session.description() if (description != null) { if (items.isNotEmpty()) items.add(SessionSeparatorItem()) items.add(SessionDescriptionItem(description)) } // TODO TAGS // Tags /* val tags = session.tags() if (tags != null) items.add(SessionTagsItem(tags)) */ // Speakers if (session.speakers().isNotEmpty()) { items.add(SessionSeparatorItem()) } session.speakers().forEach { items.add(SessionSpeakerItem(it)) } // TODO refactor return SessionDetail(, session.title(), session, items, session.favorite()) } }
/* * Copyright 2022 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package import import import import import java.time.Duration import org.junit.Test import org.junit.runner.RunWith import org.junit.runners.JUnit4 @RunWith(JUnit4::class) class AnnotationTest { @Test fun duration_toAnnotation() { assertThat(Duration.ofMillis(150).toAnnotation()).isEqualTo(Annotation.createTtl("0 minutes")) assertThat(Duration.ofMillis(1500).toAnnotation()).isEqualTo(Annotation.createTtl("0 minutes")) assertThat(Duration.ofSeconds(60).toAnnotation()).isEqualTo(Annotation.createTtl("1 minutes")) assertThat(Duration.ofDays(10).toAnnotation()) .isEqualTo(Annotation.createTtl("${Duration.ofDays(10).toMinutes()} minutes")) } @Test fun managementStrategy_toAnnotations_passThru() { val annotations = ManagementStrategy.PassThru.toAnnotations() assertThat(annotations).containsExactly(ANNOTATION_IN_MEMORY) } @Test fun managementStrategy_toAnnotations_storedEncryptedLocalDiskNoTtl() { val annotations = ManagementStrategy.Stored(encrypted = true, media = StorageMedia.LOCAL_DISK, ttl = null) .toAnnotations() assertThat(annotations).containsExactly(ANNOTATION_PERSISTENT, ANNOTATION_ENCRYPTED) } @Test fun managementStrategy_toAnnotations_storedUnencryptedMemoryNoTtl() { val annotations = ManagementStrategy.Stored(encrypted = false, media = StorageMedia.MEMORY, ttl = null) .toAnnotations() assertThat(annotations).containsExactly(ANNOTATION_IN_MEMORY) } @Test fun managementStrategy_toAnnotations_storedUnencryptedMemoryTtl() { val annotations = ManagementStrategy.Stored( encrypted = false, media = StorageMedia.MEMORY, ttl = Duration.ofMinutes(5) ) .toAnnotations() assertThat(annotations) .containsExactly(ANNOTATION_IN_MEMORY, Duration.ofMinutes(5).toAnnotation()) } @Test fun managementStrategy_toAnnotations_storedEncryptedRemoteTtl() { val annotations = ManagementStrategy.Stored( encrypted = true, media = StorageMedia.REMOTE_DISK, ttl = Duration.ofMinutes(500) ) .toAnnotations() assertThat(annotations) .containsExactly( ANNOTATION_REMOTE_PERSISTENT, ANNOTATION_ENCRYPTED, Duration.ofMinutes(500).toAnnotation() ) } }
package com.battlelancer.seriesguide.traktapi import android.content.Context import android.os.AsyncTask import android.os.Bundle import import com.battlelancer.seriesguide.provider.SgRoomDatabase.Companion.getInstance import com.battlelancer.seriesguide.util.TextTools import com.battlelancer.seriesguide.util.safeShow /** * Allows to check into an episode. Launching activities should subscribe to * [TraktTask.TraktActionCompleteEvent] to display status toasts. */ class CheckInDialogFragment : GenericCheckInDialogFragment() { override fun checkInTrakt(message: String) { TraktTask(requireContext()).checkInEpisode( requireArguments().getLong(ARG_EPISODE_ID), requireArguments().getString(ARG_ITEM_TITLE), message ).executeOnExecutor(AsyncTask.THREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR) } companion object { /** * Builds and shows a new [CheckInDialogFragment] setting all values based on the given * episode row ID. * * @return `false` if the fragment was not shown. */ fun show(context: Context, fragmentManager: FragmentManager, episodeId: Long): Boolean { val episode = getInstance(context).sgEpisode2Helper().getEpisodeWithShow(episodeId) ?: return false val f = CheckInDialogFragment() val args = Bundle() args.putLong(ARG_EPISODE_ID, episodeId) val episodeTitleWithNumbers = (episode.seriestitle + " " + TextTools.getNextEpisodeString( context, episode.season, episode.episodenumber, episode.episodetitle )) args.putString(ARG_ITEM_TITLE, episodeTitleWithNumbers) f.arguments = args return f.safeShow(fragmentManager, "checkInDialog") } } }
package cc.redpen.intellij import com.intellij.codeInsight.daemon.DaemonCodeAnalyzer import com.intellij.icons.AllIcons import com.intellij.ide.DataManager import com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.* import com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.LangDataKeys.PSI_FILE import com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.impl.SimpleDataContext import com.intellij.openapi.application.ApplicationManager import com.intellij.openapi.components.ProjectComponent import com.intellij.openapi.fileEditor.FileEditorManagerEvent import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project import com.intellij.openapi.ui.popup.JBPopupFactory import com.intellij.openapi.util.Disposer import com.intellij.openapi.wm.CustomStatusBarWidget import com.intellij.openapi.wm.StatusBarWidget import com.intellij.openapi.wm.StatusBarWidget.WidgetBorder.WIDE import com.intellij.openapi.wm.WindowManager import com.intellij.openapi.wm.impl.status.EditorBasedWidget import com.intellij.openapi.wm.impl.status.TextPanel import com.intellij.psi.PsiManager import com.intellij.ui.ClickListener import com.intellij.ui.awt.RelativePoint import com.intellij.util.ui.UIUtil import java.awt.Component import java.awt.Graphics import java.awt.Point import java.awt.event.MouseEvent open class StatusWidget constructor(project: Project) : EditorBasedWidget(project), CustomStatusBarWidget, ProjectComponent { val provider = RedPenProvider.forProject(project) var enabled: Boolean = false val actionGroupId = "RedPen " + project.basePath companion object { fun forProject(project: Project) = project.getComponent(!! } var actionGroup: DefaultActionGroup? = null private val component = object: TextPanel.ExtraSize() { override fun paintComponent(g: Graphics) { super.paintComponent(g) if (enabled && text != null) { val arrows = AllIcons.Ide.Statusbar_arrows arrows.paintIcon(this, g, bounds.width - insets.right - arrows.iconWidth - 2, bounds.height / 2 - arrows.iconHeight / 2) } } } override fun projectOpened() { install(WindowManager.getInstance().getStatusBar(project)) myStatusBar.addWidget(this, "before Encoding") object : ClickListener() { override fun onClick(e: MouseEvent, clickCount: Int): Boolean { showPopup(e) return true } }.installOn(component) component.border = WIDE component.toolTipText = "RedPen language" registerActions() } override fun projectClosed() { myStatusBar.removeWidget(ID()) unregisterActions() } override fun getComponentName(): String = "StatusWidget" override fun initComponent() {} override fun disposeComponent() {} open fun registerActions() { val actionManager = ActionManager.getInstance() ?: return actionGroup = DefaultActionGroup() provider.configs.keys.forEach { key -> actionGroup!!.add(object : AnAction() { init { templatePresentation.text = key } override fun actionPerformed(e: AnActionEvent) { provider.setConfigFor(e.getData(PSI_FILE)!!, key) DaemonCodeAnalyzer.getInstance(e.project).restart() } }) } actionManager.registerAction(actionGroupId, actionGroup!!) } open internal fun unregisterActions() { ActionManager.getInstance()?.unregisterAction(actionGroupId) } override fun ID(): String { return "RedPen" } override fun getPresentation(platformType: StatusBarWidget.PlatformType): StatusBarWidget.WidgetPresentation? { return null } open fun update(configKey: String) { if (isDisposed) return ApplicationManager.getApplication().invokeLater { component.text = configKey component.foreground = if (enabled) UIUtil.getActiveTextColor() else UIUtil.getInactiveTextColor() } } override fun selectionChanged(event: FileEditorManagerEvent) { val file = if (event.newFile == null) null else PsiManager.getInstance(project!!).findFile(event.newFile!!) if (file != null && provider.getParser(file) != null) { enabled = true update(provider.getConfigKeyFor(file)) } else { enabled = false update("n/a") } } override fun getComponent(): TextPanel { return component } internal fun showPopup(e: MouseEvent) { if (!enabled) return val popup = JBPopupFactory.getInstance().createActionGroupPopup( "RedPen", actionGroup!!, getContext(), JBPopupFactory.ActionSelectionAid.SPEEDSEARCH, false) val dimension = popup.content.preferredSize val at = Point(0, -dimension.height), at)) Disposer.register(this, popup) } private fun getContext(): DataContext { val editor = editor val parent = DataManager.getInstance().getDataContext(myStatusBar as Component) return SimpleDataContext.getSimpleContext(, arrayOf(selectedFile!!), SimpleDataContext.getSimpleContext(, project, SimpleDataContext.getSimpleContext(, editor?.component, parent))) } fun rebuild() { unregisterActions() registerActions() } }
package net import SearchResponse import import import import data.Repository import import java.nio.file.Path class ProjectExtractor(val savePath: Path, val start:String, val end:String) { fun extract(page : Int = 0) { var results = HashMap<String, Repository>() var totalCount = 0 val requestBuilder = RequestBuilder(start, end) if(savePath.toFile().exists()) results = Gson().fromJson(savePath.toFile().readText(), object : TypeToken<HashMap<String, Repository>>() {}.type) = page; while(true) { val (request, response, result) =; val (search, err) = result println(request.url) search?.let { search.items.forEach({ if(it.full_name.isNullOrEmpty() || it.language.isNullOrEmpty()) return@forEach if(!results.containsKey(it.full_name) && it.size < 2048000 && it.language.equals("Java")) { results.put(it.full_name, it); println("added ${it.full_name}") } }) totalCount += search.items.size; } if( > 34) break else if(err != null) { Thread.sleep(10000) }else if(search!!.items.isEmpty()) break else; } savePath.toFile().printWriter().use { out: PrintWriter -> out.print(GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting().create().toJson(results)) } } }
/* * Copyright 2017 Netflix, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License") * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package import import import import import import import org.springframework.context.ApplicationListener import org.springframework.context.ConfigurableApplicationContext import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import java.util.function.Predicate /** * An [ApplicationListener] implementation you can use to wait for an execution * to complete. Much better than `Thread.sleep(whatever)` in your tests. */ class ExecutionLatch(private val predicate: Predicate<ExecutionComplete>) : ApplicationListener<ExecutionComplete> { private val latch = CountDownLatch(1) override fun onApplicationEvent(event: ExecutionComplete) { if (predicate.test(event)) { latch.countDown() } } fun await() = latch.await(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS) } fun ConfigurableApplicationContext.runToCompletion(execution: Execution, launcher: (Execution) -> Unit, repository: ExecutionRepository) { val latch = ExecutionLatch(Predicate { it.executionId == }) addApplicationListener(latch) launcher.invoke(execution) assert(latch.await()) { "Pipeline did not complete" } repository.waitForAllStagesToComplete(execution) } /** * Given parent and child pipelines: * 1) Start child pipeline * 2) Invoke parent pipeline and continue until completion * * Useful for testing failure interactions between pipelines. Child pipeline can be inspected prior to * completion, and subsequently completed via [runToCompletion]. */ fun ConfigurableApplicationContext.runParentToCompletion( parent: Execution, child: Execution, launcher: (Execution) -> Unit, repository: ExecutionRepository ) { val latch = ExecutionLatch(Predicate { it.executionId == }) addApplicationListener(latch) launcher.invoke(child) launcher.invoke(parent) assert(latch.await()) { "Pipeline did not complete" } repository.waitForAllStagesToComplete(parent) } fun ConfigurableApplicationContext.restartAndRunToCompletion(stage: Stage, launcher: (Execution, String) -> Unit, repository: ExecutionRepository) { val execution = stage.execution val latch = ExecutionLatch(Predicate { it.executionId == }) addApplicationListener(latch) launcher.invoke(execution, assert(latch.await()) { "Pipeline did not complete after restarting" } repository.waitForAllStagesToComplete(execution) } private fun ExecutionRepository.waitForAllStagesToComplete(execution: Execution) { var complete = false while (!complete) { Thread.sleep(100) complete = retrieve(PIPELINE, .run { status.isComplete && stages .map(Stage::getStatus) .all { it.isComplete || it == NOT_STARTED } } } }
/* * Copyright (C) 2022 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.example.composemail.ui.utils import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable import androidx.compose.runtime.remember import androidx.constraintlayout.compose.ConstraintSet import androidx.constraintlayout.compose.ConstraintSetScope @Composable fun rememberConstraintSet( key: Any = Unit, constraints: ConstraintSetScope.() -> Unit ): ConstraintSet { val constraintSet = remember(key) { ConstraintSet(constraints) } return constraintSet }
/* * Copyright 2022 Ren Binden * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.rpkit.permissions.bukkit.listener import com.rpkit.permissions.bukkit.RPKPermissionsBukkit import com.rpkit.permissions.bukkit.database.table.RPKProfileGroupTable import com.rpkit.players.bukkit.event.profile.RPKBukkitProfileDeleteEvent import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler import org.bukkit.event.Listener class RPKProfileDeleteListener(private val plugin: RPKPermissionsBukkit) : Listener { @EventHandler fun onProfileDelete(event: RPKBukkitProfileDeleteEvent) { val profileId = if (profileId != null) { plugin.database.getTable( } } }
package test.assertk.assertions import assertk.assertThat import assertk.assertions.* import kotlin.test.Test import kotlin.test.assertEquals import kotlin.test.assertFails class MapTest { //region contains @Test fun contains_element_present_passes() { assertThat(mapOf("one" to 1, "two" to 2)).contains("two" to 2) } @Test fun contains_element_missing_fails() { val error = assertFails { assertThat(emptyMap<String, Int>()).contains("one" to 1) } assertEquals("expected to contain:<{\"one\"=1}> but was:<{}>", error.message) } @Test fun contains_element_with_nullable_value_missing_fails() { val error = assertFails { assertThat(emptyMap<String, Int?>()).contains("one" to null) } assertEquals("expected to contain:<{\"one\"=null}> but was:<{}>", error.message) } //endregion //region doesNotContain @Test fun doesNotContain_element_missing_passes() { assertThat(emptyMap<String, Int>()).doesNotContain("one" to 1) } @Test fun doesNotContain_element_with_missing_nullable_value_passes() { assertThat(emptyMap<String, Int?>()).doesNotContain("one" to null) } @Test fun doesNotContain_element_present_fails() { val error = assertFails { assertThat(mapOf("one" to 1, "two" to 2)).doesNotContain("two" to 2) } assertEquals("expected to not contain:<{\"two\"=2}> but was:<{\"one\"=1, \"two\"=2}>", error.message) } //endregion //region containsNone @Test fun containsNone_missing_elements_passes() { assertThat(emptyMap<String, Int>()).containsNone("one" to 1) } @Test fun containsNone_missing_elements_with_nullable_value_passes() { assertThat(emptyMap<String, Int?>()).containsNone("one" to null) } @Test fun containsNone_present_element_fails() { val error = assertFails { assertThat(mapOf("one" to 1, "two" to 2)).containsNone("two" to 2, "three" to 3) } assertEquals( """expected to contain none of:<{"two"=2, "three"=3}> but was:<{"one"=1, "two"=2}> | elements not expected:<{"two"=2}> """.trimMargin(), error.message ) } //region //region containsAll @Test fun containsAll_all_elements_passes() { assertThat(mapOf("one" to 1, "two" to 2)).containsAll("two" to 2, "one" to 1) } @Test fun containsAll_extra_elements_passes() { assertThat(mapOf("one" to 1, "two" to 2, "three" to 3)).containsAll("one" to 1, "two" to 2) } @Test fun containsAll_swapped_keys_and_values_fails() { val error = assertFails { assertThat(mapOf("one" to 2, "two" to 1)).containsAll("two" to 2, "one" to 1) } assertEquals( """expected to contain all:<{"two"=2, "one"=1}> but was:<{"one"=2, "two"=1}> | elements not found:<{"two"=2, "one"=1}> """.trimMargin(), error.message ) } @Test fun containsAll_nullable_values_fails() { val error = assertFails { assertThat(mapOf<String, Any?>()).containsAll("key" to null) } assertEquals( """expected to contain all:<{"key"=null}> but was:<{}> | elements not found:<{"key"=null}> """.trimMargin(), error.message ) } @Test fun containsAll_some_elements_fails() { val error = assertFails { assertThat(mapOf("one" to 1)).containsAll("one" to 1, "two" to 2) } assertEquals( """expected to contain all:<{"one"=1, "two"=2}> but was:<{"one"=1}> | elements not found:<{"two"=2}> """.trimMargin(), error.message ) } //endregion //region containsOnly @Test fun containsOnly_all_elements_passes() { assertThat(mapOf("one" to 1, "two" to 2)).containsOnly("two" to 2, "one" to 1) } @Test fun containsOnly_swapped_keys_and_values_fails() { val error = assertFails { assertThat(mapOf("one" to 2, "two" to 1)).containsOnly("two" to 2, "one" to 1) } assertEquals( """expected to contain only:<{"two"=2, "one"=1}> but was:<{"one"=2, "two"=1}> | elements not found:<{"two"=2, "one"=1}> | extra elements found:<{"one"=2, "two"=1}> """.trimMargin(), error.message ) } @Test fun containsOnly_missing_element_fails() { val error = assertFails { assertThat(mapOf("one" to 1, "two" to 2)).containsOnly("three" to 3) } assertEquals( """expected to contain only:<{"three"=3}> but was:<{"one"=1, "two"=2}> | elements not found:<{"three"=3}> | extra elements found:<{"one"=1, "two"=2}> """.trimMargin(), error.message ) } @Test fun containsOnly_extra_element_fails() { val error = assertFails { assertThat(mapOf("one" to 1, "two" to 2)).containsOnly("one" to 1) } assertEquals( """expected to contain only:<{"one"=1}> but was:<{"one"=1, "two"=2}> | extra elements found:<{"two"=2}> """.trimMargin(), error.message ) } //endregion //region isEmpty @Test fun isEmpty_empty_passes() { assertThat(emptyMap<Any?, Any?>()).isEmpty() } @Test fun isEmpty_non_empty_fails() { val error = assertFails { assertThat(mapOf<Any?, Any?>(null to null)).isEmpty() } assertEquals("expected to be empty but was:<{null=null}>", error.message) } //endregion //region isNotEmpty @Test fun isNotEmpty_non_empty_passes() { assertThat(mapOf<Any?, Any?>(null to null)).isNotEmpty() } @Test fun isNotEmpty_empty_fails() { val error = assertFails { assertThat(mapOf<Any?, Any?>()).isNotEmpty() } assertEquals("expected to not be empty", error.message) } //endregion //region isNullOrEmpty @Test fun isNullOrEmpty_null_passes() { assertThat(null as Map<Any?, Any?>?).isNullOrEmpty() } @Test fun isNullOrEmpty_empty_passes() { assertThat(emptyMap<Any?, Any?>()).isNullOrEmpty() } @Test fun isNullOrEmpty_non_empty_fails() { val error = assertFails { assertThat(mapOf<Any?, Any?>(null to null)).isNullOrEmpty() } assertEquals("expected to be null or empty but was:<{null=null}>", error.message) } //endregion //region hasSize @Test fun hasSize_correct_size_passes() { assertThat(emptyMap<String, Int>()).hasSize(0) } @Test fun hasSize_wrong_size_fails() { val error = assertFails { assertThat(emptyMap<String, Int>()).hasSize(1) } assertEquals("expected [size]:<[1]> but was:<[0]> ({})", error.message) } //endregion //region hasSameSizeAs @Test fun hasSameSizeAs_equal_sizes_passes() { assertThat(emptyMap<String, Int>()).hasSameSizeAs(emptyMap<String, Int>()) } @Test fun hasSameSizeAs_non_equal_sizes_fails() { val error = assertFails { assertThat(emptyMap<String, Int>()).hasSameSizeAs(mapOf("one" to 1)) } assertEquals("expected to have same size as:<{\"one\"=1}> (1) but was size:(0)", error.message) } //endregion //region key @Test fun index_successful_assertion_passes() { assertThat(mapOf("one" to 1, "two" to 2), name = "subject").key("one").isEqualTo(1) } @Test fun index_unsuccessful_assertion_fails() { val error = assertFails { assertThat(mapOf("one" to 1, "two" to 2), name = "subject").key("one").isEqualTo(2) } assertEquals("expected [subject[\"one\"]]:<[2]> but was:<[1]> ({\"one\"=1, \"two\"=2})", error.message) } @Test fun index_missing_key_fails() { val error = assertFails { assertThat(mapOf("one" to 1, "two" to 2), name = "subject").key("wrong").isEqualTo(1) } assertEquals("expected [subject] to have key:<\"wrong\">", error.message) } //endregion }
package test.assertk import assertk.assertAll import assertk.assertThat import assertk.assertions.isEqualTo import import kotlin.test.Test import kotlin.test.assertEquals import kotlin.test.assertFails import kotlin.test.assertFalse class AssertTest { //region transform @Test fun transform_that_throws_always_fails_assertion() { val error = assertFails { assertAll { assertThat(0).transform { fail("error") }.isEqualTo(0) } } assertEquals("error", error.message) } @Test fun transform_does_not_run_after_throws() { var run = false val error = assertFails { assertAll { assertThat(0).transform { fail("error") }.transform { run = true }.isEqualTo(0) } } assertEquals("error", error.message) assertFalse(run) } @Test fun transform_rethrows_thrown_exception() { val error = assertFails { assertAll { assertThat(0).transform { throw MyException("error") }.isEqualTo(0) } } assertEquals(MyException::class, error::class) assertEquals("error", error.message) } //endregion //region given @Test fun given_rethrows_thrown_exception() { val error = assertFails { assertAll { assertThat(0).given { throw MyException("error") } } } assertEquals(MyException::class, error::class) assertEquals("error", error.message) } //endregion //region assertThat @Test fun assertThat_inherits_name_of_parent_assertion_by_default() { val error = assertFails { assertThat(0, name = "test").assertThat(1).isEqualTo(2) } assertEquals("expected [test]:<[2]> but was:<[1]> (0)", error.message) } @Test fun assertThat_failing_transformed_assert_shows_original_by_displayActual_lambda() { val error = assertFails { assertThat(0, name = "test", displayActual = { "Number:${it}" }) .assertThat(1).isEqualTo(2) } assertEquals("expected [test]:<[2]> but was:<[1]> (Number:0)", error.message) } @Test fun assertThat_on_failing_assert_is_ignored() { val error = assertFails { assertAll { assertThat(0, name = "test").transform { fail("error") }.assertThat(1, name = "ignored").isEqualTo(2) } } assertEquals("error", error.message) } //endregion private class MyException(message: String) : Exception(message) }
/* * Copyright 2020 Ren Binden * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package import com.rpkit.core.bukkit.event.RPKBukkitEvent import import com.rpkit.players.bukkit.profile.RPKProfile import org.bukkit.event.Cancellable import org.bukkit.event.HandlerList class RPKBukkitGroupUnassignProfileEvent( override val group: RPKGroup, override val profile: RPKProfile, isAsync: Boolean ) : RPKBukkitEvent(isAsync), RPKGroupUnassignProfileEvent, Cancellable { companion object { @JvmStatic val handlerList = HandlerList() } private var cancel: Boolean = false override fun isCancelled(): Boolean { return cancel } override fun setCancelled(cancel: Boolean) { this.cancel = cancel } override fun getHandlers(): HandlerList { return handlerList } }
/* * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ package com.facebook.react.model data class ModelCodegenConfigAndroid(val javaPackageName: String?)
package import android.database.Cursor import androidx.core.database.getLongOrNull import com.fsck.k9.Account.FolderMode import import com.fsck.k9.mail.FolderClass import com.fsck.k9.mail.FolderType import com.fsck.k9.mailstore.FolderDetailsAccessor import com.fsck.k9.mailstore.FolderMapper import com.fsck.k9.mailstore.FolderNotFoundException import com.fsck.k9.mailstore.LockableDatabase import com.fsck.k9.mailstore.MoreMessages import com.fsck.k9.mailstore.toFolderType internal class RetrieveFolderOperations(private val lockableDatabase: LockableDatabase) { fun <T> getFolder(folderId: Long, mapper: FolderMapper<T>): T? { return getFolder( selection = "id = ?", selectionArguments = arrayOf(folderId.toString()), mapper = mapper ) } fun <T> getFolder(folderServerId: String, mapper: FolderMapper<T>): T? { return getFolder( selection = "server_id = ?", selectionArguments = arrayOf(folderServerId), mapper = mapper ) } private fun <T> getFolder(selection: String, selectionArguments: Array<String>, mapper: FolderMapper<T>): T? { return lockableDatabase.execute(false) { db -> db.query( "folders", FOLDER_COLUMNS, selection, selectionArguments, null, null, null ).use { cursor -> if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { val cursorFolderAccessor = CursorFolderAccessor(cursor) } else { null } } } } fun <T> getFolders(excludeLocalOnly: Boolean = false, mapper: FolderMapper<T>): List<T> { val selection = if (excludeLocalOnly) "local_only = 0" else null return lockableDatabase.execute(false) { db -> db.query("folders", FOLDER_COLUMNS, selection, null, null, null, "id").use { cursor -> val cursorFolderAccessor = CursorFolderAccessor(cursor) { } } } } fun <T> getDisplayFolders(displayMode: FolderMode, outboxFolderId: Long?, mapper: FolderMapper<T>): List<T> { return lockableDatabase.execute(false) { db -> val displayModeSelection = getDisplayModeSelection(displayMode) val outboxFolderIdOrZero = outboxFolderId ?: 0 val query = """ SELECT ${FOLDER_COLUMNS.joinToString()}, ( SELECT COUNT( FROM messages WHERE messages.folder_id = AND messages.empty = 0 AND messages.deleted = 0 AND ( = 0 OR = ?) ), ( SELECT COUNT( FROM messages WHERE messages.folder_id = AND messages.empty = 0 AND messages.deleted = 0 AND messages.flagged = 1 ) FROM folders $displayModeSelection """ db.rawQuery(query, arrayOf(outboxFolderIdOrZero.toString())).use { cursor -> val cursorFolderAccessor = CursorFolderAccessor(cursor) { } } } } private fun getDisplayModeSelection(displayMode: FolderMode): String { return when (displayMode) { FolderMode.ALL -> { "" } FolderMode.FIRST_CLASS -> { "WHERE display_class = '${}'" } FolderMode.FIRST_AND_SECOND_CLASS -> { "WHERE display_class IN ('${}', '${}')" } FolderMode.NOT_SECOND_CLASS -> { "WHERE display_class != '${}'" } FolderMode.NONE -> { throw AssertionError("Invalid folder display mode: $displayMode") } } } fun getFolderId(folderServerId: String): Long? { return lockableDatabase.execute(false) { db -> db.query( "folders", arrayOf("id"), "server_id = ?", arrayOf(folderServerId), null, null, null ).use { cursor -> if (cursor.moveToFirst()) cursor.getLong(0) else null } } } fun getFolderServerId(folderId: Long): String? { return lockableDatabase.execute(false) { db -> db.query( "folders", arrayOf("server_id"), "id = ?", arrayOf(folderId.toString()), null, null, null ).use { cursor -> if (cursor.moveToFirst()) cursor.getString(0) else null } } } fun getMessageCount(folderId: Long): Int { return lockableDatabase.execute(false) { db -> db.rawQuery( "SELECT COUNT(id) FROM messages WHERE empty = 0 AND deleted = 0 AND folder_id = ?", arrayOf(folderId.toString()) ).use { cursor -> if (cursor.moveToFirst()) cursor.getInt(0) else 0 } } } fun hasMoreMessages(folderId: Long): MoreMessages { return getFolder(folderId) { it.moreMessages } ?: throw FolderNotFoundException(folderId) } } private class CursorFolderAccessor(val cursor: Cursor) : FolderDetailsAccessor { override val id: Long get() = cursor.getLong(0) override val name: String get() = cursor.getString(1) override val type: FolderType get() = cursor.getString(2).toFolderType() override val serverId: String? get() = cursor.getString(3) override val isLocalOnly: Boolean get() = cursor.getInt(4) == 1 override val isInTopGroup: Boolean get() = cursor.getInt(5) == 1 override val isIntegrate: Boolean get() = cursor.getInt(6) == 1 override val syncClass: FolderClass get() = cursor.getString(7).toFolderClass(FolderClass.INHERITED) override val displayClass: FolderClass get() = cursor.getString(8).toFolderClass(FolderClass.NO_CLASS) override val notifyClass: FolderClass get() = cursor.getString(9).toFolderClass(FolderClass.INHERITED) override val pushClass: FolderClass get() = cursor.getString(10).toFolderClass(FolderClass.SECOND_CLASS) override val visibleLimit: Int get() = cursor.getInt(11) override val moreMessages: MoreMessages get() = MoreMessages.fromDatabaseName(cursor.getString(12)) override val lastChecked: Long? get() = cursor.getLongOrNull(13) override val unreadMessageCount: Int get() = cursor.getInt(14) override val starredMessageCount: Int get() = cursor.getInt(15) override fun serverIdOrThrow(): String { return serverId ?: error("No server ID found for folder '$name' ($id)") } } private fun String?.toFolderClass(defaultValue: FolderClass): FolderClass { return if (this == null) defaultValue else FolderClass.valueOf(this) } private val FOLDER_COLUMNS = arrayOf( "id", "name", "type", "server_id", "local_only", "top_group", "integrate", "poll_class", "display_class", "notify_class", "push_class", "visible_limit", "more_messages", "last_updated" )
package import com.intellij.ide.plugins.PluginManager import com.intellij.ide.util.PropertiesComponent import com.intellij.ide.util.projectWizard.ModuleBuilder import com.intellij.ide.util.projectWizard.ModuleBuilderListener import com.intellij.ide.util.projectWizard.ModuleWizardStep import com.intellij.ide.util.projectWizard.WizardContext import com.intellij.openapi.Disposable import com.intellij.openapi.extensions.PluginId import com.intellij.openapi.module.Module import com.intellij.openapi.module.ModuleType import com.intellij.openapi.roots.ModifiableRootModel import com.intellij.openapi.ui.Messages import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.JarFileSystem import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.LocalFileSystem import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VfsUtil import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VirtualFileManager import import import import import class AddOnModuleBuilder : ModuleBuilder(), ModuleBuilderListener { init { addListener(this) } override fun moduleCreated(module: Module) { val tocFilePath = contentEntryPath + File.separator + + ".toc" var mainFilePath = contentEntryPath + File.separator + PropertiesComponent .getInstance().getValue(ProjectSettingsKeys.AddOnMainFileName) if (!mainFilePath.endsWith(".lua")) mainFilePath += ".lua" File(tocFilePath).writeText(PropertiesComponent.getInstance().getValue("tocFile")!!) val file = File(mainFilePath) file.createNewFile() file.appendText(MainFile.initAce3AddOn) file.appendText(MainFile.defaultInitFunc) file.appendText(MainFile.defaultLoadFunc) file.appendText(MainFile.defaultUnloadFunc) } override fun setupRootModel(modifiableRootModel: ModifiableRootModel) { val path = contentEntryPath + File.separator + "Libs" File(path).mkdirs() val sourceRoot = LocalFileSystem.getInstance().refreshAndFindFileByPath(path)!! val jarUtil = JarFileSystem.getInstance() val desc = PluginManager.getPlugin(PluginId.getId(""))!! val pluginPath = desc.path.absolutePath val realPath = VfsUtil.pathToUrl(pluginPath) val pluginVD = VirtualFileManager.getInstance().findFileByUrl(realPath)!! val file = jarUtil.refreshAndFindFileByPath(pluginVD.path + "!/Wow_sdk")!! // val classesDir = pluginVD.findChild("classes")?: pluginVD // val deps = classesDir.findChild("Wow_sdk")!! file.children.forEach { VfsUtil.copy(this, it, sourceRoot) } super.doAddContentEntry(modifiableRootModel)?.addSourceFolder(sourceRoot, false) } override fun getModuleType(): ModuleType<*> { return AddOnModuleType.instance } override fun getCustomOptionsStep(context: WizardContext, parentDisposable: Disposable?): ModuleWizardStep? { return AddOnWizardStep() } }
/* * Copyright 2022 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package import import import org.junit.Test import org.junit.runner.RunWith import org.junit.runners.JUnit4 @RunWith(JUnit4::class) class SourceLocationTest { @Test fun spanOf_chooses_nonNullValues() { val unknown = SourceLocation.UNKNOWN val withLinesOnly = SourceLocation(1, null, 3, null) val withLinesAndColumns = SourceLocation(withLinesOnly.startLine, 10, withLinesOnly.endLine, 10) assertThat(spanOf(unknown, unknown)).isEqualTo(unknown) assertThat(spanOf(withLinesOnly, unknown)).isEqualTo(withLinesOnly) assertThat(spanOf(unknown, withLinesOnly)).isEqualTo(withLinesOnly) assertThat(spanOf(withLinesOnly, withLinesAndColumns)).isEqualTo(withLinesAndColumns) assertThat(spanOf(withLinesAndColumns, withLinesOnly)).isEqualTo(withLinesAndColumns) } @Test fun spanOf_returns_newRange() { val lower = SourceLocation(1, 1, 2, 2) val upper = SourceLocation(2, 2, 3, 3) val expected = SourceLocation(lower.startLine, lower.startColumn, upper.endLine, upper.endColumn) assertThat(spanOf(lower, upper)).isEqualTo(expected) assertThat(spanOf(upper, lower)).isEqualTo(expected) } @Test fun spanOf_is_idempotent() { val loc = SourceLocation(1, 3, 4, 2) assertThat(spanOf(loc)).isEqualTo(loc) assertThat(spanOf(loc, loc, loc)).isEqualTo(loc) assertThat(spanOf(loc, spanOf(loc, loc))).isEqualTo(loc) } @Test fun spanOf_ranks_lineOverColumn() { val widerLines = SourceLocation(1, 6, 10, 5) val widerColumns = SourceLocation(5, 1, 6, 10) assertThat(spanOf(widerLines, widerColumns)).isEqualTo(widerLines) assertThat(spanOf(widerColumns, widerLines)).isEqualTo(widerLines) } }
package import android.content.Context import android.content.Intent import import android.os.Bundle import import import import android.view.View import android.widget.LinearLayout import android.widget.TextView import import com.csl.refresh.SmartRefreshLayout import com.csl.refresh.api.RefreshLayout import com.csl.refresh.listener.OnRefreshLoadmoreListener import com.fuyoul.sanwenseller.R import com.fuyoul.sanwenseller.base.BaseActivity import com.fuyoul.sanwenseller.base.BaseAdapter import com.fuyoul.sanwenseller.base.BaseViewHolder import com.fuyoul.sanwenseller.bean.AdapterMultiItem import com.fuyoul.sanwenseller.bean.MultBaseBean import com.fuyoul.sanwenseller.bean.reqhttp.ReqInCome import com.fuyoul.sanwenseller.bean.reshttp.ResMoneyItem import com.fuyoul.sanwenseller.configs.Code import com.fuyoul.sanwenseller.configs.Data import com.fuyoul.sanwenseller.configs.TopBarOption import com.fuyoul.sanwenseller.listener.AppBarStateChangeListener import com.fuyoul.sanwenseller.structure.model.MoneyInComeM import com.fuyoul.sanwenseller.structure.presenter.MoneyInComeP import com.fuyoul.sanwenseller.structure.view.MoneyInComeV import com.fuyoul.sanwenseller.utils.GlideUtils import com.fuyoul.sanwenseller.utils.TimeDateUtils import com.netease.nim.uikit.NimUIKit import com.netease.nim.uikit.StatusBarUtils import* import* import java.util.* /** * @author: chen * @CreatDate: 2017\10\31 0031 * @Desc:待结算 */ class SettlementTypeActivity : BaseActivity<MoneyInComeM, MoneyInComeV, MoneyInComeP>() { companion object { fun start(context: Context, isHistoryType: Boolean, year: String?, month: String?) { val intent = Intent(context, intent.putExtra("isHistoryType", isHistoryType) if (isHistoryType) { intent.putExtra("year", year) intent.putExtra("month", month) } context.startActivity(intent) } } private val req = ReqInCome() private var index = 0 private var defaultState = AppBarStateChangeListener.State.EXPANDED//默认是展开状态 private var adapter: ThisAdapter? = null override fun setLayoutRes(): Int = R.layout.waitforsettlementlayout override fun initData(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { StatusBarUtils.setTranslucentForCoordinatorLayout(this, 30) setSupportActionBar(toolbar) //如果是结算历史 if (intent.getBooleanExtra("isHistoryType", false)) { req.ordersDate = "${intent.getStringExtra("year")}${intent.getStringExtra("month")}" } getPresenter().viewImpl?.initAdapter(this) getPresenter().getData(this, req, true) } override fun setListener() { waitForSettlementRefreshLayout.setOnRefreshLoadmoreListener(object : OnRefreshLoadmoreListener { override fun onRefresh(refreshlayout: RefreshLayout?) { index = 0 req.index = "$index" getPresenter().getData(this@SettlementTypeActivity, req, true) } override fun onLoadmore(refreshlayout: RefreshLayout?) { index++ req.index = "$index" getPresenter().getData(this@SettlementTypeActivity, req, false) } }) appBarLayoutOfWaitSettlement.addOnOffsetChangedListener(listener) toolbar.setNavigationOnClickListener { finish() } } override fun onResume() { super.onResume() appBarLayoutOfWaitSettlement.removeOnOffsetChangedListener(listener) } override fun onPause() { super.onPause() appBarLayoutOfWaitSettlement.removeOnOffsetChangedListener(listener) } override fun getPresenter(): MoneyInComeP = MoneyInComeP(initViewImpl()) override fun initViewImpl(): MoneyInComeV = object : MoneyInComeV() { override fun getAdapter(): BaseAdapter { if (adapter == null) { adapter = ThisAdapter() } return adapter!! } override fun initAdapter(context: Context) { val manager = LinearLayoutManager(this@SettlementTypeActivity) manager.orientation = LinearLayoutManager.VERTICAL waitForSettlementDataList.layoutManager = manager waitForSettlementDataList.adapter = getAdapter() } override fun setViewInfo(data: ResMoneyItem) { priceCount.text = "${data.countPrice}" orderCount.text = "${data.countOrders}" } } override fun initTopBar(): TopBarOption = TopBarOption() inner class ThisAdapter : BaseAdapter(this) { override fun convert(holder: BaseViewHolder, position: Int, datas: List<MultBaseBean>) { val item = datas[position] as ResMoneyItem.IncomeListBean GlideUtils.loadNormalImg(this@SettlementTypeActivity, JSON.parseArray(item.imgs).getJSONObject(0).getString("url"), holder.itemView.findViewById( GlideUtils.loadNormalImg(this@SettlementTypeActivity, item.avatar, holder.itemView.findViewById( holder.itemView.findViewById<TextView>( = "¥${item.totalPrice}" holder.itemView.findViewById<TextView>( = "${}" holder.itemView.findViewById<TextView>( = "${item.introduce}" holder.itemView.findViewById<TextView>( = "${TimeDateUtils.stampToDate(item.ordersDate)}" holder.itemView.findViewById<TextView>( = "${item.nickname}" var typeIcon: Drawable? = null if (item.type == Data.QUICKTESTBABY) { typeIcon = resources.getDrawable(R.mipmap.icon_quicktesttype) typeIcon.setBounds(0, 0, typeIcon.minimumWidth, typeIcon.minimumHeight) } holder.itemView.findViewById<TextView>(, null, typeIcon, null) val orderItemState = holder.itemView.findViewById<TextView>( orderItemState.text = "交易完成" val orderItemFuncLayout = holder.itemView.findViewById<LinearLayout>( orderItemFuncLayout.visibility = View.VISIBLE val orderItemReleaseTime = holder.itemView.findViewById<LinearLayout>( orderItemReleaseTime.visibility = View.GONE val orderItemFuncRight = holder.itemView.findViewById<TextView>( orderItemFuncRight.text = "联系买家" orderItemFuncRight.setOnClickListener { NimUIKit.startP2PSession(this@SettlementTypeActivity, "user_${item.user_info_id}") } } override fun addMultiType(multiItems: ArrayList<AdapterMultiItem>) { multiItems.add(AdapterMultiItem(Code.VIEWTYPE_MONEY, R.layout.orderitem)) } override fun onItemClicked(view: View, position: Int) { } override fun onEmpryLayou(view: View, layoutResId: Int) { } override fun getSmartRefreshLayout(): SmartRefreshLayout = waitForSettlementRefreshLayout override fun getRecyclerView(): RecyclerView = waitForSettlementDataList } private val listener = object : AppBarStateChangeListener() { override fun onStateChanged(appBarLayout: AppBarLayout?, state: State) { when (state) { State.EXPANDED -> { //展开状态 StatusBarUtils.StatusBarDarkMode(this@SettlementTypeActivity) StatusBarUtils.setTranslucentForCoordinatorLayout(this@SettlementTypeActivity, 30) toolbar.setBackgroundColor(resources.getColor(R.color.transparent)) } State.COLLAPSED -> { //折叠状态 toolbarOfMoneyInfo.setNavigationIcon(R.mipmap.ic_yb_top_back) StatusBarUtils.StatusBarLightMode(this@SettlementTypeActivity, R.color.color_white) toolbar.setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.back_titlebar) } else -> { //中间状态 //如果之前是折叠状态,则表示在向下滑动 if (defaultState == State.COLLAPSED) { StatusBarUtils.StatusBarDarkMode(this@SettlementTypeActivity) StatusBarUtils.setTranslucentForCoordinatorLayout(this@SettlementTypeActivity, 30) toolbar.setBackgroundColor(resources.getColor(R.color.transparent)) } } } defaultState = state } } }
package import io.reactivex.Observable import io.reactivex.Single import org.wikipedia.dataclient.Service import org.wikipedia.dataclient.mwapi.MwQueryResponse import org.wikipedia.edit.Edit import org.wikipedia.wikidata.Entities import retrofit2.http.* /** * This interface facilitates wiki commons page editing services to the Networking module * which provides all network related services used by the app. * * This interface posts a form encoded request to the wikimedia API * with editing action as argument to edit a particular page */ interface PageEditInterface { /** * This method posts such that the Content which the page * has will be completely replaced by the value being passed to the * "text" field of the encoded form data * @param title Title of the page to edit. Cannot be used together with pageid. * @param summary Edit summary. Also section title when section=new and sectiontitle is not set * @param text Holds the page content * @param token A "csrf" token */ @FormUrlEncoded @Headers("Cache-Control: no-cache") @POST(Service.MW_API_PREFIX + "action=edit") fun postEdit( @Field("title") title: String, @Field("summary") summary: String, @Field("text") text: String, // NOTE: This csrf shold always be sent as the last field of form data @Field("token") token: String ): Observable<Edit> /** * This method posts such that the Content which the page * has will be appended with the value being passed to the * "appendText" field of the encoded form data * @param title Title of the page to edit. Cannot be used together with pageid. * @param summary Edit summary. Also section title when section=new and sectiontitle is not set * @param appendText Text to add to the end of the page * @param token A "csrf" token */ @FormUrlEncoded @Headers("Cache-Control: no-cache") @POST(Service.MW_API_PREFIX + "action=edit") fun postAppendEdit( @Field("title") title: String, @Field("summary") summary: String, @Field("appendtext") appendText: String, @Field("token") token: String ): Observable<Edit> /** * This method posts such that the Content which the page * has will be prepended with the value being passed to the * "prependText" field of the encoded form data * @param title Title of the page to edit. Cannot be used together with pageid. * @param summary Edit summary. Also section title when section=new and sectiontitle is not set * @param prependText Text to add to the beginning of the page * @param token A "csrf" token */ @FormUrlEncoded @Headers("Cache-Control: no-cache") @POST(Service.MW_API_PREFIX + "action=edit") fun postPrependEdit( @Field("title") title: String, @Field("summary") summary: String, @Field("prependtext") prependText: String, @Field("token") token: String ): Observable<Edit> @FormUrlEncoded @Headers("Cache-Control: no-cache") @POST(Service.MW_API_PREFIX + "action=wbsetlabel&format=json&site=commonswiki&formatversion=2") fun postCaptions( @Field("summary") summary: String, @Field("title") title: String, @Field("language") language: String, @Field("value") value: String, @Field("token") token: String ): Observable<Entities> /** * Get wiki text for provided file names * @param titles : Name of the file * @return Single<MwQueryResult> */ @GET( Service.MW_API_PREFIX + "action=query&prop=revisions&rvprop=content|timestamp&rvlimit=1&converttitles=" ) fun getWikiText( @Query("titles") title: String ): Single<MwQueryResponse?> }
package import import com.github.kittinunf.reactiveandroid.MutableProperty import com.github.kittinunf.reactiveandroid.createMainThreadMutableProperty //================================================================================ // Property //================================================================================ val SwipeRefreshLayout.rx_refreshing: MutableProperty<Boolean> get() { val getter = { isRefreshing } val setter: (Boolean) -> Unit = { isRefreshing = it } return createMainThreadMutableProperty(getter, setter) } val SwipeRefreshLayout.rx_nestedScrollingEnabled: MutableProperty<Boolean> get() { val getter = { isNestedScrollingEnabled } val setter: (Boolean) -> Unit = { isNestedScrollingEnabled = it } return createMainThreadMutableProperty(getter, setter) }
/** * Checks chat for user written messages and responds to specific queries * Created by zingmars on 04.10.2015. */ package BotPlugins import Containers.PluginBufferItem public class UserCommands : BasePlugin() { override fun pubInit() :Boolean { return true } override fun connector(buffer : PluginBufferItem) :Boolean { var message = buffer.message.split(" ") when(message[0].toLowerCase()) { "!ping" -> controller?.AddToBoxBuffer(buffer.userName + ": PONG!") "!nextstream" -> controller?.AddToBoxBuffer(buffer.userName + ": Soon™") //TODO: have some sort of database where plugins can register their commands so this command can be automated. "!help" -> { controller?.AddToBoxBuffer("For more information please see For feature requests ask zingmars.") controller?.AddToBoxBuffer("!about - About this bot; !lastseen <username> - Output the date of user's last message; !ping - check if I'm alive; !help - display this; !time - time related commands (try help as a parameter)") controller?.AddToBoxBuffer("!laststream <username> - Get when an user has last streamed (try !laststream zingmars); !nextstream - OTG's next stream time") controller?.AddToBoxBuffer("Available commands:") } "!about" -> { controller?.AddToBoxBuffer("Hi! My name is " + handler?.username + " and I'm a bot for written in Kotlin. Check me out at:") } } return true } }
package org.rust.ide.typing import org.intellij.lang.annotations.Language class RustEnterInStringLiteralHandlerTest : RustTypingTestCaseBase() { override val dataPath = "org/rust/ide/typing/string/fixtures" fun testSimple() = doTest(""" fn main() { let lit = "Hello, /*caret*/World"; println!("{}", lit); } """, """ fn main() { let lit = "Hello, \ /*caret*/World"; println!("{}", lit); } """) fun testMultilineText() = doTest(""" fn main() { let lit = "\ Multiline text last/*caret*/ line"; } """, """ fn main() { let lit = "\ Multiline text last /*caret*/line"; } """) fun testBeforeOpening() = doTest(""" fn main() { let lit =/*caret*/"Hello, World"; } """, """ fn main() { let lit = /*caret*/"Hello, World"; } """) fun testAfterOpening() = doTest(""" fn main() { "/*caret*/Hello, World"; } """, """ fn main() { "\ /*caret*/Hello, World"; } """) fun testInsideOpening() = doTest(""" fn main() { b/*caret*/"Hello, World"; } """, """ fn main() { b /*caret*/"Hello, World"; } """) fun testBeforeClosing() = doTest(""" fn main() { "Hello, World/*caret*/"; } """, """ fn main() { "Hello, World\ /*caret*/"; } """) fun testAfterClosing() = doTest(""" fn main() { "Hello, World"/*caret*/; } """, """ fn main() { "Hello, World" /*caret*/; } """) fun testRawLiteral() = doTest(""" fn main() { r"Hello,/*caret*/ World"; } """, """ fn main() { r"Hello, /*caret*/ World"; } """) fun testBeforeEscape() = doTest(""" fn main() { "foo/*caret*/\n" } """, """ fn main() { "foo\ /*caret*/\n" } """) fun testAfterEscape() = doTest(""" fn main() { "foo\n/*caret*/bar" } """, """ fn main() { "foo\n\ /*caret*/bar" } """) fun testInsideEscape() = doTest(""" fn main() { "foo\u{00/*caret*/00}" } """, """ fn main() { "foo\u{00 /*caret*/00}" } """) fun testInsideEscapeAfterSlash() = doTest(""" fn main() { "foo\/*caret*/u{0000}" } """, """ fn main() { "foo\ /*caret*/u{0000}" } """) fun testBetweenQuoteEscape() = doTest(""" fn main() { "/*caret*/\n" } """, """ fn main() { "\ /*caret*/\n" } """) fun testBetweenEscapeQuote() = doTest(""" fn main() { "foo\n/*caret*/" } """, """ fn main() { "foo\n\ /*caret*/" } """) fun testIncomplete() = doTest(""" fn main() { "foo/*caret*/ """, """ fn main() { "foo /*caret*/ """) fun testIncompleteEscape() = doTest(""" fn main() { "foo\n/*caret*/ """, """ fn main() { "foo\n\ /*caret*/ """) fun testRawIncomplete() = doTest(""" fn main() { r##"foo/*caret*/ """, """ fn main() { r##"foo /*caret*/ """) fun doTest(@Language("Rust") before: String, @Language("Rust") after: String) { InlineFile(before).withCaret() myFixture.type('\n') myFixture.checkResult(replaceCaretMarker(after)) } }
/* * Copyright 2021 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.example.windowmanagersample.embedding import import android.os.Bundle import android.view.View import com.example.windowmanagersample.R open class SplitActivityD : SplitActivityBase() { override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) findViewById<View>( .setBackgroundColor(Color.parseColor("#eeeeee")) } }
package import import org.luxons.sevenwonders.engine.wonders.Wonder import org.luxons.sevenwonders.engine.wonders.WonderStage import org.luxons.sevenwonders.model.resources.ResourceType import org.luxons.sevenwonders.model.wonders.WonderName import org.luxons.sevenwonders.model.wonders.WonderSide internal class WonderDefinition( val name: WonderName, val sides: Map<WonderSide, WonderSideDefinition>, ) { fun create(wonderSide: WonderSide): Wonder = sides[wonderSide]!!.createWonder(name) } internal class WonderSideDefinition( private val initialResource: ResourceType, private val stages: List<WonderStageDefinition>, val image: String, ) { fun createWonder(name: String): Wonder = Wonder(name, initialResource, { it.create() }, image) } internal class WonderStageDefinition( private val requirements: Requirements, private val effects: EffectsDefinition, ) { fun create(): WonderStage = WonderStage(requirements, effects.create()) }
package org.rust.lang.core.psi.impl.mixin import com.intellij.lang.ASTNode import com.intellij.psi.PsiElement import com.intellij.psi.stubs.IStubElementType import org.rust.lang.core.psi.RustExternCrateItemElement import org.rust.lang.core.psi.impl.RustPsiImplUtil import org.rust.lang.core.psi.impl.RustStubbedNamedElementImpl import org.rust.lang.core.resolve.ref.RustExternCrateReferenceImpl import org.rust.lang.core.resolve.ref.RustReference import org.rust.lang.core.stubs.RustExternCrateItemElementStub abstract class RustExternCrateItemImplMixin : RustStubbedNamedElementImpl<RustExternCrateItemElementStub>, RustExternCrateItemElement { constructor(node: ASTNode) : super(node) constructor(stub: RustExternCrateItemElementStub, elementType: IStubElementType<*, *>) : super(stub, elementType) override fun getReference(): RustReference = RustExternCrateReferenceImpl(this) override val referenceNameElement: PsiElement get() = identifier override val isPublic: Boolean get() = RustPsiImplUtil.isPublic(this, stub) }
package net.perfectdreams.loritta.serializable import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable @Serializable class CustomCommand( val label: String, val codeType: CustomCommandCodeType, val code: String )
package com.jaynewstrom.concrete import android.content.Context import android.content.ContextWrapper import android.view.LayoutInflater internal class ConcreteWallContext<C>( baseContext: Context, private val wall: ConcreteWall<C> ) : ContextWrapper(baseContext) { private var inflater: LayoutInflater? = null override fun getSystemService(name: String): Any? { if (Concrete.isService(name)) { return wall } if (Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE == name) { if (inflater == null) { inflater = LayoutInflater.from(baseContext).cloneInContext(this) } return inflater } return super.getSystemService(name) } }
package ir.iais.utilities.javautils.utils import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonFormat import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonFormat.Shape import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnoreProperties import ir.iais.utilities.javautils.enums.IOrdinal /** Created by mgh on 10/15/16. */ @JsonFormat(shape = Shape.OBJECT) @JsonIgnoreProperties("name", "ordinal", allowGetters = true) enum class InsuranceType constructor(val desc: String, val value: Boolean?) : IOrdinal { FullTime("تمام وقت", true), hourly("بر حسب حضور", true), None("ندارد", false) }
package import java.util.* import javax.swing.AbstractListModel import javax.swing.JList /* * Copyright (C) 2017 NuclearCoder * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ /** * Custom JList that uses a custom model which only keeps the last lines.<br></br> * <br></br> * NuclearBot (<br></br> * @author NuclearCoder (contact on the GitHub repo) */ class LimitedStringList(capacity: Int = 50) : JList<String>() { private val listModel = LimitedStringList.Model(capacity).also { model = it } /** * Adds an element to the model. If the size of the list * will exceed the maximum capacity, the first element * is removed before adding the new element to the end * of the list. * * @param text the line to add to the list */ fun add(text: String) { listModel.add(text) } /** * The ListModel used by the LimitedStringList class */ class Model(private val capacity: Int) : AbstractListModel<String>() { private val arrayList = ArrayList<String>(capacity) /** * Adds an element to the model. If the size of the list * will exceed the maximum capacity, the first element * is removed before adding the new element to the end * of the list. * * @param text the line to add to the list */ fun add(text: String) { val index0: Int val index1: Int if (arrayList.size == capacity) { index0 = 0 index1 = capacity - 1 arrayList.removeAt(0) } else { index1 = arrayList.size index0 = index1 } arrayList.add(text) fireContentsChanged(this, index0, index1) } override fun getSize(): Int { return arrayList.size } override fun getElementAt(index: Int): String { return arrayList[index] } } }
/** * Copyright 2021 Carl-Philipp Harmant * * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package fr.cph.chicago.core.model open class Bus(val id: Int, val position: Position, val heading: Int, val destination: String)
package import import import import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.* import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test import org.mockito.Mockito.mock /** * Custom Selector Image Helper Test */ internal class ImageHelperTest { var uri: Uri = mock( private val folderImage1 = Image(1, "image1", uri, "abc/abc", 1, "bucket1") private val folderImage2 = Image(2, "image1", uri, "xyz/xyz", 2, "bucket2") private val mockImageList = ArrayList<Image>(listOf(folderImage1, folderImage2)) private val folderImageList1 = ArrayList<Image>(listOf(folderImage1)) private val folderImageList2 = ArrayList<Image>(listOf(folderImage2)) /** * Test folder list from images. */ @Test fun folderListFromImages() { val folderList = ArrayList<Folder>(listOf(Folder(1, "bucket1", folderImageList1), Folder(2, "bucket2", folderImageList2))) assertEquals(folderList, ImageHelper.folderListFromImages(mockImageList)) } /** * Test filter images. */ @Test fun filterImages() { assertEquals(folderImageList1, ImageHelper.filterImages(mockImageList, 1)) } /** * Test get index from image list. */ @Test fun getIndex() { assertEquals(1,ImageHelper.getIndex(mockImageList, folderImage2)) } /** * Test get index list. */ @Test fun getIndexList() { assertEquals(ArrayList<Int>(listOf(0)), ImageHelper.getIndexList(mockImageList, folderImageList2)) } }
package import android.os.Bundle import android.util.Log import android.view.LayoutInflater import android.view.View import android.view.ViewGroup import androidx.annotation.NonNull import import androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView import com.christian.R import com.christian.common.GOSPEL_EN import com.christian.common.GOSPEL_ZH import com.christian.common.auth import import com.christian.common.firestore import com.christian.databinding.ItemChatBinding import com.christian.databinding.ItemGospelBinding import com.christian.nav.disciple.ChatItemView import com.christian.nav.gospel.GospelItemView import com.christian.nav.gospel.HidingGospelItemView import com.christian.nav.home.VIEW_TYPE_CHAT import com.christian.nav.home.VIEW_TYPE_GOSPEL import com.christian.swipe.SwipeBackActivity import com.christian.util.ChristianUtil import com.christian.view.ItemDecoration import com.firebase.ui.firestore.FirestoreRecyclerAdapter import com.firebase.ui.firestore.FirestoreRecyclerOptions import import import* import* import* class HidingGospelFragment: Fragment() { var meDetailTabId: Int = -1 private lateinit var v: View override fun onCreateView( inflater: LayoutInflater, container: ViewGroup?, savedInstanceState: Bundle? ): View? { v = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_detail_me, container, false) initView() return v } private lateinit var gospelAdapter: FirestoreRecyclerAdapter<Gospel, RecyclerView.ViewHolder> private lateinit var query: Query var mPosition = -1 private fun initView() { initRv() v.me_detail_pb.isIndeterminate = true v.fragment_nav_rv.setProgressBar(v.me_detail_pb) } private fun initRv() { v.fragment_nav_rv.addItemDecoration(ItemDecoration(top = ChristianUtil.dpToPx(64))) getMeFromSettingId() if (::gospelAdapter.isInitialized) {gospelAdapter.startListening() v.fragment_nav_rv.adapter = gospelAdapter} // 我的-门徒-喜欢 崩溃处理 } override fun onDestroy() { super.onDestroy() if (::gospelAdapter.isInitialized) gospelAdapter.stopListening() // 我的-门徒-喜欢 崩溃处理 } /** * tabId = 0, settingId = 0, history gospels * tabId = 0, settingId = 1, favorite gospels * tabId = 0, settingId = 2, published gospels * * * tabId = 1, settingId = 0, history disciples * tabId = 1, settingId = 1, following disciples * tabId = 1, settingId = 2, followed disciples */ private fun getMeFromSettingId() { (requireActivity() as HidingGospelActivity).tb_immersive_toolbar.title = getString(R.string.hidden_gospel) query = if (meDetailTabId == 0) { firestore.collection(GOSPEL_EN).orderBy("createTime", Query.Direction.DESCENDING) .whereEqualTo("show", 0) } else { firestore.collection(GOSPEL_ZH).orderBy("createTime", Query.Direction.DESCENDING) .whereEqualTo("show", 0) } val options = FirestoreRecyclerOptions.Builder<Gospel>() // .setLifecycleOwner(this@NavFragment) .setQuery(query, .build() gospelAdapter = object : FirestoreRecyclerAdapter<Gospel, RecyclerView.ViewHolder>(options) { override fun getItemViewType(position: Int): Int { return when { getItem(position).title.isEmpty() -> { VIEW_TYPE_CHAT } else -> { VIEW_TYPE_GOSPEL } } } @NonNull override fun onCreateViewHolder(@NonNull parent: ViewGroup, viewType: Int): RecyclerView.ViewHolder { when(viewType) { 0 -> { val view = LayoutInflater.from(parent.context) .inflate(R.layout.item_gospel, parent, false) val binding = ItemGospelBinding.bind(view) return HidingGospelItemView(binding, requireActivity() as SwipeBackActivity, meDetailTabId) } 1 -> { val view = LayoutInflater.from(parent.context) .inflate(R.layout.item_chat, parent, false) val binding = ItemChatBinding.bind(view) return ChatItemView(binding, requireActivity() as SwipeBackActivity, meDetailTabId) } else -> { val view = LayoutInflater.from(parent.context) .inflate(R.layout.item_gospel, parent, false) val binding = ItemGospelBinding.bind(view) return HidingGospelItemView(binding, requireActivity() as SwipeBackActivity, meDetailTabId) } } } override fun onBindViewHolder(@NonNull holder: RecyclerView.ViewHolder, position: Int, @NonNull model: Gospel ) { when { model.title.isEmpty() -> { applyViewHolderAnimation(holder as ChatItemView) holder.bind(meDetailTabId, model) } else -> { applyViewHolderAnimation(holder as HidingGospelItemView) holder.bind(meDetailTabId, model) } } } override fun onDataChanged() { super.onDataChanged() v.me_detail_pb.visibility = View.GONE v.me_detail_pb.isIndeterminate = false if (itemCount == 0) { } else { v.fragment_nav_rv.scheduleLayoutAnimation() } } override fun onError(e: FirebaseFirestoreException) { super.onError(e) Log.d("MeDetailFragment", e.toString()) } } v.fragment_nav_rv.adapter = gospelAdapter } fun applyViewHolderAnimation(holder: HidingGospelItemView) { if (holder.adapterPosition > mPosition) { holder.animateItemView(holder.itemView) mPosition = holder.adapterPosition } } fun applyViewHolderAnimation(holder: GospelItemView) { if (holder.adapterPosition > mPosition) { holder.animateItemView(holder.itemView) mPosition = holder.adapterPosition } } fun applyViewHolderAnimation(holder: ChatItemView) { if (holder.adapterPosition > mPosition) { holder.animateItemView(holder.itemView) mPosition = holder.adapterPosition } } }
package import io.reactivex.Single import com.bl_lia.kirakiratter.domain.value_object.AccessToken import com.bl_lia.kirakiratter.domain.value_object.AppCredentials import retrofit2.http.Field import retrofit2.http.FormUrlEncoded import retrofit2.http.POST interface AuthService { @FormUrlEncoded @POST("oauth/token") fun fetchOAuthToken( @Field("client_id") clientId: String, @Field("client_secret") clientSecret: String, @Field("redirect_uri") redirectUri: String, @Field("code") code: String, @Field("grant_type") grantType: String ): Single<AccessToken> @FormUrlEncoded @POST("api/v1/apps") fun authenticateApp( @Field("client_name") clientName: String, @Field("redirect_uris") redirectUri: String, @Field("scopes") scopes: String, @Field("website") website: String ): Single<AppCredentials> }
package de.markhaehnel.rbtv.rocketbeanstv import androidx.test.InstrumentationRegistry import androidx.test.runner.AndroidJUnit4 import org.junit.Test import org.junit.runner.RunWith import org.junit.Assert.* /** * Instrumented test, which will execute on an Android device. * * See [testing documentation]( */ @RunWith(AndroidJUnit4::class) class ExampleInstrumentedTest { @Test fun useAppContext() { // Context of the app under test. val appContext = InstrumentationRegistry.getTargetContext() assertEquals("de.markhaehnel.rbtv.rocketbeanstv", appContext.packageName) } }
/* * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.facebook.litho import import android.view.View import com.facebook.litho.testing.LegacyLithoViewRule import com.facebook.litho.testing.testrunner.LithoTestRunner import com.facebook.litho.widget.MountSpecLifecycleTester import org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat import org.junit.Rule import org.junit.Test import org.junit.runner.RunWith @RunWith(LithoTestRunner::class) class DynamicPropsExtensionTest { @JvmField @Rule val lithoViewRule: LegacyLithoViewRule = LegacyLithoViewRule() @Test fun `when dynamic vale is set should override attribute set by MountSpec`() { val c: ComponentContext = lithoViewRule.context val root = MountSpecLifecycleTester.create(c) .intrinsicSize(Size(100, 100)) .lifecycleTracker(LifecycleTracker()) .defaultScale(0.5f) .scaleX(DynamicValue(0.2f)) .scaleY(DynamicValue(0.2f)) .build() lithoViewRule.render { root } val content: View = lithoViewRule.lithoView.getChildAt(0) assertThat(content.scaleX) .describedAs("scale should be applied from the dynamic value") .isEqualTo(0.2f) // unmount everything lithoViewRule.useComponentTree(null) assertThat(content.scaleX) .describedAs("scale should be restored to the initial value") .isEqualTo(0.5f) } @Test fun `when dynamic vale is set on LithoView should be unset when root is unmounted`() { val c: ComponentContext = lithoViewRule.context val root = Column.create(c) .alpha(DynamicValue(0.2f)) .child( MountSpecLifecycleTester.create(c) .intrinsicSize(Size(100, 100)) .lifecycleTracker(LifecycleTracker())) .build() lithoViewRule.render { root } assertThat(lithoViewRule.lithoView.alpha) .describedAs("alpha should be applied from the dynamic value") .isEqualTo(0.2f) lithoViewRule.componentTree.mountComponent(Rect(0, -10, 1080, -5), true) assertThat(lithoViewRule.lithoView.alpha) .describedAs("alpha should be restored to default value") .isEqualTo(1f) } }
/* * The MIT License (MIT) * * FXGL - JavaFX Game Library * * Copyright (c) 2015-2016 AlmasB ([email protected]) * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ package com.almasb.fxglgames.outrun import com.almasb.fxgl.entity.component.Component import import java.lang.Math.min /** * * * @author Almas Baimagambetov ([email protected]) */ class PlayerComponent : Component() { private var speed = 0.0 private var dy = 0.0 val boost = SimpleDoubleProperty(100.0) override fun onUpdate(tpf: Double) { speed = tpf * 200 dy += tpf / 4; if (entity.x < 80 || entity.rightX > 600 - 80) { if (dy > 0.017) { dy -= tpf } } entity.y -= dy boost.set(min(boost.get() + tpf * 5, 100.0)) } fun getSpeed() = dy fun up() { entity.translateY(-speed) } fun down() { entity.translateY(speed) } fun left() { if (entity.x >= speed) entity.translateX(-speed) } fun right() { if (entity.rightX + speed <= 600) entity.translateX(speed) } fun boost() { if (boost.get() <= speed * 2) return boost.set(Math.max(boost.get() - speed / 2, 0.0)) entity.y -= speed } fun applyExtraBoost() { dy += 10 } fun removeExtraBoost() { dy = Math.max(0.0, dy - 10) } fun reset() { dy = 0.0 // val anim = fadeOutIn(entity.view, Duration.seconds(1.5)) // anim.animatedValue.interpolator = Interpolators.BOUNCE.EASE_IN() // anim.startInPlayState() } }
package net.dinkla.raytracer.math import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals class PolynomialsTest { @Test @Throws(Exception::class) fun testSolveQuadric() { // A*x^2 + B*x + C = 0 val s1 = doubleArrayOf(-16.0, 0.0, 1.0) val sol = doubleArrayOf(0.0, 0.0) val num = Polynomials.solveQuadric(s1, sol) assertEquals(2, num) assertEquals(4.0, sol[0]) assertEquals(-4.0, sol[1]) } @Test @Throws(Exception::class) fun testSolveQuartic() { // A*x^4 + B*x^3 + C*x^2+ D*x + E = 0 val s1 = doubleArrayOf(1.2, -3.2, 1.7, 2.5, -1.02) val sol = doubleArrayOf(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) val num = Polynomials.solveQuartic(s1, sol) println("num=" + num) for (f in sol) { println("f=" + f) } } @Test @Throws(Exception::class) fun testSolveCubic() { // A*x^3 + B*x^2 + C*x + D = 0 val s1 = doubleArrayOf(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) val sol = doubleArrayOf(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) var num = Polynomials.solveCubic(s1, sol) assertEquals(1, num) assertEquals(0.0, sol[0]) val s2 = doubleArrayOf(8.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) num = Polynomials.solveCubic(s2, sol) assertEquals(1, num) assertEquals(-2.0, sol[0]) val s3 = doubleArrayOf(-8.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) num = Polynomials.solveCubic(s3, sol) assertEquals(1, num) assertEquals(2.0, sol[0]) val s4 = doubleArrayOf(1.2, -3.2, 1.7, 2.5) num = Polynomials.solveCubic(s4, sol) assertEquals(1, num) assertEquals(-1.63938, sol[0], 0.00001) /* System.out.println("num=" + num); for (double f : sol) { System.out.println("f=" + f); } */ } }
/* * Copyright 2022 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package import import import /** * A table to store playlist information. */ @ExperimentalHorologistMediaDataApi @Entity public data class PlaylistEntity( @PrimaryKey val playlistId: String, val name: String, val artworkUri: String? )
package import android.content.Context import import import androidx.annotation.ColorRes import androidx.annotation.DrawableRes import import androidx.core.content.ContextCompat /** * Created by Bruno Rodrigues e Rodrigues on 21/05/2018. */ fun Context.hasPermissions(vararg permissions: String): Boolean { for (permission in permissions) { if (ActivityCompat.checkSelfPermission(this, permission) == PackageManager.PERMISSION_DENIED) { return false } } return true } @Suppress("unused") fun Context.checkSelfPermissions(permission: String) = ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission(this, permission) fun Context.getColorCompat(@ColorRes res: Int): Int = ContextCompat.getColor(this, res) @Suppress("unused") fun Context.getDrawableCompat(@DrawableRes res: Int): Drawable = ContextCompat.getDrawable(this, res)!!
package com.zhuinden.simplestacktutorials.steps.step_7.features.profile import android.os.Bundle import android.view.View import android.widget.Toast import com.zhuinden.simplestackextensions.fragments.KeyedFragment import com.zhuinden.simplestacktutorials.R class ProfileFragment : KeyedFragment(R.layout.step7_profile_fragment) { override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState) Toast.makeText(requireContext(), "Welcome!", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show() } }
package import com.eden.orchid.api.OrchidContext import com.eden.orchid.api.options.annotations.Description import com.eden.orchid.api.options.annotations.Option import com.eden.orchid.api.theme.menus.OrchidMenuFactory import com.eden.orchid.api.theme.menus.MenuItem import com.eden.orchid.swiftdoc.SwiftdocModel import import javax.inject.Inject @Description("Links to all Swift elements of a particular type.", name = "Swift Pages") class SwiftdocMenuItem @Inject constructor( context: OrchidContext, val model: SwiftdocModel ) : OrchidMenuFactory(context, "swiftdocPages", 100) { @Option lateinit var docType: String @Option lateinit var title: String override fun getMenuItems(): List<MenuItem> { val pages: List<SwiftdocStatementPage> = when(docType) { "class" -> model.classPages "struct" -> model.structPages "enum" -> model.enumPages "protocol" -> model.protocolPages "global" -> model.globalPages else -> emptyList() } if(!pages.isEmpty()) { return listOf( MenuItem.Builder(context) .title(title) .pages(pages.sortedBy { }) .build() ) } return emptyList() } }
/* * Copyright 2021 Peter Kenji Yamanaka * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.pyamsoft.homebutton.main import androidx.compose.runtime.getValue import androidx.compose.runtime.mutableStateOf import androidx.compose.runtime.setValue import com.pyamsoft.pydroid.arch.UiViewState import javax.inject.Inject internal interface ToolbarViewState : UiViewState { val topBarHeight: Int } internal class MutableToolbarViewState @Inject internal constructor() : ToolbarViewState { override var topBarHeight by mutableStateOf(0) }

IVA Kotlin GitHub Code Dataset

Dataset Description

This is the raw IVA Kotlin dataset extracted from GitHub. It contains uncurated Kotlin files gathered with the purpose to train a code generation model.

The dataset consists of 464215 kotlin code files from GitHub totaling ~361 MB of data. The dataset was created from the public GitHub dataset on Google BiqQuery.

How to use it

To download the full dataset:

from datasets import load_dataset
dataset = load_dataset('mvasiliniuc/iva-kotlin-codeint', split='train')

from datasets import load_dataset
dataset = load_dataset('mvasiliniuc/iva-kotlin-codeint', split='train')

   "content":"...@RestController\n@RequestMapping(\"/extension/notifications/webhook\")\nclass WebhookController(\n    private val webhookAdminService: WebhookAdminService,\n    private val webhookExecutionService: ",

Data Structure

Data Fields

Field Type Description
repo_name string name of the GitHub repository
path string path of the file in GitHub repository
copies string number of occurrences in dataset
code string content of source file
size string size of the source file in bytes
license string license of GitHub repository


   "content":"...@RestController\n@RequestMapping(\"/extension/notifications/webhook\")\nclass WebhookController(\n    private val webhookAdminService: WebhookAdminService,\n    private val webhookExecutionService: ",


The dataset contains only Kotlin files.

    "Kotlin": [".kt"]


Each entry in the dataset contains the associated license. The following is a list of licenses involved and their occurrences.

    "agpl-3.0": 9146,
    "apache-2.0": 272388,
    "artistic-2.0": 219,
    "bsd-2-clause": 896,
    "bsd-3-clause": 12328,
    "cc0-1.0": 411,
    "epl-1.0": 2111,
    "gpl-2.0": 11080,
    "gpl-3.0": 48911,
    "isc": 997,
    "lgpl-2.1": 297,
    "lgpl-3.0": 7749,
    "mit": 92540,
    "mpl-2.0": 3386,
    "unlicense": 1756

Dataset Statistics

    "Total size": "~361 MB",
    "Number of files": 464215,
    "Number of files under 500 bytes": 99845,
    "Average file size in bytes": 3252,

Dataset Creation

The dataset was created using Google Query for Github:

The following steps were pursued for data gathering:

  1. Creation of a dataset and a table in Google Big Query Project.
  2. Creation of a bucket in Google Cloud Storage.
  3. Creation of a query in Google Big Query Project.
  4. Running the query with the setting to output the results in the dataset and table created at step one.
  5. Exporting the resulting dataset into the bucket created in step 2. Export format of JSON with gzip compression.

The result of these steps leads to the following results:

  • 2.7 TB Processed,
  • number of extracted rows/files was 464,215
  • total logical bytes 1.46 GB.
  • the result amounts to 7 json.gz files in a total of 361 MB.

The SQL Query used is:

  f.repo_name, f.path, c.copies, c.size, c.content, l.license
 (select f.*, row_number() over (partition by id order by path desc) as seqnum from `bigquery-public-data.github_repos.files` AS f) f
  `bigquery-public-data.github_repos.contents` AS c
ON = AND seqnum=1
  `bigquery-public-data.github_repos.licenses` AS l
  f.repo_name = l.repo_name
  NOT c.binary AND ((f.path LIKE '%.kt') AND (c.size BETWEEN 0 AND 1048575))

Data Splits

The dataset only contains a train split.

Using the curated version of this dataset, a split was made into multiple repositories:

Considerations for Using the Data

The dataset comprises source code from various repositories, potentially containing harmful or biased code, along with sensitive information such as passwords or usernames.

Additional Information

Dataset Curators

[email protected]

Licensing Information

  • The license of this open-source dataset is: other.
  • The dataset is gathered from open-source repositories on GitHub using BigQuery.
  • Find the license of each entry in the dataset in the corresponding license column.

Citation Information

@misc {mircea_vasiliniuc_2023,
    author       = { {Mircea Vasiliniuc} },
    title        = { iva-kotlin-codeint (Revision 1af5124) },
    year         = 2023,
    url          = { },
    doi          = { 10.57967/hf/0779 },
    publisher    = { Hugging Face }
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