Department of digitization Digital repository of scientific institutes Publishing Commission Crossing borders, building walls. Towards ethnography of Russian war mobilisation Research project’s title: Crossing borders, building walls. Towards ethnography of Russian war mobilisation Funding: Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) nr BPN/GIN/2022/1/00082/DEC/1 Dates: 16.01.2023-16.01.2024 Project leader: dr Zuzanna Bogumił Project host: Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences Cooperating Institutions: University of Eastern Finland, Wydział Socjologii UW, Instytut Slawistyki PAN, Nazarbayev University, Ilia State University, Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology NAS RA, Bursa Uludağ University Contact: e-mail: zbogumil(et)iaepan.edu.pl The main goal of the project is to investigate the specificity of the migration wave related to mobilisation in Russia announced in September 2022 regarding the ongoing war in Ukraine. Project puts a particular focus on establishing: how do migrants explain their decision to flee from mobilisation? How do they explain the mobilisation? To what extent do they perceive the migration as an individual, social and political act? The project recognizes that the mobilisation is a new pushing factor in the contemporary European and World’s migration crisis, and therefore it requires a separated academic reflection. Moreover, since February 2022, there has been a clear and dynamic increase in the number of Russian diasporas in Europe and around the world, and their status and role require investigation. We therefore focus on Russian migration of mobilisation in order to establish how it fits into the debates about the humanitarian crisis, what are its particular features and how mobilisation as a pushing factor affects the current migration landscape. Within the framework of the project in 8 selected countries - Poland, Finland, Estonia, Georgia, Armenia, Turkey, Kazakhstan and Mongolia - we aim to conduct in-depth interviews (IDI) each with migrants/refugees/fugitives/conscientious objectors of Russian citizenship from different social strata and ethnic groups who crossed the border after the announcement of partial mobilisation in their country. As a supplementary methods we use participant observation and critical discourse analysis (CDA), essential for contextualising this wave of migration in particular countries. The project involves conducting interviews with people in the migration crisis, which is why we attach great importance to the methodology, ethics, safety of research and securing the collected data. The ethical principles of the project "Crossing borders, building walls" are based on the universal principle of respect for human rights. In the protection and processing of personal data, we follow the principles contained in Regulation 2016/679 - Protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation ), and relevant documents applicable to our partners from outside the EU whose countries have not adopted Regulation 2016/679. Mustafa Berkay Aydın with a bachelor's degree in Sociology (Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey) and he obtained PhD (2015) in Sociology (Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey). Now, he works as Assoc. Prof. at Bursa Uludağ University Department of Sociology, Bursa/Turkey. He is interesting in digital sociology, sociology of sport, applied sociology, political sociology, migration and sociology of work. He has published some publications in these areas. He conducts researches at Turkey, on the other hand he was at different countries and universities as a visiting reseacrher at his academic process in a various times such as University of Kent (UK), London Metropolitan University (UK) and Stockholm University (Sweden). Detailed Infırmation: https://avesis.uludag.edu.tr/berkayaydin, email: berkayaydin(et)uludag.edu.tr) Alima Bissenova is an Associate Professor of Anthropology at Nazarbayev University. She specializes in urban anthropology, anthropology of Islam, postcolonial studies, and intellectual history. She has published her work in English and Russian in the journals Religion, State, and Society, Europe-Asia Studies, AB Imperio, Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie, Current History, and Sotsiologiya Vlasti. Zuzanna Bogumił (project coordinator) is cultural anthropologist, working at the Institute of Archeology and Ethnology, Polish Academy of Sciences. She specializes in memory studies, museum studies and anthropology of religion. Bogumił is an author, co-author or co-editor of several books, among them: Gulag Memories: The Rediscovery and Commemoration of Russia's Repressive Past (Berghan Books 2018), Milieux de mémoire in Late Modernity. Local Communities, Religion and Historical Politics (Peter Lang 2019). Memory and Religion from a Postsecular Perspective (Routledge 2022). She currently coordinates several projects among them project Post-secular approach to memory processes in Central-Eastern Europe sponsored by Visegrad Found. Mariam Darchiashvili is an Assistant-Professor in social and cultural anthropology at Ilia State University, Georgia. Her research interest includes migration and mobilities, informality, and economic and legal anthropology. As a researcher, she has been involved in the following scientific projects: ‘Religiosity among young Georgians’ (2015-2018); ‘Infrastructure and Narratives: Black Sea Networks’ (2018-2019); ‘Surrogacy as Networked Phenomenon: the study of key actors and their interrelations’ (2020-2023), ‘Death in migration: perspectives from the post-Soviet space’ (2021-2022). Her articles have appeared in Nationalities Papers, Journal of Religion in Europe, and Revue Européenne des Migrations Internationales (REMI). Olga Davydova-Minguet, PhD in ethnology, holds a professorship in Russian and border studies at the Karelian Institute of the university of Eastern Finland. Davydova-Minguet’s main research interests fall within the intersections of migration, cultural, gender and transnational studies. She has studied immigration of Russian speakers to Finland since the beginning of 2000s. With her research group, recently she has conducted research projects focusing on transnational politics of memory in the border areas of Finland and Russia, media use of Russian speakers in Finland, and perceptions of Russia in Finnish border areas among different population groups. Her current Finnish Academy’s funded research project delves into death practices among Russian-speaking immigrants in Eastern Finland, and into the meanings of death in memory politics in bordering Republic of Karelia in Russia and Eastern Finland. Ketevan Gurchiani is a professor of anthropology at Ilia State University in Tbilisi, Georgia. She is particularly interested in lived religion, the domesticated and undomesticated nature of the city, and informal practices of resistance. Since 2020, Ketevan Gurchiani has been leading the project: "Tbilisi as an Urban Assemblage" (https://urbanassemblage.iliauni.edu.ge). In this project she is interested in different aspects of the intertwining of human and non-human in the city. Ketevan Gurchiani is also involved in the projects "An Anthropology of Gardens Otherwise and Elsewhere", "Surrogacy as Networked Phenomenon", and “Conflict and Cooperation in Eastern Europe”. Webpage https://faculty.iliauni.edu.ge/arts/ketevan-gurchiani/?lang=en Byambabaatar Ichinkhorloo PhD is the head of the Challenge Local Development Research Institute in Mongolia and a senior lecturer at the Department of Anthropology and Archaeology, National University of Mongolia. Previously, he worked as a lecturer at the University of Zurich and a co-investigator of "Gobi Framework" research project at the University of Oxford. As a social anthropologist, Byamba is studying how people make a living in Mongolia since 1990. His earlier research focused on social networks, pastoralism, and political economy and ecology. Recently, he studies nomadic cultures, state policies, and mining impacts in Inner Asia. His latest publication includes the "Impact of Mining Lifecycles in Mongolia and Kyrgyzstan: Political, Social, Environmental and Cultural Contexts." Chuluunbaatar Munkhtuul PhD is a senior researcher at the Challenge Local Development Research Institute and a lecturer at the Department of Anthropology and Archaeology, National University of Mongolia. She received her doctorate from the Minzu University of China in Beijing and worked in the international research institutes including World Anthropology and Ethnology Research Center and research projects of ADB and World Bank in addition to her academic teaching at the University of Art and Culture. Her research focuses on kinship, family, politics, rituals, migration and bio-politics in Mongolia and China. Her latest publication includes the "Care and the State: Family of Comtemporary Chinese Villages and the Government." Sona Nersisyan received PhD degree in history and ethnology at the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography NAS RA. I am a senior researcher at the Department of Diaspora Studies at the same Institute. Also, I have an experience of working as a lecturer at the Armenian State Pedagogical University, and Scientific Advisor to the Director of National Institute of Labor and Social Research by Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs of RA.I managed and participated in the international and state research projects in different fields, which include migration, diaspora studies, repatriation studies, social network analysis, investment and socio-economic studies. Raili Nugin is a sociologist, working at the School of Humanities, Tallinn University. During her academic career she has studied transition to adulthood, generational conceptualisation, youth mobilities, rural youth, rural-urban relations, memory transmission and social exclusion. Within her different research projects (international and national), she has also studied Russian ethnic minorities in Estonia and recently, Ukrainian refugees in the context of rural-urban networks. She has authored several research articles in different journals (Memory Studies, Journal of Youth Studies, Journal of Rural Studies, Sociologia Ruralis), edited a book about generations (“Generations in Estonia: Contemporary Perspectives on Turbulent Times,” Tartu University 2015) and written a monograph about the generation born in the 1970s (“The 1970s: Portrait of a Generation at the Doorstep,” Tartu University 2015). Tomasz Rawski is a political and cultural sociologist focused on researching memory politics, nationalism/war and state socialism in contemporary Eastern Europe and beyond. He authored a book on Bosniak nationalism in Bosnia and Herzegovina after 1995 and several articles in renowned journals, including East European Politics and Societies, International Journal of Comparative Sociology and Problems of Post-Communism. He participated in research projects focused on memory politics, including H2020: REPAST and H2020: DisTerrMem. He was a visiting scholar at University College London, Uppsala University and University of Sarajevo. Katarzyna Roman-Rawska, assistant professor at the Institute of Slavic Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Literary scholar, sociologist, publicist and literary translator. She works on the intersection of culture and politics as well as anti-regime and anti-war resistance in contemporary Russia. https://pan-pl.academia.edu/KatarzynaRomanRawska Tamilla Şahin is a PhD student at the Bursa Uludag University, Department of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations. At the same time, I am continuing my doctoral education as project assistant in Priority Migration area within the YÖK 100 / 2000 program. My research interests include immigration, Meskhetian Turks and their social issues. Caress Schenk is an Associate Professor of political science at Nazarbayev University (Astana, Kazakhstan) with teaching and research expertise in the politics of immigration and national identity in Eurasia. Her new book, published with the University of Toronto Press, is called Why Control Immigration? Strategic Uses of Migration Management in Russia. Current and previous research has been funded by the American Councils for International Education, Nazarbayev University and the Fulbright Scholar Program and has been published in Demokratizatisya, Europe-Asia Studies, and Nationalities Papers, and in edited volumes published by Edinburgh University Press and Oxford University Press. Dr. Schenk is a member of the Program on New Approaches to Research and Security in Eurasia (PONARS Eurasia). Anna Sokolova is a Kone Foundation Fellow at the Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies (University of Helsinki). Her previous research was related to Soviet death and funeral culture, which resulted in the book “A New Death for a New Man? Funeral Culture in the Early Soviet Union” (2022, in Russian). Her current project tends to reveal everyday life in timber production workers’ settlement of late Soviet Karelia.
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Theatre Royal (film) 1943 British film Theatre Royal John Baxter Bud Flanagan Austin Melford Geoffrey Orme Chesney Allen Lydia Sherwood Jack Harris Kennedy Russell British National Films Anglo-American Film Corporation Theatre Royal is a 1943 British comedy film directed by John Baxter and starring Bud Flanagan, Chesney Allen and Lydia Sherwood. [1] The plot concerns an attempt by the staff of a theatre to prevent its closure. The film's sets were designed by C. Wilfred Arnold. A London theatre is threatened with closure, but its staff fight to raise funds and secure the support of an important backer. The owners Parker and Maxwell try to prevent Harding from buying it but must find money. They find a rich old American, Clement J. Earle, and try to get money out of him, but also trick him buying antique furniture in an old country house. As Flanagan and Allen sleep together in a huge ornate bed the ghosts of the old house appear. Flanagan dreams they are Sir Francis Drake and Walter Raleigh meeting Queen Elizabeth I. They audition the background helpers in the theatre to create a show including George the handyman. During the auditions they hear a wonderful female voice offstage and bring her on. She is a wonderful soprano. Flanagan and Allen put on blackface and sing on stage as a toff nd his chauffeur. They sing "I'll Always Have Time for You". From the stage they spot Harding in the audience. Parker and George meet Harding's representative in a bar. They spot the man drugging the drinks so they swap them. Harding falls asleep. They steal his wallet for evidence. The next protege on stage is a very young boy (around ten) who drums excellently as the orchestra support him. Mr Earle comes back and together with an English backer, Mr Bowman, they back a new show "Shake Partner". The show starts with the soprano coming out of a huge clam shell. She is joined by twenty ballerinas. Flanagan and Allen put on top hat and tails and end the show. Bud Flanagan - Bob Parker Chesney Allen - Gordon Maxwell Peggy Dexter - Connie Webster Lydia Sherwood - Claudia Brent Horace Kenney - George Marjorie Rhodes - Agnes Finlay Currie - Clement J. Earle Owen Reynolds - Harding Maire O'Neill - Mrs. Cope Gwen Catley as Singer Victor Feldman and His Orchestra as Themselves Buddy Flanagan as Callboy Hal Gordon as Gambler Ted Heath as Himself David Hutcheson as Harry Jiver Hutchinson Jack Melford as Himself Charles Mortimer as Himself George Shearing as Himself Ben Williams as Himself Fame is a 1980 American teen musical film directed by Alan Parker. Set in New York City, it chronicles the lives and hardships of students attending the High School of Performing Arts, from their auditions to their freshman, sophomore, junior and senior years. Wonderful Town is a 1953 musical with book written by Joseph A. Fields and Jerome Chodorov, lyrics by Betty Comden and Adolph Green, and music by Leonard Bernstein. The musical tells the story of two sisters who aspire to be a writer and actress respectively, seeking success from their basement apartment in New York City's Greenwich Village. It is based on Fields and Chodorov's 1940 play My Sister Eileen, which in turn originated from autobiographical short stories by Ruth McKenney first published in The New Yorker in the late 1930s and later published in book form as My Sister Eileen. Only the last two stories in McKenney's book were used, and they were heavily modified. The Crazy Gang were a group of British entertainers, formed in the early 1930s. In the mature form the group's six men were Bud Flanagan, Chesney Allen, Jimmy Nervo, Teddy Knox, Charlie Naughton and Jimmy Gold. The group achieved considerable domestic popularity and were a favourite of the Royal Family, especially King George VI. Bud Flanagan, was a British music hall and vaudeville entertainer and comedian, and later a television and film actor. He was best known as a double act with Chesney Allen. Flanagan was famous as a wartime entertainer and his achievements were recognised when he was appointed an Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) in 1959. Flanagan and Allen were a British singing and comedy double act most active during the 1930s and 1940s. Its members were Bud Flanagan and Chesney Allen (1894–1982). They were first paired in a Florrie Forde revue, and were booked by Val Parnell to appear at the Holborn Empire in 1929. William Ernest Chesney Allen was a popular English entertainer of the Second World War period. He is best remembered for his double act with Bud Flanagan, Flanagan and Allen. The Big Broadcast of 1936 is a 1935 American comedy film directed by Norman Taurog, and is the second in the series of Big Broadcast movies. Bernie Winters, was an English comedian and the comic foil of the double act Mike and Bernie Winters with his older brother, Mike. Winters later performed solo, often with the aid of his St Bernard dog, Schnorbitz. Mlle. Modiste is an operetta in two acts composed by Victor Herbert with a libretto by Henry Blossom. It concerns hat shop girl Fifi, who longs to be an opera singer, but who is such a good hat seller that her employer, Mme. Cecil, discourages her in her ambitions and exploits her commercial talents. Also, Fifi loves Etienne de Bouvray, who returns her love, but his uncle, Count Henri, opposes their union. The operetta features the song "Kiss Me Again". Dorothy is a comic opera in three acts with music by Alfred Cellier and a libretto by B. C. Stephenson. The story involves a rake who falls in love with his disguised fiancée. Mr. Wonderful is a musical with a book by Joseph Stein and Will Glickman, and music and lyrics by Jerry Bock, Larry Holofcener, and George David Weiss. The Argyle Theatre was a theatre in Birkenhead, on the Wirral Peninsula, England. It was opened in December 1868, initially as the Argyle Music Hall. An audition is a sample performance by an actor, singer, musician, dancer or other performer. It typically involves the performer displaying their talent through a previously memorized and rehearsed solo piece or by performing a work or piece given to the performer at the audition or shortly before. In some cases, such as with a model or acrobat, the individual may be asked to demonstrate a range of professional skills. Actors may be asked to present a monologue. Singers will perform a song in a popular music context or an aria in a Classical context. A dancer will present a routine in a specific style, such as ballet, tap dance or hip-hop, or show his or her ability to quickly learn a choreographed dance piece. Robin Hood is a comic opera by Reginald De Koven (music), Harry B. Smith (lyrics) and Clement Scott. The story is based on the Robin Hood legend, during the reign of King Richard I. The opera was composed in Chicago, Illinois during the winter of 1888-1889. Paris Follies of 1956 is a 1955 American film directed by Leslie Goodwins. The film is also known as Fresh from Paris in the United States and the working title of the film. The film showcases several acts filmed at Frank Sennes' Moulin Rouge Night Club in 1954. Alyson Cambridge is an American operatic soprano. In addition to opera, she sings classical song, jazz, and American songbook and popular song. She is also known for her work as a model, actress, and host. Wild Boy is a 1934 British comedy sports film directed by Albert de Courville and starring Sonnie Hale, Bud Flanagan and Chesney Allen. It was by Gainsborough Pictures at Lime Grove Studios. The sets were designed by Alfred Junge. Often forgotten, but the role of "Wild Boy" was played by the greyhound Mick the Miller. We'll Smile Again is a 1942 British musical comedy film directed by John Baxter and starring Bud Flanagan, Chesney Allen and Meinhart Maur. Our Mrs. McChesney is a lost 1918 American silent comedy-drama film produced and distributed by Metro Pictures, directed by Ralph Ince, and based on the 1915 play by Edna Ferber and George V. Hobart which starred Ethel Barrymore. The Earle Theatre was a 2768-seat theatre in Philadelphia, United States at 1046 Market Street, on the southeast corner of South 11th Street. It is associated with being a thriving venue for big band jazz music in the 1930s and 1940s. ↑ BFI.org Theatre Royal at IMDb Films directed by John Baxter Doss House (1933) Song of the Plough (1933) Say It with Flowers (1934) Music Hall (1934) Flood Tide (1934) Lest We Forget (1934) Kentucky Minstrels (1934) A Real Bloke (1935) The Small Man (1935) Jimmy Boy (1935) Birds of a Feather (1936) Men of Yesterday (1936) Hearts of Humanity (1936) The Song of the Road (1937) Talking Feet (1937) The Academy Decides (1937) Stepping Toes (1938) Secret Journey (1939) What Would You Do, Chums? (1939) Laugh It Off (1940) Old Mother Riley in Society (1940) Crook's Tour (1941) Love on the Dole (1941) Old Mother Riley in Business (1941) Old Mother Riley's Ghosts (1941) The Common Touch (1941) Let the People Sing (1942) We'll Smile Again (1942) Theatre Royal (1943) The Shipbuilders (1943) Dreaming (1945) Here Comes the Sun (1946) The Grand Escapade (1946) When You Come Home (1947) Fortune Lane (1947) Nothing Venture (1948) The Second Mate (1950) Judgment Deferred (1952) The Dragon of Pendragon Castle (1950) Ramsbottom Rides Again (1956) This article related to a British comedy film of the 1940s is a stub. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it.
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[8594, 8622, 0.0], [8622, 8642, 0.0], [8642, 8669, 0.0], [8669, 8690, 0.0], [8690, 8712, 0.0], [8712, 8745, 0.0], [8745, 8765, 0.0], [8765, 8800, 0.0], [8800, 8820, 0.0], [8820, 8844, 0.0], [8844, 8880, 0.0], [8880, 8913, 0.0], [8913, 8937, 0.0], [8937, 8964, 0.0], [8964, 8989, 0.0], [8989, 9010, 0.0], [9010, 9034, 0.0], [9034, 9050, 0.0], [9050, 9076, 0.0], [9076, 9102, 0.0], [9102, 9128, 0.0], [9128, 9148, 0.0], [9148, 9171, 0.0], [9171, 9194, 0.0], [9194, 9219, 0.0], [9219, 9257, 0.0], [9257, 9287, 0.0], [9287, 9396, 1.0]], "rps_lines_javascript_counts": [[0, 21, 0.0], [21, 39, 0.0], [39, 53, 0.0], [53, 65, 0.0], [65, 78, 0.0], [78, 93, 0.0], [93, 107, 0.0], [107, 121, 0.0], [121, 136, 0.0], [136, 148, 0.0], [148, 164, 0.0], [164, 187, 0.0], [187, 219, 0.0], [219, 431, 0.0], [431, 483, 0.0], [483, 699, 0.0], [699, 850, 0.0], [850, 1033, 0.0], [1033, 1244, 0.0], [1244, 1419, 0.0], [1419, 1592, 0.0], [1592, 1703, 0.0], [1703, 1911, 0.0], [1911, 1973, 0.0], [1973, 1999, 0.0], [1999, 2030, 0.0], [2030, 2060, 0.0], [2060, 2091, 0.0], [2091, 2114, 0.0], [2114, 2138, 0.0], [2138, 2171, 0.0], [2171, 2195, 0.0], [2195, 2221, 0.0], [2221, 2243, 0.0], [2243, 2290, 0.0], [2290, 2316, 0.0], [2316, 2338, 0.0], [2338, 2359, 0.0], [2359, 2384, 0.0], [2384, 2401, 0.0], [2401, 2425, 0.0], [2425, 2453, 0.0], [2453, 2480, 0.0], [2480, 2504, 0.0], [2504, 2765, 0.0], [2765, 3446, 0.0], [3446, 3778, 0.0], [3778, 4116, 0.0], [4116, 4402, 0.0], [4402, 4577, 0.0], [4577, 4718, 0.0], [4718, 4933, 0.0], [4933, 5391, 0.0], [5391, 5567, 0.0], [5567, 5719, 0.0], [5719, 5869, 0.0], [5869, 6591, 0.0], [6591, 6849, 0.0], [6849, 7112, 0.0], [7112, 7318, 0.0], [7318, 7638, 0.0], [7638, 7778, 0.0], [7778, 8008, 0.0], [8008, 8243, 0.0], [8243, 8253, 0.0], [8253, 8275, 0.0], [8275, 8305, 0.0], [8305, 8323, 0.0], [8323, 8349, 0.0], [8349, 8376, 0.0], [8376, 8394, 0.0], [8394, 8412, 0.0], [8412, 8434, 0.0], [8434, 8460, 0.0], [8460, 8480, 0.0], [8480, 8501, 0.0], [8501, 8518, 0.0], [8518, 8544, 0.0], [8544, 8568, 0.0], [8568, 8594, 0.0], [8594, 8622, 0.0], [8622, 8642, 0.0], [8642, 8669, 0.0], [8669, 8690, 0.0], [8690, 8712, 0.0], [8712, 8745, 0.0], [8745, 8765, 0.0], [8765, 8800, 0.0], [8800, 8820, 0.0], [8820, 8844, 0.0], [8844, 8880, 0.0], [8880, 8913, 0.0], [8913, 8937, 0.0], [8937, 8964, 0.0], [8964, 8989, 0.0], [8989, 9010, 0.0], [9010, 9034, 0.0], [9034, 9050, 0.0], [9050, 9076, 0.0], [9076, 9102, 0.0], [9102, 9128, 0.0], [9128, 9148, 0.0], [9148, 9171, 0.0], [9171, 9194, 0.0], [9194, 9219, 0.0], [9219, 9257, 0.0], [9257, 9287, 0.0], [9287, 9396, 0.0]], "rps_lines_num_words": [[0, 21, 3.0], [21, 39, 3.0], [39, 53, 2.0], [53, 65, 2.0], [65, 78, 2.0], [78, 93, 2.0], [93, 107, 2.0], [107, 121, 2.0], [121, 136, 2.0], [136, 148, 2.0], [148, 164, 2.0], [164, 187, 3.0], [187, 219, 3.0], [219, 431, 37.0], [431, 483, 9.0], [483, 699, 38.0], [699, 850, 29.0], [850, 1033, 32.0], [1033, 1244, 35.0], [1244, 1419, 33.0], [1419, 1592, 29.0], [1592, 1703, 20.0], [1703, 1911, 38.0], [1911, 1973, 13.0], [1973, 1999, 4.0], [1999, 2030, 4.0], [2030, 2060, 4.0], [2060, 2091, 4.0], [2091, 2114, 3.0], [2114, 2138, 3.0], [2138, 2171, 5.0], [2171, 2195, 3.0], [2195, 2221, 4.0], [2221, 2243, 4.0], [2243, 2290, 7.0], [2290, 2316, 4.0], [2316, 2338, 4.0], [2338, 2359, 4.0], [2359, 2384, 4.0], [2384, 2401, 2.0], [2401, 2425, 4.0], [2425, 2453, 4.0], [2453, 2480, 4.0], [2480, 2504, 4.0], [2504, 2765, 43.0], [2765, 3446, 115.0], [3446, 3778, 54.0], [3778, 4116, 58.0], [4116, 4402, 50.0], [4402, 4577, 29.0], [4577, 4718, 26.0], [4718, 4933, 37.0], [4933, 5391, 80.0], [5391, 5567, 33.0], [5567, 5719, 27.0], [5719, 5869, 25.0], [5869, 6591, 125.0], [6591, 6849, 46.0], [6849, 7112, 48.0], [7112, 7318, 35.0], [7318, 7638, 55.0], [7638, 7778, 23.0], [7778, 8008, 38.0], [8008, 8243, 41.0], [8243, 8253, 2.0], [8253, 8275, 4.0], [8275, 8305, 5.0], [8305, 8323, 3.0], [8323, 8349, 5.0], [8349, 8376, 5.0], [8376, 8394, 3.0], [8394, 8412, 3.0], [8412, 8434, 4.0], [8434, 8460, 3.0], [8460, 8480, 4.0], [8480, 8501, 4.0], [8501, 8518, 3.0], [8518, 8544, 5.0], [8544, 8568, 4.0], [8568, 8594, 4.0], [8594, 8622, 6.0], [8622, 8642, 3.0], [8642, 8669, 4.0], [8669, 8690, 3.0], [8690, 8712, 3.0], [8712, 8745, 6.0], [8745, 8765, 4.0], [8765, 8800, 6.0], [8800, 8820, 3.0], [8820, 8844, 5.0], [8844, 8880, 6.0], [8880, 8913, 5.0], [8913, 8937, 4.0], [8937, 8964, 5.0], [8964, 8989, 4.0], [8989, 9010, 3.0], [9010, 9034, 3.0], [9034, 9050, 2.0], [9050, 9076, 5.0], [9076, 9102, 4.0], [9102, 9128, 5.0], [9128, 9148, 3.0], [9148, 9171, 3.0], [9171, 9194, 4.0], [9194, 9219, 3.0], [9219, 9257, 6.0], [9257, 9287, 4.0], [9287, 9396, 21.0]], "rps_lines_numerical_chars_fraction": [[0, 21, 0.0], [21, 39, 0.23529412], [39, 53, 0.0], [53, 65, 0.0], [65, 78, 0.0], [78, 93, 0.0], [93, 107, 0.0], [107, 121, 0.0], [121, 136, 0.0], [136, 148, 0.0], [148, 164, 0.0], [164, 187, 0.0], [187, 219, 0.0], [219, 431, 0.02427184], [431, 483, 0.0], [483, 699, 0.0], [699, 850, 0.0], [850, 1033, 0.0], [1033, 1244, 0.0], [1244, 1419, 0.0], [1419, 1592, 0.0], [1592, 1703, 0.0], [1703, 1911, 0.0], [1911, 1973, 0.0], [1973, 1999, 0.0], [1999, 2030, 0.0], [2030, 2060, 0.0], [2060, 2091, 0.0], [2091, 2114, 0.0], [2114, 2138, 0.0], [2138, 2171, 0.0], [2171, 2195, 0.0], [2195, 2221, 0.0], [2221, 2243, 0.0], [2243, 2290, 0.0], [2290, 2316, 0.0], [2316, 2338, 0.0], [2338, 2359, 0.0], [2359, 2384, 0.0], [2384, 2401, 0.0], [2401, 2425, 0.0], [2425, 2453, 0.0], [2453, 2480, 0.0], [2480, 2504, 0.0], [2504, 2765, 0.01574803], [2765, 3446, 0.017991], [3446, 3778, 0.01246106], [3778, 4116, 0.01212121], [4116, 4402, 0.07168459], [4402, 4577, 0.0], [4577, 4718, 0.05797101], [4718, 4933, 0.0], [4933, 5391, 0.0], [5391, 5567, 0.0], [5567, 5719, 0.0], [5719, 5869, 0.02777778], [5869, 6591, 0.0], [6591, 6849, 0.03265306], [6849, 7112, 0.04651163], [7112, 7318, 0.0], [7318, 7638, 0.01286174], [7638, 7778, 0.02941176], [7778, 8008, 0.03587444], [8008, 8243, 0.07860262], [8243, 8253, 0.0], [8253, 8275, 0.0], [8275, 8305, 0.0], [8305, 8323, 0.26666667], [8323, 8349, 0.17391304], [8349, 8376, 0.16666667], [8376, 8394, 0.26666667], [8394, 8412, 0.26666667], [8412, 8434, 0.21052632], [8434, 8460, 0.17391304], [8460, 8480, 0.23529412], [8480, 8501, 0.22222222], [8501, 8518, 0.28571429], [8518, 8544, 0.17391304], [8544, 8568, 0.19047619], [8568, 8594, 0.17391304], [8594, 8622, 0.16], [8622, 8642, 0.23529412], [8642, 8669, 0.16666667], [8669, 8690, 0.22222222], [8690, 8712, 0.21052632], [8712, 8745, 0.14285714], [8745, 8765, 0.23529412], [8765, 8800, 0.125], [8800, 8820, 0.25], [8820, 8844, 0.19047619], [8844, 8880, 0.12121212], [8880, 8913, 0.13793103], [8913, 8937, 0.19047619], [8937, 8964, 0.16666667], [8964, 8989, 0.19047619], [8989, 9010, 0.22222222], [9010, 9034, 0.19047619], [9034, 9050, 0.30769231], [9050, 9076, 0.17391304], [9076, 9102, 0.17391304], [9102, 9128, 0.17391304], [9128, 9148, 0.23529412], [9148, 9171, 0.2], [9171, 9194, 0.2], [9194, 9219, 0.18181818], [9219, 9257, 0.11428571], [9257, 9287, 0.14814815], [9287, 9396, 0.03738318]], "rps_lines_start_with_bulletpoint": [[0, 21, 0.0], [21, 39, 0.0], [39, 53, 0.0], [53, 65, 0.0], [65, 78, 0.0], [78, 93, 0.0], [93, 107, 0.0], [107, 121, 0.0], [121, 136, 0.0], [136, 148, 0.0], [148, 164, 0.0], [164, 187, 0.0], [187, 219, 0.0], [219, 431, 0.0], [431, 483, 0.0], [483, 699, 0.0], [699, 850, 0.0], [850, 1033, 0.0], [1033, 1244, 0.0], [1244, 1419, 0.0], [1419, 1592, 0.0], [1592, 1703, 0.0], [1703, 1911, 0.0], [1911, 1973, 0.0], [1973, 1999, 0.0], [1999, 2030, 0.0], [2030, 2060, 0.0], [2060, 2091, 0.0], [2091, 2114, 0.0], [2114, 2138, 0.0], [2138, 2171, 0.0], [2171, 2195, 0.0], [2195, 2221, 0.0], [2221, 2243, 0.0], [2243, 2290, 0.0], [2290, 2316, 0.0], [2316, 2338, 0.0], [2338, 2359, 0.0], [2359, 2384, 0.0], [2384, 2401, 0.0], [2401, 2425, 0.0], [2425, 2453, 0.0], [2453, 2480, 0.0], [2480, 2504, 0.0], [2504, 2765, 0.0], [2765, 3446, 0.0], [3446, 3778, 0.0], [3778, 4116, 0.0], [4116, 4402, 0.0], [4402, 4577, 0.0], [4577, 4718, 0.0], [4718, 4933, 0.0], [4933, 5391, 0.0], [5391, 5567, 0.0], [5567, 5719, 0.0], [5719, 5869, 0.0], [5869, 6591, 0.0], [6591, 6849, 0.0], [6849, 7112, 0.0], [7112, 7318, 0.0], [7318, 7638, 0.0], [7638, 7778, 0.0], [7778, 8008, 0.0], [8008, 8243, 0.0], [8243, 8253, 0.0], [8253, 8275, 0.0], [8275, 8305, 0.0], [8305, 8323, 0.0], [8323, 8349, 0.0], [8349, 8376, 0.0], [8376, 8394, 0.0], [8394, 8412, 0.0], [8412, 8434, 0.0], [8434, 8460, 0.0], [8460, 8480, 0.0], [8480, 8501, 0.0], [8501, 8518, 0.0], [8518, 8544, 0.0], [8544, 8568, 0.0], [8568, 8594, 0.0], [8594, 8622, 0.0], [8622, 8642, 0.0], [8642, 8669, 0.0], [8669, 8690, 0.0], [8690, 8712, 0.0], [8712, 8745, 0.0], [8745, 8765, 0.0], [8765, 8800, 0.0], [8800, 8820, 0.0], [8820, 8844, 0.0], [8844, 8880, 0.0], [8880, 8913, 0.0], [8913, 8937, 0.0], [8937, 8964, 0.0], [8964, 8989, 0.0], [8989, 9010, 0.0], [9010, 9034, 0.0], [9034, 9050, 0.0], [9050, 9076, 0.0], [9076, 9102, 0.0], [9102, 9128, 0.0], [9128, 9148, 0.0], [9148, 9171, 0.0], [9171, 9194, 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Arthur Lupia National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine's Strategic Council for Research Excellence, Integrity, and Trust (2021-present). The Council works to advance the integrity, ethics, resilience, and effectiveness of the research enterprise, while at the same time preparing it for tomorrow's challenges. The Strategic Council is developing guiding principles, highlight best practices for improving research, and connect stakeholders throughout the research eco-system. The Analytics for Equity initiative seeks to leverage existing publicly available federal data, existing restricted‐use data from federal statistical agencies, and other relevant existing publicly available data and scientific advances in researching equity‐related topics for greater public benefit. It is designed to produce rigorous empirical research that federal agencies and other organizations can use to increase the impact of equity‐focused evidence‐based strategies. The National Summit on Epidemiological Modeling and Prediction focused on strengthen America’s ability to respond to infectious disease outbreaks and threats posed by the intentional or accidental release of biological agents and inform a national R&D roadmap. The Center for Open Science (Chairman of the Board 2014-2018) provides instruction, infrastructure, and incentives for increasing transparency in scientific research. (Chair of the Roundtable on the Communication and Use of the Social and Behavioral Sciences 2015-2018). The mission of this roundtable is to support the communication and use of reliable and relevant scientific research for decision-making. While focused on social and behavioral science, we seek to increase the public value of all science. (Board of Directors 2008-2018, Treasurer 2012-2018). Climate Central bridges the scientific community and the public, providing clear information to help people make sound decisions about the climate. (Principal Investigator 2011-2018, Lead Lecturer 2001- 2010 ) EITM advances scholarship through scholarships and a highly interactive training program. (Co-founder with Colin Elman). A project that seeks to increase the legitimacy, credibility, and public value of social science by developing and supporting greater transparency in scientific practice. @DARTsupporters (Co-founder with Diana Mutz) TESS is an NSF-funded infrastructure project called Time-sharing Experiments for the Social Sciences (TESS) that offers researchers opportunities to test their experimental ideas on large, diverse, randomly-selected subject populations. (Principal Investigator with Jon A. Krosnick, 2005-2009 ) The mission of the National Election Studies (NES) is to produce high quality data on voting, public opinion, and political participation that serve the research needs of social scientists, teachers, students, policy makers and journalists concerned with the theoretical and empirical foundations of mass politics in a democratic society. McCain-Feingold/BCRA In the fall of 2002, I advised the Brennan Center for Justice and the US Department of Justice on social scientific matters central to litigation over the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act. The case was first heard by a panel of three District Court Justice and then referred automatically to the Supreme Court. Two of the three District Court judges ruled in favor of the Act. These same two judges, one a Bill Clinton appointee and the other a George W. Bush appointee, based their opinions on a careful examination of the relevant social scientific arguments including my own. The Supreme Court later affirmed these opinions. You can read their arguments here. District Court Judge Kollar-Kotelly District Court Judge Leon The Supreme Court Decision Arthur​ LUPIA
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Niagara Falls 1-800-899-9136 club details Special Shows Yuk Yuk's Niagara Falls 6455 Fallsview Blvd, ON L2G 3V9 About Yuk Yuk's Mark Breslin Jeff Silverman Mark Breslin - Founder and CEO Mark Breslin was born and raised in Toronto, Canada. He graduated York University Honours with a B.A. in English Literature. Soon after graduating, Breslin became Director of Theatre and Music for Harbourfront Corporation, an innovative cultural organization which produces events and activities at numerous venues on Toronto's waterfront. In 1974, Breslin opened the first Yuk Yuk's, in the basement of Toronto's Church Street Community Centre. Two years and many sweaty shows later, the Yuk Yuk's flag ship was moved to 1280 Bay Street in the trendy Yorkville district. Over the next decade, Yuk Yuk's would expand to its present reach of fourteen clubs across Canada. Breslin has written three books so far - Zen and Now (Somerville House), a popular Brian Mulroney joke book Son of a Meech (Random House), and most recently an autobiographical novel, Control Freaked (Insomniac Press). Add to this innumerable book reviews for The Globe and Mail, The Toronto Star and The Quill and Quire. Breslin has been a broadcaster, having hosting call-in shows on Q107 and CFRB and having appeared as a featured panelist on multiple episodes of ROB TV's "The Art Panel" and Global Television's "Grumps". Breslin has produced such television programs as "Late Night with Joan Rivers" for Fox Broadcasting, "Yuk Yuk's - the TV show" for CBC TV and "Mondo Taboo", two pay-per-view specials for The Movie Network. He was executive producer on "Friday Night with Ralph Benmergui" for CBC TV and "Yuk Yuk's 25th Anniversary Special" for the Comedy Network. Currently, Breslin is a story consultant on "Kenny vs Spenny" for CBC TV and Showcase. In addition to television, Breslin has also worked in radio, developing "Live from Yuk Yuk's", a daily radio show syndicated by the Telemedia Radio Network on over 80 stations coast to coast. He is currently program director for Laugh Attack, on XM Canada, Canada's only 24-hour Canadian comedy channel. In 1990, Breslin created the first annual "Search for Canada's Funniest New Comic", a national contest for developing new talent; that same year, he organized and hosted the first Molson Canadian Comedy Releaf Festival, which ran for nine years. In 1998, he was chosen Artistic Director for the Humber College Comedy Program. He is a founding board member of the Canadian Comedy Awards, comedy mentor for the B.C. Festival of the Arts and Artistic Director of the Whistler Comedy Festival. Breslin is also a much sought-after public speaker. Selected speaking engagements have included the American Comedy Institute in NYC, the Big Bear Comedy Workshop in L.A., Association for Campus Entrepreneurs (Toronto keynote address), York University Cultural Studies Program, York University Department of Philosophy, Toronto Jewish Film Society, Variety Club of Toronto, MENSA Society of Canada, Glendon College Alumni Association, Alberta Periodical Distributors Association and the Richard Ivey School of Business, University of Western Ontario. Join over 10,000 people who receive weekly updates and events! We take your laughter seriously! Every comic and event are rigorously vetted to ensure the highest quality in entertainment value. If you have any suggestions on how we can be even better, please don't hesitate to contact us at [email protected].
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Statement: Bipartisan bill a big leap forward for America’s clean water infrastructure John Rumpler Senior Director, Clean Water for America Campaign and Senior Attorney, Environment America Mark Morgenstein Director of Media Relations, The Public Interest Network House panel considers allocating tens of billions of dollars to Clean Water State Revolving Fund Environment America WASHINGTON — The House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee advanced the Water Quality Protection and Job Creation Act of 2021 (H.R. 1915) on Wednesday. The bill would authorize $40 billion over five years for the Clean Water State Revolving Fund, a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) program that provides communities with low-cost financing for clean water infrastructure projects. Additionally, H.R. 1915 includes provisions designed to both assist small or financially disadvantaged communities and dedicate 15 percent of the funding to state grants for green infrastructure improvements. Aging and failing water infrastructure results in sewage and runoff pollution seeping into our waterways, which in turn exposes millions of Americans to waterborne illness. In 2019, test results from 3,172 beaches across America showed that more than half of those beaches were potentially unsafe for swimming on at least one day. The EPA estimates that we will need $271 billion to maintain and improve wastewater infrastructure over the next 20 years. In response to H.R. 1915 passing the committee, John Rumpler, Environment America’s clean water program director, issued the following statement: “H.R. 1915 represents major progress toward making America’s waterways safe for swimming. This bill not only provides urgently needed funding to stop sewage overflows but also dedicates a substantial portion of the money to green projects, including nature-based solutions that prevent runoff pollution from flowing into our rivers, lakes, and streams. “Of equal importance, the committee rejected proposals to allow sewage plants to keep dumping the same levels of pollution for 10 more years — which would have undermined the bill’s infrastructure investments and the Clean Water Act itself. “Poll after poll shows that Americans across the political spectrum want to see government investment in clean water infrastructure and H.R. 1915 does just that. “We applaud all of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee members who voted to advance H.R. 1915. The bipartisan team of Committee Chair Peter DeFazio, Subcommittee Chair Grace Napolitano, and Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick introduced this bill together and their staffs are working to ensure all our waterways are clean and safe for swimming. We urge Congress to enact this legislation to thwart further water pollution as soon as possible.”
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Space Command HQ decision criticized as ‘politically motivated’ By: Jacob Fischler - January 14, 2021 12:10 am The Special Air Mission (SAM) 26000, U.S. President John F. Kennedy’s Air Force One, sits on display at the National Museum of the United States Air Force in the Presidential Gallery on November 20, 2013 in Dayton, Ohio at the National Air Force Museum at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. (Photo by Matt Sullivan/Getty Images) The U.S. Air Force has selected Huntsville, Ala., as the permanent headquarters for the U.S. Space Command, passing over the command’s existing base in Colorado Springs, the Air Force said Wednesday. Colorado Gov. Jared Polis and Lt. Gov. Dianne Primavera, both Democrats, raised concerns that President Donald Trump overruled military decision-makers and made the decision to reward political allies in Alabama. Space Command now is at Peterson Air Force Base. “Reports that the in-depth military process found Colorado Springs to be the best location for military readiness and cost and recommended Colorado to the President only to be overruled for politically motivated reasons are deeply concerning,” they said in a joint statement. Alabama’s six Republican U.S. House members voted last week to object to certifying the Electoral College results. Republican Tommy Tuberville also beat incumbent U.S. Sen. Doug Jones, a Democrat, in the state’s Senate election in November. But in Colorado, Democrat John Hickenlooper defeated incumbent Republican U.S. Sen. Cory Gardner and Colorado voted for Trump’s challenger, President-elect Joe Biden. Peterson Air Force Base housed a previous version of Space Command from 1985 to 2002. The Air Force has overseen military space operations from the site since. The Air Force began a selection process for a permanent home for the Space Command, a combatant command overseeing the new Space Force military branch, last year, and selected Peterson as one of six finalists in November. The others, besides Huntsville, were Patrick Air Force Base in Brevard County, Fla.; Kirtland Air Force Base in Albuquerque, N.M.; Offutt Air Force Base in Bellevue, Neb.; and Joint Base San Antonio in Texas. The Air Force said it selected Huntsville’s Redstone Arsenal because of its ability to support the command’s mission, its infrastructure and the cost to the Department of Defense. “Huntsville compared favorably across more of these factors than any other community, providing a large, qualified workforce, quality schools, superior infrastructure capacity, and low initial and recurring costs,” the Air Force release said. The Air Force says Huntsville is the “preferred site” for Space Command but not final until a favorable environmental impact analysis is complete. The analysis is estimated to be completed in spring 2023. Asked about a report that Trump overruled Air Force Secretary Barbara Barrett for political reasons, Air Force spokeswoman Sarah Fiocco said, “That doesn’t seem like an accurate depiction of what happened” and that Barrett made the decision. The siting decision will likely have major economic impacts on both the Huntsville and Colorado Springs areas. Peterson drives billions of dollars in economic activity in the area. The defense industry accounts for 1 in 12 jobs in Colorado, with about half of those concentrated in El Paso County, which is home to Peterson, according to a state report in 2018. The Department of Defense spent more than $2.1 billion on contracts in El Paso County in 2016 alone. Defense jobs and veterans account for 40% of El Paso County’s economy. Peterson will remain the provisional headquarters until the permanent site “is ready to support the mission,” the Air Force release said. by Jacob Fischler, Ohio Capital Journal Jacob Fischler Jacob covers federal policy as a senior reporter for States Newsroom. Based in Oregon, he focuses on Western issues. His coverage areas include climate, energy development, public lands and infrastructure.
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Photovoltaic Application in Beijing Winter Olympics Home|Blog|Free Guides|Photovoltaic Application in Beijing Winter Olympics On July 31st, 2015, Beijing stood out among the bidding cities with its own advantages and won the right to host the 2022 Winter Olympics. During the five years of preparation for the Beijing Winter Olympics, all venue construction and infrastructure construction of the Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee have implemented the concept of “Green Olympics”, and all new venues have adopted high-standard green design and construction technology to promote the harmonious coexistence of man and nature. On February 4, 2022, the Beijing Winter Olympics opening ceremony is held. This Winter Olympics is the first ever Olympic Games where all venues use 100% green electricity. It is predicted that by the end of the Winter Paralympics, the three major competition areas and 26 venues are expected to consume about 400 million kWh of green electricity, save 128,000 tons of standard coal, reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 320,000 tons, and use clean energy vehicles as high as 85% or so. Zhangbei ±500kV flexible DC power grid demonstration project, with a total line length of 666 kilometers, is the world’s first flexible DC power grid project. The project adopts 12 advanced new technologies, and is also the flexible DC power grid project with world’s highest voltage level and largest transmission capacity. The project is a key construction project serving the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, providing clean energy for Beijing and the Winter Olympics venues. The Zhangbei project has weaved a huge “green grid”, connecting hundreds of wind farms and thousands of photovoltaic power plants in Zhangjiakou area into an whole, which can deliver about 14.1 billion kWh of clean energy to Beijing area every year, which is about a tenth of Beijing’s electricity consumption. It can save 4.9 million tons of standard coal and 12.8 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions every year. National Speed Skating Oval is located at the Olympic Park in Chaoyang District, Beijing, with a total construction area of 80,000 square meters. As the only newly-built ice competition venue in the Beijing Zone of the Beijing Winter Olympics, National Speed Skating Oval adheres to the concept of green, environmental protection and sustainable construction, setting a new benchmark of Chinese design, Chinese technology and Chinese manufacturing for the construction of Olympic venues. The venue is made of glass, all the glass form a unique curved glass curtain wall, using the latest technology to create 22 elegant “ice ribbon” effects. The outer edge of the roof is equipped with a an integrated solar photovoltaic power system. 12,000 pieces of sapphire blue photovoltaic power generation curtain wall glass are gradually arranged from the outer edge of the roof to the inner side, like melting snow, showing the characteristics of winter sports. The National Speed Skating Oval successfully completed its first ice-making in January 2021. The world’s largest ice surface of 12,000 square meters is made of carbon dioxide. The 12,000 pieces of photovoltaic glass installed on the roof form an integrated photovoltaic power system, to provide a steady stream of clean electricity for the entire ice-making system of the venue. The Wukesong Sports Centre “Ice Crystal” combines photovoltaics and buildings more efficiently and concisely, with 1958 solar panels and a photovoltaic power generation system of about 600 kilowatts installed on the roof. The hollow grille curtain wall around the building forms a space combining virtual and real with the main building. It is reported that the venue can achieve an annual power supply of about 700,000 kWh, save 252 tons of standard coal, and reduce carbon emissions by about 697.8 tons. It is also a “green” venue that cannot be underestimated. It is worth mentioning that the Olympic Village Main Press Centre is designed as a low-carbon green building, and the roof skylight of the Main Press Centre adopts an integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) method to install a distributed photovoltaic power system. At the same time, with the help of Internet + and 5G intelligent technology, it can show the whole process of green power production, transmission, consumption, energy conservation and emission reduction to the audience. Beijing Winter Olympics provided a “China solution” for other countries which will hold the Olympics in the future. While reducing energy consumption and promoting green development, new business formats will also bring new revenue. Using technology to promote green Olympics, the Beijing Winter Olympics will be a model of new sustainable development. By SRNE|2022-02-24T14:50:18+08:00February 24th, 2022|Blog, Free Guides|Comments Off on Photovoltaic Application in Beijing Winter Olympics About the Author: SRNE Energy Storage System Application in Container Residential Energy Storage and Inverter Solution RV MPPT Solar Regulator Solution Communication Base Station Off Grid Solution RV MPPT Solar Charge Controller Solution
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Start | Klezmer Music | Klezmer Music «B | Beyond the Pale Beyond the Pale is a Toronto-based Canadian world/roots fusion band. Their style is rooted in klezmer, Balkan and Romanian music but heavily accented with contemporary and North American styles including bluegrass, jazz, reggae, funk and classical chamber music. They are known for unique songcraft, virtuosic musicianship, meticulous dynamics, and exuberant live performances. They are widely regarded as one of Canada's most accomplished and innovative acoustic ensembles. Some have described their sound as being in the same spirit as "New Acoustic Music" and David Grisman's "Dawg" music, but tinged more heavily with an east European accent. The name of the band is a reference to the EasternEuropean Jewish Pale of Settlement, from where their music is partially inspired. Beyond the Pale was formed in 1998. Original members included mandolinist Eric Stein, bassist Bret Higgins and guitarist Joshua Engel. They were joined by violinist Anne Lindsay the following year. Dutch Clarinetist Martin van de Ven joined the group in 2000 while Engel left the same year. Serbian-born violinist Bogdan Djukic gradually replaced Lindsay over 2000-2001. The band released its first CD, Routes, in 2001 through Borealis Records; the recording was nominated for a Canadian Independent Music Award. In 2002, Serbian-born accordionist Milos Popovic joined the group, replacing Sasha Luminsky, who had played with the group the previous two years. A second album, Consensus, was recorded live at the Al Green Theatre in Toronto in 2003 and released the following year. This album received great acclaim and captured a Canadian Folk Music Award for "Instrumental Group of the Year." "Consensus" was also nominated for a Toronto Independent Music Award, and Eric Stein's composition "Reunion" from that album won the Folk Music Ontario Song from the Heart award for songwriting. In fall 2004, the group was joined by Serbian-born violinist Aleksandar Gajic. Between 2001-2010, Beyond the Pale toured across North America and Europe, including performances at Carnegie Hall, the Jewish Culture Festival in Kraków, and the Governor General's Performing Arts Awards at the National Arts Centre in Ottawa. During this period the band was involved in many unique and challenging collaborative projects, including a series of concerts with legendary singer/actor Theodore Bikel, numerous collaborations with Josh "Socalled" Dolgin, two separate stints as guest accompanists with the Toronto Jewish Folk Choir on world premieres of ambitious choral works, guest soloist turns with the Toronto Children's Chorus on a world premiere composition by clarinetist van de Ven, and performances alongside CBC radio personality Barbara Budd with the National Arts Centre Orchestra, the Toronto Philharmonic Orchestra and the Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony. There were also self-initiated collaborations with other esteemed world music ensembles such as Creaking Tree String Quartet and L'Orchestra di Piazza Vittorio. The group was also featured in a number of national radio broadcasts for CBC's Canada Live, including the performance of interpretations for the CBC's A New World of Mozart, which honoured the 250th birthday of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. In 2009, the group released its third album Postcards, [22] which featured guest appearances by Israeli Yiddish singer Vira Lozinsky (picture) Postcards received four nominations from the 2010 Canadian Folk Music Awards and won for "Instrumental Group of the Year" and "Pushing the Boundaries". In 2011, the group toured in Australia, and in Brazil in 2012. In 2017 Beyond the Pale released a new album, Ruckus, and was nominated at the Canadian Folk Music Awards for Instrumental Group of the Year. beyondthepale.net Performers «B» Wikipedia: This page was last edited on 1 August 2022, at 01:30 (UTC)
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Marise Parent Professor Neuroscience, Psychology B.A. Honors Psychology, with Great Distinction, Concordia University, 1989 Ph.D. Biological Sciences, University of California, Irvine, Department of Neurobiology and Behavior, 1993 Postdoctoral fellow, Department of Psychology, University of Virginia, 1993-1996 Behavioral Neuroscience, Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, Energy Homeostasis Marise Parent was born and raised in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. In 1984 she graduated from Vanier College with an associate degree in Special Care Counseling in 1984, which allowed her to work in a group home teaching independent living skills to clients with brain damage while obtaining her B.A. Honors Psychology degree from Concordia University. Her interest in scientific research and neuroscience was fostered during that time while conducting research with Peter Shizgal, Donna White, and Jane Stewart. In 1989, she moved on to the University of California, Irvine to pursue her Ph.D. in Biological Sciences (specialization in neurobiology and behavior) under the mentorship of James L. McGaugh, a distinguished researcher in the field of learning and memory and member of the National Academy of Sciences. In 1993 she started her postdoctoral training with Paul Gold, then in the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience Program at the University of Virginia. In 1996 she started her independent research program in the Department of Psychology at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, before moving to GSU in 2000. In 2011 she spent a year working as a Program Officer in the Biology Directorate at the National Science Foundation. She is currently a Professor in the Neuroscience Institute and also holds an appointment in the Department of Psychology. Dr. Parent’s current research investigates how memory influences energy intake and how energy intake, in turn, influences brain function. Her research program is currently funded by the National Science Foundation and has been supported in the past by the Canadian Diabetes Association, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the National Institutes of Health, and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. For more information, please visit parentlabatgsu.wixsite.com/neuro Representative Publications *Graduate students; **Undergraduate Students *Hannapel, R.C., **Ramesh, J., Ross, A.P., LaLumiere, R.T., Roseberry, A., & Parent, M.B. (2019). Postmeal optogenetic inhibition of dorsal or ventral hippocampal pyramidal neurons increases future intake. eNeuro, Jan 2;6(1): ENEURO.0457-18.2018; DOI: https://doi.org/10.1523/ENEURO.0457-18.2018. PMID 30693314 Memory of a recently eaten meal can serve as a powerful mechanism for controlling future eating behavior because it provides a record of intake that likely outlasts most physiological signals generated by the meal. In support, impairing the encoding of a meal in humans increases the amount ingested at the next eating episode. However, the brain regions that mediate the inhibitory effects of memory on future intake are unknown. In this report, we tested the hypothesis that dorsal hippocampal (dHC) and ventral hippocampal (vHC) glutamatergic pyramidal neurons play a critical role in the inhibition of energy intake during the postprandial period by optogenetically inhibiting these neurons at specific times relative to a meal. Compared to intake on a day in which illumination was not given, inhibition of dHC or vHC glutamatergic neurons after the end of a chow, sucrose, or saccharin meal accelerated the onset of the next meal and increased the amount consumed during that next meal when the neurons were no longer inhibited. These data show that dHC and vHC glutamatergic neuronal activity during the postprandial period is critical for limiting subsequent ingestion and suggest that these neurons inhibit future intake by consolidating the memory of the preceding meal. Ross, A.P., **Barnett, N., **Faulkner, A., *Hannapel, R.C., & Parent, M.B. (2019). Sucrose ingestion induces glutamate AMPA receptor phosphorylation in dorsal hippocampal neurons: Increased previous sucrose experience prevents this effect. Behavioural Brain Research, 359:792-798. PMID 30075854 If dorsal (dHC) or ventral hippocampal (vHC) neurons control intake through a process that requires memory, then ingestion should increase events necessary for synaptic plasticity in dHC and vHC during the postprandial period. To test this, we determined whether ingesting a sucrose solution induced posttranslational events critical for hippocampal synaptic plasticity: phosphorylation of AMPAR GluA1 subunits at 1) serine 831 (pSer831) and 2) serine 845 (pSer845). We also examined whether increasing the amount of previous experience with the sucrose solution, which would be expected to decrease the mnemonic demand involved in an ingestion bout, would also attenuate sucrose-induced phosphorylation. Quantitative immunoblotting of dHC and vHC membrane fractions demonstrated that sucrose ingestion increased postprandial pSer831 in dHC but not vHC. Increased previous sucrose experience prevented sucrose-induced dHC pSer831. Sucrose ingestion did not affect pSer845 in either dHC or vHC. Thus, these findings show that ingestion activates a postranslational event necessary for synaptic plasticity in an experience-dependent manner, which is consistent with the hypothesis that dHC neurons form a memory of a meal during the postprandial period. Parent, M.B. (2016). Cognitive control of meal onset and meal size: Role of dorsal hippocampal-dependent episodic memory. Physiology & Behavior, 162: 112-119. PMID: 27083124 There is a large gap in our understanding of how top-down cognitive processes, such as memory, influence energy intake. Similarly, there is limited knowledge regarding how the brain controls the timing of meals and meal frequency. Understanding how cognition influences ingestive behavior and how the brain controls meal frequency will provide a more complete explanation of the neural mechanisms that regulate energy intake and may also increase our knowledge of the factors that contribute to diet-induced obesity. We hypothesize that dorsal hippocampal neurons, which are critical for memory of personal experiences (i.e., episodic memory), form a memory of a meal, inhibit meal onset during the period following a meal, and limit the amount ingested at the next meal. In support, we describe evidence from human research suggesting that episodic memory of a meal inhibits intake and review data from human and non-human animals showing that impaired hippocampal function is associated with increased intake. We then describe evidence from our laboratory showing that inactivation of dorsal hippocampal neurons decreases the interval between sucrose meals and increases intake at the next meal. We also describe our evidence suggesting that sweet orosensation is sufficient to induce synaptic plasticity in dorsal hippocampal neurons and raise the possibility that impaired dorsal hippocampal function and episodic memory deficits contribute to the development and/or maintenance of diet-induced obesity. Parent Lab Office: Room 825 Petit Science Center 100 Piedmont Ave. SE
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Thermo Fisher Scientific to Expand Greenville Facility for Sterile Drug Product Development and Commercial Manufacturing GREENVILLE, North Carolina (December 9, 2020) – Thermo Fisher Scientific, the world leader in serving science, is expanding its site in Greenville for sterile drug product development and commercial manufacturing of critical medicines, therapies, and vaccines. As part of the approximate $500 million investment in Greenville, about 500 new roles will be hired over next 12 to 24 months. These jobs will add to its existing workforce of more than 1,500 employees. “We are excited by the news of Thermo Fisher’s investment in their Greenville facility which further strengthens Greenville and Pitt County’s legacy as a hub of pharmaceutical production,” said Steve Weathers, president and CEO of the Greenville – Eastern North Carolina (ENC) Alliance. “Our area has more than 2,000 people working in pharmaceutical manufacturing occupations which is a concentration 12 times higher than the United States.” The 1.5 million-square-foot Greenville site is a multi-purpose pharmaceutical manufacturing and packaging campus with 29 buildings on 640 acres. The expansion will include a new standalone 130,000-square-foot facility with two live virus filling lines which will be operational in 2022. “This announcement shows the strength of Thermo Fisher in the sterile drug development sector and will augment what is already a world class facility. The company’s investments will result in a large number of new, well-paying jobs for citizens of Greenville, Pitt County, and eastern North Carolina,” said Greenville – ENC Alliance vice president of business development, Brad Hufford. The site will also add six new lines in 2021 and 2022, including commercial scale liquid filling lines and a development line for liquid and lyophilized (freeze-dried) drug products. Rendering of Greenville, North Carolina expansion provided by Thermo Fisher Scientific "We have continued to invest strategically in capacity, technology and expertise across our global network so we can accelerate innovation and enhance productivity for our customers," said Mike Shafer, senior vice president and president, pharma services, Thermo Fisher Scientific. "This has enabled us to respond quickly and support our customers with unprecedented scale and depth of capabilities to meet high demand for new therapies and vaccines. By simplifying the supply chain and solving complex manufacturing challenges, we shorten development timelines in order to get high-quality medicines to patients, faster." In addition to the Greenville site, other sites preparing for expansion include locations in Swindon, United Kingdom and Ferentino and Monza, Italy. These expansions and investments will add 15 development and current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) commercial production lines, leveraging Thermo Fisher's robust quality standards as well as supporting a range of capabilities including live virus, aseptic liquid, and lyophilized vial filling. These projects are expected to be completed over the next two years and will create approximately 1,000 jobs at all sites combined. The Greenville – ENC Alliance is actively working with various local partners to help develop the future workforce to meet the needs of Thermo Fisher and other regional pharmaceutical companies. Partners include the City of Greenville, Pitt County, NC Biotechnology Center, Pitt County Public Schools, Pitt Community College, and East Carolina University. “We are collaborating with Thermo Fisher and our workforce partners to make strategic investments and create a tailored workforce pipeline to support their expansion. Details of that collaboration will be announced at a later date,” added Hufford. Along with expansions in North America and Europe, the company recently announced significant projects in Asia-Pacific, including a new sterile manufacturing facility in Singapore and a new integrated biologics and sterile drug development and manufacturing site in Hangzhou, China. "With these investments, we've nearly doubled our global footprint for drug development and commercial manufacturing, which allows us to support our customers with unmatched flexibility, expertise and scale at a time of unprecedented demand," said Shafer. The activities underscore the rapidly growing global demand for injectable sterile drugs, which comprise 46% of the total dosage forms securing U.S. FDA approval in 2019. This is compared to 25% a decade ago, according to PharmaSource. Thermo Fisher, headquartered in Waltham, Massachusetts, established its presence in Greenville in 2017 when it purchased Patheon, a contract development and manufacturing organization, for $7.2 billion. Patheon also had facilities in Durham and High Point that became part of the Thermo Fisher purchase. Thermo Fisher also has just over 700 employees at two operations in western North Carolina. These locations include a contact center and manufacturing site for cold-storage laboratory products in Asheville and a warehousing facility about 10 miles north in Weaverville. The company has over 75,000 employees worldwide and annual revenue of more than $25 billion. Its pharmaceutical services brands include Thermo Scientific, Applied Biosystems, Invitrogen, Fisher Scientific, Unity Lab Services, and Patheon. Media Relations Contacts:‍ Marcia Goff Director, Global External Communications Pharma Services, Thermo Fisher Scientific [email protected]
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1306 Fayetteville Street – College Inn Fayetteville Street Stokesdale State ID This one-story, front-gabled commercial building has a three-bay aluminum storefront with a door flanked by large picture windows. The building has a brick veneer with vinyl siding in the front gable and vinyl trim. The shed-roofed front porch is supported by large decorative metal braces and shelters a terra cotta-covered stoop. A picture window remains toward the front of the south elevation; the corresponding window on the north elevation has been bricked-in. There are small windows toward the rear of the side elevations and a full-width, shed-roofed rear ell. A grocer and blacksmith are listed at this address as early as 1925; however, the current building was likely constructed around 1935. The College Inn (confectioners and restaurant) was listed here from 1935 through 1950. It is currently the New Visions of Africa restaurant. The College Inn was listed in Victo Hugo Green's Green Book between 1948-1963. The Green Book was an African American traveler’s annual guide for navigating Jim Crow America while on business trips and vacations. Within its pages, readers could find entries – listed by city – for restaurants, lodging, gas stations, beauty parlors and barber shops, and other service providers, such as tailors, who would gladly take their business in an otherwise potentially unfamiliar and hostile environment. https://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/9c454830-83b9-0132-d56a-58d385a7b928#/?uuid=a158c550-83b9-0132-6661-58d385a7b928 Submitted by Melva Rigel on Wed, 1/27/2021 - 1:37pm The College Inn was still in operation until the late 1960s. The original owners were William H. Jones and his wife, Martha Jones. According to their daughter, Valjeanne Jones Williams, who still owns the property, her father William Henry Jones was given the property by his uncle Rueben Stone who owned a large number of properties in Durham. And Rueben Stone had bought it from Fitzgerald when Durham was still a part of Orange County. They enjoyed celebrated customers including blues singer Ruth Brown, band leader Duke Ellington , R&B singers James Brown and Ike & Tina Turner and Civil Right Activist Malcolm X. Malcolm visited the restaurant after her father died but he would come and have long conversations with my mother and step-father, Carl L. Easterling. Mr. and Mrs. Easterling also provided free meals to the Hillside High School Basketball team who were coached by Mr. Easterling.
{"url": "https://www.opendurham.org/buildings/1306-fayetteville-street-college-inn", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "www.opendurham.org", "date_download": "2023-03-20T10:41:25Z", "digest": "sha1:VR4UHFGQ5MUSY6E47XQOIN6F43QECRDZ"}
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Earth Day: Still Valuable In 2011? in Culture, Earth, Politics, Social Earth Day 2011 is on April 22, which is this coming Friday as I write this. The annual event is meant to inspire an awareness and appreciation of the natural environment. It was founded in the U.S. but has grown over the years to become a global Earth Day Network. The First Earth Day The very first Earth Day was held way back in 1970, on April 22. In the founding year, around 20 million people participated. The original Earth Day was organized in the hope of demonstrating decentralized, grassroots popular political support for an environmental political agenda. It was modeled on earlier Vietnam War “teach-ins”. The U.S. Senator central to the organization of the first Earth Day, Senator Nelson, apparently thought of the concept following the Santa Barbara oil spill of 1969, which was the largest oil spill in U.S waters at the time. Oh how times have changed in that regard! Nelson proposed a national environmental “teach-in” on every university campus in the country. It was hoped that millions would participate. Senator Nelson hoped that a grassroots show of support for environmental issues would prove to Washington, D.C. just how concerned people from all over the country were about the state of the environment. Nelson has said that he thought Earth Day worked because of the spontaneous response at the grassroots level. Thousands of colleges and universities organized protests against the deterioration of the environment, and many groups working on different environmental issues shared the day. Funnily enough, I just wrote a post this morning about a fresh call for mass non-violent civil disobedience in the fight to urgently address climate change, by Bill McKibben, who wrote the first book on climate change 22 years ago (The End of Nature ). He’s also co-founder of the relatively new environmental organization 350.org. I’m sure it’s no coincidence that McKibben made this speech in these days leading up to Earth Day 2011. According to the Earth Day Network website, the network now works with over 22,000 partners in 192 countries, in an attempt to continue to broaden and diversify the environmental movement. The site states that more than 1 billion people now participate in Earth Day activities each year. The Earth Day Network programs focus on such activities as greening schools and promoting environmental education, and accelerating the global green economy. To “catalyze global environmental activism”, for Earth Day 2011 the Network has chosen the theme of A Billion Acts of Green. The goal of this project is to register one billion actions before the global Earth Summit in Rio in 2012. I noticed today that Facebook has collaborated with the Earth Day Network to create a Billion Acts of Green app, so people can pledge their acts of green on Facebook and encourage friends to do so. I’ve also noticed that the post by Facebook about the collaboration has been met with a barrage of Greenpeace supporters criticizing Facebook (the company) for not yet “unfriending coal” and pledging to make the switch to use clean energy. In recent years some criticism of Earth Day has centered around claims of greenwashing by some of the companies and products involved in promoting Earth Day, and that Earth Day has outlived its usefulness to the environmental movement. Do you think Earth Day is still a valuable celebration in 2011? Tagged as: 2011 earth day, 350, Bill McKibben, billion acts of green, climate change, day, day of earth, Earth, earth day, earth day 201, earth day activities, earth day april, earth day date, earth day events, earth day facts, earth day festival, earth day ideas, earth day network, earth hour, earth hour day, earth in fiction, earthday, education, environment, environmental, environmental education, environmental issue, environmentalism, first earth day, global warming, grassroots, green, green news, green politics, greenwash, original earth, politics, sustainability, sustainable, the earth, the earth day, United States, valuables, vietnam war, what is earth day Next post: Easter Eggs: Top Reasons To Look For Fairtrade Chocolate In Your Area Previous post: Time For Mass Civil Disobedience, Says 1st Climate Change Book Author
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HomeStatisticsEntrepreneurJack Dorsey Height, Weight, Age, Body Statistics Jack Dorsey Height, Weight, Age, Body Statistics Jack Dorsey Quick Info Height 5 ft 10 in Jack Dorsey is an American Internet entrepreneur and programmer best known as a co-founder and former CEO of Twitter, Inc. He has also served as a co-founder, principal executive officer, and chairperson of the multinational technology conglomerate Block, Inc. Born Name Jack Patrick Dorsey Jack Dorsey at the annual Allen & Company Sun Valley Conference in July 2016 in Sun Valley, Idaho Born Place St. Louis, Missouri, United States Jack went to Bishop DuBourg High School. He then got enrolled at the Missouri University of Science and Technology. However, he soon got transferred to New York University Tandon School of Engineering. But, he didn’t complete his studies at New York University as well and dropped out before graduation. Former CEO of Square, Inc., Twitter Father – Tim Dorsey (Worked for mass spectrometers developing company) Mother – Marcia Smith (Homemaker) Others – Edward D. Dorsey (Paternal Grandfather), Celeste Rose Messmer (Paternal Grandmother) As of March 19, 2023, he had an estimated net worth of $4.8B as per Forbes. 5 ft 10 in or 178 cm 75 kg or 165 lbs Girlfriend / Spouse Jack Dorsey has dated – Nicole Lapin – He was romantically involved with television news anchor, author, and businesswoman Nicole Lapin in the past. Lily Cole (2012-2013) – Jack Dorsey started courting English model and actress Lily Cole at the end of 2012. In January 2013, she was spotted on his yacht, which was anchored at St. Barts in the Caribbean, which led to rumors of their relationship circulating in the tabloids. There seemed to be trouble in the paradise after they were pictured bickering at the airport in San Francisco. In June, it was reported that their relationship had fizzled out as he was spotted with another woman. Kate Greer – Jack started going out with Iowa native Kate Greer. Their first public appearance came in 2010 as Kate accompanied him to several red-carpet events in New York. By the end of 2012, they had separated as Jack was spotted cozying up to English model Lily Cole. Kate and Jack’s relationship got back on track in June 2013 as they flew out for a vacation in Japan. Then, she was pictured by his side at numerous events in 2014. Due to his inclination to keep his private life out of the limelight, the current status of this relationship isn’t known. Raven Lyn (2018-2019) – He started going out with model Raven Lyn in the year 2018 but the duo parted ways the following year. Flora Carter (2021) – In June 2021, Jack was seen with swimsuit model Flora Carter at the beach while taking a sunbath. Jack Dorsey and Kate Greer at the TIME 100 Gala in April 2014 Jack is of Irish, German, and Italian descent. Trimmed beard Jack Dorsey’s shirtless body Brand Endorsements Jack has endorsed UNREAL, a food company. Having served as the CEO and co-founder of social networking giant, Twitter In 2013, he was seen in the short documentary film CodeStars as himself. First TV Show In 2011, Jack was first seen in the news talk show Charlie Rose as himself. After getting up at 5 in the morning, Jack follows up his 30 minutes of meditation session with high-intensity circuit training. The single circuit lasts for about 7 minutes with about 12 exercises crammed in that period with about 10-second rest in between exercises. He performs this circuit 3 times. This circuit doesn’t include weight lifting exercises and relies only on bodyweight moves such as squats, jumping jacks, pushups, plank, and lunges to improve fitness and stamina and to pump up metabolism. The Scientific 7-Minute Workout, via @nytimes http://t.co/NIvqcYXEuR — jack (@jack) May 10, 2013 Jack Dorsey Favorite Things Music Albums – Good Kid, M.A.A.D City (By Kendrick Lamar), To Pimp a Butterfly (By Kendrick Lamar), The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill (By Lauryn Hill), Run the Jewels 2 (By Run The Jewels), All Eyez on Me (By Tupac Shakur) Books – Tao Te Ching (By Lao Tzu), The Score Takes Care of Itself (By Bill Walsh with Steve Jamison and Craig Walsh), Between the World and Me (By Ta-Nehisi Coates), The Four Agreements (By Don Miguel Ruiz), The Old Man and the Sea (By Ernest Hemingway), The Checklist Manifesto (By Atul Gawande), The Yoga Sutras of Patañjali (By Edwin F. Bryant) Source – Product Hunt, Business Insider Jack Dorsey at the 5th Annual Charity Ball in December 2010 Jack Dorsey Facts While growing up, he had a speech impediment problem and due to this, he tended to spend a lot of time at his home. As a child, he used to spend a lot of time listening to police scanners. He was fascinated by short bursts of communication and this fascination inspired him to create Twitter. In his mid-20s, he managed to become a certified massage therapist for a brief period of time. As a teenager and young adult, he ran a fantasy football league in the pre-internet era. He had a database of players on his computer with stats gleaned from local newspapers. At the age of 15, he created rental cab dispatch software that is still used by many taxi services. He is also the founder of a business platform called Square, which facilitates debit and credit card payment using your mobile device by attaching a small square-shaped device through a headphone jack. In December 2013, he was declared a new addition to the board of directors of the Walt Disney organization. He donated $15 million to support relief efforts in India’s COVID-19 second wave in May 2021. He has often revealed his aspiration to become New York City mayor. In November 2021, it was revealed that Jack was leaving Twitter and was stepping down as the CEO of the social networking giant. In late February 2023, Jack announced the release of his new app on the Apple App store which was a Twitter alternative called Bluesky. At that time, it was an invite-only beta app. Twitter also provided financial aid in the starting years of Bluesky’s development phase. Did we miss anyone? Walt Disney Height, Weight, Age, Facts, Movies Parul Gulati Height, Weight, Age, Body Statistics Jeremy Michael Lewis Height, Weight, Age, Body Statistics Cheyenne Davis Height, Weight, Age, Body Statistics Tommy the Clown Height, Weight, Age, Pictures, Family Jack Champion Height, Weight, Age, Birthday, Biography
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RECORD-SETTING JOSHUA TREE DISCOVERED AT THE PROPOSED AVI KWA AME NATIONAL MONUMENT IN SOUTHERN NEVADA Honor Avi Kwa Ame ) The proposed Avi Kwa Ame (pronounced Ah-VEE kwa-ah-may) National Monument, home to our country’s biggest Joshua tree forest, now boasts Nevada’s largest Joshua tree. The Nevada Division of Forestry recently documented the Joshua tree’s size at 118 points[i]; 87 inches in diameter, 24 feet tall, and 28 feet wide. There are only two Joshua trees in the United States that are larger, both located in California’s Mojave National Preserve. The Nevada tree is located about three miles west of State Highway 164 on the East Wee Thump Backcountry Rd. Nevada’s previous big tree champ was located in Las Vegas and checked in at only 94 points. “Joshua trees are as symbolic of the Mojave Desert as the Saguaro is for Arizona’s Sonoran Desert,” explains local conservationist Alan O’Neill, former superintendent of Lake Mead National Recreation Area. O’Neill and fellow conservationist Lisa Ortega suggested that the tree be measured for consideration. O’Neill and Ortega are also part of an initiative to make Avi Kwa Ame Nevada’s fourth national monument. Avi Kwa Ame, Mojave for Spirit Mountain, has been under threat of industrial development. The proposed monument area includes about 380,000 acres of land sacred to 12 Native American tribes. “This land is at the center of the tribes’ creation stories and spiritual ideology. It is currently used for ceremonial activities,” says O’Neill, now an advisor with the National Parks Conservation Association. “A national monument designation would preserve the area’s cultural value and other resources. It would be a big win for Nevada.” Avi Kwa Ame contains biologically diverse and culturally significant land, along with outdoor recreation like hiking, rock climbing, horseback riding, camping and stargazing, and more. It’s also home to the historic Walking Box Ranch. Local, state, and national conservation groups such as The Wilderness Society, National Parks Conservation Association, Conservation Lands Foundation, and Get Outdoor Nevada have partnered with local tribes to secure a national monument designation to protect the area’s future. People interested in protecting the area can sign a petition at www.honorspiritmountain.org. [i] Points are given for each inch of circumference, foot of height, and a ¼ point for each foot of crown spread.
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Historic Jackson Ward District Known as the “Harlem of the South,” Jackson Ward was home to many influential African-American families after the American Civil War. The neighborhood spans forty city blocks and contains a rich history that is celebrated by the annual Second Street Festival in October. There are also periodic walking tours hosted by the local Black History Museum and Cultural Center of Virginia on Clay Street. In 1978, the neighborhood was declared a National Historic Landmark District. The Maggie L. Walker house in "Quality Row" in Jackson Ward. A 9-foot statue of famed actor and tap dancer Bill "Bojangles" Robinson on the corner of Leigh and Adams in Jackson Ward circa 1978. One of the many homes found in the District. Courtesy of VCU This most unique building of the District combines Gothic architecture with giant milk bottles. Circa 1978 Leigh Street of Jackson Ward District as it looks today Steamer Company No. 5 (fire station) building as it looks today found in the District. The Jackson Ward District has twelve historic sites located within its forty blocks including the home of civil rights activist and entrepreneur Maggie L. Walker and the larger-than-life statue of famous actor and Richmond-native Bill “Bojangles” Robinson. The 40 blocks are contained between 4th Street, Marshall Street, Smith Street, and the Richmond-Petersburg turnpike. The maintenance and revitalization efforts of this historic district is provided by the Historic Jackson Ward Association established in the 1980s and the Jackson Commons Project - their web addresses are provided beneath the article. The Jackson Ward was officially named in 1871 by the Italian, Jewish, and German immigrants who first settled the area. The influence of the European architectural style is evident in many of the historic homes. After the Civil War ended many free African-Americans, some ex-slaves, established residence in Jackson Ward and developed what they later called “a city within a city”. The Jackson Ward was an economy all its own. It boasted its African-American owned banks, hospital, barbers, grocers, and shops. It led many to refer to the neighborhood as “Black Wall Street” for its self-sufficient economy. Maggie L. Walker established the first female, African-American owned and operated bank in the US in Jackson Ward on so-called “Quality Row” where the most successful African-Americans lived and did business. The neighborhood was rattled in the 1950s by a number of legislative issues. The Interstate was slated to be built through the neighborhood and as a result many long-time community members were forced to leave. Later the Interstate plans were reversed, but the community loss was irreversible. Next, federally mandated low-income housing was scheduled to be built inside Jackson Ward and it was coupled with a revitalization effort of the Richmond business district that pulled resources from the Ward. In the 1960s after the success of civil rights activists pressing for desegregation in Richmond the Ward received some economic blowback. As businesses around Richmond were forced to integrate it brought the Jackson Ward small businesses into competition with the whole city of Richmond. The result was a dramatic decrease in revenue and subsequently pulled the Ward down from its highest point. It has since become a beautiful historic district with rich culture of music and the arts. http://jacksonward.com/ http://www.biography.com/people/bill-bojangles-robinson-9460594#synopsis http://www.hjwa.org/ http://Blackhistorymuseum.org/ http://www.venturerichmond.com/events/venture/secondstreet.html A chronological guide to the history of the Civil The story of Maggie L. Walker and her ambitious li The biography of Richmond-native Bill "Bojangles" Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) Digital Collections-Jackson Ward Historic District African American Historic Sites Database-Jackson Ward Historic District 550 East Marshall St. Business and Economic Development Music and Entertainment History Political and Diplomatic History Created by Timothy Hagy on December 1st 2014, 11:21:08 pm. Last updated by Kalen Martin-Gross on April 22nd 2019, 10:01:57 pm.
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Summer 23 Intensive Become An Ambssador Dance Studios/ Rental Space Videographers/Photographers Dance Stores/ Brands Meet the Instructors behind the mission SHONICA GOODEN Shonica Gooden is a passionate, triple threat performer from Atlanta, GA. While Growing up in Atlanta, Shonica attended DanceMakers of Atlanta and Dekalb School of the Arts. She continued her training on a collegiate level at Point Park University where she received a BFA in Dance. Throughout the past 11 years, Shonica has had the privilege and honor of being a part of critically acclaimed shows such as Hamilton: An American Musical (Broadway), CATS (Rumpleteazer; Broadway Revival), Bring It On: The Musical (Broadway & 1st National), Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Cinderella (Broadway) American Dance Machine (Sweet Georgia Brown; Joyce Theatre), National Tour of Matilda The Musical, Piece of My Heart, FLY (La Jolla Playhouse), Memphis (Felicia, CFRT), Don’t Bother Me I Can’t Cope; (City Center), and Sister Act (Deloris; Music Theatre Wichita). TV/Film: Fosse/Verdon, Manifest, Almost Family, Ted 2 and The First Purge. Shonica’s newest and greatest accomplishment is giving birth to her pride and joy, her baby boy Grant. Jeremiah 29:11 SAIDAH NAIROBI Saidah Nairobi, an Atlanta native by way of Queens, NY, is an actor, best-selling author, licensed realtor, speaker, singer, & mentor, but she is most widely known as the professional dancer that blazed stages across the globe with musical icons such as Beyonce (I Am World Tour, Formation World Tour), Usher (OMG World Tour), Ciara, & Ne-Yo. Her dance memoir, Leap of Faith: The Journey of A Dream’ speaks on Saidah’s unorthodox journey from aspiring performer to becoming an inspirational global touring dancer. Saidah’s most recent work includes recurring acting roles on television series Step Up: Highwater and BounceTV’s Johnson as well as dancing in two upcoming major motion picture productions. Saidah also co-authored a newly released book titled, Possibilities Unlimited: Stories to Inspire You to Achieve the Impossible. Copies of Saidah’s books can be ordered online at www.nairobienterprises.com. You can stay connected with Saidah by following her social handles - @saidahnairobi and @propertiesbysai. JEFFERY DUFFY Mr. Duffy received his BFA from The Juilliard School. He was brought in as a Consultant for Lisa Bing’s Leadership and Management Course at New York University’s School of Professional Studies. Jeffery has also taught at NYU Tisch School of the Arts; Cobb County Center for Excellence in the Performing Arts, Braswell Arts Center in Basel, Switzerland, MOVE(NYC), Spelman College, Atlanta Ballet School and Summer Intensives, Lou Conte Dance Studio, Impassioned Dance Center, British Academy of the Performing Arts, DanceMakerz of Atlanta, Central Gwinnett HighSchool, and Eglevsky Ballet. National Tours: Charles Lee in HAMILTON (The Hollywood Pantages Theater); Ensemble Swing in HAMILTON Broadway in Chicago (CIBC Theater); Choreographer: First Deep Breath (The National Black Theater) written by Lee Colston. Fight Choreographer: The Color Purple (The Byers Theater). TV and Film: A Jazzman’s Blues (Netflix), Fox New Year’s Party with Steve Harvey; “HOPE” music video by Blood Orange. Mr. Duffy teaches and choreographs movement locally, nationally, and internationally with a world-renowned performance career. Princess Grace Fellowship Recipient; Hubbard Street Dance Chicago. “Top 25 to Watch” by Dance Magazine. Certified GYROTONIC® Instructor currently taking new clients through his company, Cooperative Creative Labour. Jamal White (Birmingham, AL) was raised in Atlanta, GA and began his training at and Dance Makers of Atlanta under the direction of Denise and Lynise Heard. He studied as a scholarship student at Ballethnic Dance Academy, Virginia School of the Arts and trained in intensive programs at Kirov Academy of Ballet, Nashville Ballet, Martha Graham School of Contemporary Dance, Dance Theatre of Harlem, and London Contemporary Dance School. In 2011, Mr. White received a B.F.A. in Dance Performance from Southern Methodist University, since he has performed works by choreographers such as Nicolo Fonte, George Balanchine, Dwight Rhoden, Alvin Ailey, Stijn Celis, Richard Siegal, and Hofesh Shechter. He has also performed in Rasta Thomas' Rock the Ballet, Missouri Ballet Theater, Lar Lubovitch Dance Company, Alvin Ailey II, Collage Dance Collective, and currently BODYTRAFFIC. Jamal has made creations at Southern Methodist University, Dean College, London Contemporary Dance School, Troy University , BODYTRAFFIC, Deeply Rooted Youth Ensemble and The Ailey School. Jamal has also taught and created for many arts exchange and outreach programs in the United States and abroad such as Steps on Broadway, Trinity Laban Conservatory of Music and Dance, and the Ailey School. He’s had the pleasure of creating a new work for Company D; A Memphis based contemporary dance company for adults with down syndrome. Jamal is currently on the ballet faculty at Celebrity Dance Convention, Artistic Fellow at BODYTRAFFIC, one of the founding members of The Black Artists Dance Collective, and studying at Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance in the M.F.A Choreography program. AMBER JACKSON Amber Jackson, is an artist who recently opened the production of The Devil Wears Prada in Chicago where she also closed the TONY AWARD winning production, Hamilton: An American Musical. She is a native of Atlanta GA, who found her love for the arts at an early age and began training for a professional dance career. In 2011, Amber made her TV debut on “So You Think You Can Dance” which started her journey in entertainment. She not only has a passion for performing but also for teaching and giving back. When given the opportunity she joined the renowned dance convention “NYCDA” touring around the U.S. Traveling became her life and she soon went on to join Rasta Thomas’s “Bad Boys of Ballet” touring internationally. After a few years on the road she returned to NYC where she made her Broadway debut with “ Wicked the Musical”, furthering her love for theater, dance, music and acting. I’m 2019, Amber landed her first speaking role on Netflix’s hit series, “Soundtrack” a Joshua Saffron original and more recently made a guest appearance on STARZ hit show, “Power Book III”. Her TV credits include: “Nashville”, “American Idol” “The Talk”, “The Late Late Show with James Corden”, Good Morning America, and the “Video Music Awards”. Moving forward, Amber hopes to spread inspiration, love, and hope through art. BRIONNA WILLIAMS Brionna Williams is a multifaceted dance artist, teacher, and choreographer - currently based in Atlanta, GA. She has trained intensely in a variety of styles including ballet, modern, tap, jazz, hip hop, contemporary, improvisation and heels. She graduated from the Dekalb School of Performing Arts High School. In 2010, Brionna booked her first professional job as a featured dancer in the Tyler Perry's “For Colored Girls” film. She received her B.F.A in Dance Performance and Education from The University of the Arts in Philadelphia in May 2015. As an undergrad, Brionna performed original works of Ronen Koresh, Mark Caserta, Douglas Becker, Sharon Eyal, Robert Battle, Sidra Bell and many others. Post grad she took on the responsibility of Rehearsal Director at the University of the Arts during their 2015-2016 school year and worked as an independent contemporary artist with choreographers such as Kurt Haworth, Katherine Stark and Janice Rosario And Company. Brionna is currently represented by Xcel Talent Agency and since then has appeared on Step Up: Highwater, Empire, CW Legacies, P-Valley, Ellen DeGeneres and has toured with musical artist Ciara and Ne-Yo. Brionna teaches open contemporary fusion & improvisational dance classes and is a first company member with Komansé Dance Theatre. WENDELL GRAY Wendell Gray II is a dance artist, choreographer, and educator currently based in Brooklyn. Since moving to the city, he has worked professionally with choreographers such as Tere O’Connor, Joanna Kotze, Pavel Zustiak, Jordan Demetrius Lloyd, Maria Bauman, Jonah Bokaer, I-Ling Liu, Christal Brown, Esther Baker- Tarpaga, J Bouey and more. In late fall of 2021 he received the STUFFED Artist in Residence at Judson Memorial Church. He was also a Work Up 6.0 Artist at Gibney Dance in Spring 2020. Additionally, he has shown work at the University of the Arts, Movement Research at Judson Church, Center for Performance Research, Chez Bushwick, La Mama Galleria, Capezio ACE Awards, and Bronx Academy of Arts and Dance. He has set work on companies such as Michiyaya Dance, Pennsylvania Ballet II + Philadanco II, and Periapsis Music and Dance. As an educator, he has taught classes at Mark Morris Dance Center, SUNY Purchase, NYU, Eisenhower Dance Detroit, Southeast Alabama Dance Company, and more. Wendell is a BFA graduate of the University of the Arts (15’) under the direction of Donna Faye Burchfield was raised in Atlanta, GA where he trained at Dekalb School of the Arts and Dancemakers of Atlanta. RAIANNA C BROWN Raianna is a Choreographer, Creative Director, and founder of Komansé Dance Theater. She exhibits the dynamism of the modern young professional through her multidisciplinary work. Komansé Dance Theater intentionally integrates technology and the arts into the design of their performances, previously working with the GT Industrial Design School and the GT Invention Studio to integrate projection mapping and 3D printed costumes into their shows. Komansé’s shows center on the narratives of marginalized people, using technology to amplify the performance. Their most recent live- production was created in partnership with Covenant House, a homeless shelter servicing at-risk youth. Raianna is currently working as Creative Director and Choreographer on the Permanent Project, a multidisciplinary art experience that activates works by Black artists in museum collections. Permanent Project is a partnership between Komansé Dance Theater and The African Diaspora Art Museum of Atlanta. Raianna has worked as co-director and lead choreographer on the most recent iterations of the Permanent Project in collaboration with the Coca-Cola foundation, the Elevate Festival, & The High Museum of Art. Raianna’s other accomplishments in the world of dance include choreographing commissioned pieces for the NAACP, the Atlanta Mayor’s Office, Grammy-nominated artists, and international dance companies, and also dancing alongside Shakira and Jennifer Lopez in Super Bowl Sunday LIV and dancing with Beyoncé in the 2022 Oscars performance. Outside of dance, Raianna has taken her industrial engineering knowledge into the field of software development, serving as the lead software developer for Lean consulting firm CMB Global Partners. TERESA JADE WILSON Graduate from The University of the Arts in Philadelphia, PA with a BFA in Dance Education. Throughout her journey at The University of the Arts, she was invited to perform with Philadelphia’s West African Dance Company, Kùlú Mèlé African Dance & Drum Ensemble, by Emmy Award nominated choreographer Jeffrey Page, and has performed works created by Pearl Primus (restaged by Kim Bears-Bailey). In the years, Teresa has assisted with the production of Jazmine Sullivan’s London Performance, performed in Debbie Allen’s Brothers of the Knight, Sir Rosevelt, Step Up:High Waters, HBO’s The Watchmen, BET’s American Soul, HBO Max’s Doom Patrol and the Triumph Awards. She then toured internationally with recording artist Keith Sweat as the dance captain, as well as completed two Las Vegas Residencies. Since touring, she set sail with Norwegian Cruise Lines as a singer and dancer for Broadway’s After Midnight. She is now back home performing with City Gate Dance Theater and choreographing for and performing with The Tap Rebels, who just represented the United States at the World Expo 2020 in Dubai, United Emirates. In addition to performing, this Atlanta native loves teaching and choreographing for studios across the metro Atlanta area including her home studio, DanceMakers of Atlanta. MAJOR NESBY A multidisciplinary creative, Major started his career as a dance artist performing works by Alvin Ailey, Nacho Duato, Robert Battle, Francesca Harper, Kyle Abraham, and many more in New York City and on global stages. A graduate of Point Park University, Major also works as a producer, director, host, and correspondent. In 2020 he created/founded NEON a platform under GLAAD (Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) that centers Queer Black narratives across the African Diaspora through media. He has also worked with platforms such as HBO and Google. Aside from working in several industries, Major continues to teach movement and choreograph both domestically and internationally. JAZMIN CRUMLEY Jazmin Crumley is a professional vocal coach, vocalist and mentor whose roots are held in the city of Ellenwood, GA. She began singing in church at the age of 2 and since then, her relationships with God and music have become a major part of her life. Even as a child she had a powerhouse sound that grasped the undivided attention of everyone who heard her voice. At age 15, Jazmin began classical voice training and was accepted into DeKalb School of the Arts where she continued her training, majoring in Vocal Performance and minoring in Visual Art. While attending this prestigious school she also began developing her performance skills in multiple musical genres including Gospel, R&B/Soul, Broadway show-tunes and Opera. Further, she made her acting debut as a lead in musical productions such as Gilbert and Sullivan’s The Mikado, and Abbott and Bissell’s The Pajama Game. In 2012, Jazmin completed her undergraduate studies at Georgia State University’s School of Music, and holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Music Management with a focus in Vocal Performance. Simultaneously, while in her sophomore year of collegiate studies, her career as a professional background vocalist began. Since that time, Jazmin has traveled the world and has shared both the stage and studio with some of the music industry’s top artists including, Kirk Franklin, Donald Lawrence, Musiq Soulchild, Monica, Anthony Hamilton, Erica Campbell, Avery Sunshine and many more. She worked on both the NAACP Image Award winning soundtrack and on the television set of Oprah & OWN Network's hit tv drama, "Greenleaf" for multiple seasons, BET Network's drama series, "Boomerang", MTV's "Nick Cannon Presents Wild'N Out" and worked as a member of the house band for the 34th Annual Gospel Stellar Awards, 20th Annual Super Bowl Gospel Celebration, both The 2018 and 2019 BMI R&B/Hip Hop Awards honoring Janet Jackson and Brandy. Jazmin now serves as the Vocal Director and Contractor The Stellar (Gospel Music) Awards and Black Music Honors. She has had vocal arrangements featured on Lifetime's EMMY nominated "Robin Roberts Presents: MAHALIA", The EPIX Docu-series "By Whatever Means Necessary" and has been a featured vocalist for those projects as well as on networks such as STARZ, PBS, television commercials and more! Upon obtaining her degree, Jazmin founded The Outlet for Vocal Expression, LLC, where she currently works as a professional vocal coach, arranger & vocal producer in Ellenwood, GA with vocalists, artists and background vocalists all over the world. She is a Vocal Health Instructor certified by The Music And Arts Healing Institute, Voice Teacher Certified by New York Vocal Coaching and has had much success in her years of instructing. “The Outlet” provides a comfortable, uplifting environment for singers, from beginner to industry level, to receive quality vocal training. Her expertise continues to open many doors, allowing her to do what she loves and help others to grow and do the same. Her ultimate goal is to share the love and message of Christ through music and mentorship. She hopes to inspire everyone she comes in contact with to be who God created them to be and pursue every dream He has placed in their hearts. CeCe Tor Cece Tor is a Liberian American professional choreographer and dancer. Her career in dance began at the age of 16 where she trained in jazz, ballet, African, hip hop, and tap. Her love for her African culture lead her to focus on the modern and traditional styles of Africa and the diaspora. She has traveled and trained in Nigeria, Ghana and in Liberia. Her credits include television and films such as “Step up” the series, HBOs “Eyes on the prize,” and is a principal dancer in the much anticipated “Black Panther 2.” She has also shared the stage and screen with artists such as Yemi Alade, Drake, Teyana Taylor, Jessie J, to name a few and was the official choreographer for Chop Vegas 2021 and Afronation festival US 2022. She hopes to continue spreading her love of culture through dance, and bringing awareness to the talent and beauty that Africa radiates. Jasmine Wilde Business & Wellness Consultant Education: Middle Tennessee State University B.A. Liberal Arts / Writing Processional Credits Tours: Rihanna Loud tour, Home and Home Jay Z and Eminem tour, B.o.B Japan tour, Shooting Stars tour, Paramore UK tour + Shows: BMI urban music awards, MTV video music awards, Perez Hilton‘s one night in Chicago, The Grammy nominations concert + TV: Mindful Meditation with Miss Wilde • Reiki Practitioner • Sound bath and meditation facilitator • Ultrasound Boutique owner @tbadcollective [email protected] Sun-Fri: 9AM to 10PM ©2023 by The Black Artists Dance Collective. Powered and secured with Taylor The Creator
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George E. Clark Friday May 31st 2019, 3:27 pm George E. Clark is a college librarian at Harvard and a sometime actor and writer. George graduated in May 2022 from the Harvard Extension School master’s degree program in Dramatic Arts. While there, George studied acting with Remo Airaldi and writing with Bryan Delaney. For one of Bryan’s classes, George wrote a one-act farce set in academe titled Lordy Parkington Gets Hit by a Bus. George’s thesis is about an outdoor theater in Washington, D.C. It is titled Stepping to the National Stage: Protesting Injustice, Producing Shakespeare, and Claiming Black Space at the Sylvan Theater. In the spring of 2021, George worked as a background actor on The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. The easiest place to find him is in season 4, episode 2. He is front row center when Midge discovers the stage of The Wolford burlesque club. More recently, he played a reporter in the Kiera Knightley film Boston Strangler. In 2020, George appeared as an extra in the Michelle Dockery/Chris Evans miniseries Defending Jacob. See him as a janitor in episode 1 and a news cameraman in the trailer and episode 3. He also appeared as a background actor in the Kyle Chandler television series Early Edition. Back in the day, he worked as cast or crew in Tartuffe, Once Upon A Mattress, and Twelfth Night at Earlham College, and was a player in the Earlham-based improv company Off the Cuff. George is a former columnist for Environment magazine. His poetry has been published in Shot Glass Journal; West Texas Literary Review; The Resource, Harvard University’s HR newsletter; Crucible, the literary magazine of Earlham College; and Lines in the Landscape, a juried chapbook published by Fruitlands Museum and the Concord (MA.) Poetry Center. George’s poetry book manuscript, Next Morning, With Pickles, was a semifinalist for the Ohio State University Press/The Journal Wheeler Prize for Poetry in 2018. He has a B.A. in geology from Earlham College, and other master’s degrees in geography and library & information science from the University of Chicago and Simmons University, respectively. He received his Ph.D. in geography from Clark University, where he worked on water resources, environmental hazards, and social vulnerability and resilience to climate change. His article with colleagues from Clark U. on coastal flooding in Revere, Massachusetts, is one of the most-cited early articles on measuring resilience to climate change. George grew up in Fairfax, Virginia, where he attended Robinson High School, and his family hails from Virginia’s Shenandoah Valley. He currently lives in metrowest Massachusetts about halfway between Boston and Worcester. George and his spouse, Elizabeth, have two adult children and two adult cats. [Contact] [Publications] Comments Off on About
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University College Dublin names EECS alumna as president EECS alumna Orla Feely is the first woman to be named President of University College Dublin (UCD). Feely (M.S. ’90, Ph.D. ‘92 EECS, advisor: Leon O. Chua ) will lead UCD for a ten-year term beginning in May. Feely, a Professor of Electronic Engineering, is currently the Vice President for Research, Innovation and Impact at UCD. At Berkeley, her Ph.D. thesis won the David J. Sakrison Memorial Prize for outstanding and innovative research, and she also received the Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Award. Feely’s research interests are in nonlinear circuits and systems. She is a Member of the Royal Irish Academy, Engineers Ireland, the Irish Academy of Engineering, and an IEEE Fellow. UCD appoints Prof Orla Feely as new president Jessy Lin and Abhishek Shetty win 2023 Apple Scholars in AI/ML PhD fellowships Two EECS graduate students, Jessy Lin (advisors: Anca Dragan and Dan Klein) and Abhishek Shetty (advisor: Nika Haghtalab) have been named 2023 recipients of the Apple Scholars in AI/ML PhD fellowship. This fellowship recognizes graduate and postgraduate students in the field of artificial intelligence and machine learning. Apple Scholars are selected based on “innovative research, record as thought leaders and collaborators, and commitment to advancing their respective fields.” Jessy Lin’s research is focused on using language as a medium to build agents that can collaborate and interact with humans. Abhishek Shetty’s research is broadly interested in theoretical computer science and machine learning, understanding how learning theory, complexity theory, and probability interact with each other. Apple Scholars receive funding to support their research, and mentorship with an Apple researcher in their field. Announcing the 2023 Apple Scholars in AI/ML Hari Balakrishnan wins 2023 Marconi Prize 2021 Distinguished CS Alumnus Hari Balakrishnan (Ph.D. 1998, advisor: Randy Katz) has won the 2023 Marconi Prize “for his fundamental contributions to mobile sensing, networking, and distributed systems.” The Marconi Prize, which is the highest honor of the Marconi Society, is given each year to innovators who have made significant contributions to increasing inclusivity through the advancement of information and communications technology. Balakrishnan is the Fujitsu Professor of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at MIT. He is also the Founder, CTO, and Chairman of Cambridge Mobile Telematics (CMT). His graduate work at Berkeley won the ACM Doctoral Dissertation Award in 1998. He was inducted to the National Academy of Engineering in 2015 and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2017; he received the Infosys Prize in 2020 and the IEEE Koji Kobayashi Award for Computers and Communication in 2021 for his important contributions to networks, mobile systems, and telematics. He is also a Fellow of both the ACM and IEEE. CREATING A SAFER, MORE RESILIENT SOCIETY: 2023 MARCONI PRIZE AWARDED TO HARI BALAKRISHNAN BESSA board members Bridget Agyare, Farhiya Ali, Jesus Wilkins, Mialy Rasetarinera, Megane Tchatchouang, and Laila Walker. (Photo: Rhett Jones Jr. Photography) BESSA, BGESS celebrate milestone anniversaries The Black Engineering and Science Student Association (BESSA), and Black Graduate Engineering and Science Students (BGESS), celebrated their 55th and 35th anniversaries, respectively. The anniversary celebration and community building event, which took place on February 11, 2023, was hosted by the Black Engineering and Science Alumni Club (BESAC), and began with a daytime speaker series, followed by a reception at Alumni House. Several EECS alumni were in attendance, such as UC Davis Chancellor and EECS distinguished alumni Gary May (M.S.’88, Ph.D. ’91 EECS) and Valerie Taylor (Ph.D. ’91 EECS), director of the mathematics and computer science division at Argonne National Lab. Other notable alumni who were present include Marie-Ange Eyoum Tagne (M.S. ’03, Ph.D. ’06 EECS), head of product at Yahoo! and Omoju Miller (Ph.D. ‘16 CS Education), CEO and founder of Fimio; Hakim Weatherspoon (Ph.D. ‘06 CS), now a professor of computer science at Cornell, participated in a Black faculty panel. The celebration also marked the 5th anniversary of BESAC. “Being with my fellow BESSA peers and hearing the inspirational stories of BESSA alumni was a very emotional experience for me,” said Bridget Agyare, who is an undergraduate EECS major and BESSA board member. “These successful and distinguished alumni were just like us– they invested time and effort into BESSA’s legacy, they were passionate about STEM, and they were leaders in their community– and seeing what they have achieved reassures me that one day our hard work will pay off and we will succeed as well." Black Engineering and Science Alumni Club to host anniversary celebration for BESSA, BGESS
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Digital Learning Initiative Proctoring Policy Responsibilities and Expectations State Authorizations Bursar Policies Refund Disbursement Book Vouchers A Campus Steeped In A Colorful Blend of Culture and Traditions Baton Rouge Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) encompasses Ascension, East Baton Rouge, East Feliciana, Iberville, Livingston, Point Coupee, St. Helena, West Baton Rouge and West Feliciana parishes and is currently the largest metro area in Louisiana, with a 2005 pre-Hurricane Katrina population estimate of 729,000 persons and a 2006 population estimate of 779,000. The Metro area population grew by approximately 74,000 persons or 9.7% from 2000 to 2006. It is a relatively young population with a median age of 33.7 years (national median age is 36.3 years). Baton Rouge is steeped in a colorful blend of cultures and traditions, which infuses every facet of life. The area offers a tremendous diversity of activities. Tennis, golf, recreation centers, public swimming pools, numerous parks, movie theaters, bowling alleys, roller skating and ice skating are all available. In addition, the local parks and recreation commission offers recreational classes for children, adults and seniors, as well as horseback riding, archery, a BMX raceway, an in-line skating velodrome, a skateboarding facility and dog parks. Boating, fishing, hiking and bike riding are also popular activities. The East Baton Rouge Parish library system is a great local resource for books, movies, music and special programs. Located centrally are a main library and 12 other branches. There's always something going on in Baton Rouge's thriving downtown area. Located on the eastern banks of the Mississippi River, downtown Baton Rouge is a hub of governmental and commercial activity. The state capitol, the governor's office and a variety of state agencies are headquartered downtown, as are many other businesses and professional offices. The Baton Rouge River Center attracts thousands each year to conventions, tradeshows, live performances and other events. Educational opportunities abound with significant historic buildings, such as the Old State Capitol Building and the Old Governor's Mansion, and museums such as the Louisiana Art and Science Museum and the USS Kidd and Nautical Center. The Shaw Center for the Arts draws many people downtown for art exhibits, live performances and rooftop dining. On the weekends, downtown Baton Rouge takes on a more relaxed atmosphere, with a Saturday farmers' market and arts market. The downtown area is also a prime location for a variety of festivals, parades and free outdoor concerts throughout the year. Downtown continues to be a hot spot for development, with plans in the works for transforming a number of older buildings into a mix of residential, retail and commercial space.
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Saks Fifth Avenue OFF 5TH to Open in Chicago, IL NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Saks Fifth Avenue OFF 5TH is pleased to announce plans to open a new store at NEWCITY, the newly opened mixed-use development that includes retail, dining, entertainment and residential living, located in the heart of Chicago’s Lincoln Park neighborhood. This highly anticipated opening will be Saks Fifth Avenue OFF 5TH’s seventh store in Chicago. The new 40,000 square feet store is scheduled to open in May 2016 and will offer an exciting and comfortable fashion environment, boasting an unparalleled assortment of designer merchandise for both men and women. Additionally, the store will house a dynamic Home department with seasonally appropriate on-trend furnishings. Saks OFF 5TH recently announced another spring 2016 store opening in Chicago, at 6 S. State Street at the corner of State and Madison. “As one of the premier shopping destinations in America, Chicago provides an outstanding opportunity to propel the Saks OFF 5TH brand and reach new customers in the city and surrounding region,” says Jonathan Greller, President of Outlets, HBC. “As we continue to open new locations in downtown core markets we are seeing incredible consumer response, and we look forward to serving Chicago residents and visitors at this spectacular new shopping development when we open at NEWCITY next spring.” Saks Fifth Avenue OFF 5TH’s new store will co-anchor NEWCITY, and cater to the market with a tailored assortment of more than 800 brands, from emerging designer labels to some of the most recognized names in fashion. With new arrivals shipped to the store almost daily, customers will discover new and exciting merchandise, including one-of-a-kind designer finds, with every visit. For additional Saks OFF 5TH shopping benefits, customers may sign up for the More! program on saksoff5th.com. Rewards include insider access to exclusive discounts, new arrival alerts and more. The new Saks Fifth Avenue OFF 5TH will reside on the west side of NEWCITY with its primary entrance on Halsted Street. NEWCITY is located at 1457 N. Halsted Street, Chicago, IL 60642 just south of the intersection of Clybourn Avenue and Halsted Street one block from the North/Clybourn Red line stop. ABOUT SAKS FIFTH AVENUE OFF 5TH As part of the Hudson’s Bay Company brand portfolio, Saks Fifth Avenue OFF 5TH is a world-class destination for true fashion at extraordinary value. The retailer’s 91 stores and e-commerce division, saksoff5th.com, combine the two great joys of shopping: the delight of discovering the best in luxury and the thrill of finding a deal. A sophisticated shopping experience of carefully curated off-the-runway trends, exceptional service, and savings on the biggest names in fashion, Saks Fifth Avenue OFF 5TH leads the market as the premier luxury-value destination. ABOUT NEWCITY NEWCITY is a lively “neighborhood within a neighborhood” located on an 8.5-acre site in the Lincoln Park neighborhood at 1457 N. Halsted Street. The mixed-use development combines unique retail, dining, entertainment, residential living and medical office space. The 360,000 square feet of retail space includes an upscale grocer and first-to-market entertainment and restaurant concepts. NEWCITY offers a beautiful, one-acre landscaped plaza; pedestrian-friendly sidewalks; 1,000-space public parking garage; and valet service. The 200 rental unit residential tower has 16 levels for every lifestyle, offering city living in a vibrant community. Additionally, there is over 30,000 square feet of medical office space. For further information, visit www.experiencenewcity.com. Tiffany Bourré, 905-595-7184 [email protected]
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Durio zibethinus KEGG pathway-based maps statistics & search Durio zibethinus KEGG pathway-based maps overview Description Glycolysis is the process of converting glucose into pyruvate and generating small amounts of ATP (energy) and NADH (reducing power). It is a central pathway that produces important precursor metabolites: six-carbon compounds of glucose-6P and fructose-6P and three-carbon compounds of glycerone-P; glyceraldehyde-3P; glycerate-3P; phosphoenolpyruvate; and pyruvate [MD:M00001]. Acetyl-CoA; another important precursor metabolite; is produced by oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate [MD:M00307]. When the enzyme genes of this pathway are examined in completely sequenced genomes; the reaction steps of three-carbon compounds from glycerone-P to pyruvate form a conserved core module [MD:M00002]; which is found in almost all organisms and which sometimes contains operon structures in bacterial genomes. Gluconeogenesis is a synthesis pathway of glucose from noncarbohydrate precursors. It is essentially a reversal of glycolysis with minor variations of alternative paths [MD:M00003]. Description The citrate cycle (TCA cycle; Krebs cycle) is an important aerobic pathway for the final steps of the oxidation of carbohydrates and fatty acids. The cycle starts with acetyl-CoA; the activated form of acetate; derived from glycolysis and pyruvate oxidation for carbohydrates and from beta oxidation of fatty acids. The two-carbon acetyl group in acetyl-CoA is transferred to the four-carbon compound of oxaloacetate to form the six-carbon compound of citrate. In a series of reactions two carbons in citrate are oxidized to CO2 and the reaction pathway supplies NADH for use in the oxidative phosphorylation and other metabolic processes. The pathway also supplies important precursor metabolites including 2-oxoglutarate. At the end of the cycle the remaining four-carbon part is transformed back to oxaloacetate. According to the genome sequence data; many organisms seem to lack genes for the full cycle [MD:M00009]; but contain genes for specific segments [MD:M00010 M00011]. Description The pentose phosphate pathway is a process of glucose turnover that produces NADPH as reducing equivalents and pentoses as essential parts of nucleotides. There are two different phases in the pathway. One is irreversible oxidative phase in which glucose-6P is converted to ribulose-5P by oxidative decarboxylation; and NADPH is generated [MD:M00006]. The other is reversible non-oxidative phase in which phosphorylated sugars are interconverted to generate xylulose-5P; ribulose-5P; and ribose-5P [MD:M00007]. Phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate (PRPP) formed from ribose-5P [MD:M00005] is an activated compound used in the biosynthesis of histidine and purine/pyrimidine nucleotides. This pathway map also shows the Entner-Doudoroff pathway where 6-P-gluconate is dehydrated and then cleaved into pyruvate and glyceraldehyde-3P [MD:M00008]. Description Pentose and glucuronate interconversions Description Fructose and mannose metabolism Description Galactose metabolism Description Ascorbate and aldarate metabolism Description Fatty acid biosynthesis Description Fatty acid elongation Description Fatty acid degradation Description Synthesis and degradation of ketone bodies Description Cutin, suberine and wax biosynthesis Description Steroid biosynthesis Description Ubiquinone (UQ); also called coenzyme Q; and plastoquinone (PQ) are electron carriers in oxidative phosphorylation and photosynthesis; respectively. The quinoid nucleus of ubiquinone is derived from the shikimate pathway; 4-hydroxybenzoate is directly formed from chorismate in bacteria; while it can be formed from either chorismate or tyrosine in yeast. The following biosynthesis of terpenoid moiety involves reactions of prenylation; decarboxylation; and three hydroxylations alternating with three methylations. The order of these reactions are somewhat different between bacteria and yeast. Phylloquinone (vitamin K1); menaquinone (vitamin K2); and tocopherol (vitamin E) are fat-soluble vitamins. Phylloquinone is a compound present in all photosynthetic plants serving as a cofactor for photosystem I-mediated electron transport. Menaquinone is an obligatory component of the electron-transfer pathway in bacteria. Description Oxidative phosphorylation Description Photosynthesis in green plants and specialized bacteria is the process of utilizing light energy to synthesize organic compounds from carbon dioxide and water. It consists of the light dependent part (light reaction) and the light independent part (dark reaction; carbon fixation). The light reaction takes place in thylakoid; a membrane-bound compartment inside chloroplasts and cyanobacteria. The light energy is used by photosystems I and II to generate proton motive force and reducing power (NADPH or NADH). The proton motive force is used by ATP synthase to generate ATP; essentially in the same way as the mitochondrial respiratory chain. The supplies of ATP and NAD(P)H are then used to fix carbon dioxide. Description The chlorophyll-binding subunits of photosystems I and II are internal antenna light-harvesting proteins of oxygenic photosynthesis. The antenna proteins that exist in phycobilisomes in cyanobacteria and light-harvesting chlorophyll protein complexes in green plants act as peripheral antenna systems; enabling more efficient absorption of light energy. Description Arginine biosynthesis Description Purine metabolism Description Caffeine metabolism Description Pyrimidine metabolism Description Alanine, aspartate and glutamate metabolism Description Serine is derived from 3-phospho-D-glycerate; an intermediate of glycolysis [MD:M00020]; and glycine is derived from serine. Threonine is an essential amino acid; which animals cannot synthesize. In bacteria and plants; threonine is derived from aspartate [MD:M00018]. Description Monobactams are beta-lactam antibiotics containing a monocyclic beta-lactam nucleus; which is structurally different from penicillin and cephalosporin core structures with another fused ring. This diagram shows biosynthesis of nocardicin A; a naturally occurring monobactam; via the pentapeptide formed by condensation of L-4-hydroxyphenylglycine (L-pHPG); L-arginine and L-serine [MD:M00736]. Other naturally occurring monobactams are also shown but the biosynthetic pathway is not yet fully characterized. Sulfazecin and other 3-aminomonobactamic acid derivatives are derived from serine or threonine; and tabtoxinine-beta-lactam is a phytotoxin. Aztreonam; a synthetic monobactam originally isolated as SQ 26;180 from Chromobacterium violaceum; is the first clinically used monobactam. Description Cysteine and methionine are sulfur-containing amino acids. Cysteine is synthesized from serine through different pathways in different organism groups. In bacteria and plants; cysteine is converted from serine (via acetylserine) by transfer of hydrogen sulfide [MD:M00021]. In animals; methionine-derived homocysteine is used as sulfur source and its condensation product with serine (cystathionine) is converted to cysteine [MD:M00338]. Cysteine is metabolized to pyruvate in multiple routes. Methionine is an essential amino acid; which animals cannot synthesize. In bacteria and plants; methionine is synthesized from aspartate [MD:M00017]. S-Adenosylmethionine (SAM); synthesized from methionine and ATP; is a methyl group donor in many important transfer reactions including DNA methylation for regulation of gene expression. SAM may also be used to regenerate methionine in the methionine salvage pathway [MD:M00034]. Description Valine, leucine and isoleucine degradation Description Valine, leucine and isoleucine biosynthesis Description Lysine biosynthesis Description Lysine degradation Description Arginine and proline metabolism Description Histidine metabolism Description Tyrosine metabolism Description Phenylalanine metabolism Description Tryptophan metabolism Description Phenylalanine, tyrosine and tryptophan biosynthesis Description beta-Alanine metabolism Description Taurine and hypotaurine metabolism Description Natural products containing carbon-phosphorous bonds; so-called C-P compounds; are derivatives of phosphonate and phosphinate with substitution of alkyl group for hydrogen of phosphorus-hydrogen bonds. C-P compounds have been found in many organisms; but only protists and bacteria; mostly Actinobacteria; have biosynthetic capacity. A common reaction in the biosynthetic pathway is C-P bond forming reaction from phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) to phosphonopyruvate (PnPy) catalyzed by PEP phosphomutase. 2-Aminoethylphosphonate (AEP) is the most abundant C-P compound in the natural world. AEP derivatives include phosphonoprotein; phosphonoglycan; and phosphonolipid. Other known C-P compounds are bioactive substances used in medicine (antibiotics) and agriculture (herbicide) such as fosfomycin; FR-33289; rhizocticin; and bialaphos. Description Selenocompound metabolism Description Cyanoamino acid metabolism Description Glutathione metabolism Description Starch and sucrose metabolism Description N-glycans or asparagine-linked glycans are major constituents of glycoproteins in eukaryotes. N-glycans are covalently attached to asparagine with the consensus sequence of Asn-X-Ser/Thr by an N-glycosidic bond; GlcNAc b1- Asn. Biosynthesis of N-glycans begins on the cytoplasmic face of the ER membrane with the transferase reaction of UDP-GlcNAc and the lipid-like precursor P-Dol (dolichol phosphate) to generate GlcNAc a1- PP-Dol. After sequential addition of monosaccharides by ALG glycosyltransferases [MD:M00055]; the N-glycan precursor is attached by the OST (oligosaccharyltransferase) complex to the polypeptide chain that is being synthesized and translocated through the ER membrane. The protein-bound N-glycan precursor is subsequently trimmed; extended; and modified in the ER and Golgi by a complex series of reactions catalyzed by membrane-bound glycosidases and glycosyltransferases. N-glycans thus synthesized are classified into three types: high-mannose type; complex type; and hybrid type. Defects in N-glycan biosynthesis lead to a variety of human diseases known as congenital disorders of glycosylation [DS:H00118 H00119]. Description Various types of N-glycan biosynthesis Description Amino sugar and nucleotide sugar metabolism Description Glycosaminoglycan degradation Description Glycerolipid metabolism Description Inositol phosphate metabolism Description Cell surface proteins can be attached to the cell membrane via the glycolipid structure called glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchor. Hundreds of GPI-anchored proteins have been identified in many eukaryotes ranging from protozoa and fungi to mammals. All protein-linked GPI anchors share a common core structure; characterized by the substructure Man (a1-4) GlcN (a1-6) myo-inositol-1P-lipid. Biosynthesis of GPI anchors proceeds in three stages: (i) preassembly of a GPI precursor in the ER membrane; (ii) attachment of the GPI to the C-terminus of a newly synthesized protein in the lumen of the ER; and (iii) lipid remodeling and/or carbohydrate side-chain modifications in the ER and the Golgi. Defects of GPI anchor biosynthesis gene result in a genetic disorder; paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria. Description Glycerophospholipid metabolism Description Ether lipid metabolism Description Arachidonic acid metabolism Description Linoleic acid metabolism Description alpha-Linolenic acid metabolism Description Sphingolipid metabolism Description Glycosphingolipid biosynthesis - lacto and neolacto series Description Glycosphingolipid biosynthesis - globo and isoglobo series Description Glycosphingolipid biosynthesis - ganglio series Description Pyruvate metabolism Description Glyoxylate and dicarboxylate metabolism Description Propanoate metabolism Description Butanoate metabolism Description C5-Branched dibasic acid metabolism Description One carbon pool by folate Description Carbon fixation in photosynthetic organisms Description Thiamine metabolism Description Riboflavin metabolism Description Vitamin B6 metabolism Description Nicotinate and nicotinamide metabolism Description Pantothenate and CoA biosynthesis Description Biotin (vitamin H or vitamin B7) is the essential cofactor of biotin-dependent carboxylases; such as pyruvate carboxylase and acetyl-CoA carboxylase. Mammals cannot synthesize biotin; while in bacteria; fungi; and plants it is synthesized from pimelate thioester through different pathways. In E. coli and many organisms; pimelate thioester is derived from malonyl-ACP. The pathway starts with the methylation to malonyl-ACP methyl ester; followed by the fatty acid chain elongation cycle to form pimeloyl-ACP methyl ester; which is then demethylated to form pimeloyl-ACP [MD:M00572]. Pimeloyl-ACP is converted to biotin through the final four steps in the biotin bicyclic ring assembly; which are conserved among biotin-producing organisms [MD:M00123]. In B. subtilis; biotin is derived from pimeloyl-ACP formed by oxidative cleavage of long-chain acyl-ACPs [MD:M00573]. Some bacteria synthesize biotin from pimeloyl-CoA derived from pimelate [MD:M00577]. Biotin is covalently attached to biotin-dependent carboxylase by biotin protein ligase; also known as holocarboxylase synthase in mammals; to form an active holocarboxylase. After degradation of the biotinylated carboxylase into biocytin; it is further degraded by biotinidase to release free biotin; which is recycled in holocarboxylase synthesis. Biotin is catabolized by beta-oxidation of the valeric acid side chain or oxidation of sulfur in the heterocyclic ring. Description Lipoic acid metabolism Description Folate biosynthesis Description Porphyrin and chlorophyll metabolism Description Terpenoids; also known as isoprenoids; are a large class of natural products consisting of isoprene (C5) units. There are two biosynthetic pathways; the mevalonate pathway [MD:M00095] and the non-mevalonate pathway or the MEP/DOXP pathway [MD:M00096]; for the terpenoid building blocks: isopentenyl diphosphate (IPP) and dimethylallyl diphosphate (DMAPP). The action of prenyltransferases then generates higher-order building blocks: geranyl diphosphate (GPP); farsenyl diphosphate (FPP); and geranylgeranyl diphosphate (GGPP); which are the precursors of monoterpenoids (C10); sesquiterpenoids (C15); and diterpenoids (C20); respectively. Condensation of these building blocks gives rise to the precursors of sterols (C30) and carotenoids (C40). The MEP/DOXP pathway is absent in higher animals and fungi; but in green plants the MEP/DOXP and mevalonate pathways co-exist in separate cellular compartments. The MEP/DOXP pathway; operating in the plastids; is responsible for the formation of essential oil monoterpenes and linalyl acetate; some sesquiterpenes; diterpenes; and carotenoids and phytol. The mevalonate pathway; operating in the cytosol; gives rise to triterpenes; sterols; and most sesquiterpenes. Description Limonene and pinene degradation Description Diterpenoid biosynthesis Description Brassinosteroids are a group of plant steroid hormones that regulate growth and development. More than fifty naturally occurring brassinosteroids have been identified in a wide range of plant species. The most abundant and widely occurring brassinosteroids are C28 steroids; and among them brassinolide (BL) is the most biologically active. Plants have multiple pathways for biosynthesis of BL; which are derived from the steroid biosynthetic pathway. Two pathways from campestanol to castasterone (CS); C6 oxidation and the late-C6 oxidation pathways; operate in many plants. Another branching pathway; the early-C22 oxidation pathway; was demonstrated using a brassinosteroid-deficient mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana. Recently; a new shortcut pathway from campesterol to 6-deoxotyphasterol was demonstrated by a functional analysis of cytochrome P450 monooxygenases responsible for brassinosteroid biosynthesis. Thus; at least four pathways are involved in the biosynthesis of CS; and CS is further metabolized to BL by lactonization of the B ring. Description Carotenoid biosynthesis Description Zeatin is a member of the cytokinin family; a class of phytohormones involved in various processes of growth and development in plants. Most abundant cytokinins are adenine-type; where the N6 position of adenine is substituted with an isoprenoid; such as in zeatin; or an aromatic side chain; such as in kinetin. Zeatin can be synthesized in two different pathways: the tRNA pathway and the AMP pathway. In the tRNA pathway zeatin is a recycled product of isopentenylated tRNAs. In the AMP pathway zeatin is synthesized from an isopentenyl donor; dimethylallyl diphosphate (DMAPP); and AMP; ADP; or ATP by isopentenyltransferases. After synthesis cytokinins can be glucosylated. Description Sesquiterpenoids (C15 terpenoids) are a group of terpenoids consisting of three isoprene units. They are derive from farnesyl diphosphate (FPP) and can be cyclized to produce various skeletal structures. Sesquiterpenoid biosynthesis begins with the loss of diphosphate from FPP under the action of sesquiterpene synthesis enzymes; generating an allylic cation that is highly susceptible to intramolecular attacks. Cyclization of the farnesyl cation may take place onto either of the remaining double bonds with the result that 6-; 10-; or 11-membered rings may be formed. Many sesquiterpenoids have been isolated from plants; fungi; marine organisms; and Streptomyces species. This map shows a few examples of acyclic and cyclic sesquiterpenoids. Description The biological process of the nitrogen cycle is a complex interplay among many microorganisms catalyzing different reactions; where nitrogen is found in various oxidation states ranging from +5 in nitrate to -3 in ammonia. The core nitrogen cycle involves four reduction pathways and two oxidation pathways. Nitrogen fixation [MD:M00175] is the process of reducing atmospheric molecular nitrogen to ammonia; a biologically useful reduced form incorporated into amino acids and other vital compounds. The ability of fixing atmospheric nitrogen by the nitrogenase enzyme complex is present in restricted prokaryotes (diazotrophs). The other reduction pathways are assimilatory nitrate reduction [MD:M00531] and dissimilatory nitrate reduction [MD:M00530] both for conversion to ammonia; and denitrification [MD:M00529]. Denitrification is a respiration in which nitrate or nitrite is reduced as a terminal electron acceptor under low oxygen or anoxic conditions; producing gaseous nitrogen compounds (N2; NO and N2O) to the atmosphere. The two oxidation pathways are nitrification [MD:M00528] and anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox). Nitrification is the oxidation of ammonia (NH3) with oxygen into nitrite followed by the oxidation of nitrite into nitrate. The first step is performed by ammonia-oxidizing microorganisms (e.g.; Nitrosomonas and Nitrosococcus) and the second step by nitrite-oxidizing microorganisms (e.g.; Nitrobacter). Anammox is a biochemical process of oxidizing ammonium (NH4+) into dinitrogen gas (N2) using nitrite as an electron acceptor. It occurs in the anammoxosome; a membrane bound compartment inside the cytoplasm; of anammox bacteria (e.g.; Planctomycetes). Description Sulfur is an essential element for life and the metabolism of organic sulfur compounds plays an important role in the global sulfur cycle. Sulfur occurs in various oxidation states ranging from +6 in sulfate to -2 in sulfide (H2S). Sulfate reduction can occur in both an energy consuming assimilatory pathway and an energy producing dissimilatory pathway. The assimilatory pathway; which is found in a wide range of organisms; produces reduced sulfur compounds for the biosynthesis of S-containing amino acids and does not lead to direct excretion of sulfide. In the dissimilatory pathway; which is restricted to obligatory anaerobic bacterial and archaeal lineages; sulfate (or sulfur) is the terminal electron acceptor of the respiratory chain producing large quantities of inorganic sulfide. Both pathways start from the activation of sulfate by reaction with ATP to form adenylyl sulfate (APS). In the assimilatory pathway [MD:M00176] APS is converted to 3'-phosphoadenylyl sulfate (PAPS) and then reduced to sulfite; and sulfite is further reduced to sulfide by the assimilatory sulfite reductase. In the dissimilatory pathway [MD:M00596] APS is directly reduced to sulfite; and sulfite is further reduced to sulfide by the dissimilatory sulfite reductase. The capacity for oxidation of sulfur is quite widespread among bacteria and archaea; comprising phototrophs and chemolithoautotrophs. The SOX (sulfur-oxidation) system [MD:M00595] is a well-known sulfur oxidation pathway and is found in both photosynthetic and non-photosynthetic sulfur-oxidizing bacteria. Green sulfur bacteria and purple sulfur bacteria carry out anoxygenic photosynthesis with reduced sulfur compounds such as sulfide and elemental sulfur; as well as thiosulfate (in some species with the SOX system); as the electron donor for photoautotrophic growth. In some chemolithoautotrophic sulfur oxidizers (such as Thiobacillus denitrificans); it has been suggested that dissimilatory sulfur reduction enzymes operate in the reverse direction; forming a sulfur oxidation pathway from sulfite to APS and then to sulfate. Description Phenylpropanoids are a group of plant secondary metabolites derived from phenylalanine and having a wide variety of functions both as structural and signaling molecules. Phenylalanine is first converted to cinnamic acid by deamination. It is followed by hydroxylation and frequent methylation to generate coumaric acid and other acids with a phenylpropane (C6-C3) unit. Reduction of the CoA-activated carboxyl groups of these acids results in the corresponding aldehydes and alcohols. The alcohols are called monolignols; the starting compounds for biosynthesis of lignin. Description Flavonoids are a major class of plant secondary metabolites that serves a multitude of functions including pigments and antioxidant activity. Flavonoids are synthesized from phenylpropanoid derivatives by condensation with malonyl-CoA. For example; condensation of p-coumaroyl-CoA (C6-C3) with three malonyl-CoA (C3) molecules results in naringenin chalcone with a diphenylpropane (C6-C3-C6) unit; which is converted to naringenin with the flavone (2-phenylchromen-4-one) backbone by conjugate ring closure. These and further modifications yield a variety of structural forms including chalcones; flavanones; dihyroflavonols; and flavans; anthocyanins; flavones and flavonols; and isoflavonoids. Description Anthocyanidins (aglycones) and anthocyanins (glycosides) are common plant pigments and belong to a structural subclass of flavonoids characterized by a 2-phenylbenzopyrylium unit. They are derived along the flavonoid modification pathways and further separated into three types; pelargonidin; cyanidin; and delphinidin; due to the different number of hydroxyl groups in the phenyl group. Pathway Name: Isoflavonoid biosynthesis Description Isoflavonoids are biologically active compounds; such as phytoestrogens; produced by pea family plants. While flavonoids (in the narrow sense) have the 2-phenylchromen-4-one backbone; isoflavonoids have the 3-phenylchromen-4-one backbone with no hydroxyl group substitution at position 2. Isoflavonoids are derived from the flavonoid biosynthesis pathway via liquiritigenin or naringenin. Description Flavones and flavonols (3-hydroxyflavones) are common flavonoids in the plant kingdom. They are synthesized as part of the flavonoid modification pathways in aglycone and glucoside forms. Description Stilbenoids are a group of phenolic compounds; biosynthetically interrelated through their common origin from a C6-C2-C6 intermediate; such as resveratol found in grapes. Stilbenoids can also exist as glycosides (e.g.; piceid). Combretastatins are potentially useful stilbenoid natural products with known antitumor activity. Diarylheptanoid is a compound group having phenyl rings at 1;7 positions of n-heptane (C6-C7-C6); such as curcumin found in the ginger family. [6]-Gingerol is a major active component of ginger and has diverse pharmacologic effects. Description Isoquinoline alkaloids are tyrosine-derived plant alkaloids with an isoquinoline skeleton. Among them benzylisoquinoline alkaloids form an important group with potent pharmacological activity; including analgesic compounds of morphine and codeine; and anti-infective agents of berberine; palmatine; and magnoflorine. Biosynthesis of isoquinoline alkaloids proceeds via decarboxylation of tyrosine or DOPA to yield dopamine; which together with 4-hydroxyphenylacetaldehyde; an aldehyde derived from tyrosine; is converted to reticuline; an important precursor of various benzylisoquinoline alkaloids. Description Tropane, piperidine and pyridine alkaloid biosynthesis Description Betalains are water-soluble nitrogen-containing pigments that are present in plants belonging to the order Caryophyllales (such as cactus and amaranth families) and in higher fungi. They contain betalamic acid as the chromophore and are classified into two types: betacyanins and betaxanthins. Betacyanins contain a cyclo-DOPA residue and exhibit red/violet coloration; while betaxanthins contain different amino acids or amino side chains and exhibit a yellow/orange coloration. The condensation of betalamic acid with amino acids (including cyclo-DOPA or amines) in plants is a spontaneous reaction; not an enzyme-catalyzed reaction. Description Biosynthesis of various secondary metabolites - part 2 Description Biosynthesis of unsaturated fatty acids
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0.075], [23228, 23629, 0.00997506], [23629, 23829, 0.015], [23829, 24400, 0.02101576], [24400, 25012, 0.0130719], [25012, 25079, 0.02985075], [25079, 25727, 0.02160494], [25727, 25794, 0.02985075], [25794, 25845, 0.03921569]], "rps_doc_ml_palm_score": [[0, 25845, 0.79711419]], "rps_doc_ml_wikipedia_score": [[0, 25845, null]], "rps_doc_ml_wikiref_score": [[0, 25845, 0.54953641]], "rps_doc_books_importance": [[0, 25845, -1049.56000507]], "rps_doc_openwebtext_importance": [[0, 25845, -326.02455414]], "rps_doc_wikipedia_importance": [[0, 25845, 162.10539609]], "rps_doc_num_sentences": [[0, 25845, 168.0]]}
A custom-engineered channel glass system by Bendheim was installed at Frost Tower in San Antonio, Texas. (Photo by Ray Briggs/okushi.photography) Bendheim’s Channel Glass Transforms Multi-Story Parking Façade in San Antonio Frost Tower Project Includes 28K Square Feet of Light-Diffusing U-Shaped Glass NEW YORK, NY – A custom-engineered channel glass system by Bendheim creates the parking façade of the high-profile Frost Tower in San Antonio, Texas, by Pelli Clarke Pelli Architects. The system accommodates the substantial floor movement caused by the hourly changes to the loading of the decks, as vehicles enter and exit the 1,000-space parking structure. The project includes approximately 28,000 square feet of Bendheim’s single-glazed Lamberts® channel glass, captured at the top and bottom in the company’s customized SF60S frame system. It also includes a special faux frame for the large non-glazed openings, creating a visual continuation to the channel glass frame. The translucent glass channels admit over 70 percent of daylight into the parking structure, while their privacy-friendly texture obscures outside-in views of the parked cars. The pattern of alternating glazed and open sections becomes a design element on the façade and provides natural ventilation. Channel glass is ideal for parking facilities because of its versatility. It can be manufactured in lengths up to 23 feet, and – at just ¼” thick – is a remarkably strong yet lightweight solution. The U-shaped channels can be oriented vertically or horizontally, and their flanges can face inward or outward to create different aesthetics. Glass coatings can be applied for aesthetic purposes, while also improving the solar shading performance of the facade. Hundreds of translucent or opaque channel glass colors are also available to add a level of privacy and shading or brand the parking structure. The joints between the glass channels can be sealed with silicone or left open for added natural ventilation. Haley-Greer, Inc., installed the channel glass for the project, while Clark Construction Group LLC served as the general contractor. Kendall/Heaton Associates was the architect of record. Bendheim closely coordinated on-site logistics and staging with Haley-Greer, tackling the challenge of installing a large quantity of glass on a very large structure. It ensured the material arrived as it was needed for each construction stage, meticulously packing the glass channels in the proper order to expedite installation. Frost Tower is the first tower in San Antonio in nearly 30 years. It includes 450,000 square feet of Class A office space and 10,000 square feet of retail and dining. The 23-story octagonal form utilizes shimmering glass facets to reduce the bulk of massing, while implying a helical upward movement. Bendheim’s channel glass is installed in parking structures worldwide, including projects in Spain and Germany, as well as the United States. Channel glass made its debut in the United States in 2001, and is getting specified more frequently for parking projects due to its striking aesthetics, ability to deliver daylight and natural ventilation, as well as its ease of installation. Bendheim offers a variety of fully customizable, engineered glass solutions for parking projects. For more information, please visit https://bendheim.com/campaign/jewel-glass-parking-facade. About Bendheim: Bendheim is one of the world’s foremost resources for specialty architectural glass. Founded in New York City in 1927, the fourth-generation, family-owned company offers a virtually unlimited range of customizable glass solutions for interior and exterior building applications. Bendheim develops, fabricates, and distributes its products worldwide. The company maintains production facilities in New Jersey and a design lab in New York City. For additional information, please visit www.bendheim.com.
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New treatment regimen for hepatitis C in transplant patients produces promising results A new treatment regimen for hepatitis C, the most common cause of liver cancer and transplantation, has produced results that will transform treatment protocols for transplant patients, according to research published online today in the New England Journal of Medicine. The investigational three-drug regimen, which produced hepatitis C cure rates of 97 percent, is an oral interferon-free therapy. Previously, the typical treatment for hepatitis C after a liver transplant was an interferon-based therapy, usually given for 48 weeks. It had a much lower response rate, had a risk of organ rejection and was poorly tolerated because of the immunosuppressants required to prevent rejection. The new oral regimen -- ABT-450, ombitasvir and dasabuvir (with or without ribavirin) -- produces significantly fewer side effects and is prescribed for 24 weeks. First author Paul Kwo, M.D., professor of medicine at the Indiana University School of Medicine, called the results of the international clinical study a "landmark achievement." Dr. Kwo, who is medical director of liver transplantation at the IU School of Medicine and IU Health, said that cirrhosis caused by hepatitis C is the leading reason for liver transplantation in the U.S., and those patients have lower survival rates than patients transplanted for other causes of cirrhosis. Patients with hepatitis C who receive a liver transplant have a 20 to 30 percent chance of developing recurrent cirrhosis within five years after transplant. Hepatitis C, which is usually asymptomatic until severe liver damage occurs, is transmitted by exposure to contaminated blood. The most common way to get hepatitis C is through intravenous drug use, with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimating that 3.2 million individuals in the United States have contracted the hepatitis C virus. In 2013, 6,400 liver transplants were performed in the U.S., according to the Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network, and nearly 50 percent of those patients had hepatitis C with or without liver cancer. The phase 2, multi-center trial enrolled 34 liver transplant recipients with hepatitis C who did not have cirrhosis. Of those, 33 patients or 97 percent exhibited no sign of hepatitis C virus at 24 weeks after treatment with the new drug regimen, and none suffered transplant rejection. Of those, 93 percent remained virus free at six months after treatment, and none suffered transplant rejection. In a similar trial of liver transplant patients with cirrhosis, a historically difficult patient group to treat, the same treatment regimen produced a 96 percent cure rate for hepatitis C. "Recurrent hepatitis C post liver transplantation has historically been difficult to treat, and we have considered post-liver-transplant patients a special population in need of new treatment strategies," Dr. Kwo said. "What this study showed is that this special population is no longer special. We can treat them as successfully as if they haven't had a liver transplant with drugs that are well tolerated and without risk of rejection." Tags: Blood, Cancer, Cirrhosis, Drugs, Hepatitis, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis B Virus, Hepatitis C, Hepatitis D, Hepatitis E, Interferon, Liver, Liver Cancer, Liver Disease, Liver Transplant, Liver Transplantation, Medicine, Research, Ribavirin, Transplant, Virology, Virus Human immunodeficiency virus and hepatitis C virus detection using ribonucleic acid sequencing among smokers Forecasting adverse effects and prognosis in TB patients using AI A growing burden of alcoholic hepatitis First pig-to-human cardiac transplant alters heart's electrical signals Fibromyalgia may occur post-COVID Hepatitis B virus haplotype number is a predictive marker of functional cure during antiviral therapies A rare case of Hashimoto encephalopathy after COVID vaccination The impact of viral infections on the human endocrine system How does chronic HBV infection affect flu and COVID-19 vaccine responses?
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Mid-Atlantic Board of Directors George Ashton, Board President George Ashton, co-founder of Sol Systems, has been a critical contributor to Sol Systems' vision and strategic development. He has focused specifically on developing the SREC Services and Project Finance businesses. Prior to Sol Systems, Mr. Ashton worked in the capital markets for more than 10 years. At Fannie Mae, he managed more than $20 billion in asset purchases and cultivated and developed business relationships with some of largest banks and investment firms in the country. Mr. Ashton is also the Board Chair of the Maryland Center Energy Center. He earned a Master of Business Administration degree from the University of Maryland and dual Bachelor of Science degrees from the College of William and Mary. Herbert F. Stevens Herb Stevens is one of the nation’s foremost authorities on financing community-based projects by leveraging public programs, including tax credits, with private capital development. His clients include the largest capital markets investors, local governments and for-profit and nonprofit developers of important projects. As Chief Innovation Officer, he has also helped attorneys at Nixon Peabody develop new, more responsive legal services. Mr. Stevens has worked on a wide variety of solar energy projects, from utility-scale, ground-mounted plants for the military, to state-sponsored funds that result in solar panels on residences from Connecticut to California. Most recently, Herb helped in the financing of a 75-megawatt biofuel plant that has converted a 19th century wood-based local economy to a 21st century center creating both jobs and renewable energy. Lidija Sekaric Lidija Sekaric is vice president at Fluence, a leading global energy storage technology and services company. She previously served as the director of the Solar Energy Technologies Office within the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE), where she helped manage and balance the portfolio of research, development, demonstration, and deployment programs in achieving DOE's SunShot goals. Before that, she served as a senior advisor in the Office of the Under Secretary of Energy and as a technical and market advisor on the world's largest distributed solar generation projects. Dr. Sekaric's extensive experience in the energy industry also includes research in nanoscale science and engineering. Her specific accomplishments in this area include developing record-setting devices in nano-photonics, electronics, nanomechanics, and sensors. She is the author of more than 40 scientific publications and holds 30 U.S. patents. Dr. Sekaric received her Ph.D. and Master of Science degree in Applied Physics from Cornell University, and her Bachelor of Arts degree from Bryn Mawr College. Eric J. Heintz Eric J. Heintz is an administrative vice president and the managing director of renewable energy finance at M&T Bank. In his current role, he oversees M&T Bank's renewable energy investments and strategy. He led M&T Bank's Solar Tax Equity Initiative in 2014 and 2018, which culminated in M&T Bank deploying the "partnership flip" as a new product. Mr. Heintz has additional experience providing complex dispute resolution supporting litigation concerning disposal of nuclear waste. Mr. Heintz earned a bachelor's degree in Applied Economics and Management and a master's degree in Business Administration from Cornell University. He also serves as a member of the Board of Directors for the Virginia Renewable Energy Alliance.
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Posted inVeterans AARP’s Sponsorship of CGM Exhibit Culminates in Houston by Rafu Reports 01/07/2014 From left: Bob Jackson, AARP Texas state director; retired Maj. Gen. Tony Taguba; Charlene Hunter-James, AARP Texas Executive Council member; Stephen Menick, writer and director of “Honorable Journey”; Daphne Kwok, AARP vice president of multicultural markets and engagement. (Photo courtesy of Holocaust Museum Houston) WASHINGTON – AARP sponsored the Smithsonian’s seven-city tour of the Congressional Gold Medal awarded to Japanese American World War II veterans, which culminates in Houston this month. The Holocaust Museum Houston launched the exhibit of “American Heroes: Japanese American World War II Nisei Soldiers and the Congressional Gold Medal” with a series of public events honoring the veterans on Dec. 19 and 20. The exhibit runs through Jan. 26. Nearly seven decades after the beginning of World War II, the Congressional Gold Medal – the nation’s highest civilian award – was bestowed collectively on the U.S. Army’s 100th Infantry Battalion, 442nd Regimental Combat Team and Military Intelligence Service for their extraordinary accomplishments in the war. The men in these units, composed almost entirely of persons of Japanese ancestry, fought with bravery and valor against America’s enemies on the battlefields in Europe and Asia, even while many of their parents and other family members were held in internment camps. As part of its opening weekend activities, the Holocaust Museum Houston screened “Honorable Journey,” written and directed by Stephen Menick and produced by AARP. The 16-minute documentary charts the 70-year struggle of Japanese Americans who came of age during World War II. Narrated by actor George Takei, the film features conflicts of loyalty to tradition, family and country, played out against the backdrop of war. Eyewitnesses and descendants recount a lifelong journey from barbed wire, battlefields, and jail cells to vindication and the highest honors in the land. As the late senator and 442nd veteran Daniel Inouye says in the film, “That’s one thing about democracy. You must be patient.” “AARP’s mission has always been to ensure that the opportunity to pursue the American Dream remains accessible for every American and every generation,” said Daphne Kwok, AARP vice president of multicultural markets and engagement. “‘Honorable Journey’ is a reflection of our mission and the commitment we have to continue to play a positive, vital role in advocating on behalf of Americans of Asian and Pacific Islander descent, particularly those age 50-plus.” The Nisei Congressional Gold Medal tour launched in January 2013 and was shown at some of the top museums in the country, including the National World War II Museum in New Orleans, the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum in Honolulu, the Japanese American National Museum in Los Angeles, the de Young Museum in San Francisco, the Oregon History Museum in Portland, and the Chicago History Museum. At the conclusion of the tour, the Congressional Gold Medal will be on permanent display “The Price of Freedom,” an exhibition at the National Museum of American History in Washington, D.C.
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The original item was published from 8/16/2021 8:56:58 AM to 11/10/2021 12:00:00 AM. Parks & Recreation News [ARCHIVED] Buy One, Get One Camping Promotion Returns to Maricopa County Parks Who’s ready to enjoy a free night's stay in one of Maricopa County’s regional parks? Starting October 1, the Maricopa County Parks and Recreation Department is bringing back its popular Buy One, Get One camping promotion! The promotion allows park visitors who pay the camping fee for one night, or more, at a participating desert mountain county park to receive one night of equal or lesser value for free during that same stay. “Fall is the perfect time to gather the family together for a camping trip in a regional park. The evening temperatures are slightly cooler, and camping trips provide a great opportunity for kids to put down their cell phones and reconnect with nature,” said R.J. Cardin, Maricopa County Parks and Recreation Director. “During your stay, I’d recommend stopping by the nature center to pick up one of our newly-released junior ranger guidebooks. Once they’re done with the guidebook, bring them by to cite their pledge with the ranger and pick up their badge.” To book a camping reservation and receive the free night, contact the parks at (602) 506-2930. The promotion will be applied to stays booked between October 1 and November 10, 2021. Participating parks include: Cave Creek Regional Park. Located north of Phoenix, this park offers the illusion of being miles away from civilization. The campground has 55 individual developed campsites. McDowell Mountain Regional Park. Nestled in the lower Verde River basin, this park is a desert jewel in the northeast Valley. This park has 76 developed campsites that are perfect for RV or tent camping. Usery Mountain Regional Park. Located on the Valley’s east side, this park is located at the western end of the Goldfield Mountains, adjacent to the Tonto National Forest. The park offers 74 individual developed campsites that can accommodate either an RV or tent camping. White Tank Mountain Regional Park. At nearly 30,000 acres, this is the largest regional park in Maricopa County. Most of the park is made up of the rugged and beautiful White Tank Mountains on the Valley's west side. The park offers 40 individually developed campsites for tent or RV camping. Visitors interested in taking advantage of this offer must contact the parks directly at (602) 506-2930 to book reservations. This service is not available online. Reservation extensions: Extensions are eligible for the Buy One, Get One offer if booked during the identified promotion dates either in person or via telephone. Offer valid for designated camping spaces, not valid for primitive camping, group campground reservations, or unit fees. Limit of one free night per family, household, and/or group in a seven-day period. Rain checks will not be issued if space is not available. Reservations booked before the August 16, 2021, launch of the promotion are not eligible and will not receive a refund and or credit. Offer not valid at Adobe Dam Regional Park, Estrella Mountain Regional Park, Hassayampa River Preserve, Lake Pleasant Regional Park, San Tan Mountain Regional Park, and Spur Cross Ranch Conservation Area. The offer is only valid for camping stays between October 1 and November 10, 2021. At approximately 120,000 acres, Maricopa County is home to one of the largest regional park systems in the United States. The parks are located throughout the county and are all within a 45-minute drive from downtown Phoenix. Some restrictions do apply. To learn more about Maricopa County’s regional park system, visit www.maricopacountyparks.net.
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Ross Exo Adams Assistant Professor of Architectural Studies; Codirector, Architecture Primary Academic Program: Architecture Academic Program Affiliation(s): Environmental Studies, Experimental Humanities Ross Exo Adams is an architect and urban historian whose work draws on histories of urbanization, geography, politics, technologies, and environments to understand the relations between power and space that persist at their intersection. His book, Circulation and Urbanization (Sage, 2019), is a spatial history of the concept of circulation. It maps the ways in which this notion helped animate early modern and modern political ideas while at the same time giving shape to emerging spaces of the world. Through this lens, it argues that the urban is a uniquely modern space and process (urbanization) which, while drawing on early modern colonial spaces and structures of control, first became legible and reproducible over the course of the 19th century. Stemming from this historical research, Ross’s work has long focused on critically engaging the contemporary interrelations of ecology, nature, infrastructure, landscape, and urbanism that have formed under the broader frameworks of sustainability, ecological urbanism, and resilience. His current work draws on both contemporary material and historical inquiry in order to hone in on emerging modes in which the human body is drawn into relations with urban space. Expanding on histories of gender, race, and the fabrication of difference, this project explores how the production of space, of technologies, infrastructures, landscapes, and environments always involves the coproduction of bodies. He has written and presented widely on these bodies of work, and his writings have been published in edited volumes, such as Platform Urbanism and Its Discontents, Territory beyond Terra, Landscape and Agency, Infrastructure Space, Climates: Architecture and the Planetary Imaginary, The Architecture of Closed Worlds, and scholarly and public journals including Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, e-flux Architecture, The Avery Review, Architectural Histories, Architecture and Culture, Volume, Log, Radical Philosophy, ArchDaily, Aggregate (forthcoming), and Journal of Architectural Education (forthcoming), among others. His work has been featured in the Venice Biennale of 2021 (Austrian Pavilion, Turkish Pavilion, Italian Pavilion) and 2014 (Swiss Pavilion), Storefront for Art and Architecture, and other public venues. Ross’s research has been supported by fellowships and grants from the Royal Institute of British Architects, London Consortium, Iowa State University, and MacDowell. Prior to joining Bard, he taught architecture and urbanism at Iowa State University, the Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL; Architectural Association; Berlage Institute in Rotterdam; and the University of Brighton (UK). As an architect and urban designer, Ross has practiced with, among others, Productora DF, Mexico; Foster and Partners and Arup Urban Design, United Kingdom; and MVRDV, Netherlands. Since 2016, he has been reviews editor for The Journal of Architecture (RIBA). BS, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; MArch, Berlage Institute, Rotterdam; PhD, London Consortium. At Bard since 2019. Location: Reem-Kayden Center
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Ava DuVernay DGA Snub: 'Selma' Director Disregarded By Directors Guild Of America By Maria Vultaggio @mariamzzarella "Selma" director Ava DuVernay was snubbed by the Directors Guild of America. Reuteres Common gave “Selma” director Ava DuVernay a major shoutout at the 72nd Golden Globe Awards Sunday, but the Directors Guild of America wasn't as supportive, the Huffington Post reported Tuesday. And the DGA wasn’t the only organization that didn’t nominate her. “Selma” also failed to receive nods from Screen Actors Guild, American Society of Cinematographers, American Cinema Editors and Producers Guild heading into the 2015 winter award season, the Huffington Post noted. Since the Oscars nominees will not be released until Thursday, it remains to be seen if DuVernay will be acknowledged for her work in the film, which chronicles Martin Luther King Jr.’s 1965 journey as he fought for equal voting rights from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama. As for the DGA, also snubbed were Damien Chazelle for "Whiplash," David Fincher for "Gone Girl" and James Marsh for "The Theory of Everything." The DGA "represents the creative and economic rights of directors and members of the directorial team working in film, television, commercials, documentaries, news, sports and new media," according to its website. "Selma" director Ava DuVernay was snubbed by the Directors Guild of America. Reuters The association didn't nominate any female contenders and chose to nominate Clint Eastwood for "American Sniper," Morten Tyldum for "The Imitation Game,” Richard Linklater for "Boyhood," Alejandro González Iñárritu for "Birdman" and Wes Anderson for "The Grand Budapest Hotel." Paramount reportedly failed to send footage of “Selma” to the national SAG nomination committee voters before the cutoff date, IndieWire.com wrote Dec. 10. Even while Hollywood associations didn’t give DuVernay credit, Common’s moving speech at the 2015 Golden Globes did get watched more than 66,500 times after he and John Legend won the award for “Best Original Song” Sunday. "Ava you are a superhero. You used the arts to elevate us all and bring us together," he said. Though having a nomination would be probably be ideal, DuVernay previously said she was “proud” of the movie. "When the film was finished, we were proud of what we were able to put on screen," DuVernay told NBCBLK. Follow me on Twitter @mariamzzarella 'Selma' Bested By Action Thriller 'Taken 3' In Opening Weekend Common Give Motivational Speech At Golden Globes
{"url": "https://www.ibtimes.com/ava-duvernay-dga-snub-selma-director-disregarded-directors-guild-america-1782840", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "www.ibtimes.com", "date_download": "2023-03-20T10:20:15Z", "digest": "sha1:NNV5FHBWXYJX2PEAQTADFSWQU6PYW655"}
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Black Flags audiobook (Unabridged) ∣ The Rise of ISIS By Joby Warrick Joby Warrick Sunil Malhotra Politics Nonfiction WINNER OF THE 2016 PULITZER PRIZE FOR GENERAL NONFICTION “A Best Book of 2015”—The New York Times, The Washington Post, People Magazine, San Francisco Chronicle, Kansas City Star, and Kirkus Reviews In a thrilling dramatic narrative, awarded the 2016 Pulitzer Prize for General Nonfiction, Joby Warrick traces how the strain of militant Islam behind ISIS first arose in a remote Jordanian prison and spread with the unwitting aid of two American presidents. When the government of Jordan granted amnesty to a group of political prisoners in 1999, it little realized that among them was Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, a terrorist mastermind and soon the architect of an Islamist movement bent on dominating the Middle East. In Black Flags, an unprecedented character-driven account of the rise of ISIS, Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter Joby Warrick shows how the zeal of this one man and the strategic mistakes of Presidents Bush and Obama led to the banner of ISIS being raised over huge swaths of Syria and Iraq. Zarqawi began by directing terror attacks from a base in northern Iraq, but it was the American invasion in 2003 that catapulted him to the head of a vast insurgency. By falsely identifying him as the link between Saddam and bin Laden, U.S. officials inadvertently spurred like-minded radicals to rally to his cause. Their wave of brutal beheadings and suicide bombings persisted until American and Jordanian intelligence discovered clues that led to a lethal airstrike on Zarqawi’s hideout in 2006. His movement, however, endured. First calling themselves al-Qaeda in Iraq, then Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, or ISIS, his followers sought refuge in unstable, ungoverned pockets on the Iraq-Syria border. When the Syrian civil war broke out in 2011, and as the U.S. largely stood by, ISIS seized its chance to pursue Zarqawi’s dream of an ultra-conservative Islamic caliphate. Drawing on unique high-level access to CIA and Jordanian sources, Warrick weaves gripping, moment-by-moment operational details with the perspectives of diplomats and spies, generals and heads of state, many of whom foresaw a menace worse than al Qaeda and tried desperately to stop it. Black Flags is a brilliant and definitive history that reveals the long arc of today’s most dangerous extremist threat. <div><script src="https://www.overdrive.com/media/2100344/sample-embed?slug=black-flags"></script></div>
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AI-enabled tactical aircraft completes series of flight tests NewsAviationPRESS RELEASES By Colton Jones Photo by Christian Turner Pentagon’s No.1 weapons supplier Lockheed Martin Corp. announced on Monday that the VISTA X-62A recently completed a series of flight tests, where the aircraft was flown entirely by Artificial Intelligence (AI) for incredible 17-plus hours. VISTA, short for Variable In-flight Simulation Test Aircraft, is changing the face of air power at the U.S. Air Force Test Pilot School (USAF TPS) at Edwards Air Force Base in California. VISTA is a one-of-a-kind training airplane developed by Lockheed Martin Skunk Works in collaboration with Calspan Corporation for the USAF TPS. Built on open systems architecture, VISTA is fitted with software that allows it to mimic the performance characteristics of other aircraft. “VISTA will allow us to parallelize the development and test of cutting-edge artificial intelligence techniques with new uncrewed vehicle designs,” said Dr. M. Christopher Cotting, U.S. Air Force Test Pilot School director of research. “This approach, combined with focused testing on new vehicle systems as they are produced, will rapidly mature autonomy for uncrewed platforms and allow us to deliver tactically relevant capability to our warfighter.” Recent upgrades by the U.S. Air Force include an updated VISTA Simulation System (VSS) provided by Calspan, and Lockheed Martin’s Model Following Algorithm (MFA), and System for Autonomous Control of the Simulation (SACS). The SACS and MFA systems integrated together provide new capabilities to the VISTA so it can be used to conduct the most advanced flight test experiments emphasizing autonomy and AI. The 17-plus hour flight by an AI agent took place as part of a series of tests in December. VISTA is a modified F-16D Block 30 Peace Marble Il aircraft upgraded with Block 40 avionics. Previously designated NF-16D, in June 2021 VISTA was recognized by the U.S. Air Force and deemed a national asset with a formal redesignation to VISTA X-62A. This new mission system capability with VSS, MFA and SACS emphasize advancing autonomous aircraft algorithm development and integration. At the heart of SACS system is the Skunk Works Enterprise-wide Open Systems Architecture (E-OSA) which powers the Enterprise Mission Computer version 2 (EMC2) or “Einstein Box.” Additional SACS components include integration of advanced sensors, a Multi-Level Security solution, and a set of Getac tablet displays in both cockpits. These components enhance VISTA’s capabilities while maintaining its rapid-prototyping advantage, specifically allowing for quick software changes to increase the frequency of flight test flights and accelerating the pace of AI and autonomy development to meet urgent national security needs. For decades, Lockheed Martin has been applying and deploying trusted AI technologies to help its customers maximize performance, safety, and situational awareness across all domains. Lockheed Martin’s implementations keep people in control while enabling them to be safer, more effective and better able to focus on higher-level tasks by empowering them to make more-informed decisions quickly. VISTA will continue to serve an integral role in the rapid development of AI and autonomy capabilities for U.S. Air Force. It is currently undergoing a series of routine inspections. Flights will resume at Edwards Air Force Base throughout 2023. Colton Jones Colton Jones is the deputy editor of Defence Blog. He is a US-based journalist, writer and publisher who specializes in the defense industry in North America and Europe. He has written about emerging technology in military magazines and elsewhere. He is a former Air Force soldier and served at the Ramstein Air Base in Germany. VISTA X-62A
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American Bottom Flood plain of the Mississippi River in Illinois The American Bottom region is bordered by tall bluffs such as this one, rising near Dupo, Illinois. This waterfall is called Falling Springs. The American Bottom is the flood plain of the Mississippi River in the Metro-East region of Southern Illinois, extending from Alton, Illinois, south to the Kaskaskia River. It is also sometimes called "American Bottoms". The area is about 175 square miles (450 km2), mostly protected from flooding in the 21st century by a levee and drainage canal system. Immediately across the river from St. Louis, Missouri, are industrial and urban areas, but nearby marshland, swamps, and the Horseshoe Lake (which was created by the river) are reminders of the Bottoms' riparian nature. French settlement Major cities in American Bottom This plain with its rich alluvial soil, served as the center for the pre-Columbian Cahokia Mounds civilization, and later the French settlement of Illinois Country. Deforestation of the river banks in the 19th century to fuel steamboats had dramatic environmental effects in this region. The Mississippi River between St. Louis and the confluence with the Ohio River became wider and more shallow, as unstable banks collapsed into the water. [1] This resulted in more severe flooding and lateral changes of the major channel, causing the destruction of several French colonial towns, such as Kaskaskia, which relocated; Cahokia, and St. Philippe, Illinois. The southern portion of the American Bottoms is primarily agricultural, planted chiefly in corn, wheat, and soybean. The American Bottom is part of the Mississippi Flyway used by migrating birds and has the greatest concentration of bird species in Illinois. The flood plain is bounded on the east by a nearly continuous, 200- to 300-foot high, 80-mile (130 km) long bluff of limestone and dolomite, above which begins the great prairie that covers most of the state. The Mississippi River bounds the Bottom on its west, and the river abuts the bluffline on the Missouri side. Portions of St. Clair, Madison, Monroe, and Randolph counties are in the American Bottom. Its maximum width is about 9 miles (14 km) in the north, and it is about 2 to 3 miles in width throughout most of its southern extent. (See Cahokia) Map of the villages of the American Bottom as they appeared in the late 18th century Before European settlement, the area was home to indigenous peoples for many centuries. The peak civilization was created by peoples of the Mississippian culture, known as the Mound Builders. With the cultivation of maize, they were able to create food surpluses and build concentrated settlements in the centuries after 600 CE. The Cahokia Mounds Site, which was built as the center attracted a rapid increase in population after 1000 CE, is a six-square mile complex of large, man-made, earthen mounds rising from the flood plain. In 1982, it was designated by UNESCO as one of only eight World Heritage Sites in the United States. The most prominent structure is Monks Mound, rising ten stories high at the center of the complex and fronting on a 40-acre (160,000 m2) Grand Plaza. Monks Mound is the largest Pre-Columbian earthwork in the Americas, and the complex is the largest earthwork north of Mexico. The engineering of the mounds showed that their builders had an expert knowledge of the varying soils and their capacities. Cahokia was a complex, planned, and designed urban center with a residential population, farming, and artisan production of refined crafts and goods. With its location at the confluence of three major rivers, it was the center of a regional trading network reaching to the Great Lakes and the Gulf Coast. With a population estimated at 30,000 at its peak, Cahokia was the largest city north of modern-day Mexico. Perhaps for ecological reasons—deforestation and overhunting—the city went into decline after 1300 and was abandoned before 1400. No city in the territorial United States surpassed this population until after 1800, when Philadelphia exceeded it. Archaeological investigation has determined that the various types of mounds were arranged in a planned construction that reflected the cosmology of the Mississippians. The smaller ridge-top and conical mounds were used for ritual burials, some for elites and some for apparent sacrifices. The larger platform mounds were used for temples and homes of the elite. Archaeologists have found remains of a 2-mile (3.2 km) long, defensive wooden stockade that enclosed the central precinct and was rebuilt several times. They also discovered two major solar calendars, now known as Woodhenge, as the works were constructed of cedar, which was considered a sacred wood. The area surrounding the mounds had numerous borrow pits from which soil was taken to build the mounds and to fill and level the Grand Plaza and other plazas. After Cahokia was abandoned, there were few indigenous inhabitants in the area in the 17th century at the time of first French exploration. [2] The French made the earliest European settlement in this region of the Mississippi River Valley. They encountered Illiniwek clans called Cahokia, after whom they named the earthwork complex, and Kaskaskia, after whom the French named a river, a town and a fort. The French villages included Kaskaskia, Cahokia, Prairie du Rocher, St. Philippe, and Prairie du Pont, all under the protection of Fort de Chartres and Fort Kaskaskia. Examples of 18th-century French Colonial architecture survive here, including the old Cahokia courthouse and Holy Family Catholic Church, both made with the distinctive vertical-log construction known as poteaux-sur-solle . Fields in the Bottom in far southern Monroe County American settlers began arriving near the end of the American Revolution after the Illinois Country was ceded by Great Britain to the new United States. In the early years, American single men came to the country, and there was little government and much anarchy. As Americans arrived, many residents of French descent moved west of the Mississippi River to St. Louis and Ste. Genevieve, Missouri. Within several years, the former French colonial towns had become mostly American in population, and English dominated as the language. The Goshen Settlement was an early American settlement at the edge of the Bottom. The settlers continued to use the rich alluvial floodplain mostly for agriculture until the late 19th century. Brooklyn, Illinois was founded by 1839 as a freedom village by free people of color and fugitive slaves, led by "Mother" Priscilla Baltimore. It was the first town incorporated by African Americans under a state legal system. [3] The rivers were used as transportation routes for trading and travel. The introduction of steamboats to the Mississippi and other major rivers led to deforestation of the river banks in the 19th century. The steamboats consumed much wood for fuel, leading to dramatic environmental effects along the Mississippi River between St. Louis and the confluence with the Ohio River. With so many trees taken down, the banks became unstable, collapsing into the river due to the powerful current. In this area, the Mississippi became wider and more shallow, which resulted in more severe flooding and lateral changes of the major channel. Several French colonial towns in the 19th century, such as Kaskaskia, Cahokia, and St. Philippe, Illinois, were flooded and destroyed. [1] Kaskaskia was rebuilt but, after the channel of the Mississippi shifted, it was cut off from the mainland of Illinois and is connected to Missouri land. The area of the Bottom directly across from St. Louis became highly industrialized. Industrialists located many "smokestack" industries here, such as steel mills, chemical plants, and oil refineries, because they ran on Illinois coal. In addition, the people who built the first bridge from St. Louis across the Mississippi River to Illinois imposed a tax on heavy traffic. Rather than pay it, developers simply located their industries in East St. Louis. In the early 20th century, dramatic growth in industrial jobs in the American Bottom attracted many European immigrants and African-American migrants. The latter left the rural South in the Great Migration to work in factories and gain better lives for their children. Eastern European immigrants founded the first Bulgarian Orthodox Church in the United States in Madison, Illinois. Today, East St. Louis is predominantly African-American in ethnicity. Following industrial restructuring, other immigrant descendants moved to other areas when following jobs and housing. Heavy industry is still prominent in the area, although total employment in these industries continues to decline after restructuring and industry changes. 1993 flooding of Kaskaskia, looking south. Like the Mississippians, Americans made massive changes in the floodplain; their development has reduced its ability to absorb floods. The destruction of wetlands and paving over of areas along all the major rivers has increased the severity of flooding over the decades, despite attempted engineering solutions for flood control, which in turn have exacerbated flooding. During the Great Flood of 1993, major portions of the southern Bottom were flooded; 47,000 acres (190 km²) of land below Columbia, Illinois was inundated, destroying the town of Valmeyer. The waters came within five feet of overtopping the East St. Louis levee. If they had run over, they would have flooded 71,000 acres (290 km²) and destroyed this urban industrial area. More than nine feet of floodwater covered the town of Kaskaskia in 1993 after it overtopped the levee; only the spire of the Catholic church and roof of a nearby shrine rose far above the waters. Cahokia Brooklyn, Illinois, first town in the US to be incorporated by African Americans Southern Illinois, a major geographical region of Illinois Metro-East, the urban area east of St. Louis, Missouri Illinois Caverns State Natural Area, part of a major Karst region draining into the Bottom. Fort de Chartres, early French colonial fort The Mississippi River is the second-longest river and chief river of the second-largest drainage system in North America, second only to the Hudson Bay drainage system. From its traditional source of Lake Itasca in northern Minnesota, it flows generally south for 2,340 miles (3,770 km) to the Mississippi River Delta in the Gulf of Mexico. With its many tributaries, the Mississippi's watershed drains all or parts of 32 U.S. states and two Canadian provinces between the Rocky and Appalachian mountains. The main stem is entirely within the United States; the total drainage basin is 1,151,000 sq mi (2,980,000 km2), of which only about one percent is in Canada. The Mississippi ranks as the thirteenth-largest river by discharge in the world. The river either borders or passes through the states of Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Illinois, Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas, Mississippi, and Louisiana. Monroe County is a county located in the U.S. state of Illinois. According to the 2020 census, it had a population of 34,962. Its county seat and largest city is Waterloo. Kaskaskia is a village in Randolph County, Illinois. Having been inhabited by indigenous peoples, it was settled by France as part of the Illinois Country. It was named for the Kaskaskia people. Its population peaked at about 7,000 in the 18th century, when it was a regional center. During the American Revolutionary War, the town, which by then had become an administrative center for the British Province of Quebec, was taken by the Virginia militia during the Illinois campaign. It was designated as the county seat of Illinois County, Virginia, after which it became part of the Northwest Territory in 1787. Kaskaskia was later named as the capital of the United States' Illinois Territory, created on February 3, 1809. In 1818, when Illinois became the 21st U.S. state, the town briefly served as the state's first capital until 1819, when the capital was moved to more centrally located Vandalia. Prairie du Rocher is a village in Randolph County, Illinois, United States. Founded in the French colonial period in the American Midwest, the community is located near bluffs that flank the east side of the Mississippi River along the floodplain often called the "American Bottom". The population was 502 at the 2020 census. Cahokia was a village in St. Clair County, Illinois, United States. It was located east of the Mississippi River in the Greater St. Louis metropolitan area. As of the 2010 census, 15,241 people lived in the village, a decline from 16,391 in 2000. On May 6, 2021, the village ceased to exist, being incorporated into the new city of Cahokia Heights. Ste. Genevieve is a city in Ste. Genevieve Township and is the county seat of Ste. Genevieve County, Missouri, United States. The population was 4,999 at the 2020 census. Founded in 1735 by French Canadian colonists and settlers from east of the river, it was the first organized European settlement west of the Mississippi River in present-day Missouri. Today, it is home to Ste. Genevieve National Historical Park, the 422nd unit of the National Park Service. The Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site is the site of a pre-Columbian Native American city directly across the Mississippi River from modern St. Louis, Missouri. This historic park lies in south-western Illinois between East St. Louis and Collinsville. The park covers 2,200 acres (890 ha), or about 3.5 square miles (9 km2), and contains about 80 manmade mounds, but the ancient city was much larger. At its apex around 1100 CE, the city covered about 6 square miles (16 km2) and included about 120 earthworks in a wide range of sizes, shapes, and functions. The Illinois Country —sometimes referred to as Upper Louisiana —was a vast region of New France claimed in the 1600s in what is now the Midwestern United States. While these names generally referred to the entire Upper Mississippi River watershed, French colonial settlement was concentrated along the Mississippi and Illinois Rivers in what is now the U.S. states of Illinois and Missouri, with outposts in Indiana. Explored in 1673 from Green Bay to the Arkansas River by the Canadien expedition of Louis Jolliet and Jacques Marquette, the area was claimed by France. It was settled primarily from the Pays d'en Haut in the context of the fur trade, and in the establishment of missions by French Catholic religious orders. Over time, the fur trade took some French to the far reaches of the Rocky Mountains, especially along the branches of the broad Missouri River valley. The French name, Pays des Ilinois, means "Land of the Illinois [plural]" and is a reference to the Illinois Confederation, a group of related Algonquian native peoples. The Kaskaskia River is a tributary of the Mississippi River, approximately 325 miles (523 km) long, in central and southern Illinois in the United States. The second largest river system within Illinois, it drains a rural area of farms, as well as rolling hills along river bottoms of hardwood forests in its lower reaches. The lower reaches of the river have been canalized to allow barge traffic. Fort de Chartres was a French fortification first built in 1720 on the east bank of the Mississippi River in present-day Illinois. It was used as the administrative center for the province, which was part of New France. Due generally to river floods, the fort was rebuilt twice, the last time in limestone in the 1750s in the era of French colonial control over Louisiana and the Illinois Country. The Mississippian culture was a Native American civilization that flourished in what is now the Midwestern, Eastern, and Southeastern United States from approximately 800 CE to 1600 CE, varying regionally. It was known for building large, earthen platform mounds, and often other shaped mounds as well. It was composed of a series of urban settlements and satellite villages linked together by loose trading networks. The largest city was Cahokia, believed to be a major religious center located in what is present-day southern Illinois. Spiro Mounds is an archaeological site located in present-day eastern Oklahoma that remains from an indigenous Indian culture that was part of the major northern Caddoan Mississippian culture. The 80-acre site is located within a floodplain on the southern side of the Arkansas River. The modern town of Spiro developed approximately seven miles to the south. Philippe François Renault was a French politician, businessman, explorer, metallurgist, and favorite courtier of King Louis XV of France, who left his native Picardy in 1719 for the Illinois Country, Upper Louisiana, in French North America. Missouri French or Illinois Country French also known as français vincennois, français Cahok, and nicknamed "Paw-Paw French" often by individuals outside the community but not exclusively, is a variety of the French language spoken in the upper Mississippi River Valley in the Midwestern United States, particularly in eastern Missouri. St. Philippe is a former village in Monroe County, Illinois, United States. The settlement was founded in ca. 1723 by Frenchman, Philip Francois Renault, during the French colonial period. St. Philippe was strategically located near the bluffs that flank the east side of the Mississippi River in the vast Illinois floodplain known as the "American Bottom". The village was located three miles north of Fort de Chartres. Because of many decades of severe seasonal flooding, St. Philippe and the fort were both abandoned before 1765. After the British takeover of this area following their victory in the Seven Years War, many French from the Illinois country moved west to Ste. Genevieve, Saint Louis, and Missouri The history of St. Louis, Missouri, from prehistory to 1762 was marked by the presence of the Moundbuilder indigenous culture, the explorations of Europeans, and the establishment of French trading posts along the Mississippi River. Bois Brûlé is one of the eight townships located in Perry County, Missouri, in the United States of America. The Bois Brule Bottom is an alluvial floodplain in Bois Brule Township in Perry County, Missouri stretching between Bois Brule Creek to the west and the Mississippi River to the east. Le Grand Champ is is an alluvial floodplain, also called a bottom, extending along the Mississippi River in Ste. Genevieve County, Missouri. The Kolmer Site is an archaeological site in the far southwest of the U.S. state of Illinois. Located near Kaskaskia and Prairie du Rocher in western Randolph County, it lies at the site of an early historic Indian village from the French period. Because it occupies a critical chronological and cultural position, it has been given national recognition as a historic site. 1 2 F. Terry Norris, "Where Did the Villages Go? Steamboats, Deforestation, and Archaeological Loss in the Mississippi Valley", in Common Fields: An Environmental History of St. Louis, Andrew Hurley, ed., St. Louis, MO: Missouri Historical Society Press, 1997, pp. 73-89 ↑ Biloine Whiting Young and Melvin L. Fowler, Cahokia: The Great Native American Metropolis, Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 2000, p.315 ↑ Cha-Jua, Sundiata Keita (2000). America's First Black Town: Brooklyn, Illinois, 1830-1915, Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, 2002, p.85. Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site and Interpretive Center, Official Website "American Bottom", Illinois historical marker "American Bottom Ecosystem Partnership", Southwestern Illinois Resource Conservation & Development The American Bottom Project, Narrative histories, Sites, and Itineraries of The American Bottom Mississippian and related cultures List of Mississippian sites Timeline of Mississippi valley Mississippian and Upper Mississippi Aztalan Big Eddy Monks Mound Mound 34 Ramey state Woodhenge Dickson Mounds Emerald Acropolis Emmons Cemetery Horseshoe Lake Kuhn Station Lunsford-Pulcher McCune Orendorf Sleeth Steed-Kisker culture Sugarloaf Mound Lower Ohio River and Confluence area Adams site Dogtooth Bend Mounds Kincaid Mounds Marshall Site Millstone Bluff Orr-Herl Rowlandton Mound Towosahgy Turk Site Twin Mounds Ware Mounds Wickliffe Mounds Middle Ohio River Angel Mounds Angel phase Annis Mound Bone Bank Caborn-Welborn culture Hovey Lake-Klein Hovey Lake District Slack Farm Welborn Village Yankeetown Tennessee and Backusburg Beasley Mounds Brentwood Library Brick Church Castalian Springs Dunbar Cave Fewkes Group Hiwassee Island Link Farm Mound Bottom Obion Swallow Bluff Central and Lower Boone's Chucalissa Eaker Janet's Menard-Hodges Nodena Nodena phase Quigualtam Tipton phase Koroa Walls phase South Appalachian Beaverdam Creek Bell Field Mound Bussell Island Chauga Chiaha Chota Citico Dallas phase Dyar Hoojah Branch Jere Shine Joara Lamar phase Liddell Little Egypt Long Swamp Mabila Moccasin Bend Mouse Creek phase Muscogee (Creek) Nacoochee Nikwasi Ocmulgee Park Mound Pisgah phase Punk Rock Shelter Roods Landing Rucker's Bottom Sixtoe Summerour Taskigi Tomotley Toqua Town Creek Waddells Mill Pond Fort Walton culture Anhaica Apalachee Apalachee Province Cayson Corbin–Tucker Fort Walton Mound Leon-Jefferson culture Letchworth Pensacola culture Bottle Creek Hickory Ridge Cemetery Naval Live Oaks Cemetery Pensacola people Plaquemine Atchafalaya Basin Grand Village of the Natchez Holly Bluff Jaketown Julice Mangum Mazique Taensa Scott Place Venable Winterville Caddoan Blue Spring Shelter Caddoan Mounds Ka-Do-Ha Indian Village Upper Mississippian Oneota Beattie Park Blood Run Carcajou Point Fisher Mound Group Gentleman Farm Grand Village of the Illinois Griesmer Hartley Fort Hotel Plaza Hoxie Farm Juntunen Knoll Spring Mero site Moccasin Bluff Roche-a-Cri Petroglyphs Schwerdt Summer Island Fort Ancient culture Alligator Effigy Mound Leo Petroglyph Serpent Mound Little barley Marshelder Emmons mask Copper plates Rogan plates Spiro plates Wulfing cache Duck River cache Long-nosed god maskette Mill Creek chert Shell gorget Stone statuary Central Algonquian Mobilian Jargon Muskogean Siouan Timucuan Tunican Ballgame (Southeastern) Black drink Burial mound Ceremonial pipe Chanunpa Chunkey Earth/fertility cult Green Corn Ceremony Horned Serpent Platform mound Red Horn Sacred bundle Village bundle Southeastern Ceremonial Complex Stone box grave Underwater panther Chevron bead Clarksdale bell de Soto Expedition Pre-Columbian North America Lithic Post-Classic Adena Ancient Beringian Ancestral Pueblo (Anasazi) Buttermilk Creek complex Caborn-Welborn Calf Creek Caloosahatchee Coles Creek Fort Ancient Glacial Kame Hohokam List of Hopewell sites Leon-Jefferson Maritime Archaic Mogollon Old Cordilleran Paleo-Arctic Paleo-Indians Patayan Poverty Point Red Ocher Safety Harbor culture Santa Rosa-Swift Creek Steed-Kisker Tchefuncte Troyville Weeden Island Anzick site Bandelier National Monument The Bluff Point Stoneworks Candelaria Cave Coso Rock Art District Crystal River Archaeological State Park Cuarenta Casas Cueva de la Olla El Vallecito Effigy Mounds National Monument Etowah Indian Mounds Folsom site Fort Center Fort Juelson Four Mounds Gila Cliff Dwellings National Monument Grimes Point Holly Bluff site Hopewell Culture National Historical Park Horr's Island Huápoca Key Marco Kimball Village Kolomoki Mounds Lake Jackson Mounds L'Anse aux Meadows Lynch Quarry Site Marksville Marmes Rockshelter Meadowcroft Rockshelter Moaning Cavern Moorehead Circle Morrison Mounds Mummy Cave Nodena site Ocmulgee National Monument Old Stone Fort Orwell site Paquime Parkin Park Pinson Mounds Portsmouth Earthworks Pueblo Bonito Recapture Canyon Roberts Island complex Rock Eagle Rosenstock Village Site Russell Cave National Monument Salmon Ruins Sierra de San Francisco Spiro Mounds SunWatch Toltec Mounds Town Creek Indian Mound Turkey River Mounds Upward Sun River site Velda Mound West Oak Forest Earthlodge Wickiup Hill Windover Wupatki National Monument Anzick-1 Arlington Springs Man Buhl Woman Kennewick Man La Brea Woman Leanderthal Lady Melbourne Man Minnesota Woman Peñon woman Spirit Cave mummy Vero man Aridoamerica Clovis point Container Revolution Eastern Agricultural Complex Eden point Effigy mound Falcon dancer Folsom point Mi'kmaq hieroglyphic writing N.A.G.P.R.A. Norse colonization of North America Oasisamerica Projectile point Stickball Three Sisters agriculture Water glyphs Genetic history Pre-Columbian era Springfield (capital) Census areas Bloomington–Normal metropolitan area Champaign–Urbana metropolitan area Chicago metropolitan area Collar counties Corn Belt Driftless Area Forgottonia Illinois–Indiana–Kentucky tri-state area Metro East Metro Lakeland Mississippi Alluvial Plain Northwestern Illinois Peoria metropolitan area River Bend Rockford metropolitan area Wabash Valley Alton/Granite City/Edwardsville Arlington Heights/Palatine Aurora/Naperville/Oswego/Plainfield Bartlett/Hanover Park/Streamwood Belleville/East St. Louis/Collinsville/O'Fallon Berwyn/Cicero Bloomington/Normal Bolingbrook/Romeoville Buffalo Grove/Wheeling Carol Stream/Glendale Heights Champaign/Urbana Charleston/Mattoon Crystal Lake/Algonquin DeKalb/Sycamore Des Plaines/Mount Prospect/Park Ridge Downers Grove/Woodridge Elgin/Carpentersville Elmhurst/Lombard/Addison Evanston/Skokie Glenview/Northbrook Kankakee/Bradley/Bourbonnais Marion/Herrin Moline/East Moline/Rock Island Orland Park/Tinley Park Ottawa/Streator/LaSalle/Peru Peoria/Pekin/East Peoria/Morton/Washington Rockford/Belvidere/Machesney Park/Loves Park Schaumburg/Hoffman Estates/Elk Grove Village Sterling/Rock Falls Taylorville Waukegan/North Chicago/Gurnee Macoupin Piatt Sangamon Whiteside Illinoisportal Coordinates: 38°24′N90°18′W / 38.4°N 90.3°W / 38.4; -90.3
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21976, 0.0], [21976, 21990, 0.0], [21990, 22001, 0.0], [22001, 22013, 0.0], [22013, 22027, 0.0], [22027, 22040, 0.0], [22040, 22053, 0.0], [22053, 22067, 0.0], [22067, 22084, 0.0], [22084, 22108, 0.0], [22108, 22125, 0.0], [22125, 22138, 0.0], [22138, 22153, 0.0], [22153, 22172, 0.0], [22172, 22188, 0.0], [22188, 22198, 0.0], [22198, 22205, 0.0], [22205, 22214, 0.0], [22214, 22222, 0.0], [22222, 22246, 0.0], [22246, 22258, 0.0], [22258, 22271, 0.0], [22271, 22287, 0.0], [22287, 22296, 0.0], [22296, 22304, 0.0], [22304, 22325, 0.0], [22325, 22345, 0.0], [22345, 22360, 0.0], [22360, 22375, 0.0], [22375, 22384, 0.0], [22384, 22398, 0.0], [22398, 22413, 0.0], [22413, 22445, 0.0], [22445, 22461, 0.0], [22461, 22480, 0.0], [22480, 22493, 0.0], [22493, 22509, 0.0], [22509, 22528, 0.0], [22528, 22556, 0.0], [22556, 22563, 0.0], [22563, 22576, 0.0], [22576, 22582, 0.0], [22582, 22600, 0.0], [22600, 22627, 0.0], [22627, 22652, 0.0], [22652, 22667, 0.0], [22667, 22678, 0.0], [22678, 22693, 0.0], [22693, 22705, 0.0], [22705, 22718, 0.0], [22718, 22731, 0.0], [22731, 22739, 0.0], [22739, 22762, 0.0], [22762, 22777, 0.0], [22777, 22794, 0.0], [22794, 22803, 0.0], [22803, 22819, 0.0], [22819, 22832, 0.0], [22832, 22846, 0.0], [22846, 22854, 0.0], [22854, 22868, 0.0], [22868, 22878, 0.0], [22878, 22900, 0.0], [22900, 22923, 0.0], [22923, 22936, 0.0], [22936, 22947, 0.0], [22947, 22957, 0.0], [22957, 22971, 0.0], [22971, 22983, 0.0], [22983, 23011, 0.0], [23011, 23038, 0.0], [23038, 23054, 0.0], [23054, 23077, 0.0], [23077, 23117, 0.0], [23117, 23132, 0.0], [23132, 23149, 0.0], [23149, 23162, 0.0], [23162, 23194, 0.0], [23194, 23215, 0.0], [23215, 23227, 0.0], [23227, 23239, 0.0], [23239, 23252, 0.0], [23252, 23264, 0.0], [23264, 23303, 0.0], [23303, 23316, 0.0], [23316, 23333, 0.0], [23333, 23375, 0.0], [23375, 23389, 0.0], [23389, 23397, 0.0], [23397, 23407, 0.0], [23407, 23423, 0.0], [23423, 23439, 0.0], [23439, 23459, 0.0], [23459, 23478, 0.0], [23478, 23496, 0.0], [23496, 23507, 0.0], [23507, 23526, 0.0], [23526, 23550, 0.0], [23550, 23565, 0.0], [23565, 23582, 0.0], [23582, 23598, 0.0], [23598, 23609, 0.0], [23609, 23621, 0.0], [23621, 23648, 0.0], [23648, 23663, 0.0], [23663, 23675, 0.0], [23675, 23683, 0.0], [23683, 23695, 0.0], [23695, 23709, 0.0], [23709, 23731, 0.0], [23731, 23745, 0.0], [23745, 23762, 0.0], [23762, 23785, 0.0], [23785, 23796, 0.0], [23796, 23820, 0.0], [23820, 23851, 0.0], [23851, 23864, 0.0], [23864, 23888, 0.0], [23888, 23901, 0.0], [23901, 23910, 0.0], [23910, 23924, 0.0], [23924, 23948, 0.0], [23948, 23968, 0.0], [23968, 23990, 0.0], [23990, 24002, 0.0], [24002, 24029, 0.0], [24029, 24042, 0.0], [24042, 24051, 0.0], [24051, 24077, 0.0], [24077, 24086, 0.0], [24086, 24108, 0.0], [24108, 24119, 0.0], [24119, 24133, 0.0], [24133, 24147, 0.0], [24147, 24164, 0.0], [24164, 24178, 0.0], [24178, 24194, 0.0], [24194, 24206, 0.0], [24206, 24224, 0.0], [24224, 24233, 0.0], [24233, 24246, 0.0], [24246, 24259, 0.0], [24259, 24280, 0.0], [24280, 24309, 0.0], [24309, 24320, 0.0], [24320, 24333, 0.0], [24333, 24347, 0.0], [24347, 24360, 0.0], [24360, 24389, 0.0], [24389, 24402, 1.0], [24402, 24438, 0.0], [24438, 24451, 0.0], [24451, 24468, 0.0], [24468, 24478, 0.0], [24478, 24504, 0.0], [24504, 24517, 0.0], [24517, 24533, 0.0], [24533, 24551, 0.0], [24551, 24573, 0.0], [24573, 24586, 0.0], [24586, 24623, 0.0], [24623, 24658, 0.0], [24658, 24684, 0.0], [24684, 24700, 0.0], [24700, 24710, 0.0], [24710, 24725, 0.0], [24725, 24737, 0.0], [24737, 24778, 0.0], [24778, 24789, 0.0], [24789, 24804, 0.0], [24804, 24831, 0.0], [24831, 24853, 0.0], [24853, 24878, 0.0], [24878, 24889, 0.0], [24889, 24916, 0.0], [24916, 24930, 0.0], [24930, 24962, 0.0], [24962, 24989, 0.0], [24989, 25025, 0.0], [25025, 25058, 0.0], [25058, 25106, 0.0], [25106, 25120, 0.0], [25120, 25139, 0.0], [25139, 25162, 0.0], [25162, 25185, 0.0], [25185, 25215, 0.0], [25215, 25232, 0.0], [25232, 25251, 0.0], [25251, 25274, 0.0], [25274, 25290, 0.0], [25290, 25328, 0.0], [25328, 25352, 0.0], [25352, 25374, 0.0], [25374, 25399, 0.0], [25399, 25415, 0.0], [25415, 25435, 0.0], [25435, 25464, 0.0], [25464, 25478, 0.0], [25478, 25509, 0.0], [25509, 25533, 0.0], [25533, 25562, 0.0], [25562, 25605, 0.0], [25605, 25650, 0.0], [25650, 25695, 0.0], [25695, 25715, 0.0], [25715, 25727, 0.0], [25727, 25757, 0.0], [25757, 25766, 0.0], [25766, 25772, 0.0], [25772, 25781, 0.0], [25781, 25791, 0.0], [25791, 25806, 0.0], [25806, 25866, 0.0]], "rps_lines_javascript_counts": [[0, 16, 0.0], [16, 65, 0.0], [65, 207, 0.0], [207, 783, 0.0], [783, 801, 0.0], [801, 833, 0.0], [833, 1490, 0.0], [1490, 2292, 0.0], [2292, 2306, 0.0], [2306, 2391, 0.0], [2391, 3025, 0.0], [3025, 4084, 0.0], [4084, 4907, 0.0], [4907, 5705, 0.0], [5705, 5756, 0.0], [5756, 6290, 0.0], [6290, 6713, 0.0], [6713, 7636, 0.0], [7636, 8092, 0.0], [8092, 8820, 0.0], [8820, 8863, 0.0], [8863, 9804, 0.0], [9804, 9812, 0.0], [9812, 9893, 0.0], [9893, 9952, 0.0], [9952, 10007, 0.0], [10007, 10099, 0.0], [10099, 10144, 0.0], [10144, 11054, 0.0], [11054, 11226, 0.0], [11226, 12130, 0.0], [12130, 12456, 0.0], [12456, 12805, 0.0], [12805, 13267, 0.0], [13267, 13827, 0.0], [13827, 14873, 0.0], [14873, 15272, 0.0], [15272, 15670, 0.0], [15670, 16208, 0.0], [16208, 16568, 0.0], [16568, 16810, 0.0], [16810, 17147, 0.0], [17147, 17862, 0.0], [17862, 18095, 0.0], [18095, 18204, 0.0], [18204, 18388, 0.0], [18388, 18529, 0.0], [18529, 18903, 0.0], [18903, 19174, 0.0], [19174, 19318, 0.0], [19318, 19465, 0.0], [19465, 19542, 0.0], [19542, 19588, 0.0], [19588, 19687, 0.0], [19687, 19783, 0.0], [19783, 19818, 0.0], [19818, 19846, 0.0], [19846, 19877, 0.0], [19877, 19891, 0.0], [19891, 19913, 0.0], [19913, 19921, 0.0], [19921, 19930, 0.0], [19930, 19942, 0.0], [19942, 19951, 0.0], [19951, 19963, 0.0], [19963, 19973, 0.0], [19973, 19988, 0.0], [19988, 20006, 0.0], [20006, 20022, 0.0], [20022, 20037, 0.0], [20037, 20050, 0.0], [20050, 20067, 0.0], [20067, 20074, 0.0], [20074, 20083, 0.0], [20083, 20090, 0.0], [20090, 20111, 0.0], [20111, 20127, 0.0], [20127, 20148, 0.0], [20148, 20164, 0.0], [20164, 20175, 0.0], [20175, 20196, 0.0], [20196, 20211, 0.0], [20211, 20225, 0.0], [20225, 20241, 0.0], [20241, 20250, 0.0], [20250, 20267, 0.0], [20267, 20277, 0.0], [20277, 20287, 0.0], [20287, 20299, 0.0], [20299, 20311, 0.0], [20311, 20328, 0.0], [20328, 20346, 0.0], [20346, 20359, 0.0], [20359, 20371, 0.0], [20371, 20383, 0.0], [20383, 20393, 0.0], [20393, 20416, 0.0], [20416, 20433, 0.0], [20433, 20453, 0.0], [20453, 20464, 0.0], [20464, 20480, 0.0], [20480, 20491, 0.0], [20491, 20505, 0.0], [20505, 20516, 0.0], [20516, 20531, 0.0], [20531, 20549, 0.0], [20549, 20562, 0.0], [20562, 20580, 0.0], [20580, 20592, 0.0], [20592, 20605, 0.0], [20605, 20621, 0.0], [20621, 20631, 0.0], [20631, 20644, 0.0], [20644, 20650, 0.0], [20650, 20664, 0.0], [20664, 20682, 0.0], [20682, 20690, 0.0], [20690, 20701, 0.0], [20701, 20707, 0.0], [20707, 20715, 0.0], [20715, 20729, 0.0], [20729, 20736, 0.0], [20736, 20749, 0.0], [20749, 20760, 0.0], [20760, 20773, 0.0], [20773, 20779, 0.0], [20779, 20791, 0.0], [20791, 20809, 0.0], [20809, 20825, 0.0], [20825, 20842, 0.0], [20842, 20857, 0.0], [20857, 20864, 0.0], [20864, 20871, 0.0], [20871, 20877, 0.0], [20877, 20884, 0.0], [20884, 20897, 0.0], [20897, 20902, 0.0], [20902, 20916, 0.0], [20916, 20927, 0.0], [20927, 20933, 0.0], [20933, 20945, 0.0], [20945, 20953, 0.0], [20953, 20966, 0.0], [20966, 20977, 0.0], [20977, 20984, 0.0], [20984, 20998, 0.0], [20998, 21016, 0.0], [21016, 21033, 0.0], [21033, 21043, 0.0], [21043, 21051, 0.0], [21051, 21060, 0.0], [21060, 21071, 0.0], [21071, 21084, 0.0], [21084, 21102, 0.0], [21102, 21116, 0.0], [21116, 21132, 0.0], [21132, 21139, 0.0], [21139, 21149, 0.0], [21149, 21157, 0.0], [21157, 21166, 0.0], [21166, 21172, 0.0], [21172, 21183, 0.0], [21183, 21202, 0.0], [21202, 21222, 0.0], [21222, 21230, 0.0], [21230, 21240, 0.0], [21240, 21259, 0.0], [21259, 21266, 0.0], [21266, 21280, 0.0], [21280, 21298, 0.0], [21298, 21321, 0.0], [21321, 21332, 0.0], [21332, 21350, 0.0], [21350, 21363, 0.0], [21363, 21386, 0.0], [21386, 21411, 0.0], [21411, 21428, 0.0], [21428, 21439, 0.0], [21439, 21457, 0.0], [21457, 21486, 0.0], [21486, 21498, 0.0], [21498, 21507, 0.0], [21507, 21514, 0.0], [21514, 21521, 0.0], [21521, 21529, 0.0], [21529, 21536, 0.0], [21536, 21548, 0.0], [21548, 21556, 0.0], [21556, 21568, 0.0], [21568, 21576, 0.0], [21576, 21596, 0.0], [21596, 21611, 0.0], [21611, 21635, 0.0], [21635, 21655, 0.0], [21655, 21662, 0.0], [21662, 21675, 0.0], [21675, 21685, 0.0], [21685, 21700, 0.0], [21700, 21719, 0.0], [21719, 21734, 0.0], [21734, 21764, 0.0], [21764, 21773, 0.0], [21773, 21786, 0.0], [21786, 21798, 0.0], [21798, 21809, 0.0], [21809, 21818, 0.0], [21818, 21831, 0.0], [21831, 21841, 0.0], [21841, 21856, 0.0], [21856, 21880, 0.0], [21880, 21889, 0.0], [21889, 21903, 0.0], [21903, 21924, 0.0], [21924, 21947, 0.0], [21947, 21962, 0.0], [21962, 21976, 0.0], [21976, 21990, 0.0], [21990, 22001, 0.0], [22001, 22013, 0.0], [22013, 22027, 0.0], [22027, 22040, 0.0], [22040, 22053, 0.0], [22053, 22067, 0.0], [22067, 22084, 0.0], [22084, 22108, 0.0], [22108, 22125, 0.0], [22125, 22138, 0.0], [22138, 22153, 0.0], [22153, 22172, 0.0], [22172, 22188, 0.0], [22188, 22198, 0.0], [22198, 22205, 0.0], [22205, 22214, 0.0], [22214, 22222, 0.0], [22222, 22246, 0.0], [22246, 22258, 0.0], [22258, 22271, 0.0], [22271, 22287, 0.0], [22287, 22296, 0.0], [22296, 22304, 0.0], [22304, 22325, 0.0], [22325, 22345, 0.0], [22345, 22360, 0.0], [22360, 22375, 0.0], [22375, 22384, 0.0], [22384, 22398, 0.0], [22398, 22413, 0.0], [22413, 22445, 0.0], [22445, 22461, 0.0], [22461, 22480, 0.0], [22480, 22493, 0.0], [22493, 22509, 0.0], [22509, 22528, 0.0], [22528, 22556, 0.0], [22556, 22563, 0.0], [22563, 22576, 0.0], [22576, 22582, 0.0], [22582, 22600, 0.0], [22600, 22627, 0.0], [22627, 22652, 0.0], [22652, 22667, 0.0], [22667, 22678, 0.0], [22678, 22693, 0.0], [22693, 22705, 0.0], [22705, 22718, 0.0], [22718, 22731, 0.0], [22731, 22739, 0.0], [22739, 22762, 0.0], [22762, 22777, 0.0], [22777, 22794, 0.0], [22794, 22803, 0.0], [22803, 22819, 0.0], [22819, 22832, 0.0], [22832, 22846, 0.0], [22846, 22854, 0.0], [22854, 22868, 0.0], [22868, 22878, 0.0], [22878, 22900, 0.0], [22900, 22923, 0.0], [22923, 22936, 0.0], [22936, 22947, 0.0], [22947, 22957, 0.0], [22957, 22971, 0.0], [22971, 22983, 0.0], [22983, 23011, 0.0], [23011, 23038, 0.0], [23038, 23054, 0.0], [23054, 23077, 0.0], [23077, 23117, 0.0], [23117, 23132, 0.0], [23132, 23149, 0.0], [23149, 23162, 0.0], [23162, 23194, 0.0], [23194, 23215, 0.0], [23215, 23227, 0.0], [23227, 23239, 0.0], [23239, 23252, 0.0], [23252, 23264, 0.0], [23264, 23303, 0.0], [23303, 23316, 0.0], [23316, 23333, 0.0], [23333, 23375, 0.0], [23375, 23389, 0.0], [23389, 23397, 0.0], [23397, 23407, 0.0], [23407, 23423, 0.0], [23423, 23439, 0.0], [23439, 23459, 0.0], [23459, 23478, 0.0], [23478, 23496, 0.0], [23496, 23507, 0.0], [23507, 23526, 0.0], [23526, 23550, 0.0], [23550, 23565, 0.0], [23565, 23582, 0.0], [23582, 23598, 0.0], [23598, 23609, 0.0], [23609, 23621, 0.0], [23621, 23648, 0.0], [23648, 23663, 0.0], [23663, 23675, 0.0], [23675, 23683, 0.0], [23683, 23695, 0.0], [23695, 23709, 0.0], [23709, 23731, 0.0], [23731, 23745, 0.0], [23745, 23762, 0.0], [23762, 23785, 0.0], [23785, 23796, 0.0], [23796, 23820, 0.0], [23820, 23851, 0.0], [23851, 23864, 0.0], [23864, 23888, 0.0], [23888, 23901, 0.0], [23901, 23910, 0.0], [23910, 23924, 0.0], [23924, 23948, 0.0], [23948, 23968, 0.0], [23968, 23990, 0.0], [23990, 24002, 0.0], [24002, 24029, 0.0], [24029, 24042, 0.0], [24042, 24051, 0.0], [24051, 24077, 0.0], [24077, 24086, 0.0], [24086, 24108, 0.0], [24108, 24119, 0.0], [24119, 24133, 0.0], [24133, 24147, 0.0], [24147, 24164, 0.0], [24164, 24178, 0.0], [24178, 24194, 0.0], [24194, 24206, 0.0], [24206, 24224, 0.0], [24224, 24233, 0.0], [24233, 24246, 0.0], [24246, 24259, 0.0], [24259, 24280, 0.0], [24280, 24309, 0.0], [24309, 24320, 0.0], [24320, 24333, 0.0], [24333, 24347, 0.0], [24347, 24360, 0.0], [24360, 24389, 0.0], [24389, 24402, 0.0], [24402, 24438, 0.0], [24438, 24451, 0.0], [24451, 24468, 0.0], [24468, 24478, 0.0], [24478, 24504, 0.0], [24504, 24517, 0.0], [24517, 24533, 0.0], [24533, 24551, 0.0], [24551, 24573, 0.0], [24573, 24586, 0.0], [24586, 24623, 0.0], [24623, 24658, 0.0], [24658, 24684, 0.0], [24684, 24700, 0.0], [24700, 24710, 0.0], [24710, 24725, 0.0], [24725, 24737, 0.0], [24737, 24778, 0.0], [24778, 24789, 0.0], [24789, 24804, 0.0], [24804, 24831, 0.0], [24831, 24853, 0.0], [24853, 24878, 0.0], [24878, 24889, 0.0], [24889, 24916, 0.0], [24916, 24930, 0.0], [24930, 24962, 0.0], [24962, 24989, 0.0], [24989, 25025, 0.0], [25025, 25058, 0.0], [25058, 25106, 0.0], [25106, 25120, 0.0], [25120, 25139, 0.0], [25139, 25162, 0.0], [25162, 25185, 0.0], [25185, 25215, 0.0], [25215, 25232, 0.0], [25232, 25251, 0.0], [25251, 25274, 0.0], [25274, 25290, 0.0], [25290, 25328, 0.0], [25328, 25352, 0.0], [25352, 25374, 0.0], [25374, 25399, 0.0], [25399, 25415, 0.0], [25415, 25435, 0.0], [25435, 25464, 0.0], [25464, 25478, 0.0], [25478, 25509, 0.0], [25509, 25533, 0.0], [25533, 25562, 0.0], [25562, 25605, 0.0], [25605, 25650, 0.0], [25650, 25695, 0.0], [25695, 25715, 0.0], [25715, 25727, 0.0], [25727, 25757, 0.0], [25757, 25766, 0.0], [25766, 25772, 0.0], [25772, 25781, 0.0], [25781, 25791, 0.0], [25791, 25806, 0.0], [25806, 25866, 0.0]], "rps_lines_num_words": [[0, 16, 2.0], [16, 65, 8.0], [65, 207, 23.0], [207, 783, 92.0], [783, 801, 2.0], [801, 833, 5.0], [833, 1490, 101.0], [1490, 2292, 138.0], [2292, 2306, 2.0], [2306, 2391, 16.0], [2391, 3025, 104.0], [3025, 4084, 168.0], [4084, 4907, 131.0], [4907, 5705, 120.0], [5705, 5756, 9.0], [5756, 6290, 85.0], [6290, 6713, 69.0], [6713, 7636, 148.0], [7636, 8092, 71.0], [8092, 8820, 104.0], [8820, 8863, 6.0], [8863, 9804, 153.0], [9804, 9812, 1.0], [9812, 9893, 13.0], [9893, 9952, 8.0], [9952, 10007, 9.0], [10007, 10099, 15.0], [10099, 10144, 7.0], [10144, 11054, 141.0], [11054, 11226, 31.0], [11226, 12130, 149.0], [12130, 12456, 53.0], [12456, 12805, 61.0], [12805, 13267, 76.0], [13267, 13827, 94.0], [13827, 14873, 172.0], [14873, 15272, 67.0], [15272, 15670, 69.0], [15670, 16208, 83.0], [16208, 16568, 56.0], [16568, 16810, 36.0], [16810, 17147, 49.0], [17147, 17862, 115.0], [17862, 18095, 35.0], [18095, 18204, 19.0], [18204, 18388, 31.0], [18388, 18529, 22.0], [18529, 18903, 62.0], [18903, 19174, 41.0], [19174, 19318, 21.0], [19318, 19465, 20.0], [19465, 19542, 10.0], [19542, 19588, 5.0], [19588, 19687, 9.0], [19687, 19783, 13.0], [19783, 19818, 4.0], [19818, 19846, 4.0], [19846, 19877, 4.0], [19877, 19891, 1.0], [19891, 19913, 3.0], [19913, 19921, 1.0], [19921, 19930, 2.0], [19930, 19942, 2.0], [19942, 19951, 2.0], [19951, 19963, 2.0], [19963, 19973, 1.0], [19973, 19988, 2.0], [19988, 20006, 2.0], [20006, 20022, 2.0], [20022, 20037, 2.0], [20037, 20050, 2.0], [20050, 20067, 1.0], [20067, 20074, 1.0], [20074, 20083, 1.0], [20083, 20090, 1.0], [20090, 20111, 2.0], [20111, 20127, 2.0], [20127, 20148, 4.0], [20148, 20164, 2.0], [20164, 20175, 2.0], [20175, 20196, 3.0], [20196, 20211, 2.0], [20211, 20225, 2.0], [20225, 20241, 2.0], [20241, 20250, 1.0], [20250, 20267, 2.0], [20267, 20277, 1.0], [20277, 20287, 2.0], [20287, 20299, 2.0], [20299, 20311, 2.0], [20311, 20328, 2.0], [20328, 20346, 3.0], [20346, 20359, 2.0], [20359, 20371, 2.0], [20371, 20383, 2.0], [20383, 20393, 2.0], [20393, 20416, 2.0], [20416, 20433, 2.0], [20433, 20453, 3.0], [20453, 20464, 2.0], [20464, 20480, 2.0], [20480, 20491, 1.0], [20491, 20505, 2.0], [20505, 20516, 1.0], [20516, 20531, 2.0], [20531, 20549, 2.0], [20549, 20562, 2.0], [20562, 20580, 2.0], [20580, 20592, 2.0], [20592, 20605, 2.0], [20605, 20621, 2.0], [20621, 20631, 2.0], [20631, 20644, 2.0], [20644, 20650, 1.0], [20650, 20664, 2.0], [20664, 20682, 3.0], [20682, 20690, 1.0], [20690, 20701, 1.0], [20701, 20707, 1.0], [20707, 20715, 1.0], [20715, 20729, 1.0], [20729, 20736, 1.0], [20736, 20749, 2.0], [20749, 20760, 1.0], [20760, 20773, 2.0], [20773, 20779, 1.0], [20779, 20791, 2.0], [20791, 20809, 2.0], [20809, 20825, 2.0], [20825, 20842, 3.0], [20842, 20857, 2.0], [20857, 20864, 1.0], [20864, 20871, 1.0], [20871, 20877, 1.0], [20877, 20884, 1.0], [20884, 20897, 2.0], [20897, 20902, 1.0], [20902, 20916, 2.0], [20916, 20927, 2.0], [20927, 20933, 1.0], [20933, 20945, 2.0], [20945, 20953, 1.0], [20953, 20966, 2.0], [20966, 20977, 2.0], [20977, 20984, 1.0], [20984, 20998, 2.0], [20998, 21016, 3.0], [21016, 21033, 2.0], [21033, 21043, 1.0], [21043, 21051, 1.0], [21051, 21060, 1.0], [21060, 21071, 2.0], [21071, 21084, 2.0], [21084, 21102, 3.0], [21102, 21116, 2.0], [21116, 21132, 2.0], [21132, 21139, 1.0], [21139, 21149, 1.0], [21149, 21157, 1.0], [21157, 21166, 1.0], [21166, 21172, 1.0], [21172, 21183, 2.0], [21183, 21202, 3.0], [21202, 21222, 3.0], [21222, 21230, 1.0], [21230, 21240, 1.0], [21240, 21259, 2.0], [21259, 21266, 1.0], [21266, 21280, 1.0], [21280, 21298, 3.0], [21298, 21321, 2.0], [21321, 21332, 1.0], [21332, 21350, 2.0], [21350, 21363, 2.0], [21363, 21386, 3.0], [21386, 21411, 4.0], [21411, 21428, 2.0], [21428, 21439, 1.0], [21439, 21457, 2.0], [21457, 21486, 5.0], [21486, 21498, 2.0], [21498, 21507, 1.0], [21507, 21514, 1.0], [21514, 21521, 1.0], [21521, 21529, 1.0], [21529, 21536, 1.0], [21536, 21548, 2.0], [21548, 21556, 1.0], [21556, 21568, 1.0], [21568, 21576, 1.0], [21576, 21596, 3.0], [21596, 21611, 2.0], [21611, 21635, 3.0], [21635, 21655, 2.0], [21655, 21662, 1.0], [21662, 21675, 2.0], [21675, 21685, 2.0], [21685, 21700, 2.0], [21700, 21719, 3.0], [21719, 21734, 2.0], [21734, 21764, 5.0], [21764, 21773, 1.0], [21773, 21786, 2.0], [21786, 21798, 2.0], [21798, 21809, 2.0], [21809, 21818, 1.0], [21818, 21831, 2.0], [21831, 21841, 2.0], [21841, 21856, 2.0], [21856, 21880, 2.0], [21880, 21889, 1.0], [21889, 21903, 2.0], [21903, 21924, 3.0], [21924, 21947, 3.0], [21947, 21962, 2.0], [21962, 21976, 2.0], [21976, 21990, 2.0], [21990, 22001, 1.0], [22001, 22013, 2.0], [22013, 22027, 2.0], [22027, 22040, 2.0], [22040, 22053, 2.0], [22053, 22067, 2.0], [22067, 22084, 3.0], [22084, 22108, 3.0], [22108, 22125, 3.0], [22125, 22138, 2.0], [22138, 22153, 2.0], [22153, 22172, 2.0], [22172, 22188, 2.0], [22188, 22198, 1.0], [22198, 22205, 1.0], [22205, 22214, 1.0], [22214, 22222, 1.0], [22222, 22246, 2.0], [22246, 22258, 2.0], [22258, 22271, 2.0], [22271, 22287, 2.0], [22287, 22296, 1.0], [22296, 22304, 1.0], [22304, 22325, 2.0], [22325, 22345, 3.0], [22345, 22360, 2.0], [22360, 22375, 2.0], [22375, 22384, 2.0], [22384, 22398, 2.0], [22398, 22413, 2.0], [22413, 22445, 3.0], [22445, 22461, 3.0], [22461, 22480, 2.0], [22480, 22493, 2.0], [22493, 22509, 2.0], [22509, 22528, 3.0], [22528, 22556, 3.0], [22556, 22563, 1.0], [22563, 22576, 1.0], [22576, 22582, 1.0], [22582, 22600, 2.0], [22600, 22627, 3.0], [22627, 22652, 3.0], [22652, 22667, 1.0], [22667, 22678, 2.0], [22678, 22693, 1.0], [22693, 22705, 2.0], [22705, 22718, 2.0], [22718, 22731, 2.0], [22731, 22739, 1.0], [22739, 22762, 4.0], [22762, 22777, 1.0], [22777, 22794, 2.0], [22794, 22803, 1.0], [22803, 22819, 2.0], [22819, 22832, 1.0], [22832, 22846, 1.0], [22846, 22854, 1.0], [22854, 22868, 2.0], [22868, 22878, 2.0], [22878, 22900, 3.0], [22900, 22923, 3.0], [22923, 22936, 1.0], [22936, 22947, 1.0], [22947, 22957, 1.0], [22957, 22971, 2.0], [22971, 22983, 2.0], [22983, 23011, 3.0], [23011, 23038, 4.0], [23038, 23054, 2.0], [23054, 23077, 4.0], [23077, 23117, 5.0], [23117, 23132, 2.0], [23132, 23149, 4.0], [23149, 23162, 2.0], [23162, 23194, 4.0], [23194, 23215, 3.0], [23215, 23227, 2.0], [23227, 23239, 2.0], [23239, 23252, 2.0], [23252, 23264, 2.0], [23264, 23303, 5.0], [23303, 23316, 2.0], [23316, 23333, 3.0], [23333, 23375, 5.0], [23375, 23389, 2.0], [23389, 23397, 1.0], [23397, 23407, 2.0], [23407, 23423, 2.0], [23423, 23439, 2.0], [23439, 23459, 3.0], [23459, 23478, 3.0], [23478, 23496, 3.0], [23496, 23507, 1.0], [23507, 23526, 2.0], [23526, 23550, 2.0], [23550, 23565, 2.0], [23565, 23582, 2.0], [23582, 23598, 2.0], [23598, 23609, 2.0], [23609, 23621, 2.0], [23621, 23648, 3.0], [23648, 23663, 3.0], [23663, 23675, 2.0], [23675, 23683, 1.0], [23683, 23695, 2.0], [23695, 23709, 2.0], [23709, 23731, 2.0], [23731, 23745, 2.0], [23745, 23762, 2.0], [23762, 23785, 3.0], [23785, 23796, 2.0], [23796, 23820, 3.0], [23820, 23851, 4.0], [23851, 23864, 2.0], [23864, 23888, 4.0], [23888, 23901, 2.0], [23901, 23910, 1.0], [23910, 23924, 2.0], [23924, 23948, 4.0], [23948, 23968, 3.0], [23968, 23990, 4.0], [23990, 24002, 2.0], [24002, 24029, 4.0], [24029, 24042, 2.0], [24042, 24051, 1.0], [24051, 24077, 3.0], [24077, 24086, 1.0], [24086, 24108, 3.0], [24108, 24119, 2.0], [24119, 24133, 2.0], [24133, 24147, 3.0], [24147, 24164, 2.0], [24164, 24178, 2.0], [24178, 24194, 2.0], [24194, 24206, 2.0], [24206, 24224, 3.0], [24224, 24233, 2.0], [24233, 24246, 1.0], [24246, 24259, 2.0], [24259, 24280, 2.0], [24280, 24309, 3.0], [24309, 24320, 2.0], [24320, 24333, 2.0], [24333, 24347, 2.0], [24347, 24360, 2.0], [24360, 24389, 3.0], [24389, 24402, 1.0], [24402, 24438, 5.0], [24438, 24451, 1.0], [24451, 24468, 2.0], [24468, 24478, 1.0], [24478, 24504, 3.0], [24504, 24517, 2.0], [24517, 24533, 2.0], [24533, 24551, 2.0], [24551, 24573, 2.0], [24573, 24586, 2.0], [24586, 24623, 3.0], [24623, 24658, 3.0], [24658, 24684, 3.0], [24684, 24700, 2.0], [24700, 24710, 2.0], [24710, 24725, 2.0], [24725, 24737, 1.0], [24737, 24778, 3.0], [24778, 24789, 2.0], [24789, 24804, 2.0], [24804, 24831, 3.0], [24831, 24853, 2.0], [24853, 24878, 3.0], [24878, 24889, 2.0], [24889, 24916, 3.0], [24916, 24930, 2.0], [24930, 24962, 2.0], [24962, 24989, 2.0], [24989, 25025, 1.0], [25025, 25058, 2.0], [25058, 25106, 3.0], [25106, 25120, 1.0], [25120, 25139, 1.0], [25139, 25162, 1.0], [25162, 25185, 2.0], [25185, 25215, 3.0], [25215, 25232, 1.0], [25232, 25251, 1.0], [25251, 25274, 2.0], [25274, 25290, 1.0], [25290, 25328, 4.0], [25328, 25352, 2.0], [25352, 25374, 1.0], [25374, 25399, 1.0], [25399, 25415, 1.0], [25415, 25435, 1.0], [25435, 25464, 1.0], [25464, 25478, 1.0], [25478, 25509, 3.0], [25509, 25533, 3.0], [25533, 25562, 1.0], [25562, 25605, 2.0], [25605, 25650, 3.0], [25650, 25695, 4.0], [25695, 25715, 2.0], [25715, 25727, 1.0], [25727, 25757, 2.0], [25757, 25766, 1.0], [25766, 25772, 1.0], [25772, 25781, 1.0], [25781, 25791, 1.0], [25791, 25806, 1.0], [25806, 25866, 6.0]], "rps_lines_numerical_chars_fraction": [[0, 16, 0.0], [16, 65, 0.0], [65, 207, 0.0], [207, 783, 0.01627486], [783, 801, 0.0], [801, 833, 0.0], [833, 1490, 0.00470219], [1490, 2292, 0.02061856], [2292, 2306, 0.0], [2306, 2391, 0.02380952], [2391, 3025, 0.01779935], [3025, 4084, 0.02514507], [4084, 4907, 0.00372208], [4907, 5705, 0.00647668], [5705, 5756, 0.0], [5756, 6290, 0.0], [6290, 6713, 0.01699029], [6713, 7636, 0.00556174], [7636, 8092, 0.0], [8092, 8820, 0.00280505], [8820, 8863, 0.1], [8863, 9804, 0.02835333], [9804, 9812, 0.0], [9812, 9893, 0.0], [9893, 9952, 0.0], [9952, 10007, 0.0], [10007, 10099, 0.0], [10099, 10144, 0.0], [10144, 11054, 0.02863688], [11054, 11226, 0.05487805], [11226, 12130, 0.02850627], [12130, 12456, 0.02208202], [12456, 12805, 0.06906907], [12805, 13267, 0.03363229], [13267, 13827, 0.04477612], [13827, 14873, 0.00782014], [14873, 15272, 0.01542416], [15272, 15670, 0.02051282], [15670, 16208, 0.01330798], [16208, 16568, 0.00564972], [16568, 16810, 0.01709402], [16810, 17147, 0.0], [17147, 17862, 0.01152738], [17862, 18095, 0.01769912], [18095, 18204, 0.0], [18204, 18388, 0.0], [18388, 18529, 0.0], [18529, 18903, 0.0], [18903, 19174, 0.04016064], [19174, 19318, 0.05185185], [19318, 19465, 0.13953488], [19465, 19542, 0.0], [19542, 19588, 0.0], [19588, 19687, 0.0], [19687, 19783, 0.0], [19783, 19818, 0.0], [19818, 19846, 0.0], [19846, 19877, 0.0], [19877, 19891, 0.0], [19891, 19913, 0.0], [19913, 19921, 0.0], [19921, 19930, 0.0], [19930, 19942, 0.0], [19942, 19951, 0.25], [19951, 19963, 0.0], [19963, 19973, 0.0], [19973, 19988, 0.0], [19988, 20006, 0.0], [20006, 20022, 0.0], [20022, 20037, 0.0], [20037, 20050, 0.0], [20050, 20067, 0.0], [20067, 20074, 0.0], [20074, 20083, 0.0], [20083, 20090, 0.0], [20090, 20111, 0.0], [20111, 20127, 0.0], [20127, 20148, 0.0], [20148, 20164, 0.0], [20164, 20175, 0.0], [20175, 20196, 0.0], [20196, 20211, 0.0], [20211, 20225, 0.0], [20225, 20241, 0.0], [20241, 20250, 0.0], [20250, 20267, 0.0], [20267, 20277, 0.0], [20277, 20287, 0.0], [20287, 20299, 0.0], [20299, 20311, 0.0], [20311, 20328, 0.0], [20328, 20346, 0.0], [20346, 20359, 0.0], [20359, 20371, 0.0], [20371, 20383, 0.0], [20383, 20393, 0.0], [20393, 20416, 0.0], [20416, 20433, 0.0], [20433, 20453, 0.0], [20453, 20464, 0.0], [20464, 20480, 0.0], [20480, 20491, 0.0], [20491, 20505, 0.0], [20505, 20516, 0.0], [20516, 20531, 0.0], [20531, 20549, 0.0], [20549, 20562, 0.0], [20562, 20580, 0.0], [20580, 20592, 0.0], [20592, 20605, 0.0], [20605, 20621, 0.0], [20621, 20631, 0.0], [20631, 20644, 0.0], [20644, 20650, 0.0], [20650, 20664, 0.0], [20664, 20682, 0.0], [20682, 20690, 0.0], [20690, 20701, 0.0], [20701, 20707, 0.0], [20707, 20715, 0.0], [20715, 20729, 0.0], [20729, 20736, 0.0], [20736, 20749, 0.0], [20749, 20760, 0.0], [20760, 20773, 0.0], [20773, 20779, 0.0], [20779, 20791, 0.0], [20791, 20809, 0.0], [20809, 20825, 0.0], [20825, 20842, 0.0], [20842, 20857, 0.0], [20857, 20864, 0.0], [20864, 20871, 0.0], [20871, 20877, 0.0], [20877, 20884, 0.0], [20884, 20897, 0.0], [20897, 20902, 0.0], [20902, 20916, 0.0], [20916, 20927, 0.0], [20927, 20933, 0.0], [20933, 20945, 0.0], [20945, 20953, 0.0], [20953, 20966, 0.0], [20966, 20977, 0.0], [20977, 20984, 0.0], [20984, 20998, 0.0], [20998, 21016, 0.0], [21016, 21033, 0.0], [21033, 21043, 0.0], [21043, 21051, 0.0], [21051, 21060, 0.0], [21060, 21071, 0.0], [21071, 21084, 0.0], [21084, 21102, 0.0], [21102, 21116, 0.0], [21116, 21132, 0.0], [21132, 21139, 0.0], [21139, 21149, 0.0], [21149, 21157, 0.0], [21157, 21166, 0.0], [21166, 21172, 0.0], [21172, 21183, 0.0], [21183, 21202, 0.0], [21202, 21222, 0.0], [21222, 21230, 0.0], [21230, 21240, 0.0], [21240, 21259, 0.0], [21259, 21266, 0.0], [21266, 21280, 0.0], [21280, 21298, 0.0], [21298, 21321, 0.0], [21321, 21332, 0.0], [21332, 21350, 0.0], [21350, 21363, 0.0], [21363, 21386, 0.0], [21386, 21411, 0.0], [21411, 21428, 0.0], [21428, 21439, 0.0], [21439, 21457, 0.0], [21457, 21486, 0.0], [21486, 21498, 0.0], [21498, 21507, 0.0], [21507, 21514, 0.0], [21514, 21521, 0.0], [21521, 21529, 0.0], [21529, 21536, 0.0], [21536, 21548, 0.0], [21548, 21556, 0.0], [21556, 21568, 0.0], [21568, 21576, 0.0], [21576, 21596, 0.0], [21596, 21611, 0.0], [21611, 21635, 0.0], [21635, 21655, 0.0], [21655, 21662, 0.0], [21662, 21675, 0.0], [21675, 21685, 0.0], [21685, 21700, 0.0], [21700, 21719, 0.0], [21719, 21734, 0.0], [21734, 21764, 0.0], [21764, 21773, 0.0], [21773, 21786, 0.0], [21786, 21798, 0.0], [21798, 21809, 0.0], [21809, 21818, 0.0], [21818, 21831, 0.0], [21831, 21841, 0.0], [21841, 21856, 0.0], [21856, 21880, 0.0], [21880, 21889, 0.0], [21889, 21903, 0.0], [21903, 21924, 0.0], [21924, 21947, 0.0], [21947, 21962, 0.0], [21962, 21976, 0.0], [21976, 21990, 0.0], [21990, 22001, 0.0], [22001, 22013, 0.0], [22013, 22027, 0.0], [22027, 22040, 0.0], [22040, 22053, 0.0], [22053, 22067, 0.0], [22067, 22084, 0.0], [22084, 22108, 0.0], [22108, 22125, 0.0], [22125, 22138, 0.0], [22138, 22153, 0.0], [22153, 22172, 0.0], [22172, 22188, 0.0], [22188, 22198, 0.0], [22198, 22205, 0.0], [22205, 22214, 0.0], [22214, 22222, 0.0], [22222, 22246, 0.0], [22246, 22258, 0.0], [22258, 22271, 0.0], [22271, 22287, 0.0], [22287, 22296, 0.0], [22296, 22304, 0.0], [22304, 22325, 0.0], [22325, 22345, 0.0], [22345, 22360, 0.0], [22360, 22375, 0.0], [22375, 22384, 0.0], [22384, 22398, 0.0], [22398, 22413, 0.0], [22413, 22445, 0.0], [22445, 22461, 0.0], [22461, 22480, 0.0], [22480, 22493, 0.0], [22493, 22509, 0.0], [22509, 22528, 0.0], [22528, 22556, 0.0], [22556, 22563, 0.0], [22563, 22576, 0.0], [22576, 22582, 0.0], [22582, 22600, 0.0], [22600, 22627, 0.0], [22627, 22652, 0.0], [22652, 22667, 0.0], [22667, 22678, 0.0], [22678, 22693, 0.0], [22693, 22705, 0.0], [22705, 22718, 0.0], [22718, 22731, 0.0], [22731, 22739, 0.0], [22739, 22762, 0.0], [22762, 22777, 0.0], [22777, 22794, 0.0], [22794, 22803, 0.0], [22803, 22819, 0.0], [22819, 22832, 0.0], [22832, 22846, 0.0], [22846, 22854, 0.0], [22854, 22868, 0.0], [22868, 22878, 0.0], [22878, 22900, 0.0], [22900, 22923, 0.0], [22923, 22936, 0.0], [22936, 22947, 0.0], [22947, 22957, 0.0], [22957, 22971, 0.0], [22971, 22983, 0.0], [22983, 23011, 0.0], [23011, 23038, 0.0], [23038, 23054, 0.0], [23054, 23077, 0.0], [23077, 23117, 0.0], [23117, 23132, 0.0], [23132, 23149, 0.0], [23149, 23162, 0.0], [23162, 23194, 0.0], [23194, 23215, 0.0], [23215, 23227, 0.0], [23227, 23239, 0.0], [23239, 23252, 0.0], [23252, 23264, 0.0], [23264, 23303, 0.0], [23303, 23316, 0.0], [23316, 23333, 0.0], [23333, 23375, 0.0], [23375, 23389, 0.0], [23389, 23397, 0.0], [23397, 23407, 0.0], [23407, 23423, 0.0], [23423, 23439, 0.0], [23439, 23459, 0.0], [23459, 23478, 0.0], [23478, 23496, 0.0], [23496, 23507, 0.0], [23507, 23526, 0.0], [23526, 23550, 0.0], [23550, 23565, 0.0], [23565, 23582, 0.0], [23582, 23598, 0.0], [23598, 23609, 0.0], [23609, 23621, 0.0], [23621, 23648, 0.0], [23648, 23663, 0.0], [23663, 23675, 0.0], [23675, 23683, 0.0], [23683, 23695, 0.0], [23695, 23709, 0.0], [23709, 23731, 0.0], [23731, 23745, 0.0], [23745, 23762, 0.0], [23762, 23785, 0.0], [23785, 23796, 0.0], [23796, 23820, 0.0], [23820, 23851, 0.0], [23851, 23864, 0.0], [23864, 23888, 0.0], [23888, 23901, 0.0], [23901, 23910, 0.0], [23910, 23924, 0.0], [23924, 23948, 0.0], [23948, 23968, 0.0], [23968, 23990, 0.0], [23990, 24002, 0.0], [24002, 24029, 0.0], [24029, 24042, 0.0], [24042, 24051, 0.0], [24051, 24077, 0.0], [24077, 24086, 0.14285714], [24086, 24108, 0.0], [24108, 24119, 0.0], [24119, 24133, 0.0], [24133, 24147, 0.0], [24147, 24164, 0.0], [24164, 24178, 0.0], [24178, 24194, 0.0], [24194, 24206, 0.0], [24206, 24224, 0.0], [24224, 24233, 0.0], [24233, 24246, 0.0], [24246, 24259, 0.0], [24259, 24280, 0.0], [24280, 24309, 0.0], [24309, 24320, 0.0], [24320, 24333, 0.0], [24333, 24347, 0.0], [24347, 24360, 0.0], [24360, 24389, 0.0], [24389, 24402, 0.0], [24402, 24438, 0.0], [24438, 24451, 0.0], [24451, 24468, 0.0], [24468, 24478, 0.0], [24478, 24504, 0.0], [24504, 24517, 0.0], [24517, 24533, 0.0], [24533, 24551, 0.0], [24551, 24573, 0.0], [24573, 24586, 0.0], [24586, 24623, 0.0], [24623, 24658, 0.0], [24658, 24684, 0.0], [24684, 24700, 0.0], [24700, 24710, 0.0], [24710, 24725, 0.0], [24725, 24737, 0.0], [24737, 24778, 0.0], [24778, 24789, 0.0], [24789, 24804, 0.0], [24804, 24831, 0.0], [24831, 24853, 0.0], [24853, 24878, 0.0], [24878, 24889, 0.0], [24889, 24916, 0.0], [24916, 24930, 0.0], [24930, 24962, 0.0], [24962, 24989, 0.0], [24989, 25025, 0.0], [25025, 25058, 0.0], [25058, 25106, 0.0], [25106, 25120, 0.0], [25120, 25139, 0.0], [25139, 25162, 0.0], [25162, 25185, 0.0], [25185, 25215, 0.0], [25215, 25232, 0.0], [25232, 25251, 0.0], [25251, 25274, 0.0], [25274, 25290, 0.0], [25290, 25328, 0.0], [25328, 25352, 0.0], [25352, 25374, 0.0], [25374, 25399, 0.0], [25399, 25415, 0.0], [25415, 25435, 0.0], [25435, 25464, 0.0], [25464, 25478, 0.0], [25478, 25509, 0.0], [25509, 25533, 0.0], [25533, 25562, 0.0], [25562, 25605, 0.0], [25605, 25650, 0.0], [25650, 25695, 0.0], [25695, 25715, 0.0], [25715, 25727, 0.0], [25727, 25757, 0.0], [25757, 25766, 0.0], [25766, 25772, 0.0], [25772, 25781, 0.0], [25781, 25791, 0.0], [25791, 25806, 0.0], [25806, 25866, 0.40816327]], "rps_lines_start_with_bulletpoint": [[0, 16, 0.0], [16, 65, 0.0], [65, 207, 0.0], [207, 783, 0.0], [783, 801, 0.0], [801, 833, 0.0], [833, 1490, 0.0], [1490, 2292, 0.0], [2292, 2306, 0.0], [2306, 2391, 0.0], [2391, 3025, 0.0], [3025, 4084, 0.0], [4084, 4907, 0.0], [4907, 5705, 0.0], [5705, 5756, 0.0], [5756, 6290, 0.0], [6290, 6713, 0.0], [6713, 7636, 0.0], [7636, 8092, 0.0], [8092, 8820, 0.0], [8820, 8863, 0.0], [8863, 9804, 0.0], [9804, 9812, 0.0], [9812, 9893, 0.0], [9893, 9952, 0.0], [9952, 10007, 0.0], [10007, 10099, 0.0], [10099, 10144, 0.0], [10144, 11054, 0.0], [11054, 11226, 0.0], [11226, 12130, 0.0], [12130, 12456, 0.0], [12456, 12805, 0.0], [12805, 13267, 0.0], [13267, 13827, 0.0], [13827, 14873, 0.0], [14873, 15272, 0.0], [15272, 15670, 0.0], [15670, 16208, 0.0], [16208, 16568, 0.0], [16568, 16810, 0.0], [16810, 17147, 0.0], [17147, 17862, 0.0], [17862, 18095, 0.0], [18095, 18204, 0.0], [18204, 18388, 0.0], [18388, 18529, 0.0], [18529, 18903, 0.0], [18903, 19174, 0.0], [19174, 19318, 0.0], [19318, 19465, 0.0], [19465, 19542, 0.0], [19542, 19588, 0.0], [19588, 19687, 0.0], [19687, 19783, 0.0], [19783, 19818, 0.0], [19818, 19846, 0.0], [19846, 19877, 0.0], [19877, 19891, 0.0], [19891, 19913, 0.0], [19913, 19921, 0.0], [19921, 19930, 0.0], [19930, 19942, 0.0], [19942, 19951, 0.0], [19951, 19963, 0.0], [19963, 19973, 0.0], [19973, 19988, 0.0], [19988, 20006, 0.0], [20006, 20022, 0.0], [20022, 20037, 0.0], [20037, 20050, 0.0], [20050, 20067, 0.0], [20067, 20074, 0.0], [20074, 20083, 0.0], [20083, 20090, 0.0], [20090, 20111, 0.0], [20111, 20127, 0.0], [20127, 20148, 0.0], [20148, 20164, 0.0], [20164, 20175, 0.0], [20175, 20196, 0.0], [20196, 20211, 0.0], [20211, 20225, 0.0], [20225, 20241, 0.0], [20241, 20250, 0.0], [20250, 20267, 0.0], [20267, 20277, 0.0], [20277, 20287, 0.0], [20287, 20299, 0.0], [20299, 20311, 0.0], [20311, 20328, 0.0], [20328, 20346, 0.0], [20346, 20359, 0.0], [20359, 20371, 0.0], [20371, 20383, 0.0], [20383, 20393, 0.0], [20393, 20416, 0.0], [20416, 20433, 0.0], [20433, 20453, 0.0], [20453, 20464, 0.0], [20464, 20480, 0.0], [20480, 20491, 0.0], [20491, 20505, 0.0], [20505, 20516, 0.0], [20516, 20531, 0.0], [20531, 20549, 0.0], [20549, 20562, 0.0], [20562, 20580, 0.0], [20580, 20592, 0.0], [20592, 20605, 0.0], [20605, 20621, 0.0], [20621, 20631, 0.0], [20631, 20644, 0.0], [20644, 20650, 0.0], [20650, 20664, 0.0], [20664, 20682, 0.0], [20682, 20690, 0.0], [20690, 20701, 0.0], [20701, 20707, 0.0], [20707, 20715, 0.0], [20715, 20729, 0.0], [20729, 20736, 0.0], [20736, 20749, 0.0], [20749, 20760, 0.0], [20760, 20773, 0.0], [20773, 20779, 0.0], [20779, 20791, 0.0], [20791, 20809, 0.0], [20809, 20825, 0.0], [20825, 20842, 0.0], [20842, 20857, 0.0], [20857, 20864, 0.0], [20864, 20871, 0.0], [20871, 20877, 0.0], [20877, 20884, 0.0], [20884, 20897, 0.0], [20897, 20902, 0.0], [20902, 20916, 0.0], [20916, 20927, 0.0], [20927, 20933, 0.0], [20933, 20945, 0.0], [20945, 20953, 0.0], [20953, 20966, 0.0], [20966, 20977, 0.0], [20977, 20984, 0.0], [20984, 20998, 0.0], [20998, 21016, 0.0], [21016, 21033, 0.0], [21033, 21043, 0.0], [21043, 21051, 0.0], [21051, 21060, 0.0], [21060, 21071, 0.0], [21071, 21084, 0.0], [21084, 21102, 0.0], [21102, 21116, 0.0], [21116, 21132, 0.0], [21132, 21139, 0.0], [21139, 21149, 0.0], [21149, 21157, 0.0], [21157, 21166, 0.0], [21166, 21172, 0.0], [21172, 21183, 0.0], [21183, 21202, 0.0], [21202, 21222, 0.0], [21222, 21230, 0.0], [21230, 21240, 0.0], [21240, 21259, 0.0], [21259, 21266, 0.0], [21266, 21280, 0.0], [21280, 21298, 0.0], [21298, 21321, 0.0], [21321, 21332, 0.0], [21332, 21350, 0.0], [21350, 21363, 0.0], [21363, 21386, 0.0], [21386, 21411, 0.0], [21411, 21428, 0.0], [21428, 21439, 0.0], [21439, 21457, 0.0], [21457, 21486, 0.0], [21486, 21498, 0.0], [21498, 21507, 0.0], [21507, 21514, 0.0], [21514, 21521, 0.0], [21521, 21529, 0.0], [21529, 21536, 0.0], [21536, 21548, 0.0], [21548, 21556, 0.0], [21556, 21568, 0.0], [21568, 21576, 0.0], [21576, 21596, 0.0], [21596, 21611, 0.0], [21611, 21635, 0.0], [21635, 21655, 0.0], [21655, 21662, 0.0], [21662, 21675, 0.0], [21675, 21685, 0.0], [21685, 21700, 0.0], [21700, 21719, 0.0], [21719, 21734, 0.0], [21734, 21764, 0.0], [21764, 21773, 0.0], [21773, 21786, 0.0], [21786, 21798, 0.0], [21798, 21809, 0.0], [21809, 21818, 0.0], [21818, 21831, 0.0], [21831, 21841, 0.0], [21841, 21856, 0.0], [21856, 21880, 0.0], [21880, 21889, 0.0], [21889, 21903, 0.0], [21903, 21924, 0.0], [21924, 21947, 0.0], [21947, 21962, 0.0], [21962, 21976, 0.0], [21976, 21990, 0.0], [21990, 22001, 0.0], [22001, 22013, 0.0], [22013, 22027, 0.0], [22027, 22040, 0.0], [22040, 22053, 0.0], [22053, 22067, 0.0], [22067, 22084, 0.0], [22084, 22108, 0.0], [22108, 22125, 0.0], [22125, 22138, 0.0], [22138, 22153, 0.0], [22153, 22172, 0.0], [22172, 22188, 0.0], [22188, 22198, 0.0], [22198, 22205, 0.0], [22205, 22214, 0.0], [22214, 22222, 0.0], [22222, 22246, 0.0], [22246, 22258, 0.0], [22258, 22271, 0.0], [22271, 22287, 0.0], [22287, 22296, 0.0], [22296, 22304, 0.0], [22304, 22325, 0.0], [22325, 22345, 0.0], [22345, 22360, 0.0], [22360, 22375, 0.0], [22375, 22384, 0.0], [22384, 22398, 0.0], [22398, 22413, 0.0], [22413, 22445, 0.0], [22445, 22461, 0.0], [22461, 22480, 0.0], [22480, 22493, 0.0], [22493, 22509, 0.0], [22509, 22528, 0.0], [22528, 22556, 0.0], [22556, 22563, 0.0], [22563, 22576, 0.0], [22576, 22582, 0.0], [22582, 22600, 0.0], [22600, 22627, 0.0], [22627, 22652, 0.0], [22652, 22667, 0.0], [22667, 22678, 0.0], [22678, 22693, 0.0], [22693, 22705, 0.0], [22705, 22718, 0.0], [22718, 22731, 0.0], [22731, 22739, 0.0], [22739, 22762, 0.0], [22762, 22777, 0.0], [22777, 22794, 0.0], [22794, 22803, 0.0], [22803, 22819, 0.0], [22819, 22832, 0.0], [22832, 22846, 0.0], [22846, 22854, 0.0], [22854, 22868, 0.0], [22868, 22878, 0.0], [22878, 22900, 0.0], [22900, 22923, 0.0], [22923, 22936, 0.0], [22936, 22947, 0.0], [22947, 22957, 0.0], [22957, 22971, 0.0], [22971, 22983, 0.0], [22983, 23011, 0.0], [23011, 23038, 0.0], [23038, 23054, 0.0], [23054, 23077, 0.0], [23077, 23117, 0.0], [23117, 23132, 0.0], [23132, 23149, 0.0], [23149, 23162, 0.0], [23162, 23194, 0.0], [23194, 23215, 0.0], [23215, 23227, 0.0], [23227, 23239, 0.0], [23239, 23252, 0.0], [23252, 23264, 0.0], [23264, 23303, 0.0], [23303, 23316, 0.0], [23316, 23333, 0.0], [23333, 23375, 0.0], [23375, 23389, 0.0], [23389, 23397, 0.0], [23397, 23407, 0.0], [23407, 23423, 0.0], [23423, 23439, 0.0], [23439, 23459, 0.0], [23459, 23478, 0.0], [23478, 23496, 0.0], [23496, 23507, 0.0], [23507, 23526, 0.0], [23526, 23550, 0.0], [23550, 23565, 0.0], [23565, 23582, 0.0], [23582, 23598, 0.0], [23598, 23609, 0.0], [23609, 23621, 0.0], [23621, 23648, 0.0], [23648, 23663, 0.0], [23663, 23675, 0.0], [23675, 23683, 0.0], [23683, 23695, 0.0], [23695, 23709, 0.0], [23709, 23731, 0.0], [23731, 23745, 0.0], [23745, 23762, 0.0], [23762, 23785, 0.0], [23785, 23796, 0.0], [23796, 23820, 0.0], [23820, 23851, 0.0], [23851, 23864, 0.0], [23864, 23888, 0.0], [23888, 23901, 0.0], [23901, 23910, 0.0], [23910, 23924, 0.0], [23924, 23948, 0.0], [23948, 23968, 0.0], [23968, 23990, 0.0], [23990, 24002, 0.0], [24002, 24029, 0.0], [24029, 24042, 0.0], [24042, 24051, 0.0], [24051, 24077, 0.0], [24077, 24086, 0.0], [24086, 24108, 0.0], [24108, 24119, 0.0], [24119, 24133, 0.0], [24133, 24147, 0.0], [24147, 24164, 0.0], [24164, 24178, 0.0], [24178, 24194, 0.0], [24194, 24206, 0.0], [24206, 24224, 0.0], [24224, 24233, 0.0], [24233, 24246, 0.0], [24246, 24259, 0.0], [24259, 24280, 0.0], [24280, 24309, 0.0], [24309, 24320, 0.0], [24320, 24333, 0.0], [24333, 24347, 0.0], [24347, 24360, 0.0], [24360, 24389, 0.0], [24389, 24402, 0.0], [24402, 24438, 0.0], [24438, 24451, 0.0], [24451, 24468, 0.0], [24468, 24478, 0.0], [24478, 24504, 0.0], [24504, 24517, 0.0], [24517, 24533, 0.0], [24533, 24551, 0.0], [24551, 24573, 0.0], [24573, 24586, 0.0], [24586, 24623, 0.0], [24623, 24658, 0.0], [24658, 24684, 0.0], [24684, 24700, 0.0], [24700, 24710, 0.0], [24710, 24725, 0.0], [24725, 24737, 0.0], [24737, 24778, 0.0], [24778, 24789, 0.0], [24789, 24804, 0.0], [24804, 24831, 0.0], [24831, 24853, 0.0], [24853, 24878, 0.0], [24878, 24889, 0.0], [24889, 24916, 0.0], [24916, 24930, 0.0], [24930, 24962, 0.0], [24962, 24989, 0.0], [24989, 25025, 0.0], [25025, 25058, 0.0], [25058, 25106, 0.0], [25106, 25120, 0.0], [25120, 25139, 0.0], [25139, 25162, 0.0], [25162, 25185, 0.0], [25185, 25215, 0.0], [25215, 25232, 0.0], [25232, 25251, 0.0], [25251, 25274, 0.0], [25274, 25290, 0.0], [25290, 25328, 0.0], [25328, 25352, 0.0], [25352, 25374, 0.0], [25374, 25399, 0.0], [25399, 25415, 0.0], [25415, 25435, 0.0], [25435, 25464, 0.0], [25464, 25478, 0.0], [25478, 25509, 0.0], [25509, 25533, 0.0], [25533, 25562, 0.0], [25562, 25605, 0.0], [25605, 25650, 0.0], [25650, 25695, 0.0], [25695, 25715, 0.0], [25715, 25727, 0.0], [25727, 25757, 0.0], [25757, 25766, 0.0], [25766, 25772, 0.0], [25772, 25781, 0.0], [25781, 25791, 0.0], [25791, 25806, 0.0], [25806, 25866, 0.0]], "rps_lines_uppercase_letter_fraction": [[0, 16, 0.125], [16, 65, 0.08163265], [65, 207, 0.05633803], [207, 783, 0.04166667], [783, 801, 0.05555556], [801, 833, 0.09375], [833, 1490, 0.03348554], [1490, 2292, 0.02992519], [2292, 2306, 0.14285714], [2306, 2391, 0.03529412], [2391, 3025, 0.04258675], [3025, 4084, 0.02455146], [4084, 4907, 0.01215067], 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0.11111111], [19318, 19465, 0.10884354], [19465, 19542, 0.11688312], [19542, 19588, 0.06521739], [19588, 19687, 0.09090909], [19687, 19783, 0.10416667], [19783, 19818, 0.02857143], [19818, 19846, 0.07142857], [19846, 19877, 0.06451613], [19877, 19891, 0.07142857], [19891, 19913, 0.09090909], [19913, 19921, 0.125], [19921, 19930, 0.22222222], [19930, 19942, 0.16666667], [19942, 19951, 0.11111111], [19951, 19963, 0.08333333], [19963, 19973, 0.1], [19973, 19988, 0.13333333], [19988, 20006, 0.11111111], [20006, 20022, 0.125], [20022, 20037, 0.13333333], [20037, 20050, 0.15384615], [20050, 20067, 0.11764706], [20067, 20074, 0.28571429], [20074, 20083, 0.11111111], [20083, 20090, 0.14285714], [20090, 20111, 0.0952381], [20111, 20127, 0.125], [20127, 20148, 0.14285714], [20148, 20164, 0.0625], [20164, 20175, 0.09090909], [20175, 20196, 0.14285714], [20196, 20211, 0.13333333], [20211, 20225, 0.14285714], [20225, 20241, 0.125], [20241, 20250, 0.22222222], [20250, 20267, 0.11764706], [20267, 20277, 0.1], [20277, 20287, 0.2], [20287, 20299, 0.16666667], [20299, 20311, 0.16666667], [20311, 20328, 0.11764706], [20328, 20346, 0.16666667], [20346, 20359, 0.15384615], [20359, 20371, 0.08333333], [20371, 20383, 0.16666667], [20383, 20393, 0.2], [20393, 20416, 0.08695652], [20416, 20433, 0.17647059], [20433, 20453, 0.15], [20453, 20464, 0.18181818], [20464, 20480, 0.125], [20480, 20491, 0.09090909], [20491, 20505, 0.07142857], [20505, 20516, 0.09090909], [20516, 20531, 0.13333333], [20531, 20549, 0.11111111], [20549, 20562, 0.15384615], [20562, 20580, 0.11111111], [20580, 20592, 0.16666667], [20592, 20605, 0.15384615], [20605, 20621, 0.125], [20621, 20631, 0.2], [20631, 20644, 0.15384615], [20644, 20650, 0.16666667], [20650, 20664, 0.14285714], [20664, 20682, 0.11111111], [20682, 20690, 0.125], [20690, 20701, 0.09090909], [20701, 20707, 0.16666667], [20707, 20715, 0.125], [20715, 20729, 0.14285714], [20729, 20736, 0.14285714], [20736, 20749, 0.07692308], [20749, 20760, 0.09090909], [20760, 20773, 0.07692308], [20773, 20779, 0.16666667], [20779, 20791, 0.08333333], [20791, 20809, 0.11111111], [20809, 20825, 0.125], [20825, 20842, 0.17647059], [20842, 20857, 0.13333333], [20857, 20864, 0.14285714], [20864, 20871, 0.14285714], [20871, 20877, 0.16666667], [20877, 20884, 0.14285714], [20884, 20897, 0.07692308], [20897, 20902, 0.2], [20902, 20916, 0.14285714], [20916, 20927, 0.18181818], [20927, 20933, 0.16666667], [20933, 20945, 0.08333333], [20945, 20953, 0.125], [20953, 20966, 0.15384615], [20966, 20977, 0.18181818], [20977, 20984, 0.14285714], [20984, 20998, 0.14285714], [20998, 21016, 0.11111111], [21016, 21033, 0.11764706], [21033, 21043, 0.1], [21043, 21051, 0.125], [21051, 21060, 0.11111111], [21060, 21071, 0.18181818], [21071, 21084, 0.07692308], [21084, 21102, 0.16666667], [21102, 21116, 0.14285714], [21116, 21132, 0.125], [21132, 21139, 0.14285714], [21139, 21149, 0.1], [21149, 21157, 0.125], [21157, 21166, 0.11111111], [21166, 21172, 0.16666667], [21172, 21183, 0.18181818], [21183, 21202, 0.15789474], [21202, 21222, 0.1], [21222, 21230, 0.125], [21230, 21240, 0.1], [21240, 21259, 0.10526316], [21259, 21266, 0.14285714], [21266, 21280, 0.14285714], [21280, 21298, 0.16666667], [21298, 21321, 0.08695652], [21321, 21332, 0.09090909], [21332, 21350, 0.05555556], [21350, 21363, 0.15384615], [21363, 21386, 0.13043478], [21386, 21411, 0.16], [21411, 21428, 0.05882353], [21428, 21439, 0.09090909], [21439, 21457, 0.11111111], [21457, 21486, 0.10344828], [21486, 21498, 0.16666667], [21498, 21507, 0.11111111], [21507, 21514, 0.14285714], [21514, 21521, 0.14285714], [21521, 21529, 0.125], [21529, 21536, 0.14285714], [21536, 21548, 0.16666667], [21548, 21556, 0.125], [21556, 21568, 0.08333333], [21568, 21576, 0.125], [21576, 21596, 0.15], [21596, 21611, 0.13333333], [21611, 21635, 0.20833333], [21635, 21655, 0.1], [21655, 21662, 0.14285714], [21662, 21675, 0.15384615], [21675, 21685, 0.2], [21685, 21700, 0.13333333], [21700, 21719, 0.15789474], [21719, 21734, 0.13333333], [21734, 21764, 0.1], [21764, 21773, 0.11111111], [21773, 21786, 0.15384615], [21786, 21798, 0.16666667], [21798, 21809, 0.18181818], [21809, 21818, 0.11111111], [21818, 21831, 0.15384615], [21831, 21841, 0.1], [21841, 21856, 0.13333333], [21856, 21880, 0.125], [21880, 21889, 0.11111111], [21889, 21903, 0.14285714], [21903, 21924, 0.0952381], [21924, 21947, 0.13043478], [21947, 21962, 0.13333333], [21962, 21976, 0.14285714], [21976, 21990, 0.07142857], [21990, 22001, 0.09090909], [22001, 22013, 0.08333333], [22013, 22027, 0.07142857], [22027, 22040, 0.07692308], [22040, 22053, 0.07692308], [22053, 22067, 0.07142857], [22067, 22084, 0.11764706], [22084, 22108, 0.04166667], [22108, 22125, 0.11764706], [22125, 22138, 0.07692308], [22138, 22153, 0.06666667], [22153, 22172, 0.10526316], [22172, 22188, 0.125], [22188, 22198, 0.1], [22198, 22205, 0.14285714], [22205, 22214, 0.11111111], [22214, 22222, 0.125], [22222, 22246, 0.08333333], [22246, 22258, 0.08333333], [22258, 22271, 0.07692308], [22271, 22287, 0.0625], [22287, 22296, 0.11111111], [22296, 22304, 0.125], [22304, 22325, 0.04761905], [22325, 22345, 0.15], [22345, 22360, 0.13333333], [22360, 22375, 0.06666667], [22375, 22384, 0.22222222], [22384, 22398, 0.07142857], [22398, 22413, 0.06666667], [22413, 22445, 0.09375], [22445, 22461, 0.0625], [22461, 22480, 0.05263158], [22480, 22493, 0.07692308], [22493, 22509, 0.0625], [22509, 22528, 0.10526316], [22528, 22556, 0.14285714], [22556, 22563, 0.14285714], [22563, 22576, 0.15384615], [22576, 22582, 0.16666667], [22582, 22600, 0.11111111], [22600, 22627, 0.11111111], [22627, 22652, 0.08], [22652, 22667, 0.13333333], [22667, 22678, 0.18181818], [22678, 22693, 0.06666667], [22693, 22705, 0.16666667], [22705, 22718, 0.15384615], [22718, 22731, 0.15384615], [22731, 22739, 0.125], [22739, 22762, 0.08695652], [22762, 22777, 0.13333333], [22777, 22794, 0.11764706], [22794, 22803, 0.11111111], [22803, 22819, 0.125], [22819, 22832, 0.15384615], [22832, 22846, 0.14285714], [22846, 22854, 0.125], [22854, 22868, 0.14285714], [22868, 22878, 0.2], [22878, 22900, 0.09090909], [22900, 22923, 0.17391304], [22923, 22936, 0.15384615], [22936, 22947, 0.09090909], [22947, 22957, 0.1], [22957, 22971, 0.14285714], [22971, 22983, 0.08333333], [22983, 23011, 0.10714286], [23011, 23038, 0.14814815], [23038, 23054, 0.125], [23054, 23077, 0.17391304], [23077, 23117, 0.125], [23117, 23132, 0.13333333], [23132, 23149, 0.11764706], [23149, 23162, 0.15384615], [23162, 23194, 0.125], [23194, 23215, 0.14285714], [23215, 23227, 0.08333333], [23227, 23239, 0.16666667], [23239, 23252, 0.15384615], [23252, 23264, 0.16666667], [23264, 23303, 0.12820513], [23303, 23316, 0.15384615], [23316, 23333, 0.11764706], [23333, 23375, 0.11904762], [23375, 23389, 0.14285714], [23389, 23397, 0.125], [23397, 23407, 0.2], [23407, 23423, 0.125], [23423, 23439, 0.125], [23439, 23459, 0.15], [23459, 23478, 0.15789474], [23478, 23496, 0.16666667], [23496, 23507, 0.09090909], [23507, 23526, 0.10526316], [23526, 23550, 0.08333333], [23550, 23565, 0.13333333], [23565, 23582, 0.11764706], [23582, 23598, 0.125], [23598, 23609, 0.18181818], [23609, 23621, 0.08333333], [23621, 23648, 0.11111111], [23648, 23663, 0.2], [23663, 23675, 0.08333333], [23675, 23683, 0.125], [23683, 23695, 0.16666667], [23695, 23709, 0.14285714], [23709, 23731, 0.09090909], [23731, 23745, 0.14285714], [23745, 23762, 0.11764706], [23762, 23785, 0.08695652], [23785, 23796, 0.18181818], [23796, 23820, 0.125], [23820, 23851, 0.12903226], [23851, 23864, 0.15384615], [23864, 23888, 0.125], [23888, 23901, 0.15384615], [23901, 23910, 0.22222222], [23910, 23924, 0.14285714], [23924, 23948, 0.16666667], [23948, 23968, 0.15], [23968, 23990, 0.13636364], [23990, 24002, 0.16666667], [24002, 24029, 0.14814815], [24029, 24042, 0.15384615], [24042, 24051, 0.11111111], [24051, 24077, 0.11538462], [24077, 24086, 0.11111111], [24086, 24108, 0.13636364], [24108, 24119, 0.18181818], [24119, 24133, 0.14285714], [24133, 24147, 0.21428571], [24147, 24164, 0.11764706], [24164, 24178, 0.14285714], [24178, 24194, 0.125], [24194, 24206, 0.08333333], [24206, 24224, 0.11111111], [24224, 24233, 0.11111111], [24233, 24246, 0.07692308], [24246, 24259, 0.07692308], [24259, 24280, 0.0952381], [24280, 24309, 0.10344828], [24309, 24320, 0.09090909], [24320, 24333, 0.07692308], [24333, 24347, 0.07142857], [24347, 24360, 0.07692308], [24360, 24389, 0.03448276], [24389, 24402, 0.46153846], [24402, 24438, 0.08333333], [24438, 24451, 0.07692308], [24451, 24468, 0.05882353], [24468, 24478, 0.1], [24478, 24504, 0.07692308], [24504, 24517, 0.07692308], [24517, 24533, 0.0625], [24533, 24551, 0.11111111], [24551, 24573, 0.04545455], [24573, 24586, 0.07692308], [24586, 24623, 0.05405405], [24623, 24658, 0.05714286], [24658, 24684, 0.03846154], [24684, 24700, 0.0625], [24700, 24710, 0.2], [24710, 24725, 0.13333333], [24725, 24737, 0.08333333], [24737, 24778, 0.07317073], [24778, 24789, 0.18181818], [24789, 24804, 0.13333333], [24804, 24831, 0.11111111], [24831, 24853, 0.09090909], [24853, 24878, 0.04], [24878, 24889, 0.18181818], [24889, 24916, 0.03703704], [24916, 24930, 0.14285714], [24930, 24962, 0.125], [24962, 24989, 0.11111111], [24989, 25025, 0.11111111], [25025, 25058, 0.12121212], [25058, 25106, 0.14583333], [25106, 25120, 0.14285714], [25120, 25139, 0.10526316], [25139, 25162, 0.08695652], [25162, 25185, 0.13043478], [25185, 25215, 0.13333333], [25215, 25232, 0.11764706], [25232, 25251, 0.10526316], [25251, 25274, 0.13043478], [25274, 25290, 0.1875], [25290, 25328, 0.15789474], [25328, 25352, 0.125], [25352, 25374, 0.09090909], [25374, 25399, 0.12], [25399, 25415, 0.125], [25415, 25435, 0.1], [25435, 25464, 0.10344828], [25464, 25478, 0.14285714], [25478, 25509, 0.16129032], [25509, 25533, 0.16666667], [25533, 25562, 0.17241379], [25562, 25605, 0.13953488], [25605, 25650, 0.13333333], [25650, 25695, 0.13333333], [25695, 25715, 0.15], [25715, 25727, 0.08333333], [25727, 25757, 0.13333333], [25757, 25766, 0.11111111], [25766, 25772, 0.16666667], [25772, 25781, 0.11111111], [25781, 25791, 0.1], [25791, 25806, 0.06666667], [25806, 25866, 0.08333333]], "rps_doc_ml_palm_score": [[0, 25866, 0.8789891]], "rps_doc_ml_wikipedia_score": [[0, 25866, null]], "rps_doc_ml_wikiref_score": [[0, 25866, 0.79538107]], "rps_doc_books_importance": [[0, 25866, -796.95442776]], "rps_doc_openwebtext_importance": [[0, 25866, 47.24826394]], "rps_doc_wikipedia_importance": [[0, 25866, 1155.98421702]], "rps_doc_num_sentences": [[0, 25866, 203.0]]}
Gail Baker Gail received her Honours B.A. and B.Ed. from York University and M.Ed. from the University of Toronto, where she specialized in curriculum development. In addition to certification in dramatic arts, Gail completed a course in “Teaching for Understanding” at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. Gail also completed the Jewish Day School Principal Certification Programme offered jointly by York and the UJA Federation Board of Jewish Education. She has co-authored the text book called “Ancient Near Eastern Civilizations” the first of a series under production. Gail served as the Chair of the Principals Association of the Centre for Enhancement of Jewish Education from September 2006 to September 2008. Gail was The Toronto Heschel School’s Principal and Head of School from 2001 to 2014. Among other projects, Gail currently writes for THINK Magazine and runs The Intergenerational Classroom with Heschel’s Grade 8 students and Seniors from Baycrest. Judith Leitner Judith values the Arts as essential, universal learning tools. As a Visual Arts educator and Director of Arts, she continues to develop integrative, arts-based programs that engage students in making artful connections to themes across the curriculum, while exploring and mastering diverse media. In ongoing exhibitions of student artwork, she co-creates a community of artful creative thinkers. In 1990, Judith was awarded a 3-year grant from The Canadian Jewish Congress to establish an Integrated Arts Program at She’arim Hebrew Day School, and in 2008 she was invited to write a Judaic Arts Compendium for the Lola Stein Institute. When living in Israel, Judith worked as Assistant Curator of Photographs at the Israel Museum, Jerusalem, and founded the Photography Department at Machon Avni in Tel Aviv. In Toronto, she also teaches self-portrait photography to artists of all ages and learning styles. An active artist, her most recent photography exhibitions include ‘Tefillat Ha’Derech: A Traveller’s Prayer At Ground Zero, Madrid and Shanghai’ and ’Embedded’. Ellen-Kessler Ellen received her B.A. from the University of Toronto and her B.Ed. from York University, specializing in environmental science. A charismatic, child-oriented teacher, Ellen is a nature lover and interpreter of natural phenomena to students. She shares Rabbi Heschel’s vision of radical amazement – the ability to see miracles in nature every day. Under her leadership, the School’s nature study and ecological literacy programme has won several awards and honourable mentions from JNF, the City of Toronto and the Province of Ontario. Rachael Turkienicz Rachael Turkienicz was the Founding Judaic Studies Director at The Toronto Heschel School. Rachael is the Director of Rachael’s Centre, a non-affiliated educational centre that focuses on Jewish text. Rachael received her Honours B.A. and B.Ed. from York and her M.A. and PhD. In Talmudic and Midrashic literature from Brandeis University. She writes a monthly column for the Canadian Jewish News, is heard twice weekly on CHIN radio and hosts a weekly television show on issues of spirituality. Rachael is a Governor with the Canadian International Peace Project and is a national officer of the Canadian Jewish Congress, chairing the Holocaust Remembrance Committee. She is also a certified dance teacher. Otto Baruch Rand Baruch Rand was the founding principal of The Toronto Heschel School and remained principal until his retirement in 2001. He directed Jewish schools and school systems for twenty-five years. He was the Principal of the Abraham Joshua Heschel School in Manhattan, Director of the Board of Jewish Education in Toledo, Ohio and Superintendent of Jewish Schools in Winnipeg. Baruch received his B.A. from Hebrew University of Jerusalem and M.A. from the University of Toronto. He underwent intensive training in Accelerated-Integrative Learning and from 1990-1992, operated the R.E.A.L. Education Institute in New York, working in several school districts. Baruch Rand has written a series of textbooks “The Story of Civilizations for Young People”, the first volume of which was co-authored with Gail Baker. Home > About > Our Founders
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Tag Archives: Moses Yulee Levy Zionism Before Zionism In honour of Yom Ha’Atzmaut this week—Israel’s Independence Day—let’s take a journey back into the ancient and little-known early history of Zionism. In the past, we have already explored how the Zionist movement did not begin with secular Jews in the late 19th century, as is commonly thought, but decades earlier with religious Jews. In fact, the history of Zionism dates back even further when we properly define Zionism simply as a movement to restore the Jewish people to their ancestral homeland. This did not begin in modern times, but all the way back in the 1st century. As soon as the Romans had destroyed the Jerusalem Temple in 70 CE and exiled a large majority of Jews, there has been a deep yearning to return to the Holy Land and rebuild. The first such “proto-Zionist” movement was that of Shimon bar Kochva (d. 135 CE). Shimon is believed to have hailed from the small Judean town of Koziba, and was originally referred to as Shimon bar Koziba. The Emperor Hadrian made plans to flatten Jerusalem and rebuild it as Aelia Capitolina, with a shrine to Jupiter on the Temple Mount. Jews were understandably incensed. Bar Koziba managed to organize and train a group of Jewish rebels that miraculously succeeded in expelling the Roman forces from the Holy Land. They cleared the Temple Mount and even began construction of a new Holy Temple. Jews started returning to Israel, and it appeared that the ancient prophecies were beginning to be realized. Continue reading → This entry was posted in Archaeology & History, Holidays and tagged Aliyah, Armilus, Baal Shem Tov, Bar Kochva, Bar Kochva Revolt, Benjamin of Tiberias, Byzantine Empire, David Alroy, Don Joseph Nasi, Donna Gracia, Failed Messiah, Hadrian, Hasidism, Hebron, Heraclius I, Hurva Synagogue, Israel, Israel Bak, Israeli Independence Day, Jerusalem, Mashiach, Messianism, Mitnagdim, Mitteler Rebbe, Mordechai Noah, Moses Montefiore, Moses Yulee Levy, Nehemiah ben Hushiel, Proto-Zionism, Rabbi Akiva, Rabbi Yehudah haHasid Segal, Religious Zionism, Roman Empire, Sassanids, State of Israel, Theodor Herzl, Tiberias, Tzfat, Warder Cresson, Yigael Yadin, Yom Ha'Atzmaut, Zionism on May 4, 2022 by Efraim Palvanov.
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Alessandro Cadario In this season Currently holds the position of Principal Guest Conductor of I Pomeriggi Musicali – one of the oldest Italian symphonic orchestras, based in Milan. Widely appreciated as a refined and expressive conductor, Cadario brings a highly charismatic, profound and determined leading in his musical direction. Over the course of his career, he conducted renowned orchestras such as Mariinsky Orchestra, Orchestra e Coro del Teatro Regio di Torino, Monte Carlo Philharmonic Orchestra, Orchestra Filarmonica della Fenice, Orchestra del Teatro Comunale di Bologna, Coro e Orchestra della Fondazione Arena di Verona, Orchestra del Teatro Carlo Felice, Orchestra e Coro del Teatro Petruzzelli di Bari, Orchestra e Coro del Teatro Lirico di Cagliari, Orchestra della Toscana, Filarmonica Arturo Toscanini, Orchestra Haydn di Bolzano e Trento, Concerto Budapest, Sofia Festival Orchestra, I Cameristi della Scala. He gained public recognition in 2015 by conducting Henze’s “Pollicino” at Maggio Musicale Fiorentino, and for the highly acclaimed interpretation of Rossini’s Stabat Mater (“With Cadario, Rossini is Great” La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno). In 2015 he also debuted at Teatro alla Scala di Milano, during the Festival delle orchestre internazionali. In 2016 Alessandro Cadario also conducted his Asian orchestra debut with the City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong in Mozart’s “Great Mass in C minor K.427” and he was invited at the International Festival MITO SettembreMusica and at Venice’s Biennale Musica, conducting the world première of two operas. For the 2016-17 season Cadario returned to Società del Quartetto di Milano, conducting Tchaikovsky’s “5th symphony” and to Teatro Massimo di Palermo. In 2017 Alessandro Cadario was chosen by the Italian Senate to conduct the Christmas Concert, broadcast live on the National Italian Television RAI 1. In 2018 he debuted at Mariinsky Theatre of St. Petersburg and Teatro Regio di Torino conducting Verdi’s Quattro pezzi sacri. In the past season he leaded with success Norma at the Croatian National Theatre of Rijeka, La Cenerentola and The Nutcracker at Teatro Massimo of Palermo. He has also conducted the Requiem by Domenico Cimarosa for the opening season concert of Arena di Verona Foundation. During his carreer he collaborated with soloists such as Katia e Marielle Labèque, Gautier Capuçon, Mario Brunello, Giovanni Sollima, Alessandro Carbonare, Francesca Dego and Roman Simovic. Alessandro Cadario has always shared his work with some of the most prestigious projects for youth musicians, like El Sistema, endorsed in Italy by M° Claudio Abbado, and the National Symphonic Orchestra dei Conservatori italiani, promoted by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research. Along with the classic repertoire, Alessandro Cadario is interested in Contemporary Music, which he interprets brilliantly, with great commitment, being both a conductor and a composer. His works have been premièred at New York’s Lincoln Center, Staatstheater Darmstadt and Taipei National Concert Hall, to name a few. He conducted many world premieres of composers like Ivan Fedele, Carlo Galante and Marco Tutino. In 2021 he will conduct at the Maggio Musicale Festival the world première of the opera Jeanne Dark by Fabio Vacchi.
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Jennifer Larmore & OpusFive Classical concert Evang.-ref. Stadtkirche Evang.-ref. Stadtkirche , Rosengasse 1, 4410 Liestal AMERICA ! Two-time Grammy Award winner Jennifer Larmore brings the Big Apple to Liestal: together with the string quintet OpusFive, she takes her audience on a journey to the golden age of American salon music: from the ragtime of the "Roaring Twenties" to the compositions of exiled Broadway composer Kurt Weill, Bernstein's "West Side Story" and a Rossini medley - a show evening of the highest calibre is guaranteed! Jennifer Larmore is one of the most respected mezzo-sopranos of our time. She has a broad repertoire that includes music from the Romantic and contemporary periods as well as coloratura roles from the Baroque and Belcanto periods. In the 2019/20 season she will appear as Marcellina in a new production of Le nozze di Figaro at the Théâtre des Champs-Élysées, in her role debut as Herodias in Salome at Atlanta Opera, and at the New National Theatre of Tokyo as Geneviève in Pelléas et Mélisande in a new production at the Teatro Regio of Parma and in Piacenza. Performances in 2018/19 included the title role in a new production of La Grande-Duchesse de Gérolstein at the Cologne Opera and Marcellina in Le nozze di Figaro with the Tokyo Symphony Orchestra. In the 2017/18 season she performed the title role of La belle Hélène at the Hamburg State Opera, Fidalma in Il matrimonio segreto at the Cologne Opera and Die Dame in Cardillac at the Maggio Musicale in Florence. In recent years, Ms. Larmore has emerged as an exciting singer, adding roles such as Countess Geschwitz in Lulu (Royal Opera House Covent Garden, Teatro Real Madrid, Dutch National Opera Amsterdam, Rome Opera House), Kostelnička in Jenufa (Deutsche Oper Berlin. New National Theatre Tokyo), Lady Macbeth in Verdi's Macbeth (Geneva, Bologna), Eboli in Don Carlos (Caramoor Festival), Mère Marie in The Dialogues of the Carmelites (Caramoor Festival), the title role of La belle Hélène (Hamburg State Opera), Marie in Wozzeck (Geneva) and Anna 1 in Kurt Weill's The Seven Deadly Sins (Atlanta). Her many career highlights include her Metropolitan Opera debut as Rosina in Il barbiere di Siviglia in 1995, where she later sang the title roles of Giulio Cesare, La Cenerentola and L'italiana in Algeria . Giulietta in Les contes d'Hoffmann, Orlofsky in Die Fledermaus, Hansel in Hansel and Gretel ,Gertrude in Hamlet by Thomas and the world premiere of Tobias Pickers An American Tragedy . Other engagements have taken her to virtually every major opera house in the world, including La Scala, the Paris Opera, the Deutsche Oper Berlin, the Vienna State Opera and Covent Garden. A native of Atlanta, Ms. Larmore studied with Dr. Robert McIver at Westminster Choir College in Princeton, New Jersey, and then privately with John Bullock and Regina Resnik. She made her professional debut in 1986 in Mozart's La clemenza di Tito at the Opéra de Nice. During the same period, she sang her first Rosina in Il barbiere di Siviglia in Strasbourg. Rosina quickly became her parade role after she had performed it more than six hundred times. She has sung with all the great international orchestras and under the baton of many of the most renowned conductors such as Muti, López-Cobos, Pérez, Bernstein, Runnicles, Sinopoli, Masur, von Dohnányi, Jacobs, Mackerras, Spinosi, Guidarini, Kalmar, Rudel, Barenboim, Queler, Bonynge, Maazel, Osawa and Hengelbrock. Since the beginning of her career, Jennifer Larmore has recorded extensively on over one hundred CDs for the Teldec, RCA, Harmonia Mundi, Deutsch Grammophon, Arabesque, Opera Rara, Bayer, Naive, Chandos, VAI and Cedille labels. In addition to her numerous activities, travels, performances and occasions, the author Jennifer Larmore has published the book "Una Voce", which deals with questions of the opera singer's life. In collaboration with double bassist Davide Vittone, Jennifer Larmore has formed an ensemble called Jennifer Larmore and OpusFive. The three programs offered are entertaining and varied: songs and arias, cabaret / operetta, movies and Broadway with string quintet and vocals. They have given concerts in Seville, Pamplona, Valencia, Las Palmas, Mallorca, Menorca, Venice, Aix en Provence, Amiens, Olten, Paris, Mersin and Dublin. Performing artists: Jennifer Larmore / Ensemble OpusFive
{"url": "https://www.basel.com/en/events-calendar/jennifer-larmore-opusfive-039639699e", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "www.basel.com", "date_download": "2023-03-20T08:55:21Z", "digest": "sha1:UB7KNFB3DFUCEFMDY7FPUVP5MMFCBACM"}
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Home Entertainment Watch The Episodes of “Kaleidoscope” in This Order to Turn It Into... Watch The Episodes of “Kaleidoscope” in This Order to Turn It Into a Tarantino Movie. Netflix announced that viewers can turn the new series “Kaleidoscope” into a Quentin Tarantino movie by watching it in a certain order. In the series, the episode titles are indicated by color, and due to the way it is written, this means that the series can be watched in different ways. This includes watching them in a certain order, which makes the series look like one of Tarantino’s cult films. Offering a breakdown of how to watch the show “like a Tarantino movie,” the streaming giant’s social media team determined the order of episodes: blue, green, yellow, orange, purple, pink, white and red. If viewed in this order, the series will be similar to one of Tarantino’s cult crime thrillers, such as “Mad Dogs” or “Pulp Fiction”. Along with this, Netflix also offered the opportunity to watch a series in the style of “Orange is the hit of the season” or “classic detective”. They also told the audience the chronological key to the series. Kaleidoscope focuses on planning and committing a robbery and covers 25 years. The series stars Giancarlo Esposito, Tati Gabriel, Jai Courtney, Rosalyn Albay, Paz Vega and Jordan Mendoza. I came up with a bunch of different orders to watch Kaleidoscope in so you don’t have to pic.twitter.com/FE6IiwjzM9 — Netflix (@netflix) January 2, 2023 The synopsis of the show reads: “Spanning 25 years, Kaleidoscope (formerly called Saw) is a brand new anthology series about a team of skilled thieves and their attempt to crack a seemingly indestructible vault to get the biggest paycheck in history. “Guarded by the world’s most powerful corporate security team and law enforcement agencies, each episode reveals a piece of a complex puzzle of corruption, greed, revenge, intrigue, loyalty and betrayal. How was it planned by a gang of thieves? Who gets away with it? Who can I trust?” “Kaleidoscope” is currently streaming on Netflix. A Hollywood Actor Was Attacked by a Man With an Axe Near Planet Fitness There Are Rumors That WWE Is Going to Add Two Specific Matches to The WrestleMania Map Chris Hemsworth’s Wife Elsa Pataky Responds to Rumors That Miley Cyrus’ “Flowers” About Liam Former GMA Stars T.J. Holmes and Amy Robach Want to make a Career, and Ellen’s Producers May Be Involved Stefan Bajcetic Was Supposed to Move to The Spain Under-21 National Team Before an Injury at The End of The Season. Rachel Zegler Came to Shazam in a Semi-Transparent Dress With Neatly Embroidered Beads! Premiere: “Your handsome resident Goddy” “Dead Cells” Is Really The King of Crossover Brendan Fraser Supported The Guitarist’s Son in Whiskey A Go Go After Winning the Oscar “Escape from IT: Pennywise’s Room of Horrors” Opens in Las Vegas The First Car of Sir Michael Caine — Rolls Royce — Sold at Auction For 120 Thousand Pounds. Grey’s Anatomy: Isaiah Washington Returns To Detonating Pompeo And Dempsey Conan Chop Chop, Analysis. A Roguelite With Humor And Challenge
{"url": "https://www.somagnews.com/watch-the-episodes-of-kaleidoscope-in-this-order-to-turn-it-into-a-tarantino-movie/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "www.somagnews.com", "date_download": "2023-03-20T08:51:16Z", "digest": "sha1:SMGEAV3PQQLZ4UNVXTQKZMVEUHS3QOMP"}
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Apple products - deals and coupons This page has own sidebar and 3 description zones. You can add any html and shortcodes here. 10% Maximum Cashback User Rating: 4.17 (12 votes) Apple Inc is an American multinational technology company headquartered in Cupertino, California, that designs, develops, and sells consumer electronics, computer software, and online services. Playere MP3 & MP4 Vând trei biciclete second hand in stare foarte bună! Vindem canapele suspendate – toate modelele Apple MacBook A 12” 2022 Apple was founded by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne in April 1976 to develop and sell Wozniak's Apple I personal computer, though Wayne sold his share back within 12 days. It was incorporated as Apple Computer, Inc., in January 1977, and sales of its computers, including the Apple II, grew quickly. Within a few years, Jobs and Wozniak had hired a staff of computer designers and had a production line. Apple went public in 1980 to instant financial success. Over the next few years, Apple shipped new computers featuring innovative graphical user interfaces, such as the original Macintosh in 1984, and Apple's marketing advertisements for its products received widespread critical acclaim. However, the high price of its products and limited application library caused problems, as did power struggles between executives. In 1985, Wozniak departed Apple amicably and remained an honorary employee,[8] while Jobs and others resigned to found NeXT.[9] As the market for personal computers expanded and evolved through the 1990s, Apple lost market share to the lower-priced duopoly of Microsoft Windows on Intel PC clones. The board recruited CEO Gil Amelio to what would be a 500-day charge for him to rehabilitate the financially troubled company—reshaping it with layoffs, executive restructuring, and product focus. In 1997, he led Apple to buy NeXT, solving the desperately failed operating system strategy and bringing Jobs back. Jobs pensively regained leadership status, becoming CEO in 2000. Apple swiftly returned to profitability under the revitalizing Think different campaign, as he rebuilt Apple's status by launching the iMac in 1998, opening the retail chain of Apple Stores in 2001, and acquiring numerous companies to broaden the software portfolio. In January 2007, Jobs renamed the company Apple Inc., reflecting its shifted focus toward consumer electronics, and launched the iPhone to great critical acclaim and financial success. In August 2011, Jobs resigned as CEO due to health complications, and Tim Cook became the new CEO. Two months later, Jobs died, marking the end of an era for the company.
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The Trouble with Truth-telling: Preliminary Reflections on Truth and Justice in Post-war Liberia Gabriel Twose Ph.D.Follow Caitlin O. Mahoney Ph.D., Metropolitan State UniversityFollow This study investigates perceptions of the Liberian Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), particularly focusing on understandings of, and the links between, truth, justice, and reconciliation. Forty-five semi-structured interviews were conducted at three research sites in Liberia. Findings indicate that although most Liberians agreed with the TRC in principle, most of those who followed its proceedings saw major problems in its implementation, harming perceptions of reconciliation. Participants expressed concerns that the Commission had failed to discover the full truth of wartime abuses, that the truth that was discovered was not told in the right way, and that there had been problems implementing justice. The data indicates that societies recovering from violence and suffering must think carefully about how to revisit their pasts. In order for a truth commission to have a positive impact, it must ensure that truth is told in a reconciliatory fashion, and that its justice-based strategy enjoys popular support. Gabriel Twose is a Senior Legislative and Federal Affairs Officer at the American Psychological Association’s Public Interest Government Relations Office, where his portfolio includes human rights and socioeconomic status. He works with Members of Congress and their staff to provide psychology’s input into research priorities and federal policies, and coordinates support for legislation and issue positions. He is responsible for legislative analysis and reports, and relevant APA position papers, policy statements, briefing sheets and newsletter articles. Prior to joining APA, Twose was the policy director at the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (SPSSI), where he initiated SPSSI’s first congressional seminar series, legislative engagement days, and policy workshops. He has previously worked with the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission in the U.S. House of Representatives and the International Center for Transitional Justice in Monrovia, Liberia. Twose received his Ph.D. from Clark University, where he wrote his dissertation on the Liberian Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Caitlin O. Mahoney received her B.A. in psychology from Siena College and her Ph.D. (Social, Evolutionary and Cultural Psychology) from Clark University, with a concentration in societal peace and conflict. She is currently working as Assistant Professor of Psychology at Metropolitan State University in St. Paul, MN, where she teaches classes in Research Methods, Group Dynamics, Positive Psychology & the Psychology of Peace, Conflict, and Violence. Mahoney has researched and written on emotions, responses to suffering, human security, and peaceful norms. She currently serves on the Executive Board of the Society for the Study of Peace, Conflict, and Violence (APA Div. 48), as Program Evaluator for the Auschwitz Institute for Peace and Reconciliation (AIPR), and as Program Director of Metropolitan State's Master of Arts in Psychology. Truth commission, truth, justice, reconciliation, Liberia Twose, Gabriel Ph.D. and Mahoney, Caitlin O. Ph.D. (2015) "The Trouble with Truth-telling: Preliminary Reflections on Truth and Justice in Post-war Liberia," Peace and Conflict Studies: Vol. 22: No. 2, Article 1. African Studies Commons, Community Psychology Commons, Criminology and Criminal Justice Commons, Multicultural Psychology Commons, Peace and Conflict Studies Commons, Policy Design, Analysis, and Evaluation Commons, Social Influence and Political Communication Commons, Social Psychology Commons
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HomeNewsNICOLE SCHERZINGER MAKES WEST END DEBUT AS GRIZABELLA IN CATS NICOLE SCHERZINGER MAKES WEST END DEBUT AS GRIZABELLA IN CATS Last night (11 December 2014) at the London Palladium Nicole Scherzinger made her theatrical stage debut as Grizabella in the musical Cats as Andrew Lloyd Webber’s record-breaking show returned to the West End for a limited run. Based on T. S. Eliot’s Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats, the original creative team – Director Trevor Nunn, Associate Director and Choreographer Gillian Lynne, Designer John Napier and Composer Andrew Lloyd Webber – were reunited to bring Cats back to the West End this Christmas. On just one special night of the year, all Jellicle cats meet at the Jellicle Ball where Old Deuteronomy, their wise and benevolent leader, makes the Jellicle choice and announces which of them will go up to The Heaviside Layer and be reborn into a whole new Jellicle life. Cats, one of the longest-running shows in West End and on Broadway, received its world premiere at the New London Theatre in 1981 where it played for 21 record-breaking years and almost 9,000 performances. The production was the winner of the Olivier and Evening Standard Awards for Best Musical. In 1983 the Broadway production became the recipient of seven Tony awards including Best Musical, and ran for eighteen years. Since its world premiere, Cats has been presented in over 30 countries, has been translated into 10 languages and has been seen by over 50 million people world-wide. Both the original London and Broadway cast recordings won Grammy Awards for Best Cast Album. The classic Lloyd Webber score includes Memory which has been recorded by over 150 artists from Barbra Streisand and Johnny Mathis to Liberace and Barry Manilow. Cats West End cast comprises Cameron Ball (Macavity/Admetus), Kathryn Barnes (Tantomile), Cassie Clare (Cassandra), Ross Finnie (Skimbleshanks), Charlene Ford (Bombalurina), Stevie Hutchinson (Pouncival), Adam Lake (Alonzo), Paul F Monaghan (Bustopher Jones/Asparagus/Growl Tiger), Joel Morris (Carbucketty), Natasha Mould (Jemima), Benjamin Mundy (Coricopat), Antoine Murray-Straughan (Rum Tum Tugger), Joseph Poulton (Quaxo/Mistoffelees), Nicholas Pound (Old Deuteronomy), Sophia Ragavelas (alternate Grizabella), Clare Rickard (Jellylorum/ Griddlebone), Adam Salter (Bill Bailey), Laurie Scarth (Jennyanydots), Nicole Scherzinger (Grizabella), Hannah Kenna Thomas (Victoria/White Cat), Callum Train (Munkustrap), Zizi Strallen (Demeter), Dawn Williams (Rumpleteazer) and Benjamin Yates (Mungojerrie) who are joined by swings Ryan Gover, Barry Haywood, Alice Jane, Grace McKee, Dane Quixall and Libby Watts. American recording artist, Nicole Scherzinger studied theatre and dance at the Wright State University in Ohio. In 2003 she joined the Pussycat Dolls who have sold 50 million records worldwide, making them one of the best-selling girl groups of all time. She has subsequently gone on to enjoy success as a solo artist, selling 16 million records and having number one singles in the UK. In 2011 she joined the UK version of the X Factor as a judge. Andrew Lloyd Webber is the composer of some of the world’s best known musicals including Cats, Evita, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, Jesus Christ Superstar, The Phantom of the Opera and Sunset Boulevard. He owns six London theatres including the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane and the London Palladium. The Andrew Lloyd Webber Foundation has become one of Britain’s leading charities supporting the arts and music. He was knighted by Her Majesty The Queen in 1992 and created an Honorary member of the House of Lords in 1997. Production images by Alessandro Pinna Cats is playing at the London Palladium until 28 February 2015. Click here to book tickets Edward Scissorhands – Sadlers Wells Tredwell’s – Seven Dials
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512 616 710 817 912 1012 1113 1921 2012 218 2215 2311 249 2512 2615 2711 289 2911 3012 3117 Holidays Calendar for August 20, 2018 Public Holidays → Hungary Saint Stephen's Day in Hungary Saint Stephen's Day is a public holiday in Hungary celebrated on August 20. It commemorates the first King of Hungary who is credited with laying foundation of the modern Hungarian state by converting Magyars to Christianity. Public Holidays → Estonia Independence Restoration Day in Estonia On August 20, Estonia celebrates Independence Restoration Day. This public holiday commemorates the independence of Estonia from the Soviet Union in 1991, which is viewed as the restoration of the country's sovereignty first proclaimed in 1918. Public Holidays → Morocco, Western Sahara King and People's Revolution Day in Morocco In Morocco, August 20 is celebrated as King and People's Revolution Day, often referred to simply as Revolution Day. This public holiday commemorates the day King (then Sultan) Mohammed V was exiled from Morocco in 1953. Public Holidays → East Timor Formation Anniversary of FALINTIL in East Timor FALINTIL formation anniversary is an official holiday celebrated on August 20 in East Timor. It honors the Armed Forces for the National Liberation of East Timor (Forças Armadas da Libertação Nacional de Timor-Leste) that fought for the country’s independence. Public Holidays → Argentina Anniversary of the Death of General José de San Martín in Argentina General José de San Martín was the prime leader of South American countries in the struggle for independence. Anniversary of the Death of General José de San Martín is a public holiday in Argentina. World Mosquito Day World Mosquito Day is an annual observance held on August 20. It was created by British medical doctor Sir Donald Ross to commemorate his discovery that female Anopheles mosquitoes are responsible for malaria transmission. Ecological Observances → India Renewable Energy Day (Akshay Urja Diwas) in India The government of India is aware about the importance of development or renewable energy sources to provide the state with a sustainable amount of energy. Regarding this the Indian Ministry for New & Renewable Energy Sources established Renewable Energy Day (or Akshay Urja Diwas), annually falling on August 20. Cultural Observances → India Meitei Language Day in Manipur Meitei Language Day, also referred to as Manipuri Language Day, is observed in the Indian state of Manipur on August 20. It commemorates the day when Meitei became one of the so-called scheduled languages of India. Cultural Observances → USA National Radio Day in the United States August 20 is the perfect day to turn on the radio and listen to some music or the news, since it is National Radio Day. This holiday was created to celebrate the communication technology and medium that has been around for over a century and isn’t going anywhere. Anniversaries and Memorial Days → Canada Discovery Day in Yukon Most Canadian provinces and territories celebrate the so-called Civic Holiday on the first Monday in August. It is a public holiday similar to the August bank holiday in the UK. However, there are certain exceptions. Yukon, for example, celebrates Discovery Day on the third Monday of August. National Chocolate Pecan Pie Day August 20 is National Chocolate Pecan Pie Day in the United States. Pecan pie is a well-known specialty of cuisine of the Southern United States. Chocolate gives this famous dessert a new shade of flavor. National Bacon Lover’s Day August 20 is the perfect day to have scrambled eggs with a side of bacon for breakfast, a bacon sandwich for lunch and pasta carbonara with bacon for dinner because it is National Bacon Lover’s Day. Festivals on August 20, 2018 MTV Video Music Awards in New York, USA Boston’s Trinidad Style Carnival in Boston, USA Minnesota Renaissance Festival in Shakopee, USA Great Week of Bilbao in Bilbao, Spain Norwegian International Film Festival in Haugesund, Norway Michigan Renaissance Festival in Holly, USA Pittsburgh Renaissance Festival in West Newton, USA Canadian National Exhibition in Toronto, Canada Zürcher Theater Spektakel in Zurich, Switzerland Worldcon in San Jose, USA Edmonton International Fringe Festival in Edmonton, Canada IndyFringe in Indianapolis, USA Pluk de Nacht Film Festival in Amsterdam, Netherlands Edinburgh International Book Festival in Edinburgh, United Kingdom New York Renaissance Faire in Tuxedo, USA 2014 Hiroshima Prefecture in Japan was struck by a series of landslides following torrential rain that killed at least 74 people and injured about 70. 2012 Armed prisoners in the Yare I prison complex near Caracas, Venezuela launched a riot that killed about 25 people, including one visitor. 2001 Died: Kim Stanley, American actress of stage and screen. She was the narrator in Robert Mulligan's drama film To Kill a Mockingbird. 2001 Died: Fred Hoyle, English astronomer best known for the theory of stellar nucleosynthesis. He is credited with coining the term "Bing Bang". 1998 The United States launched cruise missile strikes on Afghanistan and Sudan in retaliation for the bombings of American embassies. 1992 Born: Demi Lovato, American actress, singer and songwriter. She rose to prominence in the Disney Channel television film Camp Rock. 1988 The Islamic Republic of Iran and the Republic of Iraq agreed on a ceasefire, ending the Iran–Iraq War that began in September 1980. 1988 The Provisional Irish Republican Army carried out a roadside bomb attack on a bus carrying British soldiers in Northern Ireland, killing 8 people. 1980 Died: Joe Dassin, American-born French singer-songwriter. His best known songs include Les Champs-Élysées and Et si tu n’existais pas. 1977 NASA launched the Voyager 2 space probe to study the outer Solar System and eventually interstellar space. It was launched before Voyager 1. 1975 NASA launched the Viking 1 spacecraft toward Mars. It became the first spacecraft to successfully land on Mars and perform its mission. 1974 Born: Misha Collins (born Dmitri Tippens Krushnic), American actor and director best known for his role as Castiel on the series Supernatural. 1971 Died: Rashid Minhas, pilot in the Pakistan Air Force. He is the only PAF officer to receive the highest valor award, the Nishan-e-Haider. 1970 Born: Fred Durst, American musician, singer-songwriter, producer and film director best known as the lead vocalist of the band Limp Bizkit. 1962 The world's first nuclear-powered merchant ship NS Savannah embarked on its maiden voyage. She sailed to Savannah, her home port. 1961 Died: Percy Williams Bridgman, American physicist who was awarded the 1946 Nobel Prize in Physics for his work on the physics of high pressures. 1944 Born: Rajiv Gandhi, Indian politician who served as the 7th Prime Minister of India from 1984 to 1989. He was the son of Indira Gandhi. 1941 Born: Slobodan Milošević, Serbian and Yugoslav politician who rose to power in 1987 and served as President of Serbia and President of Yugoslavia. 1937 Born: Andrei Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky, Soviet, Russian and American film director, film producer, screenwriter, social and political activist. 1936 Born: Hideki Shirakawa, Japanese chemist who was awarded the 2000 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, sharing it with two American scientists. 1918 Born: Jacqueline Susann, American novelist and actress best known for her iconic best-selling novel Valley of the Dolls first published in 1966. 1917 Died: Adolf von Baeyer, German chemist who was awarded the 1905 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his work on organic dyes, namely indigo. 1915 Died: Paul Ehrlich, German physician who was awarded the 1908 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, sharing it with Ilya Mechnikov. 1914 Died: Pope Pius X (born Giuseppe Melchiorre Sarto), Pope from 1930 until his death. He was beautified in 1951 and canonized in 1954. 1912 Died: Tomás Luis de Victoria, British Methodist preacher best known for founding The Salvation Army and serving as its first General. 1901 Born: Salvatore Quasimodo, renowned Italian writer and poet who was awarded the 1959 Nobel Prize in Literature for his lyrical poetry. 1890 Born: Howard Phillips Lovecraft, American author best known for his influential works of horror fiction. The Call of Cthulhu is one of his best known works. 1854 Died: Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling, German philosopher who made a significant contribution to the development of German idealism. 1794 The Battle of Fallen Timbers was fought during the Northwest Indian War. It was the final battle of the war, which resulted in American victory.
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[8169, 8331, 1.0], [8331, 8472, 1.0], [8472, 8621, 1.0]], "rps_lines_javascript_counts": [[0, 30, 0.0], [30, 63, 0.0], [63, 92, 0.0], [92, 130, 0.0], [130, 156, 0.0], [156, 187, 0.0], [187, 413, 0.0], [413, 439, 0.0], [439, 479, 0.0], [479, 724, 0.0], [724, 766, 0.0], [766, 810, 0.0], [810, 1031, 0.0], [1031, 1060, 0.0], [1060, 1108, 0.0], [1108, 1369, 0.0], [1369, 1397, 0.0], [1397, 1465, 0.0], [1465, 1664, 0.0], [1664, 1683, 0.0], [1683, 1906, 0.0], [1906, 1937, 0.0], [1937, 1987, 0.0], [1987, 2300, 0.0], [2300, 2329, 0.0], [2329, 2360, 0.0], [2360, 2575, 0.0], [2575, 2602, 0.0], [2602, 2642, 0.0], [2642, 2906, 0.0], [2906, 2947, 0.0], [2947, 2970, 0.0], [2970, 3263, 0.0], [3263, 3296, 0.0], [3296, 3501, 0.0], [3501, 3528, 0.0], [3528, 3727, 0.0], [3727, 3756, 0.0], [3756, 3796, 0.0], [3796, 3844, 0.0], [3844, 3892, 0.0], [3892, 3930, 0.0], [3930, 3989, 0.0], [3989, 4033, 0.0], [4033, 4085, 0.0], [4085, 4133, 0.0], [4133, 4182, 0.0], [4182, 4208, 0.0], [4208, 4267, 0.0], [4267, 4299, 0.0], [4299, 4353, 0.0], [4353, 4420, 0.0], [4420, 4462, 0.0], [4462, 4613, 0.0], [4613, 4755, 0.0], [4755, 4893, 0.0], [4893, 5039, 0.0], [5039, 5174, 0.0], [5174, 5311, 0.0], [5311, 5448, 0.0], [5448, 5600, 0.0], [5600, 5740, 0.0], [5740, 5886, 0.0], [5886, 6027, 0.0], [6027, 6175, 0.0], [6175, 6318, 0.0], [6318, 6463, 0.0], [6463, 6598, 0.0], [6598, 6748, 0.0], [6748, 6889, 0.0], [6889, 7041, 0.0], [7041, 7187, 0.0], [7187, 7325, 0.0], [7325, 7475, 0.0], [7475, 7614, 0.0], [7614, 7752, 0.0], [7752, 7890, 0.0], [7890, 8029, 0.0], [8029, 8169, 0.0], [8169, 8331, 0.0], [8331, 8472, 0.0], [8472, 8621, 0.0]], "rps_lines_num_words": [[0, 30, 7.0], [30, 63, 7.0], [63, 92, 6.0], [92, 130, 6.0], [130, 156, 4.0], [156, 187, 5.0], [187, 413, 36.0], [413, 439, 4.0], [439, 479, 5.0], [479, 724, 36.0], [724, 766, 6.0], [766, 810, 7.0], [810, 1031, 36.0], [1031, 1060, 5.0], [1060, 1108, 7.0], [1108, 1369, 39.0], [1369, 1397, 4.0], [1397, 1465, 12.0], [1465, 1664, 34.0], [1664, 1683, 3.0], [1683, 1906, 34.0], [1906, 1937, 4.0], [1937, 1987, 8.0], [1987, 2300, 48.0], [2300, 2329, 4.0], [2329, 2360, 5.0], [2360, 2575, 36.0], [2575, 2602, 4.0], [2602, 2642, 7.0], [2642, 2906, 48.0], [2906, 2947, 6.0], [2947, 2970, 4.0], [2970, 3263, 47.0], [3263, 3296, 5.0], [3296, 3501, 35.0], [3501, 3528, 4.0], [3528, 3727, 36.0], [3727, 3756, 5.0], [3756, 3796, 8.0], [3796, 3844, 7.0], [3844, 3892, 6.0], [3892, 3930, 7.0], [3930, 3989, 7.0], [3989, 4033, 6.0], [4033, 4085, 7.0], [4085, 4133, 6.0], [4133, 4182, 6.0], [4182, 4208, 5.0], [4208, 4267, 7.0], [4267, 4299, 4.0], [4299, 4353, 8.0], [4353, 4420, 8.0], [4420, 4462, 7.0], [4462, 4613, 25.0], [4613, 4755, 23.0], [4755, 4893, 23.0], [4893, 5039, 23.0], [5039, 5174, 20.0], [5174, 5311, 21.0], [5311, 5448, 24.0], [5448, 5600, 24.0], [5600, 5740, 20.0], [5740, 5886, 24.0], [5886, 6027, 23.0], [6027, 6175, 23.0], [6175, 6318, 24.0], [6318, 6463, 22.0], [6463, 6598, 21.0], [6598, 6748, 25.0], [6748, 6889, 26.0], [6889, 7041, 24.0], [7041, 7187, 17.0], [7187, 7325, 21.0], [7325, 7475, 23.0], [7475, 7614, 24.0], [7614, 7752, 22.0], [7752, 7890, 24.0], [7890, 8029, 22.0], [8029, 8169, 22.0], [8169, 8331, 27.0], [8331, 8472, 19.0], [8472, 8621, 26.0]], "rps_lines_numerical_chars_fraction": [[0, 30, 0.79310345], [30, 63, 0.8125], [63, 92, 0.82142857], [92, 130, 0.16666667], [130, 156, 0.0], [156, 187, 0.0], [187, 413, 0.00900901], [413, 439, 0.0], [439, 479, 0.0], [479, 724, 0.041841], [724, 766, 0.0], [766, 810, 0.0], [810, 1031, 0.02816901], [1031, 1060, 0.0], [1060, 1108, 0.0], [1108, 1369, 0.00775194], [1369, 1397, 0.0], [1397, 1465, 0.0], [1465, 1664, 0.0], [1664, 1683, 0.0], [1683, 1906, 0.00909091], [1906, 1937, 0.0], [1937, 1987, 0.0], [1987, 2300, 0.00655738], [2300, 2329, 0.0], [2329, 2360, 0.0], [2360, 2575, 0.00956938], [2575, 2602, 0.0], [2602, 2642, 0.0], [2642, 2906, 0.00769231], [2906, 2947, 0.0], [2947, 2970, 0.0], [2970, 3263, 0.0], [3263, 3296, 0.0], [3296, 3501, 0.01], [3501, 3528, 0.0], [3528, 3727, 0.01020408], [3727, 3756, 0.22222222], [3756, 3796, 0.0], [3796, 3844, 0.0], [3844, 3892, 0.0], [3892, 3930, 0.0], [3930, 3989, 0.0], [3989, 4033, 0.0], [4033, 4085, 0.0], [4085, 4133, 0.0], [4133, 4182, 0.0], [4182, 4208, 0.0], [4208, 4267, 0.0], [4267, 4299, 0.0], [4299, 4353, 0.0], [4353, 4420, 0.0], [4420, 4462, 0.0], [4462, 4613, 0.05369128], [4613, 4755, 0.04347826], [4755, 4893, 0.03030303], [4893, 5039, 0.02877698], [5039, 5174, 0.03007519], [5174, 5311, 0.03053435], [5311, 5448, 0.05970149], [5448, 5600, 0.03355705], [5600, 5740, 0.02985075], [5740, 5886, 0.04195804], [5886, 6027, 0.03623188], [6027, 6175, 0.02816901], [6175, 6318, 0.02962963], [6318, 6463, 0.02898551], [6463, 6598, 0.03100775], [6598, 6748, 0.05479452], [6748, 6889, 0.09558824], [6889, 7041, 0.05333333], [7041, 7187, 0.02919708], [7187, 7325, 0.06015038], [7325, 7475, 0.05517241], [7475, 7614, 0.05970149], [7614, 7752, 0.06015038], [7752, 7890, 0.1221374], [7890, 8029, 0.02941176], [8029, 8169, 0.05882353], [8169, 8331, 0.02547771], [8331, 8472, 0.02919708], [8472, 8621, 0.02739726]], "rps_lines_start_with_bulletpoint": [[0, 30, 0.0], [30, 63, 0.0], [63, 92, 0.0], [92, 130, 0.0], [130, 156, 0.0], [156, 187, 0.0], [187, 413, 0.0], [413, 439, 0.0], [439, 479, 0.0], [479, 724, 0.0], [724, 766, 0.0], [766, 810, 0.0], [810, 1031, 0.0], [1031, 1060, 0.0], [1060, 1108, 0.0], [1108, 1369, 0.0], [1369, 1397, 0.0], [1397, 1465, 0.0], [1465, 1664, 0.0], [1664, 1683, 0.0], [1683, 1906, 0.0], [1906, 1937, 0.0], [1937, 1987, 0.0], [1987, 2300, 0.0], [2300, 2329, 0.0], [2329, 2360, 0.0], [2360, 2575, 0.0], [2575, 2602, 0.0], [2602, 2642, 0.0], [2642, 2906, 0.0], [2906, 2947, 0.0], [2947, 2970, 0.0], [2970, 3263, 0.0], [3263, 3296, 0.0], [3296, 3501, 0.0], [3501, 3528, 0.0], [3528, 3727, 0.0], [3727, 3756, 0.0], [3756, 3796, 0.0], [3796, 3844, 0.0], [3844, 3892, 0.0], [3892, 3930, 0.0], [3930, 3989, 0.0], [3989, 4033, 0.0], [4033, 4085, 0.0], [4085, 4133, 0.0], [4133, 4182, 0.0], [4182, 4208, 0.0], [4208, 4267, 0.0], [4267, 4299, 0.0], [4299, 4353, 0.0], [4353, 4420, 0.0], [4420, 4462, 0.0], [4462, 4613, 0.0], [4613, 4755, 0.0], [4755, 4893, 0.0], [4893, 5039, 0.0], [5039, 5174, 0.0], [5174, 5311, 0.0], [5311, 5448, 0.0], [5448, 5600, 0.0], [5600, 5740, 0.0], [5740, 5886, 0.0], [5886, 6027, 0.0], [6027, 6175, 0.0], [6175, 6318, 0.0], [6318, 6463, 0.0], [6463, 6598, 0.0], [6598, 6748, 0.0], [6748, 6889, 0.0], [6889, 7041, 0.0], [7041, 7187, 0.0], [7187, 7325, 0.0], [7325, 7475, 0.0], [7475, 7614, 0.0], [7614, 7752, 0.0], [7752, 7890, 0.0], [7890, 8029, 0.0], [8029, 8169, 0.0], [8169, 8331, 0.0], [8331, 8472, 0.0], [8472, 8621, 0.0]], "rps_lines_uppercase_letter_fraction": [[0, 30, 0.0], [30, 63, 0.0], [63, 92, 0.0], [92, 130, 0.07894737], [130, 156, 0.11538462], [156, 187, 0.12903226], [187, 413, 0.04867257], [413, 439, 0.11538462], [439, 479, 0.1], [479, 724, 0.04081633], [724, 766, 0.11904762], [766, 810, 0.11363636], [810, 1031, 0.0678733], [1031, 1060, 0.13793103], [1060, 1108, 0.25], [1108, 1369, 0.09195402], [1369, 1397, 0.10714286], [1397, 1465, 0.10294118], [1465, 1664, 0.06532663], [1664, 1683, 0.15789474], [1683, 1906, 0.04484305], [1906, 1937, 0.09677419], [1937, 1987, 0.14], [1987, 2300, 0.05111821], [2300, 2329, 0.10344828], [2329, 2360, 0.12903226], [2360, 2575, 0.05581395], [2575, 2602, 0.18518519], [2602, 2642, 0.125], [2642, 2906, 0.01893939], [2906, 2947, 0.09756098], [2947, 2970, 0.13043478], [2970, 3263, 0.05460751], [3263, 3296, 0.15151515], [3296, 3501, 0.06341463], [3501, 3528, 0.14814815], [3528, 3727, 0.02512563], [3727, 3756, 0.06896552], [3756, 3796, 0.275], [3796, 3844, 0.16666667], [3844, 3892, 0.14583333], [3892, 3930, 0.13157895], [3930, 3989, 0.10169492], [3989, 4033, 0.15909091], [4033, 4085, 0.15384615], [4085, 4133, 0.10416667], [4133, 4182, 0.10204082], [4182, 4208, 0.23076923], [4208, 4267, 0.10169492], [4267, 4299, 0.1875], [4299, 4353, 0.11111111], [4353, 4420, 0.10447761], [4420, 4462, 0.19047619], [4462, 4613, 0.01986755], [4613, 4755, 0.03521127], [4755, 4893, 0.07246377], [4893, 5039, 0.04794521], [5039, 5174, 0.04444444], [5174, 5311, 0.06569343], [5311, 5448, 0.0729927], [5448, 5600, 0.05263158], [5600, 5740, 0.07142857], [5740, 5886, 0.06164384], [5886, 6027, 0.05673759], [6027, 6175, 0.06081081], [6175, 6318, 0.08391608], [6318, 6463, 0.04137931], [6463, 6598, 0.04444444], [6598, 6748, 0.05333333], [6748, 6889, 0.07092199], [6889, 7041, 0.05921053], [7041, 7187, 0.04794521], [7187, 7325, 0.05797101], [7325, 7475, 0.04], [7475, 7614, 0.05035971], [7614, 7752, 0.07246377], [7752, 7890, 0.06521739], [7890, 8029, 0.07194245], [8029, 8169, 0.05], [8169, 8331, 0.04938272], [8331, 8472, 0.04964539], [8472, 8621, 0.06040268]], "rps_doc_ml_palm_score": [[0, 8621, 0.71351594]], "rps_doc_ml_wikipedia_score": [[0, 8621, null]], "rps_doc_ml_wikiref_score": [[0, 8621, 0.73982841]], "rps_doc_books_importance": [[0, 8621, -427.37426027]], "rps_doc_openwebtext_importance": [[0, 8621, -47.34546885]], "rps_doc_wikipedia_importance": [[0, 8621, 274.03266543]], "rps_doc_num_sentences": [[0, 8621, 67.0]]}
AstraZeneca Acquisition of Alexion Tops M&A in 2020 Rare disease M&A deal value at signing rose to $58.9 billion in 2020, up from $18.9 billion in 2019 thanks largely to AstraZeneca’s $39 billion acquisition of Alexion, a company focused on rare immune-mediated diseases. Alexion shareholders will receive $60 in cash and 2.1 Astrazeneca American Depository Shares for each Alexion share, which values Alexion at $175 per share, a 43 percent premium on its closing price ahead of the announcement of the deal. The acquisition provides AstraZeneca with a strong footing in rare diseases and enhances its position in immunology. Alexion is a pioneer in developing therapies that inhibit the complement system, part of the immune system. The complement cascade is pivotal to the innate immune system. It plays a crucial role in many inflammatory and autoimmune diseases across multiple therapy areas, including hematology, nephrology, neurology, metabolic disorders, cardiology, ophthalmology and acute care. Activist shareholders had been pushing Alexion to explore a sale because of what they had termed “persistent underperformance.” Alexion markets therapies that treat immune-mediated rare diseases caused by uncontrolled activation of the complement system, including Soliris, a first-in-class C5 monoclonal antibody for the treatment of patients with paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH), atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome, generalized myasthenia gravis, and neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder. The company also markets Ultomiris, a second-generation C5 monoclonal antibody with a more convenient dosing regimen. Alexion has a pipeline of 11 molecules across more than 20 clinical-development programs across the spectrum of indications, in rare diseases and beyond. Johnson & Johnson’s acquisition of Momenta Pharmaceuticals, a developer of therapies for rare immune-mediated diseases for $6.5 billion was the second largest acquisition in the rare disease space in 2020. The deal will allow J&J’s Janssen Pharmaceutical to broaden its leadership in immune-mediated diseases and drive further growth through expansion into autoantibody-driven disease. The deal gives the company full global rights to the late-stage experimental therapy nipocalimab, a potential best-in-class drug in a new class of therapies. Nipocalimab is in development for warm autoimmune hemolytic anemia, myasthenia gravis, and hemolytic diseases of the fetus. Bayer’s acquisition of the gene therapy developer Asklepios Biopharmaceuticals for $2 billion upfront and up to an additional $2 billion in milestone payments continued a move among the largest pharmaceutical companies to stake a claim in the emerging area of gene therapy. Asklepios, known as AskBio, has a pipeline of experimental preclinical and clinical stage candidates that includes treatments for rare neuromuscular, central nervous system, cardiovascular, and metabolic diseases. Lead programs include treatments for Pompe disease, Parkinson’s disease, and congestive heart failure. The company also has several active collaborations, including ones with Pfizer in Duchenne muscular dystrophy and with Takeda Pharmaceutical in hemophilia. The company provides Bayer with coveted gene therapy manufacturing capabilities, a robust pipeline of clinical programs, and a broad estate of more than 500 patents. The deal follows M&A activity of several large biopharma companies in recent years to move into gene therapy. This includes the 2019 acquisitions by Roche of Spark Therapeutics for $4.3 billion, Astellas Pharma of Audentes Therapeutics for $3 billion, Biogen of Nightstar Therapeutics for $800 million; and the 2018 acquisitions by Sanofi of Bioverativ for $11.6 billion, and Novartis of AveXis for $8.7 billion. VENTURE FUNDINGS PUBLIC DEBT AND EQUITY
{"url": "https://globalgenes.org/raredaily/astrazeneca-acquisition-of-alexion-tops-ma-in-2020/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "globalgenes.org", "date_download": "2023-03-20T10:29:36Z", "digest": "sha1:2WB5BCOLLJ4EUY55ADZGGVSKFOHBWRN6"}
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SUNY Plattsburgh Music Department Present Fall Choral Concert PLATTSBURGH, N.Y. (Nov. 4, 2010) –Two choral ensembles from the SUNY Plattsburgh Department of Music will present an evening of choral works Thursday, Nov. 11, at 7:30 p.m. in the E. Glenn Giltz Auditorium of Hawkins Hall. Both ensembles will be directed by Jo Ellen Miano. The SUNY Plattsburgh College Chorale will open the program with “Adoramus Te,” an early Baroque motet, written in Renaissance style. The choir will continue with an Italian madrigal by di Lasso and Purcell’s “In These Delightful, Pleasant Groves.” Several contemporary arrangements of favorite pop melodies — “Eleanor Rigby” and “Stormy Weather” — will also be performed. “When David Heard,” by Renaissance composer Weelkes, will be performed by the SUNY Plattsburgh Cardinal Singers. This work is a setting of the Biblical text describing King David’s response to the news of his son Absalom’s death. Three contemporary madrigals by American composer Samuel Barber will be performed by the chamber choir in recognition of the anniversary of his birth. The piece, “Reincarnations,” sets to music the 1918 text by Irish poet and novelist James Stephens. These works are typically performed by larger choirs, according to Miano, and they require multiple skills from choristers: a choral tone with a range of colors, an understanding of a Romantic musical language within a 20th-century context and strong communicative powers. The combined chorus of College Chorale and Cardinal Singers will conclude the concert with several contemporary arrangements of American repertoire. Tenor John Thomas (a music student from Trinidad and Tobago working towards his bachelor’s degree) is featured in “Balm in Gilead,” a spiritual arranged by African-American composer, musician and educator William Dawson. The well known tune, “It Don’t Mean a Thing if It Ain’t Got that Swing,” by Duke Ellington will close the program. Quebec Studies Presents Montreal Historian in Virtual Talk on 1913 School Strike Campus Shines Light on Developmental Disabilities During Awareness Month and Beyond SUNY Plattsburgh Political Science Professor to Zoom a Discussion on the Russian Invasion of Ukraine Distinguished Canadian Address to Broach Quebec Pandemic Management, Electoral Politics St. Lawrence Professor to Speak on North Country Black and Indigenous History
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Press Conference of CMJ “Taiwan Music Night” 2013 Showcase – October 15, 2013Posted in: EVENTS Article by Yvonne Lo Photo credit Emily Cheng CMJ Taiwan Music 2013 Showcase kicked off October 15th with an official press conference held at the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (TECO) at 1 East 42nd Street with welcome remarks from Deputy Director General of TECO, Alex Fan and Director of Taipei Cultural Center, Susan Yu. CMJ’s CEO Alexis d’Amecourt and GCA Entertainment’s Founder/Creative Director Ed Yen also attended the press conference to introduce the history of CMJ festival and the details of this year’s Taiwan music showcase. MusicDish’s founder Eric de Fontenay was the MC for the press conference. DJ Noodles, Joanna Wang, Miss Ko, Alex Fan (Deputy Director General of TECO) Director of Taipei Cultural Center, Susan Yu “Taiwan Music 2013″ at New York’s CMJ Music Marathon & Film Festival is hosted by the Taiwan Ministry of Culture Bureau of Audiovisual and Music Industry Development (BAMID) and organized by Taiwan-based GCA Entertainment, Taiwan Music 2013 will present three top Taiwanese acts at Webster Hall on October 18th featuring award-winning singer-songwriter Joanna Wang, the 1st female rapper winner of Golden Melody Awards Miss Ko and 2006 DMC Taiwan Champion DJ Noodles. The showcase will introduce New Yorkers to a broad range of Taiwanese music, from indie pop to electronic and urban sounds. The night will also feature collaboration performance from DJ Noodles and special guest Brooklyn-based CMJ-charting rapper Rabbi Darkside. Rabbi Darkside On October 16th, CMJ will host the panel “How Taiwan is Using Concert Collaboration to Bridge Markets” at NYU’s Kimmel Center from 3:30-4:30pm. The panel will focus on the interactions and differences of the music scenes/industries in Taiwan and the US, and the implications for American artists wishing to Enter Asia’s growing music market. CMJ's CEO Alexis d'Amecourt GCA Entertainment's Founder/Creative Director Ed Yen MusicDish's Founder Eric de Fontenay The panel will be followed by a networking event called “Meet Taiwan Music” organized by MusicDish and Hip Hop USA at downtown Manhattan’s Gonzalez y Gonzalez (192 Mercer St). The event will connect New York’s music industry with the Taiwan delegation and artists. There will also be a short Q&A session where the audience will be able submit questions regarding Taiwan’s music sector and opportunities for collaboration. Background information on the three featured artists: JOANNA WANG The award-winning Taiwanese artist is a singer-songwriter, composer and music producer. The multi-talented musician grew up in Southern California and is one of the few female singer-songwriters that can perform in both Mandarin and English. Joanna released her debut album “Start from Here” in 2008 as a double-disc set, one in English and the other in Mandarin. The album reached #1 in Taiwan, and won numerous awards throughout Southeast Asia including 2009 Golden Melody Awards Best New Artist nomination. MISS KO The 1st female rapper winner of Golden Melody Awards is considered “the Missy Elliot of Taiwan”. Miss Ko started writing songs while attending high school in Brooklyn, which led to further studies at Five Towns College, where Wyclef Jean and Maroon 5 also gained their fame. In 2009, Miss Ko released her first album in New York titled “Industry Makeover”, and received attention from top French magazine Tetu for her international potential. After returning to Taiwan, she vowed to use music to find her roots; and with help from the Taiwan underground hip-hop sensation SoftLipa, she quickly gained recognition and led to her first Mandarin album “Knock Out” in 2012. DJ NOODLES She is the 2006 DMC Taiwan Champion, the first female finalist in the DMC history and was ranked top 13 at the 2006 DMC World Final. With over 10 years of experience, DJ Noodles has performed with numerous renowned legends, such as DJ Q-Bert, DJ Kentaro, DJ Jazzy Jeff, DJ Premier and Naughty by Nature. She has also shared the stage with Steve Aoki, Diplo and many other pioneers of the indie dance music scene. DJ Noodles has been invited to perform in many countries around the world, including England, Switzerland, Japan, China, Australia, Indonesia, United States, South Korea and more. In 2005, DJ Noodles released her second album “Girls Dem Sugar” under EMI Taiwan, which reached top 10 on the Taiwan album music chart and successfully introduced dancehall music to Taiwan’s club scene. In 2012, DJ Noodles became the first Asian DJ invited to be a resident DJ on Radio FG USA, a division of Radio FG, which originated from France, and is now one of Europe’s largest radio and lifestyle networks dedicated to the electronic music genre. Dj Noodles, Joanna Wang, Miss Ko Taiwan Music at CMJ 2013 is supported by the following organizations: Radionomy, Hip Hop USA, HYPE Magazine, Yibada and AsianInNY. AsianInNY has been a proud sponsor for three consecutive years and we are very excited about this year’s sold out Taiwan Music events including all the panel discussion, networking night and concert. Diana Lee (AsianInNY co-Founder), Miss Ko
{"url": "http://blog.asianinny.com/events-in-nyc/press-conference-of-cmj-taiwan-music-night-2013-showcase/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "blog.asianinny.com", "date_download": "2023-03-20T09:54:19Z", "digest": "sha1:3FLVM2VFTI52QA33NCV5NPU5RAI3CORS"}
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5 companies disrupting the payments space in India August 13, 2018 by neha New Delhi: India’s digital payments industry, which is currently worth around USD 200 billion, is expected to grow five-fold to reach USD 1 trillion by 2023, as per a recent report by Swiss financial services holding company Credit Suisse predicts. The payments segment has also been the most funded within the Indian fintech landscape, riding on the wave of demonetization. Understanding the gaps and potential in the payments landscape in India, technology strong companies are disrupting the space by tapping into India’s vast and underserved market. Following are 5 innovative payment companies which are striving towards making Indian consumers embrace the use of mobile payments: ToneTag: A global technology solutions provider, this company uses proprietary Software Development Kit (SDK) that encodes data into sounds. ToneTag is making mobile payments as accessible and frictionless as possible by removing any sort of hardware dependency and by enabling all devices to make payments. ToneTag has reached over 50 million consumers across the globe with its cutting-edge Sound Wave technology-based systems and empowered 3, 10,000 merchants. Backed by Amazon, Mastercard, 3one4 capital and Amensa, ToneTag is built to bridge the last mile in financial inclusion and deliver simple cashless payments. Paytm: Paytm is India’s largest payments company that offers multi-source and multi-destination payment solutions. It offers comprehensive payment solutions to over 8 million merchants and allows consumers to make payments from any bank account to any bank account at 0% fee. Google Tez: Tez is a mobile payments service by Google, targeted at users in India. It operates atop the Unified Payments Interface, developed by the National Payments Corporation of India. It can be used where UPI payments are accepted. Tez works on the vast majority of India’s smartphones (with apps for both Android and iOS) with the Android app supporting English, Hindi, Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Marathi, Tamil, and Telugu with more languages coming soon. PhonePe: PhonePe is a Fin-Tech company headquartered in Bangalore, India. Founded in December 2015, it provides an online payment system based on Unified Payments Interface (UPI), which is a new process in electronic funds transfer launched by National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI). It is licensed by the Reserve Bank of India for issuance and operation of a Semi-Closed Prepaid Payment system. WhatsApp Pay: WhatsApp’s payment gateway is based on the unified payments interface (UPI) of the National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI), cutting out the cumbersome intermediary step of loading money onto a wallet. Instead, users can transact directly from their bank accounts using a virtual ID. The Facebook-owned messaging app has its eye on India’s flourishing e-payments pie, slated to grow five-fold by 2023 to $1 trillion, according to investment bank Credit Suisse. (ANI) Categories Business, News Tags India Koreas agree to hold summit next month ‘Doodle 4 Google’ can get you Rs 5 lakh scholarship © 2023 Siasat Technologies Limited
{"url": "https://archive.siasat.com/news/5-companies-disrupting-payments-space-india-1391769/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "archive.siasat.com", "date_download": "2023-03-20T08:56:10Z", "digest": "sha1:6CTKHBEL3BDB7D3N55FL4W7FMHTDXYAS"}
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Port Corpus Christi, Oxy Ingleside Energy Center Receive Very Large Crude Carrier, Largest Vessel to Call on a Gulf of Mexico Port Published on Tuesday, May 30, 2017 by Expansion Solutions Magazine Corpus Christi, TX — The Port Corpus Christi announced the arrival of a Very Large Crude Carrier (VLCC), the largest oil tanker ever to call on a Gulf of Mexico Port. The ship docked safely at the Oxy Ingleside Energy Center (OIEC) export terminal, the first crude oil export facility in the U.S. to receive such a large vessel. The arrival of the VLCC reflects the port’s commitment to becoming a major exporter of Permian Basin crude and securing the infrastructure necessary to do so. Occidental Petroleum Corporation is using the visit for operational planning in preparation to regularly load VLCCs in the future from its oil export terminal. The VLCC, a ship named Anne owned by the Belgium-based Euronav, is a 1,093-foot-long vessel capable of holding over 2 million barrels of oil. When fully laden a VLCC requires a draft of 66 feet. Ship channel depth at Port Corpus Christi is at -47’ Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW), which would require a partial load of the VLCC, and an accompanying vessel to fill the remaining cargo once offshore. Current VLCC operations require multiple smaller vessels to transport product offshore for loading. Loading VLCCs at Occidental’s OIEC export terminal will provide significant cost and time savings. As global demand for U.S. crude oil continues to increase, Port Corpus Christi remains as the frontrunner in supplying the export market. When the U.S. oil export restrictions were lifted at the end of 2015 the first export cargo of U.S. crude oil in nearly forty years sailed aboard the tanker, THEO T, from the South Texas port. Further benchmarking the U.S. crude export trend, a single vessel load record was set at Port Corpus Christi in April 2017, when 930,000 barrels of crude oil was loaded to the Suezmax class Cap Romuald. “With a vision to be the Energy Port of the Americas, it is fitting for yet another milestone in U.S. crude exports to be set at our port. As the first VLCC class vessel to call on any Gulf of Mexico port enters our Port Corpus Christi waterways, we are further assured of the importance in continuing infrastructure enhancements, and further deepening our ship channels,” said Charles W. Zahn, Chairman of the Port Corpus Christi Commission. “We believe the Oxy Ingleside Energy Center is the premier crude oil export terminal in the United States,” said Vicki Hollub, President and Chief Executive Officer, Occidental Petroleum. “Permian Basin crude is being exported Asia, Europe and elsewhere around the world, and Occidental’s export facility is well positioned to serve the Permian, which is the largest and fastest-growing basin in the U.S. The arrival of the VLCC at our terminal continues to build on our position as the Permian’s largest oil producer, enabling us to load the largest ships with our crude and the crude of other producers.” Port Corpus Christi is in the midst of a 10-year, $1 billion Capital Investment program. A major component of the program includes the Corpus Christi Ship Channel deepening and widening project. This project will enhance the existing -47 foot (MLLW) Corpus Christi Ship Channel depth to -54 foot (MLLW), expanding width to 530 feet, and installing barge shelves along the channel. Additionally, construction of the longest cable-stayed bridge in the Western Hemisphere is underway to replace the aging Corpus Christi Harbor Bridge. Scheduled for completion in 2020, the bridge will provide increased air draft clearance to 205 feet. Infrastructure improvements surrounding Port Corpus Christi are priming the port for the modern fleet of larger ocean-going vessels which convey cleaner, and much improved operating efficiencies for marine transportation markets. About Port Corpus Christi As a major economic engine of the South Texas Coastal Bend, Port Corpus Christi is the 4th largest port in the United States in total tonnage. Strategically located on the western Gulf of Mexico with a 36 mile, 47 foot (MLLW) deep channel, Port Corpus Christi is a major gateway to international and domestic marine commerce. The Port has excellent rail and highway network connectivity via three North American Class-1 railroads and two major interstates. With an outstanding staff overseen by its seven member commission, Port Corpus Christi is clearly “Moving America’s Energy.” http://www.portcorpuschristi.com/
{"url": "https://www.expansionsolutionsmagazine.com/port-corpus-christi-oxy-ingleside-energy-center-receive-very-large-crude-carrier-largest-vessel-to-call-on-a-gulf-of-mexico-port/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "www.expansionsolutionsmagazine.com", "date_download": "2023-03-20T09:29:07Z", "digest": "sha1:PC2ZJX2K6HNLTHKAN3ZPPUXE2KJ5TSZN"}
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Smartling Closes $25 Million in Funding as Demand Soars for its Business Globalization Platform ICONIQ Capital leads newest round of funding; total raised to date nears $65 million NEW YORK – May 22, 2014 – Smartling, Inc., today announced it has closed a $25 million series D round of funding, led by ICONIQ Capital, a global multi-family office and merchant bank based in San Francisco. Smartling provides a software platform that helps companies to better compete globally by translating and managing their multilingual Web, mobile and business document content. All of Smartling’s prior investors also participated in this round of funding, including First Round Capital, Harmony Partners, IDG Ventures, Tenaya Capital, U.S. Venture Partners and Venrock. Smartling will use the funding to expand operations both in the U.S. and abroad, and to enhance its platform with expanded support for leading content management, e-commerce, marketing automation and CRM platforms. “Globalization is the most important trend in business today, and Smartling is the clear leader with a cloud platform that dramatically reduces the time and cost required for organizations to do business in any geography, in any language,” said Venrock Partner David Pakman. “Smartling is solving a huge business problem in an elegant way with an innovative SaaS solution – this is why the company has attracted such intense interest from the venture community.” Hundreds of enterprises ranging from Global 2000 corporations to leading Web-based businesses like Nokia, Pinterest, Shutterstock, Sony, Spotify, SurveyMonkey, Tesla Motors and Vimeo use Smartling as the “nerve center” for their global business content. Smartling enables them to reduce the time and effort involved with translating, localizing and delivering content both for foreign and domestic multicultural markets, while also providing globalization-aware content management capabilities that automatically ensure content consistency across all languages. These capabilities enable organizations to reduce time-to-market and slash operating costs associated with traditional approaches to creating and managing multilingual content. “Only 30 percent of the world speaks English – so companies that don’t effectively globalize are missing out on 70 percent of their potential addressable market,” said Smartling CEO Jack Welde. “Smartling enables businesses to compete and win in new markets quickly and effectively, and to more effectively connect and support their customers. Even companies that have been global for decades are turning to Smartling as a more efficient way to move into new markets faster and to ensure global business consistency, while continuing to work with their existing translation service providers.” Welde said that Smartling is planning to expand its employee base in 2014 with more than 50 new hires. In addition to its New York office, the company recently opened offices in Boston and Dublin, Ireland. About Smartling Smartling, Inc. simplifies and accelerates translation and localization for companies both reaching a global market and looking to expand their market penetration. With the first cloud-based enterprise platform for a translation management system, Smartling helps companies quickly translate and deploy their websites and dynamic Web applications, mobile applications and business documents across the entire corporate digital infrastructure. Named “Most Innovative Startup” at Dow Jones/Wall Street Journal’s 2011 FASTech 50, Smartling is shaking up the translation and localization industry with the first platform designed to manage the entire translation, localization and delivery process via a scalable SaaS model. Brands that rely on Smartling to launch and manage localized multilingual websites and applications include Dropbox, Foursquare, GoPro, HotelTonight, Path, Pinterest, Shutterstock, Spotify, SurveyMonkey, Tesla Motors, Uber, Vimeo and more. The Smartling platform currently serves billions of page views per month in more than 100 languages across the globe. Founded in 2009 and headquartered in New York City, Smartling is privately held and backed by leading venture capital firms, including First Round Capital, Harmony Partners, ICONIQ Capital, IDG Ventures, U.S. Venture Partners, Venrock and several prominent angel investors. Jackie Gerbus Davies Murphy Group [email protected]
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ALNGUYEN INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY CO., LTD. Legal Excellence Client Focus Global Perspective Home » Responding to a Socio-economic Need through Innovative Research and a Profit-making IP Strategy Responding to a Socio-economic Need through Innovative Research and a Profit-making IP Strategy | Feb 28, 2023 Although Indonesia has devoted significantly large areas of its territory for plantation purposes, the soil quality in many of these areas remains questionable. EMAS biofertilizer – in granular appearance – with a one year stability guaranteed (Photo: WIPO-ASEAN/IP/BKK/06/DRAFT) The marginal quality of the soil – characterized by low levels of nutrients and organic contents, strong acidity and poor microbial activities – reduces the efficiency of conventional chemical fertilizers, because under humid tropical conditions, these types of soils are prone to losing fertilizers through leakage. This tendency represents an economic loss as well as potential environmental contamination emerging from the leakage of fertilizer. A solution to the problem depended on finding a technology that reduced the release of fertilizer residues into the environment on the one hand, and enhanced the ability of plant roots to extract water and nutrients more efficiently on the other. In the early 1990s, the Indonesian government initiated a pilot scale project to develop a type of biofertilizer that would effectively reduce the dependence of conventional fertilizers commonly applied on marginally-suitable soils. The project was headed by Dr. Didiek Hadjar Goenadi, a soil science expert at the Indonesian Biotechnology Research Institute for Estate Crops (BRIEC). Biotechnological studies have shown that microorganism-based biofertilizers can effectively induce microbial activities in the soil, which eventually increase plants’ nutrient uptake, stabilize soil aggregates (clumps of soil particles cemented together) and accelerate the decomposition of residual organic waste. The pilot project was conducted by the Indonesian Planters Association for Research and Development (IPARD), a consortium of state-owned and private estates that supports research on various agricultural and related products and technologies. The research and development (R&D) pilot project under IPARD focused on “enhancing microbial activities in the soils (EMAS)” by developing a nutrient-solubilizing and aggregate-stabilizing biofertilizer (EMAS biofertilizer). A number of public and private research institutes collaborated in the project. Considering local production needs, all microbes used in the research are native to Indonesian soil. By 1995, a prototype of the expected EMAS biofertilizer was developed with Dr. Goenadi as the principal researcher and inventor. The pilot scale production technology of EMAS biofertilizer was an intermediate step before embarking on a commercial scale through a series of technology developments. Prior to that, laboratory and green house experiments were conducted for five years by Riset Unggulan Kemitraan (RUK – incentive research programs undertaken by universities or R&D institutes in collaboration with private institutions). EMAS biofertilizer’s field experiments were conducted in plantation crops (tea, rubber, cocoa, oil palm, and sugarcane), food crops (paddy and corn), horticulture (potatoes), and spice. Application of EMAS biofertilizer has shown that it can reduce the use of conventional fertilizer up to 50%. In addition, introducing the biofertilizer in soil provides a more stable soil aggregate and improves its fertility status. The competitive edge of EMAS biofertilizer also arises from some other advantages: it is 10-30 percent cheaper than conventional fertilizers; it is environment friendly, and it can be applied to any type of crop. The process for producing EMAS biofertilizer was patented in 1998 with the Indonesian patent office (Patent No. ID 0 000 206S). The patent is issued with Dr. Goenadi as the sole inventor. In addition to EMAS, he is also inventor or co-inventor of three other biofertilizer products. The production technology of EMAS by Bio Nusa is under license of BRIEC. This product has been legally registered for commercial production and marketing at the Indonesian Department of Agriculture with registration number of G 798/BSP/X/2001. The licensing of the EMAS biofertilizer has generated significant financial benefits for Dr. Goenadi and other stakeholders. By 2001, Dr. Goenadi was earning as much as Rp 150 million a year as royalties for his invention, and is expected to reach as much as Rp 400 million per year over time. The profits from licensing EMAS biofertilizer production is shared by the stakeholders: 10 percent of the total production value is received as a licensing fee, from which 40 percent goes to the primary inventor (Dr. Goenadi), 40 percent for labor support including co-inventors, and 20 percent for administrative purposes. EMAS biofertilizer packed in a 25 kg bag (Photo: WIPO-ASEAN/IP/BKK/06/DRAFT) Although the benefits offered by EMAS biofertilizer were remarkable, it initially faced some constraints to access the market. Being a new product, doubts were raised about its effectiveness compared to conventional products. Therefore, a strong commercialization strategy for EMAS biofertilizer was developed by forming a company called PT Bio Industri Nusantara (Bio Nusa). Bio Nusa is essentially a consortium of several segments of PTP Nusantara, the state-owned plantation enterprise which was also deeply involved in the R&D of the EMAS biofertilizer. The company’s office is located in Bandung and a large-scale manufacturing plant is in Purwakarta, West Java, with a production capacity of 10,000 tons per year. Unlike chemical fertilizer, EMAS biofertilizer is only produced upon orders from users, since the EMAS microbes have a shelf-life of about twelve months. The use of EMAS biofertilizer efficiently reduces the rate of conventional fertilizer dosage. It works for a variety of crops including rubber, tea, cocoa, sugarcane and oil palm. EMAS biofertilizer is believed to have the potential to save Indonesia’s domestic fertilizer costs by up to Rp. 1.5 trillion a year. Additionally, its bio-friendly characteristics ensure minimal environmental hazards. In 2009, Bio Nusa got its Quality Management Certification as proof that the management system operation complies with the requirements of ISO 9001:2000. Dr. Goenadi received numerous awards including the “Satya Lencana Wirakarya Pembangunan” award from the president of Indonesia in 1998 and the Indonesian Intellectual Property Rights Award for the EMAS biofertilizer patent in 2001. Key Success Factors: Innovative R&D with Strong IP Protection Responding to a socio-economic need through determined and innovative R&D was the main factor behind the development of the revolutionary EMAS biofertilizer. At the same time, the inventor and his colleagues realized that the ultimate success of their innovation lies in ensuring the proper utilization and sustainability of the product in the market place while rewarding the inventors for their efforts in developing the fertilizer. The patent protection of the EMAS biofertilizer and the subsequent business success ensured this reward. Source: WIPO No.14, Lane 19/8/1 Tran Quang Dieu, O Cho Dua, Dong Da, Hanoi, Vietnam Tel: 84-4-3537.8418 Fax: 84-4-3537.8417 Email: [email protected] DESIGN BY VINTERMEDIA @ALNGUYEN INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY CO., LTD.
{"url": "http://alnguyen.com.vn/responding-to-a-socio-economic-need-through-innovative-research-and-a-profit-making-ip-strategy/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "alnguyen.com.vn", "date_download": "2023-03-20T10:12:56Z", "digest": "sha1:7JQF5TZ44BVTEZBRNFX6PSERWYIFECPU"}
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LISD-PTI Brown Bag Series: Prof. Steven Chanenson on "Danger and Opportunity: Reflections on Modern American Sentencing" Oct 24, 2019, 12:00 pm – 1:15 pm Steven Chanenson, LAPA Faculty/Student Only The Liechtenstein Institute on Self-Determination will co-sponsor a lunch seminar, "Danger and Opportunity: Reflections on Modern American Sentencing," with Prof. Steven Chanenson, currently a Crane Fellow at the Woodrow Wilson School's Program on Law and Public Affairs, on Thursday, October 24, 2019, at 12:00 p.m., in 019 Bendheim Hall. Prof. Chanenson will highlight selected key milestones and potential developments in noncapital criminal sentencing, with discussion to follow. The lunch is co-sponsored with the Princeton Teaching Initiative (PTI), and is open to Princeton University faculty and students only. Participants should bring their own lunch. To attend the session, RSVP online using your netID. Professor Steven Chanenson is the Director of the Villanova Sentencing Workshop and former Chair of the Pennsylvania Commission on Sentencing, an elected member of the American Law Institute, Professor Chanenson was the Liaison from the National Association of Sentencing Commissions to the American Law Institute regarding efforts to revise the sentencing portions of the Model Penal Code. He was the Reporter for the Uniform Law Commission’s recently adopted Criminal Records Accuracy Act. In addition, he is currently a Managing Editor of and frequent contributor to the Federal Sentencing Reporter (University of California Press/Vera Institute of Justice), the leading professional journal of brief commentary on sentencing law, theory, and reform. In recognition of his dedication to public service, the Truman Foundation named Professor Chanenson a Truman Scholar and subsequently bestowed upon him early in the Truman Foundation's Judge Joseph Stevens Award for Outstanding Public Service in the Field of Law in 2005. Professor Chanenson received a B.A. in economics and M.S. in criminology from the University of Pennsylvania and a J.D. from the University of Chicago Law School. He clerked for Judge Phyllis A. Kravitch of the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit and Supreme Court Associate Justice William J. Brennan, Jr. He also served in the Chambers of the Honorable David H. Souter. Before entering teaching, he practiced at a major commercial law firm and served as an Assistant U.S. Attorney in the Criminal Division in Chicago. While at LAPA he will be examining what happens when selected Nordic penal practices are adopted in an American prison. The LISD-PTI Brown Bag Series is a new initiative jointly launched by the Liechtenstein Institute and Princeton University's Prison Teaching Initiative meant to foster discussion of both prison pedagogy and the contemporary landscape of incarceration reform and abolition among the wider Princeton community. The Prison Teaching Initiative seeks to bridge Princeton University’s academic and service-driven missions by providing the highest quality post-secondary education to incarcerated students in New Jersey; offering Princeton University graduate students, postdocs, faculty, and staff innovative, evidence-based pedagogy training and the chance to diversify their teaching portfolios through intensive classroom experience; and fostering a robust campus dialogue on mass incarceration and its relationship to systemic inequalities in access to education. LISD currently supports two PTI graduate student fellowships.
{"url": "https://lisd.princeton.edu/events/lisd-pti-brown-bag-series-prof-steven-chanenson-danger-and-opportunity-reflections-modern", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "lisd.princeton.edu", "date_download": "2023-03-20T09:27:10Z", "digest": "sha1:G7BXTL5LRIANU5C7QZUT3DEA4X2UGJEK"}
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Science News from around the World Hi, I’m Scott Hershberger, with Scientific American as an American Association for the Advancement of Science Mass Media Science and Engineering Fellow. And here’s a short piece from the September 2020 issue of the magazine, in the section called Advances: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Science, Technology and Medicine. The article is titled “Quick Hits,” and it’s a rundown of some stories from around the globe. From Argentina: The earliest dinosaurs laid soft-shelled eggs, paleontologists say. A new chemical analysis of a more than 200-million-year-old fossilized egg from Patagonia—and a clutch of more recent eggs from Mongolia, found in the Gobi Desert—revealed a thin film matching the characteristics of modern soft-shelled eggs. Archaeologists found that 20 deep shafts, previously thought to be natural sinkholes and ponds, were dug by Neolithic humans. The shafts form a circle two kilometers in diameter, with the Durrington Walls monument at its center, just three kilometers from Stonehenge. From Brazil: Researchers documented the largest lightning bolt ever recorded. The “mega-flash,” which extended for more than 700 kilometers in southern Brazil in 2018, was detected by a new advanced weather satellite in geostationary orbit. From Israel: Researchers sequenced DNA samples from the Dead Sea Scrolls, identifying fragments made from sheep skin and others made from cow hide. The technique could help match fragments together and unravel the artifacts’ geographic origins. From Indonesia: Scientists identified an elusive nose-horned dragon lizard in the forests of North Sumatra. Despite appearing in the mythology of the indigenous Bataks, the visually striking species had been spotted by scientists only once before—almost 130 years ago. And from Australia: Submarine drones uncovered an extensive system of underwater “rivers” of dense, salty water along Australia’s continental shelf. These flows carry organic matter from the coast into the deep ocean, and their volume varies seasonally, peaking in winter. That was “Quick Hits.” I’m Scott Hershberger. [The above text is a transcript of this podcast.] Categories: ARROUND THE WORLDNewsScienceworld New Exclusive MAX SHORE Itineraries Offer Explorers And Travelers Choice Of Two Immersive Adventures At The Crossroads Of Europe And Asia Are buying hotels in San Diego for homeless people a good use of funds?
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Vicki Larnach, composer, lyricist and music producer studied classical and jazz piano at the Sydney Conservatorium of Music and Music Theatre Composition under Philip Seward of Chicago University. She was Musical Director for The Rocky Horror Show in Caracas and toured nationally as keyboard player for singer/actress Maria Conchita Alonso in South America. Vicki's four contemporary instrumental albums sell worldwide through iTunes and her CD Relax was featured as a cover mount on Family Circle Magazine selling 52,000 copies. She was a member of the ABC Advisory Panel for the 'SING' Publication and several of her children’s songs are published in the ABC catalogue. Her work has been described by Stephen Schwartz (Wicked) as “very original… exciting for the listener.” Vicki is a member of AWG, APRA and AMCOS. Jim Hare is a writer, producer and director. Musical Theatre is not new for Jim, who started performing in orchestra pits professionally at the age of 14. Having grown up seeing and studying every major show he possibly could, he now wants to bring some new and exciting aspects to the live stage. With film production credits that include The Matrix and The Great Gatsby, Jim's true passion lies in comedy, directing TV and film projects and composing music for Australian comedy greats such as Carl Barron, The Umbilical Brothers, Akmal and Kitty Flanagan, as well as international artists such as Wayne Brady, Jason Alexander and Stephen K. Amos. He also worked with other great Australian bands such as Crowded House, Silverchair, Delta Goodrem, Powderfinger and AC/DC. Jim received a Bachelor Of Arts Degree in Electro-Acoustics and Film Scoring from San Jose State University, studying with Dan Wyman who helped create iconic musical scores for Apocalypse Now, Halloween and The Lawnmower Man. Jay is an award-winning actor, director, writer and producer. He is the creator and Artistic Director of Squabbalogic Independent Music Theatre and was a founder of Sydney’s Hayes Theatre Co. Performance credits include The Book of Mormon, A Midsummer Nights Dream, The Smurfs Save Spring, Of Thee I Sing, Man Of La Mancha, Bye Bye Birdie, The Drowsy Chaperone (2014 Sydney Theatre Awards for Best Actor & Best Director), Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson, Ordinary Days, A New Brain, [title of show] and Reefer Madness; A Year With Frog and Toad, The Kangaroo Gang, Magical Tales, The Venetian Twins,You're A Good Man Charlie Brown and Spelling Bee, Lucky Stiff, She Loves Me, and On The Twentieth Century, Picasso at the Lapin Agile and Jerry Springer The Opera. Directing credits include Bring It On, The Original Grease, Grey Gardens, Hello, Dolly!, Triassic Parq, Man Of La Mancha (2015 GLUG Award, Best Musical), Bye Bye Birdie, Sondheim on Sondheim, The Drowsy Chaperone, Carrie, [title of show], Thrill Me, Forbidden Broadway, Reefer Madness, The Last Days of Judas Iscariot, Tick… Tick… BOOM!, The Great American Trailer Park Musical and LadyNerd. Terence David John Pratchett grew up to become the UK's best-selling author of the 1990's and is known globally as the author of the Discworld fantasy novels, a series numbering 40 volumes. He was also a famous campaigner for Alzheimer’s research and for the human right to choose a 'good death’. Terry's collaboration with Neil Gaiman, Good Omens, was published in May 1990. Late in 2007 the Costa Book Awards carried out a survey of the most re-read books, and Good Omens came fifteenth, ahead of The Bible and The Hitchhiker's Guide. During his life, Terry authored 59 books of which 52 were novels, and co-authored 30 more. 22 published stage adaptations, 8 television series, about 20 BBC radio adaptations and readings, 2 musicals, 4 graphic novels, and 4 TV documentaries have been based on Terry’s works. He passed away in his home with his cat sleeping on his bed, surrounded by his family on 12th March 2015. Prolific author Neil Gaiman was born and raised in England and moved to the United States in 1992. He is well known as a master storyteller working in a variety of mediums who mixes modern reality with the fantastic. Gaiman began his career as a freelance journalist, later moving into many other areas of writing including graphic novels, screenplays, fiction, young adult novels, children's books and nonfiction. Gaiman's critically acclaimed graphic novel series, The Sandman, ran for 75 issues and sold over 30 million copies. His young adult novel Coraline was made into a feature-length stop-motion animated film and his novel Stardust later become one of the most beloved movies of all time. The many awards Gaiman has won give evidence of his talent and popularity. His young adult novel The Graveyard Book won the Newberry Medal. In 2009 Coraline won the 2003 Hugo Award for Best Novella, the 2003 Nebula Award for Best Novella and the 2OO2 Bram Stoker Award for Best Work for Young Readers. In 2000, The Sandman: The Dream Hunters won a Bram Stoker award for Best Illustrated Narrative. Issue #19 of The Sandman, entitled A Midsummer Night's Dream, won the 1991 World Fantasy Award for Short Fiction. His novel American Gods was most recently made into a major television series for Starz © 2019 Good Omens The Musical
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News October 1, 2020 Digest 10.01.2020: Precious Metals Scam | R, D AGs Weigh In on Pipelines | $60 Million Surgical Mesh Settlement AG Coalitions Tackle PPP, Price Gouging Concerns Eighteen Democratic AGs, led by Illinois AG Kwame Raoul, sent a comment letter to the Small Business Administration (“SBA”) opposing the SBA’s proposed rule governing the appeals process for Paycheck Protection Program (“PPP”) loans, which would impact all SBA decisions regarding PPP loans, including borrowers’ eligibility and a loan’s amount, acceptable usage, and forgiveness. The letter argues that the proposed rule is confusing, detrimental to borrowers’ rights, violates due process, and does not comply with the Administrative Procedure Act, and urges the SBA to use independent and neutral decision-makers in the appeals process and to provide borrowers an opportunity to respond to SBA’s determinations, among other things. AG Raoul also filed an amicus brief on behalf of a bipartisan group of 30 AGs in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit in Online Merchants Guild v. Cameron, No. 20-5723, in support of Kentucky AG Daniel Cameron’s position on states’ authority to enforce price gouging regulations during emergencies such as the COVID-19 pandemic. The brief urges the court to overturn the District Court’s preliminary injunction preventing Kentucky from enforcing its price gouging regulations against retailers selling products on online marketplaces, arguing that price gouging laws help lower-income consumers gain access to scarce and essential goods, that these laws fall under states’ consumer protection responsibilities, and that state price gouging laws do not violate the Dormant Commerce Clause because they do not directly regulate the price of goods in out-of-state sales. “Operation Corrupt Collector”: A Nationwide Crackdown on Phantom and Abusive Debt Collection The Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) has undertaken a nationwide initiative titled “Operation Corrupt Collector” to crack down on phantom debt collectors and abusive debt collection practices, targeting debt collectors who employ such illegal practices as collecting on debt not owed, using threatening or deceptive robocalls, and falsely threatening consumers with improper legal action. To date, Operation Corrupt Collector includes more than 50 enforcement actions by the FTC, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, 16 AGs, and other federal law enforcement agencies. The initiative also includes consumer education and an online dashboard for reports received from consumers of collection attempts on debts not owed and other abusive collection practices. Law Firm Sued over Alleged Kickbacks from Pharmacy Massachusetts AG Maura Healey sued law firm Keches Law Group, P.C. (“Keches”) over allegations that it accepted illegal kickbacks from a pharmacy in violation of the Massachusetts Consumer Protection Act. The complaint alleges that Keches accepted over $90,000 in kickbacks—in the form of referral compensation and lavish events—from Injured Workers Pharmacy in exchange for referring at least 800 clients to it, without disclosing its financial interest in the referrals or obtaining clients’ informed consent. The complaint seeks declaratory and injunctive relief, civil penalties, restitution, and attorneys’ fees and costs. Counsel for Keches provided a statement denying awareness of any problems with the pharmacy or with Keches’ clients who used the pharmacy’s services or that it knew that the pharmacy’s prescribing practices were allegedly faulty, and further denying that its arrangement with the pharmacy ran afoul of conflict of interest rules. Financial Industry Precious Metals Traders Allegedly Conned Consumers by Selling Bullions at Wildly Inflated Prices The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (“CFTC”) and 30 state securities regulators jointly sued precious metals companies TMTE, Inc., d/b/a Metals.com, Chase Metals, LLC, Chase Metals, Inc., Barrick Capital, Inc., and related individuals (collectively, “Metals.com”) over allegations that they defrauded consumers by convincing them to use their retirement savings to buy precious metals through fraudulent marketing practices in violation of the federal Commodities Exchange Act and CFTC regulations, and state consumer protection and commodities trading laws. The U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas entered a temporary restraining order freezing Metals.com’s assets, appointing a receiver to take control of Metals.com, and permitting the CFTC and state regulators to inspect all relevant records. The complaint alleges that Metals.com sold precious metal bullions at prices that were 100% to 300% above market price by falsely claiming that the bullions were rare and much more valuable than their base melt price, and misrepresented precious metals as a safe and conservative investment virtually guaranteed not to lose its value, among other things. The complaint seeks declaratory and injunctive relief, disgorgement, restitution, civil penalties, the appointment of a permanent receiver, and attorneys’ costs and fees. Democratic and Republican AG Groups Weigh In on Pipeline Cases A group of 17 Democratic AGs, led by Massachusetts AG Maura Healey and joined by the Territory of Guam and Harris County, Texas filed an amicus brief in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit in Standing Rock Sioux Tribe v. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Nos. 20-5197 & 20-5201, urging the court to affirm the District Court’s ruling in favor of the plaintiff Native American tribes. The lower court held that the defendant U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (“Corps”) failed to fully assess the environmental impact of a potential oil spill in construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline, in violation of the National Environmental Policy Act. A group of 17 Republican AGs, led by Texas AG Ken Paxton and West Virginia AG Patrick Morrisey, filed an amicus brief in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in Northern Plains Resource Council v. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, No. 20-35412, urges the court to overturn the District Court’s order enjoining the Corps from authorizing any new oil and gas pipeline projects nationwide. The AGs argue that the lower court erred in transforming a challenge to a single project—the Keystone XL pipeline—into an overly broad injunction with serious consequences for the amici States and the nation’s economy. $60 Million Multistate Settlement over Allegations of Misleading Marketing Practices for Surgical Mesh A group of 49 AGs reached a settlement with medical device company C.R. Bard, Inc. and its parent company Becton, Dickinson & Co. (collectively, “Bard”) to resolve allegations that Bard used misleading marketing practices to promote and sell its now discontinued transvaginal surgical mesh products in violation of state consumer protection laws. The AGs alleged, among other things, that Bard knowingly misled healthcare providers and consumers by misrepresenting the risks and benefits of using its transvaginal surgical mesh products and by failing to disclose the potential for permanent, debilitating complications associated with their use. Under the terms of the proposed stipulated judgment, Bard will pay $60 million to the states and must, for all of its urogynecological mesh products, provide understandable descriptions of complications in any marketing materials, disclose sponsorship in clinical studies, and require consultants to agree to disclose Bard’s sponsorship in any public presentation or publication, among other things. Bernie Nash Honored As Brooklyn Law School 2023 Alumnus of the Year Cozen in the News Security Companies Ordered by FTC to Drop Non-Compete Agreements for Low-Wage Workers Antitrust & Competition, Federal Agencies (FTC, CFPB, FCC), Labor & Employment
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Travel Destinations A-Z This Colorado City Sits One Mile Above Sea Level — and It's a Gateway to the Rocky Mountains Consider this the only guide to Denver you need. Meena Thiruvengadam Meena Thiruvengadam is a lifelong traveler and veteran journalist who has visited more than 50 countries across six continents. Her writing has appeared in The Wall Street Journal, Departures, TripSavvy, and other publications. Evie Carrick Evie Carrick is a writer and editor who’s lived in five countries and visited well over 50. She now splits her time between Colorado and Paris, ensuring she doesn't have to live without skiing or L'As du Fallafel. Photo: John Coletti/Getty Images Denver is known as the Mile High City — not because marijuana is legal here, but because its elevation is 5,280 feet (one mile) above sea level. Denver is Colorado's state capital and the most populous city in the state. Dotted with world-class museums, gorgeous public murals, and city parks, it's also a gateway to the Rocky Mountains. Denver is home to the second-largest performing arts center in the U.S., after Lincoln Center in New York, and is frequently cited as a top city for singles. Sports fans can watch the Denver Broncos play football, the Colorado Rockies play baseball, or the Denver Nuggets play basketball. Prefer hockey or soccer? Check out the Colorado Avalanche or Denver Outlaws. Looking to get some exercise? Take a hike in the Rocky Mountains or hit the nearby ski slopes. Denver is also a beer town that's home to several craft brewers as well as Coors, the world’s largest single-site brewery, which operates just outside the city in the town of Golden. Denver even hosts the Great American Beer Festival each year. Marijuana is legal in Colorado, and Denver is home to several recreational marijuana dispensaries. The best time to visit Denver depends on what you want to do. In May, Denver celebrates Cinco de Mayo and hosts the Denver Arts Festival and Colfax Marathon. During the summer, Denver hosts PrideFest and the Five Points Jazz Festival in June and a county fair in July. Autumn is the best time for foodies to visit Denver because it's when the city puts on A Taste of Colorado and the Great American Beer Festival. Meanwhile, winter is a popular time for skiers and snowboarders to hit the slopes nearby. The Denver Botanic Gardens holds its holiday light show from November through January, and Denver's National Western Stock Show happens each year in January. Denver is located near the Rocky Mountains, not in the Rocky Mountains. About 200 named mountain peaks are visible from Denver. Alcoholic drinks have a greater effect when you're drinking at a mile above sea level, so be sure to hydrate and pace yourself. Marijuana is legal in Colorado for adults 21 and older. Adults can possess up to one ounce of retail marijuana. Cannabis is sold through recreational and medical marijuana dispensaries. If you don't have a prescription, head to a recreational dispensary. Just make sure to find a private place to smoke, as marijuana consumption in public is still illegal. It's also illegal to take marijuana across state lines. Trains: Denver has 12 light and commuter rail lines covering 113 miles and serving more than 50 stations. Most notably, there’s a train that runs from the airport to Union Station downtown. Parking in downtown can be expensive, making rail the more affordable choice. Buses: The Denver area has 170 bus routes, with more than 9,000 local stops in eight counties. Local buses are an especially good way to travel around the city center and suburbs. An express bus runs between Denver and Boulder. Taxis: Taxis are available through companies like Denver Yellow Cab. Expect to pay about $55 for cab service between downtown Denver and the airport. Ride-share: Lyft, Uber, and Migo are ride-sharing options available in Denver. Courtesy of Curio Collection by Hilton The Ramble Hotel Address: 1280 25th St., Denver, CO 80205 With just 50 rooms, this boutique hotel is nestled into Denver's River North Art District, a neighborhood where old warehouses and factories give way to jazz bars, restaurants, breweries, and art galleries. If you're a light sleeper, this may be the place for you, as the property is designed to minimize outside noise. The Art Hotel Denver, Curio Collection by Hilton Address: 1201 Broadway, Denver, CO 80203 This pet-friendly downtown hotel is a short walk from the Denver Art Museum and Colorado Convention Center. In fact, it counts more than a half-dozen museums within a 10-minute walk. There's an extensive art collection on display throughout the property, a rooftop bar and restaurant, and some rooms with mountain views. The Brown Palace Hotel and Spa, Autograph Collection Courtesy of Autograph Collection Address: 321 17th St., Denver, CO 80202 This boutique hotel is an icon of downtown Denver. It was built as a luxury hotel in 1892 and is now operated by Marriott. The lobby is likely to transport you to a different era. The hotel has an eight-story atrium with a stained-glass skylight and six stories of interior balconies. It also has its very own rooftop beehive and an on-site flower shop. Patterson Inn Address: 420 E. 11th Ave., Denver, CO 80203 The Patterson Inn is a National Landmark housed inside a reddish-orange sandstone building dating to 1891. The hotel offers several themed bedrooms and common areas filled with books, games, and hand-carved wood. It's the kind of mansion that's sure to feel like home from the moment you walk in. The property offers free parking, but doesn't allow pets. Capitol Hill Mansion Bed and Breakfast Inn Address: 1207 Pennsylvania St., Denver, CO 80203 The Capitol Hill Mansion Bed and Breakfast Inn is a National Historic Landmark in Denver's Capitol Hill neighborhood. The ruby sandstone mansion is just a block from the Molly Brown House Museum and a short walk from several of the city's top attractions. The property has been an inn since 1994 and offers eight guest rooms, each named after a local wildflower. Three rooms come with whirlpool tubs. The Crawford Hotel Courtesy of The Crawford Address: 1701 Wynkoop St., Denver, CO 80202 This hotel is perfect for anyone who loves rail travel. It sits atop Denver's Union Station and offers a direct train link to Denver International Airport. If you prefer to catch a ride to the day’s adventure, you can request a ride in one of the hotel’s Teslas. The Crawford Hotel's Pullman guest rooms are designed to recreate the romance of train travel by making you feel like you have a luxe rail car all to yourself. The Curtis, a DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Courtesy of The Curtis Address: 1405 Curtis St., Denver, CO 80202 The Curtis is a quirky downtown hotel that sits across the street from the Denver Performing Arts Complex and just a couple of blocks from the 16th Street Mall. The hotel regularly plays cartoons in its retro-chic lobby, operates a store filled with nostalgic treats, and houses The Corner Office Restaurant + Martini Bar. Some rooms have themes inspired by Marge Simpson, Barbies, vintage arcade games, and more. Kimpton Hotel Monaco Denver Address: 1717 Champa St., Denver, CO 80202 This property is pet-friendly and has a lobby that feels like a living room. Its rooms are designed to deliver an artsy vibe with a touch of luxury. The property has a great Italian restaurant, Panzano, and a nightly wine social hour. The Ritz-Carlton, Denver The Ritz-Carlton is home to some of Denver's most spacious hotel rooms, several with Rocky Mountain views. The property is located near Capitol Hill and the Denver Botanic Gardens. Rooms include featherbeds, down comforters, and rain forest shower heads. It also features a 2,229-square-foot fitness center that's always open, an expansive spa, and a restaurant whose offerings include private dining. Courtesy of The Wolf's Tailor Root Down Address: 1600 W. 33rd Ave., Denver, CO 80211 This restaurant is known for its creative menu, brightly colored cocktails, gas station architecture, and quirky decorative items. Root Down serves brunch and dinner with menus that include ricotta gnocchi, 36-hour short ribs, and a dessert you'll never forget — a sweet corn ice cream sandwich. Popular cocktails include the Beet Down and Don Draper. El Five Courtesy of El Five Address: 2930 Umatilla, Fifth Floor, Denver, CO 80211 From the team behind Root Down, this restaurant is a penthouse playground with an expansive patio. Its pan-Mediterranean menu includes a selection of tapas you can sample while taking in epic views of the Denver skyline and Rocky Mountains. Menu items include smoked burrata, harissa eggplant fries, Moroccan lamb sausage, and chocolate baklava. Bar Dough Address: 2227 W 32nd Ave., Denver, CO 80211 This Italian restaurant comes from Top Chef contestant Carrie Baird, who has since handed the restaurant off to chef Russell Stippich. Its menu offers an elevated take on traditional Italian cuisine, and includes pizzas, pastas, and pork milanese. Gluten-free pasta and pizza crusts are also available. Denver Biscuit Company Address: Multiple Locations One of the best brunch spots in the city, the Denver Biscuit Company is the place to go for Southern-style comfort food. The menu here includes several biscuit breakfast sandwiches, biscuit French toast, and, of course, biscuits and gravy. Denver Biscuit Company has also developed its own twist on poutine called Sully's Fries — waffle fries with gravy, pimento cheese, bacon, and green onions. Don't oversleep — the restaurants close at 2 p.m. Ultreia James Florio Address: 1701 Wynkoop St. #125, Denver, CO 80202 This Spanish restaurant comes from a team with a track record of opening award-winning restaurants in Denver. That team includes James Beard-recognized chef Jennifer Jasinski. Ultreia is located inside Denver's Union Station and serves tapas inspired by Spain and Portugal. Menu items include bacon-wrapped dates, patatas bravas, and spiced octopus. Tavernetta From the James Beard Award-winning team behind the Frasca Hospitality Group, Tavernetta aims to bring la dolce vita to Denver with fresh handmade pastas and an epic wine list. The restaurant has private heated outdoor seating where it serves a tasting menu. Its regular menu includes Italian staples like pasta al forno and burrata. Tavernatta also makes a tagliatelle with Maine lobster. The Wolf's Tailor Address: 4058 Tejon St., Denver, CO 80211 The Wolf's Tailor is meant to bring together elements of local chef Kelly Whitaker's travels through Europe and Asia. Its multicourse tasting menu, which evolves with the seasons, is a treat. Nikki A. Rae/VisitDenver Denver is a gateway to the Rocky Mountains, which stretch from western Canada to New Mexico. Seventy-eight of its 100 highest peaks are located in Colorado, where Rocky Mountain National Park covers 415 square miles and offers more than 300 miles of hiking trails. Echo Mountain, Winter Park, Keystone, Breckenridge, and Vail are ski towns within a couple of hours of Denver by car. Colorado was the first U.S. state to legalize recreational marijuana, and Denver is now dotted with hundreds of cannabis dispensaries. Lucy Sky and The Herbal Cure are a couple of popular options. Euflora is welcoming to first-time visitors and has a location at the 16th Street Mall in downtown Denver. It also sells flowers, concentrates, edibles, smoking supplies, and T-shirts. Rebecca Todd/VisitDenver Denver is a beer drinker's dream come true. The city is home to a number of craft breweries, as well as to the world's largest single-site brewery — the Coors Brewery in nearby Golden, Colorado. The Coors Brewery can brew up to 22 million barrels of beer each year and offers self-paced tours. Denver's first brewpub, the Wynkoop Brewing Company, offers tours in downtown Denver. Krista Sidwell/500px/Getty Images Address: 100 W 14th Ave. Pkwy., Denver, CO 80204 The Denver Art Museum is one of the largest in the American West. Its collections represent cultures from around the world and include more than 70,000 works of art. The museum sprawls across several buildings, including the Hamilton Building, inspired by the Rocky Mountains and covered in 9,000 titanium panels. Address: 1007 York St., Denver, CO 80206 An oasis in the heart of the city, the Denver Botanic Gardens is home to North America's largest collection of plants from cold temperate climates. And each winter, the location hosts one of the country's most gorgeous holiday light shows. Address: 200 E. Colfax Ave., Denver, CO 80203 The interior of the Colorado State Capitol, which houses the state Senate, House of Representatives, and governor's office, can be experienced on the free guided tours that run throughout the week. Before you leave, get a photo with the building’s gleaming gold dome in the background — the dome was crafted using 200 ounces of gold that were gifted to the state by Colorado gold miners in 1908. Rebecca Ann/Courtesy of Molly Brown House Museum The Molly Brown House Museum is dedicated to telling the story of American socialite and philanthropist Molly Brown, better known as the Unsinkable Molly Brown. Brown and her husband bought the home that became the museum in 1894. Brown survived the sinking of the Titanic after helping several fellow passengers evacuate the ship. She later organized a survivors' committee to counsel those who lived through the sinking. Address: 4303 Brighton Blvd., Denver, CO 80216 If you're fascinated with how to get from point A to point B, this museum is for you. The Forney Museum of Transportation has been open for more than 60 years and houses a collection that includes buggies, motorcycles, steam locomotives, aircraft, and more. Amelia Earhart's 1923 Kissel Gold Bug is among the hundreds of items in its collection. 16th Street Mall This mile-long thoroughfare is designed for pedestrians and closed to regular automobile traffic. The promenade resembles the skin of a diamondback rattlesnake from above. On the ground, visitors will find dozens of restaurants, bars, and shops. Horse-drawn carriages and pedicabs are generally available after dark. Larimer Square Address: 1430 Larimer St., Denver, CO 80202 This block of Victorian buildings is where the modern-day city of Denver got its start. Nowadays, it's home to shops, bars, restaurants, and clubs. It's a great place for people-watching on a pleasant night. Red Rocks Park and Amphitheatre Address: 18300 W. Alameda Pkwy., Morrison, CO 80465 This may be one of the most epic places in the world to see a concert or take an outdoor yoga class. Over the years, this venue has hosted artists like Bruce Springsteen and The Beatles against the backdrop of its gorgeous red rocks. Even when there isn't a show, it's a sight to see. Courtesy of CCSC Best Shopping Rockmount Ranch Wear Stevie Crecelius/VisitDenver Address: 1626 Wazee St., Denver, CO 80202 If you're looking for Western wear, look no further than this family-owned business that's been outfitting Denver since 1946. This store pioneered Western shirts with snaps and has dressed celebrities like Eric Clapton, Bob Dylan, Robert Redford, Elvis Presley, and David Bowie. Inspyre Boutique This chain of boutiques has a mission: Surface incredible clothes, accessories, and gifts while keeping everything under $100. Inspyre Boutique now has four stores in the Denver area. No single item is priced over $100. Art District on Santa Fe Address: 525 Santa Fe Dr., Denver, CO 80204 This creative art district is home to a number of galleries, boutiques, and vintage shops. Check out Creative Living to spruce up your outdoor space, Abstract Denver for fresh wall art, or Carol Mier Fashion for a new look. This isn't the traditional enclosed shopping mall you may have in mind — the 16th Street Mall is an outdoor promenade lined with shops and restaurants. It's a great place to buy souvenirs to take back home. This may have been the block where Denver was born, but these days, it's a haven for boutique shopping. You'll find everything from clothing and gifts to leather goods here. Cherry Creek Shopping Center Address: 3000 E 1st Ave., Denver, CO 80206 This upscale shopping center not far from downtown Denver is where you'll find high-end stores, including Louis Vuitton, Tory Burch, Burberry, and Tiffany & Co. It's also home to Nordstrom, Macy's, Free People, and an Apple store. Denver Premium Outlets Address: 13801 Grant St., Thornton, CO 80023 This sprawling outlet is a half-hour's drive from Denver, and it includes a number of options to get your favorite brand names for a fraction of the price. Among them: Le Creuset, Ferragamo, Nike, Kate Spade, and Coach. Neighborhoods to Know Central Business District: This is a neighborhood that's mostly business, though it's also home to the 16th Street Mall, an outdoor promenade lined with shops, restaurants, and art. You'll also find the Denver Performing Arts Complex, Colorado Convention Center, and a sculpture known as the Big Blue Bear here. Highlands: Highlands is a laid-back Denver neighborhood with a great selection of restaurants and bars. The neighborhood sits on a hillside overlooking the city and is sometimes called North Denver. LoDo: LoDo is where downtown Denver parties. This part of the city is known for its nightlife, though it's also home to offices and apartment buildings. LoDo is where you'll find Union Station and Larimer Square — the block where the modern-day city of Denver got its start. It's on the edge of Coors Field, home to the Colorado Rockies. Capitol Hill: This is Colorado's most densely populated neighborhood, and it includes the Colorado State Capitol building. Capitol Hill is home to the Molly Brown House Museum and situated just west of the Denver Botanic Gardens. It's an area that's brimming with bars, restaurants, and interesting locals. Five Points: This neighborhood was once the center of Denver's jazz scene and still hosts an annual jazz festival. Nowadays, it's a hipster haven known for its restaurants, bars, and public art. Denver summers are hot, while its winters tend to be cold and dry. The temperature rarely dips below 6°F or rises above 96°F. The warmest months are June through early September. The coldest are late November through early March. Expect snow between November and February. The following are average Fahrenheit lows and highs by month. January: 20°F to 49°F February: 21°F to 49°F March: 29°F to 58°F April: 35°F to 65°F May: 45°F to 73°F June: 55°F to 86°F July: 61°F to 92°F August: 59°F to 90°F September: 50°F to 82°F October: 37°F to 68°F November: 27°F to 57°F December: 19°F to 47°F Apps to Download RTD: Mobile tickets for trains and buses ParkMobile: Pay for local parking Colorado Trail Explorer Where to Stay in Denver: The Best Neighborhoods and Hotels for Every Type of Traveler The 10 Best and Most Beautiful Hikes Near Denver 24 Best Things to Do in Denver, From Brewery Visits to Red Rocks Hiking The 14 Best Breweries in Denver to Visit Right Now Best Places to Travel in 2016 The Only Guide You Need to Sydney — Great Eats, Idyllic Beaches, and Luxury Hotels Included Good News From Around the World to Make You Smile During Quarantine It List 2022: Our Editors' Picks of the Best New Hotels in the World This Pacific Northwest Hub Has Something for Every Traveler — From an Iconic Fish Market to the Sky-high Space Needle Aspen Travel Guide Visit Dallas for Incredible Barbecue, Cool Neighborhoods, and an Over-the-top State Fair This Southern U.S. City Is Known for Great Eats and Even Better Music — Here's How to Plan Your Trip Houston Travel Guide Austin Travel Guide
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"rps_doc_frac_chars_top_4gram": [[0, 19659, 0.00568577]], "rps_doc_frac_all_caps_words": [[0, 19659, 0.018009]], "rps_doc_frac_lines_end_with_ellipsis": [[0, 19659, 0.0]], "rps_doc_frac_no_alph_words": [[0, 19659, 0.1845923]], "rps_doc_frac_unique_words": [[0, 19659, 0.37089783]], "rps_doc_mean_word_length": [[0, 19659, 4.9006192]], "rps_doc_symbol_to_word_ratio": [[0, 19659, 0.00025013]], "rps_doc_unigram_entropy": [[0, 19659, 6.11416648]], "rps_doc_word_count": [[0, 19659, 3230.0]], "rps_lines_ending_with_terminal_punctution_mark": [[0, 24, 0.0], [24, 117, 0.0], [117, 166, 1.0], [166, 186, 0.0], [186, 414, 1.0], [414, 427, 0.0], [427, 641, 1.0], [641, 674, 0.0], [674, 819, 1.0], [819, 1170, 1.0], [1170, 1473, 1.0], [1473, 1817, 1.0], [1817, 2479, 1.0], [2479, 2607, 1.0], [2607, 2735, 1.0], [2735, 3148, 1.0], [3148, 3416, 1.0], [3416, 3644, 1.0], [3644, 3794, 1.0], [3794, 3873, 1.0], [3873, 3912, 0.0], [3912, 3929, 0.0], [3929, 3970, 0.0], [3970, 4290, 1.0], [4290, 4339, 0.0], [4339, 4380, 0.0], [4380, 4701, 1.0], [4701, 4754, 0.0], [4754, 4787, 0.0], [4787, 4827, 0.0], [4827, 5181, 1.0], [5181, 5195, 0.0], [5195, 5239, 0.0], [5239, 5594, 1.0], [5594, 5637, 0.0], [5637, 5686, 0.0], [5686, 6087, 1.0], [6087, 6106, 0.0], [6106, 6131, 0.0], [6131, 6175, 0.0], [6175, 6598, 1.0], [6598, 6639, 0.0], [6639, 6662, 0.0], [6662, 6705, 0.0], [6705, 7119, 1.0], [7119, 7147, 0.0], [7147, 7190, 0.0], [7190, 7425, 1.0], [7425, 7450, 0.0], [7450, 7852, 1.0], [7852, 7882, 0.0], [7882, 7892, 0.0], [7892, 7937, 0.0], [7937, 8289, 1.0], [8289, 8297, 0.0], [8297, 8317, 0.0], [8317, 8371, 0.0], [8371, 8717, 1.0], [8717, 8727, 0.0], [8727, 8771, 0.0], [8771, 9074, 1.0], [9074, 9097, 0.0], [9097, 9125, 0.0], [9125, 9571, 1.0], [9571, 9579, 0.0], [9579, 9592, 0.0], [9592, 9641, 0.0], [9641, 9991, 1.0], [9991, 10002, 0.0], [10002, 10391, 1.0], [10391, 10409, 0.0], [10409, 10451, 0.0], [10451, 10643, 1.0], [10643, 10668, 0.0], [10668, 11051, 1.0], [11051, 11433, 1.0], [11433, 11458, 0.0], [11458, 11838, 1.0], [11838, 11872, 0.0], [11872, 11921, 0.0], [11921, 12235, 1.0], [12235, 12276, 0.0], [12276, 12516, 1.0], [12516, 12562, 0.0], [12562, 12958, 1.0], [12958, 13007, 0.0], [13007, 13430, 1.0], [13430, 13477, 0.0], [13477, 13823, 1.0], [13823, 13840, 0.0], [13840, 14157, 1.0], [14157, 14172, 0.0], [14172, 14216, 0.0], [14216, 14424, 1.0], [14424, 14456, 0.0], [14456, 14508, 0.0], [14508, 14793, 1.0], [14793, 14810, 0.0], [14810, 14824, 0.0], [14824, 14845, 0.0], [14845, 14874, 0.0], [14874, 14916, 0.0], [14916, 15195, 1.0], [15195, 15212, 0.0], [15212, 15432, 1.0], [15432, 15457, 0.0], [15457, 15501, 0.0], [15501, 15725, 1.0], [15725, 15932, 1.0], [15932, 16106, 1.0], [16106, 16135, 0.0], [16135, 16178, 0.0], [16178, 16409, 1.0], [16409, 16432, 0.0], [16432, 16477, 0.0], [16477, 16697, 1.0], [16697, 16719, 0.0], [16719, 17031, 1.0], [17031, 17230, 1.0], [17230, 17568, 1.0], [17568, 17875, 1.0], [17875, 18070, 1.0], [18070, 18343, 1.0], [18343, 18405, 1.0], [18405, 18427, 0.0], [18427, 18450, 0.0], [18450, 18470, 0.0], [18470, 18490, 0.0], [18490, 18508, 0.0], [18508, 18527, 0.0], [18527, 18546, 0.0], [18546, 18567, 0.0], [18567, 18591, 0.0], [18591, 18613, 0.0], [18613, 18636, 0.0], [18636, 18659, 0.0], [18659, 18676, 0.0], [18676, 18717, 0.0], [18717, 18751, 0.0], [18751, 18775, 0.0], [18775, 18861, 0.0], [18861, 18910, 0.0], [18910, 18982, 0.0], [18982, 19033, 0.0], [19033, 19063, 0.0], [19063, 19155, 0.0], [19155, 19223, 0.0], [19223, 19292, 0.0], [19292, 19410, 0.0], [19410, 19429, 0.0], [19429, 19518, 0.0], [19518, 19619, 0.0], [19619, 19640, 0.0], [19640, 19659, 0.0]], "rps_lines_javascript_counts": [[0, 24, 0.0], [24, 117, 0.0], [117, 166, 0.0], [166, 186, 0.0], [186, 414, 0.0], [414, 427, 0.0], [427, 641, 0.0], [641, 674, 0.0], [674, 819, 0.0], [819, 1170, 0.0], [1170, 1473, 0.0], [1473, 1817, 0.0], [1817, 2479, 0.0], [2479, 2607, 0.0], [2607, 2735, 0.0], [2735, 3148, 0.0], [3148, 3416, 0.0], [3416, 3644, 0.0], [3644, 3794, 0.0], [3794, 3873, 0.0], [3873, 3912, 0.0], [3912, 3929, 0.0], [3929, 3970, 0.0], [3970, 4290, 0.0], [4290, 4339, 0.0], [4339, 4380, 0.0], [4380, 4701, 0.0], [4701, 4754, 0.0], [4754, 4787, 0.0], [4787, 4827, 0.0], [4827, 5181, 0.0], [5181, 5195, 0.0], [5195, 5239, 0.0], [5239, 5594, 0.0], [5594, 5637, 0.0], [5637, 5686, 0.0], [5686, 6087, 0.0], [6087, 6106, 0.0], [6106, 6131, 0.0], [6131, 6175, 0.0], [6175, 6598, 0.0], [6598, 6639, 0.0], [6639, 6662, 0.0], [6662, 6705, 0.0], [6705, 7119, 0.0], [7119, 7147, 0.0], [7147, 7190, 0.0], [7190, 7425, 0.0], [7425, 7450, 0.0], [7450, 7852, 0.0], [7852, 7882, 0.0], [7882, 7892, 0.0], [7892, 7937, 0.0], [7937, 8289, 0.0], [8289, 8297, 0.0], [8297, 8317, 0.0], [8317, 8371, 0.0], [8371, 8717, 0.0], [8717, 8727, 0.0], [8727, 8771, 0.0], [8771, 9074, 0.0], [9074, 9097, 0.0], [9097, 9125, 0.0], [9125, 9571, 0.0], [9571, 9579, 0.0], [9579, 9592, 0.0], [9592, 9641, 0.0], [9641, 9991, 0.0], [9991, 10002, 0.0], [10002, 10391, 0.0], [10391, 10409, 0.0], [10409, 10451, 0.0], [10451, 10643, 0.0], [10643, 10668, 0.0], [10668, 11051, 0.0], [11051, 11433, 0.0], [11433, 11458, 0.0], [11458, 11838, 0.0], [11838, 11872, 0.0], [11872, 11921, 0.0], [11921, 12235, 0.0], [12235, 12276, 0.0], [12276, 12516, 0.0], [12516, 12562, 0.0], [12562, 12958, 0.0], [12958, 13007, 0.0], [13007, 13430, 0.0], [13430, 13477, 0.0], [13477, 13823, 0.0], [13823, 13840, 0.0], [13840, 14157, 0.0], [14157, 14172, 0.0], [14172, 14216, 0.0], [14216, 14424, 0.0], [14424, 14456, 0.0], [14456, 14508, 0.0], [14508, 14793, 0.0], [14793, 14810, 0.0], [14810, 14824, 0.0], [14824, 14845, 0.0], [14845, 14874, 0.0], [14874, 14916, 0.0], [14916, 15195, 0.0], [15195, 15212, 0.0], [15212, 15432, 0.0], [15432, 15457, 0.0], [15457, 15501, 0.0], [15501, 15725, 0.0], [15725, 15932, 0.0], [15932, 16106, 0.0], [16106, 16135, 0.0], [16135, 16178, 0.0], [16178, 16409, 0.0], [16409, 16432, 0.0], [16432, 16477, 0.0], [16477, 16697, 0.0], [16697, 16719, 0.0], [16719, 17031, 0.0], [17031, 17230, 0.0], [17230, 17568, 0.0], [17568, 17875, 0.0], [17875, 18070, 0.0], [18070, 18343, 0.0], [18343, 18405, 0.0], [18405, 18427, 0.0], [18427, 18450, 0.0], [18450, 18470, 0.0], [18470, 18490, 0.0], [18490, 18508, 0.0], [18508, 18527, 0.0], [18527, 18546, 0.0], [18546, 18567, 0.0], [18567, 18591, 0.0], [18591, 18613, 0.0], [18613, 18636, 0.0], [18636, 18659, 0.0], [18659, 18676, 0.0], [18676, 18717, 0.0], [18717, 18751, 0.0], [18751, 18775, 0.0], [18775, 18861, 0.0], [18861, 18910, 0.0], [18910, 18982, 0.0], [18982, 19033, 0.0], [19033, 19063, 0.0], [19063, 19155, 0.0], [19155, 19223, 0.0], [19223, 19292, 0.0], [19292, 19410, 0.0], [19410, 19429, 0.0], [19429, 19518, 0.0], [19518, 19619, 0.0], [19619, 19640, 0.0], [19640, 19659, 0.0]], "rps_lines_num_words": [[0, 24, 3.0], [24, 117, 18.0], [117, 166, 9.0], [166, 186, 2.0], [186, 414, 33.0], [414, 427, 2.0], [427, 641, 38.0], [641, 674, 4.0], [674, 819, 27.0], [819, 1170, 59.0], [1170, 1473, 50.0], [1473, 1817, 56.0], [1817, 2479, 115.0], [2479, 2607, 21.0], [2607, 2735, 23.0], [2735, 3148, 67.0], [3148, 3416, 44.0], [3416, 3644, 40.0], [3644, 3794, 24.0], [3794, 3873, 11.0], [3873, 3912, 6.0], [3912, 3929, 3.0], [3929, 3970, 7.0], [3970, 4290, 53.0], [4290, 4339, 8.0], [4339, 4380, 6.0], [4380, 4701, 51.0], [4701, 4754, 8.0], [4754, 4787, 4.0], [4787, 4827, 7.0], [4827, 5181, 64.0], [5181, 5195, 2.0], [5195, 5239, 8.0], [5239, 5594, 58.0], [5594, 5637, 7.0], [5637, 5686, 7.0], [5686, 6087, 68.0], [6087, 6106, 3.0], [6106, 6131, 4.0], [6131, 6175, 7.0], [6175, 6598, 77.0], [6598, 6639, 7.0], [6639, 6662, 4.0], [6662, 6705, 7.0], [6705, 7119, 67.0], [7119, 7147, 4.0], [7147, 7190, 7.0], [7190, 7425, 42.0], [7425, 7450, 3.0], [7450, 7852, 60.0], [7852, 7882, 5.0], [7882, 7892, 2.0], [7892, 7937, 8.0], [7937, 8289, 55.0], [8289, 8297, 2.0], [8297, 8317, 4.0], [8317, 8371, 8.0], [8371, 8717, 53.0], [8717, 8727, 2.0], [8727, 8771, 8.0], [8771, 9074, 46.0], [9074, 9097, 3.0], [9097, 9125, 3.0], [9125, 9571, 73.0], [9571, 9579, 1.0], [9579, 9592, 2.0], [9592, 9641, 8.0], [9641, 9991, 50.0], [9991, 10002, 1.0], [10002, 10391, 62.0], [10391, 10409, 3.0], [10409, 10451, 7.0], [10451, 10643, 31.0], [10643, 10668, 3.0], [10668, 11051, 64.0], [11051, 11433, 60.0], [11433, 11458, 2.0], [11458, 11838, 65.0], [11838, 11872, 3.0], [11872, 11921, 9.0], [11921, 12235, 50.0], [12235, 12276, 7.0], [12276, 12516, 40.0], [12516, 12562, 8.0], [12562, 12958, 68.0], [12958, 13007, 7.0], [13007, 13430, 67.0], [13430, 13477, 7.0], [13477, 13823, 59.0], [13823, 13840, 3.0], [13840, 14157, 45.0], [14157, 14172, 2.0], [14172, 14216, 7.0], [14216, 14424, 34.0], [14424, 14456, 5.0], [14456, 14508, 8.0], [14508, 14793, 55.0], [14793, 14810, 3.0], [14810, 14824, 2.0], [14824, 14845, 3.0], [14845, 14874, 2.0], [14874, 14916, 7.0], [14916, 15195, 42.0], [15195, 15212, 2.0], [15212, 15432, 35.0], [15432, 15457, 5.0], [15457, 15501, 8.0], [15501, 15725, 39.0], [15725, 15932, 37.0], [15932, 16106, 30.0], [16106, 16135, 4.0], [16135, 16178, 8.0], [16178, 16409, 36.0], [16409, 16432, 3.0], [16432, 16477, 7.0], [16477, 16697, 38.0], [16697, 16719, 3.0], [16719, 17031, 49.0], [17031, 17230, 30.0], [17230, 17568, 60.0], [17568, 17875, 47.0], [17875, 18070, 32.0], [18070, 18343, 45.0], [18343, 18405, 10.0], [18405, 18427, 4.0], [18427, 18450, 4.0], [18450, 18470, 4.0], [18470, 18490, 4.0], [18490, 18508, 4.0], [18508, 18527, 4.0], [18527, 18546, 4.0], [18546, 18567, 4.0], [18567, 18591, 4.0], [18591, 18613, 4.0], [18613, 18636, 4.0], [18636, 18659, 4.0], [18659, 18676, 3.0], [18676, 18717, 7.0], [18717, 18751, 5.0], [18751, 18775, 3.0], [18775, 18861, 15.0], [18861, 18910, 9.0], [18910, 18982, 14.0], [18982, 19033, 10.0], [19033, 19063, 6.0], [19063, 19155, 16.0], [19155, 19223, 12.0], [19223, 19292, 14.0], [19292, 19410, 20.0], [19410, 19429, 3.0], [19429, 19518, 12.0], [19518, 19619, 20.0], [19619, 19640, 3.0], [19640, 19659, 3.0]], "rps_lines_numerical_chars_fraction": [[0, 24, 0.0], [24, 117, 0.0], [117, 166, 0.0], [166, 186, 0.0], [186, 414, 0.00900901], [414, 427, 0.0], [427, 641, 0.00961538], [641, 674, 0.0], [674, 819, 0.02877698], [819, 1170, 0.0], [1170, 1473, 0.0], [1473, 1817, 0.0], [1817, 2479, 0.0], [2479, 2607, 0.02419355], [2607, 2735, 0.0], [2735, 3148, 0.00497512], [3148, 3416, 0.02681992], [3416, 3644, 0.03167421], [3644, 3794, 0.0137931], [3794, 3873, 0.0], [3873, 3912, 0.0], [3912, 3929, 0.0], [3929, 3970, 0.30555556], [3970, 4290, 0.00649351], [4290, 4339, 0.0], [4339, 4380, 0.24324324], [4380, 4701, 0.00645161], [4701, 4754, 0.0], [4754, 4787, 0.0], [4787, 4827, 0.28571429], [4827, 5181, 0.0115942], [5181, 5195, 0.0], [5195, 5239, 0.26315789], [5239, 5594, 0.01169591], [5594, 5637, 0.0], [5637, 5686, 0.20454545], [5686, 6087, 0.01017812], [6087, 6106, 0.0], [6106, 6131, 0.0], [6131, 6175, 0.23076923], [6175, 6598, 0.0], [6598, 6639, 0.0], [6639, 6662, 0.0], [6662, 6705, 0.23684211], [6705, 7119, 0.00497512], [7119, 7147, 0.0], [7147, 7190, 0.23684211], [7190, 7425, 0.0], [7425, 7450, 0.0], [7450, 7852, 0.01036269], [7852, 7882, 0.0], [7882, 7892, 0.0], [7892, 7937, 0.28205128], [7937, 8289, 0.0058651], [8289, 8297, 0.0], [8297, 8317, 0.0], [8317, 8371, 0.18367347], [8371, 8717, 0.0], [8717, 8727, 0.0], [8727, 8771, 0.28205128], [8771, 9074, 0.0], [9074, 9097, 0.0], [9097, 9125, 0.0], [9125, 9571, 0.002331], [9571, 9579, 0.0], [9579, 9592, 0.0], [9592, 9641, 0.27906977], [9641, 9991, 0.0], [9991, 10002, 0.0], [10002, 10391, 0.0], [10391, 10409, 0.0], [10409, 10451, 0.24324324], [10451, 10643, 0.0], [10643, 10668, 0.0], [10668, 11051, 0.02419355], [11051, 11433, 0.00543478], [11433, 11458, 0.0], [11458, 11838, 0.00546448], [11838, 11872, 0.09677419], [11872, 11921, 0.23255814], [11921, 12235, 0.02941176], [12235, 12276, 0.25], [12276, 12516, 0.0], [12516, 12562, 0.2], [12562, 12958, 0.01808786], [12958, 13007, 0.0], [13007, 13430, 0.00961538], [13430, 13477, 0.21428571], [13477, 13823, 0.01791045], [13823, 13840, 0.125], [13840, 14157, 0.0], [14157, 14172, 0.0], [14172, 14216, 0.23076923], [14216, 14424, 0.0], [14424, 14456, 0.0], [14456, 14508, 0.2173913], [14508, 14793, 0.0], [14793, 14810, 0.0], [14810, 14824, 0.0], [14824, 14845, 0.0], [14845, 14874, 0.0], [14874, 14916, 0.24324324], [14916, 15195, 0.01492537], [15195, 15212, 0.0], [15212, 15432, 0.02843602], [15432, 15457, 0.0], [15457, 15501, 0.20512821], [15501, 15725, 0.0], [15725, 15932, 0.00990099], [15932, 16106, 0.0], [16106, 16135, 0.0], [16135, 16178, 0.26315789], [16178, 16409, 0.0], [16409, 16432, 0.0], [16432, 16477, 0.25], [16477, 16697, 0.0], [16697, 16719, 0.0], [16719, 17031, 0.00668896], [17031, 17230, 0.0], [17230, 17568, 0.0], [17568, 17875, 0.0], [17875, 18070, 0.0], [18070, 18343, 0.0112782], [18343, 18405, 0.0], [18405, 18427, 0.2], [18427, 18450, 0.19047619], [18450, 18470, 0.22222222], [18470, 18490, 0.22222222], [18490, 18508, 0.25], [18508, 18527, 0.23529412], [18527, 18546, 0.23529412], [18546, 18567, 0.21052632], [18567, 18591, 0.18181818], [18591, 18613, 0.2], [18613, 18636, 0.19047619], [18636, 18659, 0.19047619], [18659, 18676, 0.0], [18676, 18717, 0.0], [18717, 18751, 0.0], [18751, 18775, 0.0], [18775, 18861, 0.0], [18861, 18910, 0.04166667], [18910, 18982, 0.02857143], [18982, 19033, 0.04], [19033, 19063, 0.13793103], [19063, 19155, 0.0], [19155, 19223, 0.0], [19223, 19292, 0.06060606], [19292, 19410, 0.0], [19410, 19429, 0.0], [19429, 19518, 0.0], [19518, 19619, 0.0], [19619, 19640, 0.0], [19640, 19659, 0.0]], "rps_lines_start_with_bulletpoint": [[0, 24, 0.0], [24, 117, 0.0], [117, 166, 0.0], [166, 186, 0.0], [186, 414, 0.0], [414, 427, 0.0], [427, 641, 0.0], [641, 674, 0.0], [674, 819, 0.0], [819, 1170, 0.0], [1170, 1473, 0.0], [1473, 1817, 0.0], [1817, 2479, 0.0], [2479, 2607, 0.0], [2607, 2735, 0.0], [2735, 3148, 0.0], [3148, 3416, 0.0], [3416, 3644, 0.0], [3644, 3794, 0.0], [3794, 3873, 0.0], [3873, 3912, 0.0], [3912, 3929, 0.0], [3929, 3970, 0.0], [3970, 4290, 0.0], [4290, 4339, 0.0], [4339, 4380, 0.0], [4380, 4701, 0.0], [4701, 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0.0], [11872, 11921, 0.0], [11921, 12235, 0.0], [12235, 12276, 0.0], [12276, 12516, 0.0], [12516, 12562, 0.0], [12562, 12958, 0.0], [12958, 13007, 0.0], [13007, 13430, 0.0], [13430, 13477, 0.0], [13477, 13823, 0.0], [13823, 13840, 0.0], [13840, 14157, 0.0], [14157, 14172, 0.0], [14172, 14216, 0.0], [14216, 14424, 0.0], [14424, 14456, 0.0], [14456, 14508, 0.0], [14508, 14793, 0.0], [14793, 14810, 0.0], [14810, 14824, 0.0], [14824, 14845, 0.0], [14845, 14874, 0.0], [14874, 14916, 0.0], [14916, 15195, 0.0], [15195, 15212, 0.0], [15212, 15432, 0.0], [15432, 15457, 0.0], [15457, 15501, 0.0], [15501, 15725, 0.0], [15725, 15932, 0.0], [15932, 16106, 0.0], [16106, 16135, 0.0], [16135, 16178, 0.0], [16178, 16409, 0.0], [16409, 16432, 0.0], [16432, 16477, 0.0], [16477, 16697, 0.0], [16697, 16719, 0.0], [16719, 17031, 0.0], [17031, 17230, 0.0], [17230, 17568, 0.0], [17568, 17875, 0.0], [17875, 18070, 0.0], [18070, 18343, 0.0], [18343, 18405, 0.0], [18405, 18427, 0.0], [18427, 18450, 0.0], [18450, 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0.01694915], [3148, 3416, 0.02238806], [3416, 3644, 0.03070175], [3644, 3794, 0.04666667], [3794, 3873, 0.06329114], [3873, 3912, 0.1025641], [3912, 3929, 0.17647059], [3929, 3970, 0.12195122], [3970, 4290, 0.021875], [4290, 4339, 0.14285714], [4339, 4380, 0.12195122], [4380, 4701, 0.02803738], [4701, 4754, 0.13207547], [4754, 4787, 0.09090909], [4787, 4827, 0.125], [4827, 5181, 0.01977401], [5181, 5195, 0.14285714], [5195, 5239, 0.13636364], [5239, 5594, 0.02253521], [5594, 5637, 0.13953488], [5637, 5686, 0.12244898], [5686, 6087, 0.04987531], [6087, 6106, 0.15789474], [6106, 6131, 0.12], [6131, 6175, 0.13636364], [6175, 6598, 0.03309693], [6598, 6639, 0.14634146], [6639, 6662, 0.13043478], [6662, 6705, 0.13953488], [6705, 7119, 0.04589372], [7119, 7147, 0.14285714], [7147, 7190, 0.13953488], [7190, 7425, 0.0212766], [7425, 7450, 0.16], [7450, 7852, 0.03482587], [7852, 7882, 0.13333333], [7882, 7892, 0.2], [7892, 7937, 0.13333333], [7937, 8289, 0.02272727], [8289, 8297, 0.25], [8297, 8317, 0.15], [8317, 8371, 0.12962963], [8371, 8717, 0.02890173], [8717, 8727, 0.2], [8727, 8771, 0.13636364], [8771, 9074, 0.03630363], [9074, 9097, 0.13043478], [9097, 9125, 0.10714286], [9125, 9571, 0.02914798], [9571, 9579, 0.125], [9579, 9592, 0.15384615], [9592, 9641, 0.12244898], [9641, 9991, 0.04285714], [9991, 10002, 0.09090909], [10002, 10391, 0.03598972], [10391, 10409, 0.16666667], [10409, 10451, 0.14285714], [10451, 10643, 0.04166667], [10643, 10668, 0.2], [10668, 11051, 0.05221932], [11051, 11433, 0.03926702], [11433, 11458, 0.16], [11458, 11838, 0.03684211], [11838, 11872, 0.11764706], [11872, 11921, 0.14285714], [11921, 12235, 0.03821656], [12235, 12276, 0.14634146], [12276, 12516, 0.02916667], [12516, 12562, 0.15217391], [12562, 12958, 0.02272727], [12958, 13007, 0.14285714], [13007, 13430, 0.03546099], [13430, 13477, 0.12765957], [13477, 13823, 0.03468208], [13823, 13840, 0.11764706], [13840, 14157, 0.0126183], [14157, 14172, 0.13333333], [14172, 14216, 0.13636364], 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Home » Top-20 biggest gaming companies in the world Top-20 biggest gaming companies in the world Video gaming has been a major player in the entertainment industry for decades, providing fun for both children and adults. Advances in technology have greatly improved the realism and immersion of the gaming experience, with pixelated graphics and limited audio becoming a thing of the past. With the advent of virtual reality, players can now fully immerse themselves in the virtual world. According to PwC, the gaming industry is projected to be worth $321 billion by 2026, and the number of players is set to reach 3.2 billion. The COVID-19 lockdowns have contributed to an increase in the number of players and the gaming industry is now bigger than the movie and music industries combined. The gaming industry has seen a significant rise in popularity in recent years, and there are several reasons for this phenomenon: One of the main drivers of this growth is the constant advancement in technology, AI, and graphics. This has enabled game developers to create incredibly detailed and realistic virtual worlds that were previously impossible. The accessibility of mobile and online gaming has also played a significant role in the industry’s growth. With the rise of smartphones, tablets, and PCs, developers can now create apps that look as good on mobile devices as they do on consoles, making gaming more accessible to a wider audience. The popularity of platforms like YouTube and Twitch has also had a significant impact on the gaming industry. Streamers and influencers can now broadcast their gaming live, showcase new games, and connect with fans in a way that was previously impossible. This increased viewership has been beneficial for game publishers and developers, as they can use streamers to reach a larger audience than ever before. Another important factor that has contributed to the growth of the gaming industry is the fact that it is an entertainment medium that appeals to people of all ages, races, genders, and interests. The ability to explore virtual worlds, engage in online competition, or just play with friends from around the globe has made gaming a common leisure activity for many people. The popularity of the gaming industry has also led to an explosion in the number of game development companies. Despite the increasing complexity of video game development, many people are still interested in working and excelling in this industry. While new gaming companies are emerging every week, some of the best and most well-known companies in the industry include: 1. Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation is the largest technology company in the world and has recently become the largest gaming company as well. Founded by Bill Gates in 1975, Microsoft introduced its gaming console, Xbox, in 2001. The company develops games through its Xbox Games Studios division and employs over 10,000 people across various countries. Despite not being as old as some of its competitors, Microsoft has made significant contributions to the gaming industry. The most popular games include: Minecraft; Halo; Forza Motorsport; Gears of War; Fallout. 2. NetEase, Inc. NetEase, Inc. operates an online platform with a wide variety of games that allows users to livestream their gaming experience. Founded in 1997, the company’s founder, William Ding, transitioned into the PC gaming industry after the dot-com bubble burst. NetEase’s first two big hits were turn-based, online role-playing games centered on the Monkey King, a legendary figure in Chinese culture. These games were exclusively Chinese in a market dominated by South Korean imports. Fantasy Westward Journey; Onmyoji; Knives Out; LifeAfter; Rules of Survival. 3. Tencent Holdings Limited Tencent Holdings Limited is one of the top game production companies and has one of the highest gaming revenues in the industry. They create games for both PCs and mobile devices, with mobile games being their main source of income. They are known for offering a wide variety of free mobile games and have also developed IT services such as WeChat, a popular messaging app in China. PUBG Mobile; League of Legends; Call of Duty: Mobile; Clash of Clans; Clash Royale. 4. Sony Group Corporation Sony Group Corporation develops both video games and consoles. The PlayStation consoles are among the most popular gaming devices in history. Sony’s gaming division was launched in 1993 by Ken Kutaragi, who had previously worked for Nintendo. Sony now provides games for a variety of platforms including the PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita, PSP, PS2, and PS1. The most popular games products include: God of War; Uncharted; The Last of Us; Spider-Man series; Horizon Zero Dawn. 5. Nintendo Co., Ltd. Nintendo Co., Ltd is a well-known game development company with a history of 150 years. Initially, the company created handmade hanafuda playing cards. Their first arcade game, Donkey Kong, was published in 1981 and led to the company’s quick success and popularity among American children. Before creating console games for home use in the 1990s, Nintendo continued to create arcade games. It offers the best handheld gaming consoles for a variety of games. The most popular games and include: Super Mario Bros.; Tetris; The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild; Mario Kart; 6. Sea Limited Sea Limited values creating a strong community and the influence of esports. It uses a freemium monetization strategy for its games, which include self-developed games and games licensed from third-party developers. Its games cover a variety of genres, including massively multiplayer online role-playing games, action role-playing games, multiplayer online battle arenas, and battle royale games. Garena Free Fire; Garena AOV (Arena of Valor); Garena Speed Drifters; Garena Contra: Return. 7. BANDAI NAMCO Holdings Inc. Сountry: Japan BANDAI NAMCO Holdings Inc. is the result of the merger of two companies, Bandai and Namco. The company also creates toys, trading cards, and other items in addition to video games and anime. It has chosen to maintain its Japanese traits and continues to provide experiences that cover both Western and Eastern gaming philosophies. It is the leading publisher of anime-themed video games. Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot; Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4; Tekken 7; Soulcalibur VI; Little Nightmares; Pac-Man. 8. Activision Blizzard, Inc. Activision Blizzard, Inc. is a company known for creating multiplayer online role-playing games, as well as other genres like first-person shooters (Overwatch) and digital collectible card games. They are known for their April Fools’ Day practical jokes and for awarding service with steins, shields, swords, and helms. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare; World of Warcraft; Overwatch; Call of Duty: Warzone; Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War; Diablo III; Candy Crush. 9. Electronic Arts Inc. Electronic Arts Inc. is a gaming company known for publishing popular franchises such as sports and life simulation games. The company’s Mobile subsidiary is known for creating hit games that can be played on mobile devices. FIFA; Madden NFL; The Sims; Battlefield; Apex Legends; Star Wars: Battlefront II. 10. Epic Games, Inc. Epic Games, Inc. is a software and video game production business established in 1991. The company is known for developing the Unreal Engine, a tool that allows users to develop additions to games without boundaries. The platform is referred to by the firm as “the most open and sophisticated real-time 3D creation tool”. Fortnite; Unreal Tournament; Infinity Blade; Shadow Complex. 11. Nexon Co. Ltd. Nexon Co. Ltd. is a company that creates, develops, and manages online games and virtual worlds. With a user base of more than 1.4 billion gamers, Nexon currently publishes 50 or so live games in over 190 countries. MapleStory; MapleStory 2; Dungeon Fighter Online; Counter-Strike Online. 12. CyberAgent, Inc. CyberAgent, Inc. is a company that offers smartphone games. The company made its gaming debut in 2009 and actively creates and executes games in a variety of genres while collaborating with one another to improve operational capabilities and offer long-lasting games. GRANBLUE FANTASY; Umamusume: Pretty Derby; PRINCESS CONNECT! Re:Dive. 13. 37 Interactive Entertainment 37 Interactive Entertainment is a leading game publisher and developer that also promotes Chinese culture. They concentrate on the creation and distribution of games for mobile, web, and HTML5. MU: The Archangel; Fusion War. 14. Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. is a seasoned gaming company and one of the most well-known names in the industry. The company’s two divisions, Rockstar Games and 2K, have produced some well-known cultural icons such as Grand Theft Auto and NBA 2K. Grand theft Auto; Red Dead redemption; NBA 2K; Civilization. 15. Roblox Corporation Roblox Corporation is a company founded in 2004, went public on March 10. The company places equal emphasis on providing an immersive social experience as it does on entertainment. Roblox; Royale High; MeepCity; Murder Mystery 2; Brookhaven. 16. NCSoft Corporation NCSoft Corporation is a company that has been a mainstay in the video game business for over 20 years, producing blockbusters from enduring properties. Guild Wars 2; Lineage II; Blade & Soul; WildStar; Aion: The Tower of Eternity. 17. Ubisoft Ubisoft is one of the most well-known makers of online games. Established in 1986, Ubisoft has evolved from modest beginnings after the 1995 debut of the Rayman game to become one of the most well-known tech companies in the French market. Assassin’s Creed series; Far Cry series; Just Dance series; Watch Dogs series; The Division. 18. Capcom Co., Ltd. Capcom Co., Ltd. is a video game developer and publisher that was founded in 1983. It has since expanded globally, with branches and subsidiaries in North America, Europe, and East Asia. The company’s name, “Capcom,” is derived from the term “Capsule Computer,” which was used to describe the arcade games it produced in its early years, to distinguish them from the growing popularity of personal computers at the time. Resident Evil series; Monster Hunter series; Street Fighter series; Mega Man series; Devil May Cry series. 19. Krafton Inc. Krafton Inc. is a video game holding company that was established in 2007 and is based in Bundang-gu, Seongnam. The company rose to fame with the success of PUBG, but it is also known for its industry leadership in video game development and innovative initiatives, such as its collaboration with NAVER Z to develop an NFT Metaverse platform. PUBG; Elyon; New State; Tera. 20. Square Enix Holdings Co., Ltd. Square Enix Holdings Co., Ltd. is a publicly traded video game developer and publisher that was founded in May 1979. The company is known for its role-playing game franchises and has a strong focus on the video game industry. Final Fantasy series; Kingdom Hearts series; Dragon Quest series; Tomb Raider series; Just Cause series; Deus Ex series. While this list includes a number of notable video game developers, it is by no means exhaustive. The video game industry continues to grow and evolve, with new and experienced developers creating a wide range of games, from casual smartphone games to cutting-edge virtual reality experiences. Keeping an eye on trends in the gaming industry is important, as it will continue to shape the future of entertainment. Competitor Research SurveyDataset DevelopmentGame Dev IndustryRisk analysisVenture AnalysisSERM CheckGambling researchBlockchain analytics Comparing The UK and Malta Gambling Licenses: Requirements for New iGaming Publishers Getting a gambling license means obtaining official permission from a regulatory authority to legally operate an iGaming business. The license confirms that the company follows certain rules and requirements for […] The Blockchain Terms Issue, Regulators, Approaches Legal challenges of blockchain. The Blockchain Terms Issue The blockchain is a type of digital ledger that operates in a decentralized manner and is used to record transactions across a […] Poker: The Most Popular Types Among Players Poker’s immense popularity can be attributed to its successful fusion of precise mathematical calculations and the chance factor. The objective of this card game is to assemble a winning combination […]
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"rps_doc_frac_chars_top_4gram": [[0, 12467, 0.00750691]], "rps_doc_frac_all_caps_words": [[0, 12467, 0.01592624]], "rps_doc_frac_lines_end_with_ellipsis": [[0, 12467, 0.0]], "rps_doc_frac_no_alph_words": [[0, 12467, 0.18860017]], "rps_doc_frac_unique_words": [[0, 12467, 0.41104294]], "rps_doc_mean_word_length": [[0, 12467, 5.17586912]], "rps_doc_symbol_to_word_ratio": [[0, 12467, 0.00125733]], "rps_doc_unigram_entropy": [[0, 12467, 5.82722182]], "rps_doc_word_count": [[0, 12467, 1956.0]], "rps_lines_ending_with_terminal_punctution_mark": [[0, 52, 0.0], [52, 97, 0.0], [97, 489, 1.0], [489, 793, 1.0], [793, 923, 0.0], [923, 1148, 1.0], [1148, 1445, 1.0], [1445, 1854, 1.0], [1854, 2227, 1.0], [2227, 2476, 1.0], [2476, 2600, 0.0], [2600, 2625, 0.0], [2625, 3087, 1.0], [3087, 3119, 0.0], [3119, 3130, 0.0], [3130, 3136, 0.0], [3136, 3154, 0.0], [3154, 3168, 0.0], [3168, 3177, 1.0], [3177, 3194, 1.0], [3194, 3673, 1.0], [3673, 3699, 0.0], [3699, 3708, 0.0], [3708, 3720, 0.0], [3720, 3731, 0.0], [3731, 3750, 1.0], [3750, 3778, 0.0], [3778, 4161, 1.0], [4161, 4174, 0.0], [4174, 4193, 0.0], [4193, 4215, 0.0], [4215, 4231, 0.0], [4231, 4245, 1.0], [4245, 4271, 0.0], [4271, 4661, 1.0], [4661, 4702, 0.0], [4702, 4714, 0.0], [4714, 4725, 0.0], [4725, 4741, 0.0], [4741, 4760, 0.0], [4760, 4779, 1.0], [4779, 4801, 1.0], [4801, 5260, 1.0], [5260, 5296, 0.0], [5296, 5315, 0.0], [5315, 5323, 0.0], [5323, 5364, 0.0], [5364, 5376, 0.0], [5376, 5391, 0.0], [5391, 5789, 1.0], [5789, 5807, 0.0], [5807, 5836, 0.0], [5836, 5859, 0.0], [5859, 5882, 1.0], [5882, 5912, 1.0], [5912, 5927, 0.0], [5927, 6315, 1.0], [6315, 6339, 0.0], [6339, 6381, 0.0], [6381, 6391, 0.0], [6391, 6407, 0.0], [6407, 6426, 0.0], [6426, 6435, 1.0], [6435, 6464, 1.0], [6464, 6784, 1.0], [6784, 6814, 0.0], [6814, 6833, 0.0], [6833, 6844, 0.0], [6844, 6867, 0.0], [6867, 6901, 0.0], [6901, 6913, 0.0], [6913, 6926, 1.0], [6926, 6950, 1.0], [6950, 7175, 1.0], [7175, 7181, 0.0], [7181, 7193, 0.0], [7193, 7203, 0.0], [7203, 7216, 0.0], [7216, 7230, 0.0], [7230, 7257, 1.0], [7257, 7278, 1.0], [7278, 7600, 1.0], [7600, 7610, 0.0], [7610, 7629, 0.0], [7629, 7645, 0.0], [7645, 7661, 1.0], [7661, 7680, 1.0], [7680, 7896, 1.0], [7896, 7908, 0.0], [7908, 7922, 0.0], [7922, 7946, 0.0], [7946, 7969, 1.0], [7969, 7990, 1.0], [7990, 8258, 1.0], [8258, 8276, 0.0], [8276, 8301, 0.0], [8301, 8328, 1.0], [8328, 8361, 0.0], [8361, 8555, 1.0], [8555, 8574, 0.0], [8574, 8586, 1.0], [8586, 8626, 1.0], [8626, 8879, 1.0], [8879, 8897, 0.0], [8897, 8918, 0.0], [8918, 8926, 0.0], [8926, 8940, 1.0], [8940, 8963, 0.0], [8963, 9144, 1.0], [9144, 9152, 0.0], [9152, 9165, 0.0], [9165, 9175, 0.0], [9175, 9193, 0.0], [9193, 9205, 1.0], [9205, 9228, 0.0], [9228, 9380, 1.0], [9380, 9394, 0.0], [9394, 9406, 0.0], [9406, 9420, 0.0], [9420, 9430, 0.0], [9430, 9459, 1.0], [9459, 9471, 0.0], [9471, 9711, 1.0], [9711, 9736, 0.0], [9736, 9752, 0.0], [9752, 9771, 0.0], [9771, 9790, 0.0], [9790, 9804, 1.0], [9804, 9825, 1.0], [9825, 10246, 1.0], [10246, 10268, 0.0], [10268, 10291, 0.0], [10291, 10314, 0.0], [10314, 10331, 0.0], [10331, 10353, 1.0], [10353, 10370, 1.0], [10370, 10713, 1.0], [10713, 10719, 0.0], [10719, 10726, 0.0], [10726, 10737, 0.0], [10737, 10743, 1.0], [10743, 10778, 1.0], [10778, 11004, 1.0], [11004, 11026, 0.0], [11026, 11049, 0.0], [11049, 11070, 0.0], [11070, 11090, 0.0], [11090, 11109, 0.0], [11109, 11125, 1.0], [11125, 11539, 1.0], [11539, 11678, 0.0], [11678, 11764, 0.0], [11764, 11980, 0.0], [11980, 12031, 0.0], [12031, 12221, 0.0], [12221, 12265, 0.0], [12265, 12467, 0.0]], "rps_lines_javascript_counts": [[0, 52, 0.0], [52, 97, 0.0], [97, 489, 0.0], [489, 793, 0.0], [793, 923, 0.0], [923, 1148, 0.0], [1148, 1445, 0.0], [1445, 1854, 0.0], [1854, 2227, 0.0], [2227, 2476, 0.0], [2476, 2600, 0.0], [2600, 2625, 0.0], [2625, 3087, 0.0], [3087, 3119, 0.0], [3119, 3130, 0.0], [3130, 3136, 0.0], [3136, 3154, 0.0], [3154, 3168, 0.0], [3168, 3177, 0.0], [3177, 3194, 0.0], [3194, 3673, 0.0], [3673, 3699, 0.0], [3699, 3708, 0.0], [3708, 3720, 0.0], [3720, 3731, 0.0], [3731, 3750, 0.0], [3750, 3778, 0.0], [3778, 4161, 0.0], [4161, 4174, 0.0], [4174, 4193, 0.0], [4193, 4215, 0.0], [4215, 4231, 0.0], [4231, 4245, 0.0], [4245, 4271, 0.0], [4271, 4661, 0.0], [4661, 4702, 0.0], [4702, 4714, 0.0], [4714, 4725, 0.0], [4725, 4741, 0.0], [4741, 4760, 0.0], [4760, 4779, 0.0], [4779, 4801, 0.0], [4801, 5260, 0.0], [5260, 5296, 0.0], [5296, 5315, 0.0], [5315, 5323, 0.0], [5323, 5364, 0.0], [5364, 5376, 0.0], [5376, 5391, 0.0], [5391, 5789, 0.0], [5789, 5807, 0.0], [5807, 5836, 0.0], [5836, 5859, 0.0], [5859, 5882, 0.0], [5882, 5912, 0.0], [5912, 5927, 0.0], [5927, 6315, 0.0], [6315, 6339, 0.0], [6339, 6381, 0.0], [6381, 6391, 0.0], [6391, 6407, 0.0], [6407, 6426, 0.0], [6426, 6435, 0.0], [6435, 6464, 0.0], [6464, 6784, 0.0], [6784, 6814, 0.0], [6814, 6833, 0.0], [6833, 6844, 0.0], [6844, 6867, 0.0], [6867, 6901, 0.0], [6901, 6913, 0.0], [6913, 6926, 0.0], [6926, 6950, 0.0], [6950, 7175, 0.0], [7175, 7181, 0.0], [7181, 7193, 0.0], [7193, 7203, 0.0], [7203, 7216, 0.0], [7216, 7230, 0.0], [7230, 7257, 0.0], [7257, 7278, 0.0], [7278, 7600, 0.0], [7600, 7610, 0.0], [7610, 7629, 0.0], [7629, 7645, 0.0], [7645, 7661, 0.0], [7661, 7680, 0.0], [7680, 7896, 0.0], [7896, 7908, 0.0], [7908, 7922, 0.0], [7922, 7946, 0.0], [7946, 7969, 0.0], [7969, 7990, 0.0], [7990, 8258, 0.0], [8258, 8276, 0.0], [8276, 8301, 0.0], [8301, 8328, 0.0], [8328, 8361, 0.0], [8361, 8555, 0.0], [8555, 8574, 0.0], [8574, 8586, 0.0], [8586, 8626, 0.0], [8626, 8879, 0.0], [8879, 8897, 0.0], [8897, 8918, 0.0], [8918, 8926, 0.0], [8926, 8940, 0.0], [8940, 8963, 0.0], [8963, 9144, 0.0], [9144, 9152, 0.0], [9152, 9165, 0.0], [9165, 9175, 0.0], [9175, 9193, 0.0], [9193, 9205, 0.0], [9205, 9228, 0.0], [9228, 9380, 0.0], [9380, 9394, 0.0], [9394, 9406, 0.0], [9406, 9420, 0.0], [9420, 9430, 0.0], [9430, 9459, 0.0], [9459, 9471, 0.0], [9471, 9711, 0.0], [9711, 9736, 0.0], [9736, 9752, 0.0], [9752, 9771, 0.0], [9771, 9790, 0.0], [9790, 9804, 0.0], [9804, 9825, 0.0], [9825, 10246, 0.0], [10246, 10268, 0.0], [10268, 10291, 0.0], [10291, 10314, 0.0], [10314, 10331, 0.0], [10331, 10353, 0.0], [10353, 10370, 0.0], [10370, 10713, 0.0], [10713, 10719, 0.0], [10719, 10726, 0.0], [10726, 10737, 0.0], [10737, 10743, 0.0], [10743, 10778, 0.0], [10778, 11004, 0.0], [11004, 11026, 0.0], [11026, 11049, 0.0], [11049, 11070, 0.0], [11070, 11090, 0.0], [11090, 11109, 0.0], [11109, 11125, 0.0], [11125, 11539, 0.0], [11539, 11678, 0.0], [11678, 11764, 0.0], [11764, 11980, 0.0], [11980, 12031, 0.0], [12031, 12221, 0.0], [12221, 12265, 0.0], [12265, 12467, 0.0]], "rps_lines_num_words": [[0, 52, 9.0], [52, 97, 7.0], [97, 489, 62.0], [489, 793, 53.0], [793, 923, 21.0], [923, 1148, 34.0], [1148, 1445, 50.0], [1445, 1854, 65.0], [1854, 2227, 62.0], [2227, 2476, 39.0], [2476, 2600, 20.0], [2600, 2625, 3.0], [2625, 3087, 71.0], [3087, 3119, 5.0], [3119, 3130, 1.0], [3130, 3136, 1.0], [3136, 3154, 2.0], [3154, 3168, 3.0], [3168, 3177, 1.0], [3177, 3194, 3.0], [3194, 3673, 73.0], [3673, 3699, 3.0], [3699, 3708, 1.0], [3708, 3720, 2.0], [3720, 3731, 1.0], [3731, 3750, 3.0], [3750, 3778, 4.0], [3778, 4161, 67.0], [4161, 4174, 2.0], [4174, 4193, 3.0], [4193, 4215, 4.0], [4215, 4231, 3.0], [4231, 4245, 2.0], [4245, 4271, 4.0], [4271, 4661, 60.0], [4661, 4702, 6.0], [4702, 4714, 3.0], [4714, 4725, 1.0], [4725, 4741, 4.0], [4741, 4760, 2.0], [4760, 4779, 3.0], [4779, 4801, 4.0], [4801, 5260, 73.0], [5260, 5296, 6.0], [5296, 5315, 3.0], [5315, 5323, 1.0], [5323, 5364, 8.0], [5364, 5376, 2.0], [5376, 5391, 3.0], [5391, 5789, 55.0], [5789, 5807, 3.0], [5807, 5836, 5.0], [5836, 5859, 3.0], [5859, 5882, 3.0], [5882, 5912, 5.0], [5912, 5927, 2.0], [5927, 6315, 63.0], [6315, 6339, 4.0], [6339, 6381, 6.0], [6381, 6391, 2.0], [6391, 6407, 2.0], [6407, 6426, 2.0], [6426, 6435, 1.0], [6435, 6464, 4.0], [6464, 6784, 47.0], [6784, 6814, 5.0], [6814, 6833, 3.0], [6833, 6844, 1.0], [6844, 6867, 4.0], [6867, 6901, 7.0], [6901, 6913, 2.0], [6913, 6926, 2.0], [6926, 6950, 4.0], [6950, 7175, 36.0], [7175, 7181, 1.0], [7181, 7193, 2.0], [7193, 7203, 2.0], [7203, 7216, 1.0], [7216, 7230, 2.0], [7230, 7257, 4.0], [7257, 7278, 4.0], [7278, 7600, 53.0], [7600, 7610, 1.0], [7610, 7629, 2.0], [7629, 7645, 2.0], [7645, 7661, 2.0], [7661, 7680, 4.0], [7680, 7896, 38.0], [7896, 7908, 1.0], [7908, 7922, 2.0], [7922, 7946, 3.0], [7946, 7969, 2.0], [7969, 7990, 3.0], [7990, 8258, 41.0], [8258, 8276, 2.0], [8276, 8301, 3.0], [8301, 8328, 3.0], [8328, 8361, 4.0], [8361, 8555, 29.0], [8555, 8574, 3.0], [8574, 8586, 2.0], [8586, 8626, 5.0], [8626, 8879, 41.0], [8879, 8897, 3.0], [8897, 8918, 3.0], [8918, 8926, 2.0], [8926, 8940, 1.0], [8940, 8963, 3.0], [8963, 9144, 29.0], [9144, 9152, 1.0], [9152, 9165, 2.0], [9165, 9175, 1.0], [9175, 9193, 3.0], [9193, 9205, 1.0], [9205, 9228, 3.0], [9228, 9380, 24.0], [9380, 9394, 3.0], [9394, 9406, 2.0], [9406, 9420, 2.0], [9420, 9430, 1.0], [9430, 9459, 5.0], [9459, 9471, 2.0], [9471, 9711, 41.0], [9711, 9736, 3.0], [9736, 9752, 3.0], [9752, 9771, 3.0], [9771, 9790, 3.0], [9790, 9804, 2.0], [9804, 9825, 4.0], [9825, 10246, 69.0], [10246, 10268, 3.0], [10268, 10291, 3.0], [10291, 10314, 3.0], [10314, 10331, 3.0], [10331, 10353, 4.0], [10353, 10370, 3.0], [10370, 10713, 58.0], [10713, 10719, 1.0], [10719, 10726, 1.0], [10726, 10737, 2.0], [10737, 10743, 1.0], [10743, 10778, 6.0], [10778, 11004, 39.0], [11004, 11026, 3.0], [11026, 11049, 3.0], [11049, 11070, 3.0], [11070, 11090, 3.0], [11090, 11109, 3.0], [11109, 11125, 3.0], [11125, 11539, 67.0], [11539, 11678, 11.0], [11678, 11764, 12.0], [11764, 11980, 31.0], [11980, 12031, 6.0], [12031, 12221, 31.0], [12221, 12265, 7.0], [12265, 12467, 31.0]], "rps_lines_numerical_chars_fraction": [[0, 52, 0.04], [52, 97, 0.04651163], [97, 489, 0.0], [489, 793, 0.03716216], [793, 923, 0.0], [923, 1148, 0.0], [1148, 1445, 0.0], [1445, 1854, 0.0], [1854, 2227, 0.0], [2227, 2476, 0.0], [2476, 2600, 0.0], [2600, 2625, 0.04347826], [2625, 3087, 0.02876106], [3087, 3119, 0.0], [3119, 3130, 0.0], [3130, 3136, 0.0], [3136, 3154, 0.0], [3154, 3168, 0.0], [3168, 3177, 0.0], [3177, 3194, 0.07692308], [3194, 3673, 0.00862069], [3673, 3699, 0.0], [3699, 3708, 0.0], [3708, 3720, 0.0], [3720, 3731, 0.0], [3731, 3750, 0.0], [3750, 3778, 0.03846154], [3778, 4161, 0.0], [4161, 4174, 0.0], [4174, 4193, 0.0], [4193, 4215, 0.0], [4215, 4231, 0.0], [4231, 4245, 0.0], [4245, 4271, 0.04166667], [4271, 4661, 0.02380952], [4661, 4702, 0.0], [4702, 4714, 0.0], [4714, 4725, 0.0], [4725, 4741, 0.0], [4741, 4760, 0.0], [4760, 4779, 0.0], [4779, 4801, 0.05882353], [4801, 5260, 0.02466368], [5260, 5296, 0.0], [5296, 5315, 0.0], [5315, 5323, 0.0], [5323, 5364, 0.0], [5364, 5376, 0.0], [5376, 5391, 0.07692308], [5391, 5789, 0.0], [5789, 5807, 0.0], [5807, 5836, 0.0], [5836, 5859, 0.0], [5859, 5882, 0.0], [5882, 5912, 0.03703704], [5912, 5927, 0.0], [5927, 6315, 0.0], [6315, 6339, 0.0], [6339, 6381, 0.02564103], [6381, 6391, 0.125], [6391, 6407, 0.0], [6407, 6426, 0.0], [6426, 6435, 0.0], [6435, 6464, 0.04], [6464, 6784, 0.0], [6784, 6814, 0.0], [6814, 6833, 0.0], [6833, 6844, 0.0], [6844, 6867, 0.0], [6867, 6901, 0.0], [6901, 6913, 0.0], [6913, 6926, 0.0], [6926, 6950, 0.04761905], [6950, 7175, 0.0], [7175, 7181, 0.0], [7181, 7193, 0.0], [7193, 7203, 0.0], [7203, 7216, 0.0], [7216, 7230, 0.0], [7230, 7257, 0.0], [7257, 7278, 0.11764706], [7278, 7600, 0.01592357], [7600, 7610, 0.0], [7610, 7629, 0.0], [7629, 7645, 0.0], [7645, 7661, 0.0], [7661, 7680, 0.13333333], [7680, 7896, 0.03381643], [7896, 7908, 0.0], [7908, 7922, 0.08333333], [7922, 7946, 0.0], [7946, 7969, 0.0], [7969, 7990, 0.11764706], [7990, 8258, 0.01526718], [8258, 8276, 0.0], [8276, 8301, 0.0], [8301, 8328, 0.0], [8328, 8361, 0.12903226], [8361, 8555, 0.01587302], [8555, 8574, 0.0], [8574, 8586, 0.0], [8586, 8626, 0.05714286], [8626, 8879, 0.00823045], [8879, 8897, 0.0], [8897, 8918, 0.0], [8918, 8926, 0.16666667], [8926, 8940, 0.0], [8940, 8963, 0.0952381], [8963, 9144, 0.03389831], [9144, 9152, 0.0], [9152, 9165, 0.0], [9165, 9175, 0.0], [9175, 9193, 0.0625], [9193, 9205, 0.0], [9205, 9228, 0.0952381], [9228, 9380, 0.01342282], [9380, 9394, 0.08333333], [9394, 9406, 0.0], [9406, 9420, 0.0], [9420, 9430, 0.0], [9430, 9459, 0.0], [9459, 9471, 0.2], [9471, 9711, 0.03418803], [9711, 9736, 0.0], [9736, 9752, 0.0], [9752, 9771, 0.0], [9771, 9790, 0.0], [9790, 9804, 0.0], [9804, 9825, 0.125], [9825, 10246, 0.00982801], [10246, 10268, 0.0], [10268, 10291, 0.0], [10291, 10314, 0.0], [10314, 10331, 0.0], [10331, 10353, 0.0], [10353, 10370, 0.14285714], [10370, 10713, 0.0119403], [10713, 10719, 0.0], [10719, 10726, 0.0], [10726, 10737, 0.0], [10737, 10743, 0.0], [10743, 10778, 0.06666667], [10778, 11004, 0.01826484], [11004, 11026, 0.0], [11026, 11049, 0.0], [11049, 11070, 0.0], [11070, 11090, 0.0], [11090, 11109, 0.0], [11109, 11125, 0.0], [11125, 11539, 0.0], [11539, 11678, 0.0], [11678, 11764, 0.0], [11764, 11980, 0.0], [11980, 12031, 0.0], [12031, 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0.0], [5391, 5789, 0.0], [5789, 5807, 0.0], [5807, 5836, 0.0], [5836, 5859, 0.0], [5859, 5882, 0.0], [5882, 5912, 0.0], [5912, 5927, 0.0], [5927, 6315, 0.0], [6315, 6339, 0.0], [6339, 6381, 0.0], [6381, 6391, 0.0], [6391, 6407, 0.0], [6407, 6426, 0.0], [6426, 6435, 0.0], [6435, 6464, 0.0], [6464, 6784, 0.0], [6784, 6814, 0.0], [6814, 6833, 0.0], [6833, 6844, 0.0], [6844, 6867, 0.0], [6867, 6901, 0.0], [6901, 6913, 0.0], [6913, 6926, 0.0], [6926, 6950, 0.0], [6950, 7175, 0.0], [7175, 7181, 0.0], [7181, 7193, 0.0], [7193, 7203, 0.0], [7203, 7216, 0.0], [7216, 7230, 0.0], [7230, 7257, 0.0], [7257, 7278, 0.0], [7278, 7600, 0.0], [7600, 7610, 0.0], [7610, 7629, 0.0], [7629, 7645, 0.0], [7645, 7661, 0.0], [7661, 7680, 0.0], [7680, 7896, 0.0], [7896, 7908, 0.0], [7908, 7922, 0.0], [7922, 7946, 0.0], [7946, 7969, 0.0], [7969, 7990, 0.0], [7990, 8258, 0.0], [8258, 8276, 0.0], [8276, 8301, 0.0], [8301, 8328, 0.0], [8328, 8361, 0.0], [8361, 8555, 0.0], [8555, 8574, 0.0], [8574, 8586, 0.0], [8586, 8626, 0.0], [8626, 8879, 0.0], [8879, 8897, 0.0], [8897, 8918, 0.0], [8918, 8926, 0.0], [8926, 8940, 0.0], [8940, 8963, 0.0], [8963, 9144, 0.0], [9144, 9152, 0.0], [9152, 9165, 0.0], [9165, 9175, 0.0], [9175, 9193, 0.0], [9193, 9205, 0.0], [9205, 9228, 0.0], [9228, 9380, 0.0], [9380, 9394, 0.0], [9394, 9406, 0.0], [9406, 9420, 0.0], [9420, 9430, 0.0], [9430, 9459, 0.0], [9459, 9471, 0.0], [9471, 9711, 0.0], [9711, 9736, 0.0], [9736, 9752, 0.0], [9752, 9771, 0.0], [9771, 9790, 0.0], [9790, 9804, 0.0], [9804, 9825, 0.0], [9825, 10246, 0.0], [10246, 10268, 0.0], [10268, 10291, 0.0], [10291, 10314, 0.0], [10314, 10331, 0.0], [10331, 10353, 0.0], [10353, 10370, 0.0], [10370, 10713, 0.0], [10713, 10719, 0.0], [10719, 10726, 0.0], [10726, 10737, 0.0], [10737, 10743, 0.0], [10743, 10778, 0.0], [10778, 11004, 0.0], [11004, 11026, 0.0], [11026, 11049, 0.0], [11049, 11070, 0.0], [11070, 11090, 0.0], [11090, 11109, 0.0], [11109, 11125, 0.0], [11125, 11539, 0.0], [11539, 11678, 0.0], [11678, 11764, 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0.11538462], [4271, 4661, 0.06923077], [4661, 4702, 0.02439024], [4702, 4714, 0.16666667], [4714, 4725, 0.09090909], [4725, 4741, 0.1875], [4741, 4760, 0.10526316], [4760, 4779, 0.15789474], [4779, 4801, 0.13636364], [4801, 5260, 0.02396514], [5260, 5296, 0.02777778], [5296, 5315, 0.15789474], [5315, 5323, 0.125], [5323, 5364, 0.12195122], [5364, 5376, 0.16666667], [5376, 5391, 0.13333333], [5391, 5789, 0.01005025], [5789, 5807, 0.16666667], [5807, 5836, 0.20689655], [5836, 5859, 0.13043478], [5859, 5882, 0.13043478], [5882, 5912, 0.43333333], [5912, 5927, 0.13333333], [5927, 6315, 0.05412371], [6315, 6339, 0.16666667], [6339, 6381, 0.11904762], [6381, 6391, 0.1], [6391, 6407, 0.1875], [6407, 6426, 0.10526316], [6426, 6435, 0.22222222], [6435, 6464, 0.10344828], [6464, 6784, 0.025], [6784, 6814, 0.13333333], [6814, 6833, 0.10526316], [6833, 6844, 0.09090909], [6844, 6867, 0.13043478], [6867, 6901, 0.17647059], [6901, 6913, 0.33333333], [6913, 6926, 0.15384615], [6926, 6950, 0.125], [6950, 7175, 0.02222222], [7175, 7181, 0.66666667], [7181, 7193, 0.33333333], [7193, 7203, 0.2], [7203, 7216, 0.07692308], [7216, 7230, 0.14285714], [7230, 7257, 0.18518519], [7257, 7278, 0.14285714], [7278, 7600, 0.02484472], [7600, 7610, 0.1], [7610, 7629, 0.10526316], [7629, 7645, 0.125], [7645, 7661, 0.125], [7661, 7680, 0.15789474], [7680, 7896, 0.02314815], [7896, 7908, 0.16666667], [7908, 7922, 0.14285714], [7922, 7946, 0.125], [7946, 7969, 0.13043478], [7969, 7990, 0.14285714], [7990, 8258, 0.01492537], [8258, 8276, 0.83333333], [8276, 8301, 0.12], [8301, 8328, 0.62962963], [8328, 8361, 0.06060606], [8361, 8555, 0.04123711], [8555, 8574, 0.21052632], [8574, 8586, 0.16666667], [8586, 8626, 0.125], [8626, 8879, 0.06324111], [8879, 8897, 0.11111111], [8897, 8918, 0.0952381], [8918, 8926, 0.5], [8926, 8940, 0.07142857], [8940, 8963, 0.08695652], [8963, 9144, 0.02209945], [9144, 9152, 0.125], [9152, 9165, 0.15384615], [9165, 9175, 0.2], [9175, 9193, 0.11111111], [9193, 9205, 0.08333333], [9205, 9228, 0.17391304], [9228, 9380, 0.02631579], [9380, 9394, 0.14285714], [9394, 9406, 0.25], [9406, 9420, 0.14285714], [9420, 9430, 0.2], [9430, 9459, 0.13793103], [9459, 9471, 0.08333333], [9471, 9711, 0.02083333], [9711, 9736, 0.08], [9736, 9752, 0.125], [9752, 9771, 0.10526316], [9771, 9790, 0.10526316], [9790, 9804, 0.14285714], [9804, 9825, 0.14285714], [9825, 10246, 0.03087886], [10246, 10268, 0.09090909], [10268, 10291, 0.08695652], [10291, 10314, 0.08695652], [10314, 10331, 0.11764706], [10331, 10353, 0.13636364], [10353, 10370, 0.11764706], [10370, 10713, 0.05539359], [10713, 10719, 0.66666667], [10719, 10726, 0.14285714], [10726, 10737, 0.18181818], [10737, 10743, 0.16666667], [10743, 10778, 0.14285714], [10778, 11004, 0.03097345], [11004, 11026, 0.09090909], [11026, 11049, 0.08695652], [11049, 11070, 0.0952381], [11070, 11090, 0.1], [11090, 11109, 0.10526316], [11109, 11125, 0.125], [11125, 11539, 0.00724638], [11539, 11678, 0.1294964], [11678, 11764, 0.12790698], [11764, 11980, 0.01388889], [11980, 12031, 0.11764706], [12031, 12221, 0.03157895], [12221, 12265, 0.15909091], [12265, 12467, 0.00990099]], "rps_doc_ml_palm_score": [[0, 12467, 0.89175838]], "rps_doc_ml_wikipedia_score": [[0, 12467, null]], "rps_doc_ml_wikiref_score": [[0, 12467, 0.92995483]], "rps_doc_books_importance": [[0, 12467, -672.94061496]], "rps_doc_openwebtext_importance": [[0, 12467, -6.95154678]], "rps_doc_wikipedia_importance": [[0, 12467, 100.20834595]], "rps_doc_num_sentences": [[0, 12467, 151.0]]}
Michael Lieberman wins AVS Plasma Prize EECS Prof. Emeritus Michael A. Lieberman has won the AVS Plazma Prize. The Plasma Science & Technology Division (PSTD) of AVS (formerly the American Vacuum Society) awards its annual Plasma Prize for outstanding scientific and technical contributions to the fields of plasma science and technology. Prof. Lieberman was recognized for “his foundational contributions to the field of low temperature plasmas and plasma processing.” The award consists of a certificate, cash prize, and an honorary lecture to be given at an AVS International Symposium. Plasma Science & Technology Division Plasma Prize Dawn Song and David Wagner win ACM CCS Test-of-Time Award CS Profs. Dawn Song and David Wagner have won the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Special Interest Group on Security, Audit and Control (SIGSAC) Test-of-Time Award. The 2011 paper titled, “Android Permissions Demystified,” by Felt, Chin, Hanna, Song and Wagner, was the first paper to examine real-world security issues in Android applications' use of permissions. The paper has been cited 1985 times and is still taught in graduate courses today. The award was presented at the ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), the flagship conference of the ACM SIGSAC, which took place in Los Angeles this year. Android permissions demystified ACM CCS 2022 Prabal Dutta wins 2022 ACM SenSys Test of Time Award EECS Associate Prof. Prabal Dutta has won the 2022 ACM SenSys Test of Time Award. The paper by Dutta, Dawson-Haggerty (Ph.D. ‘14), Chen, Liang, and Terzis titled, “Design and Evaluation of a Versatile and Efficient Receiver-Initiated Link Layer for Low-Power Wireless,” was recognized “for pioneering the use of synchronous transmissions in low-power protocols by exploiting their benefits at the MAC layer and pushing the limits of radio operation.” Established in 2014, the “ToTA” recognizes papers that are at least 10 years old and have demonstrated long-lasting impact on network embedded sensing system science and engineering. “It's a real testament that so much of the field traces its roots to Berkeley,” said Dutta. ACM SenSys ToTA Winners Design and evaluation of a versatile and efficient receiver-initiated link layer for low-power wireless Berkeley EECS mourns the loss of Dave Hodges EECS Prof. Emeritus and alumnus David A. Hodges (M.S. 1961; Ph.D. 1966) passed away on November 13th. He was 85. A former engineering dean and EECS department chair, Prof. Hodges began his career at Bell Telephone Laboratories before joining the EECS faculty in 1970 where his pioneering contributions to the design of integrated circuit (IC) chips and use of silicon-based metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) technology challenged the conventional wisdom of the era. His landmark research led to the rapid development of devices, technologies, and standards that not only were instrumental to the growth of the semiconductor industry in Silicon Valley but continue to have a tremendous impact today. After 28 years of active service wherein he supervised 27 completed doctoral dissertations, 91 completed master's degrees, co-authored 3 books, 130 technical publications, and 6 patents, Prof. Hodges remained a stalwart of the department, mentoring and championing new faculty and shaping the department culture for decades to come. Prof. Hodges was a Fellow of the IEEE and a member of the NAE. He won the IEEE Education Medal (1997), the Berkeley Citation (1998), and was inducted into the Silicon Valley Hall of Fame (2013). A tremendous teacher, collaborator, colleague, and mentor, Prof. Hodges will be dearly missed. David Hodges, former dean of engineering and pioneer in integrated circuit design, dies at 85 Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli receives double honors in Italy EE Prof. Alberto Sangiovanni-Vicentelli was awarded the "Honoris Causa" Doctorate in Electronic Engineering for his research in electronic design, both in integrated circuits and in electronic systems, at the 40th Anniversary of the Tor Vergata, University of Rome. He was recognized for his contribution to Tor Vergata's 40-year commitment to university-industry partnerships. With an h-index of 124, Prof. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli is the author of more than 1,000 scientific articles, 19 books on integrated systems, and design methodologies and tools. He is a member of the National Academy of Engineering and the Academy of Sciences of Turin. At the celebration, he presented a talk, “From punch cards to Artificial Intelligence: The Perspective of a Life.” Later this month, he will be elected as a Foreign Member of the Academy for the Class of Physical, Mathematical and Natural Sciences at the Accademia delle Scienze di Torino. Inauguration of the 40th academic year of "Tor Vergata": Doctorate Honoris Causa in "Electronic Engineering" to prof. Sangiovann Ken Goldberg wins multiple best paper awards CS and IEOR Prof. Ken Goldberg and his lab at BAIR have won multiple best paper awards this year. “Autonomously Untangling Long Cables” won the Best Systems Paper at the Robotics: Science and Systems (RSS) conference in June 2022. “Automated Pruning of Polyculture Plants” won Best Paper at the IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE) in August 2022. At this year’s IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), held in October, the paper titled, “Speedfolding: Learning Efficient Bimanual Folding of Garments” took the top spot out of 3500 submissions to win the IROS Best Paper Award. The common thread among these results is the application of advances in deep learning to solve robot manipulation problems. “I feel lucky every day that I get to work in this uniquely stimulating environment with the world's most brilliant, creative, and dedicated students, staff, and faculty," said Goldberg. Autonomously Untangling Long Cables Automated Pruning of Polyculture Plants SpeedFolding: Learning Efficient Bimanual Folding of Garments Joe Hellerstein wins IEEE VIS Test of Time Award CS Prof. Joe Hellerstein has won the IEEE VIS Test of Time Award for a paper he co-wrote with Sean Kandel, Andreas Paepcke, and Jeffrey Heer in 2012 titled, “Enterprise Data Analysis and Visualization: An Interview Study.” The paper considered how visual analytics are used within organizations and provided an accessible framework for the abstraction of high-level tasks and user archetypes. “Before this work we struggled to find the vocabulary to use, now we have framings that are easy to remember and conceptualise the space nicely,” said the award committee. "The paper has received an impressive quantity of citations and patent citations, is still relevant today, and continues to be cited frequently." The IEEE VIS Test of Time Award recognizes articles published at previous conferences whose contents are still vibrant and useful today and have had a major impact and influence within and beyond the visualization community. Test of Time Awards Edward Lee receives ACM SIGBED Technical Achievement Award and honorary doctorate from TU Wien Edward Lee has won the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Special Interest Group on Embedded Systems (SIGBED) Technical Achievement Award. Prof. Lee is the inaugural recipient of the lifetime achievement award, and was honored “for foundational contributions on modeling and design of embedded, real-time, and cyber-physical systems.” Created in 2022, the Technical Achievement Award is designed “to recognize significant and sustained contributions to research and/or system implementations made by the awardee through the lifetime." Prof. Lee also received an honorary doctorate from the Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien) in May. Edward A. Lee Awarded TU Wien Honorary Doctorate SIGBED Technical Achievement Award (2022)
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The Starr Foundation IRS Forms 990-PF Cooper Union Receives $10 Million from The Starr Foundation to create the C.V. Starr Research Foundation,and to create and endow professorship and scholarships Record foundation grant will create C.V. Starr Research Foundation, in new academic building, create and endow professorship and scholarships New York, N.Y. — The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art today announced it is the recipient of a grant of $10 million from The Starr Foundation. The grant will be used to expand research and innovation at The Cooper Union, establishing the C.V. Starr Research Foundation to sustain the college’s long tradition of educating future leaders in engineering. It is the largest single gift from a foundation to the college in its 147-year history. “Technological innovation is proving to be the key to American competitiveness in our rapidly changing global economy,” said Maurice “Hank” Greenberg, chairman of The Starr Foundation. “The Starr Foundation seeks to make a difference in tomorrow’s world by supporting The Cooper Union and its pool of exceptionally talented students.” “We are grateful for the enormous generosity of The Starr Foundation,” said Dr. George Campbell Jr., president of The Cooper Union. “Tomorrow’s discoveries reside in the minds and hands of our gifted young people. The Cooper Union’s alumni have always been at the forefront of innovation, from Thomas Edison, inventor of electric light bulb to Stanley Lapidus, inventor of the ThinPrep Pap Test, the most widely used cervical cancer detection method. This grant will enable us to continue along that path, turning out exceptional engineers with a strong liberal education, who will become the innovators of the future.” The Starr grant kicks off the public phase of The Campaign for Cooper Union, a critical institutional fundraising effort that seeks to raise $250 million to support student scholarships, faculty development and academic programs, together with a substantial capital investment in Cooper Union’s new state-of-the-art academic building. To date, The Cooper Union has already raised $135 million, through the generosity of its alumni and valued benefactors. The Starr grant will be divided among a number of projects at The Cooper Union: $6 million toward constructing and equipping the college’s new academic building, which will house the C.V. Starr Research Foundation, within the Albert Nerken School of Engineering. The engineering school is ranked among the top three undergraduate engineering schools in the nation. The gift will enable the creation of research facilities as well as provide necessary furnishings for state-of-the-art laboratories. This new building, to be New York City’s first “green” academic laboratory facility, was designed by 2005 Pritzker Architecture Prize winner Thom Mayne of Morphosis, and will be located at 41 Cooper Square (Third Avenue between 6th and 7th Streets), currently the site of the Hewitt Building. In addition to the Nerken School and the C.V. Starr Research Foundation, the new building will also provide institutional space for the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, the School of Art and the Irwin S. Chanin School of Architecture. Demolition of the Hewitt Building began in November, with groundbreaking scheduled for the new building in April 2007. The newly-created C.V. Starr Research Foundation will support interdisciplinary research at The Cooper Union, including four existing engineering research centers: The Maurice Kanbar Center for Biomedical Engineering—Funded by and named for inventor-entrepreneur Maurice Kanbar, who donated $10 million to The Cooper Union in 2002, the largest contribution by an individual in the college’s history. The Center provides a venue for research in biomedicine, including orthopedic biomechanics, medical imaging and minimally invasive surgery. Center for Urban Infrastructure and Systems—Building upon The Cooper Union’s historic role in urbanism and social responsibility, the center focuses on transportation, environmental engineering and renewable energy issues, along with an innovative program dedicated to Urban Security and Protective Design. The Center for Signal Processing, Communications and Modeling—Augmenting the school’s ongoing work in signal processing, computer engineering, wireless communication, encryption technologies and optical and electro-optical communications, the center is currently exploring advanced image processing, where work is being done in partnership with medical research institutions in New York City such as Cornell University’s Weill Medical College in Manhattan. Center for Materials Design and Manufacturing Technology—Engaging in the research of innovative product design and automation, the center will be active in areas of composite materials, fire-resistant and blast-resistant materials, robotics and nano-technology. $2 million will be added to the existing C.V. Starr Scholarship Fund, an endowment established in 2001 by The Starr Foundation as a permanent scholarship fund, providing full-tuition scholarships for students working in the centers on related senior research projects. $2 million will create and endow the C.V. Starr Distinguished Professor of Engineering. © 2023 The Starr Foundation 399 Park Avenue – 3rd Floor, New York, NY 10022 Tel (212) 909-3600 Fax (212) 750-3237
{"url": "https://starrfoundation.org/cooper-union-receives-10-million-from-the-starr-foundation-to-create-the-c-v-starr-research-foundationand-to-create-and-endow-professorship-and-scholarships/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "starrfoundation.org", "date_download": "2023-03-20T10:13:51Z", "digest": "sha1:ZKGGEKP2R4CB623ARVDRJ7OVIYCZMOVI"}
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The Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Thiruvananthapuram (IISER TVM) is dedicated to scientific research and science education of international standards. Traditionally, teaching has been segregated from research in undergraduate science curricula in our country. The IISERs were established by the Ministry of Education, Government of India, to bridge this dichotomy. IISER TVM was founded in 2008. The institute aims to provide high quality education in modern science, integrating it with outstanding research at the undergraduate level itself, and to develop a spirit of enquiry cutting across disciplines. IISER TVM is an autonomous institution offering a five-year BS-MS programme in addition to iPh.D and Ph.D. programmes in Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics and inter-disciplinary areas. IISER TVM operates at Vithura, 40 kilometres from Thiruvananthapuram city, at the foot of the Ponmudi hills. With rich greenery and a spectacular mountain backdrop, this eco-friendly campus enjoys a tranquil environment, ideal for the conduction of research and learning. Separate hostel accommodation is provided for nearly 1050 boys and girls in the permanent campus. The institute has a fully functional multi-cuisine mess that is supervised by a student committee. The faculty are engaged in research in the frontier areas of basic sciences, with a high degree of autonomy and creativity. The institute hosts regular colloquia and lectures by distinguished academicians and scientists. Such events give students opportunities to meet and interact with world leaders in different scientific disciplines. The institute has developed various facilities to promote education with a research aptitude. These include virtual classrooms, a library, full-fledged laboratories, and a computer centre. The library has an extensive collection of books, monographs, and conference proceedings in Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology, Computer Science, Humanities, and interdisciplinary areas of science. The library's electronic resources include bibliographic databases, full text databases, journals, archives, e-books, software, statistical packages, images, and digital maps. The institute has state-of-the-art and well-equipped laboratory facilities in Chemistry, Physics, and Biology. The computer laboratory for undergraduate students has over 50 workstations. A Linux cluster of 120 Nodes is also available for teaching and research. Many courses are available on the electronic learning environment MOODLE. The campus is served by a 100 Mbps internet connection provided by the National Knowledge Network Project, soon to be upgraded to 1 Gbps. The annual cultural festival "Ishya" and the student-run "Sopanam" magazine serve as forums for students to display and develop their artistic, literary, and creative talents. The cultural and science clubs of the institute organize various events throughout the academic year. Regular film screenings, sports and quitz competitions, and outreach programmes are also conducted. The institute offers ample opportunities for the holistic development of young scientists who, imbued with the spirit of scientific enquiry, will take up the mantle of scientific endeavour in the years to come.
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Home > Movie Stars > D > Ernest Dickerson Ernest Dickerson Director Ernest Dickerson began his career in film as an acclaimed cinematographer, forming an extended creative collaboration with director Spike Lee that began when the pair met at New York University (where both earned graduate degrees in film from the Institute of Film and Television at the Tisch School of Arts), working together on Lee's short film Sarah and the one-hour thesis film, Joe's Bed-Stuy Barbershop: We Cut Heads, which won a student Academy Award from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences. Dickerson's camera work on the latter project caught the attention of director John Sayles, who hired him to shoot the science-fiction fantasy, The Brother from Another Planet. After shooting the rap comedy Krush Groove, Dickerson re-teamed with Spike Lee as Director of Photography on the films She's Gotta Have It, School Daze, Do the Right Thing (for which Dickerson received the New York Film Critics Circle Award for Best Cinematographer), Mo' Better Blues, Jungle Fever and Malcolm X. Wanting to make the transition to director, in 1990 Dickerson directed Spike & Company: Do It A Capella, a Great Performances musical performance for PBS co-hosted by Spike Lee and Debbie Allen and featuring a capella groups including Ladysmith Black Mambazo and the Mint Juleps. In 1992, Dickerson made his feature film directorial debut with the acclaimed Paramount Pictures' Juice, a controversial drama he also wrote and which co-starred Omar Epps and Tupac Shakur. Produced for a cost of $3 million, the film went on to gross in excess of $30 million. Dickerson's other feature directing credits include the action thriller Surviving the Game, starring Ice-T, the horror film Tales from the Crypt: Demon Knight, starring Billy Zane and Jada Pinkett Smith, and the action comedy Bulletproof, starring Damon Wayans and Adam Sandler. For television, Dickerson's directing credits include the HBO film Ambushed, an action film that explored racial problems and starred Courtney B. Vance, Robert Patrick and Virginia Madsen, the Showtime film Blind Faith, a courtroom drama set in Harlem in the 1950's that starred Charles S. Dutton and Courtney B. Vance, and ABC's Future Sport, a futuristic thriller that starred Dean Cain, Wesley Snipes and Vanessa L. Williams. In 1991, Dickerson received critical acclaim and the prestigious Peabody Award for his direction of Showtime's Strange Justice, a re-enactment of the controversial 1991 Clarence Thomas Senate Judiciary Committee hearings that starred Delroy Lindo as Thomas and Regina Taylor as Anita Hill. Over the past ten years, Dickerson has also directed commercials for General Motors, Pontiac and a series of spots for Reebok with Shaquille O'Neal. Upcoming projects include the TNT Original Film, Monday Night Mayhem, based on the book by Marc Gunther and Bill Carter about ABC's Monday Night Football and starring John Turturro (as Howard Cosell), Patti Lupone and Eli Wallach. The film is scheduled to premiere on TNT in January 2002. Dickerson is currently in post-production on Showtime's Our America, (for which he also served as cinematographer) a true story set in Chicago from 1994-1998 about two teenage boys who produced a radio documentary investigating a murder in their neighborhood. The film stars Josh Charles, Brandon Hammond and Vanessa Williams and is scheduled to premiere on Showtime in early 2002. An avid moviegoer since childhood, Dickerson was especially influenced by the work of David Lean, Orson Welles and Alfred Hitchcock. After majoring in architecture at Howard University (at the same time taking many movie classes), he studied with Haile Gerima, a well-known Ethiopian filmmaker, and Roland Mitchell, an African-American cinematographer who worked on the documentary, When We Were Kings, moving on to work for a few years as an archival and medical photographer in Washington, D.C. Dickerson was also one of the first recipients of the presitigous Gotham Awards honoring filmmaking excellence in New York. Ernest Dickerson Facts Occupation Director Welcome the Stranger Chapter Four: Fugazi Unconfirmed Reports Right Place, Wrong Time Dippermouth Blues Do Whatcha Wanna The Greatest Love Release the Hounds Continue » Find more details on the Ernest Dickerson Movies page updated 22-Aug-2002
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Miri Ben Ari Joins Derrick Starks For Historic Concert Event Miri Ben-Ari NEWS SOURCE: RGMC Impact (Newark, New Jersey) Grammy Award winning violinist Miri Ben-Ari joins Two Time BMI award winning songwriter and producer Derrick Starks in a Symphony of Brotherhood concert commemorating Black History Month. Originally from Israel, Miri Ben-Ari is a world renowned Violinist who has invented a unique sound – a revolutionary fusion of classical, Hip Hop, and dance music. She is a music trendsetter, recognized as a musical pioneer. This classically trained violinist, who once studied under the late classical master Isaac Stern, has helped sell millions of records by collaborating with other Grammy Award Winning artists such as Kanye West, Jay Z, Wyclef Jean, Alicia Keys, Twista, Wynton Marsalis, Britney Spears, Maroon 5, Akon, Patti Labelle, Akon, Donna Summer, Janet Jackson, John Legend, Aventura, Fetty Wap, Diamond Platnumz, and Armin Van Buuren. Her album "The Hip Hop Violinist"/ Universal Records features many of these collaborations. For more than 2 decades, Derrick Starks has made significant contributions to the Gospel Songbook. From his pen flowed songs of power and praise, validated by prominent charting on Billboard and Mediabase while simultaneously impacting audiences across the globe. Grounded in the truth that a man’s gift makes room for him and brings him before great men, Derrick Starks has shared stages and written, produced and directed some of the genre’s most celebrated artists including The Clark Sisters, Bishop Paul S. Morton, Thomas Whitfield, Edwin and Walter Hawkins, Andrae Crouch. Marvin and Ronald Winans, Donnie McClurkin and others. The Symphony of Brotherhood Concert takes place on Sunday, February 26th at the historic Wells Cathedral Church of God in Christ in Newark, New Jersey. Doors open at 5 pm, The concert will feature performances from the Symphony of Brotherhood Choir, Melonie Daniels, Angelique Starks and others. The event is free and open to the public with ticket reservations available at the following site: Symphony of Brotherhood Concert
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New to the Commons? The Commonsverse David Bollier is an American activist, independent scholar, and blogger who advances the commons as a new/old paradigm for re-imagining economics, politics, and culture. He has pursued this work for more than twenty years with a variety of US and international partners -- assisting projects, expanding networks of commoners, developing strategic opportunities, and elevating the discourse and scholarship. Since 2016, Bollier has been Director of the Reinventing the Commons Program at the Schumacher Center for a New Economics (Massachusetts, US). His blog, Bollier.org, is a widely read source of news and commentary about the commons, and his monthly podcast Frontiers of Commoning is a leading venue for dialogues with cutting-edge thinkers, practitioners, and advocates. In 2019, Bollier and his long-time collaborator Silke Helfrich published Free, Fair and Alive: The Insurgent Power of the Commons, a major reconceptualization of commons as relational social systems, and not simply as unowned resources. Spanish and German editions have been published, and French and Greek translations are underway. Bollier’s popular introduction to the commons,Think Like a Commoner (2014), has been translated into six languages. As an editor or author, Bollier has published ten books on various aspects of the commons. These include an anthology of profiles of commons, Patterns of Commoning (2015), and a collection of essays, The Wealth of the Commons (2012), both produced with co-editor Silke Helfrich. Bollier also co-authored Green Governance: Ecological Survival, Human Rights, and the Law of the Commons (2013) with the late Professor Burns Weston, an international human rights and law scholar. His book Viral Spiral (2009) documents the rise of digital commons; Brand-Name Bullies (2005) describes the overreach of intellectual property laws on culture and creativity; and Silent Theft (2002) was an early account of the many predatory, abusive market enclosures of the commons. In 2012, Bollier was a fellow at the American Academy in Berlin after receiving the Bosch Berlin Prize in Public Policy for his work on the commons. He co-founded the Washington, D.C. advocacy group Public Knowledge in the early 2000s; collaborated with television writer/producer Norman Lear for twenty-five years on political and public affairs projects; and worked with Ralph Nader in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Bollier lives in Amherst, Massachusetts. Photo credit: Damien Maloney The author wishes to thank Cameron Conner for his fantastic research and writing assistance; Angela Lorenzo for her beautiful book design; Hugh Dunford Wood for his spritely cover images; and Stuart McMillen for his amazing comic in the book. Books by David Bollier (as author, coauthor or coeditor) Free, Fair and Alive Patterns of Commoning The Wealth of the Commons: A World Beyond Market and State The Great Awakening Think Like a Commoner: A Short Introduction to the Life of the Commons Green Governance: Ecological Survival, Human Rights and the Law of the Commons Viral Spiral: How the Commoners Built a Digital Republic of Their Own Brand Name Bullies: The Quest to Own and Control Culture Silent Theft: The Private Plunder of Our Common Wealth Read the catalog here Buy the catalog
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Lochlin Partners Places Chief Communications Officer for American Psychiatric Association October 3, 2016 – Search boutique Lochlin Partners has recruited former Defense Health Agency executive Tanya Bradsher as chief communications officer at the American Psychiatric Association (APA). Managing partners Patrick Friel and Liza Wright led the assignment. In her new role, Ms. Bradsher will conceptualize, develop and implement an integrated strategic communications plan to advance APA’s mission and goals. She will oversee all communications, public affairs, integrated marketing and member communications for the organization. Vigilant Caretakers of Corporate Brands The chief communications officer (CCO) of a company is typically responsible for communications to a wide range of stakeholders, including employees, shareholders, media, bloggers, influential members of the business community, the press, the community and the public. In recent years, according to recruiters specializing in finding C-suite communications talent, the position has come to embody the communications risks and opportunities of a business, both internally and externally. Most organizations today, they said, rely on the CCO to advise and participate in decisions that may impact the ongoing reputation of the firm. According to a recent report by Korn Ferry, 46 percent of CCOs report to the CEO, while 14 percent report to a chief administrative officer and 10 percent report to a chief marketing officer. It is their growing proximity to the CEO that has the CCO role gaining in influence. Ms. Bradsher joins the APA after serving as chief of communications plans and operations at the Defense Health Agency, a new combat support agency that provides all of the shared services to support healthcare for the Department of Defense. She managed a team responsible for developing the media strategies for Department of Defense’s almost 10 million beneficiaries, which is provided through the $17 billion health defense program. Ms. Bradsher, a former Army press and PA officer, spent three years at the White House, including in the Office of Public Engagement focused on veterans, wounded warriors and military family outreach. The APA Foundation recently turned to Vetted Solutions to find Daniel Gillison as its executive director. It sought a new leader to work with the board and staff to increase financial support from funders, with a particular emphasis on increasing the number of APA members who support the foundation. The American Psychiatric Association is a national medical specialty society whose 36,500 physician members specialize in the diagnosis, treatment, prevention and research of mental illnesses, including substance use disorders. Its vision is a society that has available, accessible quality psychiatric diagnosis and treatment. Lochlin Partners, based in the Washington, D.C., area, conducts searches for board and executive level positions within government & corporate affairs, government contracting, technology & services, higher education, the public sector, financial services, and healthcare. For almost 20 years, Mr. Friel, the recruiter who handled this search, has provided executive recruiting and leadership advisory services to a broad range of clients. He works extensively with government, technology and professional services organizations, trade and membership associations and non-profits, helping build their management teams. Ms. Wright has over 20 years of experience in the executive recruiting industry. She has completed searches for CEOs, board members, presidents and other functional vice presidents at start-up firms, small and medium sized public and private firms, major Fortune 100 corporations and leading non-profit entities. Contributed by Dale M. Zupsansky, Managing Editor, Hunt Scanlon Media Check Out These Related Stories On Searches for Unique C-Suite Officer Level Positions: BSG Team Ventures Recruits Chief Learning Officer for Human Capital Institute Koya Leadership Partners Places Chief Development Officer at NRDC Folger Shakespeare Library Taps Diversified Search for Chief Advancement Officer Spencer Stuart Recruits Chief Communications Officer for Aetna Chartwell Partners to Lead Chief Compliance Officer Search for Amedisys SPMB Taps Chief Product Officer for SendGrid Diversified Search Recruits Chief Nutrition Officer for Herbalife Kensington International Recruits Chief for Cornerstone Fund Lack of Skilled Candidates Plaguing In-House Recruiters
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Empowering Communities with Local Food by bonappetit During this year’s Eat Local Challenge, Bon Appetit is helping our guests not only eat locally, but shop locally too. And while we all enjoy visiting a farmers’ market or a local farmstand, it’s worth exploring the myriad other benefits that local food and strong local food systems can provide. In recent decades, non-profits, as well as cities, states, and even the federal government have enacted policies and programs that use local food as a powerful tool to strengthen communities. One of the most pressing issues that have been targeted is food insecurity. According to Feeding America, roughly 38 million people, including 12 million children, are considered food insecure in the United States.¹ This food insecurity is concentrated in what was previously referred to as food deserts, areas where residents have few to no convenient options for securing affordable and healthy foods – especially fresh fruits and vegetables.² More recently, a new term has been suggested that takes into account the racially discriminatory practices that have led to food insecurity in these areas. “Food apartheid” more accurately describes this racialized access to healthy, nutritious food, and positions local food sovereignty as a solution.³ Programs across the country have sought to ameliorate food apartheid in a variety of ways, including community gardens and school lunch programs. We’ve provided an overview of just a few of these inspiring programs below: Minneapolis Farm to School Minneapolis Farm to School strengthens connections between all of the key actors in the local food system – students, local farmers, and the broader community. Farmers from the broader Twin Cities area supply fresh, local ingredients for school meals across the Minneapolis food system. Farm to School then creates “experiential learning opportunities for students to explore, taste, and grow food.” ⁴ Bon Appetit Farm to Fork vendor Open Hands Farm has been a long-time participant in the Farm to School program. GrowNYC Food Access Programs New York City’s GrowNYC food access programs include the famed Greenmarkets, nearly 50 farmers markets that occur in neighborhoods across the city, multiple times a week. These markets are strictly producer-only, which means that the farmers and makers from parts of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and New York who bring their products to market can only sell what they grow or make themselves. GrowNYC also maintains a Farmstands program that trains and employs young people to sell fresh, affordable food grown by farmers’ across the northeast in New York City’s neighborhoods.⁵ Easton Garden Works Easton, Pennsylvania, a small city along the Delaware River, punches above its weight when it comes to its community garden program. Easton Garden Works, a program of the non-profit Greater Easton Development Partnership, maintains six community gardens across the city, allowing residents, many of whom cannot walk to a grocery store, to grow their own produce each growing season. Community access to the gardens is paired with a community-wide composting program and suite of programming aimed to empower residents to grow their own food.⁶ Planting Justice A non-profit organization, Planting Justice has taken the theory of food sovereignty and put it into practice. To date, the organization has built over 450 edible gardens throughout the San Francisco Bay Area, where it is based. Recently, the organization has moved to begin building urban farms and job training centers to fulfill their mission to “empower people impacted by mass incarceration and other social inequities with the skills and resources to cultivate food sovereignty, economic justice, and community healing.”⁷ https://www.feedingamerica.org/hunger-in-america https://www.aecf.org/blog/exploring-americas-food-deserts https://www.nrdc.org/experts/nina-sevilla/food-apartheid-racialized-access-healthy-affordable-food https://nutritionservices.mpls.k12.mn.us/f2s_program https://www.grownyc.org/greenmarket/farmers https://westwardeaston.org/gardens/ https://plantingjustice.org/about/#:~:text=Food%20Sovereignty&text=In%20the%20last%2010%20years,and%20scale%20of%20this%20work. Breaking Down Barriers to Local Food Build Your Own 100% Local Grain Bowl at Home 0 Responses to “Empowering Communities with Local Food”
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Solar Power World: Black & Veatch among nation’s top solar power contractors Publish date: Wednesday July 24th, 2019 | OVERLAND PARK, KANSAS High U.S. ranking reflects company’s comprehensive global solar installation capabilities With renewable energy expected to be the fastest-growing source of new U.S. electricity generation for the next several years, Solar Power World has named Black & Veatch among the top U.S. solar contractors, ranking the company sixth of 415 installers on the magazine's 2019 “Top Solar Contractors” list. The company also is ranked as the third top solar engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) provider in the United States and as the No. 2 solar installer in Florida. “Accelerating global demand for clean, sustainable energy such as solar power makes this a dynamic, exciting and transformational time in the electric industry,” said Dave Leligdon, senior vice president and director of global renewable energy for Black & Veatch's power business. “This Solar Power World ranking affirms our leadership in delivering solar innovation that helps our clients achieve their goals of generating power and lowering their carbon footprints.” The “Top Solar Contractors” list is developed by Solar Power World to recognize the work completed by solar contractors across the United States. Produced annually, the “Top Solar Contractors” list celebrates the achievements of U.S. solar developers, subcontractors and installers within the utility, commercial and residential markets, and ranks contractors by kilowatts installed in the previous year. “Solar Power World enjoys assembling the “Top Solar Contractors” list each year, and our 2019 edition features hundreds of companies making big impacts in local energy markets," said Kelly Pickerel, editor in chief of Solar Power World. "Solar power is becoming competitive with traditional electricity sources in more markets, and cities and states are demanding more renewable energy options. It's a great time to be a solar installer, and we're happy to highlight the best installation companies in the country on our list." The U.S. solar market is expected to see 14 percent growth in 2019, with over 12 gigawatts of new solar power added to the grid this year — enough to supply 2.28 million average American homes. That increase in installations is attributed to strong residential and commercial interest in renewable energy as part of a diversified, low-carbon national energy mix. Around the globe, solar, wind power and other distributed energy technologies are taking an increasingly prominent position in the energy mix. In Asia, major markets include Taiwan, Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia and Thailand, with combined solar capacity additions expected to triple in the next five years. Editor's Notes: Earlier this month, Black & Veatch announced that it has reorganized its global power business, elevating the focus on the company’s renewables business and launching a distributed energy operating group. The company has been supporting solar and floating solar photovoltaic (PV) project development and implementation since 1973. Black & Veatch has executed more than1,500 MWac of solar EPC projects since 2016. The company provides siting and permitting, design, independent and owner’s engineering, and operations and maintenance (O&M) solutions to global clients seeking to deploy solar technologies. 24-HOUR MEDIA HOTLINE | +1 866 496 9149
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Defining Working Waterfronts Based on widely varied stakeholder needs and interests across the country, and even within Maine, working waterfront has earned numerous, distinctly different definitions. Several are highlighted below. State: Maine Application: Current Use Taxation Under Maine’s current use taxation policy, “Working waterfront land means a parcel of land, or a portion thereof, abutting water to the head of tide or land located in the intertidal zone that is used primarily or used predominantly to provide access to or support the conduct of commercial fishing activities.” 36 M.R.S. § 1132. The statute further describes the phrase “support the conduct of commercial fishing activities” and specifies that “predominantly” means more than 90% of the land is used for commercial fishing activity, while “primarily” means more than 50%, and the rate of reduction on the tax valuation varies accordingly. More on Maine’s Current Use Tax Programs. Application: Working Waterfront Access Pilot Program In 2005 in Maine, LD 1930 An Act Regarding Working Waterfront Covenants under the Land For Maine's Future Program, approved the statute which defined and described the legal basis for a Working Waterfront Covenant, thereby giving legal authority to a method for preserving working waterfront land in perpetuity. The working waterfront covenant is a legally binding deed restriction held by the Department of Marine Resources. The covenant protects all current and future fisheries related uses of the land by prohibiting all conflicting non-fisheries activities (i.e. condos, marinas, restaurants). The covenant does allow a degree of mixed uses that are compatible with the primary fisheries use and provides the property owner with the flexibility to manage the property as needed to remain financially viable. The property owner also retains all other rights of ownership; that is, they are free to sell or lease. If and when the property owner chooses to sell the property, the State has a "right of first refusal" to assure that the land will be valued at its working waterfront value and thus remain affordable to those who would purchase it with the intent to continue commercial fishing activities. Though still tied to fisheries, the broader definition adopted by Maine’s Working Waterfront Access Pilot Program encompasses properties fitting one or more of the following criteria: Active working waterfront which is strategically significant to the local, regional and state fisheries related economy; Currently located and developed to fully support commercial fishing activities; providing key supports such as all tide access, fuel, bait, sales, and/or adequate parking; Under current and emerging threat by development and changing population dynamics of conversion to uses incompatible with commercial fishing activities; In a community with a clear desire to maintain and support their commercial fishing enterprises as evidenced by zoning, comprehensive plans, etc, and; A critical part of the local fishing infrastructure and provides key access for the area. APPLICATION: DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION By contrast, Maine’s Department of Environmental Protection more inclusively refers to “functionally water-dependent uses,” defined as those uses that require, for their primary purpose, location on submerged lands or that require direct access to, or location in, coastal or inland waters and that cannot be located away from these waters. The uses include, but are not limited to commercial and recreational fishing and boating facilities, excluding recreational boat storage buildings, finfish and shellfish processing, fish storage and retail and wholesale fish marketing facilities, waterfront dock and port facilities, shipyards and boat building facilities, marinas, navigation aids, basins and channels, retaining walls, industrial uses dependent upon water-borne transportation or requiring large volumes of cooling or processing water that cannot reasonably be located or operated at an inland site, and uses that primarily provide general public access to coastal or inland waters. Dept. of Envtl. Protec. 06-096 CMR Ch. 1000. Application: Working Waterfront Protection Act Florida’s Working Waterfront Protection Act has adopted a broader definition that describes and protects “recreational and commercial working waterfront,” which includes boatyards, marinas, and, since 2006, resort hotels in its definition of working waterfront. Fla. Const. art. VII (amended 2008); Fla. Stat. § 342.201 (2009). In Florida’s Act, the term “recreational and commercial working waterfront” means a parcel or parcels of real property that provide access for water-dependent commercial activities, including hotels and motels...or provide access for the public to the navigable waters of the state. Recreational and commercial working waterfronts require direct access to or a location on, over, or adjacent to a navigable body of water. The term includes water-dependent facilities that are open to the public and offer public access by vessels to the waters of the state or that are support facilities for recreational, commercial, research, or governmental vessels. These facilities include public lodging establishments, docks, wharfs, lifts, wet and dry marinas, boat ramps, boat hauling and repair facilities, commercial fishing facilities, boat construction facilities, and other support structures over the water. Fla. Stat. § 342.07 (2009). University of Florida Levin College of Law Conservation Clinic provides additional resources. Federal Working Waterfront Acts Compare the Federal Working Waterfront Preservation Act of 2005, introduced by Maine Senator Susan Collins, with the Keep America’s Waterfront Working Act of 2009, introduced by Maine Representative Chellie Pingree. According to Collins’s bill: “A working waterfront area is defined as ‘land that is used for or that supports commercial fishing or the aquaculture industry.’” S. 1723, 109th Cong. (Sept. 19, 2005); see also Josh Clemons, Stephanie Showalter, & Jason Savarese, National Sea Grant Law Center, Working Waterfronts in Alabama and Mississippi (April 2006). This definition did not change when Senator Collins reintroduced a modified version of the bill in 2009. S. 533, 111th Cong. (March 5, 2009). Representative Pingree’s bill defines water-dependent commercial activities to include “commercial fishing, recreational fishing, tourism, aquaculture, boatbuilding, transportation,” as well as, somewhat ambiguously, “many other water-dependent businesses.” H.R. 2548, 111th Cong. (May 21, 2009).
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EIB-Supported Gender Lens Investment Fund Alitheia IDF Announces Final Close At $100 Million The management of Alitheia IDF (AIF), Africa’s first women-led and women-focused private equity fund, has announced the final close of the $100 million fund with European Investment Bank (EIB) joining as the closing investor with $24.6 million. With this final close, Alitheia IDF becomes the largest gender-lens private equity fund by value in Africa. Led by principal partners Polo Leteka and Tokunboh Ishmael, Alitheia IDF invests in growth-stage companies across six African countries: Nigeria, South Africa, Ghana, Zimbabwe, Lesotho and Zambia. The fund has a mandate to plug the over $42 billion investment gap between male and female entrepreneurs as a means of catalysing the economic power of African women as producers, distributors, and consumers. In 2021, the fund began implementing this mandate by leading investment rounds in five women-led businesses across essential sectors including agribusiness, education, manufacturing, housing, technology, and logistics. The investee companies are Jetstream Africa (Ghana), ReelFruit Ltd (Nigeria), SKLD (formerly SchoolKits, Nigeria), AV Light Steel (South Africa) and Chika’s Food (Nigeria). “Globally, women have tremendous purchasing power as consumers and controllers of household economics. In the same vein, women entrepreneurs have a significant presence in Africa’s SME sector with African women making up 58% of the continent’s self-employed population. However, despite this economic power and presence, African women are underserved as consumers and producers. This has had huge impact on economic growth as the potential of more than half of the continent’s population remain untapped due to structural and systemic issues. We are proactively working towards filling this gap with a clear mandate to support women-led businesses across the continent while raising awareness for gender-smart investment as a path towards inclusive economic growth,” said Principal Partner Tokunboh Ishmael in Nigeria. African women have remained underserved by the financial sector even as the historical investment gap between men and women continues to widen. Estimates show that African women receive less than 5% of all investment on the continent even though over 40% of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Africa are women-led. Reports by McKinsey point out that closing the investment gap will lead to 26% gross domestic product (GDP) growth ($28 trillion) by 2025. By applying a gender-smart lens to investment, Alitheia IDF is setting the pace and providing a framework for gender-inclusive investments with the goal of enabling economic growth for African countries and, critically, African women. Polo Leteka, Principal Partner in South Africa, explained that it is her hope that Alitheia IDF’s leading example will inspire other investors on the continent to invest in women, noting that women have an important role to play in unlocking the economic potential of Africa. She further stated that “the historic inability to appropriately capture the economic potential of African women has affected Africa’s development. Alitheia IDF is on a mission to fill this gap by using a gender smart approach and financial capital to empower women as consumers and producers.” EIB Vice-PresidentThomas ÖSTROS said: “Women-owned businesses still struggle to raise funding, although they have proven their performance. I am very pleased to support a true ‘by-women for women’ 2X Flagship fund that invests in companies creating job opportunities while enhancing diversity in the sub-Saharan Africa’s economy. The EIB’s investment in Alitheia IDF is part of our SheInvest initiative seeking to mobilise €2 billion of investment to boost gender equality and female economic empowerment across the African continent. I truly believe that gender equality makes societies stronger.” Alitheia IDF is supported by investors across four continents: the African Development Bank, Bank of Industry Nigeria, FinDev Canada, Dutch Good Growth Fund and the European Investment Bank. In 2019, the fund announced its first close at $75 million with the President of the African Development Bank (AfDB), AkinwumiAdesina,stating at the time that Alitheia IDF had fulfilled its commitment to raise funds for female-led businesses. “Promise made, promise kept!” he declared. SSNIT Gives Workers Dec 31Deadline To Merge Numbers With NIA Emirates Completes A380 Fleet With 123rd Delivery Of Iconic Aircraft Praise Jam Hits Accra On Saturday 18 December At The Children’s Park. Will The E-Levy Suffer The Same Fate As Luxury Vehicle Tax?
{"url": "https://theheraldghana.com/eib-supported-gender-lens-investment-fund-alitheia-idf-announces-final-close-at-100-million/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "theheraldghana.com", "date_download": "2023-03-20T10:29:21Z", "digest": "sha1:YRWO6UH4LDB5FVWRMNR6KWP7PQXIETWL"}
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China has announced that it will massively increase its military budget by 7.2 percent to 1.55 trillion yuan, or around $224 billion, sparking concerns that the communist nation is preparing for a military invasion of Taiwan. This year’s increase is significantly larger than the 5.7 percent increase in general public expenditure, and it effectively doubles what China spent on its military 10 years ago. (Related: Air Force general warns US will be at war with China by 2025.) The last time China’s defense spending rose was in 2019, when the country increased military spending by 7.5 percent to 1.19 trillion yuan. China has the largest active military force in the world, with over two million personnel currently serving in the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), China’s official armed forces and the military wing of the ruling Chinese Communist Party (CCP), commanded by a party commission led by President and CCP Party Leader Xi Jinping. The PLA also boasts the world’s largest navy, recently launching its third aircraft carrier. According to the U.S., China also has the largest air force in the Indo-Pacific region, with more than half of its fighter planes consisting of fourth or fifth generation models, putting them on par with American combat aircraft. China also boasts a massive stockpile of other advanced military equipment, including missiles, stealth aircraft, bomber planes capable of delivering nuclear warheads, advanced surface ships and nuclear-powered submarines. Premier Li Keqiang presented a draft of the military budget to the National People’s Congress, the country’s legislature, claiming the additional funding is set to “boost combat preparedness and enhance military capabilities.” “We remain committed to the Party’s absolute leadership over the people’s armed forces,” he said. “The people’s armed forces intensified efforts to enhance their political loyalty, to strengthen themselves through reform, scientific and technological advances, personnel training and to practice law-based governance.” US concerned by increased Chinese military spending The United States has also been increasing its defense spending. In December, Congress authorized over $800 billion in defense spending for the fiscal year ending on Sept. 30. This is 12 percent higher than the $767 billion the U.S. spent during the 2022 fiscal year. The increased spending was meant to stay ahead of inflation and to provide America’s armed forces with additional resources to counter Chinese and Russian military capabilities. The U.S. is closely watching Chinese efforts to rapidly increase its defense spending, concerned by Beijing’s strategic intentions with this larger military budget and the development of its armed forces, especially as the CCP has intentionally stoked tensions with Taiwan in recent years. The U.S. has responded by opening a steady flow of weapons sales to Taiwan, including ground military hardware, air defense systems and missiles and fighter jets like F-16s. Taiwan itself has extended mandatory military service from four months to a year and has begun revitalization efforts for its domestic defense industries, including building submarines for the first time. In his remarks to the legislature regarding Taiwan, Li claimed that the current leadership is following the party’s “overall policy for the new era on resolving the Taiwan Question and resolutely fighting against separatism and countered interference.” Read the latest news coming out of China at CommunistChina.news. Watch this clip from G News featuring Miles Guo discussing Chinese President Xi Jinping’s preparations for the invasion of Taiwan. This is from the channel Chinese Taking Down Evil CCP on Brighteon.com. INDOCTRINATED: Chinese firms with ties to the CCP are purchasing American private schools with strong military training programs. Think tank: America’s defense industry is not prepared for a war with China over Taiwan. China preparing to launch an invasion of Taiwan, warns Chinese journalist. China may try to claim the moon as prize if it beats US in space race. China to have roughly 1,500 nuclear warheads by 2035. Reuters.com Tagged Under: big government, chaos, China, communism, defense spending, invasion, military, military budget, military tech, national security, People's Liberation Army, Taiwan, weapons technology, World War III, Xi Jinping
{"url": "https://whitehouse.news/2023-03-08-china-increases-military-budget-preparation-taiwan-invasion.html", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "whitehouse.news", "date_download": "2023-03-20T10:21:04Z", "digest": "sha1:QE2C3HVBLNMXI5KGYFSAP5NJ7NL3X6RN"}
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Reading: 32 Best Bollywood Sports Movies that will Inspire You with Full Entertainment 32 Best Bollywood Sports Movies that will Inspire You with Full Entertainment Biography, particularly sports biographies, has become the most popular and well-liked genre in India. Check Bollywood movies based on sports. Devesh Bollywood Sports Movies Biography, particularly sports biographies, has become the most popular and well-liked genre in India.The preference of the entertainment loving audience of the country has shifted towards biographical films from the same old romantic films. The new generation is taking an interest in all sports. There are a number of Bollywood Cricket Movies, and as other sports such as badminton, snooker, boxing and so on become more popular, we have seen many biographies being made in Bollywood other than Cricket. We’ve compiled a list of the best Bollywood sports films, some of which are not only inspiring but also entertaining due to their climax, music, story, and cinematography. Out of these movies, some are sports biographies based on some sports legends, whereas others have sports as an important segment. 1- Marry Kom Star Cast: Priyanka Chopra, Darshan Kumar Director: Omung Kumar Release Date: 5 Sept. 2014 The film is produced by Sanjay Leela Bhansali under the banner of Bhansali Productions. The story talks about Mary Kom’s struggles, being from a poor family to become a world champion in boxing. For Priyanka, this film was the highest-grossing on its weekend as a female-led, at the time of its release. Priyanka Chopra won the Best Actress Award for this movie on Producers Guild Film Awards. Cinematography is done by Keiko Nakahara. 2- Dangal Star Cast: Aamir Khan, Sakshi Tanwar, Zaira Wasim, Fatima Sana Shaikh Director: Nitesh Tiwari Release Date: 23 Dec. 2016 The film is based on the Phogat family from Haryana. The story talks about a father who trains her daughter to become a world-class fighter in wrestling. Aamir Khan in the role of Father Mahavir Singh Phogat, Fatima Sana Shaikh as Geeta Phogat, and Sanya Malhotra is playing the role of Geeta’s sister, Babita Kumari. The budget of the film was 71crore and it earned 2000 crore approx. the film broke so many records at that time from the highest-grossing Indian film to the highest-grossing sports film worldwide. The film had been watched on Chinese streaming platforms more than 400 million times. 3- Chak De! India Star Cast: Shah Rukh Khan Director: Shimit Amin Release Date: 10 Aug 2007 Chak De! India explores the fictional story of women’s national hockey team, where their coach Kabir (previously ostracised from Indian man hockey team due to loss from Pakistan) unite players from different state of the country and form the strongest Women’s team to lead India in world cup. The film was inspired by India’s 2002 commonwealth games victory. Along with Shah Rukh, the film also features Vidya Malavade, Sagarika Ghatge, Chitrashi Rawat, Anjan Srivastav, and Vivan Bhatena. 4- Lagaan Star Cast: Aamir Khan, Gracy Singh Director: Ashutosh Gowariker It is a fictional story of cricket from 1893 during the colonial British raj of India. Where the poor village people of central India had to play the game of cricket to get out of the burden of the heavy taxes levied on them by Britishers. The story and screenplay of the film were written by the director Ashutosh Gowariker. It was the third Indian film after “Mother India” and “Salaam Bombay” to be nominated for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language. 5- Soorma Star Cast: Diljit Dosanjh, Taapsee Pannu, Angad Bedi Director: Shaad Ali Release Date: 13 July 2018 Soorma is a biopic of Indian hockey player Sandeep Singh. The film explores the life of Sandeep Singh from being paralyzed in the lower half of his body to play for the Indian hockey national team. The film’s budget was 31crore and it made around 50 crores, makes it a commercial success at Box-office. Diljit Dosanjh is playing the role of Sandeep Singh in the movie. Taapsee Pannu in the role of Harpreet Kaur. 6- Azhar Star Cast: Emraan Hashmi, Lara Dutta, Nargis Fakhri, Prachi Desai Director: Tony D’Souza Azhar is a biopic of former Indian cricket captain Mohd. Azharuddin. It talks about his story that how he overcome the allegations of match-fixing, which took his entire cricket career. The film is produced by Shobha Kapoor and Ekta Kapoor. Emraan Hashmi is in the lead role of the film as Mohd. Azharuddin, Lara Dutta is playing his lawyer (Meera Verma) role, Prachi Desai as first wife (Naureen), and Nargis Fakhri as a second wife (Sangeeta). 7- Bhaag Milkha Bhaag Star Cast: Farhan Akhtar, Sonam Kapoor Director: Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra It is a biopic on the legendary Indian athlete late. Milkha Singh, who was a commonwealth champion and Asian games 400-meter champion two times. The movie is inspired by his book The Race of My Life which was written by him and his daughter. The film was a superhit, made a business of 200 crores at the box office. Farhan Akhtar played the lead role of Milkha Singh and Sonam Kapoor as his love interest. It was produced under the banner of ROMP Pictures. 8- Paan Singh Tomar Star Cast: Irrfan Khan, Mahi Gill Director: Tigmanshu Dhulia Release Date: 2 March 2012 This is a biographical film on Paan Singh Tomar, who was a soldier turned rebel. The film explores his story that how he once won a gold medal at national games and why he picked weapons against the system. Irrfan won the Best Actor award at national film awards for his brilliant performance in the movie. It was made under the banner of UTV Spotboy. The film’s budget was 7 crore and it made 21 crore approx., which makes it a super hit at the box office. 9- Iqbal Star Cast: Shreyash Talpade, Naseeruddin Shah, Girish Karnard, and Shweta Basu Prasad Director: Nagesh Kukunoor Release Date: 26 Aug. 2005 It is a fictional story about cricket, where a deaf boy from a village has a dream to play for the Indian national cricket team one day. Indian cricket captain Kapil Dev stated about the movie,” It’s a film for every family and every youngster, who wants to be an achiever, the best movie with cricket as a backdrop.” The film won The Best Film on Other Social Issues award at the national film awards. The film’s story and screenplay are written by Nagesh Kukunoor. 10- Jannat Star Cast: Emraan Hashmi, Sonal Chauhan Director: Kunal Deshmukh Jannat tells the story of an astute young guy who wants to make quick money. Further, he becomes a bookie(match-fixer) in the film to get a lot of money. The film had done a 42 crore business, which emerged as a ‘Superhit’ at the box office. The film’s story received a positive response from the audience which was written by Sanjay Masoom. It was produced by Mukesh Bhatt under Vishesh Films. 11- Jo Jeeta Wohi Sikander Star Cast: Aamir Khan, Deepak Tijori, Pooja Bedi Director: Mansoor Khan The story is about a cycling race of young college-going students, where Aamir Khan as Sanjay took revenge for his brother’s (Ratan) loss from the archrival Deepak Tijori as Shekhar. The story is co-written and produced by Nasir Hussain under the banner of his own Nasir Hussain films. The film had won the Best Film award at the Filmfare Awards at that time. 12- Saala Khadoos Star Cast: R. Madhavan, Ritika Singh Director: Sudha Kongara Release Date: 29 jan. 2016 Saala Khadoos is a bilingual film, The Tamil version of the film names “Irudhi Suttru” which means Final Round. This is a boxing sports film. The movie revolves around two characters R.Madhavan the coach and Ritika Singh the player. There is a remake of this film in Telugu called Guru which was released in 2017. Ritika Singh won the National Award for her performance in the film. The movie got three Filmfare Awards also Best Director, Best Actor, and Best Actress awards. 13- M.S. Dhoni: The Untold Story Star Cast: Sushant Singh Rajput, Disha Patani, Kiara Advani, Anupam Kher Release Date: 30 Sept. 2016 The movie is a biopic of former Indian cricket captain M.S. Dhoni, it talks about the untold story of Dhoni as the title says. Sushant Singh Rajput is playing the main lead in the role of M.S Dhoni and Kiara Advani as his wife’s (Sakshi Dhoni) role. The film was dubbed in three other languages Tamil, Telugu, and Marathi. It was produced under the banner of Fox Star Studios. 14- Kai Po Che! Star Cast: Sushant Singh Rajput, Rajkummar Rao, Amit Sadh Director: Abhishek Kapoor Release Date: 22 Feb. 2013 The story explores the lives of three best friends who want to open their own sports academy one day. The film also shows the horrific events of the 2002 Gujarat train burning and riots events. Later in the film, their friendship gets tarnished by political discussions and communal hatred. The film made a business of 83 crores which emerged as a commercial success at the box office. 15- Mukkabaaz Star Cast: Vineet Kumar Singh, Zoya Hussain, Jimmy Sheirgill, Ravi Kishan Director: Anurag Kashyap Mukkabaaz is a boxing sports film, with a love angle in it. The story talks about a village guy, who falls in love with his coach’s deaf niece, later in the movie, to gain his love he went for training in a different city, to win a fighting championship. Vineet Kumar Singh received positive reviews for his performance in the film by critics. Director Anurag Kashyap co-wrote and produced this film. 16- Sultan Star Cast: Salman Khan, Anushka Sharma Director: Ali Abbas Zafar Release Date: 6 July 2016 The film talks of a fictional wrestler, Sultan Ali Khan who is a former world boxing champion and left boxing due to his personal issues. Furthermore, a Pro Takedown founder knows his story and motives him to join his tournament so that after winning he could get his wife back. It’s a story based on mixed martial arts. The film’s budget was 145cr. And it made a business of 623cr. It was a super hit at the box office. 17- Brothers Star Cast: Akshay Kumar, Sidharth Malhotra, Jacqueline Fernandez Director: Karan Malhotra Brothers revolve around two brothers rivalry who at the end founds themselves in a mixed martial art’s tournament to show each other, who is better between them. The movie is based on a Hollywood movie called warriors which was released in 2011. Akshay Kumar is playing the role of David Fernandes and Sidharth Malhotra as his younger brother Monty Fernandes. 18- Gold Star Cast: Akshay Kumar, Mouni Roy, Amit Sadh Director: Reema Kagti Gold explores the events of India’s first hockey team’s winning gold medal journey at the summer Olympics in 1948. Star Tv actress Mouni Roy was the debutant in the film. The total business of the film was 158 crore. Akshay Kumar in the role of Tapan Das, who won the first medal for India in the 1948 Olympics. 19- Apne Star Cast: Dharmendra, Sunny Deol, Bobby Deol, Katrina Kaif, Shilpa Shetty, Kirron Kher Director: Anil Sharma The film revolves around a family whose all-male members are related to boxing. It’s a sports drama film related to boxing. Where Sunny Deol is playing the role of the elder son, Bobby Deol as his younger brother, and Dharmendra as their Dad’s role. Music is given by Himesh Reshammiya in the film Apne. 20- Patiala house Star Cast: Akshay Kumar, Anushka Sharma, Rishi Kapoor Director: Nikkhil Advani Patiala House is loosely based on former England star spinner Monty Panesar’s life. It is a sports drama film related to the game of cricket. It was a commercial success at the box office. Music is given by Shankar-Ehsaan-Loy. Akshay Kumar is playing the lead role in the movie as Parghatt Singh Kahlon aka Gattu. 21- Dhan Dhana Dhan Goal Star Cast: Arshad Warsi, John Abraham, Bipasha Basu, Boma Irani Director: Vivek Agnihotri Release Date: 23 Nov. 2007 This film is highly underrated, neither the IMDb rating nor the box office collection did justice to the film. Dhan Dhana Dhan Goal explores the story of the South Asian community-based in the UK. A sports Drama film related to football. The movie is produced by Ronnie Screwvala Under the banner of UTV Motion pictures. 22- Panga Star Cast: Kangana Ranaut, Jassi Gill Director: Ashwiny Iyer Tiwari Panga tells the story of a woman former kabaddi champion, who left the sport because of her marriage, later in the movie through his husband and son’s advice she again joins the kabaddi team. The film talks about her comeback to the team. Kangana Ranaut won the National Award for her performance in the film. It was her fourth National Award overall. 23- Chamatkar Star Cast: Shah Rukh Khan, Naseeruddin Shah, Urmila Matondkar Director: Rajiv Mehra The film is made under the banner of Eagle Films. It was Shah Rukh Khan’s first film as a lead actor. The movie revolves around a village boy, who comes to Mumbai due to his financial problem, he joins a cricket team as a coach. Music is given by Anu Malik in the film and produced by Pravesh C. Mehra. 24- Toofan Star Cast: Farhan Akhtar, Mrunal Thakur, Paresh Rawal It is a sports drama film related to boxing. The story talks about a profiteer guy who extorts people to gain money and fights them in the street if they don’t pay him, due to some circumstances later he joined a boxing club to become a national level fighter. It is a second film of the hit partners Farhan and Rakeysh Mehra after the Bhaag Milkha Bhaag. 25- Saand Ki Aankh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-uA-ONin_5M Star Cast: Taapsee Pannu, Bhumi Pednekar, Praksh Jha Director: Tushar Hiranandani Release Date: 25 Oct. 2019 Sand Ki Aankh is a biopic film based on two female shooters of India Chandro Tomar and Prakashi Tomar. The critics praised the feminist theme of the movie, along with the two actresses Taapsee Pannu and Bhumi Pednekar’s amazing performance in the film. Taapsee Pannu is playing the role of Prakashi Tomar and Bhumi Pednekar as in the role of Chandro Tomar. 26- Sachin: A Billion Dreams Star Cast: Sachin Tendulkar Director: James Erskine This film needs no introduction as it is about the God of Cricket himself, featuring M.S. Dhoni and Virendra Sehwag, who are the cherry on top in this biographical film of Sachin Tendulkar. If you are a cricket fan, you can’t miss this legendary biopic. It is produced under the banner of 200 NotOut Productions and Carnival Motion Pictures. The music is composed by A.R. Rehman. 27- Saina Star Cast: Parineeti Chopra, Manav Kaul, Eshan Naqvi, and Meghna Malik Director: Amole Gupte Saina is based on the life of India’s star badminton player Saina Nehwal, who made the country proud by winning a bronze medal at the 2012 Summer Olympics in London. The film is produced by Bhushan Kumar, Krishan Kumar, Sujay Jalraj, and Rashesh Shah under the banners of T-Series Films and Front Foot Pictures. Actress Parineeti Chopra plays the titular role in the film. 28- Jersey Star Cast: Shahid Kapoor, Mrunal Thakur, Pankaj Kapur, Director: Gowtam Tinnanuri This sports drama film stars Shahid Kapoor Jersey is the Hindi remake of the 2019 Telugu film of the same name. In the film, Shahid played a talented cricketer, Aditya Talwar, who didn’t get a chance to play for Team India but decided to return to cricket in his late thirties with a desire to play for the country to fulfil his son’s wish for a jersey as a gift. Actress Mrunal Thakur plays his wife in the movie. 29- Jhund Star Cast: Amitabh Bachchan, Ankush Gedam, Akash Thosar, Rinku Rajguru Director: Vijay Barse Produced by T-Series Films, Tandav Films Entertainment Pvt. Ltd. and Aatpaat Films, Jhund is a biographical sports drama film based on the life of Vijay Barse, the founder of NGO Slum Soccer. Amitabh Bachchan plays Barse’s character in the film, which features his effort to promote football by training players from slum areas. 30- Shabaash Mithu Star Cast: Taapsee Pannu, Mumtaz Sorcar, Vijay Raaz, Brijendra Kala, Devadarshini Director: Srijit Mukherji The Taapsee Pannu starrer Shabaash Mithu is based on the life of Indian cricket legend Mithali Raj, the former Test and ODI captain of the Indian women’s national cricket team. It is produced by Viacom18 Studios and Colosceum Media. However, the film didn’t perform well at the box office, despite receiving positive reviews and high praise for Taapsee Pannu’s portrayal of Mithali Raj. 31- Rashmi Rocket Star Cast: Taapsee Pannu, Priyanshu Painyuli, Abhishek Banerjee, Shweta Tripathi, Supriya Pathak, Manoj Joshi Director: Akarsh Khurana Taapsee Pannu’s another sports drama film is Rashmi Rocket, in which she plays Rashmi Chibber, a.k.a. Rashmi Rocket, a prominent track and field athlete from Kutch, Gujarat. The film is about several sportswomen in the country who were subject to gender testing due to being diagnosed with hyperandrogenism, such as Pinki Pramanik and Dutee Chand, etc. The film premiered directly on Zee5 on October 15, 2021. Star Cast: Ranveer Singh, Jiiva, Pankaj Tripathi, Tahir Raj Bhasin, Saqib Saleem, Harrdy Sandhu, Ammy Virk Director: Kabir Khan The biographical drama film is based on the historic moment of the 1983 Cricket World Cup, when the Indian national cricket team lifted the trophy for the first time under the captaincy of cricket legend Kapil Dev. Although it had a big budget and big hype, the film underperformed at the box office, but it received critical acclaim for the performances of the cast. Apart from that, it also won several awards and nominations at prestigious film events such as the 67th Filmfare Awards, winning the most (14) nominations and two awards. 32- Toolsidas Junior Star Cast: Sanjay Dutt, Rajiv Kapoor, Dilip Tahil, Varun Buddhadev, Chinmai Chandranshuh Director: Mridul Mahendra The coming-of-age sports drama film is the last movie of prominent actor Rajeev Kapoor, who played the role of Toolsidas in the film. It is jointly produced by Bhushan Kumar and Krishan Kumar under T-Series Films, along with Sunita Gowarikar and co-screenwriter Ashutosh Gowarikar. The film featured Rajiv Kapoor as a snooker player who lost an important match against his rival. Later, his son Midi (Varun Buddhadev) decides to fulfil his dream and gets trained under former snooker national level champion Mohammad Salaam, played by Sanjay Dutt. 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0.0], [5843, 5870, 0.0], [5870, 6188, 0.0], [6188, 6337, 0.0], [6337, 6348, 0.0], [6348, 6388, 0.0], [6388, 6413, 0.0], [6413, 6655, 0.0], [6655, 6808, 0.0], [6808, 6835, 0.0], [6835, 6884, 0.0], [6884, 6907, 0.0], [6907, 7267, 0.0], [7267, 7285, 0.0], [7285, 7322, 0.0], [7322, 7346, 0.0], [7346, 7373, 0.0], [7373, 7687, 0.0], [7687, 7849, 0.0], [7849, 7882, 0.0], [7882, 7955, 0.0], [7955, 7983, 0.0], [7983, 8233, 0.0], [8233, 8360, 0.0], [8360, 8376, 0.0], [8376, 8434, 0.0], [8434, 8460, 0.0], [8460, 8487, 0.0], [8487, 8873, 0.0], [8873, 8887, 0.0], [8887, 8961, 0.0], [8961, 8986, 0.0], [8986, 9387, 0.0], [9387, 9398, 0.0], [9398, 9437, 0.0], [9437, 9463, 0.0], [9463, 9489, 0.0], [9489, 9910, 0.0], [9910, 9923, 0.0], [9923, 9988, 0.0], [9988, 10013, 0.0], [10013, 10373, 0.0], [10373, 10382, 0.0], [10382, 10428, 0.0], [10428, 10450, 0.0], [10450, 10762, 0.0], [10762, 10771, 0.0], [10771, 10859, 0.0], [10859, 10881, 0.0], [10881, 11185, 0.0], [11185, 11203, 0.0], [11203, 11257, 0.0], [11257, 11282, 0.0], [11282, 11596, 0.0], [11596, 11621, 0.0], [11621, 11685, 0.0], [11685, 11711, 0.0], [11711, 11738, 0.0], [11738, 12059, 0.0], [12059, 12069, 0.0], [12069, 12107, 0.0], [12107, 12137, 0.0], [12137, 12489, 0.0], [12489, 12503, 0.0], [12503, 12565, 0.0], [12565, 12587, 0.0], [12587, 12890, 0.0], [12890, 12901, 0.0], [12901, 12955, 0.0], [12955, 13311, 0.0], [13311, 13330, 0.0], [13330, 13374, 0.0], [13374, 13427, 0.0], [13427, 13456, 0.0], [13456, 13483, 0.0], [13483, 13840, 0.0], [13840, 13869, 0.0], [13869, 13897, 0.0], [13897, 13921, 0.0], [13921, 14301, 0.0], [14301, 14311, 0.0], [14311, 14382, 0.0], [14382, 14404, 0.0], [14404, 14777, 0.0], [14777, 14788, 0.0], [14788, 14843, 0.0], [14843, 14870, 0.0], [14870, 15285, 0.0], [15285, 15295, 0.0], [15295, 15366, 0.0], [15366, 15388, 0.0], [15388, 15717, 0.0], [15717, 15736, 0.0], [15736, 15818, 0.0], [15818, 15844, 0.0], [15844, 16021, 0.0], [16021, 16231, 0.0], [16231, 16249, 0.0], [16249, 16359, 0.0], [16359, 16384, 0.0], [16384, 16558, 0.0], [16558, 16794, 0.0], [16794, 16901, 0.0], [16901, 16922, 0.0], [16922, 17137, 0.0], [17137, 17461, 0.0], [17461, 17482, 0.0], [17482, 17571, 0.0], [17571, 17597, 0.0], [17597, 17879, 0.0], [17879, 18145, 0.0], [18145, 18229, 0.0], [18229, 18301, 0.0], [18301, 18397, 0.0], [18397, 18413, 0.0], [18413, 18494, 0.0]], "rps_lines_num_words": [[0, 87, 13.0], [87, 165, 12.0], [165, 308, 20.0], [308, 315, 1.0], [315, 339, 3.0], [339, 581, 34.0], [581, 845, 45.0], [845, 1148, 49.0], [1148, 1161, 3.0], [1161, 1203, 6.0], [1203, 1225, 3.0], [1225, 1252, 5.0], [1252, 1556, 52.0], [1556, 1688, 21.0], [1688, 1698, 2.0], [1698, 1768, 11.0], [1768, 1792, 3.0], [1792, 1819, 5.0], [1819, 2137, 55.0], [2137, 2420, 47.0], [2420, 2438, 4.0], [2438, 2464, 5.0], [2464, 2486, 3.0], [2486, 2512, 5.0], [2512, 2871, 58.0], [2871, 3002, 19.0], [3002, 3012, 2.0], [3012, 3047, 6.0], [3047, 3076, 3.0], [3076, 3402, 60.0], [3402, 3537, 23.0], [3537, 3547, 2.0], [3547, 3600, 8.0], [3600, 3620, 3.0], [3620, 3647, 5.0], [3647, 3950, 54.0], [3950, 4060, 20.0], [4060, 4069, 2.0], [4069, 4135, 10.0], [4135, 4158, 3.0], [4158, 4399, 40.0], [4399, 4604, 36.0], [4604, 4626, 4.0], [4626, 4665, 6.0], [4665, 4699, 4.0], [4699, 5015, 59.0], [5015, 5156, 25.0], [5156, 5176, 4.0], [5176, 5210, 6.0], [5210, 5237, 3.0], [5237, 5264, 5.0], [5264, 5571, 56.0], [5571, 5722, 31.0], [5722, 5731, 2.0], [5731, 5817, 12.0], [5817, 5843, 3.0], [5843, 5870, 5.0], [5870, 6188, 59.0], [6188, 6337, 26.0], [6337, 6348, 2.0], [6348, 6388, 6.0], [6388, 6413, 3.0], [6413, 6655, 46.0], [6655, 6808, 25.0], [6808, 6835, 5.0], [6835, 6884, 8.0], [6884, 6907, 3.0], [6907, 7267, 63.0], [7267, 7285, 3.0], [7285, 7322, 6.0], [7322, 7346, 3.0], [7346, 7373, 5.0], [7373, 7687, 55.0], [7687, 7849, 27.0], [7849, 7882, 6.0], [7882, 7955, 11.0], [7955, 7983, 5.0], [7983, 8233, 47.0], [8233, 8360, 22.0], [8360, 8376, 4.0], [8376, 8434, 9.0], [8434, 8460, 3.0], [8460, 8487, 5.0], [8487, 8873, 67.0], [8873, 8887, 2.0], [8887, 8961, 11.0], [8961, 8986, 3.0], [8986, 9387, 71.0], [9387, 9398, 2.0], [9398, 9437, 6.0], [9437, 9463, 4.0], [9463, 9489, 5.0], [9489, 9910, 79.0], [9910, 9923, 2.0], [9923, 9988, 8.0], [9988, 10013, 3.0], [10013, 10373, 60.0], [10373, 10382, 2.0], [10382, 10428, 8.0], [10428, 10450, 3.0], [10450, 10762, 58.0], [10762, 10771, 2.0], [10771, 10859, 13.0], [10859, 10881, 3.0], [10881, 11185, 54.0], [11185, 11203, 3.0], [11203, 11257, 8.0], [11257, 11282, 3.0], [11282, 11596, 55.0], [11596, 11621, 5.0], [11621, 11685, 10.0], [11685, 11711, 3.0], [11711, 11738, 5.0], [11738, 12059, 55.0], [12059, 12069, 2.0], [12069, 12107, 6.0], [12107, 12137, 4.0], [12137, 12489, 62.0], [12489, 12503, 2.0], [12503, 12565, 9.0], [12565, 12587, 3.0], [12587, 12890, 60.0], [12890, 12901, 2.0], [12901, 12955, 8.0], [12955, 13311, 67.0], [13311, 13330, 4.0], [13330, 13374, 1.0], [13374, 13427, 8.0], [13427, 13456, 3.0], [13456, 13483, 5.0], [13483, 13840, 62.0], [13840, 13869, 5.0], [13869, 13897, 4.0], [13897, 13921, 3.0], [13921, 14301, 66.0], [14301, 14311, 2.0], [14311, 14382, 11.0], [14382, 14404, 3.0], [14404, 14777, 64.0], [14777, 14788, 2.0], [14788, 14843, 8.0], [14843, 14870, 3.0], [14870, 15285, 79.0], [15285, 15295, 2.0], [15295, 15366, 10.0], [15366, 15388, 3.0], [15388, 15717, 53.0], [15717, 15736, 3.0], [15736, 15818, 11.0], [15818, 15844, 3.0], [15844, 16021, 30.0], [16021, 16231, 33.0], [16231, 16249, 3.0], [16249, 16359, 14.0], [16359, 16384, 3.0], [16384, 16558, 27.0], [16558, 16794, 39.0], [16794, 16901, 16.0], [16901, 16922, 3.0], [16922, 17137, 37.0], [17137, 17461, 55.0], [17461, 17482, 3.0], [17482, 17571, 12.0], [17571, 17597, 3.0], [17597, 17879, 44.0], [17879, 18145, 43.0], [18145, 18229, 12.0], [18229, 18301, 11.0], [18301, 18397, 14.0], [18397, 18413, 1.0], [18413, 18494, 12.0]], "rps_lines_numerical_chars_fraction": [[0, 87, 0.02352941], [87, 165, 0.02597403], [165, 308, 0.0], [308, 315, 0.0], [315, 339, 0.0], [339, 581, 0.0], [581, 845, 0.0], [845, 1148, 0.0], [1148, 1161, 0.09090909], [1161, 1203, 0.0], [1203, 1225, 0.0], [1225, 1252, 0.20833333], [1252, 1556, 0.0], [1556, 1688, 0.0], [1688, 1698, 0.125], [1698, 1768, 0.0], [1768, 1792, 0.0], [1792, 1819, 0.25], [1819, 2137, 0.0], [2137, 2420, 0.03249097], [2420, 2438, 0.06666667], [2438, 2464, 0.0], [2464, 2486, 0.0], [2486, 2512, 0.25], [2512, 2871, 0.01136364], [2871, 3002, 0.0], [3002, 3012, 0.125], [3012, 3047, 0.0], [3047, 3076, 0.0], [3076, 3402, 0.01242236], [3402, 3537, 0.0], [3537, 3547, 0.125], [3547, 3600, 0.0], [3600, 3620, 0.0], [3620, 3647, 0.24], [3647, 3950, 0.01346801], [3950, 4060, 0.0], [4060, 4069, 0.14285714], [4069, 4135, 0.0], [4135, 4158, 0.0], [4158, 4399, 0.0], [4399, 4604, 0.0], [4604, 4626, 0.05], [4626, 4665, 0.0], [4665, 4699, 0.0], [4699, 5015, 0.01948052], [5015, 5156, 0.0], [5156, 5176, 0.05555556], [5176, 5210, 0.0], [5210, 5237, 0.0], [5237, 5264, 0.2], [5264, 5571, 0.0], [5571, 5722, 0.02054795], [5722, 5731, 0.14285714], [5731, 5817, 0.0], [5817, 5843, 0.0], [5843, 5870, 0.25], [5870, 6188, 0.0], [6188, 6337, 0.0], [6337, 6348, 0.22222222], [6348, 6388, 0.0], [6388, 6413, 0.0], [6413, 6655, 0.00858369], [6655, 6808, 0.0], [6808, 6835, 0.08], [6835, 6884, 0.0], [6884, 6907, 0.0], [6907, 7267, 0.0], [7267, 7285, 0.125], [7285, 7322, 0.0], [7322, 7346, 0.0], [7346, 7373, 0.25], [7373, 7687, 0.01302932], [7687, 7849, 0.0], [7849, 7882, 0.07142857], [7882, 7955, 0.0], [7955, 7983, 0.24], [7983, 8233, 0.0], [8233, 8360, 0.0], [8360, 8376, 0.15384615], [8376, 8434, 0.0], [8434, 8460, 0.0], [8460, 8487, 0.25], [8487, 8873, 0.01578947], [8873, 8887, 0.16666667], [8887, 8961, 0.0], [8961, 8986, 0.0], [8986, 9387, 0.0], [9387, 9398, 0.22222222], [9398, 9437, 0.0], [9437, 9463, 0.0], [9463, 9489, 0.20833333], [9489, 9910, 0.01456311], [9910, 9923, 0.18181818], [9923, 9988, 0.0], [9988, 10013, 0.0], [10013, 10373, 0.01126761], [10373, 10382, 0.28571429], [10382, 10428, 0.0], [10428, 10450, 0.0], [10450, 10762, 0.03594771], [10762, 10771, 0.28571429], [10771, 10859, 0.0], [10859, 10881, 0.0], [10881, 11185, 0.0], [11185, 11203, 0.125], [11203, 11257, 0.0], [11257, 11282, 0.0], [11282, 11596, 0.0], [11596, 11621, 0.08695652], [11621, 11685, 0.0], [11685, 11711, 0.0], [11711, 11738, 0.25], [11738, 12059, 0.0], [12059, 12069, 0.25], [12069, 12107, 0.0], [12107, 12137, 0.0], [12137, 12489, 0.0], [12489, 12503, 0.16666667], [12503, 12565, 0.0], [12565, 12587, 0.0], [12587, 12890, 0.0], [12890, 12901, 0.22222222], [12901, 12955, 0.0], [12955, 13311, 0.0], [13311, 13330, 0.11764706], [13330, 13374, 0.03125], [13374, 13427, 0.0], [13427, 13456, 0.0], [13456, 13483, 0.25], [13483, 13840, 0.0], [13840, 13869, 0.07692308], [13869, 13897, 0.0], [13897, 13921, 0.0], [13921, 14301, 0.00815217], [14301, 14311, 0.25], [14311, 14382, 0.0], [14382, 14404, 0.0], [14404, 14777, 0.01098901], [14777, 14788, 0.22222222], [14788, 14843, 0.0], [14843, 14870, 0.0], [14870, 15285, 0.00980392], [15285, 15295, 0.25], [15295, 15366, 0.0], [15366, 15388, 0.0], [15388, 15717, 0.0], [15717, 15736, 0.11764706], [15736, 15818, 0.0], [15818, 15844, 0.0], [15844, 16021, 0.0], [16021, 16231, 0.0097561], [16231, 16249, 0.125], [16249, 16359, 0.0], [16359, 16384, 0.0], [16384, 16558, 0.0], [16558, 16794, 0.03043478], [16794, 16901, 0.0], [16901, 16922, 0.0], [16922, 17137, 0.01886792], [17137, 17461, 0.01269841], [17461, 17482, 0.10526316], [17482, 17571, 0.0], [17571, 17597, 0.0], [17597, 17879, 0.0], [17879, 18145, 0.0], [18145, 18229, 0.1], [18229, 18301, 0.06060606], [18301, 18397, 0.04347826], [18397, 18413, 0.0], [18413, 18494, 0.0]], "rps_lines_start_with_bulletpoint": [[0, 87, 0.0], [87, 165, 0.0], [165, 308, 0.0], [308, 315, 0.0], [315, 339, 0.0], [339, 581, 0.0], [581, 845, 0.0], [845, 1148, 0.0], [1148, 1161, 0.0], [1161, 1203, 0.0], [1203, 1225, 0.0], [1225, 1252, 0.0], [1252, 1556, 0.0], [1556, 1688, 0.0], [1688, 1698, 0.0], [1698, 1768, 0.0], [1768, 1792, 0.0], [1792, 1819, 0.0], [1819, 2137, 0.0], [2137, 2420, 0.0], [2420, 2438, 0.0], [2438, 2464, 0.0], [2464, 2486, 0.0], [2486, 2512, 0.0], [2512, 2871, 0.0], [2871, 3002, 0.0], [3002, 3012, 0.0], [3012, 3047, 0.0], [3047, 3076, 0.0], [3076, 3402, 0.0], [3402, 3537, 0.0], [3537, 3547, 0.0], [3547, 3600, 0.0], [3600, 3620, 0.0], [3620, 3647, 0.0], [3647, 3950, 0.0], [3950, 4060, 0.0], [4060, 4069, 0.0], [4069, 4135, 0.0], [4135, 4158, 0.0], [4158, 4399, 0.0], [4399, 4604, 0.0], [4604, 4626, 0.0], [4626, 4665, 0.0], [4665, 4699, 0.0], [4699, 5015, 0.0], [5015, 5156, 0.0], [5156, 5176, 0.0], [5176, 5210, 0.0], [5210, 5237, 0.0], [5237, 5264, 0.0], [5264, 5571, 0.0], [5571, 5722, 0.0], [5722, 5731, 0.0], [5731, 5817, 0.0], [5817, 5843, 0.0], [5843, 5870, 0.0], [5870, 6188, 0.0], [6188, 6337, 0.0], [6337, 6348, 0.0], [6348, 6388, 0.0], [6388, 6413, 0.0], [6413, 6655, 0.0], [6655, 6808, 0.0], [6808, 6835, 0.0], [6835, 6884, 0.0], [6884, 6907, 0.0], [6907, 7267, 0.0], [7267, 7285, 0.0], [7285, 7322, 0.0], [7322, 7346, 0.0], [7346, 7373, 0.0], [7373, 7687, 0.0], [7687, 7849, 0.0], [7849, 7882, 0.0], [7882, 7955, 0.0], [7955, 7983, 0.0], [7983, 8233, 0.0], [8233, 8360, 0.0], [8360, 8376, 0.0], [8376, 8434, 0.0], [8434, 8460, 0.0], [8460, 8487, 0.0], [8487, 8873, 0.0], [8873, 8887, 0.0], [8887, 8961, 0.0], [8961, 8986, 0.0], [8986, 9387, 0.0], [9387, 9398, 0.0], [9398, 9437, 0.0], [9437, 9463, 0.0], [9463, 9489, 0.0], [9489, 9910, 0.0], [9910, 9923, 0.0], [9923, 9988, 0.0], [9988, 10013, 0.0], [10013, 10373, 0.0], [10373, 10382, 0.0], [10382, 10428, 0.0], [10428, 10450, 0.0], [10450, 10762, 0.0], [10762, 10771, 0.0], [10771, 10859, 0.0], [10859, 10881, 0.0], [10881, 11185, 0.0], [11185, 11203, 0.0], [11203, 11257, 0.0], [11257, 11282, 0.0], [11282, 11596, 0.0], [11596, 11621, 0.0], [11621, 11685, 0.0], [11685, 11711, 0.0], [11711, 11738, 0.0], [11738, 12059, 0.0], [12059, 12069, 0.0], [12069, 12107, 0.0], [12107, 12137, 0.0], [12137, 12489, 0.0], [12489, 12503, 0.0], [12503, 12565, 0.0], [12565, 12587, 0.0], [12587, 12890, 0.0], [12890, 12901, 0.0], [12901, 12955, 0.0], [12955, 13311, 0.0], [13311, 13330, 0.0], [13330, 13374, 0.0], [13374, 13427, 0.0], [13427, 13456, 0.0], [13456, 13483, 0.0], [13483, 13840, 0.0], [13840, 13869, 0.0], [13869, 13897, 0.0], [13897, 13921, 0.0], [13921, 14301, 0.0], [14301, 14311, 0.0], [14311, 14382, 0.0], [14382, 14404, 0.0], [14404, 14777, 0.0], [14777, 14788, 0.0], [14788, 14843, 0.0], [14843, 14870, 0.0], [14870, 15285, 0.0], [15285, 15295, 0.0], [15295, 15366, 0.0], [15366, 15388, 0.0], [15388, 15717, 0.0], [15717, 15736, 0.0], [15736, 15818, 0.0], [15818, 15844, 0.0], [15844, 16021, 0.0], [16021, 16231, 0.0], [16231, 16249, 0.0], [16249, 16359, 0.0], [16359, 16384, 0.0], [16384, 16558, 0.0], [16558, 16794, 0.0], [16794, 16901, 0.0], [16901, 16922, 0.0], [16922, 17137, 0.0], [17137, 17461, 0.0], [17461, 17482, 0.0], [17482, 17571, 0.0], [17571, 17597, 0.0], [17597, 17879, 0.0], [17879, 18145, 0.0], [18145, 18229, 0.0], [18229, 18301, 0.0], [18301, 18397, 0.0], [18397, 18413, 0.0], [18413, 18494, 0.0]], "rps_lines_uppercase_letter_fraction": [[0, 87, 0.10344828], [87, 165, 0.1025641], [165, 308, 0.02797203], [308, 315, 0.14285714], [315, 339, 0.125], [339, 581, 0.01239669], [581, 845, 0.02651515], [845, 1148, 0.00990099], [1148, 1161, 0.15384615], [1161, 1203, 0.14285714], [1203, 1225, 0.13636364], [1225, 1252, 0.11111111], [1252, 1556, 0.03618421], [1556, 1688, 0.09090909], [1688, 1698, 0.1], [1698, 1768, 0.15714286], [1768, 1792, 0.125], [1792, 1819, 0.11111111], [1819, 2137, 0.06289308], [2137, 2420, 0.01413428], [2420, 2438, 0.16666667], [2438, 2464, 0.19230769], [2464, 2486, 0.13636364], [2486, 2512, 0.11538462], [2512, 2871, 0.02785515], [2871, 3002, 0.09923664], [3002, 3012, 0.1], [3012, 3047, 0.17142857], [3047, 3076, 0.10344828], [3076, 3402, 0.02760736], [3402, 3537, 0.08148148], [3537, 3547, 0.1], [3547, 3600, 0.1509434], [3600, 3620, 0.15], [3620, 3647, 0.11111111], [3647, 3950, 0.0330033], [3950, 4060, 0.07272727], [4060, 4069, 0.11111111], [4069, 4135, 0.15151515], [4135, 4158, 0.17391304], [4158, 4399, 0.04149378], [4399, 4604, 0.06829268], [4604, 4626, 0.13636364], [4626, 4665, 0.15384615], [4665, 4699, 0.11764706], [4699, 5015, 0.03481013], [5015, 5156, 0.08510638], [5156, 5176, 0.15], [5176, 5210, 0.17647059], [5210, 5237, 0.11111111], [5237, 5264, 0.11111111], [5264, 5571, 0.02605863], [5571, 5722, 0.0397351], [5722, 5731, 0.11111111], [5731, 5817, 0.12790698], [5817, 5843, 0.11538462], [5843, 5870, 0.11111111], [5870, 6188, 0.01886792], [6188, 6337, 0.06711409], [6337, 6348, 0.09090909], [6348, 6388, 0.15], [6388, 6413, 0.12], [6413, 6655, 0.01652893], [6655, 6808, 0.05228758], [6808, 6835, 0.14814815], [6835, 6884, 0.16326531], [6884, 6907, 0.13043478], [6907, 7267, 0.05], [7267, 7285, 0.11111111], [7285, 7322, 0.16216216], [7322, 7346, 0.125], [7346, 7373, 0.07407407], [7373, 7687, 0.05414013], [7687, 7849, 0.08024691], [7849, 7882, 0.18181818], [7882, 7955, 0.15068493], [7955, 7983, 0.10714286], [7983, 8233, 0.064], [8233, 8360, 0.06299213], [8360, 8376, 0.1875], [8376, 8434, 0.15517241], [8434, 8460, 0.11538462], [8460, 8487, 0.11111111], [8487, 8873, 0.01295337], [8873, 8887, 0.07142857], [8887, 8961, 0.14864865], [8961, 8986, 0.12], [8986, 9387, 0.01995012], [9387, 9398, 0.09090909], [9398, 9437, 0.15384615], [9437, 9463, 0.15384615], [9463, 9489, 0.11538462], [9489, 9910, 0.02612827], [9910, 9923, 0.07692308], [9923, 9988, 0.12307692], [9988, 10013, 0.12], [10013, 10373, 0.03055556], [10373, 10382, 0.11111111], [10382, 10428, 0.17391304], [10428, 10450, 0.13636364], [10450, 10762, 0.04487179], [10762, 10771, 0.11111111], [10771, 10859, 0.14772727], [10859, 10881, 0.13636364], [10881, 11185, 0.04276316], [11185, 11203, 0.05555556], [11203, 11257, 0.14814815], [11257, 11282, 0.12], [11282, 11596, 0.05414013], [11596, 11621, 0.16], [11621, 11685, 0.15625], [11685, 11711, 0.11538462], [11711, 11738, 0.11111111], [11738, 12059, 0.06853583], [12059, 12069, 0.1], [12069, 12107, 0.15789474], [12107, 12137, 0.13333333], [12137, 12489, 0.02556818], [12489, 12503, 0.07142857], [12503, 12565, 0.14516129], [12565, 12587, 0.13636364], [12587, 12890, 0.04950495], [12890, 12901, 0.09090909], [12901, 12955, 0.14814815], [12955, 13311, 0.0252809], [13311, 13330, 0.15789474], [13330, 13374, 0.09090909], [13374, 13427, 0.1509434], [13427, 13456, 0.10344828], [13456, 13483, 0.11111111], [13483, 13840, 0.05882353], [13840, 13869, 0.13793103], [13869, 13897, 0.14285714], [13897, 13921, 0.125], [13921, 14301, 0.05789474], [14301, 14311, 0.1], [14311, 14382, 0.14084507], [14382, 14404, 0.13636364], [14404, 14777, 0.06702413], [14777, 14788, 0.09090909], [14788, 14843, 0.14545455], [14843, 14870, 0.11111111], [14870, 15285, 0.03614458], [15285, 15295, 0.1], [15295, 15366, 0.14084507], [15366, 15388, 0.13636364], [15388, 15717, 0.0668693], [15717, 15736, 0.10526316], [15736, 15818, 0.13414634], [15818, 15844, 0.11538462], [15844, 16021, 0.07344633], [16021, 16231, 0.04761905], [16231, 16249, 0.11111111], [16249, 16359, 0.12727273], [16359, 16384, 0.12], [16384, 16558, 0.05747126], [16558, 16794, 0.03389831], [16794, 16901, 0.14953271], [16901, 16922, 0.14285714], [16922, 17137, 0.03255814], [17137, 17461, 0.01234568], [17461, 17482, 0.0952381], [17482, 17571, 0.13483146], [17571, 17597, 0.11538462], [17597, 17879, 0.05673759], [17879, 18145, 0.04135338], [18145, 18229, 0.10714286], [18229, 18301, 0.13888889], [18301, 18397, 0.10416667], [18397, 18413, 0.125], [18413, 18494, 0.12345679]], "rps_doc_ml_palm_score": [[0, 18494, 0.7171514]], "rps_doc_ml_wikipedia_score": [[0, 18494, null]], "rps_doc_ml_wikiref_score": [[0, 18494, 0.99201989]], "rps_doc_books_importance": [[0, 18494, -949.10071976]], "rps_doc_openwebtext_importance": [[0, 18494, 120.24964888]], "rps_doc_wikipedia_importance": [[0, 18494, 129.3978258]], "rps_doc_num_sentences": [[0, 18494, 176.0]]}
Douglas Kent Hall Papers, 1950s-2011 (mostly 1970-2000) The Master of Oakwindsor: Rough Draft, Book One, 1970s Hall, Douglas Kent. The Master of Oakwindsor: Rough Draft, Book One; Douglas Kent Hall Papers, C1384, Manuscripts Division, Department of Special Collections, Princeton University Library For preservation reasons, original analog and digital media may not be read or played back in the reading room. Users may visually inspect physical media, but may not remove it from its enclosure. All analog audiovisual media must be digitized to preservation-quality standards prior to use. Patrons may request digital copies of original analog media, but will be responsible for the cost of digital conversion, payable in advance. Turn-around time for such requests will depend on the size and scope of the project. Requests should be directed to Special Collections Public Services staff through the Ask Us! form. The Douglas Kent Hall Papers document approximately fifty years of the creator's life and contain materials relating to the two major aspects of his work: creative writing and photography. The collection includes manuscripts, notes, and research files as well as black-and-white negatives, contact sheets, color transparencies and prints for almost all of Hall's published and unpublished writings and photography projects. Audio and visual materials are included in a number of magnetic and optical formats (cassette tapes, CD-ROMs, DVDs, and one 45rpm vinyl record). There is also handwritten and typed correspondence relating to those projects, and more general correspondence ranging from personal letters to business dealings with galleries. Unassociated and contextually ambiguous materials are also included. A great majority of Hall's creative writing is present, consisting of books, plays, articles, essays, screenplays and teleplays, poetry, and short stories from his time as a student up until his death. There are drafts of major publications including his first novel On the Way to the Sky (1972) and Let 'Er Buck (1973), as well as the interviews and research behind the documentary The Great American Cowboy. A majority of the series consists of unpublished drafts and related materials that are usually thematically related to other writings and photography projects that Hall was developing concurrently. Other creative writings include a number of autobiographical short stories, freelance articles and reviews, a large amount of unpublished poetry, and many unproduced screenplays. The creative bulk of the collection consists of at least 96,000 unique images in the form of black-and-white negatives, contact sheets, color transparencies, and prints spanning Hall's forty years of photography. Major subjects include rock and roll stars from the 1960s and early 1970s (including Jimi Hendrix and The Who), the American southwest (including rodeos, mission churches, border residents, and Native dances), poets and artists (including Mark Strand, Allen Ginsberg, W. S. Merwin) and photographic studies of subcultures including bodybuilding (with Arnold Schwarzenegger and Lou Ferrigno), prison life, drag racing, dance, and cowboy lifestyles. Locations photographed include the U.S.-Mexico border, the American West, New Mexico, New York City, Japan, Australia, Brazil, Mexico, and Russia. Since a number of these projects were developed as publications, the photographs are accompanied by manuscripts, notes, research files, and correspondence related to their production. The collection is organized into four major series with additional subdivisions. Single photocopies may be made for research purposes. No further photoduplication of copies of material in the collection can be made when Princeton University Library does not own the original. The library has no information on the status of literary rights in the collection and researchers are responsible for determining any questions of copyright. Permission to publish material from the collection must be requested from Dawn Hall, the Estate of Douglas Kent Hall, 1716 Camino Gusto NW, Albuquerque, NM 87107. Mitchell, Adrian, 1932-2008 Schwarzenegger, Arnold Strand, Mark, 1934-2014
{"url": "https://findingaids.princeton.edu/catalog/C1384_c0044", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "findingaids.princeton.edu", "date_download": "2023-03-20T11:03:59Z", "digest": "sha1:6PENF6RD3PW6IFOGANIPLIIMLRFRTIEQ"}
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Air America Collection A-12 OXCART Reconnaissance Aircraft Documentation Animal Partners 1973 Arab-Israeli War Argentina Declassification Project - The "Dirty War" (1976-83) Berlin Tunnel Berlin Wall Collection 1 Bosnia, Intelligence, and the Clinton Presidency CAESAR, POLO, ESAU Collection CIA Analysis of the Soviet Navy CIA Analysis of the Warsaw Pact Forces Civil Air Transport Consolidated Translations Creating Global Intelligence CREST: 25-Year Program Archive Current/Central Intelligence Bulletin Czech Invasion DECLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS RELATED TO 9/11 ATTACKS Doctor Zhivago Documents Related to the Former Detention and Interrogation Program Ethel & Julius Rosenberg Fall of the Libyan Monarchy FOIA Collection Foreign Broadcast Information Service History From Typist to Trailblazer General CIA Records Ground Photo Caption Cards Human Rights: Latin America Lunik on Loan: A Space Age Spy Story Historical Review Panel Intelligence, Policy, and Politics Intelligence Warning of the 1957 Launch of Sputnik John McCone as Director of Central Intelligence, 1961-1965 JPRS Korean War Collection Lt. Col. Oleg Penkovsky Martial Law & Kuklinski Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act NIC China Collection NIC Vietnam Collection Nixon Collection NGA Records (Formerly NIMA) Original Wizards of Langley OSS Collection President's Daily Brief President Carter and the Role of Intelligence in the Camp David Accords President George H. W. Bush's Farewell Visit to CIA Princeton Collection Reagan Collection Richard Helms Collection Secret Writing Soviet & Warsaw Pact Military Journals Stories of Sacrifice & Dedication Studies in Intelligence Articles Tet Declassified The Collapse of Communism in Eastern Europe a 30 year Legacy "The Family Jewels" The Missile Gap The National Intelligence Council (NIC) Collection U-2 Pilot Francis Gary Powers UFOs: Fact or Fiction? Underwater Recovery Vietnam Histories Wartime Statutes Current/Central Intelligence Bulletin Collection President Harry Truman received his daily intelligence digest, the Daily Summary, between 1946 and 1951. That year, the "new and improved" version called the Current Intelligence Bulletin began production. This remained the format of the president's daily digest through Dwight Eisenhower's two terms (with a name change to the Central Intelligence Bulletin in 1958). The Current/Central Intelligence Bulletin grew longer than its predecessor over time with the addition of more items and more analysis, and would eventually contain more graphics as printing technology improved. Part 1: Current Intelligence Bulletin 28 February-30 June 1951 These reports focused on the ongoing Korean War and the steadily growing problem of Vietnam. The Soviets continued to isolate West Berlin and threaten Yugoslavia. The dominant issue covered during these months, however, was Iran's attempt to nationalize the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, and the British efforts to resolve the situation. Part 2: Current Intelligence Bulletin 1 July-30 December 1951 The primary focus of these reports continued to be the Korean War. Other highlights include the signing of the Japanese Peace Treaty, which formally ended World War II, and the expanding membership of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. The fragile post-war order was rocked during this period by the assassinations of King Abdullah of Jordan and Prime Minister Ali Khan of Pakistan. Part 3: Current Intelligence Bulletin 1 January-30 June 1952 The major issue covered in these reports remained the Korean War, characterized this period by stalemate on the battlefield and inconclusive ceasefire negotiations. Anticolonial sentiment continued to grow in French Indochina and began to become a significant factor in British Kenya. The United Kingdom received a new queen in February with the accession of Elizabeth II. The dominant issue covered in these reports continued to be the Korean War, which remained a stalemate. Anticolonial and nationalist movements, however, grew in intensity in the latter half of 1952. Of special note was the end of the Egyptian monarchy with the overthrow of King Farouk in July, and the violent outbreak of what became known as the Mau Mau Rebellion in British Kenya in October. Part 5: Current Intelligence Bulletin 1 January-31 December 1953 There were significant changes in US and Soviet leadership in 1953, with the start of the Eisenhower administration in January and the death of Joseph Stalin in March. Coverage of the USSR dominated the reports for the year, including Soviet bomber and submarine production and increased threats to Eastern Europe. Korea ceased to be a main topic with the signing of the Korean Armistice Agreement in July. Political instability in Iran, including the overthrow of Prime Minister Mohammed Mosaddegh in August, and its prospective impact on oil exports also were heavily covered. The dominant issue this year was the volatile situation in Indochina. The French began their withdrawal following their decisive defeat by the Vietnamese Communists (or Viet Minh) at the battle of Dien Bien Phu in May. That summer at the Geneva Conference, the international community partitioned Vietnam, with the north to be governed by the Viet Minh and the south by a non-Communist regime. Another significant story was the debate on Western Europe's proposals to provide for its common defense, while preventing Germany from again becoming a major military power. Also of note was the June coup in Guatemala, in which the leftist regime of Jacobo Arbenz was replaced by a military regime under Carlos Castillo Armas. During this period, Argentine President Juan Peron was deposed by a military junta and the Arab-Israeli conflict intensified as Syria threatened Israel with military emplacements along the Golan Heights. The reports of 1955 were dominated, though, by the continuing Cold War. Early in the year, the People's Republic of China (PRC) shelled Taiwan-controlled islands off the coast of PRC's Fujian Province. The PRC rejected the establishment of a Chinese Nationalist regime in Taiwan, considering the island part of the PRC. The situation tested US resolve to protect an anti-Communist partner in the face of a serious threat from a Communist aggressor. In Southeast Asia, South Vietnam's new anti-Communist regime of Ngo Dinh Diem enjoyed very little public support. In the USSR, Nikita Khrushchev emerged as successor to Stalin, who had died in 1953. Nikita Khrushchev's efforts to secure political control in the Soviet Union, including his denouncement of the excesses of the Stalin era, was a theme of the reports of 1956. Khrushchev shocked delegates to the 20th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in February with a speech attacking the cult of personality of Joseph Stalin. Khrushchev's "softer" approach was put to the test in June with some localized worker uprisings in Poland, which were peaceably resolved. Much more serious was the nation-wide Hungarian uprising in October, which led to a Soviet invasion and deposition of Hungarian leader Imre Nagy. October also saw the culmination of the Suez Crisis, touched off in July by the nationalization of the Suez Canal by Egyptian President Nasser. In October, Israel, the United Kingdom, and France (without US support) attacked Egypt in an unsuccessful effort to oust Nasser and reopen the canal. Cold War tensions dominated the reporting in 1957. Political upheaval racked Indonesia, with the struggle between moderate elements in President Sukarno's regime and Indonesia's Moscow-backed Communist party. Sukarno declared martial law in March and survived an assassination attempt in November, after which he left the country for a six-week sabbatical. Syria's regime also faced a growing threat from pro-Soviet leftist elements throughout much of the year. The United States supported pro-Western regional allies Turkey, Jordan, and Iraq in the face of growing Soviet assistance to the increasingly leftist Syrian regime. In August and September, Turkey deployed 50,000 troops to its border with Syria. By October the crisis subsided as diplomatic efforts convinced Turkey to begin withdrawing its troops. The autumn saw several reports on the USSR's October launch of Sputnik—the world's first artificial satellite—assessing that this advancement could render the United States vulnerable to a Soviet intercontinental ballistic missile attack. Part 10: Central Intelligence Bulletin 2 January-31 December 1958 In January 1958, the name of the Current Intelligence Bulletin was changed to Central Intelligence Bulletin. The format remained the same, however, as did the ongoing tensions between the US and the USSR. Khrushchev further consolidated his power, formally assuming the Soviet premiership in March. The USSR continued its ICBM testing and advocated for the de-militarization of central Europe—a plan embraced by the Warsaw Pact and shunned by NATO. Intensifying political and economic instability in Indonesia led to an unsuccessful coup attempt against President Sukarno. The Middle East was again rocked by widespread violence with the destruction of Iraq's pro-western Hashemite monarchy, as King Faisal was overthrown and executed. President Chamoun of Lebanon, facing dire threats to his government, requested direct US support, leading to the deployment in mid-July of over 14,000 US military personnel to Beirut. By late October, US forces had withdrawn from Lebanon, following American-led diplomatic efforts that secured a peaceful compromise. Iraq had another tumultuous year in 1959, as Prime Minister Abdel Karim Qasim put down an uprising of Arab nationalists in Mosul and later survived an assassination attempt by the pro-Nasser Baath Party. Also that year, Fidel Castro came to power in Cuba, and the USSR threatened to conclude a separate peace treaty with East Germany if the US-led West failed to do so. However, there was also a softening of Soviet rhetoric over the year, as Premier Nikita Khrushchev pushed for summit talks with the United States. Making use of this possible thaw in relations, President Eisenhower hosted Khrushchev at Camp David in September, the first-ever state visit of a Soviet leader to the United States. US relations with Cuba continued to deteriorate in 1960, as Fidel Castro nationalized US business and commercial enterprises, and entered into several trade agreements with the USSR. The month of May was dominated by the downing deep inside Soviet territory of a U-2 photographic aerial reconnaissance aircraft, piloted by Francis Gary Powers, who was captured and later that summer tried and convicted of espionage. The ensuing diplomatic crisis led to the scuttling of the 17 May summit in Paris between the United States, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, and France. Later in the year, turmoil erupted in the Congo after Belgium granted the Belgian Congo formal independence in June. Part 13: Central Intelligence Bulletin 2 January-30 Jun 1961 The new Kennedy Administration confronted a full array of international issues in 1961. In April, a group of CIA-trained Cuban exiles landed at the Bay of Pigs on the southern coast of Cuba with the goal of overthrowing the Fidel Castro regime and establishing an anti-Communist government. The outnumbered invading force was quickly repelled by Castro's troops. The year's reports were dominated by the worsening Congo crisis, with the fragmentation of the country widening despite the efforts of the United Nations, and US concern over the high tempo of Soviet testing of space vehicles and intercontinental ballistic missiles. The situation in Laos deteriorated, as the Communist Pathet Lao insurgency gained strength against the US-backed Royal Lao government. The changes at the CIA following the Bay of Pigs included a format update for the president's daily intelligence report. The new version, called the President's Intelligence Checklist (PICL), was first delivered on 17 June 1961. The Central Intelligence Bulletin continued to be produced as a separate publication until 10 Jan 1974, when it was replaced by the National Intelligence Daily. The PICL, however, was the president's primary written intelligence source through the remainder of the Kennedy Administration. The Kennedy PICL reports are available here See declassified Daily Summary reports from 1946-1951 Documents in this Collection Documents in PDF format require the Adobe Acrobat Reader® CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN - 1951/06/27 Document Number: 02733141 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULL[15587425].pdf 537.29 KB
{"url": "https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/collection/currentcentral-intelligence-bulletin?page=5", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "www.cia.gov", "date_download": "2023-03-20T09:41:49Z", "digest": "sha1:TJWOWU4RXYHSN6E7RJ7QPNQQGV35XEGS"}
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0.0], [869, 906, 0.0], [906, 930, 0.0], [930, 965, 0.0], [965, 1016, 0.0], [1016, 1075, 0.0], [1075, 1080, 0.0], [1080, 1102, 0.0], [1102, 1126, 0.0], [1126, 1150, 0.0], [1150, 1181, 0.0], [1181, 1202, 0.0], [1202, 1225, 0.0], [1225, 1242, 0.0], [1242, 1270, 0.0], [1270, 1298, 0.0], [1298, 1313, 0.0], [1313, 1337, 0.0], [1337, 1409, 0.0], [1409, 1461, 0.0], [1461, 1482, 0.0], [1482, 1500, 0.0], [1500, 1525, 0.0], [1525, 1540, 0.0], [1540, 1579, 0.0], [1579, 1613, 0.0], [1613, 1646, 0.0], [1646, 1663, 0.0], [1663, 1724, 0.0], [1724, 1744, 0.0], [1744, 1760, 0.0], [1760, 1811, 0.0], [1811, 1841, 0.0], [1841, 1864, 1.0], [1864, 1884, 0.0], [1884, 1902, 0.0], [1902, 1919, 0.0], [1919, 1968, 0.0], [1968, 2548, 1.0], [2548, 2611, 0.0], [2611, 2946, 1.0], [2946, 3008, 0.0], [3008, 3396, 1.0], [3396, 3457, 0.0], [3457, 3830, 1.0], [3830, 4225, 1.0], [4225, 4290, 0.0], [4290, 4869, 1.0], [4869, 5591, 1.0], [5591, 6443, 1.0], [6443, 7367, 1.0], [7367, 8417, 1.0], [8417, 8483, 0.0], [8483, 9536, 1.0], [9536, 10235, 1.0], [10235, 10927, 1.0], [10927, 10988, 0.0], [10988, 11753, 1.0], [11753, 12315, 0.0], [12315, 12369, 0.0], [12369, 12398, 0.0], [12398, 12456, 0.0], [12456, 12499, 0.0], [12499, 12525, 0.0], [12525, 12574, 0.0]], "rps_lines_javascript_counts": [[0, 23, 0.0], [23, 73, 0.0], [73, 89, 0.0], [89, 111, 0.0], [111, 174, 0.0], [174, 188, 0.0], [188, 213, 0.0], [213, 262, 0.0], [262, 292, 0.0], [292, 324, 0.0], [324, 363, 0.0], [363, 383, 0.0], [383, 409, 0.0], [409, 438, 0.0], [438, 469, 0.0], [469, 507, 0.0], [507, 522, 0.0], [522, 569, 0.0], [569, 584, 0.0], [584, 652, 0.0], [652, 677, 0.0], [677, 705, 0.0], [705, 721, 0.0], [721, 767, 0.0], [767, 794, 0.0], [794, 814, 0.0], [814, 841, 0.0], [841, 869, 0.0], [869, 906, 0.0], [906, 930, 0.0], [930, 965, 0.0], [965, 1016, 0.0], [1016, 1075, 0.0], [1075, 1080, 0.0], [1080, 1102, 0.0], [1102, 1126, 0.0], [1126, 1150, 0.0], [1150, 1181, 0.0], [1181, 1202, 0.0], [1202, 1225, 0.0], [1225, 1242, 0.0], [1242, 1270, 0.0], [1270, 1298, 0.0], [1298, 1313, 0.0], [1313, 1337, 0.0], [1337, 1409, 0.0], [1409, 1461, 0.0], [1461, 1482, 0.0], [1482, 1500, 0.0], [1500, 1525, 0.0], [1525, 1540, 0.0], [1540, 1579, 0.0], [1579, 1613, 0.0], [1613, 1646, 0.0], [1646, 1663, 0.0], [1663, 1724, 0.0], [1724, 1744, 0.0], [1744, 1760, 0.0], [1760, 1811, 0.0], [1811, 1841, 0.0], [1841, 1864, 0.0], [1864, 1884, 0.0], [1884, 1902, 0.0], [1902, 1919, 0.0], [1919, 1968, 0.0], [1968, 2548, 0.0], [2548, 2611, 0.0], [2611, 2946, 0.0], [2946, 3008, 0.0], [3008, 3396, 0.0], [3396, 3457, 0.0], [3457, 3830, 0.0], [3830, 4225, 0.0], [4225, 4290, 0.0], [4290, 4869, 0.0], [4869, 5591, 0.0], [5591, 6443, 0.0], [6443, 7367, 0.0], [7367, 8417, 0.0], [8417, 8483, 0.0], [8483, 9536, 0.0], [9536, 10235, 0.0], [10235, 10927, 0.0], [10927, 10988, 0.0], [10988, 11753, 0.0], [11753, 12315, 0.0], [12315, 12369, 0.0], [12369, 12398, 0.0], [12398, 12456, 0.0], [12456, 12499, 0.0], [12499, 12525, 0.0], [12525, 12574, 0.0]], "rps_lines_num_words": [[0, 23, 3.0], [23, 73, 5.0], [73, 89, 2.0], [89, 111, 3.0], [111, 174, 7.0], [174, 188, 2.0], [188, 213, 4.0], [213, 262, 6.0], [262, 292, 4.0], [292, 324, 6.0], [324, 363, 7.0], [363, 383, 3.0], [383, 409, 2.0], [409, 438, 3.0], [438, 469, 4.0], [469, 507, 3.0], [507, 522, 2.0], [522, 569, 6.0], [569, 584, 2.0], [584, 652, 9.0], [652, 677, 3.0], [677, 705, 5.0], [705, 721, 2.0], [721, 767, 5.0], [767, 794, 4.0], [794, 814, 3.0], [814, 841, 4.0], [841, 869, 4.0], [869, 906, 8.0], [906, 930, 3.0], [930, 965, 4.0], [965, 1016, 8.0], [1016, 1075, 8.0], [1075, 1080, 1.0], [1080, 1102, 3.0], [1102, 1126, 4.0], [1126, 1150, 3.0], [1150, 1181, 5.0], [1181, 1202, 3.0], [1202, 1225, 3.0], [1225, 1242, 2.0], [1242, 1270, 4.0], [1270, 1298, 4.0], [1298, 1313, 2.0], [1313, 1337, 3.0], [1337, 1409, 12.0], [1409, 1461, 9.0], [1461, 1482, 2.0], [1482, 1500, 2.0], [1500, 1525, 3.0], [1525, 1540, 2.0], [1540, 1579, 5.0], [1579, 1613, 4.0], [1613, 1646, 4.0], [1646, 1663, 2.0], [1663, 1724, 11.0], [1724, 1744, 3.0], [1744, 1760, 3.0], [1760, 1811, 6.0], [1811, 1841, 5.0], [1841, 1864, 4.0], [1864, 1884, 2.0], [1884, 1902, 2.0], [1902, 1919, 2.0], [1919, 1968, 4.0], [1968, 2548, 84.0], [2548, 2611, 9.0], [2611, 2946, 50.0], [2946, 3008, 9.0], [3008, 3396, 62.0], [3396, 3457, 9.0], [3457, 3830, 56.0], [3830, 4225, 67.0], [4225, 4290, 9.0], [4290, 4869, 92.0], [4869, 5591, 117.0], [5591, 6443, 133.0], [6443, 7367, 149.0], [7367, 8417, 150.0], [8417, 8483, 9.0], [8483, 9536, 155.0], [9536, 10235, 117.0], [10235, 10927, 110.0], [10927, 10988, 9.0], [10988, 11753, 117.0], [11753, 12315, 85.0], [12315, 12369, 7.0], [12369, 12398, 4.0], [12398, 12456, 9.0], [12456, 12499, 4.0], [12499, 12525, 3.0], [12525, 12574, 5.0]], "rps_lines_numerical_chars_fraction": [[0, 23, 0.0], [23, 73, 0.04166667], [73, 89, 0.0], [89, 111, 0.2], [111, 174, 0.10909091], [174, 188, 0.0], [188, 213, 0.04166667], [213, 262, 0.0], [262, 292, 0.0], [292, 324, 0.0], [324, 363, 0.0], [363, 383, 0.0], [383, 409, 0.0], [409, 438, 0.0], [438, 469, 0.07142857], [469, 507, 0.0], [507, 522, 0.0], [522, 569, 0.06666667], [569, 584, 0.0], [584, 652, 0.0], [652, 677, 0.0], [677, 705, 0.0], [705, 721, 0.0], [721, 767, 0.0], [767, 794, 0.0], [794, 814, 0.0], [814, 841, 0.0], [841, 869, 0.0], [869, 906, 0.0], [906, 930, 0.0], [930, 965, 0.0], [965, 1016, 0.08], [1016, 1075, 0.14285714], [1075, 1080, 0.0], [1080, 1102, 0.0], [1102, 1126, 0.0], [1126, 1150, 0.0], [1150, 1181, 0.0], [1181, 1202, 0.0], [1202, 1225, 0.0], [1225, 1242, 0.0], [1242, 1270, 0.0], [1270, 1298, 0.0], [1298, 1313, 0.0], [1313, 1337, 0.0], [1337, 1409, 0.0], [1409, 1461, 0.0], [1461, 1482, 0.0], [1482, 1500, 0.0], [1500, 1525, 0.0], [1525, 1540, 0.0], [1540, 1579, 0.0], [1579, 1613, 0.0], [1613, 1646, 0.0], [1646, 1663, 0.0], [1663, 1724, 0.03333333], [1724, 1744, 0.0], [1744, 1760, 0.0], [1760, 1811, 0.0], [1811, 1841, 0.03571429], [1841, 1864, 0.0], [1864, 1884, 0.0], [1884, 1902, 0.0], [1902, 1919, 0.0], [1919, 1968, 0.0], [1968, 2548, 0.0212766], [2548, 2611, 0.15], [2611, 2946, 0.0], [2946, 3008, 0.13559322], [3008, 3396, 0.0], [3396, 3457, 0.13793103], [3457, 3830, 0.0], [3830, 4225, 0.01033592], [4225, 4290, 0.12903226], [4290, 4869, 0.00701754], [4869, 5591, 0.0], [5591, 6443, 0.00967352], [6443, 7367, 0.00665188], [7367, 8417, 0.00877193], [8417, 8483, 0.14285714], [8483, 9536, 0.00875486], [9536, 10235, 0.00584795], [10235, 10927, 0.01032448], [10927, 10988, 0.15517241], [10988, 11753, 0.00533333], [11753, 12315, 0.02193784], [12315, 12369, 0.15384615], [12369, 12398, 0.0], [12398, 12456, 0.0], [12456, 12499, 0.21052632], [12499, 12525, 0.33333333], [12525, 12574, 0.28888889]], "rps_lines_start_with_bulletpoint": [[0, 23, 0.0], [23, 73, 0.0], [73, 89, 0.0], [89, 111, 0.0], [111, 174, 0.0], [174, 188, 0.0], [188, 213, 0.0], [213, 262, 0.0], [262, 292, 0.0], [292, 324, 0.0], [324, 363, 0.0], [363, 383, 0.0], [383, 409, 0.0], [409, 438, 0.0], [438, 469, 0.0], [469, 507, 0.0], [507, 522, 0.0], [522, 569, 0.0], [569, 584, 0.0], [584, 652, 0.0], [652, 677, 0.0], [677, 705, 0.0], [705, 721, 0.0], [721, 767, 0.0], [767, 794, 0.0], [794, 814, 0.0], [814, 841, 0.0], [841, 869, 0.0], [869, 906, 0.0], [906, 930, 0.0], [930, 965, 0.0], [965, 1016, 0.0], [1016, 1075, 0.0], [1075, 1080, 0.0], [1080, 1102, 0.0], [1102, 1126, 0.0], [1126, 1150, 0.0], [1150, 1181, 0.0], [1181, 1202, 0.0], [1202, 1225, 0.0], [1225, 1242, 0.0], [1242, 1270, 0.0], [1270, 1298, 0.0], [1298, 1313, 0.0], [1313, 1337, 0.0], [1337, 1409, 0.0], [1409, 1461, 0.0], [1461, 1482, 0.0], [1482, 1500, 0.0], [1500, 1525, 0.0], [1525, 1540, 0.0], [1540, 1579, 0.0], [1579, 1613, 0.0], [1613, 1646, 0.0], [1646, 1663, 0.0], [1663, 1724, 0.0], [1724, 1744, 0.0], [1744, 1760, 0.0], [1760, 1811, 0.0], [1811, 1841, 0.0], [1841, 1864, 0.0], [1864, 1884, 0.0], [1884, 1902, 0.0], [1902, 1919, 0.0], [1919, 1968, 0.0], [1968, 2548, 0.0], [2548, 2611, 0.0], [2611, 2946, 0.0], [2946, 3008, 0.0], [3008, 3396, 0.0], [3396, 3457, 0.0], [3457, 3830, 0.0], [3830, 4225, 0.0], [4225, 4290, 0.0], [4290, 4869, 0.0], [4869, 5591, 0.0], [5591, 6443, 0.0], [6443, 7367, 0.0], [7367, 8417, 0.0], [8417, 8483, 0.0], [8483, 9536, 0.0], [9536, 10235, 0.0], [10235, 10927, 0.0], [10927, 10988, 0.0], [10988, 11753, 0.0], [11753, 12315, 0.0], [12315, 12369, 0.0], [12369, 12398, 0.0], [12398, 12456, 0.0], [12456, 12499, 0.0], [12499, 12525, 0.0], [12525, 12574, 0.0]], "rps_lines_uppercase_letter_fraction": [[0, 23, 0.13043478], [23, 73, 0.2], [73, 89, 0.125], [89, 111, 0.13636364], [111, 174, 0.0952381], [174, 188, 0.14285714], [188, 213, 0.12], [213, 262, 0.08163265], [262, 292, 0.5], [292, 324, 0.1875], [324, 363, 0.17948718], [363, 383, 0.15], [383, 409, 0.07692308], [409, 438, 0.10344828], [438, 469, 0.25806452], [469, 507, 0.10526316], [507, 522, 0.13333333], [522, 569, 0.78723404], [569, 584, 0.13333333], [584, 652, 0.08823529], [652, 677, 0.12], [677, 705, 0.10714286], [705, 721, 0.3125], [721, 767, 0.10869565], [767, 794, 0.11111111], [794, 814, 0.25], [814, 841, 0.14814815], [841, 869, 0.14285714], [869, 906, 0.18918919], [906, 930, 0.125], [930, 965, 0.08571429], [965, 1016, 0.07843137], [1016, 1075, 0.10169492], [1075, 1080, 0.8], [1080, 1102, 0.13636364], [1102, 1126, 0.16666667], [1126, 1150, 0.125], [1150, 1181, 0.16129032], [1181, 1202, 0.23809524], [1202, 1225, 0.2173913], [1225, 1242, 0.11764706], [1242, 1270, 0.32142857], [1270, 1298, 0.10714286], [1298, 1313, 0.26666667], [1313, 1337, 0.125], [1337, 1409, 0.09722222], [1409, 1461, 0.19230769], [1461, 1482, 0.0952381], [1482, 1500, 0.11111111], [1500, 1525, 0.12], [1525, 1540, 0.13333333], [1540, 1579, 0.12820513], [1579, 1613, 0.08823529], [1613, 1646, 0.09090909], [1646, 1663, 0.11764706], [1663, 1724, 0.09836066], [1724, 1744, 0.15], [1744, 1760, 0.1875], [1760, 1811, 0.15686275], [1811, 1841, 0.16666667], [1841, 1864, 0.2173913], [1864, 1884, 0.1], [1884, 1902, 0.11111111], [1902, 1919, 0.11764706], [1919, 1968, 0.10204082], [1968, 2548, 0.03448276], [2548, 2611, 0.0952381], [2611, 2946, 0.04776119], [2946, 3008, 0.09677419], [3008, 3396, 0.06185567], [3396, 3457, 0.09836066], [3457, 3830, 0.04021448], [3830, 4225, 0.03797468], [4225, 4290, 0.09230769], [4290, 4869, 0.05008636], [4869, 5591, 0.04293629], [5591, 6443, 0.06924883], [6443, 7367, 0.0465368], [7367, 8417, 0.03904762], [8417, 8483, 0.09090909], [8483, 9536, 0.05698006], [9536, 10235, 0.05865522], [10235, 10927, 0.04913295], [10927, 10988, 0.09836066], [10988, 11753, 0.04313725], [11753, 12315, 0.06405694], [12315, 12369, 0.05555556], [12369, 12398, 0.06896552], [12398, 12456, 0.12068966], [12456, 12499, 0.62790698], [12499, 12525, 0.07692308], [12525, 12574, 0.51020408]], "rps_doc_ml_palm_score": [[0, 12574, 0.90674913]], "rps_doc_ml_wikipedia_score": [[0, 12574, null]], "rps_doc_ml_wikiref_score": [[0, 12574, 0.89668053]], "rps_doc_books_importance": [[0, 12574, -337.46957297]], "rps_doc_openwebtext_importance": [[0, 12574, 116.0554397]], "rps_doc_wikipedia_importance": [[0, 12574, 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Technology Money Rewind 2014: Top VC investments in SaaS Team TC 2014 has been the year of e-commerce in India, with major companies like Flipkart and Snapdeal grabbing the headlines with their fundraising rounds that ran into billions of dollars, mainly from top-notch investors. Although these and some other consumer internet ventures such as Olacabs, Zomato and others grabbed headlines, there were some significant fundraising for enterprise firms, especially those in the software-as-a-service (SaaS) field. Indeed, it has been a good year for home-grown SaaS businesses, too, with firms like Freshdesk, Druva and Capillary raising millions of dollars in funding and growing their client base. Unlike the heavily funded e-commerce players in the country, many of the SaaS players made a mark in foreign markets. Here we bring you the top 5 investment deals in the Indian SaaS space in 2014. Founded in 2010 by Girish Mathrubootham and Shan Krishnasamy, Chennai- and US-based Freshdesk Inc provides customer support solutions to enterprises. A cloud-based platform, Freshdesk aims to make it easy for brands to talk to their customers and for users to get in touch with businesses. It raised $31 million in its Series D round of funding led by existing investor Tiger Global Management. The round had also seen participations from another existing investor Accel Partners and new investor Google Capital. This funding brought the total fundraising by Freshdsesk to $44 million. Founded in 2008, Pune- and Silicon Valley-based Druva Inc offers SaaS-based backup solutions to enterprises. It provides solutions to mid-to-large enterprises that have more than 200 users through inSync, an integrated suite of endpoint data protection and governance solutions that safeguards corporate information assets on desktops, laptops, tablets and smartphones. In August, Druva secured $25 million in its Series D round of funding, led by Sequoia Capital with participation from existing investors including Nexus Venture Partners and US-based Tenaya Capital. As of August, Druva had 3,000 customers with 2.8 million devices across 76 countries under protection. Its customers include Dell, Hitachi, Kronos, Pfizer, Reckitt Benckiser, RHI and Shire, among others. Knowlarity Founded in 2009 by IIT-Kanpur graduates Ambarish Gupta and Pallav Pandey, Knowlarity Communications Pvt Ltd is a SaaS-based cloud telephony firm providing voice and data communication services over the internet to companies and individuals in India and Indonesia. In July, Knowlarity had raised $15 million in its Series B round of funding led by Mayfield Fund, with participation from existing investor Sequoia Capital. Operationally based out of Gurgaon, Knowlarity claims to have over 7,000 clients across 66 countries. Earlier this year, Knowlarity had acquired Delhi-based cloud telephony startup Unicom for an undisclosed amount. Knowlarity, which has its headquarters in Singapore, also has offices in Gurgaon, Mumbai and Bangalore. Bangalore-based Capillary Technologies Pvt Ltd is a SaaS-based CRM solutions provider. Set up in August 2008 by IIT Kharagpur alumni Aneesh Reddy, Krishna Mehra and Ajay Modani, Capillary helps retailers engage with customers through mobile, social and in-store channels. In July, the firm had raised $14 million in its Series B round of funding led by existing investors Sequoia Capital and Norwest Venture Partners (NVP). This funding came barely five months after the firm netted $4.5 million in funding from American Express Ventures. Capillary caters primarily to the clients in the retail market with 40 per cent revenues coming from apparel, fashion and shoes; 30 per cent from food retail; 20 per cent from white goods and electronics and remaining 10 per cent from pharmacies and hypermarkets which is a relatively new segment and is growing. Capillary's platform powers more than 150 major brands across 10,000 retail locations. Its clients include Pizza Hut, Benetton, KFC, Puma, Marks & Spencer and Lacoste. Bangalore- and US-based Qubole Inc. offers a platform to empower developers and non-developers to access Big Data generated by their companies to gain insights at a cost-effective rate. Early this month, the firm secured $13 million in its Series B round of financing led by Norwest Venture Partners. The firm was founded in 2011 by IIT Delhi alumni Ashish Thusoo and Joydeep Sen Sarma. Its flagship product, QDS, runs on Hadoop infrastructure where users can analyse and collaborate with their company's data. QDS helps IT organisations use cloud infrastructure (Google Compute, Amazon Web Services or Azure) to access data while eliminating expenditures associated with maintaining hardware. Qubole's clients include Pinterest, Quora, MediaMath, TubeMogul, Answers.com, Videoplaza and Pubmatic. Capillary Druva Freshdesk Knowlarity Qubole
{"url": "https://www.techcircle.in/2014/12/31/top-vc-investments-in-saas/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "www.techcircle.in", "date_download": "2023-03-20T09:22:32Z", "digest": "sha1:SB2KR3ZWBM2IV4LUW3XCHCGDAWKZHMWE"}
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REEFS & RUINS About Santo Tomas, El Salvador Georgetown is a historic neighborhood, commercial, and entertainment district located in northwest Washington, D.C., situated along the Potomac River. Founded in 1751 in the Province of Maryland, the port of Georgetown predated the establishment of the federal district and the City of Washington by 40 years. Georgetown remained a separate municipality until 1871, when the United States Congress created a new consolidated government for the whole District of Columbia. A separate act passed in 1895 specifically repealed Georgetown's remaining local ordinances and renamed Georgetown's streets to conform with those in the City of Washington. The primary commercial corridors of Georgetown are the intersection of Wisconsin Avenue and M Street, which contain high-end shops, bars, restaurants, and the Georgetown Park enclosed shopping mall, as well as the Washington Harbour waterfront restaurants at K Street, between 30th and 31st Streets. Georgetown is home to the main campus of Georgetown University and numerous other landmarks, such as the Volta Bureau and the Old Stone House, the oldest unchanged building in Washington. The embassies of Cameroon, France, Kosovo, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Mongolia, Sweden, Thailand, Ukraine and Venezuela are located in Georgetown.w Miami is a major city located on the Atlantic coast in southeastern Florida and the county seat of Miami-Dade County, the most populous county in Florida and the eighth-most populous county in the United States with a population of 2,500,625. The 42nd largest city in the United States, with a population of 433,136, it is the principal, central, and most populous city of the South {Florida} metropolitan area, the most populous metropolis in the Southeastern United States. According to the US Census Bureau, Miami's metro area is the seventh most populous in the United States, with an estimated population of 5,547,051 in 2009. Belize City is the largest city in Belize and was once the capital of the former British Honduras. It is located at the mouth of the Haulover Creek, which is a tributary of the Belize River. The city is the country's principal port and its financial and industrial hub. Several cruise ships drop anchor outside the port and are tended by local citizens. It was also the capital of British Honduras (as Belize was then named) until the government was moved to the new capital of Belmopan in 1970. San Miguel de Cozumel Cozumel is an island in the Caribbean Sea off the eastern coast of Mexico's Yucatán Peninsula, opposite Playa del Carmen, and close to the Yucatán Channel. The island is covered with mangrove forest which has many endemic animal species. Cozumel is a flat island based on limestone, resulting in a karst topography. There are a number of visitors to the island's balnearios, scuba diving, and snorkeling. The main town on the island is San Miguel de Cozumel. The islands belongs to Cozumel Municipality of the state of Quintana Roo, Mexico. Puerto Limón Puerto Limón, commonly known as Limón (Spanish for "lemon"), is the capital city and main hub of Limón province, as well as of the cantón (county) of Limón in Costa Rica. It is the sixth-largest city in Costa Rica, with a population of over 55,000 (including surrounding towns), and is home of a multicultural community. Part of the community traces its roots to Italian, Jamaican and Chinese laborers who worked on a late nineteenth-century railroad project that connected San José to Puerto Limón. Until 1948, the Costa Rican government did not recognize Afro-Caribbean people as citizens and restricted their movement outside Limón province. As a result of this "travel ban", this Afro-Caribbean population became firmly established in the region, which influenced the decision to not move even after it was legally permitted. Nowadays, there is an important outflow of Limón natives who move to the country's Central Valley in search for better employment and education. The Afro-Caribbean community speaks Spanish and Limonese Creole, a creole of English. Coxen Hole Roatán is one of the Honduras Bay Islands in the Caribbean Sea. The island was formerly known as Ruatan and Rattan. Rests on an exposed ancient coral reef, with two cruise ship ports, Roatan has become a cruise destination, and roads and beaches can be busy when ships are in port. The western side of the island is the most populated and where most tourists stay, and the eastern side is more remote and isolated. Roatan has a warm climate with daytime temperatures between 80-90 year round. Key West is an island in the Straits of Florida on the North American continent at the southernmost tip of the Florida Keys. It is considered the southernmost city in the continental United States. The city also occupies nearby islands and portions of nearby islands. It’s popularly known for its stunning beaches, coral reefs – destinations for diving and snorkeling. GLAMOROUS RETREATS From Portofino Portofino, Bandol, Monte Carlo, Toulon, Terranova, Civitavecchia, Saint-Tropez CRADLE OF HISTORY From Port Said Port Said, Alexandria, Taormina, Sorrento, Pathmos, Haifa International Airport, Limassol District, Rhodes, Piraeus, Civitavecchia HERITAGE TO HERMITAGE From Gdynia Gdynia, Stockholm, Helsinki, Copenhagen SOUTHERN EUROPE SOJOURN Barcelona, Lisbon, Alicante, Cadiz, Motril, Toulon, Mahon, Corsica PATHWAY TO IBERIA Lisbon, Miami PIAZZAS & PALACES Barcelona, Almería, Lisbon, Seville, Casablanca, Alicante, Gibraltar Barcelona, Palermo, Palma, Marseille, Monte Carlo, Florence, Valencia, Valletta, Naples ANCIENT TURQUOISE SEAS Barcelona, Palermo, Taormina, Sorrento, Koper, Palma, Marseille, Monte Carlo, Venice, Kotor, Florence, Civitavecchia, Split, Corfu, Naples ATLANTIC PANORAMA From New Brunswick New Brunswick, St. John's, Portland, Dartmouth, Shelburne, An Cobh, Southampton, New York City, Bantry, St-Malo More about Oceania Cruises
{"url": "https://www.lakewoodtravel.com/oceania-ca-OCC-INS161211/reefs-and-ruins", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "www.lakewoodtravel.com", "date_download": "2023-03-20T09:40:23Z", "digest": "sha1:PCNTCEA2HUXI2LEKKIMHHC3SNNRTYWVT"}
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Author Guided Tour: James Hockenberry FeaturesLatest Books New York City Attacked, 100 Years Ago By James Hockenberry How does a historical fiction writer bring a location to life and connect the past to present-day readers? For my World War One thrillers, my challenge was illuminating New York City, which served as the center for Germany’s little known undeclared war against America between 1915 and 1918. I was shocked to learn that Germany’s greatest success in this war occurred in New York Harbor at a place called Black Tom Island, now part of Liberty Park, a grassy area overlooking the Statue of Liberty where people toss Frisbees and picnic. Stand in Liberty Park today and look across to lower Manhattan. Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty continue to inspire. More recently, the Freedom Tower has replaced the World Trade Center as the dominant landmark. A century ago, the view was different. Though lower, the skyline was bourgeoning. The 60-story, 792-foot Woolworth Building at 233 Broadway was the tallest building in the world, signifying New York City’s growing commercial dominance as it surpassed London on the world economic stage. Black Tom Island, across the harbor in New Jersey, contributed to the city’s success, serving as a major transport hub for American goods sent to the Allies. Railroad lines fed an extensive warehouse-and-shipping complex with piers jutting into the harbor. Maps and pictures of the time show us how it was. New York’s Black Tom Island in 1916, after German saboteurs attacked. The explosion was so great, people as far away as Delaware assumed it was an earthquake. Black Tom Island changed dramatically on the night of July 30, 1916, when German saboteurs blew it up to reduce of the flow of materiel to the Allies. The New York Times described this incident as “the most destructive terrorist attack in America before 9/11.” Two million pounds of explosives were detonated, creating tremors that registered 5.5 on the Richter scale, a force greater than that on 9/11. People in Delaware believed an earthquake had struck. Damage was estimated at $500 million (in today’s dollars). The Brooklyn Bridge shook. Lower Manhattan was covered with ash and broken glass. New York Harbor smelled of gunpowder, toxic chemicals, dead fish, and debris. Sugar burning in the Black Tom Island warehouses made the air taste sweet. The Statue of Liberty glowed orange and suffers today from damage incurred that night. The psychological impact on New Yorkers was so great that church attendance the next day was the highest since President McKinley’s assassination in 1901. Former NY police headquarters This attack was one of many perpetrated by the extensive and well-funded German spy network. During the war, these spies succeeded in blowing up U.S. ships and plants. The network’s nest of agents was concealed by legitimate German diplomatic and cultural functions in Manhattan offices still in use today. The Hamburg-American Shipping Line maintained offices at 45 Broadway. Its head of security, Paul Koenig, surreptitiously controlled the City’s dockyards. Germany’s commercial attaché, Dr. Heinrich Albert, worked at 60 Wall Street and served as the paymaster for its covert operations. Captain Franz von Papen, head of the War Intelligence Center, also worked there. Captain Karl Boy-Ed, the German naval attaché and spy, maintained offices at nearby 11 Broadway. All were subsequently identified by U.S. law enforcement and expelled from the country. Suspicious of German activity, the New York Police Department’s elite Bomb Squad unit, led by Captain Thomas Tunney, hunted these agents. Police headquarters at the time was located at 240 Centre Street at the edge of Chinatown, a short walk from Battery Park and the site of the doomed World Trade Center. In 1915, the hike would take you over trolley tracks and horse manure. A 1909 Harper’s Weekly article called the five-story, granite-and-limestone, Art-Deco building “the finest Police Headquarters in America.” It contained the largest telephone switchboard in the world outside of a telephone exchange. A sinister spot: In 1915, this townhouse was where German agents gathered in secret. The magnificent building stands today but serves a different function since the NYPD moved headquarters in 1973. The gilded dome still recalls a Statehouse, and two couchant lions continue to guard the short marble stairway leading to the main door. Decorative iron gates front the building. A garden rests tranquilly at the north end of the complex. Inside, the grand entrance hall, with its spiral staircases, remains, but the building is now high-rent condominiums, home to investment bankers, fashion moguls, and celebrities. Go further north to 15th Street. Turn west and stop at the space which was once 123 West 15th Street. In 1915, this townhouse served as an unofficial meeting house for German agents, influential German-Americans, and, at times, the German Ambassador, Count von Bernstorff. It allegedly doubled as a whorehouse where condoms were referred to as “fritzes.” Boisterous celebrations occurred there after Black Tom Island exploded. James Hockenberry’s World War I Intrigue Trilogy brings alive the tensions and controversies of the times and provide insights into many current problems: immigration, terrorism, and the devastating cost of war. For more information on James and his work, please visit his website. 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Home English Section Opinion King With A Heart Of Gold King With A Heart Of Gold SULTAN Muhammad V has won the hearts and minds of the rakyat with his humble and gentle ways. When His Majesty chats with the people during visits, he often refers to himself as “ambo” (Kelantan dialect for I). His down-to-earth dressing style has also gone down well with the public. He is often photographed wearing a jubah or Baju Melayu with sarong and a skullcap when he meets his subjects in his home state of Kelantan. The King is also seen as a pious leader as he has shown a great commitment to religious matters. An example is His Majesty’s brainchild of “Qiam With Me” Ramadan month programme. The programme, first launched six years ago, is a hit among Muslims in Kelantan. His Royal Highness also mooted the idea of holding the annual Royal Walkathon to promote a healthy lifestyle and to draw the community closer to the palace. The people of Kelantan were in a jovial mood when their beloved Sultan was appointed the 15th Yang di-Pertuan Agong last December. Sultan Muhammad V, born Tengku Muhammad Faris Petra, was the second monarch from the state to be installed as the Yang di-Pertuan Agong. His grandfather Almarhum Sultan Yahya Petra ibni Almarhum Sultan Ibrahim reigned as the sixth Yang di-Pertuan Agong from 1975 to 1979. Sultan Muhammad V, 47, is the eldest of four children born to Sultan Ismail Petra and Tengku Anis Tengku Abdul Hamid. His siblings are Kelantan Regent Tengku Dr Muhammad Faiz Petra, 42, Tengku Muhammad Fakhry Petra, 38, and Tengku Amalin A’ishah Putri, 32. Sultan Muhammad was appointed Crown Prince at the age of 16, and as the Regent of Kelantan before his 40th birthday. He was proclaimed as the 29th Sultan of Kelantan in 2010. His Majesty was appointed Deputy Yang di-Pertuan Agong in 2011 before succeeding the 14th Yang di-Pertuan Agong Tuanku Abdul Halim Mu’adzam Shah in December last year. Sultan Muhammad V places great emphasis on education, as he believes in travelling far and wide to enrich his knowledge. His Majesty received pre-school education at Fatima Convent Kindergarten Kota Baru (1974-1975) before continuing his primary education at Sekolah Sultan Ismail I (1976-1981). He continued his secondary education at Alice Smith International School in Kuala Lumpur before leaving to study at Oakham School in Rutland in England until 1989. He later pursued diplomatic studies and Islamic Studies at Oxford. His Majesty studied diplomatic relations and business administration at Huron University College, London, and later pursued diplomatic relations at Deutsche Stiftung Internationale Entwicklung in Berlin, Germany. He also studied European business administration at European Business School in London. Sultan Muhammad V is now the Chancellor of National Defence University of Malaysia and Universiti Teknologi Mara. As His Majesty places great emphasis on education, he religiously attends convocation ceremonies held at the two institutions. As His Majesty is also the Supreme Commander of the Malaysian Armed Forces, and Colonel-in-chief of the Royal Artillery Regiment, he has shown deep interest in organisations associated with security and the military. His Majesty has consented to be the patron of various sports associations as well as charitable organisations, namely the Kelantan Shooting Association, Equestrian Sports Association, 4×4 Motorsports Association, Archery Association, Yayasan Sultan Kelantan, Kelantan Council of Royal Chieftains, Society for Anti-Ageing Aesthetic Regenerative Medicine Malaysia and Red Crescent Society. Yayasan Sultan Kelantan provides education aid as well as monetary assistance to the less privileged, including orphans, the disabled and the poor. Sultan Muhammad V loves outdoor sports, actively participating in four-wheel-drive expeditions, and horse-riding activities. His Majesty also enjoys shooting, archery, golf, bowling and football. – thestaronline Artikel SebelumTiga Waktu Dilarang Mandi Menurut Ilmu Kesihatan Artikel SelepasMad’u Bakal Lahirkan Generasi Muslim Berilmu Dan Bertanggungjawab Peranan Pengantara Türkiye Dalam Mencegah Krisis Makanan Global ‘Never-ending’ discrimination against Turks of Western Thrace India’s Muslims: An Increasingly Marginalized Population When is Muharram 2022 Eid al Adha 2022; 12 Days To Go
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HomeAviation Safety / Air CrashesGreek Mirage 2000-5 Crashes Over Aegean Sea; IL-76 Transport Down in Algeria. Greek Mirage 2000-5 Crashes Over Aegean Sea; IL-76 Transport Down in Algeria. April 13, 2018 Aviation Safety / Air Crashes Both Accidents in Different Regions on Thursday Resulted in Fatalities. Two significant military aviation accidents occurred on Thursday, April 12, 2018. One in the Aegean Sea near the Greek Isles, the other one, in Algeria, Africa. A Hellenic (Greek) Air Force Mirage 2000-5 aircraft crashed near the Greek Isle of Skyros in the Aegean Sea on Thursday. The aircraft was returning from an intercept mission on Turkish Air Force F-16s. In spite the initial reports, the crash of the Mirage 2000-5 was unrelated to the earlier “engagement” with the Turkish aircraft and occurred after the aircraft were in proximity of each other. The Greek news outlet Ekathimerini reported that “The Mirage 2000-5 jet fell some nine miles northeast of the island [Skyros] which is part of the Sporades group near the central Aegean,” according to a statement issued by the Hellenic Air Force. “According to Greek defense sources, the Mirage had been one of two Greek jets on a mission to intercept Turkish jets in the Aegean earlier in the day.” The news outlet went on to report that the same sources said they did not believe any hostile activity was involved in the accident. The crash is reported to have occurred sometime around noon local time on Thursday. A Turkish language publication, Milliyet.com.tr, named the pilot of the Greek Mirage 2000-5 as 34-year-old pilot was named Captain Giorgos Baltadoros of the 331 Air Force Squadron from Tanagra. Greek Defense Minister Panos Kammenos wrote on Twitter that Capt. Baltadoros was, “A hero who fell in the fight to defend our national sovereignty and territorial integrity.” the official photo of Captain Giorgios Baltadoros, assigned to 331 Squadron. The Mirage 2000-5 is a successful French designed multi-role supersonic delta wing combat aircraft built by the Dassault company in France. The Hellenic Air Force ordered 15 of this, latest version of the Mirage aircraft in August of 2000. The Greeks already operated a force of 40 earlier model Dassault Mirage 2000 aircraft. The Dassault Mirage is a common combat aircraft throughout the Mediterranean, Africa and Middle East and boasts a proven combat record. The Mirage 2000-5 pilot was identified as 34-year old Captain Giorgios Baltadoros from Tanagra, Greece. (Photo: EPT1 Greek News) In a separate, unrelated crash on Thursday a Russian-built, Algerian Air Force Ilyushin Il-76 heavy transport crashed after takeoff from Boufarik military airport, west of Algiers, Algeria. The aircraft was en route to Bechar and Tindouf in the south-west of Algeria according to a report filed by the BBC World News. News outlets throughout Africa, Asia and Europe are reporting up to 257 fatalities from the crash. This is the largest number of people to perish in an aviation accident since the July 2014 crash of Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 when it was shot down over eastern Ukraine. All 298 people on board flight MH17 died in the 2014 crash. Some persons on board the Algerian Air Force IL-76 were taken to hospital after rescue operations began according to Algerian authorities as reported by the BBC. No other reliable information has been seen about possible survivors. Based on photos and video from the crash scene, the aircraft appeared to have gone down during daylight hours. The BBC reported that, “A military aviation observer told the BBC that, based on how intact portions of the plane were, they believed the pilot had tried to crash-land.” There has been no confirmation of that report from Algerian sources. The Ilyushin Il-76 is a large, four jet engine heavy transport aircraft built in Russia. It is roughly similar in basic configuration to the U.S. built C-17 Globemaster III. The aircraft is valued for its heavy payload capability and the ability to land and take-off from unimproved runways making it well suited for operations on the African continent. The Algerian Air Force is reported to operate a total of 17 of the heavy jet transports. The Ilyushin IL-76 (NATO reporting name “Candid”) is widely used by military and commercial air transport services around the world and has an excellent safety record for such a prolific aircraft. The IL-76 first flew in March 1971. Top image: An Algerian IL-76 (left) and Greek Mirage 2000-5 both crashed on Thursday. (Photo: via Wikipedia) About Tom Demerly Tom Demerly is a feature writer, journalist, photographer and editorialist who has written articles that are published around the world on TheAviationist.com, TACAIRNET.com, Outside magazine, Business Insider, We Are The Mighty, The Dearborn Press & Guide, National Interest, Russia’s government media outlet Sputnik, and many other publications. Demerly studied journalism at Henry Ford College in Dearborn, Michigan. Tom Demerly served in an intelligence gathering unit as a member of the U.S. Army and Michigan National Guard. His military experience includes being Honor Graduate from the U.S. Army Infantry School at Ft. Benning, Georgia (Cycle C-6-1) and as a Scout Observer in a reconnaissance unit, Company “F”, 425th INF (RANGER/AIRBORNE), Long Range Surveillance Unit (LRSU). Demerly is an experienced parachutist, holds advanced SCUBA certifications, has climbed the highest mountains on three continents and visited all seven continents and has flown several types of light aircraft. Greek Air Force Hellenic Air Force At the Tip of the Spear: Midair Refueling F-35As and F-15Cs With the USAF 514th Air Mobility Wing. Everything We Know (And No One Has Said So Far) About The First Waves Of Air Strikes On Syria. Fighter generations comparison chart January 13, 2011 China, Military Aviation, Military History The appearance of the new J-20 (unofficially dubbed “Black Eagle”) raised many questions about the Chinese stealth fighter. Some experts think it will be more capable than the F-22; others (and I’m among these ones) […] Operation Unified Protector (was Odyssey Dawn) explained (Day 39 – 42) April 30, 2011 Aviation, Italian Air Force, Libyan Uprising, Military Aviation, Operation Odyssey Dawn, Operation Unified Protector Previous debriefings: Archive Even if analysts have defined it as a “stalemale”, the situation on the ground in Libya is far from being completely static as Gaddafi troops have stretched westward the front line and […] Russian aircraft occasionally intrude Israeli airspace, whereas Turkish jets regularly violate the Greek one. November 29, 2015 Russia, Syria, Troubled Areas, War on ISIS Airspace violations are more frequent than one might believe. On Nov. 24, a Russian Air Force Su-24M that allegedly violated the Turkish airspace was shot down by an AIM-120C air-to-air missile fired by a TuAF […]
{"url": "https://theaviationist.com/2018/04/13/greek-mirage-2000-5-crashes-over-aegean-sea-il-76-transport-down-in-algeria/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "theaviationist.com", "date_download": "2023-03-20T09:22:47Z", "digest": "sha1:CCYJQBXVET7KINZISIPIRDRW2W4W3NHT"}
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Agency Overseeing Obama Trade Deals Filled With Former Trade Lobbyists They used to work for Chevron, British American Tobacco, General Electric, Apple, IBM, Microsoft and Adobe; now they’re allegedly working for us. Lee Fang April 16 2015, 6:27 p.m. (This is an item from our new blog: Unofficial Sources.) The Office of the United States Trade Representative, the agency responsible for negotiating two massive upcoming trade deals, is being led by former lobbyists for corporations that stand to benefit from the deals, according to disclosure forms obtained by The Intercept. The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is a proposed free trade accord between the U.S. and 11 Pacific Rim countries; the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) is a similar agreement between the U.S. and the E.U. The Obama administration is pushing hard to complete both deals, which it says will increase U.S. trade opportunities. Critics say the deals will provide corporate interests with sweeping powers to challenge banking and environmental regulations. Here is information on three major figures in the Trade Representative’s office, gleaned from their disclosure forms: — Sharon Bomer Lauritsen, the assistant U.S. trade representative for agricultural affairs, recently lobbied for the Biotechnology Industry Organization, a trade group for biotech companies. Lauritsen’s financial disclosure form shows she made $320,193 working to influence “state, federal and international governments” on biotech patent and intellectual property issues. She worked for BIO as an executive vice president through April of 2011, before joining the Trade Representative office. — Christopher Wilson, the deputy chief of mission to the World Trade Organization, recently worked for C&M International, a trade consulting group, where he represented Chevron, the Biotechnology Industry Organization, British American Tobacco, General Electric, Apple and other corporate interests. Wilson’s financial disclosure shows he made $250,000 a year, in addition to an $80,000 bonus in 2013, before he joined the Obama administration. Wilson left C&M International in February of 2014 and later joined the Trade Representative’s office. C&M International reportedly lobbied Malaysia, urging it to oppose tobacco regulations in Australia. — Robert Holleyman, the deputy United States trade representative, previously worked as the president of the Business Software Alliance, a lobbying group that represents IBM, Microsoft, Adobe, Apple and other technology companies seeking to strengthen copyright law. Holleyman earned $1,141,228 at BSA before his appointment. Holleyman was nominated for his current position in February of last year. These disclosures about the revolving door at the trade agency come after U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman received scrutiny over a special bonus paid to him in 2009 after he left Citigroup to join the Obama administration as deputy assistant to the president. Froman received more than $7.4 million from Citi in the year prior to joining the administration. Critics note that under the TPP, corporations will be empowered to file lawsuits against governments to block laws that could impair future profits. The lawsuits would fall under special tribunals set up by the World Bank. Many of the former clients of the trade officials now negotiating these agreements stand to gain immensely. Sharon Bomer Lauritsen and Christopher Wilson both represented biotech companies. As economist Joseph Stiglitz has argued, the TPP could restrict competition in the pharmaceutical industry by undermining government regulation of drug prices and by creating new rules to obstruct the introduction of generic drugs. Robert Holleyman represented software companies. According to the Electronic Frontier Foundation, the TPP “contains DRM [Digital Rights Management] anti-circumvention provisions that will make it a crime to tinker with, hack, re-sell, preserve, and otherwise control any number of digital files and devices that you own.” The contents of the trade deals are secret and therefore still veiled from scrutiny by the public and even most members of Congress. Only trade officials and select corporate representatives have been able to review them. Despite growing opposition to both deals, Finance Committee Chair Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, may introduce legislation this week to provide President Obama with “fast track” authority to limit congressional review over and expedite approval of the agreements. Photo of United States Trade Representative Michael Froman. (Alex Wong/Getty) Lee Fang[email protected]​theintercept.com@lhfang
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New casting announced for Les Miserables The dark, dirty and crowded streets of 19th-century France set the scene for an epic tale of love and redemption in the critically acclaimed musical Les Miserables. Follow an unlikely duo as they fight to escape mistreatment and forge a new path towards freedom. With soaring melodies and stunning production values, this timeless story ignites the West End stage and continues to inspire audiences with its unwavering messages of hope and resilience. Don’t miss out on the latest company joining the cast from 27 March 2023, book your tickets now for Les Miserables at the Sondheim Theatre and witness the power of the human spirit bring the stage to life! The cast of Les Miserables Joining the company from 27 March 2023 will be Josh Piterman (The Phantom in The Phantom of The Opera, West Side Story, Blood Brothers) as Jean Valjean, Stewart Clarke (Mandela, Cabaret, Be More Chill) as Javert, Lucie Jones (Elphaba in Wicked, Waitress, Legally Blonde) as Fantine, Claire Machin (Mary Poppins, Girls the Musical, Amour, Flowers, Titanic UK Tour) as Madame Thénardier and Harry Chandler (Les Miserables) as Enjolras. They join Gerard Carey as Thénardier, Robert Tripolino as Marius, Nathania Ong as Éponine, Lulu-Mae Pears as Cosette. From 28 February to 25 March 2023, Dean Chisnall will return to London to play the role of Jean Valjean for a strictly limited season, following the completion of the Les Miserables UK and Ireland tour. The company is completed by Hazel Baldwin, Brad Barnley, Emma Barr, Will Barratt, Cameron Burt, Natalie Chua, Matthew Dale, Matt Dempsey, Bryony Duncan, Louis Emmanuel, Sophie-May Feek, Melad Hamidi, Harry Jack, Christopher Jacobsen, Will Jennings, Benjamin Karran, Yazmin King, Bart Lambert, Sarah Lark, Adam Robert Lewis, Georgie Lovatt, Ellie Ann Lowe, Donald Craig Manuel, Jodie Nolan, Sam Peggs, Jo Stephenson, Phoebe Williams and Ollie Wray. Les Miserables synopsis Following a 19-year stint in prison, Jean Valjean is released on parole back into the gritty and chaotic streets of 19th-century France. Burdened by his past, Valjean assumes a new identity in order to find a way out, but is pursued by the unforgiving and relentless Inspector Javert. Along the way, Valjean forms an unexpected bond with Cosette, a young girl trapped in a world of misery and despair. Their journey through the tumultuous city of Paris leads them to the epicentre of the June Rebellion of 1832, where they are forced to confront their pasts and decide the fate of their future. The score of Les Miserables The June Rebellion is set to the beat of some of the most iconic songs from the stage. Boublil and Schönberg’s magnificent iconic score of Les Miserables contains smash-hit classics such as I Dreamed a Dream, On My Own, Stars, Bring Him Home, Do You Hear the People Sing?, One Day More, Empty Chairs at Empty Tables, Master Of The House and many more! The creatives of Les Miserables Cameron Mackintosh’s production of Les Miserables is written by Alain Boublil and Claude-Michel Schönberg and is based on the novel by Victor Hugo. It has music by Claude-Michel Schönberg, lyrics by Herbert Kretzmer, original French text by Alain Boublil and Jean-Marc Natel, additional material by James Fenton, and adaptation by Trevor Nunn and John Caird. Les Miserables tickets are available now Join the revolution with one of the most enduring and beloved musicals of all time. 🎫Book your tickets for Les Miserables today! NewsCasting
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Texas Wine is Alive And That’s No Bull Real Travel Adventures February 15, 2011 0 Comments The Texas wine grape industry started in 1650 when Father Garcia de San Francisco y Zuniga, the founder of El Paso, planted vineyards for the production of sacramental wine (he is credited with the first vineyard planted in North America). He planted the Spanish black grape appropriately named ‘Mission,’ as did most padres who established missionary outposts on the Texan plains. The Franciscans developed irrigation techniques and the vineyards flourished. Viticulture remained an important industry until the early decades of the 1800’s. European settlers to South and Central Texas started vineyards using grapevine cuttings brought over from their homelands. Though the post Spanish era increased the population of Texas to around 100,000, for the “gringo” whisky was king. It was not until the late 1960’s and 70’s that a new wine revolution began, and today the Lone Star state is home to over 200 wineries and ranks fifth in total wine production in the United States (description from Appellation America). Over one million tourists visited Texas wineries last year. There are presently 8 AVA’s (Approved Viticultural Areas) in Texas with Texas Hill Country (just west of Austin and north of San Antonio) the largest with 63 wineries. It is the second largest AVA in the US encompassing 22 counties, 9 million acres and 15,000 square miles. Fredericksburg is an AVA within the Hill Country AVA that specializes in Cabernet Sauvignon and Chardonnay. Unappreciative outsiders labeled the Texas wine and wineries “Chateau Bubba” as derision. When a plant louse epidemic called phylloxera attacked vineyards everywhere, a Texas vintner named T.V. Munson found a solution by grafting French vines onto the more disease-resistant Texas grape vines. Munson is still a hero in France and the Napa Valley of California. Before Prohibition started in 1920, there were at least 16 commercial wineries in Texas. The only one to survive Prohibition was Val Verde in Del Rio, near the Mexican border, making sweet fortified wines. It is the state’s oldest winery. They closed until the end of Prohibition in 1933, but rep-opened after it was repealed. Val Verde remained the only commercial winery in Texas until the 1970’s, when a national wine boom started a revival of production in the state. Some of the larger wineries of Texas include: Ste. Genevieve (#1- 600,000 cases), Llano Estacado (#2- 100,000 cases), Becker (#3), Messina Hof (#4) and Fall Creek (#5). Twenty-Eight of Texas’ 254 counties still remain dry, even today. Harvest time is the end of July, two months earlier than California. Cabernet Sauvignon and Chardonnay have the largest number of plantings in the state. Other Vitis Vinifera grapes commonly grown in Texas include: Red- Cabernet Franc, Merlot, Syrah, Sangiovese and Cabernet Franc. White- Chenin Blanc, Sauvignon Blanc, Viognier, Pinot Gris (Grigio) and Riesling. Due to specific growing conditions in Texas that result in reduced fruit production, some wine makers choose to plant non-vinifera grapevines. These grapes are more resistant to specific challenges presented by growing conditions in Texas. They include: Norton, Blanc du Bois and Muscadine. An invitation to visit Grapevine Texas (named for the wild Mustang grapes that were abundant when settlers arrived more than 160 years ago) and the 24th Annual GrapeFest, the largest wine festival in the Southwest, got my juices flowing. With a population of 50,000 there are over 6 million people within an hour’s drive of the city. Super Bowl XLV will take place on February 3, 2011, at Cowboys Stadium in Arlington, which is 15 minutes from Grapevine. Four days in mid-September drew more than 260,000 people to Grapevine. Thursday and Friday had free admission until 5PM. After that time and on Saturday and Sunday, it was $8 for adults, $5 for seniors and children 6-12. There was a free Grapevine Shuttle that would take you to the local wineries and back to Grapefest, as well as to the free parking lot at the Convention Center. When I landed at DFW International Airport I was in Grapevine. The Residence Inn hotel was located 10 minutes from the airport and Main Street Grapevine was another 10-minute drive. I had to see the 1,511 room Gaylord Texan Resort & Convention Center on Lake Grapevine. There are 4 1/2 acres inside the Lone Star Atrium with a miniature western town, steer, windmill and oil derrick. I was told you could fit the Texas Ranger Baseball Stadium inside that atrium. The Historic Downtown is on the National Register of Historic Places. The entire town was closed off for the festival and I had 2 1/2 days to enjoy the People Choice Wine Tasting Classic, the largest consumer judging wine competition in the US with over 5,000 people voting for their favorite Texas wine (there were 31 Texas wineries showing their wares). Central Market Culinary Pavilion had food and wine stands with cooking and food and wine pairing demos. I sure didn’t want to miss the Champagne Terrace where sparkling wines and Champagnes were served. I watched the GrapeStomp but did not join in, even though my size 13 feet could have helped. The Super Wine Experience raised money for charities as you voted for your favorite NFL team (I bet the Dallas Cowboys won). The International Wine Pavilion had entertainment and wines from areas other than Texas. I did not attend the black tie Texas Wine Tribute. I ate at Into the Glass, Dino’s, Main Street Bread Baking Co. and Farina’s, all on Historic Main Street within the festival grounds. There were carnival rides and a midway area, arts and crafts booths, six stages placed throughout town with non-stop entertainment, a KidZone with interactive games, antique train mini excursions, tennis and golf classic events and plenty of food booths. If wine wasn’t your thing there was even a draft beer pavilion. The 8 wineries located in greater Grapevine had tours and tastings. I visited La Buena Vida, Cross Timber, Delaney Vineyards and La Bodega Winery. The last is the only fully licensed winery at a US airport. They have two locations at DFW Airport. I visited the one in the international terminal. They do everything bigger in Texas. For More Information- http://www.gotexanwine.org http://www.texaswinetrail.com http://www.grapevinewinetrail.com http://www.grapevinetexasusa.com http://www.txwines.org http://www.texashillcountry.com http://www.gaylordtexan.com CategoriesTexas A Whale of a Good Time by Fyllis Hockman Winning in Reno, or Beyond Gambling by Emma Krasov
{"url": "https://realtraveladventures.com/2011/02/15/texas-wine-is-alive-and-thats-no-bull/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "realtraveladventures.com", "date_download": "2023-03-20T09:18:38Z", "digest": "sha1:RKKQNJYVL2BW633LSRDHTGFSPF3ZP5HH"}
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About Ndravuni Island, Fiji You will visit the following 16 places: City of Dunedin Dunedin is a city in Pinellas County, Florida, United States. The name comes from Dùn Èideann, the Scottish Gaelic name for Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland. The city is home to several beaches, including Dunedin Causeway, Honeymoon Island, and Caladesi Island State Park, which is consistently rated among the best beaches in the world. The downtown business district is notable for its absence of large commercial signage, corporate franchise restaurants or chain retail stores. Since 1977, Dunedin is the spring training home of the Toronto Blue Jays, as well as the class-A Dunedin Blue Jays of the Florida State League. Dunedin is one of the smallest communities used by Major League spring training teams, although surrounded by a large metropolitan area. Until early 2005, Dunedin was the home of Nielsen Media Research's production operations. The city is also home to multiple breweries including Dunedin Brewery, Florida's oldest microbrewery. The Auckland metropolitan area in the North Island of New Zealand, is the largest and most populous urban area in the country with 1,354,900 residents, 31 percent of the country's population. Auckland also has the largest Polynesian population of any city in the world. In Māori Auckland's name is Tāmaki Makaurau, or the transliterated version of Auckland, Ākarana. The 2010 Mercer Quality of Living Survey ranked Auckland 4th equal place in the world on its list, while The Economist's World's Most Livable Cities index of 2010 ranked Auckland in 10th place. In 2008, Auckland was classified as an Alpha World City in the World Cities Study Group’s inventory by Loughborough University. Milford Sound Airport Milford Sound is a fiord in the south west of New Zealand's South Island, within Fiordland National Park, Piopiotahi (Milford Sound) Marine Reserve, and the Te Wahipounamu World Heritage site. It has been judged the world's top travel destination in an international survey (the 2008 Travelers' Choice Destinations Awards by TripAdvisor) and is acclaimed as New Zealand's most famous tourist destination. Rudyard Kipling had previously called it the eighth Wonder of the World. Nouméa is the capital city of the French special collectivity of New Caledonia. It is situated on a peninsula in the south of New Caledonia's main island, Grande Terre, and is home to the majority of the island's European, Polynesian (Wallisians, Futunians, Tahitians), Indonesian, and Vietnamese populations, as well as many Melanesians, Ni-Vanuatu and Kanaks that work in one of the South Pacific's most industrialised cities. The city lies on a protected deepwater harbour which serves as the chief port for New Caledonia. Located on the main island, Grand Terre, it's known for its beaches and its blend of French and native Kanak influences. Port Vila Port Vila is the capital and largest city of Vanuatu. Situated on the south coast of the island of Efate, in Shefa Province, the city population at last census (1999) was 29,356, an increase of 55% on the previous census result (1989). This suggests a 2007 population of about 40,000 or around 65% of the province's population. Port Vila is the economic and commercial centre of Vanuatu. The area occupied by Port Vila has been inhabited by Melanesian people for thousands of years. In 1606, the first Europeans arrived at the island, led by Pedro Fernández de Quirós and Luis Váez de Torres. Tauranga is the most populous city in the Bay of Plenty Region of the North Island of New Zealand. It was settled by Māori late in the 13th century and by Europeans in the early 19th century and was constituted as a city in 1963. Tauranga is one of New Zealand's main centres for business, international trade, culture, fashion and horticultural science. The Port of Tauranga is also New Zealand's largest port in terms of gross export tonnage and efficiency. It is one of New Zealand's fastest growing cities, with a 14 percent increase in population between the 2001 census and the 2006 census, though that number has slowed to 11% between the 2006 Census and the 2013 Census. Urupukapuka Island Urupukapuka Island is the largest island in the Bay of Islands of New Zealand, located about 7.3 km from Paihia. There are many sandy beaches. The waters around the island are clear and diving is particularly good on the east coast where there is plentiful reef life. Indico and Paradise Bays are popular sheltered anchorages and ideal for most forms of water sports. The bays are also inhabited by a colony of shags, and pohutukawas are abundant along the coastline. Christchurch is the largest city in the South Island of New Zealand and the seat of the Canterbury Region. Lies on the South Island's east coast, just north of Banks Peninsula, Christchurch is known for its English heritage. The city was named by the Canterbury Association, which settled the surrounding province of Canterbury. Christchurch became a city by Royal Charteron 31 July 1856, making it officially the oldest established city in New Zealand. Ndravuni Island Napier is a New Zealand city with a seaport, located in Hawke's Bay on the eastern coast of the North Island. About 18 kilometres south of Napier is the inland city of Hastings. These two neighbouring cities are often called "The Bay Cities" or "The Twin Cities" of New Zealand. Napier is a popular tourist city, with a unique concentration of 1930s Art Deco architecture, built after much of the city was razed in the 1931 Hawke's Bay earthquake. It also has one of the most photographed tourist attractions in the country, a statue on Marine Parade called Pania of the Reef. Thousands of people flock to Napier every February for the Tremains Art Deco Weekend event, a celebration of its Art Deco heritage and history. Other notable tourist events attracting many outsiders to the region annually include F.A.W.C! Food and Wine Classic events, and the Mission Estate Concert at Mission Estate and Winery in the suburb of Taradale. Suva is a major city, the capital and largest city of Fiji. It is located on the southeast coast of the island of Viti Levu, in the Central Division, Rewa Province, of which it is the administrative centre. It is the commercial and political centre of Fiji, though not necessarily the cultural centre, and the largest urban area in the South Pacific outside of Australia and New Zealand. It is Fiji's main port city. It's colorful, lively Municipal Market offers a vast range of local fruit and vegetables. Nadi is a city on Fiji's main island. This bustling multi-cultural town is the main hub for international travellers and has a higher concentration of hotels and motels than any other part of Fiji. With its wide range of quality accommodation and close proximity to Denarau Island and the Mamanucas, Nadi is the ideal place to base yourself during your trip! Wellington is the capital city and third most populous urban area of New Zealand. It's scenic natural harbour and green hillsides adorned with tiered suburbs of colonial villas are popular with tourists. The city offers a blend of culture, heritage, fine food and coffee, together with lively arts and entertainment. Surrounded by hills and a rugged coastline, it serves up a vibrant inner city experience with a slice of New Zealand scenery. And because of its compact nature, you can sample it all: boutiques, art galleries, trendy cafés and restaurants. Right on its doorstep is a network of walking and biking trails with beautiful wineries and vineyards just a few hours away. Sydney is the largest and most populous city in Australia and the state capital of New South Wales. The city is located on Australia's south-east coast of the Tasman Sea. It is also the oldest and most cosmopolitan city in Australia with an enviable reputation as one of the world's most beautiful and liveable cities. Brimming with history, nature, culture, art, fashion, cuisine, design, Sydney's set next to miles of ocean coastline and sandy surf beaches. Long-term immigration has led to the cities reputation as one of the most culturally and ethnically diverse cities in Australia and the world. The city is also home to the Sydney Opera House and the Sydney Harbour Bridge, two of the most iconic structures on this planet. Port Canaveral Trailer Park Port Canaveral is a cruise, cargo and naval port in Brevard County, Florida, United States. It is one of the busiest cruise ports in the world with 3.9 million cruise passengers passing through during 2014. As a deep water cargo port, it has a high volume of traffic. Over 3,000,000 short tons (2,700,000 t) of bulk cargo moves through each year. Common cargo includes cement, petroleum and aggregate. The port has conveyors and hoppers for loading products directly into trucks, and facilities for bulk cargo containers. The channel is about 44 feet (13 m) deep. The port exports fresh citrus; bulk frozen citrus juice stored in one of the largest freezer warehouses in the state; cement and building materials. Ten ships, on average, enter the port each day. From Airlie Beach Airlie Beach, Sydney, Vava, Alotau, Auckland, Noumea, Tadine, Urupukapuka Island, Tonga, New Zealand, Townsville, Brisbane, Cairns, Alofi, Moreton Island, Suva, Fiji, Nadi From Manila Manila, Hong Kong, Incheon, Ishigaki-shi, Nagasaki Prefecture, Qingdao, Tianjin, Shanghai, Busan, Fort Amador, Kaohsiung City, Quelpart Island, Keelung City, Naha, Dalian Victoria, Juneau, Ketchikan, Seattle, Sitka From Split Split, Corfu, Barcelona, Catania, Málaga, Gibraltar, Curzola, Cartagena, Dubrovnik, Marseille, Monte Carlo, Livorno, Kotor, Imjar, Malta, Ravenna, Civitavecchia TOUR Y2L Skagway, Dawson, Fairbanks, Whitehorse, Vancouver, Denali National Park, Glacier Bay National Park, Talkeetna, Talkeetna Airport, Ketchikan, Anchorage From St. John's St. John's, Saint-Pierre, Nanortalik, Qaqortoq, Lerwick Tingwall Airport, Corner Brook, Acadia National Park, Frazer Island, Reykjavik, Akureyri, Rotterdam, Halifax, Boston, Sydney, Red Bay, Stavanger, Isafjordur From Eidfjord Eidfjord, Bergen, Stockholm, Helsinki, Geiranger, St Petersburg, Rotterdam, Tallinn, Visby, Warnemünde, Ålesund, Oslo, Copenhagen TOUR D6L Juneau, Vancouver, Denali National Park, Seward, Haines, Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve, Talkeetna, Talkeetna Airport, Ketchikan, Anchorage From Dominican Republic Dominican Republic, Netherlands, Oranjestad, Little San Salvador, Turks and Caicos Islands, Bridgetown, St Kitts and Nevis, Soufriere, Sandals Regency St Lucia, Fort Lauderdale, Saint Thomas Island, Bonaire Island, Fort-de-France, Passing
{"url": "https://www.lakewoodtravel.com/hollandamerica-ca-HAL-N681A/australia", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "www.lakewoodtravel.com", "date_download": "2023-03-20T09:54:52Z", "digest": "sha1:GRG7UQK4WZXPZF2ZHRUEUPWMCLPHMAHU"}
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Historical Things to Do in New Bern NC Founded in 1710, New Bern is a city of firsts… New Bern opened the first public school in the state. The first printing press. The first chartered fire department. And the first ship built in North Carolina was launched here. Come explore this city of firsts as we discover the best historical things to do in New Bern NC. Visit Tryon Palace Tryon Palace was built for English Governor Tryon in 1770. It then served as the first state capital building for North Carolina. In 1791, Tryon Palace hosted a celebratory dinner for President George Washington. The original Palace was destroyed by fire in 1798. It was restored in 1959 and reopened as a state historic site. Tryon Palace features 18 galleries and exhibits. Tour the extensive 16-acre Palace Gardens. See the Stable Office from the 1770s. It’s the oldest standing building in New Bern. Location: 529 S Front Street The First Printing Press in North Carolina In 1747, New Bern became the first city in North Carolina to get a printing press. It took the combined actions of Governor Gabriel Johnson and Printer James Davis. The colonial government had resisted the idea for years. They were afraid of challenges to their authority. Davis printed the first official publication for the colony in 1749. He then started the colony’s first newspaper, “North Carolina Gazette,” in 1751. A historical marker marks the spot where the original press stood. It stands on Broad Street, between Craven and Middle Street. What’s the Deal with Pepsi in New Bern? Caleb Bradham invented Pepsi Cola in New Bern in 1893. It was originally called Brad’s Drink. He sold it from his downtown drug store on the corner of Middle Street and Pollock Street. He incorporated Pepsi Corp in 1902. Pepsi quickly expanded to over 24 states. But, in 1923, Caleb and Pepsi Corp went bankrupt. Caleb went back to his drug store. Pepsi went on to become the #2 most popular cola brand in the world. The Pepsi Store is a must-see on any list of historical things to do in New Bern NC. It stands on the site of Caleb’s original drugstore. Here you will find all things Pepsi. Location: 256 Middle Street Discover the First Public School in North Carolina Just four blocks from Tryon Palace you will find the New Bern Academy Museum. It is the site of the first public school in the state, founded in 1764. After the original building burnt down. The school was rebuilt at its present location in 1809. The museum's exhibits cover the Civil War and New Bern architecture. The museum is free to visit. Location: 508 New Street The First Chartered Fire Department in North Carolina On May 14th, 1845, New Bern created the Atlantic Fire Company #1. It was the first chartered fire department in the state. Then in 1865, the city chartered the New Bern Steam Fire Engine Company #1. Competition broke out as each tried to outdo the other. The rivalry ended when the city council merged the two companies decades later. Come discover their history at the New Bern Fireman’s Museum. The museum features firefighting equipment from the 19th and 20th centuries. See the famous fire horse, Fred. A key member of the firefighting team in the early 1900s. Another popular exhibit covers the devastating fire of 1922. Location: 420 Broad Street What Caused New Bern's Devastating Fire of 1922? The New Bern 1922 fire was one of the state’s most devastating fires. It burned nearly a thousand buildings and over 40 city blocks. The fire started with a belt malfunction at the Roper Lumbermill around 8:30 am on December 1st, 1922. That day, most of the town’s firefighters had already left for Raleigh. They went to watch the State Championship Football Game between New Bern and Sanford. So when another fire broke out at a home on Kilmarnock Street, it took over ½ hour for firefighters to respond. By then, high winds had spread the fire to nearby homes. Luckily, there was only one death associated with the fire. Townfolk had found shelter at Cedar Grove and Greenwood Cemeteries. Though New Bern won the State Championship, there wasn’t much to celebrate when they returned. New Bern laid in ashes. The North Carolina History Center The museum is located on the Tryon Palace Grounds. It opened in October 2010 and offers daily tours and special year-round events! With rotating exhibits, it’s a new experience every time you visit. The four permanent exhibits are: Pepsi Portal Through History - see what New Bern was like in 1835 Regional History Museum - 500 years of North Carolina coastline history Duffy Gallery - Rotating exhibits highlighting New Bern NC history Guion Gallery - highlights the art and pieces donated to Tryon Palace Explore New Bern’s Civil War Battlefield The Battle of New Bern was fought on March 14, 1862. You can still see the original fighting positions on the well-maintained 30-acre site. Imagine how young soldiers felt as the battle unfolded. The New Bern Historic Society offers daily guided tours. The New Bern Battlefield park completes the North Carolina Civil War Trail system. Location: 300 Battlefield Trail Why Are There so Many Bear Statues in New Bern NC? Swiss and German settlers named New Bern after Bern, Switzerland. In Old German, Bern means bear, and the city became known as “Bear City.” In 2010, New Bern celebrated its 300-year birthday. For the event, 58 ceramic bear statues were placed throughout the city. Once called the “Athens of the South,” New Bern has a rich cultural history. You’ll be hard-pressed to see it all. Discover its revitalized downtown featuring outdoor dining Friday and Saturday nights. Walk New Bern’s great historic districts. You’ll soon be adding more favorites to your list of historical things to do in New Bern!
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Officer-Involved-Shooting in Hollenbeck Division NRF011-23lr The officers involved in this incident below have been identified as Police Officer III+I Steven Jenkins, Serial No. 26809, Police Officer III+I Daniel Cota, Serial No. 35677, Police Officer III+I Christopher Jones, Serial No. 39399, Police Officer III+I Ruben Chavez, Serial No. 38836, Police Officer III Steven Wills, Serial No. 33368, Police Officer III Adrian Bonilla, Serial No. 39681, and Police Officer III Alan Ramirez, Serial No. 33872. All officers listed are assigned to the Metropolitan Division K9 Unit. Preliminarily, based on the initial investigation, it appears one round fired from an unknown officer’s handgun struck the ballistic helmet of another officer present. The ballistic helmet deflected the round and no injuries were sustained from this impact. **The following information is based on a preliminary and ongoing investigation, which continues to evolve as investigators interview witnesses, review physical and electronic records, and analyze forensic evidence. The Department’s understanding of the facts and circumstances may change as additional evidence is collected and analyzed** Los Angeles: Los Angeles Police Department’s (LAPD) Force Investigation Division is investigating an Officer–Involved Shooting that occurred in Hollenbeck Division. On March 8, 2023, around 4:00 p.m., plain clothes Hollenbeck Division Narcotics Enforcement Detail officers (NED) were conducting surveillance in the area of Broadway and Prince Street for a Parolee–At–Large (PAL) identified as 32–year–old, Jonathan Magana. Magana was also a named suspect for an Investigative Report for Extortion that occurred in Hollenbeck Division. During the surveillance, Magana was observed by NED officers on foot, and a perimeter was established with the assistance of uniformed officers. The officers lost sight of Magana inside the perimeter and requested Metropolitan K9 officers to respond. Two K9 officer search teams responded and searched the perimeter simultaneously. Shortly after the search began, a K9 dog alerted officers to the downstairs unit of a multi-unit structure located in the 3800 block of North Broadway Street. The downstairs unit of the structure appeared to be a converted living space that was under construction. The officers believed Magana was concealed inside the downstairs unit and officers set up containment. The officers made several verbal announcements in both English and Spanish for Magana to surrender. Magana failed to surrender which resulted in the deployment of a chemical agent. During the deployment of the chemical agent, Magana fired at officers, resulting in an Officer–Involved Shooting. Three K9 officers were struck by Magana’s gunfire and subsequently extracted to a safe location where they received medical treatment. The remaining K9 officers redeployed, transitioned their tactics to a barricaded suspect, and Metropolitan Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) responded. When Magana failed to respond to additional verbal commands to surrender, SWAT deployed a robotic device equipped with a video camera into the room Magana was believed to be barricaded. The robotic device located Magana who appeared to be unresponsive. SWAT officers made entry into the room and took Magana into custody. Magana appeared to have been struck by gunfire. The Los Angeles Fire Department personnel responded to provide medical treatment and Magana was pronounced deceased at scene. The injured officers were transported to a local hospital and treated for their injuries. The officers were admitted into the hospital and were listed in stable condition. No other officers or citizens were injured during the incident. Two loaded handguns were recovered at scene. One handgun was a 9mm Polymer 80 semi-automatic “Ghost Gun” and the second handgun was a 9mm Glock semi-automatic Model 43X. A loaded extended high–capacity magazine was also recovered at scene. Robbery Homicide Division (RHD) responded to the scene and conducted a preliminary criminal investigation for several counts of Attempted Murder against the K9 officers. On March 9, 2023, two of the officers injured during the incident were released from the hospital. One officer remains hospitalized and in stable condition. LAPD’s specialized Force Investigation Division detectives responded to the scene, interviewed witnesses and supervised the collection of evidence by the Forensic Science Division personnel. The complete investigation will be reviewed by the Chief of Police, the Board of Police Commissioners, and the Office of the Inspector General to determine the thoroughness and accuracy of the investigation and whether the use of deadly force complied with LAPD’s policies and procedures.
{"url": "https://www.lapdonline.org/newsroom/officer-involved-shooting-in-hollenbeck-division-nrf011-23lr/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "www.lapdonline.org", "date_download": "2023-03-20T09:55:23Z", "digest": "sha1:VXR4RL4IM3NI3THT2RO5UJTPIHKSNC33"}
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BI-STATE DEVELOPMENT AGENCY SELECTED BY EAST-WEST GATEWAY TO LEAD AMERICA’S GATEWAY — A NEW REGIONAL FREIGHT PARTNERSHIP Updated regional partners to include Madison County. ST. LOUIS, MO., SEPT. 24, 2014… East-West Gateway Council of Governments today voted to move forward with plans to have the Bi-State Development Agency (BSDA) lead a new regional freight partnership aimed at optimizing the region’s freight transportation infrastructure. America’s Gateway will capitalize on an anticipated 60 percent increase in national freight volume by the year 2040. The creation of the new partnership is the outcome of months of planning in response to recommendations made in the 2013 Saint Louis Regional Freight Study which was commissioned by East-West Gateway. The study determined existing capabilities, gaps, and potential for growth in this sector of the region’s economy. East West Gateway then sponsored a Regional Freight Working Group, a team of regional leaders and industry experts committed to understanding the results of the study and developing a regional strategic action plan. The resulting plan calls for the establishment of a regional freight district and associated authority called America’s Gateway. A broad consensus of freight experts suggests that the actions to be undertaken by America’s Gateway will boost St. Louis’ competitive position among its peers in becoming not only a premier multimodal freight center in the Midwest region through job and economic growth, but also a freight center with global reach ready to compete in international markets. “America’s Gateway will close gaps in freight planning capabilities, providing the St. Louis region with an entity that can plan effectively for freight-related infrastructure improvements, act decisively on behalf of the entire region, and speak with one voice to both internal and external stakeholders,” said Ed Hillhouse, Executive Director of the East-West Gateway Council of Governments. “With its interstate compact powers, regional development authority and strong leadership, the Bi-State Development Agency is the ideal organization to take this initiative forward.” “The Bi-State Development Agency was selected because of its unique position as an implementation arm for regional projects,” Hillhouse added. “Bi-State Development has led economic development and implementation for 60 years and we are excited they will lead this initiative.” “We have been a part of the regional team working diligently on this initiative over the past months and are pleased to have been selected to lead the newly established partnership,” said John Nations, President and CEO of the Bi-State Development Agency. “This initiative is all about helping the Greater St. Louis region renew its ‘Gateway’ status, and we are eager to get to work on moving forward. America’s Gateway is in keeping with our vision to promote economic development for the region.” AMERICA’S GATEWAY BACKGROUND After examining various models of organizations leading freight economic development efforts in other parts of the country, the working group determined that a unique hybrid model would best support the partnership’s mission of driving regional economic growth by coordinating public and private efforts; optimizing the regional multimodal portfolio; and marketing Greater St. Louis’ multimodal opportunities. The plan calls for a public-private partnership to be established within the Bi-State Development Agency as a new operating enterprise. With oversight from the BSDA Board and its president and CEO, the partnership will be responsible for the following functions: • Proactive needs analysis • Planning, programming, and coordinating freight-related infrastructure improvements • Marketing the region’s freight assets and opportunities • Regional freight-related advocacy with both the public and private sector • Operational oversight on freight-related projects An executive advisory board representing regional stakeholders will be responsible for bringing action items to the Bi-State Development Agency Board, and will also serve as the Regional Freight Advisory Committee. An “Alliance” program will gain participation and insight from private stakeholders with an interest in regional freight-related economic development. Initial organizational steps will be taken immediately, including the hiring of staff that will mature the concepts presented in the initial plan. The first position that will be filled is that of Executive Director of America’s Gateway. Other early operational activities will include formulating of the official by-laws for the organization, completing the membership of America’s Gateway’s Board, organizing the Alliance and transitioning the members of the Regional Freight District Working Group. Partners involved in the Regional Freight Working Group include East-West Gateway, St. Louis Development Corporation, St. Louis City, St. Louis County, St. Clair County, St. Charles County, Madison County, Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT), Missouri Department of Transportation, St. Louis Regional Chamber, Leadership Council of Southwestern Illinois, and Terminal Railroad. “The low cost of living, strategic position along the Mississippi River, low highway congestion, considerable space for land development and a reasonable business tax environment all make St. Louis attractive as a manufacturing and distribution center,” Nations said. “Enhancing the capacity and capabilities of our regional freight system will support the growth of this sector of our economy and we look forward to working with the various partners involved to drive that growth.” The new enterprise will involve participation from both Missouri and Illinois; from organizations both public and private, with an increasingly higher amount of private participation as it goes forward. It will involve public and private infrastructure which will encompass roads, rivers, rails, airports and pipelines. Bi-State Development to Lead America’s Gateway continued The Bi-State Development Agency/Metro (BSDA/Metro) is the operator of the Metro public transportation system for the St. Louis region, which includes the 87 vehicle, 46-mile MetroLink light rail system; 390 MetroBus vehicle fleet that operates on 75 MetroBus routes; and Metro Call‑A‑Ride, a paratransit fleet of 120 vans. BSDA/Metro also owns and operates St. Louis Downtown Airport and its surrounding industrial business park, and the Gateway Arch Riverboats, as well as operates the Gateway Arch Revenue Collections Center, the Gateway Arch Transportation System, and the Gateway Arch Parking Facility.
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Report: WWE Is Pursuing Legalized Betting On Scripted Matches WWE Is Pursuing Legalized Betting On Scripted Matches: Report Kayla Morgan March 9th LAS VEGAS, NEVADA - OCTOBER 11: WWE logos are shown on screens before a WWE news conference at T-Mobile Arena on October 11, 2019 in Las Vegas, Nevada. It was announced that WWE wrestler Braun Strowman will face heavyweight boxer Tyson Fury and WWE champion Brock Lesnar will take on former UFC heavyweight champion Cain Velasquez at the WWE's Crown Jewel event at Fahd International Stadium in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia on October 31. (Photo by Ethan Miller/Getty Images) Could gambling on wrestling matches become a thing? According to CNBC, Gaming Control Board officials and World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) met to discuss the possibility of allowing gamblers to place real money wagers on scripted WWE matches. Specifically, high-profile matches on WWE. They are targeting Michigan, Colorado, and Indiana with the proposal. This would be a first in the U.S. market. A spokeswoman for the Colorado Division of Gaming told Legal Sports Report, “It has never considered allowing markets on WWE betting.” The Michigan Gaming Control Board told the outlet that information is shared publicly through the agency’s website with updates. The state of Michigan currently allows betting on pre-determined events. That includes 25 markets listed for the Academy Awards in Michigan’s betting catalog. There are no legal U.S. sportsbooks that accept bets on professional wrestling. This is because events are scripted, so some people know the results. However, sports betting companies like Draft Kings have offered free betting pools for WWE Pay-Per-View events with prizes. Sports betting plans for the company emerged since the return of Vince McMahon as WWE executive chairman. Currently, the professional wrestling company is for sale and is seeking a buyer. According to Business Insider, McMahon reportedly wants to sell WWE for at least $9 billion. “WWE is working with the accounting firm EY (Ernst & Young) to secure scripted match results in hopes it will convince regulators there’s no chance of results leaking to the public,” said CNBC’s Alex Sherman. EY has worked with award shows, including the Emmys and Academy Awards to keep their results secret. Betting on those award shows is legal. Reports say the WWE wants a similar setup for a legalized betting system and will ensure that the wrestlers won’t know the results of their matches until a few hours before the match takes place.
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To have a better experience, please upgrade your IE browser. South Korea- 한국어 Hungary - Magyar nyelv Ukraine - Українська мова Digital Transformation: From Strategy to Execution Digital Transformation Stories (Vol. 1) Yanbu: A Smart Industrial Oil Kingdom City In recent years, falling global oil prices have created challenging opportunity for Saudi Arabia to move towards renewable energy and opening new investments projects that will support the economy since oil generates about 70 percent of the country’s revenue. As such, Saudi Arabia announced its new transformation program called ‘Vision 2030’ in April 2016. This ambitious yet achievable blueprint has clarified the goals of developing cities, achieving environmental sustainability, improving digital infrastructures, and expanding the variety of digital services. In particular, this new initiative recognizes the significance of expanding industrial clusters and attracting more high value-added investments — as feasible ways to build up national competitiveness. In line with Saudi Arabia’s vision, the Smart Yanbu Industrial City project has started to build upon the hopes of Saudi Arabian citizens for transformation. Smart Yanbu Industrial City, a Transformative Engine for the Oil Kingdom In 1975, Yanbu Industrial City was set up according to a royal decree and managed by a Royal Commission. After more than 40 years of fast growth, Yanbu industrial city has become the third largest oil refinery center in the world. It can produce more than 1.1 million barrels of oil every day, and its yearly industrial production capacity reaches 131 million tons. Yanbu has also set up the largest petroleum transportation port near the Red Sea and established key petroleum liquefying and processing locations. Yanbu industrial city has become the beneficiary of high-speed industrialization. The efficient city layout, wide roads, sufficient public spaces, and green parks all indicate the vitality of this fast growing city. However, Yanbu is also facing ever-increasing pressure. For example, limited network bandwidth cannot meet the requirements of governments, enterprises, and residents, affecting office efficiency and online entertainment experiences. The daily operations of large refining factories, ports, and warehouses, as well as large-scale city construction require a large number of heavy vehicles. Overloading and speeding by these heavy vehicles have caused costly maintenance for the roads. Public parking spaces are difficult to manage because there are too many private cars. Road lighting costs are high. Building rubble and waste are sometimes not handled in a timely manner. Security risks exist in densely populated areas. A large number of underground industrial facilities need security due to lack of monitoring. In line with ‘Vision 2030,’ the Royal Commission for Yanbu (RCY) decided to take the lead in addressing the Yanbu industrial city challenges by constructing the Smart Yanbu Industrial City. Dr. Alaa Nassif, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of RCY, said, “Today’s global competition is fierce. We hope to maintain the competitiveness of the city through our Smart City initiative. We have focused on industrial growth over the past 40 years. Now, we will gradually shift to more diversified sectors including entertainment, tourism, and science and technology. In doing so, we desire to create industrial clusters, enhance collaboration between industries, expand business diversification, improve investment environments, and enhance competitiveness.” “The vision of building a Smart Yanbu Industrial City is aligned with the ‘Vision 2030’ goal. It aims to improve the quality of life through a smart city. We have set a series of specific goals. For example, all national transformation projects that have been planned will be on the right track; the annual smart city revenue will exceed USD 66 million; the average incident response time will be less than 7 minutes; the annual traffic accidents will be fewer than 1,200; the optical fiber coverage rate will be greater than 59 percent; the free Wi-Fi coverage rate in public places will be higher than 70 percent; the public lighting costs will be reduced by 30 percent; the waste clearing efficiency will grow by 30 percent; and the road maintenance costs will be reduced by 20 percent,“ added by Dr. Nassif. The Smart Yanbu Industrial City plan has three phases: • Phase 1 (Smart City 1.0): Focuses on the construction of city infrastructure, such as city broadband and cloud computing, to build a connected city • Phase 2 (Smart City 2.0): Revolves around city applications, including security, intelligent public services, and environmental protection, to build a sensor-enabled city • Phase 3 (Smart City 3.0): Centers on the city platform, covering the city management platform and smart community portal, to ultimately build a fully intelligent city The Smart City Initiative Pays Off After Two Rounds of Construction It is impossible to conceive of smart cities without strong information infrastructures. For Phase 1 of the project, city broadband was the core, and RCY implemented Public-Private Partnerships (PPP). Specifically, RCY provided public infrastructures such as roads, buildings, power grids, and water services, city optical networks, while the telecom operator Mobily delivered telecom infrastructures and Huawei provided ICT solutions, including smart city data centers, GSM/3G/LTE, as well as related service and operations support systems. This PPP mode gave full play to complementary advantages and ensured mutual benefits. As a result, the wired and wireless broadband networks across the entire city were quickly constructed, providing high-speed network access services, and delivering improved network experiences for governments, industrial, and residential areas. In addition, open access networks were deployed to connect the transportation signal facilities to prepare for the construction of the next phase of the Smart City. In 2016, for Phase 2 of the project, smart applications were launched. Aiming to enhance municipal administration, RCY focused on eight smart applications, including Heavy Vehicle Management, Smart Waste Management, Smart Streetlight, Smart Parking, Smart Energy Efficiency Monitoring, Crowd Density Analysis, Smart Manhole Cover, and Comprehensive Performance Assessment. These applications improve municipal administration efficiency, enhance public safety, and create a better living environment. Huawei provided a comprehensive portfolio of network and IT solutions (including wireless access points, routers, switches, servers, storage, and 2G/3G/4G base stations), devices such as security cameras, the eSight + Network Management System (NMS) platform which uniformly manages network-wide devices, and software products provided by Huawei partners. All these help ensure that the data collected by front-end devices can be transmitted to the back-end system in a secure, stable, and real-time manner for management and analysis. • Heavy Vehicle Management: Almost all industrial cities have these big headaches: Overloading and speeding of vehicles, which make the road easy to be damaged, and need a lot of maintenance costs. To prevent this, Yanbu has buried pressure and length sensors in important entrances and exits of the industrial areas. These sensors work with HD License Plate Recognition (LPR) cameras that are set up at the roadside to accurately record information about all vehicles passing by, such as the registration information, speed, and weight. Through the networks, routers, and switches, such information will be uploaded to the automatic management system that can assess penalties to vehicles for overloading and speeding. High efficiency of road transportation is crucial to a country that is undergoing transformation. The new dynamic weighing system does not require vehicle docking or manual guidance; therefore, the traffic is not affected. The dynamic weighing system also does not require fixed weighing sites or employees for on-site work, reducing construction and operations costs by 80 percent. • Smart Waste Management: In Saudi Arabia, the hot weather accelerates garbage deterioration. However, almost all garbage bins are uncovered, give an unpleasant smell, and attract stray cats, dogs, and mice, which increases the risk of disease infection and adversely affects people’s life comfort and health. The Smart Waste Management Solution provides capacity sensors powered by solar energy. With such capacity sensors installed, the fill-level of a garbage bin is reported in real time, so that the administrator can optimize the driving routes of garbage vehicles to improve the garbage collection efficiency. In addition, the oil consumption of garbage vehicles is monitored. The administrator is notified of all exceptional changes in the oil volume to prevent oil theft. • Smart Streetlight: The old streetlight system had limited management and control over streetlights. The system could simply turn on and off streetlights, and only notify the related management department of streetlight faults. Now, the energy-consuming and high-voltage sodium lamps that could not be remotely controlled have been replaced with new LED lighting modules, which feature low energy consumption, can be automatically turned on/off, and can have brightness adjusted according to the environmental conditions. The use of such modules reduces the lighting energy consumption by 70 percent. With the Smart Streetlight system, the lighting policy can be flexibly configured and modified on a per-streetlight basis, instead of the traditional power-on and power-off based on the power phase line. The management platform provides information about the working status and service life of every streetlight, which reduces the workload of traditional road device inspection. In addition, by integrating terminals such as digital signage, environment monitoring sensors, emergency alarming devices, speakers, and security cameras, the streetlights can provide diverse information (such as emergency notification, business, and weather) and provide convenient services (such as emergency calls and video security), building a better interactive platform for bridging the government and citizens. • Smart Parking: The parking lots in Yanbu have long been free of charge for citizens, which objectively leads to unfair allocation of parking resources in popular places. While keeping most parking lots free of charge, the smart parking management system charges the residents who use the parking lots in popular places. Such a successful combination of technologies and economics ensures that resources are provided based upon citizens’ needs. The usage of a parking space is reported in real time by the geomagnetic and infrared sensor installed on the parking space. The number of available parking spaces and the occupancy duration of each parking space are automatically and quickly determined. Citizens can pay parking fees in various ways, such as using mobile phones and parking fee machines. • Smart Energy Efficiency Monitoring: The high incomes in Saudi Arabia allow citizens to enjoy cheap electricity services which inevitably increases resource consumption and creates a burden to the vulnerable ecosystem. RCY has decided to reduce power consumption in office areas and set a good example to encourage citizens to enhance their awareness of power conservation. The energy consumption sensors in office buildings can collect power consumption data on each area in real time. Then, diverse management approaches based on power consumption data comparison can be taken to improve government staff’s awareness of energy savings and promote reasonable power consumption. The sensors can also remotely control the power supply. During non-working hours, the sensors can be remotely controlled to shut down the air conditioners and lighting devices for more energy savings. • Crowd Density Analysis: With the popularity of smartphones, Wi-Fi is now everywhere. Consequently, monitoring Wi-Fi signals can accurately learn the distribution and flows of people, allowing city authorities to closely follow situations and take necessary measures in a timely manner in the case of any emergencies. • Smart Manhole Cover: As an industrial city experiencing rapid growth, Yanbu has a large number of pipes, valves, and connectors installed underground. The manhole covers for accessing these facilities have become a focus for security measures to protect the underground facilities from becoming targets for attacks. The Smart Manhole Cover Solution provides remote control over manhole covers. The covers can be opened only when maintenance is required, preventing unauthorized access. Different types of sensors such as hazardous gas detection and water permeation detection sensors can be installed on the covers for different types of manholes, monitoring overflow accidents in real time and ensuring the safety of personnel inside the manholes. • Comprehensive Performance Assessment: With this comprehensive assessment system, the key tasks of all related city departments can be planned and assigned in a unified manner, and the progress of each department’s work indicators is monitored. This helps identify problems ahead of time and find the root causes. The unified performance indicators help promote collaboration between departments and hence improve government work efficiency. Livable and Business-friendly City with Higher Attractiveness After two phases of Smart City construction, Yanbu Industrial City is starting to enjoy many benefits. The road maintenance cost has been reduced by 20 percent; the garbage clearing efficiency has been improved by 50 percent; the overall cost of the public lighting system has been reduced by 30 percent; and the utilization of public parking spaces increased by 30 percent. In the third phase of Smart City construction, a Big Data analytics platform, IoT data platform, and communications integration platform will be built to support municipal services, investment trend analysis, smart public facilities, emergency response and smart police services, and build an integrated command center. RCY will continue to deepen its collaboration with Huawei and leverage new technologies to enable citizens to enjoy better public services and make Yanbu more attractive. Thanks to bold exploration and practices, Dr. Alaa Nassif said happily, “The Smart City project has proven that our Royal Commission is visionary. We are on the right track and all will benefit from the Smart City project, including the government, enterprises, and individuals. Smart City construction not only greatly improves Yanbu’s public service level, but also enhances its capability of attracting high value-added investments. Since the construction of Smart Yanbu Industrial City in 2014, the growth rate of external investments has reached 16 percent, much higher than the previous 2.5 percent; by June 30, 2017, RCY has 81 companies of Light/Support industry in operation, 36 under construction, and 33 in design; restaurants account for 16.7 percent in commercial establishments in operation, retail shops occupy 12.42 percent, and business offices take up 14.9 percent; the satisfaction rate of residents has reached 90 percent; and the revenue from the Smart City construction is continuously increasing and is expected to reach USD 100 million in the next year.” “With deeper development of the Smart City project,” he added, “more and more young people choose to work and start a new life in Yanbu. Both the employment rate and the population are increasing in a healthy and orderly manner.” “The cooperation and achievements of the RCY and Huawei for Smart Yanbu Industrial City establishes a good model for other cities. Huawei leads a robust ecosystem. Through flexible application of new ICT innovations, we can now sense, analyze, and integrate more city operations, enrich key information required by the management system, and make smarter, faster responses to various requirements, such as city governance, public services, and business activities. I believe that such a data-driven city development path can inject new energy towards improving people’s lives, optimizing city operations and management, and enhancing business with other cities around the world. It will definitely create a better city life for human beings.” — Dr. Alaa Nassif, Chief Executive Officer of RCY Partner Enablement More Contact Methods
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Home Latest News 2010 Freshman Issue: Tribe Fan Guide 2010 Freshman Issue: Tribe Fan Guide The Places Walter J. Zable Stadium Originally constructed in 1935 thanks to a grant from President Franklin Roosevelt’s Public Works Administration, Zable Stadium has hosted William and Mary football games for 75 years. Recent additions include permanent lighting, a video-replay scoreboard and the installation of a FieldTurf Pro playing surface. Kaplan Arena at William and Mary Hall Opened in 1971, Kaplan Arena typically holds 8,600 Tribe fans with the capacity to seat up to 11,300 people. The building plays host to both men’s and women’s basketball games, as well as volleyball matches and gymnastics meets. The Hall also houses the majority of the College’s athletic offices. Plumeri Park Built in 1999 with a large donation from Tribe alum Joe Plumeri, Plumeri Park is a state-of-the-art baseball-only facility that includes a 10-foot artificial turf halo behind home plate, locker rooms, a press box, concession space, a grandstand and covered outdoor batting cages. Plumeri Park seats approximately 1,000 fans. The Faces Jonathan Grimes Football, Junior, Tailback After two productive seasons in the backfield, Grimes enters his junior season as a preseason All-American and is featured on the Walter Payton Award Watch List. Quinn McDowell Basketball, Junior, Forward Having proven he was a scoring threat, McDowell enters 2011 as one of the Tribe’s key veterans. He will lead a talented group of younger Tribe players this season. Lacrosse, Senior, Midfield Last spring Golden continued building her impressive legacy. She led the Tribe with 44 goals, 10 assists and 75 shots on goal en route to another CAA Tournament appearance. Jimmye Laycock, ’70 Football, Head Coach Laycock has helmed the Tribe football program for 31 years. Highlights include an FCS National Semifinal appearances in 2004 and 2009, plus last year’s win over the University of Virginia. Taysha Pye Basketball, Junior, Guard Pye’s play was a bright spot for the Tribe last season, as she grabbed 155 rebounds and averaged 16.4 points per game while earning second-team all conference honors. Tony Shaver Basketball, Head Coach After building the Tribe from CAA cellar-dweller to contender, Shaver’s unique offensive strategy helped the College enjoy breakout success in 2010. The Rivalries Richmond Football Labeled “The South’s Oldest Rivalry,” the Spiders and Tribe have met 119 times since 1898, making the contest the fourth most-played matchup in Division I history. Last year the No. 5 Tribe lost to the No. 4 Spiders 13-10, as Richmond made a 47-yard field goal as time expired. This year the Capital Cup returns to Williamsburg on Nov. 20. JMU Football The Tribe and the Dukes have played every year since 1978, more often than not with major playoff implications on the line. In 2004, JMU defeated the Tribe in Williamsburg in a historic FCS National Semifinal Game. The College had dropped six straight against the Dukes until a convincing 24-3 victory last season. ODU Basketball Last season, the Tribe played the Monarchs three times with the College dropping a heartbreaker in Williamsburg. A Monarch blow out in Norfolk and a tight ODU win in the CAA Championship Game cemented this matchup as one of the most entertaining in the CAA. The Alumni Mike Tomlin, ’95 A wide receiver for the Tribe, Tomlin is currently the head coach of the NFL’s Pittsburgh Steelers, which he led to a Super Bowl championship in 2009. He was also the 2008 NFL Coach of the Year. Jon Stewart, ’84 The Daily Show host played soccer for the Tribe from 1981-84, helping propel the squad to an NCAA tournament appearance his senior season. Derek Cox, ’08 A four-year starter for the Tribe and two-time All-CAA selection, Cox was drafted by the Jacksonville Jaguars in the third round of the 2009 NFL Draft. In his rookie season, Cox recorded four interceptions. Darren Sharper, ’97 Drafted out of the College in the second round of the 1997 NFL Draft by the Green Bay Packers, Sharper is a five-time Pro Bowler and was a member of the New Orleans Saints’ Super Bowl squad. Sean McDermott, ’98 An all-conference defensive back during his time at the College, McDermott has risen through the NFL’s coaching ranks and was named defensive coordinator of the Philadelphia Eagles last year. Steve Christie, ’90 Christie is remembered as one of the greatest clutch kickers in NFL history. He played in three Super Bowls as a member of the Buffalo Bills, for which he played eight seasons. After narrowly missing out on a trip to the national championship game, the College appears poised to improve on its stellar 2009 season. Junior tailback Jonathan Grimes will lead the offense, while junior linebacker Jake Trantin hopes to continue the College’s defensive dominance. After years of futility, the Tribe earned headlines last season by defeating ACC powerhouses Maryland and Wake Forest en route to a 22-10 record and the College’s first postseason appearance since 1982. Although the Tribe graduated key seniors, Head Coach Tony Shaver brings several prized recruits to Williamsburg in 2010. Although the Tribe experienced a down year in 2010, lacrosse has traditionally been one of the College’s strongest programs. In 2011, the squad will be anchored by a core of seniors, including midfielder Grace Golden, attacker Ashley Holofcener, midfielder Molly Wannen and defender Sarah Jonson. Previous articleThat Girl: Chrissy Scott Next articleFootball: Opening scrimmage
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[1735, 1755, 0.0], [1755, 1776, 0.0], [1776, 1965, 0.0], [1965, 1976, 0.0], [1976, 2002, 0.0], [2002, 2169, 0.0], [2169, 2181, 0.0], [2181, 2204, 0.0], [2204, 2353, 0.0], [2353, 2367, 0.0], [2367, 2385, 0.0], [2385, 2725, 0.0], [2725, 2738, 0.0], [2738, 3053, 0.0], [3053, 3068, 0.0], [3068, 3326, 0.0], [3326, 3337, 0.0], [3337, 3354, 0.0], [3354, 3549, 0.0], [3549, 3566, 0.0], [3566, 3705, 0.0], [3705, 3720, 0.0], [3720, 3927, 0.0], [3927, 3947, 0.0], [3947, 4138, 0.0], [4138, 4158, 0.0], [4158, 4350, 0.0], [4350, 4370, 0.0], [4370, 4547, 0.0], [4547, 4830, 0.0], [4830, 5154, 0.0], [5154, 5451, 0.0], [5451, 5492, 0.0], [5492, 5531, 0.0]], "rps_lines_uppercase_letter_fraction": [[0, 54, 0.14814815], [54, 91, 0.13513514], [91, 102, 0.18181818], [102, 126, 0.16666667], [126, 439, 0.04792332], [439, 477, 0.13157895], [477, 775, 0.02684564], [775, 788, 0.15384615], [788, 1113, 0.02461538], [1113, 1123, 0.2], [1123, 1139, 0.125], [1139, 1166, 0.11111111], [1166, 1328, 0.05555556], [1328, 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Home > Gadgets > When Did The Ps4 Come Out – Newest Models And About Its Release What is Ps4(PlayStation) Ps4 (PlayStation) When Ps4 Was Released? Different Ps4 Models More About Ps4 When did the ps4 come out – (PlayStation) a video game console developed by Sony Interactive Entertainment, a multimedia entertainment system line. PlayStation was first released in Japan on December 3, 1994. Later it was released in North America on September 9 1995. And became one of the most popular video game consoles globally. PlayStation was the first video game support to sell over 100 million units. PlayStation has wholly changed the video game industry and popularized several genres, such as action-adventure, role-playing, and racing games. The PlayStation revolutionized gaming with its 3D graphics, CD-ROM compatibility, and 32-bit processor. It speedily became one of the most popular gaming consoles of all time. PlayStation offers a wide variety of games, from first-person shooters to role-playing games, and has something for everyone. PlayStation is also home to some of the most popular franchises in gaming, such as Uncharted, God of War, Horizon Zero Dawn, and many more. The PlayStation 4, earlier known as PlayStation Orbis. And often abbreviated as PS4, fourth home-based video game console developed by Sony Computer Entertainment. Because of its processing power, networking features, and enhanced visuals over previous generations. The PS4 has a massive hit with gamers. The PS4 support features many games, including Minecraft, Just Cause 3, Call of Duty, Fortnite Battle Royale, Ratchet & Clank, and Spider-Man 3. This game not adapted with any audio streaming. Bluetooth profile or Advance Audio Distribution Profile. And that is why there are many Bluetooth devices that you cannot connect to the PS4. Sony introduced the PlayStation4 as the successor to PlayStation3 in 2013. And it was released at end of the year. The original PS4 model was released on November 15, 2013. In Japan and North America and a month later in Europe. Since then, two additional models of the Ps-4 console have released. The PS-4 Slim and the PS4 Pro. The successive created models have added or deducted features, each having variations of the Limited edition console. So, let’s see when PS-4 Slim and PS-4 Pro were released. The PlayStation 4 Slim released on September 15, 2016. It is a revision of the original PlayStation 4 console with a smaller form factor and lower power consumption. The Slim model is 10% lighter and uses 8% less energy than the original PS4. It also includes a slightly upgraded processor, which provides a slight performance boost for gaming and other tasks. The Slim model was initially available in two versions: A 500 GB model for $299, and a 1 TB model for $399. A special “Uncharted 4” bundle was also released. Including a copy of game and a 500 GB PS4 Slim for $299. The PS4 Slim has generally well-received, with critics praising its small size and improved efficiency. The PlayStation 4 Pro was released on November 10, 2016. PlayStation 4 Pro is an updated version of the PlayStation 4 console, designed to deliver enhanced performance and 4K resolution gaming. Ps 4 Pro powered by a new, more powerful AMD Polaris GPU and features a higher CPU clock speed and increased memory bandwidth. PlayStation 4 Pro also supports HDR gaming and content playback, giving owners of compatible TVs a richer, more vibrant gaming experience. Moreover, If you’re looking for the ultimate PlayStation 4 gaming experience, PlayStation 4 Pro is your console. With enhanced performance and stunning 4K visuals, PlayStation 4 Pro offers gamers the best possible experience on Sony’s flagship console. Moreover, Plus, with a PS4 Pro and a 4K TV, you can experience your games in breathtaking Ultra HD resolution. Whether playing the latest blockbuster game or streaming your favorite show, PlayStation 4 Pro offers unmatched performance and detail. So if you’re serious about gaming, Sony’s premium console is the only way to play. Playing games at 4K resolution obtained using various rendering techniques and hardware features. PlayStation technical chief Mark Cerny stated that Sony could not “brute force” 4K without compromising form factor and cost. Console explicitly designed to support streamlined rendering techniques. And also utilizing customized hardware. Best-in-breed temporal and spatial anti-aliasing algorithms. And a “variety of latest new features from the AMD Polaris architecture as well as several other highly advanced features even beyond it”. The most flattering technique shown is checkerboard rendering, in which the console can render portions of a scene using a checkerboard pattern and then use algorithms to fill up the non-rendered segments. Moreover, The screen of checkboard can then smoothed with the help of an anti-aliasing filter. Herman Hulst (Guerrilla Games) explained that PS4 Pro could render something “perceptively so close [to 4K] that you wouldn’t be able to see the difference between the two at all”. PS4 Pro has always supported Remote Play, Share Play, and streaming up to 1080p determination at 60 frames per second. Not only this, but it can also help in capturing screenshots at 1080p and 2160p video at about 30 frames per second. At the year ending of 2017, Sony released a new PS4 Pro revision (model number CUH-7100) that featured mainly updated internal components. The original hardware features, specifications and performance has made same as the actual model. Although it noticed that new version console had a slightly quieter fan profile compared to original (and as a result of it working at a somewhat elevated temperature under load than CUH-7000). Moreover, In October 2018, Sony released another revision (model number CUH-7200) as part of Red Dead Redemption 2 hardware bundles as silently as a mouse. The revised one has a different power supply that utilizes the same type of cord used in the “Slim” model and proven to have further improvements characteristically to acoustics. Helpful Resources – Poplar Healthcare Covid Testing & More 2022 When is National Bae Day – Just Buffer 2022 Scoot Education – Just Buffer 2022 Review When Did The Ps4 Come Out – Newest Models And About Its Release. Cancel reply United Wealth Education - Definition And Principles of Education About Scuff Vantage 2 & More – Just Buffer – 2022 Just buffer, 4 weeks ago Asus Vivobook 15 (K513) Review Review Of Oneplus 8 Vs Samsung Galaxy S10
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Zoe Kravitz Joins “Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them,” The Harry Potter Spinoff Trilogy By Anya Crittenton on August 10, 2016 2 - FILM NEWS, Anya Crittenton, Attachments (Film) Another name has been added to the upcoming Harry Potter spinoff film, FANTASTIC BEASTS AND WHERE TO FIND THEM, just a few months before the film is set for release: Zoe Kravitz. She joins the already large and varied cast of the Warner Bros. film, the first in a brand new trilogy, which is set for release on November 18, 2016. According to sources, Kravitz joined the film after it had already begun production in a small role. However, she could return in the already announced Fantastic Beasts sequel in a larger role, which is said to be a darker film than the first one. She will join a large cast consisting of Eddie Redmayne, Colin Farrell, Katherine Waterston, Dan Fogler, Alison Sudol, and Ezra Miller in a story set in 1920s New York City where Newt Scamander (Redmayne), a British Magizoologist and wizard, accidently unleashes a briefcase full of mystical creatures on the city. The inspiration for this trilogy stems from the textbook of the same name, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, written by Newt and used by Harry and Ron when they attend Hogwarts. Author J.K. Rowling is penning the script for the film, with David Yates directing. Yates also directed the last four films in the Harry Potter franchise. David Heyman, Steve Kloves, Lionel Wigram, and Rowling will be producing, with Neil Blair, Rick Senat, and Danny Cohen executive producing. Kravitz has become a prolific actress, adding roles in films like Mad Max: Fury Road, Dope, and the Divergent franchise to her resume over the recent years. She is also set to appear in the HBO series Big Little Lies alongside Nicole Kidman and Reese Witherspoon. She is repped by Paradigm and Untitled Entertainment. —TO SEE ALL THE PROJECT DETAILS CLICK HERE— Anya Crittenton | Associate Editor This news was first reported by The Hollywood Reporter. Thriller APA Based on Book WME Drama entertainment careers career job UTA JOBS Horror Gersh Agency TV Reviews careers ENTERTAINMENT Paradigm Comedy CAA TB Talks TV ICM Partners entertainment jobs Action Adventure Sci-Fi
{"url": "https://www.tracking-board.com/zoe-kravitz-joins-fantastic-beasts-and-where-to-find-them-the-harry-potter-spinoff-trilogy/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "www.tracking-board.com", "date_download": "2023-03-20T08:58:08Z", "digest": "sha1:N5JP7VD2R3AVJPOZWQ5ZRKCNWQ2DUQNX"}
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Scheer to throw open the doors to Canada’s national museums New Conservative government to remove museum admission fees, celebrate past Prime Ministers A new Conservative government will scrap admission fees from all of Canada’s national museums, Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer announced today. Removing these fees will make it easier for families to learn about Canada’s proud history and will make school field trips and family vacations more affordable. “National museums celebrate Canada by sharing our foundational stories and most cherished artifacts, the very things that make us Canadian. They are places of beauty, discovery, and inspiration,” said Scheer. “Making them more accessible to Canadians and visitors is part of our plan to celebrate Canadian culture and make life more affordable for families across the country.” As Prime Minister, Andrew Scheer will make it free to visit national museums 365 days a year for every visitor. There are nine national museums across Canada: Canada Agriculture and Food Museum (Ottawa, Ontario) Canadian Museum of History (Gatineau, Quebec) Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21 (Halifax, Nova Scotia) Canada Science and Technology Museum (Ottawa, Ontario) National Gallery of Canada (Ottawa, Ontario) Canada Aviation and Space Museum (Ottawa, Ontario) Canadian Museum of Nature (Ottawa, Ontario) Canadian Museum for Human Rights (Winnipeg, Manitoba) Canadian War Museum (Ottawa, Ontario) A new Conservative government will also designate the RCMP Heritage Centre in Regina, Saskatchewan as a national museum. Admission would also be free. Scheer announced that a new Conservative government will also designate the gravesites of past Prime Ministers and Governors General as national historic sites. “We can and we should celebrate the achievements of our historical giants like William Lyon Mackenzie King, Sir Wilfrid Laurier, and Sir John A. Macdonald,” Scheer said. “These leaders, and others, have left their mark not only on our country, but on the entire world and they are worthy of honour and respect.” The first National Museum of Canada was established by the Department of Mines in 1927. The current system of national museums (listed above) are administered by six Crown Corporations. According to the Parliamentary Budget Officer, this move would save Canadians more than $20 million per year. Admission fees generally represent small proportions of these museums’ revenue mix; these other revenue streams, including Parliamentary appropriations, will not be impacted by this measure, except to increase the appropriations to compensate for reduced revenue from this policy. Smithsonian Institution museums in Washington, D.C. have offered free admission since 1846. Introduce the Green Home Renovation Tax Credit, putting up to $3,800 back in the pockets of families who make green-home improvements. –PBO Costing 1
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Cannabidiol – CBD Products Market Revenue Projections Dramatically Higher Than Just 1 year Ago Palm Beach, FL – (November 13, 2018) – The Brightfield group reported the hemp-derived CBD market is project to exceed $500 million this year and it may even grow 40 times to $22 billion by 2022, if and when the 2018 Farm Bill passes full legislation. The rapid growth will be supported by an anticipated explosion in distribution channels for these products in the next few years; chain retailers are expected to enter the market as soon as 2019. A RollingStone recent article stated, “Previously, CBD products have been available mostly in head shops, with a few doctors recommending it for various maladies. But in 2017 and 2018, the products spread to natural food stores, beauty aisles, cafes and doctors offices. So far the industry is on track to hit $591 million in 2018, and thanks to a number of factors – including, surprisingly, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell – that could increase 40 times in the next four years.” Active companies in the Cannabis market this week include Cannabis Strategic Ventures, Inc. (OTC:NUGS), MariMed Inc. (OTCQB:MRMD), Freedom Leaf Inc. (OTCQB:FRLF), mCig, Inc. (OTCQB:MCIG), Liberty Health Sciences Inc. (CSE:LHS.CN) (OTCQX:LHSIF). Cannabis Strategic Ventures, Inc. (OTCPK:NUGS) BREAKING NEWS: FITAMINS™, a wholly owned subsidiary of Cannabis Strategic Venture announced today that Art ‘One Glove’ Jimmerson, former professional boxer and Mixed Martial Arts fighter, Ultimate Fighting Championship Pioneer and coach, has partnered as a brand Ambassador FITAMINS. FITAMINS is a proprietary health and wellness formula containing 25 mg of Hemp-derived THC-free Cannabidiol (CBD) and other joint supporting vitamins that work to improve health and relieve joint and muscle pain, encouraging movement and flexibility. “Having a UFC pioneer like Art ‘One Glove’ Jimmerson join the FITAMINS family highlights a growing trend among athletes who are discovering the natural benefits of hemp derived CBD products,” said Simon Yu, CEO, Cannabis Strategic Ventures. “More and more athletes who participate in one of the many sports regulated by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and other professional leagues worldwide are now incorporating hemp derived CBD into their training regimen without concerns for doping.” Jimmerson, who compiled a 51-18 record over a nearly twenty-year career spanning from 1985-2002, kicked-off the FITAMINS™ partnership this weekend at the UFC 25th Anniversary Fight Night in Denver, Colorado, an event viewed by millions of fans. As an amateur, Jimmerson was the 1983 National Golden Gloves Middleweight champion. It was during his MMA fight at UFC 1, where he faced Royce Gracie in Gracie’s debut fight in the 16-man, “no rules” single-elimination tournament where Jimmerson entered the cage sporting only one boxing glove, earning him the nickname ‘One Glove.’ Jimmerson commented: “As a professional fighter and now trainer to the next generation of fighters, I coach my best when my mind and body are in top shape.” “FITAMINS products can help new athletes and retired athletes like me keep our bodies in the best shape possible.” Read this and more news for Cannabis Strategic Ventures at: https://financialnewsmedia.com/news-nugs Other recent developments and major influences in the cannabis industry include: MariMed Inc. (OTCQB:MRMD) and GenCanna Global Inc. jointly announced this week that the companies have entered into an agreement whereby MariMed has invested $30 million in GenCanna, and the companies have created a strategic partnership, including a long-term supply agreement. The partnership expands MariMed’s robust product development capabilities and strengthens GenCanna’s position as a global leader in the Hemp CBD industry. MariMed, a multi-state operator that develops and manages cannabis facilities and branded product lines, intends to create a product and branding business unit focused on the development and distribution of Hemp CBD-derived products. Freedom Leaf Inc. (OTCQB:FRLF) announced recently that it will be debuting its new corporate branding structure, centered around providing natural, full-spectrum hemp CBD health and wellness products to a growing global marketplace. The Company intends to exhibit our corporate pivot towards health-focused, pharmaceutical-grade hemp products to tens of thousands of potential buyers and investors at MjBizCon 2018, November 14th to 16th. The Marijuana Business Conference, hosted each November in Las Vegas by Marijuana Business Daily, is the largest business-focused cannabis conference in North America. Freedom Leaf Inc. will be utilizing this opportunity to launch our health and wellness portfolio and branding initiative, pushing Freedom Leaf Inc. to the forefront of the professional hemp and cannabis industries. mCig, Inc. (OTCQB:MCIG), an innovative hemp and cannabis corporation, recently announced its first hemp harvest is expected to be completed by the end of the week. Once the plants have dried, the buds will be stripped, bagged, and prepared for ethanol extraction. The development of high-output ethanol extraction equipment will allow the company to keep processing costs to a minimum. mCig will keep some of the plants to process for its own needs, including its new pet line, Artax, and its forthcoming pain cream. The remainder of the crop will be sold. CEO of mCig, Paul Rosenberg, states: “The New York farm has now proven to be a viable revenue stream for the company. Liberty Health Sciences Inc. (CSE:LHS.CN) (OTCQX:LHSIF), a provider of high quality cannabis, announced recently the planned opening this week of three of its newest Cannabis Education Center (CEC) dispensaries in Winter Haven, FL; Palm Harbor, FL, and Merritt Island, FL featuring free 24-hour delivery service throughout Florida. Opening for the Palm Harbor and Merritt Island locations are subject to DOH approval. The new dispensaries are located at 31486 US Highway 19 North, Palm Harbor, FL; 1285 1st Street, Winter Haven, FL, and 150 East Merritt Island Causeway, Merritt Island, FL. The dispensaries are open Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 7p.m., Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Sunday 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. Currently, Liberty operates four dispensaries and six delivery hubs with 24-hour delivery to any resident in the state. DISCLAIMER: FN Media Group LLC (FNM), which owns and operates Financialnewsmedia.com and MarketNewsUpdates.com, is a third party publisher and news dissemination service provider, which disseminates electronic information through multiple online media channels. FNM is NOT affiliated in any manner with any company mentioned herein. FNM and its affiliated companies are a news dissemination solutions provider and are NOT a registered broker/dealer/analyst/adviser, holds no investment licenses and may NOT sell, offer to sell or offer to buy any security. FNM’s market updates, news alerts and corporate profiles are NOT a solicitation or recommendation to buy, sell or hold securities. The material in this release is intended to be strictly informational and is NEVER to be construed or interpreted as research material. All readers are strongly urged to perform research and due diligence on their own and consult a licensed financial professional before considering any level of investing in stocks. All material included herein is republished content and details which were previously disseminated by the companies mentioned in this release. FNM is not liable for any investment decisions by its readers or subscribers. Investors are cautioned that they may lose all or a portion of their investment when investing in stocks. For current services performed FNM has been compensated twenty six hundred dollars for news coverage of the current press releases issued by Cannabis Strategic Ventures, Inc by a non-affiliated third party. FNM HOLDS NO SHARES OF ANY COMPANY NAMED IN THIS RELEASE.
{"url": "https://www.financialnewsmedia.com/cannabidiol-cbd-products-market-revenue-projections-dramatically-higher-than-just-1-year-ago/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "www.financialnewsmedia.com", "date_download": "2023-03-20T09:15:27Z", "digest": "sha1:SH5JOPYH22BI4L3DRYSWMW7DCXQ6HMPF"}
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Aerts, Hoost, Schilt, Kraus – together again at the SENSHI camp The sea capital of Varna will once again host meetings between elite fighting stars and Bulgarian and foreign combat sports competitors in December when the last training camp of the year will be held by the Professional League of the Kyokushin World Union (KWU). Accommodation and training costs of the participants are covered by the organizer. The master classes will take place in one of the best sports complexes in Varna – the prestigious sports center “SENSHI Gym” in the period between December 1st and 4th. The participants will once again have the opportunity to train side by side with some of the biggest luminaries in professional kickboxing and combat sports, who will join as instructors, teaching exquisite fighting techniques, and skills to train the mind and body. We look forward to gaining knowledge from K1 World Heavyweight Champions Peter Aerts, Semmy Schilt, and Ernesto Hoost, as well as the Dutch great and “K-1 Max” champion Albert Kraus. K-1 Legends Sam Greco and Nicholas Pettas are back in Bulgaria for SENSHI Camp Ernesto Hoost – A four-time K-1 World Champion, he is considered to be one of the greatest kickboxers of all time. Hoost holds notable victories over Peter Aerts (4x), Branko Cikatić, Mirko Cro Cop (3x), Jérôme Le Banner (3x), Andy Hug (3x), Ray Sefo (3x), Musashi (2x), Mike Bernardo, Francisco Filho (2x), Sam Greco, Stefan Leko (3x), Mark Hunt, Cyril Abidi, and Glaube Feitosa. Semmy Schilt is a Dutch kickboxer, Ashihara karateka, and mixed martial artist. He is a four-time K-1 World Grand Prix Champion and one-time Glory Heavyweight Grand Slam Champion. He is the only fighter in K-1 history to win the world championship three times in a row, and also shares the record with Ernesto Hoost for most Grand Prix won, with four. Peter Aerts – Known for his devastating high kicks, which earned him the nickname “The Dutch Lumberjack”, he is widely considered to be one of the greatest heavyweight kickboxers of all time. A three-time K-1 World Grand Prix Champion. He won his first Grand Prix in 1994 by knocking out Rob van Esdonk and Patrick Smith Albert Kraus is a Dutch welterweight kickboxer. He was the first K-1 World MAX Tournament Champion in 2002 and also the first SUPERKOMBAT Middleweight Champion. Kraus has also held four separate world titles in kickboxing and Muay Thai. International applications for the seminar are accepted until the 9th of November and can be sent by email to: [email protected] Participation form. Application-form-KWU-International-Professional-League-seminar In this article:Full contact, Kickboxing, KWU, KWUnion, Martial Arts, Senshi
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Chase Norman selected to participate in the Heidelberg Laureate Forum CS undergraduate student Chase Norman is among 200 young mathematics and computer science researchers selected from across the globe to attend the 9th Heidelberg Laureate Forum (HLF) in Germany this September. During the week-long conference, participants will share ideas with some of the "most exceptional mathematicians and computer scientists of their generations," namely the recipients of some of the field’s most prestigious awards: the Abel Prize, ACM A.M. Turing Award, ACM Prize in Computing (won this year by Berkeley CS Prof. Pieter Abbeel), Fields Medal, and Nevanlinna Prize. Participants and laureates will interact through a blend of scientific and social activities that are designed to foster a relaxed atmosphere and encourage scientific exchange. Participants are selected by a panel of international reviewers on the basis of their research experience, social engagement skills, and letter of motivation.”. Norman is a CS and Math double major who was admitted to the EECS Honors Program in the breadth area of Mathematical Logic and Foundations. He is also the president of the CS honor society Upsilon Pi Epsilon, was course staff for CS 170 and CS 61A, and was a percussionist with UC Jazz and the UCB Symphony Orchestra. Noam Nisan, Kimberly Keeton, Bruce Hajek and Nickhil Jakatdar named 2022 Berkeley EECS Distinguished Alumni Congratulations to the winners of the 2022 EECS Distinguished Alumni Awards! The CS winners are Noam Nisan (academia) and Kimberly Keeton (industry); and the EE winners are Bruce Hajek (academia) and Nickhil Jakatdar (industry). Noam Nisan (Ph.D. 1988, advisor: Richard Karp), currently a CS professor at Hebrew University of Jerusalem, was cited "For fundamental contributions to computational complexity theory and the creation of the field of algorithmic mechanism design;" Kimberly Keeton (M.S. 1994/Ph.D. 1999, adviser: David Patterson), currently a principal engineer at Google, was cited "For leadership in the research and the production of computer data and storage systems, and for mentoring the next generation of computer scientists and engineers;" Bruce Hajek (Ph.D. 1979, advisor: Eugene Wong), currently an ECE professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, was cited "For his prodigious and fundamental research contributions to stochastic processes, information theory, and communications and computer networks; for his sustained and worldwide influence as a beloved teacher and mentor; and for his major leadership role in electrical and computer engineering;" and Nickhil Jakatdar (Ph.D. 2000, advisor: Costas Spanos), currently the CEO of GenePath Diagnostics, was cited for "For serial entrepreneurship and visionary leadership across several sectors, with profound impact to the microelectronics industry and to the developing world." Their awards will be presented at the 2022 Berkeley EECS Annual Research Symposium (BEARS) on April 25th. BEARS 2022: Distinguished Alumni Dave Epstein wins 2022 Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowship CS graduate student Dave Epstein (advisor: Alexei Efros) has won a 2022 Paul & Daisy Soros Graduate Fellowship for New Americans. This fellowship recognizes outstanding graduate students who are immigrants and children of immigrants in the United States, and "who are poised to make significant contributions to US society, culture or their academic field." Epstein is affiliated with the Berkeley AI Research (BAIR) Lab where he is teaching machines to solve visual problems without labels, and enabling a creative understanding of the real world to emerge. He is also interested in language, machine learning, synthesis, and interaction. Paul & Daisy Fellowships come with a $90K award. 2022 Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowships: Dave Epstein CDSS: EECS PhD student named 2022 Soros fellow Bin Yu chosen as speaker for 2023 Wald Lectures EECS Prof. Bin Yu (Statistics M.A. '87/Ph.D. '90) has been chosen by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (IMS) to present the 2023 Wald Memorial Lectures. Considered the highest honor bestowed by the IMS, a single Wald Lecturer is selected annually to deliver a series of one, two, three or four one-hour talks on a single topic of unusual interest over multiple days at the IMS Annual Meeting in Probability and Statistics. This format allows speakers to break down complex subject matter in a way that makes it more accessible to non-specialists. The honor is named for Abraham Wald, the mathematician who founded the field of statistical sequential analyses. Yu, who has a joint appointment in the Department of Statistics, is focused on solving high-dimensional data problems through developments of statistics and machine learning methodologies, algorithms, and theory. Her group is engaged in interdisciplinary research with scientists from genomics, neuroscience, and medicine. Audrey Sillers wins 2022 BSA Excellence in Management Award Audrey Sillers, the EECS Director of Student Diversity, has won a Berkeley Staff Assembly (BSA) 2022 Excellence in Management (EIM) Award. This award "honors exemplary non-academic managers and supervisors who have led their teams and team members to meaningful accomplishments this past year." The 2022 theme, building and maintaining community, highlights leaders "who demonstrate and encourage flexibility, adaptiveness, supportiveness, compassion, understanding, work-life balance, and well-being." Sillers, who was nominated by her team, will be honored at a live-streamed ceremony on May 3rd. "Audrey exemplifies so many of the UC Berkeley Principles of Community, not in a self-conscious way, but just in the way that she operates in the world as a person," said one of her coworkers. "Audrey’s passion for diversity and her openness to her staff developing their own capacities to do better work as advisors to a very diverse student population has been inspirational. Having such a supervisor makes a tremendous difference." Berkeley Staff Assembly: Excellence in Management Alisha Menon wins 2022 Outstanding Graduate Peer Mentor Award EECS Ph.D. candidate Alisha Menon (M.S. '20, advisor: Jan Rabaey) has won a 2022 Outstanding Graduate Peer Mentor Award. This award, presented by The Graduate Assembly, honors four Berkeley graduate and professional students annually "who have shown an outstanding commitment to mentoring, advising, and generally supporting either undergraduate students or their fellow graduate students." Menon's research is in the area of neural engineering, an interdisciplinary field centered on the interface between humans and computers. Her focus is on digital integrated circuits and systems for biomedical applications, specifically the intersection of hardware-efficient machine learning algorithms, physiological sensor fusion, gesture recognition, and closed-loop neural prosthetic feedback. Menon won an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship and UC Berkeley Fellowship in 2018. She is also an accomplished theater actress and Indian Classical dancer. Alisha Menon The Graduate Assembly: Graduate Student Peer Mentor Awards Pieter Abbeel wins 2021 ACM Prize in Computing EECS Prof. Pieter Abbeel is the recipient of the 2021 Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Prize in Computing. This award recognizes an early to mid-career computer scientist whose has made "a fundamental innovative contribution in computing that, through its depth, impact and broad implications, exemplifies the greatest achievements in the discipline." Abbeel is known for his pioneering approaches to robot learning, including teaching robots through human demonstration (“apprenticeship learning”) and through their own trial and error (“reinforcement learning”). He has created robots that can perform surgical suturing, detect objects, and plan their trajectories in uncertain situations. More recently, he introduced “few-shot imitation learning,” where a robot is able to learn to perform a task from just one demonstration after having been pre-trained with a large set of demonstrations on related tasks. He is also credited with the innovation of combining reinforcement learning with deep neural networks to usher in the new field of deep reinforcement learning, which can solve far more complex problems than computer programs developed with reinforcement learning alone. These contributions have formed the foundation of contemporary robotics and continue to drive the future of the field. Abbeel is also the Co-Founder, President and Chief Scientist at AI robotics company Covariant. The ACM Prize in Computing The award carries a prize of $250,000, from an endowment provided by Infosys Ltd. Berkeley Engineering: Berkeley robot learning pioneer Pieter Abbeel wins ACM Prize in Computing 2021 ACM Prize in Computing Berkeley EECS ranks 1 & 2 in 2023 US News graduate rankings Berkeley EECS is once again ranked as the #1 Electrical/Electronic/Communications Engineering graduate program in the country for 2023, tied with MIT and Stanford. The Berkeley Computer Engineering graduate program ranked #2 (tied with Stanford), as did the Computer Science graduate program (tied with Carnegie Mellon and Stanford). Berkeley Engineering, as a whole, again ranked #3. US News & World Report: Best Graduate Schools Aviral Kumar, Serena Wang and Eric Wallace win 2022 Apple Scholars in AI/ML PhD fellowships Three EECS graduate students, Aviral Kumar (advisor: Sergey Levine), Serena Wang (advisors: Rediet Abebe and Michael Jordan), and Eric Wallace (advisors: Dan Klein and Dawn Song) have been named 2022 recipients of the Apple Scholars in AI/ML PhD fellowship. This fellowship recognizes graduate and postgraduate students in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning who are "emerging leaders in computer science and engineering" as demonstrated by their "innovative research, record as thought leaders and collaborators, and commitment to advance their respective fields." Kumar is working in the area of "Fundamentals of Machine Learning" to develop "reinforcement learning algorithms and tools that enable learning policies by effectively leveraging historical interaction data and understanding and addressing challenges in using RL with deep neural nets." Wang is working in the area of "AI for Ethics and Fairness" to "foster positive long-term societal impact of ML by rethinking ML algorithms and practices, employing tools from robust optimization, constrained optimization, and statistical learning theory." Wallace is working in the area of "Privacy Preserving Machine Learning," to make "NLP models more secure, private, and robust." Apple Scholars receive support for their research, internship opportunities, and a two-year mentorship with an Apple researcher in their field. Apple Machine Learning Research: Announcing the 2022 Apple Scholars in AI/ML ‘Off label’ use of imaging databases could lead to bias in AI algorithms, study finds A paper with lead author EECS postdoc Efrat Shimron and co-authors EECS graduate student Ke Wang, UT Austin professor Jonathan Tamir (EECS PhD ’18), and EECS Prof. Michael Lustig shows that algorithms trained using "off-label" or misapplied massive, open-source datasets are subject to integrity-compromising biases. The study, which was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), highlight some of the problems that can arise when data published for one task are used to train algorithms for a different one. For example, medical imaging studies which use preprocessed images may result in skewed findings that cannot be replicated by others working with the raw data. The researchers coined the term “implicit data crimes” to describe research results that are biased because algorithms are developed using faulty methodology. “It’s an easy mistake to make because data processing pipelines are applied by the data curators before the data is stored online, and these pipelines are not always described. So, it’s not always clear which images are processed, and which are raw,” said Shimron. “That leads to a problematic mix-and-match approach when developing AI algorithms.” Berkeley Engineering: ‘Off label’ use of imaging databases could lead to bias in AI algorithms, study finds PNAS: Implicit data crimes: Machine learning bias arising from misuse of public data
{"url": "https://eecs.berkeley.edu/news/09orchardlab-dedication/pages/09...?page=8", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "eecs.berkeley.edu", "date_download": "2023-03-20T09:17:04Z", "digest": "sha1:XG2VJ3YEKYLVWYCYXVIYBAR4S6EEH3SO"}
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Study In The Republic Of Singapore Why Study in The Republic Of Singapore ? Being a very small country, The Republic Of Singapore has managed to make its mark on the world. Its strategic location, anti corruption government, a skilled workforce, pro-foreign investment and export-oriented attributes make it an economic giant which attracts International Investment Funds on a large scale, despite its relatively high-cost operating environment. With a rich multicultural heritage, The Republic Of Singapore offers a cosmopolitan ethos and fast-paced lifestyle has outpaced other Asian Countries in terms of imparting world- class education. It takes immense pride in maintaining extremely high standards of teaching and learning. Hence, The Republic Of Singapore is emerging to be the next best study abroad destination for International Students. Know More About Singapore Malay, English, Tamil, Mandarin Chinese, The Republic Of Singapore Dollar The Republic Of Singapore Benefits of Studying in The Republic Of Singapore Widely celebrated for its Multicultural and Multinational kaleidoscope, Singapore has made its mark on the world with many top accolades. Especially the education sector of Singapore has played a key role in the rise of this tiny island nation, and the Government of Singapore continues to place a great emphasis on it. Perhaps unsurprisingly, Singapore’s universities are among some of the most highly ranked and well-regarded in the world. One of its most well-known is the National University of Singapore (NUS), which has been consistently ranked among the top three universities in Asia since 2013. Singapore also embraces a rich culture of art, architecture, food , leisure activities and festivities, attracting many international students every year giving a 5 unique and immersive life experience that goes way beyond into the world-atlarge. The Republic Of Singapore welcomes students from all around the world, with a rich multi-cultural heritage that is highlighted by the peaceful co-existence of its various ethnic groups. Safest Living The Republic Of Singapore is consistently ranked as one of the world’s safest cities. Strict laws and correspondingly low crime rates mean that city streets and public transportation methods are exceptionally secure for wanderers. Universities in The Republic Of Singapore are recognized in many countries and its universities occupy high positions in prestigious international rankings. Educational institutions in The Republic Of Singapore offer a conducive learning environment to students. The prestige of The Republic Of Singaporean graduates guarantees the applicant high chances for entering the workforce. In 2019, 90.7% of graduates from universities in The Republic Of Singapore found work within 6 months of passing the final exams. Many reputed organisations from around the world are setting up their campuses in The Republic Of Singapore. English proficiency scores (TOEFL/IELTS/PTE) Statement of Purpose (SOP) Study in Singapore Process The Republic Of Singapore is an Educational Hub within the ASEAN region offering world class education in English to studeents. Education is a priority in The Republic Of Singapore and the nation is recognised as a ‘global schoolhouse’. A strong emphasis on education started when the British-based education system was introduced by Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles (founder of the The Republic Of Singapore Institution, now known as the Raffles Institution) in 1823. Today The Republic Of Singapore is one of the leaders in higher education both in Asia and Worldwide. Institution Type: Autonomous Universities, Government Polytechnics, Publicly Funded Institutions, Private University, Private Education Institutions World Renowned and world class education Industry Intergrated Courses Maximum positive graduate outcomes. Steps involved: IELTS + Admission 1. Financial Arrangements 2. Apply for Student Pass 3. In-Principal Approval 4. Payment of 1st sem fees 5. Student Pass issued 6. Medical Check up 7. Take Off The Republic Of Singapore is a costlier place to live for many students. However, the tuition fees of international students are comparatively lower than in many other countries. The monthly cost of living in The Republic Of Singapore is roughly S$1100-1400 or INR 60,000-75,000 (approximately) excluding rent. This can shoot up to approximately S$4,400 per month for a family of four people or roughly INR 2.46 lakh. Though the living cost in The Republic Of Singapore varies according to the city you choose to live in, the average cost for each category is mentioned in the table below. Accommodation costs On-campus accommodation $ 293 to $ 565/month Off-campus accommodation $ 1,616 to $ 4,849/ month $ 117 to $ 146/ month Food and grocery expenses $ 110/ month Careers And Work Opportunities Design, Building and Architecture Para-Medical Science and Medicine Health, Biological and Life Sciences Literature and Humanities Post Study Work Visa in Singapore There are limited working rights as an International Student studying in Singapore, except if you are studying at certain Universities. Most institutions have their own rules and guidelines about their international students working on part-time jobs. This work right is issued by Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA) to a registered student holding a Student Pass. Some options for Post Study Work Visa after the student graduate is as below: Short-Term Visit Pass : After their student pass has been cancelled/expired, this visa will allow students to stay in Singapore for an up to 90 days period. Long-Term Visit Pass : Students who have completed their education and graduated to receive diplomas/degrees from the list of recognized institutions are eligible to apply and get this visa. This is a one-year-long visa and requires the students to gain employment and get a proper work permit. Failing to do so they need to return to their home country, once this LTVP expires. Employment Pass : International students/professionals with reputable degree and are eligible to earn SD$ 4500 per month mostly use this visa route. Here the sponsor is the employer and the candidate should meet the required laid down criteria. Singapore Universities : August and February Polytechnics : April and September Private Institutes : Multiple in January, February, July, August, September, and October. First Media Design School Trans Globe � Pune Office
{"url": "https://transglobeedu.com/singapore-details", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "transglobeedu.com", "date_download": "2023-03-20T09:04:12Z", "digest": "sha1:GODDMZXC3LO7TO2BZVP47AP2NLSP4XFR"}
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Copyright © 2023, Los Angeles Times | Terms of Service | Privacy Policy | CA Notice of Collection | Do Not Sell My Personal Information Funding set for Burbank high-speed rail station planning By Chad Garland A funding agreement between the California High-Speed Rail Authority and the city of Burbank will pay for much of a $1.2-million planning process for what high-speed rail officials are calling a “world-class multimodal transportation hub,” including a proposed bullet train station adjacent to Bob Hope Airport. The rail authority this week announced it would provide $800,000 for the planning effort. The airport area already includes a recently completed transportation center with rental car businesses, as well as Amtrak and Metrolink stations, bus services, taxis and ride-share services. High-speed rail officials have proposed three potential station locations on the former Lockheed “B6” property, also called the “Opportunity Site,” which the Burbank-Glendale-Pasadena Airport Authority agreed in November to sell to Gardena-based Overton Moore Properties for $72.5 million. Overton Moore representatives have said they are willing to work with the rail authority. In an interview this week, Mayor Bob Frutos said the developer has discussed with him plans for flexible office space and a hotel on the site. The Burbank City Council voted to accept the state grant, which is largely made up of 2009 federal stimulus money and includes $200,000 from California’s cap-and-trade program, at the end of September. The money will also be used to explore opportunities for related economic development and sustainability in the airport area. Burbank will provide a matching $400,000, mostly from a Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transit Authority grant. The effort is expected to take 18 to 24 months and will involve public outreach to develop conceptual designs for the station area as part of its Golden State Specific Plan and environmental review in the airport area. The cities of Merced, Fresno, Bakersfield, Gilroy and Palmdale have entered into similar agreements with the bullet-train authority. Chad Garland, [email protected] Twitter: @chadgarland Chad Garland Chad Garland covered the city of Burbank and Bob Hope Airport for the Burbank Leader until 2016. Previously, he has covered Arizona’s congressional delegation in Washington, D.C., for Cronkite News Service and Oregon’s Legislature for the Associated Press. His work investigating questionable veterans’ charities as part of the award-winning News21 national investigative project “Back Home” earned a “Best in Business” award from the Society of American Business Editors and Writers in 2013. Before becoming a reporter, he spent more than a decade in various assignments related to national defense. An Illinois native, his first California address was at Marine Corps boot camp in San Diego. He has degrees from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Arizona State University, as well as a diploma from the Army’s Defense Language Institute in Monterey, where he learned to speak Russian.
{"url": "https://www.latimes.com/socal/burbank-leader/tn-blr-funding-set-for-burbank-high-speed-rail-station-planning-20160117-story.html", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "www.latimes.com", "date_download": "2023-03-20T10:05:48Z", "digest": "sha1:4EXCACR6GHZYMIJKGG6APZGRWNJQ4G3Y"}
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Coast Guard authorization bill introduced Coast Guard recruits calling a cadence. Coast Guard photo. Last week, House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure Chairman Peter DeFazio (D-OR), ranking member Sam Graves (R-MO), chair of the Subcommittee on Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation Sean Patrick Maloney (D-NY), and ranking member Bob Gibbs (R-OH) introduced bipartisan legislation to authorize funds for, reinforce, and support the U.S. Coast Guard. H.R. 3409, the Coast Guard Authorization Act of 2019 (CGAA 2019), is legislation that reauthorizes appropriations for the Coast Guard and Federal Maritime Commission through fiscal year 2021. The bill also includes regulatory improvements to promote the U.S. maritime industry and offshore renewable energy development, authorization of funding to build new polar security cutters (heavy icebreakers), new requirements for the Coast Guard to assess and evaluate unmanned technologies for potential use in Coast Guard operations, provisions to increase diversity at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy, and new maritime safety enhancements. “The Coast Guard works tirelessly to keep our coastal communities safe, maintain the security of our ports and waterways, carry out critically important drug interdictions, and respond efficiently to emergencies and disasters,” DeFazio said. “This bipartisan bill ensures the Coast Guard has the resources necessary to accomplish its missions. I am pleased to see the committee again demonstrate true bipartisan cooperation to get results and I encourage my House and Senate colleagues to pass this critical legislation and get it signed into law.” “This bill authorizes the resources necessary to ensure the Coast Guard can carry out its important range of missions to ensure maritime safety, interdict drugs and illegal migrants, enforce U.S. laws at sea, and protect our Nation’s borders. Furthermore, this legislation takes steps necessary to provide the men and women of the Coast Guard – as one of the five armed services – parity with other service members in the Department of Defense,” said Graves. “We rely on the brave men and women of our Coast Guard to do so much - they keep our ports and waterways safe, intercept drug smugglers, protect our environment, and strengthen the American economy. As the chairman of the Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation Subcommittee, I can promise you we worked hard to ensure our Coasties get the tools they need to do their jobs,” said Maloney. “The Coast Guard plays an important and unique role in national security and maritime safety. It is a critical component in carrying out drug interdiction efforts, keeping our ports and coasts safe, and conducting icebreaking operations. The legislation introduced today helps the Coast Guard better perform their missions and encourages the use of cutting-edge technology to improve operations. Utilizing drone technology and upgrading computer systems will help Coast Guard personnel complete their missions,” said Gibbs. At the Port Allen, La., terminal, containers are loaded onto barges and taken to New Orleans where they are put on ships for export. Seacor AMH photo Bill to provide relief to the maritime sector passes the House The Coast Guard cutter Polar Star, with 75,000 hp and its 13,500-ton weight, broke through Antarctic ice en route to the National Science Foundation's McMurdo Station. U.S. Coast Guard photo by Chief Petty Officer David Mosley. House passes bill funding security cutter construction Senate introduces Coast Guard reauthorization act
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Company Name starting with 'T' Company Names starting with 'T' T-Minus Engineering B.V. T-Minus Engineering is a start-up company which focuses on the development of rocket-related products, initially for the European market. T-Minus Engineering was founded in 2011 by four rocket experts — each with his own area of expertise. TACO Antenna TACO Antenna is a division of WADE Antenna, manufactures VHF and UHF communication antennas, including omni directional ground-to-air communication antennas, helical antennas for satellite communication, and Yagi point-to-point communication antennas. Taiwan Microwave Technology Corp. Taiwan Microwave Technology Corp.(TMTC). The company focuses on high-tech RF component and wireless module design and manufacturing industry. The main application market is in the field of communication and information industry. TAKT-IKI Ltd Our company is a spin off from the project “Establishment of Office for Aerospace Technologies for Crisis Management and Disaster response” – a joint project of the Bulgarian Space Research and Technologies Institute and the Bulgarian Centre (SRTI) for National Security and Defence Research. Talia Limited Talia is a market-leading teleport, satellite and terrestrial network operator; providing secure global IP communications that allow enterprises to thrive. The company's hybrid network supports international businesses with connectivity wherever and whenever they need it. Talsco Inc Talsco is an ISO 9001-2008 & AS9100 registered corporation that provides full services including rapid prototype, pilot and production runs, assembly, welding, spotwelding, painting, heat treating and plating . Tampa Microwave Tampa Microwave, a manufacturer of complex microwave products for the military and commercial markets has been certified to the latest ISO9001 :2008 standard through National Quality Assurance USA (NQA). ISO9001 :2008 is a worldwide quality standard that encompasses every facet of business operations across all industries. Taqnia The Saudi Technology Development and Investment Company (TAQNIA) was established in June 2011 by Royal Decree to localize technology in Saudi Arabia and commercialize outputs of R&D centers. TAQNIA invests in technology that contributes towards Saudi Arabia’s economic diversification. TAQNIA is proud to be fully aligned with Saudi Vision 2030. TDK-Micronas GmbH TDK-Micronas, a TDK group company, is the most preferred partner for sensing and control. TDK-Micronas serves all major automotive electronics customers worldwide, many of them in long-term partnerships for lasting success. TE Connectivity (NYSE: TEL) is a technology leader in the world’s fastest growing markets, helping connect power, data and signal in everything from automotive and aerospace to broadband communications, consumer, energy and industrial applications.
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Tag Archive for: Rammed Earth Works Awareness, Housing, Kenya, Recycling The Future of Eco-Building Materials Green building is the practice of creating structures and using processes that are environmentally responsible. Additionally, it is resource-efficient throughout a building’s life-cycle from siting to design, construction, operation, maintenance, renovation and deconstruction. Green building is the future for more developed countries and for impoverished nations. Re-using already existing materials for structural foundations greatly benefits impoverished regions. Several of these eco-building materials consist of discarded plastics, trash and compost. The need for more environmental-friendly building materials arose from atmospheric pollution and the lack of energy conservation. Furthermore, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is what jumpstarted this movement to create eco-building materials. Moreover, this resulted in the creation of several organizations. Organizations Fighting for Greener Building Materials The U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) strives to transform the way people design, build and operate buildings and communities. In addition, it enables an environmentally and socially responsible, healthy and prosperous environment that improves the quality of life. This is one of the primary organizations that began to actually shed light on the urgency of the issue. Since then, numerous companies have emerged to offer newer and greener alternatives to current building materials. Additionally, Rammed Earth Works is another company devoted to providing eco-building materials. The housing concept incorporates exposed earth walls. Housing infrastructures recognize rammed earth as a low carbon releasing process that offers an environmentally safer and more sustainable option. Furthermore, this particular process involves the layering of sediment and waste runoff to structure an exposed wall of rock that creates somewhat of a retro aesthetic. This method is more environmentally friendly and is accessible to people in areas of extreme poverty. Many people imagine fluffy pink fiberglass when considering insulation. However, a much safer and less carbon-emitting alternative is sheep wool. Yet, the actual aggregational makeup of fiberglass is harmful to the touch. Other greener insulating alternatives offer an easier installation process. In addition, it generally consists of 70% recycled materials. Sheep wool is a much more accessible product to countries currently fighting immense poverty. One of the more recent developments in the invention of a building brick comprised entirely of recycled plastics. This new brick is not only a greener alternative to concrete blocks but is also reportedly seven times stronger and more durable. Nzambi Matee creates the bricks by breaking down plastics that can no longer be recycled or repurposed. Matee’s factory is in Kenya and has already recycled 20 tons of plastics since 2017. Developing countries are on the path to environmental and economic success with the discovery and creation of new, greener building technologies. Having access to these materials allows these countries to evolve structurally and economically while preventing pollution. – Caroline Kratz https://borgenproject.org/wp-content/uploads/logo.jpg 0 0 Kim Thelwell https://borgenproject.org/wp-content/uploads/logo.jpg Kim Thelwell2021-04-06 20:10:092021-04-09 20:10:22The Future of Eco-Building Materials
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Garth Hudson early life, career, and more Who is Garth Hudson? Garth Hudson is the keyboardist as well as the saxophonist for the rock group Band. He was born on August 2, 1937. Described as “the most brilliant organist in the rock world” by Keyboard magazine, Garth Hudson is one of the only living members of Band. Described by Elton John as one of his early influences, Garth Hudson is a master of the Lowrey organ. He is also a skilled piano, accordion, and electronic keyboard player. Quick facts on Garth Hudson Early life, upbringing, and education Garth Hudson career Other Appearances: Film credits: Awards and honors: As a solo artist: As a member of The Band: Full name Eric Garth Hudson Known as Garth Hudson Sun sign Leo Place of birth Windsor, Ontario, Canada Education Broughdale Public School Medway High School Garth Hudson was born in Windsor, Ontario, Canada. His father’s name is Fred James Hudson and his mother’s name is Olive Pentland. Both his parents were musicians. In addition to his, his father Fred also served as a fighter pilot in the First World War. Hudson was widely influenced by his parents’ musical career. He learned how to play the piano from a very young age. He also learned how to play the organ and the accordion. The musician has received classical training in piano, music theory, harmony, and counterpoint. He wrote his first song at the age of eleven. The legendary musician studied at the Broughdale Public School and Medway High School. After this, he studied music at the University of Western Ontario. However, he dropped out of college a year later. In 1956, Garth Hudson joined a band called The Silhouettes. In 1958, Paul “London” Hutchins joined the band after which the group became known as Paul London And The Capers. Hudson used to play the saxophone as well as the piano in the group. In1961, Hudson was approached by Ronnie Hawkins and Levon Helm who offered him to join The Hawks band. Garth Hudson joined the band in December 1961. Other than Hudson, the other band members were Ronnie Hawkins, Robbie Robertson, Levon Helms, Rick Danko, and Richard Manuel. In 1965, The Hawk members were introduced to Bob Dylan. The band along with Dylan recorded the song “Can You Please Crawl Out Your Window?”. Likewise, they accompanied Dylan on his 1966 tour of the USA, Europe, and Australia. After this, The Hawks released their debut album Music from Big Pink in 1968. By the time the album hit the market, The Hawks had changed their group name to Band. After many successful releases, Band gave its final performance as a group in their final concert held on Thanksgiving Day 1976 in San Francisco. Following this, Band released their final album Islands. After the disbandment, Garth Hudson worked as a session musician. He lent his music to many movies as well as albums by other artists such as Emmylou Harris, Van Morrison, and Leonard Cohen. In 1983, Band reformed. Original member Robbie Robertson did not join the group. Likewise, another band member Richard Manuel committed suicide in 1986. Even after this, Band managed to release three albums in the 90s. In September 2001, Hudson released his first solo album The Sea to the North. The following year, Hudson formed the band Burrito Deluxe with Sneaky Pete Kleinow, Carlton Moody, Jeff “Stick” Davis, and Rick Lonow. Burrito Deluxe released two albums called Georgia Peach and The Whole Enchilada. In 2010, Hudson released his album Garth Hudson Presents: A Canadian Celebration of the Band. 1980 Music For Our Lady Queen Of The Angels’ Buscador Music *CD release on Other People’s Music 2005 2001 The Sea to the North Woodstock 2005 Live at the Wolf Make It Real *with Sister Maud Hudson 2010 Garth Hudson Presents: A Canadian Celebration of the Band Sony Music 1975 The Muddy Waters Woodstock Album Chess Records with Muddy Waters 1988 Stay Awake (Various Interpretations Of Music From Vintage Disney Films) A&M Records Feed The Birds (From Mary Poppins) 2006 The Harry Smith Project: Anthology Of American Folk Music Revisited Shout! Factory No Depression in Heaven (with Maude Hudson) 2013 The Beautiful Old: Turn-Of-The-Century Songs Doubloon Records The Rosary (1898), Till We Meet Again (1918) 2013 Love for Levon (A Benefit To Save The Barn) Time Life Appears with John Prine on “When I Paint My Masterpiece” and Dierks Bentley on “Chest Fever” Worked as 1978 The Last Waltz Performer 1980 Raging Bull Additional music composer 1983 The King of Comedy Additional music 1983 The Right Stuff Additional music composer 1986 Man Outside Actor – Cheney/additional music 1990 The Wall – Live in Berlin Performer 1993 The 30th Anniversary Concert Celebration Performer 2003 Festival Express Performer 2008 Here Is What Is Performer 2013 Love for Levon Performer Status (year) Canada South Blues Society Lifetime Achievement Award Winner (2002) Hamilton Music Scene Instrumentalist of the Year Winner (2005) Blues Hall of Fame “Legendary Blues Artist” Inducted (2012) London Music Awards London Music Hall Of Fame Inducted (2014) Order of Canada Member of the Order of Canada Member (2019) Juno Award’s Canadian Music Hall of Fame Inducted (1989) Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Inducted (1994) Hamilton Dofasco Lifetime of Achievement Award Winner (2007) Grammy Awards Lifetime of Achievement Award Winner (2008) Canada’s Walk of Fame Inducted (2014) Yolanda Adams bio, family, career, social media, and net worth Biography celeb family Musician Django Ward: Fred Ward Son and Member of Biper Swing Band Biography Musician Carin León: Bio, Career, Net Worth & more Reba McEntire Life Story | No.1 female country singer Gussy Lau: Two Latin Grammy Winner Musician Biography Biography Internet Influencers Musician Santa Fe Klan Bio, Career, Net Worth
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Google’s: ‘AI-powered voice recorder and transcription’ application comes to older Pixel phones Facebook will show clients a pop-up warning before sharing old things “Spider-Man” Into the Spider-Verse Sequel Officially Announced Dodoma, Tanzania, March 14, 2023 – (SEAPRWire) – Tanzania is set to become a digital economy under the leadership of Hon. Nape Nnauye, the Minister for Information, Communication, and Information Technology. During the Tanzania Budget Sessions in Parliament in June 2022, Hon. Nape Nnauye presented the country’s readiness to embrace the digital economy for the 2022/2023 financial year and beyond. With the adoption of a National Digital Economy Framework, Tanzania is digitizing all sectors of its economy, including government services, payments, work, study, innovation, shopping, socializing, and e-services. This move will facilitate digital transformation and create an inclusive digital society for sustainable development and reducing the digital divide. Tanzania has one of the most liberalized telecom sectors in Africa, with six mobile firms, including Airtel, Halotel, Smile, Tigo, Tanzania Telecommunications Company Limited (TTCL), and Vodacom. It is the second-largest telecom market in East Africa, with a 91% penetration and 54 million mobile telephone users. The government encourages foreign investment in the telecom sector to promote economic growth and social development. The passing of the National Data Protection Law has created a favorable environment for digital payment platforms, and mobile money platforms are set to transform the Fintech market. The government has also issued new publishing licenses to newspapers and restored some papers’ licenses to uphold press freedom, which has been well-received by the media fraternity. Internet users in Tanzania have increased at an average of 11% annually since 2020, with a 31.1% penetration. High-speed internet service has been installed at Mount Kilimanjaro, with the goal of bringing connectivity to the summit of the 19,300-foot mountain by the end of the year. Hon. Nape Nnauye is making sure that internet services are part of the country’s digital transformation reforms. Hon. Nape Nnauye’s leadership has also led the 6th government’s initiative to return as members to the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and African Telecommunication Union (ATU) councils for the next three years. Tanzania’s experience in the communications sector can be valuable to the international community as a tool for social and economic development. The National ICT Broadband Backbone Network (NICTBB) has contributed to the government’s investment in thousands of kilometers of fiber optic cables, connecting land-locked countries through multiple connections to the border points of Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, DRC, Zambia, and Malawi. Hon. Nape Nnauye led a delegation to the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) ICT Investment Forum, where Tanzania signed a contract to collaborate with DRC in ICT, including connecting each other’s infrastructure. Hon. Nape Nnauye’s leadership as the Minister of Information, Communication, and Information Technology has demonstrated that Tanzania can achieve a digital economy in a short time. The telecom industry has created many new economic opportunities, playing a crucial role in achieving the digital economy in Tanzania. The minister promises to continue this upward trend in digitalization to improve the lives of its citizens across the board. The Tanzania Ministry of Information, Communication and Information Technology is responsible for policy formulation, coordination, monitoring, and evaluation of information, communication, and technology services. It is committed to making Tanzania a digital economy, and Hon. Nape Nnauye is spearheading this transformation. Organization: The Tanzania Ministry of Information, Communication and Information Technology Contact: Innocent P. Mungy, Head of Communications SOURCE: The Tanzania Ministry of Information, Communication and Information Technology Here’s a first look inside the $5 billion American Dream shopping center Nissan Ariya electric SUV will introduce automaker’s next-gen design
{"url": "https://www.insiderquest247.com/tanzania-is-set-to-become-a-digital-economy/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "www.insiderquest247.com", "date_download": "2023-03-20T09:32:26Z", "digest": "sha1:LBP44TCH6EP5YNDFVISECBC6TPF4G5PG"}
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SYRIAN REGIME READY FOR PEACE TALKS IN MOSCOW Monday, 29 December 2014 - 09:39 WIB Author: kurnia Russian President Vladimir Putin pictured here with Walid Muallem, the Syrian Foreign Minister, earlier this year. Russia is a staunch supporter of the Syrian regime. (Photo : MEMO) Damascus, 7 Rabi’ul Awwal 1436/29 December 2014 (MINA) – The Syrian Foreign Ministry declared on Saturday its intention to participate in a preliminary meeting as a step towards holding a peace conference between the warring factions inside Syria, according to the Syrian regime’s news agency Sana. “The Arab Republic of Syria is ready to participate in peace talks. Syria is keen to follow the Syrian people’s aspirations to reach a solution to end the crisis,” a foreign ministry official told Sana news agency. A foreign ministry official said that Syria continues to combat terrorism in parallel with achieving its domestic interests, Middle East Monitor (MEMO) quoted by Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA) as reporting, Monday. Syria is ready cooperate with any party that believes in the unity of the Syrian people, the country’s sovereignty and its independent decisions which serve the Syrian people’s will to stop the bloodshed in Syria, the foreign ministry official added. The proposal anticipates dialogue to reach a solution based on the core elements of the Geneva Communique, which was issued on June 30, 2012, in the Swiss city of Geneva after a meeting of the U.N.-backed Action Group for Syria. The communique called for an immediate end to fighting and the formation of a transitional governing body including members of the opposition and the government. Mikhail Bogdanov, Russian deputy foreign minister and President Vladimir Putin’s special presidential representative for the Middle East, had suggested that Syrian opposition figures meet in Moscow by the end of January before they hold talks with representatives of the regime, again in Moscow. Yet, the National Coalition for Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces did not make any official declaration upon the Russian invitation. Russia has been a staunch ally of the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, and, as a permanent member of the U.N. Security Council, has repeatedly blocked U.N. action against his regime. The initiative calls for the formation of a military council of 15 people with the aim of rebuilding the Syrian army and then forming a parliament-like body of 100 people to manage the transitional period in Syria, sources said. The conflict in Syria that began in March 2011 has claimed nearly 200,000 lives, according to the U.N. The unrest created by the civil war paved the way for extremist movements such as ISIL to gain a foothold in the region. Almost half of the Syrian population is now displaced with more than 7.6 million internally displaced people and as many as 3 million refugees in neighbouring countries, the U.N. says. (T/P002/P3) Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA) Tags: million refugees peace conference preliminary Syrian Syrian regime U.N. Saturday, 11 April 2015 - 05:15 WIB CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS SHOW SYRIAN REGIME SPIED ON TURKISH ARMY Thursday, 12 November 2015 - 14:00 WIB ISRAEL WARPLANES STRIKE NEAR SYRIA AIRPORT: REPORT Friday, 2 January 2015 - 10:33 WIB 11 KILLED IN FOREIGN BACKED MILITANTS MORTAR ATTACK ON ALEPPO
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Tag Archives: Sean Bailey D23 Coverage: Live Action Presentation including ‘Pirates of the Caribbean 5’ Posted on August 16, 2015 by Michael Petrelli — Leave a reply Disney, Marvel Studios and Lucasfilm presented their live action film slates this morning at the D23 EXPO 2015 at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, Calif. The presentations, which revealed exclusive news and details about the upcoming live action films, were aided by live and video appearances from talent and filmmakers. Walt Disney Studios Chairman Alan Horn hosted the highly anticipated biennial event. “It’s quite something to be able to have Disney, Marvel and Lucasfilm all on the same stage, and it’s tremendously gratifying to unveil our upcoming projects to our most dedicated fans first,” said Alan Horn, Chairman, The Walt Disney Studios. “We always have an incredible time at the D23 EXPO.” After welcoming the crowd to D23 EXPO 2015, Horn introduced Kevin Feige, President of Marvel Studios, and Sean Bailey, President of Walt Disney Studios Motion Picture Production, to present overviews of the Marvel Studios and Disney live action slates. Later Horn returned to the stage to present the Lucasfilm film slate to the enthusiastic audience. A recap of the presentation follows: Kevin Feige led off with a glimpse into the world of Marvel’s “Doctor Strange,” featuring a video greeting by Benedict Cumberbatch, who stars as the title character, followed by a pre-production piece that offered fans a taste of the look and feel of the upcoming film, opening in U.S. theaters on October 26, 2016. Marvel’s “Captain America: Civil War” marched into D23 EXPO with an introduction by its producer, Kevin Feige. To the delight of the audience, Chris Evans and Anthony Mackie showed up on stage to help Feige show never-seen-before footage from the movie. Before the footage rolled, Feige revealed that there was a special “Easter egg” for fans to find: it was aptly a nod to D23 EXPO. Marvel’s Captain America: Civil War picks up where Avengers: Age of Ultron left off, as Steve Rogers leads the new team of Avengers in their continued efforts to safeguard humanity. After another international incident involving the Avengers results in collateral damage, political pressure mounts to install a system of accountability and a governing body to determine when to enlist the services of the team. The new status quo fractures the Avengers while they try to protect the world from a new and nefarious villain. The movie stars Chris Evans, Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett Johansson, Sebastian Stan, Anthony Mackie, Emily VanCamp, Don Cheadle, Jeremy Renner, Chadwick Boseman, Paul Bettany, Elizabeth Olsen, Paul Rudd, Frank Grillo, Tom Holland, with William Hurt and Daniel Brühl. Marvel’s Captain America: Civil War is directed by Anthony & Joe Russo and produced by Kevin Feige. Louis D’Esposito, Alan Fine, Victoria Alonso, Patricia Whitcher, Nate Moore and Stan Lee serve as executive producers and the screenplay is by Christopher Markus & Stephen McFeely. Marvel’s Captain America: Civil War opens in the U.S. on May 6, 2016. Sean Bailey took the stage to introduce the first film in the Disney live-action lineup, “The Finest Hours,” which is based on the remarkable true story of the most daring rescue mission in the history of the Coast Guard. Chris Pine, who plays Bernie Webber, the captain of the rescue boat, joined Bailey on stage to give fans a peak at the heroic action-thriller. Presented in Digital 3D™, Real D 3D and IMAX® 3D, the film, which is directed by Craig Gillespie and also stars Casey Affleck, Ben Foster, Holliday Grainger, John Ortiz and Eric Bana, transports audiences to the heart of the action, creating a fully-immersive cinematic experience on an epic scale. The Finest Hours is produced by Jim Whitaker and Dorothy Aufiero and Doug Merrifield is the executive producer. The film is based on the book by Michael J. Tougias and Casey Sherman and the screenplay is by Scott Silver and Paul Tamasy & Eric Johnson. The Finest Hours storms into U.S. theaters on January 29, 2016. After an introduction by Sean Bailey, Jon Favreau, director of Disney’s upcoming “The Jungle Book,” welcomed to the stage newcomer Neel Sethi, who was selected from thousands of candidates to play man-cub Mowgli; plus Oscar® winners Ben Kingsley, who helps bring panther-turned-mentor Bagheera to life, and Lupita Nyong’o, who lends her voice to the protective mother wolf Raksha. Favreau treated fans to a sneak peek of footage from the film, and each guest received a copy of the dramatic teaser poster following the presentation. The all-new, live-action epic adventure showcases Mowgli’s journey of self-discovery when he’s forced to abandon the only home he’s ever known. Based on Rudyard Kipling’s timeless stories and inspired by Disney’s 1967 animated classic, the film features state-of the-art technology that immerses audiences in the lush world like never before. The Jungle Book also features the voices of Bill Murray, Idris Elba, Scarlett Johansson, Giancarlo Esposito and Christopher Walken. Jon Favreau and Brigham Taylor produce and the screenplay is by Justin Marks. The Jungle Book hits theaters in stunning 3D and IMAX 3D on April 15, 2016. Bailey welcomed Mia Wasikowska to the stage, where she thrilled fans with a preview of the all-new spectacular adventure, “Alice Through the Looking Glass,” featuring the unforgettable characters from Lewis Carroll’s beloved stories. Director James Bobin brings his own unique vision to the spectacular world Tim Burton created on screen in 2010 with Alice in Wonderland, in which Alice (Wasikowska) returns to the whimsical world of Underland and travels back in time to save the Mad Hatter. The film, which once again features Johnny Depp, Anne Hathaway, Helena Bonham Carter and the voices of Alan Rickman, Stephen Fry, Michael Sheen and Timothy Spall, introduces several new characters as well: Zanik Hightopp (Rhys Ifans), the Mad Hatter’s father, and Time himself (Sacha Baron Cohen), a peculiar creature who is part human, part clock. Joe Roth, Suzanne Todd and Jennifer Todd, and Tim Burton produce and John G. Scotti is the executive producer. The screenplay is by Linda Woolverton. Presented in Digital 3D™, Real D 3D and IMAX® 3D, Disney’s Alice Through the Looking Glass opens in U.S. theaters on May 27, 2016. In addition to attending the film’s presentation in Hall D23 at the Convention Center, fans had the opportunity to transform themselves into their favorite characters from Underland with an interactive experience, Travel Through the Looking Glass. By means of a first-to-market face-tracking application, D23 EXPO participants entering one of four photo booths located on the show floor were able to become the Mad Hatter, the Red Queen, the White Rabbit or the Cheshire Cat with full digital-makeup and cinematic 3D objects seamlessly—and instantly—applied to their reflections, and in real time. They were then emailed a 10-second video and still image, which they could share on their favorite social media platforms. Bryce Dallas Howard joined Bailey on stage to talk about her starring role in “Pete’s Dragon,” a reimagining of Disney’s cherished family film. The heartwarming adventure of an orphaned boy named Pete and his best friend Elliott, who just so happens to be a dragon, Pete’s Dragon is directed by David Lowery, produced by Jim Whitaker, and executive-produced by Barrie Osborne, and also stars Oakes Fegley, Wes Bentley, Karl Urban, Oona Laurence and Robert Redford. Pete’s Dragon opens in U.S. theaters on August 12, 2016. Bailey, with the help of Lupita Nyong’o, introduced the crowd to the upcoming film “Queen of Katwe,” which is based on the inspirational true story of a girl from the poverty-stricken slums of rural Uganda who dreams of becoming a champion chess player. Directed by Mira Nair from a screenplay by William Wheeler based on the book by Tim Crothers, Queen of Katwe stars Nyong’o, David Oyelowo and newcomer Medina Nalwanga. Bailey next presented “Beauty and the Beast,” including a musical greeting from stars Emma Watson, Josh Gad and Luke Evans—sent from the London set where they are currently filming. The live-action musical, a retelling of the studio’s animated classic, stars Watson, Dan Stevens, Evans, Gad, Kevin Kline, Ewan McGregor, Stanley Tucci, Emma Thompson, Ian McKellen, Gugu Mbatha-Raw, Audra McDonald and newcomer Nathan Mack. The film is directed by Bill Condon. Alan Menken, who won two Academy Awards® (Best Original Score and Best Song) for the animated classic, provides the score, which will include new recordings of the original songs written by Menken and Tim Rice, as well as several new songs. Beauty and the Beast will be released in U.S. theaters on March 17, 2017. A surprise visit by Johnny Depp, who showed up on stage completely decked out as Captain Jack Sparrow, brought down the house and thrilled fans at Sean Bailey’s presentation of the next exciting film in the “Pirates of the Caribbean “ franchise, “Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales.” Thrust into an all-new adventure, a down-on-his-luck Captain Jack Sparrow finds the winds of ill-fortune blowing even more strongly when deadly ghost pirates led by his old nemesis, the terrifying Captain Salazar (Bardem), escape from the Devil’s Triangle, determined to kill every pirate at sea…including him. Captain Jack’s only hope of survival lies in seeking out the legendary Trident of Poseidon, a powerful artifact that bestows upon its possessor total control over the seas. The film is directed by Espen Sandberg & Joachim Rønning and stars Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom, Javier Bardem, Brenton Thwaites, Kevin R. McNally, Kaya Scodelario, Golshifteh Farahani, Stephen Graham, David Wenham and Geoffrey Rush. Jerry Bruckheimer is the producer and Chad Oman, Mike Stenson, Joe Caracciolo, Jr. and Brigham Taylor serve as executive producers. Jeff Nathanson wrote the screenplay. Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales releases in U.S. theaters on July 7, 2017. Alan Horn took the stage again to present the Lucasfilm slate and timeline to the D23 EXPO fans. Horn told the audience that there were only 124 days to the release of Episode VII, “Star Wars: The Force Awakens,” on December 18, 2015 and added that there have been record-breaking trailer views and fantastic fan response. Touching on “Star Wars: Episode VIII,” Horn reminded the audience that Rian Johnson will be directing the film slated for release on May 26, 2017. Then in a surprise announcement, Horn informed everyone that Colin Trevorrow (Jurassic World) has signed on to direct “Star Wars: Episode IX,” which is scheduled for release in 2019. Moving on to the new Star Wars stories series, Horn touched on the “Untitled Han Solo” stand-alone film, slated for release on May 25, 2018 by reminding everyone that it will be directed by Christopher Miller & Phil Lord, with Lawrence Kasdan and his son Jon Kasdan writing the screenplay. Horn then took the audience by surprise, announcing the cast for Rogue One, the first of the standalone Star Wars stories to hit the big screen, which has commenced principal photography. Gareth Edwards (Godzilla, Monsters) is directing Rogue One, which tells the story of resistance fighters who have united to steal plans to the dreaded Death Star. The filmmakers have assembled a stellar cast, including Felicity Jones, nominated for an Academy Award® for her leading role in The Theory of Everything; Diego Luna, who was featured in 2008’s Oscar®-winning Milk and the critically acclaimed Killing Them Softly; Ben Mendelsohn, recently nominated for an Emmy® for his leading role in Bloodline and co-starring in the upcoming Mississippi Grind; Donnie Yen, Hong Kong action star and martial artist who starred in Ip Man and Blade II; Jiang Wen, who co-wrote, produced , directed and starred in the award-winning Let the Bullets Fly and Devils on the Doorstep; Forest Whitaker, recently featured in the critically-acclaimed Lee Daniels’ The Butler and winner of an Academy Award® for his leading role in 2006’s The Last King of Scotland; Mads Mikkelsen, who starred in The Hunt and was the memorable villain from 2006’s Casino Royale; Alan Tudyk, who plays a performance-capture character in Rogue One, stars in the soon-to-be-released “Con Man” series and “Trumbo,” which releases this November; and Riz Ahmed, who was recently featured in Nightcrawler and starred in the BAFTA-winning film Four Lions. The film is produced by Kathleen Kennedy and is slated for a December 16, 2016 release. “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” ended the live-action presentation with a bang as J.J. Abrams introduced stars John Boyega, Daisy Ridley, Oscar Isaac and Lupita Nyong’o. The crowd cheered when John Boyega announced that everyone there would get a Drew Struzan D23 EXPO commemorative poster to take home. Then, in a bringing-down-the house surprise moment, Harrison Ford, who is reprising his role as Han Solo, joined Abrams on stage to wild applause. Star Wars: The Force Awakens stars Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Adam Driver, Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Oscar Isaac, Lupita Nyong’o, Andy Serkis, Domhnall Gleeson, Anthony Daniels, Peter Mayhew and Max Von Sydow. Kathleen Kennedy, J.J. Abrams and Bryan Burk are producing with Tommy Harper and Jason McGatlin serving as executive producers. The screenplay is by J.J. Abrams & Lawrence Kasdan. Star Wars: The Force Awakens releases in U.S. theaters on December 18, 2015. Posted in Disney Expo, News | Tagged Alan Rickman, Alice Through the Looking Glass, Anne Hathaway, Anthony & Joe Russo, Anthony Mackie, beauty and the beast, Ben Foster, Ben Kingsley, benedict cumberbatch, Bill Murray, Brenton Thwaites, Bryce Dallas Howard, captain america civil war, Casey Affleck, chris evans, Chris Pine, christopher walken, Craig Gillespie, David Lowery, Doctor Strang, eric bana, Geoffrey Rush, Giancarlo Esposito, Helena Bonham Carter, holliday grainger, Idris Elba, James Bobin, Javier Bardem, Jerry Bruckheimer, John Ortiz, Johnny Depp, jon favreau, Karl Urban, Kaya Scodelario, Kevin Feige, Kevin R. McNally, Lupita Nyong’o, Mia Wasikowska, Michael Sheen, Neel Sethi, Oakes Fegley, Oona Laurence, Pete’s Dragon, Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales, Queen of Katwe, rhys ifans, Robert Redford, Sacha Baron Cohen, scarlett johansson, Sean Bailey, Stephen Fry, The Finest Hours, the jungle book, Timothy Spall, Wes Bentley | Leave a reply
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‘Obama’s rabbi’ honors King, renews his message By NJJN Staff January 19, 2011, 12:00 am Edit Rabbi Capers Funnye Jr. addresses the Martin Luther King Jr. Day interfaith celebration at Ahavas Sholom in Newark on Jan. 16. Photos by Eliyahu Lotzar Issuing a fervent plea to “hear the rousing call to action to do more” to complete the unfinished task of securing universal freedom, Rabbi Capers Funnye paid tribute to and invoked the message of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. at an interfaith gathering Jan. 16 at Congregation Ahavas Sholom in Newark. Funnye was the keynote speaker at “Dr. Martin Luther King and Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel: Awakening New Dreamers — On Race, Religion, and the Renewal of King’s Dream for the 21st Century,” held at Newark’s oldest continuously operating synagogue. Funnye is the leader of the Beth Shalom B’nai Zaken Ethiopian Hebrew Congregation in Chicago — and is a cousin of Michelle Obama. He sits on the Chicago Board of Rabbis and has spent years involved in efforts to bridge the racial and ethnic divides both within Judaism and between Jews and other communities. Funnye spoke about the historic relationship between King and Heschel, the Warsaw-born rabbi and leading Jewish theologian and philosopher. In referring to the iconic photo of the rabbi marching with King in the 1965 Selma Civil Rights March, Funnye reminded the gathering that Heschel later wrote, “When I marched in Selma, my feet were praying.” Claiming that “the task is not complete” in the struggle for freedom in today’s United States, Funnye told listeners to respond, “Here I am; send me” on the path to becoming “new dreamers in the pursuit of justice and full inclusion.” Supported by dozens of community partners, the Martin Luther King Jr. Day celebration also featured singer Doris Kemp and the Robert Treat Academy Choir. Ahavas Sholom’s religious leader, Rabbi Simon Rosenbach, and president, Eric Freedman, took part, along with Rabbi Zechariah Lewi and the Rev. Reginald T. Jackson. Special guests included Newark City Council president Donald M. Payne Jr.; the “Ambassador of Service Award” was given to community activist Junius W. Williams. A panel discussion, “Where Do We Go From Here: Chaos or Community,” featured, along with Funnye, Clement Price, professor of history and director of the Institute on Ethnicity, Culture, and the Modern Experience at Rutgers University-Newark; Cornell William Brooks, executive director of the NJ Institute for Social Justice; and moderator Max Herman, assistant professor of sociology at NJ City University and president of the board of the Jewish Museum of New Jersey, which is housed in Ahavas Sholom.
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