Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE lab ( labid number, patientunitstayid number, labname text, labresult number, labresulttime time ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE microlab ( microlabid number, patientunitstayid number, culturesite text, organism text, culturetakentime time ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE medication ( medicationid number, patientunitstayid number, drugname text, dosage text, routeadmin text, drugstarttime time, drugstoptime time ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE vitalperiodic ( vitalperiodicid number, patientunitstayid number, temperature number, sao2 number, heartrate number, respiration number, systemicsystolic number, systemicdiastolic number, systemicmean number, observationtime time ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE intakeoutput ( intakeoutputid number, patientunitstayid number, cellpath text, celllabel text, cellvaluenumeric number, intakeoutputtime time ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE treatment ( treatmentid number, patientunitstayid number, treatmentname text, treatmenttime time ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE cost ( costid number, uniquepid text, patienthealthsystemstayid number, eventtype text, eventid number, chargetime time, cost number ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE patient ( uniquepid text, patienthealthsystemstayid number, patientunitstayid number, gender text, age text, ethnicity text, hospitalid number, wardid number, admissionheight number, admissionweight number, dischargeweight number, hospitaladmittime time, hospitaladmitsource text, unitadmittime time, unitdischargetime time, hospitaldischargetime time, hospitaldischargestatus text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE allergy ( allergyid number, patientunitstayid number, drugname text, allergyname text, allergytime time ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE diagnosis ( diagnosisid number, patientunitstayid number, diagnosisname text, diagnosistime time, icd9code text ) ### Question ### indicate the daily average amount of sao2 for patient 015-180 in the last hospital visit. ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT AVG(vitalperiodic.sao2) FROM vitalperiodic WHERE vitalperiodic.patientunitstayid IN (SELECT patient.patientunitstayid FROM patient WHERE patient.patienthealthsystemstayid IN (SELECT patient.patienthealthsystemstayid FROM patient WHERE patient.uniquepid = '015-180' AND NOT patient.hospitaldischargetime IS NULL ORDER BY patient.hospitaladmittime DESC LIMIT 1)) AND NOT vitalperiodic.sao2 IS NULL GROUP BY STRFTIME('%y-%m-%d', vitalperiodic.observationtime)
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE table_48885 ( "Team" text, "Make" text, "Drivers" text, "Tyre" text, "Rounds" text ) ### Question ### When driver yuji tachikawa had a make of lexus, what team did he represent? ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT "Team" FROM table_48885 WHERE "Make" = 'lexus' AND "Drivers" = 'yuji tachikawa'
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE table_name_67 (country VARCHAR, to_par VARCHAR, year_s__won VARCHAR) ### Question ### Can you tell me the Country that has the To par larger than 9, and the Year(s) won of 1984? ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT country FROM table_name_67 WHERE to_par > 9 AND year_s__won = "1984"
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE table_name_58 (score VARCHAR, club VARCHAR) ### Question ### What's the final score of the competition that features the club of fk Austria wien? ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT score FROM table_name_58 WHERE club = "fk austria wien"
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE table_name_1 ( us_ac VARCHAR, label_and_cat_number VARCHAR ) ### Question ### What is the US AC of the label and cat# reprise 19466? ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT us_ac FROM table_name_1 WHERE label_and_cat_number = "reprise 19466"
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE prescriptions ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icustay_id text, drug_type text, drug text, formulary_drug_cd text, route text, drug_dose text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE demographic ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, name text, marital_status text, age text, dob text, gender text, language text, religion text, admission_type text, days_stay text, insurance text, ethnicity text, expire_flag text, admission_location text, discharge_location text, diagnosis text, dod text, dob_year text, dod_year text, admittime text, dischtime text, admityear text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE procedures ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE diagnoses ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE lab ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, itemid text, charttime text, flag text, value_unit text, label text, fluid text ) ### Question ### Count the number of patients whose diagnosis short title is surg compl-body syst nec and procedure short title is tonsil and adenoid biopsy. ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT demographic.subject_id) FROM demographic INNER JOIN diagnoses ON demographic.hadm_id = diagnoses.hadm_id INNER JOIN procedures ON demographic.hadm_id = procedures.hadm_id WHERE diagnoses.short_title = "Surg compl-body syst NEC" AND procedures.short_title = "Tonsil&adenoid biopsy"
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE table_name_17 (date VARCHAR, home_away VARCHAR, opponent VARCHAR) ### Question ### On what date were the opponents the Bayhawks at a home game? ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT date FROM table_name_17 WHERE home_away = "home" AND opponent = "bayhawks"
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE phone ( Name text, Phone_ID int, Memory_in_G int, Carrier text, Price real ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE market ( Market_ID int, District text, Num_of_employees int, Num_of_shops real, Ranking int ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE phone_market ( Market_ID int, Phone_ID text, Num_of_stock int ) ### Question ### Show different carriers of phones together with the number of phones with each carrier by a bar chart, and order by the total number from high to low. ### Accurate SQL ###
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE table_78680 ( "Year" real, "Date" text, "Home Team" text, "Result" text, "Visiting Team" text, "Venue" text ) ### Question ### What is the Venue of the 2009 St. Louis Rams Home game? ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT "Venue" FROM table_78680 WHERE "Year" = '2009' AND "Home Team" = 'st. louis rams'
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE table_11206916_2 ( manner_of_departure VARCHAR, date_of_appointment VARCHAR ) ### Question ### What manner of departure is listed with an appointment date of 13 march 2008 ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT manner_of_departure FROM table_11206916_2 WHERE date_of_appointment = "13 March 2008"
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE table_12113888_1 (number INTEGER) ### Question ### What is the highest number listed? ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT MAX(number) FROM table_12113888_1
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE table_name_19 ( Id VARCHAR ) ### Question ### What 2009 has 52-75 as the 2010? ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT 2009 FROM table_name_19 WHERE 2010 = "52-75"
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE table_15889 ( "Player" text, "Years Played" text, "Total W-L" text, "Singles W-L" text, "Doubles W-L" text ) ### Question ### what's the years played with singles w-l of 3 2 ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT "Years Played" FROM table_15889 WHERE "Singles W-L" = '3–2'
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE table_204_622 ( id number, "year" number, "competition" text, "venue" text, "position" text, "event" text, "notes" text ) ### Question ### tell me the number of times they placed first . ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table_204_622 WHERE "position" = 1
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE demographic ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, name text, marital_status text, age text, dob text, gender text, language text, religion text, admission_type text, days_stay text, insurance text, ethnicity text, expire_flag text, admission_location text, discharge_location text, diagnosis text, dod text, dob_year text, dod_year text, admittime text, dischtime text, admityear text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE prescriptions ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icustay_id text, drug_type text, drug text, formulary_drug_cd text, route text, drug_dose text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE diagnoses ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE lab ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, itemid text, charttime text, flag text, value_unit text, label text, fluid text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE procedures ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) ### Question ### provide the number of patients whose drug code is phen10i and lab test category is blood gas? ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT demographic.subject_id) FROM demographic INNER JOIN prescriptions ON demographic.hadm_id = prescriptions.hadm_id INNER JOIN lab ON demographic.hadm_id = lab.hadm_id WHERE prescriptions.formulary_drug_cd = "PHEN10I" AND lab."CATEGORY" = "Blood Gas"
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE station ( total_passengers INTEGER, LOCATION VARCHAR ) ### Question ### What is the average and maximum number of total passengers for train stations in London or Glasgow? ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT AVG(total_passengers), MAX(total_passengers) FROM station WHERE LOCATION = 'London' OR LOCATION = 'Glasgow'
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE table_14063 ( "Year" real, "Tournament" text, "Venue" text, "Result" text, "Event" text ) ### Question ### What is the venue of the competition with a result of 1st before 2009? ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT "Venue" FROM table_14063 WHERE "Year" < '2009' AND "Result" = '1st'
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE volume (Song VARCHAR, Artist_ID VARCHAR) TABLE: CREATE TABLE artist (Artist_ID VARCHAR, age VARCHAR) ### Question ### What are the songs in volumes associated with the artist aged 32 or older? ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT T2.Song FROM artist AS T1 JOIN volume AS T2 ON T1.Artist_ID = T2.Artist_ID WHERE T1.age >= 32
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE table_name_54 ( ship VARCHAR, year INTEGER ) ### Question ### Which Ship has a Year larger than 2013? ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT ship FROM table_name_54 WHERE year > 2013
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE table_name_7 ( player VARCHAR, position VARCHAR ) ### Question ### Which player was the forward? ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT player FROM table_name_7 WHERE position = "forward"
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE table_14402 ( "City" text, "Province/Region" text, "Country" text, "IATA" text, "ICAO" text, "Airport" text ) ### Question ### Which city's ICAO is WADD? ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT "City" FROM table_14402 WHERE "ICAO" = 'wadd'
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE table_22194 ( "Year" real, "Date" text, "Type" text, "Species" text, "Author Species" text, "Value" text, "Afinsa" real, "Scott" text, "Mitchell" real, "Yvert" text, "Sta. & Gib." real, "Order" text, "Family" text ) ### Question ### How many different numbers for Afinsa when value is 5p? ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT COUNT("Afinsa") FROM table_22194 WHERE "Value" = '5P'
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE table_204_294 ( id number, "date" text, "time" text, "opponent#" text, "rank#" text, "site" text, "tv" text, "result" text, "attendance" number ) ### Question ### which opponent comes before usc ? ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT "opponent#" FROM table_204_294 WHERE "date" < (SELECT "date" FROM table_204_294 WHERE "opponent#" = 'usc') ORDER BY "date" DESC LIMIT 1
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE table_name_40 ( previous_champion_s_ VARCHAR, date_won VARCHAR ) ### Question ### Who were the previous champions from the event won on May 1, 2010? ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT previous_champion_s_ FROM table_name_40 WHERE date_won = "may 1, 2010"
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE table_2026548_1 (explanation VARCHAR, vice_president VARCHAR) ### Question ### Name the explanation for alben w. barkley ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT explanation FROM table_2026548_1 WHERE vice_president = "Alben W. Barkley"
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE table_name_65 (name VARCHAR, constituency_number VARCHAR) ### Question ### What's the name of Constituency number 108? ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT name FROM table_name_65 WHERE constituency_number = "108"
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE table_1566852_6 ( cover_model VARCHAR, date VARCHAR ) ### Question ### Who were the cover model(s) on the 4-05 issue? ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT cover_model FROM table_1566852_6 WHERE date = "4-05"
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE regions ( REGION_ID decimal(5,0), REGION_NAME varchar(25) ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE departments ( DEPARTMENT_ID decimal(4,0), DEPARTMENT_NAME varchar(30), MANAGER_ID decimal(6,0), LOCATION_ID decimal(4,0) ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE jobs ( JOB_ID varchar(10), JOB_TITLE varchar(35), MIN_SALARY decimal(6,0), MAX_SALARY decimal(6,0) ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE locations ( LOCATION_ID decimal(4,0), STREET_ADDRESS varchar(40), POSTAL_CODE varchar(12), CITY varchar(30), STATE_PROVINCE varchar(25), COUNTRY_ID varchar(2) ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE countries ( COUNTRY_ID varchar(2), COUNTRY_NAME varchar(40), REGION_ID decimal(10,0) ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE job_history ( EMPLOYEE_ID decimal(6,0), START_DATE date, END_DATE date, JOB_ID varchar(10), DEPARTMENT_ID decimal(4,0) ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE employees ( EMPLOYEE_ID decimal(6,0), FIRST_NAME varchar(20), LAST_NAME varchar(25), EMAIL varchar(25), PHONE_NUMBER varchar(20), HIRE_DATE date, JOB_ID varchar(10), SALARY decimal(8,2), COMMISSION_PCT decimal(2,2), MANAGER_ID decimal(6,0), DEPARTMENT_ID decimal(4,0) ) ### Question ### For those employees whose salary is in the range of 8000 and 12000 and commission is not null or department number does not equal to 40, give me the comparison about the average of manager_id over the job_id , and group by attribute job_id. ### Accurate SQL ###
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE table_name_78 (runner_up VARCHAR, year VARCHAR) ### Question ### Who is the runner-up in 1901? ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT runner_up FROM table_name_78 WHERE year = "1901"
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE diagnoses ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE procedures ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE demographic ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, name text, marital_status text, age text, dob text, gender text, language text, religion text, admission_type text, days_stay text, insurance text, ethnicity text, expire_flag text, admission_location text, discharge_location text, diagnosis text, dod text, dob_year text, dod_year text, admittime text, dischtime text, admityear text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE prescriptions ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icustay_id text, drug_type text, drug text, formulary_drug_cd text, route text, drug_dose text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE lab ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, itemid text, charttime text, flag text, value_unit text, label text, fluid text ) ### Question ### How many patients suffering from nutritional marasmus were born before the year 1850 ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT demographic.subject_id) FROM demographic INNER JOIN diagnoses ON demographic.hadm_id = diagnoses.hadm_id WHERE demographic.dob_year < "1850" AND diagnoses.short_title = "Nutritional marasmus"
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE diagnosis ( diagnosisid number, patientunitstayid number, diagnosisname text, diagnosistime time, icd9code text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE microlab ( microlabid number, patientunitstayid number, culturesite text, organism text, culturetakentime time ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE vitalperiodic ( vitalperiodicid number, patientunitstayid number, temperature number, sao2 number, heartrate number, respiration number, systemicsystolic number, systemicdiastolic number, systemicmean number, observationtime time ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE cost ( costid number, uniquepid text, patienthealthsystemstayid number, eventtype text, eventid number, chargetime time, cost number ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE treatment ( treatmentid number, patientunitstayid number, treatmentname text, treatmenttime time ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE allergy ( allergyid number, patientunitstayid number, drugname text, allergyname text, allergytime time ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE patient ( uniquepid text, patienthealthsystemstayid number, patientunitstayid number, gender text, age text, ethnicity text, hospitalid number, wardid number, admissionheight number, admissionweight number, dischargeweight number, hospitaladmittime time, hospitaladmitsource text, unitadmittime time, unitdischargetime time, hospitaldischargetime time, hospitaldischargestatus text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE medication ( medicationid number, patientunitstayid number, drugname text, dosage text, routeadmin text, drugstarttime time, drugstoptime time ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE lab ( labid number, patientunitstayid number, labname text, labresult number, labresulttime time ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE intakeoutput ( intakeoutputid number, patientunitstayid number, cellpath text, celllabel text, cellvaluenumeric number, intakeoutputtime time ) ### Question ### when did patient 027-106613 first take a tv lab test in 04/2103? ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT lab.labresulttime FROM lab WHERE lab.patientunitstayid IN (SELECT patient.patientunitstayid FROM patient WHERE patient.patienthealthsystemstayid IN (SELECT patient.patienthealthsystemstayid FROM patient WHERE patient.uniquepid = '027-106613')) AND lab.labname = 'tv' AND STRFTIME('%y-%m', lab.labresulttime) = '2103-04' ORDER BY lab.labresulttime LIMIT 1
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskResultTypes ( Id number, Name text, Description text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE Posts ( Id number, PostTypeId number, AcceptedAnswerId number, ParentId number, CreationDate time, DeletionDate time, Score number, ViewCount number, Body text, OwnerUserId number, OwnerDisplayName text, LastEditorUserId number, LastEditorDisplayName text, LastEditDate time, LastActivityDate time, Title text, Tags text, AnswerCount number, CommentCount number, FavoriteCount number, ClosedDate time, CommunityOwnedDate time, ContentLicense text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE FlagTypes ( Id number, Name text, Description text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE Users ( Id number, Reputation number, CreationDate time, DisplayName text, LastAccessDate time, WebsiteUrl text, Location text, AboutMe text, Views number, UpVotes number, DownVotes number, ProfileImageUrl text, EmailHash text, AccountId number ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE PostTags ( PostId number, TagId number ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE PostTypes ( Id number, Name text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskTypes ( Id number, Name text, Description text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE SuggestedEditVotes ( Id number, SuggestedEditId number, UserId number, VoteTypeId number, CreationDate time, TargetUserId number, TargetRepChange number ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE Badges ( Id number, UserId number, Name text, Date time, Class number, TagBased boolean ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskResults ( Id number, ReviewTaskId number, ReviewTaskResultTypeId number, CreationDate time, RejectionReasonId number, Comment text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE CloseReasonTypes ( Id number, Name text, Description text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE ReviewRejectionReasons ( Id number, Name text, Description text, PostTypeId number ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE VoteTypes ( Id number, Name text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE PostFeedback ( Id number, PostId number, IsAnonymous boolean, VoteTypeId number, CreationDate time ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE PostsWithDeleted ( Id number, PostTypeId number, AcceptedAnswerId number, ParentId number, CreationDate time, DeletionDate time, Score number, ViewCount number, Body text, OwnerUserId number, OwnerDisplayName text, LastEditorUserId number, LastEditorDisplayName text, LastEditDate time, LastActivityDate time, Title text, Tags text, AnswerCount number, CommentCount number, FavoriteCount number, ClosedDate time, CommunityOwnedDate time, ContentLicense text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE Comments ( Id number, PostId number, Score number, Text text, CreationDate time, UserDisplayName text, UserId number, ContentLicense text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE CloseAsOffTopicReasonTypes ( Id number, IsUniversal boolean, InputTitle text, MarkdownInputGuidance text, MarkdownPostOwnerGuidance text, MarkdownPrivilegedUserGuidance text, MarkdownConcensusDescription text, CreationDate time, CreationModeratorId number, ApprovalDate time, ApprovalModeratorId number, DeactivationDate time, DeactivationModeratorId number ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE PostHistory ( Id number, PostHistoryTypeId number, PostId number, RevisionGUID other, CreationDate time, UserId number, UserDisplayName text, Comment text, Text text, ContentLicense text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE SuggestedEdits ( Id number, PostId number, CreationDate time, ApprovalDate time, RejectionDate time, OwnerUserId number, Comment text, Text text, Title text, Tags text, RevisionGUID other ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE Tags ( Id number, TagName text, Count number, ExcerptPostId number, WikiPostId number ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE TagSynonyms ( Id number, SourceTagName text, TargetTagName text, CreationDate time, OwnerUserId number, AutoRenameCount number, LastAutoRename time, Score number, ApprovedByUserId number, ApprovalDate time ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE PostNoticeTypes ( Id number, ClassId number, Name text, Body text, IsHidden boolean, Predefined boolean, PostNoticeDurationId number ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskStates ( Id number, Name text, Description text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE PostLinks ( Id number, CreationDate time, PostId number, RelatedPostId number, LinkTypeId number ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE PendingFlags ( Id number, FlagTypeId number, PostId number, CreationDate time, CloseReasonTypeId number, CloseAsOffTopicReasonTypeId number, DuplicateOfQuestionId number, BelongsOnBaseHostAddress text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE PostNotices ( Id number, PostId number, PostNoticeTypeId number, CreationDate time, DeletionDate time, ExpiryDate time, Body text, OwnerUserId number, DeletionUserId number ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE PostHistoryTypes ( Id number, Name text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE ReviewTasks ( Id number, ReviewTaskTypeId number, CreationDate time, DeletionDate time, ReviewTaskStateId number, PostId number, SuggestedEditId number, CompletedByReviewTaskId number ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE Votes ( Id number, PostId number, VoteTypeId number, UserId number, CreationDate time, BountyAmount number ) ### Question ### Score from questions by user.... ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT COUNT(a.Score) FROM Posts AS a, Posts AS q WHERE a.OwnerUserId = 31503 AND q.OwnerUserId = 28539 AND a.ParentId = q.Id AND a.Id = q.AcceptedAnswerId
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE table_2417330_4 ( vacator VARCHAR, district VARCHAR ) ### Question ### Name the vacator for kentucky 2nd ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT vacator FROM table_2417330_4 WHERE district = "Kentucky 2nd"
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE table_79743 ( "Player" text, "Country" text, "Year(s) won" text, "Total" real, "To par" text, "Finish" text ) ### Question ### In what place did Phil Mickelson finish with a total of 282? ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT "Finish" FROM table_79743 WHERE "Total" = '282' AND "Player" = 'phil mickelson'
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE date_day ( month_number int, day_number int, year int, day_name varchar ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE airport_service ( city_code varchar, airport_code varchar, miles_distant int, direction varchar, minutes_distant int ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE days ( days_code varchar, day_name varchar ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE dual_carrier ( main_airline varchar, low_flight_number int, high_flight_number int, dual_airline varchar, service_name text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE state ( state_code text, state_name text, country_name text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE city ( city_code varchar, city_name varchar, state_code varchar, country_name varchar, time_zone_code varchar ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE ground_service ( city_code text, airport_code text, transport_type text, ground_fare int ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE airport ( airport_code varchar, airport_name text, airport_location text, state_code varchar, country_name varchar, time_zone_code varchar, minimum_connect_time int ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE class_of_service ( booking_class varchar, rank int, class_description text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE fare_basis ( fare_basis_code text, booking_class text, class_type text, premium text, economy text, discounted text, night text, season text, basis_days text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE airline ( airline_code varchar, airline_name text, note text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE restriction ( restriction_code text, advance_purchase int, stopovers text, saturday_stay_required text, minimum_stay int, maximum_stay int, application text, no_discounts text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE aircraft ( aircraft_code varchar, aircraft_description varchar, manufacturer varchar, basic_type varchar, engines int, propulsion varchar, wide_body varchar, wing_span int, length int, weight int, capacity int, pay_load int, cruising_speed int, range_miles int, pressurized varchar ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE flight_fare ( flight_id int, fare_id int ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE food_service ( meal_code text, meal_number int, compartment text, meal_description varchar ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE compartment_class ( compartment varchar, class_type varchar ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE flight_stop ( flight_id int, stop_number int, stop_days text, stop_airport text, arrival_time int, arrival_airline text, arrival_flight_number int, departure_time int, departure_airline text, departure_flight_number int, stop_time int ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE equipment_sequence ( aircraft_code_sequence varchar, aircraft_code varchar ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE time_zone ( time_zone_code text, time_zone_name text, hours_from_gmt int ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE time_interval ( period text, begin_time int, end_time int ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE code_description ( code varchar, description text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE fare ( fare_id int, from_airport varchar, to_airport varchar, fare_basis_code text, fare_airline text, restriction_code text, one_direction_cost int, round_trip_cost int, round_trip_required varchar ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE flight ( aircraft_code_sequence text, airline_code varchar, airline_flight text, arrival_time int, connections int, departure_time int, dual_carrier text, flight_days text, flight_id int, flight_number int, from_airport varchar, meal_code text, stops int, time_elapsed int, to_airport varchar ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE flight_leg ( flight_id int, leg_number int, leg_flight int ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE month ( month_number int, month_name text ) ### Question ### what nonstop flights are available from OAKLAND to PITTSBURGH ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT DISTINCT flight.flight_id FROM airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_0, airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_1, city AS CITY_0, city AS CITY_1, flight WHERE (CITY_0.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.city_code AND CITY_0.city_name = 'OAKLAND' AND CITY_1.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.city_code AND CITY_1.city_name = 'PITTSBURGH' AND flight.from_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.airport_code AND flight.to_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.airport_code) AND flight.stops = 0
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE table_1805191_10 (incumbent VARCHAR, party VARCHAR, district VARCHAR) ### Question ### Who is the incumbent democratic party in district florida 11? ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT incumbent FROM table_1805191_10 WHERE party = "Democratic" AND district = "Florida 11"
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE table_name_21 ( wkts INTEGER, ovrs VARCHAR, runs VARCHAR, player VARCHAR ) ### Question ### What is the highest wkts for james hopes who had less than 26 runs and more than 2 ovrs? ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT MAX(wkts) FROM table_name_21 WHERE runs < 26 AND player = "james hopes" AND ovrs > 2
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE table_38834 ( "Distance" text, "Time" text, "Date" text, "Location" text, "Notes" text ) ### Question ### What's the date when the location is Berlin? ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT "Date" FROM table_38834 WHERE "Location" = 'berlin'
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE fare ( fare_id int, from_airport varchar, to_airport varchar, fare_basis_code text, fare_airline text, restriction_code text, one_direction_cost int, round_trip_cost int, round_trip_required varchar ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE dual_carrier ( main_airline varchar, low_flight_number int, high_flight_number int, dual_airline varchar, service_name text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE fare_basis ( fare_basis_code text, booking_class text, class_type text, premium text, economy text, discounted text, night text, season text, basis_days text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE aircraft ( aircraft_code varchar, aircraft_description varchar, manufacturer varchar, basic_type varchar, engines int, propulsion varchar, wide_body varchar, wing_span int, length int, weight int, capacity int, pay_load int, cruising_speed int, range_miles int, pressurized varchar ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE time_zone ( time_zone_code text, time_zone_name text, hours_from_gmt int ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE airport ( airport_code varchar, airport_name text, airport_location text, state_code varchar, country_name varchar, time_zone_code varchar, minimum_connect_time int ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE time_interval ( period text, begin_time int, end_time int ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE code_description ( code varchar, description text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE food_service ( meal_code text, meal_number int, compartment text, meal_description varchar ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE flight ( aircraft_code_sequence text, airline_code varchar, airline_flight text, arrival_time int, connections int, departure_time int, dual_carrier text, flight_days text, flight_id int, flight_number int, from_airport varchar, meal_code text, stops int, time_elapsed int, to_airport varchar ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE flight_fare ( flight_id int, fare_id int ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE class_of_service ( booking_class varchar, rank int, class_description text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE equipment_sequence ( aircraft_code_sequence varchar, aircraft_code varchar ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE compartment_class ( compartment varchar, class_type varchar ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE state ( state_code text, state_name text, country_name text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE flight_leg ( flight_id int, leg_number int, leg_flight int ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE days ( days_code varchar, day_name varchar ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE airport_service ( city_code varchar, airport_code varchar, miles_distant int, direction varchar, minutes_distant int ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE city ( city_code varchar, city_name varchar, state_code varchar, country_name varchar, time_zone_code varchar ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE airline ( airline_code varchar, airline_name text, note text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE date_day ( month_number int, day_number int, year int, day_name varchar ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE restriction ( restriction_code text, advance_purchase int, stopovers text, saturday_stay_required text, minimum_stay int, maximum_stay int, application text, no_discounts text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE month ( month_number int, month_name text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE ground_service ( city_code text, airport_code text, transport_type text, ground_fare int ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE flight_stop ( flight_id int, stop_number int, stop_days text, stop_airport text, arrival_time int, arrival_airline text, arrival_flight_number int, departure_time int, departure_airline text, departure_flight_number int, stop_time int ) ### Question ### is there a flight leaving at 1505 from PITTSBURGH to BALTIMORE on 7 25 1991 ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT DISTINCT flight.flight_id FROM airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_0, airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_1, city AS CITY_0, city AS CITY_1, date_day, days, flight WHERE ((date_day.day_number = 25 AND date_day.month_number = 7 AND date_day.year = 1991 AND days.day_name = date_day.day_name AND flight.departure_time = 1505 AND flight.flight_days = days.days_code) AND CITY_1.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.city_code AND CITY_1.city_name = 'BALTIMORE' AND flight.to_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.airport_code) AND CITY_0.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.city_code AND CITY_0.city_name = 'PITTSBURGH' AND flight.from_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.airport_code
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE table_15299235_1 (grand_prix VARCHAR) ### Question ### Who won the spanish grand prix? ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT 250 AS cc_winner FROM table_15299235_1 WHERE grand_prix = "Spanish grand_prix"
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE review ( rid int, business_id varchar, user_id varchar, rating float, text longtext, year int, month varchar ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE neighborhood ( id int, business_id varchar, neighborhood_name varchar ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE category ( id int, business_id varchar, category_name varchar ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE checkin ( cid int, business_id varchar, count int, day varchar ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE tip ( tip_id int, business_id varchar, text longtext, user_id varchar, likes int, year int, month varchar ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE user ( uid int, user_id varchar, name varchar ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE business ( bid int, business_id varchar, name varchar, full_address varchar, city varchar, latitude varchar, longitude varchar, review_count bigint, is_open tinyint, rating float, state varchar ) ### Question ### Find all Dallas restaurant with a rating above 4.5 ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT business.name FROM business, category WHERE business.city = 'Dallas' AND business.rating > 4.5 AND category.business_id = business.business_id AND category.category_name = 'restaurant'
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE table_name_24 ( player VARCHAR, date VARCHAR ) ### Question ### Which player is associated with the date May 10, 1999? ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT player FROM table_name_24 WHERE date = "may 10, 1999"
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE table_name_67 ( surface VARCHAR, date VARCHAR ) ### Question ### What type of surface did they play on 23 October 2000? ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT surface FROM table_name_67 WHERE date = "23 october 2000"
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE table_203_238 ( id number, "year" number, "competition" text, "venue" text, "position" text, "notes" text ) ### Question ### in how many international competitions did kazlou throw a length of above 80 meters ? ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT COUNT("competition") FROM table_203_238 WHERE "notes" > 80
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE table_name_7 ( home_team VARCHAR, venue VARCHAR ) ### Question ### What is the Home team score for the Lake Oval Venue? ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT home_team AS score FROM table_name_7 WHERE venue = "lake oval"
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE table_name_62 (money___$__ VARCHAR, player VARCHAR) ### Question ### How much money does player horton smith have? ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT money___$__ FROM table_name_62 WHERE player = "horton smith"
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE lab ( labid number, patientunitstayid number, labname text, labresult number, labresulttime time ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE patient ( uniquepid text, patienthealthsystemstayid number, patientunitstayid number, gender text, age text, ethnicity text, hospitalid number, wardid number, admissionheight number, admissionweight number, dischargeweight number, hospitaladmittime time, hospitaladmitsource text, unitadmittime time, unitdischargetime time, hospitaldischargetime time, hospitaldischargestatus text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE cost ( costid number, uniquepid text, patienthealthsystemstayid number, eventtype text, eventid number, chargetime time, cost number ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE allergy ( allergyid number, patientunitstayid number, drugname text, allergyname text, allergytime time ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE intakeoutput ( intakeoutputid number, patientunitstayid number, cellpath text, celllabel text, cellvaluenumeric number, intakeoutputtime time ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE vitalperiodic ( vitalperiodicid number, patientunitstayid number, temperature number, sao2 number, heartrate number, respiration number, systemicsystolic number, systemicdiastolic number, systemicmean number, observationtime time ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE medication ( medicationid number, patientunitstayid number, drugname text, dosage text, routeadmin text, drugstarttime time, drugstoptime time ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE diagnosis ( diagnosisid number, patientunitstayid number, diagnosisname text, diagnosistime time, icd9code text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE microlab ( microlabid number, patientunitstayid number, culturesite text, organism text, culturetakentime time ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE treatment ( treatmentid number, patientunitstayid number, treatmentname text, treatmenttime time ) ### Question ### how many time did patient 030-42006 produce a balance this exchange (ml) output on this month/26? ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM intakeoutput WHERE intakeoutput.patientunitstayid IN (SELECT patient.patientunitstayid FROM patient WHERE patient.patienthealthsystemstayid IN (SELECT patient.patienthealthsystemstayid FROM patient WHERE patient.uniquepid = '030-42006')) AND intakeoutput.cellpath LIKE '%output%' AND intakeoutput.celllabel = 'balance this exchange (ml)' AND DATETIME(intakeoutput.intakeoutputtime, 'start of month') = DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), 'start of month', '-0 month') AND STRFTIME('%d', intakeoutput.intakeoutputtime) = '26'
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE SuggestedEditVotes ( Id number, SuggestedEditId number, UserId number, VoteTypeId number, CreationDate time, TargetUserId number, TargetRepChange number ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE TagSynonyms ( Id number, SourceTagName text, TargetTagName text, CreationDate time, OwnerUserId number, AutoRenameCount number, LastAutoRename time, Score number, ApprovedByUserId number, ApprovalDate time ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE VoteTypes ( Id number, Name text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE PostFeedback ( Id number, PostId number, IsAnonymous boolean, VoteTypeId number, CreationDate time ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE PendingFlags ( Id number, FlagTypeId number, PostId number, CreationDate time, CloseReasonTypeId number, CloseAsOffTopicReasonTypeId number, DuplicateOfQuestionId number, BelongsOnBaseHostAddress text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE ReviewTasks ( Id number, ReviewTaskTypeId number, CreationDate time, DeletionDate time, ReviewTaskStateId number, PostId number, SuggestedEditId number, CompletedByReviewTaskId number ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE PostsWithDeleted ( Id number, PostTypeId number, AcceptedAnswerId number, ParentId number, CreationDate time, DeletionDate time, Score number, ViewCount number, Body text, OwnerUserId number, OwnerDisplayName text, LastEditorUserId number, LastEditorDisplayName text, LastEditDate time, LastActivityDate time, Title text, Tags text, AnswerCount number, CommentCount number, FavoriteCount number, ClosedDate time, CommunityOwnedDate time, ContentLicense text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE Badges ( Id number, UserId number, Name text, Date time, Class number, TagBased boolean ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE PostHistoryTypes ( Id number, Name text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskResults ( Id number, ReviewTaskId number, ReviewTaskResultTypeId number, CreationDate time, RejectionReasonId number, Comment text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE PostTags ( PostId number, TagId number ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE Users ( Id number, Reputation number, CreationDate time, DisplayName text, LastAccessDate time, WebsiteUrl text, Location text, AboutMe text, Views number, UpVotes number, DownVotes number, ProfileImageUrl text, EmailHash text, AccountId number ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE PostNotices ( Id number, PostId number, PostNoticeTypeId number, CreationDate time, DeletionDate time, ExpiryDate time, Body text, OwnerUserId number, DeletionUserId number ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE PostTypes ( Id number, Name text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE CloseAsOffTopicReasonTypes ( Id number, IsUniversal boolean, InputTitle text, MarkdownInputGuidance text, MarkdownPostOwnerGuidance text, MarkdownPrivilegedUserGuidance text, MarkdownConcensusDescription text, CreationDate time, CreationModeratorId number, ApprovalDate time, ApprovalModeratorId number, DeactivationDate time, DeactivationModeratorId number ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE FlagTypes ( Id number, Name text, Description text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE PostNoticeTypes ( Id number, ClassId number, Name text, Body text, IsHidden boolean, Predefined boolean, PostNoticeDurationId number ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE PostLinks ( Id number, CreationDate time, PostId number, RelatedPostId number, LinkTypeId number ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE SuggestedEdits ( Id number, PostId number, CreationDate time, ApprovalDate time, RejectionDate time, OwnerUserId number, Comment text, Text text, Title text, Tags text, RevisionGUID other ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE Comments ( Id number, PostId number, Score number, Text text, CreationDate time, UserDisplayName text, UserId number, ContentLicense text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE Votes ( Id number, PostId number, VoteTypeId number, UserId number, CreationDate time, BountyAmount number ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE CloseReasonTypes ( Id number, Name text, Description text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE ReviewRejectionReasons ( Id number, Name text, Description text, PostTypeId number ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskTypes ( Id number, Name text, Description text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE PostHistory ( Id number, PostHistoryTypeId number, PostId number, RevisionGUID other, CreationDate time, UserId number, UserDisplayName text, Comment text, Text text, ContentLicense text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE Tags ( Id number, TagName text, Count number, ExcerptPostId number, WikiPostId number ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskResultTypes ( Id number, Name text, Description text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE Posts ( Id number, PostTypeId number, AcceptedAnswerId number, ParentId number, CreationDate time, DeletionDate time, Score number, ViewCount number, Body text, OwnerUserId number, OwnerDisplayName text, LastEditorUserId number, LastEditorDisplayName text, LastEditDate time, LastActivityDate time, Title text, Tags text, AnswerCount number, CommentCount number, FavoriteCount number, ClosedDate time, CommunityOwnedDate time, ContentLicense text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskStates ( Id number, Name text, Description text ) ### Question ### Most popular StackOverflow tags by Year. ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT COUNT(PostId) AS Rate, TagName, TIME_TO_STR(Posts.CreationDate, '%M') AS MonthAsked, TIME_TO_STR(Posts.CreationDate, '%Y') AS YearAsked FROM Tags, PostTags, Posts WHERE Tags.Id = PostTags.TagId AND Posts.Id = PostId AND TagName IN ('android', 'c#', 'java', 'javascript', 'asp.net', '.net', 'ruby', 'vb.net', 'asp.net-mvc', 'python', 'php', 'objective-c', 'c', 'c++') GROUP BY TagName, TIME_TO_STR(Posts.CreationDate, '%Y'), TIME_TO_STR(Posts.CreationDate, '%M')
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE diagnosis ( diagnosisid number, patientunitstayid number, diagnosisname text, diagnosistime time, icd9code text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE microlab ( microlabid number, patientunitstayid number, culturesite text, organism text, culturetakentime time ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE vitalperiodic ( vitalperiodicid number, patientunitstayid number, temperature number, sao2 number, heartrate number, respiration number, systemicsystolic number, systemicdiastolic number, systemicmean number, observationtime time ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE intakeoutput ( intakeoutputid number, patientunitstayid number, cellpath text, celllabel text, cellvaluenumeric number, intakeoutputtime time ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE treatment ( treatmentid number, patientunitstayid number, treatmentname text, treatmenttime time ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE patient ( uniquepid text, patienthealthsystemstayid number, patientunitstayid number, gender text, age text, ethnicity text, hospitalid number, wardid number, admissionheight number, admissionweight number, dischargeweight number, hospitaladmittime time, hospitaladmitsource text, unitadmittime time, unitdischargetime time, hospitaldischargetime time, hospitaldischargestatus text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE cost ( costid number, uniquepid text, patienthealthsystemstayid number, eventtype text, eventid number, chargetime time, cost number ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE allergy ( allergyid number, patientunitstayid number, drugname text, allergyname text, allergytime time ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE medication ( medicationid number, patientunitstayid number, drugname text, dosage text, routeadmin text, drugstarttime time, drugstoptime time ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE lab ( labid number, patientunitstayid number, labname text, labresult number, labresulttime time ) ### Question ### has patient 016-16960 been admitted to the hospital until 2103? ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT COUNT(*) > 0 FROM patient WHERE patient.uniquepid = '016-16960' AND STRFTIME('%y', patient.hospitaladmittime) <= '2103'
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE lab ( labid number, patientunitstayid number, labname text, labresult number, labresulttime time ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE allergy ( allergyid number, patientunitstayid number, drugname text, allergyname text, allergytime time ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE patient ( uniquepid text, patienthealthsystemstayid number, patientunitstayid number, gender text, age text, ethnicity text, hospitalid number, wardid number, admissionheight number, admissionweight number, dischargeweight number, hospitaladmittime time, hospitaladmitsource text, unitadmittime time, unitdischargetime time, hospitaldischargetime time, hospitaldischargestatus text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE medication ( medicationid number, patientunitstayid number, drugname text, dosage text, routeadmin text, drugstarttime time, drugstoptime time ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE cost ( costid number, uniquepid text, patienthealthsystemstayid number, eventtype text, eventid number, chargetime time, cost number ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE microlab ( microlabid number, patientunitstayid number, culturesite text, organism text, culturetakentime time ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE vitalperiodic ( vitalperiodicid number, patientunitstayid number, temperature number, sao2 number, heartrate number, respiration number, systemicsystolic number, systemicdiastolic number, systemicmean number, observationtime time ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE treatment ( treatmentid number, patientunitstayid number, treatmentname text, treatmenttime time ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE diagnosis ( diagnosisid number, patientunitstayid number, diagnosisname text, diagnosistime time, icd9code text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE intakeoutput ( intakeoutputid number, patientunitstayid number, cellpath text, celllabel text, cellvaluenumeric number, intakeoutputtime time ) ### Question ### patient 012-63427 has received any procedure? ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT COUNT(*) > 0 FROM treatment WHERE treatment.patientunitstayid IN (SELECT patient.patientunitstayid FROM patient WHERE patient.patienthealthsystemstayid IN (SELECT patient.patienthealthsystemstayid FROM patient WHERE patient.uniquepid = '012-63427'))
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE table_11230937_2 ( us_viewers__millions_ VARCHAR, directed_by VARCHAR ) ### Question ### How many millions of viewers watched the episode directed by Anthony Hemingway? ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT us_viewers__millions_ FROM table_11230937_2 WHERE directed_by = "Anthony Hemingway"
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE table_69573 ( "Player" text, "Country" text, "Year(s) Won" text, "Total" real, "To par" text, "Finish" text ) ### Question ### Which player has a total bigger than 285 and a to par of +14? ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT "Player" FROM table_69573 WHERE "Total" > '285' AND "To par" = '+14'
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE allergy ( allergyid number, patientunitstayid number, drugname text, allergyname text, allergytime time ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE treatment ( treatmentid number, patientunitstayid number, treatmentname text, treatmenttime time ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE microlab ( microlabid number, patientunitstayid number, culturesite text, organism text, culturetakentime time ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE diagnosis ( diagnosisid number, patientunitstayid number, diagnosisname text, diagnosistime time, icd9code text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE cost ( costid number, uniquepid text, patienthealthsystemstayid number, eventtype text, eventid number, chargetime time, cost number ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE vitalperiodic ( vitalperiodicid number, patientunitstayid number, temperature number, sao2 number, heartrate number, respiration number, systemicsystolic number, systemicdiastolic number, systemicmean number, observationtime time ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE intakeoutput ( intakeoutputid number, patientunitstayid number, cellpath text, celllabel text, cellvaluenumeric number, intakeoutputtime time ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE medication ( medicationid number, patientunitstayid number, drugname text, dosage text, routeadmin text, drugstarttime time, drugstoptime time ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE lab ( labid number, patientunitstayid number, labname text, labresult number, labresulttime time ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE patient ( uniquepid text, patienthealthsystemstayid number, patientunitstayid number, gender text, age text, ethnicity text, hospitalid number, wardid number, admissionheight number, admissionweight number, dischargeweight number, hospitaladmittime time, hospitaladmitsource text, unitadmittime time, unitdischargetime time, hospitaldischargetime time, hospitaldischargestatus text ) ### Question ### what is the five most frequent drug that was prescribed within 2 months to the acute respiratory failure - etiology unknown female patients aged 20s after they had been diagnosed with acute respiratory failure - etiology unknown? ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT t3.drugname FROM (SELECT t2.drugname, DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC) AS c1 FROM (SELECT patient.uniquepid, diagnosis.diagnosistime FROM diagnosis JOIN patient ON diagnosis.patientunitstayid = patient.patientunitstayid WHERE diagnosis.diagnosisname = 'acute respiratory failure - etiology unknown') AS t1 JOIN (SELECT patient.uniquepid, medication.drugname, medication.drugstarttime FROM medication JOIN patient ON medication.patientunitstayid = patient.patientunitstayid WHERE patient.gender = 'female' AND patient.age BETWEEN 20 AND 29) AS t2 ON t1.uniquepid = t2.uniquepid WHERE t1.diagnosistime < t2.drugstarttime AND DATETIME(t2.drugstarttime) BETWEEN DATETIME(t1.diagnosistime) AND DATETIME(t1.diagnosistime, '+2 month') GROUP BY t2.drugname) AS t3 WHERE t3.c1 <= 5
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE table_3983 ( "Series #" real, "Season #" real, "Title" text, "Directed by" text, "Written by" text, "Original air date" text, "Production code" text ) ### Question ### What original air date was the episode with production code of 5.05? ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT "Original air date" FROM table_3983 WHERE "Production code" = '5.05'
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE table_56283 ( "Series #" real, "Season #" real, "Title" text, "Directed by" text, "Original air date" text, "Production code" text ) ### Question ### What is the title of the episode with a production code of K1504? ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT "Title" FROM table_56283 WHERE "Production code" = 'k1504'
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE table_name_78 ( attendance VARCHAR, game_site VARCHAR, opponent VARCHAR ) ### Question ### How many were in attendance at Griffith Stadium with Philadelphia Eagles as an opponent? ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT attendance FROM table_name_78 WHERE game_site = "griffith stadium" AND opponent = "philadelphia eagles"
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE table_25212 ( "District name" text, "Dist. ID" real, "ISD" text, "County" text, "Authorizing agency" text, "Date opened" text, "Services" text ) ### Question ### If the name of the district is the Charyl Stockwell Academy, what is the county name? ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT "County" FROM table_25212 WHERE "District name" = 'Charyl Stockwell Academy'
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE table_name_92 ( date VARCHAR, runner_up VARCHAR ) ### Question ### What is Date when Runner-up is Sof a Mul novich ( per )? ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT date FROM table_name_92 WHERE runner_up = "sofía mulánovich ( per )"
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE table_name_38 (nickname VARCHAR, location VARCHAR, affiliation VARCHAR, founded VARCHAR) ### Question ### What school has a public nickname, founded after 1838 in Harrisonburg, Va? ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT nickname FROM table_name_38 WHERE affiliation = "public" AND founded > 1838 AND location = "harrisonburg, va"
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE table_name_54 ( kitmaker VARCHAR, shirt_sponsor VARCHAR ) ### Question ### For the team whose shirt sponsor is Evonik, who is the kitmaker? ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT kitmaker FROM table_name_54 WHERE shirt_sponsor = "evonik"
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskTypes ( Id number, Name text, Description text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE PostFeedback ( Id number, PostId number, IsAnonymous boolean, VoteTypeId number, CreationDate time ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskStates ( Id number, Name text, Description text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE SuggestedEditVotes ( Id number, SuggestedEditId number, UserId number, VoteTypeId number, CreationDate time, TargetUserId number, TargetRepChange number ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE CloseReasonTypes ( Id number, Name text, Description text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE Posts ( Id number, PostTypeId number, AcceptedAnswerId number, ParentId number, CreationDate time, DeletionDate time, Score number, ViewCount number, Body text, OwnerUserId number, OwnerDisplayName text, LastEditorUserId number, LastEditorDisplayName text, LastEditDate time, LastActivityDate time, Title text, Tags text, AnswerCount number, CommentCount number, FavoriteCount number, ClosedDate time, CommunityOwnedDate time, ContentLicense text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE FlagTypes ( Id number, Name text, Description text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE Votes ( Id number, PostId number, VoteTypeId number, UserId number, CreationDate time, BountyAmount number ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE PostNoticeTypes ( Id number, ClassId number, Name text, Body text, IsHidden boolean, Predefined boolean, PostNoticeDurationId number ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE PostLinks ( Id number, CreationDate time, PostId number, RelatedPostId number, LinkTypeId number ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE VoteTypes ( Id number, Name text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE Badges ( Id number, UserId number, Name text, Date time, Class number, TagBased boolean ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE SuggestedEdits ( Id number, PostId number, CreationDate time, ApprovalDate time, RejectionDate time, OwnerUserId number, Comment text, Text text, Title text, Tags text, RevisionGUID other ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE PostNotices ( Id number, PostId number, PostNoticeTypeId number, CreationDate time, DeletionDate time, ExpiryDate time, Body text, OwnerUserId number, DeletionUserId number ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE PostTypes ( Id number, Name text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE ReviewRejectionReasons ( Id number, Name text, Description text, PostTypeId number ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE Users ( Id number, Reputation number, CreationDate time, DisplayName text, LastAccessDate time, WebsiteUrl text, Location text, AboutMe text, Views number, UpVotes number, DownVotes number, ProfileImageUrl text, EmailHash text, AccountId number ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskResultTypes ( Id number, Name text, Description text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE TagSynonyms ( Id number, SourceTagName text, TargetTagName text, CreationDate time, OwnerUserId number, AutoRenameCount number, LastAutoRename time, Score number, ApprovedByUserId number, ApprovalDate time ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE Tags ( Id number, TagName text, Count number, ExcerptPostId number, WikiPostId number ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE PendingFlags ( Id number, FlagTypeId number, PostId number, CreationDate time, CloseReasonTypeId number, CloseAsOffTopicReasonTypeId number, DuplicateOfQuestionId number, BelongsOnBaseHostAddress text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE PostHistory ( Id number, PostHistoryTypeId number, PostId number, RevisionGUID other, CreationDate time, UserId number, UserDisplayName text, Comment text, Text text, ContentLicense text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE Comments ( Id number, PostId number, Score number, Text text, CreationDate time, UserDisplayName text, UserId number, ContentLicense text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE PostTags ( PostId number, TagId number ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE ReviewTasks ( Id number, ReviewTaskTypeId number, CreationDate time, DeletionDate time, ReviewTaskStateId number, PostId number, SuggestedEditId number, CompletedByReviewTaskId number ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE PostsWithDeleted ( Id number, PostTypeId number, AcceptedAnswerId number, ParentId number, CreationDate time, DeletionDate time, Score number, ViewCount number, Body text, OwnerUserId number, OwnerDisplayName text, LastEditorUserId number, LastEditorDisplayName text, LastEditDate time, LastActivityDate time, Title text, Tags text, AnswerCount number, CommentCount number, FavoriteCount number, ClosedDate time, CommunityOwnedDate time, ContentLicense text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE PostHistoryTypes ( Id number, Name text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskResults ( Id number, ReviewTaskId number, ReviewTaskResultTypeId number, CreationDate time, RejectionReasonId number, Comment text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE CloseAsOffTopicReasonTypes ( Id number, IsUniversal boolean, InputTitle text, MarkdownInputGuidance text, MarkdownPostOwnerGuidance text, MarkdownPrivilegedUserGuidance text, MarkdownConcensusDescription text, CreationDate time, CreationModeratorId number, ApprovalDate time, ApprovalModeratorId number, DeactivationDate time, DeactivationModeratorId number ) ### Question ### Tags with users who became experts. Finding how many people have both answered and asked questions in various tags. ### Accurate SQL ###
WITH TopTags AS (SELECT TagName FROM Tags ORDER BY Count DESC LIMIT 10) SELECT DISTINCT T.TagName FROM TopTags AS T WHERE PATINDEX('%' + T.TagName + '%', 'java,javascript') > 0 INTERSECT SELECT DISTINCT T.TagName FROM TopTags AS T WHERE PATINDEX('%' + T.TagName + '%', 'java') > 0
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE table_202_184 ( id number, "year" number, "title" text, "peak chart positions\naus" number, "peak chart positions\nnz" number, "album" text ) ### Question ### which single by schnell fenster reached the band 's highest position on the new zealand peak chart ? ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT "title" FROM table_202_184 ORDER BY "peak chart positions\nnz" LIMIT 1
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE table_18304058_2 (nickname_s_ VARCHAR, enrollment__2013_14_ VARCHAR) ### Question ### What is the nickname of the team whose 2013/2014 enrollment is 436? ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT nickname_s_ FROM table_18304058_2 WHERE enrollment__2013_14_ = 436
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE table_name_34 (hand VARCHAR) ### Question ### What does a hand of Theoretical return have as a 3 credit? ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT 3 AS _credits FROM table_name_34 WHERE hand = "theoretical return"
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE journal_committee ( Editor_ID VARCHAR, Journal_ID VARCHAR ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE journal ( Theme VARCHAR, Journal_ID VARCHAR ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE editor ( Name VARCHAR, Editor_ID VARCHAR ) ### Question ### Show the names of editors and the theme of journals for which they serve on committees. ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT T2.Name, T3.Theme FROM journal_committee AS T1 JOIN editor AS T2 ON T1.Editor_ID = T2.Editor_ID JOIN journal AS T3 ON T1.Journal_ID = T3.Journal_ID
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE prescriptions ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icustay_id text, drug_type text, drug text, formulary_drug_cd text, route text, drug_dose text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE diagnoses ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE procedures ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE demographic ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, name text, marital_status text, age text, dob text, gender text, language text, religion text, admission_type text, days_stay text, insurance text, ethnicity text, expire_flag text, admission_location text, discharge_location text, diagnosis text, dod text, dob_year text, dod_year text, admittime text, dischtime text, admityear text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE lab ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, itemid text, charttime text, flag text, value_unit text, label text, fluid text ) ### Question ### how many patients of black/cape verdean ethnicity are diagnosed with unspecified problem with head, neck or trunk? ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT demographic.subject_id) FROM demographic INNER JOIN diagnoses ON demographic.hadm_id = diagnoses.hadm_id WHERE demographic.ethnicity = "BLACK/CAPE VERDEAN" AND diagnoses.long_title = "Unspecified problem with head, neck, or trunk"
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE diagnoses ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE demographic ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, name text, marital_status text, age text, dob text, gender text, language text, religion text, admission_type text, days_stay text, insurance text, ethnicity text, expire_flag text, admission_location text, discharge_location text, diagnosis text, dod text, dob_year text, dod_year text, admittime text, dischtime text, admityear text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE lab ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, itemid text, charttime text, flag text, value_unit text, label text, fluid text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE procedures ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE prescriptions ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icustay_id text, drug_type text, drug text, formulary_drug_cd text, route text, drug_dose text ) ### Question ### find out the number of patients with lab test item id 50994. ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT demographic.subject_id) FROM demographic INNER JOIN lab ON demographic.hadm_id = lab.hadm_id WHERE lab.itemid = "50994"
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE table_54597 ( "Player" text, "Position" text, "School" text, "Hometown" text, "College" text ) ### Question ### What is the college for the player that went to ridge community high school and is defensive back? ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT "College" FROM table_54597 WHERE "Position" = 'defensive back' AND "School" = 'ridge community high school'
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE table_72972 ( "Segment description" text, "Date opened" text, "Line(s)" text, "Endpoints" text, "# of new stations" text, "Length (miles)" text ) ### Question ### How many lines have the segment description of red line mos-2 west? ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT "Line(s)" FROM table_72972 WHERE "Segment description" = 'Red Line MOS-2 West'
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE table_name_94 ( attendance VARCHAR, opponent VARCHAR, score VARCHAR ) ### Question ### How many people attended the game against the Mariners with a score of 9-6? ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT COUNT(attendance) FROM table_name_94 WHERE opponent = "mariners" AND score = "9-6"
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE table_name_17 (laps VARCHAR, pos VARCHAR) ### Question ### Name the total number of laps for 23rd position ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT COUNT(laps) FROM table_name_17 WHERE pos = "23rd"
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE Affiliated_With ( Physician INTEGER, Department INTEGER, PrimaryAffiliation BOOLEAN ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE Appointment ( AppointmentID INTEGER, Patient INTEGER, PrepNurse INTEGER, Physician INTEGER, Start DATETIME, End DATETIME, ExaminationRoom TEXT ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE Patient ( SSN INTEGER, Name VARCHAR(30), Address VARCHAR(30), Phone VARCHAR(30), InsuranceID INTEGER, PCP INTEGER ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE On_Call ( Nurse INTEGER, BlockFloor INTEGER, BlockCode INTEGER, OnCallStart DATETIME, OnCallEnd DATETIME ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE Procedures ( Code INTEGER, Name VARCHAR(30), Cost REAL ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE Physician ( EmployeeID INTEGER, Name VARCHAR(30), Position VARCHAR(30), SSN INTEGER ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE Stay ( StayID INTEGER, Patient INTEGER, Room INTEGER, StayStart DATETIME, StayEnd DATETIME ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE Undergoes ( Patient INTEGER, Procedures INTEGER, Stay INTEGER, DateUndergoes DATETIME, Physician INTEGER, AssistingNurse INTEGER ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE Nurse ( EmployeeID INTEGER, Name VARCHAR(30), Position VARCHAR(30), Registered BOOLEAN, SSN INTEGER ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE Medication ( Code INTEGER, Name VARCHAR(30), Brand VARCHAR(30), Description VARCHAR(30) ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE Room ( RoomNumber INTEGER, RoomType VARCHAR(30), BlockFloor INTEGER, BlockCode INTEGER, Unavailable BOOLEAN ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE Department ( DepartmentID INTEGER, Name VARCHAR(30), Head INTEGER ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE Block ( BlockFloor INTEGER, BlockCode INTEGER ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE Trained_In ( Physician INTEGER, Treatment INTEGER, CertificationDate DATETIME, CertificationExpires DATETIME ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE Prescribes ( Physician INTEGER, Patient INTEGER, Medication INTEGER, Date DATETIME, Appointment INTEGER, Dose VARCHAR(30) ) ### Question ### Return the name of each physician and the number of patients he or she treats in a bar chart, and I want to sort in ascending by the bars. ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT T1.Name, COUNT(*) FROM Physician AS T1 JOIN Patient AS T2 ON T1.EmployeeID = T2.PCP GROUP BY T1.EmployeeID ORDER BY T1.Name
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE shop (name VARCHAR, LOCATION VARCHAR, district VARCHAR, number_products VARCHAR) ### Question ### Return the name, location and district of all shops in descending order of number of products. ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT name, LOCATION, district FROM shop ORDER BY number_products DESC
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE Products ( Code INTEGER, Name VARCHAR(255), Price DECIMAL, Manufacturer INTEGER ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE Manufacturers ( Code INTEGER, Name VARCHAR(255), Headquarter VARCHAR(255), Founder VARCHAR(255), Revenue REAL ) ### Question ### For those records from the products and each product's manufacturer, give me the comparison about the average of code over the name , and group by attribute name, display in desc by the X please. ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT T2.Name, T1.Code FROM Products AS T1 JOIN Manufacturers AS T2 ON T1.Manufacturer = T2.Code GROUP BY T2.Name ORDER BY T2.Name DESC
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE table_name_78 (week VARCHAR, result VARCHAR) ### Question ### How many weeks have a Result of t 10-10? ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT COUNT(week) FROM table_name_78 WHERE result = "t 10-10"
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE table_204_800 ( id number, "rank" number, "nation" text, "gold" number, "silver" number, "bronze" number, "total" number ) ### Question ### how many sliver medal does bermuda has ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT "silver" FROM table_204_800 WHERE "nation" = 'bermuda'
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE table_55228 ( "Event" text, "Record" text, "Athlete" text, "Nationality" text, "Date" text ) ### Question ### What event was on 26 August 2005? ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT "Event" FROM table_55228 WHERE "Date" = '26 august 2005'
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE table_name_89 ( goals VARCHAR, player VARCHAR ) ### Question ### How many Goals did Matt Cook have? ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT goals FROM table_name_89 WHERE player = "matt cook"
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE area ( course_id int, area varchar ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE ta ( campus_job_id int, student_id int, location varchar ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE course ( course_id int, name varchar, department varchar, number varchar, credits varchar, advisory_requirement varchar, enforced_requirement varchar, description varchar, num_semesters int, num_enrolled int, has_discussion varchar, has_lab varchar, has_projects varchar, has_exams varchar, num_reviews int, clarity_score int, easiness_score int, helpfulness_score int ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE course_tags_count ( course_id int, clear_grading int, pop_quiz int, group_projects int, inspirational int, long_lectures int, extra_credit int, few_tests int, good_feedback int, tough_tests int, heavy_papers int, cares_for_students int, heavy_assignments int, respected int, participation int, heavy_reading int, tough_grader int, hilarious int, would_take_again int, good_lecture int, no_skip int ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE semester ( semester_id int, semester varchar, year int ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE program ( program_id int, name varchar, college varchar, introduction varchar ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE student_record ( student_id int, course_id int, semester int, grade varchar, how varchar, transfer_source varchar, earn_credit varchar, repeat_term varchar, test_id varchar ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE requirement ( requirement_id int, requirement varchar, college varchar ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE jobs ( job_id int, job_title varchar, description varchar, requirement varchar, city varchar, state varchar, country varchar, zip int ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE program_course ( program_id int, course_id int, workload int, category varchar ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE course_prerequisite ( pre_course_id int, course_id int ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE instructor ( instructor_id int, name varchar, uniqname varchar ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE course_offering ( offering_id int, course_id int, semester int, section_number int, start_time time, end_time time, monday varchar, tuesday varchar, wednesday varchar, thursday varchar, friday varchar, saturday varchar, sunday varchar, has_final_project varchar, has_final_exam varchar, textbook varchar, class_address varchar, allow_audit varchar ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE comment_instructor ( instructor_id int, student_id int, score int, comment_text varchar ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE student ( student_id int, lastname varchar, firstname varchar, program_id int, declare_major varchar, total_credit int, total_gpa float, entered_as varchar, admit_term int, predicted_graduation_semester int, degree varchar, minor varchar, internship varchar ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE gsi ( course_offering_id int, student_id int ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE offering_instructor ( offering_instructor_id int, offering_id int, instructor_id int ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE program_requirement ( program_id int, category varchar, min_credit int, additional_req varchar ) ### Question ### Can you tell me which Core classes will be offered next Winter ? ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT DISTINCT course.department, course.name, course.number FROM course INNER JOIN course_offering ON course.course_id = course_offering.course_id INNER JOIN semester ON semester.semester_id = course_offering.semester INNER JOIN program_course ON program_course.course_id = course_offering.course_id WHERE program_course.category LIKE '%Core%' AND semester.semester = 'Winter' AND semester.year = 2017
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE table_name_57 (works_number INTEGER, builder VARCHAR, name VARCHAR) ### Question ### What is the average work number of Snowdon Ranger with the builder Vulcan Foundry? ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT AVG(works_number) FROM table_name_57 WHERE builder = "vulcan foundry" AND name = "snowdon ranger"
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE table_name_60 (round INTEGER, school VARCHAR) ### Question ### What is the highest round that has a draftee from Washington State University? ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT MAX(round) FROM table_name_60 WHERE school = "washington state university"
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE procedures ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE lab ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, itemid text, charttime text, flag text, value_unit text, label text, fluid text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE demographic ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, name text, marital_status text, age text, dob text, gender text, language text, religion text, admission_type text, days_stay text, insurance text, ethnicity text, expire_flag text, admission_location text, discharge_location text, diagnosis text, dod text, dob_year text, dod_year text, admittime text, dischtime text, admityear text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE prescriptions ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icustay_id text, drug_type text, drug text, formulary_drug_cd text, route text, drug_dose text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE diagnoses ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) ### Question ### let me know the diagnoses icd9 code and primary disease of patient with patient id 2110. ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT demographic.diagnosis, diagnoses.icd9_code FROM demographic INNER JOIN diagnoses ON demographic.hadm_id = diagnoses.hadm_id WHERE demographic.subject_id = "2110"
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE table_name_79 (venue VARCHAR, competition VARCHAR, year VARCHAR) ### Question ### Where were the Mediterranean games after 2005? ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT venue FROM table_name_79 WHERE competition = "mediterranean games" AND year > 2005
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE table_name_15 (draw INTEGER, points VARCHAR, played VARCHAR) ### Question ### What's the draw that's played less than 36 and has 42 points? ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT AVG(draw) FROM table_name_15 WHERE points = 42 AND played < 36
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE vitalperiodic ( vitalperiodicid number, patientunitstayid number, temperature number, sao2 number, heartrate number, respiration number, systemicsystolic number, systemicdiastolic number, systemicmean number, observationtime time ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE diagnosis ( diagnosisid number, patientunitstayid number, diagnosisname text, diagnosistime time, icd9code text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE cost ( costid number, uniquepid text, patienthealthsystemstayid number, eventtype text, eventid number, chargetime time, cost number ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE treatment ( treatmentid number, patientunitstayid number, treatmentname text, treatmenttime time ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE allergy ( allergyid number, patientunitstayid number, drugname text, allergyname text, allergytime time ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE lab ( labid number, patientunitstayid number, labname text, labresult number, labresulttime time ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE patient ( uniquepid text, patienthealthsystemstayid number, patientunitstayid number, gender text, age text, ethnicity text, hospitalid number, wardid number, admissionheight number, admissionweight number, dischargeweight number, hospitaladmittime time, hospitaladmitsource text, unitadmittime time, unitdischargetime time, hospitaldischargetime time, hospitaldischargestatus text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE intakeoutput ( intakeoutputid number, patientunitstayid number, cellpath text, celllabel text, cellvaluenumeric number, intakeoutputtime time ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE medication ( medicationid number, patientunitstayid number, drugname text, dosage text, routeadmin text, drugstarttime time, drugstoptime time ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE microlab ( microlabid number, patientunitstayid number, culturesite text, organism text, culturetakentime time ) ### Question ### what is the number of patients who stayed in ward 483 this year? ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT patient.uniquepid) FROM patient WHERE patient.wardid = 483 AND DATETIME(patient.unitadmittime, 'start of year') = DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), 'start of year', '-0 year')
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE film (title VARCHAR, replacement_cost INTEGER, LENGTH VARCHAR, rating VARCHAR) ### Question ### Find all the films longer than 100 minutes, or rated PG, except those who cost more than 200 for replacement. List the titles. ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT title FROM film WHERE LENGTH > 100 OR rating = 'PG' EXCEPT SELECT title FROM film WHERE replacement_cost > 200
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE SuggestedEditVotes ( Id number, SuggestedEditId number, UserId number, VoteTypeId number, CreationDate time, TargetUserId number, TargetRepChange number ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE TagSynonyms ( Id number, SourceTagName text, TargetTagName text, CreationDate time, OwnerUserId number, AutoRenameCount number, LastAutoRename time, Score number, ApprovedByUserId number, ApprovalDate time ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE ReviewTasks ( Id number, ReviewTaskTypeId number, CreationDate time, DeletionDate time, ReviewTaskStateId number, PostId number, SuggestedEditId number, CompletedByReviewTaskId number ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE VoteTypes ( Id number, Name text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE PendingFlags ( Id number, FlagTypeId number, PostId number, CreationDate time, CloseReasonTypeId number, CloseAsOffTopicReasonTypeId number, DuplicateOfQuestionId number, BelongsOnBaseHostAddress text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE Comments ( Id number, PostId number, Score number, Text text, CreationDate time, UserDisplayName text, UserId number, ContentLicense text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE PostNoticeTypes ( Id number, ClassId number, Name text, Body text, IsHidden boolean, Predefined boolean, PostNoticeDurationId number ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE PostHistory ( Id number, PostHistoryTypeId number, PostId number, RevisionGUID other, CreationDate time, UserId number, UserDisplayName text, Comment text, Text text, ContentLicense text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE Posts ( Id number, PostTypeId number, AcceptedAnswerId number, ParentId number, CreationDate time, DeletionDate time, Score number, ViewCount number, Body text, OwnerUserId number, OwnerDisplayName text, LastEditorUserId number, LastEditorDisplayName text, LastEditDate time, LastActivityDate time, Title text, Tags text, AnswerCount number, CommentCount number, FavoriteCount number, ClosedDate time, CommunityOwnedDate time, ContentLicense text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskTypes ( Id number, Name text, Description text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE PostTypes ( Id number, Name text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE ReviewRejectionReasons ( Id number, Name text, Description text, PostTypeId number ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE PostTags ( PostId number, TagId number ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE Badges ( Id number, UserId number, Name text, Date time, Class number, TagBased boolean ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE CloseReasonTypes ( Id number, Name text, Description text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE PostsWithDeleted ( Id number, PostTypeId number, AcceptedAnswerId number, ParentId number, CreationDate time, DeletionDate time, Score number, ViewCount number, Body text, OwnerUserId number, OwnerDisplayName text, LastEditorUserId number, LastEditorDisplayName text, LastEditDate time, LastActivityDate time, Title text, Tags text, AnswerCount number, CommentCount number, FavoriteCount number, ClosedDate time, CommunityOwnedDate time, ContentLicense text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskStates ( Id number, Name text, Description text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE Votes ( Id number, PostId number, VoteTypeId number, UserId number, CreationDate time, BountyAmount number ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskResultTypes ( Id number, Name text, Description text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE PostLinks ( Id number, CreationDate time, PostId number, RelatedPostId number, LinkTypeId number ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE CloseAsOffTopicReasonTypes ( Id number, IsUniversal boolean, InputTitle text, MarkdownInputGuidance text, MarkdownPostOwnerGuidance text, MarkdownPrivilegedUserGuidance text, MarkdownConcensusDescription text, CreationDate time, CreationModeratorId number, ApprovalDate time, ApprovalModeratorId number, DeactivationDate time, DeactivationModeratorId number ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE Users ( Id number, Reputation number, CreationDate time, DisplayName text, LastAccessDate time, WebsiteUrl text, Location text, AboutMe text, Views number, UpVotes number, DownVotes number, ProfileImageUrl text, EmailHash text, AccountId number ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE PostNotices ( Id number, PostId number, PostNoticeTypeId number, CreationDate time, DeletionDate time, ExpiryDate time, Body text, OwnerUserId number, DeletionUserId number ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE SuggestedEdits ( Id number, PostId number, CreationDate time, ApprovalDate time, RejectionDate time, OwnerUserId number, Comment text, Text text, Title text, Tags text, RevisionGUID other ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE FlagTypes ( Id number, Name text, Description text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE Tags ( Id number, TagName text, Count number, ExcerptPostId number, WikiPostId number ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskResults ( Id number, ReviewTaskId number, ReviewTaskResultTypeId number, CreationDate time, RejectionReasonId number, Comment text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE PostFeedback ( Id number, PostId number, IsAnonymous boolean, VoteTypeId number, CreationDate time ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE PostHistoryTypes ( Id number, Name text ) ### Question ### select top 20 * from posts. ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT Title + ' ,' + Body AS "TB", CAST(AnswerCount AS TEXT) + ' - ' + CAST(FavoriteCount AS TEXT) AS "AL", ViewCount AS "VC" FROM Posts WHERE AnswerCount BETWEEN 0 AND 2000 LIMIT 20
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE demographic ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, name text, marital_status text, age text, dob text, gender text, language text, religion text, admission_type text, days_stay text, insurance text, ethnicity text, expire_flag text, admission_location text, discharge_location text, diagnosis text, dod text, dob_year text, dod_year text, admittime text, dischtime text, admityear text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE diagnoses ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE procedures ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE prescriptions ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icustay_id text, drug_type text, drug text, formulary_drug_cd text, route text, drug_dose text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE lab ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, itemid text, charttime text, flag text, value_unit text, label text, fluid text ) ### Question ### count the number of patients below the age of 80 whose lab test item id is 51108. ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT demographic.subject_id) FROM demographic INNER JOIN lab ON demographic.hadm_id = lab.hadm_id WHERE demographic.age < "80" AND lab.itemid = "51108"
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE inputevents_cv ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, icustay_id number, charttime time, itemid number, amount number ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE diagnoses_icd ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, icd9_code text, charttime time ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE cost ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, event_type text, event_id number, chargetime time, cost number ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE d_icd_diagnoses ( row_id number, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE transfers ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, icustay_id number, eventtype text, careunit text, wardid number, intime time, outtime time ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE chartevents ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, icustay_id number, itemid number, charttime time, valuenum number, valueuom text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE prescriptions ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, startdate time, enddate time, drug text, dose_val_rx text, dose_unit_rx text, route text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE admissions ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, admittime time, dischtime time, admission_type text, admission_location text, discharge_location text, insurance text, language text, marital_status text, ethnicity text, age number ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE d_icd_procedures ( row_id number, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE procedures_icd ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, icd9_code text, charttime time ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE d_labitems ( row_id number, itemid number, label text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE patients ( row_id number, subject_id number, gender text, dob time, dod time ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE d_items ( row_id number, itemid number, label text, linksto text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE microbiologyevents ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, charttime time, spec_type_desc text, org_name text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE outputevents ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, icustay_id number, charttime time, itemid number, value number ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE labevents ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, itemid number, charttime time, valuenum number, valueuom text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE icustays ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, icustay_id number, first_careunit text, last_careunit text, first_wardid number, last_wardid number, intime time, outtime time ) ### Question ### when did patient 52736 get a insulin prescription for the last time in the first hospital visit? ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT prescriptions.startdate FROM prescriptions WHERE prescriptions.hadm_id IN (SELECT admissions.hadm_id FROM admissions WHERE admissions.subject_id = 52736 AND NOT admissions.dischtime IS NULL ORDER BY admissions.admittime LIMIT 1) AND prescriptions.drug = 'insulin' ORDER BY prescriptions.startdate DESC LIMIT 1
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE jobs ( JOB_ID varchar(10), JOB_TITLE varchar(35), MIN_SALARY decimal(6,0), MAX_SALARY decimal(6,0) ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE regions ( REGION_ID decimal(5,0), REGION_NAME varchar(25) ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE departments ( DEPARTMENT_ID decimal(4,0), DEPARTMENT_NAME varchar(30), MANAGER_ID decimal(6,0), LOCATION_ID decimal(4,0) ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE employees ( EMPLOYEE_ID decimal(6,0), FIRST_NAME varchar(20), LAST_NAME varchar(25), EMAIL varchar(25), PHONE_NUMBER varchar(20), HIRE_DATE date, JOB_ID varchar(10), SALARY decimal(8,2), COMMISSION_PCT decimal(2,2), MANAGER_ID decimal(6,0), DEPARTMENT_ID decimal(4,0) ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE locations ( LOCATION_ID decimal(4,0), STREET_ADDRESS varchar(40), POSTAL_CODE varchar(12), CITY varchar(30), STATE_PROVINCE varchar(25), COUNTRY_ID varchar(2) ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE job_history ( EMPLOYEE_ID decimal(6,0), START_DATE date, END_DATE date, JOB_ID varchar(10), DEPARTMENT_ID decimal(4,0) ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE countries ( COUNTRY_ID varchar(2), COUNTRY_NAME varchar(40), REGION_ID decimal(10,0) ) ### Question ### For those employees who do not work in departments with managers that have ids between 100 and 200, give me the comparison about department_id over the job_id by a bar chart, list names in asc order. ### Accurate SQL ###
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE basketball_match ( Team_ID int, School_ID int, Team_Name text, ACC_Regular_Season text, ACC_Percent text, ACC_Home text, ACC_Road text, All_Games text, All_Games_Percent int, All_Home text, All_Road text, All_Neutral text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE university ( School_ID int, School text, Location text, Founded real, Affiliation text, Enrollment real, Nickname text, Primary_conference text ) ### Question ### Give me the comparison about School_ID over the ACC_Regular_Season by a bar chart, and order in desc by the names please. ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT ACC_Regular_Season, School_ID FROM basketball_match ORDER BY ACC_Regular_Season DESC
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE table_name_29 ( college VARCHAR, player VARCHAR ) ### Question ### Where did Dennis Byrd go to college? ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT college FROM table_name_29 WHERE player = "dennis byrd"
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE table_214920_1 (regional_county_municipality__rcm_ VARCHAR, density__pop_per_km2_ VARCHAR) ### Question ### What is the RCM that has a density of 9.7? ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT regional_county_municipality__rcm_ FROM table_214920_1 WHERE density__pop_per_km2_ = "9.7"
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE table_10519 ( "Order" real, "Name" text, "Seasons" text, "Games" real, "Goals" real ) ### Question ### What is the low goal for orders more than 939 during Seasons of 1996 2001? ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT MIN("Goals") FROM table_10519 WHERE "Seasons" = '1996 – 2001' AND "Order" > '939'
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE table_44548 ( "Tournament" text, "1990" text, "1991" text, "1992" text, "1993" text, "1994" text, "1995" text, "1996" text ) ### Question ### What is 1993, when 1992 is 'SF', and when Tournament is 'Paris'? ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT "1993" FROM table_44548 WHERE "1992" = 'sf' AND "Tournament" = 'paris'
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE medication ( medicationid number, patientunitstayid number, drugname text, dosage text, routeadmin text, drugstarttime time, drugstoptime time ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE treatment ( treatmentid number, patientunitstayid number, treatmentname text, treatmenttime time ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE microlab ( microlabid number, patientunitstayid number, culturesite text, organism text, culturetakentime time ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE intakeoutput ( intakeoutputid number, patientunitstayid number, cellpath text, celllabel text, cellvaluenumeric number, intakeoutputtime time ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE cost ( costid number, uniquepid text, patienthealthsystemstayid number, eventtype text, eventid number, chargetime time, cost number ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE vitalperiodic ( vitalperiodicid number, patientunitstayid number, temperature number, sao2 number, heartrate number, respiration number, systemicsystolic number, systemicdiastolic number, systemicmean number, observationtime time ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE lab ( labid number, patientunitstayid number, labname text, labresult number, labresulttime time ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE patient ( uniquepid text, patienthealthsystemstayid number, patientunitstayid number, gender text, age text, ethnicity text, hospitalid number, wardid number, admissionheight number, admissionweight number, dischargeweight number, hospitaladmittime time, hospitaladmitsource text, unitadmittime time, unitdischargetime time, hospitaldischargetime time, hospitaldischargestatus text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE allergy ( allergyid number, patientunitstayid number, drugname text, allergyname text, allergytime time ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE diagnosis ( diagnosisid number, patientunitstayid number, diagnosisname text, diagnosistime time, icd9code text ) ### Question ### what's the name of patient 015-94542's allergy in 03/2100? ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT allergy.allergyname FROM allergy WHERE allergy.patientunitstayid IN (SELECT patient.patientunitstayid FROM patient WHERE patient.patienthealthsystemstayid IN (SELECT patient.patienthealthsystemstayid FROM patient WHERE patient.uniquepid = '015-94542')) AND STRFTIME('%y-%m', allergy.allergytime) = '2100-03'
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE date_day ( month_number int, day_number int, year int, day_name varchar ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE time_interval ( period text, begin_time int, end_time int ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE month ( month_number int, month_name text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE ground_service ( city_code text, airport_code text, transport_type text, ground_fare int ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE food_service ( meal_code text, meal_number int, compartment text, meal_description varchar ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE city ( city_code varchar, city_name varchar, state_code varchar, country_name varchar, time_zone_code varchar ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE class_of_service ( booking_class varchar, rank int, class_description text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE compartment_class ( compartment varchar, class_type varchar ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE time_zone ( time_zone_code text, time_zone_name text, hours_from_gmt int ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE code_description ( code varchar, description text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE dual_carrier ( main_airline varchar, low_flight_number int, high_flight_number int, dual_airline varchar, service_name text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE flight_stop ( flight_id int, stop_number int, stop_days text, stop_airport text, arrival_time int, arrival_airline text, arrival_flight_number int, departure_time int, departure_airline text, departure_flight_number int, stop_time int ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE airline ( airline_code varchar, airline_name text, note text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE state ( state_code text, state_name text, country_name text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE airport ( airport_code varchar, airport_name text, airport_location text, state_code varchar, country_name varchar, time_zone_code varchar, minimum_connect_time int ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE fare_basis ( fare_basis_code text, booking_class text, class_type text, premium text, economy text, discounted text, night text, season text, basis_days text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE aircraft ( aircraft_code varchar, aircraft_description varchar, manufacturer varchar, basic_type varchar, engines int, propulsion varchar, wide_body varchar, wing_span int, length int, weight int, capacity int, pay_load int, cruising_speed int, range_miles int, pressurized varchar ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE flight_leg ( flight_id int, leg_number int, leg_flight int ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE days ( days_code varchar, day_name varchar ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE restriction ( restriction_code text, advance_purchase int, stopovers text, saturday_stay_required text, minimum_stay int, maximum_stay int, application text, no_discounts text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE airport_service ( city_code varchar, airport_code varchar, miles_distant int, direction varchar, minutes_distant int ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE flight ( aircraft_code_sequence text, airline_code varchar, airline_flight text, arrival_time int, connections int, departure_time int, dual_carrier text, flight_days text, flight_id int, flight_number int, from_airport varchar, meal_code text, stops int, time_elapsed int, to_airport varchar ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE fare ( fare_id int, from_airport varchar, to_airport varchar, fare_basis_code text, fare_airline text, restriction_code text, one_direction_cost int, round_trip_cost int, round_trip_required varchar ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE flight_fare ( flight_id int, fare_id int ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE equipment_sequence ( aircraft_code_sequence varchar, aircraft_code varchar ) ### Question ### show me round trips from HOUSTON to LAS VEGAS nonstop ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT DISTINCT flight.flight_id FROM airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_0, airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_1, city AS CITY_0, city AS CITY_1, fare, flight, flight_fare WHERE ((CITY_1.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.city_code AND CITY_1.city_name = 'LAS VEGAS' AND NOT fare.round_trip_cost IS NULL AND flight_fare.fare_id = fare.fare_id AND flight.flight_id = flight_fare.flight_id AND flight.to_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.airport_code) AND CITY_0.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.city_code AND CITY_0.city_name = 'HOUSTON' AND flight.from_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.airport_code) AND flight.stops = 0
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE table_name_58 (attendance INTEGER, opponent VARCHAR, week VARCHAR) ### Question ### What is the sum of the attendance during the game against the philadelphia eagles after week 9? ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT SUM(attendance) FROM table_name_58 WHERE opponent = "philadelphia eagles" AND week > 9
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE table_name_50 ( overall INTEGER, round VARCHAR, college VARCHAR ) ### Question ### What is the sum of Overall, when Round is less than 24, and when College is North Carolina State? ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT SUM(overall) FROM table_name_50 WHERE round < 24 AND college = "north carolina state"
Below is the list of tables from the database along with their columns and datatype. Need to generate an accurate SQL query for the question. Only use the columns present in the respective table. Only use the columns which are required to generate the SQL query. Only use table joins if required and not otherwise. ### Tables ### TABLE: CREATE TABLE demographic ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, name text, marital_status text, age text, dob text, gender text, language text, religion text, admission_type text, days_stay text, insurance text, ethnicity text, expire_flag text, admission_location text, discharge_location text, diagnosis text, dod text, dob_year text, dod_year text, admittime text, dischtime text, admityear text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE diagnoses ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE procedures ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE lab ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, itemid text, charttime text, flag text, value_unit text, label text, fluid text ) TABLE: CREATE TABLE prescriptions ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icustay_id text, drug_type text, drug text, formulary_drug_cd text, route text, drug_dose text ) ### Question ### how many patients have been prescribed the drug with code hald5i? ### Accurate SQL ###
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT demographic.subject_id) FROM demographic INNER JOIN prescriptions ON demographic.hadm_id = prescriptions.hadm_id WHERE prescriptions.formulary_drug_cd = "HALD5I"